HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/1966
( OF IJ:'HE TOa:NSHIP ()F CLA...'i1~
February 14, 1966 at 8 p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Preserrt~ Reeve ~.W. Stone
Dep~ty-Reeve L.~.' Perrault
Councillor R.G. Chater
Councillor O.H. Falls
Councillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H.B. Yillson
SpeoialMee:t:ing of Council was called by Reeve .~.W. stone .
to oonsider the following business:
~he following oorrespondence was read out by the Beeve:
1. Russell C. Honey, M.P. re extension of ~funicipal Works
Assistance Program.( .... A copy to be referred to the Road
2.tAlex Carruthers, M.P.P. re extension of AJ.'U.nioipal Works
A~sistanoe Program. - Filed.
3. Corporation of the Township of Cartwright re request for
oopies of our Restrioted Area and SUbdivision control
By-laws. - Referred to the Clerk.
4. Amalgamated Game Commission re meeting to be held February 16,
1966. - A oopy to be referred to the Clarie Game Commission~ '
5. Department of Municipal Affairs, SUbdivision Section, Community
"Planning Branch re proposed subdivision in part of Lots 29 and 30,
Concession 5, Clarke under FileT-16764. - Filed.
6~ Township of Ma:n.vers re proposed debenture issue for $440,000.00
to construct a new Public SChool. - Filed.
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution No. 48:Moved by L.A. Ferrault, seconded by R.G. Chater:
Whereas the Council of the Township of Clar~e deem it expedient to
dissolve former Union School Section No. 18 Cavan, No. 19 lfl.anvers,
and No. 24 Clarke;
Ndw Therefore this Council hereby request the Council of the United
Counties of Northumberland & Durham to pass a By-law on or before
~uly 1, 1966, to dissolve former Union School Section 110. 18 Cavan,
NO. 19 Manvers, and No. 24 Clarke, and that the part of the former
said Union School Seotion being No. 24 Clarke be added to the Township
School Area of ~larke.
The Clerk is hereby instructed to refer certified copies of this
resolution to the Clerks of the United Counties of Northumberland
& Durham, Township of Cavan, Township of Manvers, ~~. C.A. Holmes,
In~ector of ~ublic Schools, and Mr. E.R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer
of the TownshipSohool Area of Clarke. - Carried.
Resolution No.4: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.H. Falls:
ereas the Counc 1 of the Township of Clarke deem it ezpedient to
dissolve former Union Sohool Section No. 20 Manvers, No. 23 Darlington,
and No. 20 Clarke; ,
Now Thererore tijis Council hereby re~uest the Council of the United
Counties of Northumberland & Durham to pass a By-law on or before
July 1, 1966, to dissolve former Union Sohool Section No. 20 Manve~s,
No. 23 DaFlington, and No. 20 Clarke, and that the par~ of the former
said Union Sohool Seotion being No. 20 Clarke be added to the Township
School Area of Clarke.
The Clerk is hereby instructed to refer certified copies of this
resolution to the Clerks of the United Counties of Northumberland
& Durham, Township of Manvers, Township of Darlington, 1~. a.A. Holmes,
Inspector of Publio Sohools, and I~. H.R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer
of. the Township School Area of Clarke. - Carried.
Resolution No. 10: Moved by L.A. I'errault, seoonded by R.G. Chater:
That this Counc 1 advertise for a Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Ap~lications to be plainly marked and received by 5 p.m. February 28,
i~~~3-m~;~~i~~~'Llbya L.9wery that the Clerk take a recorded vote on .
Resolution No. 50. The follow1.ng results are hereby recorded:
d.W. stone Yea.
,~- ."-;.' ..:"1;;'A;'-Per:Nlult Yea
R.G~ Chater Yea
(. .
2. ~nutea. Council Meeting February l4, 1966. oontinue4:
o. H. Falls
Lloyd. Lowery
Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.
Abstained tram voting.
~,~ ~hS'
Be e.
Karoh l, 1'" at 10 a.a.
O..noil OhamDer, Orono.
Presents Beeve J.W.Stone
Deputy-Reeve L.A.Perrault
Oounoillor R.G.Chaier
Counoillor O.H.Fal1s
Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E.. M1llson
Roai Superintendent K.L.Boss(
The minutes of the last resular meeting and one apeoial'
meeting, dated 14th February 1"', were approved aa read on
motion by R.G.Ohater, seoonded by O.H.Falls. - Carried.
Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault moved that delegations .e heard.-
Carrie' lUlanilllously.
Mrs. Kary Webber, lira. Isabel Ohallioe ud lIr. Lorne :Sowins
appeared at the .eeting, but deolined to address Oounoil. ~..
Oonnie Hooey and daughter also appeared at Couneil Meeting.
)lesBrs. E.R.1fooc!7ard and D.II.Simpacm, Tru.tee. ot the Polioe
Village of Orono, met withOounoil. Mr. Woodyard, who aoted as
spokeslI8.J1, asked if OOWloil had. tU17 qllestiona ~n tb.e're.olutioDS
pre.ented to them by the ~ru.tee.. -Each resolution was disousse<<
in principle only, atter whioh the Counoil and Truste.s agreed to
meet in oommittee to oonsider the said re.oJ.ut1ons on Friday,
Maroh 4th, 19", at 7.30 p.m. in the Oounoil Ohamber. .
Mr. Woodyard, on behalf etthe'Trustees, presented a dratt
by-law in respect to oertain amendments to the Township ot Clarke
Fire Department for the oonsideratio:n. of OOWloil. Rule. ant
Resulations i~ aooordanoe wi:th Seotion '(a) ot the drat" by-law
were also given to Counoilfor their informatioa.
~e Trustees present also suggeated that' a m.eting or the
Oounoil and Trustees aheu14be .he14 to:d.laou.8 and oonside1" all
aspects with regard to g~bage disposal.
It .aa moved by L.A..Perraul t, seoondedbyR.G.Chater, that
Council reoess at 12.4' p.m~ tor lunoh and reSume session.at
2.p.m. - Carriet.
Mr. Ivi.on Tamblyn, addresae" Oonnoil. A1engthr d180usalo.
tOllowed, atter whioh JIr..Tambl7Jl thanked. the 1Ile1llher. ot 0011Jloil tor
Oounoillor O.H.Falls reported that Mrs. Jame. Stark would be
Willing te aot as a representati veon tlle Olarke Centeuial
Oomnd ttee.
The tollowing personssubmit"e! applioations tor the position
ot OleJ'k-'l'reasurer ad Tax eollector Of the Township ot Clarkes
1. Mr. Gerardu8 Verevey.- lowmanville
2. Mr. Graham ~alla. - Hampton
3. 1Ir. J. Bag.rsId - For' William - S)eoi&1 request wa..
,. male 'by lIr.Nagorski that hi8 appli-
oation be kept 1n striot oonti4~oe,
Wlle.. otherwise author1zecl by Mill
4. lIr. Gorton E. S111.p80n - Orone .
,. Mr. D. If. Tot:flem1re - Lintsay.
. .&. tender tor the :preposed. sale ot one Duro Ptuap ,S;r8te. w..
reoeived. trom 1Ir. Ralph Greenwood, Kendal, whioh wa. 00.011lde4
by reaolu tlon.
The tOll.wing oorre.,onde.ce and report. .ere read .at D7
Beeve J.W.Stonel ·