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10 - Minutes, Council Meeting, January ~14th, 1966, cont~nued.
I. In accordance with t4e provisions of Sect~on ~12 of The
MUnioipal AQt, th~ Reeve shall be paid an annual stipend of
2. IIi aocordance with the provisions 'of Section 406 subsection
(1) subsection ttg" the Deputy Reeve arid each Councillor shall
be paid an annual.stipendtof $350.00.
3. These stipends shall be paid annually.
4. ~y deduct~ons from these stipends shall be governed by
the provi sions of subsection 4 .of Section 406.
5. In addi tion to the. stipends set out above ~ the fol:l:-owi,ng
additional annual payments shall be made to the following
.chair~en of standing committees under the provisions of
Seotion 406 subsection (3):
a. To'the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Commi ttee $100.00
, b. To th~ Chairman of the Property and Finance Corami ttee $150.00
t Committee $100~00
c. To the Chairman of the Planning
d. To the Chairman of the Fire Protection Committee $100.00
6. In paying these sums it has. been assumed th~t for, the purpose
of allooating the total,amount received for tax purposes
between salary and allowances that the members of council intend
to olalm, one t~ird of the total consideration received as an
e~ense'allowance in accordance with the provisions of Seotion
408 of The ~nicipal Act.
7~ That By-law No. 1492 be and is hereby repealed.
Resolution No. 36: Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by
Lloyd Lowery:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again .on Tuesday,
February 1, 1966, at 10 a.m., in regular meeting in
the Counoil Chamber at Orono or otherwise at the Call
of Reeve.' - Carried. {
-,~~.'. I-A.-I
Februa~J 1, 1966 at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve J.W.Stone .
DeJ;Juty-Reeve L.A.Perraul t
Councillor R.G.Chater
Councillor G.H.Falls
pouncillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H.E.Millson
Road Su~erintendent M.L.Ross
The minutes of the last reglllar meeting were approved as
read on motion by L.A.Perraul t, seconded b~r LloJrd Lowery.. -
Carr ied.
On req~est by Council,' ~IT. E. R. WODdyard, Chairman of
the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, appeared before
Council to discuss the proposed report being prepared for
.. <.
2 - Minutes, Council Meeting, February 1, 1966, continued:
The Canadian Underwriters Association and Garba3e Disposal by
the Village Trustees. It was considered advisable that the'
Council and ~rustees should meet together in committee to
discuss the subjects of Fire Department and Garbaee Disposal.
Mr. R.G.Chater~ on behalf of the Road and Bridge Committee,
reco!lJIl1ended that the Clerk be authorized to prepare anew
by-law for the Road Superintendent for oonsideration at the next
regular meeting. Council flere in unanimous agreement with'this
recommendation. · .
Mr. L.A.Perrault, on behalf of the Property and Finance
Committee, reoomm.ended the appointment of :Mr. Henry De'!Uth as
Public Scho~l Attend~nee Officer. This business was concluded
by res~lution. ' ·
Mr. L.A.Perrault moved, seconded by R.G.Chater, that the
Clerk be and is hereby authorized to prepare a draft by-law for
the appointment of a Deputy-Clerk for consideration at the next
regular meeting. tIT. Chater seconded this motion on condition
that the said proposed appointment is offered to ~a.~.V.Norton
and that she is willing to accept it. - Carried.
The following correspondence and reports were read out to
Council by t~e Reeve:
1. 'C@mmittee of Adjl1stment f~r'the Township of'Clarke request
for appropriation for the year 1966. - Referred to the attention
of the Property and Finan~e Committee.
2. ,~. K. Symons, Counties' (Herk, Uni ted Counties of Northum-
berland & Durham re application of Mr. Robert Stephenson for
license to operate a salvage yard located on part of Lot 23,
Concession 1, Clarke. - Tabled. .
3. The Salvation Army request for grant. - Filed.
4. Central-Lake Ontario Con5ergation AuthoritY're minutes of
meet~ng of January 12i 1966. -'Filed. .
5. United Coun~s of Northumberland & Durham report of deben-
ture issue under United Counties By-Law No. 2029 for the addition
to the'High SChool at -Courtice. - Received.
6. Department of Tourism & Information re appointment of a
centennial local committee as business brought forward from
January 4, 1966. - Tabled.'
7. Report from the Solicitor and Clerk in respect to suggested
amendments (second request) of The Ontario MUnicipal Board and
Planning Branch of The Department of Municipal Affairs to the
Restricted Area By-Law, as business 'brought forward from ~anuary
4, 196~. 0- Tabled. ' , .
8. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re proposed refuse dispo-
sale site in Lot 26, Con. 5, Clarke, as business brought forward
from ~anuary 4, 1966. - Referred to a meeting of the Police
Trustees and members of Council. .
9. Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association, mc.,
re conventiofr April 11-13,. 1966 and m~embership fee for 1966. -
10. ~etitio~ of Mr. Carl~s Smith anfr four others requesti~g
Counc.il to construct sidewalk in the Hamlet of Newtonville. -
Refe~red to t~e Road and ~ridge Commi~tee and Road Superintendent.
11. ['he Grea't Pine Ri dge- Tour1 st Cou'n.c il re membership and grant
for the yeer ~966. - Fileu.' .
12. Central iIjake Ontario' Conservation Authority re municipal
levy ~or 1966~ - Filed.
13. Board. of, Transport Commi ssi oners' for Canada re Order No.
11967? in the'matter of the application of the Canadian Pacific
Railway Conpany for authority to remove the caretaker and close
the station building at PontYPool. - Reoeived.
14. Ontario Municipal Association reports for 1965. - Received.
15. Department of MUnicipal Affairs - letter dat~d December 20,
1965, concerning the iIltegration of pension plans, as business
brought forward from ~anuary .4, 1966. - Filed. (
16. Department of Highways re approval of purchase of 1952
F4fD used truck, serial number 74365. - Reoeived.' (
11. Department of Highways re relocation or alteration of
public utili ties under tlie Publio Service Works on Highways Act
including 1965 ,lunendment. - Received. .. .,
18. De]lartment of Highways re Property File T-031l0, Lot 1,
Con. 1, Cla~ke, as business brought forward from ~anuary 4, 1966.
- Referred to the Road and Bridge Comidttee and Road Super~nten-
dent to meet with the Department of Highways.
~'" .~"""'~
: ( " L" ( 1 "6 ( t" d
3 - .Minutes, Councll Meetlng, February 1, 9b, con lnue :
19. Canadian Underwriters' Association re.Municipal Fire
Protection Survey as business brought forward from January 4,
1~66. - Tabled.
The following resolutions werepassedr ...
( Resolution No. 37: Moved by Lloyd L01!iery, seoonded by L.A.Perrault:
T~is Counoil hereby grant The Great Pine Ridge Tourist CouDci1
130.00 for the year 1966. - Carried. ,
Resolution liro. 38: Moved by O.H.Falls, seconded,by Lloyd Lowery:
That C01..1::1cil10r R.G.Chater be and is herAby empo'.'.'~r~d to order
the neoessary sHE'ply of Vlarbicide Powder r for the year 1966 from e.. .
the Durham Farmers' Countv Co-operative. - Carried.
Resolut ion no. 39: lIoved by L:.!\..Perraul t, second~r1 by :R.G. Cha tel":
The Clerk be and. is hereb\! instruoted to advertj.s~ ~n the Orono
( .. v c
'iTeekJy Times an] the C~':lYladie.n 3t.a tesman for al):pl1c~' tions for Warble
Fly Inspector for the year 1966. ApplicAtions to be received before
February 1.5, 1966 . Appli can ts to St8.t e r~nmne:ra ti on expected.
The PropeJ;'~y and Finance Commi ttee be and are h6reb~T empowered to
consi4er and B9t upon the,applications and finally report their
recomrLendation to Council for the necessBry action b~r resolution
at the next regular meeting of Council. -Carried.
Resolution lTo. 40: Moved b~r L.A.Perrault, seconded b:T R.G.Ch~ter:
This bouncil hereby aupoi~t 1~. 3enrv De~it~ as Public School
Attendance Officer~for t~e'year 1966: - Carried.
Resolution No. 41: Moved by L.A.Perrault, syconded QY E.G.Ch~ter:
~he Treasurer be and is hereb:r authorized to provide the ":7elfere
Administrator 1Ni th not more than tvvo blank cheques co-signed by
th~ f"T"'reas1lrer at any one time tq ussi sttl]e Tlelfare Cor'En.i ttee and
Welfare Administrator to carry out the Council's direction uqder
Resolution ~o. .5 dat~d ~anuary 4, 1966. - Carried. ,
Resolution Yo. 42: Moved bv L.A.perrau1 t. seconded bv B.G. Clla tel':
.- ...~ '"
=The Orono IIorticu1 tural 800 i e ty be gran ted ~ 2.5.00 for the yeqr
1966. - Carri ed. , '
Resolution Ho. 4 : LiLoved b:r Lloy,d Lowery, seconded by O.E.F2c11s1
h1S ounC1 hereby become a member of The Ontario l.iuniciDal.
Association for the year 1966 and the 7reasurer be_and is hereby
au thorized to pay the memb8rship fee., The Cle:r:k and }1eeve be
delere.:a tea. to at t end the ;.4.nnual Conven tioD vii th normal [3nd re8,.son-
able ~expenses paid by the 1Iunioipali ty. 11"'he Reeve is hereby
empowereel to delegate other members of Council to a ttend the
said Convention. - Cerried.
Resolution lro. 44: LIoved by R. G. On,,'!. tel' ,secoI~ded by L..4\..:Perrt\ul t:
~hat the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to ljlJri te-of'f the
following tax arree.rs on ap1)roval o;f t,he al.\di tor and in accordance
Ivith Section 131 of The l~sdessment l..ct, TIS,O, 196(0:
Acct. Penalties to Total
No. Name Principai Feb. 28/66 Total Statuto,ry Year
{ "229a < Underhill A. 8..04 .08 .. 8.12 .08 !9)!
229'a n tt 9.06 6(.21 1.5.27 ,.09 19.54
l7.5a fI If 9.90 6.20 16.10 .10. 19.5.5
337a n n 9.60 .5..51 1.5.11 .10 19.56
337a' u tt 11..56 .5.87 17.43 .12 19.57
337a It It 9...56 4.28 13.84 .10,. 19.58
337a It It 10.01 4.10 14.11 .10 19.59
337a It It 11..53 4.03 1.5 .56 .12. 1960
337a It "5.91 1.70 7~61 .06 1961
337a It It 6.2'6 1.45 7.71 .06, 1962
337a If fI 6.67 1.14 7.81 .07 1963
337a " fI 6.89 .76 7.6.5 .07 1964
337a It It 8.04 .40 8,.44.08 196.5
'Resolution No. 4.5: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded b:r R.G.Ch~ter:
(Resolve that ~he following pay vouchers be and are hereby ~uthorized
for payment by the signing officers of this municipality: .
General 'Toucher N'o. 2 for Februed:,;y 196G in the total amOUl1 t Df
$2,233..54., ,
Road Voucher No.1 for .January 1966 in the total amount of $'],141.7.5
General Welfare iJolJ.cher 1;0. 2 for February 1966 in the total amount
of $840.8.5. - Carried.
Resolution No. 46: Moved by L.A.Perrauit, seconded by R.G.Oh~ter:
VniT~~S this nmnlciDality has certain projects under the Mu~icipal
, 'Hork~ Assistanoe Act VJhich will not be completed (on or b~fore April 1,
4 - Minutes, Council Meeting, February 1, 1966, continued:
, , (
NO~~- I.C~-13REFOR}i; this Council hereby recluest the Dominion Govern-
ment to exte~d the date of completion to December 31, 1966,
and co,~ies of this resolution be mailed to The Hon01.:'..rable
Mi tchell Shar:pe, ~d.l)., The Honourable Russe.1I, Honey, M..P. and
':'he Honourable Alex. Carruthers M.P..P.. - Carri.ed.
A By-Law to appoint a Clerk and ~r~asurer and Tax Collec-
tor of the Municipal Council of the Co.rp'oration of the Township
of Clarke was given first and second reading only.
The following By--Law was given first, .s~cond and third
reading and finally passed:
By-Law No. 1504: Being a By-Law to authorize the
sale of land.
The Council of the Corporation of the To\vnship of Clarke enac ts
that -
The land hereinafter particularly descr{bad~nameiy
.lLL A!{D SING"U,k\R that certain parcel or tract o~ land and
premises situate, lying and being in.t:Q.e,Township of Clarke, .in
the County of Durham and Province Qf Onta~iq, and being part of
the south-east quarter of Lot Number 9 in the r-ourth concession
of the said To"mship or- Clarke more particularly descri bed €IS:
To find the point of comr.:tencero.ent begin at a l)oint on the eastern
boundary of said Lot 9, two thousand four hundred and nine feet
(2,409t) measured northerly along the said eastern 1)oung,ary :from
the south-east angle of said Lot 9, said point being wher~ the
southerly lirrli t of the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway l'iglit-
of-way intersects th~ $aideastern boundary of sa~d Lot 9; THEIJCE
, prQceed south forty-eight degre~s and forty-five minutes (48~ and
45') west, seven hun~redand ~ixty-two feet (762t) more or less to
the western bourlt1a~y of the said south-east (,luarter of said Lot 9;
TIEl'JeE.proceed sou therly alonG th~ western b?und~ry of the said
south-east quarter of said Lot 9 to a po~nt distant seventy-
eight C73.) rods and el~ven feet (II') measured northerly along
the said western boundary of the south-east quarter of ~aid
Lot 9 from the southerly limit of the said Lot; TllliNCE proceed
north seventy-four degrees (740) east nineteen (19) rods and
twelve feet'{12') to a point which point 1s the foint of
commencement; THENCE north. sfllven ty-four, degrees 140) east two
hundred and seventy feet (270') to a point; TE'EECE southerly
Darallel to the eastern boundary of said,Lot 9, one hundred and
tV'len ty-one feet (121 t) to a poin t; TBEITCE. Sou th seventy-four de-
grees (740) west two-hundred ~nd sixty-nine feet (269') to a
lJoiJlti.Tlili~JrJ::L in a straight line one hundred and twenty-one feet
(1211) more or ~ess t9 ~he,point or commencement. (
Together with,a right-cf~way to the Grantee, his heirs, executors,
admitli~tr9"tors and assigns for the purpose of in'2ress and egress
to and from the said hereinbefore described lands for himself,
his SerVi:ln"S and agent~ on foot or by vehicle over the following
described portion of said Lot 9: '
To find the POi:lt of commencement begin at the point of'
cOIDlencement Df the herein conve~'ed lands and proceed thence
north. seven t~'~four degrees (740) east two hundred and seve"n ty
feet .(270t) to a Iloint whj.ch point ip the point of comm~ncement
of the said ri gh t-of-tm~t; T~iEl'WE north seventy-four degrees (740)
east one hundred and thirty-seven feet (~37') more or less to
. the eastern boundary of said Lot 9; ~'FiliITG::!: southerly along the
said eastern boundPlry of said Lot 9, twelve feet (12t); TliENCE
. SQuth seventy-four degrees (740}(west one hundred and. thirty-
seven feet (137') to a poi nt; TIl:L:TCE northerly in a straight line
twelve feet (l2t) more---or less' to the :point of com.mencement,
be sold to Harvey Ro}:>inson Farrow and Eva Louise. Fe.rrow, as
joint tenants and not .as tenants in common for the sum or- ...
Fifty Dollars ($50.00) 'and that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby
au thorized to execute such documents as may be. necess:Jr.y ~h'3refor,
and to attach the Corporate Seal Th~r~to
Resolution No. 47: Moved by O.B.Falls, seconded by Lloyd LowerJ':
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday L1srch 1,
1966, at 10 a. m. in regular r'leeting in the Coun:cil Chamber at
Orono, or otherwise at the call of the Reeve. - Carried.
{j Jt;::.
Reevr "'"