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January 4, 1966, at 11 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
, .
Reeve ~. W. Stone'
Deputy'Reeve L. A. Perrault
Counoillor R. G. Chater
Counoillor O. H. Falls
Counoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E~ Uillson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
Reverend B. E. Long'
Reeve J. W. Stone called the meeting to order and requested
Reverend Long to address Council with his usual words o~ wisdom.
~uotations ~rom the service conducted by Reverend Long are
hereby reoorded:- .
"I have been made to ~eel that my assooiation with you in
these inaugural meetings is tar more than a tormality. The
opportunity of meeting with you surely implies that the oounoil
does not seek to do justice to its responsibility without. the
help of God.
~When I read the verses of Scripture from I Corinthians,
13th Chapter', you may have been asking in your minds) "what has
love to ~o with being members of the Counoil. Surely we must
all be reminded of the great responsibility o~ your office and
that you must always be prepared to- deal with suoh things as
misunderst'anding, ignorance, and intoleranoe.
To do so one must be resouroeful and just, to have
convictions and the courage to <stand by them. ' There must also
be the willingness to set aside individual desires and
prejudices as decisions are made and set in motion.
To such officials the a1tizens of a community can always
give honour and support.
"Let ldVe be your aim," says St. Paul.
Love is patient, kind, does not envy, is~ot boastful,
not conceited, not rude, is never selfish, not quiCk to ~ake
offenoe. Love keeps no score of wrongs,t does not gloat over
other men's failures. Love delights in the truth.
Gentlemen, if lovs is your aim you will be the kind of
men our community needs and we as citizens will know our
affairs are in good hands."
Reeve J. W. Stone personally thanked Reverend Long for
his most inspiring address. In his final remarks he said it
would be good for Council to have the ohurch included in our
affairs more frequently.
In his opening remarks to Council the Reeve thenke.d
the members for their co-operation Auring the past year and
congratulated them on their election to office by acclamatio.n
for the year 1966. , t
Deputy Reeve L.A. Perrault and Councillors R.G. Chat~r,
O.H. Falls, and Lloy~ Lowery expressed their personal thanks
to Reverend Long, oong~atulated the ~eeve and one anotner on
their return to office, and emphasized a ho~e that the affairs
of Council would be as Successful in the new year as they had
been in the past year.. In my opinion, Mr. Falls s.aid, the
experience of the past year should enable me to .serve CounoU
with a more useful purpose in 1966. ..
The deolarations.of office of the members of Council,
were signed and sworn under oath before the Clerk.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved.
as read on motion by L. A. P~rraul~, seoonded by O.H. Falls.
. Carried.
~. E. R. Woodyard of Investors Syndicate Limited ,
disoussed pension soh~mes witn Counci~ in respeot to the Ontario
MUnicipal Employees ~etirement Sys~em having reference to the
Department of ~icipal Affairs letter of Deoember 20, 1965"
wherein oopies of a recent pr.ess release by The Honourable
John F. Robarts was issued to all municipal clerks requesting
their oo-operation to distribute oopies of the said release to
the head of oouncil and the secretaries of all ~ocal boards.
Integration and (or) staoking of the present pension schema of
th1.s municipality (with the Canada Pension Plan was explained
by ~. Woodyard and copies of calculated pensions of some of our
2 - Uinutes, Council Meeting ~anuary 4, 1966, oontinued.
. .
. (
emp19yees were handed out to Counoil to supplement the disoussion.
Further reference was made by Council to this subjeot under item
of correspondence herein contained. ' ,
Council reoessed from 12 noon to l:45'p.m. and upon invitation
of the Reeve enjoyed an exoellent dinner served at the Coaoh and Four.
The following Committees of Counoil'were appointed by Reeve
J. W. Stone tor the year 1966:- ."
Road and Bridge Committee - Messrs. R.G. Chater and Lloyd Lowery .
Property and Finance Committee - Messrs: L:A. Perrault and O.H.Falls
Planning Committee - Messrs.'O.H.Falls and L.A. Perrault
Fire Proteotion Committee - Messrs. Lloyd Lowery and R.G. Chater.
The Reeve appointed himself as ex-officio member of all oommittees
or Counoil. The members of Council were in unanimous agreement with
the aforementioned appointments.
Mr~ Geo. Collins addressed Council indicating his retirement
and desire to gain employment with this municipality. Upon stating
his qual~fications he requested Council to consider his personal
applioation for the position of School Attendanoe Officer. Reeve
j. W. Stone replied stating the request would be given oonsideration.
Messrs. Lowell Gatohell and Edward Semplonious asked Counoil
~o repair and ditoh the sideroad between Lots 30 ahd 31, Conoession 5.
adjaoent ,to the Ochonski housing development area. The Reeve told
the delegation t~at Oouncil were aware of the oonaition of the road
in question and that Mr. Ochonski had been informed of this matter
by Council some months ago. It could be pOSSible, he said, that
some work: may be done on this road sometime in 1966. Many of our
roads, he st~ted,' are in a similat condition at this time due to ·
advers~ weather. . Nevertheless, Council are interested in the
betterment of this road and will endeavour to improve it when
funds are ",vailable. .
General Account Vouchers No. 1 for January 1966 and Road Vouoher
No. 12 tor December 1965 were approved for payment on motion by
Lloyd Lowery, seoondedby R.G. Chater: Carried.
The Clerk-Treasurer requested a salary inorease in the amount of
'500.00, inolusive of the past remuner~tion reoeived by him as
Welfare Administrator, to beoome effedtive in t~e year 1966, and
also for Coqncil to oonsider a salary increase for Mrs. S.J. Norton
to become effeoti ve at the same time. '
The appointments by resolution of a Schodl Attendanoe Offioer
and Welfare Administrator were referred to the attention of the
Property and Finance Committee for their reoommendation to Counoil.
The following oorrespondenoe and ~eports were. read out by
the Reeve: '
1. Department of HUnicipal Affairs - ~etter dated December 20th,
1965, concerning the integration of pension plans - referred
to next meeting of Counoil. .
2. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono - resolution dated
December 28th, 1965, requesting Council to make applioation for
a loan under the Municipal Works Assista.noe Aot, in respect to
the Orono MUnioipal Water System - filed. (
3. ~. Clarence J. Allin, re the appointmen~ of a Livestock
Valuer - reoeived. " (
4. Durham and Northumberland Plowman's Association re grant
by CounOtil in the ysar 1966. - reoei ved..
5. The Ontario Association of Rural Munioipalities re 1966
membership - filed. .
6. Durham County Federation of Agrioulture re appointment of
member of CGuncil to the said Federation - received.
7. Canadian Underwriters' Association as business brought
forward from December l5t~, 1965, conoerning NUnioipal Fire
~otection Survey - tabled. .
8. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit - re proposed .refuse .
disposal site in Lot 26, Con. 5, Clarke, as business brought
torward.from Deoember 15th, 1965 - tabled.
9.( The (Ontario !.funicipal Board - re proposed addition to
Lockhart's Public School - filed.
10. Towaship School Area of Clarke - reproposed addition to
Lookhart School under Bil~ 88 as business brought fopward from
De.cember 15th, 1965 - tiled.
ll. Department of Highways - re Property file T-03110 as being
business brought forward from December 15th, 1965 ~ tabled.
3 - Uinutes, Council Meetfng, January 4, 196~; continued.
(12. Mr. Howard I. Jones re Lawrenoe's Cemetery, Lot 21, Con. ,.
The Clerk was instructed to refer a eopy of this letter to the
Clarke Cemetery Board with their oonsideration, 'and ~. Jones
to be informed of this adtion. "
13. Report from the Solicitor and Clerk in respect to suggested
amendments (second re~uest) of the Ontario MUnicipal Board and
Planning Branoh of the Department of MUnicipal Affairs to' the
restricted area By-law~
14. Canadian Mental Health Assooiation request for grant -
I . reoeived.
1,. Canadian Medic-Alert Foundation Inc., re~uest for'grant
in the year 1966 - filed. '
16. MUsoular Dystrophy Association of Canada as business brought
forward from November l,th, 196, - no action. .
17. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Lake Ontario water
quality survey, Toronto to Kingston - no aotion.
18. Ontario Good Roads Assoeiation - re membership fee for 1966 and
seminar for oouncillors - approved.
19. Department of Tourism and Information re appointment of a
local committee as business brought forward from Deoember 15th,
1965. - tabled. ' t . , ..
20. Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent~ request for salary
increase - referred to the attention of the Road and Bridge
21. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin, re amendments to buildi~g By-law
as business br9ught forward from December l~th, 196, - referred
to Planning Bosmd ,. .;c for study and recommendation to Council.
22. An application of the Treasurer to Council with regard to
Section 143 (1) (2) of the Assessment Aot, RSO, 1,60,.and
amendments thereto - filed.
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution No.1: Moved by L.A. Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater:
rrhrs-Counc:iT hereby express their appreciation to Rev. Basil E. Long
for offiCially opening the inaugural meeting of the Council of the
Township of Clarke for the year 1966. - Carried. .
Res~lution No.' 2: Moved by O. Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve that the 'following persons be and are hereby appointed
to the Local Advisory Committee of the Orono MUnioipal Water
System: Mr. E.R. Woodyard, Ml~. D.M. Simpson, Mr. Floyd NiCholson,
Mr. L.A. Perrault, Mr. E. Dent. A certified copy of this
resolution be referred to the Ontario Water Resouroes Commission.Qarr1ed
Resolution No.3: Moved by R.G..Chater, seconded by n~'P.irault,
that Messrs. E. R.- Woodyard,. D.M. Simpson and Floyd NicQ.olson be
and they are hereby appointed as a Board of Management for the
Community Recreation Centre under By-law No. 1341, and this Council
hereby appoint Messrs. J.W. Stone and Lloyd Lowery to represent
this Council as members of the Board of Management of the said
Community Reoreation Centre. The above. appointments are to hold
office for the year 1966 or until their successors shall be appointed.
Resolution No.4: Moved by O. FaITs, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve that the Treasurer be given the necessary authority to
apportion certain 1966 taxes after notice of his applioation has
been mailed .to all owners concerned, in aocordanoe with Seotion 14)
of the Assessment Act and amendments (thereto. - Carried.
Resolution No.5: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by R.G.Chater:
The Welfare-A~istrator. and Welfare Committee be and they are
hereby empowered and authorized to make contingent expenditures
in respect tOt the application of general welfare regulations in
the year 1966 but not to exceed $200.00 in total for the period of
any month in the said year. - Carried.
Resolution No.6: Moved by L.A. Perrault, seoonded by R.G. Chater:
To comply with the request of the Trustees of the Police Village
of Orono, this Council hereby resol~e that the completion date
of :the Orono MUnicipal Watar Proje~t under the Munici~al Works
Assistance Program, Provincial Loan No.. L-3l1, be and is
established as December 28, 1965 and the Clerk be and is hereby
authorized to inform the Municipa.l .sub.sidi~s Branc,h of the Ontario
Department. of Municipal Aff.air~ of our request to ~ake an app.lioatio
f~r a payment on a loan under the MUnioipal Works Assistance
Act, 1963. - Carried.
Resolution No.7: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by R.G. Chater:
The Road Clerk:be and is hereby authorized to complete the neoessary
rorms a~plying for the Highway Subsidy on road expenditures in the
year 1965. - Carried.
4 - Minut,es, Counoil Keeting, . January 4, 1966, oontinued.
t (( (
Resolution No.8: Moved by L. A. Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater:
This Counc1Y'hereby authorize the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commeroe,
(' ( .
Orono, to loan the Orono Community Memorial Park Board an amount.
not exoeedin~ $1000.00 for the year 1966 and charge the said Board
the prevailing rate of interest. - Carried.
Resolution NO.9: Moved by R.G. Chater, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Inaooordanae wfth By-law No. 149;, the following persons be and'
are hereby appointed to the Newtonv1lle Community Hall Board
for the year 1966:
1. Wallace Boughen, Newtonville, 'Ont. .
2. Hugh Stapleton, " "
j. Mrs. Gladys Brown," "
4. Clinton Farrow, " ~
5. George Stapleton" "
6. L.A. Perrault, Orono, Onto
7. O.H. Falls," ..
Resolution No. 10: Moved by Or me Falls, Seoonded by Lloyd Lowery;
Resolve that Mr. J. W. Stone be and is hereby appointed as a Welfare
Committee to be given the necessary authority to disouss all mat~ers
in aQnneotion with welfare assistanoe during the year 1966. -Carried.
BesolutiopNo. llt Moved by R.G. Ohater, seconded bY.Lloy~owe~y.
That Mr. O.H. Falls, R.R.l, Newtonville, Ontario, be ~nd,is.here"y
appointed as the representative from this Council on the Durham
County Federation of Agriculture for the year 1966.- Carr~ed
Resolution No. 12: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by Orme Falls;
The Road Superintendent, Road and Bridge Committee and Clerk be
authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Convention with expenses
paid and the membership fee of $1,.00 be paid. - Carried. .'
Resolution NO.,13: Moved by Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
That Mr. ~. w. Stone and Mr. L.A. Perrau~t be and are hereby
appointed to the Township of Clarke High.School Committee for the
year 1966. or until the dur~tion of the. said Cornmit~ee,whichever shall
be the sooner. - Carried.
Resolution No. 14: Moved by R.G.Chater, seconded by Orme Falls:
That Dr.-l[:r. McKenzie, Orono,. Ontario, be appointed Indigent Medioal
Officer for the Township of Clarke for. the year 1966.,- Carried.
Resolution No. 15: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by Orme Falls=
Resolve that the Treasurer and the Reeve or Deputy Reeve of the
Township of Clarke. be given the. necessary authorization, with: the
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono,.to,do business in
accordance witht'he said Bank form 141-61 Ontario: - Carried.
Re$01ut10n No.. 16: Moved by l,.orne A. Perraul t, seconde{i by O. Falls:
Resol've that Messrs. Lloyd Lowery and R. G. Chater be anti ar.e hereby
appointed as .e~b~8~';of the Township of Olarke Fire Protection
Oommittee to work(in oonjunotion with the person similarly appointed
in the year 1966 by the Trustees of the Polic~ Village of Orono.
A copy of this resolution be referred to the Seoretary of the Police
Village of Orono. - Carried. .
Resolution No. 17: Moved by L.A. Perrault, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
That"' ifr.. R." G.' Cliater and Mr. 0, H. Falls be and are hereby appointed
as representatives from Council, to the, Township of: Clt:lrke Game
Commission for the yearl966. The Commission to be notified
accordingly by the Clerk. - Carried.
;Resolution No. 18: Moved by R.G{" Chater, seconded by L.A. Perrault:
That Mr. Ro;y A. Foster., R.R.l, Kendal, Ontario, be appointed to the
Ganaraska Region Conservatipn Authority for the yefJX ;1.966 and the said
Authority be notified of this appointment. - Carried.
Resolution po. 19: Moved by L.A. Perrault, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve thatTt1>e recommended to the Police Trustees, of the .
Village of Orono to present th,eir current budget requirements to
both the Road and Bridge Comm;i.ttee and tl1e Finanoe and Property
Oomm.1 ttee, b.efoJ;'e the end o;f February, f,or presentat:ion. to the regular .
meeting of Oounoil in March. A certified oopy of this resolution'be
referred to the Polioe Trustees. - Carried.
Resolution No. 20: Moved by R.G.. Chater, seconded by Orme Falls:
In accordan'cie wi th By(-law No.. 1352 the following persons be and are
hereby: appointed to the Orono Community Memorial Park Board for the
year 1966: Mr. A.E. West,Mr. H.M. Mercer, Mr. S.B. Rutherford,
Mr. E. H. Samuel, :Miss Alma Cuttell, Mr. J. W. Stone, Mr. L.A. Perrsult.-
_.. ..,............, ..- . .
.5 - Minutes, Council Meeting, January 4, 1966, continued.
. . t
Resolution No. 21: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by(Lloyd Lowery:
That Mrs. W. H. Gibson'tR.R.2, Newoastle, Ontario, be and is
hereby appointed as representative for the year 1966 for the
Tpwnship. of Clarke to the Board of The Memorial Hospital,
Bowmanville. - Carried..
Res~~ution.No. 22~ Moved by Robert
G. Chater, seconded by
Lorne A. Perrault:
In accordance with By-law No. l.503 this Council hereby make
th~ following appointments for the year 1966:
a. That Mr. R.G. Chater be and is hereby appointed as Chairman
of the Road and Bridge Committee. , .
b. That Mr. L.A. Perrault be and is hereby a'ppoihted as Chairman
of the Property and Finance Committee.
c. That Mr. O.H. Falls be and is hereby appointed as Chairman
of the Planning Committee.
d. That Mr. ~oyd Lowery be a~d is hereby appointed as Chairman
of the Fire Protection Committee.
The said appointments shall be ,effective on the, passing of this
resolution up to and including December 31, 1966, or until
their successors shall be appointed by order in Council.-Carried.
Resolution No. 23: Moved by L.A. Perrault, seconded by Lloyd
, . - Lowery:
Resolve in accordance w~th By-law No. 1403 the following persons
be and are hereby appointed as members of The Cemetery Board of
the Township of Clarke:
N~'. Sidney Rutherford, B.R. North, Orono
N~. Russe~l Savery, R.R.l, Newtonville
Mr. Charles Cooper, Orono
Mr. Arnold Wade, Newtonville
Mr. Arthur Thompson, R.R.l, Kendal ,
The said members shall hold office until their successors are
appointed by order-in-Council.
The following person~ are hereby appointed to the sai4 Board
as representation from Council for the year 1966:
~. R.G. Chater, L~skard,
Mr. O.H. Falls, R,R. 1, Newtonville.
- Carried.
R~.~~lution No. ~: Moved by Lorne A.Perrault, ~econded,by R.G.Chater:
Intconformity with the Live Stock and Dogs PrQtection Act this
. Council appoint Mr. L.M. Hallowell aSt Live Stock Valuer' for
the Corporation of the Township of C~arke for the year 196.6 and
that the fee for each trip shall be $4.00 . - Carried.
Resolution No. 2.5: Moved by L.A. Perrault, seconded py R.G.Chater:
This coUricir he'reby grant the Durham County Junior Farmers the
amount of $3.5.00 for the year 1966. - Carried.
Resolution No. 26: Moved by R.G. Chater, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
In aocordarlc'e' vITi th By-law No. 1424, a by-law regarding the
appointment of the Clarke Planning Board, being a Board with.
Jurisdiction over the Clarke Plann1ngAr~a, this Council her~by
appoint the following persons:-. .
1. Mr. O.H. Falls, R.R.l, Newtonville, for the year 196p.
2. ~'. L.A. Perrault, Orono, tor t~ year 1966.
who shall hold offioe until the ~st day of January 1~69.
- Carried.
Resolution No. 27: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by L.A.Perrault:
Resolve that The Canadian Mental Health Assooiatipn, Ontario
Division', be and is hereby granted $1.5.00. - Carried.
Resolution No. 28: Moved by Lloyd Lower~, seconded by L,A.Pe~rault:
That Messrs. A. McLaren, R. Forrester, S. Rutherford, C. Armstrong,
R. Hazelden, W. Bunting, J.W. Stone, and L.A. Perrault, be and
are hereby appointed as the Management Committee of the Centennial
Projeot. The Cpairman and Seoretary of the 'said Management
Committee shall be Messrs. S. Rutherford and R: Hazelden,
respeotively. - Carried.
Resolution No. 2~: Moved by Lorne A.. Perrault, seconded by
Lloyd Lowery:
. Resolve that the completion date of the Road Projeot under the
MUnicipal Works Assistance Program, Provinoial Loan No. L-148,
be and is established as December 31, 1965
and the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to inform the
Municipal Subsidies Branch of the Ontario Department of MUnicipal
Affairs of our request to make an application for a payment on a
loan under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963. - Carried.
6 - J[nutes, Council Meeting, January 4, 1966, continued.
Resolution No~ 30: Moved by R.G. Chater,Seconded by O. Falls:
Resolve that the completion date of the Road Projeot under the
MUnicipal Works Assistance Program, Provincial Loan No. L-453 ,
be and is established as March 31, 1966.- -
and the C~erk be'ahd is hereby authorized to 1nform the
MUnioipal Subsidies' Branch of the Ontario Department of
MUnioipal Affairs pf our request to make an application for
a payment on a loan under the MUnioipal Works Assistanoe Act,
196;. - Carried. ' .
Resolution No. 31: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by L.A. perlrault: ..
In acoordance with By-law No. 1342 this Council her~by reso va
that Messrs. R.G. Ch~ter and Lloyd Lowery be and are hereby
appointed to the Board of Management of the Orono Community -
Hall for the year 1966 together with the following Oddfellows
for the year 1966: W. G. Watson, F. Graham, E.R. Rainey, .
And the following Heather ~ebekahs for the years 1966 and 1967:
Hattie Wilson and Gladys Gamsby. It is understood that three
representatives of the Orono Oddfellows shall be appointed in
the odd years and two representatives of the Orono Rebekahs be
,appointed in the even years to this Board of Management. - Car~ied.
The following By-laws were given ~irst, seoond and third reading
and finally passed:
By-Law No. 1498:
A'By-Law.to constitute and appoint
a committee 'of adjustment.
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to constitute and appoint
a oommittee of adjustment as provided by The Planning Act R.S.O.
1960, Chapter 296, Section 32'(a) .
NOW ~1EREFORE, the Counoil of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke enacts as follows:
1. That the following persons who, not being members
of:the Councilor employees of the municipality or
of a local board thereof, s~all constitute and are
hereby appointed as ~embers of the Committee of
Adjustmen t :
(1) H.E. Walkey, Newtonville, to hold office until cTanuJ.rY l,1967.
(2) E.R. Lovekin, Newoastle, to hold office until ~anuary 1, 1968.
(3) K. Sohoenmaker, Orono, to hold office until~anuary 1, 1969.
2. That By-law No. 1480 be and is hereby repealed.
. ,
<' "
"> ....,..L ,,-,','
By-Law No. 1499: A<By-law to. appoint Pound:Keepers and
- . - - ., Fence Viewers in the Township of Clarke.
The Municipal Couneil of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke enaots as follows:
The following persons be and are hereby appointed Pound Keepers:
1. Clinton Brown 2. Wilfred Wood 3. Nil
4. Warren Carson <5. Wm. Hale, Sr. 6. Wm. Curtis
7. Lawrence Harris 8. H. Coatham 9. Roy Meroer
lQ.Sam Powell 11.Les Reid l2.Austin Turner.
l3.Jack Reid l4.Donald Staples. 15.Roy Cochrane,
l6.Roy Berry 17.E.R. Bryson l8.Harold Ransberry
- 19.Lawrence Hooey 20.Stanley Ball.
That ~he duties of the abovenamed Offioers Shall be performed
as provided by' statutes in that behalf and the by-laws of this
That the .following persons be appointed Fence Viewers::
1. Harold Dean 2. Donald Stapleton 3. Arthur Thompson
That the uuties of th~ ~bovenamed O~fioers Shall be performed
as are provided bystatute<s in that' behalf a.nd *'the( by-laws of
this municipa.lity. .
That 'f3Y-law No. 1468 be and is hereby repealed.
7 - ll[nutes, Counoii Meeting, January 4, 1966, oontinued.
B,1-law No. 1500: A B~-law to au. thorize the borrowing
of $1.50,000.00
~TIffi~~ th~ Council ofth~ Township of Clarke
(hereinafter called the "MUnicipality") deems it necessary
to borrow the sum of $150,000 to meet, unt1l the taxes are
collected, the current expenditures of the MUnioipa11ty
for the year; :
AlID VfliEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues
of the MUnioipality as set forth in the estimates adopted
for the year 1966, not inoluding revenues derivable or
derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of
debentures or from a surplus, inoluding arrears of taxes
and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $300,000.00
THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke
(hereby enacts as follows:
1. The Head and thEf Treasurer are hereby authorized on
behalf of the MUnicipality to borrow from time to
time by way of promissory note from C~UMDIAlT IMPERIAL
BANK OF CO~vmRCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the
aggregate $150,000.00 to meet until the taxes are
colleoted the ourrent expenditures of the ~icipality
for the year, including the amounts required for the
purposes mentioned in subseQtion (1) of Seotion 329 of
the Municipal Aot, and to give on behalf of the
Munioipality to the Bank a promissory note.or note~
sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the
Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with
interest, which ~may be paid in advanoe or otherwise,
an a rate not exceeding 610 per centum per annum.
2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this
by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this
year and in previous years from the said Bank for
any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said
Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a
oharge ~pon the whole of the revenues of the
MUnicipality for the ourrent year and for all
preoeding years as and when suoh revenues ,are received.
3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and direoted to
apply ~n payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid,
together with interest thereon, all of the moneys
hereafter oolleoted or received either on aocount or
realized in respect of ta~es levied for the ourrent
year and preCteding years or from any other source
which may lawfully be applied for such purpose.
By-law No. 1501: A By-law to authorize the
borrowing of $35,000.00
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke
(hereinafter called the ttMunioipalitytt) deems it necessary
to borrow the sum of $35,000.00 to meet, until the taxes
are colleo*ed, the current expenditures of the MUnioipali~y
for the year;
AND ~UIEREAS the total amount of the estimated
revenues of the Nllnicipality as set forth in the estimates
adopted for the year 1965, not inoluding revenues derivable
or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of
debentures or from a surplus, inoluding arrears of taxes
and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $300,000.00 .
AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized
to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in I
subseotion (I) of Section 329 of The MUnicipal Act is
$150,000.001 of which the MUnicipality has already borrowed
a total of i150,000.00
TrlEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke
hereby enaots as follows:
1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on
behalf of the MUnicipality to borrow from time to
time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN I1IPERIAL
BANK OF COM~.T.ERCE a sum or sums not exoeeding in the
aggregate $18.5,000.00 to meet until the taxes are
collected the current expenditures of the MUnicipality
for the year, including the amounts required for the
purposes mentioned in subseotion el} of Section 329
of the MUnicipal Aot, and to give on behalf of the
Department of MUnicipal Affairs, Co~unity Planning Branch,
re part of Lot 29, Con. 4, under proposed Sub-d1visioq -
~eference File No. T-16516 - revised. Filed.
Central Lake Ontario (Conservation Authority - re proposed
Enniskillen Conservation Area - filed.
Ontario Water Resources Commission, dated December 23, 1965,
re Orono Water Project 64-W-130. Filed.
Onta~io Department of Highways re 1966 Road Estimates
By-law. Tabled.
Department of Economics and Development .- re ~aming an
industrial spo~esm~ for this municipality for the year
1966. - Approved as in 1965.
Assooiation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re membership'
for the year 19q6 - approv~d. {
The Canadian Council of Brotherhood Chris~ians and Jews,
Inc. - re appeal for grant. Received. .
The following Resolutions were passed:
Resolution No. 32: Moved by Robe~t G. Chater, seconded by
L.A. Perrault:
Resolve that the Departmeny of Highways of Ontario be
and are h~reby' re~uest~d to subsidize our 1965 purChase of
one F.W.D. Tr~ck, Serial No. 7436" in the amount of
$4,635.00 and that the Council and Road Superintendent,
'\ in their opinion, are agreed that the said equipment has
proven satisfactory. - Carried.
8 - ~nutes, Counoil Meeting, January 4, 1966, continued, and
· continuatfon of (said meetirlg on ~an. 14, 1966.
MUnicipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed
with the Corporate Seal and.sig~ed by the Head and Treasurer
for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be
paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exoeeding 610 per
centum per annum. ~ l
2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the author~ty of this
by-law, as well as all other sums bor~owed in this
year and in previous years from the said Bank for
any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said
Seotion 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a .
charge upon the whQle of the revenues of the MUnioipality .
for the current year and for all preceding years as and
whenlsuch revenues are received.
3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to
apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid,
together with interest thereon, all of the money~
hereafter oOllected or received either on account
or realized in respect of taxes levied ~or the
ourrent year and preceding years or from any other
source which may lawfully b~ ap~lied for suoh purpose.
It was moved by R.G. Chater, seconded by L. A. Perrault that
the continuation of this meeting be htlld on Friday, January 14th,
1966, at 8 p.m. - Carried.
In ~ooordance with the aforesaid motion, Counc~l resumed
session~ith the following persons present: Reeve J.W. Stone,
Deputy Reeve L.A. Perrault, Councillor R.G. Chater, Counc~llor
0: H. Falls, Councillor L~oyd Lowery, Clerk, H.E. .M111son.
The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Frank Cow~ Co. Ltd. re supply of 1966 diaries. - received.
9 - N1nutes, Counqil Me~ting, JanuarYt14th, 1966, oontinued.
Resolution No. 33: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by R.G.Chate~:
In accordance vIi th Section 3 & 4 of By-law No. 132.5, a by~law
to establish a 1:.'Unicipal Recreation Committee, this Council
hereby appoint Messrs. Mr. Wm. Wade , Mr. Laverne Boyd,
Mrs. ~osephine Barlow, Mr. Roy Foster, Mrs. Dorothy Stark,
~. Homer Brooks, ~s. ~o~ H~nderson, together with
Mr. L.A. Perrault, Mr. Lloyd Lowery, for the year 1966.
The Clerk be and is ht!lreby instructed to notify the Community'
Programmes Branoh of the Department of Education by referring
a oopy of this Resolution to the said Department. Carried.
Resolution No. 34: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by
( Lorne A. Perrault:
This Council hereby appoint Mr. Henry DeW1th as Welfare
Administrator for the Township of Cl~rke the year 1966 -Carried.
Resolution No. 35: Moved by R.G. Chater, seconded by
Lorne A. Perrault:
Resolve that the Clerk advertise for tenders for the sale of
t~e Duro pump and pressure system in the Township Hall.-Carried.
The following By-laws were given first, second and third
reading and finally passed:
By-Law No. 1502: Being a By-law to appoint
MUnicipal Auditors.
w}~R&tS Section 228 (1) of the MUnicipal Act,R.S.O. 1960
requires that every municipality shall by by-law appoint one or
more auditors who shall be persons licensed by the Department
of Municipal Affairs as municipal auditors,
AI'ill VfiIER&ts council have decided to appo~nt such auditors,
JUID ;[~REAS council have been assured that their nominees
are fully qualified Chartered Accountants who: hold the necessary
licence from the Department of MUnicipal Affairs within the
meaning and requirements of the said statutory authority and
that they do not fall within any of. the statutory prohibitions
found in the said Act,
BE IT TBEREFOHE ENACTED by the 1.."unicipal Corporation
of the Township of Clarke as follows:-
1. That Pope and Goebelle, Chartered Accountants, of the
Town of Georgetown in the Province of Ontario, are hereby
appointed lhunicipal Audi tors for the Township of Clarke.
2. That the s~id auditors will perform the corporation audit
and the audit of all local boards and bodies where functions
fall under the legal authority of the Township of Clarkealld
other statutory d~ties required of Township auditors and any
and all other specific matters of a fiscal nature properly
placed before them by the Councilor the Clerk and ancillary
to their statutory function at a fee of Seven Hundred and
Twenty-Five Dollars ($725.00) annually beginning in the
year 1965. . . {
3. That while this appointment is for a definite term, nothing
in 1his by-law shall prevent removal for cause of the said
auditors within the meaning and by the means outlined in
Section 228 (1) of the 1fu.nicipal Act. .
4. That By-law No. 1430 be and is h~r~by repealed.
By-Law No. 1503: A B~t-law to auth()r.ize the
payment of an annual allowance,
and an allowance for ex~enses,
for memb&rs of Council.
\YHEREAS it is necessary to provide by By-law authority
to pay an annual allowance for all. members of Council
}row THEREFORE, pursuant td the prov'is'ions of The
MUnicipal Act RSO 1960, Chapter 249, the Municipal Coun~il
of the Township 'of Clarke 'her'eby enatots as t'ollows:
10 - Minutes, Council Meeting, January ~14th, 1966, oont~nued.
I. In accordance with t4e provisions of Section ~l2 of The
MUnio1pal AQt, th~ Reeve shall be paid an annual stipenQ of
2. I~ aocordance with the provisions'of Section 406 subsection
(1) subsection fig" the Deputy Reeve arid each Councillor shall
be paid an annual.stipendtof $3.50.00. "
3. These stipends shall be paid annually.
4. ~y deduct~ons from these stipends shall be governed by
the provisions of subseotion 40f Section 406.
.5. In addition to the stipends set out above~ the fol~owing
additional annual payments shall be made to the following
.chair~en of standing committees under the provisions of
Seotion 406 subsection (3):
a. To'the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Comndttee $100.00
'b. To th~ Chairman of the Property and Finance Commi ttee $1.50.00
t Committee $100~00
c. To the Chai rman of the Planning
d. To the Chairman of the Fire Protection Committee $100.00
6. In paying these sums it has been assumed th~t for, the purpose
of allooating the total,amount received for tax purposes
between salary and allowances that the members of council intend
to cla1~one tpird of the total consideration received as an
expense allowance in acoordance with the provisions of Section
408 of The ~nicipal Act.
7 ~ That By-law No. 1492 be and is hereb;)T repealed.
Resolution No. 36: Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by
Lloyd Lowery:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again .on Tl,lesday,
February 1, 1966, at 10 a.m., in regular meeting in
the Counoil Chamber at Orono or otherwise at the Call
of Reeve.' - Carried. ~
~ ~~. '. I-J.A-I
(jjW ~
FebrualJ 1, 1966 at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve j.W.Stone .
Deputy-Reeve L.A..Perrault
Councillor R.G.Chater
Councillor O.H.Falls
pouncillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H.E.Millson
Road SURerintendent M.L.Ross
The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as
read on motion by L.A..Perrault, seconded bJT Lloy'd Lowery.. -
On reqQest by Council,~ ~IT. E. R. Woodyard, Chairman of
the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, appeared before
Council to discuss the proposed report being prepared for