HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1965 Page 3 - Speoial Council Meeting, November 27, 196.5 oontinued: ( ( 3. The Corporation further instructs the Clerk to take such additional steps as are neces- sary in aocordance with the prooedure as ( set out 1n The Expropriation Prooedures Act~ The Corporation, its workment servants, em- · ployees or contraotors, or employees, work- men or(servants ot its oontraotors, are here- by authorized to enter upon the sa1d lands tor the purpose ot oarrying out the said road Widening and improvement. · Notwithstanding the toregoing, the Reeve-and the Clerk are hereby authorized and d1reoted to negotiate wi th the owners and mortgagees and any other persons ooncerned to (settle the oompensation to be given(for the sa1d . lands, (provided that the amount and nature ot such oompensation shall be oonf!rmed by resolution of Counoil, unle.ss it is settled in acoordanoe with the'prooedures oontained in The Expropriation Prooedures Act. Meeting adjourned. 4. 5. -:.~....~-J Clar . · ~~~.. e . REGUllAR :MEETING OF THE COUNOIL OF THE: TOWNSHIP OF OLARKE December 15, 1965 at 10 a.m. . Counoil Ohamber, Orono. Present: Reeve J. W. Stone ~ Depu ty..Reeve L. A.. PeTraul t Councillor R.. G. ' Cha taT Counoillor O. H. Fa1.l'S . Council~or Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. Millson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross The minutes of the last regular meeting and one sp~oial meeting were approved as read on motion by R. G. Chater, . s,oonded by Lloyd Lowery. - Carried. The following oorrespondenoe and reports were read out by the Reeve: . 1. Department' of Highways of Ontario re proposed purohase of 19;~ FIn Truok from Elliott MOtors. - Filed. 2. Ontario Water Resources Commission letter dated Deoember 3, 196; re Water Works Projeot 64-1'-130. - Filed. 3. Department of Munioipal Affairs re Federal~Provinoial Winter Works Incentive Program 196.5-66 l"e approvals ot pro- jeots No. 539, No. .540, No. .541 and No. ;42. - Filed. 4. -Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re Well Construction Program for the Polioe Village of Orono and the Township of Clarke. - Filed. 5. United Counties of Northumberland & Durham re approval of Road Closing By-Law-No. 1488. - Filed. 6. Department of Highways of Ontario re Property File T-e3ll0 as basiness brought forward tram November 15, 196.5. - Tabled. 7. Mrs. Ray Carleton re drainage on Church and Viotoria sts., Orono, as business brought forward t'rom November 15, 1965: - Filed. 8. Department of MUnioipal Arfairs, Subdivisions Seotion; Community Planning Branoh, repart ot Lot 29, Conoession 4, Township of Clarke, their File No. 'T-l~5l6 re Resolution No. 165, dated November 2, 196.5. - Filed. w ..-:' Page 2 - Counoii Meeting Deoember I;, 1965, 6ontinued: 9. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono request to Counoil to pass a by-law to establish Cobblediok street as a through street, as business brought forward from November 2, 1965. - Filed." , 10. Petition of. Mrs. Margaret Winter and. othersre stop signs as business brought forward~trom,November 2, 196;. - Filed. 11. Department Of Tourism & Information re looal oentennial oommittee as business brought forward from November 2, 1965. - Tabled. 12. Ontario Water Resour06s Commission re Certifioate of Approval No. 6.5-B-4l4 with regard to proposed extensions to the Orono MUnicipal Water System as business brought forward from November 2, 196;. - Filed. 13. Mrs. Inez Boughen, Seoretary Newtonville Community Hall, as business brought forward from November 2, 196.5. - Filed. 14. Solioitor E. R. LOvekin re The Presbyterfan Churoh of Oanada and Newtonville Cemetery as business brought forward from November 2, 1965. - Filed. 1;. Ontario Good Roads Assooiation request for resolutions and proposal of names for reoommenaation of long service in the Oause of good roads, as business brought forward from November 2, 196;. - Filed. · 16. Department of Highways of Ontario re subsidy on subdi- vision roads and streets under The Highway Improvements Aot. - Reterred to the Road Superintendent. 17. Ontario Wate~ Resouroes Commission letter dated Sept em- ber 20, 1965 re Orono Water Works Projeot, as business brought forward from November 2, 196.5. - Filed. 18. Trustees ef the Police Village of Orono re proposed water extensions as business brought forward from November 2, 1965. - Filed. ( 19. Departm~nt of MUnioipal Affairs re Polioe Trustees and ~urvply Wood Produots Limited water sprinkler agreement. - Filed. , " 20. Laughlin, Wyllie & Ufnal, C~nsu~ting Engineers, re Township Road Program study. - Fil,ed., 21. Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., r~ a~preoiation of invi- tation to the M.W.A.P. Offioial Dedioation. - Reoeived. 22. Ganaraska Region OonservationAutho}:"ity re 196.5 levy. - Reoeived. 23. Northumberland-Durham'He"alth Unit report for Ootober, 196;. - Reoeived. 24. The Equitable Inoome Tax Foundation re !Ii.1nioipal Govern- ment(filld Tax" Disoriminatj.on under.Tp.e Inoome Tax A.ot. - Filed. 2;. Department of MUnioipal Affairs re Federal-Proyinoial Munioipal Winter Works Inoentive Program 196.5-66 oonoerning designated areas. and area~ of high winter unemployment. - Filed. , 26. Northumperland H~alth Unit Report after 20 years operai tion. - Filed. . 21. Yr. C. R. Wilmot, MUnioipal Studies Engineer, Department of High~ays of O~tari9, re aoknow+edgement.of ~is apprecia- tion in attending the offioial dedication of the ~W.A.P. . projects. - Filed. 28. Oanada Underwriters Assooiation re Munio~pal Fire,Pro- teotion Survey with regard to the Water Works System now installed in the Polio~ Village,of OrQno. - Tabled. 29. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re proposed refuse , disposal site on the Albert Pas property in Lot 26, Con. 5,- .Referred to the(1966 Oouncil and Police Trustees. " ' "30t Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of meeting held November 23, 196;. - Filed. , 31. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin re fence viewers award, Part Lot. ( ( d lq, Conoession ~, Clarke, as busin,ss brought forwar from ~ovember 2, 196~. - Filed. " . . ~ Page 3 - Counoil Meeting Deoember 1.5, 19G5, oontinued: 321 M.D. Brown, O.L.S., re'Sl1rvey Planstinder'M.lf.A.P. - Filed. 33. Mr. Norman J. MoLean re Elliott Cemetery, Part Lot 9, Con. 8, Clarke, request f~r this munioipali~y to assume the said oemetery. - Tabled and a aopy to be referred to the Olarke Cemetery Board. 34. The Township Sohool Area of Clarke re Building Program as business brought forward f?om November 15, 196.5. - Referred to the 1966 Counoil. 3.5. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Building By-Law as business (brought forward from November 2, 196.5. - Tabled. Lloyd Lowery moved, seoonded by R.G.Ohate~, that Counoil recess for lunoh at 12 noon and resume session at 1.30 'p.m. - Carri ed. ( " , Messrs. ClaiF Allin, William Buma and RonaJd Crago met with COl1noil(to request ditohing and improvements to the Olarke - Darlington boundary road a1lowano~. 'Reeve Stone assured the delegation that both Counoils were interested 1n this work and that reports are to be made to the respeotive Oounoils in 1966. Whether or not this work can be oompletedin one or two years, he said, is undetermined at this time, but will likely be oonsidered in the estimatesoontained in the reports to the Counoils under +966 road budgeting. Mr. Arthur Low, Seor~tary of the Olarke Planning Board, disoussed the proposed redratt (ot Restrioted Area By-Law No. 1479 with Oounoil~ Messrs Don Staples and George Oar"son asked Counoil it any deoision had been made as to the disposition of the property owned by this munioipality abutting the southerly boundary of the Durham Centraligrioultural Sooiety Fair Grounds. The delegation representing the Fair Board asked the Counoil if the Sooiety "oou~d rent 'or aoq~ire the said property inoluding the old shed. - On behalf of Oounoil, Reeve stone repled that Oo~oil will not be able to oonsider the interests of the munioipality in the said property until M.D.Brown, O.L.S., oan present a survey plan of the subJeot property, At suoh time, he said, the Counoil will oonsider the interests of the Sooiety 9nd will oontaot ~he Sooiety before final disposition of the property is made. It was moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by O.H.Falls, that General Vouohers No. 12 for Deoember 196; and Road Vouoher No. 11 for November 196; be authorized for psyment. - Oarried. R.G.Chater, Chairman o~ the Finanoe Committee, requested the- members of Counod.l to meet as a whole: to oonsider the Clerk's request to oreate a new pos1tion in the Clerk's Offioe. The Clerk requ8'Sted Counoil to give this matter their-earliest oonsideration. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin and M.D.Brown, 0.L.8., met with Counoil to disouss the final details in the pr,paration. of survey plans w1 th regard to the Expropriation By-Law under The MUnioipal Works Assistanoe Aot. ( The following resolu tlons were passed: Resolution No. 1811 ~ved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Ohater: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby. authorized to sten ands~ai the ttOffer to Selltt Agreement dated 27th November 196.5 between this municipality arid Co1in Brown. - Carried. Resolution No. 182: Moved byR.G.Chater, seoonded byL. Lowery: In aooordanoe with By-Law No. 1493, the following persons be and are hereby appointed to the Newtonville Community'Hall Board for the year 196.5: 1. Wallaoe Boughen Newtonville, Ont. 2. Hugh Stapleton Newtonville, Ont. 3. Mrs. Gladys Brown Newtonville, Ont. 4. Olin ton Farrow Newtonvi1le, Ont. S. George Stapleton Newtonville, Ont. 6. L.A. Perrault Orono, Ont. 7. O.H.Falls Newtonville R.R.l, Ont. Resolution No. 168, dated Npvember 15th, 1965, is hereby resoinded. _ Carried. i ',< t "~ Page 4 - Oouncil Meeting December t5, 19~.5, oontinued: Resol~tto~ No. 1831 Moved by L.A.Per~~u~tl seoondeq QY O,H. Falls:, ' ( ,{ . t: .. That Mr. R.G.Chater, Leskard, Ontario, ge and i~ h~re- by appointed as The Clarke Township represent~tive to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority ~or the year 19&6. - Carried. Resolution 110. 18~: Moved by L.A.Perraul t, seoonded by R;G. Ohater: . WHEREA.S preliminary plans prepared.fol; the purposes. of road oonfitruction ~ndica~edthat oertain lands in Lot 16, Conoession ~, Town~h~p of Clarke wO'fld have to be a oquired from: (af Mr. 'Frederick Drowley 39 Winthorpe Rd., Toro~to13 (b) Mr. Brooks Cowan R.R.l~ Orono, Onta:r;io .u(o) Mr. Bronislaw Blizniak 761 Rowena St., Oshawa, Ont. AND WHEREAS further .engineering studies have revealed that these lands, or portions of them may not be needed, AND WHEREAS the Council wish to make it olear to the owners of the lands affeoted that should final enginee~ing s:peoifio~tions reveal that the lands are not neoessary t'or ~ (( road purposes, they shall be returned to the owners with no expense to the abutting owners NOW THEREFORE THIS RESOLUTION WITNESSETH t (' ,That E. Riohard Lovekin, Solioitor for the Township of Clarke, is hereby authorized to t~eany and all lega~ steps neoessary to re-establish title in the original vendors if and when engineering reports indicate that the said lands are surplus to the requirements indioated by the final engineering plan. - Carried. Resolution No. 185: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded b~ L.A..Perrault: That the Clerk be instruoted to notify the School t ., Boards that their books must be audited by the Township Auditor as early as possible in the new year and that the Clerk shall arrange the time and plaoe fort .sa.i~ A'l\di t. -. , Carried. Resolution No. 186: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: This C'ounoil hereby authorize the Treasurer to oredi t th~ Curvply Wood Produots Limited o~~que in the amount of $6,691.33 in favour of the Corporation of the Towpship of C~arke and pay a similar amount to the Ontario Water. Resouroes Commission. - Carried. ResolutiOb.No. 187: Moved by R.G.Chater, seconded by C.H. - Falls: ' 1i.HEREAS Ph!lip Allen Sanders conveyed aores of land for road purposes, on 21 Ootober, 1964, . AND WHEREAS Philip A~len Sanders was paid the sum of #.384.00 for(land. ana a new fenoe was to be built by the Township, ' AND WHEREAS Philip Aj..1en Sanders by his agreement to this Counoil will. aooept a oash settlement for the fence, NOW THEREFOR:E1 this Counoil hereby pay the sum of $~2~.97in lieu of (the sald"t'enoing to the oreditor Philip Allen Sanders to Maple Leaf Mills Ltd. - Carried. Resolution No. 188: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: ' This Counoil he~eby adjourn for the year i965. Sine Die. - Carried. ( . . . ( ....;::;~..1~:.-J Clerk. · t Qrw~, E~ve . . . C . · . .