HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/1965 (Special Meeting) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE November 27, 196.5 at 7.30 p.m. Counoil Chamber, Orono. " Present: Reeve~. w. stone Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault, Counoillor R. G. Chater Counoillor O. H. Falls -Counoillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. Millson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross Solioitor E. R. Lovekin Speoial meeting of Counoil was oalled by Reeve ~. w. stone to oonsider the following business: The following oorrespondenoe was read out: 1. The Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re installation of observation wells on-Township Road Allowanoes.- Counoil had no objeotion to the Commission's request. The following resolutions were passed: Resolution No. 174: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby autho- rized to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated 27th November 196.5 between this munioipality and Messrs. Charles and Everett Stapleton. - Carried. Resolution No. 175: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated 23rd November 1965 between this munioipality and Gary M. Thompson. - Carried. Resolution No. 176: Moved by O.H.Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery: Resofve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and seal the "Offer to Selllt Agreement dated 23rd November 1965 between this muntoipality and Brian Harold Caswell & Mary K. Caswell. - Carried. Resolution No. 177: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.H.Falls: ~esolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated 23rd November 196.5 between this munioipality and Roy Melville Thompson and Mary Isabel Thompson. - Carried. Resolution No. 178: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.H.Falls: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated 23rr November 196.5 between this munioipali ty a,nd Lloyd Hallowell.- Carried. Resolution No. 179: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and seal the two "Offer to Sell It Agreements dated 23rd November 196.5 between this munioipality and M. Ethel Brown. - Carried. Resolution No. 180: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault: --- Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated 23rd November 196.5 between this munioipality and Colin Manzel Brown. - Carried. The following by-law was given third reading and finally passed: Bv-Law No. L 1497: A By-Law to provide for the widening and improvement of oertain roads desoribed herein, and for the expropriation of oertain lands required therefore. 1v.HEREAS the Corporation of the Township of-Clarke has undertaken to improve and widen the following roads all in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham being desoribed as follows: ' Page 2 - Speoial Meeting of Council November 27, 1965 continued: Road A - A Road Allowance known as Morgans Road and being 2.6.5 miles of road in the area west of the Hamlet of Crooked Creek and being the road allowance between Lots 16 and 17 in the second and third concessions. Road B - A Road Allowance 4 miles. in. length in total and lying between lots 4 and 5 in concessions six, seven and eight; and abutting lots 5 to 9 inclusive in the eighth oonoession and . between lots 8 and 9 in the eighth concession. Road C - A Road Allowance known as the Leskard Road being 2.7 miles in length and lying between lots 30 and 31 in oonoessions six and seven. Road D - A Road Allowance being 2.5 miles in length abutting lots 16 to 26 inolusive and lying between the fifth and sixth concessions. ,.._ Road E - A Road Allowance adjacent to a structure referred to as The Kimball Bridge and being in lot 10 concession Broken Front "A". Road F- A Road Allowanoe adjaoent to a structure known as the Hoad Bridge, being one eighth of a mile in length extending north and south of the proposed bridge and lying between lots 8 and 9 concession Broken Front "A". Road G - A Road Allowanoe adjacent to a structure known as the Crooked Creek Bridge and being approximately one fifth of a mile in length extending east and west of the proposed bridge between concessions three and four in lot 10. AND WHEREAS additLonal lands are required in order to ~o~lete the aforesaid project AND WHEREAS an agreement has been reached with certain land owners of land required for the said projeot and has not been reaohed with oertain other land owners as to the compen- sation to be paid for the lands required , . AND WHEREAS the Counoil of The Corporation of the 'Town- ship of Clarke deems it expedient to expropriate the lands , of the o~ners for which oompensation has not been agreed upon using the prooedures of expropriation as set out in the Expropriation Prooedures Act RSO 1962-63, Chapter 43- '. ~OW 1HEREFORE pursuant. to The Munioipal Act RSO 1960, Chapter 249, Section 4.59(1)(b) and 333(1), the Counoil of The Corporation of The Township of Clarke hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation" HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation hereby expropriates the fee simple and all right, title, claims and interest of the owners and mortgagees in the lands and pr'emises as set out on the plan ef survey shown as SOhedules A, B, .C, D, eto., annexed hereto and prepared by M.D.Brown, 0.L.3, or Donevan and Fleischmann, O.L.S., dated as-shown, the lands to be expropriated being shown thereon. 2. The ,Corporation hereby authorizes the Clerk to forward written instructions to the said M.D. B~own, O.L.S. and Donevan and Fleisohmann, O.L.S. to prepare and file a plan of the said lands expropriated hereby, the sail filing to be in aooordance with The Expropriation Pro- oedures Aot, RSO 1962~63, Chapter 43. " . Page ; - Special Council Keeting, November 27, 196.5 continued: ( I . The Corporation further instruots the Clerk to take suoh additional steps as are neces- sary in aocordance with the prooedure as ( set out in The Expropr1ation Prooedures Act~ The Corporat1on, its workment servants, em- · ployees or contraotors, or employees, work- men or1serTants of its contraotors, are here- by authorized to enter upon the sa1d lands for the purpose of carrying out the said road widening and 1mprovement. ' Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Be eve and the Clerk are hereby authorized and d1reoted to negotiate with the owners and mortgagees and any other persons oonoerned to I settle the compensation to be given I tor the sa1d . lands, (provided that the amount and nature ot such oompensation shall be conf!rmed by resolution ot Counoil, unless it is settled in accordanoe with the 'procedures con~ained 1n The Expropriation Prooedures Act. Meeting adjourned. J. 4. ,. ~'\~.:....-J Cler. . · ~-~ e . BEGU':uAR BETING OF THE COUNOIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE December 15, 1965 at 10 a.m. . Council Ohamber, Orono. Present: Beeve J. W. Stone I Deputy...Reeve L. A. PeTraul t Councillor R." G. . Cha. taT Counoillor O. H. Fail'S . Council~or Lloyd Lowery Olerk H. E. Millson Boad Superintendent M. L. Boss The minutes of the last regular meeting and one speoial meeting were approved as read on motion by R. G. Chater, . sjconded by Lloyd Lowery. - Carried. The following oorrespondenoe and reports were read out by the Beeve: . 1. Department of Highways of Ontario re proposed purohase of 195~ FWD Truok from Elliott MOtors. - Filed. 2. Ontario Water Resources Commission letter dated Deoember ;, 196; re Water Works Projeot 64-"-1;0. - Filed. ;. Department of Munioipal Affairs re Federal~Provinoial Winter Works Incentive Program 1965-66 re approvals ot pro- jeots No. 5;9, No. .540, No. .541 and No. 542. - Filed. 4. -Ontario Water Besouroes Commission re Well Construction Program for the Polioe Village of Orono and the Township ot Clarke. - Filed. 5. United Counties of Northumberland & Durham re approval of Road Closing By-Law' No~. 1488. - Filed. 6. Department of Highways of Ontario re Pruperty File T-e;110 as basiness brought forward from November 15, 196.5. - Tabled. 7. Mrs. Bay Carleton re drainage on Churoh and Viotoria Sts., Orono, as business brought torward ~om November 15, 1965: - Filed. 8. Department ot MUnioipal Artairs, Subdivisions Seotion; Community Planning Branoh, re.part of Lot 29, Conoession 4, Township at Clarke, their File No. "T-l~5l6 re Bes~~ution No. 16;, dated November 2, 1965. - Filed. '"