HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1965
Page .5 -
Counoil Meeting Ootober .5, 199.5, ,oot;ltinued:
a. To the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee $150.00
b. To the Chairman of the Property and Finanoe " 1100.00
o. To the Ohairman of the Planning .Oommittee $lOO.QO
d. To the Chairman of t~e Fire Proteotion Committee $100.00
6. In paying these sums it has been assumed that for the
purpose of allooating the total amount reoeived for tax
purposes between salary and allowa:Q,oesthat the members of
oounoil intend to olaim one third of the total consideration
reoeived as an expense allowanoe"in acoordanoe with the provisions
of Section 408 of The MUnioipal Aot.
~.!.oJution No. 161; Moved by Orme Falls, seoonded by
Lloyd Lowery:
" ... .. . ( .
This Counoil hereby adjourn~to meet again on
November 2, 196.5, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in
the Counoil Ohamber at Orono or otherwise in speoial
meeting at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried.
~ ~~ )/;;:5.
Re e.
RBGULlR JlEElm OF '!'HI conon
.ovem~er 2, 1'" at 10 a.m.
Coancil Ohambe~. Orono.
Pre..nts Reeve J. W. Stone,
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault
Oouncillpr R. G. Ohater,
Councillor O. H. Falla
Oouncillor Lloyd Lowery
Olerk H. E. )I1llson
Road Superintendent M. L. Rosa
o The ~nu~ea ot,Counc1l ..eting ot Ootober " 1"', w.re
ap)!'.,," as read onmot1on BY L.A..Perrault, .econ4e4 by Lloyl
L...ri. - Carried. . .
I~ WaS mOTed by R.~.Chater, ,econd." by O.R.Falls that
delesat10ns be heard. - Oarried. '
)Irs. ROss Bord a:ppeare" betore Oelln01l 1n R,pert ot a
l.tter w1 th resard. to ua1nace from the DD1n1c1pal roal 1.110.an.e.
Counc1l :pro~.e4. te t..le:phone Mrs. B074 to 1ntor. lIer et the t11le
the Boad Super1ntenaent w1ll be present to d1s0usa t~ll :pro.le..
Y. :I.L7cett, Insurance Agent, d1scua.el lira. Zeu L
me.t a insura.n.e 01a1. with 00lla01l. Due to t~. 1lla..a otJlr.
R. ..C].ellan ot the hank Cowan Insurance Comp8Q', Mr. Lyoe""
sait no reply, to date, had ieen reoe1ved 1n &D..er.tehis letter
ot October 1;, 19". A copy qt Mr. Lycett'. letter ..aatilet
wi th Coun011. ... .
It WaS meTed by ~...Perrault. seoonded by O.H.Yalls. t_at
eoqDo1l ~ecesa tor lunch at 12.2& p.m. and resume .ess10n at
1.30 p..~ - Oarr1ed. .
Xesara. BeTerleyand lUl11a111 Jaya.. asked Oounoll to regrade
the .1de road between lots 44 ~d ~, .1n cona. B.Y. and 1. Oounoil
promi.e. .:to contact t~eJl wh1le on road 1nspect1011. aad d1.ou..
their proposal with the., .
1Ir. Due Found .et with Counc1l to dis.usa a to1 )7-1....
The Clerk waa 1n.true ted tQ procure a clraftby-law trea th.e
Pase 2 ,
Counc1l ...t1ng .ovember 2, 1"', cont1nueds
Provinc1al Department conoerned, together with copies ot sim1-
lar by-laws from t~e adjoining munioipa11t1es, 1ncluding Bow-
muv1lle. J.tter a stucl.y of the sa1d by-lawa has been carried
out, Oouncil are to report to ~. Found. ,
Mrs.-Ross Boyd appeared metore Council again, at whick
t1me ,he d.1.qussed. t~e problems,related 1n her letter w1th
Oo~nc11 ani the Road Superintendent. It was Oounc1l's deo1s1on
to reter 'h1. matter to the 1.-ediate attention at the Ros4 &
Br1dle Oommittee and Road. Superintendent and finally to aot "
upon the1raee1s1on 1t the expenditure should not be 1n excesa
ot the ourrent road projeot. ,
" -lIrs. R.llobinson and Mrs. Haro14 Hughea presented a letter
on behalt of oertain property owners on the Brown's School
S1teroal. OouIlc1l thereupon requested the Road c! ", Bri4ge Com-
mittee and Road Super1ntendent to 1nvestigate th1s complaint
and report their reoommendat1ons to Oouncil. !he ladies pr.sant
alllo requestea more snow tence.
Messrs., L. Greenwood, H. R. Best and O. J.. Holmes, Ohairman
ot the ~ownship.Area of Clarke, Secretary-Treasurer ot the sa1d
Area and Inspeotor of Publio Schoolsl respeotively, :met w1th
Counoil to di.cuss an 1mmed1ate and long-range bu1lding program
proposed by the said Area BOa?d. After oonsiderable discuss10n
:part onlJ, ot the request was reterred to resolution.
General Vouchers 10. 11 tor November 1,6, and Road Voucher
No. 10 tor October 196" were duly authorized tor payment on
motion by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.H.Falls. - Oarried.
..&. lengthy d1soussion by Oouncil and Trustees ot the Polioe '
Village of Orono, H.M. Merc.r and R.C.Forrester, was given to
Ourvply L'd.ts outstanding }laYment of $6,691.33 tor the COD.-
struction ot-an ,oversized. main which was not prov1ded tor 1n
the construotion oantraot ot the Orono MUnioipal Water System.
The Trustees were ot the opinion that olearance ot this debt
oould be reotitied within a ~eek's time when a spe.ial meeting
ot Oounoil might be oalled ~o oonsider this business.
The tol1owing correspondenoe and reports were read out
by the ReeveS
· '1. lira. .tean'.. Allen, as business brought torward trom
Ootober 5th last. - The Olerk WaS instruoted to intorm Mrs.
Allen that.a meeting is to be arranged between Oounoil and
re,resentat1ves ot the 1nsuranoe agency at which time she
will be not1fied and her presence requested.
2. Ired Lycett L1mi~.d re olaims against road insurance. -
3. (S1gned) Ifhreo '.raxpayers re restr10ted area ..,~law. -
F1led. ,
4. Petition ot Mrs. MersaretWinterand others re stop s1gns,
as business brought torward tram Ootober 5, 19". - Tabled.
5. Trustees or thetPelioe Village ot Orono request to esta-
blish Oobbledick St. as a through street, as.bus1ness brought
forward trom Qotober " 19". . Table!..
6. I'orthumberland-Durham HealthUn1t repert$ tor August and
September 196,. -'Ftled. - .
7. Solioitor E_ R. Lovekin re Bu1ld1ng By-Law, as bus1ness
brought torward from (lotoier."1"'; -:'.rabled.
o 8. Solic1tor E. R. Lovekin re thePresmyter1anOhurch ot
Cana4a anc! Newtonville Oemetery, as bu$iness:brought.to!'1fard
. trom October " 19". - Tabled.
9. Ontat1o Water Resouroes Oomm1ss10n re Oertif1oate of
Appr~.o. ',-B-4l4 With regard to :proposed extens10ns to
the Orono Munioipal'Water System, as business brought forward
from September 7, 196,. - Tabled.
10. Department ot Tour1sm and Informa'1Gn re looal Centennial
Oommitte., as busine.. bl'ought 'oHard from October " 196,. -
11.'Ontar1o Department ot Highw.,s re approval ot purohase
of salt .... 80d spreader. - File4.
12. 0J1tar1o Departmellt of Highways 're 'approval ot hot-mix
paving and D1x Seal oontraot. - 111.4~
~3. Ontario .ater Re.ources Oommiss1on re proposed extensions
to the Orono IIttn101pal Water System, ,as business brought
tOr1fard from Ootober 5, 196,. - Tabled.
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Page J (
Oouncil .eeting, November 2, 196.5, continued:
. .
. .
14. Ontar10 Departm.ent ot Highways re assumption ot partH1p-
way 3' under Plan p-2J90-J6. - The Olerk was instruoted to
reply that Oouncil had no objection.
1'. !lr, _ James LoTekin' re' re.~1ct.d area 'b1'~la". - nle4.
16. IIrs. Inez Boughen, Secretary lle1f'tonville Oommunity Hall
Board. - The Olerk was instructed to reply aooordingiy.
17. So110itor E. R. LOTeki~re Fenc. Viewers Award 1n Part
Lot 13, Oon.l, Olarke. - Tabled.
18. Ontario Good Roa4s Association reques~ for resolutions
and proposal ot names tor reoopt't1G.,;,ot 1'.8 .~rv1e. ','1ft the
oau.e ot lood roa.. '';' ~a'bl.d. , '
1'. Pet1 'l10n ot )(:rs. 'H. Rush" an~ Mrs. ffi .Robinson, tOlether
w1th 111x other signatur..a. ..; i~.rre4 to Road and Bridge
Oommittee, eto., as atore.entionel.
20. OoDllrimity PlanningA,ssoc1at1on of Oana4a, Ontario D1vision,
re OontereD.ce November 17 - 1', 19". - Tabled.
21. Durham Oounty Distr1c'tH1gh Sohool Board report ,ot 'board
ot'arb1trators. - Filed.. ,
22.-The Ontar1o MUnic1~al Board re Restr1cte4 Area By-Law .0.
1419. - The Olerk was instruoted.to amend the said By-law 1n
accordano. with the oomments sta~ed 1n the letter of the D.part-
ment otMUn1c1pal Aftairs under date ot Ootober i4,(196" and
inform the Olarke Plallning Boart.and the Oouncil-aocordingly.
IJ. Ontario Water Resources Oommtssion re minute. ot local
A~1sory Oommitte. meeting date,.a.ptem.er(28, 19". - I1le4.
24. Darhaa Oentral Agricultural Soo1ety re appo1ntment ot Mr.
Donald Staples to local Centenn1al Oommittee\ -(71l$d.
2,.. The Great Pine Ridge report.. tor Ootober 196,., - F1led.
26. Ontario Water Resource. Oommission re ,roposed( extens10ns
to'the Orono ~01pal Water Sys~.m as businesa(brought tOrWard
troll October .5, 196.5.' - Tabled. . ...
21. So11citor E. R. ~ovekin re proposed aoquisition of Part
Lat 3~, Oon. 7, tor road allowance purpose. troa own.r, the
la'te DtJ.roy E. Wilsoz.r; - Referred. to r.solut1ons\
28-. TCnrJl8hip School Area ot Clarke re an 1_edlate and long-
range bu1ld1ng program.. - :r11ed.. ' "^ · ,
2t. Mr. J\ D. Webllte~, Inspector.ot SChOOls, re arb1trat1on
se-ttlem.n1; under By-law No. 1484' .tC. the ~ownsh1p( ot Olarke
an'd By-law No. 22970t the Township et Darlington. -~1led.
JO.-Mr. R, Ross Boyd re <<ra1nage.oomplaint as recorded above. -
Jl. Jrr. Riohard Manning request to clean out dr1TewaT oulvert. -
32. Mr. Rl G. Gibson re road drainage and fenoe eonst~ot1o.
complaints. - Filed. .'
!he tollewiug resolut1ons we~e passedl
· R...lllt1on Bo. 1'21 Moved by R.G.Chater, seconded lD1' Lloyd Lowerrs
Re..lve that the reqllestot the' Board otTruate.s otth. Township
Sokool Area of Olarke to oonstructthree add1t1onalrooms, being
two olassroom, aQd one ceneral purpose room, at an est1mated oost
ot .",000.00 in the year 1,'6 to School No. , (Lookhartt.) 1n
Lot JO. Ooncess1onJ, TDwn~h1p ot Olarke, and that the sa1d Boart
pay the sa1d .st1ma ted oost 1n the. 'Year 19" trOll ourrent tunds,
be an~ is h,reby approT.d by th1s OOllnc1lsub.1eot to the approval
ot the Ontario MUn101pal Board and Department of Bduoa'tionot
Onta~1o,1.n a,oordanc, w1 th B1ll 88 beiq u Aot ,to .....4'1'lui
Publio Sohools Aot. - Carr1ed. ..
Resolut1on .0, l'~s IOv.d by R~G.Ohate~, secon4ed.by.L.A.Perrault,
Having read t e reportot So11citor B. R. Lovekin dated 20t~
Ootober I'" regard1q thaland. owned by DtAroy E. Wilson and
now oontrolled by hi, widow Beatr1Ce L. Wilson 1t 1s hereby
resolved that E. RiQhard Lovekin, Solicitor, tor the TOwnsh1p ot
01arke, 1s authorized '.paT the sum of ..50.00 to Mrs. :e..tr10.
L. '11*on to settle any 1nterest she may (have 1n the said lands. -
Oamed. '( , ,
Resolution No. 1 4s ')fove' by R.G.Chater, .eoond_d by O~H';Fallss
.so va, at e udi tor a ot the Township ot Olarke be and 'are
hereby requested to r4lCommend an est1m.ated. aDloun.t wh1ch DUQ' be
oharged baok to the Orono BUn10ipal Water System to cover suoh
dut1elland services pertormed by the Olerk, Treasurer, and Tax
Oollector. - Oarried.
Paae 4 -
Oounc1l .e.Ung, lJovember 2,1;"', cont1Jlued:
Resolution No; 161& lfDved hy R.G~ Ch. ater, sec'anded by L.A..Perraul t:
On < request :troll. tie Cluke Planning Board this Couno1l hereby
1nstruct the Clerk to request ,th~ Su'b41v.1sions Seot1on, OOllJllUn1ty
PlAnning Branoh, Ontar1o.D.par~ent at MUn1c1pal Atta1rs, to give
tOfmal apprpTalto the proposea ".P. Irwin Subd1vi~1on fn Part
Lot 29, Con.e.sion IT, Townsh1p ot Cla~ke, under the. Department's
t1le lio. T~l'Jl'. - Oarried. ,. .'
Re"llltlC?Z". 1" I ItDved by O.H.Fa.lls, s~oop.ded by Lloyd. Lowery.
Re.olve ;at the ~eeve'and plerk be ~d are h~repy au~hor1zed to
e:l:..."e a eontraot on behalt et' this mun101pal1 ty and Gan~raska
Brlc11' ~"'Q'L1.,.1 ~edtoJ.. ;~heoonstruot10n ot the Crooked Oretk
Dr1"_ uader Oontraot Number '~W20-J. ~ parr1ed.
""'i,t1t1 10. 161) )pve! by R.G.Chat~r," seoonded by LloY~Lowery:
"_'1_5e.aurer 'be and 1. hereby authorized to write otf the
tellnlnc tax arrears on Ilpprov&l ot the Au04-:tor ~d in aooordaJloe
.tll:<S..t10n 1,J.. ot The Assessment ,lot, R.S.O. 1960: .
,Penalt1e. Total
.. ,....'~. Pr1nCl,al ,to Nov. 30/6J ifotal Sta.:tuto17 Teu
ir' 'ftiiey, I'm. ~.OO ' - . 2.00 - ~
.11" 1,1110"t, H. 10." .20 10." .~O 1"4
ti.::~, R;: ::~g ::~~ i;~:
1'1&. ,..,.I.It. 4.1'; 4.1" 1"1
.21& " I'e., , ..It. 4.1; - 4.1; 1'"
)~Sta.ey, 1Ir.. M. 2.1' 2.1' :- 1'"
,J1 Taa,OTe.r1pop, F. 4.1' 4.1' 1;'4
.'1 ClGrtell.,'J.P. 4.30 4.JO :- 1".
'J "rr.~l, 1., 4.1; 4.lJ 19'4
". XeoA,.Jaok 4.15 4.1' ~ 1'"
"a Xeen, ,.ok 4.1' 4.1' ~ 1"4
1J Oour..., E.l. 1.00 1.00 1'"
a, Stephenson, J.G. 10.Op-, 10.00 1".
111 Pi.r..., w. 2.00 2.00 ~ 1"4
IJJ 'ta)leten, O. 4.1' · .4.lJ, 1"4
140 *n1n, J. 8.JO ~ 8.JO 1"4
i42 Ander..., H. 4.1' 4.1' ~ 1"4
1'1 Oarr, W.J. 4.~' 4.1' 1"4
+" Tan Overleop Mrs.H. 4.1' ~ 4,1'. ~ 1"4
64 Brow., Mrs.' v. ~.l' 4.1; 1"1
2'4 -Brown, Mrs. V. 8.JO - 8.JO - 1'"
.2S,. T1llase ot Ne..astle '.81 ." 1..,2. .,8 l'~
Ja,. Courter, E. J.OO J.OO . 1"4
41' Th..paen.. Rey E. 4.1' 4.1'" ~ 1"4
'1' Ola,dor" Rene 4.1' · 4.1, . l"J
'OJ Jetter1es, J. 4.1'- 4.1;, ~ I".
- Oarr1ea. ..
It ... _vel la7 L.1..Perraul t, seoonded by Llo7_ Lowery, that
Oouno11'r.oesa th1s ~.etins,t, November l~, 199', at '.JO p.m. 1n
the OOU1llc11 Ohamber at Orono. .. Oarr1ed.
( OOUllo1l reasu.med .e.aion 1n aocorduoe w1 th the aforement1oned
mot10n with all .embers present and Reeve J. W. Stone pres1ding
and the Olerk an~ Road Superintendent in attendanee. (
It was moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery
that delegat10ns be heart. - Oarried.
As business brought to~ard tram November 2, 19'5, the
tollowing persons met w1th Council to discuss a disallowe'
1nsurance olaim wh10h hat "'een submitted by Mrs. Jean M. AlIens.
Mrs. Jean M. Alle. .'
. Mr. F. E.' Lyoett, Insupal\oe 'Agent
Mr. Ralph MoLa~11n ot the Frank Cowan Insuranoe Agenoy
Mr. John Uurray ot Vernon Walker Insuranoe Acljusting
, Oomp-any Limited.
& lengthy d1souss1on was given to all aspects ot the olaim
w1th partioalar mention be1ng made to the interpretation at
l1abi11ty insurance, whether or not adjusters should g1ve "
ex:planat1ons when 01a1ms are disallowed, neg11genoe by the
munioipal1t" the 90:day le8&1 persoriptidn, the matter ot
sizeable .t.ne. on the Township Road Allowanoe and prooedure
ot han4l1agola1ms w1th written den1al.
Page , -
Counotl Meeting, November 2,( 196,~ oontinued on NOT. 15:-
The ~ollowing correspondence and reports were read ou~s
1. Mrs. Jean Allen'!ts business brought forward re dissatis-
tied claim on road insuranoe. - !'iled. ·
2. . Mr. EverEttt Stapleton request t'o purChase the north east
oorner of Lot 31, Concession 6. - Reterred to the Road & Br1dge
Committee and Clerk to investigate and report baok to Oouncil.
3. The Equitable Income Tax Foundat1on re MUnio1pal Government
and Tax Disorim1nation under 17he Income Tax .lot. - !'iled.
~. Mrs. Ray Carleton re drainage on Ohuroh street adjacenb
· to her pr"Operty.- Tabled and a copy to be reterrec! to the
TDustee. of the POlioe Village ,ot Orono.
5. M. D. BrQwn, Engineer and Surveyor, re Gordon Baker lands
being part of Lot 35, Concession 10. - Reterred to the Clerk
and -Solici tor.
6. MacGregor c!: Wilson, Barr1 sters c!: So11oi tors-. -request tor
Council to authorize a release ot the gravel pit ter the
purpose ot clearing up the title et parts at Lots 16 and 17,
Concession 3, Clarke: - Reterred to resolution.
7. Mr. H. R. Farrow re Abram Underh1ll p~operty s1tuated ~n
Lot 9, Oonoession 4. - Council ..1:.....0 object10n, tatstUs' "me,
to sell the sa1d property now under tax reg~stratlon to Mr.
Farrow providing the sale 1s subject to the t1nal approval ~t
the Department of MUnio1pal Aftairs.
8. Fasken, Calvin,' MaoKenz1e, W1lliston c!: Swaokhamer, Barr1-
.ters & Solioitors, re propase~ sale ot Mosport,. L1mited, anti
our agreement dated February 27, ~964, between this munio1-
pal1ty and National Trust Company Limited, as Reoe1ver and
Manager ot the property. - Reterred to the :riDanoe Committee,
· Clerk and So11ci tor w1 th power to take ao1tion.
. 9. (Ontar10 Department of Highways re Proptsrty Sale T-03058
· being Part Lots 14 and 15 Broken Front Concession, Clarke. -
. Ret~rred to resolution and the Olerk and So11oitor.
· 10. (Copy letter addressed to Mr. G. E. Simpson, Seoretary,
Orono Po11oe Trustees reoeived trom Ontar1o Water Resources
Comm1"ssion under date ot Ootober 4~ 1965, rie Orono Water
Works Projeot 64-"'-130. - Filed. ' · '
11. Ontario Water Resouroes as bus1ness'brought .orward w1th
regartl to a letter reoe1 ved trom F. Hagemeister, P.En.g.,
'Div1s1on of Construotion, under date o~ August 18, 1965. -
12. Ontario Water Resouroes Commiss1on re Ordno Water Works
( Proj.eot 64-'1-130 under date ot Ootober 6, 19", re outstanding
aocount ot Ourvply Wood Produots, 1n the amount otI6,69l.33. -
The Counc1l instructed the Clerk to oorrespond with the
Comm1~sslon to irltorm them tnat Council's endeavours to colleot
the sa1d monies to date had not met with the desired results.
13. Ilr. Allan Laing re the sudden passing o,t the late "Mr.
W1ll1am Laing, a tormer m.ember 'ot the COlmoll o~ this Township,
1n aolmo)rle4gement ot Council's remem))ranoe. - J'1led.
14. Board of Transport OommissioneX's tor Oanada re File
26727.1189 - Improvement to sfght linea ot C.P.R~ and Newtonville
R08:d.'between Lot's '8 and 9, Oonoession B.F." Towm:8b.i(p at Clarke,
Ontario, mile 159.92 Bellevil"l. Subd. - The Clez'kwas- 1nstruoted
to reply to the said Board that, Council w1ll oonsider the eon-
struot10n of this projeot in the year 1966.
15. Ontario Water Resources Commission request to install
observation wells on Townsh1p Road A.llowan~es. - Filed.
16: d'ommunity Plannfng Assoela1:ion ot Canada, Orttario D1.:vision,
as business brought ~orward from November 2, 1965. - Filed.
17. Ontario nepartment of H1gnways 're Property F1l~ T-03ll0
being Lot 1, Conoession 1, Clarke. - The Clerk was instruoted
to reter a oopy of this and all previous correspondenoe 1n
conneo'tlon wi th this subjeot to ReeTe J'~' W. Stqne.
18. Dur~~m County Distriot High School Board re proposed By-law.
- P'1~ed. ' , ..
19. .J>ope & Goebelle, Chartered A.oc.ountants, re proposed d1ssolu-
tion ot the looal 1mprovement wa1er system. - Reterred to the
Olerk and So11oitor to study and report baok to Counoil.
Councj,l l4,eting. Novemller 2,~ 196.5,( continue4 ~n Nov. i,:-
20. ~aoular Dystrophy Assooiation ot Canada request for tunds. -
Ref'erredtothe 1ncoming Counoil in 1966.
21. Ontario Department .at High...,s re inter1m statement ot ·
expend1ture as ot September JO tor the year 196.5. - The, Cle~k
was instruoted to reter a oopy ~t the sa1d re~ort to the Roal
~perintendent. ,
22. Mr. George A. Dunlop request for donation to the Oana-
dian .x,eg1onPo.:ppy Fund. - Filed. ' ·
2J. !he Ontario MUnicipal Boar4letter under date of
NOTember 4, 196.5, re Restr10ted Area By-Law~~. 1479. ~ Ifabfed.
24. !be Clerk's requ~at tor Oounoil to oonsider the oreation
ot a new posi t10n in t~e Clerk's Offioe. - Re~erred t,o t,he
F1naaoe Oo~tte..
, ~
2J. The Ontario Municipal Board re addition to Sohool No. ,
(LG.~tf.). ~- Tabled. " .
26. ...tenT1lle Community Hall Board request for Council to
I~T. third and t1nal reading to estab11sh the Community Hall
under the Commqn1 ty Centres Act. - Fil~.d..
27.0.,.,un1 ty Planning Assooiation of' Canada re 1>re.li~nary
~~~dl.r co~vention to ~e held in Toro~to on NOvembe~ l7tn
to .l,thlnclusive. - Filed. ,
18. Oentral Lake Ontar1o Oonservation AuthDr1ty minutes at
meet1ng ot Ootober 2', 196..5. - Filed.
Th~ tollowi~ resolut1ons were passed:
Re.olut1on )To., 168. MOTed Dy L. A. pe.raul~, seconded by O.lt.Falls:
In ..eo"Orduee .ith BY-l~w No. ~14'3. the following persons be
and are hereiy appointed to the Newtonville Community Hall
~ar4 ~or the year 196.5. .
1. Wallaoe Boughen
2. Rugh Stapleton
3. Mrs. Gladys Brown
4. Clinton Farrow
( ;. Ge~rg~ S'apleton
18so1ut10n fO. I". ~oved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by O.H.Fallsl
.~ ~y nstrument No. 1Jl~ registe~ed " M~ 1'02 and reg1-
atered in the Weat Durham Resistry Office at Bowmanville give.
the C~rJ>Orl\t1o~nofthe TOW1lsh1p of Clarke perm1ss10n to remove
sraTe~ trom part of Lots 16 and 17, Conoession III and,
~ the ~present o.ner has reques~ed that the righta be
rellaqu15hed and, ·
~~A the Township are prepared to relinquish all such rtghta,
XQI'TBlIBFORE ~he Oounc1l resolves that whatever documentation
- tsneo...ary to oomplete this matter be duly oompleted and the
,Olerk 1s authorized to instruct E. R. Lovekin, Soli01 tor, to
complet, 'thi a matter by arrangemen t s wi th the owner's soli oi tor.
.e.oIut1on No.1 01 IIoved b7 L.A..Perrault, seconded by 'LlOYd LowerYI
( 8S0 ve a eso ution No. 1.56da.ted Ootober .5.: 196" be and is'
hereby rescinded and the recommendation from the Property and
F1nanace Commdttee to reh1re Hr. & Mrs. Roy Patton to take .effeot
November 1, I96.5; be and is herebY approved. - Carr1ed. .
( Resolut1on No. lill( lI1ved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Ohaterl
Resoive that the Reeve "and Clerk be and are ~ereby author1zed to
sign a deed in tr1p11oate und6r Department of R1ghwayaot Ontar1o
Property Sale T-03a.58 being part Lots 14 & 1.5. Broken Front
Conoession, Tbwnship ot Clarke. - Carried. '
. Resolu1!10n lTo. r~:1 _ved by L.A..Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chaterl
, The Council ot te Oo~poration of the Township of Clarke hereby
ap:point~. .Carlos 'l'amblyD.. R.R.No,rth Orono. Ont., as a repre-
sentative on the Board of The Durham Oounty District High School
tor the years 1'" and 1"'" - C$.rri(ed. ~
n.e tollowing By-laws were g1ven third read1ng only and
tinal17 pas'eel: . ,
By-Law... 149': To e.tab11sh the IT.wtonville Oommu-
n1ty Hall as a Oommun1ty Hall in a~cor-
.{danoe with the provi s10ns ot the Commu- ·
.n1 ty Oan tres Ac t.
~REtS the _.wtonv1ll. Commun1ty Hall Committee through the1r
Seoretary ~s. Reid Wood haTe reque.ted the MUnioipal Oorpora-
tion ot the Townah1p ot Clarke to estab11sh the Newtonv11le
Ne.tonville. Ont.
Newtonville, Ont.
Newtonville. dnt.
Newtonville. Ont.
lIewtonville, Ont.
Page' 8 - . ((
Couno1l Meeting,; November 2, 196;, oontinued on Nov. 1;:-
The tollowing By-Laws were read a tirst, seoond and third
time and tinally passed:
By-Law No. 149': ~o provide tor the levy and oollection
of a speoial rate in order to defray the
Corporat1on's share of the cost ot the
construotion of an addition to the High
School at Courtioe, in the Oounty of
Durham, the furnishing and equipping
thereof, and the expenses oonneoted there-
with. ·
WBERIlS by erder 4ated the 21st day of September, 196;, The
O.ta~1e MUnicipal Board. has approved the issuing of Debentures
by the Corporation of the United Counties ot Northumberland
and Durham, for the sum of 1490,000.00, for the purpose ot .
provid1ng tunds to the Durham Oounty D1str1ct High School
Board. tor the oonstruotion of an addition to the high sohool
at Oourt1ce in the County of Durham, the furniShing and
equ1pp~ng thereof, and the expenses oonneoted therewith.
AID ~1BlS the oorporat1on of the United Counties of: Northum-
oerlan4ud Durham, under By-Law No. 2029,' authorized the
b6rroWing of the said sum ot $490,000.00 upon Debentures for
the purposes aforesa1d, said debentures to be repayable 1n
annual instalments during the period ot ten years next atter
the date of the issue thereof, with interest,: all as in the
sa1d By-Law provided.
AID WHJ.~lS eaoh munioipa11ty in the said Durham Oounty High
Sohool Distriot is required to levy and oolleot by a speoial
rate on the"property rateable for sohool purposes in the
municipality a sum suffioient to pay its proportion of the
principal and 1nterest payable under the Debentures aforesaid.
AND WHEREAs the amount of' the rateable property in the within
munioipa11ty~ aocording to the last revised equalized assess-
ment roll is 14,201,469.22
AND ~EAS the Oorporation of the Township of Clarke is one
of the munioipalitiesoompr1sing the said Durham County Distriot
High Sohool Board.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
1. Commencing in the year 1966 and thereafter in eaoh year that
.:parment of principal and interest talls due under the atore-
said Debentures,: the Oorporation of the Townsh1p of Clarke shall
levy and oolleot by a'spe01al rate on all the property rateable
for sohool purposes within the munioipality a sum suffioient
to pay suoh proportion of' the prinoipal and interest payable
under the said Debentures and of' the expenses connected there-
with as the equalized assessment of the within mun10ipality
bears to the total of the eqUalized assessments of all the
munioipalities comprising the Durham County High School District.
2. That such proport10n ot the :pr1n01pal and 1nterest payable
under the said Debentures for whioh the within mun10ipality is
liable shall be pa1d to the Treasurer of the Corporation of the
United Oounties of Northumberland and Durham, annuallY on or
before the date in each year upon whioh payments. in res:peot of
the sa1d Debentures tall due.
:By-Law No. 1496: To estab11sh certain benefits for
employees of the Oorporation of
the TOwnshi~ ot Olarke. .
WHEREAS it 1s deemed expedient to establish siok leave benefits,
annual vaoat1bn and statutory holidays for the employees of' the
Townshi:p of Clarke,
THEREFORE the.Counoil of the Township of' Clarke enaots as tolloWSI
1. S1ck Leave:Oredit Gratu1ties
(a) The Township shall establish a system of siok leave
ered1ts under wh1ch an employee shall be ent1tled
toa oredit of one day for eaoh month of regular
(b) The c2'edits shall be oumulative.
Page 9 - Counoil Meet1ng November 2, 1965, oontinued Nov. 15:
(0) The oredits shall be entered into 8. register.1h1nta1ned
11'1 the department in whi~h the employee 1s employed.
(d) No ored1ts shall be g1ven to an employe~ i~ 8l1Y'month
who is absent from duty in that month:
(i) For more than six (6) days tor any
reason other than vaoation leave ot
(ii) Without leave of absenoe.
(e) No employee shall reoe1ve pay for absenoe oaused through
s10kness in exoess ot 180 days credit or of his aocumu-
lated oredits,whioh ever 1s the lesser.
(f) An employee shall not be'granted any siOk leave oredits
until he has oompleted one year oontinuous employment
w1th the Townsh1p ot Olarke.
(g) Payment for s10k leave shall be made at the prevailing
rate in etfeot during the absenoe ot the employee. For
those employeea engaged on a salary basis, the salary
shall be oontinued until the employee has exhausted
his aocumulated oredi ts up to a maximum of 180 days
and for those employees on an hourly basis, the
hourly rate multiplied by the normal work1ng hours for
the particular period, shall be paid unt1l the employee
has exhausted his acoumulated oredits up to a maximum ot
180 days. ·
(h) After three (3) days absence oaused by siokness no
leave with pay Shall be allowed unlesa a certifioate of
a duly qualif1ed medioal praotit1oner 1s forwarded to
the head of the employee'S department certifying the
inab1lity of the employee to attend to h1s or her
ottioial duties. The head of the department may require
an employee to submit a dootor's oertif10ate tor 8.
period of absenoe of less than-three (J) days.
(i) The head of the department may grant leave ot absenoe
with pay upon any special or oompass1onate grounds to
an employee and the per10d of leave otabsenoe shall be
oharged against the siok leave oredits of the employee.
(j) On retirement or separation, an employee shall be
enti tIed 11'0 an amount equal to his salary, wages or
other remunerat10n tor one-halt the number ot days
standing to his oredit up to ~ maximum ot 180 days and
in any event, not 1n excess ot the a~ount ot 90 days
earnings at the rate reoeived by the employee ilDIQ.edtately
prior to term1nation of employment and providing that
the employee has oompleted five years ot servioe with
the Corporation of the Townsh1p~f Clarke immedi~tely
pr10r to termination of employment. . ,
(k) Employees shall be granted a ored1t ot 1 day s10k leave
tor each month that they have been employed by the town-
sh1p ot Clarke retroaotive (to cTanuary 1" 196,.
el) An employee shall be prov1ded. w1th an annual statement ot
the s10k leave ored1ts accumulated to his or ~er oredit. Th1s
.tatement shall be signed by the head ot the employe.'s depart-
men t and shall be given to the employee on or bet,ore January
31 ot each year.
(m)An employee who is permanently employed on a part tiae
basis, and who reoeived an annual salary ot not less than
50 per oent ot the regular annual salary tor this 01ass1-
fioation of employment, will be ent1tled to one-hal~ ot
the acoumulated siok leave oredi~s as outlined tor perma-
nent full time employees.
(n) The tOllo"1ng regulaMons shall apply trrr labourers and
: oasual employees who shall be entitled to sick leave
oredi ts providingS . . (
(i) The employewworks for eight oontinuous months
in each oalendar year.
(i1) The employee works for any eight months at the
year, not neoessarily oontinuous, providing the
break in oontinuity is due to laok ot work or
by other aotion of the employer. But the em~
ployee will not be eligible where a break in
oontinuity is a result of that employee'S
deoision to resign.
Page JO-
Oqunoil Meeting, NOTember 2, 196.5, oontinued on Nov.l;s-
(11i) :~emporary absenoe approved by the employer tor
oompassionate reason will not be interpreted
as a break in oontinuity.
(iT) The employee will not qe eligible for sick
leave.benefits un~ess he has complied with
the requirements of seotion (i) or (ii) for
a period of' one oalendar year. A.ocumulation
ot credits is not perm1~ted for the proba-
t10nary year. .
(v) Where an. employee has reoe1ved a separation . .. ,
or retire~ent allowanoe as provided by seotion
(j) ot these regulations and is subsequently re-
employed, the employee shall oommence acoumula-
tion of siok leave oredits on the basis of'
having the status of a new employee and said
employee shall be required to serve for proba-
tionary per10d as outlined in seotion (iv).
((v1) The employee shall only be paid for absenoe
caused by siokn~ss whioh ooours during a per10d
ot employment.
2. Statutory Holidays .
(a) All permanent employees shall be 'granted the following
statutory ho11days wi th payl
(ii' New Year's Day
(11 Good Frid.ay
(iii Viotoria Day
(iv) Dominion Day
(v) Civio Holiday
(v1) Labour Day
(T111 Thanksgiving Day
(v1i1 Ohristmas Day
(1x Any other holiday that may be author1zed by
the Reeve ot the Township ot Clarke.
(b) Permanent employees shall inolude labourers and oasual
employees of the Township ot Clarke.
(0) In order that an employee shall be granted a statutory
ho11day with pay, the employee must work the normal
working day immediately before ~d after the ho11day.
,. Annual Vacations
(al All permanent employees shall be granted 2 we.. annual
vaoation d"er one years servioe and :5 weeks atter ten
years servioe.
C') One Year's .annual vaoation may be oarried over to the
tollowing year.
(0) When a statutory holiday falls on a day ot an employee's
.sohedu~ed vaoation, the employee shall be entitled to an
additional day of vaoation, provided that the neoessary
" arrangements have been made with the head of the depart-
ment prior to the commenoement of the vacation period.
(el) Permanent employees shall inolude all employees whose
service is cont1nuous for suoh length pf time to quality
them tor the applicable annual vaeat1on. Casual employees
are exoluded unless permission is grante~ by the head of
the department tor inclusion.
4. This By-law shall oome 1nto toroe and erteot as of the first day
ot January, 1,6;. (
Resolution No. l~t: Moved by O.H.Falls, seconde&! by Lloyd LowerYI
This Oounoil here,y adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, December 15,
196;, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Oouncil Ohamber at Orono
or otherw1se at the oall ot the Reeve. - carried.
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