HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1965 2 _ Speoial Meeting of:the Counoil, Sep~ember 21, 1965: 1. 2. 3. ( W. B. Bennett Paving Limited, Oshawa. Warren Bi ~uminous Pa:ying Company, Limi ted, (Do1rn..view . Harnden & King Construotion,Limite~, CoboUrg. ( This business was referred to resolution. . . ". The following resolut1ona werepas8ed:- Resolution No. 152: M6ved by Orme Falls, seoonded bl Lloyd . Lowery; Resolve th~t tenders for the proposed construction of the Crooked Creek Bridge be and'are hereby opened. Carried. Resolution No. 153: (Moved by R.G.tChater, seconded by . = . Lome A.. Perrault. Resolve that the tender reoeived tram Ganaraska Bridge Co. Ltd., for the construotion of the Crooked Creek Bridge be and is hereby acoe,pted as per tender subjeot to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontari9. Totten, Sims Assooiates Limited, Oonsulting Engineers, are hereby authorized to check the said tender and negotiate with the Ganaraska Bridge 00. Ltd. and Dep~rtment of Highways of Ontario. Oarried. Resolution No. 154: Moved by Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery. Resolve that the tender ofK1ng Seagrave Ltd. to supply a Salt and Sand Spreader as ,an extension to the oontraot awarded by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham be and 1s herebyacoepted subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Onta.rio. Carried. Res~~tion No. 155: Moved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by Lloyd Lowery. The price bid reoeived from W. B. Bennett Paving Limited for the following:- 1. Asphalt apron in front of new Township Shed, plus entranoe from County Road to Shed, approximately 250 tons of HL3 0 $8.;0 per ton ..~$2,12'.OO 2. Two (2) Streets in the Village of Orono to be surfaoed with approximately 3/4" of Dix S~al ( or equivalent material. Approximately . 285 tons 0 $10.00' per ton ...................... .$-2,8;0.00 be and is'hereby aooepted as per bid subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario. Carried. Meeting adjourned. ~. .~-j . ~~_. ~ ~ve. Olerk. R!!:GULAR MEETING OF THE COmTCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE October 5, 1965, at 10 a.m. . Counoil Chamber, Orono. . Present: Reeve~. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault Councillor R. G. Chater Counoillor o. H. Falls Counoiflor L19yd Lowery Clerk H. E. lfillson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross :page 2 - Counoil Meeting Qotober " 196~, oontinued: The minutes of Counoil meetings of August 26th, September 7th and 21st, 196" were 'approved as read on motion by L. A. Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery. - Oarried. General V6uohers No. 10 for(Ootober 1965 and Road Vouoher' No. 9 for September 1965 were authorized for payment on motion by O. H. Falls, seoonded by L. A. Perrault. - Oarried. It ..as moved bI,R. G. Ohater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault that Counoil reoess tOr lunoh at 12:15 p.m., and resume session . at 1:30 p.m. - Oarried. : . , Lloyd L6wery moved, seoonded by O.H. Falls, that delegations be heard. Oarried. Mr. ~. 'Oohonski of Lot 30, Oonoession "disoussed subdivision oontrol withtOounoil; . . The Clerk was authorized to prepare a draft by-law to establish oertain benefits for employees of the Township of Olarke for oonsideration at the next regular meetitlg of'Counoil. The following oorrespondenoe and reports were read out by the Reev6: 1. Board or Transport Oommissioners for Canada re applioation of C.P.R. to remove oaretaker and olose station building at Pontypool. Counoil dedided to authorize the Clerk to advertise the faots of this subjeot in the Orono Weekly'rimes in support of the aotion being taken-by the Oounoil of the Township of Manvers. . 2. Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re Orono Water Distribution system as business brought forward from meeting of September 7th, last, under Item 4 in oorrespondenoe - Tabled. 3. Offioe of the ~re Marshall re 1965 Fire Prevention Contest _ referred to the. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono. 4. Petition of Mrs. Margaret Winter together with 18 other residents of the Polioe Village of Orono objeoteoting to the removal of the stop signs'at' the inters~otionof Oobblediok and Church Streets. - Tabled ' 5. !Tustees of the Polioe Village of Orono request to Counoil to pass a by-law to establish Cobblediok Street as a through street. -(Tabled. · 6. Mr. A. M. ~ohnston, Assessor, re aoknowledgment of fruit basket from Counoil. 7. Community Planning Assooiation of Canada, Onta1"io Division, re eopfer~no~ to p~ p.~ld +'Toyember 17th:"19th, 1965, at Toronto _ Tabled. ". 8. l~s. Margaret Riokabyre aoknowledgment of fruit basket from Counoil. 9. Orono Chamber of Commeroe re invitation for members of Oounoil to hear a guest speaker from the Ontario Centennial Branoh on Ootober 12th next. Filed. 10. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono request for Counoil to deplete the speoial fund under"looal improvement 1369" for applioation on approved oonstruotion of extensions to the Orono Water System. Referred to the attention of the treasurer and auditor and final approval by the auditor. 11. Oler~ts report - W1.th regard to oonneoting the Township, Hall to the MUnioipal Water system and olosing off the oistern _ referred to the PToperty and J1nanoe oommittee. 12. Lake Ontario Development Assooiation re advanoe notioe of the 7th annual Industrial and Munioipal Relations oonferenoe to be held Ootober 27th next - members of Oounoil were to notify the Olerk if they .i~hed to attend.' 13. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono re proposed offioia;l plan' of the- properties on the west side of Main Street, north, to allow future development in the said area. - Filed. 14. Department of lfunioipalAtfairs, Community Planning Branoh, . Subdivision Seotion re proposed Irwin' subdivision in part Lot 29, Conoession 4, Olarke. ' - 15. Department of Highways Ontario, re nontraot approval for oonstruotion of the Crooked Oreek Bridge - filed. .. ~':C-=i':'~'~~,~;:;;dc~:Z;'~~~2;;.;-:,,~:s;;;:;--,=,:=?"~~,~_:"---.-,-,..~~~_________________ 6\,;1 .. Page 3 - Counoil Meeting October " 1~6" opntinued: 16. Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re aoknowledgment ( of Caunoitl' s oo~operaMon ftOr the oommission to instal stream gauging stations in the Township o~ Clar~e. - ~iled. 17. Ontario hteI't Resouroes Commission re proposed extensions to the Orono ]mniolpal Water system - Tabled. 18. Mr. and ].~s. Roy Patton. re resignation as oaretakers or the Township Hall - Filed. . 19. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono as business brought forward ~nder item.39 of oorrespondenoe of meeting of September 7th, 196,. - TaQled. ' 20. Department of Highways of Ontario 1'6 approval of supplementary r,!lad expenditure by-law #1486. - Filed. 21. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re proposed amendments to the building ~y-law as busineSS brought rorward'trom September 7th, last. - Tabled. 22. J.~. Graham & Co. Ltd., re Hydro Debenture under by-law No. 1483. - Filed. 23. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re Presbyterian Churoh in Oanada and Newtonvi11e Oemetery as business brought forward from ~he last regular meeting. - Tabled~ 24. Mr. W. J. Oarson - re objeotion to subdivision Control - Filed. ____ 2,. Report of tfie Road Superintendent and the Road and'Bridge Committee with regard to the request of Mrs. Gordon 1lillson at the.meeting of Conncil.on August 3rd, 196, - this business was referred to the Road Superintendent to take aotion when time ts avai Dible. '26~ F. E. Lyoett, Ltd., re insuranoe on new Meroury Truok. - Filed. 27. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit - re oomplaints oonoerning the mink food plant owned by l~. Riohard Obllins. - Filed. ' 28.. Bell Ambulanoe Servioe re invoice oonoerning Mr. P. J. Reynolds. - no aotion. 29. Department of Tourism and Information re appointment of a 10013.1 oentennial oommittee and ohairman as business brought forward from September 7th, 196,. - ~abled. ( ;0. !~s. Je~n M. Allen - re in~enoe olaim as business brought forward from September 7th, 196,. The Clerk was instruoted to oorrespond with F. E. Lycett" Ltd., stating the Council's general dissatisfaotion in that inSUranoe ( a~justors do not give personal explanations to olaimants. 31. The Sports Car Club ~equest for permission to regulate traffio on oertain roads in this municip~lity on Ootober 16th and 17th, 196.5. Counoil had no objeotion providing the rally is oarried out similar to the Club's organization and operation in previous years. T:qe Olerk was instruoted to correspond with the sa:icd Club acoorqingly. The following resolutions were passed: Resolution No. 156: Moved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by Lloyd Lower'Y'f-'''This Counoil hereby acoept the reeignaiions of Mr. and 1lJrs. Roy Patton with regret, to take effect on November 1, 196" and authorize the Olerk to adveriisa in the Orono Weekly Times for applioations for the position of oaretaker of the Township Hall at Orono to be received OR or before October 20, 196,. The Property and Finance Committee be and is hereby empo~ered to open the applioations and report their reoommendations to the regular meeting of Counoil on November 2, 196,. - Carried. Resolution No. 1,7: Moved by R.G. Chatel', seoonded by Lorne A.. Perrault: Resolve that the following projeot under the MUnicipal Wotks Inoentive Program 1965-66 be and is hereby sanotioned and authorized by this Council: _________. ....._.___._..__..._ _'M__'_~___'____~'_"___ _._._.,._.~..- page 4 - Counoil Meeting Ootober .5,' 196.5, oontinued: BrushinS!: on Conoession road allowanoes and sideroads in Conoessions Broken Front, one, two, three.. four, ,five; six, seven, ei~ht, nine" arid ten of the Township of Clarke. .A maximum appropriation in the amount of $8,000.00 be appli~d on the saidprojeot subjeot to the approval of the Department of Munioipal Affairs. -Carried. . . Resolution No. 158: Moved by L1oydLowery, seoonded by OrmeFalls: Resolve that the Clerk prepare The Voters' I.ist alphabetioally for the'year 196.5. - Carried. _ Resolution No. l5~: Moved by L.A. PeI'rault,( seoonded by Lloyd Lowery. In acoor anoe with By-law No. 1492 this Counoil.hereby make the followtng appointments for the year 1965: ' a. That Mr. L. A. Perrault be and is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee. b. That l~. R.G. Ohater be artd is hereby appointed as Ohairman of the Property and Finance Committee. . o. That Mr.,O. H. Falls be and is 'hereby appointed as Chairman of the Planning Committee. . d. That Mr~.Lloyd towery be and is hereby appointed as Chairmen of the Fire Protection Committee. The said appointments shall be effeotive on the pas~ing Of this resolution up to and inoluding Deoember 31, '196" or until their suooessors shall be appointed by Order in Counoil..Oarried. Resolu.~ion No. 160: l!oved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by ~.G.Chater Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and al"e hereby authorized to~_' sign and seal a Boundary Road Agreement between this munioipality and the Township of Hope dated the First day of ~anuary 196.5. - Carr~ed. First and second reading only ~as given to a'by-la~ to designate an ~rea of subdivision oontrol. The Clerk .as instruoted to arrange a meeting of the members of Counoil, the Planning Board, and committee of Adjustment, with Mr. I.M. Anderson, Subdivision Seotion of the Department of . Munioipal Affairs, to disouss subdivision, at an informal- meeting to be held in the Counoil Chamber on Ootober 7th', next, at. 4 p.m. The following by-law was read a first, seeond a~d third time and fin'ally passed: , By-Law No.' 1.492: A By-laW t,o authorize the p.ayment of an annual allowanoe, and an allowanoe for expenses, for members of Oounoil. WHEREAS it is neoessary to prOVide by By-law 'authority to pay an annual allowanoe for ~ll ~embers of Counoil NOW THEREFORE, punsuant to the ,provisions of The 1.lfunioipal Aot RSO 1960, Chapter 249, the Munioipal Counoil of the Township of Clarke hereby enaots as follows: 1. In aooordanoe with the provisions of S~otion 212 of The ~lfunioipal Aot, the Reeve shall be paid an annual stipend of $600.00. ( '. ( . 2. In aooordance with the provisions of Seotion 406 subsection (1) subseotion "glt the Deputy Reeve and eaoh Counoillor shall be paid an annual stipend of $350.00. ( 3. These stipends ~hall be paid annually. . ( 4. Any deduotions from these stipends ~hall.be governed by the . provisions of subseotion 4 of Seotion 406. 5. In addition to the stipends set out above, the following additional annual p~ents shall be made to the following ohairman of standing oommittees under the provisions of Seotion 406 subseotion (3): , ~~~';j";J'14W"","h\:';'c~<;>,...-,, Cl;;~-" . .,L......L Q 1/;;::5- :Retfe~}.) Rl6ULA.R "1m e:r TBB COUl'OIL OF TDTOQStl1P OF OLA.RICI .."ember 2, 1"5 at 10 a.m. :Counoil Chaaber. Orono. w Pre.ent: Reeve Z. W. stone. Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault Oounoillpr B. G.Chater. Oouncillor O. H. Yalls Oouncillor Lloyd Lowery Olerk H. E. 1I111son Road SUperintendent M. L. Boss . The m1au~e. ot.Counoi1 ...tins of OotOBer " 1"5. w.r. appr."." 1.8 read on motIon By L.A..Perrault, ..00Iule4 'by Llo)'f. L.w.~. - Carried. . . It waa moved by B.O.Chater, ,econd,4 by a.H.Falls that deleaat10ns be heard. - Oarried. ' lIrs. B08s Boyd a:ppea:re" b.tore COllnoi1 ln IUPpert ot a 1ett.1' wi th re8~cl to tr.in.... trGm the DDln1c1pal roal" all...ooe. CG\Ul011 prom1se4, t. ,,1e>>lI.one Mrs. Boycl te 1ntor. )er .t the '1.. the BoadSuperinten4.nt .ill be 'present to d1sousa th1sproele.. F. E. 'Lyoett, asurance A&ent, dlscu...a ll:rs. Jeu .. Alle.'. insuranoe claim wlth Co..cll. >>a, to the llln... ot Br. R. .001.110. .t" the J'ra.n.lcl Oowan Insurance oompu.." Mr. Lycett sa14 n. reply, to dat., bad been reoelve" 1n answ.r.to ,hIs letter ot October 1;, 19". Aoo1'Y qt Mr. Lyoett's letter w.s 111e<< wi th OOlUloil. ..' - It ....s mev.ct D1 1....P.rrault, s.oonded by O.H.Falls. t)lat Co~noil ~ecess tor lunch at 12.20 p.m. and resume .e.sion ., 1.30 ,.m~ - Carried. . .essrs. Bev.rl.y and William Jayae. alike' Council to regra"e the .i4. road bet.een Iota 14 and l' .in oona. B.F. an4 1. Couacil promised to contact the..hile on road inspection and discu.. their proposal with th.~ . 1Ir. Dane Found. .e' ~ith COUllcil to cUs.usa a t8.%1_y-l.w. The Clerk .as in. true te4 tQ procure a 4:raftiy-law trena the