HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-12 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, January 12, 2016 (Not Yet Approved By Arena Board) In Attendance – Gord Lee, Chair Gord Blaker, Vice Chair Carol Little, Sue White, Jay Summers, Gary Oliver, Councillor Woo, Bryan Wiltshire Regrets – Councillor Partner, Shea-Lea Latchford 1. Call to Order – 7:07 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes – Motion # 16 -001 THAT: The Minutes of November, 10, 2015 be accepted as presented. Moved by: Sue White Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 3. Arena Manager’s Report – Follow-up by Bryan on the Brine and Glycol Testing indicated we could hold-off until shut down in April to have these two products replaced and the lines serviced. Estimated price $2,500.00. Motion # 16 – 002 THAT: Monies be budgeted to have this work completed during the spring shut-down of the ice plant. Moved by: Jay Summers Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED Bryan Brought to our attention repairs that needed to be carried out in the men’s washroom – one urinal was broken and he suggested this would be a good time to renovate the entire washroom, i.e. new floor, toilets, urinals, etc. After inspection by some of the board members, it was decided to repair what was needed, then defer any further renovations until our 2016 budget was set and approved. Then, we would take another look at the needs and further follow-up with the municipality’s Operations Department, before planning any changes. Bryan was requested to bring forward a priority list of items in the arena that needed attention. Once this was completed, the board members would have a better idea on moving forward with needed updates and/or repairs. Further, Sue White suggested we promote our public skating more on the web-site and open a Face Book Page for the arena. In her own experience, she had been unable to locate any information for public skating times at Newcastle. In addition, we were the only arena in the municipality with nothing planned or promoted for Family Day. Bryan advised he would make sure signage would be up for Family Day Skating and would look into the Face book possibilities. The chair advised, through his experience with Face Book from a business perspective, is to be very active with weekly and/or multi-weekly postings. The more you post, the more exposure and visits to your site you experience. We need someone that is going to be actively placing arena and community news on the page. Nothing was established at this time. The subject of who and how it gets done will be brought forward at our next meeting in February, once everyone has had a chance to think about it. Still outstanding was the request from Peter Hazelton of the NVMHA to meet with us regarding 2016 ice allocation. Attempts had been made to meet. Conflicts in timing th had been experienced. Friday, January 15 at 5:00 P.M. was now the tentative meeting date. At that time, we would only be meeting with the NVMHA and not with the CGHA, as was originally planned. Follow-up to that meeting will be discussed at th our February board meeting. Meeting with the CGHL was scheduled for January 29, 2016 – also 5:00 p.m. At the arena. Bryan and the chair advised the board members of a personal injury accident, from a th fall on the ice by a public skater. This happened on December 29, 2015 during a private party rental. The party in question, (name withheld) had been advised by Bryan to wear a helmet and further advised to have all her guests wear head gear. Unfortunately, a head injury had been sustained and an ambulance called. Follow –up by the chair, after the week-end found the person to be o.k. a report had been submitted to the municipality. 4. Financial Report – Year –end financials, before audit were provided indicating total revenue of $297,469.53 and expenses at $271,373.88. This indicated a profit of $26,095.65 for year 2015. Accounts receivable showed $62,080.46 outstanding. 75% of this amount was current. One write-off had occurred for the year - $124.98 from a personal rental of the upstairs meeting room. Contact for payment was unobtainable; phone out of service, mail returned. The chair advised he will start the process for the new 2016 budget forecast and have follow-up prepared for the February meeting. Bryan will work on his payroll budget. Further discussion took place regarding the snack bar and the declining sales. New items such as Sausage Rolls, Chicken Fingers and Perogies hadn’t seemed to have affected sales, as we anticipated. Most people, particularly adults appear to arrive at the arena with a Tim’s coffee in hand and a food product. The majority of our sales are generated by children from Candy, Slushie, Soft Drinks, Pop Corn, etc. The board members are split on their opinions, as to what to do next – close it altogether or, keep it open. Sales have decreased annually from a high of $39,000.00 in 2008 to a low for 2015 of under $18,000.00. Although the arena is generating a profit, the snack bar lost in the neighborhood of $4,000.00 for 2015. Further discussion will take place this summer by our board members. th 5. Next Meeting – With NVMHA, Friday January 15, 2016 - With CGHL – January 29, th 2016 – Our Board Meeting – Tuesday, February 9, 2016 7:00 P.M. 6. Adjournment – Motion to adjourned: #16-003 Moved by: Sue White Seconded by: Councillor Woo CARRIED