HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-13 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting – September 13, 2016 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance – Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager Jay Summers, Shea-Lea Latchford, Sue White, Gary Oliver, Councillor Partner Regrets: Regional Councillor W.Woo. Absent: Carol Little 1. Call to Order – 7:07 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes – Motion # 16-117 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of June 14, 2016 are accepted as presented. Moved by: Jay Summers Seconded by: Shea- Lea Latchford CARRIED 3. Arena Manager’s Report - Now that minor hockey scheduling was completed and contracts signed, Bryan advised that we had Saturday ice time available at 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 and 9:30 p.m. to close. Also, Wednesday night from 10:30 P.M. was available. The municipality had attended to the roof leaks and eaves trough and advised Bryan the electrical updating, lighting for the outside and the brick base and down spouts to the sewer was on target for the spring of 2017, budget permitting. Sue White offered to look after the monthly walk-through and inspection of the building with Bryan for health and safety issues; taking this task over from Gord Blaker, who has resigned from our board. (2) Hiring and changes and staffing were almost completed and would be on time for our st contract season commencement of October 1. The snack bar staff had 3 returnees and Gary Oliver was again, going to look after training and scheduling their hours. Discussion continued on operating times for the snack bar, trying to eliminate most practice ice times for minor hockey. Many of those practice hours, sales didn’t cover wages. Rink staffing required promotion of two rink attendants to operators and additional training. 4. On-Going Business - Discussion took place regarding a water bottle filling station for the arena; the municipality turning down our request left us to purchase our own. Indications were that they cost in the neighborhood of $3,000.00 installed. 5. Motion # 16-118 was proposed: THAT: The committee approve a budget of $3,000.00, + or- 10% for the purchase and installation of a water bottle filling station to be located in the lobby. Moved by: Sue White Seconded by: Jay Summers CARRIED The chair offered to follow-up on pricing and installation. Jay summers suggested the soft drink vending machine could possibly be re-located to attract more sales. The lobby area was his suggestion, to catch players coming from the dressing rooms after ice time, when leaving the building. st 6. Financial Report - An income statement was provided, Y.T.D. August 31, 2016 indicating revenue of $158,481.85 – 11% higher than same date, 2015. Accounts Receivables were at $11,275.16 with $7,600.00 over 90 days, (from summer programs). Bryan will actively follow–up on these accounts. Tim Horton’s advertising invoice remained outstanding and Jay suggested this may be a problem with new ownership and management changes. He suggested, we write to Julie Granger at their head office and copy him on any correspondence. The chair will follow-up on this. 7. New Business - Gord Lee reminded Bryan that the Clarington Farmers’ Market, operating Sundays in the arena parking lot will remain in open until the last Sunday in th October, the 30. Parking will have to be shared with ice users on Sundays. Pylons need to be in location early Sunday mornings, before the hockey programs commence. (3) Gary Oliver brought up the need for boulevard signage to promote our public skating – “A- type”, two sided sandwich boards that can be placed out on Edward Street for the week-end, similar to what the Clarington Farmers’ Market uses. Gord will follow –up and have prepared. Councillor Partner suggested there may be an opportunity through the Canada “150” Grant Program for some arena application. She will forward the program outline to the chair to review. There was still a need to replace one board member on our committee. The municipality th will run an ad in our local papers until October 9, advertising the position. Councillors Woo and Partner will keep us advised. Also, nominations were requested for a person to accept the Vice-Chair position on this committee. All nominated parties declined to accept. th 8. Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, November 8, 2016 9. Adjournment - Motion # 16-119 THAT: The meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Councillor Partner CARRIED