HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/21/1965 (Special Meeting)
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Counoil Meeting September 7, ~965, ~ontinueds
THEREFORE the Counoi~ of th~ Township of Clar~ hereby
enaots as follows:
t 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on
behalf of the MUnioipality to borrow from time to
tithe by way of promi ssor~ hote from OA-~ADIAN IMPERIAL
BANK OF CO~~RCE a sum or sums not exoeeding in the
agaregate 1100,000.00 to meet until the said estimated
~ece1pts have'been reoeived and deposited at the said
Bahk at Orono the/ oapita1 ~xpenditures: of the ~mnioi-
pality for the year, and to give on behalf of the
Munioipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes
sealed ~ith the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head
. and Treasurer for the mohets so borrowed, with interest,
whioh may be paid in advanoe or otherwise, at a rate
not exoeeding 5-3/4 per oentum per annum.
2. All ~ms borrtlwed pursuant to the authority of this
by~law shall, with inter~st thereon, be a oharge upon
the whole Of-the revenues of the Munioipality for the
ourrent year for fiv~ ensuing years and for all pre-
oedin~ years as and when suoh revenues are reoeived.
3. ~he Treasurer is hereby authorized and: direoted to
apply in p~ment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid,
together with interest thereon, all of the moneys
hereafter oolleoted or reoeived either on aooount or
realized in respeot of tax~s levied for the'ourrent
year and preoeding years or from any other souroe
whioh may lawfully be applied for suoh purpose.
Resolution No. li11 Moved by R.G.Chater, seoon~ed by O.H.Falls:
This Counoi hereby adjourn'to meet again on Tnesday,
Ootober ;, 196;, at 10 a.m. in/the COunoil Chamber at Orono in
regular meeting or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried.
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September 21, 1965 at 8 p.m.
Counail Chambe~, Orono.
Reeve d. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve/L. A. Perrault
Oounoillor R. G. Chater
Oounoillor O. H. Falls
Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery.
Olerk H. E. ~llson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
~~~s. R. E. S~sad t
B. D. Glennie of Totten,Sims Asaooiates, Ltd.
Speoial meeting of Oounoil was oalled by Reeve d. W. Stone to
o~nsider the following business:
The following tenders for the proposed oonstruotion of the Crooked
Q:peektBridge were reoeived:-
1. E. F. Ma~ston Construotion Limited, Port Hope.
21 Mal-Ron Oonstruction, Whitby
31 Ganaraska Bridge 00. Ltd., Port Hope
SolioitorstLQvekin and Stubbington disoussed the drafting of a .
sub-division oontrol by-law with the members of Oounoil.
The following submitted prioe bids 'for an asphalt apron in front
at the new Township Shed, theentranoe from Oounty Road.to Shed,
and two streets in Orono to be surfaoed with approximately 3/4-
of Dix Seal or equivalent mater1al:-
2 _ Speoial Meeting of:the Counoil, Sep~ember 21, 1965:
W. B. Bennett Paving Limited, Oshawa.
Warren Bi ~uminous Pa:ying Company, Limi ted, (Do1rn..view .
Harnden & King Construotion,Limite~, CoboUrg. (
This business was referred to resolution.
. . ".
The following resolut1ona werepas8ed:-
Resolution No. 152: M6ved by Orme Falls, seoonded bl Lloyd
. Lowery;
Resolve th~t tenders for the proposed construction
of the Crooked Creek Bridge be and'are hereby opened. Carried.
Resolution No. 153: (Moved by R.G.tChater, seconded by .
= . Lome A.. Perrault.
Resolve that the tender reoeived tram Ganaraska
Bridge Co. Ltd., for the construotion of the Crooked Creek
Bridge be and is hereby acoe,pted as per tender subjeot to
the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontari9.
Totten, Sims Assooiates Limited, Oonsulting Engineers, are
hereby authorized to check the said tender and negotiate
with the Ganaraska Bridge 00. Ltd. and Dep~rtment of
Highways of Ontario. Oarried.
Resolution No. 154: Moved by Orme Falls, seoonded by Lloyd
Resolve that the tender ofK1ng Seagrave Ltd. to
supply a Salt and Sand Spreader as ,an extension to the
oontraot awarded by the United Counties of Northumberland
and Durham be and 1s herebyacoepted subject to the
approval of the Department of Highways of Onta.rio. Carried.
Res~~tion No. 155: Moved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by
Lloyd Lowery.
The price bid reoeived from W. B. Bennett Paving
Limited for the following:-
1. Asphalt apron in front of new Township Shed,
plus entranoe from County Road to Shed,
approximately 250 tons of HL3 0 $8.;0 per ton ..~$2,12'.OO
2. Two (2) Streets in the Village of Orono to be
surfaoed with approximately 3/4" of Dix S~al
( or equivalent material. Approximately .
285 tons 0 $10.00' per ton ...................... .$-2,8;0.00
be and is'hereby aooepted as per bid subject to
the approval of the Department of Highways of
Ontario. Carried.
Meeting adjourned.
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October 5, 1965, at 10 a.m.
Counoil Chamber, Orono. .
Present: Reeve~. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault
Councillor R. G. Chater
Counoillor o. H. Falls
Counoiflor L19yd Lowery
Clerk H. E. lfillson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross