HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/30/2017 Special Budget MeetingFinal C111ll00Il Special General Government Committee Agenda Date: January 30, 2017 Time: 9:30 AM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at mchambers(a)_clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Noon Recess: Please be advised that, as per the Municipality of Clarington's Procedural By-law, this meeting will recess at 12:00 noon, for a one hour lunch break, unless otherwise determined by the Committee. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at ,vww.clarington.net Clarington General Government Committee Agenda Date: January 30, 2017 Time: 9:30 AM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 Adopt the Agenda 3 Declaration of Interest 4 Presentations 4.1 Curry Clifford, Interim Chief Administrative Officer — 2017 Operating and Capital Budget 4.2 Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer — 2017 Operating and Capital Budget 5 Finance Department 5.1 FND-001-17 2017 Operating and Capital Budget 6 Adjournment Page 2 Clarington Finance Department Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Special General Government Committee Date of Meeting: January 30, 2017 Report Number: FND-001-17 Resolution: File Number: By-law Number: Report Subject: 2017 Operating and Capital Budget Recommendations: That Report FND-001-17 be received; 2. That Council approve the 2017 Operating and Capital Budget as outlined in Attachment #1, at an estimated tax levy impact of 1.69% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND-001-17; 3. That Council approve a 0.5% or $250,000 tax levy dedicated to Rural Roads outlined as item #55 on Attachment #1 and item #4 on Attachment #2; 4. That Council provide direction on the remaining items listed as Priority "B" for consideration, as itemized in Attachment #2; 5. That Council authorize the commencement of a tax increment grant incentive program for the Courtice CIP area based on the approved Courtice CIP and a development charges incentive program to the limit approved in the 2017 Budget; 6. That Council provide direction on the grants for external agencies per their requests itemized in Attachment #3, at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.28%; 7. That the external agencies, referred to in Attachment #3 be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request and be thanked for their delegation on January 27th, as appropriate; 8. That attachments outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserve/Reserve Funds be approved as shown in the 2017 Draft Budget binder; Municipality of Clarington Report FND-001-17 Page 2 9. That approximately $800,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 10. That the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the attached documents be approved; 11. That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; 12. That Report FND-001-17 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; 13. That, subject to Council approval of the Renovations to the Municipal Administrative Centre and the Renovations to the Rickard Recreation Complex, identified in the 2017 Draft Capital Budget to be financed from debenture financing, that the Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to make application to the Region of Durham for the necessary debenture, such terms at the discretion of the Director of Finance; and 14. That the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2017 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. Municipality of Clarington Report FND-001-17 Report Overview Page 3 The purpose of this report is to provide necessary information to Council in order to approve the 2017 Capital and Operating Budgets. The report includes a number of important components and the detailed Budget binder provides specific details. There are significant capital considerations for 2017 that further enhance the municipality's capital infrastructure. On the operating side, Council has put important long term plans in place in 2016, including a new Official Plan, a first ever Transportation Master Plan and an enhanced economic development service. The Budget is largely about making choices. At this point, Council is being asked to make choices about how best to: • generate strong results from these foundation building efforts; • keep up to the growth in population and infrastructure that needs to be serviced; and • ensure that as an increasingly complex corporation, the capacity is in place to efficiently and effectively deliver services and carefully manage assets and people. 1. Overview 1.1 The 2017 Budget is outlined in detail in the Draft Budget documents circulated in conjunction with this report with important information summarized in the attachments to this report. The approximate 2017 base requirements are detailed in Attachment #1 attached hereto and provides a summary of the contents of the Draft Budget binder. To the best extent possible, all documents have been provided in an accessible format. 1.2 The Interim Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Finance have worked diligently with all departments to review all areas and identify savings. 1.3 The base requirement impact of 1.69% is after assessment growth (growth is estimated at 2.67% plus education retained growth of 1.16%). Every 1% increase in the Budget results in a tax increase of approximately $13.14 for the average residential taxpayer for the local portion of the tax bill (based on average value of $323,000). A 1 % increase also translates to $505,000 in total additional tax revenue for the municipality. This does not include the impact of tax policy changes determined by the Region of Durham. 1.4 Based on the 2017 returned roll, Clarington assessment splits remain at 90% for residential, farm and multi -residential and 10% for commercial and industrial properties. 1.5 Clarington continues to rely on reserves and reserve funds to alleviate tax levy impacts for capital and operating as a long term strategy. Surpluses in a given year are transferred into the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund and then used in subsequent years to offset the levy. Contributions are made annually into reserve funds for future capital replacement and then drawn upon in those future years. For 2017, the net annual draw on reserves and reserve funds is approximately $18.9 million (2016 - $20.8 million) including $800,000 drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax levy. This includes capital and operating. The summaries for the reserves and reserve funds are included in the front section of the 2017 Draft Budget binder. Municipality of Clarington Report FND-001-17 Page 4 1.6 In our continued efforts to enhance public understanding and assist Council in their communications efforts regarding budget changes, there are a few additional attachments of note. Attachment #4 is the chart designed to show where tax levy funds are spent based on categories that reflect services provided rather than by department name. The chart is entitled "How each $100 of the Clarington local levy is allocated in the 2017 Draft Budget". It does not include the Region of Durham or Education portion of the tax bill. For ease of understanding, the chart includes all base requirements and Option B and full external agency requests. The chart will be amended to reflect final budget decisions. 1.7 Attachment #5 is a couple of comparative tables for Council information. We have included some information for Council on items such as number of residents served per employee, municipal spending per resident and cost per kilometer for road maintenance with some other municipal comparators. The information is based on 2015 submitted financial information returns available through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs as 2016 information is not yet available. Attachment #6 is some comparative taxation information based on the final BMA study data. 2. Tax Rate Stabilization 2.1 Historically, Clarington has drawn on our Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund approximately $800,000 per year. This is proposed to remain for 2017. We have had stable financial results so the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund continues to support this practice. It is too early to determine final financial results for 2016. 3. Tax Policy Changes 3.1 A long term strategic tax policy plan was initially approved in 2002 by the Region of Durham (who has legislative authority over tax policy), that may have an impact on final tax rates. The 2017 update is anticipated to be presented to Regional Council in February 2017. Any tax ratio changes impact upon the relative share of the total taxes that each property class pays. A copy of the Region's report will be circulated once it is available. Some topics likely to be referenced include multi -residential properties, capping changes and vacancy rebates due to recent Provincial announcements in these areas. 3.2 Additionally, Clarington is affected by tax policy decisions made on the education side by the Province of Ontario. This stems from municipalities retaining the education portion of eligible payment in lieu properties such as Ontario Power Generation. In the 2008 Provincial Budget, a provincially mandated reduction in the industrial education rate was announced. This was frozen in 2013. Currently no information is available for 2017. Decisions pertaining to this may result in tax policy impacts which will be incorporated into the final tax rate by-law. 3.3 As Council is aware, 2017 is the beginning of the next four year cycle for implementing the new 2016 base year current value reassessments. This may cause tax shifts Municipality of Clarington Resort FND-001-17 Paae 5 between tax classes and individual taxpayers, but is entirely revenue neutral to the Municipality. 4. Staffing 4.1 As noted in the transmittal letter, the community is in significant transition and the Municipality is both facilitating and responding to these very positive opportunities in determining staffing needs going forward. Recommendations on staffing were guided, in this order, by investments that will: 1. Enable the municipality to manage risk, e.g., financial, reputational, health and safety, service delivery, IT security; 2. Generate significant revenues; 3. Enable stronger cost management; 4. Allow deeper efficiency gains; 5. Maintain existing level of service, but over a larger customer service base, e.g. more customers, more complex needs. Note, in most instances we are playing catch-up; 6. Address new strategic priorities; and 7. Increase the level of service. 4.2 Some 26 positions were requested of the Interim Chief Administrative Officer. 4.3 Each were analyzed against these seven criteria. This resulted in a shorter list which was pared down further because regardless of need, affordability for the taxpayer needed to be considered. Further trimming then resulted in recommendations to Council and an engaged discussion in a Special Council meeting on December 911 4.4 Requested positions were then further assessed to determine opportunities to contract for the service rather than use an employment arrangement. It was found that attracting and retaining talent as well existing legal agreements with bargaining agents limit the benefit for the Corporation to move in this direction. 4.5 The Interim Chief Administrative Officer noted that the recommended positions had been vetted through these seven criteria and overall affordability considerations. He noted three projects would be undertaken in 2017 to build further efficiency, examine job design and role issues: • Service delivery reviews (subject to Budget approval); • Customer service improvement initiatives by each department; and • A deep review of the land development approval process. 4.6 Many of the recommended staffing increases would be conditional, the Interim Chief Administrative Officer noted, on the respective Department undertaking one or more of these evaluations. Municipality of Clarington Resort FND-001-17 Paae 6 4.7 In total, the Interim Chief Administrative Officer is now recommending: • 7 full time positions; • 2 full time positions being paid from sources other than Municipal taxation; • 4 part time positions; and • 1 position being moved from part time to full time. 4.8 The net cost of the new staffing is $563,200. This represents $14.65 a year or $1.22 a month per household for the average Clarington home owner. As consumers we are all mindful as to what a Clarington household would be giving up to address these risks and generate these benefits for their community. This net cost represents 31 % of the $1.8 million in assessment growth and a 1.4% increase in the overall budget for salary and benefits. 4.9 Below is a summary of the breakdown of the recommended positions showing total salary and benefits for each position: 7 full time positions: • Infrastructure Technologist: $98,400 • Financial Policy Analyst: $79,900 • Health & Safety/HR co-ordinator: $86,000 • Fire Fighter: $91,100 • Clerk II for Clerks Department customer enquiries and municipal law enforcement administration: $64,000 • Senior Planner for Development Reviews: $101,300 • Network Support Technician: $ 71,200 2 full time positions financed from other sources: • Senior Plans Examiner (financed by Building Permit revenues): $87,700 • Principal Planner in Community Planning to co-ordinate multiple secondary plans (to be paid through the Council approved approach of the development community paying for the preparation of these plans): $121,200 4 part-time positions: • Recreation programmer: $33,700 (linked to increased revenues) • Fitness Centre Programmer: $33,700 (linked to increased revenues) • 2 part-time Parks and Roads Labourers: $45,000 (for 2 positions) 1 position moving from part to full time: • Clerk 1 for data input on development tracking: $27,000 4.10 In conclusion, these positions are recommended after this extensive analysis and in recognition of what the Municipality needs to do to ensure its tax rates remain very Municipality of Clarington Report FND-001-17 Page 7 competitive and the community remains a good place to invest, work, visit and raise a family in this time of significant community transition. 5. Capital Budget Commentary 5.1 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed Capital Budget is $901,284 and is included partially in the Base Requirements in Attachment #1, partially in Priority B in Attachment #2 and the library portion in Attachment #3. It falls under the various categories due to the criticality of some of the individual capital items that make up the increase for 2017. The overall increase translates to a 1.78% tax levy impact. 1.27% is included in the Base Requirements, 0.49% is included in the Priority B, and 0.02% is under external agencies. These recommendations reflect the importance of capital funding that will be reinforced through our asset management plan work that will be forthcoming to Council. Significant discussion took place pertaining to the issue at the November 2016 Budget Education Session. 5.2 For Rural Roads, $250,000 has been included with $50,000 under base requirements as part of the Operations capital increase and $200,000 has been included under Priority B. This ties into resolution #3 of this report for a 0.5% increase for rural roads. Should Council not select item #4 of Attachment #2, the $50,000 in Attachment #1 would remain and result in a 0.1 % increase dedicated to rural roads. 5.3 The capital recommendations are incorporated into the detailed Budget pages and details of capital projects, by department, are found in the Draft Budget binder. 5.4 Federal gas tax proceeds have been incorporated into the Draft Capital Budget at $2,570,528. This will increase to $2,692,935 for the 2018 Budget. Interest earned in the reserve fund due to timing differences in the receipt of funds versus invoice payments have also been incorporated into the Budget. Formula based funding under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund has be incorporated under the Engineering section of the Capital Budget in the amount of $819,996. 5.5 Also included is a project under the Clean Water Wastewater Fund program (CWWF). This program is 50% federal, 25% provincial and 25% local. We have submitted up to our maximum eligibility for a total project of $1.22 million. This project is required to follow the federal incrementality rules so the municipal portion is reflected as tax levy in the amount of $305,000. The project relates to stormwater ponds and is timely in the sense that Clarington has a backlog of stormwater pond work that requires attention. 5.6 Finally, worthy of discussion pertaining to capital are two projects where debenture financing is recommended, the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex (RRC) and the Municipal Administrative Centre (MAC). As discussed at the Budget Education Session, both of these facilities have significant retrofit/replacement requirements that are detailed on the Capital Budget pages. Based on reviewing the status of reserve funds and implications for the tax levy, it is recommended that these two projects be debentured in 2017 and the work be completed in a comprehensive fashion rather than stagger pieces over multiple Budget years. Municipality of Clarington Resort FND-001-17 Paae 8 5.7 The Capital Budget is presented to Council for consideration and approval. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserves, Reserve Funds, Development Charges and tax levy. 6. Operating Budget Impacts 6.1 Consistent with any other major employer, as well as all other municipalities, Clarington is experiencing cost increases in areas such as wage increases, statutory benefit costs and maintenance of our significant asset base. Also of note is utility costs. The Operating Budget impacts are detailed in Attachment #1 to this report. 6.2 Staff have endeavoured to find offsetting revenue increases and expense decreases to alleviate the tax levy impact. These efforts are reflected in items #1 through #32 of Attachment #1. 6.3 Several items have been referred to the 2017 Budget during the latter part of 2016. These are reflected on Attachment #2 and include item #6 - Courtice CIP Development Charge Incentives, item #13 - Urban Forestry Plan, item #14 - Community Outdoor Skating Rinks and item #15 - Cemetery Foundation Repairs, for Council's consideration. 6.4 Consistent with prior years, interest revenue from the Strategic Capital funds were factored in so as to mitigate the tax levy in the amount of $230,000. This is slightly higher than last year due to a slight improvement in interest earned. Revenue increases for many departments, where possible, have been factored in and are reflected in Attachment #1. Two revenue items are referenced in Attachment #2 pertaining to fitness program revenue (item #1) and recreation program revenue (item #2). These are listed as priority B as they can only be accomplished if the related part time staff positions are selected as a priority B item. 6.5 For 2017, the Budget is reflecting no change to the Veridian dividends. The Budget does include the assessment growth for the Regional EFW facility. 6.6 On the expense side, reflected in Attachment #1, the Budget incorporates Council direction to redirect $550,000 from the savings from the change in benefit providers in 2016. $151,750 of this was accommodated in the partial year impact in 2016. The balance of $398,250 is a transfer into a new Reserve Fund for consideration in the future of an administrative services only (ASO) option for health benefits (item #43). The other items approved in 2016 having a direct bearing on the 2017 Budget is the balance of the Fire Inspector position approved with part of the funds in 2016 with the remaining to be funded in 2017 in the amount of $33,693 (item #41), the Clarington Board of Trade increase of $105,000 (item #46) and the approval to move to the ActiveNet software for recreation and facility booking. This is a $100,000 impact to the IT Budget and a $38,000 impact to the Community Services and Operations Budgets combined. 6.7 Also included in the 2017 Budget is the loss of the WSIB rebate (referred to as NEER) of $100,000 (Attachment #1, Item #35) and inclusion of a WSIB surcharge of $38,600 (Attachment #1, Item #44). This was referred to at the Budget Education Session in Municipality of Clarington Report FND-001-17 Page 9 November 2016. Also worthy of specific note is the Development Charges by-law incentives that need to be incorporated into the Budget due to uptake, particularly on the multi -residential side (item #65). 6.8 The Courtice Community Improvement Plan (CIP) proposed development charges incentive is reflected on Attachment #2. Council approved the Courtice CIP on November 21, 2016. The Courtice CIP has two grant programs identified within it that Council can implement; a Development Charges Grant program and a Tax Increment Grant program. The Tax Increment Grant program is to be funded through a portion of the revenue that would be garnered from the increase of assessment for a ten year period, once a completed project has fulfilled the grant criteria. The Development Charges Grant is required to be funded as part of the Operating Budget allocation. The value reflected as item #6 of Attachment #2 is necessary over ten years to finance the projected uptake based on the fiscal impact study. It does not include the tax increment grant portion as that would be reflected by an annual adjustment to the assessment growth revenue. The program will be structured to reflect whatever limit of funding that is approved by Council. 7. Debt Status 7.1 Current projected annual debt repayment obligations for 2017 Budget purposes total $4,000,815. This is comprised of debentures issued for the South Courtice Arena (final year), Bowmanville Indoor Soccer, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Community Care Durham space, the Newcastle Branch library, Green Road Grade Separation, Courtice Branch Library, the Newcastle and District Recreation Complex, as well as estimates for the retrofits/renovations required for the Municipal Administrative Centre and Pad A of the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. 7.2 The total principal amount outstanding at January 1, 2017 is $17,977,134. Anticipated new debentures in the course of 2017 based on Council approval would be an additional $2,306,809. This is well below the Municipality's debt limit prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 7.3 As Council is aware, annual growth is required to maintain the debenture repayment obligations where they are funded from development charges. As previously reported, due to limited growth numbers during the economic downturn, there remains interim borrowing from prior years that will need to be repaid from development charges collections in conjunction with maintaining annual debt repayments. 2017 is the last year for debenture payments for the South Courtice Arena. This will then create the needed funding envelope to repay the balance of the interim borrowing starting in 2018. 8. Municipal Grant and Sponsorship Programs 8.1 The Municipal Grant program and the Municipal Sponsorship Programs are administered through the Community Services Department. The Budget presented via this report includes $60,000 for the municipal grant program and $35,000 for the municipal sponsorship program. The funds are allocated based on Council direction when the Municipality of Clarington Report FND-001-17 Page 10 appropriate reports are brought forward in compliance with the approved policies for the two programs. 9. Reserves and Reserve Fund Contributions 9.1 Consistent with past practice, increases in reserve fund contributions are at times deemed appropriate to bolster balances in depleting reserve funds or to begin to put aside funds for an identified need. This is an important part of our asset management strategies. For 2017 there are several increases to the contributions that are deemed to be critical and therefore reflected as a base requirement in Attachment #1. 9.2 The first one of note is item #58 - Parking Lot Rehabilitation transfer to reserve fund. This is the necessary year two increase to address deterioration of all municipal owned parking lots. The first phase of the tax levy support for this plan occurred in 2016. The combined funds will provide for sufficient dollars to proceed with the first parking lot rehabilitation, Darlington Sports Centre. The funds will, in future, continue to fund the parking lots on a prioritized basis over a 35 year projection of needs. 9.3 The other proposed transfers are items #59 through #64 and are focussed on fleet and facilities deficiencies as well as increasing the transfer to the Election Reserve to cover the anticipated costs for the 2018 election. 9.4 Further policy work will be forthcoming with respect to reserve and reserve fund requirements in conjunction with our work on the Asset Management Plan. 10. External Agencies 10.1 The requests from the external agencies, including the Clarington Museum, Clarington Library, Visual Arts Centre, Bowmanville Older Adults Association, etc. are detailed in the External Agencies section of the Draft Operating Budget for Council to consider their requests on an individual basis. They are summarized in Attachment #3 to this report. The increase in Budget requests for external agencies total $143,439 for 2017 which is a 0.28% total municipal levy increase. Individual percentages vary widely from the 2016 approved grants. The agencies were provided the opportunity to address Council on their 2017 requests on Friday, January 27th, 2017. 11. Mayor's Golf Tournament and "For the Love of Art" Events 11.1 As approved in the 2015 Budget, for the remaining term of Council, the net proceeds of the Mayor's Golf Tournament are to be directed to the Clarington Project of Oshawa/Clarington Community Living for 2017 and the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation in 2018. The "For the Love of Art" event net proceeds are divided equally between the Clarington Visual Arts Centre and The Gift of Art. Municipality of Clarington Resort FND-001-17 Paae 11 12. 2017 Accrual Based Budget for PSAB per Ontario Regulation 284/09 12.1 Public Sector Accounting Board annual reporting requirements for municipal Budgets require that certain accrual based items be reported to Council in conjunction with the Budget for 2011 onwards. 12.2 Accrual based expenses that are excluded from the 2017 tax based budget include post - employment benefits and amortization of capital assets. Other items to transfer to a PSAB Budget include tangible capital asset acquisitions and accounting treatment of debt principal payments. 12.3 There is no immediate financial impact of these PSAB additions or reductions since the tax based budget approves necessary funds to provide municipal services for 2017, but there are longer term implications. 12.4 The estimated change to the accumulated surplus at the end of 2017 resulting from the above items is as follows: PSAB Additions to the 2017 Budaet Tangible Capital Asset Amortization Post -employment Benefit Estimate Total PSAB Additions PSAB Reductions to the 2017 B Tangible Capital Asset Acquisitions Debt Principal Payments Total PSAB Reductions (Increase) Decrease in Accumulated Surplus 13. Conclusion $17,917,170 $ 1,022,838 $18,940,008 ($25,305,048) ($ 3,358,024) ($28,663,072) ($ 9,723,604) This report and accompanying documents are intended to provide Council with the information necessary to make strategic decisions and ultimately adopt a Budget for the 2017 year. 14. Strategic Plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan. Municipality of Clarington Resort FND-001-17 Submitted by: Nancy Taylor, BBA, CPA, CA, Director of Finance/Treasurer Officer Paae 12 Reviewed by: Curry Clifford, MPA, CMO Interim Chief Administrative Staff Contact: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer, 905-623-3379 ext 2602 or ntaylor@clarington.net Attachments: Attachment #1 — 2017 Base Requirements Attachment #2 — Priority B Items for Consideration Attachment #3 — External Agencies 2017 Requests Attachment #4 - How each $100 of the Clarington local levy is allocated in the 2017 Draft Budget Attachment #5 — Comparative Statistical Information on Cost Drivers Attachment #6 — Comparable BMA Study Statistics Municipality of Clarington 2017 Draft Budget 2017 Base Requirements Attachment #1 to FN D-001-17 Description Amount Revenue Increases: 1 Preliminary Assessment Growth (incl ed retained) -1,439,083 2 Preliminary EFW Assessment (incl ed retained) -496,981 3 Increase to Supplementary Taxation Revenue -70,000 4 Increase in Linear Rights of Way Taxation Revenue -50,000 5 Contribution from Prof. Fees Reserve for CAO Executive Search -40,000 6 Increase in Investment Income -15,000 7 Bylaw Enforcement Fines Revenue -8,000 8 Increase in Burial Permit Revenue -4,000 9 Finance Miscellaneous Service charges revenue -38,000 10 Increase in Revenue re: OPG Junior Firefighter Program -5,000 11 Net increase in Building Division Revenue -30,000 12 Increase in Entrance Culvert Revenue -12,000 13 Facilities Revenue Increases -28,735 14 Aquatic Program Revenue Increase -83,200 15 Fitness Program Revenue Increase -12,250 16 Recreation Programs Revenue Increase -11,000 17 Increase to Planning Revenues -39,475 -2,382,724 Expense Decreases: 18 Extended Health Benefits -631,078 19 Heat -13,750 20 Playing Field Lighting -10,000 21 Photocopier Lease savings net of toner estimate -10,000 22 Health and Safety savings -2,000 23 Reduction in Animal Services commission expense -11,000 24 Reduction to Consolidated Staff Development -13,900 25 Savings on VISA charges due to Activenet -18,500 26 Fire Adminstration telephone savings -35,000 27 Fire Uniform savings -5,000 28 Fire Communications/Radio -5,000 29 Emergency Operations Centre and Emergency Measures Savings -15,000 30 Engineering Admin Development Savings -20,000 31 Building Services Various Savings -8,000 32 Minor Adjustments to Various Line Items -30,833 1 7 Municipality of Clarington 2017 Draft Budget Attachment #1 to 2017 Base Requirements FND-001-17 Description Amount Revenue Losses: Loss of RRC Multi Purpose Rental RE: Renovations 10,000 Loss of Provincil Offences Act Revenue 5,000 Loss of NEER Rebate (WSIB) 100,000 Reduction in Dog/Cat Licenses 50,000 Reduction in Penalty and Interest on Taxes 50,000 Cemeteries Revenue Decrease 4,500 Reduced Rentals at Bowmanville Indoor Soccer 25.000 Expense Increases: Salary Agreements and Arbitration Decisions, Grid Changes 851,E Balance of New Positions in 2016 Budget (Fire Inspector) 33,E Statutory Benefits 128,C Transfer to Administrative Services Option Reserve Fund 398,2 WSIB Surcharge 38,E Fire Arbitration benefit increase 31,1 Clarington Board of Trade Increase 105,0 Hydro 118,4 Water/Sewer 18,E Streetlighting Hydro and Maintenance 47,C Energy Master Plan Savings transfer to reserve fund 17,2 Ontario 1 call 5,C IT Capital (ActiveNet conversion, mandatory licences) 161,1 Fire Capital (confined space rescue and SCBA increase) 46,F Engineering Capital 23,4 Operations Capital 22,E Community Services Capital 82,4 Tax Levy Support to Debt for MAC and RRC 180,C Parking Lot Rehab Transfer to R/F 185,C Community Services Transfer to R/F 50,C Increase to Election Reserve Transfer 10,C Increase to Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund 50,C Increase to Fire Equipment Reserve Fund 50,C Increase to Facilities Maintenance Reserve Fund 50,C Increase to Operations Equipment Reserve Fund 50,C DC Bylaw. Incentives 250,C Tourism- Canada 150 Event 2,f Grand Total 852,2531 Tax Levy Impact on Percentage Basis 1.69%1 January -06-17 DN: Finance Admin/2017budget/2017 rate increase summary.xlsx Municipality of Clarington 2017 Draft Budget 2017 Base Requirements Description Attachment #1 to 11 FN D-001-17 Amount 67 Phone cost increase 10,000 68 Post Employment Benefits 50,000 69 HR Legal 15,000 70 HR Service Charges 6,600 71 IT Software Maintenance Contracts 20,000 72 CLD Admin Prof. Fees- Ombusdman, Closed Meeting Investigator 4,000 73 Bylaw Contracted Services 5,000 74 Bylaw Fencing due to enforcement issue 4,000 75 Postage Increase for Taxation 10,000 76 Professional Fees- CAO Recruitment 40,000 77 Increase to Tax Write off expense 50,000 78 Fire Dispatch Contract 40,000 79 Operations Activenet transaction fees 2,100 80 Boulevard Grass Cutting 15,000 81 Parks Grass Cutting 10,300 82 Painting of Park Structures 10,000 83 Baseball Field Resurfacing 15,000 84 Storm Sewer Cleaning 5,000 85 Valleycrest Drive Catchbasin cleaning 13,000 86 Sidewalk- Mill St 3,000 87 Rural Road Tree Pruning 20,000 88 Block Tree Removal 20,000 89 Sidewalk/walkway Fencing 4,000 90 Line Painting 10,000 91 Sign Reflectivity 20,000 92 Storm Water Capital to Maximize Grant Funding at 50/25/25 305,000 93 Community Services ActiveNet transaction fees 35,900 94 CSD Canada 150 Event 7,500 95 Planning Increase to postage and Miscellaneous 6,800 96 Tax Levy Portion of Secondary plans and subwatershed studies 55,000 3,819,538 Grand Total 852,2531 Tax Levy Impact on Percentage Basis 1.69%1 January -06-17 DN: Finance Admin/2017budget/2017 rate increase summary.xlsx I 2017 Draft Budget PrioritV B Items for Consideration Attachment #2 to FN D-001-17 1 Fitness Program Revenue Increase 2 Recreation Programs Revenue Increase 3 New Staffing Proposals 4 Rural Roads Resurfacing 5 Land Acquisition Increase over Prior year 6 Courtice CIP Proposed DC Incentive 7 Service Delivery Review Program 8 Customer Relationship Management Project 9 Space Needs Assessment Design, consulting and temporary accomod 10 Tourism- GO Transit Advertising Campaign 11 Fire- Station 1 Kitchen and painting various stations 12 Station 1 Dryer and Fridge 13 Urban Forestry Plan 14 Community Outdoor Skating Rinks 15 Cemetery Foundation Repairs 16 Building Services Demolish Quonset Hut 17 Building Rental for Remote Fitness Program January -05-17 DN: Finance Admin/2017budget/2017 rate increase summary.xlsx -36,750 -33,000 563,200 200.000 1 55,000 7,500 7,500 11,000 50,000 1,500 5,000 20,000 7,200 1,109,1501 Attachment #3 to F ND -001-17 Municipality of Clarington External Agencies - 2017 Requests 2016 2017 Increase Increase Approved Request ($) (%) Clarington Public Library 2,950,328 3,016,710 66,382 2.25% Clarington Library- Capital Tax Levy 104,286 114,176 9,890 9.48% Bowmanville Older Adult Association 255,000 310,000 55,000 21.57% Clarington Museums 282,643 282,643 (0) 0.00% Visual Arts Centre 206,714 211,881 5,167 2.50% John Howard Society / Firehouse Youth 57,200 61,200 4,000 6.99% Community Care Durham 39,500 40,500 1,000 2.53% Newcastle Community Hall 20,000 22,000 2,000 10.00% Orono emete Board 10,000 10,000 - 0.00% 3,925,671 4,069,110 143,439 Percentage Increase on Municipal Tax Levy 0.28% dn: FinanceAdmin/2017 budget/2017 rate increase summary.xls 5 -Jan -17 Attachment #4 to F ND -001-17 N O � N m ti v F W W U Z Q Z uj GOD N Z m Y Q O J DC N W Q N Q O N � F F+ J C O Ln V'1 W W F > m Vl O J m N m N m i N W O ,LL (G U ON O c -I 00 m O W m w O m Ln VT m to O V Ln .-i O n W W W u N O 0 Y 00 i/} i u m W 5 O _ i6 z Q O W U K V1 W LL W o w o W Q a O O z Z z — J d Q u N O Q w t Y Q m J Z z Z Q w } z O w z Z - Z QQ G W H Z_ In U K In Z w w z c7 Z w W J U N p Q U Z SO ` 0� F w G w U LLO W Z Y c a N U K VI J Q Q z Z > W N H W 0 R O C7 Z In O U O r F w d O J > 0 u p z O N z K O >- z 0 u < a Vi Q Q� W G U Z x QU w Z O W Z Q a J W Q) J U Q W O. K U_ Z F ND -001-17 Attachment #5 — Comparative Statistical Information on Cost Drivers Source: 2015 Municipal Financial Information Returns # of Residents Served Per Employee- 2015 400 350 $1,800.00 _ .. $1,600.00 $1,400.00 -- $1,200.00 _ ... $1,000.00 ---- $600.00 ----- $400.00 ---- $200.00 Municipal Spending Per Resident- 2015 Clarington Oshawa Whitby Ajax Pickering Halton Calecon Niagara Hills Falls Attachment #5 to FND-001-17 Road Maintenance Cost per Lane KM- 2015 $35,000 $30,000 ._... ..... _..... _.- __.... __. _...... $25,000 ..... _......... $20,000 .................... $15,000 __......_.. $10,000 ...... _...... $5,000 ........_._ _.. Clarington Oshawa Whitby Ajax Pickering Halton Calecon Niagara Hills Falls Attachment #5 to F ND -001-17 Attachment #6 — Comparable BMA Study Statistics Property Taxes as a Percentage of Income Milton $3,195 26% Low Halton Hills $3,804 3.0% Low Caledon $ 4,377 ... 3.3% Low Clarington $ 3,808 3.5% Mid Niagara Falls $2,649 3.5% Mid Newmarket $ 4,143 3.6% Mid Whitby $ 4,575 3.7% Mid Pickering $ 4,683 3.9% High Oshawa $ 3,836 4.5% High Property Tax Comparisons Detached bungalow — 2016 Municipality 2016 Property Taxes Milton _ $ 2,992 Niagara Falls $ 3,186 Clarington $ 3,289 Halton Hills $3,378 Caledon $ 3,507 Newmarket $ 3,643 Whitby $ 4,041 Oshawa $ 4,123 Pickering $ 4,737 As rage —overall $ 3,123 A4 rage—population 5QWG.9%999 $3,236 GTA Average Relative Tax Burden Low Mid Mid Mid High High High High High Mid Attachment #6 to FN D-001-17 Property Tax Comparisons Storey Horse — 2016 Municipality Z015 Property Taxes Milton $3,01 Caledon $4,176 Clarington $4,295 Niagara Falls $4,429 Halton Hills $4,439 Newmarket $4,622 Whitby $4,417 Oshawa $5,037 Pickering $5,38ff Average—overall $4,395 Average- population50,000�9%tln $4,531 GTA Average $4,630 Property Tax Comparisons Senior Executive Home - 2016 Municipality 2016 Property Taxes Milton $4,551 Caledon $4,503 Clarington $5,216 Niagara Fal Is $5,443 Newmarket $5,876 Halton H l l is $6,191 Whitby $6,237 Oshawa $6,292 Pickering $6,796 Average— overall $6,042 Average— population 50,000.99,994 $5,813 GTA Average $6,395 Relative Tax Burden Low Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid High High High RelaVvaTax Burden Low Low Low Law Mid High High High High Attachment #6 to FND-001-17 2 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 2017 Draft Operating and Capital Overall Summaries Corporate Organizational Chart 3 By -Law at final Operating Capital Budget Summary 4 Reserve Funds Summary 6 Reserves Summary 9 Reserve & Reserve Fund Contribution 10 Historical Comparison — Taxable Assessment 11 Historical Comparison —Yearly Comparison of Residential Tax Rate 12 -1�7ll �Oa 1.dmg rhe Way Heather CLERK I I DIRECTOR Anne Greentree Joseph Cama CORPORATE ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 Janet DIRECTOR Clifford 1 I Jane Pascoe DIRECTORI I DIRECTOR I I N DIRECTOR I I Andrew Alliso Gord Weir Tonv Cannella Mayor Adrian Foster Regional Councillor, Wards 7 and 2 Joe Neal Regional Councillor, Wards 3 and 4 Willie Woo Councillor, Ward 1 Steven Cooke Councillor, Ward 2 Ron Hooper Councillor, Ward 3 Corinna Traill Councillor, Ward 4 Wendy Partner DIRECTOR 1 1 DIRECTOR 4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON m 2017 DRAFT BUDGET REVENUE: Proposed Tax Levy Estimated Growth Non -Departmental Administrator's Office Legal Corporate Services Clerk's Finance & Unclassified Administration Emergency Services - Fire Engineering Services Operations Community Services Planning Services Clarington Library Board Clarington Museums TOTAL REVENUE - MUNICIPAL ONLY CAPITAL CURRENT TOTAL 6,364,130 46,266,938 52,631,068 - 1,936,064 1,936,064 - 13,049,632 13,049,632 - 165,500 165,500 - 69,000 69,000 180,000 3,000 183,000 25,000 685,900 710,900 - 1,552,000 1,552,000 820,000 85,000 905,000 10, 856,795 1,463, 000 12, 319,795 4,046,809 684,800 4,731,609 1,559,900 5,002,965 6,562,865 65,000 475,475 540,475 267,589 - 267,589 24,185,223 71,439,274 TOTAL CAPITAL & CURRENT REVENUE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 95,624,497 EXPENDITURE: Mayor & Council Administrator's Office Legal Corporate Services Clerk's Finance & Unclassified Administration Emergency Services - Fire Engineering Services Operations Community Services Planning Services Clarington Library Board Cultural Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 892,144 892,144 2,165,278 2,165,278 417,242 417,242 460,500 3,983,467 4,443,967 25,000 3,183,258 3,208,258 - 5,568,835 5,568,835 993,200 12, 073, 870 13, 067, 070 13,550,049 4,723,349 18,273,398 6,038,809 15,851,835 21,890,644 1,937, 900 14,486,233 16,424,133 798,000 4,072,829 4,870,829 381,765 3,086,710 3,468,475 - 934,224 934,224 24,185,223 71,439,274 TOTAL CAPITAL & CURRENT EXPENDITURE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 95,624,497 NET LEVY 5 Total from Overall Summary in Draft Budget Document IItems Not Posted in Budget Worksheets until Final Approval: Tax Levy support to Capital New Staffing Requests Estimated Assessment Growth 2017 Total Tax Levy 2016 Total Tax Levy Net Increase over 2016 Percentage Increase in Budget Report (inclusive of $ 6,364,130 $ 563,200 $ (1.936.064) $ 52,631,068 1 $ 50,526,226 $ 2,104,842 1 dn:Finance Admin/2017 budget/2017 rate increase summary.xlsx Reserve Funds 2017 Budget January 5, 2017 Account # Name 2016 2017 Balance (Estimated) I Expenditures Contributions Est Revenues/ (Projected) Capital Operating Balance From General Trsf Btwn R/F 2017 General j 502 Economic Development 488,831 (111,331)] 50,000 427,500 510 Strategic Capital 9,843,205 9,843,205 511 Municipal Capital Works 1,800,343 (1,079,794) 535,000 1,255,549 515 Debenture Retirement 242,565 (16,353) 226,212 528 Impact / Escrow 24,543 1 24,543 567 ASO Benefits 151,750 1 398,250 550,000 512 General Municipal 2,282,840 (100,000) (250,000)] 49,200 1,982,040 554 Rate Stabilization 2,968,779 (800,000)' I 2,1.68,779 521 Computer Equipment 337,990 (140,000) 100,000 297,990 18,140,846 1 16,775,818 Sub -Total General 1 787,568 787,568 537 Clarington Station A Account 1 568 Mun Gov't Ent- Other 108,475 1 47,277 155,752 Clerk's I I 501 Parking Lot 757,691 (25,000) (277,000) 280,000 735,691 523 Animal Services Capital 93,665 7,000 100,665 525 Clerk Fleet 15,807 5,000 20,807 Fire j 522 Fire Equipment 1,154,141 (805,000) I 375,000 724,141 565 Community Emergency Management 218,008 ' � 218,008 Engineering 503 Roads Capital 223,444 1 223,444 513 Engineering Inspection 2,215,297 (482,763) 1,732,534 514 Roads Contributions 197,278 1 197,278 517 Engineering Parks Capital 157,685 (75,000) (7,850)1 74,835 520 Cemeteries Capital 17,840 5,000 22,840 557 Federal Gas Tax Receipts 89,285 (2,634,000) 2,570,528 25,813 558 Building Division 1,364,593 (10,000 1,354,593 505 Engineering Fleet 91,013 1 5,000 96,013 564 Engineering Review 191,006 (40,000)1 151,006 566 Parking Lot Rehabilitation 126,710 (315,000) 1 310,000 121,710 4,674,150 4,000,066 Sub -Total Operations 516 Facilities/ Parks Maintenance 349,060 (310,000) 328,000 367,060 524 Operations Equipment 1,442,207 (1,015,000) I 159,500 586,707 Reserve Funds January 5, 2017 2017 Budget Account # Name 2016 2017 Balance (Estimated) Expenditures Contributions Est Revenues/ (Projected) lCapital IZperating Balance From General Trsf Btwn R/F 2017 563 Stormwater Mgmt Pond Mtnce 20,880 1 20,880 1,812,148 974,648 Sub -Total I Community Services I j 560 CSD Building Refurbishment 190,672 85,000 275,672 518 Community Services Capital 353,747 (270,900) 325,000 407,847 539 Older Adults Programming 35,873 I 35,873 Planning j 504 Parkland Cash In Lieu 1,148,057 j 1,148,057 507 Westside/ Bowmanville Marsh 56,171 j 56,171 508 Newcastle Waterfront 11,476 11,476 526 Port Granby LLRW Agreement 155,517 155,517 561 Beautification/ Tree Planting 8,548 I 8,548 556 Community Improvement Plan 171,429 I 12,500 183,929 1,551,198 1,563,698 Sub -Total j Library 542 543 Library Capital Library Computer Equipment 1,142,941 266,542 (130,000) (10,000) 30,000 I 1,042,941 256,542 Museums/ Cemeteries/ Other j 549 Newcastle Arena - Operating 2,370 j 2,370 544 Museum Capital - Bowmanville 62,664 3,000 65,664 545 Museum Capital - Clarke 59,916 j 3,000 62,916 547 Bowmanville B.I.A. 14,302 14,302 548 Newcastle B.I.A. 128,546 128,546 575 Orono B.I.A. 76,624 I 76,624 - 559 Irene Rinch Trust - NCH 165,173 j 165,173 553 Montague Trust - NCH 20,459 j 20,459 530,054 536,054 Sub -Total Sub - Total 31,833,527 (6,919,694) (1,985,297) 3,112,727 2,570,528 28,611,791 Development Charges 1 580 General Government 532,275 (27,000) (495,000) 10,275 581 Public Library 451,661 (127,589) (140,786)1 183,286 582 Emergency Services 3,469,041 (15,000) j 3,454,041 583 Indoor Recreation (3,029,023) (2,802,378)] (5,831,401) 584 ENG - Park Development & Facilities 1,170,661 (778,500) (13,500) 378,661 585 Operations 1,377,551 (76,500) 1 1,301,051 Reserve Funds January 5, 2017 2017 Budget Account # Name 2016 2017 24,887,486 1,608,677 Balance (Projected) 2017 (Estimated) Balance Expenditures Contributions Capital Operating From General Est Revenues/ Trsf Btwn R/F 586 Roads & Related 587 Parking Total Development Charges Total Reserve Funds 9,724,295 330,664 (4,394,655) (609,407) I 4,720,233 330,664 14,027,126 (5,419,244) (4,061,070) - - 4,546,811 45,860,652 (12,338,938) (6,046,368)Jj 3,112,727 11 2,570,528 33,158,602 Unavailable/ Restricted 527 Municipal Government Enterprise 552 and 562 Perpetual Care & Hampton Union 24,887,486 1,627,177 (18,500)1 24,887,486 1,608,677 Total 72,375,315 (12,338,938) (6,064,868) 3,112,727 2570 528 59,654,765 Reserves 2017 Budget Account # Name 2016 Balance 100 -X -X -X- Available Expenditures Capital Operating Contributions From General Transfers 113twn. Funds (Projected) 2017 Fund Name General 2902 Self Insured Losses 567,435 2903 Municipal Acquisition of Property 542,619 2905 Tax Write-off 456,045 2917 General Capital 245,743 2924 Legal Fees 268,709 2933 Clarington Heritage Committee 7,781 2926 Consulting / Professional Fees 196,580 (65,000) (3,000) (40,650) 40,000 75,000 2,500 567,435 517,619 531,045 248,243 268,709 7,781 152,930 Self Insured Losses Municipal Acquisition of Property Tax Write-off General Capital Legal Fees Clarington Heritage Committee Consulting / Professional Fees 2,293,762 2,284,912 Clerk's 2906 Records Maintenance 87,663 10,000 97,663 Records Maintenance 2928 Election Expenses 181,812 100,000 281,812 Election Expenses Fire 2908 Fire Prevention Reserve 2,132 2,132 Fire Prevention Reserve Roads & Parks 2918 Pits & Quarries 52,009 (350,000) 300,000 2,009 Pits & Quarries 2919 Rural Road Rehabilitation 1,668 1,668 Rural Road Rehabilitation 2927 Park Development 812 812 Park Development 2931 Burketon Park Improvements 7,569 2932 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area 49 7,569 49 Burketon Park Improvements Samuel Wilmot Nature Area 62,107 12,107 Total Reserves 2,618,626 2,687,476 Total Reserves (418,000) (40,650) 527,500 DN: 2017 Budget'Res'RF January 5, 2017 10 2017 Operating- Reserve & Reserve Fund Contributions 05 -Jan -17 Total Summary Reserve Funds Reserve Reserves Development Engineering Other Name Funds Charges & Inspection Reserves Name General Government Rate Stabilization 800,000 800,000 800,000 Rate Stabilization Debt Retirement 16,353 16,353 16,353 Debt Retirement Library debt retirement 140,786 140,786 140,786 Growth related studies 495,000 495,000 495,000 Veridian Interest 250,000 250,000 250,000 General Municipal Perpetual Care Interest 18,500 18,500 18,500 Perpetual Care Senior Planner Contract 111,331 111,331 111,331 Economic Development CAO Recruitment 40,000 40,000 40,000 Professional fees Fire TAPP C Funding 650 650 650 Professional Fees Clerk Parking Enforcement 277,000 277,000 277,000 Parking Lot Community Services South Courtice Debenture 1,069,667 1,069,667 1,069,667 Indoor Soccer Debenture 147,179 147;179 147,179 Newcastle Facility Debenture 1,585,532 1,585,532 1,585,532 Engineering Engineering Contribution re Admin.&consulting 415,000 415,000 375,000 40,000 Engineering Review Engineering Tech Salary Offset 107,763 107;763 107,763 Engineering design - growth projects 75,000 75,000 75,000 Green Road Debenture 534,407 534,407 534,407 Clar fields washroom maintenance 7,850 7,850 7,850 Eng Parks Parks Design 13,500 13,500 13,500 6,105,518 6,064,868 40,650 4,061,071 482,763 1,521,034 40,650 Total Contributions to Operating 05 -Jan -17 Municipality of Clarington (Based on ap likable assessment year) Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Increase Residential/Farm/Multi Residei Commercial/Shopping Class 6,960,416;743 476,328,553 7,359,815,544 513,091,922 7,777,663;382 586,281,654 8,263;183,153 623,423,008 8,768,511,812: 9145 549 158. 9 585 ,089;172' 10,026;233,962 ' 10,889, 13,519 4 90'.-60/0 9:5% 00.0% Industrial/Large Industrial 199,840,763 216,758,375 219,806,1%20. 231,927,832: 642,576,625 234,321;912 714,484,461 232,243;646 747,824,151 23.5,241;495 763,224,072 817,347,046 268,900,045 Pipelines/Managed Forest EXempt 51,465;343 55;455,4.8.6 57,865,198 61,493,97-, 62 932;953 66,224,961 69;295;337 .241,291;328 73;368,600 78,456,589, 285,893,561 299,975,387 329,311;901 359,301,315 358,308,$61 405,551;067 434,606,217 451,974,483. 484,935,997:.` Total 7,973,944,963 8,445,096,714 8,970,928, 155 9,639, . 329 278. 10,001 658;163 10 564 053,29.3. 11,072,056 372 11,656 . 092,445 12,539 . 053,196 Increase 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 4.81 Ok 4.37° 2017 Residential/Farm/Multi Residei Commerical/Industrial/Pipeline Total (excludes exempt) 90'.-60/0 9:5% 00.0% 90 4°10 9.6% 100.0% 90 0% 10.0% 00.0° 90.0% 10.0% 0° 90 3, . 9.7% 100.0% 90.0% 10.06/0 100.0° 90.1% . 9.9% 100.0% 90.3% 9:7% 0:0° 90 3%: 9.76/o 00. ° 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Residential/Farm/Multi Residei Commerical/Industrial/Pipeline Total (excludes exempt) 90'.-60/0 9:5% 00.0% 90 4°10 9.6% 100.0% 90 0% 10.0% 00.0° 90.0% 10.0% 0° 90 3, . 9.7% 100.0% 90.0% 10.06/0 100.0° 90.1% . 9.9% 100.0% 90.3% 9:7% 0:0° 90 3%: 9.76/o 00. ° 12 Yearl Comparison of Residential Ta;Rate i 2009 to 2012 represent a four year phase-in of reassessment values, 2013 to 2016 also is a four-year phase-in, 2017 to.2020 four year -phase-in Tax Rate Year Year Year Year Year Year Year. Year Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2614 2015 2016 2017 Municipal Region Education 0.425 0.768 0.252 0.422 0:752 0.241 0.423 0.744 0.231 0.425 0.738 0.221 0:430 0.735 0.2120.203 0.433 0.724. 0.437 0.709 0.195. 0.443 0.699 0.188 at final Total 1&4§ 1:415 1=3H 1.384 1.377 1.360341 1.330 Increase in Taxes (%) Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 2009. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ..2015 2016 2017 Municipal Region Education - -1 59 -0.53 --4_55 0.60 =2.07 -4_37 0.27 -1:13 -4_15 0.46 -0.79 -4_33 1.14 -0.35 4.0707-4_25 0.83 -1.54 0.92 -2.09 -3_94 1.15 -1.34 --3_59 at Fina' OVERALL -1.57 -2.04 - .23- .00 -0.49 -1.22 -0.86 A_ pportlonment of Tax Dollar Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 2009 20.10. 20.1.1 2012 2013 2014 :2015 2016` 2017 Municipal Region - Education $0:27 $0,50 0.23 , $0.28 $686 0.22 $0.28 $0.50 0.22 0.20 . $0.29 $0.50 X2_1 , $0.30 $0,50 $0.30 $0,50 0.20 $0.31 $0.50 $0.31 $0.50 0:19 at final 00 st6o 1.00: 1.0 1.0 SI00 .00 1.00 2009 to 2012 represent a four year phase-in of reassessment values, 2013 to 2016 also is a four-year phase-in, 2017 to.2020 four year -phase-in 13 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 2017 Draft Operating Budget Departments Revenue 15 Mayor and Council 29 Administration 32 Legal Department 39 Corporate Services 42 Clerks Department 52 Finance / Unclassified Administration 65 Emergency Services 71 Engineering Department 82 Operations Department 92 Community Services 115 Planning Services 139 Levies / Business Improvement Areas 146 Clarington Library 152 Museums and Art 160 External Agencies 179 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarington:GENEXAL FUND 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE r F REVENUE: (144,000.00) (101,570.00) UNASSIGNED -REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 185,152.11 0.00 PSAB-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (175,353,394.75) (65,224,602.02) NON -DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS - REVENUE (168,193,360.00) (173,203,096.00) (13,049,632.00) 160,153,464.00 (202,733.87) (266,552.54) ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE - REVENUE (85,500.00) (85,500.00) (165,500.00) (80,000.00) (116,599.98) (115,384.56) LEGAL OFFICE - REVENUE (105,000.00) (69,000.00) (69,000.00) 0.00 (264,858.13) (3,355.61) CORPORATE SERVICES - REVENUE (100,500.00) (189,200.00) (3,000.00) 186,200.00 (981,137.54) (935,620.72) CLERK'S - REVENUE (629,300.00) (708,900.00) (685,900.00) 23,000.00 (1,701,934.41) (1,562,797.15) FINANCE& UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN - REVENUE (1,564,000.00) (1,564,000.00) (1,552,000.00) 12,000.00 (153,151.40) (261,619.47) EMERGENCY SERVICES - FIRE - REVENUE (49,000.00) (80,000.00) (85,000.00) (5,000.00) (2,645,613.47) (3,118,139.56) ENGINEERING SERVICES - REVENUE (1,359,500.00) (1,381,500.00) (1,463,000.00) (81,500.00) (901,233.11) (1,827,817.60) OPERATIONS - REVENUE (606,100.00) (677,300.00) (684,800.00) (7,500.00) (4,878,308.09) (4,635,730.17) COMMUNITY SERVICES - REVENUE (4,708,215.00) (4,822,200.00) (5,002,965.00) (160,765.00) (442,640.41) (538,775.45) PLANNING SERVICES - REVENUE (405,000.00) (436,000.00) (475,475.00) (39,475.00) 0.00 (112,526,290.91) LEVIES -REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (1,646,158.00) (1,646,158.00) 0.00 (199,200.06) UNASSIGNED - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (203,300.00) (203,300.00) (187600453.05) (191317455.82) Total REVENUE (177,805,475.00) (183216,696.00) (25,085,730.00) 158,130,966.00 EXPENDITURE: 876,863.06 830,366.38 MAYOR - EXPENDITURE 903,733.00 908,605.00 892,144.00 (16,461.00) 829,541.86 2,445,902.37 ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE - EXPENDITURE 747,794.00 746,676.00 2,333,378.00 1,586,702.00 430,935.53 432,053.34 LEGAL OFFICE - EXPENDITURE 462,087.00 417,659.00 417,242.00 (417.00) 4,887,038.22 3,752,570.25 CORPORATE SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 4,718,536.00 4,930,326.00 3,826,267.00 (1,104,059.00) 3,300,862.93 3,096,159.95 CLERK'S - EXPENDITURE 2,914,872.00 3,074,911.00 3,119,258.00 44,347.00 8,138,909.86 4,745,704.89 FINANCE& UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN - EXPENDITURE 4,731,304.00 4,919,741.00 5,488,935.00 569,194.00 13,153,827.95 11,996,105.89 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FIRE - EXPENDITURE 11,506,881.00 11,815,340.00 11,982,770.00 167,430.00 17,061,990.91 7,083,367.93 ENGINEERING SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 6,806,580.00 7,065,346.00 4,624,949.00 (2,440,397.00) 21,884,928.13 16,892,165.91 OPERATIONS - EXPENDITURE 16,052,489.00 16,931,470.00 15,806,835.00 (1,124,635.00) 16,054,909.21 14,178,209.94 COMMUNITY SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 13,578,789.00 14,247,155.00 14,418,833.00 171,678.00 4,055,390.69 3,866,757.97 PLANNING SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 3,980,012.00 4,141,092.00 3,944,529.00 (196,563.00) 109,189,612.54 112,526,285.45 LEVIES -EXPENDITURE 107,432,140.00 110,026,704.00 1,646,158.00 (108,380,546.00) 0.00 199,200.00 .UNASSIGNED - EXPENDITURE 0.00 0:00 203,300.00 203,300.00 3,362,383.63 3,265,327.99 LIBRARIES - EXPENDITURE 3,066,764.00 3,124,614.00 3,086,710.00 (37,904.00) 485,762.00 494,168.65 MUSEUMS&ARTS - EXPENDITURE 485,762.00 495,357.00 500,524.00 5,167.00 362,732.00 371,700.00 EXTERNAL AGENCIES - EXPENDITURE 417,732.00 371,700.00 433,700.00 62,000.00 204075,688.52 186176046.91 Total EXPENDITURE 177,805,475.00 183,216,696.00 72,725,532.00 (110,491,164.00) 16475,235.47 (5141,408.91) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 47,639802.00 47,639,802.00 r F BUDGET Wf .G PAPERS Clarington: NON -DE PARTM ENTAL 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET 01110117 INCREASE (53,531,786.89) (57,572,924.94) REVENUE: MUNICIPAL TAXATION - REVENUE (53,048,526.00) (55,690,829.00) (5,284,645.00) 60,406,184.00 (79,949,617.22) 0.00 REGIONAL TAXATION - REVENUE (78,659,942.00) (80,905,270.00) 0.00 80,905,270.00 (29,045,766.24) 0.00 SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION - REVENUE (28,577,098.00) (28,922,234.00) 0.00 28,922,234.00 0.00 0.00 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TAXATION -REVENUE (870.00) 0.00 0.0010.00 (194,230.26) 0.00 BIA TAXATION - REVENUE (194,230.00) (199,200.00) 0.00 199,200.00 (944,081.05) (113,410.05) GRANTS -REVENUE (463,429.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (56,495.64) (44,772.48) FEES SERV.CHGS-OTHER MUN. - REVENUE (33,000.00) (33,000.00) (36,000.00) (3,000.00) (328,669.75) (348,868.18) FEES SERV.CHGS-AGGREGATE ANNUAL FEES - REVENUE (300,000.00) (300,000.00) (300,000.00) 10.00 (9,755,872.63) (5,811,449.44) CONTRIBUTIONS - REVENUE (5,573,121.00) (5,839,274.00) (6,105,518.00) (266,244.00) (105,413.73) (64,395.09) RENTAL INCOME - REVENUE (106,944.00) (51,589.00) (51,769.00) (180.00) (139,191.38) (65,926.00) FINES -REVENUE (97,000.00) (82,500.00) (77,500.00) 5,000.00 (1,302,007.96) (1,202,346.54) INVESTMENT INCOME - REVENUE (1,139,200.00) (1,179,200.00) (1,194,200.00) (15,000.00) (262.00) (509.30) OTHER -REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 ',0.00 (175,353,394.75) (65224,602.02) Total REVENUE (168,193,360.00) (173203,096.00) (13049,632.00) 160153,464.00 (175 353 394.75) (65 224,602.02) NET LEVY (168 193 360.00) (173 203 096.00) (13049,632.00) 160,153,464.00 BUDGET Wi G PAPERS Clarington:M6, JPALTAXATI 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2036 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET REVENUE: (46,272,657.70) (48,867,714.68) (46,272,678.00) 100-05-220-10538-6100 TAXATION -MUNICIPAL (797,338.26) (972,117.01) (605,000.00) 100-05-220-10538-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-MUN. (1,615,096.46) (1,658,510.89) 0.00 100-05-220-10538-6102 TAXATION, PIL4UN. (2,253,107.34) (3,015,985.40) 0.00 100-05-220-10538-6103 TAXATION,PIL-EDUCATION RETAINED 0.00 (454,640.78) (2,450,000.00) 100-05-220-10538-6104 TAX-SUPP-PIL--MUN. (2,590,838.69) (2,601,165.24) (2,749.00) 100-05-220-10538-6111 TAXATION --RIGHT OF WAY-MUNICIPA (2,748.44) (2,790.94) (5284,645.00) 100-05-220-10538-6112 TAXATION --HEADS & BEDS-MUNICIPA (53531,786.89) (57,572,924.94) Total REVENUE (55,690,829.00) (53,531,786.89) (57 572,924.94) NET LEVY 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2036 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (46,272,678.00) (48,874,592.00) 0.00 48,874,592.00 (605,000.00) (605,000.00) (675,000.00) (70,000.00) (1,615,044.00) (1,651,634.00) 0.00 1,651,634.00 (2,103,107.00) (2,106,854.00) (2,106,854.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000.00) (2,500,000.00) (50,000.00) (2,697.00) (2,749.00) (2,791.00) (42.00) (53048,526.00) (55690,829.00) (5284,645.00) 50,406,184.00 (53,048,526.00) (55,690,829.00) (5284,645.00) 50,406,184.00 r rn 01/10117 - BUDGET WORn....,G PAPERS , Clarington:REGIONAL TAXATIO 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (74,945,014.98) 0.00 100-05-221-10540-6100 TAXATION -REGION (1,302,167.37) 0.00 100-05-221-10540-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-REGI (2,615,849.74) 0.00 100-05-221-10540-6102 TAXATION,PIL-REGION (0.60) 0.00 100-05-221-10540-6110 TAXATION --CAPPING (1,082,132.97) 0.00 100-05-221-10540-6111 TAXATION --RIGHT OF WAY -REGION (4,451.56) 0.00 100-05-221-10540-6112 TAXATION --HEADS & BEDS -REGION (79,949,617.22) 0.00 Total REVENUE (79,949,617.22) 0.00 NET LEVY 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (74,945,071.00) (77,198,656.00) - 0.00 77,198,656.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,615,791.00) (2,620,029.00) 0.00 2,620,029.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,094,577.00) (1,082,133.00) 0.00 1,082,133.00 (4,503.00) (4,452.00) 0.00 4,452.00 (78,659,942.00) (80,905,270.00) 0.00 80,905,270.00 (78,659,942.00)(80,905,270.00) 0.00 80,905,270.00- 01110117 BUDGET Wi ,..7 PAPERS Clarington:SCHuOL BOARD TAX 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (27,884,850.00) REVENUE: (27,884,851.24) 0.00 100-05-223-00000-6100 TAXATION -SCHOOL BOARD (468,667.78) 0.00 100-05-223-00000-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-SCHO (122,304.02) 0.00 100-05-223-00000-6102 TAXATION,PIL-SCHOOL BD. (404,209.41) 0.00 100-05-223-10545-6111 TAXATION --RIGHT OF WAY-ENG.PUBL (157,042.15) 0.00 100-05-223-10550-6111 TAXATION --RIGHT OF WAY-ENG.SEP (3,881.32) 0.00 100-05-223-10555-6111 TAXATION --RIGHT OF WAY-FREN.PUB (4,810.32) 0.00 100-05-223-10560-6111 TAXATION --RIGHT OF WAY-FREN.SEP (29,045,766.24) 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 (29,045,766.24) 0.00 NET LEVY (27,884,850.00) (28,217,591.00) 0.00 28,217,591.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (122,305.00) (134,700.00) 0.00 134,700.00 (404,210.00) (404,210.00) 0.00 404,210.00 (157,042.00) (157,042.00) 0.00 157,042.00 (3,881.00) (3,881.00) 0.00 3,881.00 9 BUDGET WORA_,..S PAPERS Clarington:LOCAL IMPROVEMEN 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100-05-225-10540-6121 LOCAL IMP LEVY -NEWCASTLE SEWE (870.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total REVENUE (870.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NET LEVY (870.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET WL ,;PAPERS Clarington:BIA TAXATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (158,230.06) 0.00 100-05-227-10565-6106 B.I.A.-BOWMANVILLE-TAX LEVY (30,000.18) 0.00 100-05-227-10566-6106 B.I.A. - NEWCASTLE - TAX LEVY (6,000.02) 0.00 100-05-227-10567-6106 B.I.A. - ORONO - TAX LEVY (194,230.26) 0.00 Total REVENUE (194 230.26) 0.00 NET LEVY 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (158,230.00) (163,200.00) 0.00 163,200.00 (30,000.00) (30,000.00) 0.00 30,000.00 (6,000.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 6,000.00 (194 230.00) (199,200-.00) 0.00 199,200.00 (194 230.00) (199,200.00) 0.00 199,200.00 01/10/17 �- - BUDGET WORA_.-,.u' PAPERS Clarington:GRANTS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (47,620.00) (61,694.00) 100-05-230-10006-6200 GRANTS - CANADA - NONRECURRING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (896,461.05) (51,716.05) 100-05-230-10008-6201 GRANTS - PROVINCIAL - NON RECUR (463,429.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (944,081.05) (113,410.05) Total REVENUE - (463,429.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (944,081.05) (113,410.05) NET LEVY (463,429.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET WL . u' PAPERS Clarington:Flik , eERV.CHGS-O 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (20,279.74) 0.00 100-05-235-00000-6402 FEES & SIC - OTHER MUNICIPALITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (36,215.90) (44,772.48) 100-05-235-10540-6401 FEES & SIC - REGION OF DURHAM (33,000.00) (33,000.00) (36,000.00) (3,000.00) (56 495.64) (44,772.48) Total REVENUE (33 000.00) (33,000:00) (36,000.00) (3,000.00 56 495.64 (44 772.48) NET LEVY (33 000.00) (33 000.00) (36,000.00) (3,000.00) N N 01110117 BUDGET WORI.. _.,G PAPERS Clarington:FEES SERV.GHGS-A 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE N LJ REVENUE: (328,669.75) (348,868.18) 100-05-237-35005-6400 FEES&S/G-AGGREGATE ANNUAL F (300,000.00) (300,000.00) (300,000.00) 0.00 (328,669.75) (348,868.18) Total REVENUE (300,000.00) (300,000.00) (300,000.00) 0.00 (328,669.75) (348,868.18) NET LEVY (300,000.00) (300,000.00) (300,000.00) 0.00 N LJ BUDGET WL _,G PAPERS Clarington:CONTRIBUTIONS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET REVENUE: (11,434.69) (8,521.50) 100-05-250-00000-6590 PROCEEDS FROM DISPOSAL OF ASS (677,579.96) 0.00 (44,484.19) 100-05-250-00000-6601 CONTRIBUTIONS -RES TO GF (7,302,653.28) (5,461,021.00) (5,696,079.02) - 100-05-250-00000-6651 CONTRIBUTIONS -RF TO OF 0.00 0.00 (14,035.98) 100-05-250-00000-6660 CONTRIBUTIONS -CAP FUND TO GF (40,421.76) (18,500.00) (17,076.00) 100-05-250-00000-6701 CONTRIB-TRUST FUNDS TO OF (424,982.94) 0.00 (31,252.75) 100-05-250-00000-6770 CONTRIBUTION -OTHERS (DONATIONS (1,298,800.00) (5,573,121.00) 0.00 100-05-250-10019-6775 CONTRIBUTIONS-VERIDIAN PROFIT (9755,872.63) (5811,449.44) Total REVENUE (5,573,121.00) (9 755 872.63) (6 105 518.00) (5,811,449.44) NET LEVY 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (81,000.00) (5,650.00) (40,650.00) (35,000.00) (5,461,021.00) (5,816,548.00) (6,046,368.00) (229,820.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (19,100.00) (17,076.00) (18,500.00) (1,424.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,573,121.00) (5839274.00) (6,105,518.00) (266244.00) (5,573,121.00) (51839,274.00) (6 105 518.00) (266 244.00) BUDGET WORt, G PAPERS Clarington:RENTAL INCOME 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (73,914.97) (32,626.55) 100-05-238-00000-6511 RENTAL REV. -OTHER RENTAL REV. (29,989.17) (30,258.95) 100-05-238-10156-6511 RENTAL REV- 132 CHURCH ST BOW (1,509.59) (1,509.59) 100-05-238-10159-6511 RENTAL REV. -BEECH CENTRE (105,413.73) (64,395.09) Total REVENUE (105,413.73) (64,395.09) NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (75,534.00) (20,000.00) (20,000.00) 0.00 (29,900.00) (30,079.00) (30,259.00) (180.00) (1,510.00) (1,510.00) (1,510.00) 0.00 (106,944.00) (51,589.00) (51,769.00) (180.00) (106,944.00) (51,589.00) (51,769.00) (180.00) BUDGET W JG PAPERS Claring....:FINES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description REVENUE: (139,191.38) (65,926.00) 100-05-240-10540-6506 FINES-PROV.OFFENCES ACT (139,191.38) (65,926.00) Total REVENUE (139,191.38) (65,926.00) NET LEVY 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (97,000.00) (82,500.00) (77,500.00) 5,000.00 (97,000.00) (82,500.00) (77,500.00) 5,000.00 (97,000.00) (82500.00) (77,500.00) 5,000.00 BUDGET WOR,, -. .(G PAPERS Clarington:INVESTMENT INCOM 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (412,807.96) (348,146.54) 100-05-245-01001-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME - OWN FUNDS (639,200.00) (639,200.00) 100-05-245-10019-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME - VERIDIAN DI (250,000.00) (215,000.00) 100-05-245-10024-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME -STRATEGIC C (1,302,007.96) (1,202,346.54) Total REVENUE (1,302,007.96) (1,202,346.54) NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (250,000.00) (325,000.00) (325,000.00) 0.00 (639,200.00) (639,200.00) (639,200.00) 0.00 (250,000.00) (215,000.00) (230,000.00) (15,000.00) (1,139,200.00) (1,179,200.00) (1,194,200.00) (15,000.00) (1,139,200.00) (1,179,200.00) (1194200.00) (15,000.00) N V BUDGET Wi G PAPERS Claringto.,;. iHER 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REVENUE: (262.00) (509.30) 100-05-255-30646-6400 DISCOUNTS TAKEN FEE (262.00) (509.30) Total REVENUE (262.00) (509.30) NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL BUDGET WL „,G PAPERS Clarington:MAYOR 2017 Draft 01110/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 426,835.00 EXPENDITURE: 401,084.75 393,503.72 MAYOR -EXPENDITURE 475,778.31 436,862.66 COUNCIL -EXPENDITURE 876,863.06 830,366.38 Total EXPENDITURE 876,863.06 830,366.38 NET LEVY BUDGET WL „,G PAPERS Clarington:MAYOR 2017 Draft 01110/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 426,835.00 426,464.00 422,396.00 (4,068.00) 476,898.00 482,141.00 469,748.00 (12,393.00) 903,733.00 908.605.00 - 892,144.00 (16,461.00) 903733.00 908,605.00 892,144.00 (16,461.00) 01/10/17 BUDGET W6 G PAPERS Clarington:MAYOR 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 182,631.50 188,461.70 100-10-100-00000-7001 MAYOR'S -SALARY FIT 180,112.00 182,814.00 165,556.00 2,742.00 89,827.91 94,578.10 100-10-100-00000-7040 MAYOR'S- ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 96,766.00 90,835.00 92,198.00 1,363.00 4,548.87 4,556.99 100-10-100-00000-7050 MAYOR'S - EHT 5,215.00 5,293.00 5,372.00 79.00 20,782.38 21,594.28 100-10-100-00000-7051 MAYOR'S -OMERS 26,953.00 27,311.00 27,497.00 186.00 7,831.04 7,213.38 100-10-100-00000-7052 MAYOR'S - CPP 7,276.00 7,440.00 7,692.00. 252.00 2,658.18 2,441.04 100-10-100-00000-7053 MAYOR'S - EI 2,626.00 2,606.00 2,341.00 (265.00) 30,360.42 27,759.20 100-10-100-00000-7054 MAYOR'S - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 30,510.00 31,654.00 22,773.00 (8,881.00) 5,036.11 4,326.84 100-10-100-00000-7058 MAYOR'S- WSIB 4,824.00 4,941.00 5,286.00 345.00 7,273.00 7,382.00 100-10-100-00000-7059 MAYOR'S -ELECTED OFF.P/ EMPLOY 0.00 7,382.00 7,493.00 111.00 5,933.61 2,008.73 100-10-100-00000-7101 MAYOR'S -OFF SUPPLIES 5,305.00 5,305.00 5,305.00 0.00 833.46 401.57 100-10-100-00000-7132 MAYOR'S - PHONE/FAX 1,008.00 1,008.00 1,008.00 0.00 431.76 394.41 100-10-100-00000-7181 MAYOR'S - BOOKS/PERIODICALS 268.00 268.00 268.00 0.00 641.85 517.40 100-10-100-00000-7186 MAYOR'S- POST/COUR/FRT 1,061.00 1,061.00 1,061.00 0.00 10,000.00 803.52 100-10-100-00000-7189 MAYOR'S OFFICE -ADV'T 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 376.51 382.62 100-10-100-00000-7200 MAYOR'S - MEMB/DUES 530.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 4,438.84 3,826.40 100-10-100-00000-7201 MAYOR'S -CONFERENCES 7,957.00 7,957.00 7,957.00 0.00 11,236.15 .9,240.46 100-10-100-00000-7202 MAYOR'S- TRAVEL EXP (payroll only) 11,670.00 11,670.00 11,670.00 0.00 61.06 0.00 100-10-100-00000-7203 MAYOR'S - STAFF DEV 6,365.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,814.55 8,718.42 100-10-100-00000-7205 MAYOR'S - RECEPTION 15,847.00 15,847.00 15,847.00 0.00 5,085.58 8,835.60 100-10-100-00000-7207 MAYOR'S -OFFICE EXP 9,890.00 9,890.00 - 9,890.00 0.00 935.99 0.00 100-10-100-00000-7299 MAYOR'S - MISC EXPENSE 530.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 345.98 61.06 100-10-100-00000-7506 MAYOR'S- FURNITUREIFIXTURES 2,122.00 2,122.00 2,122.00 0.00 401,084.75 393,503.72 Total EXPENDITURE - 426,835.00 426,464.00 422,396.00 (4,068.00) 401,084.75 393,503.72 NET LEVY 426,835.00 426464.00 422,396.00 (4,068.00) 01/10/17 �.... BUDGET WOR.,_,,,,G PAPERS _ Clarington:000NCIL 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 78,809.05 64,437.00 100-10-105-00000-7001 COUNCIL -SALARY FfF 75,866.00 77,004.00 78,159.00 1,155.00 238,791.77 231,157.72 100-10-105-00000-7040 COUNCIL- ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 232,236.00 218,002.00 221,274.00 3,272.00 4,107.50 3,795.45 100-10-105-00000-7050 COUNCIL -EHT 5,565.00 5,650.00 5,733.00 83.00 10,257.89 10,551.39 100-10-105-00000-7051 COUNCIL -OMERS 20,709.00 21,002.00 21,233.00 231.00 7,398.23 6,631.65 100-10-105-00000-7052 COUNCIL - CPP 8,647.00 8,806.00 8,994.00 188.00 1,329.09 1,258.63 100-10-105-00000-7053 COUNCIL - EI 1,313.00 1,303.00- 1,171.00 (132.00) 58,057.42 53,190.57 100-10-105-00000-7054 COUNCIL - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 57,827.00 59,889.00 42,268.00 (17,621.00) 2,281.08 1,942.31 100-10-105-00000-7058 COUNCIL -WSIB 2,185.00 2,218.00 2,384.00 166.00 17,454.00 17,717.00 100-10-105-00000-7059 COUNCIL- ELECTED OFF.P/ EMPLOY 0.00 17,717.00 17,982.00 265.00 2,168.52 1,863.90 100-10-105-00000-7101 COUNCIL -OFF SUPPLIES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 3,957.98 3,453.29 100-10-105-00000-7132 COUNCIL- PHONE/FAX 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 596.60 275.34 100-10-105-00000-7181 COUNCIL- BOOKS/PERIODICALS 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 65.98 0.00 100-10-105-00000-7186 COUNCIL- POST/COUR/FRT 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 7,048.44 4,454.77 100-10-105-00000-7201 COUNCIL - CONFERENCES 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 40,661.67 33,490.73 100-10-105-00000-7202 COUNCIL -TRAVEL EXP (payroll only) 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-10-105-00000-7203 COUNCIL -STAFF DEV 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,706.59 2,642.91 100-10-105-00000-7299 COUNCIL -MISC EXPENSE 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.QO 0.00 86.50 0.00 100-10-105-00000-7506 COUNCIL - FURNITURE/FIXTURES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 475,778.31 436,862.66 Total EXPENDITURE 476.898.00 482.141.00 469.748.00 (12,393.001 475,778.31 436,862.66 NET LEVY 476,898.00 482,141.00 469,748.00 (12,393.00) CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 2017 Clar�gton IStaff Complement ihkciviltl6i lUnion - Italicized 5 lFairt-00A 3 ITotal =2 Laura Knox Communications Co-ordinator Dan-ir7e;k;;7 Alison Jeschke Information Clerk —k,'J�Macdonald"' Donna Wacar �Department Head Ba Leanne- —Walker- — - �Director of Corporate I . will be deleted subject to Council approval of 2017 new staffing plan E. Clark Lindsay Dickson (PfF) 01/10117 BUDGET Wl yG PAPERS ClaringtomAD.—.4ISTRATOR'S 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (2,000.00) REVENUE: (23,539.40) (24,627.16) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE 0.00 (64,172.70) COMMUNICATIONS - REVENUE 0.00 (12,921.29) TOURISM -REVENUE (179,194.47) (164,831.39) PORT GRANBY-REVENUE (202,733.87) (266 552.54) Total REVENUE (83,500.00) 0.00 (85,500.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 225,000.00 CLARINGTON BOARD OF TRADE - EXPENDITURE 681,562.37 998,973.29 ADMINISTRATION -EXPENDITURE 0.00 766,284.47 COMMUNICATIONS -EXPENDITURE 0.00 298,091.45 TOURISM -EXPENDITURE 147,979.49 157,553.16 PORT GRANBY- EXPENDITURE 829.541.86 2,445,902.37 Total EXPENDITURE 626,807.99 2,179,349.83 NET LEVY (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (65,000.00) (65,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (83,500.00) (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 (85,500.00) (85,500.00) (165500.00) (80,000.00) 0.00 0.00 330,000.00 330,000.00 664,294.00 663,176.00 770,776.00 107,600.00 0.00 0.00 806,566.00 806,566.00 0.00 0.00 342,536.00 342,536.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 0.00 747,794.00 746.676.00 2333,378.00 1586,702.00 662 294.00 661,176.00 2 167 878.00 1 506 702.00 w w 01/10/17 BUDGET WC .,G PAPERS ClaringtmUNASSIGNED 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 225,000.00 100-13-000-10525-7112 BOARD OF TRADE - MISC OP EXP 0.00 225,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 225,000.00 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 330,000.00 330,000.00 0.00 0.00 330,000.00 330,000.00 0.00 0.00 330 000.00 330.000.00 BUDGET WORA.-,.,G PAPERS Clarington:ADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (2,000.00) (2,000.00) REVENUE: (23,539.40) (24,627.16) 100-13-130-00000-6400 ADMIN- MISC REVENUE (23,539.40) (24,627.16) Total REVENUE 461,401.00 EXPENDITURE: 500,878.14 843,954.50 100-13-130-00000-7001 ADMIN -SALARY FR 9,132.03 8,531.60 100-13-130-00000-7050 ADMIN -EHT 57,496.82 46,824.42 100-13-130-00000-7051 ADMIN -OMERS 7,832.08 7,308.42 100-13-130-00000-7052 ADMIN - CPP 3,988.33 3,716.63 100-13-130-00000-7053 ADMIN - EI 39,589.14 37,475.29 100-13-130-00000-7054 ADMIN - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 7,684.69 6,657.94 100-13-130-00000-7058 ADMIN - WSIB 1,744.60 1,404.70 100-13-130-00000-7101 ADMIN - OFFICE SUPPLIES 750.00 1,020.00 100-13-130-00000-7161 ADMIN - PROF FEES 703.16 366.22 100-13-130-00000-7174 ADMIN - R/M OFF EQUIP 431.76 394.41 100-13-130-00000-7181 ADMIN - BOOKS/PERIODICALS 98.23 62.61 100-13-130-00000-7186 ADMIN - POST/COUR/FRT 2,037.97 2,557.87 100-13-130-00000-7200 ADMIN - MEMB/DUES 8,753.61 6,050.73 100-13-130-00000-7202 ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 13,349.22 0.00 100-13-130-00000-7203 ADMIN - STAFF DEV 7,190.21 8,463.65 100-13-130-00000-7205 ADMIN - RECEPTION 18,898.27 21,346.61 100-13-130-00000-7208 ADMIN- STAFF RECOGNITION 625.87 333.38 100-13-130-00000-7299 ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 378.24 2,504.31 100-13-130-00000-7505 ADMIN - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 681,562.37 998,973.29 Total EXPENDITURE 658.022.97 974,346.13 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 461,401.00 471,174.00 469,289.00 (1,885.00) 8,883.00 9,016.00 9,151.00 135.00 57,686.00 58,499.00 59,125.00 626.00 7,277.00 7,440.00 7,692.00 252.00 3,940.00 3,909.00 3,512.00 (397.00) 39,046.00 40,835.00 29,209.00 (11,626.00) 7,361.00 7,603.00 8,098.00 495.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 10, 000.00 10, 000.00 130, 000.00 120, 000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 664.294.00 663,176.00 770,776.00 107,600.00 662,294.00 661,176.00 768,776.00 107,600.00 W In 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL r rr (64,172.70) (64,172.70) BUDGET WL G PAPERS Clarington:COMMU NICATIONS 2017 Draft Description 2015 BUDGET REVENUE: 100-13-170-33010-6400 COMMUNICATIONS - ADVERTISING 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET 0.00 r rr (65,000.00) (65,000.00) 01/10117 INCREASE (65,000.00) (65,000.00) 0.00 420,886.42 EXPENDITURE: 100-13-170-00000-7001 COMMUNICATIONS - SALARY Ffr 0.00 0.00 427,633.00 427,633.00 0.00 11,802.85 100-13-170-00000-7007 COMMUNICATIONS - WAGES PERM P 0.00 0.00 13,953.00 13,953.00 0.00 8,322.84 100-13-170-00000-7050 COMMUNICATIONS -EHT 0.00 0.00 8,601.00 8,601.00 0.00 41,575.11 100-13-170-00000-7051 COMMUNICATIONS -OMERS 0.00 0.00 43,975.00 43,975.00 0.00 16,906.76 100-13-170-00000-7052 COMMUNICATIONS - CPP 0.00 0.00 15,650.00 15,650.00 0.00 8,494.14 100-13-170-00000-7053 COMMUNICATIONS - EI 0.00 0.00 7,330.00 7,330.00 0.00 52,722.68 100-13-170-00000-7054 COMMUNICATIONS - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 0.00 0.00 45,917.00 45,917.00 0.00 10,082.82 100-13-170-00000-7058 COMMUNICATIONS - WSIB 0.00 0.00 12,467.00 12,467.00 0.00 1,567.88 100-13-170-00000-7101 COMMUNICATIONS - OFF SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 0.00 13,626.03 100-13-170-00000-7167 COMMUNICATIONS - DESIGN 0.00 0.00 17,865.00 17,865.00 0.00 0.00 100-13-170-00000-7186 COMMUNICATIONS - POST/COUR/FRT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 72,322.27 100-13-170-00000-7188 COMMUNICATIONS -PRINTING 0.00 0.00 72,875.00 72,875.00 0.00 94,477.89 100-13-170-00000-7189 COMMUNICATIONS - CORP ADV'T 0.00 0.00 117,000.00 117,000.00 0.00 1,946.61 100-13-170-00000-7190 COMMUNICATIONS - INTL BRAND PKG 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 549.50 100-13-170-00000-7200 COMMUNICATIONS -MEMB/DUES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 279.03 100-13-170-00000-7202 COMMUNICATIONS - TRAVEL EXP 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 8,611.95 100-13-170-00000-7250 COMMUNICATIONS -COMMISSION E 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 116.96 100-13-170-00000-7299 COMMUNICATIONS- MISC EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 - 400.00 400.00 0.00 1,972.73 100-13-170-00000-7506 COMMUNICATIONS - FURNITURE/FIX 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 r rr r rr 766,284.47 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 806 566.00 806,566.00 702.111.77 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 741,566.00 741,566.00 L 60DGE7'WORI......,G PAPERS Clarington:TOURISM 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE W V REVENUE: - 0.00 (12,921.29) 100-13-171-33010-6400 TOURISM -ADVERTISING REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (12,921.29) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 68,843.04 100-13-171-00000-7001 TOURISM -SALARIES 0.00 0.00 79,192.00 79,192.00 0.00 70,150.04 100-13-171-00000-7007 TOURISM - WAGES PERM P? 0.00 0.00 81,508.00 81,506.00 0.00 2,883.29 100-13-171-00000-7050 TOURISM - EHT .0.00 0.00 3,072.00 3,072.00 0.00 7,412.63 100-13-171-00000-7051 TOURISM - OMERS 0.00 0.00 8,432.00 8,432.00 0.00 6,415.18 100-13-171-00000-7052 TOURISM - CPP 0.00 0.00 5,924.00 5,924.00 0.00 3,541.28 100-13-171-00000-7053 TOURISM - EI 0.00 0.00 2,959.00 2,959.00 0.00 8,830.50 100-13-171-00000-7054 TOURISM - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 0.00 0.00 7,233.00 7,233.00 0.00 3,684.07 100-13-171-00000-7058 TOURISM - WSIB - 0.00 0.00 4,806.00 4,806.00 0.00 940.14 100-13-171-00000-7101 TOURISM - OFF SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 2,607.44 100-13-171-00000-7104 TOURISM - CLEAN SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 1,341.77 100-13-171-00000-7125 TOURISM - HEAT 0.00 0.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 0.00 3,373.80 100-13-171-00000-7129 TOURISM - HYDRO 0.00. 0.00 3,965.00 3,965.00 0.00 484.38 100-13-171-00000-7130 TOURISM - WATER/SEWER 0.00 0.00 440.00 440.00 0.00 987.72 100-13-171-00000-7132 TOURISM - PHONE/FAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 444.43 100-13-171-00000-7140 TOURISM - SNOW REMOVAL 0.00 0.00 1,835.00 1,835.00 0.00 464.03 100-13-171-00000-7165 TOURISM - WASTE DISPOSAL 0.00 0.00 1,120.00 1,120.00 0.00 12,591.66 100-13-171-00000-7167 TOURISM - DESIGN 0.00 0.00 10,425.00 10,425.00 0.00 2,668.22 100-13-171-00000-7172 TOURISM -R/M-BUILDING 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 1,355.68 100-13-171-00000-7186 TOURISM - POST/COUR/FRT 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 21,881.07 100-13-171-00000-7188 TOURISM - PRINTING 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 61,555.98 100-13-171-00000-7189 TOURISM -ADVERT. EXP 0.00 0.00 63,200.00 63,200.00 0.00 2,701.60 100-13-171-00000-7190 TOURISM - INTERNL BRANONG PKGS 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 2,771.05 100-13-171-00000-7192 TOURISM -SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 1,917.32 100-13-171-00000-7200 TOURISM -MEMB/DUES 0.00 0.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 0.00 1,836.20 100-13-171-00000-7202 TOURISM -TRAVEL EXP 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 6,130.02 100-13-171-00000-7250 TOURISM -COMMISSION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 0.00 0.00 100-13-171-00000-7299 TOURISM - MISC EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 278.91 100-13-171-00000-7506 TOURISM - FURNITURE/FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 298,091.45 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 342,536.00 342,536.00 0.00 285,170.16 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 327,536.00 327,536.00 W V 01/10/17 BUDGET WG. —G PAPERS Clarington:ADMIN-PORT GRANB 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACMAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (83,500.00) REVENUE: (179,194.47) (164,831.39) 100-13-385-10175-6400 RECOVERIES-PORTGRANBY FEE (179,194.47) (164,831.39) Total REVENUE (83,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 145,956.00 157,359.14 100-13-385-10175-7160 PT GRANBY - CONSULTING 373.99 194.02 100-13-385-10175-7202 PT GRANBY- TRAVEL EXP 1,649.50 0.00 100-13-385-10175-7299 PT GRANBY -MISC EXPENSE 147,979.49 157,553.16 Total EXPENDITURE (31,214.98) (7,276.23) NET LEVY (83,500.00) (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 (83,500.00) (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 w 00 LEGAL SERVICES ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 orl 0 'i eading Mgwa L the Way IStaff Complement on-A lilLa Non: 2 Union Ita _;d [p8rt. -. tj . m . e 7 7 ITotal -2 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 BUDGET WOA PAPERS Clarington:LEGAL bcPARTMENT 2017 Draft 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (116,599.98) (115,384.56) LEGAL -REVENUE (116,599.98) (115,384.56) Total REVENUE 0.00 (105000.00) EXPENDITURE: 430,935.53 432,053.34 LEGAL -EXPENDITURE 430,935.53 432,053.34 Total EXPENDITURE 314 335.55 316,668.78 NET LEVY 01/10/17 BUDGET WOA PAPERS Clarington:LEGAL bcPARTMENT 2017 Draft 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (105,000.00) (69,000.00) (69,000.00) 0.00 (105000.00) (69,000.00) (69,000.00) 0.00 462,087.00 417,659.00 417,242.00 (417.00) 462.087.00 417.659.00 417.242.00 (417.00) 357,087.00 348,659.00 348,242.00 (417.00) 01/10/17 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS Clarington:LcGAL 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (43,882.90) (23,673.00) 100-14-130-00000-6400 LEGAL ADMIN-MISC. REV (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 (38,114.80) (48,455.64) 100-14-130-00000-6460 LEGAL ADMIN - PLAN AGREEMENT (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (500.00) 100-14-130-00000-6461 LEGAL ADMIN - ENG AGREEMENT FE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (18,987.10) (29,700.31) 100-14-130-00000-6462 LEGAL ADMIN- PROF. FEE RECOVER (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (9,073.20) (10,967.49) 100-14-130-00000-6463 LEGAL ADMIN - DISBURSEMENT RE (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,000,00) 0.00 (4,041.98) (2,088.12) 100-14-130-00000-6651 LEGAL-CONTRIB RF -GF (36,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (116,599.98) (115,384.56) Total REVENUE (105,000.00) (69,000.00) (69,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 269,244.98 273,409.19 100-14-130-00000-7001 LEGAL ADMIN -SALARY FTT 250,530.00 254,288.00 258,103.00 3,815.00 5,021.93 5,165.26 100-14-130-00000-7050 LEGAL ADMIN -EHT 4,885.00 4,958.00 5,033.00 75.00 30,596.33 31,000.79 100-14-130-00000-7051 LEGAL ADMIN -OMERS 30,697.00 31,123.00 31,422.00 299.00 5,221.04 4,808.93 100-14-130-00000-7052 LEGAL ADMIN - CPP 4,851.00 4,960.00 5,128.00 168.00 2,658.18 2,441.04 100-14-130-00000-7053 LEGAL ADMIN - EI 2,626.00 2,606.00 2,341.00 (265.00) 24,900.63 22,942.72 100-14-130-00000-7054 LEGAL ADMIN - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 24,559.00 25,472.00 20,632.00 (4,840.00) 4,842.99 4,161.34 100-14-130-00000-7058 LEGAL ADMIN - WSIB 4,639.00 4,752.00 5,083.00 331.00 2,999.49 2,319.82 100-14-130-00000-7101 LEGAL ADMIN -OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 20,821.33 23,673.15 100-14-130-00000-7115 LEGAL ADMIN - CONVEYANCE EXP 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 26,730.30 18,753.53 100-14-130-00000-7161 LEGAL ADMIN - PROF FEES 60,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 3,253.67 2,449.43 100-14-130-00000-7181 LEGAL ADMIN - BOOKS/PERIODICALS 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 64.52 313.36 100-14-130-00000-7186 LEGAL ADMIN - POST/COUR/FRT 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 4,253.00 4,708.69 100-14-130-00000-7200 LEGAL ADMIN -MEMS/DUES 3,000.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 0.00 1,396.03 1,001.18 100-14-130-00000-7202 LEGAL ADMIN -TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 496.95 0.00 100-14-130-00000-7203 LEGAL ADMIN - STAFF DEV 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,396.44 33,700.44 100-14-130-00000-7224 LEGAL ADMIN - PROF FEES RECOV'B 50,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 2,037.72 1,204.47 100-14-130-00000-7299 LEGAL ADMIN -MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 430,935.53 432,053.34 Total EXPENDITURE 462,087.00 417.659.00 417,242.00 (417.001 314,335.55 316,668.78 NET LEVY 357,087.00 348,659.00 346,242.00 (417.00) F r Clar Leading the ke Way Way _ _Senior Buyer_ _ _ vacant — _ _BuyerI _ Becky Rogers _ Clerk II _ Steve Grigg Purchasing Clerk CORPORATE SERVICES/HUMAN REjOURCES ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 Rob Van Senior G.I.S. Analyst............... Scott Stoldt G.I.S. Analyst Micheline Metropolvt Analyst a6e�'fiayloT — Shaun Novak Cindv Li Lisa Marano Adrienne Nazarko Mike McCron I Jordan & Benefit Administration V Purchasing tion Technology Staff Complement 13 Union - Italicized 9 Pan time :::: :::::.>:»> 0 Tota I 22 Department Head backup: Chief Administrative Officer BUDGET WO. „3 PAPERS Clarington:CORPURATE SERVIC 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2036 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (180,169.82) (3,355.61) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (84,688.31) 0.00 COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 COMMUNICATIONS - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 TOURISM -REVENUE (264,858.13) (3,355.61) Total REVENUE 0.00 38,400.00 EXPENDITURE: 322,590.23 206,427.49 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 1,408,891.14 1,448,791.40 HUMAN RESOURCES PAYROLL - EXPENDITURE 1,038,715.45 0.00 COMMUNICATIONS&MARKETING- EXPENDITURE 1,593,685.78 1,529,905.86 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - EXPENDITURE 494,685.22 554,711.08 PURCHASING -EXPENDITURE 28,470.40 12,734.42 HEALTH&SAFETY- EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 COMMUNICATIONS -EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 TOURISM -EXPENDITURE 4,887,038.22 3,752,570.25 Total EXPENDITURE 4,622,180.09 3,749,214.64 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (3,000.00) (108,500.00) (3,000.00) 105,500.00 (97,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (38,400.00) 0.00 38,400.00 0.00 (42,300.00) 0.00 42,300.00 (100 500.00) (189,200.00) (3,000.00) 186,200.00 227,950.00 216,100.00 204,400.00 (11,700.00) 1,372,441.00 1,439,621.00 1,550,166.00 110,545.00 1,045,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,540,423.00 1,570,696.00 1,475,743.00 (94,953.00) 497,122.00 562,230.00 578,758.00 16,528.00 35,200.00 19,200.00 17,200.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 794,338.00 0.00 (794,338.00) 0.00 328,141.00 0.00 (328,141.00) 4.718,536.00 4,930,326.00 3,826,267.00 (1,104,059.00) 4,618,036.00 4741126.00 3823267.00 (917,859.00) BUDGETWC --;PAPERS Clarington:ADi...rdSTRATIDN 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET REVENUE: (180,169.82) (3,355.61) 100-16-130-30643-6400 CORP SERV -MISC REVENUE (180,169.82) (3,355.61) Total REVENUE (108,500.00) EXPENDITURE: 10,468.19 10,308.97 100-16-130-00000-7101 CORP SERV ADMIN -OFF SUPPLIES 2,415.19 613.65 100-16-130-00000-7112 CORP SERV ADMIN - MISC OPER/SH 140,359.91 125,092.49 100-16-130-00000-7132 CORP SERV ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 202.50 91.58 100-16-130-00000-7174 CORP SERV ADMIN - R/M OFF EQUIP 937.95 958.19 100-16-130-00000-7186 CORP SERV ADMIN - POST/COUR/FRT 50,555.40 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7416 CORP SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 303.03 122.03 100-16-130-00000-7505 CORP SERV ADMIN - OTHER EQUIP 5,115.96 1,953.79 100-16-130-00000-7506 CORP SERV ADMIN - FURNITURE/FI 112,232.10 66,973.72 100-16-130-00000-7520 CORP SERV ADMIN - OTHER CAP (NO 0.00 313.07 100-16-130-10519-7112 ENERGY MGMT- MISC OPER 322.590.23 206.427.49 Total EXPENDITURE 142,420.41 203 071.88 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (3,000.00) (108,500.00) (3,000.00) 105,500.00 (3,000.00) (108,500.00) (3,000.00) 105,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 11,500.00 (1,000.00) 3,700.00 3,700.00 2,000.00 (1,700.00) 120, 000.00 106, 500.00 116,500M 10, 000.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 1,800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00- 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 87,500.00 90,000.00 71,000.00 (19,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 227.950.00 216,100.00 204,400.00 (11,700.00) 224,950.00 107,600.00 201,400.00 93,800.00 01110/17 -• BUDGETWORA--SPAPERS , . Clarington:HUMAN RESOURCES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 729,932.73 746,259.20 100-16-160-00000-7001 H/R-SALARY F/T 711,645.00 718,074.00 732,952.00 14,878.00 14,266.04 14,502.76 100-16-160-00000-7050 HIR - EHT 13,877.00 14,002.00 14,292.00 290.00 82,071.96 83,839.96 100-16-160-00000-7051 H/R -OMERS 82,342.00 82,849.00 84,120.00 1,271.00 18,307.56 16,831.19 100-16-160-00000-7052 H/R - CPP 16,979.00 17,360.00 17,949.00 589.00 9,304.67 8,542.70 100-16-160-00000-7053 H/R - EI 9,192.00 9,120.00 8,195.00 - (925.00) 81,120.31 74,518.57 100-16-160-00000-7054 H/R-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 79,243.00 81,962.00 63,780.00 (18,182.00) 17,291.31 14,872.91 100-16-160-00000-7058 H/R -WSIB 16,563.00 16,984.00 18,153.00 1,169.00 300,000.00 350,000.00 100-16-160-00000-7061 H/R - POST EMPLOY 300,000.00 350,000.00 400,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7065 HIR -WSIB SURCHRG 0.00 0.00 38,600.00 38,600.00 46,875.24 17,183.85 100-16-160-00000-7156 H/R - LEGAL 35,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 19,690.56 100-16-160-00000-7160 H/R- CONSULTING 7,500.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 (5,000.00) 25,417.74 18,913.83 100-16-160-00000-7161 H/R - PROF FEES(EAP) 23,500.00 23,500.00 24,500.00 1,000.00 806.30 696.91 100-16-160-00000-7181 H/R- BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,500.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 3,011.45 2,897.20 100-16-160-00000-7200 H/R -MEMB/DUES 3,400.00 3,545.00 3,600.00 _ 55.00 370.44 1,100.89 100-16-160-00000-7202 H/R-TRAVEL EXP 1,000.00 800.00 1,000.00 200.00 4,626.83 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7203 HIR -STAFF DEV 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 660.21 619.59 100-16-160-00000-7299 H/R - MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 67,105.50 78,321.28 100-16-160-00000-7303 H/R- BANKS/C OTHER 65,000.00 70,000.00 76,600.00 6,600.00 7,500.00 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7416 H/R-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 222.85 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7505 H/R - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 200.00 225.00 225.00 0.00 1,408,891.14 1,448.791.40 Total EXPENDITURE 1,372,441.00 1,439,621.00 1,550,166.00 110.545.00 1,408891.14 1,448,791.40 NET LEVY 1,372,441.00 1,439,621.00 1,550,166.00 110,545.00 01/10/17 BUDGET WO. -S PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNICATIONS & 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (4,400.81) 0.00 100-16-161-00000-6564 TOURIST INFO-INTNL BRANDG PKG (3,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (80,287.50) 0.00 100-16-161-33010-6400 MKTG/TOURISM-ADVERTISING REV (94,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (84,688.31) 0.00 Total REVENUE (97,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: , 395,820.96 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7001 COMM/TOUR-SALARY FIT 397,087.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88,205.66 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7007 COMMITOUR - WAGES PERM P/T 85,063.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,599.81 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7050 COMM/TOUR -EHT 9,338.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,318.34 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7051 COMMITOUR -OMERS 40,451.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,350.42 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7052 COMM/TOUR - CPP 17,979.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,154.95 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7053 COMMITOUR - EI 10,032.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,441.06 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7054 COMMITOUR- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 56,653.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,975.64 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7058 COMM/TOUR- WSIB 13,387.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,297.48 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7101 COMM/TOUR-OFF SUPPLIES 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,876.90 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7104 COMM/TOUR - CLEAN SUPPLIES 5,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,992.39 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7125 COMM/TOUR- HEAT 1,940.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,885.72 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7129 COMM/TOUR - HYDRO 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 402.78 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7130 COMM/TOUR- WATER/SEWER 370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,072.62 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7140 COMM/TOUR-SNOW REMOVAL 2,250.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 990.90 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7165 COMM/TOUR - WASTE DISPOSAL 1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,866.56 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7167 COMM/TOUR- DESIGN 18,850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 439.60 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7172 COMM/TOUR -R/M-BUILDING 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,438.17 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7186 COMMITOUR -POST/COUR/FRT 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94,653.22 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7188 COMM/TOUR- PRINTING 117,025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 158,514.31 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7189 COMM/TOUR - CORP ADVT 185,850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,045.13 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7190 COMM/TOUR- INTERNL BRANDING P 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,107.37 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7192 COMMITOUR- SPECIAL EVENTS 14,125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,957.70 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7198 COMMITOUR - TOURM MATL DISTR 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,772.30 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7200 COMM/TOUR -MEMB/DUES 4,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,725.70 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7202 COMM/TOUR -TRAVELEXP 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,888.27 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7203 COMM/TOUR - STAFF DEV 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.30 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7206 COMMITOUR- PROMO/OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,705.40 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7250 COMM/TOUR- COMMISSION EXPENSE 18,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 508.94 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7299 COMM/TOUR - MISC EXPENSE 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,587.00 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7416 COMM/TOUR-TRSF TO RES 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 2,090.85 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7506 COMM/TOUR- FURNITURE/FIXTURES 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 1.038,715.45 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 1,045,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 954,027.14 0.00 NET LEVY 947,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 F J 01110/17 `- _- BUDGET WORK,,,.,—S PAPERS Clarington:INFORMATION TECH 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 766,283.86 780,084.30 100-16-162-00000-7001 INFO TECH -SALARY FIt 756,274.00 772,006.00 792,016.00 20,010.00 7,849.92 8,147.78 100-16-162-00000-7015 INFO TECH -WAGES STUDENT 9,151.00 9,288.00 9,427.00 139.00 15,337.23 15,369.34 100-16-162-00000-7050 INFO TECH - EHT 14,919.00 15,057.00 15,621.00 564.00 &3,098.57 83,802.18 100-16-162-00000-7051 INFO TECH -OMERS 83,372.00 83,830.00 86,877.00 3,047.00 23,777.18 22,409.88 100-16-162-00000-7052 INFO TECH - CPP 22,092.00 22,588.00 23,352.00 764.00 12,197.71 11,327.92 100-16-162-00000-7053 INFO TECH - EI 12,050.00 11,961.00 10,743.00 (1,218.00) 93,382.16 85,564.14 100-16-162-00000-7054 INFO TECH - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 92,101.00 94,997.00 74,357.00 (20,640.00) 20,946.25 17,837.15 100-16-162-00000-7058 INFO TECH - WSIB - 20,064.00 20,369.00 22,350.00 1,981.00 1,925.28 2,300.54 100-16-162-00000-7102 INFO TECH - DATA SUPPLIES 4,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 (500.00) 47,118.83 31,339.00 100-16-162-00000-7146 INFO TECH - H/W MTNCE CONTRACT 45,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 273,550.50 240,156.21 100-16-162-00000-7148 INFO TECH- SAN MTNCE CONTRACT 225,000.00 260,000.00 280,000.00 20,000.00 21,825.95 6,616.95 100-16-162-00000-7160 INFO TECH - CONSULTING 23,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 3.81 0.00 100-16-162-00000-7166 INFO TECH - SAN DEVELOPMENT 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,044.22 853.77 100-16-162-00000-7174 INFO TECH - RIM OFF EQUIP 2,000.00 700.00 1,000.00 300.00 446.73 446.73 100-16-162-00000-7200 INFO TECH - MEMB/DUES 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,131.67 4,249.97 100-16-162-00000-7202 INFO TECH -TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 3,365.91 0.00 100-16-162-00000-7203 INFO TECH - STAFF DEV 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100-16-162-00000-7412 INFO TECH-TRSF TO RF 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 119,400.00 119,400.00 100-16-162-00000-7418 INFO TECH-TRSF TO CF 119,400.00 119,400.00 0.00 (119,400.00) 1,593,685.78 1,529,905.86 Total EXPENDITURE - 1,540,423.00 1,570,696.00 1,475,743.00 (94,953.00) 1,593.685.78 1,529,905.86 NETLEVY 1,540,423.00 1,570.696.00 1.475,743.00 (94,953.00) F J 01/10/17 BUDGET WL -S PAPERS - Clarington:PU RCHASING 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 363,151.89 412,813.39 100-16-163-00000-7001 PURCHASING - SALARY FIT 363,422.00 411,256.00 435,622.00 24,366.00 7,285.67 - 8,105.68 100-16-163-00000-7050 PURCHASING -EHT 7,087.00 8,020.00 8,495.00 475.00 37,335.15 41,998.55 100-16-163-00000-7051 PURCHASING -OMERS 37,458.00 42,635.00 45,296.00 2,661.00 13,970.11 15,536.54 100-16-163-00000-7052 PURCHASING - CPP 12,980.00 14,354.00 15,022.00 668.00 7,192.09 7,932.98 100-16-163-00000-7053 PURCHASING - EI 7,105.00 7,681.00 7,000.00 (681.00) 48,448.69 53,592.77 100-16-163-00000-7054 PURCHASING - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 47,784.00 59,501.00 47,902.00 (11,599.00) 10,268.50 9,849.88 100-16-163-00000-7058 PURCHASING - WSIB 9,836.00 11,248.00 12,621.00 1,373.00 0.00 0.00 100-16-163-00000-7160 PURCHASING - CONSULTING 250.00 250.00 0.00 (250.00) 106.85 0.00 100-16-163-00000-7181 PURCHASING - BOOKS/PERIODICALS 200.00 125.00 0.00 (125.00) 650.10 263.65 100-16-163-00000-7186 PURCHASING - POST/COUR/FRT 1,400.00 1,000.00 800.00 (200.00) 2,686.43 2,496.99 100-16-163-00000-7200 PURCHASING - MEMB/DUES 2,500.00 2,760.00 2,900.00 140.00 1,246.69 1,413.90 100-16-163-00000-7202 PURCHASING -TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 0.00 2,050.06 0.00 100-16-163-00000-7203 PURCHASING - STAFF DEV 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-16-163-00000-7206 PURCHASING - PROMO/OTHER 300.00 300.00 0.00 (300.00) 292.99 244.80 100-16-163-00000-7299 PURCHASING -MISC EXPENSE 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 461.95 100-16-163-00000-7506 PURCHASING - FURNITURE/FIXTURES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 494.685.22 554,711.08 Total EXPENDITURE 497,122.00 562,230.00 578,758.00 16,528.00 494,685.22 554,711.08 NET LEVY 497,122.00 562,230.00 578,758.00 16,528.00 01/10/17 BUDGET WORA—G PAPERS Clarington:HEALTH 8, SAFETY 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 3,000.00 3,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 3,216.49 1,811.87 100-16-165-00000-7112 H/SAFETY- MISC OF EXP 567.45 0.00 100-16-165-00000-7113 H/SAFETY - PRESENTATION 6,761.95 2,970.38 100-16-165-00000-7161 H/SAFETY - PROF FEES 0.00 2,526.19 100-16-165-00000-7181 H/SAFETY- BOOKS/PERIODICALS 888.20 598.01 100-16-165-00000-7200 H/SAFETY- MEMBERSHIPS 2,271.86 1,335.81 100-16-165-00000-7202 H/SAFETY - TRAVEL 9,031.54 0.00 100-16-165-00000-7203 H/SAFETY - STAFF DEV 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-16-165-00000-7416 H/SAFETY-TRSF TO RES 3,232.91 992.16 100-16-165-00000-7520 H/SAFETY - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 28.470.40 12,734.42 Total EXPENDITURE 28,470.40 12,734.42 NETLEVY 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 (1,500.00) 1,000.00 1,000.00 700.00 (300.00) 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 (200.00) 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 35,200.00 19.200.00 17.200.00 (2,000.00) 35,200.00 19.200.00 17,200.00 (2,000.00) Gi1071ki BUDGET W6. iG PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNICATIONS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 REVENUE: 100-16-170-33010-6400 COMMUNICATIONS - ADVERTISING 0.00 (38,400.00) 0.00 38,400.00 0.00 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 (38,400.00) 0.00 38,400.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7001 COMMUNICATIONS - SALARY F/T 0.00 404,337.00 0.00 (404,337.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7007 COMMUNICATIONS -WAGES PERM P 0.00 13,748.00 0.00 (13,748.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7050 COMMUNICATIONS -EHT 0.00 8,142.00 0.00 (8,142.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7051 COMMUNICATIONS -OMERS 0.00 41,176.00 0.00 (41,176.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7052 COMMUNICATIONS - CPP 0.00 15,226.00 0.00 (15,226.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7053 COMMUNICATIONS - EI 0.00 8,165.00 0.00 (8,165.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7054 COMMUNICATIONS - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 0.00 58,535.00 0.00 (58,535.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7058 COMMUNICATIONS- WSIB 0.00 11,514.00 0.00 (11,514.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7101 COMMUNICATIONS -OFF SUPPLIES 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7167 COMMUNICATIONS - DESIGN 0.00 16,020.00 0.00 (16,020.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7186 COMMUNICATIONS - POST/COUR/FRT 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7188 COMMUNICATIONS -PRINTING 0.00 72,375.00 0.00 (72,375.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7189 COMMUNICATIONS - CORP ADV'T - 0.00 117,600.00 0.00 (117,600.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7190 COMMUNICATIONS - INTL BRAND PKG 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7200 COMMUNICATIONS -MEMB/DUES 0.00 2,100.00 0.00 (2,100.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7202 COMMUNICATIONS - TRAVEL EXP 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7250 COMMUNICATIONS-COMMISSIONE 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 (12,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7299 COMMUNICATIONS - MISC EXPENSE 0.00 400.00 0.00 (400.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-170-00000-7506 COMMUNICATIONS - FURNITURE/FIX 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 794,338.00 0.00 (794,338.001 0.00 0.00 NET LEVY 0.00 755,938.00 0.00 (755,938.001 BUDGET WORn__G PAPERS Clarington:TOURISM 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-33010-6400 TOURISM- ADVERTISING REVENUE 0.00 (42,300.00) 0.00 42,300.00 0.00 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 (42,300.00) 0.00 42,300.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7001 TOURISM -SALARIES 0.00 68,843.00 0.00 (68,843.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7007 TOURISM - WAGES PERM P/T 0.00 80,303.00 0.00 (80,303.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7050 TOURISM -EHT 0.00 2,848.00 0.00 (2,848.00) 0.00 '0.00 100-16-171-00000-7051 TOURISM -OMERS 0.00 7,280.00 0.00 (7,280.00) 0.00 - 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7052 TOURISM - CPP 0.00 5,782.00 0.00 (5,782.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7053 TOURISM - EI 0.00 3,335.00 0.00 (3,335.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7054 TOURISM - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 0.00 9,804.00 0.00 (9,804.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7058 TOURISM - WSIB 0.00 4,207.00 0.00 (4,207.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7101 TOURISM - OFF SUPPLIES 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7104 TOURISM -CLEAN SUPPLIES 0.00 4,500.00 0.00 (4,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7125 TOURISM - HEAT 0.00 2,035.00 0.00 (2,035.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7129 TOURISM - HYDRO 0.00 31710.00 0.00 (3,710.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7130 TOURISM - WATER/SEWER 0.00 415.00 0.00 (415.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7140 TOURISM - SNOW REMOVAL 0.00 1,800.00 0.00 (1,800.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7165 TOURISM - WASTE DISPOSAL 0.00 1,100.00 0.00 (1,100.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7167 TOURISM - DESIGN 0.00 10,579.00 0.00 (10,579.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7172 TOURISM - RIM -BUILDING 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 (6,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7186 TOURISM - POST/COUR/FRT 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7188 TOURISM - PRINTING 0.00 26,000.00 0.00 (26,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7189 TOURISM -ADVERT. EXP 0.00 63,800.00 0.00 (63,800.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7190 TOURISM - INTERNL BRANDNG PKGS 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) .0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7192 TOURISM -SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7200 TOURISM -MEMB/DUES 0.00 2,100.00 0.00 (2,100.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7202 TOURISM -TRAVEL EXP 0.00 2,500.00 - 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7250 TOURISM- COMMISSION EXPENSE 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 (6,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7299 TOURISM - MISC EXPENSE 0.00 200.00 0.00 (200.00) 0.00 0.00 100-16-171-00000-7506 TOURISM - FURNITURE/FIXTURES 0.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 328,141.00 0.00 (328,141.00) 0.00 0.00 NET LEVY 0.00 285,841.00 0.00 (285,841.00) CLERK'S DEPARTMENT C 1ANIZATION CHART 2017 _3 "99w" Lcadixg the Way Jeannette Whvnot 1 Municipal Law Enforcement Offic_e_r__ Teresa Mason Tom Vendrasco Jacky Mainguy Kim Birkett SemorAmmal _ _ Services Officer _ _ .. I Sheila Elkington 15 Pwt:T. iM0 :::::::::::::: Animal Services ___ Officer____ Mary Jane Barron Parking Animal Care Afendanis Denise LeBmton Pearce Municipal Elections Animal Services Municipal Law Enforcement Parking Enforcement Records & Information Management Licensing Vital Statistics Accessibility Committee Cemetery Services Lindsey Staff Complement Union - Italicized 15 Pwt:T. iM0 :::::::::::::: 4 Total 26 Department Head Backup - Deputy Clerk 01/10/17 BUDGET WC —S PAPERS Clarington:CLERRS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (681.36) (78.36) REVENUE: UNASSIGNED -REVENUE (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (129,245.04) (130,171.01) ADMINISTRATION -REVENUE (122,800.00) (124,800.00) (127,800.00) (3,000.00) (83,169.59) (61,888.25) ANIMAL SERVICES - REVENUE (147,800.00) (127,800.00) (77,800.00) 50,000.00 (49,301.80) (42,980.00) MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT- REVENUE - (17,000.00) (30,000.00) (38,000.00) (8,000.00) (486,816.66) (450,791.37) PARKING ENFORCEMENT - REVENUE (200,000.00) (270,000.00) (280,000.00) (10,000.00) (58,717.53) (33,101.73) GRANTS -REVENUE (15,000.00) (20,000.00) (22,000.00) (2,000.00) (173,205.56) (216,610.00) CEMETERY -REVENUE (126,500.00) (136,100.00) (140,100.00) (4,000.00) (981,137.54) (935620.72) Total REVENUE (629,300.00) (708,900.00) (685.900.00) 23,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 8,079.67 0.00 UNASSIGNED -EXPENDITURE 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 12,005.87 0.00 PSAB- EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,074,089.63 1,083,426.46 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 1,002,345.00 1,081,033.00 1,095,002.00 13,969.00 689,588.70 658,721.21 ANIMAL SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 692,983.00 679,230.00 679,830.00 600.00 665,856.12 559,544.55 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT- EXPENDITURE 661,247.00 659,676.00 670,966.00 11,290.00 752,379.96 681,781.86 PARKING ENFORCEMENT - EXPENDITURE 460,047.00 531,622.00 537,610.00 5,988.00 76,552.80 93,052.80 MUNICIPAL ELECTION - EXPENDITURE 76,500.00 93,100.00 103,100.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 CEMETERY -EXPENDITURE 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 22,310.18 19,633.07 FLEET -EXPENDITURE 19,950.00 22,450.00 24,950.00 2,500.00 3,300,862.93 3,096,159.95 Total EXPENDITURE 2,914,872.00 3.074,911.00 31119,258.00 44,347.00 2,319,725.39 2,160,539.23 NET LEVY 2,285,572.00 2,366,011.00 2,433,358.00 67,347.00 BUDGET W6 ,.S PAPERS Clarington:UNASSIGNED 2017 Draft . 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (668.36) 0.00 100-19-000-00000-6400 ELECTION NOMINATION FEE (13.00) (78.36) 100-19-000-30645-6400 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE (681.36) (78.36) Total REVENUE (200.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-19-000-10088-7205 VOL PRGM - RECEPTION 8,079.67 0.00 100-19-000-10088-7299 VOL PRGM - MISC EXPENSE 6,079.67 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 7,398.31 (78.36) NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 (200.00) 5 800.00 5,800.00 0.00 01/10/17 BUDGET WOA.,, ,G PAPERS Claring[on:ADMINIS7RA7ION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,459.64) (1,200.00) 100-19-130-00000-6400 CLERK'S - WILDLIFE DAMAGE ADMIN (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (13,288.06) (14,449.01) 100-19-130-30641-6400 CLERK'S-MISC REVENUE (11,000.00) (11,000.00) (11,000.00) 0.00 (15,293.73) (5,127.47) 100-19-130-30800-6400 BY-LAW ADMIN - MISC REV (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 (24,750.00) (29,500.00) 100-19-130-30815-6400 CLERK'S-MARRIAGE CEREMONY -MIS (26,000.00) (28,000.00) (28,000.00) 0.00 (47,298.00) (48,769.00) 100-19-130-35010-6500 MARRIAGE LICENCES (45,000.00) (45,000.00) (45,000.00) 0.00 (3,240.00) (3,200.00) 100-19-130-35015-6500 BINGO LOTTERY LICENCES (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (2,959.50) (2,591.55) 100-19-130-35020-6500 NEVADA LOTTERY LICENCES (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (1,901.11) (3,293.98) 100-19-130-35025-6500 RAFFLE LOTTERY LICENCES (1,800.00) (1,800.00) (1,800.00) 0.00 (19,055.00) (22,040.00) 100-19-130-35520-6500 OTHER LICENCES (17,000.00) (17,000.00) (20,000.00) (3,000.00) (129,245.04) (130,171.01) Total REVENUE (122,800.00) (124,800.00) (127800.00) (3000.00) EXPENDITURE: 665,781.42 728,977.35 100-19-130-00000-7001 CLERK'S-SALARY F/T 671,756.00 717,092.00 744,278.00 27,186.00 6,493.47 1,051.82 100-19-130-00000-7008 CLERK'S - WAGES TEMP PR 7,105.00 7,212.00 7,320.00 108.00 0.00 13,171.08 100-19-130-00000-7015 CLERK'S-WAGES STUDENT 0.00 8,445.00 8,571.00 126.00 13,602.95 14,656.51 100-19-130-00000-7050 CLERKS - EHT 13,232.00 14,277.00 14,811.00 534.00 71,865.53 77,481.46 100-19-130-00000-7051 CLERKS -OMERS 72,102.00 77,468.00 80,130.00 2,662.00 22,933.38 23,722.76 100-19-130-00000-7052 CLERK'S-CPP 21,308.00 22,003.00 22,833.00 830.00 11,915.28 12,221.57 100-19-130-00000-7053 CLERKS -EI 11,771.00 11,885.00 10,726.00 (1,159.00) 80,498.41 85,009.31 100-19-130-00000-7054 CLERKS- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 79,394.00 94,381.00 73,004.00 (21,377.00) 17,994.93 16,226.72 100-19-130-00000-7058 CLERKS- WSIB 17,237.00 18,530.00 20,089.00 1,559.00 13,376.30 11,491.92 100-19-130-00000-7101 CLERK'S-OFF SUPPLIES 11,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 897.80 594.12 100-19-130-00000-7132 CLERKS ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-130-00000-7161 CLERKS -PROF FEES 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 961.35 699.48 100-19-130-00000-7174 CLERKS - R/M OFF EQUIP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 585.96 529.91 100-19-130-00000-7181 CLERK'S- BOOKS/PERIODICALS 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 9,244.07 9,461.91 100-19-130-00000-7186 CLERKS- POST/COUR/FRT 6,000.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 559.05 567.24 100-19-130-00000-7188 CLERKS-PRINTING 700.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 1,838.49 1,879.36 100-19-130-00000-7200 CLERKS -MEMB/DUES 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 2,447.73 2,970.14 100-19-130-00000-7202 CLERKS-TRAVEL EXP 4,340.00 4,340.00 3,340.00 (1,000.00) 4,954.15 0.00 100-19-130-00000-7203 CLERK'S - STAFF DEV 7,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,710.20 872.55 100-19-130-00000-7215 CLERKS- RECORD RETENTION 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 19,200.00 14,400.00 100-19-130-00000-7240 CLERKS- LIC/PERMIT EXPENSE 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 81,331.81 42,787.19 100-19-130-00000-7242 CLERKS- LIVESTOCK EXPENSE 20,000.00 25,000.00 27,000.00 2,000.00 4,695.89 2,451.45 100-19-130-00000-7299 CLERKS -MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 100-19-130-00000-7412 CLERKS-TRSF TO RF 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 20,067.12 10,000.00 100-19-130-00000-7416 CLERKS-TRSF TO RES 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 BUDGET W6. .G PAPERS Clarington:ADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description EXPENDITURE (continued): $0.00 $2,000.00 100-19-130-00000-7418 CLERKS-TRSF TO CF 1,097.27 780.04 100-19-130-00000-7505 CLERK'S - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 4,790.98 4,162.88 100-19-130-10516-7112 ACCESS. ADVISORY COMMITTEE -MI 4,246.09 0.00 100-19-130-10516-7160 ACCESS. ADVISORY COMMITTEE -CO 0.00 259.69 100-19-130-10517-7299 ACCESSIBILITY- MISC EXPENSE 1,074,089.63 1,083,426.46 Total EXPENDITURE 944,844.59 953255.45 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 3,000.00 (2,500.00) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 1, 002, 345.00 1, 081, 033.00 1, 095, 002.00 13, 969.00 879,545.00 956,233.00 967,202.00 10,969.00 M 01/10/17 BUDGET WOR..„„-. G PAPERS Clarington:ANIMAL SERVICES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (5,230.00) (4,405.00) 100-19-190-30705-6400 ANIMAL SERVICE IMPOUND FEE (7,000.00) (7,000.00) (7,000.00) 0.00 (26,083.92) (19,466.32) 100-19-190-30710-6400 SALE OF ANIMALS (19,000.00) (19,000.00) (19,000.00) 0.00 (27.17) (29.43) 100-19-190-30715-6400 ANIMAL TRAP. RENTALS (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (2,008.00) (2,393.00) 100-19-190-30720-6400 ANIMAL DISPOSAL FEE (1,600.00) (1,600.00) (1,600.00) 0.00 (49,820.50) (35,594.50) 100-19-190-35525-6500 DOG/CAT LICENCES (120,000.00) (100,000.00) (50,000.00) 50,000.00 (83,169.591 (61,888.25) Total REVENUE (147,800.00) (127,800.00) (77,800.00) 50,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 307,750.31 361,553.74 100-19-190-00000-7005 A/SERV-WAGES FR 343,901.00 346,178.00 366,282.00 20,104.00 113,590.39 70,071.42 100-19-190-00000-7007 A/SERV - WAGES PERM P/T 57,643.00 58,112.00 59,401.00 1,289.00 8,704.80 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7015 A/SERV - WAGES STUDENT 7,440.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,148.21 8,471.55 100-19-190-00000-7050 A/SERV -EHT 7,926.00 7,840.00 8,256.00 416.00 35,392.55 37,527.33 100-19-190-00000-7051 A/SERV-OMERS 35,509.00 35,534.00 37,480.00 1,946.00 15,898.79 16,818.61 100-19-190-00000-7052A/SERV-CPP 14,772.00 - 14,819.00 15,301.00 482.00 8,313.67 8,646.17 100-19-190-00000-7053A/SERV-EI 81213.00 7,985.00 7,157.00 (828.00) 44,416.38 40,607.33 100-19-190-00000-7054A/SERV- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 43,807.00 45,084.00 35,986.00 (9,098.00) 12,185.24 10,038.16 100-19-190-00000-7058 A/SERV - WSIB 11,672.00 11,463.00 12,622.00 1,159.00 1,127.75 1,055.73 100-19-190-00000-7101 A/SERV-OFF SUPPLIES 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 (500.00) 4,50Q.88 4,327.43 100-19-190-00000-7104A/SERV-CLEAN SUPPLIES 4,300.00 4,300.00 4,300.00 0.00 16,710.54 14,742.07 100-19-190-00000-7107 A/SERV-ANIMAL FEED/CARE 17,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 731.64 748.65 100-19-190-00000-7112A/SERV- MISC OP EXP 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 0.00 9,413.63 - 6,110.43 100-19-190-00000-7125A/SERV-HEAT 9,500.00 9,545.00 9,030.00 (515.00) 12,057.37 13,832.20 100-19-190-00000-7129A/SERV-HYDRO 14,000.00 13,475.00 14,000.00 525.00 1,774.06 1,130.37 100-19-190-00000-7130A/SERV-WATER/SEWER 1,300.00 1,395.00 1,415.00 20.00 3,129.10 2,222.67 100-19-190-00000-7132 A/SERV- PHONE/FAX 5,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 226.42 242.35 100-19-190-00000-7142 A/SERV - EQUIP MTNCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 35,036.72 28,215.94 100-19-190-00000-7162 A/SERV- VET SERVICES 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 0.00 10,650.36 4,119.86 100-19-190-00000-7164 A/SERV- JANITORIAL 11,400.00 11,400.00 11,400.00 0.00 1,913.40 1,542.79 100-19-190-00000-7165 A/SERV - WASTE DISPOSAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,061.64 2,561.40 100-19-190-00000-7168 A/SERV- DISPOSAL 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 3,096.32 2,251.77 100-19-190-00000-7172 A/SERV -R/M-BUILDING 6,950.00 6,950.00 6,950.00 0.00 695.80 1,297.13 100-19-190-00000-7173 A/SERV - RIM OTHER EQUIP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 3,662.08 2,971.75 100-19-190-00000-7180 A/SERV- SPAYED/NEUTERED 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,341.29 1,821.28 100-19-190-00000-7183 A/SERV -CLTH/UNIFORMS 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.00 346.81 285.65 100-19-190-00000-7186 A/SERV -POST/COUR/FRT 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 (2,000.00) 200.00 250.00 100-19-190-00000-7200 A/SERV - MEMB/DUES 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 990.59 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7203 A/SERV - STAFF DEV 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2017 BUDGET $0.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 7,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 01/10/17 i INCREASE $0.00 (11,000.00) (1,400.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET WC ,G PAPERS Clarington:AN. ... SERVICES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET EXPENDITURE (continued): $0.00 $0.00 100-19-190-00000-7240 A/SERV - LIC/PERMIT EXPENSE $2,000.00 $0.00 7,300.94 6,312.23 100-19-190-00000-7250 A/SERV- COMMISSION EXPENSE 19,000.00 19,000.00 741.26 1,945.20 100-19-190-00000-7299 A/SERV -MISC EXPENSE 2,900.00 2,900.00 10,865.90 7,000.00 100-19-190-00000-7412 A/SERV-TRSF TO RF 7,000.00 7,000.00 3,850.00 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7416 A/SERV-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 2,168.22 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7506 A/SERV- FURNITURE&FIXTURES 3,500.00 2,000.00 595.64 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7520 A/SERV - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 4,000.00 4,000.00 689,588.70 658,721.21 Total EXPENDITURE 692.983.00 679,230.00 606,419.11 596832.96 NET LEVY 545,183.00 551,430.00 2017 BUDGET $0.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 7,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 01/10/17 i INCREASE $0.00 (11,000.00) (1,400.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01/10/17 BUDGETWORA__GPAPERS Clarin9tomMUNICIPAL LAW EN 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (19,640.80) (6,354.00) 100-19-191-00000-6464 BYLAW ENFORCE -SNOW FEES RECO 0.00 (13,000.00) (13,000.00) 0.00 (29,661.00) (36,626.00) 100-19-191-00000-6506 BYLAW ENFORCE -FINES (17,000.00) (17,000.00) (25,000.00) (8,000.00) (49,301.80) (42,980.00) Total REVENUE (17,000.00) (30,000.00) (38,000.00) (8,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 446,643.03 380,390.54 100-19-191-00000-7001 BYLAW ENFORCE -SALARY F/T 433,387.00 441,025.00 455,618.00 14,593.00 7,371.00 6,884.70 100-19-191-00000-7015 BYLAW ENFORCE -WAGES STUDENT 8,021.00 8,141.00 8,263.00 122.00 8,843.15 8,067.20 100-19-191-00000-7050 BYLAW ENFORCE-EHT 8,602.00 8,753.00 9,039.00 286.00 45,550.12 41,605.18 100-19-191-00000-7051 BYLAW ENFORCE-OMERS 45,700.00 46,400.00 46,856.00 456.00 15,771.80 15,295.64 100-19-191-00000-7052 BYLAW ENFORCE -CPP 14,654.00 15,027.00 15,492.00 465.00 8,207.40 7,667.83 100-19-191-00000-7053 BYLAW ENFORCE -EI 8,108.00 8,049.00 7,274.00 (775.00) 58,858.51 54,021.51 100-19-191-00000-7054, BYLAW ENFORCE-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 58,051.00 59,977.00 46,456.00 (13,521.00) 12,604.92 10,798.27 100-19-191-00000-7058 BYLAW ENFORCE-WSIB 12,074.00 12,331.00 13,473.00 1,142.00 2,493.65 3,047.68 100-19-191-00000-7132 BYLAW ENFORCE-PHONE/FAX 7,000.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 535.06 613.27 100-19-191-00000-7140 BYLAW ENFORCE -SNOW REMOVAL 6,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 (1,500.00) 12,517.25 3,462.89 100-19-191-00000-7161 BYLAW ENFORCE -PROF FEES 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 4,825.48 8,212.09 100-19-191-00000-7169 BYLAW ENFORCE -CONTRACT -CONS 15,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7181 BYLAW ENFORCE-BOOKS/PERIODIC 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 3,492.18 5,373.80 100-19-191-00000-7183 BYLAW ENFORCE-CLTH/UNIFORMS 7,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 771.00 602.00 100-19-191-00000-7200 BYLAW ENFORCE-MEMB/DUES 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 9,285.66 1,105.22 100-19-191-00000-7202 BYLAW ENFORCE -TRAVEL EXP 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 950.44 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7203 BYLAW ENFORCE -STAFF DEV 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,738.52 4,210.60 100-19-191-00000-7223 BYLAW ENFORCE -SNOW CHRGS RE - 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 3,802.52 3,447.11 100-19-191-00000-7299 BYLAW ENFORCE-MISC EXPENSE 5,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 4,855.97 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7416 BYLAW ENFORCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 992.16 3,795.50 100-19-191-00000-7520 BYLAW ENFORCE -OTHER CAP (NON 5,200.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 1,437.16 800.02 100-19-191-10515-7041 PROPERTY STDS - OTHER PAY 1,500.00 1,523.00 1,545.00 22.00 309.14 143.50 100-19-191-10515-7213 PROPERTY STDS- APPEALS 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 665,856.12 559.544.55 Total EXPENDITURE 661,247.00 659,676.00 670.966.00 11,290.00 616,554.32 516.564.55 NET LEVY 644,247.00 629.676.00 632,966.00 3,290.00 01/10/17 BUDGET WL .,G PAPERS Clarington:PARKING ENFORCEM 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE F— REVENUE: (122,116.66) (119,886.37) 100-19-192-10100-6409 PARKING METER REVENUE (80,000.00) (80,000.00) (80,000.00) 0.00 (364,700.00) (330,905.00) 100-19-192-10100-6506 PARKING TICKETS FINES REVENUE (120,000.00) (190,000.00) (200,000.00) (10,000.00) (486,816.66) (450 791.37) Total REVENUE (200,000.00) (270,000.00) (280,000.00) (10,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 103,730.37 102,084.79 100-19-192-10100-7001 PKG ENFORCE - SALARY F/T 119,213.00 120,851.00 114,565.00 (6,286.00) 63,905.71 - 56,831.33 100-19-192-10100-7007 PKG ENFORCE- WAGES PERM PIT 62,464.00 63,401.00 64,363.00 962.00 3,593.99 3,510.85 100-19-192-10100-7050 PKG ENFORCE- EHT 3,496.00 3,545.00 3,441.00 (104.00) 10,032.00 10,002.68 100-19-192-10100-7051 PKG ENFORCE -OMERS 10,065.00 10,181.00 10,261.00 80.00 8,046.43 9,130.66 100-19-192-10100-7052 PKG ENFORCE - CPP 7,478.00 7,631.00 7,845.00 214.00 4,258.58 4,850.79 100-19-192-10100-7053 PKG ENFORCE - EI 4,207.00 4,210.00 3,778.00 (432.00) 18,008.06 16,498.18 100-19-192-10100-7054 PKG ENFORCE- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 17,761.00 18,317.00 15,926.00 (2,391.00) 5,390.03 4,585.17 100-19-192-10100-7058 PKG ENFORCE- WSIB 5,163.00 5,236.00 5,381.00 145.00 851.49 565.38 100-19-192-10100-7112 PKG ENFORCE -MISC OP EXP 700.00 600.00 2,800.00 2,200.00 2,684.06 2,481.59 100-19-192-10100-7132 PKG ENFORCE - PHONE/FAX 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,100.00 600.00 10,052.27 3,395.08 100-19-192-10100-7140 PKG ENFORCE - SNOW REMOVAL 7,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 7,242.71 9,598.51 100-19-192-10100-7173 PKG ENFORCE - R/M OTHER EQUIP 12,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 7,930.36 4,218.92 100-19-192-10100-7183 PKG ENFORCE -CLTH/UNIFORMS 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 1,964.60 513.42 100-19-192-10100-7202 PKG ENFORCE -TRAVEL EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 17,870.64 2,052.44 100-19-192-10100-7299 PKG ENFORCE - MISC EXPENSE 500.00 650.00 650.00 0.00 486,816.66 450,821.37 100-19-192-10100-7412 PKG ENFORCE-TRSF TO RF 200,000.00 270,000.00 280,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 640.70 100-19-192-10100-7505 PKG ENFORCE - SMALL EQUIP, FUR 3,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 752,379.96 681,781.86 Total EXPENDITURE 460,047.00 531,622.00 537,610.00 5,988.00 265,563.30 230,990.49 NET LEVY 260,047.00 261,622.00 257,610.00 (4,012.00) F— 01/10/17 BUDGET WORA_—G PAPERS Clarington:ELECTION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 3,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 3,052.80 3,052.80 100-19-193-10190-7102 MUN ELECT- DATA SUPPLIES 73,500.00 90,000.00 100-19-193-10190-7416 MUN ELECT-TRSF TO RES 76,552.80 93,052.80 Total EXPENDITURE 76,552.80 93,052.80 NET LEVY 3,000.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 0.00 73,500.00 90,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 76,500.00 93,100.00 103,100.00 10,000.00 76,500.00 93,100.00 103,100.00 10,000.00 o+ r rn N 01110/17 BLIDGETWi XPAPERS , Clarin9t6... aRANTS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (58,717.53) (33,101.73) 100-19-230-30631-6201 GRANTS -WILDLIFE DAMAGE COMPE (15,000.00) (20,000.00) (22,000.00) (2,000.00) (58,717.53) (33,101.73) Total REVENUE (15,000.00) (20,000.00) (22,000.00) (2,000.00) (58,717.53) (33,101.73) NET LEVY (15,000.00) (20,000.00) (22,000.00) (2,000.00) rn N BUDGET WOR.&—wG PAPERS Clarington:CEMETERY 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (113,210.90) (168,875.00) 100-19-326-10416-6561 SALE OF PLOTS - BOWMANVILLE C (39,039.66) (26,085.00) 100-19-326-10418-6561 SALE OF PLOTS - BONDHEAD CEME (1,555.00) 0.00 100-19-326-10426-6561 SALE OF PLOTS - ST. GEORGE'S CE (19,400.00) (21,650.00) 100-19-326-35510-6502 BURIAL PERMITS (173,205.56) (216,610.00) Total REVENUE 0.00 (12,500.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-19-326-10419-7225 CEMETERY MTNCE - RETURN GRAVE 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE (173,205.56) (216,610.00) NET LEVY 01110117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (100,000.00) (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 0.00 (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (16,000.00) (4,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (12,500.00) (22,100.00) (22,100.00) 0.00 (126,500.00) (136,100.00) (140,100.00) (4,000.00) 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 rn w 01/10/17 BUDGET WO. ..G PAPERS Clarington:FLEET 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE rn A EXPENDITURE: 3,678.14 1,862.08 100-19-388-02009-71712009 DODGE TRUCK #020- R/M-VEH 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,517.25 1,207.50 100-19-388-02009-71942009 DODGE TRUCK #020-FUEL/OIL 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 100-19-388-02416-7171 2016 CHEV CRUZE- 024-R/M-VEHICLE 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 310.95 100-19-388-02416-7194 2016 CHEV CRUZE-024- FUEL/OIL 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 426.33 3,689.01 100-19-388-02812-71712012 FORD ESCAPE SUV -028 R/M-VE 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 3,416.01 1,927.84 100-19-388-02812-7194 2012 FORD ESCAPE SUV-028-FUEL/O 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 1,567.64 307.13 100-19-388-02913-71712013 CHEV EQUINOX -029-R/M-VEHI 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,041.74 1,113.38 100-19-388-02913-71942013 CHEV EQUINOX -029 -FUEUOIL 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-03016-71712016 CHEV COLORADO TRUCK #030 - 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-03016-7194 2016 CHEV COLORADO TRUCK#030- 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-40557-7171 PKG NEW VEHICLE - R/M VEHICLES 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-40557-7194 PKG NEW VEHICLE - FUEL/OIL 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 304.63 1,573.68 100-19-388-40708-7171 '05 PONTIAC PURSUIT CAR-R/M-VEHI 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) .1,061.71 418.56 100-19-38840708-7194'05 PONTIAC PURSUIT CAR-FUEL/OIL 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 21132.79 2,368.69 100-19-388-42109-71712009 CHEVVAN-RIM-VEHICLES 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 4,159.14 2,625.31 100-19-388-42109-71942009 CHEVVAN-FUEL/OIL 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 1,688.79 1,080.89 100-19-388-42211-7171 2011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT VAN- 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,316.01 1,028.05 100-19-388-42211-7194 2011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT VAN -4 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 22,310.18 19,633.07 Total EXPENDITURE 19,950.00 22.450.00 24,950.00 - 2,500.00 22,310.18 19,633.07 NET LEVY 19.950.00 22,450.00 24,950.00 2,500.00 rn A FINANCE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 r f 0 J-1 Leading the Way kvgwtl Laura Pinto Jessica James Shannon Bayes Shannon Crombie Management tments and Banking ficial Studies -Tax billing and collections I Reporting ance Measures Audit Laurie Cowell )ave McGowan IStaff Complement K0n,Affihht,d * '� * � � �7�7777717 —7 Union - Italicized �15 jport�tirha 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 7 T Total zzi 22 IDepartment Head Backup Deputy Treasurer 01/10/17 BUDGET WO. ,a PAPERS Clarington:FINANCE&UNCLAS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (12,000.00) REVENUE: (28,608.12) (9,579.95) UNASSIGNED -REVENUE (1,579,629.92) (1,553,217.20) ADMINISTRATION -REVENUE (93,696.37) 0.00 UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN. - REVENUE (1,701,934.41) (1,562,797.15) Total REVENUE 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 242,000.00 0.00 UNASSIGNED -EXPENDITURE 1,396,365.52 0.00 PSAB- EXPENDITURE 2,373,200.49 2,370,870.68 FINANCE ADMIN. - EXPENDITURE 4,127,343.85 2,374,834.21 UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN. - EXPENDITURE 8,138,909.86 4,745,704.89 Total EXPENDITURE 6,436,975.45 3,182,907.74 NET LEVY (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 (1,552,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,540,000.00) 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,564,000.00) (1,564,000.00) (1,552,000.00) 12,000.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 (225,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,324,331.00 2,407,015.00 2,433,383.00 26,368.00 2,181,973.00 2,287,726.00 3,055,552.00 767,826.00 w 01/10/17 BUDGET Wa -S PAPERS Clarington: U NASSIGN ED 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 (225,000.00) 213.000.00 213.000.00 (12,000.00) (225,000.00) REVENUE: (28,608.12) (9,579.95) 100-21-000-00000-6506 INTEREST PENALTY ON A/R (28,608.12) (9,579.95) Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: 225,000.00 0.00 100-21-000-10525-7112 BOARD OF TRADE - MISC OR EXP 17,000.00 0.00 100-21-000-10525-7205 BOARD OF TRADE -OTHER-PHYSICIA 242.000.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 213,391.88 (9.579.951 NET LEVY (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 (225,000.00) 213.000.00 213.000.00 (12,000.00) (225,000.00) 01/10/17 -- BUDGET WORt,-S PAPERS Clarington:ADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (1,300,000.00) (1,300,000.00) REVENUE: (1,293,352.62) (1,255,670.56) 100-21-130-00000-6506 PENALTIES/INTEREST ON TAXES (286,277.30) (297,546.64) 100-21-130-30642-6400 FINANCE -MISC REVENUE (1,579,629.92) (1,553,217.20) Total REVENUE (1,579,629.92) (1553217.20) NETLEVY (1,300,000.00) (1,300,000.00) (1,250,000.00) 50,000.00 (252,000.00) (252,000.00) (290,000.00) (38,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,540,000.00) 12,000.00 N 01/10/17 BUDGET WC ,,G PAPERS Clarington:FINANCE ADMIN. 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL D06Cri0tion 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE N EXPENDITURE: 1,667,008.11 1,699,209.81 100-21-210-00000-7001 FINANCE -SALARY FIT 1,626,377.00 1,694,074.00 1,737,644.00 43,570.00 8,383.76 8,427.00 100-21-210-00000-7008 FINANCE-WAGESTEMP PIT 8,302.00 8,427.00 8,553.00 126.00 32,763.44 33,918.26 100-21-210-00000-7050 FINANCE -EHT 31,870.00 33,193.00 34,044.00 851.00 174,118.09 181,886.45 100-21-210-00000-7051 FINANCE -OMERS 174,691.00 180,951.00 184,743.00 3,792.00 55,271.26 59,752.11 100-21-210-00000-7052 FINANCE - CPP 51,354.00 54,479.00 56,193.00 1,714.00 28,417.13 30,006.15 100-21-210-00000-7053 FINANCE - EI 28,073.00 28,876.00 25,942.00 (2,934.00) 208,289.67 199,552.71 100-21-210-00000-7054 FINANCE - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 205,432.00 221,552.00 186,710.00 (34,842.00) 43,253.84 38,148.16 100-21-210-00000-7056 FINANCE - WSIB 41,432.00 43,563.00 46,754.00 3,191.00 16,236.05 14,098.51 100-21-210-00000-7101 FINANCE -OFF SUPPLIES 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 24,335.49 10,264.59 100-21-210-00000-7156 FINANCE - LEGAL 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 13,170.00 6,970.00 100-21-210-00000-7158 FINANCE - LEGAL/TAX 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 120.08 763.90 100-21-210-00000-7174 FINANCE- RIM OFF EQUIP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 812.81 682.68 100-21-210-00000-7181 FINANCE - BOOKS/PERIODICALS - 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 54,351.87 52,409.84 100-21-210-00000-7166 FINANCE- POST/COUR/FRT 54,000.00 54,000.00 64,000.00 10,000.00 14,586.77 16,957.50 100-21-210-00000-7188 FINANCE - PRINTING 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,500.00 500.00 3,342.49 4,156.32 100-21-210-00000-7200 FINANCE -MEMB/DUES 3,300.00 3,900.00 4,300.00 400.00. 8,246.90 11,651.85 100-21-210-00000-7202 FINANCE -TRAVEL EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,859.22 0.00 100-21-210-00000-7203 FINANCE - STAFF DEV 15,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,314.89 609.39 100-21-210-00000-7299 FINANCE -MISC EXPENSE 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 4,640.00 0.00 100-21-210-00000-7416 FINANCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,678.62 1,405.45 100-21-210-00000-7505 FINANCE - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 2.373.200.49 2,370,870.68 Total EXPENDITURE 2,324,331.00 2,407,015.00 2,433,383.00 26,368.00 2,373,200.49 2,370,870.68 NET LEVY 2,324,331.00 2,407,015.00 2,433,383.00 26.368.00 N 01/10/17 BUDGET WOR,. --G PAPERS Clarington:UNCLASSIFIED ADM - 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL DeS ription 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 REVENUE: 0.00 (93,696.37) 0.00 100-21-211-30642-6400 UNCLASS ADMIN -MISC REVENUE (93,696.37) 0.00 Total REVENUE 65,000.00 0.00 45,500.00 25,500.00 EXPENDITURE: 35,100.00 60,954.24 0.00 100-21-211-00000-7154 UNCL ADMIN - AUDIT&ACCTG FEES 94,057.43 26,610.24 100-21-211-00000-7161 UNCL ADMIN - PROF FEES 16,141.14 16,534.30 100-21-211-00000-7200 UNCL ADMIN - MEMB/DUES 21,709.78 188,555.10 100-21-211-00000-7203 UNCL ADMIN - STAFF DEV 13,719.28 18,614.94 100-21-211-00000-7205 UNCL ADMIN - RECEPTION 254,135.63 440,178.27 100-21-211-00000-7212 UNCL ADMIN - TAX W/O 1,123,288.53 1,028,471.20 100-21-211-00000-7217 UNCL ADMIN - INSURANCE 0.00 1,600.00 100-21-211-00000-7298 UNCL ADMIN - CONTINGENCY 82,015.17 2,433.24 100-21-211-00000-7299 UNCL ADMIN -MISC EXPENSE 2,541.00 2,553.60 100-21-211-00000-7302 UNCL ADMIN - BANK SIC TAX 99,707.75 86,803.66 100-21-211-00000-7303 UNCL ADMIN - BANK S/C OTHER 2,066,656.32 487,479.66 100-21-211-00000-7412 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO RF 289,742.52 75,000.00 100-21-211-00000-7416 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 2,675.06 0.00 100-21-211-00000-7505 UNCL ADMIN- SMALL EQUIP. PURCH 4,127,343.85 2,374,834.21 Total EXPENDITURE 4,033,647.48 2,374,834.21 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 45,500.00 25,500.00 60,600.00 35,100.00 15,500.00 16,100.00 16,500.00 400.00 30,000.00 270,000.00 256,100.00 - (13,900.00) 19,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 50,000.00 1,170,000.00 1,170,000.00 1,170,000.00 0.00 18,672.00 21,325.00 21,325.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 106,000.00 89,000.00 70,500.00 (18,500.00) 315,801.00 315,801.00 1,030,527.00 714,726.00 175,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 L.JERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPA..TMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 Cly Leading the Way Bill Hasson FIREFIGHTERS R.teeogt MECHANICAL SENIOR TRAINING C. Camovale IS. Richardson I SUPPRESSION SENIOR FIRE CAPTAINS _ T_ECH_NICIA_N_ _ _ _ _OFFICE_R _ George Schroor vacant IP. Rowan PREVENTION OFFICER_ _____ Randy Reinert _ ,ant M. Dennis :D. Tyte Lomax •R. McCutcheon ID. White IB. Mercer 1. Hansen Oliver IR. Vanderkooi TRAININGFIRE 4. Speakman PREVENTION .M. Gibson Dusseldorp G. Bradley j _ OFFICER j IS. Graham K. Crouch ;A. Hamilton Shcnerbak M. Ulrich _ Ken Ostler IT. Muir _ _INSPECTORS_ 6i11 Reid M. Schroor Cowan P. Dawson Jesse Taylor Jacquelyn Hill -Bower �C. M. Hoogstean �E. Dion Gmni Jennifer Delaney S. Blanchard FIREFIGHTERS R.teeogt P. O'Hare .D. Glaspell C. Camovale IS. Richardson IR. Gardner R. Day ;B. Rogers ;S. Proctor D. Worrell IP. Rowan IM. Oliver E. Donnelly .R. Staples :D. Tyte 0. Ferguson ID. White IB. Mercer 1. Hansen T. Santos :S. Snowden 4. Speakman B. Pearce .M. Gibson 7. Pellerin IA. McConkey IS. Graham K. Crouch ;A. Hamilton ;M. Ayer V. Kalita IT. Muir IC. Forsey M. Schroor :A. Pudlis Jesse Taylor �C. M. Hoogstean �E. Dion Gmni V. Ladouceur S. Blanchard vacant James Tavlor IT Stone _ 20 Captains 100 Firefiehte _ STUDENTS 4 Jr. Firefiahters- Catherine Purkott Pam Murdv Emergency Planning Fire Prevention Public Education Fire Suppression Communications Training Staff Complement Union - Italicized 66 Students 4 Total 199 Department Head Backup - Depu Chief BUDGET WC GPAPERS ClaringtomEML _NCY SERVIC 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (143,401.39) (222,121.38) ADMINISTRATION -REVENUE (9,750.01) (39,498.09) FIRE PREVENTION - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 MUN. OPERATIONS CENTRE - REVENUE (153,151.40) (261,619.47) Total REVENUE 0.00 (10,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 837,343.69 0.00 PSAB- EXPENDITURE 2,117,100.06 1,677,064.97 ADMINISTRATION -EXPENDITURE 590,453.78 616,560.25 FIRE PREVENTION - EXPENDITURE 7,557,050.78 7,671,388.84 FIRE SUPPRESSION - EXPENDITURE 325,926.08 344,966.28 FIRE TRAINING TECH.SUPPORT - EXPENDITURE 474,411.34 513,448.75 FIRE COMMUNICATIONS - EXPENDITURE 98,820.87 78,991.58 FIRE MECHANICAL - EXPENDITURE 942,139.29 919,215.27 ALL STATIONS - PT ADMIN. - EXPENDITURE 30,905.20 33,086.11 MUN. OPERATIONS CENTRE - EXPENDITURE 179,676.86 141,383.84 FIRE MTNCE TECH SUPPORT- EXPENDITURE 13,153,827.95 11,996,105.89 Total EXPENDITURE 13,000,676.55 11,734,486.42 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 (14,000.00) (35,000.00) (40,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (49,000.00) (80,000.00) (85,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,670,221.00 1,582,766.00 1,485,894.00 (96,872.00) 580,006.00 654,244.00. 710,799.00 56,555.00 7,259,539.00 7,576,450.00 7,728,684.00 152,234.00 321,079.00 333,268.00 332,074.00 .(1,194.00) 485,000.00 520,000.00 555,000.00 35,000.00 127,500.00 127,500.00 127,500.00 0.00 892,153.00 829,758.00 867,826.00 38,068.00 38,600.00 55,100.00 40,100.00 (15,000.00) 132,783.00 136,254.00 134,893.00 (1,361.00) V N BUDGET wt .GPAPERS Cla rin9tmAM,NISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET 01/10/17 INCREASE REVENUE: (65,646.39) (144,601.38) 100-28-130-30650-6400 EMS - FIRE DEPARTMENT -MISC R (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 (77,755.00) (77,520.00) 100-28-130-30652-6400 EMS -EMERGENCY CALLS REVENUE 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 (143,401.39) (222,121.38) Total REVENUE (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 613,035.19 636,138.52 100-28-130-00000-7001 EMS - ADMIN -SALARY F/T 575,546.00 609,628.00 634,016.00 24,388.00 10,545.54 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7007 EMS - ADMIN -SAL PERM PIT 18,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,890.24 12,078.84 100-28-130-00000-7050 EMS - ADMIN-EHT 11,566.00 11,886.00 12,361.00 475.00 72,247.28 70,502.72 100-28-130-00000-7051 EMS - ADMIN-OMERS 72,485.00 75,783.00 73,755.00 (2,028.00) -14,254.22 14,415.38 100-28-130-00000-7052 EMS - ADMIN -CPP 13,244.00 13,896.00 15,052.00 1,156.00 7,493.75 7,614.26 100-28-130-00000-7053 EMS -ADMIN -EI 7,403.00 7,591.00 7,085.00 (506.00) 58,900.09 61,908.06 100-28-130-00000-7054 EMS - ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 58,092.00 68,733.00 54,040.00 (14,693.00) 12,422.22 10,879.70 100-28-130-00000-7058 EMS - ADMIN-WSIB 11,899.00 12,424.00 13,745.00 1,321.00 9,334.00 7,169.32 100-28-130-00000-7101 EMS - ADMIN -OFF SUPPLIES 9,000.00 9,000.00. 9,000.00 0.00 100.00 20.00 100-28-130-00000-7112 EMS - ADMIN-MISC OP EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 (1,000.00) 39,613.60 24,490.36 100-28-130-00000-7125 EMS - ADMIN -HEAT 39,912.00 41,400.00 38,430.00 (2,970.00) 116,808.12 113,864.39 100-28-130-00000-7129 EMS - ADMIN -HYDRO 96,100.00 118,550.00 125,000.00 6,450.00 13,969.40 12,104.89 100-28-130-00000-7130 EMS-ADMIN-WATER/SEWER 14,630.00 15,360.00 15,710.00 350.00 41,402.72 13,061.43 100-28-130-00000-7132 EMS - ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 55,000.00 50,000.00 15,000.00 (35,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7174 EMS - ADMIN -RIM OFF EQUIP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 56.24 97.62 100-28-130-00000-7181 EMS - ADMIN-BOOKSIPERIODICALS 1,200.00 1,200.00 200.00 (1,000.00) 44,436.44 49,011.68 100-28-130-00000-7183 EMS - ADMIN-CLTH/UNIFORMS 55,000.00 55,000.00 50,000.00 (5,000.00) 1,045.12 672.63 100-28-130-00000-7186 EMS - ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 829.01 2,453.02 100-28-130-00000-7192 EMS - ADMIN -SPECIAL EVENTS 2,200.00 2,200.00 1,500.00 (700.00) 5,252.16 4,280.07 100-28-130-00000-7200 EMS - ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 706.27 735.19 100-28-130-00000-7202 EMS - ADMIN -TRAVEL EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 56,931.40 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7203 EMS - ADMIN -STAFF DEV 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,956.02 6,431.89 100-28-130-00000-7299 EMS - ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 7,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 701,904.00 402,520.00 100-28-130-00000-7412 EMS-ADMIN-TRSF TO RF 388,429.00 325,000.00 375,000.00 50,000.00 37,352.03 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7416 EMS ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 226,615.00 216,615.00 100-28-130-00000-7418 EMS-ADMIN-TRSF TO CF 126,615.00 126,615.00 0.00 (126,615.00) 0.00 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7520 EMS - ADMIN -OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 10,000.00 10,000.00 17,500.00 7,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 100-28-130-20017-7600 OPER GRANT- EMERGENCY GRANTS 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 2,117,100.06 1,677,064.97 Total EXPENDITURE 1,670,221.00 1,582,766.00 1,485,894.00 (96,872.00) 1,973,698.67 1,454,943.59 NET LEVY 1,635,221.00 1,547,766.00 1,450894.00 (96,872.00) BUDGET WORA-. wG PAPERS Clarington:FIRE PREVENTION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (15,000.00) 100-28-280-30651-6400 EMS - PREVENTION - EMERG. MGMT 0.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (15,000.00) 100-28-280-30651-6455 EMS-PREVENTION-EMERG.MGMT-JrF 0.00 (10,000.00) (15,000.00) (5,000.00) (2,655.01) (2,349.00) 100-28-280-30655-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE -COMMERCIAL/ (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (274.59) 100-28-280-30656-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE -LIQUOR LIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (234.00) (243.00) 100-28-280-30660-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE -DAYCARE CTR (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (156.00) 0.00 100-28-280-30665-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE -WOOD STOVE (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (312.00) (729.00) 100-28-280-30670-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-REFRESH.VEH (800.00) (800.00) (800.00) 0.00 (702.00) (1,374.00) 100-28-280-30675-6400 FIRE INSURANCE REPORT FEE (500.00) (500:00) (500.00) 0.00 (5,691.00) (4,528.50) 100-28-280-35615-6502 BURNING PERMITS (10,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 (9,750.01) (39,498.09) Total REVENUE (14,000.00) (35,000.00) (40,000.00) (5.000.00) EXPENDITURE: 408,444.40 434,106.86 100-28-280-000Q0-7001 EMS - PREVENTION -SALARY FIT 405,996.00 455,743.00 498,451.00 42,708.00 18,253.80 20,123.24 100-28-280-00000-7015 EMS - PREVENT -WAGES STUDENT 20,133.00 20,434.00 20,741.00 307.00 8,527.54 9,734.88 100-28-280-00000-7050 EMS - PREVENTION-EHT 8,295.00 9,269.00 10,109.00 840.00 51,441.35 58,807.69 100-28-280-00000-7051 EMS - PREVENTION-OMERS 49,898.00 56,133.00 60,012.00 3,879.00 10,727.29 11,891.55 100-28-280-00000-7052 EMS - PREVENTION -CPP 9,967.00 11,952.00 13,115.00 1,163.00 5,832.63 6,447.02 100-28-280-00000-7053 EMS - PREVENTION -EI 5,762.00 6,699.00 6,309.00 (390.00) 44,549.21 41,391.84 100-28-280-00000-7054 EMS - PREVENTION-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 43,938.00 45,955.00 48,797.00 2,842.00 10,979.45 10,428.72 100-28-280-00000-7058 EMS - PREVENTION-WSIB 10,517.00 11,909.00 13,615.00 1,706.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-280-00000-7160 EMS - PREVENTION - TAPP C-CONSU 0.00 650.00 650.00 0.00 1,089.12 1,738.80 100-28-280-00000-7181 EMS - PREVENTION-BOOKS/PERIODI 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 27,172.36 11,091.99 100-28-280-00000-7206 EMS - PREVENTION-PROMO/OTHER 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 3,436.63 1,486.62 100-28-280-00000-7520 EMS - PREVENTION -OTHER CAP (NON 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 3,500.00 (1,500.00) 0.00 9,311.04 100-28-280-30651-7179 EMS - PREVENTION-EMERGENCYM 0.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 590.453.78 616,560.25 Total EXPENDITURE 580,006.00 654,244.00 710,799.00 56,555.00 580.703.77 577,062.16 NET LEVY 566,006.00 619,244.00 670,799.00 _ 51,555.00 01/10/17 BUDGET WL. ,G PAPERS Clarington:FIRE SUPPRESSION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 5,596,581.42 5,826,393.42 100-28-281-00000-7001 EMS - SUPPRESSION -SALARY FfF 5,387,523.00 5,638,541.00 5,828,935.00 190,394.00 108,002.08 117,907.97 100-28-281-00000-7050 EMS - SUPPRESSION-EHT 105,057.00 109,949.00 113,664.00 3,715.00 728,063.61 729,282.51 100-28-281-00000-7051 EMS - SUPPRESSION-OMERS 653,530.00 687,862.00 709,564.00 21,702.00 146,188.81 135,049.06 100-28-281-00000-7052 EMS - SUPPRESSION -CPP 135,828.00 138,877.00 143,590.00 4,713.00 74,439.61 68,383.73 100 -28 -?81-00000-7053 EMS - SUPPRESSION -EI 73,538.00 72,959.00 65,558.00 (7,401.00) 611,846.26 569,955.52 100-28-281-00000-7054 EMS - SUPPRESSION-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 603,452.00 632,789.00 562,175.00 (70,614.00) 142,618.05 124,763.69 100-28-281-00000-7058 EMS - SUPPRESSION-WSS 136,611.00 142,473.00 153,198.00 10,725.00 13,323.44 8,389.09 100-28-281-00000-7103 EMS - SUPPRESSION-CHEM/FOAM 10,000.00 7,500.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 6,570.23 11,777.73 100-28-281-00000-7106 EMS - SUPPRESSION -SAFETY SUPPL 12,000.00 13,500.00 10,000.00 (3,500.00) 72,438.34 46,309.31 '100-28-281-00000-7142 EMS - SUPPRESSION -EQUIP MTNCE 67,000.00 67,000.00 67,000.00 0.00 9,225.40 8,935.00 100-28-281-00000-7173 EMS - SUPPRESSION-R/M OTHER EQU 11,500.00 11,500.00 - 11,500.00 0.00 13,476.84 0.00 100-28-281-00000-7520 EMS - SUPPRESSION -OTHER CAP (N 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 19,850.29 16,931.89 100-28-281-00000-7530 EMS - SUPPRESSION -BUNKER MISC 35,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 14,426.40 7,309.92 100-28-281-00000-7531 EMS -SUPPRESSION-S.C.B.A. 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 7,557,050.78 7,671,386.84 Total EXPENDITURE 7,259,539.00 7,576,450.00 7,728,684.00 152,234.00 7,557,050.78 7,671,388.84 NETLEVY 7,259,539.00 7,576,450.00 7,728,684.00 152,234.00 BUDGET WORA.,vG PAPERS Clarington:FIRE TRAINING TE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 239,301.00 EXPENDITURE: 256,440.00 6,535.00 248,959.51 266,858.57 100-28-282-00000-7001 EMS - TRAIN & TECH SUPP-SALARY F 4,796.81 5,284.42 100-28-282-00000-7050 EMS - TRAIN & TECH SUPP-EHT 31,288.55 33,643.03 100-28-282-00000-7051 EMS -TRAIN & TECH SUPP-OMERS 5,221.04 4,808.93 100-28-282-00000-7052 EMS -TRAIN & TECH SUPP-CPP 2,658.18 2,441.04 100-28-282-00000-7053 EMS - TRAIN & TECH SUPP-EI 22,872.82 21,478.17 100-28-282-00000-7054 EMS -TRAIN & TECH SUPP-LTD/LIFE/ 5,274.12 4,565.03 100-28-282-00000-7058 EMS -TRAIN & TECH SUPP-WSIB 4,840.09 5,148.97 100-28-282-00000-7181 EMS - TRAIN & TECH SUPP-BOOKS/P 14.96 738.12 100-28-282-00000-7299 EMS -TRAIN & TECH SUPP-MISC EXP 325,926.08 344,966.28 Total EXPENDITURE 333,268.00 332,074.00 325.926.08 344,966.28 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 239,301.00 249,905.00 256,440.00 6,535.00 4,666.00 4,873.00 5,001.00 128.00 30,324.00 31,865.00 32,600.00 735.00 4,851.00 4,960.00 5,128.00 168.00 2,626.00 2,606.00 2,341.00 (265.00) 22,559.00 23,846.00 19,013.00 (4,833,00) 5,052.00 5,213.00 5,551.00 338.00 6,700.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 (4,000.00) 321,079.00 333,268.00 332,074.00 (1,194.001 321,079.00 333,268.00 332,074.00 (1,194.00) BUDGETWL ;GPAPERS Clarington:FIRL _�MMUNICATI 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL a 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 60,000.00 60,000.00 55,000.00 (5,000.00) 485,000.00 520.000.00 555,000.00 35,000.00 V V EXPENDITURE: 49,411.34 39,282.00 100-28-283-00000-7144 EMS - COMMUNICATION -RADIO EQU 425,000.00 474,166.75 100-28-283-00000-7163 EMS - COMMUNICATION -CONTRACT 474,411.34 513,448.75 Total EXPENDITURE 474,411.34 513,448.75 NET LEVY a 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 60,000.00 60,000.00 55,000.00 (5,000.00) 485,000.00 520.000.00 555,000.00 35,000.00 V V BUDGET WORAs✓G PAPERS Clarington:FIRE MECHANICAL 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 30,000.00 30,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 29,043.63 32,009.73 100-28-284-00000-7171 EMS - FIRE MECH-R/M VEHICLES 7,559.70 437.99 100-28-284-00000-7173 EMS - FIRE MECH-R/M OTHER EQUIP 62,217.54 46,543.86 100-28-284-00000-7194 EMS - FIRE MECH-FUEL/OIL 98,820.87 78.991.58 Total EXPENDITURE 98,820.87 78,991.58 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 30,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 10,000.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 65,000.00 (10,000.00) 127.500.00 127,500.00 127,500.00 0.00 12750000 127,500.00 0.00 I 01110117 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington:ALL STATIONS - P 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 9,290.43 8,195.72 100-28-285-00000-7104 EMS- FIRE P/T-CLEAN SUPPLIES 9,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 506.85 707.14 100-28-285-00000-7105 EMS - FIRE P/T-LIGHT SUPPLIES 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-00000-7112 EMS - FIRE PIT-MISC OP EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 5,233.55 3,165.02 100-28-285-00000-7132 EMS - FIRE PIT-PHONE/FAX 8,500.00 8,500.00 5,500.00 (3,000.00) 1,400.00 1,400.00 100-28-285-00000-7164 EMS - FIRE PIT -JANITORIAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 31,887.33 20,419.66 100-28-285-00000-7172 EMS- FIRE PIT -RIM -BUILDING 22,500.00 26,000.00 37,000.00 11,000.00 280,468.95 274,927.48 100-28-285-10588-7016 EMS- BOW F/STN#1-P/T F/F WAGES 190,935.00 190,935.00 195,935.00 5,000.00 3,827.39 4,337.73 100-28-285-10588-7050 EMS- BOW F/STN#1-EHT 3,723.00 3,723.00 3,821.00 98.00 4,179.20 5,980.50 100-28-285-10588-7052 EMS - BOW F/STN#1-CPP 3,883.00 3,883.00-. 4,130.00 247.00 5,740.79 4,815.48 100-28-285-10588-7058 EMS - BOW F/STN#1-WSIB 5,499.00 5,499.00 5,976.00 477.00 125,462.41 148,122.08 100-28-285-10590-7016 EMS- NEWC F/STN#2-P/T F/F WAGES 210,935.00 150,000.00 155,000.00 5,000.00 4,228.28 2,919.54 100-28-285-10590-7050 EMS - NEWC F/STN#2-EHT 4,113.00 2,925.00 3,023.00 98.00 5,244.71 2,510.42 100-28-285-10590-7052 EMS - NEWC F/STN#2-CPP 4,873.00 1,856.00 2,104.00 248.00 6,342.12 3,783.03 100-28-285-10590-7058 EMS-NEWC F/STN#2-WSIB 6,075.00 4,320.00 4,728.00 408.00 201,503.76 176,086.54 100-28-285-10592-7016 EMS- ORONO F/STN#3-P/T F/F WAGE 185,935.00 185,935.00 190,935.00 5,000.00 3,727.67 3,606.25 100-28-285-10592-7050 EMS - ORONO F/STN#3-EHT 3,626.00 3,626.00 3,723.00 97.00 3,912.26 4,356.68 100-28-285-10592-7052 EMS -ORONO F/STN#3-CPP 3,635.00 3,635.00 3,883.00 _ 248.00 5,590.45 4,689.38 100-28-285-10592-7058 EMS -ORONO F/STN#3-WSIB 5,355.00 - 5,355.00 5,823.00 468.00 130,830.22 126,101.66 100-28-285-10594-7016 EMS - COURT F/STN#4-PIT F/F WAGES 111,500.00 111,500.00 116,500.00 5,000.00 2,234.95 2,233.54 100-28-285-10594-7050 EMS - COURT F/STN#4-EHT 2,174.00 2,174.00 2,272.00 98.00 0.00 678.43 100-28-285-10594-7052 EMS - COURT F/STN#4-CPP 0.00 0.00 198.00 198.00 3,352.20 2,811.88 100-28-285-10594-7058 EMS - COURT F/STN#4-WSIB 3,211.00 3,211.00 3,553.00 342.00 102,520.41 111,965.94 100-28-285-10596-7016 EMS- ENNISK F/STN#5-P/T F/F WAGE 97,950.00 97,950.00 105,450.00 7,500.00 1,963.54 2,180.97 100-28-285-10596-7050 EMS-ENNISK F/STN#5-EHT 1,910.00 1,910.00 2,056.00 146.00 0.00 902.25 100-28-285-10596-7052 EMS - ENNISK F/STN#5-CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,691.82 2,317.95 100-28-285-10596-7058 EMS-ENNISK F/STN#5-WSIB 2,821.00 2,821.00 3,216.00 395.00 942,139.29 919,215.27 Total EXPENDITURE 892,153.00 829,758.00 867,826.00 38,068.00 942,139.29 919,215.27 NET LEVY 892,153.00 829,758.00 867,826.00 38,068.00 BUDGET WORkii✓G PAPERS Clarin9ton:MUN. OPERATIONS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100-28-286-30651-6400 EMS-MUN EMERG MEASURES-NOTIF 0.00 0.00 Total REVENUE (10,000.00) (10,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 102.40 0.00 100-28-286-00000-7101 EMS-MUN EMERG MEASURES -OFF S 23,259.87 24,467.33 100-28-286-00000-7132 EMS-MUN EMERG MEASURES -PHONE 7,542.93 8,618.78 100-28.286-00000-7173 EMS-MUN EMERG MEASURES-R/M O 0.00 0.00 100-28-286-30651-7163 EMS-MUN EMERG MEASURES -CON 30.905.20 33,086.11 Total EXPENDITURE 30,905.20 33,086.11 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 13,500.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 (10,000.00) 38.600.00 55,100.00 40,100.00 (15,000.00) 38,600.00 45.100.00 30,100.00 (15000.00) Go 0 BUOGETWG .,GPAPERS Clarington:FIRE MAINTENANCE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 100, 943.00 EXPENDITURE: 146,784.35 109,170.46 100-28-287-00000-7001 EMS - MECH TECH -SALARY FIT 2,023.18 2,171.83 100-28-287-00000-7050 EMS - MECH TECH-EHT 12,865.72 13,652.86 100-28-287-00000-7051 EMS - MECH TECH-OMERS 2,611.07 2,404.45 100-28-287-00000-7052 EMS -MECH TECH -CPP 1,329.09 1,220.49 100-28-287-00000-7053 EMS- MECH TECH -EI 11,248.31 10,392.33 100-28-287-00000-7054 EMS - MECH TECH-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 2,815.14 2,371.42 100-28-287-00000-7058 EMS -MECH TECH-WSIB 179,676.86 141,383.84 Total EXPENDITURE 179,676.86 141,383.84 NETLEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 100, 943.00 103,467.00 105,008.00 1,541.00 1,968.00 2,018.00 2,048.00 30.00 12,585.00 12,914.00 13,007.00 93.00 2,426.00 2,480.00 2,564.00 84.00 1,313.00 1,303.00 1,171.00 (132.00) 11,094.00 11,538.00 8,396.00 (3,142.00) 2,454.00 2,534.00 2,699.00 165.00 132,783.00 136,254.00 134,893.00 (1,361.00) 132,783.00 136,254.00 134,893.00 (1,361.00) 00 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 CIatingWn Leading the way Ron Building I IPlumbing/Heatingl I;:::CAPITAL:WORKS::I I LI Construction I I Traffic Kim Laing John Tmsise I Robert Brezina I "dn I I Slav Potrykus David Abramczuk Adam Carter Adam Dunn Steve Lace Engineering Brad Muma1 __Brendan Gri Ed Ldanski Budgeting & Forecasting and Construction H ReviewMlunicipal Servicing Construction Inspection on and Traffic Permit Clerk _ Dianne Graham Jennifer O'Donnell Clerk II enda Copithorn Nicole Lizotte Staff Complement N_brnRlfluted::::i::E::' Union - Italicized 10 19 P - Me.-iiiiii:: ii: E: D Total 29 Department Head Backup - Assistanl Director BUDGET Wi ,G PAPERS Clarington:ENWmEMNG SERV 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (1,028.15) (3,669.42) UNASSIGNED -REVENUE (343,843.52) (408,087.69) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (2,300,741.80) (2,706,382.45) BUILDING INSPECTION - REVENUE (2,645,613.47) (3,118,139.56 Total REVENUE 0.00 (1,318,500.00) EXPENDITURE: 9,544,104.51 0.00 PSAB- EXPENDITURE 5,744,662.21 5,818,344.42 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 1,489,427.42 1,176,095.35 BUILDING INSPECTION - EXPENDITURE 100,000.00 75,000.00 STREET LIGHTING - EXPENDITURE 83,232.75 3,734.16 PARK -EXPENDITURE 97,231.81 4,477.44 ROAD MAINTENANCE- EXPENDITURE 3,332.21 5,716.56 FLEET -EXPENDITURE 17,061,990.91 7,083,367.93 Total EXPENDITURE 14.416,377.44 3,965,228.37 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (500.00) (500.00) (2,000.00) (1,500.00) (40,500.00) (40,500.00) (40,500.00) 0.00 (1,318,500.00) (1,340,500.00) (1,420,500.00) (80,000.00) (1,359,500.00) (1381500.00) (1463,000.00) (81,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,412,714.00 5,683,404.00 3,268,900.00 (2,414,504.00) 1,223,266.00 1,236,342.00 1,285,449.00 49,107.00 100,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 (75,000.00) 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 6,806,580.00 7.065,346.00 4,624,949.00 (2,440,397.00) 5,447,080.00 5,683,846.00 3,161,949.00 (2,521,897.00) 0 01/10/17 BUDGET WL. ...G PAPERS ,. Clarington: UNASSIGN ED 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE a REVENUE: (1,028.15) (3,669.42) 100-32-000-30645-6400 ENG. PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE (500.00) (500.00) (2,000.00) (1,500.00) (1,028.15) (3,669.42) Total REVENUE (500.00) (500.00) (2,000.00) (1,500.00) (1,028.15) (3,669.42) NET LEVY (500.00) (500.00) (2,000.00) (1,500.00) a BUDGET WOR. _---. G PAPERS Clarington;ADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01110/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0 REVENUE: (108,555.45) (37,891.49) 100-32-130-31030-6400 ENGINEERING-MISC REVENUE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (37,539.01) 0.00 100-32-130-31033-6400 ENG REVIEW FEES REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (157,749.06) (330,196.20) 100-32-130-31034-6400 ENG. & INSP. ADMIN. FEES REVENUE 0.00 0.00 '0.00 0.00 (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 100-32-130-35605-6502 ENG. MUNICIPAL CONSENT PERMITS (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (343843.52) (408,087.69) Total REVENUE (40,500.00) (40.500.00) (40.500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,490,396.89 1,565,483.24 100-32-130-00000-7001 ENG ADMIN -SALARY FIT 1,533,204.00 1,584,723.00 1,623,690.00 38,967.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7008 ENG ADMIN - WAGES TEMP PR 4,060.00 4,121.00 4,183.00 62.00 7,731.91 9,064.25 100-32-130-00000-7015 ENG ADMIN - WAGES STUDENT 8,021.00 8,141.00 8,263.00 122.00 30,968.49 31,650.76 100-32-130-00000-7050 ENG ADMIN - EHT 30,124.00 31,132.00 31,895.00 763.00 171,855.53 175,988.14 100-32-130-00000-7051 ENG ADMIN -OMERS 172,421.00 177,091.00 180,636.00 3,545.00 44,186.67 44,136.79 100-32-130-00000-7052 ENG ADMIN - CPP 41,055.00 43,404.00 44,835.00 1,431.00 22,776.82 22,681.17 100-32-130-00000-7053 ENG ADMIN - EI 22,501.00 23,110.00 20,760.00 (2,350.00) 177,500.23 171,751.59 100-32-130-00000-7054 ENG ADMIN - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 175,065.00 190,686.00 154,109.00 (36,577.00) 38,082.00 33,938.65 100-32-130-00000-7058 ENG ADMIN -WSIB 36,478.00 38,756.00 41,797.00 3,041.00 3,335.46 5,598.92 100-32-130-00000-7101 ENG ADMIN - OFF SUPPLIES 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,500.00 500.00 7,097.74 6,766.24 100-32-130-00000-7132 ENG ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 7,499.00 8,299.00 8,500.00 201.00 64,541.24 25,360.71 100-32-130-00000-7160 ENG ADMIN - CONSULTING 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 123,261.92 88,235.77 100-32-130-00000-7167 ENG ADMIN - DESIGN 180,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 1,197.10 788.03 100-32-130-00000-7181 ENG ADMIN - BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,791.82 1,407.64 100-32-130-00000-7183 ENG ADMIN -CLTH/UNIFORMS 1,500.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 1,114.95 933.36 100-32-130-00000-7186 ENG ADMIN - POST/COUR/FRT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 314.61 100-32-130-00000-7188 ENG ADMIN - REPROD/PRINTING 325.00 325.00 325.00 0.00 871.55 1,425.43 100-32-130-00000-7192 ENG ADMIN - SPECIAL EVENTS EXP 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 7,208.52 7,089.83 100-32-130-00000-7200 ENG ADMIN -MEMB/DUES 6,600.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 14,688.34 12,550.37 100-32-130-00000-7202 ENG ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 0.00 6,849.69 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7203 ENG ADMIN - STAFF DEV 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,439.42 1,270.59 100-32-130-00000-7299 ENG ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 341,000.00 352,000.00 100-32-130-00000-7304 ENG ADMIN- DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 341,000.00 352,000.00 363,000.00 11,000.00 181,189.16 176,770.78 100-32-130-00000-7305 ENG ADMIN- DEBT PYMT INTEREST 181,189.00 176,771.00 171,407.00 (5,364.00) 563,484.72 476,696.20 100-32-130-00000-7412 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO RF 180,000.00 130,000.00 315,000.00 185,000.00 147,179.57 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7416 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,277,503.71 2,594,845.00 100-32-130-00000-7418 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO CF 2,270,672.00 2,594,845.00 0.00 (2,594,845.00) 5,396.67 3,722.46 100-32-130-00000-7506 ENG ADMIN - FURNITURE/FIXTURES 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,752.10 100-32-130-00000-7510 ENG ADMIN -STUDIES 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7516 ENG ADMIN - DEVELOPMENT 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 (20,000.00) 0 Q 01/10/17 BUDGET WL .—G PAPERS Clarington:ADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $12.09 $5,121.79 100-32-130-00000-7520 ENG ADMIN - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) $6,500.00 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 $0.00 5.744,662.21 5,818,344.42 Total EXPENDITURE 5,412,714.00 5.683.404.00 3.268.900.00 (2,414,504.00) 5,400,818.69 5,410,256.73 NET LEVY 5,372,214.00 5,642,904.00 3,228,400.00 (2,414,504.00) Q 01/10/17 BUDGET WOR.. -,_.G PAPERS Clarington:BUILDING INSPECT " 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 9 REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-6506 BUILDING CODE INFRACTIONS FINES (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 0.00 (178.00) 100-32-321-30501-6400 BUILDING INSPECTION - MISC REV (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (15,800.00) (17,200.00) 100-32-321-35515-6500 PLUMBING LICENCES (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 (2,273,766.80) (2,679,329.45) 100-32-321-35600-6502 BUILDING PERMITS (1,300,000.00) (1,322,000.00) (1,402,000.00) (80,000.00) (6,675.00) (9,675.00) 100-32-321-35603-6502 POOL ENCLOSURE PERMITS (3,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 0.00 (4,500.00) 0.00 100-32-321-35606-6502 SITE ALTERATION PERMITS 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 (2,300,741.80) (2,706,382.451 Total REVENUE (1,318,500.00) (1,340,500.00) (1,420,500.00) (80,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 854,531.78 820,321.37 100-32-321-00000-7001 BLDG INSPECTION - SALARY FIT 826,913.00 846,257.00 842,505.00 (3,752.00) 16,577.02 16,666.44 100-32-321-00000-7050 BLDG INSPECTION - EHT 16,125.00 16,366.00 16,292.00 (74.00) 86,081.75 86,220.69 100-32-321-00000-7051 BLDG INSPECTION - OMERS 86,365.00 87,468.00 85,480.00 (1,988.00) 29,993.79 30,915.07 100-32-321-00000-7052 BLDG INSPECTION - CPP 27,868.00 28,486.00 29,431.00 945.00 15,286.10 15,285.98 100-32-321-00000-7053 BLDG INSPECTION - EI 15,101.00 14,983.00 13,463.00 (1,520.00) 111,995.53 102,677.53 100-32-321-00000-7054 BLDG INSPECTION - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 110,459.00 113,997.00 88,547.00 (25,450.00) 23,275.34 19,852.13 100-32-321-00000-7058 BLDG INSPECTION - WSIB - 22,295.00 22,670.00 23,845.00 1,175.00 4,755.28 4,893.72 100-32-321-00000-7101 BLDG INSPECTION - OFFICE SUPPLIE 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,500.00 300.00 5,814.01 4,949.95 100-32-321-00000-7132 BLDG INSPECTION - PHONE/FAX 6,600.00 7,600.00 9,816.00 2,216.00 0.00 2,017.89 100-32-321-00000-7160 BLDG INSPECTION - CONSULTING 11,000.00 9,000.00 19,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7174 BLDG INSPECTION - RIM OFFICE EQU 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,225.77 1,481.09 100-32-321-00000-7181 BLDG INSPECTION - BOOKS/PERIODI 1,500.00 1,700.00 5,915.00 4,215.00 1,803.14 3,773.68 100-32-321-00000-7183 BLDG INSPECTION- CLTH/UNIFORMS 3,250.00 5,350.00 4,550.00 (800.00) 421.13 507.36 100-32-321-00000-7186 BLDG INSPECTION - POSTAGE/COUR 450.00 450.00 450.00 0.00 50.49 1,294.18 100-32-321-00000-7188 BLDG INSPECTION - PRINTING 825.00 500.00 60,500.00 60,000.00 6,585.24 6,065.90 100-32-321-00000-7200 BLDG INSPECTION - MEMB/DUES 6,500.00 6,500.00 7,840.00 1,340.00 62,121.39 56,342.34 100-32-321-00000-7202 BLDG INSPECTION -TRAVEL EXP 66,000.00 68,000.00 70,000.00 2,000.00 4,970.93 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7203 BLDG INSPECTION - STAFF DEV 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,108.15 1,554.88 100-32-321-00000-7299 BLDG INSPECTION - MISC EXPENSE 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,750.00 500.00 262,830.58 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7412 BLDG INSPECTION-TRSF TO RF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7505 BLDG INSPECTION - OTHER EQUIP 515.00 515.00 515.00 0.00 0.00 1,275.15 100-32-321-00000-7506 BLDG INSPECTION - FURNITURE/FIX 1,550.00 1,550.00 1,550.00 0.00 1,489,427.42 1.176,095.35 Total EXPENDITURE 1,223,266.00 1,236.342.00 1,285.449.00 49.107.00 (811314.38) (1,530287.10) NET LEVY (95234.00) (104,158.00) (135,051.00) (30,893.00) 9 BUDGETm ...,GPAPERS Clarington:STREET LIGHTING 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 100,000.00 75,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 100,000.00 75,000.00 100-32-324-10417-7416 ENG -ST LIGHTS-TRSF TO CF 100,000.00 75.000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 100,000.00 75,000.00 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 100,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 (75,000.00) 100,000.00 75,000.00. 0.00 (75,000.00) 100,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 (75,000.00) 9 BUDGET WOR._..—G PAPERS Clarington;PARK 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 F* EXPENDITURE: 14,616.80 3,734.16 100-32-325-10120-7160 PARK DEV - CONSULTING 68,615.95 0.00 100-32-325-10120-7299 PARK DEV - MISC EXP 83,232.75 3,734.16 Total EXPENDITURE 83,232.75 3,734.16 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 F* 01/10/17 BUDGET W6. -.G PAPERS - Clarington:ROAD MAINTENANCE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 50,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 97,231.81 4,477.44 100-32-380-10240-7540 ENG- ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENTS 97,231.81 4,477.44 Total EXPENDITURE 97,231.81 4,477.44 NET LEVY 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50.000.00 0.00 E BUDGET WOR.�G PAPERS Clarington:FLEET 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 2,000.00 2,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,316.04 107.51 100-32-388-40120-7171 '01 CHEV VAN- 504 -R/M-VEHICLES 944.42 508.38 100-32-388-40120-7194'01 CHEV VAN-504-FUEL/OIL 0.00 3,593.81 100-32-388-50416-7171'16 FORD TRANSIT VAN-504-R/M-VEH 281.67 822.09 100-32-388-55913-7171'13 CHEV EXPRESS VAN-559-R/M-VEH 790.08 684.77 100-32-388-55913-7194'13 CHEV EXPRESS VAN - 559 - FUEL/ 3,332.21 5,716.66 Total EXPENDITURE 3.332.21 5.716.56 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 5.600.00 0.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 Qirzg the Way Leadhands T. Cox G. Duncan M. Bourke G. Somogyi K. Mercer B. Pascoe Operators L. Alldread C Phillips C. Harris J. Tennisco T Balson B. Lynch D. McDougall L. Muir M. MacLean P. Neto L. Haynes OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT C ;ANIZATION CHART 2017 Light Equipment Operaror 11 ----B.Allln —,,— O. Bonekat L. McBride T Beauvais L. McBride J. Brown K Smith P. Raefsen P. Schoonderbeek K. Dillion J. Stephen B. Cyr G. Evans B. Goldsworthv Opermorl K Sherwootl J. Shaw J. Campbell D. Forsey B. Maartense D. Reid V. Rand M. McKehae B. Parker M. Vasseur vacant M. Devil) (Roads) R. Genosko (Parks) L. Postill (Roads) C. Peters (Roads) L. Longhurst (Fleet) R. Groan (Buildinq) Feet Head ana— Me Recoskie Tom Stout Mark Cowell Codv Tamlin vacant Technician S. Hainik Maintenance Maintenance r Snow Clearing Program ig Meter Maintenance relk Maintenance Contract ipal Bldgs/Physical Plant (light Maintenance Leatlhantl T. Welsh R. Stiles Building Services 11 K. Baker R. Famuharson Services I P Ne a S. Cobbledick 0. Fiorese vacant vacant Clerk 11 vacant D. Collins Cle k C. Bruno Staff Complement 9 Union -Italicized 60 I SWtlenis 22 Total 92 Department Head Backup - Manager of Operations 01/10/17 _. BUDGETWL -_,.,JG PAPERS Clarington:OPERATIONS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 21,884,928.13 20,983,695.02 16.892,165.91 15,064,348.31 Total EXPENDITURE NET LEVY 16.052,489.00 16,931,470.00 15,806,835.00 (1,124,635.00) 15,446,389.00 16,254,170.00 15,122,035.00 (1,132,135.00) W REVENUE: (161,554.84) (174,576.48) UNASSIGNED -REVENUE (234,300.00) (175,000.00) (213,000.00) (38,000.00) (83,287.04) (201,846.94) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (47,000.00) (53,000.00) (190,000.00) (137,000.00) 0.00 (17,710.18) STREET LIGHTING - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (142,630.21) (122,825.00) CEMETERY -REVENUE (113,300.00) (132,300.00) (127,800.00) 4,500.00 (21,732.50) (17,805.50) WASTE COLLECTION - REVENUE (22,500.00) (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 0.00 (1,982.00) (1,393.00) RECYCLING COLLECTION - REVENUE (1,000.00) (1,500.00) (1,500.00) 0.00 (472,226.52) _ 0.00 BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES - REVENUE (173,000.00) (278,000.00) 0.00 278,000.00 (17,820.00) (18,800.00) ROAD MAINTENANCE - REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (101,853.36) WINTER CONTROL - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 0.00 (1,171,007.14) FLEET -REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (901,233.11) (1,827,817.60) Total REVENUE (606,100.00) (677,300.00) (684,800.00) (7,500.001 EXPENDITURE: 255,613.25 110,049.35 UNASSIGNED -EXPENDITURE 108,500.00 100,350.00 100,350.00 0.00 3,832,226.85 0.00 PSAB- EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,381,901.13 4,104,521.78 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 3,431,938.00 3,797,110.00 2,494,303.00 (1,302,807.00) 1,089,113.69 1,151,282.27 STREET LIGHTING - EXPENDITURE 923,000.00 1,158,000.00 1,210,000.00 52,000.00 2,103,849.58 2,057,090.81 PARK - EXPENDITURE 2,106,615.00 2,201,287.00 2,239,549.00 38,262.00 379,665.01 327,863.19 CEMETERY -EXPENDITURE 228,352.00 295,728.00 295,797.00 69.00 14,095.00 12,500.00 WASTE COLLECTION - EXPENDITURE 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 2,112.00 1,890.00 RECYCLING COLLECTION - EXPENDITURE 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 2,222,796.48 1,825,080.68 BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 2,067,757.00 2,077,788.00 2,025,074.00 (52,714.00) 2,174,993.94 1,894,304.03 ROAD MAINTENANCE - EXPENDITURE 2,096,036.00 2,161,680.00 2,227,995.00 66,315.00 960,651.04 868,943.91 HARDTOP MAINTENANCE- EXPENDITURE 880,278.00 836,000.00 846,000.00 10,000.00 233,848.72 416,614.28 LOOSETOP MAINTENANCE - EXPENDITURE 456,000.00 426,000.00 421,000.00 (5,000.00) 2,339,341.76 1,754,119.97 WINTER CONTROL - EXPENDITURE 1,924,533.00 2,089,909.00 2,103,248.00 13,339.00 508,420.64 460,792.88 SAFETY DEVICES - EXPENDITURE 438,900.00 465,830.00 485,830.00 20,000.00 148,562.60 145,725.50 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT - EXPENDITURE 117,500.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 0.00 37,244.47 20,338.11 REGIONAL ROADS - EXPENDITURE 29,050.00 30,300.00 30,300.00 0.00 1,054,711.26 1,604,377.59 FLEET -EXPENDITURE 1,060,485.00 888,441.00 942,027.00 53,586.00 122,688.17 115,159.67 LIBRARIES -EXPENDITURE 115,445.00 214,312.00 198,562.00 (15,750.00) 23,092.54 21,511.89 OTHER CULTURAL- EXPENDITURE 44,600.00 47,235.00 45,300.00 (1,935.00) 21,884,928.13 20,983,695.02 16.892,165.91 15,064,348.31 Total EXPENDITURE NET LEVY 16.052,489.00 16,931,470.00 15,806,835.00 (1,124,635.00) 15,446,389.00 16,254,170.00 15,122,035.00 (1,132,135.00) W 01/10117 BUDGE7-W. ,_J49PAPERS Clarington: U NASSIGN ED 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Deuription 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (13,096.51) 100-36-000-10440-6465 WORK/OTHERS- COST RECOVERY 0.00 0.00 (37,000.00) (37,000.00) (160,759.95) (160,800.90) 100-36-000-31005-6400 SPORT FIELD RENTALS REVENUE (143,000.00) (175,000.00) (175,000.00) 0.00 (794.89) (679.07) 100-36-000-31025-6400 ROYALTIES/SITE RENTAL-TRSF STN (91,300.00) 0.00 (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (161,554.84) (174,576.48) Total REVENUE (234,300.00) (175,000.00) (213,000.00) (38,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 70,736.86 49,438.55 100-36-000-10402-7112 CON LINK/TRAFF.SIG.-MISC OP EXP 75,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 14,758.26 14,700.94 100-36-000-10402-7129 CON LINK TRAFF SIG - HYDRO 15,500.00 17,350.00 17,350.00 0.00 9,259.22 0.00 100-36-000-10440-7005 WORK/OTHERS -WAGES F/T 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 103,725.99 19,938.60 100-36-000-10440-7112 WORK/OTHERS-MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 52,422.37 25,971.26 100-36-000-10440-7163 WORK/OTHERS-CONTRACT 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 4,710.55 0.00 100-36-000-10440-7231 WORKIOTHERS-FLEET ALLOCATION - 2,000.00 2,000.00 _ 2,000.00 0.00 255.613.25 110.049.35 Total EXPENDITURE 108,500.00 100,350.00 100,350.00 0.00 94,058.41 (64,527.13) NET LEVY (125,800.00) (74,650.00) (112,650.00) (38,000.00) 01/10/17 BUDGET WOR,�.G PAPERS _. ClaringtomADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (83,287.04) (72,636.10) 100-36-130-3101 0-6400 ENTRANCE CULVERTS FEE (47,000.00) (53,000.00) (65,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 (129,210.84) 100-36-130-31020-6400 OPERATIONS-MISC REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (125,000.00) (125,000.00) (83,287.04) (201,846.94) Total REVENUE (47,000.00) (53,000.00) (190,000.00) (137,000.00) EXPENDITURE: - 604,750.64 628,251.80 100-36-130-00000-7001 OPERATIONS- SALARY FfT 590,155.00 630,483.00 640,136.00 9,653.00 553,448.59 768,330.75 100-36-130-00000-7005 OPERATIONS -WAGES F/T 437,394.00 443,163.00 450,185.00 7,022.00 60,306.51 72,515.89 100-36-130-00000-7050 OPERATIONS -EHT 58,662.00 61,848.00 62,460.00 612.00 291,491.86 340,356.31 100-36-130-00000-7051 OPERATIONS -OMERS 292,451.00 300,389.00 300,705.00 316.00 108,167.21 117,074.22 100-36-130-00000-7052 OPERATIONS -CPP 100,501.00 108,538.00 111,175.00 2,637.00 55,938.39 59,450.42 100-36-130-00000-7053 OPERATIONS -EI. 55,261.00 58,546.00 52,129.00 (6,417.00) 357,636.63 344,562.42 100-36-130-00000-7054 OPERATIONS- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 352,730.00 382,548.00 302,341.00 (80,207.00) 84,865.49 75,393.46 100-36-130-00000-7058 OPERATIONS - WSIB 81,291.00 86,095.00 91,952.00 5,857.00 21,546.39 13,485.43 100-36-130-00000-7074 OPERATIONS -MEAL ALLOWANCE 17,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 17,635.63 15,268.35 100-36-130-00000-7101 OPERATIONS- OFF SUPPLIES 13,500.00 13,500.00 20,000.00 6,500.00 29,175.40 10,136.97 100-36-130-00000-7112 OPERATIONS -MISC OPER 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 23,681.26 30,204.89 100-36-130-00000-7132 OPERATIONS- PHONE/FAX 26,000.00 25,000.00 28,520.00 3,520.00 .366.13 407.04 100-36-130-00000-7161 OPERATIONS -PROF FEES 1,000.00 104,500.00 51,000.00 (53,500.00) 371.80 833.05 100-36-130-00000-7181 OPERATIONS -BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 - 27,672.52 19,518.35 100-36-130-00000-7183 OPERATIONS -CLTH/UNIFORMS 27,693.00 31,600.00 30,000.00 (1,600.00) 696.87 750.98 100-36-130-00000-7186 OPERATIONS- POST/COUR/FRT 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 3,396.47 2,879.58 100-36-130-00000-7200 OPERATIONS -MEMB/DUES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 5,711.10 5,597.34 100-36-130-00000-7202 OPERATIONS- TRAVEL EXP 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 20,312.19 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7203 OPERATIONS -STAFF DEV 22,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,679.80 2,976.03 100-36-130-00000-7206 OPERATIONS- PROMO/OTHER 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,800.00 300.00 142,629.06 2,201.42 100-36-130-00000-7299 OPERATIONS -MISC EXPENSE 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7301 OPERATIONS- ACTIVE NETTRANSAC 0.00 0.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 258,300.22 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7412 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO RF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 637,580.87 348,868.18 100-36-130-00000-7416 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO RES - 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.00 1,068,500.00 1,240,926.42 100-36-130-00000-7418 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO CF 1,024,500.00 1,200,100.00 0.00 (1,200,100.00) 5,040.10 4,532.48 100-36-130-00000-7505 OPERATIONS- OTHER EQUIP PURCH .5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.00 4,381,901.13 4,104,521.78 Total EXPENDITURE 3,431,938.00 3,797,110.00 2,494,303.00 (1,302,807.00) 4,298,614.09 3,902,674.84 NET LEVY 3,384,938.00 3,744,110.00 2,304,303.00 (1,439,807.00) 01/10/17 BUDGET W, .-GPAPERS Clarington:STKeE7 LIGHTING 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 REVENUE: 0.00 (17,710.18) 100-36-324-10406-6465 ST LIGHTING -COST RECOVERY 0.00 (17,710.18) Total REVENUE (15,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 483,240.83 0.00 100-36-324-10405-7136 ST LIGHTING -BOW/ NEWC/ ORONO 0.00 898,491.97 100-36-324-10406-7129 ST LIGHTING-URBAN/RURAL-HYDRO 0.00 198,117.89 100-36-324-10406-7163 ST LIGHTING-URBAN/RURAL- MNTCE 532,375.16 0.00 100-36-324-10410-7136 ST LIGHTING -RURAL NEW'STLE 73,497.70 54,672.41 100-36-324-10412-7123 ST LIGHT-ONT 1 CALL -UTILITY LOCA 1,089,113.69 1,151,282.27 Total EXPENDITURE 1089113.69 1,133,572.09 NET. LEVY 0.00 0.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (15000.00) (15,000.00) 434,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 880,000.00 950,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 223,000.00 200,000.00 (23,000.00) 469,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 55,000.00 60,000.00 5,000.00 923,000.00 1,158,000.00 1,210,000.00 52,000.00 923,000.00 1.158,000.00 1.195,000.00 37,000.00 0 01/10/17 -_ BUDGET WOR,. -..G PAPERS Clarington:PARK 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 610,951.49 617,906.69 100-35-325-10115-7005 PARKS MTNCE-WAGES FIT 631,435.00 651,137.00 694,176.00 43,039.00 91,664.13 96,295.21 100-36-325-10115-7015 PARKS MTNCE-WAGES STUDENT 147,144.00 130,291.00 132,268.00 1,977.00 15,493.50 11,665.33 100-36-325-10115-7050 PARKS MTNCE-EHT 15,071.00 15,125.00 16,001.00 876.00 63,003.70 47,668.28 100-36-325-10115-7051 PARKS MTNCE-OMERS 63,211.00 63,156.00 67,315.00 4,159.00 29,111.22 26,578.92 100-36-325-10115-7052 PARKS MTNCE-CPP 27,048.00 27,414.00 29,042.00 1,628.00 16,212.31 14,718.37 100-36-325-10115-7053 PARKS MTNCE-EI 16,016.00 15,713.00 14,320.00 (1,393.00) 78,699.72 72,298.59 100-36-325-10116-7054 PARKS MTNCE-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 77,620.00 80,269.00 68,556.00 (11,713.00) 22,581.09 19,039.48 100-36-325-10115-7058 PARKS MTNCE-WSIS 21,630.00 21,742.00 24,361.00 2,619.00 84,124.86 76,643.86 100-36-325-10115-7112 PARKS MTNCE-MISC OF EXP 67,000.00 74,850.00 76,350.00 1,500.00 93,323.42 108,799.14 100-36-325-10115-7130 PARKS MTNCE-WATER/SEWER 90,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 0.00 2,768.88 2,368.90 100-36-325-10115-7132 PARKS MTNCE-PHONE/FAX 1,900.00 2,200.00 4,000.00 1,800.00 93,562.39 108,609.19 100-36-325-10115-7137 PARKS MTNCE-LIGHTS/PLAYING FIEL 100,000.00 120,000.00 110,000.00 (10,000.00) 51,267.49 15,502.33 100-36-325-10115-7140 PARKS MTNCE-SNOW REMOVAL 25,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-325-10115-7153 PARKS MTNCE-CONTRACT-STRUCT 0.00 0.00 43,360.00 43,360.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-325-10115-7155 PARKS MTNCE-CONTRACT-GRASS C 0.00 0.00 490,300.00 490,300.00 440,150.08 429,197.12 100-36-325-10115-7163 PARKS MTNCE-CONTRACT 480,000.00 490,000.00 0.00 (490,000.00) 22,655.39 21,877.71 100-36-325-10115-7165 PARKS MTNCE-WASTE DISPOSAL 9,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 9,762.43 7,135.61 100-36-325-10115-7172 PARKS MTNCE-RIM-BUILDING 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 41,856.77 54,049.56 100-36-325-10115-7178 PARKS MTNCE-R/M IRRIGATION SYS 28,000.00 33,000.00 35,600.00 2,600.00 8,724.58 9,015.13 100-36-325-10115-7183 PARKS MTNCE-CLTH/UNIFORMS 9,640.00 10,490.00 10,000.00 (490.00) 0.00 785.88 100-36-325-10115-7200 PARKS MTNCE-MEMB/DUES 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 134,839.80 137,623.65 100-36-325-10115-7231 PARKS MTNCE-FLEET ALLOCATION 109,000.00 109,000.00 109,000.00 0.00 15,124.80 21,812.85 100-36-325-10115-7232 PARKS MTNCE-OTHER RENTAL 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 48,673.49 100-36-325-10115-7418 PARKS MTNCE-TRSF TO CF 50,000.00 57,000.00 0.00 (57,000.00) 3,524.59 4,226.49 100-36-325-10115-7505 PARKS MTNCE-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.00 124,446.94 104,599.03 100-36-325-10115-7516 PARKS MTNCE-PARK IMPROVEMENT 105,000.00 105,000.00 120,000.00 15,000.00 2,103,849.58 2,057,090.81 Total EXPENDITURE 2,106,615.00 2,201,287.00 2,239,549.00 38,262.00 2.103,849.58 2,057,090.81 NET LEVY 2,106,615.00 2,201,287.00 2,239,549.00 38262.00 01/10/17 BUDGET WL ,.,G PAPERS Clarington:CEMETERY 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE p REVENUE: (87,979.02) (78,270.00) 100-36-326-10416-6400 BURIALS-BOWMANVILLE (72,000.00) (82,000.00) (82,000.00) 0.00 (5,100.00) (5,050.00) 100-36-326-10416-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-BOW VLLE CE (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (15,982.04) (6,505.00) 100-36-326-10418-6400 BURIALS - BONDHEAD (8,500.00) (15,500.00) (12,000.00) 3,500.00 (1,150.00) (600.00) 100-36-326-10418-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-BONDHEAD CE (800.00) (800.00) (800.00) 0.00 (3,895.50) (1,255.00) 100-36-326-10426-6400 BURIALS - ST. GEORGE'S CEMETERY (1,500.00) (2,500.00) (1,500.00) 1,000.00 (150.00) (200.00) 100-36-326-10426-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-ST. GEORGE'S (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (591.83) (5,575.00) 100-36-326-10427-6400 BURIALS - HAMPTON (4,500.00) (1,500.00) (1,500.00) 0.00 0.00 (100.00) 100-36-326-10427-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-HAMPTON CEM (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (27,781.82) (25,270.00) 100-36-326-31100-6400 CEMETERIES- MISCELLANEOUS FEE (20,000.00) (24,000.00) (24,000.00) 0.00 (142,630.21) (122,825.00) Total REVENUE (113,300.00) (132,300.00) (127,800.00) 4,500.00 EXPENDITURE: 146,471.68 97,781.52 100-36-326-10419-7005 CEMETERY MTNCE - WAGES F/T 101,227.00 133,872.00 132,146.00 (1,726.00) 28,084.80 26,087.59 100-36-326-10419-7015 CEMETERY MTNCE- WAGES STUDE 11,020.00 32,573.00 33,067.00 494.00 2,242.15 2,440.10 100-36-326-10419-7050 CEMETERY MTNCE -EHT 2,181.00 3,206.00 3,181.00 (25.00) 9,373.14 7,862.37 100-36-326-10419-7051 CEMETERY MTNCE -OMERS 9,404.00 10,602.00 10,082.00. (520.00) 4,503.16 5,945.21 100-36-326-10419-7052 CEMETERY MTNCE - CPP 4,184.00 6,132.00 6,316.00 184.00 2,382.84 3,373.98 100-36-326-10419-7053 CEMETERY MTNCE - EI 2,354.00 3,602.00 3,212.00 (390.00) 11,331.46 13,089.02 100-36-326-10419-7054 CEMETERY MTNCE- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 11,176.00 14,532.00 11,578.00 (2,954.00) 3,362.63 4,145.58 100-36-326-10419-7058 CEMETERY MTNCE - WSIB 3,221.00 4,734.00 4,975.00 241.00 15,558.78 13,819.00 100-36-326-10419-7111 CEMETERY MTNCE - FOUNDATION 7,500.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 21,350.37 19,715.76 100-36-326-10419-7112 CEMETERY MTNCE -MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 521.38 420.51 100-36-326-10419-7129 CEMETERY MTNCE - HYDRO 965.00 775.00 640.00 (135.00) 1,860.09 912.97 100-36-326-10419-7132 CEMETERY MTNCE- PHONE/FAX 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 929.57 603.65 100-36-326-10419-7183 CEMETERY MTNCE -CLTH/UNIFORMS 620.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 (100.00) 50,101.10 39,207.40 100-36-326-10419-7231 CEMETERY MTNCE - FLEET ALLOCAT 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 100-36-326-10419-7412 CEMETERY MTNCE-TRSF TO RF 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 59,310.52 71,282.91 100-36-326-10419-7414 CEMETERY MTNCE- TRSF TO TRUST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,281.34 6,175.60 100-36-326-10420-7112 ABANDON CEM BD - MISC OP EXP 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 100-36-326-10425-7112 ORONO CEM CO - MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 379.665.01 327,863.19 Total EXPENDITURE 228.352.00 295,728.00 295,797.00 69.00 237,034.80 205,038.19 NET LEVY 115,052.00 163,428.00 167,997.00 4,569.00 p BUDGET WOR),.—G PAPERS Clarington:WASTE COLLECTION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (21,732.50) (17,805.50) 100-36-350-10540-6400 SALE OF GARBAGE TAGS (21,732.50) (17,805.50) Total REVENUE 0.00 (22,500.00) EXPENDITURE: 14,095.00 12,500.00 100-36-350-10540-7112 PURCHASE OF GARBAGE TAGS 14,095.00 12.500.00 Total EXPENDITURE (7,637.50) (5,305.50) NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (22,500.00) (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 0.00 (22,500.00) (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 0.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 p O O 01/10/17 BUDGET W. ./G PAPERS Clarington:RECYCLING COLON 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,982.00) (1,393.00) 100-36-351-10540-6400 SALE OF GOODS - RECYCLING (1,000.00) (1,500.00) (1,500.00) 0.00 (1,982.00) (1,393.00) Total REVENUE (1,000.00) (1,500.00) (1,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 2,112.00 1,890.00 100-36-351-10540-7112 PURCHASE OF GOODS- RECYCLING 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 2,112.00 1,890.00 Total EXPENDITURE - 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 130.00 497.00 . NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - O O 01/10/17 BUDGET WOK,,,,_,/G PAPERS Clarin9ton:BUILDING & PROPE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (472,226.52) 0.00 100-36-370-31020-6400OPERATIONS -MISC REVENUE (173,000.00) (278,000.00) 0.00 278,000.00 (472,226.52) 0.00 Total REVENUE (173,000.00) (278,000.00) 0.00 278.000.00 EXPENDITURE: 184,807.13 185,502.69 100-36-370-10115-7005 BLDG SERVICES - WAGES F/T 190,162.00 208,330.00 211,395.00 3,065.00 3,811.96 3,180.60 100-36-370-10115-7060 BLDG SERVICES -EHT 3,708.00 4,063.00 4,122.00 59.00 20,405.86 17,444.10 100-36-370-10115-7051 BLDG SERVICES -OMERS 20,473.00 22,869.00 23,017.00 148.00 5,947.54 5,577.76 100-36-370-10115-7052 BLDG SERVICES - CPP 5,526.00 5,753.00 5,949.00 196.00 3,051.96 2,831.63 100-36-370-10115-7053 BLDG SERVICES - EI 3,015.00 3,023.00 2,716.00 (307.00) 22,556.47 21,265.61 100-36-370-10115-7054 BLDG SERVICES - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 22,247.00 23,610.00 16,728.00 (6,882.00) 5,358.72 4,732.29 100-36-370-10115-7058 BLDG SERVICES - WSIB 5,133.00 5,404.00 5,782.00 378.00 82,297.94 3,832.16 100-36-370-10115-7112 BLDG SERVICES - MISC OPER EXP 3,500.00 3,915.00 4,715.00 800.00 3,705.41 3,870.37 100-36-370-10115-7125 BLDG SERV - HEAT 1,870.00 4,980.00 4,825.00 (155.00) 4,288.41 - 10,944.26 100-36-370-10115-7129 BLDG SERVICES - HYDRO 1,496.00 2,745.00 2,590.00 (155.00) 195.33 0.00 100-36-370-10115-7130 BLDG SERVICES - WATER/SEWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,111.84 1,121.84 100-36-370-10115-7132 BLDG SERVICES - PHONE/FAX 750.00 1,500.00 2,250.00 750.00 29,274.15 8,897.31 100-36-370-10115-7140 BLDG SERVICES - SNOW REMOVAL 20,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 12,496.43 10,039.17 100-36-370-10115-7142 BLDG SERVICES - EQUIP MTNCE 11,250.00 11,250.00 11,250.00 0.00 8,537.87 6,489.83 100-36-370-10115-7170 BLDG SERVICES - R/M-GROUNDS 7,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 49,600.41 29,580.00 100-36-370-10115-7172 BLDG SERVICES - R/M-BUILDING 28,500.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 35,852.84 43,757.08 100-36-370-10115-7173 BLDG SERVICES - R/M EQUIPMENT 63,000.00 58,000.00 58,000.00 0.00 20,405.90 10,527.38 100-36-370-10115-7176 BLDG SERVICES- R/M FIRE EQUIP 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 595.40 80.23 100-36-370-10115-7183 BLDG SERVICES -CLTH/UNIFORMS 655.00 535.00 535.00 0.00 51.60 0.00 100-36-370-10115-7202 BLDG SERVICES -TRAVEL EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 1,656.42 0.00 100-36-370-10115-7203 BLDG SERVICES - STAFF DEV 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300,000.00 278,000.00 100-36-370-10116-7412 BLDG SERVICES-TRSF TO RF 300,000.00 278,000.00 328,000.00 50,000.00 33,192.63 0.00 100-36-370-10115-7416 BLDG SERVICES-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 239,600.00 207,000.00 100-36-370-10115-7418 BLDG SERVICES-TRSF TO CF 239,600.00 207,000.00 0.00 (207,000.00) 0.00 4,909.92 100-36-370-10115-7501 BLDG SERVICES - RENOV/CONSTR'N 25,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 (5,000.00) 8,842.94 7,647.27 100-36-370-10115-7520 BLDG SERVICES - OTHER CAP (NON 8,500.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 487,108.23 419,076.74 100-36-370-10151-7005 MAC - WAGES F/T 450,930.00 458,493.00 468,234.00 9,741.00 9,039.52 6,964.68 100-36-370-10151-7050 MAC -EHT 8,793.00 8,941.00 9,131.00 190.00 42,115.43 32,651.92 100-36-370-10151-7051 MAC -OMERS 42,254.00 43,031.00 43,691.00 660.00 19,223.42 17,979.67 100-36-370-10151-7052 MAC -CPP 17,861.00 18,149.00 18,734.00 585.00 10,150.93 9,621.92 100-36-370-10151-7053 MAC - EI 10,028.00 10,064.00 9,002.00 (1,062.00) 63,515.41 58,180.05 100-36-370-10151-7054 MAC - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 62,644.00 64,594.00 49,200.00 (15,394.00) 13,558.06 11,562.74 100-36-370-10151-7058 MAC - WSIB 12,987.00 13,204.00 14,281.00 1,077.00 r O r 01/10/17 BUDGET WL X PAPERS _ Clarington:BUILDING & PROPE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $15,965.26 $18,504.38 100-36-370-10151-7104 MAC - CLEAN SUPPLIES $19,000.00 $19,000.00 $17,000.00 ($2,000.00) 1,430.90 2,908.53 100-36-370-10151-7105 MAC - LIGHT SUPPLIES 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 0.00 1,972.63 1,628.16 100-36-370-10151-7112 MAC -MISC. OPER. 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 27,797.53 19,060.80 100-36-370-10151-7125 MAC -HEAT/AIR 33,285.00 34,705.00 32,410.00 (2,295.00) 198,792.60 180,107.31 100-36-370-10151-7129 MAC - HYDRO 195,375.00 196,365.00 200,000.00 3,635.00 18,607.31 16,781.61 100-36-370-10151-7130 MAC-WATER/SEWER 19,215.00 19,880.00 19,880.00 0.00 1,982.08 1,848.97 100-36-370-10151-7132 MAC - PHONE/FAX 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 8,140.80 6,110.68 100-36-370-10151-7142 MAC - EQUIP MTNCE 9,500.00 9,800.00 9,800.00 0.00 1,347.90 1,245.40 100-36-370-10151-7165 MAC - WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 0.00 4,620.13 1,598.59 100-36-370-10151-7170 MAC - R/M-GROUNDS 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 33,796.01 15,359.96 100-36-370-10151-7172 MAC - RIM -BUILDING 25,000.00 25,000.00 22,000.00 (3,000.00) 27,334.68 29,175.94 100-36-370-10151-7173 MAC - RIM OTHER EQUIP 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 8,032.02 7,396.98 100-36-370-10151-7176 MAC - RIM FIRE EQUIP 8,350.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 21,034.72 16,053.56 100-36-370-10151-7177 MAC - RIM ELEVATOR 17,000.00 17,510.00 17,510.00 0.00 3,086.93 3,148.32 100-36-370-10151-7183 MAC -CLTH/UNIFORMS 4,345.00 5,475.00 5,475.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10151-7304 MAC - DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 84,301.00 84,301.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10151-7305 MAC - DEBT PYMT INTEREST 0.00 0.00 17,806.00 17,806.00 3,702.52 2,421.31 100-36-370-10152-7125 HAMPTON HALL- HEAT 3,605.00 3,785.00 3,645.00 (140.00) 2,899.84 3,208.36 100-36-370-10152-7129 HAMPTON HALL- HYDRO 2,655.00 3,195.00 3,200.00 5.00 417.20 312.90 100-36-370-10152-7142 HAMPTON HALL- EQUIPMENT MTNCE 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 59.00 569.06 100-36-370-10152-7172 HAMPTON HALL- RIM BLOCS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 825.74 832.95 100-36-370-10152-7173 HAMPTON HALL- RIM EQUIPMENT 4,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 240.81 0.00 100-36-370-10152-7176 HAMPTON HALL - RIM FIRE EQUIPME 150.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10155-7142 TOURISM CENTRE - EQUIPMENT MT 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 681.08 0.00 100-36-370-10155-7173 TOURISM CENTRE - RIM EQUIPMENT 750.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10155-7176 TOURISM CENTRE- RIM FIRE EQUIP 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7104 132 CHURCH ST BOW - CLEANING SU 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 5,991.52 4,335.81 100-36-370-10156-7125 132 CHURCH ST BOW - HEAT/AIR 6,355.00 6,240.00 6,065.00 (175.00) 17,167.16 17,955.25 100-36-370-10156-7129 132 CHURCH ST BOW - HYDRO 19,920.00 20,690.00 20,690.00 0.00 3,670.38 5,639.23 100-36-370-10156-7130 132 CHURCH ST BOW - WATER/SEW 9,445.00 6,840.00 6,295.00 (545.00) 99.71 49.95 100-36-370-10156-7140 132 CHURCH ST BOW - SNOW REMO 1,000.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 1,455.16 1,091.37 100-36-370-10156-7142 132 CHURCH ST BOW - EQUIP MTNCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,879.84 1,556.90 100-36-370-10156-7165132 CHURCH ST BOW - WASTE DISP 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,190.95 718.76 100-36-370-10156-7172 132 CHURCH ST BOW - R/M-BUILDING 2,200.00 3,000.00 .3,000.00 0.00 6,644.75 4,987.09 100-36-370-10156-7173 132 CHURCH ST BOW - RIM EQUIPM 9,000.00 9,500.00 7,500.00 (2,000.00) 1,172.81 1,326.63 100-36-370-10156-7176 132 CHURCH ST BOW - RIM FIRE EQ 1,500.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 315.82 315.84 100-36-370-10158-7142 KENDAL COM BLDG - EQUIPMENT M 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 5,344.10 1,772.48 100-36-370-10158-7173 KENDAL COM BLDG - RIM EQUIPMENT 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 7,393.51 1,088.33 100-36-370-10158-7176 KENDAL COM BLDG - RIM FIRE EQUI 700.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 O W 01110/17 BUDGET WOR.,, -,,;G PAPERS Clarington:BUILDING & PROPE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $2,177.68 $4,519.75 100-36-370-10159-7142 CLAR. BEECH CTR - EQUIP MTNCE $2,000.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $0.00 5,729.83 7,145.24 100-36-370-10159-7173 CLAR. BEECH CTR- RIM EQUIP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 1,392.32 0.00 100-36-370-10159-7176 CLAR. BEECH CTR- RIM FIRE EQUIP 1,975.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 0.00 28,197.09 21,035.06 100-36-370-10195-7204 BLDG HALL BOARDS - SPECIAL EQUI 18,600.00 29,000.00 29,000.00 0.00 27,850.00 0.00 100-36-370-10195-7416 BLDG HALL BOARDS-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10195-7500 BLDG HALL BOARDS -ACCESSIBILI 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 2,222,796.48 1,825,080.68 Total EXPENDITURE 2,067,757.00 2,077,788.00 2,025,074.00 (52,714.00) 1,750,569.96 1,825,080.68 NET LEVY 1,894,757.00 1,799,788.00 2,025,074.00 225,286.00 O W BUDGETWc GPAPERS Clarington:ROAD MAINTENANCE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET 01/10/17 INCREASE REVENUE: (17,820.00) (18,800.00) 100-36-380-10400-6400 SR. SNOW CLEARING REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (17,820.00) (18,800.00) Total REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 6,219.12 1,707.79 100-36-380-10200-7005 BRIDGE MTNCE - WAGES F/T 5,500.00 -6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 5,937.18 918.38 100-36-380-10200-7112 BRIDGE MTNCE- MISC OPER 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 2,070.50 416.85 100-36-380-10200-7231 BRIDGE MTNCE- FLEET ALLOCATION 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 40,295.03 23,545.79 100-36-380-10205-7005 CULVERT MTNCE- WAGES F/T 40,000.00 37,000.00 37,000.00 0.00 32,589.89 11,991.21 100-$6-380-10205-7112 CULVERT MTNCE- MISC OPER 39,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 29,305.75 17,148.60 100-36-380-10205-7231 CULVERT MTNCE - FLEET ALLOCATI 34,000.00 37,000.00 37,000.00 0.00 19,278.24 34,533.02 100-36-380-10225-7005 ENTRANCE CULVERTS - WAGES F/T 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 34,878.34 15,962.34 100-36-380-10225-7112 ENTRANCE CULVERTS - MISC OP EXP 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 0.00 17,634.40 25,858.05 100-36-380-10225-7231 ENTRANCE CULVERTS - FLEET ALLO 10,000.00. 10,500.00 15,500.00 5,000.00 177,394.54 227,227.62 100-36-380-10230-7005 BRUSH/TREE REMOVAL- WAGES F/T 165,000.00 180,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 85,549.37 36,045.43 100-36-380-10230-7163 BRUSH/TREE- CONTRACT 20,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 56,524.65 79,624.50 100-36-380-10230-7231 BRUSH/TREE REMOVAL - FLEET ALL 55,000.00 55,000.00 60,000.00 5,000.00 263,901.18 281,456.88 100-$6-380-10231-7163 URBAN/RURAL TREE - CONTRACT 115,000.00 185,000.00 225,000.00 40,000.00 50,734.04 75,109.29 100-36-380-10232-7005 WEED CONTROL -ROADSIDE - WAGES 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 - 0.00 38,514.80 42,620.75 100-36-380-10232-7231 WEED CONTROL -ROADSIDE - FLEET 28,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 221,393.62 232,862.17 100-36-380-10240-7005 DITCH/SHOULDER MTNCE - WAGES F 205,000.00 185,000.00 185,000.00 0.00 62,117.32 23,248.25 100-36-360-10240-7112 DITCH/SHOULDER MTNCE - MISC OP 156,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 0.00 141,646.75 138,045.30 100-36-380-10240-7231 DITCH/SHOULDER MTNCE- FLEETA 145,000.00 145,000.00 145,000.00 0.00 26,678.44 22,415.47 100-36-380-10245-7005 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MTNCE - WAGE 26,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 0.00 12,405.66 8,076.19 100-36-380-10245-7112 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MTNCE -MISC 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 144,033.93 37,183.11 100-36-380-10245-7163 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MTNCE-CON 170,000.00 170,000.00 188,000.00 18,000.00 7,131.80 3,879.20 100-35-380-10245-7231 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MTNCE- FLEE 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 (5,000.00) 26,409.27 31,108.25 100-36-380-10345-7005 BLDG MTNCE - WAGES F/T 14,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 79,668.27 78,695.45 100-36-380-10345-7112 BLDG MNTCE - MISC OP EXP 75,415.00 75,415.00 75,475.00 60.00 38,157.09 21,363.22 100-36-380-10345-7125 BLDG MNTCE - HEAT 40,960.00 40,260.00 36,515.00 (3,745.00) 62,905.61 57,061.57 100-36-380-10345-7129 BLDG MTNCE - HYDRO 60,820.00 70,205.00 70,205.00 0.00 6,096.80 11,868.75 100-36-380-10345-7231 BLDG MNTCE- FLEET ALLOCATION 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,027.65 0.00 100-36-380-10350-7005 OTHER FENCE- WAGES F/T 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 419.90 390.48 100-36-380-10350-7112 OTHER FENCE -MISC OP EXP 6,500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 338.80 0.00 100-36-380-10350-7231 OTHER FENCE - FLEET ALLOCATION 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 17,816.85 20,713.12 100-36-380-10355-7005 PATROURADIO - WAGES F/7 20,141.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 0.00 56,056.57 49,232.30 100-36-380-10355-7112 PATROURADIO - MISC OP EXP 56,900.00 56,900.00 56,900.00 0.00 1,412.50 2,114.50 100-36-380-10355-7231 PATROURADIO-FLEET ALLOCATION 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 01/10/17 '...,.... BUDGET WOR.,, -„,,G PAPERS Clarington:ROAD MAINTENANCE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $0.00 $503.04 100-36-380-10360-7005 OFF ST PARKING - WAGE F/T $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 390.84 362.54 100-36-380-10360-7112 OFF ST PARKING - MISC OP EXP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,510.06 837.10 100-36-380-10360-7140 OFF ST PARKING - SNOW REMOVAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 134.40 100-36-380-10360-7231 OFF ST PARKING - FLEET ALLOCATIO 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 12,183.21 7,974.72 100-36-380-10370-7163 UNSPEC CONST -CONTRACT 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 28,123.44 24,734.96 100-36-380-10385-7005 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - WAGES F/T 27,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 17,456.57 7,527.21 100-36-380-10385-7112 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 285.06 100-36-380-10385-7163 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - CONTRACT 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 6,907.35 6,589.55 100-36-380-10385-7231 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - FLEET ALLOC 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 62,672.25 29,854.90 100-36-380-10400-7163 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR- CONTRACT 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 46,280.42 46,783.92 100-36-380-10733-7005 SIDEWALK MTNCE - WAGES FR 55,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 82,927.10 98,413.66 100-36-380-10733-7112 SIDEWALK MTNCE - MISC OP EXP 106,000.00 145,000.00 145,000.00 0.00 138,166.94 46,383.39 100-36-380-10733-7163 SIDEWALK MNTCE- CONTRACT 191,400.00 197,000.00 200,000.00 3,000.00 11,831.90 11,495.75 100-36-380-10733-7231 SIDEWALK MNTCE - FLEET ALLOCAT 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 2,174,993.94 1,894,304.03 Total EXPENDITURE 2,096,036.00 2,161,680.00 2,227,995.00 66,315.00 2,157,173.94 1,875,504.03 NET LEVY 2,081,036.00 2.146,680.00 2,212,995.00 66,315.00 01/10/17 BUDGET WL ,,G PAPERS Clarington:HARDTOP MAINTENA 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 8,929.02 2,687.07 EXPENDITURE: 100-36-381-10250-7005 PAVEMENT RESURF - WAGES F/T 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 192,294.55 51,735.41 100-36-381-10250-7163 PAVEMENT RESURF- CONTRACT 112,500.00 112,500.00 112,500.00 0.00 3,324.20 782.65 100-36-381-10250-7231 PAVEMENT RESURF - FLEET ALLOCA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 305,078.50 328,370.42 100-36-381-10255-7005 PAVEMENT PATCH -WAGES F/T 324,278.00 295,000.00 295,000.00 0.00 217,328.67 215,484.09 100-36-381-10255-7112 PAVEMENT PATCH - MISC OP EXP 225,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 77,007.45 77,114.24 100-36-381-10255-7231 PAVEMENT PATCH - FLEET ALLOCAT 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 0.00 34,403.68 50,687.55 100-36-381-10260-7005 SWEEPING - WAGES F/T 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 36,248.45 48,427.40 100-36-381-10260-7231 SWEEPING- FLEET ALLOCATION 39,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 0.00 2,853.65 3,698.84 100-36-381-10265-7005 PAVEMENT MARK O - WAGES FR 7,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 65,000.00 70,131.73 100-36-381-10265-7112 PAVEMENT MARK'G - MISC OP EXP 65,000.00 70,000.00 80,000.00 10,000.00 633.00 '633.60 100-36-381-10265-7231 PAVEMENT MARK'G - FLEET ALLOCA 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 15,578.32 17,310.41 100-36-381-10270-7005 SURF TREATMENT - WAGES FIT 6,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 1,971.55 1,880.50 100-36-381-10270-7231 SURF TREATMENT - FLEET ALLOCAT 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 960,651.04 868.943.91 Total EXPENDITURE 880,278.00 836.000.00 846,000.00 10,000.00 960,651.04 868,943.91 NET LEVY 880278.00 836,000.00 846.000.00 10000.00 01/10/17 ��...:.... BUDGET WOR: -.,,..,.,G PAPERS Clarington:LOOSETOP MAINTEN . 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 19,000.00 20,000.00" 20,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 10,256.70. 98,000.00 11,095.61 98,000.00 100-36-382-10275-7005 DUST CONTROL - WAGES F/T 92,581.95 7,000.00 89,834.24 7,000.00 100-36-382-10275-7112 DUST CONTROL - MISC OP EXP 6,688.75 33,000.00 6,836.35 33,000.00 100-36-382-10275-7231 DUST CONTROL- FLEET ALLOCATION 15,689.02 200,000.00 24,677.40 200,000.00 100-36-382-10280-7005 GR PATCH/RESURF - WAGES F/T 58,926.89 25,000.00 215,474.10 20,000.00 100-36-382-10280-7112 GR PATCH/RESURF - MISC OP EXP 6,399.65 18,000.00 16,500.55 18,000.00 100-36-382-10280-7231 GR PATCH/RESURF - FLEET ALLOCA 21,053.76 25,000.00 27,558.43 25,000.00 100-36-382-10285-7005 DRAGGING/GRADING - WAGES F/T 22,252.00 426.000.00 24,637.60 421,000.00 100-36-382-10285-7231 DRAGGING/GRADING-FLEET ALLOC 233,848.72 426,000.00 416,614.28 421,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE (5,000.00) 233.848.72 416,614.28 NET LEVY 19,000.00 20,000.00" 20,000.00 0.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 0.00 6,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 0.00 221,500.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 (5,000.00) 28,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 456,000.00 426.000.00 421,000.00 (5,000.001 456,000.00 426,000.00 421,000.00 (5,000.00) BUDGETW, _,,GPAPERS Clarington:WINTER CONTROL 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: 0.00 (101,853.36) 100-36-383-10300-6465 WINTER MTNCE-COST RECOVERY 0.00 (101,853.36) Total REVENUE 0.00 (100,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 495,785.00 345,212.90 100-36-383-10300-7005 WINTER MTNCE-PLOW/SAND/SALT-W 768,035.61 675,750.73 100-36-383-10300-7112 WINTER MTNCE-PLOW/SAND/SALT-M 482,780.50 333,768.00 100-36-383-10300-7231 WINTER MTNCE-PLOW/SAND/SALT-F 344,233.12 276,529.20 100-36-383-10305-7005 WINTER MTNCE OTHER - WAGES F/T 100,943.63 28,854.64 100-36-383-10305-7112 WINTER MTNCE OTHER - MISC OP E 147,563.90 94,004.50 100-36-383-10305-7231 WINTER MTNCE OTHER - FLEET ALL 2,339,341.76 1,754,119.97 Total EXPENDITURE 2,339,341.76 1,652,266.61 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 455,564.00 559,909.00 573,248.00 13,339.00 670,000.00 680,750.00 680,750.00 0.00 460,000.00 460,000.00 460,000.00 0.00 212,969.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 44,250.00 44,250.00 0.00 86,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 1,924,533.00 2,089,909.00 2,103,248.00 13,339.00 1,924,533.00 2,089,909.00 2,003,248.00 (86,661.00) 01/10/17 �. BUDGET WOR, PAPERS PAPERS -' Clarington:SAFETY DEVICES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE r 0 EXPENDITURE: 7,621.27 4,072.95 100-36-384-10310-7005 GUIDE RAIUPOSTS - WAGES FIT 8,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 61,775.32 14,584.56 100-36-384-10310-7112 GUIDE RAIL/POSTS - MISC OP EXP 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 2,054.15 986.20 100-36-384-10310-7231 GUIDE RAIL/POSTS - FLEET ALLOCAT 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 114,489.59 126,155.11 100-36-384-10315-7005 TRAFFIC SIGNS - WAGES F/T 105,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 87,564.19 108,656.17 100-36-384-10315-7112 TRAFFIC SIGNS - MISC OP EXP 97,200.00 100,000.00 120,000.00 20,000.00 24,835.00 25,472.40 100-36-384-10315-7231 TRAFFIC SIGNS- FLEET ALLOCATION 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 73,298.92. 70,050.50 100-36-384-10320-7005 COMM. EVENTS - WAGES FR 28,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 6,909.07 3,141.56 100-36-384-10320-7112 COMM. EVENTS- MISC OP EXP 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 15,550.95 14,838.75 100-36-384-10320-7231 COMM. EVENTS- FLEET ALLOCATION 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 0.00 808.66 956.72 100-36-384-10330-7129 TRAFFIC SIGNAL- HYDRO 1,000.00 1,130.00 1,130.00 0.00 99,446.67 91,877.96 100-36-384-10335-7112 RAILWAY CROSSING - MISC OP EXP 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 0.00 14,066.85 0.00 100-36-384-10335-7540 RAILWAY CROSSING - IMPROVEMEN 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 508,420.64 460,792.88 Total EXPENDITURE 438,900.00 465,830.00 485,830.00 20.000.00 508,420.64 460,792.88 NET LEVY 438,900.00 465.830.00 485,830.00 20,000.00 r 0 01/10/17 BUDGET W(,. .__.G PAPERS Clarington:STORM WATER MANA 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL DeS ription 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 10,000.00 10,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 26,728.30 18,010.10 ' 100-36-386-10210-7005 S/WATER POND MTNCE - WAGES FIT 12,841.78 1,130.49 100-36-386-10210-7112 S/WATER POND MTNCE - MISC OPER 31,415.19 123,048.41 100-36-386-10210-7163 S/WATER POND MTNCE- CONTRACT 13,405.50 3,536.50 100-36-386-10210-7231 S/WATER POND MTNCE - FLEET ALL 64,171.83 0.00 100-36-386-10210-7416 SANATER POND MTNCE-TRSF TO RES 148,562.60 145.725.50 Total EXPENDITURE 148,562.60 145,725.50 NET LEVY 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 0.00 92,000.00 92,000.00 92,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 0.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 0.00 BUDGET WOR.,W,G PAPERS Clarington:REGIONAL ROADS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 1,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,000.00 225.54 366.42 100-36-387-10260-7005 REG RD 14/17 -SWEEP -WAGES FIT 298.25 298.25 100-36-387-10260-7231 REG RD 14/17 -SWEEP -FLEET ALLO 5,483.84 4,416.30 100-36-387-10300-7005 REG RD14/17-WINTERMTNCE-PLOW/ 24,972.94 10,594.74 100-36-387-10300-7112 REG RD14/17-WINTERMTNCE-PLOW/ 6,263.90 4,662.40 100-36-387-10300-7231 REG RD14/17-WINTERMTNCE-PLOW/ 37.244.47 20.338.11 Total EXPENDITURE 30.300.00 37,244.47 20,338.11 NET LEVY 30,300.00 30,300.00 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 3,750.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 29.050.00 30,300.00 30.300.00 - 0.00 29,050.00 30,300.00 30,300.00 0.00 r r r 01110/17 BUDGETW�__�✓GPAPERS _ Clarington:FLEET 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 491,755.53 292,008,45 - - 100-36-388-40690-7005 FLEET GVHD- WAGES Fff 528,707.00 550,573.00 560,945.00 10,372.00 8,710.51 6,872.84 100-36-38840690-7050 FLEET GVHD - EHT 8,473.00 8,806.00 8,981.00 173.00 42,492.18 34,547.34 100-36-38840690-7051 FLEET OVHD-OMERS 42,632.00 45,226.00 45,814.00 588.00 14,365.11 13,148.89 100-36-388-40690-7052 FLEET OVHD -CPP 13,347.00 13,562.00 14,018.00 456.00 7,426.93 - 6,762.02 100-36-388-40690-7053 FLEET OVHD - EI 7,337.00 7,219.00 6,481.00 (738.00) 48,200.29 44,728.03 100-36-388-40690-7054 FLEET OVHD- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 47,539.00 - 49,659.00 40,854.00 (8,805"00) 12,68437 11,107.39 100.36-388406904058 FLEET OVHD-WSIB 12,150.00 12,684.00 13,674.00 990.00 0.00 - 124,491.55 100-36-388-40690-7112 FLEET OVHD -MISC OP EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114,263.21 62,954.13 100-36-388-40690-7173, FLEET GVHD-R/M EQUIP (FIRE) 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 '0,00 5,313.23 4,831.00 100-36-388-40690-7183 FLEET OVHD -CLTH/UNIFORMS 5,800.00 6,210.00 6,7,60.00 550.00 309,500.00 109,500.00 100-36-388-40690-7412 FLEET OVHD-TRSF TO RF 3091500:00 109,500.00 159,500.00 50,000.00 1,054,711.26 1,604,377.59 Total EXPENDITURE 1,060,485.00 888,441.00 942,027.00 53,586.00 1,054,711.26 433,370.45 NET LEVY 1,060,485.00 888,441.00 942,02200 53,586.00 BUDGET WOR:; ,G PAPERS Clari ngton:LIBRARIES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01110/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE W EXPENDITURE: 2,432.69 1,742.06 100-36-440-10573-7140 NEWC LIBRARY - SNOW REMOVAL 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 1,511.12 1,133.34 100-36-440-10573-7142 NEWC LIBRARY- EQUIPMENT MTNCE 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10573-7170 NEWC LIBRARY- R/M-GROUNDS 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 1,483.20 1,164.75 100-36-440-10573-7172 NEWC LIBRARY- R/M-BUILDING 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,230.23 1,990.63 100-36-440-10573-7173 NEWC LIBRARY- RIM EQUIPMENT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 397.99 148.66 100-36-440-10573-7176 NEWC LIBRARY- RIM FIRE EQUIPME 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 66,000.00 69,000.00 100-36-440-10573-7304 NEWC LIBRARY- DEBT PYMT PRINCI 66,000.00 69,000.00 73,000.00 4,000.00 37,334.72 34,201.88 100-36-440-10573-7305 NEWC LIBRARY- DEBT PYMT INTERE 37,335.00 34,202.00 30,787.00 (3,415.00) 929.92 653.09 100-36-440-10575-7140 ORONO LIBRARY - SNOW REMOVAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 264.56 198.42 100-36-440-10575-7142 ORONO LIBRARY- EQUIPMENT MTNC 150.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 9,155.04 337.80 100-36-440-10575-7172 ORONO LIBRARY -R/M-BUILDING 460.00 460.00 460.00 0.00 866.54 522.14 100-36-440-10575-7173 ORONO LIBRARY- RIM EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 82.16 0.00 100-36-440-10575-7176 ORONO LIBRARY- RIM FIRE EQUIPM 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10580-7304 COURTICE LIBRARY- DEBT PYMT PR 0.00 79,200.00 59,000.00 (20,200.00) 0.00 4,066.90 100-36-440-10580-7305 COURTICE LIBRARY- DEBT PYMT IN 0.00 19,800.00 23,665.00 3,865.00 122,688.17 115,159.67 Total EXPENDITURE 115,445.00 214,312.00 198.562.00 (15,750.00) 122,688.17 115,159.67 NET LEVY 115,445.00 214,312.00 198.562.00 (15,750.00) W BUDGET W G PAPERS Clarington:O i...R CULTURAL 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 14,300.00 14,935.00 EXPENDITURE: 12,047.72 13,027.08 100-36-460-10571-7129 SARAH JANE WMS - HYDRO 3,691.81 2,701.83 100-36-460-10571-7142 SARAH JANE WMS - EQUIPMENT MT 0.00 0.00 100-36460-10571-7170 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M-GROUNDS 1,661.22 240.66 100-36-460-10571-7172 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M-BUILDING 2,587.77 1,124.38 100-36460-10571-7173 SARAH JANE WMS -R/M EQUIPMENT 849,49 226.77 100-36460-10571-7176 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M FIRE EQUIP 105.00 4,191.17 100-36-460-10571-7177 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M ELEVATOR 2,149.53 0.00 100-36-460-10582-7501 BOW MUS-RENOV 23.092.54 21.511.89 Total EXPENDITURE 23.092.54 21.511.89 NET LEVY 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 14,300.00 14,935.00 13,000.00 (1,935.00) 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 44.600.00 47 235.00 45 300.00 (1,935.001 44600.00 47235.00 45300.00 (1,935.00) than Ferguson Mark Sutherland Dan Welsh Len Hunter CLERKII Steve Bums Allen Wall Jim Campbell FACILITY Dave Patter Jack Rousseau Jeremy Cmchowski Fred Cosgrove Andrew Latch Chns Welsh Justin Valckx Ian LeFrear. Corey Strand Tad Oody m Grant Jones Andrew Davey Erin Haass GiK6udgen Mark Underwood Jamie Herter Tyler Leblanc Ryan Prad COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTME!" ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 r7777777771 CLERKH Annette Bate ---- -Aammistraticn - Aquatic Facility Operations - Arena Facility Operations -Munitipal Progn ms - Community Development - Municipal Construction -Community Grants - Older Adult Programs - Youth Liaison Sharon Meredith Melissa Silva CLERKII Lydia Wekh S(aR Complement (Kion -Italicized otryiruge;::)Pi .a 29 Total 3]8 Oepadment Heatl Beckup- Facilities Manager Recreation Services Mana er BUDGET Wk .G PAPERS Clarington:COMrmUNITY SERVIC 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET 01/10(17 INCREASE (78,584.60) (64,761.48) REVENUE: ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (41,500.00) (41,500.00) (41,500.00) 0.00 (7,037.19) (5,742.55) PROGRAMS ADMIN - REVENUE (5,000.00) (5,500.00) (6,000.00) (500.00) (2,231,576.03) (1,956,468.69) FACILITIES -REVENUE (2,281,265.00) (2,253,000.00) (2,259,265.00) (6,265.00) (7,356.91) (10,049.08) PROSHOP-REVENUE (10,700.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (385,267.38) (334,982.11) CONCESSIONS - REVENUE (431,700.00) (428,700.00) (413,700.00) 15,000.00 (920,708.70) (1,007,566.26) AQUATIC PROGRAMS- REVENUE (835,000.00) (898,500.00) (981,700.00) (83,200.00) (605,822.91) (559,231.84) FITNESS PROGRAMS - REVENUE (529,750.00) (523,000.00) (572,000.00) (49,000.00) (506,711.41) (477,587.73) RECREATION PROGRAMS - REVENUE (414,000.00) (456,000.00) (500,000.00) (44,000.00) (135,242.96) (165,317.85) CS- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - REVENUE (159,300.00) (151,900.00) (150,100.00) 1,800.00 0.00 (54,022.58) OLDER ADULT PROGRAM - REVENUE 0.00 (54,100.00) (68,700.00) (14,600.00) (4,878,308.09) (4,636,730.17 Total REVENUE (4,708,215.00 (4,822,200.00 (5,002,965.00) (180 765.00) 1,870,383.14 0.00 EXPENDITURE: PSAB- EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,001,653.90 1,617,720.49 ADMINISTRATION -EXPENDITURE 1,761,977.00 1,614,519.00 1,399,807.00 (214,712.00) 850,887.46 1,025,837.16 PROGRAMS ADMIN - EXPENDITURE 821,336.00 1,037,334.00 1,051,822.00 14,488.00 9,231,367.06 9,180,921.36 FACILITIES -EXPENDITURE 8,902,174.00 9,282,573.00 9,568,803.00 286,230.00 4,329.83 4,757.55 PROSHOP- EXPENDITURE 5,100.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 0.00 393,124.22 345,058.42 CONCESSIONS - EXPENDITURE 336,780.00 349,989.00 344,402.00 (5,587.00) 659,090.28 775,261.33 AQUATIC PROGRAMS - EXPENDITURE 728,304.00 779,125.00 780,115.00 - 990.00 316,189.72 361,718.52 FITNESS PROGRAMS - EXPENDITURE 312,216.00 316,264.00 351,460.00 35,196.00 451,485.60 453,300.95 RECREATION PROGRAMS - EXPENDITURE 421,563.00 442,110.00 499,991.00 57,881.00 185,906.14 197,842.83 CS- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - EXPENDITURE 189,339.00 190,203.00 194,853.00 4,650.00 . 0.00 102,291.33 OLDER ADULT PROGRAM - EXPENDITURE 0.00 115,138.00 127,680.00 12,542.00 90,291.86 80,000.00 COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM - EXPENDITURE 100,000.00 80,000.00 60,000.00 (20,000.00) 0.00 33,500.00 SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM - EXPENDITURE 0.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 16, 054, 909.21 14,178, 209.94 11,176,601.12 9 542,479.77 Total EXPENDITURE 13 578,789.00 14.247,155.00 14.418,833.00 171,678.00 NET LEVY 8 870,574.00 9 424 955.00 9 415,868.00 (9,087.00) BUDGET W, - G PAPERS Clarington:ADmLNISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Desc -pt on REVENUE: (35,084,60) (21,261.48) 100-42-130-00000-6400 COMM SERV - MISC REVENUE (43,500.00) (43,500.00) 100-42-130-00000-6491 COMM SERV -ADVERTISING REVENU (78,584.60) (64761.48) Total REVENUE 2015 BUDGET 0.00 (41,500.00) 2016 BUDGET 0.00 (41,500.00) 01/10/17 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 (41,500.00) (41,500.00) (41,500.00) (41,500.00) r rr 641,625.45 657,720.60 EXPENDITURE: 100-42-130-10085-7001 COMM SERV ADMIN - SALARY F/T 630,436.00 639,847.00 649,400.00 9,553.00 247.11 2,636.64 100-42-130-10085-7008 COMM SERV ADMIN - WAGES TEMP P 9,647.00 2,080.00 3,000.00 920.00 12,824.71 12,748.82 100-42-130-10085-7050 COMM SERV ADMIN - EHT 12,475.00 12,516.00 12,719.00 203.00 70,907.68 66,219.63 100-42-130-10085-7051 COMM SERV ADMIN -OMERS 71,141.00 72,121.00 72,784.00 663.00 18,471.08 18,384.28 10042-130-10085-7052 COMM SERV ADMIN - CPP 17,162.00 17,225.00 17,723.00 498.00 9,551.67 9,362.80 100-42-130-10085-7053 COMM SERV ADMIN - EI 9,436.00 9,172.00 8,260.00 (912.00) 75,326.45 69,253.31 100-42-130-10085-7054 COMM SERV ADMIN - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 74,293.00 76,888.00 57,610.00 (19,278.00) 15,071.82 12,758.96 100-42-130-10085-7058 COMM SERV ADMIN - WSIB 14,437.00 14,570.00 15,611.00 1,041.00 29,865.08 24,170.38 100-42-130-10085-7101 COMM SERV ADMIN - OFF SUPPLIES 30,000.00 33,000.00 38,000.00 5,000.00 1,362.53 1,169.19 10042-130-10085-7132 COMM SERV ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 42,437.33 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7160 COMM SERV ADMIN - CONSULTING 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134.64 95.41 100-42-130-10085-7181 COMM SERV ADMIN - BOOKS/PERIOD 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 4,726.16 4,809.97 100-42-130-10085-7186 COMM SERV ADMIN - POST/COUR/FR 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,100.00 100.00 3,067.03 2,344.59 100-42-130-10085-7192 COMM SERV ADMIN - SPECIAL EVEN 7,500.00 2,500.00 2,700.00 200.00 4,296.07 41618.32 100-42-130-10085-7200 COMM SERV ADMIN -MEMB/DUES 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 500.00 3,589.68 2,735.36 10042-130-10085-7202 COMM SERV ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 7,000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 (2,000.00) 16,951.94 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7203 COMM SERV ADMIN -STAFF DEV 17,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 246,605.41 3,709.61 10042-130-10085-7299 COMM SERV ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7301 COMM SERV ADMIN -ACTIVE NET T 0.00 0.00 35,900.00 35,900.00 500,035.00 424,865.00 100-42-130-10085-7412 COMM SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO RF 483,050.00 409,200.00 459,200.00 50,000.00 3,697.66 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7416 COMM SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 294,636.31 295,600.00 100-42-130-10085-7418 COMM SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO CF 295,600.00 295,600.00 0.00 (295,600.00) 6,423.09 4,517.62 10042-130-10085-7506 COMM SERV ADMIN - FURNITURE/FI 6,500.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 (1,500.00) 2,001,853.90 1,617,720.49 Total EXPENDITURE 1,761,977.00 1,614,519.00 1,399,807.00 (214,712.00) 1,923,269.30 1,552,959.01 NET LEVY 1,720,477.00 1.573,019.00 1,358307.00 (214,712.00) 01/10/17 BUDGET WOR:.,, -,G PAPERS Clarington:PROGRAMS ADMIN 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (5,000.00) (5,500.00) REVENUE: (7,037.19) (5,742.55) 100-42-420-10085-6480 PRGMS ADMIN -DEPT ISSUE CLOTHIN (7,037.19) (5,742.55) Total REVENUE (6,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 565,704.93 697,869.45 10042420-10085-7001 PRGMS ADMIN - SALARIES F/T 61,975.53 61,728.29 100-42-420-10085-7010 PRGMS ADMIN - WAGES PT PGM 12,135.94 15,170.86 100-42420-10085-7050 PRGMS ADMIN - EHT 58,594.21 74,050.84 100-42420-10085-7051 PRGMS ADMIN - OMERS 20,884.14 25,973.78 100-42-420-10085-7052PRGMSADMIN -CPP 10,633.79 13,103.12 100-42-420-10085-7053 PRGMS ADMIN -El 73,955.63 86,559.43 10042-420-10085-7054 PRGMS ADMIN - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 17,832.09 19,109.29 10042-420-10085-7058 PRGMS ADMIN - WSIB 4,379.51 5,415.09 100-42420-10085-7132 PRGMS ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 6,066.75 5,663.31 100-42420-10085-7184 PRGMS ADMIN - DEPT ISSUE CLTH 1,360.00 1,796.61 100-42-420-10085-7200 PRGMS ADMIN -MEMB/DUES 17,364.94 19,397.09 100-42-420-10085-7202 PRGMS ADMIN -TRAVEL EXP 850.88746 1,025,837.16 Total EXPENDITURE 843850.27 1,020,094.61 NET LEVY (5,000.00) (5,500.00) (6,000.00) (500.00) (5,000.00) (5,500.00) (6,000.00) (500.00) 543,613.00 701,156.00 725,184.00 24,028.00 61,800.00 63,300.00 63,300.00 0.00 11,805.00 14,907.00 15,376.00 469.00 58,787.00 75,354.00 77,703.00 2,349.00 19,404.00 24,800.00 25,641.00 841.00 10,505.00 13,028.00 11,707.00 (1,321.00) 72,941.00 96,102.00 76,614.00 (19,488.00) 17,081.00 21,787.00 23,697.00 1,910.00 3,200.00 4,300.00 6,000.00 1,700.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,600.00 2,600.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 18,000.00 3,000.00 821, 336.00 1, 037, 334.00 1, 051, 822.00 14, 488.00 816, 336.00 1, 031, 834.00 1, 045, 822.00 13, 988.00 01/10/17 -- BUDGET W. .,,._.6 PAPERS Clarington:FACILITIES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (2,231,576.03) (1,956,468.69) 495,696.91 469,765.45 M. my lala.taa EXPENDITURE: 100-42-421-10085-7001 FAC. ADMIN - SALARIES F/T (2,281,265.00) (2,253,000.00) (2,259,265.00) (6,265.00) 442,653.00 449,293.00 456,033.00 6,740.00 REVENUE: (1,076.00) (2,086.00) 100-42-421-10085-6480 FAC. ADMIN-DEPT.ISSUE CLOTHING (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (442.30) (219.51) 100-42421-10128-6441 NDRC - LOCKER REV - POOL (450.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (20,233.70) (16,291.99) 10042421-10128-6516 NDRC - POOL RENTALS (16,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (18,203.04) (18,581.67) 10042-421-10128-6519 NDRC - MULTI PURP.RM RENTALS (21,000.00) (15,400.00) (17,000.00) (1,600.00) (13,013.65) (11,049.36) 10042421-10128-6522 NDRC- GYM RENTALS (11,000.00) (11,000.00) (11,000.00) 0.00 (1,131.35) (1,122.86) 10042-421-10129-6441 CCC -LOCKER REVENUE - POOL (1,200.00) (1,000.00) (1,100.00) (100.00) (8,510.25) 0.00 10042421-10129-6509 CCC - THEATRE DANCE LEASE REV (9,700.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (22,402.78) (8,521.42) 10042421-10129-6516 CCC - POOL RENTALS (12,800.00) (7,800.00) - (8,200.00) (400.00) (19,531.02) 133.00 10042-421-10129-6519 CCC - MULTI PURP FACILITY RENTAL (24,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (933.31) (6.20) 10042421-10130-6412 SCA - PATCH SKATING REV. (5,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 2,000.00 (28,790.36) (27,134.84) 10042-421-10130-6414 SCA- SHINNY HOCKEY REV. (22,000.00) (27,000.00) (28,000.00) (1,000.00) (2,255.72) 0.00 100-42421-10130-6416 SCA- SKATE SHARPENING REVENUE (2,200.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,151.12) 10042421-10130-6509SCA- LEASE REVENUE 0.00 (2,400.00) (2,496.00) (96.00) (766,623.71) (689,419.47) 100-42421-10130-6514 SCA - ICE RENTALS (764,900.00) (777,600.00) (785,000.00) (7,400.00) (5,481.35) (4,705.60) 10042-421-10130-6515 SCA -ARENA FLOOR RENTALS (10,000.00) (6,000.00) (5,000.00) 1,000.00 (13,346.09) (7,352.02) 100-42421-10130-6519 SCA- MULTI PURPOSE ROOM RENTA (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (5,723.33) (7,455.52) 10042421-10130-6522 SCA -GYM RENTALS (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (7,000.00) - (1,000.00) (257,534.44) (212,363.77) 10042421-10131-6514 DSC - ICE RENTALS (263,000.00) (266,300.00) (278,500.00) (12,200.00) (17,949.70) (13,113.40) 10042-421-10131-6515 DSC- ARENA FLOOR RENTALS (19,000.00) (19,000.00) (19,000.00) 0.00 (72,364.36) 0.00 10042421-10132-6408 RRC- LEASEHOLD RECOVERIES (69,285.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (254.20) 0.00 100-42421-10132-6412 RRC - PATCH SKATING REV. (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 1,000.00 (6,582.30) (5,882.54) 10042421-10132-6414 RRC - SHINNEY HOCKEY REV. (5,000.00) (7,000.00) (6,500.00) 500.00 (1,979.79) 0.00 100-42421-10132-6416 RRC -SKATE SHARPENING REV. (1,930.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (70,149.00) 100-42421-10132-6509 RRC - LEASE REVENUE 0.00 (71,400.00) (71,469.00) (69.00) (641,664.06) (549,611.13) 100-42421-10132-6514 RRC - ICE RENTALS (645,000.00) (655,000.00) (660,000.00) (5,000.00) (62,864.97) (67,960.88) 100-42-421-10132-6515 RRC -ARENA FLOOR RENTALS (64,000.00) (64,000.00) (68,000.00) (4,000.00) (54,220.07) (37,286.16) 100-42421-10132-6519 RRC- MULTI PURP FACILITY RENTAL (55,000.00) (40,000.00) (30,000.00) 10,000.00 (30.10) (72.33) 100-42421-10133-6441 ASC -LOCKER REVENUE (300.00) (600.00) (500.00) 100.00 (13,628.35) (18,278.74) 100-42421-10133-6493 ASC - SQUASH ADMISSION REV. (7,500.00) (7,500.00) (15,000.00) (7,500.00) (17,759.68) (43,291.42) 100-42421-10133-6516 ASC - POOL RENTALS - (27,000.00) (38,000.00) (42,000.00) (4,000.00) (151,580.57) (135,684.93) 100-42421-10134-6510 BIS - RENTALS REVENUE (200,000.00) (195,000.00) (170,000.00) 25,000.00 (2,762.53) (3,214.56) 100-42-421-10134-6517 BIS - ROOM RENTALS (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,500.00) (500.00) (2,702.95) (4,595.25) 100-42421-10134-6523 BIS - LACROSSE BOWL RENTALS (3,000.00) (2,500.00) (3,500.00) (1,000.00) (2,231,576.03) (1,956,468.69) 495,696.91 469,765.45 M. my lala.taa EXPENDITURE: 100-42-421-10085-7001 FAC. ADMIN - SALARIES F/T (2,281,265.00) (2,253,000.00) (2,259,265.00) (6,265.00) 442,653.00 449,293.00 456,033.00 6,740.00 01/10117 ` >..... BUDGET WOR, -,,G PAPERS Clarington:FACIIITIES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $17,032.76 $24,883.62 100-42-421-10085-7008 FAC. ADMIN - WAGES TEMP P/T $14,900.00 $24,300.00 $24,700.00 $400.00 9,161.85 9,577.77 100-42-421-10085-7050 FAC ADMIN -EHT 8,912.00 9,217.00 9,355.00 138.00 49,821.06 50,457.26 100-42-421-10085-7051 FAC ADMIN -OMERS 49,985.00 50,665.00 51,091.00 426.00 13,574.04 13,778.73 100-42-421-10085-7052 FAC ADMIN -CPP 12,612.00 13,316.00 13,710.00 394.00 7,028.09 7,139.82 100-42421-10085-7053 FAC ADMIN -EI 6,943.00 7,129.00 6,395.00 (734.00) 54,328.36 49,975.56 100-42-421-10085-7054 FAC ADMIN - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 53,583.00 55,485.00 42,611.00 (12,874.00) 12,224.92 10,784.26 100-42421-10085-7058 FAC ADMIN - WSIB 11,710.00 12,315.00 13,139.00 824.00 3,605.45 2,823.61 100-42421-10085-7132 FAC ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 4,200.00 3,200.00 3,600.00 400.00 8,633.12 11,484.49 10042-421-10085-7183 FAC ADMIN -CLTH/UNIFORMS 10,400.00 10,400.00 15,000.00 4,600.00 2,155.35 2,710.61 10042-421-10085-7184 FAC ADMIN - DEPT ISSUE CLTH 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 _ 500.00 1,573.21 2,757.93 100-42-421-10085-7200 FAC ADMIN -MEMB/DUES 1,925.00 2,000.00 3,600.00 1,600.00 10,735.58 12,447.84 100-42-421-10085-7202 FAC ADMIN -TRAVEL EXP 11,700.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 1,000.00 29,393.38 6,615.85 100-42-421-10085-7204 FAC ADMIN - SPECIAL EQUIRTRAINI 32,650.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10085-7506 FAC ADMIN - FURNITURE/FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 30,981.60 32,643.05 100-42-421-10085-7520 FAC ADMIN - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10127-7009 ORONO POOL - WAGES P/T MTNCE 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10127-7050 ORONO POOL -EHT 0.00 0.00 49.00 49.00 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10127-7053 ORONO POOL- EI 0.00 0.00 57.00 57.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-421-10127-7058 ORONO POOL - WSIB 0.00 0.00 76.00 76.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-421-10127-7112 ORONO POOL -MISC OP EXP 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-421-10127-7125 ORONO POOL - HEAT 0.00 0.00 4,630.00 4,630.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-421-10127-7129 ORONO POOL - HYDRO 0.00 0.00 2,710.00 2,710.00 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10127-7130 ORONO POOL-WATER/SEWER 0.00 0.00 3,850.00 3,850.00 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10127-7132 ORONO POOL - PHONE/FAX 0.00 0.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10127-7172 ORONO POOL -R/M-BUILDING 0.00 0.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-421-10127-7173 ORONO POOL -R/M OTHER EQUIP 0.00 0.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 302,447.78 278,946.67 100-42421-10128-7005 NDRC - WAGES F/T 285,767.00 274,698.00 285,087.00 10,389.00 112,090.28 110,099.72 100-42421-10128-7007 NDRC - WAGES PERM. PIT 107,500.00 110,500.00 114,000.00 3,500.00 17,554.95 20,906.97 100-42421-10128-7008 NDRC - WAGES TEMP. P/T 20,791.00 21,000.00 21,200.00 200.00 45,080.49 43,613.14 100-42421-10128-7009 NDRC - WAGES P!T MTNCE 43,000.00 45,500.00 48,800.00 3,300.00 9,063.13 8,872.35 100-42421-10128-7050 NDRC - EHT 8,816.00 8,710.00 9,046.00 336.00 27,179.55 27,391.86 100-42-421-10128-7051 NDRC -OMERS 27,269.00 25,998.00 26,711.00 713.00 13,398.61 14,247.72 100-42421-10128-7052 NDRC - CPP 12,449.00 12,285.00 13,072.00 787.00 10,282.51 10,893.28 100-42421-10128-7053 NDRC - EI 10,158.00 10,057.00 9,170.00 (887.00) 36,698.49 32,856.78 100-42421-10128-7054 NDRC- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 36,195.00 36,479.00 30,574.00 (5,905.00) 13,593.55 11,265.01 100-42421-10128-7058 NDRC - WSIB 13,021.00 12,864.00 14,149.00 1,285.00 15,508.33 17,890.30 100-42421-10128-7104 NDRC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 15,000.00 16,000.00 16,500.00 500.00 18,417.12 19,216.24 100-42-421-10128-7112 NDRC - MISC OF EXP 18,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 77,732.27 53,904.80 100-42421-10128-7125 NDRC - HEAT 64,500.00 73,100.00 68,680.00 (4,420.00) 01/10/17 BUDGET W. .,,,,G PAPERS Clarington:FACILITIES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $236,759.43 $244,368.81 100-421421-10128-7129 NDRC - HYDRO $194,800.00 $207,800.00 $237,780.00 $29,980.00 32,138.18 30,490.95 100-42-421-10128-7130 NDRC-WATER/SEWER 29,800.00 32,800.00 35,160.00 2,360.00 11,190.76 13,844.05 100-42-421-10128-7132 NDRC -PHONE/FAX 9,500.00 10,500.00 7,700.00 (2,800.00) 11,704.59 8,147.56 100-42-421-10128-7140 NDRC - SNOW REMOVAL 16,200.00 17,200.00 17,700.00 500.00 2,074.77 1,633.23 100-42421-10128-7165 NDRC - WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 (500.00) 1,648.44 1,860.29 100-42-421-10128-7171 NDRC - R/M VEHICLES 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 (500.00) 37,748.18 54,406.81 100-42-421-10128-7172 NDRC -R/M-BUILDING 28,000.00 48,500.00 41,000.00 (7,500.00) 36,821.30 34,856.73 10042421-10128-7173 NDRC - R/M OTHER EQUIP 30,000.00 31,000.00 34,500.00 3,500.00 2,249.63 4,162.63 100-42-421-10128-7176 NDRC - R/M FIRE EQUIP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,320,000.00 1,381,000.00 10042-421-10128-7304 NDRC - DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 1,320,000.00 1,381,000.00 1,445,000.00 64,000.00 443,604.22 381,940.36 100-42-421-10128-7305 NDRC - DEBT PYMT INTEREST 443,604.00 381,940.00 316,702.00 (65,238.00) 49,099.16 51,433.79 10042-421-10129-7001 CCC -SALARY F/T 49,576.00 52,238.00 53,021.00 783.00 287,084.85 278,692.21 10042-421-10129-7005 CCC - WAGES F/T 281,760.00 285,622.00 289,502.00 3,880.00 109,592.08 105,971.64 100-42421-10129-7007 CCC - WAGES PERM. PIT 113,800.00 115,000.00 118,000.00 3,000.00 14,316.31 14,808.19 100-42421-10129-7008 CCC - WAGES TEMP. P/T 12,224.00 14,700.00 28,700.00 14,000.00 62,270.06 65,183.82 100-42421-10129-7009 CCC - WAGES PIT MTNCE 60,491.00 66,500.00 67,500.00 1,000.00 1,062.24 0.00 100-42-421-10129-7010 CCC - WAGES P/T PRGM 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,304.00 10,469.52 100-42421-10129-7050 CCC - EHT 10,023.00 10,317.00 10,746.00 429.00 30,734.86 32,092.90 100-42421-10129-7051 CCC -OMERS 30,836.00 31,393.00 31,515.00 122.00 15,254.13 17,366.62 100-42421-10129-7052 CCC - CPP 14,173.00 14,938.00 16,029.00 1,091.00 11,504.30 12,461.43 100-42421-10129-7053 CCC - EI 11,365.00 11,547.00 10,612.00 (935.00) 42,305.42 38,804.12 100-42421-10129-7054 CCC - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 41,725.00 43,082.00 35,649.00 (7,433.00) 15,454.94 13,343.93 100-42421-10129-7058 CCC - WSIB 14,804.00 15,238.00 16,808.00 1,570.00 23,653.87 22,339.16 10042421-10129-7104 CCC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 26,000.00 26,300.00 26,300.00 0.00 369.47 0.00 100-42421-10129-7108 CCC - BANQUET SUPPLIES 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,459.20 16,228.45 100-42-421-10129-7112 CCC - MISC OP EXP 16,000.00 16,200.00 16,200.00 0.00 22,273.70 14,885.24 100-42421-10129-7125 CCC - HEAT 19,400.00 19,900.00 23,760.00 3,860.00 152,046.17 146,929.38 100-42421-10129-7129 CCC - HYDRO 127,400.00 133,900.00 160,000.00 26,100.00 36,999.29 45,123.43 100-42421-10129-7130 CCC - WATER/SEWER 34,000.00 35,000.00 40,840.00 5,840.00 9,615.65 10,930.67 100-42421-10129-7132 CCC - PHONE/FAX 9,700.00 9,700.00 - 6,300.00 (3,400.00) 11,536.17 8,960.17 100-42421-10129-7140 CCC - SNOW REMOVAL 14,100.00 14,800.00 15,200.00 400.00 4,420.04 3,377.00 100-42421-10129-7165 CCC - WASTE DISPOSAL 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 0.00 1,133.47 1,035.06 100-42421-10129-7171 CCC -R/M-VEHICLES 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 36,556.56 39,616.80 100-42421-10129-7172 CCC -R/M-BUILDING 40,000.00 40,400.00 42,000.00 1,600.00 42,440.61 40,859.52 100-42-421-10129-7173 CCC - R/M OTHER EQUIP 43,000.00 43,000.00 44,000.00 1,000.00 3,284.01 5,111.74 100-42421-10129-7176 CCC -R/M FIRE EQUIP 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 51,947.48 52,574.45 100-42421-10130-7001 SCA -SALARY FIT 51,466.00 52,238.00 53,021.00 783.00 338,055.33 351,580.12 100-42421-10130-7005 SCA- WAGES F/T 333,424.00 342,875.00 350,661.00 .7,786.00 31,521.74 31,097.32 100-42421-10130-7007 SCA- WAGES PERM P/T 29,300.00 30,250.00 31,000.00 750.00 N r N N 01/10/17 ''�.-... BUDGET WOR:.,v,.,,G PAPERS Clarington:FACILMES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): - $28,560.29 $28,634.56 100-42-421-10130-7008 SCA- WAGES TEMP PR $28,230.00 $30,100.00 $31,300.00 $1,200.00 84,249.46 78,430.93 100-42-421-10130-7009 SCA- WAGES P/T MTNCE 70,354.00 75,000.00 82,000.00 7,000.00 10,235.11 10,736.49 10042-421-10130-7050 SCA -EHT 9,956.00 10,299.00 - 10,639.00 340.00 35,943.74 37,608.21 100-42-421-10130-7051 SCA -OMERS 36,062.00 37,204.00 37,767.00 563.00 20,252.34 21,891.95 100-42-421-10130-7052 SCA -CPP 18,817.00 19,491.00 20,390.00 899.00 11,324.14 12,261.18 100-42-421-10130-7053 SCA -EI 11,187.00 11,318.00 10,262.00 (1,056.00) 50,371.07 46,290.76 100-42-421-10130-7054 SCA - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 49,680.00 51,394.00 41,721.00 (9,673.00) 15,350.55 13,320.28 100-42-421-10130-7058 SCA- WSIB 14,704.00 15,211.00 16,641.00 1,430.00 14,508.05 15,217.59 100-42-421-10130-7104 SCA - CLEAN SUPPLIES 15,000.00 15,000.00 16,500.00 1,500.00 81,603.82 59,828.32 100-42421-10130-7125 SCA -HEAT 71,100.00 76,900.00 75,565.00 (1,335.00) 297,363.37 293,510.28 100-42421-10130-7129 SCA-HYDRO 257,000.00 281,200.00 315,000.00 33,800.00 35,958.10 35,916.15 100-42-421-10130-7130 SCA-WATER/SEWER 39,900.00 41,100.00 50,000.00 8,900.00 11,521.76 13,071.75 10042421-10130-7132 SCA - PHONE/FAX 10,000.00 10,100.00 4,500.00 (5,600.00) 13,257.54 11,621.71 10042-421-10130-7140 SCA-SNOW REMOVAL 14,400.00 15,100.00 15,600.00 500.00 4,341.83 3,520.00 10042421-10130-7165 SCA- WASTE DISPOSAL 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 (500.00) 16,123.03 10,485.65 100-42-421-10130-7171 SCA -R/M-VEHICLES 11,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 0.00 51,205.61 46,388.03 100-42421-10130-7172 SCA -R/M-BUILDING 43,000.00 44,000.00 47,800.00 3,800.00 51,954.87 63,488.48 100-42-421-10130-7173 SCA -R/M OTHER EQUIP 46,000.00 71,500.00 71,500.00 0.00 9,077.78 5,043.97 10042-421-10130-7176 SCA -R/M FIRE EQUIP 5,000.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 1,021,000.00 1,039,000.00 10042-421-10130-7304 SCA- DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 1,021,000.00 1,039,000.00 1,057,000.00 18,000.00 54,350.79 34,850.10 10042421-10130-7305 SCA- DEBT PYMT INTEREST 54,351.00 34,850.00 12,667.00 (22,183.00) 61,660.00 66,129.86 100-42-421-10131-7005 DSC - WAGES F/T 70,853.00 60,747.00 68,162.00 7,415.00 32,636.21 26,915.86 100-42-421-10131-7008 DSC - WAGES TEMP P/T 29,120.00 30,500.00 30,000.00 (500.00) 25,942.65 19,289.02 10042-421-10131-7009 DSC - WAGES PIT MTNCE 24,576.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 .0.00 2,474.47 2,696.92 10042-421-10131-7050 DSC - EHT 2,407.00 2,283.00 2,418.00 135.00 6,380.00 6,537.33 100-42-421-10131-7051 DSC -OMERS 6,401.00 5,184.00 6,030.00 846.00 4,314.79 4,894.33 10042-421-10131-7052 DSC -CPP 4,009.00 3,974.00 4,136.00 162.00 2,836.34 3,287.12 10042421-10131-7053 DSC -EI 2,802.00 2,795.00 2,503.00 (292.00) 6,829.70 5,617.68 10042421-10131-7054 DSC- LTD/LIFE/HLTH 6,736.00 6,237.00 7,604.00 1,367.00 3,711.32 2,952.87 100-42-421-10131-7058 DSC - WSIB 3,555.00 3,372.00 3,782.00 410.00 4,397.10 4,897.30 100-42-421-10131-7104 DSC -CLEAN SUPPLIES 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 18,715.37 15,013.69 100-42-421-10131-7125 DSC -HEAT 15,500.00 17,100.00 17,800.00 700.00 82,103.94 75,304.96 100-42-421-10131-7129 DSC -HYDRO 82,600.00 92,800.00 92,800.00 0.00 2,360.21 2,508.19 100-42-421-10131-7132 DSC - PHONE/FAX 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,400.00 (1,000.00) 11,664.75 7,811.60 100-42-421-10131-7140 DSC -SNOW REMOVAL 16,100.00 16,900.00 17,400.00 500.00 1,620.81 1,260.00 100-42-421-10131-7165 DSC- WASTE DISPOSAL 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 0.00 2,396.16 3,212.31 100-42-421-10131-7171 DSC -R/M-VEHICLES 3,500.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 (1,500.00) 29,724.14 15,282.04 100-42-421-10131-7172 DSC - R/M-BUILDING 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 19,275.48 14,071.28 100-42-421-10131-7173 DSC- R/M OTHER EQUIP 15,100.00 15,100.00 32,100.00 17,000.00 N N N W 01/10/17 - - BUDGETWL ...„.GPAPERS Clarington:FACILMES - 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $2,392.83 $3,229.89 100-42-421-10131-7176 DSC - RIM FIRE EQUIP $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 349,650.16 341,306.67 100-42421-10132-7005 RRC - WAGES FIT 330,217.00 360,575.00 371,383.00 10,808.00 66,168.46 66,321.51 100-42421-10132-7007 RRC - WAGES PERM PIT 71,900.00 73,000.00 73,000.00 0.00 22,763.67 22,484.97 100-42421-10132-7008 RRC - WAGES TEMP PIT 21,726.00 22,600.00 24,900.00 2,300.00 84,407.80 76,013.01 100-42-421-10132-7009 RRC - WAGES PIT MTNCE 72,500.00 74,400.00 74,100.00 (300.00) 3,657.75 1,589.31 100-42-421-10132-7010 RRC - WAGES P!T PRGM - 3,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 _ (1,000.00) 9,947.24 10,513.84 100-42-421-10132-7050 RRC -EHT 9,676.00 10,323.00 10,552.00 229.00 30,801.65 32,292.56 100-42421-10132-7051 RRC -OMERS 30,903.00 33,669.00 34,224.00 555.00 19,178.23 21,490.51 100-42421-10132-7052 RRC - CPP 17,819.00 19,401.00 20,249.00 848.00 10,992.11 12,440.15 100-42421-10132-7053 RRC - EI 10,859.00 11,509.00 10,265.00 (1,244.00) 41,178.96 39,517.48 100-42421-10132-7054 RRC - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 40,614.00 43,874.00 39,588.00 (4,286.00) 14,920.43 13,351.81 100-42-421-10132-7058 RRC - WSIB 14,292.00 15,247.00 16,505.00 1,258.00 16,449.45 13,308.92 100-42-421-10132-7104 RRC -CLEAN SUPPLIES 15,500.00 15,500.00 15,500.00 0.00 2,076.46 2,482.76 100-42-421-10132-7108 RRC - BANQUET SUPPLIES 3,000.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 (200.00) 42,469.90 30,887.17 10042-421-10132-7125 RRC - HEAT 40,900.00 43,000.00 42,110.00 (890.00) 206,786.16 230,861.22 100-42-421-10132-7129 RRC - HYDRO 208,800.00 229,500.00 240,000.00 10,500.00 28,154.80 20,611.31 100-42-421-10132-7130 RRC- WATER/SEWER 27,300.00 30,000.00 29,400.00 (600.00) 6,634.45 7,069.41 10042-421-10132-7132 RRC - PHONE/FAX 6,500.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 (1,500.00) 21,095.59 12,764.44 10042-421-10132-7140 RRC - SNOW REMOVAL 25,800.00 27,100.00 27,900.00 800.00 8,407.10 6,909.00 100-42-421-10132-7165 RRC - WASTE DISPOSAL 8,200.00 8,200.00 8,200.00 0.00 11,074.80 8,023.69 100-42-421-10132-7171 RRC - RIM VEHICLES 8,500.00 8,500.00 7,000.00 (1,500.00) 43,742.49 41,236.22 100-42-421-10132-7172 RRC - RIM BUILDING 38,000.00 38,000.00 - 40,200.00 2,200.00 80,428.42 82,180.79 100-42-421-10132-7173 RRC - RIM EQUIPMENT 55,000.00 84,500.00 70,500.00 (14,000.00) 6,344.94 5,684.08 10042-421-10132-7176 RRC - RIM FIRE EQUIP 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 76,123.43 80,070.84 100A2-421-10132-7304 RRC - DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 76,123.00 80,071.00 142,723.00 62,652.00 29,119.00 25,076.58 100-42-421-10132-7305 RRC- DEBT PYMT INTEREST 29,119.00 25,077.00 40,224.00 15,147.00 126,399.54 115,974.97 100-42-421-10133-7005 ASC - WAGES FIT 113,043.00 118,518.00 104,253.00 (14,265.00) 38,510.32 106,281.68 10042-421-10133-7007 ASC - WAGES PERM. PR 46,600.00 87,900.00 96,700.00 8,800.00 27,561.00 47,496.42 100-42-421-10133-7008 ASC - WAGES TEMP. PIT 20,000.00 47,700.00 36,000.00 (11,700.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42421-10133-7009 ASC - WAGES PIT MTNCE 0.00 0.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 3,549.78 5,220.88 100-42421-10133-7050 ASC -EHT 3,453.00 4,854.00 4,617.00 (237.00) 10,419.72 12,632.68 100-42421-10133-7051 ASC -OMERS 10,454.00 10,938.00 9,109.00 (1,829.00) 5,160.75 10,068.76 100-42-421-10133-7052 ASC -CPP 4,795.00 7,977.00 7,683.00 (294.00) 4,171.52 6,985.95 100-42-421-10133-7053 ASC - EI 4,121.00 5,976.00 5,220.00 (756.00) 15,423.60 14,205.90 100-42-421-10133-7054 ASC - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 15,212.00 15,772.00 11,892.00 (3,880.00) 5,324.25 6,277.02 10042-421-10133-7058 ASC -WSIB 5,100.00 7,168.00 7,221.00 53.00 3,208.50 4,407.54 100-42-421-10133-7104 ASC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 3,700.00 6,000:00 6,000.00 0.00 4,755.97 8,633.53 10042-421-10133-7112 ASC - MISC OP EXP 6,200.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 1,715.48 24,401.12 10042-421-10133-7125 ASC - HEAT 34,300.00 37,300.00 37,110.00 (190.00) N W r N F 01/10/17 - BUDGET WOR,.,,,,;G PAPERS Clarington:FACILITIES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $61,183.76 $52,447.17 100-42421-10133-7129 ASC - HYDRO $51,500.00 $60,200.00 $64,500.00 $4,300.00 7,232.22 11,508.22 100-42421-10133-7130 ASC - WATER & SEWER 13,000.00 15,500.00 15,560.00 60.00 2,128.94 2,299.59 100-42421-10133-7132 ASC - PHONE/FAX 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 246.16 1,888.98 10042421-10133-7140 ASC - SNOW REMOVAL 1,200.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 0.00 659.40 1,563.04 100-42-421-10133-7165 ASC - WASTE DISPOSAL 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00- 22,026.34 18,154.15 100-42-421-10133-7172 ASC -R/M BUILDING 13,300.00 20,000.00 21,000.00 1,000.00 16,279.17 18,046.01 100-42421-10133-7173 ASC - RIM OTHER EQUIP 11,000.00 15,500.00 26,000.00 10,500.00 1,729.72 1,927.03 100-42-421-10133-7176 ASC - RIM FIRE EQUIP 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 61,885.71 54,569.62 100-42421-10134-7005 BIS - WAGES FT 51,125.00 51,830.00 54,545.00 2,715.00 45,127.72 55,283.36 100-42421-10134-7008 BIS - WAGES TEMP PT 47,892.00 51,200.00 61,500.00 10,300.00 1,948.16 2,140.71 100-42-421-10134-7050 BIS -EHT 1,895.00 1,971.00 2,217.00 246.00 4,585.89 5,187.32 100-42421-10134-7051 BIS -OMERS 4,601.00 4,665.00 4,729.00 64.00 4,023.13 5,002.61 100-42421-10134-7052 BIS - CPP 3,738.00 3,930.00 4,456.00 526.00 2,478.01 3,009.41 100-42421-10134-7053 BIS - EI 2,448.00 2,551.00 2,454.00 (97.00) 7,674.29 7,024.59 10042-421-10134-7054 BIS - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 7,569.00 7,799.00 6,801.00 (998.00) 2,922.07 2,548.30 100-42-421-10134-7058 BIS- WSIB 2,799.00 2,910.00 3,467.00 557.00 3,257.86 2,970.07 10042421-10134-7104 BIS- CLEANING SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,100.00 3,500.00 400.00 16,211.18 10,522.88 10042-421-10134-7125 BIS - HEAT 15,900.00 17,200.00 16,300.00 (900.00) 34,375.47 37,010.58 10042-421-10134-7129 BIS - HYDRO 31,600.00 34,200.00 39,145.00 4,945.00 12,047.90 10,382.47 100-42-421-10134-7130 BIS - WATER/SEWER 12,300.00 12,600.00 13,780.00 1,180.00 2,428.65 2,605.69 100-42-421-10134-7132 BIS - PHONE/FAX 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 (1,000.00) 8,253.00 13,567.67 10042421-10134-7140 BIS - SNOW REMOVAL 10,900.00 11,400.00 11,700.00 300.00 2,491.19 1,701.00 10042-421-10134-7165 BIS - WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,700.00 (300.00) 13,183.52 13,554.81 10042-421-10134-7172 BIS -R/M BLDG 15,000.00 14,200.00 14,200.00 0.00 4,333.69 7,111.03 100-42421-10134-7173 BIS -R/M EQUIPMENT 12,000.00 11,600.00 11,600.00 0.00 1,492.27 1,333.01 100-42421-10134-7176 BIS - RIM FIRE EQUIP. 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 128,000.00 131,000.00 100-42421-10134-7304 BIS - DEBT -PRINCIPAL 128,000.00 131,000.00 134,000.00 3,000.00 33,170.89 31,519.91 10042421-10134-7305 BIS - DEBT -INTEREST 33,171.00 31,520.00 29,533.00 (1,987.00) 9,231,367.06 9,180,921.36 Total EXPENDITURE 8,902,174.00 9,282,573.00 9,568,803.00 286,230.00 6,999,791.03 7,224,452.67 NET LEVY 6,620,909.00 7,029,573.00 7,309,538.00 279,965.00 r N F BUDGETW. ..—GPAPERS Clarington:PROSHOP 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: (4,351.62) (5,665.95) 100-42-422-10128-6575 NDRC-MERCHANDISE SALES (2,367.42) (3,109.15) 100-42-422-10129-6575 CCC- MERCHANDISE SALES (637.87) (1,273.98) 10042-422-10133-6575 ASC- MERCHANDISE SALES (7,356.91) (10,049.08) Total REVENUE (1,700.00) (1,700.00) EXPENDITURE: 2,528.71 2,659.94 100-42422-10128-7109 NDRC - PROSHOP SUPPLIES 1,628.69 1,651.90 100-42-422-10129-7109 CCC - PROSHOP SUPPLIES 172.43 445.71 100-42-422-10133-7109 ASC - PROSHOP SUPPLIES 4,329.83 4,757.55 Total EXPENDITURE (3,027.08) (5,291.53) NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE (5,300.00) (5,300.00) (5,300.00) 0.00 (3,700.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (1,700.00) (1,700.00) (1,700.00) 0.00 (10,700.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 0.00 1,600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 900.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 5,100.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 0.00 (5,600.00) (5,100.00) (5,100.00) 0.00 01/10/17 - BUDGET WOR:,... -G PAPERS_ Clarington:CONCESSIONS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (8,715.58) (5,846.41) 100-42-423-10128-6512 NDRC- VENDING COMMISSIONS (9,200.00) (9,200.00) (9,200.00) 0.00 (12,889.32) (12,480.45) 100-42-423-10129-6512 CCC- VENDING COMMISSIONS (13,500.00) (13,500.00) (13,500.00) 0.00 (28,112.72) (25,931.63) 100-42-423-10130-6512 SCA- VENDING COMMISSIONS (28,000.00) (28,000.00) (28,000.00) 0.00 (141,053.14) (108,703.10) 100-42-423-10130-6513 SCA -CANTEEN SALES (160,000.00) (157,500.00) (150,000.00) 7,500.00 (5,817.63) (4,097.11) 100-42-423-10131-6512 DSC- VENDING COMMISSIONS (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 (13,841.66) (10,144.39) 100-42-423-10131-6513 DSC -CANTEEN SALES (20,000.00) (13,000.00) - (10,000.00) 3,000.00 (22,702.54) (22,062.44) 100-42-423-10132-6512 RRC- VENDING COMMISSIONS (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 0.00 (142,800.17)_ (128,126.25) 100-42-423-10132-6513 RRC -CANTEEN SALES (150,000.00) (157,500.00) (152,000.00) 5,500.00 (4,389.21) (14,525.19) 100-42-423-10133-6512 ASC- VENDING COMMISSIONS (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (15,000.00) (1,000.00) (3,368.61) (3,065.14) 100-42-423-10134-6512 BIS- VENDING COMMISSIONS (6,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (1,576.80) 0.00 100-42-423-10142-6573 CATERING OPER - CATERING REV .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (385,267.38) (334,982.11) Total REVENUE (431,700.00) (428700.00) (413,700.00) 15,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 3,367.82 3,202.38 100-42-423-10128-7196 NDRC CONC-FOOD/13EVERAGE 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 6,151.25 6,084.83 100-42-423-10129-7196 CCC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 0.00 76,587.89 57,294.35 100-42-423-10130-7011 SCA CONC - WAGES P/T CONC 61,330.00 69,000.00 70,000.00 1,000.00 1,229.54 1,354.70 100-42-423-10130-7050 SCA CONC - EHT 1,196.00 1,346.00 1,365.00 19.00 0.00 131.24 100-42-423-10130-7051 SCA CONC -OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,402.39 2,052.43 100-42-423-10130-7052 SCA CONC - CPP 1,303.00 1,683.00 1,732.00 49.00 1,633.79 2,108.61 100-42-423-10130-7053 SCA CONC - EI 1,614.00 1,816.00 1,597.00 (219.00) 1,843.66 1,740.01 100-42-423-10130-7058 SCA CONC - WSIB 1,766.00 1,987.00 2,135.00 148.00 96,112.79 77,768.82 100-42-423-10130-7196 SCA CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 85,000.00 - 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 8,979.31 8,461.13 100-42-423-10131-7011 DSC CONC - WAGES P/T CONC 9,000.00 12,400.00 6,100.00 (6,300.00) 180.96 281.68 100-42-423-10131-7050 DSC CONC - EHT 176.00 242.00 119.00 (123.00) 0.00 77.28 100-42-423-10131-7052 DSC CONC - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 239.90 418.08 100-42-423-10131-7053 DSC CONC - EI 237.00 326.00 139.00 (187.00) 270.39 312.64 100-42-423-10131-7058 DSC CONC - WSIB 259.00 357.00 186.00 (171.00) 15,054.68 8,144.51 100-42-423-10131-7196 DSC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 8,000.00 7,300.00 6,500.00 (800.00) 70,008.11 71,732.48 - 100-42-423-10132-7011 RRC CONC - WAGES P/T CONC 63,100.00 69,000.00 70,000.00 1,000.00 1,264.50 1,555.81 100-42-423-10132-7050 RRC CONC - EHT 1,230.00 1,346.00 1,365.00 19.00 0.00 258.07 100-42-423-10132-7051 RRC CONC -OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,497.12 2,278.82 100-42-423-10132-7052 RRC CONC - CPP 1,391.00 1,683.00 1,732.00 49.00 1,681.34 2,273.06 10042-423-10132-7053 RRC CONC - EI 1,661.00 1,816.00 1,597.00 (219.00) 1,896.91 1,740.01 10042-423-10132-7058 RRC CONC -WSIB 1,817.00 1,987.00 2,135.00 148.00 94,648.67 85,782.14 100-42-423-10132-7196 RRC CONC-FOOD/6EVERAGE 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 6,113.02 7,646.19 100-42-423-10133-7196 ASC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 6,300.00 5,300.00 6,300.00 0.00 F. N T 2015 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE (continued): $2,960.18 BUDGET W, -,.G PAPERS Clarington: CONCESSIONS 2017 Draft 2016 ACTUAL Description $2,359.15 100-42-423-10134-7196 BIS CONC-FOOD & BEVERAGE 345,058.42 Total EXPENDITURE 10,076.31 NET LEVY 01/10117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 336.780.00 349,989.00 344.402.00 (5.587.001 (94,920.00) (78,711.00) (69,298.00) 9,413.00 r N J BUDGET WORe_.,_G PAPERS Clarington:AQUATIC PROGRAMS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (5,521.54) (7,796.90) 100-42-424-00000-6570 SALE OF PUBLICATIONS -AQUATIC (3,800.00) (8,000.00) (5,200.00) 2,800.00 (6,414.44) (7,860.88) 100-42-424-10127-6490 ORONO POOL-ADMISSION/MEMBERS (5,000.00) (5,500.00) (6,000.00) (500.00) (335,899.16) (351,882.96) 100-42424-10128-6420 NDRC -YOUTH AQUA PGMS REV. (295,000.00) (300,000.00) (335,000.00) (35,000.00) (55,607.68) (38,236.37) 100-42-424-10128-6422 NDRC- ADULT AQUA PGMS REV. (32,000.00) (32,000.00) (34,400.00) (2,400.00) (107,652.79) (88,669.84) 100-42424-10128-6426 NDRC- SWIMMING REVENUE (100,000.00) (100,000.00) (103,000.00) (3,000.00) (247,988.92) (267,978.80) 100-42-424-10129-6420 CCC -YOUTH AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (220,000.00) (230,000.00) (250,000.00) (20,000.00) (44,947.42) (38,974.64) 100-42-424-10129-6422 CCC -ADULT AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (38,500.00) (3,500.00) (71,037.69) (59,407.87) 10042-424-10129-6426 CCC -SWIMMING REV. (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (67,000.00) (7,000.00) (14,165.16) (60,997.27) 100-42424-10133-6420 ASC -YOUTH AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (14,400.00) (59,000.00) (50,100.00) 8,900.00 (18,313.88) (46,476.48) 100-42-424-10133-6422 ASC -ADULT AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (44,800.00) (44,000.00) (54,500.00) (10,500.00) (13,160.02) (39,284.25) 100-42-424-10133-6426 ASC- SWIMMING REVENUE (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (38,000.00) (13,000.00) (920,708.70) (1,007,566.26) Total REVENUE (835,000.00) (898,500.00) (981,700.00) (83,200.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,886.94 2,494.28 100-42424-10127-7009 ORONO POOL - WAGES P/T MTNCE 2,400.00 2,400.00 0.00 (2,400.00) 21,021.16 22,311.89 100-42424-10127-7018 ORONO POOL- WAGES PIT GUARDIN 21,800.00 22,900.00 24,200.00 1,300.00 485.22 389.12 100-42424-10127-7050 ORONO POOL -EHT 472.00 493.00 472.00 (21.00) 644.81 623.85 100-42424-10127-7053 ORONO POOL - EI 637.00 666.00 552.00 (114.00) 727.65 638.38 100-42424-10127-7058 ORONO POOL -WSIB 697.00 729.00 738.00 9.00 141.33 - 137.00 100-42424-10127-7110 ORONO POOL- PRGM SUPP 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 1,310.67 1,357.03 100-42424-10127-7112 ORONO POOL -MISC OP EXP 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 (1,800.00) 4,711.23 3,917.38 100-42424-10127-7125 ORONO POOL - HEAT 5,300.00 5,100.00 0.00 (5,100.00) 2,257.92 2,324.73 100-42424-10127-7129 ORONO POOL - HYDRO 2,400.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,835.41 7,672.12 100-42424-10127-7130 ORONO POOL-WATER/SEWER 2,300.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 886.96 826.49 100-42424-10127-7132 ORONO POOL - PHONE/FAX 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 2,042.69 2,801.67 100-42424-10127-7172 ORONO POOL -R/M-BUILDING 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 1,212.55 1,788.42 100-42-424-10127-7173 ORONO POOL- R/M OTHER EQUIP 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 (1,600.00) 112,097.10 113,258.62 100-42-424-10128-7017 NDRC - WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 115,500.00 115,500.00 119,000.00 3,500.00 166,057.07 163,862.93 100-42-424-10128-7018 NDRC - WAGES P/T GUARDING 175,200.00 175,200.00 178,000.00 2,800.00 5,827.94 5,853.06 10042-424-10128-7050 NDRC -EHT 5,669.00 5,669.00 5,792.00 123.00 0.00 627.27 100-42424-10128-7051 NDRC - OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,260.57 100-42424-10128-7052 NDRC - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,744.81 8,891.95 100-42-424-10128-7053 NDRC - EI 7,651.00 7,651.00 6,778.00 (873.00) 8,740.14 7,331.36 100-42-424-10128-7058 NDRC - WSIB 8,372.00 8,372.00 9,059.00 687.00 11,672.96 8,839.33 100-42424-10128-7110 NDRC - PRGM SUPPLIES 12,000.00 10,400.00 11,000.00 600.00 2,936.93 3,216.48 100-42424-10128-7507 NDRC - PRGM EQUIP 3,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 85,513.43 101,180.98 100-42-424-10129-7017 CCC - WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 95,200.00 100,200.00 102,900.00 2,700.00 01/10/17 BUDGET W - ,G PAPERS Clarington:AQUATIC PROGRAMS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $134,646.90 $136,374.64 100-42424-10129-7018 CCC - WAGES P/T GUARDING $136,500.00 $136,500.00 $139,600.00 $3,100.00 4,644.67 4,869.61 100-42-424-10129-7050 CCC - EHT 4,518.00 4,616.00 4,729.00 113.00 0.00 76.71 100-42-424-10129-7051 CCC - OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,611.07 3,565.07 100-42424-10129-7052 CCC - CPP 2,426.00 2,480.00 2,564.00 84.00 3,865.82 5,102.30 100-42424-10129-7053 CCC - EI 3,819.00 3,940.00 3,519.00 (421.00) 5,423.43 4,746.28 100-42-424-10129-7058 CCC -WSIB 5,195.00 5,420.00 5,838.00 418.00 8,937.60 7,749.03 100-42-424-10129-7110 CCC -PRGM SUPP 10,600.00 9,800.00 10,200.00 400.00 2,629.11 1,947.51 10042-424-10129-7507 CCC - AQUATIC PRGM EQUIP PURCH 3,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 9,585.36 36,829.68 100-42-424-10133-7017 ASC - WAGES P!T INSTRUCTIONAL 21,900.00 36,800.00 37,300.00 500.00 31,775.12 81,709.75 100-42-424-10133-7018 ASC - WAGES Pf- GUARDING 53,800.00 78,300.00 82,500.00 4,200.00 1,517.38 2,410.09 100-42424-10133-7050 ASC -EHT 1,476.00 2,245.00 2,336.00 91.00 0.00 33.70 100-42424-10133-7051 ASC - OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 770.88 100-42-424-10133-7052 ASC - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,016.41 3,558.73 100-42424-10133-7053 ASC - EI 1,992.00 3,029.00 2,734.00 (295.00) 2,275.86 2,902.95 100-42424-10133-7058 ASC -WSIB 2,180.00 3,315.00 3,654.00 339.00 5,482.95 17,132.57 100-42424-10133-7110 ASC -PRGM SUPPLIES 13,400.00 14,900.00 15,400.00 500.00 2,923.68 3,876.92 100-42424-10133-7507 ASC - AQUATIC PRGM EQUIP PURCH 3,000.00 3,600.00 3,000.00 (600.00) 659,090.28 775,261.33 - Total EXPENDITURE 728,304.00 779.125.00 780,115.00 990.00 (261,618.42) (232,304.93) NET LEVY (106,696.00) (119,375.00) (201,585.00) (82,210.00) W O 01110/17 ..,. BUDGET WOR,, GPAPERS Clarington:FITNESS PROGRAMS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL DeS ription 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (466,706.43) (440,748.45) 100-42-425-10129-6435 CCC- MEMBERSHIPS-FITNESS REV. (400,000.00) (400,000.00) (450,000.00) (50,000.00) (104,539.29) (82,270.66) 100-42-425-10129-6437 CCC- GROUP FITNESS REV. (102,000.00) (95,000.00) (90,000.00) 5,000.00 (1,150.00) (800.00) 100-42-425-10129-6440 CCC - LOCKER REVENUE-FITNESS (750.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (13,132.54) (15,920.14) 100-42425-10129-6447 CCC - PERSONAL TRAIN/ASSESS. RE (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (14,000.00) (2,000.00) (20,294.65) (19,492.59) 100-42425-10129-6492 CCC - DAILY FITNESS ADMISSIONS (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (2,000.00) (605,822.91) (559,231.84) Total REVENUE (529,750.00) (523,000.00) (572,000.00) (49,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 123,700.98 147,151.13 10042-425-10129-7012 CCC - WAGES P/T FIT INSTRUCT 117,400.00 121,000.00 135,000.00 14,000.00 133,657.02 141,758.66 100-42-425-10129-7013 CCC - WAGES P/T FIT TRAINERS 132,500.00 132,500.00 137,000.00 4,500.00 10,832.80 12,871.88 10042-425-10129.-7017 CCC - WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 10,500.00 10,500.00 12,000.00 1,500.00 5,220.39 5,650.15 100-42425-10129-7050 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS- EHT 5,078.00 5,148.00 5,536.00 390.00 0.00 2,667.78 100-42425-10129-7051 CCC-FITNESS PRGMS -OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,024.62 10,863.18 100-42425-10129-7052 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS- CPP 8,385.00 8,564.00 9,479.00 915.00 6,938.03 8,337.54 100-42425-10129-7053 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS - EI 6,854.00 6,949.00 6,461.00 (468.00) 7,828.75 6,657.94 100-42425-10129-7058 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS- WSIB 7,499.00 7,603.00 8,662.00 1,059.00 5,136.91 4,331.87 100-42425-10129-7110 CCC - PRGM SUPP 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,500.00 1,000.00 8,944.43 14,486.72 100-42425-10129-7175 CCC - R/M MOVEABLE EQUIP 12,900.00 12,900.00 18,000.00 5,100.00 0.00 0.00 100-42425-10129-7230 CCC - BLDG RENTAL 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 4,905.79 6,921.67 100-42425-10129-7507 CCC - EQUIP PURCH 6,600.00 6,600.00 6,600.00 0.00 316,169.72 361,718.52 Total EXPENDITURE 312,216.00 316,264.00 351,460.00 35,196.00 (289,633.19) (197,513.32) NET LEVY (217,534.00) (206,736.00) - (220,540.00) (13,804.00) W O BUDGETW. ,_,,GPAPERS Clarington:RECREATION PROGR 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 01/10/17 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (22,503.57) (15,234.31) 100-42426-10130-6410 SCA- PUBLIC SKATING REV. (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (20,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,200.45) (2,964.17) 100-42426-10131-6410 DSC - PUBLIC SKATING REVENUE (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (12,717.20) (7,634.82) 10042426-10132-6410 RRC - PUBLIC SKATING REV. (9,500.00) (9,500.00) (10,000.00) (500.00) (9,873.00) (7,335.00) 10042426-10452-6430 PRE -TEEN DANCES REV -PROGRAM (17,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (29,533.90) (38,761.09) 100-42-426-10489-6430 SPORT BALL -PROGRAM REG REVEN (27,000.00) (29,000.00) (32,000.00) (3,000.00) (32,498.00) (39,256.81) 100-42-426-10491-6450 MARCH BREAK- CAMP REVENUE (30,000.00) (32,000.00) (35,000.00) (3,000.00) (279,997.71) (259,777.12) 100-42426-10493-6450 SUMMER CAMP - CAMP REVENUE (230,000.00) (260;000.00) (280,000.00) (20,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42-426-10499-6430 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS-PROGRA 0.00 0.00 (22,000.00) (22,000.00) (74,776.03) (73,708.48) 100-42426-10507-6430 CHILDREN'S PRGM - PRGM REV. (57,000.00) (64,000.00) (55,000.00) 9,000.00 (28,848.27) (22,116.48) 100-42-426-10508-6430 YOUTH PROGRAM- PRGM REV. (18,000.00) (22,000.00) (22,000.00) 0.00 (12,763.28) (10,799.45) 10042426-10509-6430 ADULT PRGM- PRGM REV. (7,500.00) (9,500.00) (11,000.00) (1,500.00) (506,711.41) (477,587.73) Total REVENUE (414,000.00) (456,000.00) (500,000.00) (44,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 27,352.72 21,234.95 100-42-426-10085-7010 REC PRGMS - WAGES P/T PRGM 23,700.00 24,600.00 27,800.00 3,200.00 474.93 547.56 100-42-426-10085-7050 REC PRGMS - EHT 462.00 480.00 542.00 62.00 0.00 - 81.78 10042-426-10085-7052 REC PRGMS - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 631.65 844.17 100-42-426-10085-7053 REC PRGMS - EI 624.00 647.00 634.00 (13.00) 713.02 651.21 100-42426-10085-7058 REC PRGMS - WSIB 683.00 - 709.00 848.00 139.00 53,702.09 54,176.24 100-42-426-10085-7110 REC PRGMS - PRGM SUPPLIES 48,000.00 50,000.00 60,000.00 10,000.00 3,337.56 3,152.20 10042-426-10085-7132 REC PRGMS- PHONE/FAX 3,500.00 3,100.00 3,300.00 200.00 2,817.24 2,145.36 100-42-426-10452-7010 PRE -TEEN DANCES -WAGES P!r PRG 3,100.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.00 61.67 60.06 100-42-426-10452-7050 PRE -TEEN DANCES- EHT 60.00 55.00 55.00 - 0.00 0.00 2.88 10042-426-10452-7052 PRE -TEEN DANCES - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83.01 95.12 10042-426-10452-7053 PRE -TEEN DANCES- EI 82.00. 74.00 64.00 (10.00) 92.91 70.94 100-42-426-10452-7058 PRE -TEEN DANCES- WSIB 89.00 81.00 85.00 4.00 2,405.00 2,168.17 100-42-426-10452-7163 PRE -TEEN DANCES -CONTRACTED S 2,800.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 3,208.90 591.03 100-42-426-10464-7010 COMMUNITY PRGMS- WAGES PR P 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 50.38 47.98 100-42426-10464-7050 COMMUNITY PRGMS -EHT 49.00 49.00 49.00 0.00 0.00 1.26- 100-42426-10464-7052 COMMUNITY PRGMS - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.80 76.76 100-42-426-10464-7053 COMMUNITY PRGMS - EI 66.00 66.00 57.00 (9.00) 75.18 63.05 10042426-10464-7058 COMMUNITY PRGMS - WSIB 72.00 72.00 76.00 4.00 8,066.65 5,716.64 100-42426-10476-7010 MOBILE PLAYGROUND -WAGES P/T 7,400.00 7,400.00 7,800.00 400.00 148.05 107.13 100-42426-10476-7050 MOBILE PLAYGROUND -EHT 144.00 144.00 152.00 8.00 197.38 182.65 100-42426-10476-7053 MOBILE PLAYGROUND - EI 195.00 195.00 178.00 (17.00) 222.38 186.54 100-42426-10476-7058 MOBILE PLAYGROUND- WSIB 213.00 213.00 238.00 25.00 315.09 0.00 100-42-426-10476-7194 MOBILE PLAYGROUND - FUEUOIL 600.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 01/10/17 - BUDGET WORn -.G PAPERS Clarin9ton:RECREATION PROGR 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $21,985.67 $29,840.13 100-42426-10489-7163 SPORT BALL - CONTRACT $20,250.00 $21,000.00 $23,000.00 $2,000.00 21,468.28 24,494.56 100-42426-10491-7010 MARCH BREAK- WAGES P/T PRGM 22,000.00 23,000.00 26,000.00 3,000.00 441.01 338.64 100-42-426-10491-7050 MARCH BREAK - EHT 429.00 449.00 507.00 58.00 985.87 935.61 100-42426-10491-7052 MARCH BREAK - CPP 916.00 965.00 1,114.00 - 149.00 586.07 572.50 10042-426-10491-7053 MARCH BREAK - EI 579.00 605.00 593.00 (12.00) 661.88 579.72 100-42-426-10491-7058 MARCH BREAK- WSIB 634.00 662.00 793.00 131.00 0.00 0.00 10042-426-10491-7230 MARCH BREAK - BLDG RENTAL 0.00 0.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 200,754.44 208,046.94 100-42-426-10493-7010 SUMMER CAMP - WAGES P/T PRGRM 200,000.00 207,000.00 230,000.00 23,000.00 4,009.34 3,120.53 100-42-426-10493-7050 SUMMER CAMP -EHT 3,900.00 4,037.00 4,485.00 448.00 2,611.07 2,501.69 100-42-426-10493-7052 SUMMER CAMP - CPP 2,426.00 2,480.00 2,564.00 84.00 1,329.09 1,342.58 100-42426-10493-7053 SUMMER CAMP - EI 1,313.00 1,303.00 1,171.00 (132.00) 2,561.91 2,219.02 100-42-426-10493-7058 SUMMER CAMP - WSIB 2,454.00 2,534.00 2,699.00 165.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-426-10493-7163 SUMMER CAMP- CONTRACT 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-42426-10499-7010 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS - WAGES P 0.00 0.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-42426-10499-7050 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS - EHT _ 0.00 0.00 312.00 312.00 0.00 0.00 100-42426-10499-7052 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS - CPP 0.00 0.00 619.00 619.00 0.00 0.00 100-42426-10499-7053 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS - EI 0.00 0.00 365.00 365.00 0.00 0.00 100-42426-10499-7058 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS - WSIB 0.00 0.00 488.00 488.00 39,270.04 39,407.96 100-42426-10507-7010 CHILDREN'S PRGM - WAGES P/T PR 33,000.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 (10,000.00) 662.07 884.78 100-42426-10507-7050 CHILDREN'S PRGM - EHT 644.00 780.00 585.00 (195.00) 1,571.37 1,962.67 10042426-10507-7052 CHILDREN'S PRGM - CPP 1,460.00 1,807.00 1,312.00 (495.00) 879.64 1,256.18 100-42426-10507-7053 CHILDREN'S PRGM - EI 869.00 1,053.00 685.00 (368.00) 991.75 1,008.81 10042426-10507-7058 CHILDREN'S PRGM - WSIB 950.00 1,152.00 915.00 (237.00) 21,792.03 16,483.98 100-42426-10507-7163 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS CONTRACT 13,400.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 638.70 715.65 10042426-10507-7230 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS BUILDING 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 a00 14,773.38 15,189.12 100-42426-10508-7010 YOUTH PRGM - WAGES P/T PRGM 11,500.00 13,500.00 15,000.00 1,500.00 230.29 307.94 100-42426-10508-7050 YOUTH PRGM- EHT 224.00 263.00 293.00 30.00 426.23 494.16 100-42426-10508-7052 YOUTH PRGM - CPP 396.00 495.00 569.00 74.00 306.70 450.49 100-42426-10508-7053 YOUTH PRGM - EI 303.00 355.00 342.00 (13.00) 345.54 340.65 10042426-10508-7058 YOUTH PRGM - WSIB 331.00 389.00 458.00 69.00 7,508.84 7,868.03 10042426-10509-7010 ADULT PRGM- WAGES P/T PRGM 6,600.00 7,000.00 7,500.00 500.00 132.63 156.17 10042426-10509-7050 ADULT PRGM- EHT 129.00 137.00 146.00 9.00 164.65 172.16 10042426-10509-7052 ADULT PRGM- CPP 153.00 173.00 198.00 25.00 176.13 - 229.70 10042426-10509-7053 ADULT PRGM- EI 174.00 184.00 171.00 (13.00) 198.35 176.90 10042-426-10509-7058 ADULT PRGM- WSIB 190.00 202.00 229.00 27.00 451,485.60 453.300.95 Total EXPENDITURE 421,563.00 442.110.00 499,991.00 57,881.00 (55225.81) (24,286.78) NET LEVY 7,563.00 (13,890.00) (9.00) 13,881.00 01110/17 BUDGET WG. ,,-.G PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNrl"Y DEV 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (14,475.85) (14,975.26) 100-42-427-10138-6400 SPORTS HALUFAME- MISC. REV. (20,500.00) (20,500.00) (18,000.00) 2,500.00 (1,046.20) (1,375.24) 10042-427-10139-6430 COMMUNITY DEV -PROGRAM REG R (2,800.00) (2,800.00) (3,500.00) (700.00) (786.00) 0.00 100-42-427-10140-6400 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT- MISC. REV. (2,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (70,325.00) (81,405.70) 100-42-427-33025-6400 COMMUNITY DEV -EVENT MAYOR'S (72,000.00) (72,600.00) (72,600.00) 0.00 (48,609.91) (67,561.65) 10042-427-33030-6400 COMMUNITY DEV -EVENT MAYOR'S L (62,000.00) (55,000.00) (55,000.00) 0.00 (135,242.96) (165,317.85) Total REVENUE (159,300.00) (151,900.00) (150,100.00) 1,800.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 5,000.00 10042-427-10132-7604 COMMUNITY DEV. -RRC CDA DAY C 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 300.00 144.55 100-42-427-10138-7010 SPORTS HALUFAME-PR WAGES 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 6.14 3.77 100-42-427-10138-7050 SPORTS HALUFAME - EHT 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 13.01 100-42-427-10138-7051 SPORTS HALUFAME - OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.43 - 100-42-427-10138-7052 SPORTS HALUFAME - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.11 4.72 100-42-427-10138-7053 SPORTS HALL/FAME- EI 8.00 8.00 7.00 (1.00) 9.40 3.96 100-42-427-10138-7058 SPORTS HALUFAME - WSIB 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.00 -32,647.17 31,136.31 100-42-427-10138-7112 SPORTS HALUFAME -MISC. OPER 33,100.00 36,300.00 32,300.00 (4,000.00) 500.00 311.77 100-42-427-10139-7010 COMMUNITY DEV - P/7 WAGES 500.00 1,500.00 800.00 (700.00) 10.28 8.82 10042-427-10139-7050 COMMUNITY DEV - EHT 10.00 29.00 16.00 (13.00) 13.15 10.26 10042-427-10139-7053 COMMUNITY DEV - EI 13.00 40.00 18.00 (22.00) 14.62 3.62 100-42-427-10139-7058 COMMUNITY DEV - WSIB 14.00 43.00 24.00 (19.00) 7,340.85 4,046.56 10042-427-10139-7112 COMMUNITY DEV - MISC OPER 5,950.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 0.00 4,992.48 3,095.43 100-42-427-10139-7192 COMMUNITY DEV - SPECIAL EVENTS 5,000.00 5,700.00 14,700.00 9,000.00 70,325.00 81,405.70 100-42427-10139-7210 COMMUNITY DEV - EVENT MAYOR'S 72,000.00 72,600.00 0.00 (72,600.00) 49,087.57 67,563.62 100-42-427-10139-7214 COMMUNITY DEV - EVENT MAYOR'S 62,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 (55,000.00) 0.00 - 996.88 100-42-427-10140-7010 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT- PIT WAGES 400.00 900.00 1,000.00 100.00 8.21 2.86 10042-427-10140-7050 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - EHT 8.00 18.00 20.00 2.00 10.14 2.75 100-42-427-10140-7053 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - EI 10.00 24.00 23.00 (1.00) 11.46 0.00 10042-427-10140-7058 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - WSIB 11.00 26.00 30.00 4.00 18,063.00 1,120.82 10042-427-10140-7110 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT- PRGM SUPPL 7,500.00 2,200.00 2,500.00 300.00 2,558.56 2,960.99 100-42-427-10140-7163 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - CONTRACT 2,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10042-427-33025-7210 COMMUNITY DEV - EVENT MAYOR'S 0.00 0.00 72,600.00 72,600.00 0.00 0.00 100-42427-33030-7214 COMMUNITY DEV - EVENT MAYOR'S 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 185,906.14 197.842.83 Total EXPENDITURE 189,339.00 190.203.00 194,853.00 4,650.00 50,663.18 32,524.98 NET LEVY 30,039.00 38,303.00 44,753.00 " 6,450.00 BUDGET WOR,-.-. /G PAPERS Clarington:OLDER ADULT PROG 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE w F REVENUE: 0.00 (26,698.93) 100-42-428-10620-643055+ACTIVE ADULTS -PGM REG REV 0.00 (27,600.00) (27,600.00) 0.00 0.00 (723.20) 100-42-428-10620-6490 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -ADMISSIONS RE 0.00 (1,600.00) (1,600.00) 0.00 0.00 (7,446.21) 100-42-426-10621-643055+ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INT 0.00 (7,500.00) (15,500.00) (8,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42-428-10621-6490 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INTE 0.00 (700.00) 0.00 700.00 0.00 (9,735.92) 100-42-428-10622-6490 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN-ADMIS 0.00 (4,500.00) (10,000.00) (5,500.00) 0.00 (6,735.96) 10042428-10623-6400 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVENT 0.00 (2,200.00) (10,000.00) (7,800.00) 0.00 (682.34) 10042-428-10624-6524 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK 0.00. (10,000.00) (4,000.00) 6,000.00 0.00 (54,022.58) Total REVENUE 0.00 (54,100.00) (68,700.00) (14,600.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 31,317.27 100-42-428-10620-7010 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -WAGES PT PGM 0.00 26,000.00 35,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 633.26 100-42-428-10620-7050 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS-EHT 0.00 507.00 683.00 176.00 0.00 122.23 100-42428-10620-7051 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS - OMERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,362.67 100-42-428-10620-7052 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -CPP 0.00 1,114.00 1,559.00 445.00 0.00 917.79 10042-428-10620-7053 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -EI 0.00 684.00 799.00 115.00 0.00 655.90 100-42-428-10620-7058 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS-WSIB 0.00 749.00 1,068.00 319.00 0.00 200.00 100-42-428-10620-7163 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -CONTRACT 0.00 1,000.00 500.00 (500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42-428-10620-7230 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -BLDG RENTAL E 0.00 1,400.00 0.00 (1,400.00) 0.00 4,353.05 100-42-428-10620-750755+ACTIVE ADULTS -PGM EQUIP PU 0.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 17,273.05 100-42-428-10621-701055+ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INT 0.00 7,500.00 18,500.00 11,000.00 0.00 274.12 100-42-428-10621-7050 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INTE 0.00 146.00 361.00 215.00 0.00 228.50 100-42-428-10621-7052 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INTE 0.00 198.00 743.00 545.00 0.00 394.56 100-42-428-10621-7053 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INTER 0.00 197.00 422.00 225.00 0.00 189.18 100-42-428-10621-7058 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INTE 0.00 216.00 564.00 348.00 0.00 2,369.10 100-42-428-10621-7110 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INTE 0.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 100.00 100-42-428-10621-7163 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INT 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42-428-10621-723055+ACTIVE ADULTS -GENERAL INT 0.00 1,400.00 0.00 (1,400.00) 0.00 7,606.69 100-42-428-10622-701055+ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN -WAGE 0.00 14,000.00 18,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 264.90 100-42-428-10622-7050 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN-EHT 0.00 273.00 351.00 78.00 0.00 578.54 100-42-428-10622-7052 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN -CPP 0.00 520.00 718.00 198.00 0.00 402.85 100-42-428-10622-7053 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN -EI 0.00 368.00 411.00 43.00 0.00 352.92 100-42-428-10622-7058 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN-WSIB 0.00 403.00 549.00 146.00 0.00 2,135.78 100-42-428-10622-711055+ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN-PGMS 0.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 97.61 100-42-428-10622-7230 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN -BLDG 0.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 (1,500.00) 0.00 1,793.06 100-42-428-10622-7507 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -DROP IN -PGM 0.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 (1,500.00) 0.00 2,147.33 100-42-428-10623-701055+ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVE 0.00 1,200.00 8,000.00 6,800.00 0.00 39.36 100-42428-10623-7050 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVENT 0.00 23.00 156.00 133.00 w F 01/10/17 BUDGET , , JG PAPERS Clarington:OLDER ADULT PROG 2017 Draft - 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $0.00 $42.34 100-42-428-10623-7052 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVENT $0.00 $0.00 $223.00 $223.00 0.00 58.22 100-42-428-10623-705355+ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVENT 0.00 31.00 183.00 152.00 0.00 30.65 100-42428-10623-7058 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVENT 0.00 35.00 244.00 209.00 0.00 7,697.65 100-42428-10623-7112 55+ ACTIVE.ADULTS-SPECIAL EVENT 0.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 1,997.70 10042-428-10623-7163 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVEN 0.00 2,000.00 14,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 4,562.92 100-42-428-10623-719655+ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVEN 0.00 2,000.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 565.99 100-42-428-10623-7230 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -SPECIAL EVEN 0.00 800.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 0.00 5,332.28 100-42-428-10624-701155+ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK 0.00 16,500.00 2,000.00 (14,500.00) 0.00 289.14 100-42-428-10624-7050 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK- 0.00 322.00 39.00 (283.00) 0.00 692.50 100-42428-10624-7052.55+ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK- 0.00 643.00 0.00 (643.00) 0.00 460.41 100-42428-10624-7053 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK -E 0.00 434.00 46.00 (388.00) 0.00 415.94 100-42428-10624-705855+ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK- 0.00 475.00 61.00 (414.00) 0.00 2,755.46 10042428-10624-7112 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK 0.00 5,000.00 500.00 (4,500.00) 0.00 1,580.41 10042428-10624-7196 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS -COFFEE KIOSK 0.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 102,291.33 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 115,138.00 127,680.00 12,542.00 0.00 48,268.75 NET LEVY 0.00 61,038.00 58,980.00 (2,058.00) 01/10/17 `- - SUDGET WOk..,,,../G PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNITY GRANTS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 1,250.00 0.00 10042-473-10525-7600 OPER GRANT-CLAR BD OF TRADE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 0.00 10042-473-20010-7600 OPER GRANT-FIREHSE YTH CTR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 10042-473-20011-7600 OPER GRANT -BOW HOSPITAL FOUN 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 10042473-20014-7600 OPER GRANT -VINCENT MASSEY SC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 10042-473-20015-7600 OPER GRANT-CLOCA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 10042-473-20018-7600 OPER GRANT- KENDAL COMMUNITY 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 500.00 500.00 10042-473-20020-7600 OPER GRANT- BOW HORTICULTURA 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 10042-473-20022-7600 OPER GRANT- NEWC HORTICULTUR 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 10042473-20024-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO HORTICULTUR 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 10042473-20026-7600 OPER GRANT- BOW S/CLAUS 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 10042-473-20027-7600 OPER GRANT - NEWC. SANTA CLAU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,200.00 0.00 10042-473-20029-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO AGRICULTURA 5,000.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 1,000.00 0.00 100-42473-20035-7600 OPER GRANT -BOW & DISTRICT NAV 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 100-42473-20037-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC & DISTRT CH 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100-42473-20038-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC VILLAGE HIST S 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 3,000.00 500.00 100-42473-20040-7600 OPER GRANT -ECOLOGY GARDEN/B 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 1,500.00 0.00 100-42473-20043-7600 OPER GRANT -BOW CREEK CONSER 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 10042-473-20044-7600 OPER GRANT- NEWTONVILLE COMM 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 3,800.00 3,000.00 10042473-20046-7600 OPER GRANT- ORONO TOWN HALL 3,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 3,000.00 3,000.00 10042473-20048-7600 OPER GRANT- HAMPTON COMMUNIT 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 3,000.00 3,000.00 10042473-20050-7600 OPER GRANT-SOLINA COMM HALL BD 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 3,500.00 3,000.00 10042473-20052-7600 OPER GRANT -TYRONE HALL BD 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-42473-20054-7600 OPER GRANT- BROWNSDALE COMM 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 2,500.00 0.00 100-42473-20065-7600 OPER GRANT -JOHN STRANGE MEMO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 275.00 0.00 10042473-20068-7600 OPER GRANT- DARLINGTON BOCCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 10042473-20069-7600 OPER GRANT -OVERDRIVE RACE/REL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 10042473-20072-7600 OPER GRANT-BOWM FIGURE SKATIN 1,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 1,000.00 1,000.00 10042473-20075-7600 OPER GRANT-OSHAWA CAMAROS B 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 1,000.00 1,000.00 10042473-20076-7600 OPER GRANT-CLARINGTON SWIM CL 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 1,000.00 2,000.00 100-42473-20096-7600 OPER GRANT -BIG BROTHER&SISTER 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 111.76 0.00 100-42473-20102-7600 OPER GRANT-HEART/STROKE FOUN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 100-42473-20103-7600 OPER GRANT-CLAR. ZONE HOCKEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-42473-20107-7600 OPER, GRANT - ARCHITECTURAL CO 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 300.00 0.00 100-42473-20109-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO BIA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100-42473-20116-7600 OPER GRANT -GREAT CDN TOWN BA 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 500.00 0.00 100-42473-20120-7600 OPER GRANT-BETHESDA HOUSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 10042-473-20121-7600 OPER GRANT -COMM LIVING OSH/CL 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01/10/17 BUDGET W. Clarington:COMmUNifY GRANTS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $500.00 $0.00 100-42473-20138-7600 OPER GRANT-CLAR OLDER ADULT C $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 305.10 0.00 10042-473-20191-7600 OPER GRANT-JANET LANGE ART 8, D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 10042-473-20192-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWCASTLE ART SHO 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 1,000.00 1,000.00 100-42-473-20205-7600 OPER GRANT-CLARINGTON CONCER 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 1,500.00 _ 1,500.00 100-42473-20215-7600 OPER GRANT-DRIFTWOOD THEATE 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 1,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-20216-7600 OPER GRANT-CONCERTS IN THE PA 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100-42-473-20217-7600 OPER GRANT-MUSIC NIGHT IN THE 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 750.00 750.00 100-421473-20221-7600 OPER GRANT•NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 750.00 - 1,000.00 100-42473-20224-7600 OPER GRANT-SOPER VALLEY MODE 750.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-42473-20225-7600 OPER GRANT-FEED THE NEED IN D 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 1,500.00 1,500.00 100-42473-20226-7600 OPER GRANT-THE GATHERING PLAC 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 1,500.00 1,500.00 100-42473-20231-7600 OPER GRANT-PRIDE DURHAM INC. 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 750.00 750.00 10042473-20232-7600 OPERGRANT-LAKESHORENEW HO 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 500.00 500.00 10042473-20235-7600 OPER GRANT-BOWMANVILLE ALLO 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 1,000.00 100-42473-20237-7600 OPER GRANT-BEECH ST. THEATRE 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42473-20239-7600 OPER GRANT-HOME BASE DURHAM 1,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 750.00 0.00 100-42473-20245-7600 OPER GRANT-BETHESDA CEMETER 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 10042473-20247-7600 OPER GRANT- HAMPTON UNITED C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 100-42473-20248-7600 OPER GRANT- NEWCASTLES OF TH 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 (20,000.00) 0.00 2,000.00 10042473-20249-7600 OPER GRANT- BOWMANVILLE TENNI 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 2,000.00 10042473-20250-7600 OPER GRANT- DURHAM YOUTH COON 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 500.00 100-42473-20251-7600 OPER GRANT- ORONO SANTA CLAU 0.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 2,500.00 100-42473-20252-7600 OPER GRANT- DURHAM EAST 4H AS 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 10042473-20999-7600 OPER GRANT- UNALLOCATED 36,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 90,291.86 80,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE - 100,000.00 80,000.00 60,000.00 (20,000.00) 90,291.86 80,000.00 NET LEVY 100,000.00 80,000.00 60,000.00 (20,000.00) BUDGET WOR....✓G PAPERS Clarington:SPONSORSHIPS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 1,250.00 100-42-480-10525-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - BD OF TRADE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-480-20011-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - BOW HOSPIT 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-480-20029-7604 MUN, SPONSORSHIP-ORONO AGRIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100-42-480-20033-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP- ROTARY CLU 0.00 - 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 550.00 100-42-480-20034-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP-Y.W.C.A. DURH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,650.00 100-42-480-20044-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - NEWTONVILL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-480-20052-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP -TYRONE COMM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 2,000.00 100-42480-20053-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP-HAYDON COMM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100-42-480-20062-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - CLAR. GREEN 0.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 2,500.00 10042-480-20065-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP -JOHN STRANG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 10042-480-20076-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP-CLAR. SWIM CL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100-42-480-20096-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - BIG BROTHER 0.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 500.00 10042-480-20113-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - GANARASKA 0.00 500.00 _0.00 (500.00) 0.00 1,000.00 10042480-20115-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - VON DURHAM 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 500.00 100-42480-20120-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP- BETHESDA H 0.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 2,000.00 100-42480-20121-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - COMM LIVING 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 2,500.00 100-42480-20216-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP - CONCERTS 1 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 2,000.00 100-42480-20228-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP- NEWC. BIA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100-42480-20247-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP -HAMPTON UNI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 1,000.00 100-42-480-20253-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP -IN THE FACE O 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 300.00 100-42480-20254-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP-CLAR FIRE FI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 100-42480-20255-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP -LUPUS ONTARIO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 500.00 100-42480-20256-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP -BEECH ST TH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 100-42480-20257-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP-LAKERIDGE H 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 10042-480-20258-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP-BPW BOWMANV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 10042-480-20259-7604 MUN. SPONSORSHIP -HELP FROM HOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10042-480-20999-7604 MUN SPONSORSHIPS - UNALLOCATE 0.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 33,500.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 33,500.00 NET LEVY 0.00 35.000.00 35,000.00 0.00 PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2017 C.barinptnn Ler Urban Design Development Approvals Heritage Preservation Special Projects/Research Real Estate Geomatics Crossing Guards Staff Complement r7oP:?fillated�»i:>i>i»:�' 6 Union - Italicized 16 ao Contract' 1 Total 63 Department Head Backup - Mana er of Special Projects Temporary Positions (3 year contract) ( Expires September 30, 2018) 01/10/17 BUDGET WO. .G PAPERS Clarington:PLANNING SERVICE 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE F O REVENUE: (442,640.41) (538,775.45) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (405,000.00) (436,000.00) (475,475.00) (39,475.00) (442,640.41) (538,775.45) Total REVENUE (405,000.00) (436.000.00) (475,475.00) (39,475.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,250,965.77 1,126,370.46 UNASSIGNED -EXPENDITURE 1,197,963.00 1,196,192.00 516,683.00 (679,509.00) 4,681.06 0.00 PSAB- EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,798,087.91 2,678,951.61 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 2,781,049.00 2,943,900.00 3,291,846.00 347,946.00 1,655.95 1,458.03 SMALL BOARDS - EXPENDITURE 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 59,967.87 COURTICE CIP- EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 136,000.00- 136,000.00 4,055,390.69 3,866,757.97 Total EXPENDITURE 3,980,012.00 4,141,092.00 3,944,529.00 (195,563.00) 3,612,750.28 3,327,982.52 NET LEVY 3,575,012.00 3,705,092.00 3,469,054.00 (236,038.00) F O 01/10/17 BUDGET WC G PAPERS Clarin9ton:L -SSIGNED 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 683,000.00 683,000.00 100-50-000-10090-7418 PLAN- LAND ACQUISITION-TRSF TO C 683,000.00 683,000.00 0.00 (683,000.00) 332,737.53 332,080.97 100-50-000-10170-7006 CROSS/GUARD-WAGES TEMP F/T 353,183.00 358,481.00 363,858.00 5,377.00 6,807.63 7,246.67 100-50-000-10170-7050 CROSS/GUARD-EHT 6,622.00 6,722.00 6,822.00 100.00 10,819.85 12,983.35 100-50-000-10170-7052 CROSS/GUARD - CPP 10,053.00 10,306.00 10,561.00 255.00 9,047.56 11,416.04 100-50-000-10170-7053 CROSS/GUARD - EI 8,938.00 9,072.00 7,984.00 (1,088.00) 10,210.05 8,693.08 100-50-000-10170-7058 CROSS/GUARD - WSIB 9,780.00 9,927.00 10,671.00 744.00 3,203.81 5,154.34 100-50-000-10170-7112 CROSS/GUARD - MISC OP EXP 3,600.00 7,000.00 3,600.00 (3,400.00) 2,457.08 3,655.98 100-50-000-10510-7041 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT -OTHER PAY 3,561.00 3,615.00 3,669.00 54.00 70.95 70.43 100-50-000-10510-7050 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT- EHT 69.00 70.00 - 72.00 2.00 0.00 3.31 100-50-000-10510-7052 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.16 89.02 100-50-000-10510-7053 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - EI 94.00 95.00 84.00 (11.00) 107.54 91.07 100-50-000-10510-7058 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - WSIB 103.00 104.00 112.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 100-50-000-10510-7299 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - MISC EXP 550.00 550.00 500.00 (50.00) 18,987.44 75.00 100-50-000-10520-7299 CLAR.HERITAGE COM.- MISC EXPEN 1,200.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 5,080.00 100-50-000-10524-7299 HERITAGE GRANT INCENTIVE - MIS 6,000.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 (1,500.00) 1,049.05 0.00 100-50-000-10527-7299 PRIORITY GREEN - MISC EXP 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,120.67 9,266.09 100-50-000-10530-7209 COMM IMPROVE - ENVIRON STEWAR 9,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 12,484.00 0.00 100-50-000-10530-7546 COMM IMPROVE- BOWMANVILLE 58,000.00 39,000.00 35,000.00 (4,000.00) 12,380.64 18,900.33 100-50-000-10530-7547 COMM IMPROVE - NEWCASTLE 25,000.00 34,000.00 35,000.00 1,000.00 13,439.48 0.00 100-50-000-10530-7548 COMM IMPROVE - COURTICE 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,792.38 5,556.50 100-50-000-10530-7549 COMM IMPROVE -ORONO 1,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 69.97 96.80 100-50-000-10535-7299 COMMITTEE - MISC EXPENSE 210.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 567.75 0.00 100-50-000-10542-7002 SHOWCASING WATER INNOVATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 116,517.23 8,875.50 100-50-000-10542-7520 SHOWCASING WATER INNOVATION - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,035.98 100-50-000-10543-7520 LAND AQUISITION MAINTENANCE - N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,250,965.77 1,126,370.46 Total EXPENDITURE 1,197,963.00 1,196,192.00 516.683.00 (679,509.00) 1,250,965.77 1,126,370.46 NET LEVY 1,197,963.00 1,196,192,00 516,683.00 (679,509.00) 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 11110 A BUDGET WORD,,. -S PAPERS Clarin9ton:ADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (361.71) (286.00) 100-50-130-00000-6565 PLANNING ADMIN - SALE OF PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 (250.00) (250.00) (250.00) (291.00) 100-50-130-00000-6566 PLANNING ADMIN - SALE OF MAPS ( 0.00 0.00 (225.00) (225.00) (28,260.00) (33,770.00) 100-50-130-32010-6400 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS FEE (25,000.00) (26,000.00) (26,000.00) 0.00 (1,200.00) 0.00 100-50-130-32011-6400 PEER REVIEW APP'N FEE REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (87,566.00) (99,460.00) 100-50-130-32015-6400 REZONING REVENUE (80,000.00) (80,000.00) (95,300.00) (15,300.00) (126,412.76) (204,712.83) 100-50-130-32020-6400 SITE PLANS REVENUE (100,000.00) (120,000.00) (136,400.00) (16,400.00) (37,474.50) (36,480.50) 100-50-130-32025-6400 SUBDIVISION CLEARANCE FEE (16,000.00) (28,000.00) (29,000.00) (1,000.00) (16,433.00) (18,133.00) 100-50-130-32030-6400 ZONING CLEARANCE FEE (13,000.00) (13,500.00) (14,000.00) (500.00) (66,745.00) (51,430.00) 100-50-130-32040-6400 SUBDIVISION APP'N FEE (75,000.00) (78,000.00) (80,500.00) (2,500.00) (10,642.00) (13,240.00) 100-50-130-32050-6400 PART LOT CONTROL FEE (20,000.00) (15,000.00) (16,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,500.00) 0.00 100-50-130-32055-6400 STAAME CHANGE APPLICATION FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (40,148.00) (47,580.00) 100-50-130-32060-6400 COMM. OF ADJ. APPLICATION FEE (26,000.00) (35,000.00) (36,000.00) (1,000.00) (3,640.00) (7,620.00) 100-50-130-32065-6400 CONDOMINIUM APPLICATION FEE (10,000.00) (1,500.00) (1,600.00) (100.00) (4,023.44) (6,778.12) 100-50-130-32070-6400 PLANNING- MISCELLANEOUS REVE (8,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,200.00) (200.00) (17,984.00) (18,994.00) 100-50-130-35610-6502 SIGN PERMITS (32,000.00) (33,000.00) (34,000.00) (1,000.00) (442,640.41) (538,775.45) Total REVENUE (405,000.00) (436,000.00) (475,475.00) (39,475.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,824,957.27 1,921,426.67 100-50-130-00000-7001 PLANNING ADMIN - SALARY F/T 1,872,994.00 1,871,091.00 1,903,640.00 32,549.00 0.00 0.00 100-50-130-00000-7002 PLANNING ADMIN - SAL CONTRACT 18,317.00 76,513.00 85,130.00 8,617.00 25,674.86 23,013.51 100-50-130-00000-7007 PLANNING ADMIN - WAGES PERM P!T 26,395.00 26,791.06 27,204.00 413.00 9,601.58 10,151.17 100-50-130-00000-7015 PLANNING ADMIN - WAGES STUDENT 9,151.00 9,288.00 9,427.00 139.00 38,598.58 39,089.65 100-50-130-00000-7050 PLANNING ADMIN - EHT 37,546.00 38,655.00 39,468.00 813.00 204,561.90 206,096.15 100-50-130-00000-7051 PLANNING ADMIN -OMERS 205,235.00 209,917.00 213,135.00 3,218.00 59,694.77 60,740.25 100-50-130-00000-7052 PLANNING ADMIN - CPP 55,464.00 58,275.00 60,146.00 1,871.00 30,642.04 52,387.64 100-50-130-00000-7053 PLANNING ADMIN - EI 30,271.00 30,878.00 27,729.00 (3,149.00) 226,563.34 216,514.77 100-50-130-00000-7054 PLANNING ADMIN - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 223,455.00 240,384.00 191,160.00 (49,224.00) 50,445.75 44,405.11 100-50-130-00000-7058 PLANNING ADMIN - WSIB 48,321.00 50,708.00 54,907.00 4,199.00 16,942.38 18,221.23 100-50-130-00000-7101 PLANNING ADMIN - OFF SUPPLIES 21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 2,295.44 2,061.83 100-50-130-00000-7132 PLANNING ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 0.00 2,794.16 9,542.84 100-50-130-00000-7160 PLANNING ADMIN - CONSULTING 150,000.00 235,000.00 575,000.00 340,000.00 4,024.60 603.69 100-50-130-00000-7174 PLANNING ADMIN - R/M OFF EQUIP 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 0.00 1,729.74 2,218.75 100-50-130-00000-7181 PLANNING ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODIC 3,700.00 3,700.00 4,000.00 300.00 5,082.13 7,869.34 100-50-130-00000-7186 PLANNING ADMIN - POST/COUR/FRT 5,500.00 5,500.00 7,000.00 1,500.00 1,695.44 28.50 100-50-130-00000-7188 PLANNING ADMIN - REPROD/PRINTIN 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 10,430.03 11,825.66 100-50-130-00000-7200 PLANNING ADMIN - MEMB/DUES 11,300.00 14,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 10,202.29 11,174.35 100-50-130-00000-7202 PLANNING ADMIN -TRAVEL EXP 13,500.00 13,500.00 14,000.00 500.00 BUDGET WD. (G PAPERS Clarington:ADMINISTRATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description EXPENDITURE (continued): $10,531.62 $0.00 100-50-130-00000-7203 PLANNING ADMIN - STAFF DEV 15,846.62 4,759.20 100-50-130-00000-7299 PLANNING ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 115,337.01 12,500.00 100-50-130-00000-7412 PLANNING ADMIN-TRSF TO RF 118,723.08 0.00 100-50-130-00000-7416 PLANNING ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 1,189.88 0.00 100-50-130-00000-7505 PLANNING ADMIN - OTHER EQUIP P 45.03 2,384.96 100-50-130-00000-7506 PLANNING ADMIN - FURNITURE & FI 10,478.37 21,946.34. 100-50-130-10529-7160 OP REVIEW -CONSULTING 2,798,087.91 2,678,961.61 Total EXPENDITURE 2,355,447.50 2,140,186.16 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE $13,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9,700.00 9,700.00 15,000.00 5,300.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,000.00 (100.00) 3,200.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,781,049.00 2.943,900.00 3.291,846.00 347.946.00 2376049.00 2.507,900.00 2,816,371.00 308,471.00 BUDGET WOk._ iG PAPERS Clarington:SMALL BOARDS 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 1,655.95 1,458.03 100-50-430-10520-7112 CLAR HERITAGE COM (BOARD ACCO 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 1,655.95 1,458.03 Total EXPENDITURE 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.001 1,655.95 1,458.03 NET LEVY 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) BUDGET WG 1G PAPERS Clarin9ton:CuuRTICE CIP 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 59,967.87 100-50-550-10530-7548 COURTICE MAIN STREET CIP 0.00 59,967.87 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 59.967.87 NET LEVY 01/10117 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 136,000.00 136,000.00 0.00 0.00 136.000.00 136,000.00 0.00 0.00 136,000.00 136,000.00 r F N 01/10/17 BUDGET WC S PAPERS Claringt. -VIES 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 REVENUE: 0.00 (83,155,894.52) TAXLEVY-REVENUE 0.00 (29,370,396.39) TAXLEVY-REVENUE 0.00 (112,526,290.91) Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: 109,189,612.54 0.00 UNASSIGNED -EXPENDITURE 0.00 83,155,890.97 TAX LEVY - EXPENDITURE 0.00 29,370,394.48 TAX LEVY - EXPENDITURE 109,189,612.54 112,526,285.45 Total EXPENDITURE 109.189.612.54 (5.46) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 (1,076,215.00) (1,076,215.00) 0.00 0.00 (569,943.00) (569,943.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,646,158.00) (1,646,158.00) 107,432,140.00 110,026,704.00 0.00 (110,026,704.00) 0.00 0.00 1,076,215.00 1,076,215.00 0.00 0.00 569,943.00 569,943.00 107,432,140.00 110,026,704.00 1,646,158.00 (108,380,546.00) 107.432140.00 110,026,704.00 0.00 (110226,704.00) 01/10/17 BUDGET WC. PAPERS Clarington: U mASSIGNED 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE r r J EXPENDITURE: 74,945,014.99 0.00 100-58-000-10540-7801 REGION - TAX REQUISITION 74,945,071.00 77,198,656.00 0.00 (77,198,656.00) 1,302,167.44 0.00 100-58-000-10540-7802 REGION - SUPPS REQUISTION 0.00 0,00 - 0.00 0.00 2,615,849.76 0.00 100-58-000-10540-7803 REGION - PIL REQUISITION 2,615,791.00 2,620,029.00 0.00 (2,620,029.00) 1,082,132.97 0.00 100-58-000-10540-7808 REG -OTHER CHGS-RIGHT OF WAY 1,094,577.00 1,082,133.00 0.00 (1,082,133.00) 4,451.56 0.00 100-58-000-10540-7809 REGION -OTHER CHGS-HEADS & BEDS 4,503.00 4,452.00 0.00 (4,452.00) 0.00 0.00 100-58-000-10540-7812 LOCAL IMP REQ -NEWCASTLE SEWER 870.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 22,223,384.00 0.00 100-58-000-10545-7801 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD -TAX 22,223,384.00 22,571,580.00 0.00 (22,571,580.00) 404,456.66 0.00 100-58-000-10545-7802 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD -SUP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91,701.00 .0.00 100-58-000-10545-7803 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD - PIL R 91,701.00 99,598.00 0.00 (99,598.00) 410,114.00 0.00 100-58-000-10545-7808 ENG PUB SCHOOL -RIGHT OF WAY R 410,114.00 404,210.00 0.00 (404,210.00) 5,394,374.00 0.00 100-58-000-10550-7801 ENG SEPARATE SCHOOL BD -TAX RE 5,394„374.00 5,369,050.00 0.00 (5,369,050.00) 60,579.44 0.00 100-58-000-10550-7802 ENG SEPARATE SCHOOL BD-SUPPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,055.00 0.00 100-58-000-10550-7803 ENG SEPARATE SCHOOL BD-PIL REQ 29,055.00 33,179.00 0.00 (33,179.00) 155,452.00 0.00 100-58-000-10550-7808 ENG SEP SCHOOL -RIGHT OF WAY R 155,452.00 157,042.00 0.00 (157,042.00) 90,598.00 0.00 100-58-000-10555-7801 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL -TAX REQU 90,598.00 104,423.00 0.00 (104,423.00) 1,174.92 0.00 100-58-000-10555-7802 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL - SUPPS R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 692.00 0.00 100-58-000-10555-7803 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL -PIL REQU 692.00 949.00 0.00 (949.00) 0.00 0.00 100-58-000-10555-7808 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL -RIGHT OF 0.00 3,881.00 0.00 (3,881.00) 176,495.00 0.00 100-58-000-10560-7801 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL - TAX 176,495.00 172,538.00 0.00 (172,538.00) 2,456.80 0.00 100-58-000-10560-7802 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL - SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 856.00 0.00 100-58-000-10560-7803 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL - PIL R 856.00 974.00 0.00 (974.00) 4,377.00 0.00 100-58-000-10560-7808 FRENCH SEP SCHOOL -RIGHT OF WA 4,377.00 4,810.00 0.00 (4,810.00) 158,230.00 0.00 100-58-000-10565-7801 BIA- BOWMANVILLE - TAX REQUISITI 158,230.00 163,200.00 0.00 (163,200.00) 30,000.00 0.00 100-58-000-10566-7801 BIA- NEWCASTLE - TAX REQUISITION 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 (30,000.00) 6,000.00 0.00 100-58-000-10567-7801 BIA -ORONO - TAX REQUISITION 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 (6,000.00) 109,189,612.54 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 107,432,140.00 110,026,704.00 0.00 (110,026,704.00) 109,189,612.54 0.00 NET LEVY 107,432,140.00 110,026,704.00 0.00 (110226.704.00) r r J 01/10/17 -- BUDGET WORA---. i PAPERS Clarington:REGIONAL TAXATIO 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 REVENUE: 0.00 (77,198,660.06) 100-58-221-10540-6100 TAXATION -REGION 0.00 (1,547,672.55) 100-58-221-10540-6101 TAXATION -SUPPLEMENTARIES -REGI 0.00 (2,620,028.50) 100-58-221-10540-6102 TAXATION-PIL-REGION 0.00 (724,609.50) 100-58-221-10540-6104 TAX-SUPP-PIL-REGION 0.00 11,291.57 100-58-221-10540-6110 TAXATION -REGION CAPPING 0.00 (1,071,806.42) 100-58-221-10540-6111 TAXATION -RIGHT OF WAY -REGION 0.00 (4,409.06) 100-58-221-10540-6112 TAXATION -HEADS & BEDS -REGION 0.00 (83.155,894.52) Total REVENUE 4,409.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 77,198,656.00 100-58-221-10540-7801 REGION -TAX REQUISITION 0.00 1,547,672.55 100-58-221-10540-7802 REGION-SUPPS REQUISTION 0.00 2,620,029.00 100-58-221-10540-7803 REGION-PIL REQUISITION 0.00 724,609.50 100-58-221-10540-7804 REGION-SUPP-PIL 0.00 (11,291.57) 100-58-221-10540-7806 REGION -CAPPING 0.00 1,071,806.43 100-58-221-10540-7808 REGION -RIGHT OF WAY 0.00 4,409.06 100-58-221-10540-7809 REGION -HEADS & BEDS 0.00 83,155,890.97 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 (3.55) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0o o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,071,806.00) (1,071,806.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,071,806.00 1,071,806.00 0.00 0.00 4,409.00 4,409.00 0.00 0.00 1,076,215.00 1,076,215.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r 00 00 01/10/17 BUDGET Wt -;PAPERS PAPERS Clarington:SC...13 TAXATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL DeuriOtion 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (28,217,592.79) 100-58-223-00000-6100 TAXATION-SCHOOLBOARD0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (448,160.27) 100-58-223-00000-6101 TAXATION-SUPPS-SCHOOL BD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (134,700.13) 100-58-223-00000-6102 TAXATION-PIL-SCHOOL BD 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 (401,547.78) 100-58-223-10545-6111 TAXATION-ROW-ENG.PUB 0.00 0.00 (401,548.00) (401,548.00) 0.00 (158,883.06) 100-58-223-10550-6111 TAXATION -ROW -ENG SEP 0.00 0.00 (158,883.00) (158,883.00) 0.00 (4,696.34) 100-58-223-10555-6111 TAXATION -ROW -FR PUB 0.00 0.00 (4,696.00) (4,696.00) 0.00 (4,816.02) 100-58-223-10560-6111 TAXATION -ROW -FR SEP 0.00 0.00 (4,816.00) (4,816.00) 0.00 (29,370,396.39) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (569,943.00) (569,943.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 22,571,580.00 100-58-223-10545-7801 ENG PUB SCH BD -TAX REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 420,848.34 100-58-223-10545-7802 ENG PUB SCH BD-SUPPS REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99,598.00 100-58-223-10545-7803 ENG PUB SCH BD-PIL REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 401,547.78 100-58-223-10545-7808 ENG PUB SCH BD -ROW 0.00 0.00 401,548.00 401,548.00 0.00 5,369,050.00 100-58-223-10550-7801 ENG SEP SCH BD -TAX REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,280.45 100-58-223-10550-7802 ENG SEP SCH BD-SUPPS REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,179.00 100-58-223-10550-7803 ENG SEP SCH BD-PIL REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 158,883.06 100-58-223-10550-7808 ENG SEP SCH BD -ROW 0.00 0.00 158,883.00 158,883.00 0.00 104,423.00 100-58-223-10555-7801 FR PUB SCH-TAX REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 496.72 100-58-223-10555-7802 FR PUB SCH-SUPPS REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 949.00 100-58-223-10555-7803 FR PUB SCH-PIL REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,696.34 100-58-223-10555-7808 FR PUB SCH-ROW 0.00 0.00 4,696.00 4,696.00 0.00 172,538.00 100-58-223-10560-7801 FR SEP SCH-TAX REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 534.77 100-58-223-10560-7802 FR SEP SCH-SUPPS REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 974.00 100-58-223-10560-7803 FR SEP SCH-PIL REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,816.02 100-58-223-10560-7808 FR SEP SCH BD -ROW 0.00 0.00 4,816.00 4,816.00 0.00 29,370,394.48 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 569,943.00 569,943.00 0.00 (1.91) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01/10/17 `4.... BUDGET WORA.`—, PAPERS Clarington:BIA'S 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (199,200.06) TAXLEVY-REVENUE 0.00 (199,200.06) Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 199,200.00 TAX LEVY - EXPENDITURE 0.00 199200.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 (0.06) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 (203,300.00) (203,300.00) 0.00 0.00 (203,300.00) (203,300.00) 0.00 0.00 203,300.00 203,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET WL G PAPERS Clarington:6. . AXATION 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET REVENUE: 0.00 (163,199.97) 100-59-227-10565-6106 BIA-BOWMANVILLE-TAX LEVY 0.00 (30,000.08) 100-59-227-10566-6106 BIA-NEWCASTLE-TAX LEVY 0.00 (6,000.01) 100-59-227-10567-6106 BIA-ORONO-TAX LEVY 0.00 (199,200.06) Total REVENUE (6,000.00) (6,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 163,200.00 100-59-227-10565-7801 BIA-BOWMANVILLE-TAX REQU 0.00 30,000.00 100-59-227-10566-7801 BIA-NEWCASTLE-TAX REQU 0.00 6,000.00 100-59-227-10567-7801 BIA-ORONO-TAX REQU 0.00 199,200.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 (0.06) NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 (167,300.00) (167,300.00) 0.00 0.00 (30,000.00) (30,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (6,000.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (203,300.00) (203,300.00) 0.00 0.00 167,300.00 167,300.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00. 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 203,300.00 203,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r F- 01/10/17 BUDGET W6. ,G PAPERS Clarington:CLARINGTON LIB 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL Description 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE 35,119.63 0.00 100-62-440-10570-7299 CLARINGTON LIBRARY- MISC EXP (F 134,286.00 30,000.00 100-62-440-10570-7412 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-TRSF TO RF 40,000.00 40,000.00 100-62-440-10570-7416 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-TRSF TO RE 0.00 0.00 100-62-440-10570-7418 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-TRSF TO CF 2,892,478.00 2,950,327.99 100-62-440-10570-7600 CLARINGTON LIBRARY- OPER GRANT 260,500.00 245,000.00 100-62-440-10570-7602 CLARINGTON LIBRARY- CAPITAL GR 3,362,383.63 3.265327.99 Total EXPENDITURE 3,362,383.63 3,265,327.99 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 104,286.00 104,286.00 0.00 (104,286.00) 2,892,478.00 2,950,328.00 3,016,710.00 66,382.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.066,764.00 3,124,614.00 3,086,710.00 (37,904.00) 3,066,764.00 3,124,614.00 3,086,710.00 (37,904.00) 153 ® Claringt®n Public Library Administrative Report Date: October 27, 2016 To: Curry Clifford, Interim Chief Administrative Office , Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Report Subject: 2017 Current/Capital Budgets and 2018-2021 Forecasts Report Summary: This report contains the draft budgetary requests of the Clarington Public Library for its 2017 Current and 2017 Capital Budgets. It includes four (4) year (2018-2021) forecasts for both Current budgets and Capital budgets. A. 2017 Current/Operating Budget The overall current budget for 2017 is $3;225,531. The municipal tax levy funding request is $3,016,711, an increase of $66,382 or 2.25% over the 2016 tax levy of $2,950,328. Revenues Non -municipal revenues are expected to increase by 0.48%. This is due to an increase in Library fees. Library fees include collection agency fees, lost item processing, program fees and replacement cards. Expenses Budget expenses in 2017 have pressures in the areas of Facility Services, Computer Expenses, and Personnel Costs as detailed below. 1. Facility Services: This area, which includes utility charges, building maintenance, and janitorial costs is under significant pressure resulting in an anticipated increase of 6.09%. a) Hydro prices are expected to rise by 8% in 2017 while water will increase by 6%. The annual impact will be approximately $10,000. b) With assistance from the Municipality's Purchasing Department, the Library procured a new cleaning service in April 2016 with Cheema Cleaning Services to service the Courtice, Newcastle and Orono branches. The contractual agreement 154 Clarington Public Library 2017 Current/Capital Budgets & Forecasts provides for an increase of 4% per year until Bowmanville Branch continues to be cleaned Department staff. the contract expires in 2020. The by the Municipal Operations G) The expanded and renovated Courtice Branch has been exceptionally popular with the community. In order to maintain its appearance, the branch requires special detergent based carpet cleaning, which falls outside of the scope of the contract with Cheema Cleaning Services. The estimated annual cost is $3,600. 2. Computer Expenses: This area covers computer maintenance, supplies, and annual license agreements. a) The Library's integrated library system (ILS) is subject to a contractual license increase of 3.9%. b) Computer licenses are project to increase by 108°/x. Based on recommendations from the 2016 Library Service Review, the Library would like add two new services in 2017: (i) Collection HQ and (ii) Enterprise e -Resource Central (ERC). Collection HQ is a web -based product designed to maximize the Library's collection expenditures by re -deploying materials across the system based on usage and member demand. Collection HQ includes data analysis tools that offer suggestions for collection spending to ensure that community needs are addressed as cost effectively as possible. The annual licensing cost is anticipated at $12,500. However, the benefit of acquiring access to this cloud based product is that it offsets the need for a larger increase in the library materials area of the budget. Enterprise is an online catalogue overlay and upgrade that complies with current Canadian accessibility standards. Unfortunately the Library's existing online catalogue module is an older model and does not meet accessibility standards. The vendor, SirsiDynix, an American company, offers accessibility enhancements solely as part of an upgraded discovery layer package at a cost of $15,000. In addition to meeting accessibility needs, the Enterprise overlay includes a service enhancement that will allow library members to more effectively locate and access physical and electronic resources within the Library's collection. However, it is as a result of the product's impact on library accessibility needs that it has been given priority for the upcoming year. Personnel Costs: This area captures expenditures on payroll and benefits for the Library's union and non-union staff. Personnel costs are calculated by the Library and processed by the Municipality's Corporate Services Department on a charge back basis. The closure of the Courtice branch for nine months in 2016 and salary and wage gapping created by positions held vacant pending the Service Review has resulted in fluctuations in personnel costs in prior years. However, 2017 represents a stable year with a full staff complement. Personnel costs in 2017 will be impacted by: a) A contractual wage increase of 1.5%. IDD Clarington Public Library 2017 Current/Capital Budgets &,Forecasts b) Salaried and waged employees hired within the last five (5) years are entitled to receive annual increases until they reach the top of their respective pay grids. 4. Library Materials: This area captures expenditures: on multimedia information resources including books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, e -books, digital audio books, electronic databases and other resources. a) As most library material is created and produced outside the country, the . exchange rate on the Canadian dollar has a negative impact on the Library's purchasing power. Between July 1 2015 and June 30 2016, our suppliers saw an average increased cost of 2.7% per item. b) To maintain current service levels and offset the factors outlined above in 4(a) the Library materials budget would need to increase by at least 3.0%. As an alternative strategy, the Library plans to invest in the online module, Collection HQ, which is described in 2(b). Collection HQ will help to ensure the Library maximizes the potential of its existing collection materials and collection budget spending. 5. Other Service Areas: In light of overall budget pressures in 2017, services in all other activity areas have been maintained or decreased from 2016 levels. The chart on the following page sets out a draft of the Lib' ary's Current Budget Request for 2017. 156 Clarington Public Library 2017 Current/Capital Budgets & Forecasts Clarington Public Library` _ Current Budget Request 2017 -�'*, m��� Category,;, fi��� ���'" v � x.;2016 �`k 7� �.Yrori Yr x � �'•�20�7 1�� q'`20i7 Y ' 'F''�'ty �srR,..s�,�€a� Subtotal Municipal Tax Levy $ 2,950,328 $ 66,382 $ 3,016;711 2.25% Subtotal Non -Municipal Revenue $ 207,820 $ 1,000 $ 208,820 0.48% TOTAL,INCOIViE ;$„ 3,158145 $ 6J 382 $ 3 225,531,; a�213%0 „- igy_y Salaries/Wages $ 1,882,788 $ - 33,414 $' 1,916,202 1:77% Benefits $ 480,556 $ 13,727 $" 494,283 2.860/6 Subtotal Salarieslwages/Benefits $ 2,363,344 $ 47,141 $ 2,410,485 1.99% Library Materials $ 279,000 $ 4,000 $ 283,000 1.43% Facility Services, $ 149,514 $ 9,105 $ 158,619 _ 6.09% _ Products & Supplies $ 41,893 _ $ - $; 39,893 -4.77% Public Programs $ : 24,380 $ (2;300) $: 22,060 _ -9:52% Purchased Services $ 84,900 $ (4,410) $. 79,490 -6:37%. Computer Expenses $ 149,441 $ 20,866 $ 170,307 13.96% Staff Development $ 25,477 $ 0-$ , . 25,477 0.00% Transfer to Capital $ 36,200 $ $ 36,200 0.00% Subtotal Other Service Areas $ 790,804 $ 27,261 $ 815,046 3.07% B. 2017 Capital Budget Request The Library's proposed 2017 Capital Budget addresses the need for additional library materials (collection), information technology, and a refurbishment of the Bowmanville Branch. Monies are set aside and accumulated by the Municipality to meet the costs of these initiatives. Funding for these needs is derived from sources such as development charges, general tax levy, debentures, and special reserves. Reserves: Annually, whenever possible, the Library sets aside monies into the Municipal `Reserve Funds'/Specified 'Reserves' for the following capital initiatives: 1. Facility Refurbishment such as carpet replacement, repair/replacement of millwork; painting, and renovations; 2. Strategic Plans; 3. Professional Fees; 4. Dewey's Cafe Refurbishment (Community Living provides annual funds to the Library for refurbishment/restoration of the Cafe area at the Bowmanville Branch.) lit Clarington Public Library 2017 Current/Capital Budgets & Forecasts The chart below sets out a draft of the Library's 2017 Capital. Budget request. Service levels can be adjusted based on the Board's directive. el �� Clarington Public Library Capital Budget Request :::jr _ 2017 �-� -- �.�,�52 Library Collections $ 141,765 x „ r Subtotal Collections Ie Library Technology $ 110,000 owmanville Branch Refurbishment $ 130,000 ?SubtotatLibaryRefurbisliment $ f t 3 X130,000; The 2017 Capital Budget Request deviates from prior years to the extent that: a) The request for capital funding to support technology has been increased from $100,000 to $110,000 in order to maintain a stable computing environment and help meet public demand for technology related services. Technology equipment (such as computers for public and staff, servers, firewall routers, and networks) has a limited lifespan and needs to be replaced and/or upgraded on a regular basis. The challenge in 2017 is that all of the computers in the.Bowmanville Branch have reached the end of their lifespan. Additionally, the extremely popular children's early literacy computer stations, purchased in 2011, reached end of life in 2014. b) The Bowmanville Branch, which opened in 2003, is in need of refurbishment. The service points need to be reconfigured to meet the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and to improve customer service. In order to minimize the disruption of service to the public, the project could be phased over a period of two to three calendar years, closing one floor at a time for renovation. 158 Clarington Public Library 2017 Current/Capital Budgets & Forecasts C. 2018 - 2021 Current/Operating Budget Forecast The chart below sets out a draft of the Library's 2018-2021 Current Budget Forecast. Service levels can be adjusted based on the Board's direction.. �. Clarington Public Library III Current Budget Forecast 2018-2021 zfs *2019` Z ' M -f 2020 � t X2021 ` > CATEGORY; , <<:, BI�DGETUDGET �,rBIJDGET ,BUDGET , INI711- . 2 n;;:.I r_. -s. Municipal Tax Levy $3,074,155 $3,131,637 $3,184,926 $3,239,110 Non -Municipal Revenue $ 203,834 $ 204,853 $ 205,878 $ 206,907 TOTALINCOME,$'`- 3,277,989 „$. 3,3.3„„6491n a$3,390;804'3,446;017_> ,_ .,13 Z, ,.-MOMM��� >. Personnel $ 2,446,642 $ 2,483,342 $ 2,520,592 $ 2,558,401 Library Materials $ . 288,660 $ 294,433 $ 300,322 $ 306,328 Facility Services $ 161,791 $ 165,027 $ 168,328 $ 171,694 Products/Su pplies $ 40,690 $ 41,504 $ 42,334 $ 43,181 Public Programs $ 22,501.20 $ 28,127 $ 28,689.03 $ 29,263 Purchased Services $ 81,080 $ 82,701 $ 84,355 $ 86,043 Computer Expenses $ 173,713 $ 177,187 $ 180,731 $, 184,346 Staff Development $ 25,986.65 $ 26,506 $ 27,036.51 $ 27,577 TransfertoCa ital $ 36,924 $ 37,662 $ 38,416 $ 39,184 _` =TO7QL EXPENSES $ yr'3,277,989; r$,j 3,336,491` $,3,390,804r 3,446,017; -A ON $;,3,184,92623,239,110 01° 0 1 7 0 2018`: _ 2019 2020 ` < 2021 CATEGORY.::BUDGET.., _ BUDGET, BUDGET BUDGET,,' Clarington Public Library 2017 Current/Capital Budgets & Forecasts D. 2018-2021 Capital Budget Forecast 159 As discussed on page 4 in the section B. 2017 Capital Budget Request, the Bowmanville branch is in need of refurbishment. The Library plans to phase this in over two to three calendar years, commencing before the end of 2017 with a completion date of Q4 2019. The Municipality's Courtice Main Street Secondary Plan has the potential to impact library capital requests at a future date, which falls outside the current forecast period. Clarington Public Library Capital Budget Forecast VIII 2018-2021 Rranrh Cnllartinnsl $ 141.765 1 $ 141.765 I $ 141,765 1 $ 141,765 1 Roniarc cnmredarn R hardware $ 110.000 $ 110.000 1 $ 110,000 1 $ 110,0001 Report Submitted by: Linda Kent, CEO/Library Director October 27, 2016 BUDGET W JG PAPERS Clarington: ,.n CULTURAL 2017 Draft 2015 ACTUAL 2016 ACTUAL 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 202,661.00 EXPENDITURE: 202,661.00 205,525.65 100-64-460-10137-7600 VISUAL ARTS CENTRE -OPER GRANT 277,101.00 282,643.00 100-64-460-10581-7600 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS & ARCHIVE 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-64-460-10582-7412 BOW MUSEUM-TRSF TO RF 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-64-460-10584-7412 CLARKE MUSEUM-TRSF TO RF 485,762.00 494,168.65 Total EXPENDITURE 485,762.00 494,168.65 NET LEVY 01/10/17 2015 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET INCREASE 202,661.00 206,714.00 211,881.00 5,167.00 277,101.00 282,643.00 282,643.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 485,762.00 495,357.00 500,524.00 5,167.00 485762.00 495,357.00 500.524.00 5,167.00 Nancy Taylor Director of Finance, Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, ON November 22, 2016 Dear Nancy: Please find enclosed The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington's Municipal Operating Grant request for 2017. Enclosed with this application is the required budget summary, and a copy of relevant material from our 2015 financial statements from our Auditor, Michael Sullivan and Company. After discussion with you and meeting with the Board of Directors, we are requesting a grant of $211,881.00 for 2017. This represents a 2% increase from our generous allotment of $206,714.00 of 2016.This increase would help greatly incompensating for minimal salary increases, and in mandatory ongoing studio maintenance and materials costs necessary to fulfill our educational programming mandate for the residents of Clarington. As the enclosed exhibition and educational summary sheets reveal, the VAC continues to fulfill its mandate to "nurture the creative impulse" in Clarington. This would not happen without the impressive and deeply appreciated support of The Municipality of Clarington, and your funding partners, The Ontario Arts Council, The Ontario Trillium Foundation, Service Canada, The Canadian Museums Association, and The Bowmanville Rotary Club, and our dedicated members. On behalf of our Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers, our sincere thanks for your sustained support. Sincerely: v James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator 161 162 EXHIBITION HIGHLIGHTS 2016 Following is a point form summary of the nine exhibitions (one beyond our typical number) we ?` r presented in 2016 for the people of our community. Proper artist exhibition fees were,paid to artists 1.e involved in our five curated exhibitions, with thassistance of the Ontario Arts Council through another successful muiti-year operating grant request. None of our programming would be possible without the generous and sustained support of The Municipality of Clarington. - The Annual "Art from the High Schools" exhibition: Featuring works from all seven of our, :. secondary schools, this popular celebration of emerging Clarington artists begins our exhibition slate each.year. Every year at our AGM we give out three bursaries of $500 each to three Clarington secondary students who are going on to post-secondaryvisuai arts studies - "The East Central Ontario Art Association Annual Juried Show", Artists from Clarington and surrounding regions were celebrated in the 2016 version of this. exhibition with a;five decade history,. -Projections.'Emerging Artists Guest curated by Bowmanville artist,: Todd Tremeer, this'exhlbit celebrated the work of three young women artists: Dani Crosby (Oshawa); Conan.Masterson - (London); and Saralf Ammons. (California, formerly Bowmanville). "WatOStations' APilgrimage — Mara lynnCheri',Thismajorsoioexhibition'celebratedrecent work by Orono based artist and former Curator at the VAC, h aralynn Cherry This exhibit j enJoyed'record attendance:' - ` 'Cal Kul '—A Survey Exhbition" This'major solo show celebrated more than a decade ofwork by this Bowmamville based artist. Cal was a longtime Professor of visual art and design at Qingdao University, China, spending four months of the year working in Clarington. - "George Antonov-A 116trospecti ".This was the first major exhibition in Canada of the `Work- of this Bulgarian born Bowmanvdle based artist, guest curated by his daughter, Iliana "Time.Signatures-W. Mark Sutherland". Mark Sutherland. is an internationaliyacclaimesl d., ," Toronto based,sound/rnulfi-media oet /p ry/installation artist•. Avideo of this exhibition has;;; = circulated internationally. ;, The 36ta Annual Juried Exhibition". This ever popularshow is now one of the longest {2 continuously running luried shows in the Province. Eight awards in various categories are given out at this show. This year's Juror was Chai Duncan, Curator, Latcham Gallery, Stouffwlle - "100 Small Paintings Show and Sale". This show embodies an annual holiday "thank you" to our members, who each submit two small pieces for exhibit and sale. The VAC takes no commission ' on sales for this, or any exhibition. Catalogues were produced (or are in production) for each of the five curated shows. Each of the artists involved gave artist talks at their opening receptions.I am very proud of our long history of demonstrated support for local and regional.professional artists. We.also continue to fulfill our " responsibility to bring in prominent artists from outside our region for the mutual benefit and exchange . of ideas with our visual arts community. James Campbell, ED/Curator 163 Education Highlights and Outreach Highlights Our education programming has seen consistent and steady growth over the past year with the addition of New classes for both our Adult and Kids classes, as well as specialty workshops. With the introduction of these exciting new classes, we are attracting a nice balance of returning students, as well as new comers to our programs. In the April 2016, we offered a 3 -day workshop with Tony Clennell, a master pottery who has taught workshops in Canada, USA, Japan, China and Italy. He has a Master of Fine Arts from Utah State University and is a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. He has written more than 55 articles for ceramic journals and is exhibited in museums and collections in North America, Europe and Asia. This was a once in a life time opportunity for our members to work along side an artist of this standard. Local Bowmanville high school students have also had amazing opportunities this year, with a 4 -day Raku workshop in May— learning to fire their pieces in an out -door kiln. Working along side Raku Artist Lindsay Anderson in the class room to develop their forms, and then come onsite to the VAC and learn the process of Raku firing. BHS grade 12 students completed a printmaking workshop here with Artist Todd Tfemeer. Learning the process laden technique of etching —the class completed prints using our baths and printing press. This year we have been fortunate enough to acquire new pottery wheels, which has been a direct reflection on the demand for our classes. We have now doubled our class size with these new tools and have expanded our programming with both beginner and advanced options for our members. Our 5t^ Annual Kids Art Festival — Picasso's Picnic was again such a great opportunity for the VAC to highlight our programs and provide a space for Clarington's Kids and youth to showcase their talents! The VAC has had many opportunities this year to engage with the public through outreach in our community. It is an honor to participate in community events. We have had many successful partnerships with other organizations throughout 2016. Again, we were happy to participate in Winter Wonderlearn with Clarington Public Library and host a Culture Days collaboration with Clarington Community Services. These opportunities allow the VAC to engage with the public and reach a wider audience, strengthening the sense of community between our organizations that create culture within Clarington. Dionne Powlenzuk Programming and Operations Associate communcations[7a vac.ca Phone: (905)623-5831 Cell: (905)925-2952 164 I:11JOICIM NITI9 As the enclosed balance sheet indicates, we will reach year end 2016 in stable financial condition. However, as indicated on the enclosed budget information sheet, you will note an estimated small deficit of expenses over revenue of $3,448.76 for year-end 2016, with an estimated similar amount for 2017. The main reason for this slight deficit are related to costs for a very positive initiative undertaken by the board. We have secured the services of an outside consultant to review current practices, policies and procedures at the VAC to help ensure the positive evolution and sustained stability of the organization into the future. 165 Please Print or Type Please Complete All Areas Submit Original to: Municipality of Clarington Finance Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Submission Deadline: November 18, 2016 Organization Name Telephone # SUA)L P��75 LFN 1)Z� o -F GLA�IN��R/ ��05 G�� Address Pyaj A vt. , �: 0 5�0 x 59 City I Town Province Postal Code BMMANV I L G r L t 3 I< g ��ES c�tMp$ELL mail Address ajm45, Telephone # 90s- 6�-3 -r� S i %,---a � ff cersore_ rµ s. ..s Position Name Contact Information President C � Y � (phone ##): y0S6q 790`7q r-a+nd,j ryl ne (email):S j. af;CD CGf secretary,T F� T; JYj i (phone #):5oj (o;3 4q 1(o Je.eA dei)ecsd �i (email): @K)Wds�-, CCgt Treasurer m 1 L fi l✓ (phone #MOT 0.5 �� I a�-siLK @ bU,✓v�aliv�l� AT y,1 (email): -fOmOt'%, Coy BAdministration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx rbb Is your Organization incorporated as non-profit? Yes No ❑ If yes, when? 08—Z -7(dd/mr*y) Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarin ton? Yes sr' No ❑ Is your Organization based within the / Region of Durham Yes d No ❑ List the programs/services provided by your Organization `-i6y15 ',moo ¢' 0 tSgiielVi �t anal jroyiw4 ijff 1-4''55 �x�litii%�d�5 �� WlC'�1�6"li �iv>a1 �%'✓�i��`�'� firawl f,E01Sa �® What percentage of your registration. -7 % or membership are Clarington grelmm( yy k/e4c- �-ovind For- TS ,'tenc'fvreS residents? arta( �v'Ur-KSl���15 mai vr���iet5 , •}�!��ckE����_r��j�T 5 �tu� -F u� �tJ7�1 i �, C-u.b6bi tl 6y fa(A1 61f4i45g46+ t aI h<e L,'brecec� e tfre at t Fe'�>f'u4 jS oe(-+ fZ('jfa(' gAo4 What is the total program registration /rt emacxs @ � or association membership in your � Fv,kt J' (C''57. Organization? f,E01Sa �® What percentage of your registration. -7 % or membership are Clarington / % residents? 02 S an c� Describe hour the programiservices provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. /}&eV --6U j trF6 ✓JCIS 4��r Lc �' OF -6 Uf— v,Vat e v1 v h ei � Fv,kt J' (C''57. C (a a�a�i (if �jota4 ma✓sda-he-. ,MO6 U i Pr?a Fytito4?via(--7d iv Kv Jr/ Y GUi �'gzlGGl, 0-5Si 5ff li(f` WIGtekd'AWjy( 4 F U+C-e'a( 02 S an c� -{-v d G ,-,nctvtda fa: v F -r c e exl-ie Gc s e I:\Administration12017 budget\2017 Grant Application. docxx What funding category does your ❑ Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic VSocial ❑ Boards of Council / Hall Boards 2017 Request (insert dollar figure) oc If you are requesting an increase in j -o w,j fk� m i yi(yv a the municipal grant for 2017, please indicate the reason for the increase. ^ Creq 5 e� q tR Ovl9 (K� `1 Fii� lJ0 u0el )A- d v1d W4 - frit 15 (oy--s Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes No ❑ of Clarington? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received o 16:;, 07, -M7 C)06 f 151 Sv .b AL 0,9Z, b,6 J c� Iq 689 o c�A G 61 8 Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes No ❑ Department or Agency? If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received Nh A i'i Q r Cav �� 16 151 Sv .b 9169 J c� b 61 8 W g Ar�ire wtea. `5 6 I:\Administration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx H Terms and conditions In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award). . 5. If the recipient is an arms -length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims, costs, causes of action, fines or any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by.the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. Name Title I Date Signature TAM FR GA/KP L E t)fCAAram JAVV, ;P aO16 CAll I RYAN pr�s,,� �7 ivv v az,z�f6 This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of AssetsfLiabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylora(2clarington.net . I:\Administration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx W Budget Information - MOC Grant Application Revenue 2016 2017 Grants - Federal/Provincial 27,403.25 27,500.00 Municipal Grant* 194,714.00 198,848.28 Memberships 6,010.00 6,200.00 Registrations 52,198.00 53,170.00 Fundraising 36,113.40 36,000.00 Other (specify)** 12,734.22 10,500.00 Last Year Surplus/Defecit 2,480.00 -3,448.76 Total Revenue 329,172.87 332,218.28 Expenditures 2016 2017 Salaries - Full time 171,033.75 174,454.43 Salaries- Part time 8,575.98 8,700.00 Fae4ky-Re4;tal - Programming Expense 87,849.90 86,700.00 Office Supplies /Sundry 7,863.47 8,000.00 Telephone Included above Incl.above Advertising/Events/Bursaries 8,724.83 8,900.00 Maintenance/ Building 29,865.27 30,000.00 Utilities holdback from MOC grant holdback Other (specify) *** 18,708.43 19,000.00 Total Expenses 332,621.63 335,754.43 Surplus(Deficit) 2016 2017 -3,448.76 -3,536.14 * after utilities hold back $12,000 ** sales/fees - art material, catalogue, art work, juried show; interest *** professional fees, insurance, memberships, travel 170 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington BALANCE SHEET As of November 19, 2016 Total Non-current Assets TOTAL ASSETS $116,543.17 Current Assets 0.00 1400 Prepaid Exp. 3,937.00 1499 Undeposited Funds 0.00 1500 Audit Adjustment - 0.00 Cash and cash equivalents 497.82 1000 Scotia Bank 92,668.58 1005 Scotia Bank 2 29,550.30 1008 Scotia Bank -Lottery accout 6,702.61 1010 Petty Cash 217.68 1085 GIC Endowment 0.00 Total Cash and cash equivalents $129,139.17 Accounts receivable (A/R) 1200 Accounts Receivable 1,275.00 Total Accounts receivable (A/R) $1,275.00 Total Current Assets $134,351.17 Non-current Assets 1510 Furniture & Fixtures 0.00 1520 Accum Dep. Furniture & Fixtures 0.00 1540 Computer - 0.00 1541 Accum Dep Computer 0.00 1570 Sign - - - 0.00 1600 Deferred Rev. Ont. Arts Council -15,650.00 1601 Deferred Trillium 0.00 1603 Deferred OAC AIF Grant - 0.00 1604 Deferred Rotary Revenue -2,158.00 Property, plant and equipment: 1580 Photo Equipment 0.00 Total Property, plant and equipment: - $0.00 Total Non-current Assets $ -17,808.00 Total Assets $116,543.17 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 0.00 Current Liabilities 13,495.00 2100 Payroll Liabilities 0.00 2310 C.P.P. Deductions 1,012.36 2315 E. 1. Deductions 497.82 2320 Income tax deductions 69.64 2325 WSIB Payable 60.75 Total 2100 Payroll Liabilities 1,640.57 2200 GST Payable -21,705.00 2204 PST Collected on sales 0.00 2205 Accruals 13,495.00 2230 Been There Project 0.00 2240 PST Payable 0.00 2330 Payroll deductions payable audi 0.00 Ministry of Finance Suspense 0.00 Accrual Basis Monday, November 21, 2016 07:07 PM GMT -8 112 171 Accrual Basis Monday, November 21, 2016 07:07 PM GMT -8 212 TOTAL New Of Prov of Ontario 0.00 Accounts Payable 0001 Prepaid Expense 0.00 2000 Accounts Payable 18.28 Total Accounts Payable $18.28 Credit Cards 2201 Scotia Classic Visa 52.66 2202 Staples Busin. Depot 160.84 2203 Canadian Tire 0.00 . .. .. . .... Total Credit Cards . .. . ... .. .. ------ - $213.50 Total Current Liabilities $-6,337.65 Equity 3540 Retained Earnings 90,946.70 3560 Opening Bal Equity 0.00 Profit for the year 31,934.12 Total Equity $122,880.82 Total Liabilities and Equity . . .... . ... ...... .. $116,543.17 Accrual Basis Monday, November 21, 2016 07:07 PM GMT -8 212 172 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington Profit and Loss 1 January - 19 November, 2016 Total Income 4000 General Donations 4001 General & Service Club Donation 1,838.25 4003 Recelpted Donations 25.00 4006 Donations-Picasso's Picnic 4,942.55 Total 4000 General Donations $ 6,805.80 4009 Art Material Income 3,035.35 4015 Catalogue Sale 355.23 4020 Art Work Sales 6,965.00 4030 Juried Art Show Fee 837.00 4050 Special Events 7,178.00 4086 GIC Interest income _ 6.88 4090 Membership Dues 6,010.00 4091 Adult Programs 23,644.75 4092 Children's Programs - 25,153.25 4100 Mayor's Gala Proceeds 22,129.60 4110 Total Grants 4111 Clarington Operation 194,714.00 4113 Ontario Arts Council 14,868.00 4114 Govt of Cda - Summer Students 9,374.25 4118 OAC AIF Grant 3,161.00 Total 4110 Total Grants $ 222,117.25 4115 Bank Interest 34.76 Total Income $ 324,272.87 Gross Profit $ 324,272.87 Expenses 5001 Education Programming 5020 Art Instructor Expense 25,590.00 5025 Art Supply Expense 8,910.77 5026 Model Fees 3,075.00 Total 5001 Education Programming $ 37,575.77 5030 Exhibition Fees 9,092.00 5040 Art Work Sold 6,945.00 5043 Sundry General 1,517.10 6010 Exhibition Programming 6011 Catalogue Expense 11,934.61 6014 Documentation 2,757.00 6015 Shipping 711.91 6017 Artist Talk 800.00 ; 6018 Installation 2,495.40 6019 Juror's Fees 150.00 6020 Sundry Exhibition Total 6010 Exhibition Programming 6035 Special Event Expenses 6037 Picasso Exp. 6040 Awards/ Bursaries 6045 Advertising & Promotion 6051 Travel Expenses 6199 Building 6200 Maintenance & Repairs 6201 Janitorial 6204 Enbridge 6206 Security System 6210 Capital Projects Total 6199 Building 6410 Insurance 6428 Office Contents, Equipment Total 6410 Insurance 6500 Wages & Salary 6501 CPP Expense 6502 E.I. Expense 6503 Casual Labour 6504 W.S.I.B. 6510 Payroll-Vac.Pay Exp. Total 6500 Wages & Salary 6550 Office Supplies 6551 Postage 6554 Bank Service Charges 6556 Office Sundry's 6557 Credit Card Charges 6558 Mail Box Rental Total 6550 Office Supplies 6645 Professional Fees 6060 Professional Development 6650 Accounting 6655 Membership Fees Total 6645 Professional Fees Total Expenses Profit 222.40 $ 19,071.32 3,115.83 4,535.81 3,050.00 2,104.00 798.97 14,383.77 4,197.18 2,170.92 551.40 6,670.00 $ 27,973.27 741.96 $ 741.96 139,017,36 6,577.98 3,116.84 8,125.98 528.18 450.01 $ 157,816.35 318.69 799.44 3,469.35 997.89 156.00 $ 5,741.37 1,800.00 9,790.00 290.00 $ 11,880.00 $ 291,958.75 $ 32,314.12 173 174 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2015 �11�7�1►f11 2015 Cash $ 94,766 $ 104,269 Short term investments (Note: 3) 12,133 12,114 Accounts receivable 268 1,275 HST recoverable 7,727 6,943 Prepaid amounts 2,678 3,937 $ 1172572 $ 128,538 LIABILITIES CURRENT Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 15,072 $ 24,919 Government remittances payable 139 2,658 Deferred revenue (Note: 5) 16,728 17,808 COMMITMENTS (Note: 4) NET ASSETS 31,939 45,385 UNRESTRICTED 85,633 83,153 $ 117,572 $ 128,538 APPROVED ON BEHAT F OF TBE BOARD: Director The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 175 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2015 2015 2014 REVENUE The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Note: 5) $ 202,661 $ 198,688 Wages and benefits 57,441 52,504 Program revenue Government grants (Note: 5) 25,741 24,820 Other revenue (Note: 6) 17,733 12,267 13,859 1,799 Fundraising and special events 9,148 16,794 Donations 5,730 6,565 Membership fees 8,505 10,000 Bequests 5,541 5,604 Special events 330,721 325,029 OPERATING EXPENSES 171,776 163,228 Wages and benefits 44,368 42,440 Education programs 38,850 34,851 Exhibition programs 18,369 Repairs and maintenance ,299 17 17, 17,769 Office and sundry 13,227171 14,948 Utilities 8,505 8,703 Professional fees 5,541 5,604 Special events 2,654 2,643 Insurance 2,367 3,551. Advertising and promotion 874 2,006969 Capital expenditures (Note: 7) 328 241 314,175 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES 2,480 10,854 ONTARIO TRILLIUM FOUNDATION GRANT (Note: 9) - 99,900 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (Note: 9) - (99,900) NET ASSETS BEGINNING OF YEAR 83 153 72 299 NET ASSETS END OF YEAR $ 85,633 $ 83 153 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 176 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2015 2015 2014 CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Excess revenue over expenses $ 2,480 $ 10,854 CHANGES IN NON-CASH WORKING CAPITAL: Short term investments (18) (18) Accounts receivable 1,007 (1,275) HST recoverable (784) (2,225) Prepaid amounts 1;259 (314) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (9,848) 7,477 Government remittances payable (2,519) (559) Deferred revenue (1,080) 2,158 (11,983) 5,244 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (9,503) 16,098 NET (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH (9,503) 16,098 CASH BEGINNING OF YEAR 104,269 88,171 CAS END OF YEAR $ 94,766 $ 104,269 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON UC 3A6 ATTENTION: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Dear Ms. Taylor, The Clarington Museums and Archives respectfully submits their 2017 budget request in the amount of $282,643. F The 2017 budget request reflects no change from the 2016 approved municipal grant. As Council is aware, there are changes underway at the Clarington Museums and work is ongoing to manage this change. In the interim, continued stable funding would allow ongoing activities to continue. We would ask for Council's consideration of this request and look forward to working with Council and staff to ensure effective service delivery of this important cultural community asset. Sincerely, Steven Cooke, Chair of the Board of Clarington Museums and Archives 1.78 Clarington Museum and Archives Proposed 2017 Budget 2016 2017 Budget Proposed Budget OPERATING Revenues Grants - Government of Canada 9,183 5,500 Grants - Province of Ontario 25,161 25,161 Grants - Municipality of Clarington 282,643 282,643 Municipality of Clarington - Mayor's Golf Tournament - one-time 10,000 - Grants- Other - - Sponsorships 20,000 20,000 Public programming and events 11,284 15,000 Publications 1,661 1,500 Memberships - 3,000 2,000 General admissions - - Formal education 6,858 5,000 Other income 188 - Research income - 227 230 Gift shop 164 500 Rentals 3,176 1,000 Donations 5,285 3,000 Donation Estate of Marion Farr - - Bank interest income 800 1,200 Heritage Harvest revenue - - Marketing initiatives revenue - - Contribution from Reserve Fund-Rinch Estate - - Contribution from Reserve Fund - Total revenues 379,630 362,734 Expenses Salaries, wages and benefits 259,336 265,000 Contract positions - - General office expenses 24,642 12,000 Utilities 20,545 21,000 Building and yard expenses 24,669 22,000 Professional development 1,095 1,000 Professional Fees 12,000 18,000 Travel expense 5,804 1,500 Collection management 1,725 1,725 Exhibit expense 15,000 7,500 Programming and events 15,000 10,000 Heritage Harvest. expense - - Gift shop purchases 1,000 500 Contingency - - - - Transfer to Reserve Fund-Rinch Estate (interim financing repayment) - - Transfer to Reserve Fund -Non -Specific - - Total expenses 380,816 360,226 Accumulated operating surplus (deficit) (1,186) 2,609 179 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 2017 Draft Operating Budget External Agencies John Howard Society (Firehouse Youth Centre) Community Care Durham — Clarington Newcastle Community Hall Bowmanville Older Adult Association 181 192 205 208 Orono Cemetery Company (budget line included in Operations) 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 NLq 0 0 o 0 o r O 0 r 0 r J 0 YI J � � 11 n pl H Oz O D O O N ¢ U ~ J 2 O O o O O O O o F 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O . g w U m Z p U O N O L(1 O O O O O r O r Q ZzQ z z Z O M N W K M N K M M b � (7 (7 C7 N O O f7 W W WW N W aJ O O O O O o o O 0 O 0 0 (V o 0 O 0 O 0 O O (V O (V N N O o o r r O J 0 YI J � � 11 pl O N Oz O D !e F U CD ,i 0 .0 �: J 0 J � � 11 Oz O D O U ¢ U ~ J 2 F O W d a U J g o w . g w U m Z p Q U CIL ZzQ z z Z W K K K K � (7 (7 C7 U O f7 W W WW W aJ a a a n a O O O O U O O O O O N O O O O O �N N N N N N z D w n r r n a W O cvo cyo co z( 10 (o T T to co N J o 0 0 0 o u X F W o w z !e CD ,i 0 .0 �: =,C� 0 11 . CIL Ili (D !e 181 SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 PLEASE PRINTITYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS MUNICIPAL1 yCFCLAR1NGT0A1 RVANCE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 18, 2016 Organization Name Telephone # The John Howard Society of Durham Region (The 905-623-6814 Firehouse Youth Centre) Church Street City I Town Province Postai code Bowmanville Ontario I L1C IT5 Name Chris Newman Email Address Telephone # Chris:newman(abihsd.ca 905-623-6814 Position Name Contact Information President Ted Marks (home ft 906-728-5161 (business ft (email): tmarks@idirect.com Secretary Peter Stephenson (home ft 905-721-9606 (business ft (email): pstophonson2000@rogers.com List of other Board (home ft Members Attached (business ft O:\Firehouse\Firehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx 182 Is your Organization incorporated as non-profit? Yes ® No ❑ If yes, when? 06/12/1999 dd/mml Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington? Yes ® No ❑ Is your Organization based within the Region of Durham Yes ® No ❑ List the programs/services provided by your Organization The Firehouse Youth Centre offers a wide range of services and programming tailored to the needs of often marginalized youth aged 12-19 within the Municipality of Clarington. Open for drop-in service four nights per week (Tuesday -Friday) from 3p.m: 6p.m. and offering programming five nights per week the Firehouse provides youth with a fun and encouraging environment, designed to foster social and recreational development as well as enhance personal confidence and life skills. The Firehouse not only provides local youth with a safe environment to call their own but access to a wide range of resources they may not otherwise have access to. The Firehouse supports a wide variety of recreational and social based programming and a space that allows for basketball and pool tournaments, floor hockey, fitness programming, video gaming, music programming, girls club and a host of life skills training opportunities, ranging from self- esteem presentations to budgeting and employment workshops. The Firehouse continues to grow its' regularly scheduled programming to include a healthy snack program as well as a weekly physical fitness program. Furthermore, the Firehouse offers drop in counselling services and referral supports for higher needs clients. Beyond structured programming, the Firehouse prides itself on encouraging proactive youth engagement in the community by offering a variety of volunteer opportunities, either by assisting in daily operations of the centre or by participating in community based initiatives as representatives of the Firehouse. Some of the most influential opportunities for youth involvement include events such as; Bowmanville Ribfest, Firehouse Fundraisers (ie. Battle of the Bands, Firehouse Fright Night and Great Balls of Fire Golf Tournament) Apple and Maple Fest, Clarington Safe Communities Clean Up and Family Safety Day. These volunteer experiences not only provide the youth with their required volunteer hours they serve to develop valuable employment related skills and enlighten youth to understanding the value of community participation. In addition to the on-going programming provided on a weekly basis, the Firehouse also offers interactive summer programming. This particular piece of the program offers several opportunities for the youth to experience and participate in a number of excursion based activities they may not have the opportunity to participate in otherwise. 2016 was one of the busiest summers on record with every event being filled to capacity. This is a very brief synopsis of some of the programming and opportunities the Firehouse is able to provide to local youth throughout the Municipality of Clarington. It is the intention of The John Howard Society of Durham Region and the vision of the Firehouse to gradually increase opportunities for youth across the Municipality. 2016 has seen a substantial upswing in participation in programs such as Run For Me, Run For Us, the continued operation of Youth Week programming, and the expansion of newly introduced programs (Mics on Fire and Hype For Hoops). Furthermore, 2016 has seen the establishment of a satellite location for Durham Region Health Department and the development of Rockin Recreation an after school recreation program being facilitated in local Elementary Schools. O:\FirehouseWirehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx 183 What is the total program registration or association membership in your Approximately 225 Registered Youth Organization? (Approximately 2800 visits) As of November 1St, 2016 What percentage of your registration or membership are Clarington 100% residents? Describe how the program/services provided by your as a result of Municipal funding. The programs provided by the John Howard Society through the Firehouse would not be able to operate without Municipal Funding. The Benefits the Firehouse programming brings to the Municipality include but are not limited to: Benefits to Youth • Safe and supervised *place to meet their friends • Opportunity to participate and get involved in in-house and community based programming at no cost • Leadership opportunities to be involved in events and programming • Voice is heard - staff available to talk to about ideas and personal challenges and problem solving • Staff support youth where they are at, refer to other community services when appropriate, advocate for youth • Build skills - opportunities to cook, play sports, learn arts and crafts and apply forjobs • Opportunities to earn volunteer hours for school • Opportunities to develop social skills and connect with a diverse group of youth and community partners • Access to positive role models • Enhances connections and experiences forjob and educational opportunities • Opportunities to showcase talents both in-house and in the community through events such as Mics on Fire and Battle of the Bands Benefits to the community • Youth are engaged in their community • Youth have a safe place to hang their hats and as a result, are less likely to cause trouble in downtown core • Partnership programs allow the community to see that youth are people too and have very valuable skills sets and can make significant contributions to the community O:\Firehouse\Firehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx 184 What funding category does your ® Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic ® Social ❑ Boards of Council / Hall Boards 2017 Request (insert dollar figure) $ 61 200 Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes . ® No ❑ of Clarin ton? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received 2016 $57200 $57200 2015 $57200 $57200 2014 $55000 $55000 2013 $55 000 $55000 Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes ❑ No Department orAgency? If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received O:\Firehouse\Firehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx Terms and conditions 185 In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, :or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award). 5. If the recipient is an arms -length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims, costs, causes of action, fines or any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related.to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. Name Title Date Signature '7;�d nlo✓ A/14 PGFc,r ZfCP%X 00A, Ttcasurer Orlla This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets/Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntavlorCcDclarinoton.net C:\Uscrs\PATTI--LFIAR\AppData\Local\'1'emp\2017 Grant Application.docxx Budget Information Revenue 2016 Grants - Federal / Provincial NIA Municipal Grant 57 200 Memberships NIA Registrations NIA Fundraising 15 000 Other (Service Club Donation) 3 000 Other (United Way of Durham Region) 10 000 Other (Christmas Dinner) 750 Last Year Surplus/Deficit 0 Total Revenue 85 950 Expenditures 2016 Salaries — Full Time 43 105 Salaries - Part Time 10 000 Other — CPP/EI 4 300 Other— JHSO 6 500 Other — Benefits Administration 1 000 Facility Rental 1 000 Office Supplies 500 Telephone 800 Advertising NIA Maintenance 1 000 Utilities N/A Other (Administration) 8 580 Other (Mileage) 1 000 Other Christmas Dinner 800 Other Food 400 Other Client Assistance 200 WFirehouse\Firehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx 0 Other(Fundraising) 2 500 Other (Program Supplies) 2 700 Other Staff Training) 865 Other Insurance 700 Total Expenses 85 950 Surplus Deficit 2016 NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. 187 O:\Firehouse\Firehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx 188 Revenue 2017 Grants —Federal /Provincial N/A Municipal Grant 61 200 WA Memberships N/A Registrations N/A Fundraising 15 000 €. Other (Specify) — Service Club Donation 3 000 Other—SNC Lavalin Donation 5 000 0 Other (Specify) - Christmas Dinner 750 Other (Specify) — United Way of Durham 10 000 Last Year Surplus/Deficit 0 Total Revenue 94 950 RM Expenditures 2017 Salaries -Full Time 47 985 Salaries -Part Time 10 000 Other — CPP/EI 4 680 Other -JHSO 6 950 Other — Benefits Administration 1 000 Facility Rental 1 000 Office Supplies 500 0 Telephone 750 Advertising N/A Maintenance 1 250 Utilities N/A RM Other —Administration 9 495 Other —Milea a 1000 Other— Christmas Dinner 1 000 WE Other — Food 600 0AFirehouseWirehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx Other - Client Assistance 300 Other- Fundraising 2 500 Other—. Program Supplies 4 540 Other - Staff Training 700 Other -Insurance 700 Total Expenses 94 950 Surplus (Deficit) 2017 N/A IM O:\Firehouse\Firehouse from Bow S\Grant Applications\Municipality\2016\2017 Grant Application.docxx 'JHS OF DURHAM REGION AAPI Income statement with Breakdown For the Period Ending 10/31/2016 Printed 11/8/2016 02:40:48 PM Departments: Dept: CLY-CLARINGTON YOUTH Current Month Current YTD 57,200 190 JHSO 625 4,375 7,500 4,291 5,005 8,580 3,575; 708 FUNDRAISING 380 4,480 2,500 (1,980) NVESEM FOOD 151 400 248 Total Expenses 6,982 54,688 85,950 31,262 Net Earnings(Loss) ( 711) 38,268 (38,267) -Page 1 - 191 JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF DURHAM REGION 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTING PRESIDENT Ted Marks 190&5728-5151i/ sa)�1tw TREASURERISECRETARY Peter Stephenson (905) 721-9606 . Q=.a REP to JHS ONTARIO Abb Gilbert 905) 728-3602 (Res) - - - - DIRECTORS Hugh Peacock 15 725-0587 Res Sue Vanderkwaak (905)436-9928 (905)431-9928 amya`3. iU4m:omm-o W -m Steve Gyorffy 905 571-4659 Jim Monroe (905)720-2326 n a� Board of Directors meet every 0 Tuesday of the month with the exception of July, August, December. Mental Health C, . support Education Specialized Geriatrics PCSP Exercise 8 Falls Prevention Home First (Enhanced Services) Home Support Program Meals on Wheels Transportation/ Accessible Van Friendly Visiting Fool Care Clinics Luncheon Out Telephone Reassurance Home Maintenance Home Help Respite Program Adult Day Programs 1, lme Respite "erm Emergency .nce. Program Assisted Living Services Home at Last & Access to Primary Care Client Settlement from Hospital to Home PSW Accompaniment to Medical Appointments Offices: Ajax -Pickering Brock Clarington Oshawa Scugog Uxbridge Whitby Charitable Reg.# 11988 9955 RR0001 Supported by 'Ontario INIAotlIaJ Iunallln:N1 y Inlnq,���:ILon rlebmk Aumreeway MembvAgenc November 17, 2016 Nancy Taylor Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Nancy, Community Care Durham Clarington Supporting People, Strengthening Community �, NOV 18 ib 10 MUNICIPAL11Y0r 6LnrltuufON RNANCE 192 2440 Hwy 2, Unit #1 Bowmanville, ON LIC OK6 COPE Mental Health Program Tel: 905-623-4123 • Fax: 905-623-2604 Home Support Program Tel: 905-623-2261 • Fax: 905-623-2604 Adult Day Program Tel: 905-697-7231 • Fax: 905-623-2604 Respite Program Tel: 1-888-255-6680 • Fax: 905-839-5513 www.communityearedurham.on. ca Please find attached the budget application and the 2017 request for funding for Community Care Durham — Clarington. Within the application we have provided background information on our services. The funding will help to support the ongoing demand for our services in the Clarington community. Community Care Durham — Clarington strives to provide quality client centered and community based programs and your continued support will enable us to continue serving the residents of Clarington. As in previous years, we ask for your full consideration of our grant application. We look forward to the future and continued partnerships with the municipality. Sincerely, Sally Barrie Director, Home Support Volunteering en ri he yor 193 Submit Original to: Municipality of Clarington Finance Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Please Print or Type Please Complete All Areas Organization Name Community Care Durham - Clarington Address 2440 Highway 2, Unit 1 Bowmanville Ontario Submission Deadline: November 18, 2016 Telephone # 905-623-2261 Postal Code L1C OK6 Name Email Address I Telephone # Sally Barrie — Director, sbarrie@communitycaredurham.on.ca 905-242-4033 Home Support Position President Secretary 1st Vice President Name Keith Tournay Charlotte Empringham Contact Information . (phone ft 905-683-1820 (email): ktournay@hotmail.ca (phone ft 705-426-4088 (email): chemp@rogers.com Ted Aldridge (phone #): 905-728-8924 (email): ace31 aspen@rogers.com C:\Users\Sally\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx 194 Is your Organization incorporated as non-profit? Yes No ❑ If yes, when? 24 February 1983 Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington? Yes No d Is your Organization based within the Region of Durham Yes No ❑ List the programs/services provided by your Organization List the programs/services provided by your Organization Community Care Durham is a multi -service registered charitable organization that provides Home Support, Respite (Adult Day Program & In -Home Respite) and COPE Mental Health services for adults and their caregivers with needs related to aging, physical and/or mental health. Our services are provided free of charge or for a minimal fee and are administered through service locations across Durham Region. The Home Support Program includes a broad range of services that play an important role in assisting clients to remain as independent as possible in their own homes and maintain involvement and connections with their communities. Some services have a user fee while others are offered free of charge. Home Support services include: Meals on Wheels: Nutritious hot and/or frozen meals are delivered at.noon to clients in their homes. In response to client/caregiver requests, frozen meals can also be ordered online (for eligible clients). There are presently 11 routes throughout the Municipality of Clarington where hot meals (includes an entree, soup, salad and dessert) are delivered five days each week. Frozen meals (entree and soup/dessert as per client preference) are available on a weekly basis. Variety of meals is provided through the use of two different suppliers. Meat choices can accommodate a variety of nutritional requirements (diabetic, renal, minced etc.). Frozen meals can be picked up at the office or delivered to the client's home. Transportation: Escorted transportation is provided for clients to access medical appointments, shopping, etc., with priority given to medical appointments and to our Adult Day Program. The transportation service is provided through the use of both volunteer and paid drivers. Volunteer drivers primarily use their own vehicles. Our paid drivers also utilize a fully accessible van and two minivans that are equipped with a special seat on the passenger. side to facilitate entry and exiting for individuals with mobility issues. Luncheon Out: These gatherings provide group outings for clients to enjoy a meal and entertainment with other individuals from their community. The luncheon out service is offered primarily ten months of the year in a variety of locations across the Municipality of Clarington. There are presently two separate locations in Bowmanville, and one location each in Orono, Newcastle and Courtice. Where needed, transportation to the event is also available. Two pilot Luncheons will take place in the Kendal community in December 2016 and June 2017. Home Help and Home Maintenance: Brokered helpers provide assistance to clients with needs inside and outside the home (light housekeeping, yard work, grass cutting, snow shovelling, etc.) Friendly Visiting: Volunteers visit with clients who are isolated on a regular basis to share their time, companionship and talents. In April 2014, the Volunteer Visiting service from VON was transferred to CCD, increasing our total number of clients served within this service. C:\Users\Sally\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx Telephone Reassurance / Visiting: Volunteers provide regular phone contact — for social reasons or for security reasons to check on a client's well-being. For security calls, the client's emergency contact is called if the client does not respond to the call. Foot Care Clinics: Foot Care Services provided by registered foot care nurses in a community based setting. The clinics provide basic foot care and recommend chiropodist and physician referrals where needed. Foot care clinics are located throughout the Municipality of Clarington as follows: 1 location in Newcastle (offering a total of 4 clinics each month); 1 location in Orono (offering 1 clinic each month); 3 locations in Bowmanville (offering weekly and monthly clinics); 1 location in Courtice (offering 2 clinics each month) and 1 location at Wilmot Creek (offering 3 clinics a month). The Collaborative Health Intake Project (CHIP) is a collaboration between Community Care Durham (CCD) (and the Central East Community Care Access Centre (CECCAC). Two Supported Referral Coordinators work out of the CECCAC office and perform a screening function and assist clients who call with accessing CCD services easily and seamlessly. Now in its 7t' year, the service has increased the number of referrals from CECCAC to CCD. services, providing for a more positive client experience. The COPE Mental Health Program of Community Care Durham is a unique community- based mental health program that uses trained volunteers and staff with the goal of supporting adults with mental health concerns to live and participate in their community, while maintaining an optimum quality of life. The COPE Mental Health Program currently includes the following components: • Support and coping skills groups for mental health clients living in the community, co - facilitated by trained volunteers and Program Managers_ • Recruitment, screening, comprehensive mandatory training, ongoing support and supervision of volunteers to provide programming for mental health clients living in the community and their families. • Community development activities that include education to the community on mental health issues; • Referral and mental health/social service information to the community. The Psychogeriatric Community Support Program (PCSP) is a collaborative program offered by Community Care Durham's COPE Mental Health Program and Ontario Shores for Mental Health Sciences, with support from CMHA Durham. This program offers screening, assessment and clinical consultation plus referral and supportive services for high risk older adults 65 years + with mental health concerns and living in the community. There are two components: (1) Outreach assessments conducted by a nurse clinician in consultation with a geriatric psychiatrist; (2) Supportive Service Assessments, referral and follow up conducted by COPE staff; supportive services including: individual short term supportive counseling; psycho- educational and social recreational support groups, provided by staff and/or trained volunteers. The Home at Last (HAL) Program is a collaboration between community hospitals, the CE CCAC and Community Care Durham, which assists clients with their settlement home upon discharge from the hospital and provides short term personal support to assist with this transition (i.e., transportation home, safety check of the home environment, linkage to community resources, grocery shopping, meal preparation etc.). It also ensures appropriate referral and linkage to Community Care Durham services. care C:\U enables high risk seniors access to their successful service delivery structure of the 195 INAL.docxx I existing Home at Last program (above). APCS Personal Support Workers accompany older adult clients (or those with special needs) to critical primary care appointments. APCS workers stay with the client throughout their appointment, to provide support, and settle the client home safely following their appointment. This service ensures clients have access to primary care support in a delivery method that is cost-effective and client focused. Exercise & Falls Prevention is a provincial initiative with the primary objectives of maintaining, expanding, and improving access to exercise and falls prevention classes for older adults requiring this service. Community Care Durham currently provides oversight for this initiative in 25 sites in Durham Region, with 6 sites hosting exercise and falls prevention classes in Clarington. in -Home Respite: In -Home Respite is a regional caregiver relief service offering a temporary break from the responsibility associated with caring for a loved one with needs related to aging and/or disability. Care is delivered by qualified Personal Support Workers who maintain a safe environment and are trained to provide personal care, assistance with routine living activities, social interaction, meal preparation, client centered homemaking and more. Adult Day Program: The Adult Day Program offers a safe and comfortable setting for clients with needs related to aging and/or disability to enjoy a wide array of social and recreational programs. Qualified staff and volunteers provide recreational programming and assist with routine living activities. The program operates Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and clients from all areas in Clarington may utilize the CCD accessible van for transportation to and from the program. Assisted Living Services For High Risk Seniors (ALS): Assisted Living Services are available to eligible clients residing in the retirement community of Wilmot Creek in Newcastle. This service provides support to high risk seniors living at home and includes personal support, homemaking, security checks and reassurance services. Regularly scheduled visits are provided on a 24/7 basis by Personal Support Workers and the care provided is based on the needs of the client. Clients also have the option of requesting unscheduled visits by a Personal Support Worker for needs that cannot wait until the next scheduled visit. Again, unscheduled visits are available on.a 2417 basis. What is the total program registration or association membership in your Organization? What percentage of your registration or membership are Clarington residents? 11.000 15% Re istration is broken down as follows: Home Support — Clarington Discrete Clients Served 1624 Registered Volunteers 442 11 COPE-Clarington 11 Total Registered Clients 288 196 C:\Users\Sa11y\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx 197 as a result of Municipal funding. Total Service Volunteers T 20 Adult Day Program -Clarington ADP Clients Served 65 Registered Volunteers 14 Respite - Clarington In=Home Respite Clients 29 Served Assisted Living Clients 81 Served provided by your Organization will benefit In Clarington, Home Support services (Meals on Wheels (hot and frozen), Transportation, Luncheon Out, Friendly Visiting, Foot Care, Home Help and Home Maintenance, Telephone Reassurance, Information and Referral) provide needed supports to enhance the ability of adults with needs related to aging, physical and/or mental health to remain in their own homes and communities and to function as independently as possible. Annual operating costs for these services increase each year, as does the cost of actively promoting our services so that the community is aware of the supports available. This includes producing written materials, providing presentations to groups, and maintaining contact with physicians and community groups. We rely on approximately 2,000 volunteers (442 of whom are in Clarington) to assist in the delivery of Home Support Services across the Region. As a result, Volunteer Recruitment remains an ongoing need and challenge, requiring that we invest more time and dollars each year for advertising and recruitment efforts in order to attract new volunteers. Recruitment of new volunteers then requires appropriate screening, interviewing, orientation and ongoing training to ensure that our volunteers are properly supported. In addition, we also need to adapt to varying expectations from new volunteers. This requires the need to look at more flexibility, training and support to that we meet the varied needs of our new and existing volunteers and thus retain them. The Clarington area has, and continues to experience significant population growth, particularly seniors. In the 2011 Census, Statistics Canada reports an increase of 8.6% in overall population for the Clarington area as compared to the 2006 census data. However, those aged .55 and over in Clarington increased another 25% from the last census (with an additional 27% increase in this age group when comparing 2006 to 2001 census data). Those over 75 increased 20% over that same period (with an additional 30% increase in this age group when comparing the 2006 to 2001 census). With future anticipated growth, along with the recognition that people are best supported within their own communities and in their own homes, the demand for our services will continue to increase. The Transportation service continues to be a necessary and important support to Clarington residents, ensuring that they can access medical appointments, attend our Adult Day Program, and go shopping for groceries or other necessary items. The Transportation service provided 14,736 drives in 2015-2016. This includes ensuring that C:\Users\Sal1y\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx 17V clients access the Adult Day Program in Clarington, utilizing both our minivan and accessible van, as well as assisting clients with medical trips, grocery trips, attending Luncheon Out events, attending COPE support groups and other trips for other necessities. The Meals on Wheels service continues to provide nutritional and social contact for clients. In 2012, our meal delivery had increased with a total of 19,912 meals delivered for 2013 year-end and a further increase to 20,238 meals for 2014. For the fiscal year of 2015 (April 1 2015 to March 31, 2016) demand for service brought the service to capacity. Wait lists were established, maintained and managed for referrals received from the Central East Community Care Access Centre, health care professionals, family members and self - referrals. Early in the 2016 year, wait lists were prioritized and by the end of September 2016, they were significantly reduced to a manageable number of meal units. Our meal delivery is important to clients who rely on the service all year round, as well as clients who might use our service for a limited time when first discharged from hospital or when recovering from a fall or lengthy illness. The coordination and management of these' services places ongoing demands on staff time to both ensure timely and flexible service delivery and maintaining a large volunteer base to support the demand. Our hot meal delivery program is staged on at the Garnet B. Rickard Complex and this continues to work well for volunteers and our hot meal provider. Although this is working well, it has required 2-3 additional staff hours each day to manage the staging area and ensure that the meals are received, sorted into routes and then distributed to the volunteers who now come to the office to pick up their meal routes. This, coupled with meal and coordination costs has increased our operating expenses for this service. Our frozen meal service continues to be very popular, providing clients. with additional choices and options to assist them during holidays when our hot meal service isnot available. Frozen meal costs increase each year and this places additional demand on our financial resources. The Luncheon Out service is also extremely popular. Approximately 40 Luncheon Out events happen each year in Clarington. With some Luncheon Out events involving close to 100 attendees, many of whom also require transportation to the event, the coordination of this service is a large task. This past year we have seen an increase in provider costs, as well as for entertainment and transportation for our clients so that they are able to attend. With some Luncheon Out sites our meal and site costs now exceed what we charge for the event, as we have tried to minimize increases in costs for our clients. Approximately 400 clients benefit from our Luncheon Out each month with an additional 50 people waiting for a spot to open up as we are at capacity at most of our locations. Due to the high number of volunteers that assist us in the delivery of our services, it is important that we recruit on an ongoing basis. With increased. competition for limited volunteer resources, it is necessary to allocate more resources for the recruitment, screening, orientation & training of these volunteers. Annually we also need to continue to provide relevant, supportive workshops for our volunteers as well as acknowledging their efforts. Costs for our annual appreciation event and recognition of our volunteers have also increased. Foot care services also continue to be in high demand for the Clarington area, with more than 14 clinics being offered in different locations in Clarington. Our foot care nurses provide an invaluable service for clients who need this assistance due to mobility issues, illness or because they have diabetes and require special care and attention. The cost of nursing, foot care supplies (sterilization materials, foot care instruments etc.) increase each year. Recruitment and ongoing training of nurses is also necessary and requires ongoing resources. The Supported Referral Coordinators fill an important role in helping clients access services in a timely fashion The e -Referral system that started in October 2014 is C:\Users\Sa11y\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx 199 well and has facilitated the sharing of information to allow for timely referrals and the best use of staff time. Over the past year, the SRC% assisted over 2,254 clients in accessing requested CCD services as well as providing information on the full breadth of services available. We also gratefully receive funding support from the United Way each year. Funding however is always contingent on a successful United Way Campaign as well as the number of requests for support. As a result, we have had a 12% reduction in our United Way funding allocation. This reduction is expected to continue this coming year. Our fundraising was also affected due to the elimination of tag days. This was necessary due to the staff time involved and the reduction in appropriate locations where our taggers could connect with community members. The ongoing support from the Municipality would be of great assistance to us and would allow us to continue providing our services in light of yearly increases in operating costs. The COPE Mental Health Program in Clarington is a community program that offers support to adults 16 years and older with emotional and/or mental health concerns living in the community. Clarington COPE currently supports clients through 13 local psycho- educational support groups. In 2015/16, COPE Clarington provided 297 staff and volunteer -led support group sessions. COPE is an active partner in Making Connections Clarington, which offers social recreation support for dual diagnosis and isolated persons with mental health concerns. This program, which operates 2 days per week out of Bowmanville, provided 1,425 client visits in 2015/16. The COPE Mental Health Program is unique in Durham Region particularly with respect to the significant role volunteers have in service delivery. Additionally, COPE supports high risk older adults with mental health concerns to remain at home with support through the Psychogeriatric Community Support Program described above. The COPE Program has the ability to respond to local community needs. We are able to provide group programs, for example, based on needs identified by our clients and community stakeholders which are unique to the local community we serve. We are able to engage clients in a non -institutional, friendly and safe environment that is mutually agreed upon by the client, staff and volunteer. Recruitment of volunteers, their training, monitoring and supervision is ongoing, Volunteers receive a mandatory 12 week Fundamentals of Mental Health & Group Facilitation training program. Training focuses on the development of active listening skills, group dynamics, respecting boundaries, and the importance of client confidentiality; training_is offered several times per year. Volunteerism enhances and enriches Clarington as a caring community. Educational opportunities such as COPE's Distinguished Speaker Series are also offered, as are community awareness events. Programs are determined by local need and organized by the local Program Manager with the support of volunteers. COPE is accessible with satellite locations throughout Durham Region and referral criteria that is inclusive and is non-diagnostic. In 2015/16, COPE Clarington provided clients with 4,989 hours of direct service. Although more than half of referrals are generated by self - referrals or from family and friends, COPE is well established within Durham's health care services with one-third of referrals from health care service providers such as acute care hospitals, family physicians, and psychiatrists. MOHLTC guidelines prevent community mental health programs from charging fees for services for which the Ministry provides funding. A significant gap remains between MOHLTC funding for COPE and the actual cost of the program. With the existing gap plus increased operating costs that are not adequately supported by MOHLTC, additional funding sources have become increasingly important to sustain COPE program services. C:\Users\Sa1ly\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx GVV caregiver relief to informal/family caregivers caring for frail elderly, adults with dementia or physical limitations since 1989. Service is provided in clients' homes by Personal Support Workers for a minimum of two hours providing personal care, homemaking and a safe environment to the receiver of care. This service recognizes and supports the commitment informal /family caregivers have undertaken, enabling them to continue in their caregiving role and in turn lowering the risk of illness and caregiver burnout. The Adult Day Program in Clarington is housed under the same roof as the Home Support and COPE Mental Health programs and has been offered in the municipality of Clarington since 1998. Community Care. offers an integrated program that is geared to our target population. The Day Program clients participate in social and recreational group activities while receiving assistance with daily living activities in a safe and comfortable home like setting. This program assists in maintaining the participants' maximum level of independence to prevent premature or inappropriate institutionalization and at the same time provides caregiver relief to the informal/family caregiver. The demand for Community Care's In -Home Respite and Adult Day Program services will only increase as the population ages and as adult children, spouses, and other informal caregivers find it necessary to take on the responsibility of caring for a loved one full time. These caregivers will turn to Community Care Durham for the support of community based services to keep their loved ones at home. Many of our caregivers also work outside the home, in addition to caring for young children. These informal/family caregivers are essential to the health care continuum and need to be guaranteed affordable respite options to continue in their caregiving role. There has been a steady increase in the number of referrals for younger adults to attend the Day Program as other daytime social outlets in the community are limited for this population, when they can no longer attend school. The In -Home Respite and the Adult Day Programs are partially funded through the Central East Local Health Integration Network and the remainder of the cost is made up by a nominal user fee. Many clients use both services. The Clarington Municipal Grant assists us in offering a further subsidy when the service cost is a barrier to service as well as assisting with the cost of providing programming that is geared to all ages. Assisted Living Services for High Risk Seniors is a partnership between the Central East Community Care Access Centre (CECCAC), the Central East Local Health Integration Network (CELHIN) and Community Care Durham (CCD). Assisted Living is provided to eligible residents living in the retirement community of Wilmot Creek, and is coordinated out of an office shared with the Home Support Program, located within the Wilmot Creek community. The Home Support program has been coordinating meals on wheels, transportation, friendly visiting and other Home Support services for the " residents of Wilmot Creek for many years out of the long standing Bowmanville office. Community Care Durham began offering Assisted Living services in Clarington in February 2014 and is funded to provide service to 55 ongoing clients. Assisted Living provides care for those residents with complex and long-term needs that place them at risk of avoidable hospital admissions or premature institutionalization. The past year CCD provided assisted living services to 81 clients year to date and provided over 14,000 hours of care allowing clients to live safely at home. The Clarington Municipal Grant will continue to assist us in the coordination and provision of all CCD services coordinated out of both Clarington offices. What funding category does your joi- Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic 4 Social C:\Users\Sally\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx 201 ❑ Boards of Council / Hall Boards 2017 Request (insert dollar figure) $ 40,500 If you are requesting an increase in the municipal grant for 2017, please Our request is for a 2.5% inflationary increase indicate the reason for the increase, over the amount received last year. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal, grant to the Municipality Yes No p of Clarin ton? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received 2016-2017 $48,000 $39,500 2015-2016 $29,532 $29,532 2014-2015 $28,953 $28,953 2013-2014 $28,110 $28,110 Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other. Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes 1 No ❑ Department or Agency? If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received CE LHIN 2016 $1,195,782 $1,195,782 Canada Summer Jobs 2016 $5,318 $5,318 C:\Users\Sa1ly\Documents\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL.docxx 202 Terms and conditions 1 In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. - 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award). 5. If the recipient is an arms -length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims, costs,, causes of action, fines or any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. Name Title Date Signature Brent Farr Executive Director Nov 1711, 2016 Annamaria Maccarone Director, Corporate Services Nov 17th, 2016 . This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets/Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylor(a)clarinaton.net G:\WPDOCS\Finance\Municipal Grants\Clarington\2017\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL EDITS.docxx 203 Budget Information Revenue 2016 2017 Grants - Federal/Provincial $1,179,056 $1,195,782 Municipal Grant 39,500 40,500 Memberships 294,149 295,000 Registrations - - Fundraising 7,262 7,500 Other (Specify) 77,204 75,000 Last Year Surplus/Deficit - - Total Revenue $1,597,171 $1,613;782 Expenditures 2016 2017 Salaries — Full Time $992,789 $1,016,378 Salaries - Part Time 212,962 208,699 Facility Rental 79,457 78,072 Office Supplies 16,307 17,775 Telephone 17,683 17,321 Advertising 582 1,500 Maintenance 15,589 14,400 Utilities 1,634 1,500 Other (Specify) 260,168 258,137 Total Expenses $1,597,171 $1,613,782 Note: All applicants must complete this section in order to have application considered for funding. Please summarize your budget information using categories listed above. G:\WPDOCS\Finance\Municipal Grants\Clarington\2017\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL EDITS.docxx 2016 2017 Surplus (Deficit) Note: All applicants must complete this section in order to have application considered for funding. Please summarize your budget information using categories listed above. G:\WPDOCS\Finance\Municipal Grants\Clarington\2017\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL EDITS.docxx 204 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM REPORT ON CLARINGTON HOME SUPPORT SERVICES Period: April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 # of clients served (discrete): 1,624 # of volunteers on file: 442 Individuals Service Service Numbers Served Meals On Wheels 17,104 meals 195 (Hot & Frozen) Transportation 14,736 drives 713 Luncheon Out 2,134 meals (including 406 entertainment in a social setting) Visiting Services (Friendly 19,137 visits 177 Visiting & Telephone Reassurance) Service Arrangements (Home 451 matches 326 Help & Home Maintenance) Foot Care 2,954 appointments 538 G:\WPDOCS\Finance\Municipal Grants\Clarington\2017\2017 Clarington Grant Application FINAL EDITS.docxx 205 Nov. 22, 2016 TO: Municipality of Clarington FROM: Newcastle Village Community Hall Board RE: BUDGET 2017 WITH 5 YEAR PROJECTION Please find attached our budget for 2017 with a projection to 2021. We appreciate the ongoing support of the Municipality and take our position as guardians of this hall seriously. We have taken steps to augment our income to meet the growing operation costs. We are in the process of implementing a decor service to our renters. As we slowly implement this program we are confident that it will increase our annual revenue. We have also increased the rental fees by 5%. Respectfully; Shirley Rogers Chair Newcastle Village Community Hall Board c.c. Gabrielle Bell, Administrator N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N't Il) O t O C 0 0 0 0 0 O m O O O O O Ill O O M O m h m I� m w O n 0) V O O w m O n w LO 0 O O N N m N N m m C} m LO N N a d' 00 N IO co 00 m I, 0) N N m N In N O o O O 0 O o - O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O N V 0 0 0 lA m 0 0 (D 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 a to O O Ih rh 0 ID ci eq m m w v a m w m to to to to 0 0 0 N N r, N N Il) m N ri d' N N ei m r, N V) 00 00 r, I� 0) r -I N en H 'm N >_ a c m o 0 o O o 0 o O O o O o O O O O O O O o 0 0 �Ooh O 0) 0 0 0 0) O If) 0 0 0 0 0 In 00 a -C 0 O 0 O to w mO t al m to W O 1� 7 0) I� 00 lO t11 ul ei 1l Vbo N to N N Vl m Q) O m N N 00 m m N h N In h 1l ei 0 I� 00 ci N N ei ty' 0 N � Y 0 00 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O O C N w O O O m N 0 0 0 0 0 O m 0 0 IA 0 0 0 0 0 o m )o O m N 0 m O LO It rn o n w 0 LA m m ti r` r, n N H N 0 V N o) N N m n N -T (` n LM n � N rn Ol U Y Y I- O O O m In 00 OO O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 00 O H h 0 0 lO I, O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O m O O m O O In O O tO lO O r-1 N O O O m V m Il) I, 00 O m Il) m m m IA 0) O N N 0 7 N m N N m N !` O If) I, 00 c-1 N ei m h N L L N a) a) fl_ VI N Op c\iO N 00 0 w r W - N N 2 0) )n ma vU 3 ^LL v ° F° au F ¢ O. W O m >, ij N 7 C t6 v- c0 t0 a 3 3 O t0 � V 0 to 2 (7 2 Co In v) U O S m ¢ LR U In F U 206 � N N Ml0 M Ql N N 01 O M M O 00 CO O O to O O O o 0 M O N lD W m N of n N O H m ol- F, ci O O M O M O O M- O O 01 M N of M a n N r 00 r0 O LD m O W O O 00 N N N N m H N H N N H N H N H^ m W co M M N M N M M N N o H LD n m rl o al o n m o D o o M ei O 0 0 0 0 0 0 N m �--� n N 01 Ln M N M M O1 7 r O LD O O O O d' V O n 'T H O 00 7 O LD H LD 00 LD of O d' d' r W o M M N ei N m H N H N c -I H N H N � m 00 n m M N N 'Lf eT H H ,O1 N d' H N n M 00 m N M O O V O O d' O O O O O N O H O M N m O M d' V O r m N N O O M M M O o M O a o M N H of W m m M H M 00 M m o M C0 m I- 0 M N N H m H H ei N N N H H H N LD m 00 n M M N M H N W n N M N 0o LD of 00 O H N w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O H r of LD d' N N N n M O O O 00 O M M O O o 0 0 N O N O O 00 r N N d' 0 M 00 d' 00 O H N O n O O n ei n N H M H H H N N H ci N H N m m M N M M' H N N M ci N lfl n N M N een h N Q7 LD O O O m 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 O O LD 01 O Cil 00 H M M H M m H M O O m 0� IT 0 0 N H O O K M O M M O O of O h to ci M d' O d' 00 Ol W O O a 0 O O lD M V 471 C11 N N H �'-� H N H .-i c -I H N M n M M N M M N LD N M M H N H } V W WW M 0 f- OM z M w p fl" W Z O Q Q m 0 O J Q U z F- J @ Q< Z J Q U @ C @ C W } � J U Y Q LL= U Q S Z_ YO �] F- O IL 00 0 w vl F 2 U F- U S Z_ F- F- Y Z F- Y Q V� W O O O S a S o 7 Q W 3 v U Q� 7 O O Q S m J N D C7 m Q -� Z M C7 m V` N F- F- H a }} 207 Bowmanville 4 d \ 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A2 Older AdultP 905-697-2856 • F 905-697-0739 • www.bowmanvilleolderadults.com Association `_ P ,. 16 November 2016 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Director of Finance Nancy Taylor Dear Ms. Taylor, MUNICIPALIN OFCLARINGTON FINANCE Please find attached the Bowmanville Older Adult Association budget submission for your kind attention. Our request for the municipal grant for 2017 is $310,000. The attached 2017 budget request reflects the successful transition to become an independent Federally Incorporated Not for Profit Registered Charity. As with past years, the Bowmanville Older Adult Association has continued to work closely with representatives within the Municipality to ensure all cost savings avenues continue to be investigated while also working to ensure all revenue sources are reflective of our goal, to be a self-supporting organization within the community. Our Board of Directors and Staff will be striving to increase the following revenue sources: - Independent Donations & Sponsorships - Fundraising Projects - Federal Grant Funding - Provincial Grant Funding - Private Foundation Funding - Program/Drop In Registration Revenues Our expense budgets will continue to be limited and monitored to ensure effective cost saving measures are successfully implemented as required. In 2017, we will be required to pay special attention to our Salaries and Benefits budgets to ensure all of our staff are compensated fairly compared to other similar not for profit service providers within our region. At this time, our association is working to prepare and present a 2016 Annual Report that will be forwarded to you upon completion. We would invite all members of staff and council to contact us if they would like additional information or explanations. Yours sincerely, X2164"�� Mike Moynes President Bowmanville Older Adult Association Angie Darlison Executive Director Bowmanville Older Adult Association SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 PLEASE PRINT/TYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS Organization Name Bowmanville Older Adult Association Address 26 Beech Avenue City/ Town Province;;::.,.: Bowmanville Ontario Angie Darlison SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 18, 2016 Telephone # 905-697-2856 OC 3A2 Telephone # oldeladults.com 905-697-2856' 209 Position Name Contact Information President Mtge Moyn%s (home #): 68 Scugog St 905-623-7741 Bowmanville, Ontario (business #): LlC 3J1 905-697-2856 .Com Treasurer Ellen McAnsh (home #): 207-124 Aspen Springs 905-697-8814 Drive (business #): Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C OG8 905-697-2856 (email): Inm.14@hotmail.com R:\User Data\Angie\Desktop\2017 Grant Application - Municipality of Clarington FINAL.docxx 210 Is your Organization incorporated as non-profit? YES #948914-2 If yes, when? October 27, 2015 Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarin ton? Yes Is your Organization based within the Region of Durham Yes List the programs/services provided by your Organization The Bowmanville Older Adult Association offers the following programs and Drop In Programs (i.e. Cards, Billiards, Ping Pong, Pickleball, etc.) • Trip and Travel • Fitness Programs • Dance Programs • General Interest Programs (i.e. French, Cooking, Spanish, • Art & Music Programs Computer & Digital Photography Workshops & Seminars (i.e. Blood Pressure,Financials, etc) Fundraising &Special Events (i.e. Dmnecaheatres, Euchre Extravag to older adults 55+. etc.) Describe l9w the program as a resultof.Municipal fui will allow the 80AA to contir centre fo'r older adults 55+. staff, program instructors as provide a warm and frigndly "promoting the health and h; enhance their quality of life" :s,,provided by your Organization will benefit unding provided by the Municipality of Clarington per atign as a full service community recreation > support we are able to hire qualified fulltime provide a fully accessible facility that is able to nent for us to implement our mission of of older adults by providing opportunities to What funding category does your Organization fall into? External Agency 2017 Request (insert dollar figure) $310,000 RAUser Data\AngieWesktop\2017 Grant Application - Municipality of Clarington FINAL.docxx _r 211 If you are requesting an increase in - Increased staffing costs the municipal grant for 2017, please - Decrease in facility rentals indicate the reason for the increase. - Increase in facility utilities costs Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality YES of Clarington? If YES, please complete the following: Yes YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2016 $310,000 * $255,000* 2015 $310,000 * $255,000* 2014 $255,000 * $255,000 Requested 2013 $204,000 2016 2012 $186,225* $180,225 2013 to 2011 $170,500 * $170,500 2010 $132;000 $132,000 2009 $125,004 , $125,000 Varies based on $3,500 to $9,000 present position Seniors Community Grant *Facility Utilities where adjusted and. included 'thin these years Has your Organization requested funding I fhe last -1., hs from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes Departrr n r Agency If YES, please complete the foltowmg: Agency Year Requested Received New Horizons for Seniors 2016 $15,000 $15,000 Elderly Persons Funding 2013 to $42,750 $42,750 present Service Canada 2013 to Varies based on $3,500 to $9,000 present position Seniors Community Grant 2015 $8,000 $8,000 R:\User Data\Angie\Desktop\2017 Grant Application - Municipality of Clarington FINAL.docxx 212 Terms and conditions In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspector by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organizo.U.6 upon, request from the Municipality, (which maybe made within two years of the grant award) 5. If the recipient is an arms -length agency, the`Grant harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any any other losses or other penalties the Municipality and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our kr complete and is endorsed by noted in this applicati9ri. Recipient shall, indemnify and hold claims, costs, causes of action, fines or of i(�larington suffers,.related to the giving A herein is accurate and and accept conditions as Name Title Date Signature Mike Moyne, s President November 3,16 EllenMcAnsh Treasurer November3,16` This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets/Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylor(a)-clarington.net R:\User Data\Angie\Desktop\2017 Grant Application - Municipality of Clarington FINAL.docxx 213 -,Budget Information Revenue 2016 2017 Grants - Federal / Provincial 52,750 I 42,750 Memberships 45,000 37,500 Registered Programs 152,000 152,000 Drop In Programs 29,500 32,500 Fundraising 71,000 75,000 Donations / Sponsorships 10,000 24,700 Other (Specify) 25,000 35,000 Facility Rentals 331000 30,000 Caf6/Caterinq 42,400 42,400 Last Year Surplus/Deficit 0 0 15,000 15,000 Total Revenue $730,650 U0 $836,850.00 Other(Specify) Expend tures zs,uuu 2016 2017" Salaries - Full Time/Part Time 23,000 Cafe/Catering 30,000 Employee Health Tax, WSIB, Contingency Fund 1,500 1,500 Contract Labour, Instructors, 458,000 ` 5555000 Amortization of Assets Benefits, RRSP ; 14,400 9,204 Scheduled Prografrts 15,000 15,000 Drop -In Programs` 2,500 2,500 Special Events 2,500 5,000 ffc Admin/Oe/Audi.. 21,000 # 32,000 Insurance, 6,700 ,. '` 7,000 Rebrandtr'' / Advertisin 35,OOQ ' 35,000 nnaSrwfananra 48.140. 35,000 Other(Specify) zs,uuu av,uuv Fundraising 19,700 23,000 Cafe/Catering 30,000 27,000 Contingency Fund 1,500 1,500 Capital Asset 8,150 4,646 Amortization of Assets 14,400 9,204 Total Expenses.$730,650 $836,850 Surplus (Deficit) 2016 2017 0 0 NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. R:\User Data\Angie\Desktop\2017 Grant Application - Municipality of Clarington FrNAL.docxx Please Print or Type Please Complete All Areas Submit Original to: Municipality of Clarington Finance Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario 11C 3A6 Fihance@,CIdrinplt6n.Ne. Submission Deadline: November 18, 2016 Organization Name Telephone # i} i 1 . G— / `956 h IV Address ' City I Town Province Postal Code r7 all Address /ylYcef &t,oSeus ,,/, Telephone # Position r . Please Print or Type Please Complete All Areas Submit Original to: Municipality of Clarington Finance Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario 11C 3A6 Fihance@,CIdrinplt6n.Ne. Submission Deadline: November 18, 2016 Organization Name Telephone # i} i 1 . G— / `956 h IV Address ' City I Town Province Postal Code i Z14 I:\Admuustration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx r7 all Address /ylYcef &t,oSeus ,,/, Telephone # Position Name Contact Information President i Z14 I:\Admuustration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx Position Name Contact Information President (phone #): (email): Secretary - i !:G/JS (phone ft (email): Treasurer--5&CA&-71Yf (phone #): ,U-45-,�- y� (email):)/f0�q q7,0 /7 i Z14 I:\Admuustration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx r Y 215 is your Organization incorporated as non, -profit'? Yes ❑ No ol If yes, when? What percentage of your registration (dtllmrtvYy) Is your Organization based within the % Municipality of Clarin ton? Yes No ❑ Is your Organization based within the Region of Durham Yes d/ No ❑ List the programs/services provided by your Organization n What is the total program registration or association membership in your Or anization? What percentage of your registration or membership are Clarington % residents? Describe how the program/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. I:\Administration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx 216 What funding category does your ❑ Recreation & Leisure 'Organization fall into? ❑ Civic ❑ Social w4oards of Council / Hall Boards 2017 Request (insert dollar figure) $ U1662 6 If you are requesting an increase in the municipal grant for 2017, please indicate the reason for the increase. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes p/ No ❑ of Clarin ton? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received 81 " 2 G/3 O dL� Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes ❑ No Department or Agency? 'please complete the following: ,Agency Year Requested Received BAdministration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx 217 Terrns and conditions In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application, 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award). 5. If the recipient is an arms -length agency, the'Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims, costs, causes of action, fines or. any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. Name Title Date Signature & / rCi 1 / zs. This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets/Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylorAclarington.net . I:\Administration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx 1 Budget Information Revenue 2016 2017 Grants - Federal / Provincial A aA&0 F � oa 0 Municipal Grant s g 0 D & Memberships _ Registrations Fundraising Other (Specify) ANTE1- 7O� % 06 O r v Last Year Surplus/Deficit s y Total RevenueGp 0 b o�Z/U 0 Expenditures 2016 2017 Salaries — Full Time A aA&0 F � oa 0 Salaries — Part Time "Ado 7,ao0 Facility Rental _ Office Supplies Telephone Advertising s r v Maintenance s y Utilities @DD b o�Z/U 0 Other (Specify) Total Expenses �� A3 �j Fri Surplus (Deficit) 2016 2017 ,Note: All applicants must complete this section in order to have application considered for funding. Please summarize your budget information using categories listed above. I:\Administration\2017 budget\2017 Grant Application.docxx 2017 Summaries Corporate Services Clerks Department Emergency Services Engineering Department Operations Department Community Services Planning Services Clarington Public Library The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 2017 Draft Capital Budget 220 228 231 233 241 320 336 370 372 219- 220 Municipality of Clarington Capital Expenditures Summary 2017 16 Corporate Services 460,500 19 Clerk's Department 25,000 28 Emergency Services 993,200 32 Engineering Services 13,550,049 36 Operations 6,038,809 42 Community Services 1,937,900 50 Planning Services 798,000 62 1 Libraries 381,765 Total 24,185,223 221 Municipality of Clarington Capital Funding by Source 2017 Expenditures (24,185,223) External Financing 2,757,346 Internal Financing 6,364,130 Reserves 418,000 Reserve Funds 6,919,694 Development Charges 5,419,244 Debentures 2,306,809 Total - Municipality of Clarington 2017 Capital Budget Revenue Summary by Type External Financing Other Developer Recovery Grants -Federal Grants -Province Other Municipalities Recovery Internal Financing Municipal Tax Levy Reserves Municipal Acquisitions General Capital Pits & Quarries Consult/Professional Fees Rural Roads Rehab Reserve Funds Parking Lot Building Division Rate Stabilization Municipal Capital Works Program General Municipal Purposes C/S Bldg Refurbishment Road Contributions Facilities / Parks Maintenance Engineering Parks Capital C/S Capital Computer Equipment Fire Equipment Animal Services Capital Operations Equipment Impact/ Escrow Funds Veridian (Mun. Govt Enterprise) Federal Gas Tax Receipts Library Capital Total Total Corporate Clerks Emergency Engineering Operations Community Planning Library 2016 2017 Services Services - Fire Services Services Services ($262,950) ($970,850) ($970,850) ($750,000) ($25,000) ($25,000) ($636,500) ($26,500) ($610,000) ($433,780) ($1,124,996) ($819,996) ($305,000) ($1,446,730) ($2,757,346) ($1,842,346) ($915,000) ($5,462,846) ($6,364,130) ($280,500) ($173,200) ($2,693,254) ($1,992,000) ($378,000) ($733,000) ($114,176) ($5,462,846) ($6,364,130) ($280,500) ($173,200) ($2,693,254) ($1,992,000) ($378,000) ($733,000) ($114,176) ($63,000) ($65,000) ($7,395) ($535,000) ($350,000) ($3,000) ($3,000) ($200,000) ($150,000) ($65,000) ($629,395) ($418,000) ($3,000) $0 ($200,000) ($150,000) ($65,000) ($51,000) ($25,000) ($25,000) ($10,000) ($10,000) ($1,212,051) ($1,079,794) ($1,071,294) ($8,500) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($50,000) ($100,000) ($435,000) ($310,000) ($310,000) ($123,000) ($75,000) ($75,000) ($243,000) ($270,900) ($140,000) ($140,000) ($140,000) ($1,023,000) ($805,000) ($805,000) ($835,000) ($1,015,000) ($462,850) ($2,642,000) ($2,634,000) ($56,765) ($130,000) ($1,015,000) ($270,900) ($2,080,000) ($275,000) ($279,000) ($130,000) 222 Total Total Corporate Clerks Emergency Engineering Operations Community Planning Library 2016 2017 Services Services - Fire Services Services Services Library Computer Equipment ($20,000) ($10,000) Parking Rehabilitation ($315,000) Clerks Fleet ($5.000) Development Charges General Government Public Library Emergency Services Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities Operations Department Roads & Related Parking Debentures Total Financing 2016 Total Financing 2016 Tax Levy Financing M-� ($77,143) ($693,000) ($1,053,000) ($4,697,670) ($27,000) ($127,589) ($15,000) ($778,500) ($76,500) ($4,394,655) ($27,000) ($15,000) ($315,000) ($778,500) ($4,394,655) ($76,500) ($10,000) ($127,589) ($6,520,813) ($5,419,244) ($27,000) ($15,000) ($5,173,155) ($76,500) ($127,589) ($2,306,809) ($1,296,809) ($1,010,000) ($21,458,450) ($24,185,223) ($460,500) ($25000) ($993,200) ($13,550,049) ($6,038,809) ($1,937,900) ($798,000) ($381,765) ($21,458,450) ($367,750) ($56,000) ($1,157,010) ($13,050,725) ($4,988,600) ($850,600) ($746,000) ($241,765) ($5.462.846) ($119.400) ($126.615) ($2,669,845) ($1,464,100) ($295,600) ($683,000) ($104,286) Note: In 2011, projects were transferred from the capital budget to the current budget to comply with PSAB capital reporting requirements. 2015 Tax Levy Financing $5,013,673 2014 Tax Levy Financing $4,646,886 2013 Tax Levy Financing $3,657,952 2012 Tax Levy Financing $3,555,836 2011 Tax Levy Financing $3,228,626 2010 Tax Levy Financing $4,070,448 2009 Tax Levy Financing $3,710,305 2008 Tax Levy Financing $3,169,471 2007 Tax Levy Financing $2,854,874 2006 Tax Levy Financing $2,825,874 223 C Municipality of Clarington 2017 Capital Budget Summary Departm 0 I.UKr1.JCKv1Ur_0 162 IT 16-162-07100 Computer Hardware 16-162-07200 Computer Software Total 162 IT Total 16 CORP.SERVICES 19 CLERK'S 191 MUN. LAW ENF. 19-191-17001 Municipal Law Enforcement New Vehicle Total 191 MUN. LAW ENF. Total 19 CLERK'S 28 EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE 130 ADMIN 28-130-17003 Station 4 Expansion - Police Side Total 130 ADMIN 281 FIRE SUP. 28-281-09002 S.C.B.A. 28-281-10017 Bunker Gear 28-281-15400 Leather Bunker Boots 28-281-17002 Confined Space Rescue Equipment Total 281 FIRE SUP. 283 FIRE COMM. 28-283-16001 Minitor Replacement Total 283 FIRE COMM. 388 FLEET 28-388-18001 Pumper 15 Total 388 FLEET Total 28 EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE 32 ENG. SERVICES 000 UNASSIGNED 32-000-16002 Darlington Sports Centre Parking Lot Rehabilitation Total 000 UNASSIGNED 324 ST. LIGHTG 32-324-05102 Street Light Installation - Various Total 324 ST. LIGHTG 325 PARK 32-325-13101 Farewell Creek Park Trail - Phase 1 32-325-14102 Bowmanville Valley Trail (Baseline to Waterfront) Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 135,900 (35,900) (100,000) 25,000 (25 1 1 M 44,300 (44,300) 76,900 (76,900) 25,000 (25,000) 27,000 (27,000) 173,200 (173,200) 80,000 (80,000) 80,000 (80,000) 315,000 (315,000) 315,000 (315.000) 500,000 40,000 (50,000) (450,000) (4,000) (36,000) 224 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development Debentures r Fund Financing Funds Charges 32-325-16104 Enniskillen Park 32-325-17102 Waterfront Trail Realignment - Energy Dr to Waverley Rd 32-325-17103 Courtice Dog Park 32-325-17104 Waterfront Trail Extension - Bennet Rd Easterly to Existing Trail Total 325 PARK 329 BRIDGES 32-329-13101 Structures Rehabilitation Total 329 BRIDGES 330 RDS & STRUCT. 32-330-05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Program 32-330-11110 Green Road Reconstruction (Stevens to Harvey Jones) 32-330-12111 Given Road Reconstruction 32-330-12119 Wilmot Street Reconstruction 32-330-13116 George Reynolds Drive Connecting Link 32-330-14101 Concession Road 3 (Middle Rd to Liberty St) 32-330-14110 Fourth St Reconstruction (Scugog St to Elgin St) 32-330-16101 Prospect St Reconstruction (Odell St to Fourth St) 32-330-16103 Church St Reconstruction (Emily to King) 32-330-16106 Port Darlington Subdivision Road (Port Darlington Rd to East) 32-330-16107 Mill St South Active Transportation (Port of Newcastle Dr to Boulton St) 32-330-16112 Rural Road Rehabilitation Program 32-330-17105 Alexander Blvd and Liberty PI Reconstruction 32-330-17107 King St Cycling Facility (RR 57 to Roenigk Dr) 32-330-17108 Scugog St at Wellington St Intersection Improvements 32-330-17109 King St at Scugog St Intersection Improvements 32-330-17110 Concession St East Reconstruction (Soper Ck Dr to Lambs Rd) 32-330-17111 Green Rd and Boswell Dr Intersection Improvements 32-330-17112 Baseline Rd at McKnight Rd - CP Signal Improvements 32-330-17113 George Reynolds Dr Extension 32-330-17114 Longworth Ave and Green Rd Intersection 32-330-18101 Longworth Ave Oversizing (Green Rd to Clarington Blvd) 32-330-18102 Longworth Ave Culvert at Brookhill Tributary 32-330-18105 Baseline Rd Extension EA (Lambs Rd to Bennett Rd) Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 331 S/WALKS & WALKWAYS 32-331-05102 Sidewalk Replacement - Unspecified 32-331-13223 Main Street Orono Sidewalk 32-331-16102 North Street Sidewalk (George to Remi) 32-331-17106 Waverley Rd Sidewalk (Roenigk Dr to King St West) 32-331-17107 Liberty St Sidewalk (Bons Ave to Jennings - west side) Total 331 S/WALKS & WALKWAYS 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 32-332-17001 Clarington Blvd at Prince William Dr Traffic Signals 32-332-17002 Green Rd at Stevens Rd Traffic Signals 300,000 (165,000) (135,000) 40,000 (4,000) (36,000) 130,000 (13,000) (117,000) 5,000 (500) (4,500) 015,000 (236,500) (778,500) 1,540,000 (1,130,004) (409,996) 1,540,000 (1,130,004) (409,996) 2,460,000 (410,000) (200,000) (1,850,000) 150,000 (150,000) 195,000 (29,055) (165,945) 55,000 (55,000) 65,000 (65,000) 30,000 (30,000) 1,995,000 (269,923) (1,725,077) 70,000 (70,000) 150,000 (150,000) 355,000 (25,000) (330,000) 1,680,000 (957,600) (722,400) 320,000 (320,000) 150,000 (150,000) 45,000 (45,000) 25,000 (12,500) (12,500) 125,000 (102,574) (22,426) 40,000 (22,360) (17,640) 1,372,049 (372,237) (999812) 90,000 (90,000) 53,000 (13,250) (39,750) 88,000 (88,000) 70,000 (25,410) (44,590) 25,000 (9,075) (15,925) 67,000 (67,000) 5,000 (5,000) 9,680,049 (1,018,250) (1,432,350) (200,000) (3,023,134) (4,006,315) 200,000 (200,000) 100,000 (100,000) 85,000 (85,000) 145,000 (145,000) 120,000 (120,000) 650,000 (445,000) (205,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 2'L5 Department/Project Total 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 340 EROSION PROTECT 32-340-15101 Various Erosion Protection Works Total 340 EROSION PROTECT Total 32 ENG. SERVICES 36 OPERATIONS 325 PARK 36-325-10100 Various Park Upgrades 36-325-10110 Park Furniture / Equipment Total 325 PARK 326 CEMETERY 36-326-10200 Bowmanville Cemetery 36-326-12300 Columbarium Total 326 CEMETERY 330 RDS &. STRUCT. 36-330-14200 Retaining Walls Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 36-370-09320 Orono Town Hall 36-370-09500 Emergency Services - Station #5 36-370-10340 Various Community Buildings 36-370-11500 Various Arenas 36-370-17100 Clarington Stormwater Pond Cleanout 36-370-17200 MAC Improvements Total 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 380 RD MNTCE 36-330-10100 Rural Road Resurfacing Total 380 RD MNTCE 388 FLEET 36-388-10100 Fleet Replacement - Roads 36-388-10150 Fleet New - Roads 36-388-10200 Fleet Replacement - Parks Total 388 FLEET Total 36 OPERATIONS 42 COM. SERVICES 421 FAC. 42-421-14702 FAC ADMIN -Annual Building Studies 42-421-14801 SCA - Heat Pump Compressor Partial Replacement 42-421-14804 SCA - Banquet Tables/Chairs Partial Replacement 42-421-15406 RRC - Concession Equipment 42-421-15410 RRC - West Entrance Exterior Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements 42-421-15411 RRC - Olympia Room Overhead Doors 42-421-15516 CCC - Fitness Equipment Replacement Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 50,000 (50,000) 155,000 (25,000) (130,000) 25,000 45,000 (4 70,000 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) (2,500) (22,500) 35,000 (35,000) 15,000 (15,000) 152,000 (152,000) 55,000 (55,000) 1,220,000 (305,000) (915,000) 1.296.809 I 1,825,000 (1,400,000) (150,000) (275,000) 1,825,000 (1,400,000) (150,000) (275,000) 865,000 (865,000) 60,000 (6,000) (54,000) 34,500 (34,500) 17,000 (17,000) 6,200 (6,200) 5,000 (5,000) 20,000 (20,000) 10,000 (10,000) 54,000 (54,000) 226 Department/Project 42-421-16202 NDRC - Pool Dehumidification Unit Refurbishment 42-421-16402 RRC - Makeup Air Unit #1 42-421-17101 ASC - Pool Changeroom Shower Privacy Partitions 42-421-17102 ASC - Interior Window and Door Replacement 42-421-17103 ASC - Portable/Accessible Pool Stairs 42-421-17104 ASC - Exterior Benches - Traffic Control Measure 42-421-17203 NDRC - Emergency Exit Light - Replacement 42-421-17401 RRC - Capital Improvements 42-421-17402 RRC - Community Hall Furnishings & Equipment 42-421-17403 RRC - Ice Edger 42-421-17404 RRC - Ride On Scrubber 42-421-17503 CCC - Pool Change Room Tile & Grout Upgrades 42-421-17505 CCC - External LED Lighting Upgrades 42-421-17506 CCC - MUA - 2 Replacement Fitness Change Rooms 42-421-17507 CCC - Accessibility Door Operator Retrofit 42-421-17508 CCC - Library Skylight Repairs 42-421-17701 FAC ADMIN - Furnishings & Equipment 42-421-17801 SCA - Dasherboard Repairs 42-421-17802 SCA - On -Demand Hot Water Heating for Ice Resurfacer 42-421-17803 SCA - Emergency Exit Light Replacement 42-421-17804 SCA - Ice Resurfacer - Replacement 42-421-17805 SCA - Ice Edger - Replacement 42-421-17806 SCA - Fire Alarm Panel - Replacement 42-421-17807 SCA - Asphalt Replacement - Exterior Snow Dumping Area 42-421-17902 BIS - Exit & Emergency Light - Replacement 42-421-17903 BIS -Athletic Program Netting System & Equipment Total 421 FAC. Total 42 COM. SERVICES 50 PLAN.SERVICES 130 ADMIN 50-130-10001 Land Acquisition Total 130 ADMIN Total 50 PLAN.SERVICES 62 LIBRARIES 440 LIBRARIES 62-440-05020 Library Technology 62-440-06100 Library Collection 62-440-17001 Library Refurbishment - Bowmanville Branch Total 440 LIBRARIES Total 62 LIBRARIES Total Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 120,000 (12,000) 36,000 (14,000) 10,500 (40,000) 18,500 (127,589) 6,000 5,200 12,000 (12,000) 1,010,000 (127,589) 110,000 (110,000) 6,000 (127,589) 21,000 (6,364,130) (2,757,346) 22,500 (22,500) 19,100 (19,100) 78,000 16,400 (16,400) 14,500 (14,500) 10,500 40,000 28,000 9,000 (9,000) 90,000 6,000 36,000 12,000 (12,000) 14,000 (14,000) 40,000 (40,000) Reserves Reserve Development Debentures Funds Charges (120,000) (36, 000) (10,500) (18,500) (6,000) (5,200) (6,000) (21, 000) J (10,500) (40,000) (28,000) (90,000) (6,000) (36,000) (1,010,000) 1,937,900 (378,000) (549,900) (1,010,000) 1,937,900 (378,000) (549,900) (1,010,000) 110,000 (100,000) (10,000) 141,765 (14,176) (127,589) 130,000 (130,000) 381,765 (114,176) (140,000) (127,589) 381,765 (114,176) (140,000) (127,589) 24,185,223 (6,364,130) (2,757,346) (418,000) (6,919,694) (5,419,244) (2,306,809) 227 2017 16 CORP.SERVICES 162 IT 16-162-07100 Computer Hardware 16-162-07200 Computer Software Total 162 IT Total 16 CORP.SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department ject Gross Cost. Revenue External Fund Financing Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges 135,900 (35,900) (100,000) 228 Project Version partment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects IT Descri tion Project Description: Corporate ($115,000) - server hardware upgrade, upgrade radios to remote, yearly workstation replacement cycle, additional storage, phone system. Departmental ($20,900) -for various mobile units and workstation needs. Location: Various Budget; ;.`Totals° 2017:-- "2018 2019 '2020 -2021 ":2022 - G2023, Expenditures ._. _ _ ._ .. Computer Hardware Expenditures Total ',coding nicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 470,900 35 Reserve Funds Building Division Reserve Fund 10,000 10,000 100,000 Program/Activity � -IT- 2004 COMPUTER HARDWARE I-------- - - -- --- ---' — ------ ---I - - - --- - '--- -- - -_i DC_ _Reference No. _ Road Segment No. --------------___ ---� -- — — --- -- -- — 'Expected Useful Life -------------- ProlectManager � -------�-----�--__ 229 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 16-162-07200 Computer Software Version Capital Plan Year 2017 .)epartment ICORP.SERVICES Sub -Department IT Description Project Description: Corporate ($100,000) - Server software upgrades, MS -Software upgrade, Application upgrades. Community Services ($100,000) - ActiveNet upgrade. Various Departmental software needs ($94,600) to accommodate records management issues and software replacement. Location: Various Budget 2016 ;20j9'q '_ ,;20,20' _ _2021 2022 _.__2023 Expenditures Computer Software 904,600 324,600 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 Not Approved 904,600 324,600 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 Expenditures Total Esff904,600 3 324;600 145,000 145,000 145;000 145,000 _.max.._ - - - - - - F----------------- -------f--------------------- - - - - - I cad Segment No. _ --- ------r-------------------- ------r---------------------------- funding ---- ---------------------- -r - F - - ----- ---- - ) roject Manager _ lunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 624,600 244,600 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 624,600 244,600 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 Reserves Consult/Prof. Fees 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Reserve Funds Computer Equipment _ 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Development Charges General Government 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 Funding Total r�"A'=904,600 324,600 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 - Attributes orr�ti„ra -i Vali is .:. -I Comment epartment ----- -- - --- -wnr.aanvn..o f------'----------- IT -- - ----- - - - - I ub-Department - - - - --------------r-----------------------r -- -----'------ ----I roject Approval Not Approved ocation --tEl;s----------1-----------------------a--------------------------I roject Classiflcation - --------1------------------------1--------------------------I rogram/Activity ------------r-----------------------r------------------------------I IT - 2004 COMPUTER SOFT WARE C Reference No. - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - F----------------- -------f--------------------- - - - - - I cad Segment No. _ --- ------r-------------------- ------r---------------------------- xpected Useful Life - -- Life ---- ---------------------- -r - F - - ----- ---- - ) roject Manager Municipality of Ctarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2017 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 19 CLERK'S 191 MUN. LAW ENF. 19-191-17001 Municipal Law Enforcement New Vehicle Total 191 MUN. LAW ENF. Total 19 CLERK'S TiO Reserves Reserve Development Funds Charges 25,000 (25,000) res 231 Project "grsion apartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington 232 Capital Projects 9-191-17001 Municipal Law Enforcement New Vehicle :apital Plan I Year 12017 MUN. LAW ENF. Description Project Description: Additional Vehicle for Municipal Law Enforcement Fleet - car Location: Budget Expenditures Fleet Replacement Expenditures Total nding serve Funds Parking Lot Funding Total Total 1. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 <2022<2023i 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000: 25,000 '! .. ._- . . . _, . J ._...� 25,000 25,000 Attributes Department 'CLERK'S ,Sub -Department ,MUN: LAW ENF.__...._,__._...___._._.__...___..____________________.____. Project Approval , Location 1- Project Classification !New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. ,Expected Useful Life-___..._.._,_..,_.__._,_..._._..__.._...._.._._...__—_—...—�---._—.__.__.___. ,Project Manager 233 2017 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 28 EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE 130 ADMIN 28-130-17003 Station 4 Expansion - Police Side 15,000 (15,000) Total 130 ADMIN 15,000 (15,000) 281 FIRE SUP. 28-281-09002 S.C.B.A. 44,300 (44,300) 28-281-10017 Bunker Gear 76,900 (76,900) 28-281-15400 Leather Bunker Boots 25,000 (25,000) 28-281-17002 Confined Space Rescue Equipment 27,000 (27,000) Total 281 FIRE SUP. 173,200 (173,200) 283 FIRE COMM. 28-283-16001 Minitor Replacement 80,000 (80,000) Total 283 FIRE COMM. 80,000 (80,0 00) 388 FLEET 28-388-18001 Pumper 15 725,000 (725,0 00) Total 388 FLEET 725,000 Total 28 EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE oai 9no (725,000) 117Z Onm .oar ,,, , ,. - --^, municipality or ciarington Capital Projects Project 128-130-17003 Station 4 Expansion - Police Side Version lCapital Plan Year 2017 partment JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub -Department JADMIN Description Project Description: Renovations for the portion of Station 4 that was occupied by Durham Regional Police Location: I Station 4 Budget' Expenditures Construction 15,000 15,000 ant 15,000 15,000 Expenditures Total 15,000.,, 15,0_0_0 y funding celopment Charges Betterment emergency Services 15,000 15,000 DC Reference No. 15,000 15,000 Funding Total -15,000 ( 15 000 _ w :Expected Useful Life ;26-30 Attributes 'Department [S b-Departm E_ME_R_G.SERVICES-FIRE _.________._._—____�.__. ant A_DMIN Project Approval ILocation___-----_.___._--F_____._...____.__.______.__...._._F_---._------------_________._.l Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. f Road Segment No.— :Expected Useful Life ;26-30 Project Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects [Capital Plan I Year 12017 EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE FIRE SUP. Description Project Description: Upgrade AP50 to AP75 on SCBA equipment on P13 - 5 @ $7,300 each = $36,500 Replace 4500 psi SCBA bottles that have reached the end of their life expectancy [15 years old] - 6 @ $1,300 = $7,800 New Standard - 10 year life expectancy Using 2016 prices - in 2018 - 4 for P14, in 2019 - 4 for P1-44 and 2020 - 4 for P15 Location: Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total �unding -unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 'Total ' 2017- 2018 2019 _2020 2021 -2022 2023_', 164,300 44,300 30,000 - 30,000 - 30,000 30,000 164,300 44,300 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 1642300 44,300 30;000 30000 30;000, 30000 164,300 44,300 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 164,300 44,300 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 164 300 44,300 , _ 30,000 30;000 30000 , _ 36,0 _ Attributes l Department _ 'EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE iSub-Department FIRE SUP. Project Approval Not Approved Location 'Proiect Classification -.--_._---- rPro gram/Activityu �SCBA PACKS,BOTTLES 2004- -. __ _.._ DC Reference No. --__-_ f- _._._._.-_-._..� Road Segment No. _--------------_ �Exected Useful Life i....P__-._________-.. !Project Manager Project -version )partment Sub -Department municipality OT uiarington FIRE SUP. Description Project Description: - Replace 20 sets of worn (over 10 years old) FT and PT bunker gear @ $1,670 = $33,400 Supply 17 new recruits with full Personal Protection Equipment (helmet, balaclava, bunker gear, boots, gloves) @ $2,250 = $38,250 Replace 21 helmets (over 10 years old) @ $250 = $5,250 (Using 2016 prices) Location: All Stations Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total funding unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total Total2077 , 2018. .",2019 2020 '2021 X2022 2023_ LOv 276,900 76,900 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 276,900 76,900 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 276 90,0 76 900 50,000 %000 _ 4 50,000 _50 000 J Attributes `Department _� -- ;EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub -Department FIRE SUP. ;Project Approval Not Approved t - I ,sifictonProtectClas;New -- Program/Activity i DC _Reference No. ,Road Segment Na f Expected Useful Life - '1-5 ;Project Manager ' Project lersion Jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of clarington Capital Projects FIRE SUP. Description Project Description: Upgrade to leather bunker boots. Boots last approximately 5 years. 2016 price is $500/pair. In 2018 - 2021 should only need for new recruits (typically hire 15 each year) In 2022 will begin 5 year replacement program Location: Budget. Total- 2017; 2018 2019 '2020 2021 X2022 ''.-20231 Expenditures Equipment 105,000 25,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7 Expenditures Total 705,000. 25,000 7,500 7500 , i7500 :;7,500 '35,000 _ -;25,000 - funding - l unicipall Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 105,000 25,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 25,000 25,00u 105,000 25,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 25,000 25,000 Funding Total i_ -105 000 25,000 7,500 v_25,000 Attributes epartment _- 'EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE ' - ---- - _'ESU--------- -------------------I -- -" - --I ub-Department - FIRE SUP. roject Approval ,Not Approved -------- -----.. -�o-_p - ----- F --' - - - -- ---i )cation roject Classification Replacement rogram/Activity C Reference oad Segment No. , xpected Useful Life I1-5 roject Manager Project Version partment Sub -Department municipality of clarington Capital Projects 17002 Confined Space Rescue Equipment Plan I Year SERVICES - Description Project Description: Training equipment for Confined Space Rescues Location: All Stations Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total funding 'nicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 7 Total- 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 '2022 2023'; 27,000 27 Attributes ;uepartment _ .EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE ' 3Sub-Dertme pant FFIR ------ _._, E SUP.___--________�._______. 'Project Approval I 'Location Combination Project Classification New (Program/Activity DC Reference No. I ,Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ;11-15 ,Project Manager i Project version .lepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 6001 Minitor Replacement ian I Year ;EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE I FIRE COMM. Description Project Description: Replace current minitors with minitors compatible with Next Gen System P-25 (700 MHz) for 130 Part Time Firefighters plus some spares @ $575 each Note: will no longer be required to maintain separate paging infrastructure ie. business line and will realize future savings of approximately $25,000 in capital costs that will be required within the next 5 years. Location: All 5 Stations Budget` Expenditures Equipment Total20 ; 17; 2018, _ 201-9 „2020 , -_2021 ;2022 2023 1. 80,000 80,000 - Expenditures Total 80,000_ _ 80,000 unding !eserve Funds Fire Equipment 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Funding Total _ 80 000 80 0 0 ucpai LIT 1e1 ,ovi�nv.ou. v jy Sub -Department FIRE COMM. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Project Approval Location Project Classification `Replacement �----'-----------_.... ___-----;---'--------------- _ ,Program/Activity �DCReference No. Road Segment No. '1-5 Expected Useful Life Project Manager_ - Project Version lartment Sub -Department municipality of clarington Capital Projects (Capital Plan I Year2011 7 I EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE FLEET Description Project Description: Replace 2003 Freightliner as per Vehicle Replacement Schedule Location: Station 5 -Volunteer truck Budget Total 2617-- 2018 2019 :2026-' 12021' 2022 '.2023'; Expenditures Fleet Replacement 725,000 725,000 Expenditures Total - 725,000 725,000: apartment 'EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE lib -Department 'FLEET roject Approval _ Dcation roject Classification 'Replacement rogram/Activity ' C Reference No. oad Segment No. ' xpected Useful Life - roject Manager , 2017 Department/Project 2 ENG. SERVICES 000 UNASSIGNED 32-000-16002 Darlington Sports Centre Parking Lot Rehabilitation Total 000 UNASSIGNED 324 ST. LIGHTG 32-324-05102 Street Light Installation- Various Total 324 ST. LIGHTG 325 PARK 32-325-13101 Farewell Creek Park Trail - Phase 1 32-325-14102 Bowmanville Valley Trail (Baseline to Waterfront) 32-325-16104 Enniskillen Park 32-325-17102 Waterfront Trail Realignment - Energy Dr to Waverley Rd 32-325-17103 Courtice Dog Park 32-325-17104 Waterfront Trail Extension - Bennet Rd Easterly to Existing Trail Total 325 PARK 329 BRIDGES 32-329-13101 Structures Rehabilitation Total 329 BRIDGES 330 RDS & STRUCT. 32-330-05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Program 32-330-11110 Green Road Reconstruction (Stevens to Harvey Jones) 32-330-12111 Given Road Reconstruction 32-330-12119 Wilmot Street Reconstruction 32-330-13116 George Reynolds Drive Connecting Link 32-330-14101 Concession Road 3 (Middle Rd to Liberty St) 32-330-14110 Fourth St Reconstruction (Scugog St to Elgin St) 32-330-16101 Prospect St Reconstruction (Odell St to Fourth St) 32-330-16103 Church St Reconstruction (Emily to King) 32-330-16106 Port Darlington Subdivision Road (Port Darlington Rd to East) 32-330-16107 Mill St South Active Transportation (Port of Newcastle Dr to Boulton St) 32-330-16112 Rural Road Rehabilitation Program 32-330-17105 Alexander Blvd and Liberty PI Reconstruction 32-330-17107 King St Cycling Facility (RR 57 to Roenigk Dr) 32-330-17108 Scugog St at Wellington St Intersection Improvements 32-330-17109 King St at Scugog St Intersection Improvements 32-330-17110 Concession St East Reconstruction (Soper Ck Dr to Lambs Rd) 32-330-17111 Green Rd and Boswell Dr Intersection Improvements Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 315,000 (315,000) 315,000 (315,000) 100,000 (10 100,000 (10 500,000 (50,000) (450,000) 40,000 (4,000) (36,000) 300,000 (165,000) (135,000) 40,000 (4,000) (36,000) 130,000_ (13,000) (117,000) 5,000 (500) (4.500) 1.015 2,460,000 (410,000) (200,000), (1,850,000) 150,000 (150,000) 195,000 (29,055) (165,945) 55,000 (55,000) 65,000 (65,000) 30,000 (30,000) 1,995,000 (269,923) (1,725,077) 70,000 (70,000) 150,000 (150,000) 355,000 (25,000) (330,000) 1,680,000 (957,600) . (722,400) 320,000 (320,000) 150,000 (150,000) 45,000 (45,000) 25,000 (12,500) (12,500) 125,000 (102,574) (22,426) 40,000 (22,360) (17,640) 1,372,049 (372,237) (999,812) 90,000 (90,000) 241 2017 32-330-17112 Baseline Rd at McKnight Rd - CP Signal Improvements 32-330-17113 George Reynolds Dr Extension 32-330-17114 Longworth Ave and Green Rd Intersection 32-330-18101 Longworth Ave Oversizing (Green Rd to Clarington Blvd) 32-330-18102 Longworth Ave Culvert at Brookhill Tributary 32-330-18105 Baseline Rd Extension EA (Lambs Rd to Bennett Rd) Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 331 S/WALKS & WALKWAYS 32-331-05102 Sidewalk Replacement - Unspecified 32-331-13223 Main Street Orono Sidewalk 32-331-16102 North Street Sidewalk (George to Remi) 32-331-17106 Waverley Rd Sidewalk (Roenigk Dr to King St West) 32-331-17107 Liberty St Sidewalk (Bons Ave to Jennings - west side) Total 331 S/WALKS & WALKWAYS 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 32-332-17001 Clarington Blvd at Prince William Dr Traffic Signals 32-332-17002 Green Rd at Stevens Rd Traffic Signals Total 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 340 EROSION PROTECT 32-340-15101 Various Erosion Protection Works Total 340 EROSION PROTECT Total 32 ENG. SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 53,000 (13,250) (39,750) 88,000 70,000 25,000 67,000 Reserves Reserve Funds (25,410) . (9,075) Charges (88,000) (44, 590) (15,925) (67,000) 200,000 (200,000) 100,000 (100,000) 85,000 (85,000) 145,000 (145,000) 120,000 (120,000) 650,000 (445,000) (205,000) DC Debt Debentures 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 50.000 (50,000) Project Version apartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects JUNASSIGNED Description Project Description: The project is required to repair numerous deficiencies including the parking lot surface condition and underlaying drainage issues. The project will include drainage improvements, replacement of the asphalt, improvements to the gravel overflow parking area and new asphalt on the north section of the parking lot. Once completed the work will provide for a safer and more enjoyable experience for our users both from Clarington and visiting communities. Location: 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, Ontario LOB IJO Budget 243 local [U7I 2018 '2079 `2020 -:2021 2022 ' <' 2023] Expenditures - --.._ .... ._ ._..._ _ __ .... _ _ .—. _ Construction Expenditures Total �undrng lserve Funds ,Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-000-16002 Darlington Sports Centre Parking Lot Rehabilitation .Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department JUNASSIGNED Gallery 1. NDepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budgefl2017 Budget Maps132-000-16002.jpg POP `- �� C ♦I Project version partment Sub -Department Street ll Plan iENG. SERVICES ST. LIGHTG Capital Year Description Project Description: The purpose of this project is to provide illumination in accordance with By-Law#84-21, "Criteria and Warrants for Street Lighting". The work includes improvements at various locations to correct dark spots in existing lighted areas, and for the installation of new lighting where warrants are met. The completion of these works will enable safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation consistent with the goals of the Strategic Plan. Location: Various Budget; Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total . ending Municipal Tax Levy total,;; 2017.- 2018 _2019,2020 -, 2021 :2022 :2M 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 „uv -..cpm uucu� -J�. Lllitllli � � P� roject Approval Not Approved L_ -_._----..'—__.___.__.. Location Combination � ,,Project Classification. New _I._..____...__._. 'Program/Activity �..__.--_ __ ___ �ST.LIGHTS IMPROVEMENT-VARIOUS_� _ - Reference No. ,DC -Road Segment No. tE-----_F xpected Useful Life _'-- ------ ' 1620 ---_-_. _______r.___. �Prgect Manager Sean Bagshaw Project Version Department Sub -Department PARK municipality of clarington Capital Projects Nell Creek Park Trail - Phase 1 Year Description Project Description: Construction of a 3m wide paved trail and steel bridge located along Farewell Creek south of Old Kingston Road. Phase 1 of the trail will be approximately 600m in length. This project achieves the goal of enabling active transportation contained in our Strategic Plan. Future Phases will provide additional trail further south and provide greater connectivity to adjacent neighbourhoods. Location: South of Old Kingston Rd along the Farewell Creek Budget Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total funding _ .teserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities tom_ Total_ _ 2017 2016 , , „.2019 _ : J2020 .'2021 _ 2022 - 2023; 500,000 500,000 ,1500000_ 500,000 50,000 50,000 Funding Total_ 500 Q00 _ _500,000 Attributes `Department _ _ ..._'ENG. SERVICES -------'---_-.--'--'-'---'j'---"--'----------'--. ' rS -Dep_art_m_ent^------__. (Project A_pp_royal-.__.__---___r___'—_--__.--__---__'-_.-.__.-�.------_. Location- i Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference Noi--_----- -----_4.1. 10(2015)--___.___- (Road Segment No. Expected useful Life i Protect Manager Capital Projects Project 32-325-13101 Farewell Creek Park Trail - Phase 1 ,Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 9partment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IPARK Gallery I. IADepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-325-13101.jpg Project -�,ersion Jepartment Sub -Department ngion Capital Projects PARK Description Project Description: The 2017 budget allocation for design. Budget allocation for construction will be considered next year. The project will provide a safe multi -use trail link between the built-up area of BowmamAlle and the waterfront. The existing Bowmanville Creek trail will be extended to connect to the Waterfront Trail including crossings under the Highway 401 and CN Rail bridges, along the edge of the creek. This project is our No.1 Active Transportation priority as there are currently no dedicated Active Transportation crossings of Highway 401 in our largest urban area. Completion of this project will achieve two goals of the Strategic PIan:1) enabling safe, efficient traffic Flow and Active Transportation and 2) Enhance access to our unique natural environment (waterfront). Location: Baseline Rd to Waterfront Trail Budget Expenditures Design 40,000 Construction 350,000 Expenditures Total :''-lunding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities 40,000 350,000 390,000 40,000 350,000 390 odd, ,40x000 350,600 39,000 4,000 35,000 39,000 4,000 35,000 36,000 315,000 351,000 36,000 315,000 Funding Total " 390,000 `40000 350,000ry Attributes Department_ 'ENG. SERVICES ' - ' Sub -Department ------'-----IPARK_- -—----- -- —- - --- I__.__.__.-_._.__--------_.--_.-_- _ Location Project Classification ;New Pr_og_ra_m/Activity DC_ Reference No. ._... _. _.--}4.1.13(2015)___.___._._._.__.,..__._.__I___._._.____.______. Road Segment No.__..__...__.___..}.___.___._____..___._._.__._.._.____ -f_____-_._._._---_. Expected Useful Life Project Manager municapaury or uarington Capital Projects Project 132-325-14102 Bowmanville Vallev Trail (Baseline to Waterfront) -Version Cap4tall Plan I Year 2017 ' epartment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department PARK Gallery 1.ODepartmentlCapital Works120I n2017 Budge82017 Budget Maps132-325-14102.jpq ME ■ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-325-16104 Enniskillen Park version JCapital Plan Year 12017 iepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IPARK Description Project Description: Construction of a 1 ha park to be located along the north side of Enniskillen School. The park will contain a playground, junior soccer field, central seating area and shade structure. This park will service both the new development but also the existing residents in Enniskillen. For this reason the park is only 50% DC and the balance will be covered by non -DC reserves. Location: Old Scugog Road, Enniskillen Budget Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total `unding 2eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Engineering Parks Capital Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities Funding Total Total =" , 2017= 2018 2019 LL" 2020 _ -2021 _2022 2023] 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 300,0011 90,000 90,000 165,000 165,000 Attributes epartment 'ENG: SERVICES ' ub-Department . _. .._ .. PARK roject Approval ocation roject Classification New rogram/Activity 4.1.11 2015 C Reference No. oad Segment No. ____.______. xpected lJseful Life - roject Manager mumcipanry or warington 251 Capital Projects Project 32-325-16104 Enniskillen Park `version lCapital Plan Year 2017 partment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IPARK Gallery 1. l^DepartmentlCapital WorksX201712017 Budget12017 Budget Mapsl32-325-16104.jpg ENNISKILLEN N W' ,E S 0 rc N 9 0 REGIONAL ROAD 3 REGIONAL ROAD L] 'g a ,g. d 0 N� IENNISKU.1111�4E�WPARK Project - Version Jepartment Sub -Department PARK Municipality of Clarington 252 Capital Projects 7102 Waterfront Trail Realignment - Energy Dr to Ian I Year 201 Description Project Description: The 2017 budget allocation is for design only. Budget allocation for construction will be considered next year. The Waterfront trail currently uses Energy Dr (formerly South Service Rd) between Holt Rd and Waverley Rd, including the busy section of road through the Highway 401 interchange ramps. The project will re -align the waterfront trail south along an existing right of way, across the CN Rail tracks at a new level crossing, and adjacent to the St Marys entrance to re -connect to the trail east of Waverley Rd. This project is in line with the Strategic Plan goal to enable active transportation by providing a safer alignment for waterfront trail users. Location: Energy Dr to St Marys Cement Access Road Budget Expenditures Design Expenditures Total �undfng .teserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities Total'2017 ,2018 2019 2020 _2021 .2022 2023; 36,000 36,000 Funding Total 40,00 40,000 Attributes 'PARK ub-Department roject Approval )cation roject Classification ;Betterment rogiam/Activity C Reference No. 4.1.11 (2015) oad Segment No. _ xpected Useful Life roject Manager municipamy OT laarington 253 Capital Projects Project 32-325-17102 Waterfront Trail Realignment - Energy Dr to Waverle Rd -Version lCapital Plan Year 12017 :partment JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IPARK Gallery la^DepartmentlCapital WorkS1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Mapsl32-325-17102.jpg TRAIL E Project `version .'epartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 32-325-17103 Courtice Doa Park PARK Year Description Project Description: Construction of a 1 acre fenced Leash Free dog park to be located at South Courtice Community Park. It will include the installation of fencing, waste receptacles, regulatory signage, and benches. The park will be similar to the dog parks constructed in Newcastle and Bowmanville. Although not specifically identified in the 2015 Development Charge Background Study it was an oversight and should be funded from the Development Charge Engineering Park Development and Facilities Reserve Fund. Location: South Courtice Community Park Budget Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total 'unding _ Lserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities Funding Total Total'. 2017-.2018 .2019 2020 -'2021 3022 20231 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000; 130,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 130,000 Attributes ='"==•='2.---- --------. ub-Department ... -C,_,=,__•_,=:----_-__----------i---------------------..__...-----I PARK roject Approval Dcation roject Classification rogram/Activity i f C Reference No. cad Segment No. xpected Useful Life ' roject Manager ' ' Project -Version ,)artment Sub -Department L JF=IJty vi v101 Capital Projects Gallery la^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-325-17103.ipg Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-325-17104 Waterfront Trail Extension - Bennet Rd Easterly to -Xersion lCapital Plan Year 2017 department ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IPARK Trail Description Project Description: The 2017 budget allocation is for design only. Budget allocation for construction will be considered next year. This section of the waterfront trail is recommended as it will tie the existing waterfront trail just east of Bennett Road to the new section of waterfront trail and park that will be constructed as part of the new Port Darlington residential development west of Bennett Road. The trail connection will run through lands currently owned by the Municipality that will be developed as a park in the future. Location: East of Bennett Road from Lake Ontario to existing Waterfront Trail north of CPR Budget Expenditures Design Expenditures Total Ounding �eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities Funding Total 256 Total.' 2017 ,'.2018 2019 '2020 :2021 x2022 _ 2023.+ 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 t_ 51000 5,000 500 500 500 500 4,500 4,500 6 000 5,000 I Attributes II ,Department — ENG. SERVICES I 'Sub -Department ,PARK ' Project Approval Location Project Classification _ New Program/Activity F — _ — ,DC Reference No. Road Segment No. ,Expected Useful Life ;Project Manager ' ___—_._ _.___.i..____--_._____. munlcipanty of clarington 257 Capital Projects Project 32-325-17104 Waterfront Trail Extension - Bennet Rd Easterly to Existing Trail Yersion lCapital Plan Year 2017 apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IPARK Gallery la^Departmenticapital Works12017MI7 Budget12017 Budget MapS132-325-17104 jp.q WILMOTCREEK COMMUNITY Project Version iepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington 258 Capital Projects 3101 Structures Rehabilitation Ian Year 2017 ovirr=c I BRIDGES Description Project Description: The project includes replacement, rehabilitation and maintenance of structures throughout the Municipality resulting from the legislated inspections that occur every 2 years on all bridges and large culverts. Improvements are at various locations. Through the Highway Traffic Act and Bridges Act, Clarington is responsible for ensuring bridges and large culverts are kept safe and in good repair. Evaluations and priorities are assigned to structures to extend the life cycle of the structure, and replace structures where required. This project is funded in part by the Ontario Community. Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). Location: Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding External Financing Grants -Province Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total Total 2017 2018 .2019 2020 2021 2022 2023! 1,130,000 132,000 162,000 196,000 205,000 213,000 222,000 794,000 92,000 114,000 138,000 144,000 150,000 156,000 - 11,316,000 1,316,000 1,624,000 1,966,000 2,051,000 2,137,000 2,222,000 30,000 1,540,000 1,900,000 2,300,000 2,400,000 2,500,000 2,600,000 4,584,630 409,996 582,894 897,935 897,935 897,935 897,935 4,584,630 409,996 582,894 897,935 897,935 897,935 897,935 8,655,370 1,130,004 1,317,106 1,402,065 1,502,065 1,602,065 1,702,065 8,655,370 1,130,004 1,317,106 1,402,065 1,502,065 1,602,065 1,702,065 13,240,000 1,540,000 1,900,000 2,300,000 2,400,000 2,500,000 .2,600,000 Attributes Wribute.:- Value Comment . . iSu_b-Dep_artm_entBRIDGES rProjed Approval-- -- _ _ - -rN- Approved------- __.-----_j._______.__._.._ rLocation-All ----------------------j-____---------------------"I Project Classification Betterment r -- - - - - - ------- - Program/Activity - - - -r - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- r --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I _ SDC Reference N_o. _______r____________-._____________I FRo17 _-_--------_---------------I _adS_egm_ent_No.------_-_"-t-------------------------__ -- - - - Expected Useful Life - - - -j- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---------------- --- --- --'-- - - I -----.--'--- --___-___.____ --------------------- Pro/ect M - Project Version apartment Sub -Department munlclpaury oT ularington Capital Proiects IRDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The purpose of this project is to extend the life cycle of road pavement structures with asphalt overlays in conjunction with asphalt base repairs such as cold milling, joint sealing, and full depth crack repair. Also included in this program is replacement of the asphalt, where it is deemed to be the most cost effective solution. A cost benefit analysis is undertaken on the roads network to determine the road and treatment type that is most cost effective. This project is funded in part by the Federal Gax Tax Reserve Fund and the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). Location: L I 3 _______. .__---___._..._.__._. ... Budget Total 2017_ 2018 - 2019 2620 2021 2022 2023] Expenditures `- - - - Contract Admin. 1,571,000 214,000 249,000 277,000 277,000 277,000 277,000 Design 782,000 106,000 124,000 138,000 138,000 138,000 138,000 Construction 15,687,000 2,140,000 2,487,000 2,765,000 2,765,000 2,765,000 2,765,000 Expenditures Total 18,040,000 2,460 000 2,860,000 3,180,000 3,180,000 3,180 000 3,180,000 18 040,00_0_ 2,460,000_ 2 860 000 3,180,000 3,180,000 3,180 000 runding� 3,180,000 External Financing Grants -Province 4,590,000 410,000 580,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 4,590,000 410,000 580,000 900,000 m-0,000900,000 900,000 Reserves Pits & Quarries 1,200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Reserve Funds _______. .__---___._..._.__._. ... Project _Version Jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington ""' Capital Projects 0101 Roadside Protection Program Ian Year 2017 ovirr=c i RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The work includes construction of roadside safety improvements such as the installation of new guide rail, upgrading of deficient roadside protection measures, removal of hazards from the clear zone adjacent to the road or protection of these hazards should it not be feasible to remove them. The completion of these works enable safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation consistent with the goals of the strategic plan. Location: various Budget To1al.._ 2012 2018 2019 .2020 .2021, _2022 £ 2023.E Expenditures Contract Admin. 65,000 Design 45,000 Construction 640,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 tt 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 .3 Expenditures Total _ 760 009 150,00.0 1.5 000 150;000 15U,000 150 000 _ Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Funding Total i'• 780.006 150,000 160,000 150,000 _ 150,000 150 000 Attributes 'Department ;Sub -Department 'ENG. SERVICES ' ,RDS & STRUCT. ' Protect Approval Not ---__.._._.__ Location Classification _Ap_pr_oved _ ______.__. iCombination New ;Protect Program/Activity �DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. ;Expected Useful Life 1 . 21-25 , ,Protect Manager Project Version apartment Sub -Department 1110 RDS & STRUCT. tcrpauty or Llanngton Projects Year 12017 Description Project Description: The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2011. The final lift of asphalt is typically placed 2-3 years after the underground services are installed to allow for any settlement to occur. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt in 2017. Surface asphalt was delayed on this road longer than usual due to on-going development in the area. This work will include the provision of bike lanes further enhancing our active transportation network. Location: Green Road from Stevens Road to Harvey Jones Avenue Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Total •nding —eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total �._cvu ryia .Zulq ':.2020 .'.2021 -22022 2023 15,000 15,000 29,055 29,055 29,055 29,055 t Attributes vepanment Sub -Department 'ENG. SERVICES i RDS & STRUCT. Project Approval NotApproved -Location Classification ;Betterment ,Project 'Program/Activity .._. _. - I' SDC Reference No. 2010-DC#14 ,Road Segment No. ._____—_____-__._-__._._._-_,.. 'Expected Useful Life ._ ._.___.__._._...._._._._._....-__--._._......I_____..._...._..._.... 'Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-330-11110 Green Road Reconstruction (Stevens to Harvey Jones) I .Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery. la^DepartmentlCapital WorkS1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-11110.jpg Project -Version ?artment Sub -Department Ivluniclpauty of clarington Capital Projects 32-330-12111 Given Road Reconstnintinn WdUuei rlan I .Year 12017 ENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2013. The final lift of asphalt is typically placed 2-3 years after the underground services are installed to allow for any settlement to occur. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt in 2017. Location: Given Road from Hwy 2 to Pedwell Street Budget Total 2,017 2018. 2019 2020 2021 2022 '2023; Expenditures - — - , �- _ -. -_ Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Total ding ...,micipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 4,500 4,500 iDepartment ENG SERVICES 'Sub -Department P RDS &STRUCT. 'Project A royal _ PP 'Not A roved i - --. _. _ _. ` :.... .. .... ...... _. _ ....._ _. _.___.___._...____.-- _..4___.PP______.. LocationWard4-----`"- r.-______._.__. w ----j _-_-- ;ProjectClassification NeI--"'--'_-----------------�____—; ,,Program/Activity _ 'DC Reference No. - ,Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ,Prosect Manager Project -version iepartment Municipality of Glarington Capital Projects Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. I Gallery I:IADepartmen8(3apital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-12111.jpg KING AVENUE WEST NEWCASTLE Project ",ersion partment Sub -Department municipality of clarington Capital Projects IRDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2013. The final lift of asphalt is typically placed 2-3 years after the underground services are installed to allow for any settlement to occur. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt in 2017. Location: North St to RR 17 Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Total iding ..dnicipal Tax Levy Butlaef 5,500 5,500 ,Sub -Department RDS &STRUCT. Project Approval ,Not Approved 'Location Ward Project Classification' - ` -' -' -- Betterment �� �� " _ -" ��' "' — -- — -' - 'Program/Activity - 'DC Reference No._ --.—.__...._.— F--- - -_ ;Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life 265 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-12119 Wilmot Street Reconstruction `fersion Capital Plan Year 12017 Jepartment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery; J:WennyM2013 Budgetl32-330-12119.jpg - N W' .E S WCAST. KING AVENUE WEST WILMOT STREET RECONSTRUCTION 266 Project -Yersion apartment Sub -Department municipality of uarington Capital Proiects IRDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The project is for the completion of the Schedule 'B' Environmental Assessment (EA) for the connecting link between Courtice Rd and Harry Gay Dr. The link is an important part of the road network in this area and is classified as a Collector Road in the Official Plan. Funds are in addition to previously approved budget from 2013 to allow for the additional EA work required because of the environmental sensitivity of the area and additional archeological work. Location: George Reynolds Drive from Courtice Road to Harry Gay Drive Bud not Expenditures Design Expenditures Total qunding welopment Charges -D....a., o 1_1_._1 '.Location - -- - —.'._ _ _. __ _,_ ._ - - .._ __ _. _. _..." - _. - _. _ ­­_. - _ _ ._ `Project Classification New . . - Program/Activity {..-_____._.__..__.. _.__-----705(201 ,DC Reference No. -' - -- ' - -'- -- -- -- :Road Segment No. - --- --t- - -- -- -- _.._.___.._._-i _______._-A- ,E pected "_Expected Useful Life ""-'---"�'"'�-"--�'---- ;Project Manager 26/ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-330-13116 George Reynolds Drive Connecting Link version Ca ital Plan Year 2017 -iepartment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department RDS & STRUCT. Gallery 1. kVepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget MapsU2-330-13116.jpg --l� r ����111111111111111111111111111 ,� 1.1111111111\ ,_ - :1111111111111111 = � f11m�� �� �� � = • =nnn lino I����1���1111111 C,, I��11111111111111111� � - - •e- e e o- Project t(ersion partment Sub -Department Plan JENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. nA PM 11 tjr Capital Year Description Project Description: 2017 - Reconstruction to urban standard including sidewalks, street lights, underground services, concrete curb and gutter, new road base, and base asphalt. Street lights will extend from Middle Road to Liberty St. The project includes construction of a roundabout at the intersection with Middle Rd. The reconstruction is required to allow development in the area to proceed. Construction will be phased with 2017 works ending at Gimblet Street with balance of road to the east being completed with future development demands. Location: Middle Rd to Liberty St Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Total '" Total'- 2017.. 2018 :2019 2020 :2021 .I�2022 -20281 165,000 155,000 10,000 nding 'ENG. SERVICES ARDS&STRUCT. -- ;_Project Approval __.r._.,.__.-_.______.____-_..____.___----_._..__._.__._._.__.-.------_._._..___.___._.i Approved —eserve Funds Ward 2 Project Classification i Replacement ' Municipal Capital Works Program 291,819 269,923 21,896 I----- Road Segent No. 291,819 269,923 21,896 Development Charges - Ron Albright Roads & Related 1,839,181 1,725,077 114,104 1,839,181 1,725,077 114,104. Funding Total `_. 2131000`' 1995,000 1381000 -` Attributes 'Department ;Sub -Department___.____._ 'ENG. SERVICES ARDS&STRUCT. -- ;_Project Approval __.r._.,.__.-_.______.____-_..____.___----_._..__._.__._._.__.-.------_._._..___.___._.i Approved ;Location Ward 2 Project Classification i Replacement ' 'Program/Activity DC Referemnce No - 1OB-201 0 12.(2015) I----- Road Segent No. - X94080 'Expected Useful Life 'Protect Manager - Ron Albright municipanry or ularington Capital Projects Project 132-330-14101 Concession Road 3 (Middle Rd to Liberty St) `trsion ICapital Plan Year 2017 _apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery, la^DepartmentlCapitel Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-14101.Jpg Project Aersion Npartment Sub -Department ngion Capital Projects Description Project Description: The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2015. The final lift of asphalt is typically placed 2-3 years after the underground services are installed to allow for any -settlement to occur. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt in 2017. Location: Scugog St to Elgin St Budget io[ai? 2077 2018 2019 2020 -2021 '1'2022 20231 ..:.. Expenditures -_ _ -. _ Contract Admin. Construction -,, Expenditures Total nding ...unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total ,ueyanrrwn[ ,Sub -Department 'ENG. SERVICES RDS_&S_TR_UCT..__.__.__..__.__._..____-.-__-.______-_-._--._...___.-__...1 'Project Approval -FNot Approved r ------_--_---_---______i Location -'---'-----'--__.___-_____-_i-'--------__-.-----.____._---'-.__---I Ward 2 1 Classification � -- �- - - ,Project 'Program/Activity Replacement DC Reference No. --- - - - - - -_. __.____.___. Road Segment No. 94265 Expected Useful Life I --.ect 136-40 I- - --'- " - -- - - - -- - - .__._.._--___r ;_ProtManager KarenRich------ KaRichardson Project Version _)epartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects l:l^DepartmentlCapital WorWs1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Mapsl32-330-14110.%pg Project _Version )artment Sub -Department Capital Projects St Plan I Year IENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: 2016/2017 - Final design, utility relocation and property acquisition to correct areas of restrictively narrow right of way. 2018 - Reconstruction to urban standard including underground services, concrete curb and gutter, new road base and base asphalt. This project would be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they have water main and sanitary sewer needs on the street. (to be considered for budget allocation in 2018) 2020 - Surface asphalt (to be considered for budget allocation in 2020) Location: Prospect St from Odell St to Fourth St. includes Second Stand Veterans Ave between Prospect Stand Lambs Lane Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Total iding ._.anicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total iotas 2017:. 2018 2019 "2020 ,.2021 2022' :20231 98,000 90,000 8,000 Attributes vepartment ''-----"—'- ,Sub -Department 'ENG. SERVICES 'RDS & STRUCT. -----'----'—j-. _._—____---'-----._-----------i Project Approval ,Location_- ,ProjectClassification ;Replacement Program/Activity f DC Reference No. I � -. -... _ .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. _ _.. _. _. __ i ;Road Segment No. r---�----_._....... - ,Expected Useful Life --- _. _ . ;Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-16101 Prospect St Reconstruction (Odell St to `fersion ICapital Plan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery I:NDepartmentlCapital WorW201712017 Budge82017 Budget Maps132-330-16101.jpg 274 ( ����•� ► i 11111111111, •.`,��i11►1� � =1�� ►� IIIIIIIII�II�IIIr�'�� � • - I.��� i���i 1��= � 11■ :1111111111 1111111 � . , 111 �iI •••• � � �■' X1111/P � 11111111111 =MINIMUM -- _ Moro: to ■� NEW loll ��.�11111111_ _= _ �,Q _ IR ���I�IIIIIIIII 1 1. ° fN EO IN��I Project `version partment Sub -Department Capital Projects )--16103 Church St Reconstruction (Emily to King) d Plan I Year 2017 JENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: Urbanization of street to better accommodate ongoing and future commercial development in the downtown area of Newcastle. Coordinate with Region of Durham. (110 m). This will include Emily Street Intersection and heavy duty asphalt treatment to account for delivery truck movements on Church Street for proposed LC BO. Location: Church Street from King Avenue to Emily Street, Newcastle Budget, Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction 1 Expenditures Total . finding External Financing Developer Recovery Reserve Funds General Municipal Purposes Federal Gas Tax Receipts Total,_ 2017 20182019 ' 2020, 2021 -2022 j._2023 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 00,000 300,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 100,000 230,000 230,000 Funding Total 355,000:_ 355,000 , „ , Attributes 'Department 'ENG. SERVICES _ -- — - - _ ,Sub -Department 'RDS&STRUCT. I ---- --'----- i Approval -i 'Project Location 'Protect Classification Betterment � Program/Activity DC Reference No. ------------- 'Road Segment No. (Expected Useful Life .. -------"-'--- IProject Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-330-16103 Church St Reconstruction (Emily to King) I ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2017 Jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery I:1^DepartmentlCepital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-16103Jpg Project k( rsion epartment Sub -Department 1POULY yr %,iannywn 277 Capital Projects RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: A new rural collector road will be constructed from Port Darlington Rd to the limits of the Port Darlington subdivision. The construction of the road is a requirement of the subdivision agreement. The Environmental Assessment and detailed design was included in the 2016 budget. The budget for 2017 is for construction of the road. The cost of upgrading the road from a rural cross section to an urban Collector road is funded by the developer of the proposed subdivision. This project supports development and is in line with the Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location: Port Darlington Rd easterly to proposed subdivision Budg et Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Total 'coding _xternal Financing Other Development Charges - Roads & Related Funding Total .io[at; [u17 2018: 2019 :2020 -2021 `.:2022 20231 130,000 130,000 957,600 957 722,400 722,400 Attributes Sub -Department rRDS &STRUCT.---_.__._.___.____.__F__._____--. ...----_-- -_-j =Pro'ectApproval ---- —'– Ward 3 p._N__.__.__..___._____.______._.__.___.}.___._.___.______.___._____. 'Project Classification New ,Program/Activity -_ ,DC Reference No. 65 2015 ;Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life 'Project Manager muIII IIF uay V1 v109111ywu Capital Projects Project 132-330-16106 Port Darlington Subdivision Road (Port Darlington Rd to East) I -Xersion Ca ital Plan Year 2017 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department RDS & STRUCT. Gallery I:1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201612016 Budgef12016 Budget Maps132-330-16106.jpg �----------- IN TON ROA mllHIS i/I) I Project -version s apartment Sub -Department Capital 132-330-16107 Mill St South Active Transportation (Port of Newcastle Dr to Boulton SO Plan 1ENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. Year Description Project Description: This project is required to improve safety of people walking and cycling on Mill St South between Port of Newcastle Dr and the Bondhead Waterfront Park. Development of the park will increase the active transportation demands on Mill St South. The road also forms part of the Waterfront Trail. Location: Mill St South from Port of Newcastle Dr to Boulton St Budget Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total _, LLiuia� Zy,_r ,- 2u18 20192020 _2021 ,_-2022, '" 2023] 320,000 320,000 1 Attributes --- ub-Departmenrtmen' — — — -- — —t --- --' -- --- --- I t RDS &STRUCT. roject Approval ocation ; Ward 4 roject Classifi — —cation -Betterment __ I ------ rogram/Activity C Reference No. ;ad SegmentNo.-------------._-------- xpected Useful Life -- ' roject Manager Capital Projects Project 132-330-16107 Mill St South Active Transportation (Port of Newcastle Dr to Boulton St) I ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2017 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. I. Gallery 1:1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201612016 Budget12016 Budget Maps132-330-16107.jpg Project -version partment Sub -Department munlcipaury or L iaringron Capital Projects 16112 Rural Road Rehabilitation Program Plan I Year F20-17 RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The Municipality's Strategic Plan identifies as a priority the improvement of rural roads and creation of funding to address our rural road infrastructure deficit. Clarington's rural road network mainly consists of roads that are hot mix asphalt, surfaced treated and gravel. Responsibility for long-term rehabilitation of these roads is split between Operations Dept (surface treated and gravel) and Engineering Dept (hot mix asphalt). This budget item is to directly address the Strategic Plan objective of mproving rural roads, namely those roads that are hot mix asphalt or require an upgrade to hot mix asphalt due to the higher traffic volumes on these roads which in turn would have the highest liability exposure for the Municipality. When considering this exposure, 50% of the rural road funding should be set aside for the hot mix asphalt portion of the rural road inventory. Location: Various Budget; 10tal.._ 2077:' 2078 2019 ,2020 )2021 _2022 'j 2023' Expenditures Contract Admin. 55,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Design 45,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Construction 650,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Expenditures' Total 750,000is - 150,000 -- 150,000, - -150,000 ._ 150;000 _ .. 150,000 _. . ending _ Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Funding Total I Attributes 'Department ;ENG. SERVICES I ,Sub -Department RDS & STRUCT. ProjectApproval ILocation P 'Project Classification 'Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. ;Road Segment No. (Expected Useful Life .... Project Manager Ron Albright i_ Project Version Department Sub -Department municipality of clarington Capital Projects 32-330-17105 Alexander Blvd and Liberty PI Reconst Capital Plan 1 Year RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The project is being completed in cooperation with the Region of Durham, as they need to update their water and sanitary sewer services. The road surface will be replaced. Drainage will be reviewed through the design, and may require the construction of storm sewers and/or concrete curb gutter. Location: Budget -2021 2022 20231 Expenditures Contract Admin. 40,000 - 37,000 3,000 Design - 45,000 45,000 roject Approval Construction 478,000 _ 428,000 50,000 - 563,000 45,000 465,000 53,000 Expenditures Total _ 563,000 45,00.0 465,0_0.0 Funding C Reference No. oad Segment No. Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 563,000 45,000 465,000 53,000 563,000 45,000 465,000 53,000 Funding Total ,. 563,000. 43,000 465000 .:- 53000° Attributes apartment 'ENG. SERVICES ub-Department .., &STRUCT. IRDS roject Approval _ ocation roject Classification Betterment rogram/Activity C Reference No. oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager 282 283 Project 132-330-17105 Alexander Blvd and Liberty PI Reconstruction version JCapital Plan Year 12017 ,jartment JENG, SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery ` la^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Mapsl32-330-17105.jpg � _ - • III � :."��IIIIIIIII �1111111111� ��:. I.�I II i��� 111 �I���1�■ �It�ii��ii doll 11 == ®�i�lllr= ��1�■ : �oil !�I IIS ; IIIIIIII o ,I�,ra�11�11 11111111111 minimiiALIA is • ' � _ �= uunumnunnunm_ -1 � 5 m WOM M- �� 1� - _ n; �'—/ nnmm�n°°°°°m= =11►�� _: lig �� �� ■ .. e� umuummmn n �i� ► \� �1 �� � . - • !1%ununmiuniiiniiiinnm li ♦!� %� muul ���1111111 ,� � ���I,�'/ 1 IIS � �•,/v IIIII� :111111 Project --11ersion Jepartment Sub -Department municipality or ciarington Capital Projects Plan I Year ENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The 2017 budget is for design only. Construction will be budgeted for in 2018 to coordinate with the Region of Durham's intersection improvements at RR 57 and King St. The project includes construction of cycling facilities on King St between RR 57 and Roenigk Dr. The facility will provide an important east - west connection through Bowmanville. Cycling groups have identified this section of road as a safety concern due to the nature of the vehicle traffic and the long hill that they need to climb when heading westbound, which makes it difficult for cyclists to stay tight to the curb. Location: Budget Expenditures GV4 Total: `2017 2018 - 2019 2020 ; 2021 :;2022 ' 2023 Contract Admin. 23,000 ub-Department 23,000 Design 25,000 25,000 Construction 292,000 roject Classification 292,000 --� 340,000 25,000 315,000 Expenditures Total 340,00.0_ 25,00.0 315,00.0 _ _ Funding roject Manager _ _ r Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 170,000 12,500 157,500 170,000 12,500 157,500 Development Charges Roads & Related 170,000 12,500 157,500 170,000 12,500 157,500 Funding Total 340,000 _ 25000 , 315 000 Attributes epartment SERVICES ub-Department _'ENG. IRDS & STRUCT. t roject Approval ocation roject Classification 'New r_ogram/Activity C Reference No.1 __ . _5 oad Segment No. --__—_.—`_---_.___-____I__-___.._...__._._....._...—.-.._._...-..__-__._... xpected Useful Life roject Manager _ _ r Project Version partment sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery la^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-17107.jpg Capital Projects r, 1 • �� �I = INNIS .O I Mol �M ' � —2 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-17108 Scugog St at Wellington St Intersection ImprovemE Version Ca ital Plan Year 2017 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department I RDS & STRUCT. Description ProjectDescription: The project is for the design, and utility relocation to accommodate re -alignment of the intersection of Scugog St, Wellington St, and Concession St. The awkward roadway intersection is a safety concern due to the proximity of the railway level crossing on Scugog St. The project will include re -alignment of the railway warning system to avoid driver confusion and improve safety. The Municipality will pursue funding under the Transport Canada Grade Crossing Improvement Program (GCIP) which, if successful, would fund up to 50% of the project costs. Location: Budget Expenditures Design Construction Expenditures Total unding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total M9 Total '< 2017 2018 ,2019 2020 -2021 !2022 2023; 10,000 115.000 10,000 115,000 125.000 102,574 102,574 102,574 102,574 22,426 22,426 126'000 125,000 Attributes ub-Department 'RDS _& STRUCT. ---------'_. ---' -- -- roject Approval _.' ocation roject Classification 'Belterment rogram/Activity - _ —_ C Reference No. r76(2015) oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life - rojectManager Project xersion partment lyEon Capital Projects 287 Sub -Department ARDS & STRUCT. Gallery; 1. IADepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-17108.Jpg X I Project -`iersion Department Sub -Department Municipality of clarington Capital Projects RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The project is for a detailed review of the intersection and design. The intersection is constrained due to existing right of way width. The solution will improve traffic flow through the intersection and reduce driver confusion. Location: Budget Expenditures Design Expenditures Total 'unding .-reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Total, 2017 2018 2019 2020 :2021 __2022 _ 20231 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,060 22,360 22,360 22,360 22,360 Development Charges Roads & Related 17,640 17,640 17,640 17,640 Funding Total_ 40,000 '40,000 - __ _ y _ _ - _ - _ _ _ ------- Attributes Attributes epartment 'ENG. SERVICES 'RDS & STRUCT. ub-Department roject Approval )cation roject ClassificationBett_erm_ _ ent _ i rogram/Activity I C Reference No. ,40 (2015) oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager _., munictpanry or uianngion ZS Capital Projects Project 32-330-17109 Kinq St at Scuqoq St Intersection Improvements ,ersion Capital Plan Year 2017 partment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery MADepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-17109.jpg a Project Version Department Sub -Department municipality or Laanngton Capital Projects Plan I Year 12017 ENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: 2017 - Reconstruction to urban standard including sidewalks, street lights, underground services, concrete curb and gutter, new road base and base asphalt including bike lanes. Timing of construction is to coincide with development between Soper Creek and Lambs Rd. 2019 - Surface asphalt (to be considered for budget allocation in 2019) This project supports development and is in line with the Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Locations Concession Street East from Soper Creek Drive to Lambs Road. Budget Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total =unding - !eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Totar" 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ;2022 20231 1,372,049 1,372,049 1,372,049 1,M,049 _ _ _... _. _ _ ._ .. 372,237 372,237 - 372,237 372,237 Development Charges Roads & Related 999,812 999,812 999,812 999,812 Funding Total ,1 372 049 7 372,049 Attributes apartment IENG. SERVICES— lib -Department _ — _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ ,RDS &STRUCT. roject Approval Dcation roject Classification ''Betterment 7 ' rogram/Activity C Reference No. oad Segment No. ' xpected Useful Life roject Manager IVIUMUipan[y or %,wington Capital Projects Project 132-330-17110 Concession St East Reconstruction (Soper Ck Dr to Lambs Rd) -'Iersion lCapital Plan Year 2017 iartment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery 1. ODepartmentlCepitel Works1201712017 Budge82017 Budget Maps132-330-17110.jpg C CONCESSION STREET EAST RECONSTRUCTION Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-17111 Green Rd and Boswell Dr Intersection Improvemel Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 ,jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The 2017 budget is for design only. Construction will be budgeted for in 2018 to coordinate with the extension of Clarington Blvd from the existing termination to Green Rd. The intersection improvements will be necessary due to the existing and future traffic associated with the proposed developments. A roundabout will be consistent with the intersections on Green Rd to the south. This project supports development and is in line with the Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location: Boswell Dr/Clarington Blvd intersection Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction _ Expenditures Total Funding Development Charges Roads & Related J 292 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023' 35,000 35,000 65,000 65,000 375,000 25,000 350,000 475,000 90,000 385,000 - 475,000 90,000 385,000 475,000 90,000 385,000 Funding Total 475,000 90,000 385,000 >! H�.I 11110111 ,LIYV. JLI\V,V�J ub-Department 'RDS &STRUCT. — ------ - -- --- - - ----- I -- - - - - -- ---- - - - -t- -- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - I roject Approval ocation r� _ roject Classification Betterment rogram/Activity -------------------r--------------.---------r----- -------------- -- - - - i C Reference No. - oad Segment No. - xpected Useful Life - r- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ---- -- - - -- roject Managerr ------------ ------ L----------------' ------------------------ -- - -- 1 Municipality of Clarington 293 Capital Projects Project 32-330-17111 Green Rd and Boswell Dr Intersection Improve ments -I{ersion ICapital Plan Year 2017 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery la^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budgef12017 Budget Maps132-330-17111.jpg POP I INNER _-__ �► �i����� VIII , PIP p1D! o'�pQll OPM ♦ ����' ��������`` � � � ��°� m uiiuii1°iiia= _ �_���,, �I Ilii ►�_ .I .������ lllllllllllllllllillll _- _ __�� �I ���� _ �III� milli sill Project -�ersion iepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 7112 Baseline Rd at RDS & STRUCT. Year Description Project Description: The project includes the installation of new signal lights at the intersection of Baseline Rd and McKnight Rd, as per the recommendations from a recent Transport Canada inspection. Funding to be requested from Transport Canada through the Grade Crossing Improvement Program to recover 50% of cost. The remaining cost will be split between CPR and Clarington. Location: Baseline Rd / CPR / McKnight Rd Budget Total 2017 2018 20192020 -2021 --2022 2023i Expenditures Construction 53,000 53,000 IRDS & ST T. 53,000 53,000 Expenditures Total _ 53,00.0 53,0.0.0 funding rogram/Activity ternal Financing oad Segment No. Other 13,250 13,250 Grants -Federal 26,500 26,500 39,750 39,750 Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 13,250 13,250 Funding Total 294 epanmenc �rrvv, a�rcv n.co— - _ -_ _ _ _ _- _ r. _ _ _ —.._ _ ._ ._ ub-Department IRDS & ST T. roject Approval )cation roject Classification Betterment i rogram/Activity C Reference No. oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager Capital Projects Project 132-330-17112 Baseline Rd at McKnight Rd - CP Signal Improvements '�ersion lCapital Plan Year 12017 ,partment JENG. SERVICES ,jub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery MADepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-17112Jpg Project )ersion iepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The project is for the detailed design for the connecting link beween Courtice Rd and Harry Gay Dr. pending the finalization and outcome of the Environmental Assessment. This link is an important part of the road network in this area and is classified as a Collector Road in the Official Plan. The design includes a new bridge or culvert to span the creek tributary. This road connection is in keeping with the Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Additionally this road connection supports additional development in the area. Location: George Reynolds Drive from Courtice Road to Harry Gay Drive Budget Total,; 2017 2018 :2019 2020 ' 2021', '2022 -, 2023, Expenditures Contract Admin. 191,000 177,000 14,000 Design 88,000 88,000 Construction 1,951,000 1,770,000 181,000 2,230,000 88,000 1947,000 195,000 Expenditures Total _ 2230,00.0 88,0.00 1947,0__00 _ 19.5_;000 Funding Development Charges Roads & Related 2,230,000 88,000 1,947,000 195,000 2,230,000 88,000 1,947,000 195,000 Funding Total - 2,230,000 88,000 1 947;000 Attributes apartment _'ENG. SERVICES ub-Department RDS & STRUCT. , roject Approval , 3cation roject Classification 'New___ _ rogram/Activity C Reference No. , oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager 296 Project version partment oub-Department i Gallery I:1^DepartmentlCapital Worksl20M2017 Budgefl2017 Budget Maps132-330-17113.jpg Capital Projects rr � ,111"�II'111111 — — � = nnn e i -- - MEN on NE Sol1111 MEMBER I ' •e• --- e e e• Project Version Jepartment Sub -Department RDS & STRUCT. Municipality of clarington Capital Projects Green Rd Intersection -� Year 20 Description Project Description: This project is to complete preliminary and detailed design for this future intersection once Longworth Avenue is extended westerly to Green Road. The design will evaluate options for traffic control including the suitability of a roundabout at this location. Construction will occur in coordination with the Longworth Avenue construction. This intersection will be an important component of the Bowmanville transportation network providing greater flexibility for all users including active transportation. Location: Longworth Ave. and Green Road Budget Expenditures Design Expenditures Total 'unding _ 1eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total F- Total 2017 12078 1019 -2020 ,2021 '2022 '20231 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 25,410 25,410 25,410 25,410 Attributes epartment 'ENG. SERVICES ub-Department ARDS & STRUCT. --- - - -- r------__._.,.- --- -----�---- - ---- --- ---- -i roject Approval i_ )cation roject Classification 'New rogram/Activityi -----_--'-_-_-_.-___. .__ .. .. ... _.. ... ._._.__. ... ___.-_' C Reference No. oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager Project lersion epartment Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-17114JO(I mUMIpau Ly ui L,iaringLon Capital Prolects FQTURELONGMRTHAVENUI �D 1111111 1111111 1111111 CIIIII �� =1111111111 slllllllllll� ��: ==1111111111 =111111111111 j� _ � :11111111111= p�lllllo B I//// III/j X111111 D SDI s/%///41III� l/lllll� - ��-IIIIIIIII � n! • � �//////%�//%%�///1111 299 Project Xersion .iepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Plan I Year JENG. SERVICES I RDS & STRUCT. Descri tion Project Description: Longworth Ave to be constructed by the developer. This project includes the cost of upgrading the road from a local road to a Type C Arterial road in keeping with the Official Plan designation for Longworth Ave. Longworth Ave is an important east -west corridor through Bowmanville. In addition to supporting development the completion of this road link is in keeping of Clarington's Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location: Longworth Ave from Green Rd to Clarington Blvd. Budget Expenditures Design Construction Expenditures Total ..ending Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 300 / Total' .2017 2018 '2019 x2020 -2021 -2022 - d 20231 25,000 25,000 350,000 350,000 375,000 25,000 350,000 375,000 25,000 350,000 136,125 9,075 127,050 136,125 9,075 127,050 Development Charges Roads & Related 238,875 15,925 222,950 238,875 15,925 222,950 Funding Total 375,000 _ 25,000 Attributes 'Department _..._.____..___ 'ENG.SERVICES L______________ Sub -Department RDS & STRUCT. 'Project Approval 'Location 'Pro ect Classification ,_1___________.___.__.______._..___._____...._.._.__._...._ ;New - -_.__.__._.__....__.._.__._._......._..._._I 'Program/Activity IDC Reference No. 57 (2015) Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life 'Project Manager iviunicipauty of uarington Capital Projects Project 132-330-18101 Longworth Ave Oversizing (Green Rd to Clarin ton Blvd) version Ca ital Plan Year 2017 )artment ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery; la^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Mapsl32-330-18101.jpg FUTURE LONGWORTH AVENUE �D 1111111 1111111 1111111 101111/ =1111111111 =11111111111/ -� �='. =1111111111 allllllllllll ■ �e = = .11111111111_ �_ �////� SII/j X111111 ■ = 111 �//'1111 1111111/ �� � ////SII%I����IIIIIIIII . � ■ •• �����iiii�ili„//lll! 301 Project rsion .jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Claringto.n Capital Projects 8102 Longworth Ave Culvert at Brookhill Tributary Ian I Year 2017 RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: Construction of new culvert and associated works for Longworth Ave extension. This is a development charges project. The new creek crossing is within the limits of the project for Oversizing of Green Rd and is required to allow for the extension of Longworth Ave. In addition to supporting development, the completion of this road link is in keeping of Clarington's Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location: Longworth Ave at Brookhill Tributary East of Green Rd Budget Expenditures 302 Total' c2017 2018 '2019 2020 ;2021 7.2022 2023'. Design 67,000 67,000 .-rRDS Construction 960,000 Project Approval 960,000 I--- -- ---- 'Location 1,027,000 67,000 960,000 Expenditures Total 1,027,000 x 671000 960,000 jj - Lnding 58 (2015) --______.___.__._-._......L_._-_.__-.-._...... Road Segment No. _ Development Charges Project Manager Roads & Related 1,027,000 67,000 960,000 1,027,000 67,000 960,000 Funding Total 1 027,000 67,000 960,0.00 Attributes 'Department 'ENG. SERVICES ' _ ISub-Department .-rRDS & STRUCT._ Project Approval I--- -- ---- 'Location ----r Project Classification New - ,Program/Activity Dc Reference No. L.___ 58 (2015) --______.___.__._-._......L_._-_.__-.-._...... Road Segment No. _. _. _. .._.__.. .......... .. ... _--_..-_._.._... _. _........ .... _-_. ____.____.i I t Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 303 Capital Projects Project 32-330-18102 Longworth Ave Culvert at Biookhill Tributary Version Ca ital Plan Year 2017 partment JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery 1. kADepartmentlCapital WOrkS1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-330-18102Jpg e FUTURE LONGMRTH AVENUE ■= rimn nmil anm =n■r i� =1111111111 =11111111111 ■_ = iimm�� unl�lnn� ■NOWN -NINE "- illllllllll� ■= iiiio . �ioi �iliiiii � 111111= � 1//��riiiiiriiiiirrrrr •:,,�riiv�llllllll .. �i0rpiiiiiiiiill j ■ � Project version iepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 304 RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The project is for the Environmental Assessment (EA) to extend Baseline Rd from Lambs Rd to Bennett Rd. The 2017 budget allocation is to provide funds to initiate the process and complete some of the background work. Completion of the EA and detailed design will be budgetted for in future years to coordinate with the Region of Durham's proposed sanitary sewer servicing. The extension of Baseline Rd will improve the road network, and along with the Region's sanitary sewer, will allow for further development in the Technology Business Park. In addition to supporting development the completion of this road link is in keeping of Location: Baseline Road from Lambs Road to Bennett Road Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction l Expenditures Total Funding Development Charges Roads & Related 2, Total^ 2017 2018 2019 _2020 - 2021 !_2022 _ 2023% 142,000 225,000 5,000 1 220,000 142,000 Funding Total 2140,000 , 5,000 _ 220,000 1,915000 Attributes ,Sub-DepartmentRDS &STRUCT. ;Project Approval 1 IT Location ;Project Classification New f ,Program/Activity ;DC Reference No. 11 (2015) Road Segment No. r.__-----------._... �Ex ected Useful Life Project Manager Project Version apartment Sub -Department IRMS & STRUCT. Galle" la^DepatmentlCapital WorksUOM2017 BudgeA2017 Budget Maps132-330-18105.jpg municipan[y or Ularington Capital Projects BOWMANVILLE N w ,E -BASELINE RO D $ s 0 m m j*G�HvVAr4 0 sOu'"883ASELINE ROAD EXTENSION -EA 305 Project lersion epartment Sub -Department municipality of clarington . Capital Projects SIWALKS & WALKWAYS Description Project Description: The purpose of this project is to provide funds for the replacement of deficient sidewalk throughout the Municipality. Deficiencies include cracking, trip hazards, excessive slopes, etc. Also included are missing links in pedestrian facilities. Annual inspections are completed to assess priorities based on deficiencies, pedestrian usage and location. Location: Various locations Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction .. _� Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Total:: 2017 2018 -;2019 :2020 -2021 52022 2023.1 45,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 45,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 910,000 182,000 182,000 182,000 182,000 182,000 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 _; 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 r200,0,60 200,000 266,000_'_,__ 1,000,000 200 Funding Total 1,00 200,000 200,000 200,000 'L00,uuu _ [u0 uuu Attributes 'Department 'ENG. SERVICES Sub_Department IS/WALKS & WALKWAYS i Project Approval Not Approved •Location _ All Project Classification ;Replacement Pro ram/Activity 'S/WALK REPLACEMENT -UNSPECIFIED DC Reference No. Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life ..__._..._....�..--------...------.... '36-40 , ,Project Manager -,,Sean Bagshaw,_ i._ __ _ _ 306 Project Version partment Sub -Department municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Street Orono Sidewalk I Year 2— JS/WALKS &WALKWAYS Description Project Description: The project is for the construction of sidewalk to connect existing sidewalk on west side of Main St between Mill St and Millson Hill Dr. The work will be completed as part of the Region of Durham's project to reconstruct Main St north of Orono Creek to Taunton Road. When this 400m of new sidewalk is completed it will link the existing sidewalk south of Millson Hill Dr. to the existing sidewalk in downtown Orono. Location: Mill St to 360m north of Mill St, Orono Budget Total 2017 20,18 2019 2026 2021 2022 2023 Expenditures q Contract Admin. 8,000 8,000 Construction 92,000 92,000 100,000 100,000 Expenditures Total 100b90 100,000_ I I I I I - I'll, I I 1 Wing ... anicipal Tax Levy V.. ��,Umtm INV. I ,Expected Useful Cife roiectManager 307 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-331-13223 Main Street Orono Sidewalk I .Version Capital Plan Year 2017 Jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department ISIWALKS & WALKWAYS Gallery I:1^DepartmentlCapital WorksTOYM2016 BudgeA2016 Budget MapsW-331-13223Jpg _` a_ MAIN 308 Project ,Versiop partment Sub -Department Capital Projects 16102 North Street Sidewalk (George to F Plan I Year JENG. SERVICES SMALKS & WALKWAYS Description Project Description: The project is for the extension of sidewalk on North St from George St to Remi Court. The work will be coordinated with the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain required for servicing of North Newcastle Development north of CPR. Timing for construction will be determined by the timing for extension of services. Location: North Street from George Street to Remi Court. Budget Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total . finding Development Charges Roads & Related !! , Total ,201 T+ .2018 - 2019 - :2020 " ,2021 -2622 -2023' 12,750 12,750 8,500 8,500 63,750 63,750 85,000 85,000 85,000__ 85,000 85,000 Funding Total , .85,000_ _. 85,000 -------- ----- __ Attributes ;Department - •'ENG. SERVICES ' -- ,Sub-Department S/WALKS & WALKWAYS Project Approval ' I 'Location r Project Classification New F_.__..._______..._.___.__._—_�.___,____.__.. Program/Activity 1- -- -- -- - -- -- DC Reference No. ;Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life ,Protect Manager 310 Capital Projects Project 132-331-16102 North Street Sidewalk (George to Remi) _Version lCapital Plan Year 2017 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS Gallery I: NDepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budge82017 Budget Maps132-331-16102.Jpg 11111 � � Q1111�� ■■1 ■ /� ■111 illll� ��� I =' == 11111111. v ■ ! "� � '1 ' �� ' � .0 Imo► _I� lel ��� _- _- =�1;::rii 111111111►= NE— Illlllllo -_ -- - Irk _ _ ..��� �����unnn�i�w ■III■ Til _ 11001 NMI Project "-rsion t partment Sub -Department Ivlunlcipauty or uiarington Capital Projects 132-331-17106 Waverley Rd Sidewalk (Roeniak Dr to Kina St ------------------------------ West) )l Plan I Year iENG. SERVICES S/WALKS & WALKWAYS Description Project Description: The project is for the extension of sidewalk on Waverley Rd from Roenigk Dr to King St West. This is an in -fill project in an older developed area. There has been more development in the area and this section of road is the only remaining section that lacks sidewalks. Also included in this project are improvements to the intersection of Waverley Rd and Roenigk Dr to address issues with speeding and non-compliance with the stop control. The intersection will be restricted in width and re- aligned so that the roads meet at right angles. The completion of this road and sidewalk work is in keeping of Clarington's Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location. Waverley Road at Roenigk Drive Budget Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total finding nicipal Tax Levy r- iotas -.-. 201T 2018 2019 :2020 20212022 j2023 i -- — ———— ... _i.---. s ;Road Segment No. -- --- --- __.__. I.._._.____.__._. :Expected Useful Life i Protect Manager - -- --- - ' Municipality of Clarington 312 Capital Projects Project 32-331-17106 Waverley Rd Sidewalk Roeni k Dr to King St West Version Ca ital Plan Year 2017 }Department JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS Gallery, 1:1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-331-17106.jpg �.. •_� IN Project Version apartment Sub -Department municipality of clarington Capital Protects 313 Description Project Description: The project is for sidewalk in -fill on the west side of Liberty St to connect from the intersection of Bons Ave to the existing sidewalk on Jennings Dr. The sidewalk will provide a safe path of travel for pedestrians who currently walk on the shoulder on Liberty St. The completion of this sidewalk link is in keeping of Clarington's Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location: Liberty Street from Bons Avenue to Jennings Drive. Funding Total 120,000- 120,000 " Attributes woyaunient 'ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department S/WALKS ,Protect Approval Location Classification (Pro 1 New 'Program/Activtiv ity SDC Reference No.0 � - '5 'Road Segment No. I__. .:.--_---__. ... ._— -- IPEx roect Manager i Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-331-17107 Liberty St Sidewalk (Bons Ave to Jennings -west side) Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-DepartmentIS/WALKS & WALKWAYS Gallery I'MepartmentlCapital WorW201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-331-17107.Jpg 314 ROAD i Project _11 Trsion partment Sub -Department Capital Capital Plan I Year 12017 ENG. SERVICES TRAFFIC SGLS Description Project Description: Design 2017, Construction 2018. The signals will be required due to forecast traffic associated with the proposed development in the area and the future connection of Prince William Dr to Regional Road 57. The completion of this traffic control project is in keeping of Clarington's Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location: Clarington Blvd. and Prince William Dr. Budget Expenditures Design Construction Expenditures Total )nding evelopment Charges Roads & Related Funding Total ,,Total 'f 2017 2018 ,2019 `'2020 .,2021 ',i 2022 -2023= 25,000 25,000 260,000 25,000 235,000 260,000 25,000 235,000 260000? 25,000 235,000 Attributes 'Department 'ENG. SERVICES ' {Sub bepartment _..." .._ .... _.. _.._ ......_ _.'TRAFFIC SGLS Project Approval 'Location Project Classification 'New Program/Activity _----__.--_..._..___._._..--_L._._...._...._.... !DC Reference_ Road Segment No. (Expected Useful Life _ ;Project Manager _ - municipauty of Llarington Project 132-332-17001 Clarington Blvd at Prince William Dr Traffic Signals -,Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub -Department ITRAFFIC SGLS Gallery la^DepartmentlCapital WOrksTOI 12017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-332-17001.jpg .3 10 :� =��� i �\\llllllllllll -111111 VIII �� Project -:,Version lartment Sub -Department pau y or l liaringion Capital Projects 17002 Green Rd at Stevens Rd Traffic Si Plan I Year IENG. SERVICES TRAFFIC SGLS Description Project Description: Design 2017, Construction 2018. The signals are required to improve traffic operations at this intersection as traffic volumes in the area continue to grow with the increase in both residential and commercial development. The completion of this traffic control project is in keeping of Clarington's Strategic Plan goal of enabling safe, efficient traffic flow and active transportation. Location: Stevens Road and Green Road Budget' Expenditures Design Expenditures Total Funding ,elopment Charges Total'2017- 2018 2019 2020 2021 -2022 --:.2023 ;Location --- :P-- ... I - - - -- - - --- iPro'ectClassification New i t Program/Activity I -- ,DCReferenceNo. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Sia Project 132-332-17002 Green Rd at Stevens Rd Traffic Signals I Version Ca ital Plan Year 12017 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub -Department ITRAFFIC SGLS Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201712017 Budget12017 Budget Maps132-332-17002.jpg Project Version ?partment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects EROSION PROTECT Descri tion Project Description: The work involves erosion remediation works within watersheds impacted by increased development within the watersheds. Due to the every changing demands of this type of remedial work a specific location has not been identified as it allows staff to be more reactive to specific situations that may arise after the Capital Budget has been submitted for approval. Much of this work will occur along our main creek systems, Bowmanville Creek, Soper Creek, Farwell Creek, Tooley Creek, Oshawa Creek, Wilmot Creek and Foster Creek, and will typically be implemented to protect either infrastructure, parkland or private property. Location: Budget Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total Funding eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges 319 local Zon 20182019 2020 ?2021 2022 2023; 333,300 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 333,300 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 .___.__.___,______. ;Project Classification 'Betterment I..___._______.____- ._._._._.___. ,Program/Activity i � -__.___.---- SDC Reference No.--'-,-_--_-.__. .__:Table 4, 1.1.8 (2015) ;Road Segment No. ,Expected Useful Life ;Project Manager 2017 36 OPERATIONS 325 PARK 36-325-10100 Various Park Upgrades 36-325-10110 Park Furniture / Equipment Total 325 PARK 326 CEMETERY 36-326-10200 Bowmanville Cemetery 36-326-12300 Columbarium Total 326 CEMETERY 330 RDS & STRUCT. 36-330-14200 Retaining Walls Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 36-370-09320 Orono Town Hall 36-370-09500 Emergency Services - Station #5 36-370-10340 Various Community Buildings 36-370-11500 Various Arenas 36-370-17100 Clarington Stormwater Pond Cleanout 36-370-17200 MAC Improvements Total 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 380 RD MNTCE 36-330-10100 Rural Road Resurfacing Total 380 RD MNTCE 388 FLEET 36-388-10100 Fleet Replacement - Roads 36-388-10150 Fleet New - Roads 36-388-10200 Fleet Replacement —Parks Total 388 FLEET Total 36 OPERATIONS l Department/Project Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 155,000 (25,000) Reserves Reserve Development Funds Charges (130.000) 25,000 (2,500) (22.500) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 35,000 (35,000) 15,000 (15,000) 152,000 (152,000) 55,000 (55,000) 1,220,000 (305,000) (915,000) Debt Debentures 865,000 (865,000) 60,000 (6,000) (54 nnn) 320 Capital Projects Project 136-325-10100 Various Park Upgrades Version lCapital Plan Year 2017 ,partment JOPERATIONS pub -Department IPARK Descriotion Project Description: Surfacing sport courts $50,000; Memorial Park south field renovation $105,000; Location: To be determined Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding •micipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Budaet I I I I I 1 11 11 I 355,000 155,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 355,000 155,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 3551000' 155 000 50,000 50 000 50;000 50 000 125,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 '25,000 25,000 - 125,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Reserve Funds Project Approval--------^ ------- --------- ---------------__-.-___----_-_ Not Approved LocationAll Facilities / Parks Maintenance 230,000 130,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 230,000 130,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Funding Total 355 000_ 155 000 ""'too 6 50,000 -50'000 50 900 zi Attributes 'Department_ _ 'OPERATIONS - �----------------'------f----'---_----------------------'-1 FS--Dep_art_m_ent------------""!PARK Project Approval--------^ ------- --------- ---------------__-.-___----_-_ Not Approved LocationAll -- -- - ----- - Pro ect Classification _ _ ---_.-----._----" -__ --'--------._-.._._-_.._.--- Betterment 'Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No _ Expected Useful Life Project Manager _-`---------- ------ -------- Project `Version Department Sub -Department PARK municipality or clarington Capital Projects 0110 Park Furniture/ Equipment Ian I Year Description Project Description: To replace playground structure in accordance with CSA Playspace Guidelines. Location: To be determined. Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Facilities / Parks Maintenance Funding Total !, Total_ - _ .2017_ - _ 2018 2019 2020 _ ,2021_.2022 2023 580,000 90,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 580.000 90.000 110.000 120.000 130,000 130,000 580,000 90,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 580,000 90,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 �` 580,000 90,000 110,000 120 U00 130;000 ' _ 130 000 Attributes JGG ub-Department PARK— — roiect Approval ,Not Approved ocation roject Classification rogram/Activity ,Replacement C Reference No. oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager JGG Project Version ti epartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects CEMETERY Description project Description: Bowmanville Cemetery Expansion - Design 323 Expenditures Total anding .iunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 123,750 2,500 100,000 21,250 123,750 2,500 100,000 21,250 Project -.,,Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 36-326-12300 Columbarium lCapital Plan Year 12017 OPERATIONS CEMETERY Descriotion Project Description: Installation of columbarium Location: - Bondhead Cemetery 324 ub-Department (CEMETERY roject Approval . Dcation 'Ward 4 ' -----—_—- -- ——— __...__—_-'_-'--'---------- ___.--'---------_—_—'_._—_ roject Classification New rogram/Activity C Reference oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager I Budget Total_, 201.7, `- 2018 _ 2019 _ 2020-. 2021',,...2022 _:, 2023,,, Expenditures ' Miscellaneous 135,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 135,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Expenditures Total 135,000 45,000 45,000 ` 45,000, ub-Department (CEMETERY roject Approval . Dcation 'Ward 4 ' -----—_—- -- ——— __...__—_-'_-'--'---------- ___.--'---------_—_—'_._—_ roject Classification New rogram/Activity C Reference oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager I Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 136-330-14200 Retaining Walls _Version Capital Plan Year 2017 ,)partment OPERATIONS oub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: Replace retaining walls Location: To be determined I Budget 325 Expenditures Construction 280,000 .50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 280,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 Expenditures Total L. 280,000; - — 50 000 - 50000 50,000 000 - 70 Funding LL603000 unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 280,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 280,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 Funding Total9,%(L » 50 000 50;000 --LO-62 , Attributes Sub -Department RDS &STRUCT.-._—-----._—'-------_�.------'-----_.___I }.___________._—___._�_— _.___—_.__--__--__ ._______ 'Project Approval NotA roved F' "-------'�"—.—"'"""'--'"I PP i--------- --- - i--- - ----- -1 Location Project 'Replacement Re lacement Program/Activity_.._._..________.r_---.___.___—._---_.--____---I--_.________ __ __-.--_-- DCReference No. I -'-------------I Road Segment No 'Expected Useful Life �--_._.--___.------"---------_,- ____-I Protect Manager I Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 136-370-09320 Orono Town Hall I .Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 'Department JOPERATIONS Sub -Department IBLDG & PROP. SERV. Description Project Description: Boiler Replacement Location: Main Street, Orono Budget Expenditures Equipment 35,000 35,000 Expenditures Total 35000'x: 35,000 326 epaiuuaui v='' 110 IBLDG & PROP. SERV. ____ ub-Department INot Approved roject Approval Dcation roject Classification__ _ rogram/Activity ;ORO NO TOWN HALL C Reference oad Se mant No. r ; cted Useful Life roject Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 36-370-09500 Emergency Services - Station #5 I Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 apartment JOPERATIONS Sub -Department IBLDG & PROP. SERV. Description Project Description: Furnace replacement. Station #5 - Enniskillen Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding ,inicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 327 Total ..2017. _ .2018_. .2019. .2020 _2021 _ 2022 2023 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 __15,000_- 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 �uI wuwa Attribute . - Value , I Comment ub_Department — _ — _ — BLDG & PROP. SERV. roject Approval — _ — _ _ Approved -- ———— ————————-— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----- ------ r-------------------------------------------- - - -� - I kation ----------- ---- --------———————— —————— roject Classification r rogram/Activity — — _ — — _ —F/STN#5 BLDG MTNCE -- ---- ----- -------- ---------------- CReference No. oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life ----------------------- rojedManager ------------L--------- ——————— �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. _ _L _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ Project version department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 36-370-10340 Various BLDG & PROP. SERV. Year 12017 328 Description Project Description: Various roof replacements as detailed in the 2010 Roof Assessment Audit' Location: Budget Total 2017. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023: Expenditures Construction 696,000 152,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 iDCReference No. ----------'------------_.---------1------------------------- 696,000 152,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 Expenditures Total ;-' 696,000 152,000 P.., 136,000 136,000 136,000 130,000 __. oing _. icipal Tax Levy J.C- Municipal Tax Levy 696,000 152,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 696,000 152,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 - Funding Total 696,000 152,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 'Department - 'OPERATIONS F-----------------F____.___..___.__._..____,...______I________...___________._._...._.____.____._.1 Su_b_Dep_art_m_ent 'BL_D_G_&_PR_O_P. SERV. - - rProjedApproval---------K-App-------------------F--.___..__--____._...__.._..__.________--I (Location--------------i------_-----------------r___......_-----_-----------_---1 -------- --'---------'---- ------- r-- Pr_oject Classification Betterment >-- ----------------------- - - - - rProgram/Activity------- F ----------------------F-------.------------------- iDCReference No. ----------'------------_.---------1------------------------- ---1 rRo_ad.S_egm_ent_No_.----------1-----------------------r-------.--------------------1 ,Expected Useful Life---------r-----------------------.j---------------------------1 ---------- --------._------------ 1--__----- r- Project Manager ---------------- r--------- i J Project Version partment Sub -Department municipality of clarington Capital Projects 329 Description Project Description`. Structural Repairs To be determined Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding inicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds - Facilities / Parks Maintenance Funding Total Budget 250,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 305 000;_ 55 000_ a __50 000 ... 700 000 50j000 50 000 Attribute's' _ �Sub-Department-_-__-_-----FBL_D_G_&_PROP SERV. _______________._----- - - - - -- r--.-- - - - - - - - --------------- r ------------------------- 'ProlectApproval -----_.-_,_.__-.__._F_______._____.___.____-.___I-._-----__._____._______.__._. Approved Location r- cation -- — ------� ------ '- -----' � --- -------- ----- ----I Project Classification Project New LProgram/Activity DC Reference No. -- Road Segment No. --- - -- .___--'-'------'-- ---_----------------'----- Expected Useful Life Project Manager Project Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington BLDG & PROP. SERV. Description Project Description: Three ponds have been identified as high priority and have been identified in our Clean Water Wastewater Fund Program submission. Ponds are identified as follows: Robert Adams Pond Rehabilitation and Sediment cleanout $180,000; West Side Pond Rehabilitation and Sediment cleanout $600,000; Clarnew Pond Rehabilitation and Sediment cleanout $440,000. Financing is 1/2 Federal, 1/4 provincial and 1/4 municipal. The scope of the project is contingent on the approval of our submission. Location; As specified Budget Total... 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023`: Expenditures Construction 1,220,000 1,220,000 ProjectA_p-------- IT--i-------------=-r----------------------r--------------------------I 1,220,000 1,220,000 Expenditures Tota/ 1,220,000 1 220116";'`, ,,,,,..�.. a- �'{?. tea., -ati. ,..,._-<,_r....-.. •,.�;:,,��... -Funding - - - _ - - r--------------- --------r------------.--------- - - - - - I _ _xternal Financing - - - -- - - -r- - - - - - - - - - '- -.- - - - - - - - -- -r- --- -- ----- ---------- - - - - - I Grants -Federal 610,000 610,000 Grants -Province 305,000 305,000 r------------------r-------- Project Manager 915,000 915,000 Municipal Tax Levy -----------------L------.-----------------.-. .-_.I Municipal Tax Levy 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 Funding Total -- 1,220,000 1,220,000 Attributes Attrihute ��.... Value - - Comment' - 330 ,Department - Sub-Dep_art_m_ent--------- 'OPERATIONS _ _ _ -b---- PROP.SERV.-------_-_--r--_-----------------------.---I BLDG & ' ProjectA_p-------- IT--i-------------=-r----------------------r--------------------------I ------- r ----------- - - - - - - - - -- -r----------------------"---I -- Project Classification. ------ -- ------ Betterment - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r----------- - Program/Activity - - - _ - - r--------------- --------r------------.--------- - - - - - I F___ere---_ -- - C Ref - - - -- - - -r- - - - - - - - - - '- -.- - - - - - - - -- -r- --- -- ----- ---------- - - - - - I r----------- Road Segment -------r-------------- --------r--------------------- - - - - - I _No. - - - rExpected Useful Life - ----- -'r -- - -' - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -r- - - - - - --------- ---- --------- I r------------------r-------- Project Manager -------------= --------------- r=---------- I L ---------- --------L----- -----------------L------.-----------------.-. .-_.I Project Version apartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Descri tion Project Description: The improvements involve a variety of areas that need to be dealt with to ensure that the MAC building is kept in good working order. The work will involve the following: main boiler replacement, roof replacement, curtain wall, accessibility improvements, audio visual system updating, lighting retrofits and building security. The total amount also includes professional fees and a 10% contingency amount for the projects. Location: - 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Budget Expenditures Consulting Renovation 1 Expenditures Total ending abentures Debentures Funding Total r; Total," 2017- „ 2018 "2019 ' 2020 "2021 %2022 ' 20231 97,342 97,342 1,199,467 1,199,467 1,296,809 1,296,809 ti 296 809_ _1 1 Y '6A' i 9 1,296,809 1,296,809 1,296,809 1,296,809 1 296_809'. _'1,296;609 ub-Department BLDG & PROP. SERV. ----- - - - -I ----------' - - -- --- r -- - ---- ---- -- -I roject "Approval _-- xation — ------�-—— ——— ————— —— —--——— — — — — --'---i -- roject Classification ,Betterment— — —— rogram/Activity I C Reference No. - ._________-__-_.__ dad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager 331 Project Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 332 RD MNTCE Description Project Description: Surface treatment on rural roads within the Municipality Location: To Be Determined Budget Expenditures Consulting Contract Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserves Pits & Quarries Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts Funding Total Total::- 2017 2018 , 2019_ ^2020 2021 [3022 --'-2-6-231 150,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 9,380,000 1,400,000 1,885,000 1,885,000 2,055,000 2,155,000 9,380,000 1,400,000 1,885,000 1,885,000 2,055,000 2,155,000 850,000 150,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 850,000 150,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 Attributes. ub-Department ,RD MNTCE ________—_ _.__ ._._.__.-...—.__._..._E. .__. _. ..-_... _-_. _..______ _ I_______.____..__. _. _ __. __-_. _. ._____... roject Approval Not Approved Dcation All roject Classification !Betterment rogram/Activity F C Reference No. oad Segment xpected Useful Life roject Manager Project Version 'apartment Sub -Department municipality of Glarington Capital Projects FLEET Description Project Description: To replace equipment in accordance with Resolution #GPS -475-93 "Criteria used to determine when to replace Vehicles and Heavy Equipment'. #01004 — 2001 Case Backhoe/loader $150,000; #01540— 2001 International Single Axle Truck $240,000; #05007 — 2005 John Deere Tractor $230,000; #05553 — 2005 Vermeer Chipper $85,000; #09511 — 2009 Dodge %2 ton 4x4 Truck $50,000; #07503 — 2007 2 Ton c/w sander & plow $110,000 Location: Bud et 333 y-201 Z"I',2_0.18 2019 , 2626,"2021 `2022 ; 2023 Expenditures _- Fleet Replacement Expenditures Total Funding eserve Funds Operations Equipment Funding Total ub-Department ———————"—FLEET------'----------.-----�--------------------------i --- p '-----------'— --- roject Approval Not Approved ocation All ___—____—_____._ I roject Classification_ _ -Replacement rogram/Activity C Reference No. - ---------'------_'-"—i'------'-'---'-----'-----__ oad Segment Na. � I xpected Useful Life �. roject Manager Project Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 334 FLEET Description Project Description: As per DC Study: 5.1.15 1/2 ton pick up truck $40,000; 5.1.23 small equipment upgrades $20,000 Location: Budget Funding Total 2,034,000 60,000 725,000 579,000 360,000 310,000 _ .'j Total -2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 .2022 _ 2023; Expenditures F- - - - - - -- - - ---------- - - - - - I ovation roject Classification New Fleet Replacement 2,034,000 60,000 725,000 579,000 360,000 310,000 x_pe_ct_ed_U_se_ful Life 2,034,000 60,000 725,000 579,000 360,000 310,000 Expenditures Total 2,034;000 60,000 725,000 579,000 360,000 310,000 .-,•,-_ ;u -Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 203,400 6,000 72,500 57,900 36,000 31,000 203,400 6,000 72,500 57,900 36,000 31,000 Development Charges Operations Department 1,830,600 54,000 652,500 521,100 324,000 279,000 Funding Total 2,034,000 60,000 725,000 579,000 360,000 310,000 _ .'j - FLEET ----------- -._- ub-Department ------------------ Approval " ------- - Not Approved -- --- -- roject ------------- - - - - - r--------------'------ F- - - - - - -- - - ---------- - - - - - I ovation roject Classification New r_ogram/Activity _ OReference No. - - - _____-'i5.1.15 5.1.23 --------- - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - -r--------------- -- ---- _F .- - -------- -- - - i -------r---------------------- - - - - - I ------ oad Segment No. ---------- --- - - - - -I ------------ - - - - - -t- - - -- -------------- - - - - - i x_pe_ct_ed_U_se_ful Life rojectManager-----------------_-_.____.________________m.___-___________I ____--____.___-_..__-______L_---.-----------__..._--_----1 Project Version I 'apartment oub-Department FLEET Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 0_200 Fleet Replacement - Parks Ian I Year Description Project Description: To replace equipment in accordance with Resolution #GPS -475-93 "Criteria used to determine when to replace Vehicles and Heavy Equipment". #02526 - 2002 Case Backhoe/loader $140,000; #91011 - 1991 Trailer $10,000; Location: Budget Expenditures Fleet Replacement Expenditures Tota/ -funding 'eserve Funds 335 Total_ 20172018 ' 2019 202o 12021 ,. 2022 2023;j rtuau Jegrnent rvo. Expected Useful Life (Project Manager "" i 2017 Department/Project 12 COM. SERVICES 421 FAC. 42-421-14702 FAC ADMIN -Annual Building Studies 42-421-14801 SCA - Heat Pump Compressor Partial Replacement 42-421-14804 SCA - Banquet Tables/Chairs Partial Replacement 42-421-15406 RRC - Concession Equipment 42-421-15410 RRC - West Entrance Exterior Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements 42-421-15411 RRC - Olympia Room Overhead Doors 42-421-15516 CCC - Fitness Equipment Replacement 42-421-16202 NDRC - Pool Dehumidification Unit Refurbishment 42-421-16402 RRC - Makeup Air Unit #1 42-421-17101 ASC - Pool Changeroom Shower Privacy Partitions 42-421-17102 ASC - Interior Window and Door Replacement 42-421-17103 ASC - Portable/Accessible Pool Stairs 42-421-17104 ASC - Exterior Benches - Traffic Control Measure 42-421-17203 NDRC - Emergency Exit Light - Replacement 42-421-17401 RRC - Capital Improvements 42-421-17402 RRC - Community Hall Furnishings & Equipment 42-421-17403 RRC - Ice Edger 42-421-17404 RRC - Ride On Scrubber 42-421-17503 CCC - Pool Change Room Tile & Grout Upgrades 42-421-17505 CCC - External LED Lighting Upgrades 42-421-17506 CCC - MUA - 2 Replacement Fitness Change Rooms 42-421-17507 CCC - Accessibility Door Operator Retrofit 42=421-17508 CCC - Library Skylight Repairs 42-421-17701 FAC ADMIN - Furnishings & Equipment 42-421-17801 SCA - Dasherboard Repairs 42-421-17802 SCA - On -Demand Hot Water Heating for Ice Resurfacer 42-421-17803 SCA - Emergency Exit Light Replacement 42-421-17804 SCA - Ice Resurfacer - Replacement 42-421-17805 SCA - Ice Edger - Replacement 42-421-17806 SCA - Fire Alarm Panel - Replacement 42-421-17807 SCA - Asphalt Replacement - Exterior Snow Dumping Area 42-421-17902 BIS - Exit & Emergency Light - Replacement 42-421-17903 BIS -Athletic Program Netting System & Equipment Total 421 FAC. Total 42 COM. SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 34,500 (34,500) Reserves Reserve Development Funds Charges 17,000 (17,000) 6,200 (6,200) 5,000 (5,000) 20,000 (20,000) 10,000 (10,000) 54,000 (54,000) 120,000 (120,000) 36,000 (36,000) 10,500 (10,500) 18,500 (18,500) 6,000 (6,000) 5,200 (5,200) 12,000 (12,000) 1,010,000 110,000 (110,000) 6,000 (6,000) 21,000 (21, 000) 22,500 (22,500) 19,100 (19,100) 78,000 (78,000) 16,400 (16,400) 14,500 (14,500) 10,500 (10,500) 40,000 (40,000) 28,000 (28,000) 9,000 (9,000) 90,000 (90,000) 6,000 (6,000) 36,000 (36,000) 12,000 (12,000) 14,000 (14,000) DC Debt Debentures (1,010,000) 336 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-14702 FAC ADMIN - Annual Building Studies Version ICapital Plan Year 2017 /artment ICOM. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Description Project Description: 2016 - NDRC Pool Dehurnid'rficationEngineering 2016 - RRC Pad A Floor Investigation 2016 - CCCINDRC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2016 - BIS Feld W Unit Engineering 2017 - Accessibility Audits RRCtCCC 2017 - RRC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2018 - Designated Substance Surveys Location: Various Recreation Facilities Budget Expenditures . Consulting ^,nding Expenditures Total JJ/ Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023-' 103,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 103,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 103,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 Itcipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 103,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 103,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 Funding Total 103,500 34,500 34,500. 34,500 CF 41 III ICI II VVIVI. JCRV IIiCJ ub-Department --t— — — — — — rojectApproval— FAC. — ——— ——— —— —————_ --———— — Not Approved — —------ _ —————————————————————————— ---------- — _ _ — — _ _ r------------- ---------r--------------------- - - - - -I ovation — — — — — — Combination_ r — roject Classification ------------ _ — _ _ _ —FNew --- -- ------- ------ rogram/Activity CReference No. ------------------r--------------------.--I---------------------------I oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life roject Manager .--_----_-_-----.-___L George Acorn -- ------------------L----.-------_---_-_--___-__1 Project Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 338 Description Project Description: Partial Replacement of Heat Pump Compressors that provide heating for arena common areas. Compressor estimated life cycle is 10-12 years. Failure of units has started to occur. Approximately 4 units per year. Location`. 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON LIE 2P2 Budget Total 2017 2018 .2019 2020 2021 2022 2023, Expenditures Equipment 68,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Comment 68,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Expenditures Total _ 68,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 _ _ . Funding ----- ----- ---'---- Project Classification ---------'-'------ Replacement ------------------------ -------- - - _ - - Program/Activity tivity - _ - F------ ------------ Reserve Funds N_o. DC _Reference _ �RoS----------'C----------------------�---------------------------I I Federal Gas Tax Receipts 68,000 ,17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 ---------------------------- 68,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Funding Total 68,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000' J Attributes Attribute ,-. Value Comment Department'COM. -----"--- SERVICES -rFA_C.--------'.____._....-------r"-'--------------------'-----I Sub -Department ProjectApproval----------r Not Approved --------------^+F------------_________-----i I -- -------- - - - - - LocationWard - -P - - - - - - - - - -' 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -t -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i ----- ----- ---'---- Project Classification ---------'-'------ Replacement ------------------------ -------- - - _ - - Program/Activity tivity - _ - F------ ------------ ---- ----f- ----------------- --I N_o. DC _Reference _ �RoS----------'C----------------------�---------------------------I 17 - _ad-- _ egm_ent_No. UsefulLife-------- --j----------- -—----------'I-------------'------ ---- -- - - I --------- --------- ProjectManager ----------'-'----' Adorn ---------------------------- ----_____George ---_-.-----L.---------------------------i J Project Version partment Sub -Department Description: Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Partial replacement of banquet tables and carts 2017 - 20 tables and 2 carts 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 339 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 20231 Expenditures Furniture 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 .� cxix Expenditures Total 6,200'. 6,2.00'3,a 'unding serve Funds CIS Capital 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 Funding Total 6,200. 6,200 Attributes ' Attribute Value �- . � ; - comment,,. ; Department -----�f-FA_G.-----------_... r.___--_.-_______ 'Sub C_OM_. SERVICES _._--------t------------ -----_-_-_ -Department ----- FProjectApproval------rNo_t_Ap_proved----------- ------ I---_---------y-------_-----I rLoc-- ----'----------I'Wa- --- -----------r--------------------------- I-cation ----- -------- Project Classification i-------------------- Replacement --F--------------------------'I FProgram/Activity-- - - - - - - - - j -- ----------------- - ----- --------------------'-------i FD_C N_o.---------------------------------F---------------------------i _Reference ------- rRo_adS_egm_enl_No_. Road F -_ - - - - - - -- --- '- - - - -- - - - - - - - - t -- ------ --- ---------- -- ---- I Fed Useful Life-__------t"----------------------j----------------------------I �- ---------- Project Manager George Acorn -------------I - - - L ------___ Project —ersion iepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington 340 Capital Projects Capital Plan Year 12017 COM. SERVICES FAC. Description Project Description: 2017 - Replacement of deep fryer and warming unit. 2108 - Replacement of double freezer Location: 2440 Highway West, Bowmanville, ON LIC OK6 Budget Expenditures Equipment Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ' 2023J 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Expenditures Total 10,000 5,000 - 5,000 -unding _. eserve Funds C/S Capital 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Funding Total 10,000 5,000 5,000 - a Qi iio,u _____ _ Yvv i. v"I% v iv..v __L_.___ __ IFAC. _-._____.__________________I ub-Department _ _ ---—— — --— — ——— —————————————————— roject Approval ocation ------------------ Ward 2 ----_—_--_--- --- ---_------------"------ rojectClassification _ ---------- — _ _Replacement r-------------------- -F-------------_---------I rogram/Activity C Reference No. ------------------r------------_------__-F___-_-_-------------_-____I oad Segment No. xpeded Gseful Life roject Manager —__---..----. George Acorn ..L -- -----------.______._L—____-_--_____ _I Project -Version apartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects - West Entrance Exterior Pedest Year - ICOM. SERVICES I FAC. Description Project Description: Replacement of overgrown bushes along the west side of the facility. Sodding and re -seeding as needed, includes the purchase of exterior seating for patron use. This work will be completed in conjunction with the re -opening of the community hall. The design will help the re -focus on the new main entrance being created in the renovation. Location:` - 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 Budget Expenditures Miscellaneous Expenditures Total 5unding rntcipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 341 Total- 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2uzs 20,000 20,000 20,000. 20,000 .20,000 20,000 - Attribute - Value- Comment Department 'COM. SERVICES ___-__-_____-.--_.I__________.__._.._i________.___.__._._________.____I Su_b-Departmant - - _ _ _ 'roject FAC. _--_-_j_--------------'-----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _�.___--_-__-_-___--____-_-_-I pproval -------------------F---------- - Ward 2 ---'------'----_----__--_-_------I Location ------------------- - Pr_oj_ra Classification - - - - -Betterment I' ----------------------j-_--------_------------_-- Program/Activity------ -- --------------- j-------------- r-------------------------- ------=--- I DC Reference No. ----------------'---r-------'-_-_-_--------_r--------------------------I Road Segment No. - _ Expected Useful Life __-_.---_____ George Acorn - Project Manager ____._.-___.__L__ _..._______ -___- ______-________________ .-___ I Project `rersion iepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: 2017 - Replacement of exterior overhead rolling metal door including motor and hardware 2018 - Replacement of two interior overhead doors from ice resurfacer room to arenas Location: 2440 Highway West, Bowmanville, ON L1C OK6 Budget Attributes Attribute Value Comment ;Department 'COM. SERVICES Sub -Department _ - _ - FAC. ------------------- ---------------I Project Approval L - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Location 'Ward 2 ^ ---------- ------------ ----- - - - - -" ---------"---------- Project Classification Replacement ------------------ ------ ------------ ------- ----_ Program/Activity ------ -- ------------ DC ReferenceNo. F___ _ Ro_adS_egm_ent_----------------------�-_.----------�----------------------------I r--------.--r_--_-._-_-__----------_-.�.__.------------------------ Expected Useful I -- --- --- _--- - -- - ---------------- ----------------------------- ProjectManager -..George Acorn - - - - - - -L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - i 342 L�:,_2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Expenditures Renovation 30,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 Expenditures Total 30,000 10,000 20,000 -C ding erve Funds C/S Capital - 30,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 Funding Total 30,000 - 10,000 20,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment ;Department 'COM. SERVICES Sub -Department _ - _ - FAC. ------------------- ---------------I Project Approval L - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Location 'Ward 2 ^ ---------- ------------ ----- - - - - -" ---------"---------- Project Classification Replacement ------------------ ------ ------------ ------- ----_ Program/Activity ------ -- ------------ DC ReferenceNo. F___ _ Ro_adS_egm_ent_----------------------�-_.----------�----------------------------I r--------.--r_--_-._-_-__----------_-.�.__.------------------------ Expected Useful I -- --- --- _--- - -- - ---------------- ----------------------------- ProjectManager -..George Acorn - - - - - - -L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - i 342 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-15516 CCC - Fitness Equipment Replacement Version JCapital Plan Year 2017 partment COM. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Description Project Description: Partial replacement of fitness equipment according to the equipment renewal program: 2016 - 10 Spin Bikes, 2 StairMasters, 2 Strength Machines, 1 Stationary Bike 2017 - 3 Treadmills, 3 Cross -trainers, 4 Strength Machines 2018 - 3 Bikes, 7 Strength Machines, 7 Spin Bikes, 1 Treadmill, 1 StairMaster 2019 - 2 Cross -trainers, 2 Treadmills, 3 Spin Bikes, 3 Strength Machines Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding nicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 343 Total. 2017 2018 2019 -2020 2021 2022 2023 _ . '. 170,000 - 54,000- - "58,000 170,000 54,000 58,000 58,000 170,000 54,000 58,000 58,000 170,000 54,000 58,000. 58,000 Attributes Attribute Value Com menjgg ; �z '-- 'Department _ _ _ _ 'C_OM_. SERVICES –––--––––– FFAC. –– —___...--'-�. -.----_____._�---_--'–_------ Sub-Department _ Project Approval -----_-- k _ __Ap_p____ Not --------------------------- ------_--------FWard1 -------------------- ---–– –_-- – – – F -- – – – – ––– ––––––––-––– – – – – – ––-I Location F-------------------F-------------------'---F--------------------------I Project Classification Replacement _ _ FProgram/Activity – – _ _ – j -----------------------F------------------------_– –––– FDCReference No. ––– ––--– F -- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – F --'– – – – – – – – – ––– ––– –– ––– ––– – – I FRo_adS----------F ---------------------- F --_------------___-------I FExp––ExpecteUseful Life-------_–_–F----------------------F---------------------------'I F------'------ Project Manager L F---_-'----------- ---F------------------'-- ------ -----I _ – _ – _ _,Sharon Meredith – _ __-._.-..______L_-_-___ --- _--.-_--.- ----- _ - - - - _I Project Version Oepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington FAC. Description Project Description: This project would include modifications to the existing pool area de -humidification system. In addition to mechanical improvements that will reduce ongoing service/repairs, this work will result in significant energy savings year-round. Indoor air quality will also be improved. Location: 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON L1 B 1 E2 Budget Expenditures Equipment 344 �Tofat�` 2017= r 2018 t'- 2019 -2020 2021 2022 - - 20231 120,000 120,000 Expenditures Total 12 12o,00o ' 0,000 - ._...Funding ._ �eserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Funding Total - - 120,000 120,000 iAttribuW ,i„,.; IValue . 'I 2& I _� Comment I epartment - ---------------- 1 Department 'COM. SERVICES ------------ ---- _---- r -------- -- -- ----- - 1 ---_ - - _ _ - FAC. -----I--------------- ---------I------------- _------- - - - - - I roject Approval ocation ------------------ Classification Ward 4 -------------'-- ------__________-------- roject _ - - - - -Betterment rogram/Activity CReference No. ------------- ----- i -- - - _ - - - - - - - - -- - _ - - - - - - - f -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---I oad Segment No. xpedted Useful Life --- - - i - rojectManager _._______________L George Acorn __ _-._.-._-..____ _ --_-_-_ --------------.-_-__-_-----.i Project `tersion apartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Replacement of Makeup Air Unit servicing Pad B Dressing Rooms area. This unit was originally installed in 1998 and will be reaching 18 years of operation in 2016. In recent years the service needs of this unit have increased. The unit has been assessed in poor condition on most recent facility condition audit. Location; 2440 Highway West, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C OK6 Budget Expenditures 345 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023; Equipment 36,000 36,000 'Department _ _ --------.---jFAC.----------------------------------.._----------------I 36,000 36,000 Expenditures Total 36,000 36,000 'trnding - - r -------- - - - - 2 ------- -r- - ----- - - - - -- iserve Funds —— —— ——— Replacement —— ———— ——— —————————————————————•—— Federal Gas Tax Receipts 36,000 36,000 ——_ __——— FDCReferenceNo. — 36,000 36,000 Funding Total 36,000 36,000 Attribute I :,.;;`�.ti.,' Value Comment 'Department _ _ --------.---jFAC.----------------------------------.._----------------I 'C_OM_. SERVICES Sub -Department rSub-DtA rtment-----------j------------------------�------------------------_--I Projecproval r--.----- -- - LocationWard - - r -------- - - - - 2 ------- -r- - ----- - - - - -- --——— — Project Classification —— —— ——— Replacement —— ———— ——— —————————————————————•—— _ _ _ _ _ _ rProgram/Activity _ _ r --------------- �----------------------------- ——_ __——— FDCReferenceNo. — — — j - ---- — — — — — — — -- — -- — — — — — — — — — —j- — — -- — ——— ---—— —— --—— ———— — — — —- - I rRo_adS_egm_ent_No_.------------j- ------------------------- �--------------------------- I 17--- Useful Life -----__^—r6-20 --------------------- -------------------------- I--------- ---------- Project Manager r - -- - — George Acorn t i — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L-__-_--_L--------------___-_-__L-.-___---__----___-_--_-______-1 Project Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Supply/install privacy partitions for the shower areas in the male and female changerooms. Patron feedback supports this project. Location: 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 21-8 Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds CIS Capital Funding Total 346 Total 2017. 2018 ,2019 2020 2021 .2022 2023 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,600- 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 - 10,500 r+w wawa Attribute IValue - - Comment - Department 'COM. SERVICES — — — — Sub -Department FProjectApproval-----------'-------------------------------------------.-------I 'FAC. 17 ----------- Location --- - - - - - -- --- ------ - ----I -Project Classification— Ward 3 ---- --------------------- — — — Program/Activity — — — _ _Betterment DC Reference No. —--------———— Road Segment No. ————— --———————— ———-- ---- -- - -t - --------------— ---- -- ---' 1 -------------------r------------------------ Expected Useful Life ---------------------------- I--------------------r--- Project Manager ------------------r------------------ Acorn ------ - - -- -I ____George — —— -----_— ^ — — — — i --—— —————————— Municipality of Clarington 347 Capital Projects Project 42-421-17102 ASC - Interior Window and Door Replacement Version lCapital Plan Year 12017 partment ICOM. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Description Project Description: Replace various exterior windows and frames at north exit stairwell and squash court viewing area. Replace original window/door unit (including frame) at deck side ofwhirlpooVsauna area. Also, replace three interior metal door and frames. All this material is original from 1982 and was not included in the recent renovation project. Location 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 21-8 Budget Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding serve Funds Cis Capital Funding Total Total 2017. 2018 2019 2020 .2021 2022. 2023; 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500. _ Attributes Attribute Value - Comment.. ;` „fi;: Department ICOM SERVICES t Su_b_Dep_art_m_ent W ---------_F---------------'-------�-----------------------------i FAC. Project Approval _— — — Ward 3 — — —_---_—_—_ Location Project Classification Replacement FProgram/Activity—__------------"----------__-----.— ------------------.__-------I —————— rDID ————j----------- ---—------- -I"- - ——————— ——--————— ———— — — — — — I _Reference_N_o. NRoS-----------r----------- ad--Expecteegm_ent_No_. ---- ---------r---------_-'_------_--__---j F_ Useful Life—____ --._-- —_—_.--___—__--_-_______r____-----------------------) r - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Manager - - --- r------—'---- George Acorn L_ ------------F------------------------ - - - - - I L__________-_______._. ._. __---_---__._-.-__-_..-l_-------------------__-.__--_I Project 42-421-1711 `tersion Caniital Plan Jepartment Sub -Department ICOM. SERVICES FAC. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects - Portable/Accessible Pool Stairs Year Description Project Description: Replacement of the portable pool stairs. This unit sees significant wear as it is regularly installed and removed from the pool tank. This set of stairs is used by a significant number of pool patrons to improve access, especially for our older adult swimmers. Location: 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, ON L1C 2L8 Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total 7unding . kserve Funds CIS Capital Total 2017 2018, 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 ..6,000 6,000 _ 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Funding Total X6,000 6,000 ub-Department FAC. roject Approval --------------- f ----- ------------- -I---------------- -- i ---- ------ ocation ._--------'_-------- roject Classification Ward 3 -—— ——— —--— — —— —-- —— —————--———————————--——'-———— ------------ - - -Replacement -- r---------------------F----------'----------------I rogram/Activity -------------------- ----------------- --------r--------------------- - - - - - I C Reference No. oad Segment No. ------------- -----r---------------------t - - - ----- ------I xpeded Useful Life roject Manager George Acorn --_--_-._--___._______--___-i 348 Project —Version lartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Following the renovation to the facility and construction of adjacent elementary school traffic access on the site was modified. This at times has caused Confusion with drivers, getting to our patron parking by driving across the accessible pedestrian sidewalk. The bench will provide a visual alert not to drive on the sidewalk. Location:: ` 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, ON L1C 2L8 Budget Expenditures 349 -.Total ' -2017-.. .2018: .:2019 ZUZU: zuZI zuzz <oer: Equipment 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 r y. Expenditures Total ' ..�<`LS?D�.zi�: �, 5,200. Funding erve Funds ,;/S Capital 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 Funding Total 5,200 5,200 Attributes Attribute Ivalue-'Comment•, _ a 'Department 'COM. SERVICES _ L-----------------_-l.________.__...--______.-_-t.-___-.__...-_-_-_.._..._____. Sub -Department_ - 'FAC. F----------'------------'----------- '_"---_---------------------- ---- ------ Project Approval - cation---------------F----------------------'-------------------.__._-----I Location Ward 3-1 Pr------------------ oject Classification _ - _ - - - _ Betterment FProgram/Activity---- j------------------'-------t-----------------"--------- ----'-- FDCReferenceNo. _ -F _ -._______F___.____-------_--------_.___ F- - - - - - - - - -- --- - - -_ -F -- -- -- - = _-F-- -- -- ---- -I Road S_egm_ent._No_. _ _ _ - - FExectedUsefulLife---__._-__i-_____--_ F____..._____________________i p L -- - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - -- --------- _---------------- --- - - I ---------- ------- Project Manager George Acorn _ - - Project Version Department Sub -Department roject Description: Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. To replace all (40) existing illuminated emergency signs to OADA compliant green graphic only style. (Location: 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON L1 B 1 E2 Expenditures 350 Equipment 12,000 - 12,000 12,000 12,000 Expenditures Total 12,000' 12,000` - _., funding FAC.----------._----_____.�._.-- _ . unicipal Tax Levy r Municipal Tax Levy 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Funding Total - 12,000 12,000 - Attributes Value „`t.. :Comment Department _ _ FSu_b-Dep_art_m_ent 'COM. SERVICES .-_-_--.--------__.__.__--i rProject FAC.----------._----_____.�._.-- r-- Approval---------------------------_--------�----------------------------I ---------------r------------------------------------------------I Location r -- -------- Project Classification Ward 4 Replacement ----------------- i -- - _ IProgram/Activity- j---------------------_--i---------------------- - _ - _ D_C N_o. _--- --- ---— - - - ------ ---- -- -------- ---- -- - - - I _Reference rRo_adS_egm_ent_No_.------_.---�-----___.___._.__-----.---�------------------------_---_I rRoad ed Useful Life--------_._--___.-__-_---.-__--___ixiper____.______________________I rProject Manager - _ -- -- - - -- - rGeorge Acorn _ r _ V ------------------- - - - - - I ._-_--.__--------L-- ----------.'_------'_t._-_.__.---_•-__-_-_------------1 Municipality of Clarington 351 Capital Projects Project 42-421-17401 RRC - Capital Improvements "c�rsion Ca ital Plan Year 2017 partment ICOM. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Description Project Description: The preparation drawings, specifications and tender documents for the replacement of the arena floor on Pad A and repairs and repainting of Pad Aarena metal roof. Additionally all work required for the floor replacement and roof resurfacing. The roof component of the project will include the inspection of all metal roof fasteners and replacement as needed, flashing repairs and replacement as needed, isolated roof decking repairs, preparation of all surfaces for re -coating and the repainting of all metal roofing, flashings and arena exhaust towers.The design fees are estimated at $75,000, arena floor replacement $750,000 and roof repair/repainting $185,000 Location: 2240 Highway West, Bowmanville, ON L1C OK6 Budget Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Expenditures Design 75,000 75,000 Renovation 935,000 935,000 - 1,010,000 1,010,000 -� Expenditures Total ,_1 010,000 1,010,000: rR--Segment------ oad --_.---F-------------------------L- ---- -------- ----- ----- --- -- - - - I --------- Useful Life -abentures ,Expected '. _'-_---_.--_--_---— ---- ----- ---- -- -----'----------------- Project Manager George Acorn Debentures 1,010,000 1,010,000 1,010,000 1,010,000 Funding Total - 1,010,000 1,010,000 - Attributes Attribute Value Comment 'Department _ _ _ -COM SERVICES Sub -Department 'FAC Project Approval t -- - - - - - - - - -- Location ------------------------- - - - I-- - ---------------- _--I Ward 2 Project Classification -- --- ------- ------- -----------------------_- Replacement _ Program/Activity - - - - 17 _ _ _ ----_ ---- C Referenc ------F---'--------------------- - I -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ----- - - -- - - I rR--Segment------ oad --_.---F-------------------------L- ---- -------- ----- ----- --- -- - - - I --------- Useful Life ---------.--------_._________I ,Expected '. _'-_---_.--_--_---— ---- ----- ---- -- -----'----------------- Project Manager George Acorn Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-17402 RRC - Community Hall Furnishings & Equipment version Ca ital Plan Year 2017 IJepartment COM. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Description Project Description: New community hall furnishings and equipment for renovated space. Moveable fixtures were not eligible for Canada 150 CIP Federal Grant. Banquet chairs, portable bars (2), portable accessing stage, fridges/freezers, banquet tables, dishwasher, serving tables, convection ovens, kitchen ranges, audio visual equipment and lobby furniture. Location: 2240 Highway West, Bowmanville, ON L1C OK6 Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total }unding _ Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 352 Total 2017 2018 .2019 2020 2021 2022 2023_ 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Funding Total 110,000 110,000 ,Department Sub -Department – _ _ – -.____------------------------�-------------------'--------i 'COM. SERVICES FAC. FProject Approval --––– –––––––– Location – – – F ---- – – – – – – – Wardr-.-----------------L---- -- – – – – – – – – – –t- – -- – – – – – –– --–– ––– ––––– – –––– Protect Classification - ---------- ---r----- --------------- -1 I------.---------- – – _New -- --------------------Pr_og_ra_m/Activity _ FDC Reference–––––––– –––--––––––––––-- --–––--–––– –– ––––– ––––--- - -- – – – – – – – – – – – I FRo_adS_egm_ent_No_._--------------------------------F–_------_--_–_--------_—_I rRoad ed Useful Life-----_–__.________--.-----_--____r_-________________________._I --– ––--– LProject Manager ––– –––––– rGeorga Acorn ––– –––– –'-- F–––––––––––––––--––––––––– ------------'------L--_---------------------L----------------------------.i Project -yersion )partment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Replace 2006 ice edger that has been re -built with new battery style unit. Location: 2240 Highway West, Bowmanville, ON L1C OK6 Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding serve Funds C/S Capital Total , 2017 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Funding Total '.6,000 6,000 2018. .2019 2020 2021 20222023' 353 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department +L '-'--------------'.....'------------------------- Sub -Department 'COM. SERVICES FAC. - — -I Project Approval ----------- -------- Location ---------_-----------j ---_-'------ ------"--------------------i -'------ ———— — — — ----------- -- Project Classification Ward 2 -------'-- Replacement --- t -- - - --- -- ----- ----- -- - --- - I Program/Activity -------------- i-- - - - ----- - - - - - - DC Reference No. - -r-'- - - ------------- - ------ --- ---- Road Segment No. I------------------r----------------------f---- Expected Useful Life -------------- - - -- - i Project Manager George Acorn -------------------.----- L___.__ --__.______.__L -. .---_---._-.-_-----_-._L--__---.--___--._--___-__..-- — 353 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-17404 RRC - Ride On Scrubber Version ICapital Plan Year 12017 Jepartment 1130M. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Description Project Description: To replace existing scrubber 2009. Old scrubber is near its end of life. Replaced batteries in 2015 $3,500. Numerous repairs throughout the years. Relocate to Darlington Sports Arena for periodic arena floor cleaning. Location: 2240 Highway2 West, Bowmanville, ON LIC OK6 Budget La 354 Total 201.7_ 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Expenditures Equipment 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 Expenditures Total 21,000 21,000. - -..`unding _. _. leserve Funds C/S Capital 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 Funding Total 21,000 21,000 - epadmenth u Department ------------------r----------------------f--------------------------I --__E__'—'_ . — ,FAC. — — — — .__.__I___._.__...__.._._ ---_-_—.......--__.__.._......._—_-i roject Approval ocation ----- —--—- --— r_oject Classification Ward 2 — —— ——— ------------- ------------ _ _ _ _ _ _ — —(Replacement rogram/Activity - ---- - --------------------------r-----------.---------------I C Reference No. oad Segment No. xpLife ecied Useful ------------------'- --- -- - -- - - - - -- ----------------------— rojectManager -----------'-------�-- George Acorn -------------- ______________________________.___i Project Version !partment Sub -Department FAC. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects. -17503 CCC - Pool Change Room Tile & Grout Upgl Plan I Year 2017 Description Project Description: Tile and grout restoration in the 3 pool change room shower stalls including the walls and floor. Scope of work is replacing broken tiles, re -grouting, tile cleaning, clear coat wall tiles with high gloss finish, colour coat shower floor area and seal with clear coat. Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E-2118 Budget Expenditures 355 Total 2017 2018 2019 - 2020 2021 2022 .2023 Renovation 22,500 22,500 'Department 22,500 22,500 Expenditures Total 22,500 22,500 _. _.... _...... ... .Funding F__________ -------- Project Classification F_____ �___ ----------- ----- - --' -- ----- --- -------- -- -- Betterment - micipal Tax Levy ---Activity DC Reference - - - - I _ Municipal Tax Levy 22,500 22,500 o. E ------------------r--- 'Expected Useful Life 22,500 22,500 Funding Total 22,500 - 22,500 - Attributes Attribute ,; `: .`Value - Comment 'Department 'COM. SERVICES _ ISub-Department _____ Project Approval AC ----- ----- ------ ---�-- ---- —- --_--- IL - - Location ------- _ _ _ ---- ---�' --------------------- ----- -------- ------ -- - -- - - - I Ward 1 F__________ -------- Project Classification F_____ �___ ----------- ----- - --' -- ----- --- -------- -- -- Betterment - I-------------------r------------------------r--------------------------I Program/ ---Activity DC Reference - - - - I _ - - - - - - -r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- ------ --- -- --- ---- --- - - - - - I F - -Segment - - - - Road --j--------------- -- - - - - --- ----- -- -------- ------- - - - - - - - - - -' I o. E ------------------r--- 'Expected Useful Life ------ ---- -----r-- - ------------- --i Project Manager -`---- ------ --- - - -- - -- --------------------------- George Acorn L_.- ------------------L----.---.---_-_-•-----.---_---I Municipality of Clarington 356 Capital Projects Project 42-421-17505 CCC - External LED Lighting Upgrades Version JCapital Plan Year 2017 .jepartment COM. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Project Description: Replacement of exterior lighting to LED 8 canopy lights, add pole lights at entrance and change out the parking lot light to LED. t_ocatlon: ;COM. SERVICES 2950 Courtice Road North, Coultice, ON L1 E 2H8 FFAC...._.._.________________i___.. roject Approval . Budget Total _..... .2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023' _.. Expenditures .: Equipment 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 Expenditures Total 19,100 '. ` 19,100 jlunicipal Tax Levy oad Segment No. Municipal Tax Levy 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 Funding Total 19,100 19,100 lAttribute IValue -«_ ,� �,_ ;k„ I Comment e_partment ;COM. SERVICES ub-Department FFAC...._.._.________________i___.. roject Approval . ------------------, kation Ward 1 ----------___._---- roject Classification ——————— Replacement —————— —-— ———————————————————————— -------- rogram/Activity ----i----------------------r- ------------------------i ------------------'____---------'---------.�------------------------ C Reference No. --I oad Segment No. xpected Useful Life Manager _ roject ------------"-- — _George Acorn ------------ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ ----------------------� Project -Version apartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects lCapital Plan I Year 12017 COM. SERVICES FAC. Description Project Description: Replacement of make up air unit that serves fitness change rooms. Unit -is getting worn out. Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding iserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts Total 2017 2018 2019. 2020 2021 2022 20231 78,000 78,000 `78,000 - 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 Funding Total 78,000 78,000 357 ;Department 'COM. SERVICES 'FAC. ' ;Sub -Department — — —---"--_r— —————— ———— ——— ———--- — — —r— -- — — — — —— —— ———————————————— I 'ct A_pproval Proje rProon ---------------17-- ——----——————— Ward ————————r———--—— —— ———— --——— ——— — — — — — — — I Locati---_---- r Project Classification _ ——— ———— — rReplacement -.— — — — — —— — r — I Program/Activity _ —--——-- rDC Reference N_o. —_——r—————————————— ———————--r— ———--— —--——— —— ———— ——— —— — — -- — I rRo_adS_egm_ent_No.___.__--___r-----------------_.----r -------------------------- I rExp-- Useful Life---_---r--------- -------______._--f ------------------ -------------I "----- — ---- Project Manager r—rg—Ace----- r— George Acorn Project Version Department Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington COM. SERVICES FAC. Description Project Description: To add accessibility door operators to all doors leading to pool deck, pool change rooms and gym change rooms. Gym change rooms have 4 doors. Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget �F Total ...2017 2098 2019 2020 2021 _. 2022 _ _.. 202.3 Expenditures Equipment 16,400 16,400 16,400 16,400 Expenditures Total 16,400 - 16,400 Funding _ _:v unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 16,400 16,400 J 16,400 16,400 Funding Total 16,400 16,400 358 epartment ICOM. SERVICES ub-Department FAC. - roject Approval -----------------r-- ------------ ---------r---------------------- - - - - - I )cation Ward 1 roject Classification Betterment rogram/Activity - CReference No. —-------—— — —— — ———--- -'—— — —_— oad Segment No. ------_---- --'----- I- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -F- - - ---- --- --- ------- -- - - - - I xpected Useful Life roiect Manager George Acorn Project Xersion >partment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Repair/replace library skylight. Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON LIE 2H8 Budget Expenditures 359 Total 2017 zu18 - zua zuzu znu Equipment 14,500 14,500 Attribute 14,500 14,500 -Expenditures Total 14,500._ 14,500 ,unding -f FAC. 'unicipal Tax Levy - - Municipal Tax Levy 14,500 14,500 f - ---- - - - - -- Project Classification 14,500 14,500 Funding Total 14,500 14,500 1 *.. - __. Attributes Attribute Value . , Comment 'Department _ .__ _ - - _ _ _ - _ -;COM. SERVICES_ — ISub-Depadment -f FAC. - - - _ ._ _ Project - ——— — — — — - --Approval r --.— —proval—————— Location — `r— — — — — — — — Ward 1 — ——— ` — — — — — — —r— — — — — — — — —— — — ——I - - - f - ---- - - - - -- Project Classification --F-------- Betterment --------------f--- ------------------ -- i rProgram/Acti-------- _ - - _ F----------------------�--------------------------- --I ------------ rProgramrencvN_o. t'----�----------------r-------- F---egment----`------------------------------t---------------------------I ——— ————— — — ------- 17--- Useful Life Expecte ----------- ------------- -�-- --------- ------- i ---- - - - - - F--- - - - - -- Manager -- I -- - - - - - -- George Acorn - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - - - _-------------I Project ----_---___ _ _--_-_i Project Version Jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 360 FAC. Description Project Description: The supply and installation of display cases for Clarington Hall of Fame memorabilia. To support the achievement and share information to patrons in other recreation facilities. Cases to be installed at South Courtice Arena, Courtice Community Complex and Newcastle & District Recreation Complex. Location: Various recreation facilities Budget _. ._Total 2017. 2018 _ _ .2019 2020 2021 _.. 2022 2023: Expenditures ,,„,;��„,._,.'. Comment 'Department _ _ rSu_b-Dep_artm_ent____.---.....---i�FAC.------------------------I--------------.._.._._.. ;COM. SERVICES Equipment 10,500 10,500 Projec r------------------r-----------------------r--------- - 10,500 10,500 Location r--------------------r-----------------------r--------------------------i Project Classification Expenditures Total 10,500 10,500 — — — — _ --}Funding _ ---------r- rDC Reference N_o. -------- ---------------- - -r— — — — — ————————— ————— —— — — — — — i _deserve Funds ---------------------- r -----------------------------i ----------r-----------------------r--------------------------- C/S Capital 10,500 10,500 r-------- _�_________ r -------------------------- 10,500 10,500 Funding Total -10,500 :10,500'" `. Attributes - Attribute Value ,,„,;��„,._,.'. Comment 'Department _ _ rSu_b-Dep_artm_ent____.---.....---i�FAC.------------------------I--------------.._.._._.. ;COM. SERVICES ' .. _. __..-__...__.. ... ... rSub-DtApproval r Projec r------------------r-----------------------r--------- - Combination - -.... -I Location r--------------------r-----------------------r--------------------------i Project Classification New — — Program/Activity — — — — _ _ ---------r- rDC Reference N_o. -------- ---------------- - -r— — — — — ————————— ————— —— — — — — — i rRo_adS_egm_ent_No_.----------r ---------------------- r -----------------------------i ----------r-----------------------r--------------------------- r-.-------- —..------_ Expected Useful Lif.W.--.--..-.-.-.-.-..- r-------- _�_________ r -------------------------- Project Manager George Acorn Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-17801 SCA - Dasherboard Repairs Version lCapital Plan Year 12017 partment ICOM. SERVICES Sub -Department IFAC. Description Project Description: Replacement of Dasherboards on Pad B in 2017 when ice is out. Replacement of Dasherboards on Pad A in 2018 when ice is out. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 Budget Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding serve Funds C/S Capital Funding Total 80,000 40,000 40,000 Jbl 2021 2022 2u" 80,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 40,000 40,000 Replacement 0liriN+o iValnP - I - i,,, Comment I Department _ 'COM. SERVICES -Department FAC. ub-Departmval--------_—_r-_----------------------r---------------------•------I. r — rSSub Project r--.----------------r Location ---------- Ward 1 ---------.----- r -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I • Protect Classification Replacement Program/Activity _ ----------r------------------------r--------------------------- rDC Reference N_— - ----------r----------------------r-------------------------- RoadSegmento- rE--- — — — — — — - -- —r----------------------- I r- - - - - _ - -------- --------- ——) Useful Life ----------- George Acorn —————— ————— —— — — —I Project Manager t..__-.--. -. r-___-_-____L-._ __---___-_-.-_._.----_L_----.___----_.______.-_-..._ .-1 Project Version Jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Supply and install On -Demand Hot Water Heaters in Olympia Room for Ice Resurfacer Filling. This energy conservation measure is in place in our other arena facilities. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 Budget Expenditures Juz -,E ,Total 2017. 2018 __. 2019. 2020 _ _ 20zi ,,. zuzz zuza Equipment 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 Expenditures Total 28,000 28,000 unding ___ eserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 Funding Total => 28,000 28,000 Attributes Attribute -. Value ..Comment 'Department ----. ...-- 'COM. SERVICES 4rFAC. 1 Sub -Department r------------------r--------- ------------------- - - - - - I Project Approval Location _ Project Classification rr------------ Ward r _ ------ Program/Activity iBetterment ---1 - ----------- ----r - -----1 1- - _ rDC_Reference_N_o.-----------j------------------------�---_--_-------------__----I -- 1Ro_ad egm_ent_NoS_.--------•-1-----------------------j---------------------------1 -_ __._ ------r----------------------'--1---------------------------1 rExp Useful Life --- ------ rProject yrGeorge _ - - - - - _ ------ -----------------------1 Manager Acorn Project Version apartment SUb-Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Supplemental funding for 2016 project. $15,000 approved in 2016, quotation received by purchasing was $23,000. Project is deferred to 2017. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 Budget Expenditures Equipment 363 Total 2017 zulG Zulu tutu tu<r 9,000 9,000 Expenditures Total 9,000- 9,000 Funding - 'unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Funding Total 9,000 9,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment _, Department _ --- __;COM. SERVICES -- I----- --- --__ _ -- -_�..__� _.. ---- --' '-----_- '----- Ii Sub -Department-- FAC -- -i Project Approval 'Location 'Ward 1 .--------'--------------r-------------------------r--------------------- - - - - - I -Protect Classification _ _ _ _ Replacement ------ - - - - ------------- iProgram/Activity_ --------r______________ -------- rI DC Reference No. __________________________ -Road Segment No. _ - __________ "' ___ ` - __ -r ___ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expected Useful Life i Project Manager George Acorn _-______--_ Project Version Jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description ProjectDescription: Supply 1 replacement Olympia Ice Resurfacer. This machine currently has 8621 hours and was originally purchased in 2003. The benchmark we try to maintain is 6500 - 7000 operating hours, which also provides optimal trade-in value. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 Budget Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total funding eserve Funds C/S Capital Funding Total 364 ^t Total.,, .2017 2018 ..2019 ._.2020 _..2021 ._:,.2022 __.._._2023.'; 185,000 90,000 95,000 185,000 90,000 95,000 185 00b;r, 90,000 - 95,000 185,000 -90,000 95,000 185,000 90,000 95,000 185,000 -90,000 95,000 ' I Attrihnta IVAIuP I Comment . <, ,..,u:51 :;'.: - I epartment ___I______________. bepartment 'COM. SERVICES FAC. ub — — roject Approval Ward 1 ocation ------------------ Clas Replacement ——————— — —— ———— roject _i ation ------------------f------------------ ---f---------------------- - -_ - - I rogram/Activity CReference N. ----------- ------- f---------- -------------I--------------------- - - - - - I oad Segment No. xpected useful Life --------------- - roject Manager . __---_—____..._—_____L—___—_—___--_—__-----_----1 Project --Version Dpartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 365 Description Project Description: Replace Ice Edger that requires on-going repair with new battery powered unit. Location: ' 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON LIE 2P2 Budget Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023' Expenditures Equipment 6,000 6,000 Attribute - 6,000 6,000 - ExpendituresTotal' �a...:.. 6000'. Funding ---------------------- �--------------------------- i aserve Funds - -[- ---------------------F------------_-_-_-_-�-_-_-_-_-=-_-.._._----.- C/S Capital 6,000 6,000 1_----- Program/Activity 6,000 6,000 Funding Total 6,000 - 6,000 _ - AuriouteS Attribute - Value =,F1,..,:; Comment apartment rSub-Department _�---_F 'COM. SERVICES ------------------------------------. FAC. - FProj- Approval ---------F ---------------------- �--------------------------- i r- - ------------ Location - -[- ---------------------F------------_-_-_-_-�-_-_-_-_-=-_-.._._----.- -- ProjectClassification Project - ---------------------- Replacement -_ _r__ 1_----- Program/Activity ---------------------- --------------------------- F___--------- DO Reference ------------ —------------t------- ---------- -- -- ------ rRo_adS_egm_ent_No_.--------.--r-----------------------�---------------------------i rRoaected Useful Life----__-_-}-----------------------�-----------------------'----i - i--------- ----"------ Project Manager i------------- George Acorn --- --- --"� L-_____-__.-_. _ -r------------------------- - --------- --- L.-__._______________,_,.. ------ Project Version -jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Supply and install new Fire Alarm Panel. The existing panel installed in 2003 has experienced ongoing repairs which is resulting in premature failure. This is a key component of patron life safety. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1E 2P2 Budget 366 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 .2022 -2023' Expenditures Equipment 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Expenditures Total 36,000 36,000 .funding _. eserve Funds C/S Capital 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Funding Total -36,000 .36,000 Attributes Attribute Value A_ t f -- Comment,a'i h Depart_ment _ ---- -- - -- FSroject 'COM. SERVICES - -L----------- ' ----- -- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - J - - - - - - - -- - -I - - --------- rProject FAC. F---------------------- --------------------------- A_pproval pproval FLocation--------------Iward1 ------------ ------F--------------------------- rProject Classification - - -- --- ---- rReplacement r - - ------- --- -- ------------------------- Prog_ra_m/Activity _ ------ FDC N_o. ----- r' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�------------ --- ------------ - I _Reference F - S- - - - - - egm_ent_No. - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r- - ---- ---— --- - - - -' -- - - - - --'- - - -- i _ FExpe_ Useful Life -- - - _ - - - i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r- - - ------- ----------- -- - - - - - i --- - - - - -- --- -- - Project Manager - ---- r ----------------------r- George Acorn ------------------------- i L-----_.--.-_-----.--"-L-- ------- ------------L------------- _•--- - - - - -- ---1 Project Version apartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. Description Project Description: Replace asphalt outside Olympia Room with concrete - $11,500. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON LIE 2P2 Budget 367 Total x-2.017 2018 2019 2020 _ 2021 2022 2023_ Expenditures Renovation 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Expenditures Total 12,000 12,000- .. _ 7unding unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Funding Total 12,000 12,000 . Attributes Attribute IValue Comment Department _ _ _ _ ;Sub -Department 'COM SERVICES FAC. Project Approval Location ----.._-_,__._------FWard1 ----_--_.__.._----------_--F--._-— — - --——— ————--———— ————— ) _------' FProject Classification _ --— FProgram/Activity___--- IReplacement ^ _ —^—F----- ---- —_ — e ________________ I i — ——— —— ——-'-- ------_---------_—_-_ --F---_---- b———ere— —— DC Ref --_—_._---_—_------_—_----_--�._.-------------------------I F--ed Segment--_--------F_---------------------l-----------------------_----I FExp-- Useful Life - --------F c _____________________ ------------------------- -------- LProject Manager F----- -- George Acorn ——————————--———————_—————— —7--_____--- ------------ F- L_. --_---_.-.__-,_-____L _._..-_________._____-____L______----_--.-.__-_______--I Project i- A.ersion .epartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects FAC. E Expenditures Equipment 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 Expenditures Total 14,000 14,000 _. funding ,aunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 Funding Total t i. 14,000 14,000 I Attrihutee I Attrihi rfe -.. \/clue ;;a= 3`^,,.,,. ,�.#3v�,izsg" Comment - :'r= Department _ 'COM. SERVICES ' ;Sub-Dep_art_m_ent-------_-- 'FAC. -----_-"------_I-_------_..___. --_---,------.----I ProjectApproval---- F-Location Ward 2 _--roval-------'--------------------------------...__-'_---------____I --------F---------------------- ----------------------- ,Project Classification,Replacement (Program/Activity ---I----------------F_-------------------______I FDC _Reference No - ----------F-------------------'--- -F- - - '- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - I FRo_ad S------- F -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -F- - - - --- ------- --- --- --- - - - - I F--Expecteegm_ent_No_.Useful Life - - - - - - - - -F- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -F- - -------- --- -------- -- -- - I ---------" ---------------- F_------- F- --- F-- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - Project Manager George Acorn L___.-. _._____________l.__. _ -_-_--__--_-----__L_-----___-_____-__.-_-..._-_ --- _--- I Description Project Description: Supply and install new LED emergency exit lights and exterior wall mount lighting. Location: 2375 Baseline Road, Bowmanville, ON L1C 31<3 Budget Total 2017 2018 - 2019 2020 2021 2022 20231. Expenditures Equipment 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 Expenditures Total 14,000 14,000 _. funding ,aunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 Funding Total t i. 14,000 14,000 I Attrihutee I Attrihi rfe -.. \/clue ;;a= 3`^,,.,,. ,�.#3v�,izsg" Comment - :'r= Department _ 'COM. SERVICES ' ;Sub-Dep_art_m_ent-------_-- 'FAC. -----_-"------_I-_------_..___. --_---,------.----I ProjectApproval---- F-Location Ward 2 _--roval-------'--------------------------------...__-'_---------____I --------F---------------------- ----------------------- ,Project Classification,Replacement (Program/Activity ---I----------------F_-------------------______I FDC _Reference No - ----------F-------------------'--- -F- - - '- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - I FRo_ad S------- F -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -F- - - - --- ------- --- --- --- - - - - I F--Expecteegm_ent_No_.Useful Life - - - - - - - - -F- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -F- - -------- --- -------- -- -- - I ---------" ---------------- F_------- F- --- F-- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - Project Manager George Acorn L___.-. _._____________l.__. _ -_-_--__--_-----__L_-----___-_____-__.-_-..._-_ --- _--- I Project Version apartment Sub -Department FAC. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects BIS -Athletic Prooram Year 12017 Description Project Description: This project is for the installation of an athletic protective netting system for the indoor soccer field. This will allow a wide range of alternate athletic programs and services while protecting patrons and interior windows. Location: 2375 Baseline Road, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K3 Budget Total 2017 2018 :2019 ' '2020:2021 2022 -2023; Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total 40,000 40,000 - Funding 'unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Funding Total 40,000 40,000 Attributes lAttribute Value - Comment - 'Department _COM. SERVICES _ _ _ ISub-Department Project Approval _ _ FAC. —-- — — Location Pr_oject Classification — — Ward 3 New _ _ FProgr— Activity _ _ _ ---- — -- — -- — — — — — ———— —— ————— — —F— — ———————— — ———-. ---'---_---:--i -- — — FDC Reference No.' — — — — ---i'--___.____ ------------- F____.---------------------- FDCReferenceNo.-----------F--------------------------F"----------.__---------------i oad gment FExpected Useful Life---- — — — — —_F_-_—_—_--__.—______--_F------------------_._-_-.----i Project Manager Acorn L--___-__-__-. — —George ...- _----------_..-----_._L___- --_- -- _- -.. ________________I 50 PLAN.SERVICES 130 ADMIN 50-130-10001 Land Acquisition Total 130 ADMIN Total 50 PLAN.SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2017 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges 798,000 (733,000) (65,000) 798,000 (733,000) (65,000) 798,000 (733,000) (65,000) 370 Project Version ,epartment Sub -Department 30-10001 Land ADMIN Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Year Description Project Description: Land Acquisition financial analysis as approved by Council on March 2, 2007 Location: Budget Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2023 Expenditures Land Expenditures Total ,ending unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserves Municipal Acquisitions Funding Total 5,318,000 798,000 865,000 880,000 900,000 925,000 950,000 - 5,318,000 798,000 865,000 880,000 900,000 925,000 950,000 5,318,000 :798,000 865,000 " 880,000 900,000 925,000 950,000 4,888,000 733,000 800,000 810,000 830,000 845,000 870,000 4,888,000 733,000 800,000 810,000 830,000 845,000 870,000 430,000 -65,000 65,000 70,000 70,000 80,000 80,000 430,000 65,000 65,000 70,000 70,000 80,000 80,000 5,318,000 798,000 865,000 880,000 900,000 _925,000 950,000 371 Attributes Attribute IValue .;,:i Comment 'Department _ ISub-Department 'PLAN.SERVICES f Project N -Approved - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -t- - - - - - -'----- ---------- - -- - - I Approval- ot -----------------------�--------------------'-------I Location--------------- �ProjectClassific_ation _ ��New _ _ --------'----- j ----____________________.____I FProgr- Activity------------r----------.------------�----------------------------� F- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - DC_ No. - - - - -F- - - - - - - - - -- - --- ---- - - - - ------.------------------- - - - - - I _Reference_ rRo_adS_egm_ent_-----------F------------------._---__ 17 --'-- ----- ---- --- ---- -------- - I FRoad egman ul Life ------.-_.. Exp r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Manager - - - - -r------ --- - -- - -i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - -- - I - - ----'--- --- - -- ---- -- -- ------ -----� 371 f Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2017 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 62 LIBRARIES 440 LIBRARIES 62-440-05020 Library Technology 62-440-06100 Library Collection 62-440-17001 Library Refurbishment - Bowmanville Branch Total 440 LIBRARIES Total 62 LIBRARIES 110,000 (100,000) (10,000) 141,765 (14,176) (127,589) 130,000 (130,000) 381,765 (114,176) (140,000) (127,589) 381,765 (114,176) (140,000) (127.589) 372 Project 162-440-UbU: Version Capital Plan partment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Year 12017 LIBRARIES I LIBRARIES Description Project Description: To maintain a stable computing environment and help meet public demand for technology related services. Technology equipment has a limited lifespan and needs to be replaced and/or upgraded on a regular basis. The computers in the Bowmanville Branch have reached the end of their lifespan and the extremely popular children's early literacy computer stations, reached end of life in 2014. Location: Budget Expenditures 373 Total 2017 :. ZU16 ZU18 LULU tun Lvtt _cvzu Computer Hardware 260,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Equipment 180,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 FProgram/Activity 440,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 - Expenditures Total ;.: 440,000: 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 nding ____-L_._______._____ - - - -� ,.mnicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 430,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 430,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Reserve Funds Library Computer Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Funding Total 440,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Attributes Attribute Value -.. ;, _:- '. Comment: 'Department _ _ _ _ _ r---Dep_art_m_ent--- _ - _, LU:S vrcita - FLIBBR_A_RI_ES_--_---------------- ----'------___.___---------.__) Sub FProject Approved'----------------r----------------_--_-_._---.I Approval------------FNot F - -.- - - - - -- - - - --- - - - -r- -------- - - - - -- F-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I Lo_ca_tio_n_ _ _ _ IT--ctClassifi--------- Proje - ------------------------ - - -F- = -- - --- ---- FProgram/Activity BRANCH -LIBRARY AUTOMATION -------------'- - I -_ r - - _ - _ - - _ _ FDC_ - _ _ _FMAIN ----- ----- -- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ ------ -"' I Y 1 _Reference_ No. FRo_adS_egm_ent_No_.'----------F-----_.___.__-----:------F---------___._______________I FExp-- Useful Life - ----- - - - -r 5~ - -------.-_F_.____________�_____--_------I F------------------'r----------------------F------------__--------------I Project Manager ____-L_._______._____ - - - -� Project Version jepartment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects LIBRARIES Description Project Description: This project captures expenditures on multimedia information resources, including books, magazines, . CDs, DVDs, e -books, digital audio books, electronic databases and other resources. Location: All branches Budget Expenditures Miscellaneous Expenditures Total Funding Junicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Development Charges Public Library Funding Total 374 Total,, 2017 2018 2019 2020 20212022 -2023; 567,060 141,765 141,765 141,765 141,765 567,060 141,765 141,765 141,765 141,765 567,060 141,765 141,765 141,765 141,765`f y 56,704 14,176 14,176 14,176 14,176 ' 56,704 14,176 14,176 14,176 14,176 510,356 127,589 127,589 127,589 127,589 510,356 127,589 127,589 127,589 127,589 567,060 141,765 141,765 141,765 141,765 Attribute i ValueComment Department Sub-Dep Sub -rL16BR_A_RI_ES..�.______________.._I.... -Department ProjectApproval ---------. ---------------i--------------------- -rNot Approved - - -'-- - - - - i rLocation ------- -- -- - - -iAll--------------------- -- --------_- -- --- ----- - -- - - - - I Project Classification- ---.----'-i'New ------------------ - -j---- - - - -- --- -------- --- ---- - I FProgram/Activity -rMAIN BRANCH LIBRARY -COLLECTION DCReferenceNo. - --------------- -- ------------------- - - -- Segment No ----1.4.1 ,Road . - - 'Expected Useful Life -- -------------- 6-10 -- -------_.__-_---_--.--___- - Project Manager _ - - - - - - -�-- _ -_ _ Project Version partment Sub -Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects LIBRARIES Description Project Description: The Bowmanville Branch, which opened in 2003, is in need of refurbishment. The service points should be reconfigured in order to meet the needs of the library users and address the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements and to improve customer service. In order to minimize the disruption of service to the public, the project could be phased over a period of two to three calendar years, closing one floor at a time for renovation. Location: 163 Church Street, Bowmanville Budget 375 Reserve Funds Library Capital 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Funding Total 390,000 130,000 1 130,000 130,000 Attributes Attribute .- Total tun zult$ zula - LVLu a<i _:w«.... _-..-........ Expenditures .. ,. FProject Approval __-__--r--------.-- _______-_____-__F____________ Renovation 390,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 - - _ _ - -� - ---------- --- --------- - - - - - I 390,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Expenditures Total 390,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Funding -------i--_-_.___.---.__-_---_._____F _._.--_--._--.________________ 17 --------- Project Manager F_-__________.---__--.__-- inicipal Tax Levy --L_..___-- __--____-_-L._-____---.__--------_i Municipal Tax Levy 260,000 130,000 130,000 ' 260.000 130,000. 130,000 Reserve Funds Library Capital 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Funding Total 390,000 130,000 1 130,000 130,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment 'Department 'Su_b_Dep_art_ment-.-__ ;LIBRARIES ;LIBRARIES .. ,. FProject Approval __-__--r--------.-- _______-_____-__F____________ Location'- ation FProj ------------- Classification --FBetterment - - _ _ - -� - ---------- --- --------- - - - - - I kPr_og_ra_m/Activity-------_--_�. ----------------------- '" �--------------------------- I FDC Reference-__---___---.----_____�-------_________. F--Segment---------_..--j-------------"----------F--------'---•----- RoadI -_- -- FExpecte-- Useful Life -------i--_-_.___.---.__-_---_._____F _._.--_--._--.________________ 17 --------- Project Manager F_-__________.---__--.__-- --L_..___-- __--____-_-L._-____---.__--------_i Presentations and Handouts 17 BUDGET OVERVIE The Big Picture Through the CAO's Lens - from the November 4t" Budget Workshop This Budget is about: 1. Maintaining existing levels of service, but over a larger customer/service base, e.g. more customers/more complex needs 2. Protecting your assets — state of good repair and avoiding replacement costs. Same goes for your people. 3. Meeting new strategic priorities 4. Enabling - revenue growth - cost management - efficiency 5. Increasing the level of service ... And doing that while keeping tax levels competitive and optimizing opportunities for jobs and investment Your Challenge! Equipping the Corporation to Optimize Results for our Community in Transition r �� Putting the Puzzle Togeth MAINTAIN COMPETITIVE TAX RATES '" BUDGET "B" LIST BUDGET -FUTURE BENEFICIARIES BUDGET "A" LIST RISK TOLERANCE MAINTAIN SERVICES NEW STAFF & CATCH UP Important High Level Facts • 1 % tax levy = $505,000 • 1 % on an average household = $13.14 • Average assessed value of home for Clarington for 2017 budget (first year of phase in) _ $323,000 SHARE OF PROPERTY TAX BILL- 2016 REGION OF DURHAM EDUCATION ■ CLARINGTON Historical Trends Assessment Growth History Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (Municipal & Education retained) 2015 2016 2017 (Municipal & Education retained) Assessment Growth 2.80% 3.00% 1.92% 2.20% 2.63% 2.20% 3.34% 1.78% 1.62% 3.83% Clarington's Budget Increase History Year Local Budget Increase 2007 8.25% 2008 4.44% 2009 2.35% 2010 2.97% 2011 3.80% 2012 3.75% 2013 3.75% 2014 3.74% 2015 3.65% 2016 3.89% 10 -year average 4.06% FINANCIAL INDICAT Average Household Income Municipality 2016 Average Household Rating Income Caledon $132,945 High Halton Hills $126,480 High Whitby $123,661 High Milton $123,222 High Pickering $120,438 High Newmarket $116,210 High Clarington $107,888 High Oshawa $ 85,762 Mid Niagara Falls $ 76,033 Low GTAAverage $ 120,190 High Survey Average $ 97,825 Mid Net Municipal Levy per Capita Selected Municipalities Municipality Milton Newmarket Clarington Whitby Oshawa Caledon Pickering Niagara Falls GTA Average Survey Average 2015 Levy Per Capital Upper & Lower $1,001 $1,247 $1,358 $1,446 $1,509 $1,527 $1,591 $1,635 $1,396 $1,449 Property Taxes as a Percentage of Income Municipality 2015 Average % of Relative Residential Taxes Household Ranking Income Milton $ 3,247 2.7% Low Caledon $ 4,432 3.4% Low Clarington $ 3,833 3.6% Mid Niagara Falls $ 2,723 3.7% Mid Newmarket $ 4,232 3.7% Mid Whitby $ 4,608 3.8% Mid Pickering $ 4,722 4.0% High Oshawa $ 3,836 4.6% High How each $100 of Clarington Local Levy is utilized in 2017 Draft Budget How Each $100 of Clarington Local Levy is Spent in 2017 DRAFT Budget OPERATIONS* FIRE SERVICES CORPORATE SUPPORT CAPITAL FINANCING $12 RECREATION FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS $10.01 LIBRARY $4.98 COMMUNITY PLANNING 1 $4.17 WINTER MAINTENANCE $3.39 ENGINEERING SERVICES $2.93 CULTURE $1.51 COMMUNICATIONS $1.20 MUNICIPAL LAW AND PARKING ENFORCEMENT $1.01 ANIMAL SERVICES $0.98 DEBT SERVICING "r- $0.82 CROSSING GUARDS $0.65 TOURISM $0.53 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $0.53 COMMUNITY GRANTS $0.15 * INCLUDES ROADS, PARKS, CEMETERIES, BUILDINGS, STREETLIGHTS & SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE ETC. $20.26 ).32 2017 Budget Overview • Currently at 1.97% after growth has been applied at 2.67%, including external agencies, without option B items on Attachment #2 to Report FND-001-17 • 0.5% tax levy proposed dedicated to rural roads • 1 % is approximately $505,000 • Increase on average house (valued at $323,000) approximately � $13.14 per each 1 • $25.86 for an average house for Clarington portion of tax bill, plus any options selected 2017 Items of Note • Assessment Growth (including education retained) $1,936,000 • Over $825,000 in budget line reductions • Reduction in revenues/rebates approximately $245,000 • $189,000 increase in utilities • Transfer to ASO Reserve Fund $398,250 • DC Bylaw incentives $250,000 • Storm water capital to maximize grant eligibility $305,000 (incrementality rules apply) • Some new debt proposed for Asset repair/rehabilitation • Courtice CIP recommendations • 1.27% tax levy impact for capital in base requirements ■ Ongoing Cap Tax Levy Support to Capital $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 2007 ital Budget 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Budget Impact Summary • Base Requirements from Attachment #1 included in recommendation #2 of Report unless specifically deleted/amended • Option "B" items on Attachment #2 require specific resolutions to consider each item individually or specific items Committee wishes to move on except Rural Roads showing as recommendation #3 per strategic plan • Schedule "C" External Agencies require specific resolutions