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3 - Special Meeting of the Oouncil August 26, 196;:
7. Pending the sale of the said debentures the head of the
Council and the said Treasurer may raise for the purposes afore-
said.by way of loan on suoh debentures, any sum or sums of money
not exoeeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed
and may hypotheoate suoh debentures for suoh loan.
$20,000.. ;-3/410 1 to ~l; years
~inoiEal Interest
~l,OO $ 1.1;0.00 $
'1.000 1,092.;0
1.000 1,03;.00
1.000 '77.;0
1,000 920.00
1.000 862.;0
1,000 80;.00
1.000 747.;0
1,000 690.00
1,000 632.;0
2.000 ;7;.00 '
2,000 460.00
2.000 34;.00
2,000 230.00
2,000 11;.00
$ 20,000
$ 10.637.50
Meeting adjourned.
. ;.)t>-
Oler .
,/ ~o
.'-.. . .... ~ /
$ 30,637.50
September 7, 196;, at 10 a.m.
Counoil Ohamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault
Oounoillor R. G. Chater
Oounoillor O. H. Falls
Olerk H. E. ~llson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
(t ~ '
The minutes of the last regular meeting w,re approved on
motion by L. A.. Perrault, seoonded by R. G. Chater. - Oarrie9-.
, It was moved by R. G. Chater, seoonded by L. A. Perrault.
that delegations be heard. - Oarried.
. Mr. Allin Hall requested CO\lnoil to reoonstruot the oulvert
looated on the 4th Line Road Allowanoe adjaoent to his property
to provide natural drainage: from his ~roperty aoros~ the road
allowanoe and into the property of Mr. R. Carveth. JIto. Hall.
stated that he had spoken to Mr. Carveth who would not objeot
to this drainage. This business was referred to the attention
of the Road & Bridge Oommittee and Road Superintendent for study
and report to Oounoil.
Mr. William Wensvoort of. Lot 18, Con. 1, asked Counoil
whether or not oonstruotion was being proposed on the Base Line
adjaoent to his property. Further, if oonstruotion was being
proposed, then how far baok from the said road allowanoe.should
he looate a new house? Oounoil were of the opinion that oon-
struotion was indefinite at this time as this projeot was in the
planning stage only. Their unanimous suggestion to !&.Wensyoort
was for him to allow a set-baok greater than the minimum standards
of the building by-law in view of this proposed oonstruotion.
Page 2 -
Counoil Meeting September 7, 196;, oontinu.d~
( ,
. Hr. Wensvoort also requested repairs to the bridge by his
property and oorreotion of drainage whioh was referred to the'
Road and Bridge Committee a~d Road SUperintendent for investi-
gation and report to Counoil. "
" MesSrs. John Kalyta and ~im Lilley presented a proposal
plan of sub-division in Lot 22, Conoession 1. Certain detaild
of the plan were disoussed with Counoil, partiouldrly the .
proposal to oonstruot a oommunal well in the sub-division whidh
oould be maintained and operated "by themdnioipality for the
ratepayer within the said proposed sub-division. On behalf of
Counoil, Re.eve Stone suggested that the~roposed 'plan of ~b-
division should be presented to the Clarke Planning Board for.
their oonsideration. ."-
On motion by R. G. Chater, seconde. by L. A. Perrault,
Counoil reoessed for lunch at 12.20 p.m. and resumed session
at 2 p.m. - Carried. ·
General Aooount Vouohers No. 9 'for ~eptember 196; and Road
Vouoher No.8 for August, 196;, were approved tor payment on
- ( motion by L. ~. Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater. _ Carried. .
Trustees of the Polioe Yillage of Orono, (H.M.Meroer, R.C.
Forrester and D.M.Simpson met with Council to disouss the oosts
in addition to the Water Project Contract resulting from the
ohange in main oonstruotion from 6 inoh to 8 inoh to provide ·
extra servioe to Curvply Limited. After oonsiderable disous-
sion, Counoil said they would oonsider an agreement to legally
bind the" debt now' inourred.
"The Clerk and Solioitor were given the necessary authority
to pre~are a draft sub-division by-law that would apply to the
entire Township of Clarke. ('
The following reports and correspondenoe ~ere reaa out by
Reev~ Stone: .
1. Ontario Water Resouroes Oommission re Formation of a Looal.
Advisory Committee. - 11led.(
2. Unemployment Insuranoe Commission re Canada Pension Plan
Registration for a Sooial Insuranoe"Number. ~ Filed.
J. ~. Horaoe R. Best, Building Inspeotor~ oopy letter to '
~~~ G. Rekker re oonstruotion under permit #2-6.5. - Filed.
4. Ontario Water Resouroes Oommission re *ater distribution
system. - Tabled.
,. Department of Highways re Property File T-03226, Lot 27,
Conoession 3. - Filed. (
6. Fred Lyoett Limited re Insuranoe'- New To*ns~ip R6ads Garage
and Offioe Building. - Filed. - .
7. SOlioitor,E.R.Lovekin as oorrespondenoe tiled in meet1ng of
july 6, 196;, and now referred to the Clerk and Solioitor to
study"and report to Counoil as soon as possible. '
8. Union Rod and Gun Club request to repair Township road all6w-
anoe. -"Olerk to ~eply that Counoil has no objeotion.
9. Mrs. jean M.Allen re unsettled insuranoe olaim on a Town-'
ship road allowanoe. - Referred to Road and Btidge Committee and
, Road Superintendent to investigate and report to Oounoil. '
10. Mr. J. C. Gamey re Notioe of Protest olosing ot the under '
side-walk d~a1ns. - Filed.
11. D~partment'of MUnioipalAffairs re Winter Works Inoentive "
Program 196.5-1966. - Filed. ' ·
12. Department of Highways re Highway No. 2 - H~mletof Newton-
ville - proposed sidewalk. - Clerk reply that Qounoil do not
intend.t6 oonstruot this sidewal~ during 196.5.' ,
13. K. Sims re unsatisfaotory oonditions oaused by our road
oonstruction. - Filed.
14. Durha~ County Di~triot Hfgh School Board r~ acknowledgement
of reo~nt resolutions for debentur~s. - Filed. .!_~--, -----_
1;. Department of Highways re Contract 64W20-4, oonstruotion of
Hoad Bridge, a Rigid FrarrsBox Culveri,18tx9t, 30t roadway width,
looated at Lots 8-9; Con. B.F. - Filed.
16. Department of Tourism and Information re appointment 'of
oentennial looal oommittee ohairman as business brought forward
from july 6, 196; - Tabled.
Page 3 -
Counoil Meeting September 7, 1~6" oontinued:
17. Department of Agrioulture re appointment of a weed inspeotor
as bsuiness brought forward. - Filed.
18. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono re appointment of looal
advisory oommittee on water as business brought forward. - Filed.
19. E. Riohard Lovekin re Building By-Law as business brought for-
ward. - ~abled." (
20. Select Oommittee on Conservation Authorities re filing of
briefs and submissions. - Filed.
21. Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re water and sewer mains
on publio roads. '- Filed. '
22. The Ontario UUnioipal Board re Township of Clarke Re~trioted
Area By-law 1479. - Filed.
23. Ontario Water Resouroes Oommission re Installation of stream
gauging atationlt orlWilmot Creek. '- Approved .by Counoil and Clerk
to reply aooordingly. .. .
24. Robert A. Edmunds, P.Eng., re Contraot 6,-12 Salt arid .Sand-
Spreader Bodies. - Filed. ·
25. Department of Health re Ellio~t Cemetery, Lot 9, donoession 8,
Townfthip of Cfar'ke, Couilt.y of Durham. - ~he Clerk 'to "reply requesting
the" I1epatrtment 'to" ha~e the interested party make direot presentation
to Oouncil. . .
26. The Canadian Statesman request for oopy of Counoil Meetings,. -
27. 'Department of MUnioipal Affalrs re analysis of the question-
naire oonoerning Munioipal Aoooun ting Praotioes. _ Filed. t
28. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for dune 196,. - Filed.
29. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for July 196,. - Filed.
'0. Manning, Bruoe, Paterson &'Ridout re 196, Debenture Issue,
120,000.00.- Filed. ·
31. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re 196; levy. - Filed.
32. The Ontario Munioipal Board re proposed extensions and improve-
ments to the eleotrioal distribution, eto. - Filed. ·
33. Trustees of the Polioe Village of'Orono re.appointment to Orono
Publio Library Board. - ,Filed. ·
34. d. L. Gr~ham & Oo~ Ltd. re Orono Hydro Debenture Issue. - Filed.
3;. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re ~..1nutes' of Meeting
duly 22; 196;."-.Filed. . .
36. Department of Highways re Township of Clarke Contraot oonstruotion
of a new Garage Building and adjoining Offioe Building on tot 27,
Con ;~ in ao06r4anoe with plans and speoifioations at a lump sum
prioe of $44,'08.72. - Filed. .'
37. Report by the Clerk-Treasurer re antioipated overexpenditures
under M.W.A.P. No.1. - Referred to the Road and Bridge and Pro~erty
and Finanoe Committees for study and reoommendation to Counoil.
38. Mr. Lorne Bowins request for 1mnioipal Water oonneotion. - Filed.
39. Trustees of tfte Polioe Village of Orono request for by-law to
establish Cobblediok Street as a through street. - Tabled. ·
40. Ontario Water Resouroes Commission as business brought forward
from August ;, 196;. - Tabled. .".
41. Ontario Water Resources Commission re display posters. - Filed.
42. Ontatio Water Resouroes Commission re oertifioate of approval
No. 6;-B-4l4 for construotion of water mains. - Filed.' . ·
43. The Attorney General re Emergenoy Measures Aot. - Filed. .
44. Report by the Clerk re prepayment advertising for municipal water
in Orono. - Filed. .'. -
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution NO.1: Moved by L.A.Perrau1t, seconded by R.G~'Chater:
esolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "Offer to SelltlAgreement dated 10th August 196;
between this municipality and Mary G. Hayman. - Carried.
Resolution No. 140: Moved by L.A..Perrault, seconded by R.G.Cha'fer:
Resolve ,that the Reeve and G1erk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "Offer to 5ell" Agreement dated 7th September
1?6.5 between this municipali ty and Clifford E. HcHatten &: Lena
MoHatten. - Carried. . .,.
Page 4 -
Counoil Meeting September 7, 196;, oontinued:
Resolution No. 141: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault:
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and see.l the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dat'ed~ September 7th,
196;, between this munioipality and Otto W. Sohwarzer. - Carried.
Resolution No. 142: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault:
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated loth August
196; between this munioipality and Ronald R. Shaw Estate. - Carried.
Resolution No. l4~: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault:
Resolve that the eeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal two "Offer to Sell" Agreements dated 7th September
196; between this munioipality and Flossie Graham. - Carried.
Resolution No. 144: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by O.H.Falls:
Resolve that the' Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal t~? "Offer to Selln Agreeme~ts dated 7th September
196; between this munioipality and ~filton G. Kimball. - Carried.
Resolution No. 145: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.FallS:
Resolve that the Reev~ and Clerk be, and are hereby authorized
to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated 7th September
196; between this munioipality and ~tAroy E. Wilson. - Carried.
Resolution No. 146: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by O.H.Falls:
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign ahd seal the "Offer to Sell" P..greement dated 7th September
196; between this munioipality and Stanley Porteous. - Carried.
Resolution No. 147: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls:
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and s!lal the "Off"er to Sell" Agreement dated 7th September
196; between this munioipality and Colin Brown. - Carried.
Resolution"No. 148: Moved~by R.G:Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls:
In aooo~dance with By-law No. 1483, this Counoil hereby authorize
the date of the debentures as September 1st, and the maturing
aate as September 1st, in eaoh of the years1966 - 1980 inolusive.
- Carried.
Resolution No. l4~: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater:
The Counoil of the Township of Clarke hereby petition the Denart-
. . -
ment of Highways of Ontario for interim payment on Statutory
Grant under the Highways Improvement Aot for expenditures made
during the year 1965. - Carried.
Resolution No. 1;0: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls:
R&solve that the following persons be and are hereby appointed
to the Local Advisory Qommittee of the Orono Municipal Water
System: - Mr. R. C. Forrester, Mr. H. M. Meroer, Mr. D. H. Simpson,
Mr. L. A. Perrault, Mr. E. D&nt. A oertified oopy of this resolu-
tion be referred to the Ontario Water Resouroes Commission. -
The following by-law was read a tir~t, seoond and third time
and finally passed: . ,
By-Law No. 1491: A ~.[-law to authorize the ,borrowing
of 1100,000.00.
WHEREAS the Counoil of the Township of" Cla~ke (hereinafter
oalled the "Munioipality") deero.s ::I.t neoessary to barm the sum of
$lOO,OOO.oo-to meet, until the following e~timat~d reoeipts under
By~law 1l0. 1473, as enumerated below have QeeIl received by the
said Township of Clarke and deposi ted at the Canadia,n Imperial
Bank of Commeroe, Orono:- .
Department of Highways of On~ario Subsidy
Forgiveness under the MUnioipal Works
Assistanoe PJ:'ogram.
Loan under.the Munioipal Works Assistanoe
Total Estimated,ijeoeipts
Loan from Canadian ImpBrial Bank of Commeroe,
Oronq, for a period of five years payable in
averageinsta1ments -$2,279.00 .prinoipal and
$393.13 interest annua+ly . "\
. 6;.81;.00
$ 5.697.00
. '17~o63~OO
1 MM.b ;,00
j 11,395.00
the oapital expenditures of the tfunioipality for the year;
Page 5 -
Counoil Meeting September 7, ~965, ~ontinued:
THEREFORE the Counoil of th~ Township of Clar~ hereby,
enaots as follows:
( 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on
behklf of the MUnioipality to borrow from time to t
'time by way of prOmi ssor~ hote from CANADIAN IMPERIAL
BANK OF CO~~RCE a sum or sums not exoeeding in the
aggregate #100,000.00 to meet until the said estimated
~ece1pts have'been reoeived and deposi~ed at the said
Babk at Orono thet oapita1 ~xpenditures of the ~mnioi-
pality for the year, and to give on behalf of the
MUnioipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes
sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head
" ~d Treasurer for the mohe~s so borrowed, with interest,
whioh may be paid in advanoe or otherwise, at a rate
not exoeeding 5-3/4 per oentum per annum.
2. All ~ms borrowed pursuant to the authority of this
by~law shall, with inter~st thereon, be a oharge upon
the whole of-the revenues of the 'MuniOipality for the
ourrent year for fiv~ ensuing years and for all pre-
oe41n~ years ~s and when suoh revenues are reoeived.
3. The Treasurer is hereby ~uthorized and: directed to
apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid,
together with interest thereon, all of the moneys
hereafter oolleoted or reoeived either on aooount or
:re~lized in respect of t~x~s levied for the"ourrent
year and preoeding years or from any other souroe
whioh may lawfully be applied for suoh purpose-.
Resolution Wo. lil1 Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls:
!his Oounoi hereby adjourn' to meet again: on T~esday,
Ootober 5, 1965, at 10 a.m. intthe COuncil Chamber at Orono in
regular meeting or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried.
" ~~-T'..~-.J t
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e .
September 21, 1965 at 8 p.m.
Oouneil Chambe~, Orono.
Pr~sen t:
Reeve ~" W. Stone
Deputy ReevetL. A. Perrault
Councillor R. G. Ohater
Oouncillor O. H. Falls
Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery.
Clerk H. E. ~llson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
Messrs. R. E. Sims and
H. D. Glennie of Totten,Sims
Assooiates, Ltd.
Speoial meeting of Counoil was oalled by Reeve ~. W. Stone to
oonsider the tollowing business:
The following tenders for the proposed oonstruction of the Crooked
OpeektBridge were reoeived:-
1. E. F. Marston Construotion Limited, Port Hope.
21 Mel-Ron Oonstruotion, Whitby
31 GanaraSka Bridge 00. Ltd., Port Hope
SolioitorstLQvekin and Stubbington disoussed the drafting of a .
sub-division control by-law with the members of Oounoil.
The tollow1ng submitted prioe bids 'for an asphalt apron in tront
ot the new ~ownship Shed, the entranoe from Oounty Road.to Shed.
and two streets in Orono to be surfaoed with approximately 3/4-
of Dix Seal or equivalent material:-