HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/1965 (Special Meeting) Page 7 - Counoil Me.ting August 3, 196,,- Conttnued: Resolution No. 13~: ~ved by O.H.Falls, seoonded by R.G.Chater: This Oounolrhere,y adjourn to meet again on Tuesday September 7 196, at 10 a.m. in regular( meeting in the Council Chamber at Oron~ or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. -" Carried. E^~ --..."~- / "018 r. . ~'1-'~~) ve. . SPECIAL ~NG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE August 26, 1965 at 7 ~.m. Counoil Chamber, Orono. Present: R~eve ~~ W. Stone Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault Counoillor R. G. Chater Counoillor O. H. Falls Counoi120r Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. Millson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross Speoial meeting of Counoil was oalled by Reeve'j. W. Stone to oonsider the fOllowing business: Resolution No. 136: Moved by R. G. Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault: This Counoil hereby open the tenders as advertised for the supply of gasoline~ diesel oil, storage tanks and pumps and other supplles. Carried. Tenders were reoeived from the following: 1. B/A Oil Company 2. Pye & Grant Oil Ltd. 3. DX Oil Oompany 4. TexaoO . 5. MUrphy Oil Co. 6. Donald M. Tennant 7. Orono Fule & Lumber Ltd. Resolution.No. 13"7: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by O.H.Falls: Resolve that the tender reoeived from MUrphy Oil Company Limited, 78 Bond street West, Oshawa, Ontario, (for the supply of gasoline, diesel oil, andfurnaoe oil eto. be and is hereby aooepted, as per tender. Carried. Resolution No. 138: Moved by L. A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater: Resolve that the tender of (Orono Fuel and Lumber, whioh arrived late, be and is hereby refused with regret. A oopy ,of this resolution and the tender be returned to Orono Fuel ana Lumber Limited. .Carried. The tOllowing oorrespondenoe and report were read out by the Reeve:- 1. Ontario Munioipal Board re approval of By-law No. l48~. - Filed. 2. Referral of minutes of Committee of Adjustment meeting held August 23, 1965, to inform Counoil of the Road Allowance being the oontinuation of Station str~et easterly of Highway 11;. - Counoil instruoted the Clerk to investigat~ ownership length and width of this road allowanoe and report baok to Counoil. The following By-J.aw was read a third time and finally pa.ssed, Signed, sealed and numbered:- By-Law No. 1483: To authorize the borrowing of $20,000.00 upon ( debent~es to extend and improve oertain works for distributing eleotrioal power or energy for . the use of the Polioe Village of Orono and its ( inhabitants, oalled the Orono Hydro Eleotrio Co_mmi ssion. WHEREAS it has been deemed desirous to extend and improve the works for the distribution of eleotrioalpower or energy of the Orono Hydro Eleotrio~l Commission; &.~ .. 2 - Speoial Meeting o.f the CounoilAugust 26, 196;: AND WHEREAS it is expedient to borrow for the extension. , and improvement of suoh works for the use of the Polioe Village of Orono and its inhabi4ants, a sum not exoeeding $20,000.00. upon the said oredit of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke seoured by the assets of the Orono Hydro Eleotrio Com- mission and by the whole rateable property of the said Folioe Village of Orono, to issue debentu~es ~herefor bearing interest at the rate of five and three-quarters peroentum per annum payaQle yearly.and ~to provide for the ~disoount and expenses ~noi~ental.to the ~egotiation and sal~ of suoh debentures; . ~ WHEREAS tQe Trustees of the ~aid Polioe Village of OronQ have made applioation to the Oo~noil of this Corporation ~or ~he passing of this By-law in pur~uanoe of the Power Oo~ssion Aot~ R.S.O. 1960, Chapter ~OO and the amendments ther~to for the issue of suoh debentu~es and for the levying by a~ annual speoial rate upon the ra\eable property in the said~Polioe Village of Orono of the s~ms require. for the paym~nt of the.debentures issued for ~uoh extensions and ~mprQvement; , ( . ~ WHEREAS it is expedient to m~ke the prinoipal of the ~aidldebt repa~able in annual instalm~nts during the period of f~fteen yea~s next after the date qf the issue of suoh ~ebe~tures in ~uoh amounts respeotive~y so that with the interest in respeot of the debt the aggregate amount payable tor ~rinoipal and ~nterest in eaoh ye~r shall be as nearly as possi ble the same; - NOW THEREFORE the Counoil of the CQrporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows:- 1. For the purposes aforesaid the oorporation of the Town- ship of Clarke shall borrow upon the general oredit of the Corporation a sum not exoeeding $20,000.00 and shall iss~e debentures therefor in sums not less than $100.00 eaoh. Eaoh debenture shall bear interest at the rate of five and three- quarters per oentum per annum payable annually and shall have ooupons attaohed thereto for the payment of suoh interest; 2. All debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at one'time during the year 196; after the day on whioh this By-law is passed, may bear any date within suoh period and · shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period of fifteen years next after the date of issue thereof and the respeotive amounts of prinoipal and interest. payable in eaoh of suoh years shall be the amounts' so' designated in Sohedule "A" hereto annexed; 3. The debentures shall be payable. as. to both prinoipal and interest in lawful money of Canada at the.Oanadian Imperial Bank of Oommeroe, Orono, Ontario, or at the prinoipal offioe of the said Bank in Toronto, Ontario, or Montreal, Quebeo, at holder's option. 4. The said debentures shall be seaied with the Beal of the Corporation and signed by the head of the Counoil or by some other person authorized by By-law to'sign the same and by the Treasurer of this oorporation. The said interest ooupens shall be signed by the said Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, lithographed, engraved, or meohanically reproduoed; ;. Oommenoing in the year 196; and in eaoh year thereafter of the ourrenoy of the debentures-there shall be levied and raised by speoial rate suffioient therefor, over and. above all other rates, on all the taxable property of the ratepayers of the Polioe Village of Orono at the same time. and in the same manner as other rates, the sum shown for the respeotive year in the fourth oolumn of Sohedule "AU hereto annexed, but it shall not be neoessary to levy in any'year a greater amount than is required to pay the instalment after taking into aooo~nt reoeipts under Seotion ,6 of The Publio utilities Act or from any other source in conneotion with the proposed workl 6. The said debentures may oontain a ola~se providing for the registration thereof pursuant to Seotion 323 of the Muni- oipal Act; 3 - Speoial Meeting of the Oouncil August 26, 1965: 7. Pending the sale of the said debentures the head of the Council and the said Treasurer may raise for the purposes afore- said-by way of loan on suoh debentures, any sum or sums of money not and exoeeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed may hypotheoate suoh debentures for such loan. SCHEDULE "Au TO BY-LAW NO. 1483 $20,000. - ;-3/410 1 to tl; years ~inOiEal Interest ~l,OO $ 1,1;0.00 1.000 1,092.;0 1.000 1,035.00 1,000 '77.;0 1,000 920.00 1.000 862.50 1,000 805.00 1.000 747.50 1,000 690.00 1,000 632.;0 2,000 57;.00 ' 2,000 460.00 2.000 345.00 2,000 230.00 2,000 115.00 Yeu I;'<< :19'7 19'. 1969 1'70 1'71 1972 197' 1'74 197; 1976 1'71 1978 191' 1,80 Total $ 2.150.00 2,092.;0 2,035.00 1.977.;0 1.920.00 1,862.50 1,805.00 1.747.50 1.690.00 1.632..50 2.57;.00 2,460.00 2,345.00 2,230.00 2,11;.00 . $ 20,000 $ 10.637.;0 $ 30,637.50 Meeting adjourned. i ,~- :'... ~--. / Oler . ' (J tZ::: / ~y (~) Rep_. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNOIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE September 7, 1965, at 10 a.m. Oounoil Ohamber, Orono. Pre.en t : Reeve J. w. at one Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault Oounoillor R. G. Ohater Oouncillor O. H. Falls Olerk H. E. ~llson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross ( (( ( , The minutes of the last regular meeting w,re approved on motion by L. A. Perrault, seoonded by R. G. Chater. - Oarrie~. . It was moved by R. G. Ohater, seoonded by L.A. Perrault. that delegations be heard. - Oarried. Mr. Allin Hall requested OO\lnoil to reconstruct the oulvert looated on the 4th Line Road Allowanoe adjacent to his property .to provide natural drainage,from his ~roperty aoros~ the road allowanoe and into the property of Mr. R. Oarveth. Mr. Hall. stated that he had spoken to Mr. Carveth who would not objeot to this drainage. This business was referred to the attention of the Road &: Bridge Oommittee and Road Superintendent for study ( and report to Oounoil. Mr. William Wensvoort of,Lot 18, Con. 1, asked Council ( whether or not construotion was being proposed on the Base Line adjacent to his property. Further, if oonstruotion was being proposed, then how far baok from the said road allowance.should he looate a new house? Oounoil were of the opinion that con- struction was indefinite at this time as this project was in the planning stage only. Their unanimous suggestion to ~~. Wensyoort was for him to allow a set-baok greater than the minimum standards of the building by-law in view of this proposed oonstruction. . .< i U