HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1965
7 - Oounoil Veeting, July 6, 196;, continued:
sam suffioient to finanoe their portion of the said works whioh
sum shall not exceed 128,488.00 and shall iss~e debentures, there-
fore, when duly authorized and app~oved. ·
6. The Treasurer may (subjeot to the approval of the Oounoil)
agree with any bank or person :for t8lllporary advanoes of money to
meet the oost of the work pending the oompletion of it at ,a rate
of interest riot to exceed five and ,three-quarters per oent (.5.~)
per annum. '
7. Any debentures to be issued (save those to be issued to the
Province of Ontario) for the loan to be effeoted to pay for the
oost of the work,when oompleted shall bear interest at five and
three-quarters per oent.(,!~) per annum and be made payable within
,'years on the instalment plan.
8. Tne debentures ~o be issued to the Provinoe of Ontario for
the loan to be etfeoted to pay for the oostof the work when
eompleted shall bear interest at five and three-eighths per oent
('~3/8~) pe~ annum and be made payable within, years on the
instalment plan.
9. In settling the sum to be raised annually to pay the debt
the rate of interest on investments shall not be estimated at
more than '-3/8~ in respeot of the debt incurred to the Provinoe
of Ontario and .5t~ in respeot of the debt incurred: to others.
Resolution No. 11 : Moved by Orme FallS, seconded by Lloyd LQwerys
h s ouno ere adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 3,
196.5, at 10 a.m. in the Counoil Chamber at Orono or otherwise at
the oall of the Reeve. - Oarried.
~:'.:.- J O/1A> ~
Oler ( Re~e -
July 12, 19'.5 at 8 P.m...
. .
Oounoil'Ohamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve J'.W. Stone
Counoillor R.G. Ohater .
Councillor O.H. Falls
Clerk H.E. Millson
Road SUperintendent M.L. Ross
R.D. Glennie, SUpervisor, To~ten, Sims &A,ssoolatea Ltd.
Speoial Keeting ot Counoil wa. oalled by'Reeve J.W. Stone
to consider the rol10wing business:
B.solutioD. Wo. 120: Moved by Bobert G. bhater, seoonded if O.Ii.Falls:
Thi. Council hereby open the tenders .s advertised tor the
propose! eonstruotion ot the Le.kard Bridge. - Oarried.
Tenders .ere reoeived from the tol1owing 1'or the proposed
oonstruotlon ot the Le.kard Brldge: ·
1. Gimaraska Brl4ge OotalUY, Box 96, Port Hope, Ontario.
2. Kel-Bon Oonstruotion, P.O. Box 297, Whitby, Ontario..
" 'rhe tollowing oorreapondenoe was r..4 out:
1. ~8tee8 ot the Polioe Tillage ot Orono requestter water
main exteniiens - Reterred to resolution.
The tollowlng resolutions .ere passed:
Resolution No. 121:MDved by Orme Fall,seeonled by Bebert G. Ohater:
BesalTe that the tender reoeived rran Ganaraaka Brldge OO.,aD7, .
Box ", Port Rope, Ontario, tor the proposecl constNotioa or the
Leakard Bridge be and ls here.y aoeepted as per tender, au)je.t
",0 the ~pproval. ot the De:parti,le:iJ:C at Highways ot Ontarlo, ant
oheok1ug ot the tender dOOU1ll8l1ts by Totten, 8ims ant Asaoelates.
Limite., Consulting Engine.rs, Whitby, Ontario. - Carried.
Page 2 . ,
Council )(e.ting duly 12, 1'" - Oontinued:
R.solltUon ]fo. 122:..ve4 'by 1l.G. Oh..ater,( .eoonded lay Orme )lalls:
nere.a, r.qu..tah....... be.n mati. t~:J:, water .erv1ce in certa1ll areas.
, ot 'he Polio. V1l1eae or Orono not. pr"ently s.meet. 'bynteNatas,
anti wher.aa the Polic. '!'rustees believe ~t expedient to have w.ter-
maina ill.talla4 at :this '1.. to serTie. the.. are_a,
Be it r.solved that the'OoUl'lcl1 of the Township of Olarke on b.halt
of tll. Grono ,Poli.e Trustees pe'1 tio. ,tile Ontario, Watel' Resouro.s
Co~.8l.n '.extend the contract w1th Gaffn.y OonstructionOo: to
in.l.ten. tollftiDS ..ater main lnQallationa:
4" ,wat.r aa1!l eztelldiq .outh on IIa1n 8t. north(approximately 100
4-, wat.r aa1n extencl.1ng weat on Princess St. trom Main St. .
(.A.pproxima tely .tOO tt. ,)
,. ...ter ..la' ext.en4ing ..at trom Mill St. on unnamed Street
(approximately 240 1't.)
- Carried.
.e.'1ag adjourned.
. :r~-"
r......~ I
; 'lA' ~.
. ..
August 3, 1,6; at 10 a.m.
Oounoil Ohamber, Orono.
Presen t : Reeve d. W . 8to ne
Deputy Re.ve L.A.Perrault
Oouncillor R.G.Ohkter
Oounoil10r O.H.Falls
OounbillorLloyd Lowery
Olerk H. E. ~ll.on
Roat Superintendent M.L.Ross
The minutes of the last regular meetibg and O~e speoial
meeting were aooepted as read on motion by O.H.Fall,;, aeoonded
by L1oytLowery. - Oarried.
A re.olution".._.~JIl..e4.lty Counoil authorizin8' ahy
interested person the opportunity at this time to oppose the
proposed' by..law to olose or st9P-UP oertain road allow,anoes
in" the TOWllShip of Olarke. Be.ve Stone read 01lt the following
descriptions of propos,ed roa.d closings and asked .for any and all
objeotiom(ifany) to be made to oounoil after.. the reading of
eaoh desoription. - . '
1. The Road Allowanoe between +.ots8 & 9 in the Eighth Oon-
cession of, the Township of Olarke, Oounty of Durham, being
the north' 1412 feet southerly of the sa.id northerly boundary.
-"No Objection. - .
2. The Boad Allowanoe between Lots 24 & 25 in the Fourth Oon-
oession of the Township of Olarke, Oounty of Durham, exten- .
ding from the southerly limit of the said Fourth Oonoession
to the northerly limit thereof. - ]fo objeot~on. ,
3. The' :Road Allowanoe between Lots 34 &. 3; in the TimthOon-
cession of the Township of Olarke, County of Durham, exten-
ding from the southerly limit of the said Tenth Ooncession
to the northerly limit thereof. - No Objeotion.
4. The Road Allowanoe between Lots 6 & 7 in the First Oon-
oession of the Township of Clarke, Oounty of Durham, exten-
ding.tram the~southerly limit of ' the said First Oonoession
to the southerly limit of King'S Highway No. 401. - No ob-
;. The Road Allowanoe between Conoession 8 & 9 abutting on
Lots 7 & 8 of the Townsh1p of Clarke, County of Durham. -
No objeotion.
6. Part of the Road Allowanoe between Lots 2 & J in the south
half of the Eighth Oonoession of the Township of Olarke.
Oounty of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the
said Eighth Ooncession northerly to a point where the said
Road Allowanoe between Lots 2 & J interseots w1th the souther-
ly boundary of the Foroed Road, whioh point is 436 feet more
Page 2 -
Council Meeting AUgust " 196, - Continue4:
or less southerly from the Oentre Line of said E1g~th Conc.s.ion~ -
As spokesman on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Mauioe DeCoutere, Mr. Raymond
Paret (not present) and Mr. DeCQut~re, son of Mr. &: Mrs. Mal..io'l
DeCoutere, (Mr. Evan ~uantrill registered an objeotion to the sai4
proposed olosing. After some disous,ion there.was no objeotion to
the said road being proposed for olosing by Counoil in the en8u~ng
year. . ..
The olerk was instruoted to delete Item 6 under Schedule A .o.t
the proposed by-law. ~e .said by-law was then referred to reading
,ot: by-laws.
Mr8. Gordon N[llson requested Counoil to investigate th,
drainage problem on the 10thConoession Road ~lowanoe adjaoent.
to hert:property. Counoil authorized the Road and BriC\ge Comm.i ttee
and Road.Superintendent to investigate this problem and report.
baok to Council.
On motion by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery, Counoil
reoessed for lunoh at 12.1, p.m. to resume session at 1.30 ~.m. -
Carried. .
.It was moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls, that the
aooount of $76.98 of F.E.Lyoett Limited be authorized for payme~t
of liability insuranoa coverage in aooordanoe with Exolusion ,
of The General Aooident Insuranoe Oompany of Canada No. M.99-02~7
in order to proteot the .Township proper in event of a olaim. -
Carri ed.
On motion by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater,General
Aooounts Vouchers No. 8 for August 1,6, a~d Road Depart~ent Vouoher
No.7 for July 196, were duly author1zed by tne Trea~urerfor
payment. - Carried. .
The Road Superintendent requested Oounoil.for siok benefits
equal to one day a month. .- Counoil reterred this business, on
suggestion of Reeve Stone, to the R~ad and Bridge Cpmm1ttee to .
investigate munioipal employee benefits and .report baok to Council.
On motion by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.F~lls, the .Road
Superintendent be and is h~.by authorized to ~elv.rt1se .for, .
tenders for the supply of gas and oil and installation of pumping
units at the new Township Garage. - Carried. . .
It was moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery, the.t
the Clerk be empowered to request. F.E.Lyoett Limited to submit an
insuranoe quotation to the Road Superintendent with regard to
ooverage on the new Townsh1p Roads Garage and Offioe Building under
the Frank Cowan Insuranoe Agenoy. - q~r1~d. , . .
The follo~ng tenders "ere reoeived with regard to the pro-
posed oonstruotion of the Hoad Bridge: .
1. Ganaraska Bridge Company, (Box 96, Port H~pe, OntaI:io..
2. E.F.Marston Construotion Limiteel, Port Hope, Ontari~.
3. Mal-Ron Construotion, P.O.Box 297, Whitby, Ontario.
This busineas was oonoluded by resolution.
The following repo~ts and oorrespondenoe were read out by
Reeve Stone: (' . .
1. Durham Central Agrioultural Sooiety request for Counoil to
deolar~a sohool holiday on September 10, 196,. ~ Filed.
2. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono Resolution dated July
26, 196" requesting Counoil to appoint an a.dv.isory oommi.ttee for
the water.s~stem. - Tabled~ .
J. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono Resolution dated July,.
196" request for Counoil to oonsider the neoessary by-law to issue
debentures forth. Orono Hydro Eleotrio Commission. - Filed.. ,
4. Department of Highways qf Onta~iQ re Property Sal~ T-030,a being
part lots 14-1" oonoession B.F. - Filed. .
~. Department of Highways of On~ario re infraotion reports on
oontraotor engaged on munioipal road oontraots. -Yiled..
6. Durham.County Distrio~High Sohool Board request t,or approval
of a ~rther :$12,,000.00 upon debenture to provide for the esti-
mated oost of the addition to the Curtis High School. - Filed.
7. Department of Highways of Ontario re ~ederalSales Tax; MUni~
oipally Called Contraots, Rebate of Tax to Contraotors and
.extsting munioipally oalled oontraots. - Filed..
8. Department of Eduoa.tion re By-La.w }To. 1484. - 'file Clerk ~a8
instruoted.to refer,a.oopy of this letter to the ~eoretary of the
TownShip Sohool Area of Clarke. - The said letter was filed.
.. t
Page , -
Counoil Meeting August ,. 19" - Oontinue4:
9.' Solioi tor E.R.Lovekin re land acqui si tion under Milnioipal
WorksAssia~anoe Programs. - ~lled. .
10. Copy letter addressed to~. R. C. Eorrester from The Ontario
Water Resources Oommission, under date of July 12, 196" :re Orono
Water Works Project. - ~abled.
11. The Ontario MUnioipal Board re rinal approval of part of the .
Munioipal WOrks Assistanoe Program No.2. - Filed.
12. The Ontario Munioipal Board re final approval of the balanoe
of Municipal Works Assistanoe Program No.2. - .Filed. .
13. Oapital Investments Oorporation Limited re oapital tinanoing. -
14. Toronto General Hospital re supplementary assistanoe for h~~,
Ruth Crowells. - Referred to the Welfare Administrator. .
1.5. 001''1 letter to Olarke Cemetery Board from Solicitor E. R.
Lovekin re the Presbyterian Churoh in Canada and Newtonville
Oemetery as business brought forward from Ju1y.6th last and
table!. .
16. Department of Highways of Ontario re approval of loading and
delivering pit run gravel oontract ~for the ~ear 196,. - Filed.
17. Department of Highways of Ontario re approval ot gravel
orushing oontract for the year 196.5. - Filed.
18. D8putm.ent of Highways of Ontario re approval of supply and
apply ~ulk flake oaloium chloride oontraot. - Filed.
19. Depar'lment of Highways of Ontario re approval of oontraot to
oonstruot a (reinfo~oed oonorete box:oulvert ao~ x 7' x '0' at
lots 31/32, Conoession 7, known as the Leskard., Bridge.,. A.pproved
under Plan No. 13312. - Filed. '
20. Oentral Lake Ontario Oonservation Authority.re approva~ of
regulation made under the Conservation .Authorities ..lot with
regard 110 fill and oon8truotion. - Filed. .
21. Department of MUnioipal ~fairs of Ontario re final approval
.of MUnioipal Works Assistanoe Program No. 2 under Provinoial Loan
No. L-4'3. - F1<led. . ·
22. Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector, report of building permits
issued during the first seven months inclusive in the ourrent
year. - Filed.
23. Township of Darlington re Notice of App1ioation to The Ontario
MUnioipal Board by The Oorpo~a~ion of the Township of Darlington
for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to
Seotion 30 of the Planning ..lot. - Filed.
24. Robert A. Edmunds, ~.Eng., Oounties Engineer and Road Superin-
~endent re tendering for Hopper Type Sand Spreaders. - Referred
to resolution.
2,. F.' J. Donevan, Land Surveyor, ,re aooount for servioes rendered. -
Tabled-. .
26. Department o~ MUnicipal Affa~r5 Subdivisions Seotion, Oommu-
nity Planning Branob, re By-law No. 1306. - Filed.
The following resolutions were passed.
Resolution No. l2~: Moved by L.A.perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater;
Resolve that any nterested person desiring to make claim or to .
pppose the'proposed.by-law to olose or stop-up oertain read allow-
anoes in the Township of Clarke be heard in person or by proxy at
this time. - Oarried. ' ,
Resolution No. 124: Moved by R.G.Ohater,. seoonded .by L.A..Perrault:
(Resolve tnat the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to .
sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated 9th day of eluly,
196" between this.Munioipality and Robert Morgan. - Carried.
Resolution No.12' : MOTed by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls: .
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby (authorized to
sign and seal the "Offer.to Sell11 Agreement dated 9th day of .Tuly;.
196;, between this Municipality and Eugene Martin. - Carried.
Resolution No. 126: MOved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.H.Falls~
Th1's C5ounoiI hereby deo1.arethe lOth day of September, 196;, Orono .
Fair .Day, a {)j:Tio Holiday to provide a legal publio sohool holiday
in'the Township of Clarke.
The Clerk is hereby instruoted to refer certified oopies of this
resolution to the Durham Oenural Agricultural Sooiety and Mr. C. A.
Holmes, Inspeotor of ~oho01s, and finally to publioize Oounoil's.
deoision onoe on~7 in the Orono Weekly Times. - Carried.
Page 4 -
Counoi1 Meeting August 3, 1965 - Continued:
Resolution No. 127: MOved by L.A.Perrault,(seoonded by R.G.Chater:
Thj,s Oounoil hereby request the Counoil of the United Counties
of Northumberland and Durham(to advertise, as an ino1usion in
their tender, for one sander for the Township of Clarke. - Carried.
Resolution No. l28s.Mbved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chaters
Resolve that tlie Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal two "Offer to Sell" Agreements dated August 3, 1965,
between this MUnioipa1ity and Georgi~ Edwards. - Carried. .
Resolution No. l2~: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
That the Reeve an Clerk be authorized to exeoute the following
oontraots between the Corporation of the Township of Clarke and:
(a)E.F. Marston Construotion Limited.for construotion of the
Kimball Bridge.
(b) Ganaraaka Bridge Co., Ltd., for oonstruotion of the Leskard
Bridge. - Carried.
Resolution No. 130: :Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater:
Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement dated August 3, 196;.
between this Munioipality and Theodore King. - Carried.
Resolution No. 131: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by L.A..Perrault:
1. WHERIAS the Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board intends
to oonstruot a vooational addition to the Courtioe High Sohool, and
to furnish and equip the same, and the original estimated normal
oosts to the said Board in all was estimated to be the sum of /
2. AND WHEREAS the Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board
applied to the MUnioipal Counoils'having jurisdiotion in the said
Distriot for the issue of debentures in the amount, estimated to ·
be $365,000.00, to 'provide for the m~jor portion of the oost of
oonstruotion to the Board of the said vooational addition to
the Courtioe High Sohool, the furnishing and equipping thereof, tne
interest ttiereon and the expenses oonneoted therewith, and the
majority of the Counoils of the said munioipa1ities have by resolu-
tion approved the said applioatlon,
3. ,AND WHEREAS of the tenders reoeived by the said Board, the one
whioh the Board proposes to aooeptis in an amount that will render
the estimated normal oost to the board of $398,594.00 inadequate,
4. AND WHEREAS the Board has now applied to the Munioipal Counoils
having jurisdiotion in the said District for the issue of debenture.
in the amount of $t25,OOO.00, to ~rov~de for the said cost inoreased
as aforesaid,
5. BE IT RESOLVED that t.he Counoil of th, Corporation of the .
TownShip of Clarke being a munioipality, inoluded in the said Distriot
. ( i
hereby approves the staid applioation and agrees to assume. ts proper
proportion of the amounts required to pay the said debentures, the
intereat thereon and the expenses oonneoted therewith, as prescribed
by The Seoondary Schools and Board of Eduoation ADt,
6. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the Township of Clarke hereby requests the Counoil of the Corporation
ot the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham to raise the sum
of $490,000.00 in total now required for thepurposea aforesaid by
the issue of debentures of the Corporation Of The United Counties of
Northum.ber1and and Durham. .,
(. '.
7. AND the Counoil of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
hereby reoognizes that the said Board will be required to raise out
of ourrentf'unds in aooordanoe with Seotion 34 of The Seo.ndary
Sohools and Board of Eduoation Aot an amount equivalent to the
differenoe between the amount to be raised by debentures as aforesaid
and the said oost to the said Board of $33,594.00. - Carried.
(, . ,
Re.olution No. 132: Moved by,O.H.Fallsj seoonded by Lloyd Lowery:
Resolve that tenders for the proposed oonstruotion of the Hoad bridge
be and, are hereby opened. - Carried.
.<~ Resolution No. 133s Moved by R.G.Chater, seQonded by Lloyd Lowery:
W Resolve 'that the tender reoeived from I. F. Marston Oonstruction
Limited, Port Hope, Ontario, for the proposed oonstruction of the
Hoad bridge be and is hereby aooepted as per tender, subject to the
approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario and oheoking of
the tender doouments by Totten, Sims and Assooiates Limited, Con8ul-
ting Engineers, Whitby, Ontario. - Carried.
Page , -
Council Meeting August J. 196; - Oontinued:
. . t . .
Resolution No. 134: Moved by O.H.Falls. seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
~his Counoil hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign and
seal a contraot between this munioipality and E.F.Marston Construo-
ti.on Limit.1 for the oonstruotion Of ' the Hoad Bridge. '- Oarried.
The following by-law. were read a first, seoond and third
time and finally pass,ed: "
By-Law IO.-1488: "B~ing a by-law to stop-up oe~tain
road allowanceS tnd oertain parts.
of road allowanoes in the Township
of Clarke.
WHEREAS 'notioe of intention to pass this by-law was publtshed
once a week tor at least four suooessive weeks in the Orono Weekly,
Times and was posted up for at least tone month i1;1 ,ix of the most
publio plaoe. in the immediate neighbourhood of eaoh of the said
read allowanoes or parts of road allowanoes hereby affeoted as
required by the provisions of The MUnioipal Aot;
( !NDtWHEREAS Counoil has reoeived no objections trom persons
claim1tl.g tha'ttheir land would be prejudioially afteoted by the
:by-ll.w'J ' , '
NOW THEREFORE the MUnioipal Counoil of the Corporation ot
the !ownsh1p ot Clarke ENACTS ,AS FOLLOWS:
1. THAT all those road allowanoes and parts of road allowanoes
in the Ifownship of Olarke desoribed in Sohedule "A" and forming
part of this by-law be and the same are hereby stopped up." t
The Road Allowanoe between Lots 8&9 in the Eighth Oonoession
of the Township of Olarke, Oounty of Durham, being the north
1412 feet southerly of the said northerly boundary: (
The Road allowanoe between Lots 24 & 2; in the Fourth Con-
'oe.sion of the Township of Clarke, Oounty of Durham, exten-
ding fro~ the southerly limit of the said Fourth Conoession
to the northerly limit thereof.
The Road Allowanoe. between Lots 34 & 3; in the Tenth Con-
ce.aion of the Township of Olarke, County of Durham, exten- .
ding from the southerly limit of the said Tenth Conoession
to the norttterly limit thereof.
The Road Allowanoe between Lots 6 & 7 in the First Conoeasiott
ot ,the 'ownship ot Clarke, Oounty of Durham, extending from
'the southerly limit of the said Firsv Conee8sion to the
southerly limit of Kbl8'S Highway No. 401.
The Road Allowanoe Between Conoession 8 & 9 abutting on
Lot,S 7 & 8 of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham.
By-Law No. 1489: Being a By-law, to oonsti tute, authorize and establish
the neoessary organization to faoilitate the
proper and due eleotion of munioipaloffioials
and sohool trustees in the Townsl1ip and more
partioularly to appoint the time and plaoe of
meeti,ng for the nomination of Candidates for
the Office of Reeve, DeputY~Reeve and Three
Oounoillors for the Township of Olark.. in (
aooordanoe with the provisions of The Muni-
oipal Aot, RSO 1960, Chapter 249 and amend-
ments thereto and also to provide for the
eleotionof Two Trustees for The Township
Sohool Area of Olarke for the ensuing year in
aocordanoe wi th The Publio Sohools Aot, RSO
1,60, Chapter 330 and amendments thereto and
also appoint and establish the POlling Plaoes.
Deputy Returning.O:tfioers and Poll Olerks in
and for the several POlling Subdivisions of
the Township ~or the easuing Munioipal Eleo-
tions. (
The Munioipal Counoil af the Oorporation of the Township of
Clarke enaots as follows:_ ( ( (
That the Annual Meeting of the MUnioipal Eleotors of the
Township of Olarke for the nomination of Candidates for the offioe
of Reev~, Deputy-Beeve and Three Oounoillors for the Township of
Olarke and also TWo Trus~ees for Tha Township Sohool Area of
Olarke for the ensuing year shall be held in the Township Hall,
Orono, Ontario on the TWenty-sixth day of November, 196;, at the
hour of One o'olook in the afternoon.
Page 6 -
Counoil Meeting August .3, 196.5_ - Continued:
TPa~ the polling in the respeotive divisions herein named
for the Munioipal Eleotions shail take plaoe (if"required) on
the Sixth day of Deoember, 19'J, and the Deputy Returning
Offipers and Po~l Clerks,. also Polling Plaoes" for eaoh(divi-(
sion shall be and are hereby appointed as follows:
Sub-Division #1
Community Hall, Newtonville.
Deputy Retur~ing Offioer
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division #2
Sohool House #:.5
Deputy Returning Offioer -
Poll Clerk
Sub_Division ~3
SOhool House fI9
neputy Returning Offioer -
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division ;;4
Orange Hall, Kendal
Deputy Returning Offioer -
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division #5
Township Hall, Orono
Deputy Returning Offioer ~
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division #..6
School House #1;
. Deputy Returning Offioer -
Poll Clerk
Sub-~Division #7
Residenoe of the, late
Mr s. Mary Harri sat
Lot 2.3, Con. 8 Clarke
Deputy Returning Offioer -
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division #..8
Sohool House ~lO
Deputy Returning Offioer -
Poll Clerk
Sub;'Dlvision #9
Counoil Chamber, Orono
Deputy Retu~ning Officer - Charles E. Taylor
Poll Clerk · Mrs. lone Fo~rester
And at the said Nomination Meeting'and.Eleotion (if
required) H. E. M11lson, Clerk, . shall be ohairman and Returning
Offioer respeotively.
By-Law No. 1490: A. by-law to appoint the time and plaoe
of meeting for the nomination of Oan-
didates for Three Polioe Trustees tor
the Polioe Village ot Orono, Towns.hip
of Clarke, for the en8uing year, also
the Polling Plaoe, Deputy Returning
Offioer and Poll Clerk for the next
ensuing eleotion. ,(
The MUnioipal Counoil of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke enaots as follows:
That the Annual Meeting of the Mtnioipal Eleotors ot the
Village of Orono for the nomination of Candidates for Three
Polioe Trustees for the ensuing year shall be held in ~lie
Orono MUnidipal Building on the Twenty-sixth day of November,
196.5, at the hour of Seven o'olook in the afternoon.
That the pOlling, if required, for the MUnioipal Eleotion
shall take plaoe on the Sixth day of Deoember, 1965, and the
Deputy Returning Offioer, Poll Clerk and Polling Plaoe shall
be and are hereby appointed as fOllows:
Orono MUnioipal Building
Deputy Returning O:t:fi oer - Mrs. Alma Mi tchell
Poll Clerk Mrs. Margaret Riokaby
And at the said Nomination Meeting and Eleotion (if required)
H.E.Millson shall be Chairman and Returning Offioer.
James Imlaok
Mrs. Leta Samis
Ross Adams
Mrs. Margaret G. Boyd
Oeoil Nalley
Mrs. Chas. Fiak
. .
Arthur Thompson
. Mrs. Helen Couroux
Horaoe Best
Mrs. Olive ~ller
Norman Bairstow
Hor Thompson
Lawrenoe Harris
Mrs. Fred C. Graham.
. .
Mrs. J"OM Stark
Mrs. Ada L. Carson .
Page 7 -
Counoil Meeting August " 19'5 - Continued:
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August 26, 1965 at 7 p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve ~~ w. Stone
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor O. H. Falls
Council~or Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E. Millson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
Speoial meeting of Council was called by Reeve J. W. Stone
to oonsider the following business:
Resolution No. 136: MOved by R. G. Chater, seconded by L.A.Perrault:
This Council hereby open the tenders as advertised for the
supply of gasoline~ diesel oil, storage tanks and pumps and other
supplies. Carried.
Tenders were received from the following:
1. B/A Oil Company
2. Pye & Grant Oil Ltd.
3. DX Oil Company
4. Texaco .
5. MUrphy Oil Co.
6. Donald M. Tennant
7. Orono Fule & Lumber Ltd.
Resolution.No. 13'7: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by O.H.Falls:
Resoive that the tender received from MUrphy Oil Company
Limited, 78 Bond street West, Oshawa, Ontario,~for the supply of
gasoline, diesel oil, and furnace oil etc. be and is hereby
aoceptedas per tender. Carried.
Resolution No. 138: Moved by L. A.Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater:
Resolve that the tender of (Orono Fuel and Lum~er, which
arrived late, be and is hereby refused with regret.
A copy ,of this resolution and the tender be returned to Qrono
Fuel ana Lumber Limited. Carried.
The following correspondence and report were read out by
the Reeve:-
1. Ontario MUnicipal Board re approval of By-law No. 148~. - Filed.
2. Referral of minutes of Committee of Adjustment meeting held
August 23, 1965, to inform Counoil of the Road Allowance being the
continuation of Station str~et easterly of Highway 115. - Council
instructed the Clerk to investigat~ ownership length and width of
this road allowanoe and report back to Council.
The following By~law was read a third time and finally passed,
signed, sealed and numbered:-
By-Law No. 148,: To authorize the borrowing of $20,000.00 upon
~ debentu~es to extend and improve oertain works
for distributing electrical power or energy for
the use of the Police Village of Orono and its
( inhabitants, called the Orono Hydro Electric
WHEREAS it has been deemed desirous to extend and improve the
works for the distribution of eleotrical power or energy of the
Orono Hydro Electric~l Commission;