HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/1965 (Special Meeting) 7 - Oounoil Meeting, ~uly 6, 1965, continued: 8UDl suffioient to finance their portion of the said works which sum shall not exceed 128,488.00 ana shall issue debentures, there- fore, when duly authorized and app~oved. . 6. The Treasurt:tr may (subjeot to the approval of the Counoil) agree with any bank or person for temporary advanoes of money to meet the oost of the work pending the oompletion of it at ,a rate of interest riot toexcsed five and ,three-quarters per cent ('5'6> per annum. , 7. Any debentures to be issued (save those to be issued tQ the Provinee of Ontario) for the loan to be effeoted to pay for the cost of the work ,when completed shall bear interest at five and three-quarters per oent'(5!~) per annum and be made payable within 5 years on the instalment plan. 8. Tlie debentures ~o be issued to the Province of Ontario for the loan to be effected to pay for the oost .ot the work when completed shall bear interest at five and three-eighths per oent (5-3/8~) per annum and be made payable within 5 years on the instalment plan. 9. In settling the sum to be raised annually to pay the debt the rate ot interest on inveatments shall not be estimated at more than 5-3/8~ in respeot of the debt incurred to the Provinoe of Ontario and 5!~ in respeot of the debt ineu~red to others. Resolution No. llt= Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: This Counoil hereDy adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 3, 1965, at 10 a.m. in the Counoil Chamber at Orono or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Oarried. ~,. .'A..A~J Cler ( ( 'O/l/V~ He,,_ - SPECIAL MEE'rING OF THE OOUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF OLARKE July 12, 1'" at 8 :p.m.. . , Oounoil'Ohamber, Orono. Present: Reeve J.W. Stone Councillor R.G. Ohater . Councillor O.H. Falla Olerk H.E. Millson Road SUperintendent M.L. Ross H.D. Glennie, SUpervisor, To~ten, Sima & Aasociate. Ltd. Speoial Keeting of Oouncil wa. .al1e4 'i'Reeve J.W. Stone to consider the following busine..: aeaolution No. 120: Moved ~;y !lobert G. bhater, .eoonded b7 O.H.J'alls: Thia Council hereby open the te.ders aa advertised tor the propo.ed oonstruction ot the Le.ka.rd Bridge. - Oarried. Tenaers were reoeivel trom the tollowiag tor the proposed oonstrUotion ot the Le.ka1'd Bric1ge: · 1. Gb.ara.ka Br14ge Ootapu;y, Box ", Port Repe, Ontario. 2. Kel-Bon Oonstraotion, P.O. :Box 297, Whitby, Ontario. The 1'ollo..ing oorre.ponaenoe wa. read OU\: 1. Trustees ot the Po1ioe Tillage ot Orono retue.t ~or wat.r main extensions - Reterred tb resolution. ~e following resolutions were pas.ed: R.solution No. l21:Movecl bY' Orme Fall, se.onlled by Robert G. Ohater: H.solTethat the tender r.ceived 1'raa Ganara.ka :Bridge Oompany,. :Box'", Port Hope, Ontario, tor the propOsel oonatruotion or the Leskard Bridge be and i. h.r.'y aocepted aa per tenter, aubje.t to the approval. of the Departieilt of Highways ot Ontario, ant oheok1ng of the tender document. by Totten, 8ims anel Assooiate.. Limit.l, COnsulting Engineers, lhitby, Ontario. - Carried. Page 2. , Couneil Veetins July 12, 1'" - Oontinued: ReaolliUoJl NO. 122:lIeve4 lay B..G. Ohltter,( .e.onded iy Orme l'al18: WhereaarequeatahaT. been made to~. water servioe in oe1'''&1. are.a. . ot the Polioe Village ot Orono not 1'r"ent11 sem..et bynteNa1as, ud ..hereasth. Polio. Trustees believe it expedient to have .ater- mains 1.stall." .tthis '1me to servioe the.e are~s, B. it resolved that the Oounoil of the Township of Olarke on b.halt of th.e Orono ,Polioe Truatees p.tl tion ,the Ontario,WateI' RellOuroes Collllisll1o. 'to at.nd the oontraot wi tb. Gaftn.y Oonstruction 00: to iD.olllt.'h. :toll_ins ..ter main lJl~allat1ona: 4"w.terma1n ntu.4ing south on Main 8t. north(approx1mately 100 1'..t) 4...at.r ..In extending .e.t on Princeaa St. trom Ma1n St. . (Approximately 400 tt.) '...ater ..1& ezt.end1ng .ast trom Mill St. on UDname4 Street (approximately 240 tt.) - Carri.d. . ".'las adjourned. .~ Oler . , r.....-I ; 'lAl ~ eve . . .. REGUL.A.R MEETING OF THE OOUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF OLA.BKE August ~, 196' at 10 a.m. Oounoil Oh~ber, Orono. Pre.ent: Reeve J.W.Stone Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault Counoillor R.G.Ohkter 00uno1llerO.H.Falls Oounbillor Lloyd Lowery Olerk H. E. Millaon Road Superintendent M.L.Ross '!'he mS.Jlute. of the last regular meetihg and o~. speoial me.ting were aocepted as read on motion by O.H.Fall'raeoonded by Lloyd Lowery. - Oarried. A resolutb'n',.Qa='J8..e4- by Oounc11 authorizing' ahy interested person theopportun1ty at this time to oppose the proposed'bY-law to close or st9P-uP oertain road allow~noes in, the Township of Olarke. Re.ve Stone read o'\!t the following desoriptions of proposed road olosings and asked for any and all o'bjeotioD!l (if, any) to be made to counoil after, the reading of eaoh desoription. - , ' 1. The Boad Allowanoe between ~ots 8 & 9 in the Eighth Oon- oession of, the Township of Olarke, Oounty of Durham, being the north'14l2 feet southerly of' the said northerly boundary. -' No ob-jection. -" . 2. The Road Allowanoe between Lots 24 & 25,in the Fourth Oon- cession of the Township of Olarke, Oounty of Durham, exten- . ding from the southerly limit of the said Fourth Oonoession to the northerly limit thereof. - No objeot~on. , ~. ~e'Boad Allo.anoe be'hleen Lots 34 & 35 in the'.fenth Gon- cession of the Township of Olarke, County of Durham, exten- ding trom the southerly limit of the said Tenth Oonoe8sion to the northerly limit thereof. - No Objeotion. 4. The Road Allowance between Lots 6 & 7 in the First Oon- cession of the TownShip of Olarke, Oounty of Durham, exten- ding'from the~southerly limit of ' the said First Oonoession to the southerly limit of King'S Highway No. 401. - No ob- jeotion. ;. The Road Allowance between Oonoession 8 & 9 abutting on Lots 7 & 8 of' the Township of Olarke, Oounty of Durham. - No objeotion. 6. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 2 & , in the south halt of the Eighth Concession of' the Township of Olarke. Oounty of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of' the said Eighth Oonoession northerly to a point where the said Road Allowance between Lots 2 & , intersects with the souther- ly boundary of the Forced Road, which point is 436 feet more .