HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1965 (Special Meeting)
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2 - Cauacil Me.ting, Zuae 1'. 1'" - oontinued:
e:alargeme.ts were .oap.sect ot the lands in Olarke 'De4.1l8tormer
Union Sohoal Seotion. Ro. 22, No. 23 and No. 2'. ~ere was no
o'D3ectd.onto tihe p.ssina ot By-Law No. 1384 ot the Township ot
Olarke and By-Law No. 2297 ofth. Township ot Darlington. This
business was reterred to resolution.
!he tollowiDS .or~espondenoe was read out to Counoils
1. Town.~lp .t Darlington requesting Olerk to 'pasa a reao-lu-
tion .sae~ting to t~eir By-Law No. 2297, a by-law to separate
oertain lands from the Township School Area ot Darling. - .
Beferred to resolution.
2. Depar,.ent of ~ioi>>al Affairs, Oommunity Planning Branoh,
re the Department's comaents on Restrioted Area By-Law No. 147'
u4 torwarde<< to the Ontario- Munioipal Board. -nletl.
3. !he ODt~io MUDioipal Board re Re$tri~ted Area BY-Law No.
1479. - It was moved by ~.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault.
that the Olerk be and is hereby authorized to amend By-Law No.
147' in aooordanoe with the oomments of the Community Planning
Branch and to serve notioe in respeot to The Ontario Municipal
B.~4's Bules of Prooedure dated A.pril 26, 1963. - Oarried.
!he tollowing resolutions were passeds .
Reeolutien Bo. 89s MOved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowerys
The .e.ye and Clerk be and are hereby given the neoessary authority
to ,iln all land aoquisition agreements with regard to the MUni-
oipal Works AS.istaRoe Programs No. 1 and No. 2 providing indiTi-
dUa+ resolutions stating the nameta) of the personCa) trom whom
property is being aoquired are finally passed by this Couneil at
the..ext resulartme.ting thereafter. - Carriel.
le..lutien .0. 90s Moved by R.G.Chater, seoond.ed'by L.A.'Perrault:
fhi.Counoil her.by as..nt to the passing ot By-Law No. 2297
of ~he Oorporation of the Township of Darlington. A oertified
eopYtot this' resolution be torwarded to the Township 01' Darling-
"on. - Oarriecl.
_..elu"ion We. 91; Moved. by R.G.Chater, seoonded by Lloyd Lowerys
Thl, OOUJ1oiI h.reby request the Board of the Township Sohool
~ea of.Olarke to submit all plans with regard to the intended
d.isposal of sohool properties to the attention of this Oounoil
tor oonsideration and oomment. - Oarried.
'Iesolution Jro. 92 $ JIovea by L.J..Perraul t, .eoonded by Lla.yc1 Lowerys
Bes.~v. 'hat the Reeve and Olerk be and are hereby autheriz.d
to sian and seal the .Ott.r to Sell" agreement between this
munioipality and Ray Harold Martinell. - Oarried.
Resolution No. 93s MOved by L.A.Perrault, seconde" by R.G.Chaterl
Resolveth~t the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
8il' ~d seal the "Offer to SellP agreement betweea this munioi-
! pality'andHarold.1. Davis. - Oarriel.
_eselution No. '4: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded'by R.G.Chater:
lesofv. that the Reeve and Olerk be and'are hereby authoriz.d to
sign .fIkD.d seal the "Ofter to Sell" agreement b.t....n this munici-
pality and Roy Littl.. - Oarried.
BelOin"ion No. 9.51 MoTed by L.A.Perrault, .eoonde" by Orme J'al1sl
Reao ve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are her.by authorized to
siaD,and seal the "Otter to Sell" agreement between this munioi-
pality and Edwin F08te~. - Oarried.
geeting adjourned at 10.4' p.m.
. -- ~~:.._~/
. .
J'u.ne 21, 1'" at. 7. p.m.
Oounoil On.mber, Orono.
Pre.en t s Re.v.;r . W.Stop.. . .
>>epaty Reeve L.A.Perranlt
Counoillor R.G.Chat.r
Oouncillor O.H.Falls
Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery
Page 2
Oouncil .eeting June 21, 1"1 - oo.tinue4:(
Clerk H.E.M1llson
Road Superintendent M.L.Rosa
T.E,Sims, Consulting Engineer, Totten Sims & A.ssooi.tea Ltd
H.D.Glennie, SuperT1sor It" .. .
Speoial Meeting ot Oounoil was callea by Reeve J.W.Stone
to oonsider the rollowing businesas
Resolution NO.9': Moved by Lloyt Lowery, Seoonded by O.H.Falla:
This Counoil hereby open the tenders a.ad.vertised for :the
proposed oonstruotion of the Kimball Bridge. - Oarried..
Tenders were reoeived from the following for the p~op.sed
oonstruotion of the Kimball Bri dge: . . . .
1. Ganaraska Bridge Ltd., Box 96, Port Hope, ant.
2. E.F.Marston Construotions Limited, P.O.Boz'l,
. 171 Nelson.S:t., Pprt Hope
3. Mel-Ron Construotion, 401 Hopkins Street, 1h1tby..On:t.
~his business was referred to resolution.
Resolution No. 97: Moved byH.G.Chater, se.ondea by L.A..Perrault:
Resolve that the tender reoeived from E.F.Marston Oonstruotion
Limited, P.O.Box 91, 171 Nelson St., Port Hope, Ontario, for. the
proposed construotion of the Kimball Bridge be' and i8 hereby
ao~epted as per tender, subjeot to the appreval of the Depart-
ment of Highways of Ontario, and checking ot the tender doouments.
- Carried. . .
Oounoil agreed that tenders for. the Leskard Bri4ge be .
called tor July 12, 196,.
Meeting ad6ourned. .
. .
(L/jAI r~
July', 196, at 10 a.m.
Oounoil Chamber. Orono.
Present: . Reeve J. W. Stone
Councillor R. G. Chater
Counoillor O. H. lalls
Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E.. Jl1llsob. .
Road Superin tenden t M.. L". ROd ·
Th_ minute~ ot the last regular meeting and two apecial
meetings were approved as rea4 on motion by Lloyd Lowery, seoondea
by B. G. Chater. - Oarried.
It _a. moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by O. H. Falls,. that
delegations be heard. - Carriect.' ,
Mr. Carroll Nichols, representing The Hamilton Townshi~
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insuranoe Company, expolained tbe termination
of their agreement ~ated"y 3rd, 1'55, whereiy t~e Company. agreed
to pay to the Township the sum of .7'.00 -tor every. fire at whioh
tire fighting proteotion is provided by a recol3i..d mobil. fire
brigade. This ~siness.a~ ooncluded by ~esolution.
· Mr. John" Kimball met wi'lh Counoil representing himselt- and Mrs.
Madge Shaw to disouss the proposed road projeot as advertised under
Road. "E-. Mr. Xlmball objeoted to the surveying stake plaoed
approximately within 34 feet. of the west limit of his b~rn. Mr.
Kimball requested the stake to be moved to approrimettel'y the 10011.-
tion ot his .uth road allowanoe fenoe. Couueil referTed thie
matter-to the investigation and mutual agreement of Mr. Kimball,
~. M. L. Ross and Mr. R. E. Sims.
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Drowley. Mr. Howard Devery, solio~tor to
'Mr. Drowley, Mrs. P. Viokery, and Mr. Alfred Perrin met wi1;h Oounoil
to disouss the propose~ road prajeot as advertised under Hoad "An.
Mr. Devery suggested a ohange in the original plan of surv&y to
reroute the stream and move the proposed bridge southerl~ ,and
westerly into the original road allowanoe between tots l' and 17
in the Third Conoession. Oounoil ret.rred this busin.s. 'fle the
investigation and mutual agreement of the delegation, Mr. M. L.
Ross and Mr. R. E. Sims. A oopy 01' the Plan of Survey was giT..
to Mr. Devery for his reoord.