HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/1965 (Special Meeting) 7 - Oounoil Me.ting JUD. 1. 19", oontinue4: w , (( 2. All sums borrowe4 pursuant to the authority oflthis by- law, as well as all ether au.s iorrowed in this year anA in previpua years from .the .said. Bank for any or all of the purpose. mentioned,. in the said Seotion 329, shall, with . interest thereon, be a charge upon~he whole of the revenues ot the MUnip1pality for the current year aDt tor all preoeding y.~s as and when suoh revenue. are reoeivel. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and direot.a to .pp1y in payment of all su.. borrowed as aforesaid, together w~th interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter 001- leoted or reoeived either on acoo~t or realized in re.pect of taxes levied for the ourrent year and pr.oe~ . ding years or trom Uly other soure. whioh may lawtully b~ applied tor suoh purpose. SUPPlementary By-Law No. 148' I A. By-Law to provide tor , . . the 1"5 .xpe~i~ur.s on roads in . . the Township of Olark. in the Ooun ty 0 t DurhUl WHEBEAS The Highway Improvement Aot require. that the total exp.n~iture on rpads be prov1ded tor annually by by-law and that the 'by-law be subm1tted to the JI1ni.ter ot Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Counoil at t~ Corpora t10n of tl1e said Town- Ship enacts as follows:' , (1) The sum ot $1,200.00 is hereby estimated as the expendi- _ture upon the oonstruotion an~ ma1ntenanoe of the roads and br1dges under its jurisd1ction during the year 19" as follows: Oonstruotion Maintenanoe Tetal 1,200.00 Roads , Bridgea ~ Culverts New Maohillery Superintendenoe.& Overhea4 'fotals . nil (2) The said monies ,hall b, ,xpende4 under t11e 8uperviisio11. of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in aooordanoe with The Highway Improvement Aot. (3) The olerk shall transmit duplioate oopies of this by-law to the district offioe 9f the MuniQipal Roads Branoh, Department of B1ghways, Ontario, n9t later ~hJn Maroh31st of. the said year. (4) The approval ot the Ontario MUDioipal Board shall be obtained betore any expenditure is authorized. or work commenoea whioh w1ll be f~hanoed. by ~he issue of debentures or monies raised.i. a subsequent year. Re.olution No. 18: Moved by Orme lall., seoondea DY LloydLower.r: This Counoil hereby atjourn to m,e' aga~n on Tuesaay, July 6, 1"', .t.10 a.m. in the Oouncil Qh~ber at Orono o~ otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Oarrie4. ~""~4-~ . Oler . '.. (j~~ .~ Ree,.. . SPEOIAL IlEE'NJO OF '1'HlC COUNOIL OF '!'HE TOD'aHIP OF OI.A.RKI June 1'. 1'" at 8 J.m. Oounoil Cha._er. Oroao. , i ( ( 2 - COttRell Meeting, Juae 1'. 1'" - oontinued: ealarge.e..ts were .o.p.secl ot the lands in Olarke be4.118toraer Union Sehool aeotions.o. 22, No.2} and No. 2J. !here waa no. oijeotaonto ~he pasaine of By-Law NO. 1384 of the TOwnship ot Olarke and By-Law No. 2297 of the Township ot Darlington. Thi8 busine8s was reterred to resolution. fte tollowlng oorrespondenoe was read. out to Counoils 1. Town.~1p et Darlington requesting Olerk to pas. a re~lu- tion .8.en~inc to. tnelr By-Law No. 2297, a by-law to separate certain landstrom the Township School Area of Darling. - .. :aeterred te re.lution. 2. Depar~.ent of ~niolpal Affairs, Oommunity Planning Branoh, re the Department's comments on Restrioted. Area By-Law No. 147' ud torwarded to the Ontario- Municipal Board. - Filed. 3. ft.e Oat~io Ilunioipal Board re Reatrioted Area BY-Law Ifo. 147'. - It was moved by ~.G.Ohater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault, that the Olerk be and is hereby authorized to amend By-Law No. 147' in aooordanoe with the oomments of the Community Planning Braneh and to serve netloe in respeot to The Ontario MUnioipal B.a~4's Rules of Prooedure dated April 26, 1963. - Carried. thetollowing resolutions were passeds . Re~lution Ifo. a9. MOved by L.A..Perrault, seconded by Lloyd Lowery. The ...ye and Olerk be aad are hereby given the neoessary authority to ,igD all land acqulsition agreements with regard to the MUni- oipal Works Assistance Programs No. 1 and No. 2 providing indivi- dUa+ resolutions stating the namefa) of the personCs) trom whom pr.perty 18 being aoquired are finally passed by this Oounoil at .he.aezt resulartmeeting thereatter. - Oarried. . le..l.'ion 1'0. 'I: Moved by R.G.Ohater. seoonded lay L.A..Perrault: !hiiOoUllcil hereby assent to the passing of By-Law No. 2297 of ~he Oorporation of the Township of Darlington. A oertified eopy(of th1s'resolution be forwarded to the Township ot Darling- ton. ~ Oarrled. 1t..ol.tloJl .0. 91$ Move4 by R.G.Chater, llIeconded by Lloyd Lowery: Th:l.'s OOUJloiI hereby request the Board of the Township Sohool ~ea of-Olarke to submit all plans with regard to the intended cl.isposal of school properties to the attention of this Council for censideration and oomment. - Carried. 'Iesolution .0. 92: Moved. by L..l.Perrault, seoomded by LltAy4 Lowerys le.o~ve that the Reeve..d Clerk be and are hereby autherize4 to Idsn and seal the .Otter to Sell" agreement between this muniolpality and Ray Harold Martinell. - Oarrie4. Resolution No. '3: MOved by L..l.Perrault, seeonded by R.G.Chaters Resolve,tha.t the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to .i8~ -.d seal the "Offer to Sell~ agreement bet.esa this munloi- ( pality.and.li&rold A. Davis. - Carried. Reaelution No. 94: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded'by R.G.Chater: Besoiv8 that the Reeve and Olerk be and'are hereby authorized to sip "and seal the "Ofter to Sell" agreement between this munioi- pallty and Roy Little. - Carried. ReSOlution No. ,,: MOved by L.A.Perrault. seoonded by Orme Fallsl Resofve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign,and seal the "Offer to Sell" agreement between this munioi- pality and Edwin Foste~. - Oarried. Meeting adjourned at 10.4J p.m. . . . -='~ic~~ ~~... - ---/ Oler '. g/W.~ R,.ve. . . SPlOIAL DE'l'IlU $)F. THE OOUNCIL OF '!'HE TOWNSHIP DF. OL.A.RD JUne 21, 1'" at. 7. p.m. Oouncil On.mber, Orono. . Present: Reeve .r.W.Sto}1e . . >>epaty Reeve L.A.Perrault Oouncillor R.G.Ohater Counoll1or O.H.Falls Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery