HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1965 '.'f.'!i'!;;:;";~~;~:""\,:'::' lea4. Brle1s.. 'Culyert. If.w ......hl..ry Superi.t_114ence , ' Overh.al 2 · 8p..lal C....l1...tl.., '''7 7, 1"'. ...tin..I: .. B.801."io. Io. '7.!t "ve. '7 Lley4 Low.ry. ..cond..cl lay R.G.CJlater: lfhat "h. B..'Y... and. Olerkb. a.'.orlze4 "0 .x..u". th. 1'011..1. ..."rae". ..tw... the Qorpera"iono1' the ~.wn.hlp 01' Clar~. and.: (a) .ell.er .T:t:.. ~.r"a tor oeD.'true~.iOD o~ the Hallowell .:1..... (It) h. D. Wfnter'L". tcir the oo.a'ruo"ion of a ltuildi....ler Oontraot 1'0. '4"0-1.,. - .Carn... ,.. . ."., , !he tollowlac DT~law waa 1'..4 a 1'lra'. ...0Dd. &ad "hlr4 tl.e and ti n~llT pa.8a,,~ I . , Sup:Dle"D.tarYI~-taw .0.14821 AJJy-Law ,to provld. tor th. , l'~J expe.(iiur.. on roa'. in 'h. Town- Dlp otOleke IJLtla. OOU.'1 .t Durha. "QICQA" ft. Bighway' I.proTe.ell' .A.., r....lr.. taat' i..- total up.ndi ture ,on roa4. ie proTid.. tor -11al17 b7 "'-:1a. and. taa t ta. ""-~a. b. .11DII:I. t,.~ to :ta. .n.t.rot Jl:l.lhwQ'8 tor approTal. . fD1[D'OD ,th.:C81Uloil. ,ot the Corporation' otthe'.al. T01fD..h:l.f ....t. a.'tollows: ,,(1 !he '... 01' 112.'00.00 is her'eby ..timat.da. the expeadltur. upon the oo.struetion an4 maint..aao. of the ro........ iridae. un4er It. Juri.iiotie. (111'1.. th.e Tear 1", .. tollow., . ,', ~ O...'ructi.. ~.'8D..oe ~otal 'I( .1 r- 12,'08.00 . nil 112,'00.00 . j ~.tal. I l2~JOf.OO .ltf."'.OO (2) !he a.i4 menle..hall ie eXJent.4 lIU.r tll..up.rnalo. at the duly a,polnted \'....hlp rea4 8u:peri.ntellclent and Oil work pertor...d 1.aooor4...0. ,wi th The Hipw.,. Imp1"OTellellt ..A.ot. (J)ftle olerk shall trun1', QJ1:l.o.t. 08pf.. "ot thi. BY- law totheli.trlot ottioe ot th. lltnioiJal Rea". Branch. Depart- .ent ot Highways, Ontario, not 1.t.rthU,JlarOh Jlst ot the .aid ~ ~. ~u. " , (4') The aJProvltl ot the Ontario Jlunioipal Boarlshall be obtain.d betor. any exp.Ddltur. i8 authoriz." or wo~k 00....0.. .hioh ..ill ,. tinano.. Dy' the i.aue of "ebe.tv..or ._i.. raiae. ill a ,.uba.tuent" 1'..1'. . · J' ,J · ".~i.. a43our.ed. . g, ~ '4;;;~ ke~.: . . ..~-::;-. "u.o_1 a~ Ie ,J .. .r . ' . . IIGl.T.LD IuluDIGOJ'mI COnOIL -OY 'fDfOI'..8B.lF OJ' IT.AJfR:I . h.. +.,1'" at '10' a... ' 0....11 Oh,,'.r, Or.... . Pr..e. t: B.eTe J. .. 8t... >>.pu'1'-Re..... 'It. A. Perrault Oou..illorR. Q. Chatel' CGan.illor O. R. 1'&11. Ooanelller Llo,.4 tower.,. Clerk H. E. JUlIsen lloa4 Su,Griat....."M. L. :a... ' . th. lI1.ll'.' at th.'la.' r.galar28etiD& u:4 0.. 8]'oet&1. ...'i....r. a])pro....".. ..aa..."l.. :"y1!.Cl.Cl1a"e~t '..OGll- 40" 'by.1.1074 Lew.17. '.. Ci.~ri.4. _ ' AllotteD ... &uly .*'.'lUl4lUl__-tllOu.ly oarri.1 to .h.ar d.el.gation.. I - '....11 ...'iDS Zun. 1, 1"'. 0..'iBU.4& ...ara. UJ1011 '.......... .1111.. "actarepr.sen."lq "h. ~ .e.tollTil1. .o.r.a'loa O.JD.1t..... ".g."..r ..~'h 1Ir. HUlh Stapl.".D. 01\ ....h.lf 0' "h. .e."ollT111eC81DDlUnl',. .BallBoar4, met wlth COUnoillnao.or4anoe wi'h th. r.oorded arran..me.t. uncl.r it.mtiT. of oorr..pon4enoe i. them.i:aute. .t .e.'ing ,of Coulloil',oD. "'1' 4. 1"'. Ifh.retor.. at lO.~O a.m. It W&S _vet lay It.G.Ohat.r. .0.0.4e4 lty O.H~:ral:ts. tha' Oou.ntdl: glv.tlrstr.acling to aBJ'-lCW to e.ta1>:tlib..th.]f~wtGnvill. Oommunlty Ball' a. atOommanity Ball In ~..or4an.~ wlth the proTi.lo.. ot ,"h. O,emm.uni '7 C.lI.t1\.. Aot..- Oarrie!. ..It''P' tirst rea4iD&. L'.A.P.r1"ul:t "a8v.4.'..ooncl.e4 DY' LrOld ;Lo...r7. that OOUlloil giv. ..oontr.ading to the said lt1-1a..~. - Carri.... VpeD. ...pl.tiol1 ot the ..00n4 realing. Beove Stoll..po.e. the me.tinato g.neral disou..io. with the 4el..I\".. trom. ...toIlTi11.. Th.r. ,was 110 oDjeotion to the proPo.at pa..ins ot th.iy-law. In princlpl.. it wa. the t..li.. '..t the ..."1.. that th. 1I.o.e7. .ow h.14 III ~.t 'b7 ta. 0"'.011 '. trom 'the .ale' ot the tOrJI.r N.w'..v11l. OOllDlUni tJ' Puk ~14 i. u.... to r....tablish:r.ar.atioJl tao1l1tie. in tll.e .....a't~ll. Communi t7 .. the .ll1d _Iloy. orlli1l&tet fro. _.'kq;""ut..'iio.. l'1ntll SUGh,t!.. a. the 001lJft1l1ty .t ........11.11. .1l0u14 pres.at an organ1z.a plaa ot reol'eatio. .hl..Jt...,..~.... approTe4 iy Oemnol1, it was th.ir :4.01sioll., at 'his --e.., t. h.ll 'he In 'bll.' Maeya in sate k.epi.g. o. "1I.."ioD 0'1 Mr. Stapl.to.. i, was a8r..4 that the Couno.1loeul4 De llotit1.t of a g.n.ral m..t1ng ot. the ,re.i- Ie". {ot ....tonT1ll. to i. 0e:ll.4 by the _.w"onTill. Ch,_- ni'7 Ball :soarl at wh10h tim. this aUB3eot 1Ila7 'b. r...1T'ct .,..^-aa4-r.Jor'." to C011noll. n. sai4 iy-l... .... tala1.I. Jb'. W1l11.. E. Aru'rong, r.pres.n'il1& leu A.rm.."roq ~...~lw!t.l. r.,ue.t.d Oo~oil tt. aloae the .ideroa4 ..w..-.le".-'" aJul }Jia C...e..ion, 10 ud ap." ,. P&7 thet"J'41~.",.st. ot'ho propoa...ol..im.a. Th1.8 k.in.ss w.. r.t.....1 te r...lu'ion. .- ,....... I.Jt.J(aCl.~laJl.~ eel. F .E.L1'aet' ,res..t.a "h., ' ~..u1' 1'....1...01' insurano. ooverag.a. ,Copi.. or th. rOTlew ..rt:wp.I", o.ut to e...11 ..mi.r. af".r which a-.KoC1.lla:a ~P:P1l'../tllen.o...sar7 .zpl8.11a ti ons 04. tinaltly, ann.re" ~..' ....i.i... 1n r'..).a' to th.said insuru.oe. 00unol1 . lI~,..i.u.ly agr.... to aaoe})t the insuraao. oOT.rase. irI"tl.u....11g... .~11.. f!ruat... Jl.C.J'orre.t.r and H.M...ro.r re,uestee qoulle11 to pa.. a Supplementary By-~aw as an ad41tional ..al ez).ad1~ure tor the y.ar 19" in the ..ouat .t '1,200.00 'to OOTer utiolpate" ooata in laying dultt and gravel surfaaina. eea.noil qr.... to oGn.icter pa..1ng the propo.ed By-Law durillg th. l'eacl.1na ot By-La.. at this ...ting. .e..rlll Aoocnmt To..h.r. .0. , tor J11n. 19" ani Roal .....o:a.r ....'.5 ter llay 1'.,.81'. approve a t-or pa,.... t ell .'io. D:Y O.B.J'all.. "..-on4.. 'by It.G.Ohat.r. - Carri.l. · 1Ir. E. B. ...a,.arl. ot In.....tors Sy'D.dloa t. Um1 t.4. .xplain.a the n.w l.clslation now in .ffeot whereoJ' .. .x.mption ot ZaJ tor I.oo.. Tax parp.... .ill i. allo... ..,loyee. who are udel' the Begiat.rea ..t1r..ont SaTi..- Pl.. &1I.d. ann.r.1 ...I',..iJl qu.atl.ns.~o. COUJloil p.rtai.lns to the Oua4a P.nsi..s Sohe.. tG~.oo.. ett..tiTe in Z...ar,. 1"'. . 08~01l1.rB...Chater. oa 'behalt ot the Prop.rt7 an4 nneo. Oomm1 "t.., 1I8.ct. the t.llowing report "0 O.uoll wi th regar4 to D.I PoUJlcl S.niO..1 . · ; 1. !he ~oWJl ot BO....Till. weult be agr..ableto ..tablish Dog Pout s.rvi... onl7 ,. the If.....hip .ot, Olark. at u annual retaill.r t.. ot 'Joe.Qo. ' ....' 2. Mr. :1m..,' L..... kat ......invl t... to a"'e.4...tin& at Counoll ,. ti.ou.. the aubjeo' at han4. . . J~ Oft.o11 .heull liv. .....oo..ia.l'ation to the appointment ot a 10. Oa..h.r 1n th. ~...sh1p ot Olark.. ... htu:r.... .Peul '.zpoai 'hr.. shoult 'lte r..a1.... w1 thl11 the 1a1UllQl'p'l:l.t". .it at all po..i bl., ad ..rfo.. consid.ra- tion .hould. 'b. li...on t. the 4istaac. the,.re.i4e.'s .t 01ark. wou14 haTe to trav.l 1a Gr4er to avail the..olve. ot the "pouad .ervioe.. . . ~ it';'>- --.- - ~ "",.- . -.' -'-,i"-'" J - COllDOil ..eti.. Ju., 1. 1"". .o.tlJllle4s ~ ( .". :,.",,,'- " It wa. meved by R.G.Chat.r, thatthi. Ooun.il appoint a Dog Catoher ft!ir the 'rownship of Clarke. This ..t1o. w.. :Jo' .eoGnded. Att.r Gonallerabl. disou8aion, the Property and Finaac.'aomm1ttie.w.re authoriz.. to, lnveatigate turther. an4 report baokto COUJlo11. · !h. ~oll.win& reports' and oorrespondence .ere r.al out la7 Beeve Stone a . 1. Bus..ll O. Boney, M.P.. r. ottlcial openins 6t the ne. Poat Offioe 1n Newoastl.. -.Fil.d. .. · 2. '!'he Ontario .nioi,&1 Beartl re propoaea :;urohas. ot land and. censtruction of sara.., andcoBstruotion ot Road. Bridge, eto. - Filed. . 3; Solicitor E.H.Lovekin re 40g control. - 111el. . 4. Solioitor E.I.Lovekin re the Harvey Jaokaon .emaria! Park. Filed. .. ,. Sollcitor E;R;Lovekln re a41ition to the Publio Sohool Board of the, Township Sohool Area ot Clarke. - rile4. ,. 6. Mrs. Heid Wood, Seoretary ot the .ewtonville Oommunity Hall, .. busine.a brought forwart trom "1' 4. 1"'. - til.i. 7. Solicitor E.H.Lovekin ri Newtonville Co-.uiity aall. - 11le4. 8. 'Solioitor E.R.Lovekin re legal title to 'oWllshlp Garale property in Orono. - le1'erre<< to the Roa4 Sup.rint.ndent to obtain the ne.es.ar, survey. . ,. Departmen1i of Highways ot Ontario r. approval ot SUpple...tary By-LAw .0. 141'. - 711.4. . ( 10. Departm..t ot Highways ot Olltario re approval of Suppl.mentary By-Law .0. l47'~ - 111e4. 11. leputm.nt of Highway. of Ontario re approval ot Supple...tary By-Law 10. 141'. - Fil.l. 12. Truatee. of the ~11oe Village ot Orono re 4ireotion i.a' aiy pro).rty w1thin the Orono wat.r ar.. JU.7 now'. ',JOO a(. tt. tor Bu114ins purpose., )roviclins the sai4 :Jro:perty has bee. conneot.d. to the municipal water ..,stem. - 111.4. IJ.'.part_nt .ot' Rigllway. of Ontario re approval ot By-Law 110. 14'14. - File4. " . 14. Oopy of 19" ~ual 'Insuranc. a.vi... ~ Filet. J,.,. Depart.e.nt of H1g11..a.Y8 ot. Ontario r.apJ~oval .t By-La1f No. 1481; - Filed. . . , '., 16. >>epart.entot Municipal Affairs re !he ae.tral Oatarll>> Jetnt PlalUliqArea. inclucU.q Oshawa" Wh1 tby t B01l1UJl'tll1e 04 Ton- ships ot Whitiy, Ba.t Whi tiyand Darlington. - ]'11.4. . 17. O..t~alLak. Ontarlo OonserTat10n Authority r. minut.s ot meeting held Bay 20, 19". - File4. 18. Rorthumberlan4-Darham B.alth Vnit report .tor ~pril,l9". 111e4. · · (.', . 1'. G1baoa Orchards ,Ull1te4 r. quotati... OD. ...eel and. lll'U.sh kill. - a.terret 'to the Boael8up.~lntend.. t. . . 2,0. >>.pe,rt..ni,ot Publio..ltar. r. lQ"ursiJig lIom. Car.. - F1led. 21.>>t)artmeD.t 'of Highways.t OJltari~ r.'BlUn1oipal 1'0.. ....a41- tur. uti tor' a Rep.rt t'or'tll. y.ar l"~. -file4. 2t. ....r.. Bill Werry, Bill Hanoook, Jo.llD Gorcl.E?~. Bruo. Jluoock, Uel BOJlBuoook reque.t tor. a 1,_ per 110111' i.or.a.. 1n ...... - Det.rr.4 to the Boadan4 Br14se Golll1ll!ti... t, ' 2). Department ot Pub11d WeltaI'e 're ,l\1raiq S..e 'ear..-' Filet. 24. JIr.I'. O.Evans re lUlo>>.ne4 roa4 .110.00.. "Lot. ~4 Del IJ 1_ 00n....10n 4. _ 7il.d." t ' 2.J. Departmeat ot lt1gb,way. of Oatario <reint..r1m .u1t.1f.y 1'or the ,ear 1"'. .-F1l.... ". . 2'. lIorthumberlul-Durllalt 1;lealth unit J,anuallt.port for t_. year 1"4. - Fil.... ' , ;', '- 1'1. .0:rthumber1u.4-DurlaDl .Boar" of 1I.a!t1l., P1ulaiq ..partaea' hlllla!, R.porttor 'he .,.u l"~. "- )'11.4. , ". . ... 'II. selic1 tor B.B.Lo.ek:1. re luild.ing By-Law.. bu.l.... b:ro~t tonar4 fro. .a., .., 1",.. -: 'ra,bl...., ,. 2,. ,01i.. Vi11age.t Irono B..oluti.. ..te4Apr11 .'. 19'J 're r.1IU.erat1on to'l!tr-"'111"J.~'~oJt 1. the i..'la:l,latio. .r the w~"er .ystem .a.la,UI1....:')J-o.pt t"0l"War4 ~ollllll7 4. 1"'. - , . ,," . ' .'.' . ]'11.4. .,," JO.O....ilof" 'h. ~...ah1JotJfo.J. 1"eque.t tor, the Counol1 .t, Ola~k. 10 .ndor.e their 1". se 1.' i.. tor a ..r. .qu1'aJl., 41at:r1- butioa ot oost. tor BiSh lobool Jllr~G.e.. - J11.~. . .. - aft.ol1 ...'1.a.raa.>1, l"J,eoJltinu... Jl. aO])J' l."~ tJ:OII Solloitor B.B.Lovetein tC) Olark. 0.'''.17 Boart r. Pr.._'vian aurell.in Cda". "lfew'Cl)nT1~l,.. Oe..t.ry a. \)u..ln.... 'rouP' tc);rwart tromJlQ' '... 19". - ~al1.1. ' J2~ >>eJar'..nt or Lalou.r re .eminar with regard .to the '!reaoh ExoaTat.r.' Pr.t.ctio. Aot. - Fil.d.. · JJ. Lak. Oatario Develop..nt Associatio. r. r.a1oaal "ev.lop- ...t. - 111... J4.0_,.,1.'t.r trom R.lI. Sima to R~ J". Oalli&hu re .aoh1nir;y .."....'.....'ttio.. - nl.4. . , . JJ..,''''~io lluniOi:palAssooia1iion r. alUlual ooaven1;ion. :. .'J'11e1. ~ " . J'. Sollolter 1Il.I.LoTekin r. r.lluneratio. of oounoil m....r.. - , 'fa'1.... .... ' '. ' . . .. )1. 'b..".. of the, Polloe Village ot Orono t.'Orono Hydro :ll....'~t\CI.1J1I1..ion prop...t t.be.mr. ,issu.. - J'1le4. ,I. 1It;,.'.ti.arw B. 'l"ho.p.on r.que.t to 010.. . jart ot th. slt. r.a4..,~,..,..lot. 8 uel , on the 8th oonoe.aioD.. .. I.terr.a ( - r..oJ...1..... .,~ ~.~j;...O~E1"a:u ud BrOGk.F. OOllur.quest to 010.. .,......~':.".. betw.en lot. 24 ant 2' in th. ; tB. oonoe.si on. ~ l.f.W....'..r..o1utiOIl. . . . .1. ,.:.~.'arlos S1Il1th request for sid.walk ool1struetion in the ll.-.l.tJ~t. ....tonTill. a. Dusi.e.. )rought torllart trom ...ting ..1.1.,.4. 1"'. - Th. Ol.rk waa inatrueted 'to inform Ifr. . ~.l,l.,,-etteot that DO appr.priation"hat b.en.ap:prove4 forP flllaoCulstruction in the ;y.ar 1'" and 1;ha t Mr. Sm1 th should. $laia r.que.tth. inooming Oouncil in 'January 19" s6 that' the .eo...ary monies may b. approTecl for this :propo.e4 eonstruo- tioD.. .' . . ' 41. Olerk'. _.pert to Oounoil re Union Seheol Section Xo. 20. · At thla Ui.e the ManTer. 8011001 Area Boarcl wish '0 hold the s&14 tfJII.iOIl tor one .ore ,.ar a. .e. Park (SeetioD. O8.me into tlleir area with a fa{rI, larae defioit. - ~ile4. 42. ComBit,...t the Ezeoutlv. OouDcil of Ontario re report. ot the O.mmit"..on Aalulance Servioes. - FiIed.." · . !h. tol1...1.. i.iolut1o.a ...re pas..4, ....11ltl..... He ....et 'b7 R.G.Ohater, ..cond.d lay O.B.Fallal ...01,.." ''''t thisCou.oil her.by aocept, the ieoo.e.elation of the Pro,.rtyancl nabO. Oow.tte. to iastal II.l1Illo1)al wat.r 1. tae ~owa.hlp Ball a.4 to ,repay all or "'1 oftthe lIat.r o,.ts ..U'oate4t'o ''the .aid.Ball in the Police'V111aae of Orono. ft. Olerk 'e and ia lle,...y inatructed to oarry out thl. Or4t1r - In .O...o~l. - Oarrled..' '. ! .'''1. -, t.1..0.. '....0.' 1's .ilo",." )y o..B:.J'a.l1s, ..co.d.t 11' L.A..P.rraultl ~e '....ll ot ii.Tewnahipof Olarke hereby inst~uct the Olerk · to Dot1t;r the Council ot the Township of Darlina'.. .t the . Ma81118 ot 1.I;y-law .0.1484. ..kieh attecta th. 'oundari.sot . 1JJI.1o_SoK.,liSectlo. ... 22,.and reque.t the ..14 OOlUloil of the - '1'oneh1p e:r DarliDgton ter a oertified ospy of th.~r reaolufion ,ot aS8'!Jt.t; to ne ,sail Bt~law wi thin sixty days et the fasBins ( ot th.'"'aa14 By-law as provided in Seotid.n 40(7) and '(2 of The Pt{1>licSoheols .ct, R.S.G., 19'0. ...Carrled.. . It..lutl.. lie. 11s JIttY.. by lll..,Che.ter, ,.e00n4.4 by Lloyd Low.ryt -nIB aoUiteiI h..o;y au.ther1.. t);le aanad1an Im.perial Bank, of · eommeroe, Orcn., to lou the Or.no Hydro Elec,tric O'oJJla1..icui u amount not .zo.e.ing '1',900.09 tor the t.ar 1"--, 'ed oharg. the said Oomm.1..1on the pl'....aili:raa rate ot int.r,...... 1'h. .aid r.an .hall be in tore. .a1r peallng the sale ~t t~. d.~entur.i..u. un4er By-Law No. 148 J od .hall 1>. repaid ili' tull u)G.'the ,s.al. of the sai4 d.be~tur.t..u.. - Carri.d. . -. Itesoluti.n .o_'t8tJltf..'by It.A;Per:rault, a..ond.' by Lloyd "Low.ryS 'rbl. OOu.111l.r..,.:r.t01....o1..1DC, the foll..ing roadallollano.. in the!tow.ahl, .t Clark'.s. · · . ' 1. !'he .ea4 All...a.... ........n'Lot. & ~.9 il1 the E1chtll0onoeaa1oa ot t..-~Wlt.hlJ at Cflarlt.. Oounty ot~haill. laelll8 the nortli 1,412 f..' ...therlt of the a.14 n.~t~.:rly .ou.tar.,. 2". '!'It. lloa4 JJ.lowuc. '.'11... Lota 24 It 2' in the Fourth OO)1o,e.- .ion .t the Town.hip ot Clark.. C011Jlty et Durhu.ezt..ndiqfroa the a.uther17 11111 t .t the .ald leurth CO.D.oe.a1.n to the ner'ther17 lia! t th.r.o1'. . . '( . , ' . , - Oouncil lIeeting'June 1, 19", continued: 3. The Road Allowance between Lots 34 & 3' in the Tenth Ooncesaion of. the Township of Olarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said 'Tenth Concession to the northerly limi t thereot. 4. The Road Allowance between Lots 6 cl 7 in the First Conoession of the Township of Clarke, Oounty of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said First Conoession to the southerly limit of King's Highway No. 401. 5. The Road Allowance between Ooncession 8 d: 9 abutting on Lots 7 & 8 of the TownShip ot Clarke, County of Durham. 6. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3 in the south half of the Eighth Conoession of the Township at Clarke, County ot Durham extending from the southerly limit of the said Eighth Conoession northerly -to a point where the said Road Allowanoe between Lots 2 and , intersects ,with the southerly boundary of the Forced Road, whioh point is 436 te.t more or less southerly from the Centre Line of said Eighth Conoession - Carried. Resolution No. 7t: lIoved by L..l.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater: The Council of t e Corporation of the Township of Clarke hereby petition the Department of Highways to convey the following described lands under Property Sale T-03226 to this munioipality for municipal road allowanoe right-of-way purposes to 13.6 acres of land owned by this municipality, shown on the plan of survey attached, and upon which .a new Township Roads Garage and Offioe is now being oonstruoted:- Part 1 of land shown on P-2390-,2 together with land as shown outlined in red {said 'land lying between Part 1 of P-2390-32 and Part 1 of road as transferred by P-2390-33, OIC 3920/63 Decembe~ 19/~3.) Due to ,present planning now in progress by the Department of Highways of Ontario to reoonstruot the deoeleration strip on Highway 11' at the north &ntranoe to ,the .Polioe Village of Orono, this Counoil hereby agree to accept an alterantive being a 50 foot width right-of-way if and when your Department 8hould require any part of the said lands, herein requested by this munioipality, for the said proposed reoonstruction upon oondition that the north side only of the said proposed right-of-way may be used for private lot trontagea. - Carried. Resolution No. 80: lIoved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.B.Falls: Resolve that the Reeve and Olerk be and are hereby authorized as signing offioers in respeot to the Agreement between this munioipality and Andrew E. J. Thompson.- Carried. Resolution No. 81: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.H.Falls: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized as signing offioers in respeot to the Agreement between this. munioipality and Norman Leslie Patton. - Carried. Resolution No. 82: lIoved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by L.A.Perrault: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized as signing offioers in respect to tbe Agreement between this munioi- pality and Joseph Garozynski. - Carried. Resolution No. 83: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by R.G.Chater: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be aDd are hereby authorized as signing offioers in respeot to the Agreement between this munio- pality and Robert Lawrenoe Bullen. - Carried. Resolution No. 84: Move4 by L.A..Perrault,- seoonde4 by R.G.Chater: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized as signing offioers in respect to the Agreements between this munioi- pality and Frederiok Walter Wina. - Carried. ResolutiolL, No.8,: Moved byL.A.Perraul t, seconded by R.G.Chater: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk ,be and are hereby authorized .s signing offioers in respeot to the Agreement between this munioi- pality and James P. Lovekin; - Carr~ed. Resolution No. 86: lIoved by O.H.Falls, seoonded by L.A.Perrault: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized as signing offioers in respeot to the Agreement between this munioi- pality and James Hartwell Lowery. - Carried. Resolution No. 87: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A..perrault: Resolve tnat the Clerk is hereby authorized to publi8h notioe of the intent of Counoil to pass an expropriation by-law. _ Carri ed. . 6 - Counoil Meeting,June 1, 1965, oontinued: The tollow1ng by-law was given first and seoond reading only: By-LawWo. 1483 - a.:By-Law to authorize the borrowing of '20,000.00 upon debentures to extend and improve oertain works for distributing eleotrioal power or energy for the use of the POlioe Village of Orono and its inhabitants, oalled the Orono HydroEleotrioComm1s- sion. . . The toll..ing by-laws were given first, seoond and third reading and finally passed, signed and sealed: BjT~1.awlfo. 1484: Detaohing oertain lands from the . Township Sohool Area of Clarke WBED4S it is expedient that oertain lands be withdrawn . frpm~,;'.P"Il"hiP Sohool Area of Clarke ;, ... .IJFOQ the Counoil of the Township of Clarke pursuant to~,ae"ll~ho~ity oonferred by subseotion 4. of Seotion 40 of The PUl>11~'@\lools:Aot, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 330 (as amended), enaots a,.~:"f;Q;tt'!Sl l_l~.Darlington portion of former Union Sohool Seotion ,:Nu~_.:r:..22...22 of the Townships of .Darlington and Clarke is hereby detaolleti1:rQ1rl the -rownship Sohool Area of Clarke and attaohed to tb.e'JQwn8hip Sohool Area of Darlington. . . a. ..,.Q.n fUld after the 1st day of January, 1966, the lan.,8,;4'tact1:lecl from the said township sohool area shall oease to be, pa;t 'Qt .the .said township _sohool area and shall be added to The,~w~ship Sohool Area of Darlington. 3. ~1s by-law shall take effeot from the first day of Janu~ry, 1966. By-Law No. 1485: . A By-Law to authorize the borrowing of $2.67,530.00 WHEREAS the Counoil of the TOwnship of Clarke (here- inafter oalledthe "Munioipality") deems it neoessary to . borrow the sum of $267,530.00 to meet, until the taxes are oolleoted, the ourrent expenditures of the Munioipality for the year; AND WHEREAS the total amount of the estimated revenues o~~heMunioipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year-196.5, not inoluding revenues derivable or derived from the sa~e of asset., borrowings or issues of debentl1r~s or from a su~plus, inoluding arrears of. taxes and prooeeds from the sale of assets, is .300,000.00, AND WHEREAS the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed th~s year fDD.the purposes.mentioned. in sub- 8eo~1o~ (1) of Seotion 329 of The Munioipal Aot is.$150,000.00, of which the Munioipality has already borrowed 8 total of '60,000.00 Therefore ~he Counoil.of the Township of Clarke hereby <enaots as followss . 1: the Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the MUnioipality to borrow from time to time by way of p~omis80ry note from Canadian Imperial ~ank of Commeroe a sum or sums not exoeeding in the aggregate $417,530.00 to meet until the taxes are oolleoted the ourrent expenditures of the lIunioi- pality for ~he year, inoluding the amounts required ~or thepurpose$ mentioned.in subseotion (1) of Seotion 329 of the Munioipal Aot, and to give on behalf of the Munioipality to the Bank a promissory note or note, sealed witb the Corporate Seal and . .signed by the ijead and Tr~asurer for the money.' so borrowed, with interest, whioh may be paid'in' ad- vanoe or otherwise, at a rate not exoeeding 5-3/4 per oentum per annum. . 7 - Oounoil _ee'ins Jun. 1. 1",. oontinuett . , ," I I ,. 2. All SUIU borrow.. pursuant to the authority ot1this by- law, as .ell as all other. au.. 'orrowed in this year an4 in :previpus Y'eara fro. .th. .aia.. Bank for any or all o.f the purpose. ...tioaea.. in the said Seotion J29, shall, ,with . intere.' thereon, _e a oharge upon ~he whole of the . revenues 'of the lluDi.oiJali tJ' 1'or the current year ant tor all preoe4ing Y'.~s .s an4 wheR auoh revenu.. are reoeive4. J. ne Treasurer i. hereby autherized aDd direoted to app'-r ia payaeat of ~l au.. borrowed as ator..aid, together wtth interest thereon, all of the moneY'a hereafter col- leote4 or reoeived either on aoco~t or realized in re.peot ot tax.. levi.' tor the ourrent year and preoe~ . dill8years or troll. uy other sour.e whioh lI.&y l...:rully be. applle' tor suoh purpo.e. SUPlU.ellentary By-La. .0. 1486. A. By-Law to provide tor .' . . the 1,15 expe8Jli.ture. on rOa4. in . ' the Township .t Olarke in the OeUllty of Durh.. WHJmEAS The Highway Ia>>rovement A.ct require. that the total exp.en$li ture on rf)ads be proviled tor tlJlJ1uallJ' ll7 'by-law od tlla t the 'by-law be submitt.4 to the Ilin1.ter ot Bighw81's tor approval. THlBEFOBE the C011n.il ot tb.,t Corporation ot tile .aid Town- ship e.aots as 1'ollowss' , ' (1) The aWl of 11.200.00 is herelly ..tiuted a. the expendi- -.ture upon the oo.struction an. ma1ntenance of the roads and bridges under'its juris4ictio. during the year 1'" .s follows. Construotlon Mai tenan.e Total 1.a80.00 Roads . Brille. ~ Culverta .e. MaohiJlery Sup.rintend..ce.~ Overhea4 'fotals . . . nil (2) The aiel monie. ,hall i, ,xpende4 lUlder flt. auperv1iaio. at the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work pertormed in aooordance .i th The Highway Improve.eJ1t A.ot. eJ) '!he ol.rk shall trusmit duplioate oopies ot thi. by-law to the distr10t off1ce tf the MUDd,1pal Roads Branoh. Department of HighWays, Ontario, n9t lat.r ~hp. JlarOh'lst at. the said. year. (4) Th. approval ot the Oatari. JIWlioipal Boart shall be obtai.ed betore any expenditure is authorized. or work co....o.. which w11l b. f~hanoed by ~h. issue of debentures or moJ1ies .rais.d.i~ a subsequent year. .. a..olu'ioD. .0. 18t )(ove4 17 Orm. lalls, seooa4.d lay Ll.J1l~o..el'7': " '!hisOounoil hereby a..journ to .,et l.Ia~. o. !a.a4.,., .1'u17 '. .1"', ..t.10 a.m. in the_Oou01l Qllfmber at Orono Of otherwise at the caller the B.ev.. - Oarrie4. . ra~:.~~.-J. Ole '. '.. (l~, .~ Be.,-. ' SPEOIAL JlD'NJD O:r 'I'D OOUNCIL OF 'I'D 'lOU8JIIP O:r OLA.RD .Tun. 1'. 19" at 8 p.m. Oouoll Ch..i.r..O..... Presen': Iteeve J.W.Ston. Deputy It. eve L.A..Perrault Oounoillor R.G.Ohater Oounoillor- O.H.:ralls { OouJ1oiller Lloyd. Lowery are Larenoe Gre.awool, Oha1rmu of 'r01hlsh.ip 8ohool .&rea or Olarke JI'r. Horace :S.st, S... !reaB. at 'rOWJ1..hip SOhool Ar.. . . ot Olarke Clerk, H.E. M111son Reeve Stone oalled the special ....t1-mg ot Oounoil to ....il.r the tollow1na DUBine... ..sar.. Greenwoot an4 Beat 41aous..d the proposed ealar.e- .en'. to the Townahlp Sonool Area of Olark. with Oouaoil. !he