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; .....w. ..-n. e:r '!D e..cn. G"..,'!D !ODIn!' o:r CUlR' . '-..,. ". 1'" ., , .JO p.L COllJlol1 ."_.1". Grolle. Pr...., , .......J...StO... '.)1l"J'~.e.... 1..A.Per1"aultt 00..011101" ..,.0ha'.1" Counoillor 0.R.:ra11. O.u.oillorlLloy4 Low.ry 8lerk K...lal1... loaIS.perlat..,..t )(.L.B.s. ...ara. B..~S1.. ..4 H.Glena1. :1'eJ1"..en'lin& ~~".., S~a As.oeiat..Limit.d.. ct. . . . . . ap.o1al ...t1q ot O..lloil waa oall.t 'by' ..ev. J~W.S"ll. " ....l4.r th. toU.wins naine.a OD. hut t - , ....I.tl...o. 'fth "Y.I' Q't L.A.Perrault. ..oenle.. iy'Llo7' I.Ow.,.. 1..iI.... iltat tiil.r. tor the oo.atruotioD ot 'he Hallowell :Brl", .... tile aOhin.ry ..,.t Juilcl1n.s .e 0" are. her.., , ' .,...1. - Carri.... .,.....1". w.r. reoelv.lttrom 'he toll.wi.. for the pro,.s.t ~.~'rue'l.. ot 'he ..a4aGar..' an4 Officet- 1~ .' I. "J. "intje. ConatneatioD., 23hrnfo:r! ..al, ....'hl11, G.t_ t..I....... Oon.truotion Co., Lt4., 38' LawrellO. Aye.ue .eat, 'reront. 12, 0.'. J. W'tlllu D. Winter tim1 te4, Box 33', 'lhi tb7. O.'8.1"io. 4. IOb,'o." SId.'h Cen.truotiep. eo., ".lOa.'roD. S'reet, ,', . .'. ' Orillla. Oat. J. .... Co..truo,tioD. Co., Ltl., 871 OtCcumorJ)riY'. 'roron'o 1'. ent. ,. lIeND Constho"lo. 1,'4.. 1,'8 AY81!lu. Jloa4.lfOron'. 12, On'. fto tollo.iq 'e.lore" tor the pro)os.. co..truotlon or the lIe.l+:....J.l B:rl4gel - . ),'.i....JJ'ob..:ooll.'ruotiOJl, Borlan4. ODtariG. c":.,:';..11.~~r.. J:xp.:ri.,:aex '0, Koawiok, O.tariG. '). '-:.1-B.COIl.truot1on401 Hopkins Stre.t, Whitiy, Ontario. .t. ,~"'anl. CGll.truo'l... lox 20', JI11ton, O.tarie. '.Claat.r..ka Bri4.. eo., l.tl. , BOX", Pert)lo", Ontario. ,. )1..1. Bayly u...late. Lt4., 131 W.n...llA......u., ....ton. Ont. " ,'~.ilha4.0 o.jee'ion to the Boat Superintend.a,t. 1'.'11..' tolllr. 1Ir. Lyall 1.0w'17 tor land aetui.itioJl 011- .por,.t r..... proJeot... . , ...... 81ms ez)la1ne. and disous.ed the lesal pro..ture ot -:",,"1.a'1'. .t lu4. tor read. purpose. wl th CJou.eil. Oouneil ......14.1'..:1. t ..4"i.all. not to use expropriatioll unle.. 01rClla- staa... .-oull 4..m 1t ..,e.sary. _ "fte Clerk was instruot.d t. lJUlUire otthe Departm.n t .t .. np..,...a t. the 41.,0.i tion of landa .. n..n P-23'0-1' ant re,.ri '. t.Cht11D011. ' ,... . ( ne Clerk'was au therizect to procure aiuildlq J.rmi t tro. tho lallliai Inspector for the oon.truotion ot t_. ..... G~&8' anI .ttt.e. · : ' ':.let tolloW111& r..lutiena ,w.r. pass.ls- .esolutlon Ie. ill lbye4 b7 L.A.Perrenlt, ae.oade' 17 Jl.G.Chater. !le~.DI.r roo.rYel from .illla. D. Winter Limit., 1'or the )ro,o.o! oon.~r~o:ion ot a Ilea". Gar.... 1Ul4,Qftioe beud is h.re',. aoc.pteta. J.r te1'1481' 'ubjeo' te th'.f~r.val ot '11. Department et II1I1'1W"'. o~lntario. - (Jarriel.. ' .osolutlon Jro. 7,21 IIovt4 by Oru:ralla, ,aeoG."e4 iy LIo)'d Lowery: 1I..1ye tita' 'i:a....'..4.r re..ive4 froa Well.r !T45. Exll.rt. tor the )rop..e4 oo..truotio. ot tho Hallowell Brlta. be ani is herei., a...pte" as p.r t.iler .uij.ot ",0 the approTal of the "Deput.e.." or II1pway. ot OJltarie. - Oarriel. ...3....1.. ... 'fJI ,-vet. DY 1.....P.rraul t ,...on4'" by Lloyd. Loweryl . 'fhlabou.er1 here1yaJ)rov. of the recommendatioD ,. hfr. Mr. ,Hearl' D..lth tor the lO.ltion ot Itoad Ol.rk et:tectlve "'1' 17. 1"', ,at a .al~ ot 14.000.00 per annum. - Carriot. . Real. Bri4l.. A Culvert. ..w .....111..17 aupert.t.n4.nce l ' 'Ov.rh..at. 2 - 8p..lal 0....11 ...tl.., ,.., ,. 1"'. ..ati...4: .. B.aolutioll lio. '{il_ve. 'y Lloyt Low.ry', ..oend.el '7 B.G.Cllaterr !hat 'h. R..T..a.1 Ol.rkb. a.'horized ,. .x.out. the roll..i.. ..atraot. 1I.h..n th.Oo:rpera'ioJl or the ~.wlllshi:p or Clark... _., Ca) ..ll.r .1':t:.e ~.r~a tor o.D.truo~ioD o~ the Hallow.ll .._1.... ClI) wm. D. .i.t.rLt". tor the ....true'ion or a _ui14i.....er Oontraot .0. '4ftO-1-,. - 'Oarn... ' . . , " th. tolloW1ns _y-lawwaar... atir.', a.oo.. and talr" time and ti B~lly :pa8...~: ' SUll:Dl....1UY By-Law .0.148., A By-La. ,to :provil. tor the ; l'i' ~eJl'iiur.. .. ro.... in,t.. ~O..- nlp otOlark. la ~tl1. 0..'1 ot Durh-. 'ft.qIA'fh. B1ahwQ' IIlp'rove.ent A.o.t~e4l.1r'.,'kat' ~k.- total upendi tur. ,on roa'. be pront.' tor .....&11y b7 "'~law and. that "h. ""-~aw be auhlli t'e~ to )k...Di.t.rot Hlghway. tor approval. . _ '.rBDD'OD ,tll.Ceu..il "at the OorperatioD' ot ,tat ,. aait 'rownahlf _eta as'tollow.: ,,(1 fie ,ft. ot 412.'00.00 i. h.r'.by ..timat.c1 a. the expend.i tw:-. upon the oonstructlon and lIa1at.Jluc. et the roat. Gabriela.. mul.r it. Juri.tiotioa <<.riq the ;year 1", aa rollo... ' " ( Ce..true'lon ~.'.n&Jloe ~otal I(J.' r 12.'08.00 nil 112,'00.00 . !tGtala J' . 12~,O'.OO J . J ':1:2,'01.00 . (2) Ifh. .ai4 _ai.. '.hall be .::g..4.<< UCertheaup.rT1a10Jl ot the dul;r appointec1 .t.....lll' real au:per1Jlt..4.nt 04 on: work pertor..d lllaooo:r4..0. .wi th ft.B1pwQ' IDlJl"OTementAot. (J)IfIl. olerk ahall tiu8Jl1t b,lioat. co,f.. 'ottl11a ay- law .oth.4iatriot ottio. ot the JluD1oi,al It.ata.Branoh. >>apal"t- .ent ot Highways, Ontario, 110t l-.ter"kan ,Jluoh JI.t ot the .aid y.ar. ", (( , .' (~:) 'l'JIe a,;roval ot the Ontario JIun1 oi>>al Boartshall b. obtaine4 _etor. any exp.mdltur. is authorlz.<< or work oo....e.. whioh ...111 'be tlmanoect lay "h. lane ot '.b..t111'.. or _ai.. rai.ad i,na ,aub..tuent" ;y.al". . · , · ..~DC atjOllrJl.'. . ~~~ B.~., ... . .. ~~ . .. .. ~ ... - I Cierk.- J1. . lIItlU'LAJ1I1urDGGJ'!D COneIL 07 'l'IIIfOD8H1:P' OJ' fitAlR"R ' J'u. +~ ,l,"a' '10' a... . , . . 0....11 Ch..'.r. Or.... . Pr....ts R.'Te J. W. 8to.. : D.pt t7-B..'Y. '!t. A. lIerraul" Oounoillor B. G. Chatar CO\lnoillor O. H. I'all. 'Ooanel11car 1,10,.4 I.ow.!'J' Clerk H. E. tilla.. loa4 Sup.ri.t.....tM. 1,. B...' _ . . ft. ...t.. ot th.~la." r.p.la:r.etiq 0' on. 8:pedal. ...U.....r. .pproT.I a. ..a4 08 ..\l.D.:";yB.Q-.Cll..'.r, '..oen- 4.4 '7.1.1074 Lew.!'J'.- Carrie.. A. _t1:.m .. .1IlY.... 'uluui.1Uily .anie" t. -h.ar 'el.satie...