HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/1965
2 _ Speoial OoonoilMeettng, April 12, 1~6:5 - oontinued: -
Olerk was authorized to ;refer the matter in question to
Solioitor'E.R.Lovekin to undertake a search f-or a- olear
description of the ti tle and report back to Council.
. The Clerk wa.s instructed to- prerpare a draft by-law to
establish the neGessary 8uthority'for Council to appoint
mem.bers toa Committee of Adjustment in apcordance with
The Planning Act and present the said draft to the next
regular meeting of Council. .
The following oorres~ondeno€ was read out.
1. Trustees of the Police Village ?f Orono re.their reso-
lution dated April 10, 196" regardJ_ng ennexat:lon of 40
aores being 1Jsrt Lot 27, Concession 5. - Filed.
2. De~artment of 1funicipal Affairs_ re approval of Water
Works project under Provincial Loan No. L3~1. - Filed.
3r. Department of Municipal Affairs, Plannlng Branch, re
Coimnitt8e of Adjustment as business brought forward from
Aprill>th last. - Tabled.
4. Ontario Municipal Board re By-Law. No. 1473. - Tabled.
Meeting Adjourned.
Cierk. ~
.. . --
, '~ve.. :
II<J1JW .-mIlD 07 DB Con01I.
.., 4~ 1'" at 10 ....
Couneil Ghaa~er. Orono.
be..., I _..T. J. ".' Sto..
hpt'T-lt.e.... L. A. Perraul'
0....111.1" B. G. Chatel'
Oeo.ili.1" C. Jr. Palls
_.,o.iller 1J.071 Lowery
Clerk B. ...~ll.o.
ltoal Iap.ri.'.n4u.t _. L. Ilo..
. r
ft. lIl..t.. or tJ1. la.'f resular ...'lne u.cI. .. .>>.oi&1
..tl.......r. approT.4 a. rea" 011 .tio. II' R. (). Chater,
.....&... 'r1.l074 Lcrttery. .. Oarrle4. '
-. ....Olla'.r mOTH. ..co.t... i7 I..A.P.rrault, 'hat 4el.-
: ."iop... lL.ut. 'ltJ' a...oil. .;. - Oarrie". : .
,- . ... ...-.. C.A.Hollle., I.B).o",or or Pai11. S.hool.. tau....
.......... a":Bt:ra.. B..t, Cll&1:rman 04 S.oreta1'7-Tr.aare!'
r..,.o'i ...e17 ot the ~G...a1li:t lehool Ar.a 01' Clark.,. ..t wi tll
Co...l1 te dis.us. c.rta1. a.J.ot. ot tile prop.... oapl'.l
..stn.otlollot ... aolloel' .... a441 '10.. t. pr....' ..ko.l_.
ft. ..'t.r .t ehb&1Dg 'taG ....l1P...7 or . .....ola1''t.r .
Ue s,al. 01' a sohool .011.. Dr 'th.' Behool Joe" ... U..u.....
u .. a_al i.t.r.... to "Cltatae C,une11 ul tll. 80hool Ar..
Boart.' . :a...,. S"O:b.'~ on ,.llalt.t _ Cou011, aak:et Mr. Gr.en.....
to -t.na, , 'hi. ..)j.., to th. .."at'1on 01' ill. Sehool Ar.a
Boar"~ ' " . . . '_,
~. ....lut. a 41.....ion. "sarti.. >>np..81. ,. spllt
Val.. Soh..l a..'l..., ..... 1101.. W.. rectu..". to 1'enar4
a Craft "-la. to 'h. Cl.rk tor o.n.1~.ratio. iT Oounoil on
Jun. 1.' ll.zt.
th. Bu11Uaa' IallJeotor r.por'H .... lra11Uq. .h1oh .on~
traT..... tIl. BIllli.. l7-la. 8d .'at... that.lett.rs .at i...
...t to utll _... r.,...'lDg th.m 'to oomplT 111 th the iu11-
tiq r..ul..tl.... 000011 hat .0 .'jeotioll t. lOCal >>roa.o.-
t10n o1't'o twooase. 1. ,...tlon.
I...lkat.r ........, ..oonde4 i7 L.A.Perrault t~at Ooun011
r...a. ter lUoh .t 12.1.5 J.m. and r.sum. ...aio. at 2 p.m. _
2 - Ooooil ".'1:l3g, _ 4, (19'.5, ~.JltiJlu.4:
ft. 1'ollowiq r.ports an4 ..rr..pon...n....r. r.al oat
By Re.T. st.n.:
1. D.part..t.t H1p.wQ". re '.nel.r.. t.r .....iDl a.t.rials
and c.rrugat.d .te.l .ulverta. - J11ecl.
2. D.part..nt .tB.1.pwqat M "i.lpali t1e. ..clthe -.l.ni_
Wag. Aot. - R.t.rr.d t. tk. Cl.rk to r.ply. .
3. O.ntral Lake O.tario 00D48rTation Authority )'inDoial ..port
tor the J'8ar 1"4. - :ril.4. '..' .
4. 1Ir. Oarl.. 8II1th request ter( 8id..alk oon.truotion in the
· Haml~t ot ...touill.. - :a.terr.a'te the Road. and Br.1tco Com-
mitt.. ani Road Sup.rint.nd.nt tor con.il.ration and. r.pert
iaok to Council. .
,. ... Boil Wood, S.or.t&17, ...tonTillo CcnmaUJlity lIall..
reque.'ing COUllcil. to establi.h the .ai4 Hall muter .th. 0_-
;nit '1 a.atres Aot. - 'lb.. Ol.rk .as in.truot... to pr.,are ..
4ratt BJ-law tor oon.i4.r.tion by Counoil on Jun. 1, .1'" at
10.30 a.m. od turth.rto.r.tu.str.pr....tation'1'ro. the
Jl..toaTiU. Oemau.1ty HalJ. Committ.. and the ...t!l).vill. :a.orea-
tiOD Oommittee to 'b. present at the stated ti.. Oil June l.t in
order to 41souss the .aid Ii-law under s.oond reading.
,. lopart..nt o;t Highways 1'e torilal. approTal ot "'-la.s 1"0.
1476 and. 14'17 . - Pilotl. "
7. !he Ontario lUnioi:pal BOarl r. aokaewl.CI..ent ot By-la.
lfo. 1479. - J'11.4~ -.. ( . . .
8. Mr. J. A.:Brooki.. Dlreotor. Ontario O.nt.nnial Planm.q
BraDoh, r. Arm.1 Foroe. partioipation in Oent.nnial o.l.brations.-
A oepy ot the said. 1.1ter to ..'re1'err." to the C.nt.nnial.Janag.-
a..t Oo-.1tt.e. .
,. ~..Aa4r..~. thomp..a r.,u.8t to 010.. .it.roat ~.tw..n
Lot 8, Ooneession 8. - I.t.rr.t to the loa4 an4 Briag. CoBmitt...
10. .orthumb.rlan4-Durhaa lI.al th hit r.port tor Jlaroh 19". _
11. Donald P. Warr.n, Solioitor, tor b.l.riok William Dr..l.y
r. Part Lot 1'. CODo...ion J. .. ..sine.. Dro~t terwar4troa
AJr11 " 1"'. - 7il.4. .
12. '!h. Ontario Munioipal Board re aokJlo.l.q....t-ot B)"-law
No. 1473, as busin... \reaaht tor.ar4 troa(April.12, 19". .
111e4. " (
13. Department of ~ioipal Attaira r. C.-..illers' reman.ra-
tioJl an4 11mit. ~t temporary ..rro.inl. - Th. Ol.rk-.as.in.truc-
t... to r.ply u4 r.t.r the sail su'b3.et.loth. att.ntion .t
tho Finanoe Ooa1ii.e,and Olerk to pr.par. . batt lay-law. .
14. ..partment ot the Attora.y G.neral. Ottio. or the nr.
Marshall. re Emergeno1 ..sue. :rinanoial A..iatanee hoar.... _
111.4. "
1'. JIr>. Donald A. l!aryey, ......nvill. Area ....11l.... BerTi..,
r.que.' ~or the ~o...8hip .r Clark. to partiol,.t.Ja.~~l~..a
. 'broqhttQrwara trOll me.t1alh.ll .an.a17 .5, 1"'. B.eye Sto..
repetrt.' thai tk.Allihlu.e Colbllt'.. an '.r.,u..' 'a ..'11'11
with this OOUJloil te 4iscu.. the _:1:4 sub3eot. - :ril.l.
1'. ..:par'..nt ot "10ipal Aftairs cr. a:nqlab..llt 01' a...s. ,t.. '
ot A43u.t..llt aa iU.i.e"'bJ;O\1Sht tonarC ~O. '.l.J1:il .12r 19". _
:rile4. \ ( . ..
17. DepartlllfUlt ot Hip. ax II r. QproTal ot l\U'oha.. 81' ... buok
froa Braml.y ..tora. q._a. - :rile4. ( ,..' . .
18. Department at lIwlio1pal At1'~ra. .au"'-DiT1.io.a a..t.ioa, .
Oomauni ty Plan.n1ng bancll, 1". propo... Irwin :SllD-Diy1.at_.. _ .
1'11.4..., ( , . . .... " . .
1,. !h. Ontario lQnio1pal jssooiatio. ~.' '.adlin. tor ConTea-
'lion. resoluti...s.. - :rile4. . . '
20. 'lb.. Ontario llu.ni6i1*1 Boar4 re p1'oJO..<< (lIu.ioljal ..~ks '
J.8si..tuoe Prog~ ..,ro'a4 project., Jloa4 lri4ge. .te. - 711....
21. __part.e.t ot lI1J1ioipal Mtaira, C01iUlw1i iyPlunins BrUCh.
r. "114iDg aIl4 I.."ri.t.<< Ar.. B7~....- Fil.d:.' ,
22....IC.Lye.tt r. O..t.nnial Pro3..t 1..4 tro. Mr. ~1Ir.. G.. L.
... he. - nle4.
23. COPT1.'''.r ot. Sollo1tor LoTe1d.. te -c1.ark. O.-t.17 Boar4
r. Pr..Byterian Olluroh in Ouala 0<<: ..."..vill.O...t.r;r ....
'busi.... litroqht tonar4 trom April '. 19". - n,l.4.
- .
J - O_noil .eettq. "74:. J;'~', too..,b"et:
24. fi. Oer:poratle. ot the .Ifo.. otPort Hop. ~re Dlarla._ Oouat,.
High Sohool Area l.vy reoommendation tor a mor.. ...itabl. Ita'ri-
bution ot ooat.. .j: nlelt. ' · .
2.5. COll8'tnotioJl _4 hiUo'fGrk. Show re JluiclJ&l~fl1lip1l.8nt
aha at BUi'bt'ion Pal'k. '!oronto. - l11e4. · .
2'. W.ltare Ottio.er. 1...001atlon ot fte Ontario Jl\tn.1oi,al
Aasool.'ionre Annual OonT..tion. - J1~e4.
27. Solioi'or B. B. Lov.kin r. Bu1l4ing~~law as 'b.sin...
broqllt te:rwar4 tro.A)r1l 't 1"'. -h'blet. ..
a8. JIr-. Ruth '1'agart notioe'to olose De. Poul"7 Jl. 1"'. -
ret.r...'. the Finanoe Oommitt.. and POlioe Tru.tee. tor
con.id.eration and r.por' to Oounoil.
2'.tlfhe Ontario J4uniolpal Boar4 're R..'ricte4 Ar.a EJ.y-law .
.:10. 14". - Ret.rr.d to the Olerk to reply.
}o. Polio. V1l1age ot Grone Resolution datet April 2', 19".
r..._qation tor Trenoh Insp.otion ot thel..tallation ot
- tJle "i81)al Water Sy.'.m in Orono. - 'faBle4.
Il.rott.., Si.s tl A...ciation Ltd. r. 4eiotl11". ti.ancina
.r -.al.1)al. Works I...i.tano. Programs. - leterre4 ,. the Clerk
...4 .....su.perint.llcl.nt. .
,I.....",,,...t ot lImicipal Afta1r. r. 1"4-" Winter Works
I....'lv. Pro.ram Proj.ots 0-'" and Opl027. - 111e4.
J,., ,...)td'.....t ot HishwaY's re relnatatement ot au'bsidy on .
1,,2 Y...D. M.4el IU, Serial :10. 74j6,. - J11el~ . .
J4. "liclter E.I.Lovekin r.,'1'ownah1p of Olarke.ant ~spor'
1.1111 t.... - )'11.... t
,J. ..tari. Go.I loals' A..oeiation re Dire.tory ot Oom,..y
...lter.. - 71181. · '
J'- ..Jar.....t' ot hillo Weltar. r. JIomemakers 04 Iurs.. .
Stn1,.. A.ot. - nle4. . ,
,''I. fte Clerk was i..tructe" to reque.t the .ea4 ad Bridge
Co.-it'ee and R.ad SUperint.ndent to apply tor the necesaary
h:2tlU_ P.ril1 t wi'h 1'.11.1'1 t, the oon.tnotion of the new .
....hi..r., 81184. t :
JI. I).par..at ot Paille W.lfare r. Nurainc Hem. GaretBy-law
...._ 14'8. - fil.... - .
".. .~..~ L. Ros.. Road a.Jerintendent r.,ue.t tor .alar,..
in.r..... .to.. .. i..i.... re1'8rr.d t. the Boad and Bril..
Oell1l1tt.. en.l.Jrl1'. 1"'. - )'11e4. ' .
. 41. W.E.L,.o.t' r. puro~.s. of Part ot Lot 27. Oeno..aton ,
tro. La.r.noe Hoo.y. -,Yl184.
41. .'l.~ke Planning Boarl re propo.e4 I~in Sub-Division. -
yil.... (
.....2. ,.paz..nt ot Jll.m1oipal Aftairs ro tint.r Works Inoenti 'Y.
Presr.. 82'&e.sloa. - Yile4.
( 'ft. toll.wi.. 1'...l11\loD.. ..1'. pas.... . .'.
....JJttl...~. 'ti "VN "1' 1l.G.Ollater, '..00n4e4 'bY' L.A.'P.rra111tl
Ijjlloat'fo.a .tor Rctal Ol.rk'. and are ll.re" ope..4. - Oarrie..
, . .l,)lieiatie.a tor the po.itioD. of Rea<< Clerk Wer. r..ei vet
t:tem 1Ihe tellowiDSP. son. I
1. ' 1Ir. P. Botti.4. :a...l. 1b.i t,by
2. RII( X. O. "rk, 21 Bal....in St.. Port Bop.
J. Mr. DaT14. R. ROl1gh].ey. Box ,2, Oro.e
4. Mr. S. Sl.pun, Jj Car1.ialo Ave., Bewaaav1l1..
,. 1Ir. I.. P. Oraln, '42 Oll..'.rteJl A.v.., O.hawa
6. ( 1Ir. I.. A.. JIlnineke. B.:a.l, 02'ono "
,. ., Mr. R. DeWith., R.ll.4~ Bowaovill..
Resolution .e. ,.. MDvet i1 .._.Ollat.r, ..oonde" 'by G.H.Jallsl
:a..oIv. tbt tli. '1'owau.lpOtfiO. ... kept open )(0&4.,. tllroup
:lr14&7 i.olllS1T. weekl,. trom 8.JO a.m. to ,p.... 41.11'1 ett.o-
tiv. ..,. 11,.1"', .... the Ol.rk i. aad Is hero.J' i..truote& to
.:pH"" ~1.0........ this et:t.c\ on the ottiee 4oe:r. - Oarrled.
It ........84_ Lle,,' Low..,.. .eoonde" 'bY' O.H..Fal18, taat
G.lleral AD_lULl VOUGher.. 110. , to,.. 1Ia,. 19" u4 1\oa4 vouoh.r
. I'... 4. :t.rApr11 1'" "e aDd are her..Y' appre'Y.. :tor J.,...nt.. -
ft. toll..1q "-law. wer. li'Y.. J'irst, S.00Jil4 ani ThiN
r.adi.. ani ttaal17 pa...4a
4 - aOU"oil ...t111&. _ 4. 1"'. coat1ll.e41
By-Law It'Q. 1480: A by-law to co.st1 tut. an4
· . app01nt a oommitt.. ot
.H~~ lt 1s d....4 ezp.4ieat to ooastitute and appoiat
a 0011111I1 tte. of adjus1imellt as. pr.Ticl... 1Q' The Planning Act
a.-s.o. 19&0. Ohapter 2", Seo.tioll 32(_) . . .
NOWTHERllORI, the Counotl or the Corporation 01' the
~ow.nship of Olarke enacts as tOllo..s"
1. na t the tollowing :persoas. wl1o, not beiq
.e.bera ot the Comuail or .mploye.s 01' the
1aUIlicipalityor ot a l..al laoarl tller..t,
Shall oonatitute and are herely appol_t.4
.s ..mbera 01' the Oo11Dll1ttee of" ).4jitat.en"l
(1) Mr. X. Bohoeamaker, Orono,tto hold o1'tloe until January 1.1"'.
(2) ~. B. E. Walk.7. ...'.nville, to, hold ottio. until January 1.
. . , . 1"'.
(.J) Mr. E. R. LOTekin, .e.oastle, to ho14 ottice until January 1.
t · . '. 1,&8.
)y..;.La. .0. 14811 A iy-l.. to .ppoin" a road .
sup.rintendent ill the 'lowa-
ship 01' Olarke, in the Cou_ty
or Durham..
WBERU.S it'l. .es1raile that the lQ'iq out and sup.rTi.ion
(ot all wGrk an4 .%peluI1 'tiure t up.. improvelllellt ud 1ialnt4uumb. ot
roada within the .xoluslvetlurisdiotion ot this Oounoil should
b. under the supervision 01' a Road. Superintendant, aoting under
i ts 4irection~( ..
un 1JHIRIA.B it 1st the de.ire of this O&\1noil to take itl-
vantage of 'rD.eHighway IlIlpreve.ent Aot 04 to r.o.i ve the
GOTernment grant-as,provid.dt1n th." said Aot.
t BE IT 'l'HDEFOH DAOUD 'byt the Council ot the municipal
oorporation ot the said township and it i. ~.reby .naot.4.
1. That Merrill Leon.rd Ro.s. Brooklln, On~. i. appoint.d
Road Superiaten4.nt ia t the said t townahip to aot as, itoresait in
aooord.anoe'with thetproTi8ions ot the hid Act trolll the 1st 4ay
"01' .Tuuary' 19'" 0' duriag the pl"8\1re 01' the .&14 Counoil. '
2. !hat the Road. Superiat..4.i1, shall.. p&14 ." thO'"
ra.te ot "~ooo.Oo per~au.um tor suoll'ti.. a8 he ..,.. .. so ·
'mploye4~ hd. in .d.4i tionll11.age allC)wu.~.. for, tllO' lis. 01'
his automobile.. munioipal road operationa ia. a_oordanoe with
the Ontario Publio Servioe rat... .
3. !HAT 1t .hall be the duty of the.uperiatendeDt to
lay ou" ..... sup.rvi.e all work 04 expen4i tv. 011 roa4. wi thlll
the exolusive juri.li~ti8.R 01' this Townahip COttRlil in a.oor-
4ano. with th. provisions 01' the Highway Improv.ment Aot.
, 4. 'fBT allby....1.a.. or part. there.t ud all ud' &117
r.aolution~ at sai4 Ooanoil oontri.r7 hereto or inco.sis"...'
herewith. b. and thO' .... are her.by repeale4.
,. mAT '.0 certitie" oopi.. ot this"by-law la. torwar4"
iy ~e olerk wlthout 4elay to the district ott1oe of "he
lluni01:pal Roads Braneh. Department ot Highwa,.. . . .
6. '1'HA.T thi._ by-law shall net 00., into tor.. until
a~rov.d by the ~nister otBifhw.,...a ,roT1de4in the
Highway Improveme.t ~J.ot. · '"
:ae.olution'... 'tc Jloved by L.A.Perrault, seoond.e.,,1' Il.G.Ohater.
ftls Oounoil hereby adjourn to me.t agai. Joe 1. 1"'._ at
10 a.it. in the COUlleil Ol1e.riber at Orone. or.otherwise at the call
01' the Re.ve. Oarri.d. '..
al_;:t~ - . ~ · "., /
. .
Bl'Te ·