HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/1965 (Special Meeting) . 12 - :Counoil "'Jeeting, ~ri16, '19(6.5. oontinued: space floor area of less than eleven hundred (1100) sq. ft. and eaoh family unti in anymu~t~-un1t ' tiwelling shall have not less than seven hundred and twenty (720) sq. ,ft. floor spaoe per family unit. (vii) nothing in this by-law shall be construed to perrri t the use of any land for any purpose, that crea.tes, or i s likel~T to become a nui sanoe or offensive, by the creation of noise or yibretion or by reason of the emission of gas, fumes, dust or objectionable odours or by reason of the unsightly storage of goods, wares, merchandise, sal~age, refuse matter or ot,her mater,ial. . ' Nothing in this by-law shall operate to relieve any pepson from th~ obligat~on to. comply with the requirements of any other by-law of the ~ownship of. Clarke in foroe from time to timeJ of the obligation to obtain any licence, permit authority or appro- val required under any by-law of the. Township pf Clarke or any other governmep.t agep.cy. Penaltv: Any person oonvicted of a breach pf the provisions of this B:T-law shall forfe;!.. t and pay, at the disoretion of the convio- ting magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of $300.00 for each offense, exolusive of costs. This by-law shall come into foroe and take effect on the day it, is passed by Oouncil, subject to the approval of. the Ontario L~unicipal Board. Resolution No.-64: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery: This Counoil hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, May 4, 196.5, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Oouncil Cha~ber at Orono or othar~is8 at the 0311 of tha leave. - Carried. . . ( I I . ~ 1 l! ,1 . ( - ,~~ ... _ J Clerk. . L.,/ ~ .~~ rve. . - '.. .. . . . SPECIAL MEETD1G OF THE. COlJNCIL OF THE T01!fSHIP OF CLAlli\E A~ril 12, 196.5 at 7.30 p.m.. . Council Chamber, Orono. Special meetiTI$Z of Counoil was oalled by Reeve .T.W.Stone { ,.. ...J. .. to consider the following ,business. . _ The follqwing resqll.ltio.n were pass~d: . . Resolution 1-To. 65: HovEid byR.G...chater, seconded b3T arme Falls: This Council herebv resolve to open the.tenders as adver- ( u, - _ ... tised in respect to the proposed pu:qchase of a new truck and snownlow. - Carried. ~ ( Tenders were reoei ved from the following: 1.. Cowan Equipment Company, Bowmanville.. 2. B!"amley !,!otor Scles Ltd.', Oshawa. Resolution No. 66: Moved by Lloyd. Lowery , 'seconded 'by Orme Falls: This Counoil hereby aocept the Bramley Motor' Sale's TJimi ted tender as ;the lowest( tender for the purohatSe of anew TN.lck and Snowplow as :per tender subject to the approval of the 'Department of FIigh\llJays of Ontario. - Carri ed. . " ' ' Dermty Reeve L.A.Perrault, on behalf of the Road and Bridge Committee, reported on their discuss).on yJi th regar~ to hirihg'a Road Clerk for the Road Department and asked Counoi_l to openly diseuss and decide 1mon this bustness. . R.G.Chater moved, seconded hyO.H.Falls, that the Road and B'rL~eCommi-ttee and Road Superintendent be and are hereby eTIrn6't1le'red to adverti se in the Orono Weekl.y Times and Canadian Statesman for a male applicant to be employed. full time for the nosition of Road Clerk. Anplications tobs received on or before I~.~onday May 3, 196.5. - C~r:ried. . . . The, Clerk reported that he ~as unapie to obtain a deed of the. property upon which the Township Garage is located, The 2 _ Special CoUncil Meeting, April 12, 1~65 - continued: - Clerk was authorized t,o ;refer the matter in question to Solicitor ':E.R.Lovekin to undertake a searoh f-or a. clear description of the title and report back to Council. . The Clerk was instr~cted to prepare a draft by-law to establish the neoessary authority for Council to appoint members to a Gornroi ttee of Adjustment in a9corda.nce wi th Th~ Planning Act and present the said draft to the next regular meeting of Oouncil. The following oorrespondenc~ was read out: 1. Trustees of the Police Village ?f Orono re.their reso- lution dated April 10, 196t5, regardJ.ng annexat:1.on of 40 acres being part Lot 27, Concession 5. - Filed. 2. Department of Municipal Affairs,. re approval of Water Works project under Provincial Loan No. L3~1. - Filed. 3r.DepaJ:"tmen t of :Nl'uni cip8.1 Affairs, Plannlng Branch, re Ooinm1ttee of Adjustment as business brought forward from April 6th last. - Tabled. 4. Ontario Municipal Board re By-Law. No. 1473. - Tabled. Meeting Adjourned. . . ~- cferk.. ~ M . __ / J~~ , '~ve. .: . D<RJU.B ..,Im 07 'lD CG81fCIL or. ~ ~on8HIP or CLAID .., 4~ 1'" at 11 a... Oounoil Okaah.r. Orono. ~...tt ...T. J. W.'Sto.. hpt7-B.eT. 1.. A. Perraul" '....ill.r B. G. Obat.r Coutili.1" O. H. :ralla ~.uiJ.'111.r l.l071 Low.ry Cl.rk B. ~. .1I111.01l lloal ..'.rin"......t .. L. Bo.. . r ft.. Ill..,.. .1" the la.t- recular ...'1q ..4 OIl. .'.01&1 ._"1. ..er..pproT." ... re... Oil .'ion i7 R. G. Chat.!'. .......1 '7' 1.101'1 Lowery. ~ Oarr1.... '.. ....Chat.r .OT.... ..00.1..4 i7 L.A.P.rrault. that 1.1.- caticn,.. ~. ...ut 'II' O...oil. -. Oarriel. : ,....ar.. C.,A.JIoll.l.., Ins)ector .1' Pa'bli. 80hool.. :Lan.... Gr....... u.4:Bt:ra.. B..t. Chatrmaa 04 Seor.tary-Tr.aaur.r r....otiT.1J.1" 'h. ~o..ahiJ aeheol Area 01' Clark., ..t with 00ua.11 t. cU80U.. ..rtaln .a)..t. 01" th. pro,.._ eapl tal ....tn.ti.a .1" De. ...h..1a aru!. &441 tioas '0 pr...nt ..hool.. , fte .."'er 01" ehu&1.D& ill. ....U1'...l .t . ..ll.ol art.r' the 8,al. ot a ..h..l Jl,0\l.. 81 th.' fSellool Joal'cl ._ ti..u...a u .. __&1 iat.r.... to loth the aouaoil .... 'h. Sohool .&.r.a Bout.' -:a.....e atoao, on 'chaltot Coua.il. aak." Ifr. Green...' '.ir~DtL this _i3..' 't. th. .'t.''10D. .1" ih. 8011001 Ar.a BoarC~ <- - . . '_, If. ....1111. a 418n..ion, "Sarains .,nJoBal. '0 split V.ioa Soh..l 8.oti..., ar. Bol... w.. requ..t.t to tenut a traft If-l..w to 'ho Cl.rk tor con.i..ra'ion 'IT Oouncil on .Tun. 1.", aex'. t\..JlJj.l41q IJlap.o'lor r.port... two lntilUna. wh1.k oo.~ u......~", Bail..i.. "'-1.. a4 .tat.4 that. lett.r. DC b... ...i .....,.._*s r.f1...tlD& them to oompll 111 th the iu11- t1..~..tl,._. Couoil h..t 110 oDjeotioD. to lqal 1':ro....- tio. .".. two.a.e. 1. fl.o.tion. . ..I.hat.r .....4. ....n4.4 by L..&.Perrault that 000011 r..... fer luoh ..t12.1.5 1.11. and r.sum. ...ai.. at 2 p.II. _ Carri.4. .