HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/30/1965 ~: ( SPEOIAL MEETING 0 F THE COUNCIL OF TEE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Ma~oh 30, 126~ at 7.30 p.m. CO'lncil Cha.mber, Orono. . Preflent: . Reeve J.W.~tone, .. Deputy-Reeve L.A.Perrault, Counoillor R. G. Chater, Councillor O.H.Falls. Counoillor Lloyd Lowery, Olerk H.E.Millson, Road Superintendent M.L.Ross, Mr. George Footitt, representing Beaverdale OonstruotionLimited. . . Speoial meeting of Counoil was called by Reeve ~.W.Stone to Qonsider the follqwing business: . Tenders were reoeived from the rollowing with regard to proposed purohases and road oonstruotion to be undertaken by the Road Department iq the year 1965: Caloium Chloride 1. Allied Chemioal Canada, Ltd. 2. Bathe & MoLellan Building Materials Limit~d 3. .Miller Paving Limited FenCing Materials 1, Goode's Hardware 2. Lunn' s Hardwar e . 3. RQlph Hardware . . 4. Lundy Fence Company Limited 5. Durham Farmers' Oounty Oo-operative 6. Rosco Metal Products Ltd. 7. Dosoo Steel Limited . Corrugated Steel Culverts 1. Cqrrugated Pipe Company Ltd. ~. Westeel Produots Limited 3. Armco Drainage & Metal Produots of Canada Ltq. 4. Robertsteel (Oanada) Limited 5. Rosco Metal Produots Ltd. 6. Fawoett Metal Produots Lim1 ted 7. The Pedlar People Limited 8. Ontario Culvert & Metal Products Ltd. Gravel Crushing 1. Fred Nelson & Sons Ltd. 2. Frank S. Coyle Limited. 3. Harnden & King Construotion Ltd. Gravel Hau.ling 1. Fred Nelson & SOle Ltd. 2. T.F. Doughty Ltd. 3. Leland Payne 4. Harnden & King Construotion Ltd. ( 5. VanCamp Contraoting Ltd. Equi~ment Rental 1. K. ~. Beamish Construotion Co. Limited 2. H. M. Davis & Sons 3~ B~averdale C~nst~uotion Limit~d ( . I\ was moved .by ~.G.Chater, s,oon4ed by Lloyd Lowery, that the aforementioned tenders be and are hereby referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for oonsideration and recommendation tq th~ Council m~eti~ to be held.on ~pril 6,1965. - Carried. The following oorrespondenoe was read out: 1: l~s. Ruth Taggar~ re olosing or Dog Pound Kennels from April 7 to April 28, 1965. - Referred to the Clerk to make the necessary arrangements with the town of Bowmanville for the period of time indioated. 2. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re Capital Works By-Law in the amount of $100,000.00. - Filed. 3. Lake Ontario Development Assooiation re notioe of Zone 2 meeting. - Filed. 4. Department of MUnicipal Affairs reApplication No.2 for road oonstruction under the lbnioipal Works Assistanoe Program. - Filed. · 2 - Oouncil Meeting, Haroh ;0, 196;, continued: The rollowing resolutions were passed: Resolution' No. 0: .},foTed by L.A.Penrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater: esolve that tenders for gravel orushing, gravel hauling, equipment rental, steel oorrugated oulverts, fenoing materials, and oaloium chloride be and are hereby opened. - Carried. Resolution No. 51: Moved by L.A.Pernaul t, .seoonded by:R.G.Chater: Resolve that the Department of Highways of Ontario be and are hereby requested to subsidize our 1964 -purohase of one F.W.D. Snowplow Unit Truok, Serial No,.: 73984 :i.n the amount of $4,017.00 and that the Council and Road Superintendent, in their opinion, are agreed that the said equipment has proven satisfaotory. The Clerk is hereby instructed ",o,oorrespond with the District Muni- cipal Engineer of the Department :of Highways in Grder to state .the number of hours of operation and total cost of the said equipment in the year 1964 and refer a oertified oopy of this re801utionto the said Department. - Carried. Resolution No. ;2: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chaterl . The Oeunc~l of the Corporation of the Township of Olarke hereby make applioation to The Ontario MUnicipal Board for an order to dispense with e. vote of the electors, pursuant to sections 6; and 64 of The Ontario MUnicipal Board Act, with regard to the, incurring of the debt under By-Law (No. 1473 of the said Corpora- tion. - Carried. - Resolution No. ,3: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by L.A.Perrault: This Oounoil hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal Offer to Sell agreements duly agreed and signed by !~s~Mary Hayman and ~. Wasyl Bogeozko. - Carried. aesolution No. ,4: Moved By R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perp8ult: The Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to request Mr. Ernest Nioholson to sign an ,Offer to Sell agreement with regard to property aoquired from -him in the year 1964 and upon the oompletion of the aforesaid the Reeve and Clerk. be and are hereby empowered to sign and seal the said agreement - Carried. !he following By-Laws were given two reading only: By-Law No. 1473 being a by-law to authorize the oonstruction, re- oonstruction, extension or improvement of oertain oapital works in the Illnioipality. ' A By-Law to appoint a Road auper~ntendent in the Township of. Olarke. The following By-Laws were read a First, Second and Thtrd time and finally pas5ed: By-Law No. 1474: To Provide for the 196; expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. WHEREAS The Highway ~m:provement Aot requires that the ~otal expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted .:to:,the Mini5ter of Highways for aPPl'oval. THEREFORE the Counoilof the Corporation of the 5atd Town- ship enaots as follows: . (1) The sum of $10;,000.00 is hereby estimated as the . expenditure uponl'the oonstruotion-and maintenanoe of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiotion during the year 196, as follows: . Roads Bridges &: Culv~I't. New Maohinery Superintendence &: Overhead ;, ~OO. 00 9,000.00 ::; lof. 900.00 TOTALS 140, OOth 00 #6;,.000.00 $10,.000.00 (2) The, said monies shall be expended under the Supervfsion of the dulyappointe<L township road 'superitntendent and on work performed1naooord~oe with the Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmi t tri.plioate oopies of this by- law to tile. distriotoffioe of the Department df Highways, Orttario, not later than Maroh 31st of tHe said yeaT; ( (4) The approval of the Ontario MUnioipal Board shall ~e obtained before any expenditure is authorize~ OT work 'oommenoed whioh wi'll befinanoed bv the issue of debentures or monies' . raised in subsequent year. Construotion 2'.'00.00 8,800.00 Maintenanoe ",,00.00 , a,;oo.OO . Total. 78 , 8.0 0 ..0 0 11,300..00 . '1 , - Counoil Veeting, MarQh '0,(1965, oon~inued: . Supplementary By-Law No. 1475: T~ PrQvide for the 1965 expe.ndl tures on roads in the Town- ship of. Clarke in the Coupty of Durham. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Aot requires that the (total expenditure on roads be(provided for annually by by-law (and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for app roval. THEREFORE the Counoil of the Corporation of the said (Township enaots as follows: ( (l) The sum of $17,900.00 is hereby estimated as the (expenditure upon the oonstruotion and maintenanoe of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiotion during the year 1965 as follows: . Construotion lIaintenanoe Total Roads Bridgest& Culverts New Maohinery Superintendeno & Overhead I .- 17,900.00 17,900.00 .''iF " Roads Bridges & Culverts New Maohinery · Superintendenoe & Overhead. 2,520.00 2,520.00 TOTALS $2-55,900.00 $255,900.00 (2) The said monies ~hall be expended under.the supervision of the duly'appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in aocordanoe with The,Righway Imprdvemen'f: Aot. (,) The clerk shall transmit duplioa t,e oopies of this by-law to the distriot offioe of the ,Munfoipal Roads "Branoh, Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than MaraJ;l 31st of the said year. '(4) 'The approval of the, Ontario MUnioipal Board shall be obtained before anyexpendi tureis authori~ed or work oOmmenoed whioh will be finanoed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. ' Supplementary By-Law No. 1477: To Provide for the 1965 expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham WHEREAS The Highway Improvemen~ ~ot (requi~es that the total expenditure on road,s be provided for annually by by-law and that the bj"-lawbesubmitted to the Minister of Highways ror approval. THEREFORE the Couonooil of the c.orporationof thEt said Town~ ship enaots astolloW's: TOTALS $17,900.00 $17,900.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road sUperintendent and on work performed in aooordanoe with The Highway Improvement Aot. (3) The olerk shall transmit duplioate oopies of this by- law to the distriot offioe of the tfunioipal Roads Branoh, Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than Maroh 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario 1funioipal Board Shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenoed whioh will be finanoed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a SUbsequent yea~. Supplementary By-Law No. 1476: To Provide for the 1965 ( expenditures on roads in the Township of Olarke in the County of Durham WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Aot requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Counoil of the Corporation of the said Town- ship enaots as follows: Construotion 138,900.00 72:,750.00 41.730.00 l~a1ntenanoe Total 138,900.00 72,750.00 41,730.00 4 - Oouncil Meetingt MarQh 30,t1965, oon1iinued: (1) The sum et .,8.700.00-i8 hereby estimated ftls the . . .!J[peh4ttur.~; 1l1pone the oon.trUe tton;o' and ,0 malbntenano .lpfbt-h6~"l'aa4s. qd bbi dlgeacun-,.riit isejuvrlad.:t CJtfon~)dur:tng:th8tYBal' 1'l"':1.8yI'0110w s: fOIl r\ ~: ..~ r) '}'~~:', !_. - Oonstruotion 43,100.00 49,600.00 :Maintenanoe Total 43,100.00 4,,600.00 "- RQads Bridges & Culverts N~w Maohinery Superintendenoe & Overhead 6,00e.oo 6,000.00 TOTALS t 98.700.00 I 98.700.00 (a)-The said monies shall be expended under the supervision ot the4uly appointed township road superintendent and on work pertormed in aooor~anoe with The Highway Improvement Aot. . (3) The Clerk shall transmit duplioate cepies of ~his by-law , to the distriot offioe of the MUnicipal Roads Branch, Department ot Highways; Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. · t(4) The approval of the Ont~rio(1IDnioipal Board shall be . obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work oommenoed whioh will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies .. r.ais,d.in' a SUbsequent year. -. . BSeting adjourned. c~e~ - ~..L- - I () ~ J/~ 7ve. . REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF OLARKE April 6, 1965 at 10 a.m. . Oouncil Ohamber, Orono. . Pres$nt: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault Oounoillor R. G. Ohater Oouncillor O. H. Falls Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery Olerk H. E. M11lson Road Superintendent M.L.Ross '. ~ . , . ~e minutes of the last regqlar(meeting and two speoial me,tin~s were approved as read o~ mo~ion by L. A. Perrault, seoonded by -0. H. Falls. Carried. . Il_was moved by R.G.Ohater, ,seoqnded by L.A.Perrault, that delegations be heard. Carried. . Messrs. Wm. H. Oarman and R:O.Fdrrester read out and discussed the aspects of Council's Resolution No. 48 dated Maroh 28, 1963, with regard to the Polioe Village of Orono proposal to annex oertain properties adjaoent to the said Polioe Village. They now believe suoh properties may be annexed :to the Village in a more simplified manner providing new legislation were enaoted by the Provinoe of Ontario. This subjeot, they said, had been brought to the attention of the ~nister of the Department of 1funioipal Affairs who tentatively agreed that new legislation might be proposed for this purpose since all par~ies to the annexation seemed to be agreed in prinoiple. This buslness was oonoluded by resolution.. Walter H. Pop., C.A., Auditor for the Township of Clarke, presented and disoussed the 1964 Auditor's Report with Counoilwh1oh was finally ooncluded by resolution. R.G.Ohater moved, seoonded by L.A.Perrault. that this Counoil establish the audit fee of $72.5.00 per annum to beoome effeotive in the year 1965 and the Clerk prepare the neoessary by-law for oonsideration of Counoil. Oarried. .'