HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1965 " ~CU'L MEETING OF THE COUNCIL ( OF 'mE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE February 11, 196, at 8 p.m. . Present: Beeve d.W. S'one DepUty-Be""e L.l..Perraul t Councillor ,B.G. Chater Counoi1J.:or.0.H. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H.E. Mtllson Council Chamber, Orono. . Special J(eeting ot Council was oalred by Beeve stone to oonsider the bUsiness on hancl'" ( The tol.lowing. resolutio-n waa p.lIils.d: Resolution lfo.42: Ileve4. by ,1t.G. Ohater, seconded by O.H.Falls: 1h1!;f{gAS the Oounoil ot the Oorporation ot the 10wnshil of Clarke deems it expetient, to apply tor 8: loan unelerthe Fe4eral- Provincsial-lItm1cipal Works Assistanoe Jirograln ,a8 deaoritied in the Memoran4umot (t!ie Jltmater ot. Municipal Aftairs, 4ated the 4th o.tNov.em1aer, 1"3, 1n respect ot the Poli.eVl1l.ageot' Orono hereina1'ter reterred to aa -the project-; ANDWBERBIS th. .project is, \in the opinIon ot the CouncIl, a munio.11l81 pI:ojeot within'the meaning ot (the MLn1stert amemDru- ~m; , AND lfJ:115RDS the projeot Cor part 01' it) wcmld not.. 'Ill thout the assiatan.. under the program. have be.n inolucled among the eapi t,al werks 'projeots ",0 be Ul\dertaken 1f1 thin the calendar year or yea:r,. in resp..o", ot ..ll1ohappiioatlo~ tor .8fi1stano~ ~s .male" and no other oapital works ;pI-oject has, in o~ns.queno., Deen replaeedor deterred unt11al.ater year; .' , AND WHERlW$ lfBE, PROJEC'r is one. to whioh the i1llDlecl1e:tely prece41ng,paragraph applies ,in whole; AND WHERU.S the other requirements ot the Minister's Memerandum have been oomplled w1 th;" . -' .. " NOW THERDORE be it resolved tha~ app11oatIonbe ma.de to the JI1n1at1tr of l&nicipalAt:ta1:rs tor a oommitment rera laan in :the a_lmt otI14', 2,6.00 to assist .in the tinallcing otthe project under the IIllnioipal Works Aaaiatanoe Aot. .1"'. Resolutions No. 72 ,dated dune 15, 1964, and No. 11l da.ted . Novemberl.', 1964,beand are hereby rescIn4ed. ... Carried. Meeting adjourned. :' ~ Clerk. .. . a" ....... -' j qn~I'('# t 'j Beev52....., ." .,. '.'. . '., ,". ( ," ,.,/ REGULAR :MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE 'TOWNS{!IP OF OL.A.RKE Maroh 2, 1965 at 10 a.~. CounoilChamber. 9ron? . . . Present: Reeve d. W. stone Deputy-Reeve L.A.Perrault . Counoillor R. G. Chater Counoillor O. H. Falls Counoillqr Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. Millson Road Superintendent 1fi1e minutes of the last reguiar meeting and one speo'1al meeting were approved as read on mot~on by R.G.Cp.ater,seeonded by L.A.Perraul t,. Carried. , " " It wa~ move,d by L.A.perraul t, seoonded', by R .(). Cha ter, . that delegations be heard. ; Oarrie'!... ..., . Mrs. Carl Biokle, representing the Ne.tonvill. Reore.,-tion Comm1tte.,..as~d for CQunei1i' 8 :1r~~.nti(\)nillith resar( t,o relea~ing the moneys in trust from the sale of the former Ne..tonvit-le 2 - JI1!lutea, Oounoil .eeting .aroh 2, 1965, continued: Oommunity Park. Reeve Stone, on behalf of Council, stated it was their in~ention to .it~014 releasing the said moneys in trust until the oommunity of Newtonville has organized reorea- tional: taoi11ties. , Mr. Arnold Watle, accompanied by llfr. Roy TO"ster. represen- ting a apeclal oommittee to do with t~e ~lanning and develop- ment ot a new. arena to serve this munioi~a~ity, disoussed the pe..~bl11 ti..' of establishing a new arena "wi th ar,tifioial ioe. Also, ~. Wade suggested that Counoil appoint a representative o~ Oouncil to attend all meetings of the sai~ ~omm1ttee so .Oouncil may be informed. , L.A. Perrault moved, 'seoonded by R.G.Chater, that Reeve ~.W.Stone and Counoill~r Lloyd Lowery be and are hereby appoin~ ~ed to attend the me~t1ngs of the Clarke Arena Development Commi ttee .and Mr. Arnold Wade to 'ber informed of tlris motion aocordingly. Carried. .' '. JIio-.Roy Foster, representat1,ve for Clarke 'fownshipon the Ganaraska Region Conservat+on Autnor~ty, reported on oertain landspurohased in Clarke in 1964 and, also, those . properties in Olarke n~ being negotiated '!for purohase in t,he year 196.5. .". llloydLowerymoved, seconded by 'R.G.Ch~ter, that Council recess at 12 noon for lunoh and resume session at 1.30 p.m. Carrie4. ' , \ . , General Vouohers No. 3 for March 1965 and Road Vouoher No. ~. for February 196.5 were autho~i zed tor p~ent on motion byL.J...perrault, seoondedby~'.G.Chater. Carried. " (. L.A..Perrault moved, seconded by O.H.Fall$, that this Council ~entatively approve a revised boundary road agreement and empower the Road Superi.ntendent to present the said pro- posed agreement to ,the Road Superintendent and Council of the Township ,.of Hope tor their oonsideration and report to ' this Counoil. Carried. In respect to the by-law To Provide for the Lioensing and Regulation of Publio Halls, the Property and Finance Com- m1 ttee were empowered to repor~ to Couneil all matters per-' , taining to the Township Hall whioh are oontrary 10 this by_ lay. The following co~respondenoe was read and aoted upon: 1. Bra. Reid Wood, Secretary of the Newtonvil~eCommunity Hall Board, as business brought forward from meeting of February 2nd, 196,. - Filed. 2. E.R.Lovekin re copy of letter to Mr. Hugh Stapleton regar- ding Newt.onT1~le Community Hall, as business brought forward from meeting of February 2nd, 196,. - Filed. . 3. Marshall. Maoklin & Monaghan re water works system in the Village of Orono. - Filed. 4. Department of Publio Welfare re NUrsing Home Care under the General Welfare Assistanoe Act.- Referred to the Clerk and Solioitor to prepare's draft by-law and present to the next regular meeting of Council. .5. Mr. c10M Hobbs re tax arrears. - Referred to the Treasurer for necessary aotion and reply to Mr. Hobbs. 6. Ontario Sohool Trustees and Ratepayers Assooiation re Annual Convention. - Filed. 7. Department of Highways of Ontario re purohase of 8 ft. 6 inoh snow plow. - Filed. 8. Department of Munioipal Affairs re the flag of Canada. - Filed. 9. Distriot Engineer, Department of Highways of Ontario re The M1nimum Wage Aot. - Filed. 10. The Ontario MUnioipal Assooiation re Seoond Looal Govern- ment Study~Tour. ~ Reoeived. 11. E.R.Lovekin re oopy letter to Seoretary of Cil.arke Cemetery Board in reap.ot to the Presbyterian Church in Oanada, Nellton- ville Cemetery. as business brought forward- from February 2. 196;. -~abled. (. 12. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for January 196.5. - Filed. . ..,.. '~ 3 - Minut$s, Oounoil Meeting Maroh 2, 1965, continued: ( t . 13. Department of Agrioulture re appointment ~f Weed Inspeotor for the year 1965. - Referred to the Reeve and Deputy~Reeve for iUTea- tigation and report baok to Oounoil. 14. County and MUnioipal Oounty's Seotion of. The Ontario SOhool Trustees and Ratepayers Assooiation re seoti'on meeting April 19 - 21, 1965, and membership. t"ee, as business brought' forward from February 2, 1965. _ Tabled. ' . . 15. Ontario Water Resouroes Oommission re Water Projeot 64-w-l30 under Winter Works Inoentive Program. - Filed. . 16. Department of Agrioulture, Livestook Branoh, re Warble Fly Control Aot. ~ Filed. 17. Department of Tourism and Informationre Ontario, Centennial Planning. - Refer;red to the Clarke Centennial Management Oommittee for appointment of a Ohairman. 18. HOdgins and Morris re o.ordon F. Baker, lot 35', oonoession 10. - The Clerk was instruoted to reply. . 19. Mrs. W.H. Gibson re Memorial Ho~pital report at the April meeting of Oounoil.l- Confirmed by Oounoil and :the. Clerk instruo- ted to reply aooordingly. .. -. 20. 'Ontario Water Resouroes Oommi.ssion re Ganaraska River Water Quality Survey. -Filed. ( 21. Distriot Engineer, Department of Highway's of Ontario, re Anti-Corrosion Additives~ -Filed. 22. Department o'f Energy and Resouroes Management re warning of floodoond1tions. - Filed. ( 23. Mr. H. R. Best, Bullding Inspeotor, two letters, requesting the neoessary prooedure for proseoutingpersons who oontravene any of the provisions of by-law No. 1351. - Filed. 24. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin, re Building By-Law polioy and legality enforoement. -Counoil unanimously aooepted the solioi- tor's reo.Qnnnendation andinstruotedthe Clerk to refer photo- stati'o cop1es of 'the said letter to the Building Inspeotor and Ol~rke ,Planning Board. The Planning Board are requested to advise,t,he Clerk, at their earliest oonvenienoe, of, their reoom- mendations, whereupon the Clerk, Building Ins.peotor and Solioi tor are hereby empowered tb amend the By-law and present'to the next regular meeting of Oounoil. , 2'. The Ontario Traffio Oopferenoe re 16th Annual Oonvention. - Filed. 26. Distriot Engineer, Department of H;lghways of Ontario, re 196.5 ,Road Estimates By-Law. - Tabled. 27. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin re model by-law to provide for lioensing and regulation of Publio Halls. --Filed. 28. Report from the Clerk regarding deed of the property upon whiohthe Township Garage is looated. - Sinoe no deed oan be found, the Registry Offioe have asked for the name of the person from whom the said property was purohased. - Referred, to the Reeve and Olerk. ( 29. Distriot Engineer, Department of Highways of Ontario, re issuing of building permits as business brought forward from February 2, 1965. - No aotion taken. 30.tSolioitorE.R.Lovekin re proposed Restrioted Area By-law. - No aotion taken. ( , 31. Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re.oopy letter to Ontario Munioipal Board regarding Water Works Projeot 64-"-130. - Filed. The f'6llowing resolutions were passed: , Resolution No.4: Mbvea by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls: n aocor anoe wi h Seotions 3 & 4 of By-law NO. 132.5, a by-law to establish a Munioipal Recreation Committee, this Counoil hereby appoint Messrs. Roy Foster, Mrs. john Stark, Oharles Trim, Mrs. Hartley Barlow, Charles Hutton, Laverne Boyd, together with Lorne Perrault, Lloyd Lowery, for the ,year 19'.5. The Olerk be and is instruote,d to notify the ' Community Programmes Branch of the Department of Eduoationby referring a oopy of this Resolution to the said Department. - Oarried. Resolution No. 44: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonaed by L.A.Perraul t: This Oouncil.l'1erebygranttthe,Orono PublioUbrary $50.00 for the year 1965. - Carried. - . .. ............................. 4 - Minutes, CounoiltKeetihg )laroh 2, 196.5, continued: Resolution No. 4~: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery: !esolve in acooranoe with By-law No. 140; the folloWing persons be and hereby are appointed as' members of The Cemetery Board of the ~ownsh1p of Clarke: :ur; Sidney RutherforJ R.R.North Orono Mr. Reginald Lovekin t Newcastle Mr. Charles Oooper O~ono Mr. Arnold Wade Newtonville Mr. Arthur Thompson R.R.l Kendal The said members shall hold office until their sucoessors ar_. appointed by order-in-Counoil. The tollowing persons are hereby appointed to the said Boar~a. representation from Oouncil for the year 1965: ' Mr. Orme Falls . R.R.l Newtonville Mr~ Robert' Ohater' Leskard. - Oarried. The following by-la.s ~ere given first, seoond and third reading andtinally passed: . By-Law No. 1469: To Provide for the Licensing and Regulation of Publio Halls. . ,,~ The Publio Halls .lot, Rao 1960 Ohapter 320 and' ame.ben". thereto, provides that no public hall" shall be offe1"e4 torus. or used as a plaoe of public assembly unless the own~r thereof holds a lioenoe there~or from ~he oity, town, village or township in which it is located, or where it is located in ~ oity having a population of not less than 100,000~ ~rom the board ot co~ssioneTs of police of the oity; ( .... AND WHEREAS The MUnioipal .lot, RSO 1960 Chapter 249 and amendments thereto, pr~videa that the oouncil of a town, township or village and of a oity having a population bf'less than 10'0,000 'and the board of oommissioners of polioe'oT a oity having a population of not less than 100,000 may by by-law r.gulate~anl lioense subjeot to the provisions of The Theatres Aot (RSO 1960 Chapter 396 and amendments thereto) exhibitions held for hire or sain, theatres,~ musio halls, bowling alleys, mbving pioture shows, pUblio halls and all places of amusement, and for prbhibiting the location of them or a partioular class of them on land abutting on any htihway or part of a highway to be named in the by-law ana for revoking any licenoe granted; . THEREFORE the Oounoil of the Oorporation of the Township of Olarketenaots as follows: t 1. In this by-law, -. . . (a) .owner" means person who has in respeot of premises an estate for life or a greater estate, legal o~ equitable, or' a leasehold estate; and (b) ":public hall" means a building, including a portable building or tent with a seating oapacity for over one hundred persons, that is offered for use or usea as a plaoe of publio assembly, but does not inolude a theatre within' the meaning of The'Theat~es .lot, or a building,exoept a tent, used solely for religious purposes. . . (0) "tire r,sistive oonstruotion" means non-oombustible construotion havin~ a fire-resistanoe rating of one hour or mor~.. . 2. t (1) No owner shall operate a publio hall or allow any buildihg or part thereof to be used'as a publio hall unless he holds a pUblio halllicenoe issued by the treasurer of this munioipality for Whioh the fees payable shall be as follows: .Grade 2 -.For a hall'having a lioensed oapacity of over 1,000 persons:..jlOO.OO - For a hall having a licensed oapaoity of between 999'and - . 600 persons......................t 50.00 . Gra!e 1 . . .'<! "',. .5 - Mlnut'es, Council( Meeting Jlarch 2, 196.5, continued: Grade 3 - For a hall having a lioensed capaoity of between .599 and 300 persons.....~................$ 2'~OO Grade 4 - For a hall having a licensed capaoity of under 300 persons.....$ 10.00 provided that aL1m1ted Publio Hall Lioence permitting not more than one meeting of entertainment in any oalendar month or !rot more than ten meetings or entertainments in ':.: any calendar year may be issued for any hall usually used for other purposes upon payment of one-half the lioence fees. ( 2) For the transfer of a public hall licenoe a fee shall be paid to the treasurer by the transferee similar to 'the charges quoted under Section 2 (1) of this by- law. 3. No lioence fee shall be payable under this by-law by any religious oranization in respect of a hall used 'for entertainment given or held by it, but every such hall shall in all other res- pects oompl~ with this by-law. 4. Every application for a publiC hall licence shall be accom- panied by,- . (a): a statement ~on the form provided tby the treasurer giving such particulars as to the looation, size and construction of the hall. as may be required; (b) a certificate signed by the fire ohief or fire prevention offioer, oertifying that he has inspec- ted the building in respect of whioh the applioa- tion is made and has found that it is in accord~nce with this by-law as to fire safety preoautions; (c) a certificate signed by the chief of polioe certi- fying that the operation of a hall in the looation applied for is approved by him and that he is satisfied with the proposed use of the building or part thereof as a public hall and with the proposed methods of operation; and Cd) a certifioate dated within three months of the appli- cation signed by ~he local inspector of The Hydro- Electric Power Oommission of Ontario, oertifying that the electric wiring has been inspeoted and foun4 satiSfactory. .5. (1) The owner of a publiC hall shall not allow a greater number of persons to enter and be in the hall at any one time than is stated to be the maximum oapacity of the hall on the licence, which maximum capacity shall be determined as follows;- (a) where the publiC hall is in a building of fire-resis- tive construction or on the first or ground floor of" a building not of fire-resistive construction, t,he maximum capaci ty shall be determined em t,he basis of one person to each six square feet of total floor area where fixed seating is employed and eight square feet per person where movable seats are used; ..,..,/ .' (b) where the public hall is in the basement or on the second floor of a building not of fire resistive construction the maximum capaeityshall be determined ,on the basis of one person to "each ten square feet . of total floor area; 6 - J!1nut~a, OOUlloi~ !leetip.g Jlarch 2, 1965. oontinueed: (0) where ~he ~blio hall is on the third floor of a building not of tire-resistive construotion. the . . maJd.JD.1l.D'. ,c.~.e..o.i.ty. .s.h.aJ-.l. .be det ermi ned on the basis of one person to each fitteeB squar~. feet of floor ar.e.I\.. (2) A licenoe shall not be issued for a publio hall on any storey higher than the third floor in a building not of fire-resistive oonstruotion. (3) The owner of every publio hall shall di.splay in a prominent plaoe in the entranoeway to the publio .hall and inside the hall adjaoent to the entranoeway placards with the toll~w1ng wording in letters not less than two inohes high: .OOCUPANCY OF THIS HALL BY MORE THAN...~..PERSONS . IS DANGEROUS AND UNLAWFUL." . wtthtke blank filled in with the maximum oapaoity as at_fled . ii' .the lioence, and placards stating the looation of the near..' _.'el.ph:&ne, the telephone number of the fir~ department and the lecation ot the nearest fire alarm box or fire hall. . ' (4) For (a) the purposes of this seotion;- . the floor area of a publio hall shall not inolude e the floor areas of any platform stage, washroom, kitohen, oloak room, hallway, entranoeway, stai:r- .8~1 or any other ante room adjaoent to or used in oonneotion with suoh publio hall; no person eniployed or serving on or in any of the floor areas mentioned in olause (a) shall be oounted in determining the number of persons permitted in ( a publio hall. 6. el) In every publio hall having row~ of fixed seats .here shall, in addition to the spaoe at the front and rear of the hall, be aisle apace of not less than fourty-four inohes in width for every.150 persons or fraotion thereof for whioh the hall is lioensed and no oentre seating seotion shall oontain more than fourteen seats in a row and no seating seotion running to a side wall shall oontain more than seven seats in a row. (b) (3) In every publio hall having rows of movable seats they shall be fastened together so that there are units of not less than. four or more than twelve seats. (4) In everi ptlblio hall having chairs and tables there shall. in addition to the sp~oe at the front an~ rear of the hall, and in addition to any spaoe used for danoing or any entertainment, be olear aisle spaoe of not less than twenty-two inohes in w~dth between rowa of tables and ohairs for not more than two persons, thirty-six inohes between rows of tables and ohairs for not more than four persons and fourtl-four inohes in width between rows of tables and ohairs for more than four persons at an individual table. . (5..) Movable seata shall not be permitted in baloonies or lalleries on whioh the floor is arranged as steps. " (6)~1here an exit is looated at the side of the hall having movable or fixed seats or ohairs and tables there shall be a cross aisle giving aooesa to eaohsuoh exit. (1) Standing in the aisles, additional seats or additional oh~irs or tables whioh would reduoe the aisle spaoe below the m1nimua required ahall not be permitted. 7. . (1,) Every publio hall shall have at le:ast two independent exits, eaoh at least three feet in width, looated as far apart as . . ( t t 7 - Nanutes, Counoil Heeting March 2, 1965. oontinued: is struoturally feasible, but in no case less than the width ot the publio hall or approximately fifty p&roentum of the length of the publio hall. (2) The distanoe of travel to any exit from the hall shall not exoeed 100 feet,. mea:suredalong the path of exit tr,avel trom any seat. Wherebeoauseof the size of the hall this is not praotioal, exits may bespaoed not more than 100 feet apart along the perimeter of tha hall. (3) Where there are only two exi ts from a publio h.all li08n- ,~ed for more than 300 persons, eaoh exi t ,shall be not less than fourty-four inohes in horizontal width. (4) Where. the lioensed maximum oapaoity of the hall is greater than 400 persons in a building of fire-resistive oonstruo- tion or the hall is on the first or ground floor of a building not of fire-resistive oonstruotion, additional exits shall be required on the basisofilot less than twenty-two inohes of exit width for ever~ 90 persons or traotion thereof above 400 persons. . . (5}Where thelioensed maximum capaoity of the hall is greater than 300 persons in the basement or on the seoond or third floor of a building not of fire-resistiveconstruotlon additional exits shall be required on the basia of not less than twenty-two inohes of exit width for every 60 persons or fraotion thereof above 300 persons. (.6) Every baloony or gallery in a publio hall shall have at least two independent means of exit, either to the outsi'de or to the main floor of the hall. {7} Rugs, oarpets or other floor ooverings shall be seoured and maintained so that they will not ruok, or so that they will not in anyway impede egress. (8) Mats looated at the entranoe of the public hall "shall be flush with floors or have ohamfered or bevelled edges. (9) Artioles whioh may oreate any obstruotion shall not be looated in or adjaoent to the path of exit travel. 8. (l).AlI exit doors inoluding the main entrance door shall be equipped with panio-type hardware that enables a door to be, opened easily upon the application ofpresaure from the insid~. Panio hardware shall not be required on free-swinging doors which are not equipped with any looking or latoking devioes. (2) No revolving type of door or turnstile shall be used as an exit from a publio hall except that a revolving type door or turnstile may be used from the first or ground floor provided that there is an exit door or doors of the swing type adj~oent to and within at least fifteen feet of the revolving door or turn- stile. (3) Hooks, padlooks, chains and draw bolts, other than the panio har4ware type, shall not be permitted on doors. (4) Whenever a publio hall is to be used the ownersh~ll take all neoessary steps to ensure that the doors open freely. 9. (1) Above every exit, or aocess to exit, there shall be an illuminated sign having letters of not less than sixinohes in heighttand the ,principal strokes three-quarters of':an inoh in width, wi th the ,word "EXIT" lighted with eleotric. current on a' oircuit separate from-that.f'urni$:h1ng any otherelectrio servioe in the building, or: on a oiroui t "from a point on the supply side 8 - Itlnutes, CounoilMeeting March 2, 196.5, oontinued: \ ~ ( of the servioe ssitch and provided with its own servioe box. (2) Every exit sign shall be olearlyvisible from the most distant part of the hall from whioh there is a olear line of sight. (3) The inspeotor may require a stand-~y or auxiliary electrio servioe of a capaoity suffioient to supply all exit lights or to floodlight the hall from a storage batt~y kept permanently oharged with a triokle oharger. (4) Every door whioh does not lead to an exit shall be plainlT marked with letters not Less than six inohes in height. designating the part of xhe premises to whioh it leads unless an exit leading to grade is available throughsuoh a room and in Bnoh case the door shall be marked as an exit. . . 10.'11) The width of every exit stairway shall not be less thllll,'f;he exit door from whioh it leads and shall have treads not 'less than ten inohes in width exolusive of nosing and rise~s not more than eight inohes in height, provided that where struotural diffioulties exist the building inspeo~or may issue a permit in writing for a stairway having a slope of not greater than forty-five degrees from the horizontal. (2) The treads of such stairs shall be maintained with a non-slip surfaoe. (3) When the differenoe in floor. levels or the height of any exit door from the ground level is not greater than ten feet, an inolined ramp may be permitted in lieu of a stair- way-, provided suoh ramp sha~l have a slope not greater than one foot rise in a ten foot run. (4) Any exit stairway, oonneoting two or mor~ floors, shall be enolosed at all floor levels with oonstruotion haVing a tire resistanoe of not less than. one hour. Doors providing access to this enolosure shall have a fire resistance of not les8 than three-quarters of an hour, and shall be equipped with self olosftrs. \All stairway doors shall open in the direotion of exit travel. (5) All ,xit stairway enolosures shall provide a proteoted means of egress to grade suoh that it would not be neoessary to leave the stairway enclosure to ,reaoh an exterior door. A lobby or toyer may oonstitute part of the stair enolosure provided ~hat it is enolosed in aooordanoe with subseotion 4 and provided that the distanoe of travel through the lobby to an exit does not exoee~ fifty feet. (6) Exit stairs :from the first baloony or gallery above the main floor need not be enolosed provided that these stairs serve only the first baloony or gallery. (7) Every passageway or platform leading to or from an exit stairway shall be kept olear of all obstruotions. (8) Cupboa~ds shall not be oonstrv.oted unde~neath any stairway nQr the space under any stairway u~ed for storage purposes. (~) All oombustible exit stairs and landings shall have their undersides protected by a one hour fire resistive oeiling. 11. (1) EverY outside fire escape shall be of the stair type only and shall extend down to the ground or street level, pro_ vided that where a fire esoape is situate on a street or ( travelled l..e the last seotion may, with the approval in writing of the bUilding inspeotor, be the counter-balanoed type. In no case shall the slope of the stairway exceed for~y- five degrees with the horizontal. . . ( ( 9 - N~nutes, Counoil Meeting Maroh 2, 196;, oontinued: (2) The stairs, platforms, supporting members and anoho~age of every outside fire esoape shall be designed to Supp0rt, in addition to their own weight, a live wei~ht of not less than one hundred pounds per square foot of tread and platform. (3) Every wiridowbeneath, within fifteen feet horizontally, and every window above, within ten feet vertioally of any portion of an outside fire esoape, shall be provided with wired glass in fixed sash and every door underneath or providing. aooess to an outside fire esoape shall be metal-olad and equipped with self olosers. (4) The maximum vertioal distanoe between grade level and the seoond storey landing of an outside fire esoapt9 shall not exoeed fourteen feet and the maximumvertioal distance between all other landings above'the seoond storey shall not exoeed twelve feet. (;) Every stairway of an outside fire esoape shall be thirty- six inohes or more in width measured between the stringers and all landings shall have an area of at least twelve square feet and eaoh stairway and landing shall be equipped with hand r/il-ils. 12. Before the publio hall is used on any oocasion the owner shall clear every outside fire esoape of snow and ice'or other obstruotion. 13. Every stairway, passageway and fire esoape shall be well lighted whenever the publiO hall is in use, and all electric light bulbs within eight feet of the floor level shall be proteoted with metal guards to prevent breakage or removal. 14. Fllsedoors, windows, mirrors or other type of decoration whioh,give the appearanoeof a door or exit where no door or exit exist~ shall not be permitted. 1;. (1) Deoorations, curtains ~d stage properties of oloth, paper, or other flammable material shall not be permitted ina publio,hall unless treated with a flame-retardant and re-treated at least onoe irl every y~ar. (2) Flammable deoorations, notwithstanding they are flame- retardant treated, shall not be plaoed on an eleotriofixture or within three feet of an eleotr~o bulb, stove or heating appliance or the pipes in oonneotion therewith. 16. Flammable liquids or explosives or othersubstanoes dangerous to human life shall not be kept or ,stored in apublio hall or in the building in which the publio hall is located exoept where written approval is obtained from the building inspector or the fire ohief. ' 17. (1) The fire chief may permit smoking in a ;publio hall or any part thereof and UNO SlmKIN'G" signs shall be posted in the hall or portion thereof where smoking is prohibited. (2) In the hall or portion ther~of wnere smoking, is permitted '~ubstantial ash trays or stands of non-oombustible materials shall be plaoed so as to be of convenient acoess.in suoh number as may be required by the fire chief. . ,. . (3) Sm.oking~ matohes, open flames, fire-orackers 0r:any devioe produoing an exposed spark or flame shall not be used on any plat- form or stage in any publio hall without the written permission of the fire ohief. 18. (1) Every publio hall shall be kept clean and clear of rubbish. ~ - . (2) Metal oontainers withself-olosing covers shall be pro- vided and oonveniently plaoed for the deposit of used paper towels and rubbish and the oon.tents of every suoh oontainer shall be emptied and disposed of immediately following the use of the halli. 10 - II:Lnutes, Oounoil Meeting Maroh 2, 1965, oontinued: . . , , 19. (1) Every year before uSing the heating equipment e~ery Publio hall owner shall oause the furnace O~ stove, the pipes there1'rom and th~ ohimney to be examined, cleaned end put in a proper state of repair. (2) Every heating applianoe placed in the a~ditorium of ( any publio hall shall be proteoted with suffioient guards and insulation, and shall be so looated as to not interfere with the rlow of exit traffio and be not closer than twenty feet to any exit door. (3) Every furnaoe room in any building oontaining a public hall shall be separated from the remainder of the building by oonstruotion having a fire resistance of not less than one and a half hours. Any duots passing through this enclosure shall be equipped with self-olosing fire dampers. (4) Every fuel-fired heating applianoe that is installed in a publio .hall Shall be oontained in an enclosure in aooor- dance with subseotion 3 except in a publio hall looated in a bu1lding net more than two storeys in height including basement or oellar and having an oooupanoy of less than two hundred persona, with the written permission of the fire ohief or building inspeotor. . two fuel-fired heating applianoes of a type listed by a reoognized testing laboratory, or. six sealed oombustion system applianoes of a type listed by a reoognized testing~laboratory may be installed without being enolosed. 20. (.l) Every publio hall shall be equipped with suffioient standpipes and hose to proteot every part of the ,hall and interoommunioating rooms without using more than 75 feet of . hose on any standpipe oonneotion or with five gallon water pump tank or equivalent water type fire extinguishers on the basis of one suoh appliance for every 1,,00 square feet of floor area or fraotion thereof, exoept where the hall is eqUipped with ohairs and tables in whioh oase one suoh fire ffghtlng appliance shall be required for eaoh 1,000 square feet of floor area or fraotion thereof, provided that the minimum shall be two suoh fire fighting applianoes, and shall be equipped with fire extinguishers of suoh type and number as the fire ohief may require for use in the cil.oak rooms, washrooms, kitohensand other servioe: rooms. ee) (b) (2) The fire ohief may require the installation of an automatio fire detection system or automatio sprinkler system in any yublio hall or part or parts thereof or in any stairway or passageway used as an exit from a public hall. (3) Every fire extinguiSher and other fire fighting appli- ance shall be maintained in good operating ~ond1tion and regu- larly inspeoted. . (4) No fire exti.nguisher shall be installed in a publio hall unless it bears the approval label of the Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, Ltd., the Underwriters Laboratories Ino., the Faotory Mutual Laboratories, or the Fire Offioes' Committee of the United Kingdom. 21. el) It shall be the duty of the fire ohief, ohief of polioe and bU1ldinginspeQtor to'enforoe th1s:by-law and to inspeot - every public hall in the munioipality from time to time as reqUire'.' to ensure that the requirements of this by-law are being fully met. . (2) For suoh purpose, the fire ohief, ohief of polioe and the building inspeotor or any of their assistants may enter any 11 - Minutes, Counoil Meeting Maroh 2, 196;, oontinued: , ~ ( ( publio hall at any time, and to test the adequaoy of the exit faoilities, and may with the instruotions of the ooun6il require a practice fire drill by all persons in the pubiio hall at suoh time. . 22. Subjeot ~o t~e provisions of The Public Halls Aot, every person who oontravenes any of the provisions of this by-law shall unon oonviction therefore be liable to a fine of not less than $10.00 and not exoeeding $50.00, exolusive of costs, or to imprisonment for a term not ,exoeeding twenty-one days, or to both suoh fine and imprisonment. 23. Where a public hall lioensee is convicted of an offence under this by-law the licenoe shall be suspended forthwith by the treasurer and shall not be reinstated until the fire ohie~ a~d the pollc~ chief oe~tify in writing that the conditions resulting in the charge and conviotion have been remedied and that the hall and its proposed operation oomply with this by- law'. ' '., 24.. This by-law shall take effeot upon the day of the final passing thereot'. By-Law No. 1470: A by-law to appoint an Assessor for the Townshi~of Clarke ' " The Corporation of the Township of Clarke enaots as follows: That Mr. A. M. John!Jton be and hereby 1s appointed Assessor of the Township of Clarke. ' . That the bverall remuneration for same shall be $3,S0'o;.()0 per annum.' " ;." , That $800.00 of the'above remuneration shall be caral1owanoe. By-Law No. 1471: Being a' by-law to adopt the estimates of, ' all sum~ required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 196;. '. ...... WHEREAS the Counoil of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke has in accordance with The Municipal Act considered the estimates of the munioipality and of the Boards and Commissions of the municipality and it is necessary that the followin~ esti- mates ~e raised by means of taxation for the year 1965:.. .. Requisl t~on County Purposes Per Capita O-rants ($12,;00.00 Estimated) Township General (No Grants " It (Grants) " ~ O.P.T. (No Grants) It ~ O.P.T. !Grant~) . ' Oentral Lake. Ontario Conserva tibnAu thori ty,) , , Inoluded in Townshil> General ) Ganaraska Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board Polioe Village of Orono Federation of Agrioulture (Estimated) Newtonv1lle Street Lighting (Estimated) Kendal Street Lighting (Estimated) Township Sohool Area of Clarke TownshipSonool Area of Darlington TownshipSohool Area of Manvers Townsh!pSohool Area of Cavan C.R.C.S.S. for the Township of Clark~ & Hope R.C.S.S. Bowmanville 12.500.00 21.681.42 6.5.864.14 . 2, 7~4.83 8,880.06 50:00 , 1,'20.00 96j~82.35 8.181.00 "0,00 201.00 14.5 .00 8-;,8;0.00 2,136,88 2,790.00 79.00 1,046.8.5 ;0.44 . .: $359,769.16 AEn WHEREAS the Assessment Roll made in 1~64 and upon whioh the 196; taxes are to be levied and finally revised by the Court of Revision on the 6th 'day'of November, 1,64; , ' AND WHEREAS the amount of assessment entitled to benefit. hereinafter referred to as residential end farm, and the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as 12 .. Jlinutest Coon(1il Meeting Maroh 2, 196,. oontfnued: business, of Unoondit.ional G:rants in adoordanoe with the :ri6un~- o11's:l .lot, B.S.,O.' 1960' is ~s, ,follows: . Assessment entitled to Eenefit Assessment Not ,entitled to Eenefit - $3,287,47.5.00 913.994.22 BE IT THEREFORE and it is hereby enaoted as follows: 1. THAT the aboye estimates be adQpted and levied therefore in the ma~-ner as sc;ttout hereinafter and there shall be levied andoolleoted upon the assessable lands, bu1Ydings and businesses within the Corporation of the Township of Clarke the ~ollowing mill rates for the year 196,: Mill Rates R.&F. Oomm. . 1:".7 OO,l1Jl'lY. 'PnTposea !'nn.1rl:'p:.fI$X1eral: ~....bi'pOommeroial To..a~)' with Grants applied P911.~.nllage Commeroi al Poli'e'~ 'V:l:llage wi th Grants applied Oentral Lake Ontario Conservation Auth- ority N.R. ll~ 24.4987 14.8248 28..JOl 18.6271 . (Ineluded in Township General) Ganaraaka Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board .409 22.428 24.92 Polio'e Village' of Orono Federation of Agrioulture N'ewton,vil).e ,. Street Lighting Kendal"'Stroeet Lighting T'own.~J'p S01100~ Area of Clarke 'l'ownahtp..SohOol Area of Darlington Townsh:f.p,Sohool, Area of Manvers 'fo~~.l1tp-;So~!)olArea of, C'avan a.R~~~8~$:.:for the Township of Clarke :,.i,;;'~;-' ."', , & Hope, "l~~r~S:"$~ BC)1,manVille ' 21.463 ". , l!r~ The taxes shall beoome due and payable on the 1st day of September, 196,. 3,. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on due date or on instalments thereof, the · amount of l~ of the amount dne Oh the, first day of · default, and an additional penalty of. 110 shall be · added on the first day of eaoh oalendar month there- · atter on the balanoe remaining nnpaid up to and · including Deoember 31st, 196,. . . . 4. The treasurer and Colleotor are hereby empowered to · reoeive in any year payments on aooount of taxes for · that year in advanoe of the date due and is hereby · authorized to allow a disoount on suoh pre-payment at a rate of disoount of 610 per annum. 5. The Colleotor is hereby authorized to mail or oause · to be mailed the notioe of taxes due to the address . of the residenoe or plaoe of business of the person · to(whom suoh notioe is required to be'given. 6: All ourrent taxes shall be paid into the Canadian . Imperial Bank of Commeroe at Newcastle and Orono. All tax arrears shall be paid into the offioe of the . Treasurer at Orono. . . . . . 7. Where a tenant of lands, owned by the Crown or tn' . . whioh the Crown has an interest, has been employed . either within or outside the munioipality by the same employer for not less than 30 days, suoh employer shall pay over to the oollector on demand out of wages, salaries, or other remuneration due to suoh employee, the aDOunt then payable for taxes under this by-law and any suoh payment (shall relieve the employer from any 10.953 ..5 1.44 3.11 21.463 21.037 19.15 21.35 21.463 23.848 23.375 21.278 . 13 - Minutes, Council(Meetihg March 2, 196;, oontinued: . liability to the. employee tor the amount paid. . 8. The obllector and treasure~ are hereby empowered to acbept part p~yments fr~m time to time on aocouht of any taxes due. ' 9. This by-law shall oome intp foroe and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. Resolution No~ 46: Moved by O.H.~lls, second_d by Lloyd Lowery: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday April 6, 196;, at 10 a.m. in the Council ChamblTat Orono'or otherwise at the call of the Ree~e~ Carried. ~~ aJJ6_J Cl ark. . . 9 n~~. 4?:~ . R~ve. . SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE March 9, 196; at 9 p.m. Counoil Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve eT.W.Stone Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault Councillor R.G.Chater: Councillor O.H.Falls Councillor LLoyd Lowery Police Trustees: H.M.Meroer R.C.Fbrrester D:M.S1mpson Clerk: H.E.Millson . Special meeting of,Council was called by Reeve eT.W.Stone to consider the Waterworks Project, under the Ontario Water Resouroes Commission, ,with the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and to consider other business on hand. The following oorrespondence in respect to the Water Project was read out to the meeting by the Reeve: 1. Ontario Water Resources Commission re By-law and Agreement. The Clerk was instructed, to refer a,Qopy to the Trustees. 2. The Ontario1mnicipal Board re final approval of the Water P~oject.A copy was to be referred to the Trustees. . 3. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin re legality of the By-law. A copy of this correspondence was to be referred to the Police Trustees. The Trustees were unanimous in their agreement with respect to the proposed By-law and Agreement, an~ requested COunoil to pass the said By-law. The matter of reorganization of the overlapping work load between the General and Road Departments was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for study and report back'to a meeting of Counci 1. .. The following correspondence was readout: 1. Department of Municipal Affairs re Municipal,\Vor\(s Assistance Program. - Referred to resolution. . 2. Orono Hvdro Electric Co~mission re removal of tree at the TownShip Rail. - Referred to the Property and Finanoe Committee with power to,act. The following resolutions were nassed: Resolution No. 4'1: Moved by R.G.Ohater; seoonded by O.H.Falls: That the Treasurer be and is here~y authorized to write off the following tax arrears on ap:pro"lfal of the Auditor and in aocordanoe with Section 131 of The Assess~ent Act, R.S.O. 1960: