HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/11/1965 .. . Present: Beeve ~.W. Slone DePuty-Reeve L.l..Perrault Couno1l1orB~G. Ohater Counoiltor, O.H. Falla Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H.E.lf1llson BPECIAL MD'rING OF THE COUNC IL { OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE February 11, 1965 at 8 p.m. C~cil Chamber, Orono. Spec1al Keeting of Counc1l was calX.d by Beeve stone to consider the business on hand" ',- ( The :tollowing resolutlO:n .a. passed: Resolution )Jo.42:Jlove4, by ,R.G. Ohater, seoonded by O.H.Falls: W~~ the Council 01' the Oorporation 01' the ~ownshIt of Clarke deems it expe41ent to apply :tor a loan un(ertb.e Fed:eral- ProvinCial-IluD.1~ipa~ Works Assistanoe Program. ,a8 descr1lied in the Jlemoran"um o:t (the .n1ater o:t, Muni01pal Aftairs, 4ated the 4th o.tNoveaber, l"J, in respect o:t the Poli.e'Vl1J.age ,01' Orono here1na:tter re:terred to aa -the project-; ANDWBERUB 'lhe ~projec' 1.8, In the opinl,on ,ot the Counoil, a muni~ll8l pz:ojeot within the meaning ot -the :M:l.n1ster's memoru- ~m; - AND w.tU!iRElS the projeot Cor pert 01' It) would not, 'tit thou' the ass1 st.... under the program. have beeri Included among the oapi tal werks 'projeots ",0 be Ul\dE!r'aken wi thin the oalen~u: year or year. in resp"ot o:t ..41ohapplicatio~ :tor asS1stanc~ ~s mad." and no other oap1tal works ~oject haa,,1n,o~nsequeno., 1:ieen, replaee40r de:terred untIl .a'later year; ", AND WBEEE.&S '!BE PROJEaf is one. te whioh the 1mme41atel'y preoeding " paragraph applIes ,in whole ; AND WHEREI.S the other requirements of the U1n1ster'sYemorandum have been oomplied wi th ;'- .. -' .. NOW lfHERDORE be it re.lve4 tha~ applloation "be mad8 '0 the II1mater ot Mm.ic1:pal At:Caira ror a oommi tll8nt:tor a . loan 1n'the aDDlUlto:t114" 2,6.00' to assist ,1n the t'1DJmolng oith.e projeot under the MUnioipal Works Aaaistanoe .lot, 1,63. Resolutions No. 72dsted~un. 15, 1964, and No.llt dated . November 16, 1964, be and are hereby r..oiJ14e~.- Carr1e~. Meeting fldjourned. ' ~- Olerk. ~ .. .......... _"_I . C)ru,',,$t ~ (BeevS' " .' ." ':. ,', ,..,/ REGULAR MEETING OF THE' COUNCIL OF THE 'TOWNstfIP OF OLARKE Baroh 2, 196; at 10 a.~. ' Counoil Ghamber, 9ron? , . . .'...... {,....J . . Present: Reeve J. W. stone Deputy-Reeve L.A.Perrault . Counoillor R. G. Chater Counoillor O~ H. Falls Counoillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. Mlllson Road Superintendent The minutes otthe last reguiar meeting and one speoial meeting were approved as read on mot~on by R.G.C!1ater, seconded by L.A.Perraul t. Carried., . ,.. . " It wa~ move,d by L.A.perraul t, seoonded, by R .G. Cha ter, that delegations be heard. ' Oarn ea... .', ., . Mrs. Oarl Biokle, representing the Newtonville Reor.~tion Committe~,~ ,ask4jtd ,torCounoi1i' s :L,~~entiCi)niwith reear( to relea~1ng the moneys in trust from the sale ot the former Ne1ftonv1}.le .