HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/1965 ~ t BI!nULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF '1'HE TOWNSHIP OF OLARKE February 2, 196, at 10 a.m. . Counoil Ohamber. Orono. . . Present: Reeve J". W. stone ~eputy-Reeve L. .A. Perrault Counoillor B. G. Chater qounoillor O. H. Falls Counoillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. ~llson Boad Superintendent M. L. Ross . . . The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read on motion by L.A.Perr~ult, seoonded byR.G.Chater. Carried. The Cl~k was instruoted .to aoquire a copy ot the deed in respeot to the lands upon whioh the ~ownahip Shed is situated and present same to the next regula,;r meeting of (Counoil. It was moved by L.A.'Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater. that ~elegations be heard. Oarrie.d.. ~ssrs. w. Lightle and R. Baker, Reeve and Road Superinten- dent ~f the ~ownship of Hope, disoussed the 1964 Boundary Road Aooount in question with the Counoil and Road Superintendent. It was Finally deoided that the Road Superintendents ~_ ~he respeotive Mu.nJ.oipalitie.a agre~ on ways end mean:s to settle the said Boundary Aocount. . . Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspeotor, brought oertain aspeots ot the Building By-law to the. attention of Counoil and presented a memo of suggestions for the oonsideration 01' Counoil. FUrther, the Build.1ns Inspeotor asked for a salary of '900.00 with 1100.00 in addition for mileage, or $1,000.00 lump sum per annum'begin- ning in the year 1965. The aatter of' salary requested was re- ferred to the Property and J1nanace Committee for further oon- sideration and report to Oouncil. .. General Vouohers No. 2 tor February 1965 and Road Voucher No. 1 for J"anuan 1965 ..,re authorized for payment on motion by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by L. Lowery. Oarried. . The Clerk was instruoted to prepare a By-Law to licenoe Publio Halls for oonsideration of Counoil ~t their next regular meeting. Counoillor R.G.Chater on behalf.ot the Finanoe Committee recommended a salary of 1'.000.00, together with a car. allowance of 1800.00, be paid to the Assessor effeotive in the year 196,. The Olerk was authorized to prepare the necessary Ey-Law for consideration on Varch 2nd next. . ~s. J". V9 Norton, Secr,tary of the Orono Publio Library, reported on the tacilitiea and use of the Library in the year 1964 and requested Counoil to consider.a grant tor the year 1965. ~is request was tabled tor further consideration. . L.A.Perrault moved, seoonded by L.Lowery. that the Reeve and Chairman of the Clarke Planning Board be and are hereby empowered to seek a.legal opinion f~om an outs~de So11cito~ with regard to the proposed Restricted Area By-Law now under seoond reading of Counoil. Carried. . Th~ following oorrespondence and reports were read out to Counqil: ( 1. Ontario Sohool Trustees.and Ratepayers Assooiation re Ontario Munioipal Clerks and Oounoils Seotion Meeting on April 19 - 21, 1965. - Filed.. . ( ~. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin re Presbyterian Ohurohof Canada,. Newtonville Cemetery. - Filed. .,. Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board re addition to Curtis High Sohool. - Referred to resolution. 4. Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re Water Works Projaot 64-W-l'0. - Filed. ' 5. Department of Economics and Development re BUnioipal Indus- tr~.l Contac.t for the year 196,. - Reterred to the Planning Board. 2 - Ianutes, Oounoil Meeting, February 2, 196;, oontinued: 6. Geo. A. Laing re Road Allowanoe between lots '0 and 31, Concession ;. . The iClerk was instructed to reply aooordingly. 7. Clarke Planning Board report on Wm. P. Irwin Subdivision to the Department of MUnioipal Affairs, Oommunity Planning Branoh, under File No. T-16;16-Revised. There being no objeo- tion, the Clerk was instruoted to refer.a oomplete eopy of the report to the said Planning Branoh. . 8. Northumberland Durham Health Unit.re Nursing Homes. The Clerk was asked to refer a photostatio oopy to Mr., Ross Meroer, Fire Chief. . 9. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re proposed.Newtonville Community Hall. - Tabled. 10. firs. Reid Wood, Seoretary of the Newtonville Hall Board, request for payment of monies on hand from the sale of the forme~ Newtonv~lle Community Bark. Th~s ~atter was tabled and the Olerk requested to inform the said Board. 11. Ontario Water Resouroes Commission re Water Projeot No. 6.4-11-130, Contraot No. 2:. The Reeve and Clerk were dele- ga~4te &ttend a meeting to be hel~ &t the Commission on February 4th next at 3 p.<<. for th& opening of tenders for the construotion of a w&ter supply system for ~h& Village of Orono. '.Phe Clerk was to inform (the Trustees of the Polioe :Village. 12. Lake Ontario Development Association re partioipation fee. trom April 1, 19~, to Maroh 31, 1966. - Tabled. 13. Mrs. W. Bull re oomplaint whil&attending the Township Dump. The Clerk was asked to refer a pho~ostat{o oopy of the said letter to Mr. Robert Hioks. 14. Oentral Community Telephone Company Limited re grade of . serv10e desired. The Olerk was instructed to reply. - 15. Ontario Water Resouroe8 Commission re the Oommission's final oertifioate of approval No. 6,-B-~, for the oonstruo- -tion of a water works system to serve the Folioe Village of Orono. -tiled. 16. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Munioi,al use of map prepared by the Authority. - Filed. 17. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re.deeds from Stapleton and . Sanders. - Filed. ' 18. Department o~~UUnloipal Affairs re approval of Federal- Provinoial-mllnioipal Water Works Inoentive Programs 0.830 to O~834 inolusive. - Filed. . . 19. JIr. Robert Hioks re Garbage Comtraot as business brought . forward from meeting on January 5th last. - Referred to resolution. 20. Report from the Clerk re Indenture of Property owned by (the Township of Clarke in Lot 12, Concession 3, -'Filed. 21. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin re Wellington Adams olaim for damage to OOW. - Filed.. 22. Department of Highways re proposed sidewalk oonstruotion, Hamlet of Newtomville..- Referred to (the Road Sunerintendent and Road and Bridge Committee. . 2'. W.K.Lyoett~ SOlioitor. re Mosport Ltd. grant of road allowanoe. The Beave and Clerk were authorized to sign and seal the said Indenture. 24. Ontario Good Roa4s Assooiation re 196; Conventian. - Filed. 2'. Oanadian Mental Health Assooiation, Ontario Division, re aoknowledgement of grant. - Filed. 26. Department of Tourism and Information re Hospitality Oon- ferenoe Febraary 2, 196;. - Filed.. - ( 27 ~ Durham. County Junior Farmers re aCknOWledgement of gran1t. - Reoeived. . 2:8. Northumberland Durham Health Unit report -ror Deoember 19'64.- Filed. 29. MUsoular Dystrophy Assooiation of Canada reaoknowledgement . of grant. - Filed. 30. Distriot MUnioipal Engineer of the Department of Highw~s re Ontario Retail Sales 'fax-and Federal Sales Tax. - Filed. 31. Ontario Department of Eoonomios and Development re Oonferenoe on road development. - Filed. . 3 -' M:Lnutes. Council~ Meeting February 2, 1965, oontinued: 32. The Ontario Traffio OOnferenoe re 1965 membership. _ Filed. 33. Northumberland Durham Health Unit re notifioation ot members of the Boa rd of Health for the year 196;. - Filed. 34. The Ontario MUnioipal Assooiation re 1964 submission to the Exeoutive Counoil of the Frovinae of Ontario. - Reoeived. 35. The Salvation Army request for grant. - Filed. 36. Air ~llution Oontrol Assooiation re 58th Annual Meeting. _ Reoeived. 37. Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector, re memo to Counoil. _ Fi led. 38. Department of Highways re issuing of building permi ts. _ Tabled. 39. Assooiation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re membership fee for the year 196;. - Reoeived. An application for the position of Warble Fly Inspeotor for the year 1965 was received ~rom Mr. J. L. Lowery and ooncluded by resolution. The following resolution were passed: Resolution No. 30: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by R.G.Ohater: Resolve that the applioation for Warble Fly Inspeotor for the year 1965 be and is hereby opened. - Oarried. Resolution No. 31: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded b~ R.G.Ohater: That Mr. J. Lyall Lowery be and is hereby appointed Warble Fly Inspector for the year 196; at $1.25 per hour and car mileage at lO~ per mile. - Oarried. . . . Resolution No. 32: Moved by IrlO',yd Lowery, secon"ded by O.H.Falls: That'Oouncillor R.G.Chater be and is hereby empowered to order the necessary supply of Warbioide Powder for the year 1965 from the Durham Farmers' Oounty Oo-operative. - Oarried. Resolution No. 33: MQve~ By L.A.Perrault, seoonded by R.G.Chater: He: 1965 Warble Fly Campaign . 1. The Inspector to be authorized to a dvertise all the faots of the 1965 campaign. 2. The Inspector to be authorized to hire someone to sp~ay all cattle. so re,uested at .20;' per head on small herds not over 10 in number and 2 for .35~'on all herds over 10 in number. 3. The Inspector to be em~owered to be responsible for the collections mentioned in Item 2 above. 4. All spraying to be done under the direotioh and supervision of the Warble Fly Inspect~r. ~ 5. Warble Fly Powder to be purcAased from the Durham Farmers' County CO-operative. - Carried. Resolution No. 34: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater: Upon the report of Reeve J.W.stone and Councillor R~G.Chater the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to prepare a new oontraot fD~ garbage disposal between Mr. Robert Hicks and this municipality and the remuneration be and is hereby established at $1,500.00 per annum beginning in the year 196;. - Carried. Resolution No. 3~: MOTe4 by O.H.Falls, 'seoond$d by R.G.Chater: tith ~e8ard to t e reoommenda'ion of the 1964 Road and Bridge Committee this Counoil hereby'agree to purohase one 8 foot 6 inch .V. Snowplow in aooordanoe with the prioe quotation of Sumner Equipment Limited in the amount of.$779.2l subje6t to the approval of the.Department of Highways'ot' Ontario. --Carried.' Resolution No. 36: Moved by H.G.Ohater, seoonded by O.H.Falls: The Orono Hortioultural Sooiety be granted $25.00 for th~ year 1965. - Carried~ . Resolution No. 37: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O.H.Falls: This Oounoil hereby beoome a member of The Ontario MUnioipalAsso- ciation for the year 196; and the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the membership fee. ~he Clerk and Reeve be delegated to at~end the Annual Convention with normal an~ reason- able expenses paid by the MUnioipality. The Reeve is hereby empowered to delegate other members of Counoil to attend the said Convention. - Carried. Resolution No. 38: Nbved by R.G.Chater, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: Whereas the Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board intends to oonstruot a vooational addition to the Courtioe High School, and to furnish and equip the same, and the estimated normal oosts to the said Board in all is in the sum of $398,594.00. f' . 4 - W[nutes, C~noiltUeeting February!, 1965, cpntinued: And Whereaa the Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board has applied to the DUnioipalCounoils having jurisdiotion in the said Distriet for the issue of debentures in the amount esti- mated. to pe "'~6,,090.00, to provide for the major portion of the oost of oonstruction of the said vooational addition to the Courtice High Sohool. and the furnishing and equipping thereof, the'inter..t thereo~ and the expenses oonnected therewith. Be It Resolved that the Oouncil of the Corporation of the.Town- ship of Clarke being a municipality included in the. said Distriot, h~reby approves the s~id applioation and agrees.to.assume.ita proper proportion of the amounts required to pay the said debentures, the intereat thereon and the expenses conneoted therewith. as )t"..ori'be. 'by The Seoondary Schools and Boards of Eduoation .Act. Be It Further Resolved that the Counoil of the Oorporation of the 'fownship of Clarke hereby.requests the Counoil of the Corpora- tion of the'United Oounties of Northumberland and Durham to rai.e the.u.1f eatimat~d '0 'Qe $36.5,000.00, required for the purpose. atore.aid by the issue of debentures.of the Corporation of the Uni te400un ties of Northumberland and Durham. An~ ~he Oounoil of the Corporation of the Town$hip of Clarke hereby reoognizes that the said Board will be required to raise out of current ~unds in aco.ordance with Section 34 ot the Seoon- dary Schools and Board ot Ed~o~tion Aot an :amount equivalent to the (l~erenoe between the amount to be raised by .debentures as ator..aid and the estimate~ normal oost to the said Board of 13,8,"4.00. - Oarried. . . Beso~"ion }fo. 39: .,ved by L.A..Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery: The De}:lartment of Highways of Ontario be .-n.d is hereby requested to transfer the following unspent appropriations to over-expendi- ture. s- 1. ~~ unspent appropriation p~ $599.21 under RPad Construction Supplementary By-Law No. 1448 to over-expenditure in Roads Con- struction under By-Law No. 1441. . 2. The unspent appropriations of $2,408.29 ~n Roads Construotion Bridges and Culverts under Supplementary By-Law No. 1448 to. the over-expenditure in Roads Construotio~ under By-Law No. 1441. "-J.- The umspent appropriation of $596 .97 ~n Roads Construotion Bri~~,and Culverts under Supplementary By-Law No. 1448 to. the over-e%jenditure in Roa~s Construction Bridges and Culverts under ~-Law No. 1441. . 4. 'The unspent appropriation of $5,1?6.67 in Maintenance Roads under Sup~lementary By-Law No. 1453 to the over-expenditure. under Maintenance Roads under By-Law.No. 1441. . ,. The UD.spent appropriation Qt.#1,036.00 under.Supplementary By-taw Ne. 1443 to the over-expe~dtture under Superintendenoe and . ,OVerheat OO'llstru.otion under By-Law No. 1441. -'6. The Unspent appropriattons undtlr Supplementary By-Law No. 14;1 to over-expendi tures in Superintendenoe and Overhead Oonstruotion '" and Maintenanoe in the,al\1ounts of $3,000.00 and $.500.00 respeo- tively under By-Law No. 1441. - Carried. . Reaoluiion No. 40: MOved by R:G:Chater, seconded by L.A.Perrault: 1h.isCouno1l hereby appoint H.E.Mi11son as Welfare Administrator for the Township of Clarke,tor the year 1965 at an annual remunera- tion of .;00.00. - Oarried. Re80l;qtio~ No. 4J:: M~ved by O.H.Falls, seoonded by L.A.Perrault: 'I'his~o~ncil hereby ad.1ourn to. lqeet again on Ma:r::ch 2, 1965, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried.. . "Ii +- Ole r . . - . ...---..J . ~'1" <-IJ~ R~ . .