HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-20 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting September 20, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Councillor Hooper, Paul Davidson, Victor Suppan, Peter Vogel, Katharine Warren REGRETS: Robert Malone, Joe Earle, Steve Conway, Tracey Ali STAFF: Brandon Weiler V. Suppan welcomed everyone to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 16.24 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by K. Warren THAT the agenda for September 20, 2016 be adopted. “CARRIED” ADOPTION OF MINUTES 16.25 Moved by P. Davidson, seconded by K. Warren THAT the minutes of the Meeting of June 21, 2016 be accepted. “CARRIED” DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) – B. Weiler highlighted the press release issued by the Municipality over the summer identifying that an agreement had been reached between the Municipality and the land owners that would see majority of the Camp 30 historically significant buildings come into Municipal ownership and the remainder of the buildings demolished. The committee had questions about next steps and B. Weiler informed them that staff are working with the owners to fulfill the agreement and the next steps would be to create a comprehensive vision for the site. 1 | Page The Foundation hosted a summer walking tour series using the trail that goes by the site. The tours have been well attended and have grown in numbers throughout the summer. The final planned tour of the summer is Saturday September 24 at 1pm. The foundation continues to attend community events to promote and educate the public about the history and the efforts to adaptively reuse the lands and buildings. Goodyear property – B. Weiler reported that staff have not met with the owners of the former Goodyear property over the summer. The equipment is being removed from the plant and staff expects to hear from the owners when that process is coming to a close to discuss next steps. The committee engaged in a discussion on historical value and how history may best be preserved (i.e. saving building(s), or commemorative plaques, etc.) and discussed examples from other municipalities. It is understood that each specific building has its own challenges of reuse. B. Weiler reminded the committee that the Goodyear lands are a identified as special study area in the Draft Official Plan which will require further discussions about the history of the site and how the history including whether some buildings be incorporated for adaptive reuse or redevelopment of the site. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Program – No meeting to report Orono Community Improvement Program – No meeting to report Newcastle Community Improvement Program – No meeting to report Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch – The ACO annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday September 28, 2016 at 7pm in Newcastle. Jim Sculthorpe will give a presentation on the restoration of the Walbridge House. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society – B. Weiler read an e-mail from B. Malone reporting that the next meeting of the NVDHS will be September 27. The society had a booth at the Orono Fair and felt it was well attended with many people stopping by their booth to see their display medical devices from earlier periods. The society has been contacted by developers interesting in building a new LCBO in downtown Newcastle (see new business). The society has provided some comments, mainly focusing on signage, to the developer regarding the potential development. Museum – No news to report 2 | Page Heritage Week Working Group – No meeting to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee – V. Suppan reported that the committee continues to engage in creating a strategy for how best to get properties onto the Municipal Register. The committee has struggled with the best way to move forward as there are many properties on the Municipal Inventory and asked the whole committee for their input. The entire committee engaged in a discussion regarding the Municipal Register and the different options available, including the pros and cons of each option. The committee generally felt that bringing a few properties forward in front of Council with a recommendation to add them to the Municipal Register would be manageable and give the committee direction on their approach and feedback from Council. The subcommittee appreciated the committees input and indicated they would discuss this approach at their next meeting and report back to the committee prior to taking next steps. The sub-committee will meet following the next Clarington Heritage Committee meeting. Public Outreach and Education Committee – P. Davidson and K. Warren reported that the committee is in the final stages of planning the Durham Region Heritage Committee’s event for October 29, 2016. An agenda of the day has been circulated to the Durham Region Heritage committees. The program will be a half day including a key note speech from Marilyn Morawetz, round table presentation on each committees projects, successes and lessons learned in recent years, and a walking tour of Camp 30. The committee has planned light snacks for the event. 16.26 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by T. Taylor THAT a budget of $350 be approved for the Durham Region Heritage Committees event on October 29, 2016. “CARRIED” P. Davidson reported that the Designated Buildings Calendar has been for sale all summer and the committee has been selling them at community events including Heritage Week, Orono Fair and Bluesberry Festival. The committee will report back next meeting on number of calendars sold to date. 3 | Page NEW BUSINESS Property Standards By-law Heritage Provisions –Deferred to the November meeting. National Trust Conference – The National Trust conference is October 20-22 in Hamilton. An e-mail was sent over the summer to the committee asking individuals to consider which day(s) they would like to attend, if possible. V. Suppan indicated he was interested in participating on October 21. No other members present could attend during those dates. 16.27 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by K. Warren THAT the committee approve the cost, for a member to attend the National Heritage Trust conference for one day. “CARRIED” Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport Cultural Heritage Conservation Workshop – The Ministry will be hosting an evening workshop at Oshawa Town Hall on November 26 from 6-10 pm. Members of the heritage committee have attended these workshops in the past and found them valuable. Committee members were encouraged to register for this free workshop if they could make it. Development Proposal 91 King Ave. W. and 1036 Church St. – B. Weiler reported that LCBO has submitted a site plan application for the proposed properties. B. Weiler provided coloured elevations of the proposed development for the committee to review. The committee indicated that they don’t have any objections to development on these sites but had concerns with signage and the colour of the brick proposed by the applicants. The committee indicated that they didn’t feel the brick absolutely had to be red, like a majority of the original buildings along King Avenue in Newcastle, but felt there were colours that would blend in and maintain the character better than the proposed yellowish brick. The committee also asked if the signage proposed would meet Clarington’s Sign By-law. B. Weiler reported that would require further review by staff. The current sign by-law includes Heritage Resource Areas and policies for the older downtowns; these policies where reviewed by the committee at the time of the Sign By-law update in 2008/9. P. Davidson moved to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting: October 18, 2016, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 4 | Page