HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1964
HlGm:..&.R llbarING OJ' mE OOUNOIL
01' 'fP ~OUSHIP OF CI..A.mCE
D.oember 1', 1964 at 10 a.m.
Couna11 Chamoer, Orono
Present: R..ve H. 1..,1falk'7
Deputy-Reeve ~. I. Stone
Oounoillor B. A. I'oster
CounailldrR. G. Chatel'
Couno1l1or L. A. Perrault
Clerk H. E. ..11.011 .
Road. Superintenclent )I. L. 108s
. ~ .
The m111utea ot the la.t regular me.tiq 'Wetre appro....t a.'
rea4 011110tion b111..I'.FOster, .....<<.a.lQ'.f".'I'.S..on.. _ Oarr1.4.
.e.eral Aocount Vouchers !fo. 11 tor .....'er 1,&4 Del .
Road Aocount Touaher Bo. 11 tor lO...emD.~ 19'4 .ere author1zed
~orp~.ut on motion by J.W.Stone, 8800n4.. by R.A.Foster. _
Oarrlet. ( . .
It was moved ,by L.~.Perraul~, seoon4.4.y R.G.Chat.r, that
4elea.tions be hear4.- Oarriea. c '. c .
Mr. ~. Oohonak1 ot Lot '0,' Conoe..i~. J, r.qu..tea roaa
construotion on the s14e road between Lota JI and '1, Cono..aion
" adJa.ent to hi.. proper')' ant "furth.r_U.a,.th1s 1ntention
to pre.ent plus ot _)41v1.10nto COUJl011 lnl'anuary, 19". .
B.G.Chater move4, seoon4ed by R.A.loster, that the matter
ot ptrohaaing a. sno.. ploy torth~ 7.W.J).t1"U.ck, 1n"en4e4 tor
purohase in ranuary 19", b. and 1s herebyr.terrea to the
Road and Bridge Committ.e' and Roa4 Super1ntendent w1th power .
to .ot.. - Oarri ed. . ·
~. E.R.Woodyarl 11soua.ed a pen810n( tel' Roa4 Department.
employee, 1.n".1fm. Werry, and also the" 8e>>'8r&1 aspeots ot the.
Inve.tora Syn410ate Reti,rement Plan a. oompare. to the Ontar10
Jlunioipal. :Employee. let1reme.t Sy.te.. . .
R.G.Chater moved, .eoondel by L.A.Perrault, that Council
reoe.. tor lunoh at 12.4' p.m.. ud re.ume ....19n.at ~ p.a. _
Oarried. '. e.
It was moved b:y R.G.Chater, seoonde4 i7 R.A..loster, that.
the lee...e and Deputy-Reeve 'be and are herei74elega"e4 te att.n4
the opening ot tenders, 1n re.,.ot to the, propos,4 water projeot
in the.Po11ce V11lage ot Oro;no, to 'be held at the Ontario Wat!r
lIesouree. Oommission 1.n Toroht. on, Deoem'.r 17, 1964 J at ". p.m.
Oarri.d. .. · ,
Mr. Chatel", on behalt ot the I1n~oe Oommitt..; repor.t.4.
on the poor oondition otthe Townsh1p Hall .ept1e sy.te. anti
r.oommeJllde4 the matter to th..ineoming Ooocil 1n1",. 'l'h,
aa14report was appr()ve4 b:y Ooua.1~.
Thi tollowing 00rre.pon4e..e and~report8 ..ererea4 out to
Councils e
1. Oatar10 Water leao,uroe. Oommiss1on re wat~r projeot '4~W-1JO
and 19'4-" Winter Worka Inoentive Programme. ,_ Filed. e
2. ~. .Laverne Harne.. ~equeat't6 open a port10n ot a1de road
between Lots 18 and l' in 00noe.a10n , that .h... beene t.nce4 ort
to tratt1c. - Reterred to the Road Superintendent.
,. Un1te4 Counties otl'orthum1>erland and Durl1aare .ertitieC
copy at By-Law 1'0. 2020 elt the said 00unt1e.to oont11'11l our
By-Law No. 14;4. - F1led.' ,
4. Mr. R. ~. Call1ghan,. Distr1otlluni01~al En@ineer, Department.
ot H1ghways, re purc~e ot u.e4 I'.W.D. truok. - .eterred to .
incoming Oounoil on January" 1"'. ~ ,e .
. ,. Pa11.oe Village ot arono re o.oPY ot oorrespondenoe re.eiTe4
trom OUrYply Wood Produot. reque.ting munioipal water tor the1r
plant No. 2.- I'iled. ,
,. Lake Ontar1o Development Assoo1at10n report on Industr1al .
Mun1c1,_lc__lat10n. Conterenoe. - 1'11ed. '
7. Borden, Elliot, Kelley 6 Palmer re ~sport Limited. _ F11e4~
8. Pol1o_ Village otOrono ...quest tor app11oa1i1on ot tiv.
projects under th_ MUn1cipal W1nter Works Inoentiv. Programme
1964-". - 711e4. .
I - lI.ut.., Genaol1 ".'lne De.ember j, 19'4, oontlnued:
,. '1'otten, Slas & Ass()ola'e., Limitec1 re oontra.t CT-l. - nl.4.
, 10. Soll01tor E.R.tofek1n re statement ot account OD By-Law No.
14'7. - ],lled.
11. Jrorthu"l'berland-Durhalll lIaid.th Unl t re propose4 Irwln au'41 vlsion.
Flle4. 'e'
12. 1Ir. F. odr.... as- busln... brought tortiar4.trolll ..eting ot
November J, 1,64. - ],llect.~ ' ,
lJ. JIr. Il. S.., lIul'st, nre Marslla! ot 6ntarl0, r. kergenoy .e.aur..
Flnan01al Asal.tance Pr.sramms, parohass.ot a4dltlonal munlo1pal
tire puape~s proje.t su'bll1s.1on. -'f'a'Olect. .
14. ~uo'atlon Dlg.." of Canaaa re publloatlon ot value to pur-
Qui..,...'" ud III1ppUe:rs: - -filed.
IJ...~......,.t IlUnlclpal .lttalr. re approval ot Wlat.r Works
x..eldt'Yfl1T-_aiim1e'19"-", lJ:'oject No. 0-'81. - :rlle4. .
:d.... O."~i:.>"'ater "esources Oommisslon re 'authorlaa"lon ot
I'1Dte~"~k,'ko:1eot No. 0-'" "tor the oonstructlon and 'est1llS
ot""~~+.I*Ck.cl ..11 ln the POlloe Vl'llage ot Orono. - ftle4.
1'" ..:a.z.-'."" ot Jlunlolpa1 Attalrs, .Communl ty Plannlng "BranCh,
1'.. Irwi,;R..p,epose4. subdlvl.10n. - )'11e4.
11. Jll1"d..lI., Waoklln, JIonagh'an re .at"er' .pr.ojeot blll1ng ln the
pOlt'.,Y9-~. of Orono. - 71le4". .' ..
~'.,. e..lQ..nt ot Highways ot o. "arlore approval ~t Suppleme.-'
~'Jt.,.4. "..cli tur. By-La. :1'0. 14'1. - :f1le4. l
2e. fte Ol.l"~t.eaeport ... ",0 th. "lrect electlon expel1ae. lnourre&
l:a'l1l..1.~tl.nof tlve tn.te.. tor the 'own.hlp S.heol Are. ot
01.t;~.llelc1 on Deoember '7", 1,64. - the Ol.rk w~ lnstruot.ed to
iIlTOI.. the aa1.4 .xpe.se. '0 the Boar4 ot the ..1d Sohool Ar...
11.G....alib.. ..ntal Realth Assooiation, ( Ontario Dlvl.ion, r.que.t
t.r'o..~~lbutlon. - Reterred to Counoil ln the year 19".
fl. "aorlal Hospltal, Bowmaavllle, r. lndlgeht notlce tor
1Irs.Gr.ta'Jlartln.- 1'1184. ." ,
2J. D.partment ot MUniolpal Aftalrs re Memorudu.m Ne.. 2~ re.pee-
llDC .1nter Yorks Incen"tlve Programm. 1964';'6,. - 711"4.
24. ontarlo Wat.r Be.ouroe_ Oommisslon re .ell oonstruotion tor
the Jo:ttfe Vll1a~e ot Oroho" and the Townshlp ot Olark. unaer
Pral_ct.Wo. 64-W-1JO. - 71le4. .' .
a,.jepartm.nt ot Pub:Ll'O Weltare re Supplementary A.14. -. Filed.
2~. "p~t..nt Ot.Bconoml.. and neTelopmeit re Oonterenoe on
..Slo..1.....lopmentancl 100n01l10 Change to",. h.ld February
1J-,11~',1.'6'. - Beterret to Councll ln January, 19".
.,. Communlty Plannlng A..oeiatlon ot Oanada re .atlon Objeotl~e.
P1"!olalmet tor the ooming y.ar. - Filed. .
2..JIr~ R. D. "r'on re otter ot gravel till tor roa4 oonstruo-
,t'~J.l. ,- .e.ommend.a tor conslderatlon by the 'Council in the .year
l,qad; .photoatatlc oopy to be reterred. to the .Road Superln-
telident tor lnvestigation and,report to the inoom1ngOoUllcil.
.,. 1)epar"lD.e~t ot Hlgb.way~ of Ontario re Pro:perty Sale 'f-01718
aa bas1n.... Drought torw8'.1.':i""tromregular meetlng ot November } t
1964. ~ Pll,4. .
., 'ft.e'tollo.ing reao1.utlons ...re passed:
:a..olutloR .1(0:1- l14s .)(ove4 by R.G.Ohater, a.oonde4 by B.A.~ost.1;1
!he Ceunc!l o the Township, of Clarke hereby o.rtlties that
project '.-W-1JOls lntented to oreate additlonal eDlployment
during the.lntermonths. '1'hls work would not normaliy be
carrie4 out during the perlod OOJlderned, in the ab.enc,e ot th..
Winter Works Incentlv. Program. '1'he Ontario Water Re.ourae.
Oommlssion Is,. theretor., 'requested and .8:uthorlzed t.G 8..Jpl,y.on.
the Oouncll '(S ,behalf" tor the Wlnter Works subsldy tor thls
projeot. - Carrie4. " ' . . .
Resolutlon Wo. 11~:JIoVe' by "L.A.Pe'rrault, ..oon4ed by B.G.Ohaters
Resolv. that the 0110win8 projeots under the MUnlelpal Works .
Inoentlve Program 1964-1"5 be and are hereby sanctioned and
quthorlze' by thls Counolls .. ,
1. BrUshlng on Oonce..lons Road Allowanoes Nos. 2,;\,4,',7,8 and' .
.1deroads 11'1 Oonoeaslon T. . , .
2~ !Welve )lonlo table. tor the Polloe Vlllage' ot Orono. .
J. Sidewalk cBstraotion ln the amount ot tlOOO.OO 1n the POlloe
Village ot Orone.
J - JI1nutea, Couaeil .e.ti)18 De.ember " 19'., continneel:
.. Developme.nt. 0'1 Jlu.D.ielPal. tPark! Orono Park, and Orono north 'by
the Oemetery at a total ooat ot ,1500.00 in the Police Village ot
Or ona.
). Alte~atien to the Fire Ball entranoe at a oost ot .300.00 in
the Polioe Village qt Orono. , . : '
6. Reconstruct tho t.rontdo.rs on the Orpno JUnioipal Building
at a oost ot .37'.00 1ll 1JluaP011ce Vt"ll.age, ot Orono. _ Oarl'! e4.
Resolution No. 11'. Move<< 'b11.G.Ohater., ~oconde4 byrR.A.Foater.
'lba t Bo%iJ;lg Day, Saturday D,oe.ber 2' " 19'., be 4eclare" a
Publio Holiday in the Township ot Clarke.. - .Oar.,1:'1e4.
Jesolntl$n NQ. 117: Move' )1' J....~to~e, .eoonel04 by R.A..Fostor.
TEat theOlerk be instructed to not1t,y t,. a.heolBoar4s that
their book a must be auclited by the Township ~it~r as early aa
possible in the New Year and that the Clerk_hall arrange the time
and place tor aaidAnd1 t. - Oarried. . .
Resolution No. 118. .ved by R.A.Foster, second.4 by J.W.Stone:
That Robert Chatel', Leakard, Ontario, b_ and ,ia hereby appointed
8sThe Olarke Township repre.ontativeto the Central Lake Ontario
Conservation A.uthority tor the year 19". ~ Oa1'r:4.ed. c '
A. :ae.trictedAreaBy_Law, ll-n4er ...H,n4' reading, _.a
discusaed and tabled..
.Beeve 1f'alkey, in his oOJlelnding re.arltato,Oounc1l,
thanked. the member. and the employees tor another lntormative
year and the Dl11nioipa11ty tor. the experienoe lain.' by him over
the pailt. eleven 'years 1n looalmun1o~pal. arta1-r.. ,Deputy-Reeve,
Stone,on,b.half ot Council extende' thei~ appre.,iation an4 best
respecta'toUr. Walkey. .
Resolution .0. 11,: MOvet hy R.A.Foster, .eoon4e' by R.G~Chater:
Th1s COU1loil here y adjourn tor the 'year 1".. S1ne Die.-
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