HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-07 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee December 7, 2016, 6:30 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Shea-Lea Latchford André O’Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed – arrived at 6:42 pm Jacquie Watchorn – arrived at 6:45 pm Also Present: Jeannette Whynot – Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Councillor Partner Sally Barrie Meeting was called to order at 6:45pm. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by André O’Bumsawin seconded by Maureen Reed That the minutes of the meeting of October 5, 2016 be approved. Carried 2. Presentation Jeannette Whynot provided the Committee with an overview of the updated Accessibility Policies. The Committee was given a summary of the major changes and the reasoning behind each one. Moved by André O’Bumsawin and seconded by Maureen Reed That the Accessibility Advisory Committee endorses the updated Accessibility Policies. Carried Clarington Accessibility - 2 - December 7, 2016 Advisory Committee 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Apple Fest Summary Committee members congratulated one another on an extremely successful 2016 Apple Fest. For members who were unable to attend, an overview of the day was provided. The Committee heard that they ran out of material to hand out by approximately 2:30 pm at which point the Committee left for the day. The Accessibility Coordinator congratulated the Committee on a successful first event and advised them that it is helpful to know how much material they hand out so she can ensure appropriate amounts are available next year. A re -order of brochures and bookmarks will happen before year end. (b) 2016 Accessibility Award Nominees The Committee was advised that each business which was nominated for the award was given a framed certificate of nomination and a letter explaining what they received. Shea-Lea Latchford advised the Committee that she and the Accessibility Coordinator hand delivered the certificates and every recipient was ecstatic about the nomination. The Committee agreed that they would continue this practice in the future as it helps spread positive awareness about the importance of accessibility. 4. New Business (a) Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Update The Accessibility Coordinator provided a brief overview of next year’s major initiative – the updated accessibility plan. She advised the Committee that they will have a major role in the plan and they can expect it to be a recurring agenda item for most of 2017. (b) Bill 9 – An Act to Amend the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act The Accessibility Coordinator provided the Comm ittee with an overview of Bill 9, which seeks to eliminate age-based discrimination for after-stoke care for patients between the ages of 20 and 64. There was brief discussion on how this Bill would impact other medical conditions that also have age-based restrictions. The Committee also discussed the potential financial impact this change would have and if it would result in abuse of the health-care system. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - December 7, 2016 Advisory Committee Moved by Tim Van Leeuwen seconded by Jacqui Watchorn That Council endorse Bill 9 which states that all stroke victims receive care, regardless of their age. Carried (c) Accessibility in Downtown Bowmanville Jacqui Watchorn expressed her sincere concerns about the lack of accessible businesses in downtown Bowmanville. Her main concern is that there are very few accessible places to eat and shop in downtown Bowmanville. She expressed her desire to shop locally and support small businesses, but stated that , because they are inaccessible, she cannot and therefore spends her money elsewhere. Wanting to participate and be a part of the community, Mrs. Watchorn told the Committee that she feels left out as she cannot participate in community events like Apple Fest, Maple Fest or any of the other popular festivals. A discussion about the challenges of making the businesses of downtown Bowmanville more accessible took place. The Committee asked the Accessibility Coordinator if she had any suggestions. The Coordinator advised the Committee that they should strongly consider creating a business case that focuses on the local financial benefit of becoming accessible. This was received positively by the Committee who then asked the Coordinator to determine what needs to be in a business case of this nature. The Accessibility Coordinator agreed to this request and advised s he would report back at the January meeting. 5. Regional Update No update 6. Other Business The Committee discussed the date and time of the next meeting, which is currently scheduled for Wednesday January 4, 2017 at 6:30 pm. Given that this date is immediately following the holiday period, the Committee discussed moving the meeting back one week to January 11, 2017. Moved by André O’Bumsawin seconded by Maureen Reed That the January 4th, 2017 meeting be moved to January 11th, 2017 at 6:30 pm. Carried Clarington Accessibility - 4 - December 7, 2016 Advisory Committee 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday January 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM. 8. Adjournment Moved by André O’Bumsawin seconded by Maureen Reed That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:03 pm. _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary