HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/03/1964
~ULlR .:ftIJD 9F IfDOonOn.
O:r '1'BI BOaRD> ,:r CLARO
..T....r It 1"4 ., ~G ....
. .
Counoll Ch~ber. 01"0.0.
Pre.eat: BeeTe 11.:1. Wa1Jl."
>>e,.t7-1'.TO 3.'.8.on.
00unol110r B.A.:r...er
t COUllel11er It.G. C_..1'.;r
COttaelller L.A.Perra.lt
Clerk H.E.~ll.o.
lOalSuporlB,..tont ..L.B...
n .
. .
ft.. 1111\11 t.. ot \h.la.t r.cul.:r ...'1 De '..4 on. .p..ial .
.ee'l8& ..re .pproTea .. real OD ..tl0B \tV I.A.:ro.ter,
a..on4.4 1ty L.A..Perr.ult. .C~1.4.. e ." .
n. COWlell w.r. ......l_11.li. 1}1e ;taTc.ur ot 4.1elat1111. . .
D.p", B.eT' Z.lf .StOllO to Jl..' tll. "r...'la.'at ...11........ C...-.
taph. ,u.4 CI.-ael110r L.J..PerralJ;l' te pl... 'h. wreath at '11.
..no.T111. Cenotapll wlth ~....rd t. Armi.'l.. ..., aOrTlee..
G.n.ral .A.ooouat Vouoher.... ~:?t6.;}.Y..'- ,1,64 1U\4
Roa4A.o.ou.t Vouoh.r Wo.. ".1_.4~"'h"~'U1Jer. &.",-.,rl:1e'.
teI"Ja7a8D.t .. .tl0D. 1t71...S'.......e.......<<..,. ....~.Cha'.r.
Oarrl... . ^"..
On J..tll)]11 'by R.G.ellat.r,..eo.4.4 by R.A.JJ'ostert 0...011.
r.o....4 at 12.10 ,.m. tor ~..o~ ..~ rota.e4 ....10n at 1.'. p...
Tke tollowlng oorro.pon40noe and repor'~ ..re r.a~ out '0
1. aol1.01ter E.R.;t,OTek1D. ;t. Bo.s'1Iall,ow.11 prop.rt1 In Lots .,
04 8, C... 4. - nl.l. , '. ..
2. 1Ir. 7. hdrew. reaooount tor roal ,.... GTer Lot 16, OQn. 4.
tor the 1ears 1963 an4 19&4. ~. B..t.rred' ,. the Boa4 an4 Brlqe
J.' >>.,..rt.ent ot Hlghw.,. r. tranater of hlghw~ nt.rpla
P-J064-1'. - R.t.rro" to 'he alerk.. e e e .. ,
4. !he Ontarlo )(anloipal Boart r. approval ot oon.truction ot
R,oa4 Jepqtment "ohla.1'l (I~ JlD.4. r.ooJl.tr~.'l.}l ot r.a4.
u.4,uroha.. ot land., und.r the JlUJl101palWork..I.8.1stano.'
Program Pr.,.ct .1.-13'.- Fil.t" e . e e e
J. >>o,ar'...t ot Transport re approval .t BY-l.. Wo. 146J.
ftld. e
. - .
6. Purham Oou.ty Dl.~rlo'H18~ ~ohool Bo.r.<< ~. oOFB.r .to..
laylng at Port Hope Vooatlonal Hlgh Sohool on WOTember 10, 19'4
at 11 a.Dl_ - 711.4.
7. lurh.. County Dl.tr~o' High Sohool Bearlr. .PJ~lnt..nt ot.
r.pr.s.ntatlve to the ..14 ..ar4 ,or th.y.ars ~"'-". -
Ret.rre~ to re8olut~oa.
8. Cl'J"k.'. :aeport r. ,r"o.e" p0l1D.t1e.'OeUl1~ll Br.ehure. -
e ,. ,Depart.ent ot IIlmlolpal Att.lra r. JlUnloi:pal Work. .1...1.-
tano. Program;. - 1'''1,4,. .
10. .D.:part.nt ot lIw1101pal Mtaira Oommunl ty Pl8lU'll:n& Bru.~
~. prop...d Irwln au1tlll Tlalon In part ot Lot 2', Con. 4... ~.
Ret.rre. '10 'h. Plannlng B.ari. .... d r
11. )(arahall. )(a.klln &l.lIon8gho. r, aooolUlt w1'h re~ara "t~;;
allrT.Y. plan. an4 "e.oriptlo.. IntJl. Poll.. Till..e ~t.O~fI~.>'
tor ..tabll.)1ment ot Inter..ot1011a. tor Fpea.ot 1..tall~.U... e
of munlolpal.wat.r. - ..terr." to ,h. !rust... ot t~. Pollo~
Vlllago et Orono.. ....
12. lfprthum.b,.rlan4 Durn. Health Upl' report tor Sep'..law 1"4.
- n ~4.. .. . e
13. Olerk's lieport re Oell".ela! pto&r.. Proj.eot )to. 0.1'1. -
Tabl."'. . . . ee .
14. ..partm.ellt or JIun1clpal J.:tt..t~!I re IIlml.lpal WorksA...l.'...08
Program j.-1J~. - :rl1..... e . . ,
1'. >>.,ar".')'1t ot Mu111.1,al Utalr.a r. 4.t..l1. 0' t~.. W1.'.r
Works Ino'llt,1.v. Progra., 1"4-". :" :ril.d..
I - mil.'... 00uoi1...1I1".oT...or 3, 19'4. e..'iau.al
1'. E. R. Lo....ki. ere 1Ir. Harold Beverley JaY'lle. aad .i ,. li:ae.
by railway. ill Lot 14, Con. 1.:1'. - Referred. to the Boat and
Bri4ge Oommit'l'...
17. ~..Amelia Lamca.ter, Secr.tary .owtonville W..en's Insti-
tute's r.,u..t tel' Oouoil t. lay a wreath 'at .tholfewtEulvl11.'
Cellotapll in r..peot to Armistice Day 'Service e..eTember Sth
next. - :l'il.d.
18. Boy S...,. ot CanaCa. Bowmanville ~~strio' Oounoil, requ.e.'
t.r 'h. le.al Soout. to ho14 'heiramn~a~ Boy SoeutApple Day
..t: '...11 applea ad tal. in the Village ot-Orono en May 8th,
1,6,. -I.t.rr.e to the Trustee. ot the Pelice Tillage ot 01'0...
1'..... :l'lore:m.c. D.aeit re aoknowle41ement all" appr.ciati..
.r ..ltal'e r.eeive" t!'o. 'hia ll1lD.ioipality. - F1l....
.G. Clu.I.N..ka R..g1'OD. CO...rTation AuthorityI'. 1I1nute. or
...'iDS, Septemier JO, 1'&4. '- Filed. · , ·
21. 'rotte., S1.. a: .l..oo1a'e.,Um1'e", re ..w'o.v1lle road -
a.p.R. .ite line 1mprove.e.t. - Table4.
21. Department ot Highway. 1'0 Property Sale '1'-01.718 aa
'bumne.s Drought torward, trom ..et1ng on ().otobe\r' " 1"4. -
li.tene' to-the lead an4 Bri4g. Oommittee an4 t.he RoadSuper1n-
te.4e.'. "'.il\~ . .
2J. ..arl ot TransportGODlss1oner&fo-r aanafa re ortler ot
the 'ftar' Bo-. .11J44J .. 'business brou-ght torwaJ"4 fro. regular
~..t1.. .n Octo_.r , last. - Tabled. . ·
14. .........,...t oto lImie!>>al Af'ta1l'11 re :l'edM'al-Prov1ne1al
· .,........1al Grets Programme. - 7iled.
I'., D.partment of Health r. J.1r Pellut10n Oontrol 4ss1 Satance
Pr.lrt.... - Fi1el.
2', BeJOr~ re claim tor repairs to our Dri41e on Brown's
sile roa4iy DX 011 '!'ruck, L:l.ee:m.oe No. 2'1'10.. -- Tailed. ·
27. 1Ir. DOllald I'm. HarTe,., Bowmu.v1l1e Moea A.mlm.l......., requ..'
/for- CeUll.f.l tet s.lDs141.e th....Duiance oalls mad. wi thtn -the .
.....darl..ot thlsmun1clpality. .. ~e Ol.rk was in_truote' to
r.)lly'u.u.s,t1l'18 that Mr. Harvey request the 1IlGeud:m.g Oouno1l,
in the,..ar 19'J, to particlpate in the subsidization ot this .
s.rT1ce to thi. mun101pality.. e
The tOllowing r..olut1onswere passeels
....l11'tO. "e. 10Jl )(Ove4By R.A.Foster, .eoon4e4 by J.W.Stones
'Ii. O__ellof 'he Corporation ot the Townshlp ot Ole.rke herebJ'
appo1n.tJlr. 11'11111.111. Car11UUl, Orono', as a representative' on the
Bo.rt.ofTh. Burham 00un'1 District High Sohool tor the years.
l"Juul 19". - 01.1'1'1.4.. .
..801utio. Jro. :104. -"Te' , 'by L.A..Perrault, secon4.4 'by R.G.Chat.rl
'rid. Counoll hereBY aocept and approve the Oft.rs tEt Purchas. ot
.er'a1n lan... tor rea4 allowanoe purposes .1gn... lty Jar.. George
if. Stapleton, IIr.Pb.111p Sanders and M.L.Ro.s, Boat Super1nten-
'.Il' .~the ~owa.b.1p ot Olarke.The Olerk De and i. here_y
in.truot.d to complete t)1e sai4 transactions. - Carried.
...olutio. ... 10 .......el DY B.(hOhater, .econde" .1 L'.J..Perraul'c
a e .asurer," aa4 is her.by authorized to write ot~ the
to1.1n1q 'ax arr.ara olle:pproTal ot the Au41 tel' and in aooordan..
with Section IJl ot The .l.ae.ament Ao', R~8.0~1"01
.loe'. Pe.alti..
No. If.... . Pr1a.lpal to Jlev.Je/b4
..-- Bu.a, SU 1.30 ·
8Ja BarD..~Jd., Jos.ph 4.1J
'0 pattom,..n.oB 4.1J
171 Oouv1.r, lIver.tllZr~. 4.15
221a Andr.s., Charl.. 14.4J
2S,. Village ot ..w-
2S,a .. II
2S,. . · "
JI2 Ballo.ell, ....
JOI. ·
'211. ~ilka, Oharle.
,'8a J).~.p., A.
J71 X....alcs, Jullus ·
JS4 Wl1.on, Elvia
1'0 tal .
rota! Statutory Year
4~1' · 1"3
4.1' l"J
4.1' 1"2
14.4' 1,'2
4.24 .1'. 1"1
4.2J . .28 1'"
4.14 .21. 1'"
J.90 - .14 1'"
}.J7 .1J- 1'"
4.1" 1"2
8.JO 19'0
4.1J l"J
4.1J 1"1
" (
} - linut.., Oounoll .e.tlng November }, 1,64, oontlnuedl
~oot.. . '.. . P.naltl.. .
:Wo. .~~e Prlnoie! to l'oT.JO/'4
4";T". e. a.p., Geor.. . 4.11 . _
.5J' '1'raT8r., B. ' 4.1' e -
.540 Tianlar, P. 2.1' _
3Jl Perry, Wm. L. a.ol
42! Robert ~akl 12.4'
481 larb.z:, X:eu.th. .4.1J
Carr~.~. (
. .
Statutory Y.ar
It .... .OTeel :~y .R.G.Ohater, ..00nde4 lay R.A.:roster that thla
m.etlng reo... at 4.1' p.lI. to reauae ....1Gn en Mond81', :WOT..-
ier :1.',. 1"4, at 7.}0 'p.II., ..in the Oounoil .c1hamier at Orono -
Carri.d. . . ..
Oounoll r.su..1 ....10n O.,IOT..laer 1',19'4 at tn..apPolnte4
tl.. .itk all .e...r. ot 00unel1 Jre..~t, tol.the~ .1th the Olerk
anelRoat. 8uperl.t~ndent. e'
It .a. m8Te4DY J. W. Stone, s.oond.d )y R. G. Chater that
del.satlons be h.ar4.- Oarrle&. e '
....r.. 'I'm. 'fa'liot dd Stanlel 'far4, r.pre..nt1nl the Vnlon
Bod ~ Gun OluB,r.Q.uest.. COUlloilto lnstall tw. GU1Terts _4
IraTel the north part of the al". roa" ".ri..n.lot. 22 and 2J,
oonoe.810n J. - Oounol1 lDtormet the d.l.satl.a th.t there w.r.
nomeni..,approp]:'lat.' ln the year 1"4 tor. 8110h work. The
Counoll .houlcl b. lntormed ot any propo.e4 r...... work b.tor.
:rebruar.y in --7 year, the ...Te stat.d, at whioh tll1. the roa4
bu4ge's are prepared and pa...d. .
_.aar.. R.O.Forr..ter, B.M.Meroerand D.Si.p.on, Truat..a
ot the POlio. Tillag. ot Orono, r..qu.st.1 Couneil to con81der
with th.. t1l.. tillanoial qr....nt'.arlY' in ,the 7'.&1" 1"'. '1'0
oonolud.this matt.r, R.G.Chater mOTea, aeoonde4 '8y B.A..Fost.r,
that this Counoil r.ooma.nd to the ..auina Oo...il to 4ir..t
the 1"; J'1nano. Committ.e ot Council to me.' wlth the Polioe
'fruste.a to dlsous8 the tiaamoial agr.ement ..t...n Councl1
and the Pollo. Village ot Orono. -Oarrled~
A tender was r.oeiTed, ~n re.pol1s. to.adT.rtisins in the
Oanadian St.t...an, trom. :Mr. Ra11D.ond B.ei,in reap.ot to .up:p17111&
ot truoks on the _ewtonvl1l. &lil~nt roal proj.ot und.r
Munlolpal Works Asai.tano. Prolramm.. A.-l}'. - '!'he Cl.rk wa~
In.truct.. to notlf7 Mr. Re.. that Oounoil did not in'.nd und.r-
taklng the ,ropo.edwork ln the year 1"4.
. '.rhe followlng oorr..pondenoe and r.ports ..1"., r.a4 out:
28. E. Biohar4 LOT.kin r. BlghwaY's 11' an4 J', r..4 allowallo.
ietwee. Lo's J4 and },. Olarke. - Th. Ol.rk waa 1.struot.d t.
ret.r a Ihot08tatlo COP7 ot the ..1d l.tt.r te ne Department
of Blsh.a7. ot Ontarlo, tog.ther with a o.T.rlng~.~t.r ,.
notify the 8aid D.partm..tthat thl. projeot i.']1oW '.lng
r.oommend.a to the 19" COUDoil.
2,. Ol.licts Report re Oat.uial ProgrUl Proje.t )Jo. 0.1'8
aa _usi.... tabled on Novemi.r 3rd.la.t. - 111e4.
JO. D.part1l1e.t ot Jlunioipal.:. Utair8re a"roTal tor oo81t...t
to make a loan under the ...iolpal Works Assi.tan.. Pr.gr....
on Projeo' ~o. A-13'. -:ril....
}1. 'fotten, 81111s II: Ass.ola'..,Lll111ted re Ne.tonTlll. I..t -
C.P.R. - 8i t. Line Improv.m.nt a..usin... ta_l.4 on IOvem.ber
J~c1. - Fll.4. . . .
}2. Ontarlo Good Roala ...001atloll r. r..o...nlatio. ot long
serTioe ln the oau.. ot 8001 r.ads. - J'11.....
JJ. Ol.rk's Report re olaim. tor repalrs to our Dr14g. b.tw...
Lots 20 ani 21, oono...lon 2, by DX 011 company. tnok, ..
bualness irought torward trom OotoBer 6,( 1964. ~ 111.4.
34. Northumberland-Durham Heal~h Unit report torOotob.r 1"4. -
F11d. ' .
3'. Solioitor E.B.LoTekln re oontldentlal report on propo..4
restrioted area by-law. - Filei. .
36. Solloitor B.ll.LoTekln r.port 011 r..tricted area by-law
tollowins .a m.etlng with representativ.. ot Th. Department ot
Mun~olpal Artalre on Ootober 28th last. - File4.
e e e
1'0 "ho South Iii.;}
of th.Blshllh e..~
.08s10n Beal All...
IllOO of tho "'....
ahi>> of Cluk.
e. ~a 4..1gnatlo..ln .ootlon 1 of this By-law of a hlghway or
:put of a hlghway .. 8: through h1pway shall .ot iJlclute an:r
1nt.r..."10. thereon wh.r. the roa4 In''.r..ot.. la . ~ing'.
Hiahway or where traff1c control signals are 1.atall04.
J. 'ft.la b'y-law:ahall not 'baoo.. .ft.ctive unt11 approve4 by the
Depar:tment of Transport e:nd .ut1l stgns are on dlsplay 1Jl
...pliance with the :regulations of the Department.
If:-Law Jro. . 14" 1 D.aigatig '!brough m.t.llwU'S .
n....s ola... 2' or ,au'seotion 1 of .00 ion 1 of ne Highwal'
~attio A.ot (B.S.O. l"I~ Ohapter 172) prov1do. ta~tl- .
-through hl.AW.Y- .ean. any highway or pal't of a highwa7
doaigJlatetaa auoll '7-.tho II1nl."er or By 'by-law ot a munioi-
pall ty apprevo" D7 "ha Dopartment, andeTery .u.ll aighwal' .
shall- bo markecl. b7 a atop s1p or yield r1pt-ot-way .1gn in
001l.J11anoe with the rep.lat1~n. .ot the])epartmenta
No. ther.fore the Oounoil of the Oorporation ot tha IUn101palit7
ot Clarko enaots as tollows.- . - .
1. '!he follew1ng highways or parts of h1ghways wtd.rtho jur1s-
d10t10n ot the MUnic1pa11ty of Clarke are deSignate" a.'
through h1ghwaysl- .
Hame of 1'I1ah..Q'
...ionT1l10 .oath Roat
&.110wooe bnwoon Lovs 8/' i
Oon...sloIUI 1 u'4 Broke.
4 - "_".., 80un.i1 ...'111.8 ..v_'er Jrelent 1'th, 1"4~ .ontl.......
n.. foll..il1l .'lIOelutien. were paasea,
._.l.'t..... 111: -.v.1 'Y' It.A.Fostor, ..oond04 'b1 d.W.-Btono,
1l._1Te.'ha't..4e:n tel' ..rk as alTorti.ecl "'y opo.el. - Car~l....
.0..lut10n-1I0" I'll .OT." - DY B.A..hater, .eoont.. ,.,. Jt..G.Chat.rl
.,sOlTe that tho 011..1:ng proj.ots under the 1Itm1oipal 1I'1nt.r
Works Ino.nt1Y' Program-1"4-l'" ~e sanotion.cI. .nd pro.e.'..
..i th .,. thi s OoUllO il: 1. :Brush1ng -on r.a4 a11..o.O'o. e udor
Jrtmio1pal' .orka Asa1s.t8.1fOe Programme Project No. .1.-1;' and. Jlot
to oxoe." an neral1 0081 ot IS,ooo.OO. - Oarr1e!. e
.0..1.tlo. .0. 1101 ..TOd. by B.A..Fostor, seoonde4 by ~...Ston.t
...,..1..... _at tho tol10wing sohedule of te.. be and are hor.,
f-:--~,J,1"'''.. tor .tlte yeu 1"". ."TO - .'00.00, .0put1'-lteoT' - .'.'.0'.
'-.~~1.1.1' - ''''0.00. - Oarr1.1. .. .
"."lit!... 1'0. 111: IfOT0487 B.G.Cherter, _00nde4 by L.tA..,Pel'1'..\t.1tl
fi.Cl.rlt .0 and is here'.y author1zed. to returlll the cle:po.it.........
t....'.Benn.tt Pavina L1m1te4 and Har.clon an4 ~1Jl8 Oonstrue'l..
e' J.a.1I1*.awi th relUct to propo.ed. oonstruot10n of aielo..alk at
....'.."111.. - Garriod..
ao tellolf1na By-La..s w.r. g1ven .Firat, Soeond and Th1n
rea41as an4 t:tnal17 pa..04: : ..
IJ:~I.... ..e .14~ I :ao.l..a tiy '!1trol1gh Highway.
Wi.L,iau..o 2' ot:slll.ootlen 1 of .eotioD 1 ot-fte H1gh...,.
fioltftct;;~t. ell.S.G. 1"0, Chapter 172) prov1de. thats-
.'It"ugh h1gh...,.- mous any h1ghway or part ot a h1gh...,.
C..t..ated as SUGh '1' tn. ~n1ster or 87 by.law of a
.uie1pa11ty approved by the D.partmelllt, o.ti eTery sueh
ltt'PW&1 shall lae marked ei,- a 8tOp slgn or 7ie14 r1ght-
ot-w..y a18n 1n comp1ianoo .ith the regulat10Ds of the
Bopar_en' .
_Olf thor.t.~o tho OouDe11 of tho Oorporat10n.ot the Ibn10ipa11t7
.t e1arEo onacta as to110w8'- ,
1. '-otollow1ng highw.,.. or parts of highways ua.er tho Juris-
ii.ttonot tho Munio1pality of Clarko:are aos1gnate4 aa
through highways,-
...... ot m.al1-!l.
L..ar. South :loa4 A.110waJlc.
botwe.n Lot. J9/Jl; Oonco.- .
.1011. 'ana Lot J1~ Go.c...loll
From the }forth S1de
.f Vn1te4 Oountia.
'1. ot .erthWllborlanc1
A Durham Iload .0. 1
To the Korth 814e
ot the Lake.heJOe
:&oad .&.11...... Of
the '.rownship ot
Olark. ·
2. The cl..isnation 1n seotion.l ot th1s by-la.. ot. a h1gh...,..~
pa1"t of a h1gh..ay as a thrcn1gh'h1ghway 'Bhall not iJ1elud....y
1ntor..ot10111 ther.oD. waero the road inters.ot-e4 1a a JClns's
Highway or "Whore traffic oontrol signals are 1n8ta110cl.
Prom the Sou th 814e
ot Pr.vin~ial Highw.,
No. ...1 at .owtonv1110
; - M[nutes, Counoil Meeting November 3rd and 16, 1964, oontinued:
3. This by-law shall not beoome etteotive until approTed
by the Department of Transport and until .signs are on
display in oomplianoe with, the regulations of the Depart-
A Restrioted Area By-Law was given rirst and Seaond
reading only and tabled.
Thetollowing By-Law was given Third and Final
reading only:
'By-La~ No. 14;7: Being a By-law to ~th~rize the oonstruotion,
reoonstruotion, extension or improvement o~
oertain oapitalworks in the munioipality.
Whereas the Corporation at the Township ot Clarke proposes to
either oonstruot, reoonstruot, extend or improve the tollowing
oapital works in the munioipality inaooordanoe with the pro-
visions ot the Munioipal Works Assistanoe Program,
And Whereas tor that purpose the Corporation proposes to make ·
applioation for assistanoe in aooordanoe with the terms of The
Munioipal Works Assistanoe Aot (Ontario) and the Munioipal
bevelopm.tit and'LoanAot' tiCan"4a~ . , . .
And Whereas the projeots are in th. opinionotthe Counoil ot
the Corporation munioipal projeots qualified tor assistanoe
under the said Aot as they would not, without the assistanoe
rendered under said Aot,haTe been inoluded among the oapital
works projeots to be undertaken within the oalendar years in
respect of whioh the applioation tor assistanoe will be made)
And Whereas the works herein are to be undertaken under the
termsot The Munioipal Aot, BSO 1960, Chapter 249, S.4;9, sS.l(b),
and amendments thereto;' e
Now, theretore,.be it enaoted and it is hereby enaoted as a
by-law ot the Corporation ot the Townsht) of Clarke by the
Counoil thereof as tollowa.;-
1. The following roads inoluding Bridges and cUlverts and
anoillary buildings shall be oonstruoted or reoonstruoted in the
tollowing l()oations at the tollowins estimated oosts, the details
of suoh projeots being reoited in detail in a report made by
Totten, Sims and Assooiated Ltd. dated at the Town of.Whitby the
4th day of May, 1964, and summarized for purposes of this by-law
as follows:
Projeot Desoription
~ ''''
Morgans Road, oonstruotion 2.6;
Miles inoluding bridge
North East projeot reoonstruot
4 . 0 mile s
.ewtonville Realignment
Le.ka~d Road, 2.7 miles inoluding
Sixth Oon. Road 1.; miles
Kimball Bridge
HOllewell Bridge
Third Conoession Road
. G.
Purohase of land and oonstruotion
ot ~oad Dept. ~aohin~G.rage
Total Estimated Cost. . . . . .
:lots le/17
oons. 2-3
lots 4 I; oons.6-7
lots '-9 inol.
oon. 8; lots 8/9
con. 7
lot 11, oon. 1
lots 30/31
OOns. 6-7
lots 21-26 inol.
,con. ;1'
lot 10, oon.S.F.
lo~s 10/11oon.~
lots 2;-28 inol.
oon. 2/3
Estima ted
lot 27, oon. ,
. . . . . . . .
.. ... ...
~2. '.rb.e Engineering Consultant tor the Corpor.ation of.the Township
ot Clarke in this matter shall be Totten, Sims and 4ssooiat.4 Ltd.
306 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario and.they shall torthwith
make suoh plans, profiles, and speoifications and furnish suoh
information as may be neoessary for the making of a oontraottor
the exeoution of tl1e work. Suoh plans and speoifioations t,,'olarify
in detail the works already outlined in their preliminary report
dated ~th May 1964.
, _ ...'.a, CQUJlol1 .e.'lns .OTem})er 3 and 1', 1,6., 00.tln11e4 t
J. ~ ft. .tirk 8.all })e oarrl.d on Del .zeoute4 lUlieI' the super-
int.n4en...... acoordine to the dlreo tlon 811.d ordera ,ot sueh .
Englne.rlJ1g o OJ!lsuJ:taa 1;8. ....
4. fte .It..v. 'ani Cl.rk are au'thorlzed to oaus. a oontraot tel' the
oonstruot10n ot each and .v.ry work or any combination ther~ot to
be ma4. ani .nt.r.1 into with some p.r.on or p.r.ons, tirm or
oorporat1oD, n1l3.ct to the approval of this COUllcil to be <<.clare4
by 1"..01\1 'lion. .
,. Yor tk. purpos.. ator.said 1;he Oorporation ot the Township ot
Olarke ahall 'orrow upon the seneral Oredit ot the Oorporatlon a
aum surtlol.nt to financ. their portion of the sa14 works whlch
.u~ ..al1 not exo.e4 tBo,84J.OO and ahall issue debentu~es, th.re-
tore,wh..du17 authorized alld approvecl.
,. " "'...~.r 1IlIlY (.u})j... to the approval of the Councl1)
alr.,.wj.,,_>..-, 'bank or persoll for temporary aclya:nce. ot 'IIloney to
......*_~....t ot the work pending t;he oompletion, of it at a rate
ot ~'.r..t .ot to .x..... tlve and thre.-,uart.r. per oent (J~)
J.r ....... . ' .
7.' _ 4.b.~'t~r.a to lle issued (save 'tho.. to D. 1..ue4 to the
Provt......#J~tari.) tor the loan to .e ettect.d to pay for the
0..' o(:1;..,k wh..compl.'... .hall bear intere.t at tive ud
tllr.....-.. Q.11.... eeU... ...'.e......... J.e>> O'Dtf. JIlL) >>-r _UIl ani be 1I&.e paya'b1e wt'll1Jl
, ""., M' ;..l..'al..rlt~ plu.
8. n.,._...tu.r.. t. be 1..ue4tothe Provinoe of Ontario tor the
10".'e" .tt. eotee 4 to pay tor the oost of the work when oomj>l.,.a
.hal1b.~.iJlter..t at f1.ve and thr.....eighth. per oent (J-~/tJ~)
per __e_d_e 1I8.de payable within' years 01t the instalment
,. . IJl..t.~lD1 .tae aum to ie ra1.sed annually to pay the debt the
_ ~a1i....t 1.t.r.s'lI':'01I. investments ahall not be esti.ated at more than
'-)/8i.in resp.at ot the debt inourred to the ProTinoe of a.tar1.o
and ,~ 1. re.pect of the debt incurred to other... '
Be.olut1.on .0. 112: )lOve' lay l' .W.Stone, aeoondeel. by R.G.Chater.
W~ the Counoi1 ot the Oorporation ot the Town.h1.p ot Clarke
t.... it .xpetient to apply tor a loan under the 7.deral-Pro-
vinolal-~oipal Works Ass1.stanoe Program as described in the
.emor..du. of the M!nist.r ot MUnicipal Affalrs, dated the 4th
otI'0Y81Il'er, l"J, in re.,ect of the following proj.ct, lumely,
-..Jtatruotlon of an elght inch (8-) diameter.watel"lllain from.the
ea,t boundary.f the Polloe Village ot Orono to the eaat boundary
ot;Hlghway JJ-llJ. This projeot is an additlon to our Appl1oation
~J4,~her.l.att.r reterred to as "the projeot-; ,
.&.11) WHEREAS the projeot i., in tke opinion of the aounoil, a
m.ulo~pal project witkin the meaning ot the lanister's Memoran-
AID WRERIAS the project (or part or it) would not, without the
ass1atanoe under the program, have been inoluded among the oapi-
tal work. projeots to ie und.rtaken within the cal.ndar year or
years'-1n re.pect ot ,whioh application tor assi.tanoe i. made,
and ao oth.r oap11;al work. projeot has, in consequence, De..
repla.ea or deterr.d until a later year;
AND WHEREAS THi PROJEOT, 1. one to whioh the lmmedlately pre.edins
paragraph appllea in whol.;
AND WHEREAS ihe other requir.ments of the Minist.r's Kemoran4us'
have eeen eomp11ecl wlthe
NOW THEREFORE .e it re.elvea that application be mad. to the
~ni.ier ot Municipal Atrairs tor a commitment for a loan in the
amount ot IJ.2.,.OO to a.s1st in the financing of the proj.ct .
under-th8 MUnioipal-Works Assistance Act, 1963. - Carri.a.
, . .. .. . .. . . .. " . . . .. "
aeaolutlon .0. 111: .ovet by B.G.Chater, second.' by L.~Perraultl
'rhi. Counclfner.iyadjOl1rJ1 to meet again on Tuesday, Deoem.er 1.J,
.1964, at 10 a.m. in the aeuacil Ohamber at Orono or otherwise at
the....ll etthe I.eve. - Carriea. .
, ...\
Ole.. . .... ." . .... ...e.
..eve. e.