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t t DAUI IIIftIJD OJ' !HI COUllOIL OJ' '.,.. fOIlPJI3IP OJ' O~ ~' '.'...r', '19'4 ., 1....... . Ioooil a....r, .1'.... . Pre...ts R'eT' II. 11. Wallt.J' Dep.~-R.eT' Z.Y.St... Counoillor B.A~ro.'.r, CounOillor ....C~.t.r C....ill.r L.A.P.rraul' Ol.rk B.E.!!ll.o. Boal Supe~1n~.a4..~ ..L.Bo.. . . . . D."~-."T' J...S~.n. oall." the .....t.. '0 ora.r. ft. 111...... et the l..t reaular..,ti.. .ut ....]),... .. r.a4 .. ..'i.. of I.A.Je.t.r, ...on4.4 '7..Q.O,.t.r. earri.... It .a. "T.a 'YB.G.C~at.r, "....'"'' L.A.Perra.lt ~hat I.l..ati... .. k.arl. - Carri.a. 1Ir. .u.rd Barno.ki 1".11""" illt,r_ti.. ,.i. "'Q..t "0 :rara !lilt Drai.... 01 DitoM.. al... t..'.....hlp .14.roa& i.,.... 10" J ".... 4, .......i.. J. ..r.~...~ \7 q..,.il'ttll' Cl.rk latoraea hia .t the Jre~..' to.art th. ..'aili.....~ of 1MBi.1,&! !lile Dra1.... Aa.1.~a.o... JUrth.r, O...oil Jro~..a that th. I..a od 11'14&' Oomatt'.., tosetll.r .1th the ..... Supefia- 'e.ie.t, ...111i ..., 1Ir. Bar...kl at ~ the .i....t th.b.l.... proil.. i. 01'4.1' to 41.ou.. .lth111a ~he ,...1-l1lty .tt1toh1na on ~h. :ro.1 .11na.oe. t' .. ~.. : . R.G.Ghat.r .0T.t, ..o....el i7 L,A.lerra.l~,th.t 0...011 1'..... tel' luaoh .~ 12.J'..'.. ..4 re.um. ...a10. at 2 p.m. Carrl.t. Oe.eral Touoh.r. .0. 10 tor Ootob.r 1". an4 Boal Tou.h.r Io. , tor S.pt.mber 1". ..re authorlz." tor p.ya..t upon unan1mou. ..r....., an4 ..;10A .to.unol1. It .a. meTe4 " I.A.7..ter, ....n..4 i7 L.A.Perraul' that ....1'.. J...8~.ne, I.G.Ohat.r ...4 A.lIt.John.t,. ,. "'.a:r.h.:re1l7 4el.gate" t. at".nd. a .e.t1B,.t A........, on Oo"...r-l.5th ..x, .~ Warltworth, wlth .%P.m.... })a1t. - Carriet. VJOIl a r.p.rt .7 the loa4 Sup.rl.t..4..', tho Ol.rk: .a. a.k.-C to pr.par. 4rat~ iy-law. tor e.tabllah1.. throuah.r.al. Iro. .ewtoJ1T111"South at R1Shw&J.... 2 ..tw... Le~. 8 anC' to the. l.ak..h.r.Roa4 all.wanoe ...4' the I.o.karl SOut\"ai &110wuo. D.twe.D Lots JO an4,1 from tho Unlt.. Countie' 10.4 .e. 1 ~o tho 8th .on,...len roal all.wanoe a~ L...art. . (e .' Tenters tor the proJO.et .ii..alk: ....'n.tl.. 1. the Baal." ot ..wtonTille wore r.o.1Te' tro. the t.ll..1... . 1. Kara4.. I 11.. C...truetlon Ltl.,O'Dour. 2. W.I.B....t; P.Tl.. Lt4., O.ha.a. ~1. Du.i.....a. ;abl" to the ..zt regular ...'11l1 ... r.t.rr.' to the appolnt., .ommittee tor turth,r 1nTe.t1aatloD ani repert.. . . ...ar.. R.O.Sl.paoll ant A.Low," C)J.a1rman u4'S.,r.tU7 ot ,h, Clark,Pla..1BI loart r..p..~lTe17, u4 8011o1tor..R~LeTek1n, . 41......4 a prope..' ...trlo'04 Ar.. By-Law .1~h ~oUB.11. sUII..t.e ,reTial... were r.t.rr." to 'h.,S.11.1~or an4 Olerk tor ....14..... ~lo. atter whloh oopl.. ot.a rOT1..1 arat" 8J'-la. w.re t. .... ..~l.. ". the .....r. ot CouB011 an4 Plann~D& Bear4, "me .on.lterati.. was 11 Te. .. ~. the B'OT' .alll.. a .p..lal ...tlq ot O....il . to i.al wl~h the .ai4 87-1... . n. tollo.illl ..rr.QOlul..oe 0.4 r.p.r'. w.r. r..1 eut ,. Ooua011: . 1. Mr. .e.r.. A.., Dualo) r.t...' tor 40n.tl.. to:r.P>>FhB.i.- . :ril04.. . I. D.partme.t ot Labour r. ooapl.tlo. or Ylt. Balluna.r t~. la4ua'rlal aat.t740t, 1"4. - ....1T.a. 3. . no SJ.rta Car Clu8 r. ,p~..1.1l' ,. .11.. aCu .&117 1. IOT..Der. ft. Cl.rk: .. ill,trao'e' to no",l1'7 th.aa!.t Olu\ t)tat CouDol1 ha. .00_3.."ioD :proTltiq the l1al17 1. oarrlet out .imilar to th. ora&D1satl.. ... .p.ratl.. 11l ~11. F.ar 1,'2. . - ......., 0...011 ..e'1q, 'oto~.r " 19'4, oont1n.."t 4. If.".., 81.. A AII...1a,.., Ltd., r. ..101,&1 Works l.8a1.'.... Preara A-1JJ.'.- .)'11.... ( J. D.'..r.....' ot .wl101pal Uta1rs r. Oent.JUl1al Gru'. Pro-' sP..... (A ..J1 ,.,-. r.t.rre' to tho Ce.teJlB1al.analo...t CollDl1 tt... ,. >>.}IU',..:nt ot "'.101'1.1 Uta1r. r. IIttn10ipal W.:fa. b.l.- tano. Prosr.. ~lJJ. - F1l.d. . · 7. Dopar'ment ot Publl. W.lfar. r. applioat1on for 11..... to operate a .ure.r1. - 111.... 8. De,art..nt of Pub11. Woltar. r. a.o.ptano. of By-La. ...14'8.- . n~L . . ,. __]tulle lIeal~ llil1t re,.,." tel' .TUlle, .TuT ..... Auguet, .. 1"4. -....IT.I. 11. hpu...' ot lI.altll r. Atr Pollut1o. OaD."rol. - 1'11.1. 11. ett1.. ot tho l1r. -.raka1 r. 1"4 l1re PreT.nt10n Oont..t (0.""1-4.1','4). - ftl.C. 11.. ft. Clerk'. 1.'''.!' r. 011.1. for :ro,a1ra.'. our ltr1.... '.tw...L.'. 10 od.21, 0... 2, b7(U 01.l.0..-7ablol. lJ. Cantral Lake Ontar1. Cona.ryat1on Authority r. ~Jl.t.. ot ...'1q; S.p'.._.r 17, 1"4. .':r1l.d. e . 14. Depart...' at R1Ih..,. r. pro,o..d transt.r ot lanl 1. LetJ3,(C... 2, to the t.....1p.t.r rea4 parp..... - ..t.rr.t to tho 101.1 a.p.rin'.nd.nt a.t load and Br1ds. Oommitt.. te ...0- tl..'..I-,h' the .ai4 D.,art.en t. . . 1,.lep.......t of Jl1p..ay. ro Prol.rt,. '!'ranst.r '1'-11718 under Jar..~..'....er. J"J3, '41J4, '424an4 'J174. - !ail.4.~ 1'. '..llel'.r lI.ll.LeT.k1n r. .e.tr1ot.cl Ar.a By-La.. - 711.1. 11. .. l1.hard LOTek1n, B.A., L.L.B., r. prep...a .....ro1al '...1.,..., in Lot ('J, Con..lf Clarke. - 711.4 an4 a copy.to b. r.terr.' to the Clark. Plann1ng Boar4. 18~ D.,artment of lMDioip.1Atfa1rs r. grants t. Ontar10 . Artlstlo Orsaa1zatlons. · Th. Cl.rk .as 1.struot.d te reply ....rll..l'. l,...,arla.." of Highwa,.. .f Ontarlca re propos84 1"4 an4 1'""0..'n.'1011 ':Ppolra_. uad.er the 1111.101)1.1 Works u.1a- ......., ~IJ'. - :rll.4. . . (. . 20. e lInl t.4 Cou"l.. of .orthwaberll.l'l4 A Durhall r. propos.4 broohure for purpo... of adT.rt1siDS, the 00unt1es. - Th. Cl.rk 'Ita...lE... ". pr.par. :tour sugg.st1ons ant r.1I1" same "0 'h. Coun't Ol.rk. ' II.liar.kall. Jlaok11n A Monapan :btt., re oost ot surv.,. ter plaD a.41...r1:p"10., In the hlloe T1llago ot Orono, tor .st*bll.~..t ot i.'.r...tl... for purp... of 1natallat1on ot ..rT1..., ,..ta., .to. - 711.... II. Oatarlo Water B..ollro.. Commi.s1on r. w.ll oon.truotlo. ter 'h. Po11o. Tlllag. .1' Orono un4.r Projeot WOe '4.-1)0. - n.l.l. ( . IJ. ..>>art...t of .lIilh..ays .ot On1;8.1"lo r. H1Ih..a,. llJ and. 35 - .oal Allo...... b.twee. Lo". J4an4 JJ. - Ref.rred to the Roal ..t Br1d.. Committ... . 24. TOtt.., 81.. A A.soolato. Llm1ted r. ....tonT1ll. rea4 · C.P.R. .1t. lln. 1mproy...nt. -(~abl.4. 2'. (Boara of !r...,.rt Commissioners fer eanata 1'. ...'herlt7 to 1.proT. tho Tl... 11n.s ..h.r. X.wtonvl1le B.a4 .1'..... O.P.R. iotw... Lots 8 an4 , Brok.n Jront. - ~able4. 2'. Copy l.".r .1' E. B. LOT.kin to Str1ke A'Str1ker. Barvey Ja.kson ....r1al Parkl - 71104. 27. SteTe.... AXelloSI L'4. re .un101,al ...a.....' Semi.ar. - nled. 28. Department of Yrans,ert r. prepes.d am..4.e.ts ,. By-La.. No. 1384. - F1led. 2'.'Darham Count7 B1.'rlot Blah Sohool Boarl (th7.. l.".r.) r. propo... Teea'lonal .'41t10n '0 Ourt1s Blgh Sohool. - c... clule4 .,.....lu'lon.. . JG. Go14.. Rulo B1.a.ry sf e...4a r. _1.1ing an4 r.pa1rs ,. ..r'aln,r...r4. in 'h.eCl.rk's .tfl... - Ile~or:red. to the Clerk. · '!h. :rell.wine ll..elu'ien. ...r. pas..04: --~-:-::;,:.,:.~.-.,- 'fl' ( : ( J - B!nut.., Councll ...ilns, OotoD.r " 1964, oontl...4a ec..'.,;ee " ....1u"'10. Bo. "a MOT.I ay L.A.P.rrault, a.oo.t.4 iy I.G.Ohat.ra It.1I01T. that the Clerk :prepare '!h. Vot.r.' Llst alJhab.tloally tor the 7ear 1"4. - Carrl.... R..olut1on Bo. leOl JleT.cI. '7 R.G.Chat.r, .80(md.4 'by L.A.Perra.lta Reaolv. that tend.ra tOI's1....alk oon.truotlo. .. ..d U8 llU.iy op8n8.:4. - Ourl.4. ~ R..olut1on Bo.10ls MOT.eI. i~ L.A.Perrault. .econ4.4 iy I.A.7.st.ra . Wher.a. tll. Ih1rll... COUlliy Di.'rlot Riah.,S.hool Bearel 11.. appll.. to the >>8,."..ntot B4.oatlon tor i..tat1T. ap,roTal ot . Tooa- tional AI'liion to Cov'U.e.lI1ah Sohe.l.aJul Wh.r.a. '..iativ8 approT.l has b..n reoeiT.4un48r date ot July JO, 1"4, . . . ~.r.fo~e i. it r.solT.4 thai the Corpor.tlon ot 'h. Town.hip ot Ol.rk. SiT. 'e.tatlT8 .pprOTal to th.,rCDJeotand that th8 mill Sohool Board ma7 8ngage .a arehl'.o'., pr.p~. pl..a .-d .tTertl.. tor '..t.r. tor the proJ..t. - C.rrt.... e. t.elu",i.. .0. 1021 ..T.. lay I.A.70st.r, .....t.4i7 .f.W.ston.: . .r.,.,k.h.r:b." COD',. 'i.trlo' Hilh Soho.l Bear4 h.. .ppli.. ie tll. lItmiolpal 00unoll8 havlna Jurl..U.,lo. in -a.. ..11])1..- trio", tor 1;h. ls.u. ot d..be.tur.. 1. t....lUll.. .atl.at.4 to.. .J6,,000.00, to provld. tor the .0." ot...a."r~.'loa et a Tooa- tlonal a4dltlen to. ih. Courtlo. ~ah Soho.l, an4 the tural.aiDl ucl .qu1JP1q ther..t. . B. 1t r...1Te4 that the Ceun01l ot 1;h. O.rp.r&1;icn ot the Town- shill .t Olarke ...1ns a mun101pa11t7 1.olu4... 1m. the .ai4 Dl.triot, h.r.by .ppr.T.. tn.. said. a'Jllo. t10n at .e....r... to aa.u..l t. prepe:r: :p:ro:portlon ot the "OUll'. rctquir.d to pay the .aid 4."..- iure., the 1n.tere.' the~.e.. 04 the .xp..... oODJle't.4:,,;:ll\?er..itll. a. pre.orlb.t iy Th. S.eGaclary Soh.el. and ~Gard .t Bt...tlo. Aoi. Be it turth.r r.aolv.cl..tl!l.ai the Ocu01l.ot eth. Oorporation. ot the Town.hi>> ot Clark. h.r..y r.qu..t. the 0."011 ot the Cer- . poration ot the Uni t.4 Oou.'i.. .f Borth,UJIl..rland. an" Durham. to. rala. ihe .um e.tlmat.d to i. .3'J,OOO.~O r.qu~r.4 tor the purpo... ato.rt!.ald by the 1sau. ot ......tur.. ot the Oorporati.... et the unt ".4 Oounti.s o( .ortllUlllltulaat anel. Da.rb.am.. - Carried. ...01ut1... .8. lOJs _v.a .7 J.W.Stc.., ..con..... .,. L.A.p.rr.ults ~er... the Corporation or the Town.hip or Clark. has approv.. o.t the r.qu..t ot the Durham O.ll11ty Di8triot Blah SQ.b.col Bear<< tor permi..lon to. bulld . VeoatloD.al SohGol,AI41tlon"e aouriio. Bllh Sohool. 04 Wher... a 4eolsi.n is ...4ed .. to the term .t the d....tur.. tor th. Court1oeVooatlolUll Ad41 tion. , . :'. It 1. theretore re..1TO' that the Cor)Oratl.n ot the ~.WD.hlJ ot Olark....lr.. that the ,.rm.t the d.be.ture. b. 10y.ar.. - Ouri.t. !he tOll:ow1D8e'7"'!1.w8 ...r.,r.al a 1'11'.', '.00n4 ad Th1r4 ti.. ..4 finall,. ,....... _-La.. 1'.. 14'1. J. By-L.w "o. ..tabli.h sundut .J'.'ulr....t. . tor .u.I1Tl.10n roa4. 1. aoo.r4"0. w1th the proTl.1.n. .t T)l. Hiahw.,. IlQroT...nt Aot, R.S.O'e 1".,011a))".r 171,.." ....cl1I..n'. 04 r.Sulatl.... t.ll.reucler ~4 '_.c.'Werts1.... ot '!'h. MuDi.l>>..l A.t,I.S.O". 1"0, 011.&>>1.1'24', . ud 8JIL,~".Jtl. e th.r.t.. . . e . Wher... it i. d....d ..o..~7 t...tabll.~ Q.~hl'1l .,....18'4. tor tpe oon.truction ot .ub4iTl.1on .tree'. _d t1l.eprovl.1Qa o.' . o.rtainllu.nloi:pal S.rTi...~ . B. it "h.r.tore .naot... by the O.unoil ot the Oorp.r~ti.a ot the ~G~:nahlp ot Clarke a - . , I.to~. the COll~oilotth. Qorporat1en .t.th. 1!'o....lUp ot ~lark. a..u... u7l1l1id1v1a1on .tr..i, anti. aooepts r..,on.1i1lit, tor ta~r...1_~eaaac. andcoastruo1;ion, th.. owner ot 8u.41Ti4.' . proter'1.hall have a4h.er~" to. th.. toll;.owing require.e.i.a e 1. Wtlth ot Boacl All.w.... .. Wh...v.r road. allowano...ar. r.quir.' and 1ncorp.r.t.4 1n . pl...t. .uDd1v1s10. .uoh r,a4 all.wano. .h.ll.Il........JI1Blmla. 1f~.t~.r .i.,t7-alx t..t. A greai.r wi4th .., b. requir.' it in the ~plnloB .t the Couaoil .uoh gr.at.~wi4th i. neo...UT. e .. - _"'." 0.....11 ...'lq, ..t.....r '. 1"", ..tl....., . 1k0..Ter tho ....lTl.l.. ot proporty 1s ta0111tat.a by aD oXi.- t1.. M...r "l"..''''_O1' no.ju1sd10t1on crtlau..11.'h.,~w..r C..1r1.. t...1I.C1'Y1t1...., ,. 1'2'0,u1r.1 to a.410at. prep.'" tor th. P"P.'. ot .tr..t .11.D1ne anA/or o.n'r~iut. 110 the ...t ot ...'''~t1.. ..01l.14.-1... . · : c... , . . 2. Pl_. ..,.... ....1I1\,.t -ft. t'ollow111& ahall .. n8m 1It.4 e to tho if.uotI'., OTGry ,er.e..prep.a1ns ,. _bllT!". 104, prler '0 .tM ....'.a.'10n tOt aD., .....11. or JIlUll1.1pal.~~~1... . . , e . f.ll..........yJ...l..PlU - nr..o .0,10. r.qulP..". ftl.e,laB..t ...e..)... lid. \..,:..1'1.. .a..' .. a .oolary surfty '"1*1"." .., u '.~i..I..Jl4 IUTo.,.r. lfllo plu ahall sho. ..,ua'.ly a..;. JhJlfe..~...1.,1...1.a'1.& the .01at10Ball1p .t 101 to i. .ula- "i~ . ,..13.0..t pro,.rty o.d atre.'.. ~ ..I~t; .vut Drai..'Pla - nr.o 0.]>>I...r.,ulr04. A "".11 ",... ..p.r ."'.. e.. pluGt ....cllTl.l.. ahall .0 i:"p..tt4,j1;n. pl... 'lallln"1qat. oOJl"our 11n.. at 1nllenal. ..'Qt"'~1','i'han two t..t. Ia a4dltlon to oo.tour 11n.. the :.t~t.ft"'"~)"r.i.,,. ~.. pro:p.a.4 .tr.et. ..~"~'b. t.41oa~.4, "_'c'; '..Ii. arrow., a.d 'wa'.r. ......;c.Ja....~...:r..,'....J8U'Y. e .i~l 1':rop..... ..:ra1.....Utt.tur.. .ltall ....1.ar17 ..:tllia :plo. III a441 tloD. to the toregeiq th. e . "-.3o:r 'rat.ag. 0111v.rt8 or ."rtlotv.....1'h1n~a '!>. ,i',el' Iro. th. laGudar1G. ot the :propea.1 _ladi- .lall i.,ini10at04. !b1. latt.r~r.tulr.m..t .hall not e . ",.;,j:~j..'.4 te 1n.lu.l. :prlTat. li1T.way oUT.:r'ta or tlell . t'.t'l~ ..... ..oll t11. a.rv. all ar.a l.ss than tw..t.,.or... (.) ~t:r..' het11.. - 'l'hr.. ..pl.a r.qulr.d. Protl1.a ot all .t~_.D.i,iiD.. p.r.,..... au.icl1T1s10n .hall i. proT1d.... Bu.ll 'p. .... ...... ...e..all... .....t o. .pot .1.Ta tlells talt.. at in t.rTal. ~.. ..ee.. ."" 11n., .ot tllrth.r apart thu loe t.t Oil taq..t ad''''''..' O. OUT.'. . Prot11.s .hall 1n41eat. orlginal grollnl .aat 'Iwar.t... Wher. .z.aTaticn or t111 1. .z.... ot t1l7.. t.."....' ."'1'. ltD.. is propo..ct the a43a...t prop.r'., 11.. .le- .....tl... 6all i. show..- Boal.s tor all protl1.snall ... a. t.ll.... ..:r'1.....1 - 1" '- "8'. V.rtl..l - 1" - 10'. Protl1.. 8hall b. la..d.. .,'.'10 ol.Tatdo.. ed, IJl7 pO;"JRa..." t..t.r....t.t. i...ll markaaltall .. lniloat.dw1th .1.Tat1c. ..ourat. to 0.. ll..4r..'. ot a t..t.. (.)~.1" Pla.. - n.r. cira1.as. r.quir....t. r.qll1r. the 00.- atrlliUe. ot . atruo tv. or oul vert ..1 th a hyirault. ar.a 1n .z.....r that pro'9'14e" by oODlllonly pr.t&.rio&t.4 atruotllr.. or oulT.rta, th.t.tail iraw11188: ot the prcpos.~ ,truot11r. .hall b. proTicl.d. Such 8tI'UOtU.' .h.ll b. d.sigll.4 lit7 a ..slstered ~r.t...l.Jlal ilngin..r an4 plalls sh&ll b.ar the apprenl .t tll. Ohi.t .Br1de. Eq1R..r ot th. On tar1e Department 01' H1ghway.. ,. _OATII_ nIl BID OO_"O'1'IO. liij-. )~.. or ")I.al '1'." ..otloaSkall .. part ot 'hl. ,..In...'l.... . ;.' (~) 111 ....t...all .. 00.8t:ruot.4 ao.or41.. to sp.oltl- ~ ..tl... i.. 'hl. :I7-Law. (.) JJ.l ..... a11....... ..t 1M o.apol.".l., olear." ot tr.... ....h, ~u'" '.all.r. or .th,81" o..truotio.. tor ,~. ~'ir. w14tll taler..t.. . ......1B '1'..' lIa7 H l.tt 'kat ... )lot 1Jlt.r1'er. ."h ....th.'G'l.. or 1..talla1l1ol'l .t '''Tl.... (I) ~ .8011 .... .oa oall.. r."T.I ,. 1,..'11'. ".ptll. tuftpOil ,i. ...~r.l 1'ortJ-tiT. t.., ot ta. real allowo.., ~z..pt wh.. a tl11 "l1alto .1' gr.Rter tll.. thr..t..t 1s proTit.l. . C.) .o..&1l araUq .llalltoll.. r.moTal .t... 04 to:paoll 8e ftat .u~.4. ls ea,.a.ll.l1e4 .t . 1.Te~ 1)- .el.. th. .1'pr....... fi..l.crate: all... .. 'th. protl1e 1n. .e.t10D' .h.re ,.. "'-H" 1. P"....It.~tl., 01&,.., 814e .1.,. ah.ll net ~. ....p.r th.. . e ;i :b..rI."Jd~l/ u 1 T.r'ioal. I:a Ii _i-.... ot pr....II1.u.tl1 .....,:....I:~l... .101'.' .l1all not b. "..Ptl" tau I herls.ldai ,. 1. ...... .. .,~. ":elf)"c, ':...,1.'10. etl'ollCh sraI1D1. the .'-'a.. ul .115.... 'b. ..~.litl18h... a. tollowa. . . e t t J - lIaut.., Coaaol1 ...tiBl, Ooto..r " 1"4, ...tln..C. . . 1. ti.4th tD.'R" allou14... polnt., J' t..t. Ootr. 1111. 0' . 41 tOh, 44 t..,. . 2. 1)1 toh.. '8hall 11. ..'''D11a1:l.t ka...lq . JI1n1_ C.)"hll.l.. ahould.r })Gll1' _aCa ot o...1'..t all4 .. top wf4th ot1'l.... t..,. J. Dltoh.. Oil "."..,. k11;la 01"....47' e s.11 tll.t ar..1tj.., t. .resloD, shall 11. .'altl1i-..ct Q- s044111& ell" &8]lhal"lD1 .. ape.l ti.t ~ "h.-.ai.1.Jd.1 "" . . (g) 11' .1118S .1' ... 1lneul t8:11)1. 'a.. are ..oo....r.....rlq gracJ.1 R& opera tl... .UGll .r.~ _al1 ...0......".I.D4 It..k. tl11." 'to a".,'ta. ..,ulr." "" 'll. :real 8'8.;pe1'1.,..4..'. . at.rlal u..4 In ltaeJtt1111q akall i. a...pta'll. "o''t1l. ..a4 SU]>er1.... '..d..t .. ottloer appo1.'" tor th. ,.~.. ot "'01"01" 'h. pro...1al<<ua. or th1. BJ'~1.... It ln tll..plJd... ot the Roal Supe1tl.ten4..', . ..'i."o'ol'7' .olutl.. ....., D. aohl.....1 D,. .D....atl.. ani la.okn.lllnfh tll.. h. mq' r..flur. the 1..tall.tlo..' aull-Cr&1... - (ll) It w:.".r -.1.., ....v., or .tll.r- ivi." 1lUJl101pal ..m....u. ". ,. pronl., tJilq aJl&11110 ....truot... toU..iq ._pl.tl.. .t :relISh &ral1q or ,.t..... rouP p'.~". ('1) Atter oOllpl.tlo. ot .1l1l...lt..., ahaplDg ana 41'.hl118, all oulT.r'.,laolu41q ..,1".... oul....r'., Ball .e ln8tall.1 . t.gr..... ..'abl1sh." o. .t:r..'t :pr.ttl.... . (.U hl10wlq the 1.."aUatlo. oth):""'.,. (1) )t., ru. s:ra....l'.hall ,. 1'1...<< ,. a...,.."." a...o:ras. 4.,tl1 0:: nil. (,) 1.oh..' ... .' .1..tA ot thlr"1'-81% CJ") t..". - '!h1. :r.pr....'. approz1-.t.ly ",000 ou. ,.4s. p.r 1111.. P1" nil gr.....l ah&11 ,. 01' a ,uallty a...pta1l1.'. tll. ro.l .up.r1."......, *C aall ha.... all..... laraer tllan 4- 1. It....".r r_........ J'1" :ru.'pa....l _all la. aDa.. :La bo lq.... 01 nail 1t. -1.....n... and ...pao"..' t.llowlq...JillaF.... ... :tlaal crail.. .t n. :pi t rlDl l:raT.l .... .hall. ..'tab11*.-..l... .ro_ beIl..."ro 11.. t. UGu14...pol." .t .. at 'a MX1au.1l .:ron .t ". . .' .. - (lI:.) :hU..l.. "Ile ...,lag .t 'a. sra.el ,... all .'l'l1:oa- 'tl.. .1'. J/4..n..... p.....1 a1tall i. ...... '1')l.--ur1al .~l ,.....pt.il. ,.~. roa" __,.rl.".."..' ... shall',. a1'pl1.a to a ".pth .t }-. Thi. ~~pr....t..,...zt.a'.l1' 1,401 .u. 1'1... ,.:r 1111.. - '. '~(1) :roll..lng t~. appllo..tlo:a .r J/4-.nu.1 ara....l, t:ll.. ..r1'... Gall It. araC." ..I a h." lqlq-a,pll..'lo. .t( .&1... .1_ .hlorl". shall la. ""..at ~ll. :rat...t .1K C') to. ,. .ti.. . 1.) x..,.o.lo. .. !ho .oa4 Sup.rla"..'.." ahali.. .0'11'1.1 la,. th. ..'41....1s10. ....r, at t~ toll..1118t .t....,.t oo.."no- '1... 1. C.patlo. ot roqll po..l... I. Qpl10a'tl..: .ot 1'1' nD. 11'.....1. }. C..pl.'10.ot p'..,.Uq' op..tlo.. 04 .)pl.l....'lo. .t Calo1..Chle:rll.. Shoall tho ...a "p.:rl.~.al..' ti..oT.r that BJ:' .e.rk :11... .., ,... .arrl.4 ..." 1. a...ra.... wlth "h. pr.- vi.l... .t 'thl. By-l.w, 11. akall r.qu:L-:r.'ll. ..... te. ..rr..' 'tll. 'et..t.. (Darl...pla.....'.t graT.l tho roal a.,.rl.'..4.., Mall pro...llo u'lnape.'.r .h... lu'tt 1" a1tal'l _. ,. lanre that 'tJil. pl"Oper quan'tl'y ... taa11'J' .t aa'.rial. 1. pl.... o. tb 1'0.4, n....'.t 1.a)""10.*&11'. pa14 ,~ "h. .....1...1.10. .....r.) ',' - 4. ClLUIlft ... . ~"'ifCU1Y.rt. - .&11 roal.&7 ou....r'. ahall ,. of . .orrtl&a"." at.. 'D.. e n. 11...,.1', 'lll.n... ot "'al, le..'Jl ..... __'1' ot 1..'al11'D&.c ellall ,. .:J:J:r.'Y.c..,{,la.....<<S.P.:r1.- ,......". ..roat O.lT""'.. _al.l 11..... .41.. er 1.... "Jddl 1J., .1",,11. .."'. .01"11&1 .:r...l118 1... Ill.. tor'7-tol1r t..", a l...tk ., . .oraal 1.'.r...'10n 1... jkaa 1'lttJ' (JO)t.., ... . tl.l.",_ le.. 'll.., 1'. ....... ft.. tor...1.. proTl.lo.. 'Co a.' appl,,".r. a :relatu.... ....r.'. :.vuo'ur. 1a r..11".1. '.(It) J>>:rl.iiIZ CulT...... "1......,. .1I1....r", .Ilall .. ot . ..rne.'''''.' 'ne.. a1;,y...,..u1....r'l. .h.ll ,. a.' 1... ,.. 20 t.." 1* 1_'. ...rll..,.....lUl.'.r 1... 'lAaa 1,-. C.) It t."lIr. .......1.._.., 01'a4ja....' laa" woulC r...lr. 'ha' . t.... ea" .'1"..' 'e i...rIGr.'." 1. the :p1.. ot .u~...1.1.. '11.. "Il. .oal Sup.rl."......,.,. r.ctlllr. 'hat .:ne.I." .'..1 4rlv..ay olll....r'. ,. la'''al1.4 .~r tile ... .t tk. ."r..t t. t..l11t.,. 'ur.ina .t ro...,u1>>...t. .5. MtJ1IIOIPAL SlD'fIDl - ft. 1...'10D ot mwal.1pal .erT:L... al1all . '-~-?-"""/.,,:<" ';:-':'" ,~~:",-7~- ~-- ~ :'''''r~''':!1" , - ...'..., 0.u.l1 ".'1.., .'o'.~.r " 1."4, ooa'lD:..I, l (( l lJ. .. 1.ti..1eC ell 'Il. ,10 .r t7Ploal or... ...'10.. ,. ~. .DeI" aIlalJ,I....' _tit tll. CO!'p8r.tl.a 1",801.'80 .per 1111. ., ."-11Tl810. Ar..'. nl.._ ,. i. ...4la,. t.. Cor- ))Ol'ati.. .,"., ,"1.. 1011..1.. ..lipl.'lo. ot ....'ruotlo. 1".Or . 4u.t lQ'lq ..I./.or. &lat... ....0114.tloD. n. .:aol.. 0'1 ..tvlal "- lJ. ...4:t.,,'tltt. e atero...tlo.." . pU!'Jo.o *-.11 ,. lot' ,. the 41.or.tl.. 'of 0....11. : 7. &11 ro.... 1f1'Jda tllo pnJO..CauDdlTla1oa _all io.o..'ruo- M41. ........... .1'11. .\11. apeoltloatlo:a.."tll.04 herel. 01 ud.u'Ja.,.Uow1DI ..ll.<<ule,. . (J,.}(fJl.....r .hall .._..08 re&eI eon.truo'l.. O. UJ' . . ftl'!..'lactJl.e ..1tI1'9'1.10I1,r10... to _k1DS ."ll..t10n tor a .. . 1>>1&1.111.,:..., to 'b. 1.811.'" I.. the oo..'ruo'lo. .t UJ' illl1..2..... .tltat par'loular .tr..t.. ni. ro.4 .oD8truo'1.. .1la1.1.:"::\j;,,...,l.U'1 t. '11. ..tas..h.r. th. ..apa..t. ap)lloa'lo. ., :ti t...........l llaa. la... _COt ana In.p.o'.a~ '.tor. a It.l1d1J1& "1"Id.' .all.. 1..11.1 0. tha' .tr..t. En ..oh ea.. ot &pplloa'I.. ,..,,:.....1111.. pratt aD. o.tr.... ouLvort IIU.' la. .1.8'':1104 ,. tlk... .'S;""1.. .t 'h....al S.:per1nt.nt..' lao1'or. ..0lL p01"lll1t ..11 1M.:......4. (t) '". "..1' .hall prov14. '0 'h. 00r)Orat10. ...h, 'oal .otJlUi:....it7 ao..:.'a.l.. to n. OO1")oratlo. .qu.l 111 Tal.. ........u.P,]te1" t.a' tor .aoh too" ot.lIlt41T1-.10" roa4 to ... ....,1'11.,.<<. ft.1.a ]utf...' .hall i. -.4. prlor t. 00_...- .... fiI 1'." ..n.'ru.tlo. ..I *all .. tort.l'.4 ". the Corper- 'au.. at t1I.o eat .1' & ,.. :F.ar p.rle4 it the r.a4 or' roa4. ar. Bot ...l.t..,. oapl,. .1'1l ,:ae .t.r.. ot 'hl. By-l.. "7 tka' U... .'. . l t,l .....e .hall .'ak. ne .'r.." 11...an4 th.,. aJ1all r~.'_k.1 4llrlq' til. ....'n.'lon pert.t .. a., tll." r..'.__olo ..t allU.. ,. tll. op.rator. ot ..hlller7. a."f;aaag.. -..&lJ. work"..'t"vet_ thl. By-l.. .kall la. _b- j..t~: e .appeTu.' '11. C...ol1 ot the Corporat10n .t n. ..aaht) .t Clarke 0.1 ft'..part.eD' ot lil1p..ay..t Oatar10. Wk. ....4 ..J.~l.'.ad..." i. ..r..y appolnt.<< '1' 'h&'00..011 .1.1'>_.. prp...., at.niDl '110 .'OJ'llS ot ')11. "'-Law. . ~.'...1Atl - A. B1-La. t.r ,.nit 1;1:18 aa rnlca1ilq n. . , als.. aal _ct. ot oonatrllo'l.. ot .klT.r'. · l al ,."... ... . JllghWr;. . ".:r... ,11.. OOrJeratlo. ot tll. -r..nah p ot Clark. I.... i* ..,.u.., te I'...lat. 'A. ..'orl..1. u..a. ...... ot ....'n.- .1.., &aa ,.,...t ot ..."or 'h. o...truotloa.f prlTa'. ...ri......'.r: ....tr.... .81....r'.1 e at .01'''. tla. a.'hor! ,,. tor the work. h.r.1a are to ... lUlct.r- \a_. utor"tllia '.r.. ot ft. lIt1al01pal .lot, B.8.0. 1".', ,...,t"r 14'. 8.".,. 8.8.1'(.), u4 a...t...t. thu.".; !l.e....l1 ot !h. Corporat1on ot tho T....hlp ot Clark.: ....,. .. 'ell.... 1:~ ..IJ.1 ,per.... r.,uirlq an .ntranoo oul ....rt t .e.. pra:p.r", ,...,._ ...". .. 07 r...1 u4.r the j.rla41.'1..ot fto . ~"'.h1J .tOlark., &hall .ak. appl10atlon ta th. Boal Su,erln- ".ll'''' tor' ft. 7..J1ah1p .t Olarko' tor the II1Ippl,. a4 In.talla- tie. ." ..b'aao. oulTer'.. t e 2. '1)0. :r...l '9'1118 u.t applloatleD the !loa" Superlat..ct.., ah.ll a.'.ral.. "h. tn. u.ct 41...ter et OU1T.l't that ...,. bo u...... }. W. p.r... Ball 1..ta],,1 or &1.1.. to ..1..1..1101 aQ'.oul T.rt ... . :r.al la th. 70n.hlJ .t Clark. wltAout I1&T1....... ..pplioa- tlon lUld.1' '111. :17-1.. 04 having a.oureel tlte .pJroTal ot 'Il. Boa" Sup.r1..'..4..'. . . 4. .. oulT.r'.'la.r 'thu tllatapJ!'oTe. lay th."~1 Superlll'.n- I..'l a.ll'b. ..... .i t111. tll. T.1mulp amt aot .. a8 '0 r..ule' tll. .&".:pall-,,, ot ~.,..:p,tI.i.. illt tor purp.....r olarl:l.atl.. t tll. "'.11'....'... allall la. i.'.rpr.te4. ,. pr..11l4. tll.. .... 01 ..11.1' pl,.., ..t_ _la, _04 plailk, o...r.t. .l.ok or 07 . ...a'l.ta.'.ry _t.rlal. e . e e J. 'b. "'al_ .1.. or OUTer 1Ih..t uy i. lnatal1.' .lI.al1. ..120 t...:'1.'1...\11 )y.1J i..h..lll 41 a..ter. ,. n...... ..IT.:r' 1. ......:.t ~O:t..'l ln ,l.II&'h 1. ...qu...'" t1le aUll_"'" a1lall 'b. ......lr.ct to p.y the ..tlr. ...t ot'... .'no'l... ....,. ea'ollla..t.. a. "1' .. .0...807 III the. .pln1.. .t th. .... ''''1'1.'..4..' t. t..0111tat. sarta.. aralnaa. tro. the roal..,.. . , , - ~Dnt.., Couao11 ...t1ng, October " 1964, oontl...4: . C, C c- , . ner. a peraOll a..a 1..t..ll.. or allow.<< to ,. 11l.tall.. all" .ul T.rt otller "llan "llat ..pproT.<< "'''1'1. 110.... Super1....- a.,t theD ..a..t "per... &hall 'De ..tlt1e4, ot the ...41 t10B ' od. r,qu..t..". re.T. tJa. 81I1."'8rt. Shoul4 'he r..oT..1 ot uy u..a'lat,oto*,. 4a..ly.;rt.....n.~ e..pl".<< wtt1l1.,JG day. or ree.1Tl...,'lt1,,'10Jl tllell'tlle lto..4Suponatona.., ma,. 41reot .. Ro... Implo1'o. to remOT. the .ulTer' ..<< th.. peraoll ah..ll par _. hIl o..t or _oil r_.&l, ' 8. fter. a e.1Tert h.. ..... 1..tall,1 1. .oo.r4anc. wl "ll the proT1aloD.. ot "hl. lt1'Tlaw th... till. '....hlpot. Olark. .hall a..u.. all tutur. ..lnt.naao. or auoll .ulTert. ,. .....,"~..Jl"q'trl.., u. ..."ru.c...1T,r' .ll.ll pal' t. , ....'....h.11 ot Glar)c. 'lh, o.at ot ihe hlT.rt tOlether wl tll 0.. 1..tall<<t10Jl .Ilara'. .. :tOl1qw,. c C l' or 18 1.<<)h 41...,., eUlT.:r'. ...t. ......1q 20 t..' 1. 1.nltll tOI.ther .1th Dot more than J truok 10a4. ot &r.T.l tor eaoh oulv.rt - .'0.0' AB7 oulT.rt roqulre. that 1s over 18 1nohes in "'..:.'.r..all D. oharl.. 1. aI41tl.~..ttlle o.qarat1.veo..t ot .. 18- noet.r 01l.1:""-:rt "at .'0.00 in.tall.l. ....,. ouv.rt r.qulr.d tllat ls OTer 20 t..t in l...th .hall 'e .harael 1. a441tlon .B the .o~aratlv. oo.t .ttlle 10 t..t ot 1I1Bl.u. l.q"jl. c Aar oulvert r.qu1rlas t111 1. .x.... ot J truok 10a4. .llall bo oharse4 tor the oo.t ot the a&11 ..tr. tl11. ~ Wh.. a oulTert .t larl.r .1.. t!lD f8.1a._ 41...ter 1. r.qulr.ltll. pe~.o. r.qtd.rlq noll. lar.er oul Tert Qall 'b. ohar.., tor the tl.. requlr04 t. ID..tall n.h OU1T.J't. ooat-ot the o.lT.rt, to..th.r wlth ..t.rlal..u.... 10. Wh.r. an .atr.... oulT.r' la, or app.ara ,to .., r.quir.! 'h. Bal141ng Iaap..t.r'.t )h, Ifhllah1:p of Olark..hall not 1.aue a a\l11dlng penl' t. u. .)Jll.ant util. ll. ha. r...1v.. a oopY' o:t the ktrQ... CulTer, I.pplioat1oA ..I lork Ora.r 4ul1' oempl.tod.. 11. .Axy person who ...tr.y.... anT prov1alon ot, th1a By-La. ahall upon eoav10tion i. 11ab1. t. a )..alt,..., .zo..11.. 1100..0 r.oovor..ol. lIB..r ft, Su_ary OOD.Tl.tl.n.l.o'. By-La... 14'J - ...tr1.'1.. Park1.. ~. i.ua011 ot th. eorporatlon ot th. ...101,a11t,. or Clark. .n..ota a. toll.... . . . ! .. " , l.tlB1t1on.a hr 'h. pup... ot this 81'-la..- h.rk ..... ..h. .,\u41.. ot a T.ll101., 'wh.th.r o....pi.d.,.r..', ....11..1".1.. thu t..porarl11' tor the purpos. .t ana 'whil. aotually eDS"." 111 10a41al or unloa41111. ~ 8tr.., ,or l!~~.Q' 1..1114.,. 8. oe.o.or ,).D.ll. 11llhwQ"', atre.'. aT.~..,JU ee 81', 4rlT"", ...ar., pla..,'1"1IS8, Tl8':tuot 01' tr..tl., 4..1ga.4 ..4. 1nt..d.1 tor, or ...4 ,,., the ...eral )\1i110 tor the pa..ag. 0' T.hlo1e...', ; T.lli.l. ..U8 eTory ".Tl.. 1a, ll)Oll or ...,. .1l10h &1\" p.raon or ,r.,ertJ' 1. or UY' .... tru.porte" or 4raWJl upen a hl.h..,.. .zo.pt ct.T10.. ao"." '" h.- po..r. Stu.4 ..... to remalnatat1on&r,. .xo.," wh.~ lJlo~.l1e... to a poll.. ott10er.. 81..8.1 or .illl, ani -.tucliilga ahall JlaT. a oorr..ponI1Jl8 ..an1D1. ~AlKIIG Bl8!IIeTION. - From.., l.t t. Ooto'.. Jl.tl..1u.1.. eao. ,..ar parkiDg ahal1 _. r.atri.t... .h.. Jrop.rl,. .orl.t .1... hav. _.en .reot.a ...t'ar. oa 41.,lay, no p.r.on 8hall parker leaT. a Tehl.1. atu41111 OJl the hls11wa,.. or parts or hlp.ara h.r.inatt.r ..t out 1. Celuma 1 betw..n the p.rlol. of tl.. ..t out 1n eola.. 2.- C.IUD. 1 (a) n.roa4 _ounaet il' Lot.J! ant JJ, Oo.....1on. IX u.4 X. . Clt) 'fll. roal rurm1.. e..t ..... ...t Oll th. north 11~t ot Lets 3J, 34 ant 3J, eon....10n IX, an4 on the .outh 11mit ot Lots '3, 34, and JJ In 00110...10n X. Oolu.. I From 6.00 a.m. to 1 ,... 0. Satur"a,.. ..t PI..U. 1l0114aya. 8 - ~.ut.., Oeuaol1 ...tina, O~tober " 19'4, ...t1n~.4c .w. . ftDLft - U7 ,.r... T1,l~tlJ1& "1' ot the proTisl...' 8t tlal. 'T-la. slllall ,. .'f..' to .. ,...1"" 6t not .er. the If.. Dollars (t18.0e) tor , tla. tl...t.ttn.~. 0" Bot '..re 'tho. :rif'ty Dollars (.'0.80 ) tor '''.17 ......."ll..'. .tt....,.z.~u.;.1v., of' oosta" an4 all .u.oll ,..al- ,t...al1:<~ r.oo",.raBl. 11.4.1' the Ontarlo Suaaary 08D.Tl.\10.. ....t. . . ' !'llt~'''''''~!1lle11 not '..o.e ette.tlT' UJltl1 appro",." DT the D.....~.'\).t tru.,.r'. .,.......>...:1)84 ls hor"T r.p.al.l. j;....,. .. . M.. .....e *...e.'..ee....... ...e,....lM:.."'...',.Le......P.rrault, .........1 bTH.A.IYe..U..S . . ....e,.. ... ... ...1;1:' ..1""y.ljeu. ,. ...t e.gal. 1. r.plar ...tl.. ... ._~..JlJ, 1"4, at 11 ..... 1. the OOWloll Clla.'.r at Oron... .....i.. a",II.. <all ot 'h...."'.. - Oarrlel. . ,e 7!t.,;('......~ e ~, .1 f. - / v.&. ..... .. . . ~9,J~.e' ...",.. 1!!ICI.lL DftI10 OJ' '!HI ,GOOn. er DI IfGDEIP II' OU1tq Oot.'.r 28, 1"4 at 10 ..~ Cou.oll OhaRber. Grone. . Pr...a t: , ...",. H.:I.W.ae,. D.pu. '" Ie.",.' Z. W. Ste n. Oounol11or ..a.Chater .....111.r.B...I..F..'.r Co..ol11er L.A~Perreult t fJl4trk .11.....11.0. loal a.p.rlntent.., ..L.Re.a ....1".. 81.. , Bugh.. ot Nt'.n 81.. A..eetat.. Lll1i t.4. .. e lpeo1al..."1q ot Gonetl w~. oal1e4 laJ'. B.e",. Walk.,. Wh. r.al .." a le.'.r r..el",.a tro. Th. D.p~t...t ot ~1- 01pa1 Utalr., 4ate4 Ooto.or 14, 1"4, wlth. relal"4,0 1I11J11- 01pa1 Work. uslatanoe Presra. .".tlng a tVt1Le;r::..uo.atlflJn ota.at.tu...aa a",al1abl. to 'ho Town.h1)1..ctt Otl;.arke a_untlJJ.1 to .'2, '2'.10. .ut.r "hor.ugh 41.011S81GJJ.e..:th..'....,.... 1" was f'1aall,. 40014.1-}),. eouol1 that~turth.r~:1ao..1ara.tt_ d t *1m' pro,ram at t111s "1..'... not a4Tlsabl.. ft. Clerk: ..s. e 'hor.t.j. 1..trqot... ,. ..'117 "h. pa%'t1.clpat1D1 _nlolpa11tl.. "'h. hrhaa 0..'1' .Bl.trlot Hlgh Sohool tOS'''h.r wl tll th. t :hll.. ,TilleS. or Or.n. t. ....r"aln "helr u.e, lt 07,. ot the ..14'a1100a 'U.n. 'fll. .ale1 tl."'er was then o~d.r.4 tllel. "etlns i4journ.4. ;;'~e ~1'-1I1~ J Ole. ~ JV~~ Be.n.: 'e ..e ~ . . .