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. t 5 - Minutes Special Council Meeting, A\lgust 17, 19b4: .. . . ,. . " . t .. dispense with a vote.of tpe $leotors, purquant to sections 6) and 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Aot, with regard to the incurring of the debt under By-L{iVilJO. 1457 of the said Oor- pora tion. - Carried..e By-Law No. 1457,. being a-by-law to authorize cpnstruction, r.ec~ns~ruc ti oJ:!"" e:xt~J)sion. or .~m:p;royerne~tof certa(in ca:p~ t?l works 1n the ffitL'1(icipa11.ty. was read a f1r~t -and second, tj.me only. 'Meeting adjourned. . ~. ' e .. .. .. .~,~- / Clerk. e ~'~~e Reeve. e . . . . . , , , _U1.U "!lID e'!, TO COUOIL O:r 'fill .,OWlllS!ttp OJ' C~ e ....I't...lI.r 1. 1"4 a,t 10 .... . . a_ol1 ft..'.r. Or.... , Pr...:t I ::.a..T. B. :I. Walke, ..JUi7~ae.~. J.~ato.~ Ooun01l10r I.A.:roater O.un01llor'B.G.Cha'.r ColUl011lor L.A.P.rr&\t1i Clerk B.E.1l11... . . 1.'.'7-B.eYe J.W.S't... oa11e4 ihe ..et1ag to or"~. .It .a. ..Ted '7/ L.A. Perr.ult, ..0e.I." ~...,. ..'.';O)1a"..r that the ..1I.'t.. ot the last resular ..."1)l1.toget)1.r .i 'ho.. .,.o~~'.,:.e.t~D.I, 1I.u.4 .1'. -..re'7 QJreye' -..,.ea-,. 0.ur1.a. .. .e.. :. .,4.,r..o1u"1o:a .a8 pa..... iy Qeu:ao11 a.tA.J1"~1~aD7 u~"'V..t.tP".OJl.u .pportlla!, '7 at thl. t1...to '.,,... the ,ropo..4 '7-1a. io 010.. or .io...pa a.r.'a1. ~a4allo...o. t. ih..,.,..)11pot Clark.... . .. . '. , . . . :De:p_il' B'.T. St... ..e:e 1'.. ,4e .." 0\1-' . the .t.l. 1...(.1..... .e....~~i.. ,.'le..t tlt..]trepo..4roa. .01..1MP" aalt.4 t.r ..,...4.;1.;1. .'3,oi1... '0 .. ..... "0 OOllnoil 1...41at.17 at'.r.. i)l.~~a~l", .~.Boa4. All...llJlo.'.tw... LO,t. JI ,... .J) cia .tIl. . .a..oa" 00.....1... .t ~Jl. !'_&hip or Clar".,. .' t Coa.t7 or Durh~. .~o."1..s-J1r.t17, .h. ...th.r- 17 l'tll te.t ot the ea14 loa4 Al1....o.. .e..111".4. .orth.r17. tro. the a.1"1l.r17 11mt.01 t-.. 014 . n..stoa Boad., ..... ..001ld17, ta.tpor-,lful ot th. .aid. Boal Allo.o.. 17ina .e,..,..'a. ,01_ Uq.tOB loa4 U4Xiq'. lI1,h.8.7 ... 2". !k.r. be1.. BO 083..t1.. ieta. prop..." olo.iBl. this '-81.... .a. r.t.rr.d '0 ...sid.ra't1.. .....1 i7-1a..~ le'T.g.B.Walk., a.....4 the ohalr at lO~J'.a... . I.G.Chater mOTed. ..o..t... .7 L.A.Perrault. that ~.1.8at1o.. '... ..ar"'7' Couoil. - ~arr~e<<., . 1Ir. :I.A.L.aman,. lea Cat.her tor the Pe~i~. T111ag. ot 91"OJlo. 4.1.0lll'''' "0.' oontrol 1..:' "h. .!'o.n.h1p wj.th. C~.l:1. . . ..a.r8. O.A..._..I..,..'or ot. hlt110 . Seh.ol.. J,b Oha,_, r.pr...nt1.. S.ho.l a..t10. Bo. 14. ...., CJll'art.... lIora.. B..t'e or Sollool S..'1...... 12, ..1" r..ely.. lrT "".011 ,. 41.0ll.. r.qu..t. tro. S.llool ,..t10u Jo. 'I, ... 11 ...~ Ie.e. 14. allot i.ll.: '.'. .... ..1.'. .e....t.~.C.+.....a.rk. .f.e .... T. ... We. aJie .. 7e. r.,..ct. 01le .i the .r1 tl.D. requ__". tr..~.: .ai., ......1 ..."10Jl. .)l1oll "1'.. . ill.. r.t.r!'." to ..rr..p.$......... .. r.pr,s.at.tio. .. pr..." tor S,.ool S..tio. Bo. 1.' . e . e ft.. 4i...aa1.ll1.').1._......r~17;~ ihat .0. ..'1.. ,o~14 ,. tak.. lr7 00\1n01l to a110./a ....O~ .,.tio.. t. 1J1 t:tulra. tr.... .....1I...1...r.. .t.la......)...t.~:,......... lu\1&rf' l~l"J j.a, a'..J'4...... .1t_etll. e hill...e.)t.,.J.;, U. .... ..Q9......t. tJulr.to. O.:_.iO.'.,.....'.!f~~:1;!;....d.. .iJ.e.e... _if._ alta i.r. C.u'11 r.o.8,..t.~ lU~lCjlt,&.....t'12~,;._a:J.I'~...t ....~.D. at.1.30 ...~ - Oarri.a. ' c.. " 2 _ ~..'... 0....11 ".'lBS Sep,..'.r 1. 1".. .ontlnu.4s : t t I' Waa ..... '1 1...8io.e. ...oa4.<< '7 ....Oka'.r 'nat H.E..alk.7. I...&.. Perr.U , &ad. tile Ol.rt~. ....4 are h.r"7 ap:pel.'.<< .. a ....s. t- i.. .in.,.... ,. .<<~.r'lli. t.r "..cler. tor the ,oll.tru.'l.. ot a,:prox- 1.,t.17401 t.., .taapllal' 1. 'h. Baml., .t ...'el1.1110. -Oarrl.ct. e...ral "'..OQ". TOll.h.r. ... , tel' 8.,'.....1' 1"~ ulll..a t V.oh.J' .e. . terA."ll.' 19&4" ..r. appr..ect ter- parm..' en ..tl.a 'byZ....,.... ...0...... .,. I.A.J'..'er. - ear:rlecl~ . . . e '.....r..,.r DlO'Y.4.....D4.a b,. R.G.Cllae'.r, 'lila' tll. ..a4 ..4 Brll1. 0-..1".' anet ..a4 Sup.rinte.d.n' b. and are h.r"7 ......1'.. ,. ".al wlth 1Ir. .... P. Irwin in r.8}"o. '0 '1'0,...4 rea4 ....- 'rat'l.. 1.a .."4iTisi.. i. 1..' 29. .on. 4. - Carrl.4. 1.4.r..'.r mo..d, .....4.4 -7 B.G.Chat.r, 'hat 'the l.a4 .... .1'4....0.....".. and.Boa4 Sllp.rlntenient :pr.par. a .4rat' ,,.-la. ,. ...'~ol ....truotion .~ .tre.ta .ithin a au.41Tiai.n eat pr....,>,. Ocruol1 tor 00.a14.ratio.. - Carrle4. .1.W.St... ....d. 8800IUI... by L.A.Perrau1t, that the B.atd. Brl.....m.lt,.. ant 18&4 Sup.rlnt.ni..t dratt . '7-1a. t. .eT.ra 'll. ....Vu.'l.. ot prl..'..atrano.. en aunloipa1 rea4. ant ,n..' t. Coun.l1. e L...P.rra~l~ ....d. .....4.4 87 R.A.J'ost.r, that th. Chalr- ... ,t 'h. BOa4 an4 Br14se oo-.1tte., the Chairman ot the r1a.ae. ....fi.,.'y C.1IDl1 tt.., th. Be..e a.' Roa4 Sll:p.ri.t..4..t .. 0" are k.~'__ ..'0.'1'.4 ,. oh...e a .alte &ad ...ure . 'e.'atiT. ..at of .. ........17 1'1'0)81"" tel' e 'h. pro,os.toOll.trtt.tio. ot a 'len.hl) Gar... ant. tartil.r, to 1lll'9'..tll.". ad'briq 1. >>roJ...t p1a.. tor the .a14 _1l1141na, a~l tor 'he .0.a14eratlo. .f C,,,,011. - Oarrl.... . , ",,011 1'..1..... the .,t10.. in ~..,.o' t. the 0.nteanla1 Pr.~.o' ..4 r.terr." th.. to the Ce.t.uia.1 ......... t Coal"... ~. f.llo.iag ..rr..,on4e... and report. ..1" r.a4 out to ICN.ol-1s . . " 1. ~. E.7.B.Oa.or.. r. ,rop..e4 reat ol.aiD& b.tw... lota '1.0. JI. 'Oem. 2, .a "'a1.... 'brough-i .tor.ar4troa 'h. 1as" rtplar ...'1q. - :r1.1.a. .' · .'.. Mr1I. A. S. Ball...ll. Seor.tar,.-Tre.nr.r, SelleG1S..- tlon...', 01ark"'~'llu.a'1Jl& aounoil to take aO'lo."o with- baw,tll. sail a.heol a.ot10a trom the ... ar.. ,. "eoo...t:r..- 'IT.lanu&r7 1,1"'. - 111.4. e e. e l...a. Dorl. P. WU.D. S.or.t...r,.-Tro.aurer, Sohoo1 Seo- t1.. .~.14,alark...r.....atl.. Couaoil to take aotlon te wl 'h- b"a.....'th. 8a14 S.hGalS..tlo. tr.m the ...ar.a to ....... .tr..- tl.. lu:aaryl, 1"'.... J'1104. . 4.1Ir. ltorao,I.B..'. S.or.tary Tr...ur.r. Soh001 S..tlon .e. 11, Clark., ",u..'l.. Gouol1 to take ao'lo. 'e .1 'lulra. the .ett "~"1 Seotienttro. the: ... ar.a to b.oo....tt..tlT. la..ary 1. 1"'.";}'11'84. .. ,.le1;101to;l" :i.B.Lo,.ekln re r.qu..t otDr.J. Boa.h t. oloa. the 1'0. ..11....1). b.t.... ie' a , and, 7 tro. ..n....lo. 1 to m..., 411. - .ftl.4. ,. V.lt... C_.Ko.. or .orthu1aber1a,Jlt an4 Durh.. r. by-1a. to ....alt.. "lle .......n' .t the .ariGlla IIllUllo1pa11tl.. tor tll. 7.ar l"'~' -J'11.4. , ... 1Ir.' I. 1..0a11iIh0 re appreva1 ot lllUliol)la1 br14&. pl.... - Itl.4. ~ . . ~ . . I. .'.:r1al ...,1'a1. ....uvi11., 1'0'1"1...' ..'10. tor 1Ir. .Ta... Ba2"h.a.- a.t.rre. t. the C1.rk.' ... ,. Sel..'t.r E. R. Le..lei. 1'0 1."'.1" ot 01arlt10.'1.. ,. ....r.. a_rlk.. 8'rl1e. .elle.hiIlS 'he( Hane,.. ;aok... ....1'1.1 Park. - Yl1.t. ~ . t It. hpar'...~ e ot La1l4. eel 70re.'. r. it..tlfl'o.tlo. .t h....r. 1. "ll. tt'.14.. -"Dl.4. e 11. 1Ir. O. c.. .1...,\;"1..,0' tor .. ot Pabl1. Soll..ls C ~ '11'8' e 1.".1'It . 1'9 C1.-. ft1fJl.~t at u10. ..1 'h Ca.o 1"'" a. ". ....t. ... 11..1I1,1..ortll. prop..04 ..1ar.... !'....a1:p Sohool .&.r... - J'11..... . . . 12. ,...'..1 Lake 0.'ar10 C.n..rvatl.. AlI'herit,. re tllll.P1.. ot :tl1~ r.pl. tl..... -1'11.4.. ..... .' 1).. 101101'.1' E. B.. Lo.ekl. r. 0'p71t.t'.r '.. Clark. I."~ :Bou' - Jtr....,.'.rlaa C:~uell O...t.ry .t....t..nll.. - ft1.1'. 14. Cl.rk'. 1.'t.r ,.. ",..r'...t.r !'re.per' .t O.tario r. .,...la. ....118... r..,plotl81 parklng -K..:pert. - 'fab1.4. . " . t J - II..'.., C....l1 .0.'lag S.p'....r 1, 196~, 0..'la..4: . t . 1,. 1Ir. 7. B. 1111'.1.,., Di.'rl.' _1...1", 'D.p.r...' ot 1l1p- WQ'. :r. pr.)>>0..4 alt...a al... H1e... .0. 2 1. th.. Kalil., .t ..."01'1...111.. - B7' 1"..01,."1... . 1'. "par.....' .f :"-110 ..ltaro. r.By'-la.. .0. 1JZ4 - Co..111.... iy )7-1.... . , l'.~CI.o. L. !.,,,.., "'...1.'.4,' Ltd... 1"0 IIullol:pal ..rk. A..l.'...o !roar". - 111.4. . e 18. "'arl. Jlul01pal leart r.t .p:pro...al ot' O..'.JlJl1al proJ..'. - 71104. 1'. 1Ir. Ile.ort Hl.k. 1''' .u.... C.."rao'. - ..t.rr" "0 'll. t Olork '0 r.p17. '. 10. Cl.rk'. Bopor' r. Oortoratlo. ot tk. Tl11aa. ot ....a.'l. ..4 Lot 1', 00.. 1, Olark.. - 71104. Il.S01101'.rB. B. Lo...ek1Jl 1". puro.a.. .: 1..4. tor r... .llo..a.o. purpo.... - 711.4. . 22. D.part.on' ot Hlp..,., ot 0:'1Iarlo r. Prop.rtY' Sal. . 'l'-02",I.- 1'1104. I'. Doparu.nt cd 1I1.p..q.otOntarlo r. Boa. Allo...o. _.n... L.'. J4 ~4 J, at Blp...,. 11' and J.5 .. )..In... _rQqk' tonut ft.. Aqu., 4,. 1"4. -7ail.4. 24. hpartlll.n' ot 1I1ah.... ot b.'arlo r. Pr0J8rt7 Sale ... 'l'-02,.50. ~.e ..t.rr.4 t. tll.Il.rll. ,2'. DvllUl Oou.'" .1.trlot HiP. S..o.l Bear" r.q...'t ,. &Jpl"O"'. a vooa'lou.l a441'10n '0 th. Our'l. Klp Sohool. ;. 'fail.... . ..;....'2'. '0. ot Pori Bo,.r. 1".,1'...."."10. .,. 'h. I..T. or D.p.,,.-I.....o ai . ..t1:1& '0 .. h.14 en S.p'..'.r 1.5. 1"4 ,. 41.ou.. tho rooont r.qu..' tor'll. ... "'''''loJlal .'41'1 on' t. 'llo Ouril. Rlp S.hool. -1'1l. Cl.rk ...l..'not... 'or.p17 a...rtiql,.. 2'1. B.par...t .t 1IU101,&1 Utalr. " Kul01pal W.rk. A..l.- 'aDO. h.ar.... - 1'11.4. ' 28.s01101i.r I. I. LQy.s1. r. BarY07 Ja.ka.. "..rlal Park. - no Ol.rk wa. 1..tru.t... '0 ..... . .0',. ot '11. .ai4 1.'''.1'' io R.A.7..tor - 7.a.-l.cI., ft. toll..lq I..oluilo.. ..r.pa....., ...1.'1=' .e. '11 .0. ...0" '" 1..A.hrrauli, ..OOJltele..e..........lt7.ee. . R.G.fta'.r, ....i.T.. .,' U7 1.tero.'." 'p.r.......lrlq i. u.k. 01.1..1". ,. .p,... ~. prope.." bY'-l.. 10 01... or .'.J-up a eitta1D r,... a11...00. 1n' ill. Town.hip .~Clarll:. '.lloart lap"'''. ...e. .!, proZ7 a i '1l11 .'1... - Oanlea. ,'" .., ....1:il0D Ro. ". ......a"'_.Cl.CJJla.,er, ..00a".4 'lty I.A.ro".rl ni:.. ..\Ulol1 h.r.'7 r.q...' p8J1l1..10D and '1I..1cly tro. ill. Dl.trlo' B..l.o.r, Bepara..t ot B1pwtQ'. .t Ont.r1.' at Per' RoJ., 't8 oon- .'h1ao' 'h. .t.l1....1.. .1....alk 1. 'h. rear 1"4 I '. . L...tlo. - 400 t.., 1n Lo' I, O......l.n 2, alo.. tho ..utll .1do ot H1gh.Q' ... 2, on. re:pa1r 1. :Let a, C..- o...lon 2, on the -.or'h 'It.~.t'Blp.q ... t. a.d two r.palr. 1. LOi " C..OO..10D 1, al... "ll. )lorth .1 t. ot Hlgh.Q' .0. 2, all 1 Jl ~h.. ....- let .t ....'oD...l11.. 'l'....h1, ot Olar... 'f7p. - A.plld' L...'ll- Approx1ma'.1,. 400 too' .1.'ll - J t.., ..il..,... 0.., 11.'0 '81" 11...1 to.'. ..thodot ,.rt.rung 'ho proJ..' - If.ndor 04 0..'1"....,. - C.rrl.l. I...llltlo. .0. ~11 IIOT04 i,. J.W.S'e.e, .eopni...,. ....1'0.'.1". ft. G.uol1 otJi. Ifown.hl, ot Olerk. hor.lay ,.'lil.. 'll.D~'- ..ll' otneh.&Y" ot Oniarlo t.r lJl'er1.~ pQ1l..' .. 8'&'u'.1"7 6ru' ncl.r the ngh..a,..l.pro.....o.' A.' tor .xpodl tue. mat.. tui.. 'h. ,..ar 1"4. - Oar~l.". e . n. tollow1q 17-1.... ...r.r.... a J'1r.'. a.ooDclu' !'hll"1 '1_ u4tl...11,.: pa...11 ~ 't : 11:-1.&. ... 1418, A. By-La. r..,.oilq 110.DOO. tor .ur.l118 110.... e !ho eo..tlo... 'h. e8rpora':I.~.J1 ot the !o..plp ot Oluk. .D.&,i. aa toll... I . 1. In t1l1a 11-1a. C a) -Boart - .,... ":no Lo.al "arcl ot Hee.! 'h e tor th. , ..,r'):uUI'orlaacl " Durh.. Heal ih hl', . . Ci) .JllU'.1D& h.... ..... ~,.;pr01l1... ill whleth p.r8e.. are .aretter.er 104.0" tor hlr. wh.ro, ~n .4'1'10. ,. .l.oplne ..0omacla'loD an! ..al.. per.onal oar., Jlur.lng .ervlo.., .odloal oar. an4 ir.a'unt are proT1d." or male a...al1ail., . 4 ":" ".1l'..,~ o.lIJl,.ll ".'1.. ..,".'e1' 1, 1"4, .0.:'1.11.4, ~ ( ( ee) ....1lpl.r. ..... tll. per80n whe op8rat.. a nU'.l.. ll.... ..to 1" tlll. l7~law, Ccr) a,p.I'''Jla~ OU.- ....... per.OI1al ..rTlo.. .\1.011 a.. 'Il. ,ro.,.18101l oto a14 t. r..14.nt. 1n w.lldq or 1. ~I.l..1D8 or 4eaoen41Bg atalr., ln gettins ln or .~ ot Del, 1. t..liis, 41'...1-., bathlng or ln other ..tters of per- .o.al hJs1....,a4 1.01u4.. the preparatioD. of .,.01a1 41e'., the pre...1al.a ot tra,. s.rvlce tR...als,. tla. .~,.r...ls10n ot m.410at10n ant other elm11ar typ.. .t "C.) '1::::::;':.:;:::-:.;81'.on who ls oared tor or iot... :' . "t.r.<lllr. 4.il a Jlllr.iq ho.e. . I.. ."er... .hall, wl 'hlD. the 11m1 t. of' tho TOWJlshlp .t 01"_.' .p.r...'.' .-.vatqllo.. ule.s or ..'tl1 hollas obtaine' a 11..0.0. 'll.rot.f.~. tho Clork et the !In..hlp ot Olark.. . . ( ;J;JI. "1.. ot 12.5 .10 shall 'bo ,alet D7 the oooup10r tor .tll. It.....ct...., to hl.. 4.Ba.h 1100.oe 811alllDe 18su.4 In re.p.ot of' a apeoltte" 1....'1.. .... the 110eaoo ahall not ie u.ed lD7 tho oooup1er tor a"" 1..at1.. .'laer tll:a. the one .p.oitied thereia. J.......h l:l.oe.oo .llall 'bo 18au04 1n ro.poot et a .p.01t1e4 .lIaMI"' ot p.r.ons aa4 the oocup10r shall. not '01'111 t a Jutllber .t ~""..,,!'.a'.r than tllat .peoltie4 ia the l1.e.oo~to ie cazoo" tor .J" l._..'t.r li1re at the 100at10.. ia re.p.ot ot wh1oh. tho J.io.... 1. 1'....., 6. )irQ,. ap:plioa.t tor a li.o.o. or ro.owal ot a 110eaoet. op.ra'.. &Ur81na ho.. .hall .ubmita wr1t'e. applloatlon in whioh 11.. 8.al1at.".4 ta) 'h. IU... 0.4'.441'... ot tho applleant; . 'Y... :~l l..at~o...o. t tho p~.m18.. tor whiohtho lioo... i. 8ellCll'_ , co) tll.' "__.1' ot ro..a ..... tor aleopiq aooG1IlID.o4at1e. 8J' 'he r..i40.t. ...4 the .umber of' ..4. iBoaoh; < . (I) the __i.o' JlllPlDer ot 1'..140.'.' whle. tho app110u' propo.os '0 aOGomme'at. at ome '1mo; Ce) tho .umior or iath-tu.. or sho.ers,.wa.h-ia.1ns ani. . tlush '0110'. a...a1lail. tor u.. iJ' 'h. r..14.nt.; (t). ..ll .'h.r i1!ltor.at1.. ..... the Boar4 ...,. r.qu1X'8. '.:la.h a'p11....t t.r a li.e... or renowal .t a 110e.oe allall i. aoo..,o1e' 'l,. ee 'ca) a~ .ort1ilea'. fit aD. .ttioer authorizea to i.spe.' , ln1114111&. u.cl.r ne F1re lIarahala "0' ..r'1tJ'1:q tllat .'h.preai... lIla...o ieo. 1..poot.a lt7 hi..... '11.1.' ._'.. ot th.late ot applioati.. sa4 that they are r.......lf .ate1'r.. f1re hazar", .... ( ee) a ..J'tit1.0at..t 'h. ..cl10al Ottioer.tJlealth ..rt1- tJilll 'hat the preus..have i... 1..peot.4'D7 111. or h1. repro.e.ta'1T. withla.thre. moilth..ttllo 4ate ot ~ the ..,)1:10..ti.., aad that, i. his .pialon,the7 ar. i. r..s.aaile oo~llu.o. with the r.,.1r....t. ot t!lls By- law. 8. !kG ....pi.r 88&11 pr....i4. 8l.op1ns a..o....at10n t.r 1'..1- ....t. in roe..w1 'h a 111..... 01' ' Ca) 408 o.i1o t..t .t all' 8p.oe u.4 f1tt7s,.ar. t.et ot tloor .pa.. tor ..oh pel's.. ..eter .1xto.. 7..ra ot ..., ClD) 'eo 0.i10 t.., ot &11' spao. and .....ent7-t1.... .,uar. t.et ot 1'Io.r.pao. tel' ea.h pers.ll,.ixt.ea yoara .t ac. ..4 .T.r, : ad e..h r... .. u.... .llall .o.'.in at le..t en. wiu... .)en1na d1ro.tlT '8.'11.. ollta1a...lr, 04 the size ot the w1a4.w _all b. ..t le.. tau 18 ,er ..., ot tit.. tl..r aroa ot tlte'ro.. u" ahalllDe capablo ot .e1., .,e.ed or 01..... at all ti.... ,.. 110.,1"80...4&111.. saal1 !let i.pro...11." i. U7 spa.. in the pr.mi... u.e4 .. a 10......7, liallwa,., olo.et, blA tllr. e., ata1rway .r lei t.t:~.IfJl... .....p1.r ahall :pro...i4. 't.il.t04 "'a'hi~S taoil1 tl..:.)~t,. . whioh .r. real11,. aooe..lil.t. allr..ielo.t. wi'h a lIl1n1.ua .,...... waah-.a.la ..4.....1'l\1U 1;0110' tor e....ry eightr.si4..ta ~4.... iatll-'t......r.ll.w.r. tere...or;y 'wel...o r.s14..'.. 11. ft.. ...~t:l..r dall not a4m1 t .1' rota!. aa a re.id8Jilt aD7 at.r.'yea.e, :..' 0" p.r..1l who r.'11ir.a tr.a,...t tor aloohell_, 4rUS a4410tio., ...tal ill.o.. or ti..a.., or &B7 per so. whe req\llr.. , - IillU".., a.hacll _..'lns S.pt..lt.r 1, 19'4, ooutl.u.~l .. ."'~ '0' .. ..- ... . .."lTe aHl.al or .urgloal oar. or tr.at..." ot a klBeiUaual17 provlde. 1ll. ho.pltal. e 12. Th. Ooo11pl.r ah.ll . e e Ca) provlde terauruq .en-l... tor 1'.811,.,.: __......' unc1.r th. .11,'rY1.10. .t... r..l.'.r.I."..:..,:::u4" C.) ..8ur. that..lioaloal'_Udatu.'ionar'lla4_ ,aTaflabl. '1' a ctaly Clll~iti.4 _dloal pr&0,r\1...r to r.'.140.t. 'a.r.tutr.a. ' ,e e. lJ. '!'h. oO,ol1pl.r 8 hall ..1..,..oh p.r..... wh..are 1."ll' ' opinlon.t the Board ot the ...loal .Ottloer ot..81th sutti'l..t 1. Jll1l1l~er ant ,:a.lltl.d. to P:roTi..' ta. aV81q8ern.e. and ;per.oaal oare r.qulr." lay tae 1'.811..".. ., e 14. ft. ..oupler shall proTlt.. e e C..) Jlourl~hlJlg Mal8 at resular 1.'enal. u4 apeolal 41.,s, wher.r.qulr.d, pl'epar.d ~ or und.r the .sup.nl.1oll et, .....p.,..t per80.,_4 . CD) at.,ua'. eel 8ultar, .uppli.. ot a1lk, a.4 drlDltlns wa tv. e 15. The oooupler Baall keep ,or oaU8. to .. k.)t a r.g18t.r ot per80.. 1'..1d..t ln th. )lursl.. Ile.. whloh 8hall .., tor'h Ca) the ...., a.e, ..x _4 termer plao. ot abode ot .aoh r~.lde.t, . .' . Clt) the date ani olr.UUtbO.S ot h18 abisslon to the l:L01l.; (0). a reoor4 ot all ...dlo&l .xa1l1natlo.8 att.r a4Ja1.810., ~. diagnos.. and ord.r8 ot 4uly Clualltled ..dloal praotltloners, sad the ..4101n.., .0410atlon8 ..a e trea t...t. pr...n'.4 or a4111.18t.re.4. (I) ,the aat., th. ,1rou.stuo.. ot 1'11. 11~oharle tro. .'h. ho.. ..t ..k. na.. ..4 aa4r... .r' the ).r.oa Or lutltu'ioa 1. who.o oar. or "0 whloh h. was ell.- ohars.el, . (.) 1. ..h. oTent ot "a. '.ath ot the r.s14..t, a 1'0001'4 ot the.olrouaatano...t the aea'll ..4 the a... aR4 a4dro.. ot th.t peraea olalll1ng 'h. '047, 04 Ct) 8uoh oth.r aI41tl.~al lntormatlo... -1' D. r.qulrel DY tho a.dloal Orti..r .~I.alth. 1'. n. oooupler .hall ul.taln the aural.. 110mo 1. a "horoughly ol.a., .ato ..a"....1.t.ry.o.41..ioa, ..a wi thou t 11111 tl.. the I..orallty ot the toreso1ag, 118 .hall ' . e : (a)'.llm1nato tlr. hasar4. lnolu41ag the pro~1.1o. ..t e _1.'..00. ot. : (1) Jrot.o'lon tro. ra41ator. or .th~r h..tl.. .qul,...t. (11) w. 'er .ppll.. at't~a t. tor all ..1'118.1 ...4a lll01u- 4111& the.. fat tlr.prote.'l.., .... Cl11) a" l....",'.....'arat. ..an. ot ..... to"ll. out- . .110 tr.. t1.or. wlth sl.op1ne ..........tl.n; ('It) ...l:13:'aln a 111.1..,. t..porature ot ,.....8l".~. )'ar,u.l' In 'ho nv.l.. Jl..etro. th. l.t ot 8.ot..or. to 'h. Jl.' ot May; " . ee) haTo the pr.mi...i.s,o.t... at loast .... i. .vorr s1x .o.th. .., .. ott!o.r authorl..4 to 1.1>>..' i.llllnC. uc1.r tll.J'lrollU'alllala Aet J (I) haTe tae 'r.a1....1..p.ot.d at l.a.t OBoe 1. OTOry .ix ...ths It, tho..l1oal Otti..r ot J:I.a1th or al. ,attr.. ..."atlT'; C.) k..p all Jar'" .t tho. iltilting tr.. ,troa rtii1.h, Gar~al., asae.,tla...il. ..".rla18 anl'oth.r "eiri.; Ct) koop tho o.llar .t 'ho nurslng llo.o w.ll train.le.... . Te.tllat...; , , e.) k..p the "111'.1..11.... w.ath.rproot, tree tro. ....p...., e ,aa.quatol, h.ate", Iri.a all h.atlng .quip...t 1. S.... repalr; . , ..' (h) ..l.tall1 aa.,aa".kl110)... .,u1,.e.t ucl taelli'l.. ". ..8ur. tho projei"pr.para"l.. ..4 pr.teotl.. ot t....; (1) '''aleo all ..0....17.t.'. to k.ep t1\e lndlalJl8tr.. tzoo. T.rmin, In...t. ... p.st.. , 11. Th. M.41oal Ottloer ot ..alth or hi. ~opr...ntatlv., an Ottl..zo all'thorlzo" ". 1..,..t iullcl1q. un4.r !'h. J'1r. )(ar..&l. Aot or 01' omplo,.. ot the Corporatlon r.tulr.. to alm1nl.'.r or eatoro. the provls1ons ot thi. By-law .., ..tor a nurslns ho.. at .., a1L4 all . , _ ...t..t 0.uol1 ".'111I ..".._.1" 1, 1"", ocul'blau.t, ., o t: t r........'l.tl... 1'ortl.,up... ,01' 1..,.. ~1..'J1. '1"-.1... .... .T.17 :part tl.~..t".'*.'''''alJl w:a.'h.r the pr.Tl.l.....t tll1aB1-1aw U. 'b.lq .1" haT. M.. ...pll.4 With ..t 1'1 .hall .0 ail ott.... to~ U7- p.r... 'I. preT..' .r...v..,...,. .u.h ot1'lo1al 1'r.. ear:qlas .ue" a1. 4utl.. lUlt.r t:al. Bf-l&-:~. . . e . . 18. Iit....ry aU.l.. ho.., t~o 110.110. ahall :'It. po.t... ln a oon- .,1..0.. ,1"..1. "h.~..r lallwayud a prln".t..p)" or "Ida By- law ..all,''" .... aTal'la'bl. e '!'1 "11e e.oupler tor. .xam111a tlGD. Up.. 'h. r.q...' ~;..,. r..lt.." ela 'Ul..v.lq hom.. . . ...+,.,.~~- ..art..,. at a..,.' tl.. r.Tok. 0)" 11.0.0. 18au.a ut.,. . t1li\.''''''~.l'''~ notl.. th.r..1' allall ...1T.n 'by."llo Boar" 'by . J .... rejl:.'.rMl.'.'.r 1110I.11.4 ". "h. ooou.,;'r a" tho a4tro.. In r.s,..' .'._U.k.. 11..no. waa 1..u.... . ..~.,.~..llo.ao. .hall _. lntoro. tor 0..8 .,..ar tr.. "h. 1.' la,. .tr.....$!' 'h. 31at 4a)"ot May. e 1l.'~'b1 0...,1.1" or oth.r ,.r.oll oon..rn.<< 11l the 1I8.II.ag....t .t.,,,~..,:,ll....h. 1. lullt)" ot a:a ott.... tmt.r thl. By-law ..ell .a ....trfo..T1.tlon lD. 11alDl. to a pe.alty ot ~.t "1". th.. ."... t.r'..F>~t..... . ,..;-'ftla.e By-la. shall tako .tr.ot en u4 tro. the l.t 4a.,. ot I','-"rl?'~.. . , 1.1. :at-La. .0. 132" ,. aDd ls her.br r.peal.ct. !l:.~' ." J..4J1 ..1.. . ..,...1.. t. .".'-11) . ,.1",.... roa4 .11..aD.0. la th. If.....hlp of Olark.. ft.... . ..tlo. ot 1.t..tlol1 'to pas. "b1a 'by-l.... wa_ Pl1~- 11_h.4 .... aw..k tor .'l...t tour .u.....iT. ...k. 1. 'h. Or......~J'.T1... ani .a. p..t.4 up tel' at l.a.'.o... aoath 1. At.ot "11. .o.t puh110 plao.. ln tha baa.41at. ..1ShlDour- ko.. .t,tll. a&14. 1"0&1. al10wDo. or part ot roa4 all.....o... h.ra- ., &1'......I...a.:r.'.lr.d e" "ho :proTl.10n. ot ~. .~1.1pal .1.0"; . -"',.11.11".. OOWlel1 ha. rea..l T.4 no e>iJ.."ion. tr.. p.r.en. .1alld.. tha" th.lr lan4 w01llt ia projud.loially atr..'.d ..,. the ,,.-1.,,; , .. ! .~ ,..ntor. the ltU.l01pal Oeo011 ot thee Corporatlon ot the "e."pot Clark. .aaota as tollows; le...t allot th.. :relulallowanoe or part ot 1"0&4 allowuc. la. t.a T....hip ot Clark.. "...rl,'Iod in SCh.dul. "A" ad e term III part ot thi..y-la. ..an4 th. .am. 1. har.D)"atepp.d up. , loh.~ul. "A" l~ !he loa4 .1.110..... ..t.... lots 32 and JJ '1. t...oooa4 .......1o...t ,,:a. T....h1p.t Olarkft, Oou.ty ot hrhaa,'.x..ptlqs- J'1r."l,.,th...."herl,. 1600 t.., ot the sa14 Roacl.ejJ,lowano. .o..v.t ..ort..rll'tr.. 'h..or"herl)" 11111.t et, tha 014 Klq.'o. :aoa4 ani, "'_ ...oa41I', tha:l5 ,.rtloll .r '..,.aii R.llct J.llowu... lj'lq 'b.tw... the 014 'nq.'.. BOllI. u.le IClq'. H1.ghwQ' 1'0. 2. e ~:La..I.. 1"" ..1na. 17-1aw-'. .ollstltu"., authorlz. and ..ta- iIlli.\........arr orlanisatlo. '0 ta0111tat.th. proper and due .J,.....10..timnl01,al .ttlolal. and sohool tru."... in the 'rownshlp ul. .~."utl.1I1arl)" to a".inte ,tho tl.. an4 pla.. ot .e.'lns tor the ..atptlon ot Oan414at,. tor the Otf10e ot ...T., :D.puty-Jl..T. ut Tllr.., ".,un.illors tor 'h.e !ownshlp ot. Clark.'ln, a.60riuo. nth tll. ,reTi.io.. ot 'I'll. -,101,al J.et, ISO 1,60, C.apter 2"'04 ..ena...,. th.r.to and al.. t. prevla. tor the ..1e."10D ot. F1Te trus"... tor i'll. 'l'...s1l1p So.ool J.r.a ot Olark. for th....su1n. y.ar~a a..ordan.. wl".!h. .PulDll. SehoGls .lot, ISO l"O~ Chapt.r 330 an4 ....tm.n". th.r.t. ana also to app01nt ..4 .~tablish the Polllq Pla..., Deputy Belu.1n. Ottio.r. and Pell Cl.rks'ln an4 tor tie ..T.ral Pol11nIS.)4inslon. or the Ton.hlp ror tho .nauinslMnlelpal Eleoll..a.e ~: Th. .ual.1pal eounol1 01' "h. Oorporatio. or.'.e ,ow...1p 01' Clark. .aa.t. a. toll....s, . ~Tllat tll. .In.aal "."1.. ot 'Ill. II1mlo!pal 1I:l..tora ot "he Ifown.hlp ot Olark. tor the .omtaatl.. ot Candfdat.a tor the Ottlo. ot ...... D.put.,.-lt..". an~.''1'1lr.. 00_0111.01'. ror the 'fena.i,. ot Olarke ..<< . a1.oJ'iT.~."....tor i'll8.'l'ondl:p Sohool Ar.a otOlark. tor "11. .118111..,...r.....ll ,. ll.ll 1. 'Ill. '.rowaship Rall, OroBo, Ontarlo, 0.. Vl.Ifw..'7~..T.nth 4a)" ot _.T_lDer, 1"4, at th.ehour ot Ga. o~ olook 1. t"."att.r..... . : '1 - :1I1_t.., C~Jl.il )le.':1.. ;8ot...e:r 1, 1"", .q_tiau.4s H nat ..tll. polliq in ta. r.....tive'41vi.i.... aer.i>>. .oe4 tor th. ...ioi1'al Eleotio.na.haU tak.})l... (it requir.4) on the Seventll clay 01' J)~o.ll.er, 19'''. 04 t.e k:p\1ty ..turniq Oft1.ers u4 EoU Clerks, alae Pol1inIP~'.s tor '.aeh 4ivision shall "'e and are here.Y' appoint.d ..a toll...s' . Sub-Division #1 Oommunity Hall, We.'.nvil1e D.p.".eturDiag Gt~oer - Poll Clerk ' Sui-Divi.ion #.2 SOh~ol ]lou..e 1:l . ... Deputr .eturning Otti..r - Po].l Olerk Sub-Di rt.aion#:.3 . Schoel Rou Be .", . . D.p.'7 ..turninaltt1oer - . Poll a lerk Su bIt>>i vis1 Olle e #-4 Orange ..11, :tendal : Depu'y _.turni.g Ott1.er - Poll Clerk Sub-Div1sionl, Townshi]) ..11, Orono, D.pu~,B.'ur.iBlOtti..r - Poll Ol.rk SUb-Division ~ Sohool House '1' . . ..pu'Y .eturnins 01'1'1.., ~ Poll Cl.rk Sui-D1vi.1o. 1'1 1..i4.... .tllr.. ..Y Ha;r'ri. at Lot 2J, 0... 8, Olark. D.JU'Y ..'urn1na Ott10.r - Pell Olerk 8\1o-Divisio. #8 S.lleol BOllS. -,10 . . >>."'7 ..turn1na Ott10.r - Poll Cle:tk Sui-D1visio. " COllDoil-Oh..'er, Orono' D.p~'Y ..turni.. .tt1oer - ....O.~ath.. Poll Ol.rk ~s. Ion. 18rr.at.r hd; .t e~ ,..i4 .om.a'1o.. _.'i:118 ..- 1I1Mt1.n (4.1' r,.,u1r.4) H.:I.~lla.Jl, CJlerk, ahall It. 01l..i30a..4 .etlU'J1iag 01'1'10.1' r..p.otively. By-l.w Ko..l"" D. ...4 is h.re'Y ro,.al.t. .r_s Ialaolt-" .... Let. Bud a .,.... ........ '.;,-",..-. lIloa. .ld&1U Kr.a. )farlar.t G. Bo,... Oeo1l 81.11.7 . 1Ir.. Oh... Fisk ~'h~Tho.paon . :gr.. Hele. Courota: fI..r....rt.. 1Ir.. Olive 1I1110r -.rau.. BUr.'o. ..7'ft1..P.'. La..l"'.o. Barr1. Mr.. Yre4 O. Grall.. O~ J'all. Ilr... .rp1ul Stark . . ne tollo.ing By-l... ..r. r.... a 'fA1r. '1.':.." t1nal17 p....4a J 8u:J'l....'~...JJJ-Le.....:\l..Jell" & By-l.. ct. .pr.v14. tor ~ke .... - ....' . :(~'4 ~ tllres .. ro.4. in 'the '.n- ak:l., .t Olark. :1.11 t.e Oooty Il't hra.. nerea. n. :&18h..,. Ia)r.v..e.t .lotr.q\lir.. 'kat the 'otal .:l:pen41 t\lr. OD rea". ,. provi4.. tor _uull' la7 b7-l.. an' 'hat the Dy-l.. la. aula1l1 tte4 1;e the lI:I.a1.'.r ot Hip.&7a tor appr.val. Theretor. th. Counoil 01' the Corporat10n of the a.i4 !ownship ...ots aa tollo.sl (1) n. aUll 01' .73,'JO.OO 1s her'lay eat1..t.4 aa "h. exp..4:1.- taro upon tho oo.struot1on &>>.4 ..into.ano. 01' t.. roals an" 'r:l..... under ita ~ur1.4iot10. dur1De 'h. y.ar 1". .. tollow.s Co.struet1.. ..1.t......J::~ ..al. -...._...... I 16, .,. Br1.... a Oulvert. ".'00." ...,..... _.. ...hi.. She4 42,'30." .11 ..It,JO... Sup.ria"..4.... 4 Ovorh..t fo'ala '7J,'JI.'. I I 73,'30.0. I (2) 'h. aa14 moai.a ahall .. .,...a4el ud.r '11. aup.rvia10. .t the dul,. appo1ntot 1;ow..h1p r.... auMrillt......, 04 oa work p.rtora... 1D aooor4ano. .i th The B1p.Q' I.pr.ve.e.t A.ot. ,;p.- . -...t..,0_011 .."1q8.p't....1" 1, i"4, 001l.'t1n..4:" (J) n. ol..k'_al1 'r~aa1t4u})11.at..opl...t 'hi. 'y-la.. to 'A. U.'l"2.." .rflo..', tb.....101,.1 Re.....Bran.lt, D.l'~rt_.1J or lI1gh- w..y.,Oatu.t.;.., lat'.r tlluatroh 31s1l or... .a1I41.,.ea:t. . (.4 )...J~"..l .tth. 01l.'a1"lo MUla1pal Boar<< alla'll .. . o "aln84 ,.rer. ..,. .xp.1l4111.r. 1 s au thorlz.t or work .._....1 . whl.h ..111' la. tl...._." \,. 1Ih. 1.au. ot 4ebe.t11re. or mOlll.. ral.... 1. a 8RD.equ..,,..ar. e e e I\r-La.w We. ~.4J. J. lay-l... to .'herlze .. Oellte.D.lal fJd,O...ati,aa . . eP.4.ratlo.Proj.ot, nam.ly, '!'h. >>e....let,...' '.t :P..rk .LaIl4..... lfa1lure Areas aloBl the: 01"0.. . I~._.. . ' n..ea.ft.. IItml.l:pal Aot, B.S. o. 1'&0, Ollapt.r 2.4,S':J1'r;" ..." ,.."",rl...,t11. 'pe.l..1 llJul..rtak:lng. whl.h 1..1114. Jull. ..........1'..."...1. '&r...; e . . . ............... ft. Cont.doratlon Co.t.olal .l.t, l"2-'J, e Sfa,.,...~t 0"'.1"1. ant 0>>.'.1"10 ..luatloD. Jill", uk.. :provl-' .t.. r.rtJl.........l..1z1.. .t .uoh ucl.ertu1q.; . at _..... OOllDOll 1.._ lt .%peileDt to pas. t).U- By-~.; ........r.tor. b. it 0..ao'04 a. a :By-law ot ft. Corporat101(' .-r *.'."._1J .t Clark. aa tollow.. e 1. ,.,t;1dl. 0011..11 or ;ll18 1Iwl101pa11 ty .llall ..t.r 'It...a .rojo..', ....1,., -fte DOTelop.ont or ,Park L.... 04 .. tllre Ar..s a1011& 'the Orono. S'rea. · .10. .."liea'lon ..4er tho :r.deral-Pr....1Jl.1a~ . ...__1.1 Qr...t. Prolr....suDj..t to the ~Jr.- "lot 'h. Provin.. ot Ontarl. and the .a'tln.al O..'oDD1..l Alminiatration. 2. ~a' 'th. .........'ot the .-.4 proJ.ot .'. p1a..a I.?.. ...a..,' .. ooDi 't'.e,: whloh.hall b. Imna .a .... C..'...lal~.....g.....'t Committoo-, ..a ahall ....1.' .t olcht ...Mr. ..ho ahal1 lte ap:pol..'.4 -,. tk. .....11 87 r..olution to ho14 oftl.o ..'11 'h. .0.,1.;10. or 'll. preject or tmt11 tholr .11000..01"a .......pp.l.'.C. I.:ft.., ;"1l.0rono eOllJRWll t1' )("01"1&1 Park :soarcla1\all ...... tru.,.o. ot t1\e laDi ...qulr.<< ualor 't111. pro.1..' \I'.. -19Ja;lo. or tho projo.t. . 4. fte aetu..l .11,ll.1. ooat .r'th. projoot ahall .0' ...... '11,8.4~.IO . ,. ~. '.a' or the a&14 proj.ot .hal1 De ral..4 .p.. ......!'..1 ra'.. or thla 1I11Ul101pallty .ftorloa.o- 'l....t'~l. ....t. aJPllo.blo to tllo .a14 Jre3..'. , ..-l-*i.P:...'!1 ......a.,. L.A.Perrault, .eoo.".4 lay I.W.'''o... nl......11.1l.2t.'y...j..rJl ,. ..0' agala on Ooto..r'th, 1"4,. . a'''10 .... In "aular ..ot1.. 1n the Oounol1 Oha.ltor at 01"0.. ..thema. III aJoola1 ...'1q at t1\e oa11 or the B...e.'- Curi.... . ':;Il~, .. ,- I --J tf1 . -. . . .' ~.~.~ ...1'0. '.' . .