HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1964 (Special Meeting)
4 - ,Minutes, Counc1,l Meeting August 4, 1964, cantinued: 0,
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The Municipal Council of .thee Oorpora tioll of the To.wnship af
Clarke enacts as follaws:
That the Anrlual Meeting of the .uunicip9.1 ];lectars of the
Village of Orono .for thenominatJanof Candidates for Three
Police Trustees efQrthe ensuing year shall be held in the
Orona Municipal Building on the TV,lenty-,seventh day of November,
1964 , at the hour of Seven 0 'clock in theafternoan.
The t the pol1":_118, it' req u::treJ, for: thal.lu.ni oipal J~lec tion
shall take:place on the Seventh day of.Deoember, 1964, and
the Deputy Returnfng' Offioer, Poll Clerk and Pelling I'lace
o shall be and ,91'a, hereby appointed a,s 'follOl"Js:
Orono.Municipal Building (
De:putyReturning Officer Mrs. Alma t1i tchell
e . ' ..,Pell Clerk, , Mrs. Margar@t Rickaby
.And. at 'the' said lJor!tina tion Meetin; and E1\;0 tion (ff required)
'H.E.Millson shall be Ohairman c:md :teturnfnc Officer.
No.3: Moved by R.G.Chat.er, seconded by L.A..perrault:
~ereby adjourn to meet a8Bin'~nSeptemberlt1964,
,atlO,Il.m. in regular (meetin(g 0.1' otherl'.rise at the cell of the
~~~ve~ - .Oarried. !
...~ ~ - iI#_ _ /
$1J~ .
Reeve. e
OF THE TO\71~-.31II}? Ol? Cw\.RKE
August 17, 1964 at 8. p.m..
Co.uncil Chamber, Orono.
Present: R'eeve H. E. 'V\falkey
'Deputy Reeve J.W.Stone
Councillor R.G.Chater
Councillor L.A.Perrault
Clerk H.E.I.Iillsan
Road Superintendent M.L.Ross
e ' ,
Sp6.o1.'a.l meeting' of Council 7JaS called by neeve Walkey to. can-
sidir arid deal wi'th certain' business on hand and :re.cord~d as
. Th~r0l10wing correspandence and reports were read aut:
1. Beport of accident of urs. Edith E.al~ and destruction of
eleven feet of railing on the Pine Carners bridge. -Cauncil
deciClad on no actian as thi s bridge is being co.nte,'Jplated for
reconstruction in the year 196.5. r.I'he' clerk was instructed to
inform ~Jr. F.E. Lycett of cauncil' s aoti'on.' '
2. Department of Highvlays of 0ntariore ,further and final
ap:proval 'of su:pprementary road a.nd expendi ture By-law. ~o. 1448.
Fi 1 e d.
3. Departt'1en t of Highways of, Ontsrio .re ap:proval of Su:pple-
mentary Road Expepditure By-law lTo. 14.53. - Filed.
4. Centennial Management Comr;:i ttee re Engineer's report
pertaining to the Centennial ?roject inVOlving acquisiti0n and
development of land as a conservation area ~lorig the Orono stream. -
Filed. . . .
.5. George L.' Totten &: Associated Limi ted report covering
,the construction p:r;oj ectspro;losed under the Municipal Works
A.ssi?tanoe Program together with a copy letter,' dated AUGust 10,
1964, addressed te Mr. C. R. Wilma t, Snbsidies' :Engineer, e Depart-
ment of Highways of Ontario,requGlsting. approval of'subsid.y on
expendi tur~s under the l'roj ect. - Filed. .
6. Canadian Imperial Bank of Corr.merce re approval of' e
financing of the ;proposed Qentennia1 Froj~ct. - Filed.
The fol10win~ r~solution was passed:
fiesolut4.onH0. .94: Moved. by L.A.Perrault" seconded by R.G.Chater:
The Qouncil of the Corporation of the: Township of C19,rke hereby
m.ake aPJ?lica ti on to 'flhe Ontario .i.,lunicipal Board for an order to.
. "
. t
5 - Minutes Special Council :Meeting, August 17, 19b4:
. . . . .., t . .
dispense with a. vote.of tp.e electors, purquant to sections 6;
and 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board ..4.ct, wi thregard to .the
incurring of the debt llnder By...L/?,!VlJO. 1457 of the said Cor-
pora ti on. - Carried.".:,;.:' '
3y-Law No. 1457".peipg ,f';.bY-c1aw to authorize cpnstruction,
reconstruction., ex'!ie~sion. o!").mp;royementof certalncap~ t{3.1
works in the mlL.'1~ici:paJ.i.ty. wa~ re.a:d a fir;3t -and second. tJme only.
Meeting adjourned.
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Reeve. c,.
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.-ux.u "'II. .1J''l'BI COUCIL
OJ' !Ill lfODSJttP OJ' C~ .
8.~\.a'.r 1. 1"4 ., l' .... .
C~.11 ft....r. Oro...
Pr.....~. : a..v. H. J:. Walke,
....'7~.e.T. 1...ato.~
0....11101' B.A.:ro.*.r
Coun01l10r L...Per~..lt
Cl.rk 1I.B..l18.. .
D.J.t7~..eY. 1.1I'.8to.. oall." the ...t1ns to orler.
It... ..v.4 It,.1 L.A.hrrllu1t, ......... ~..",. ;i....C)1at..r that
'h. ...,.. ot the last reslllar ..'1)l1.toget)l.r w1 ~h...
.8>>.011J.: :...t~:q, i. u.4 ar. ll.r.lt1 apJr.,..4 "8,.e,l. O,.rr1.4.
".< . ,'A,r.solut1o. was paa..tlty 'Olln011 a.t)J.~J'1.1D1.aD7
..".....t.tp......g .PPO:r'l1'" t7 .t thl. t1.. .'..p,... th.
,:ro,...4 It,.-law '0 .10a. or .t..,..>>a ..r.'ae1B rpa4..11......
1.. ..h..,....)l1p.t Clark.. ,.,.. . , .
. De,ll'Q'.e. :a.e..v. S. '.eJU'r~'e."4...ell-'ee 'h.. .t..ll....t 1.eDC. ...~1"1P...1.Jl .ot
..... )r.p..4rea4 ..10.11.18, .......le.a tor..,. u4 a;L.I. .ltJ..'1oa.
to i. .a4. '0 aOlln01l 1..41a'.17 aft.r.. ')1..1",_'1..:
e .~..oa4.AJ.l..~..lt..... Lo.'. }2 ,...JJ i. ,th. .
. ,S..oa" C......1.. ot ~h."...8b.1J.t Clar".,. ,
0....,,. ot lurh.... .~o.ptl.ls..:r1r.t11. ,It. ...th.r:"
11 1'01 t...' .t the aa1t loa4 .1.11........ ..aaur.t.
.orth.r17. troa the ao:r'lIl.rl,.. 11111'.0' tile 014
. Xi...to. Jloat, uti ...on417. t11at por-'1.fJ. ot
the .aiel Boat .1.11....0. l71na ..,.... tll. .01t
nq.tea ..a4 aatEiqta Blpw.,. .... 2".,.
ft.r.' .01111 Be oltJ..'ie'.'. ')Ii. p",.a.' 01..1nc. .'h1.
...1.... .aa roterr.4 '0 'O.a1d.rat10B lIBel., iy-la..?
1..veK.Z.Walk.7 aa..... 'he .halr at lO~}O. a.~. .
I.G.Oaa'.r move4. ..0..4.. 'b,. L.A.Perr.ult. that ~.18lat1oD.
,. ll'artlt1~ Ceool1. - ~&l'11". '. .
... :I.A.Leama...DoiCatoh.rter the Po11S'e Tillas. ot 9ro..,
4.1.0lll~.. to.. oOD'rol 1.1\:' .._. ,"cnrJl.h~p ."'h. Ch~\tJl.1l. . .
".ar.. O.A...u...,I..'.....r or. hi11. St.h.ol.. I,.
Clla,_. :r.pr....'1.. a.hool S..'1.. Ie. 14, ...., .llltar'.....
Hora.. B..,. ot S..1l001 S.et1.'Il". 12.. ...r. ~.e.ly.."'" .,,,,..11
,. 41..u.a r.qu..t. tro. S....ol '.0'1e.. ,..,. ... 11 ..I"
Io. 14. all .t 'h..' f.....1p.t alark.~ ..evo. .a~.1 :r".1 o.t
the .r1 t~.n ~ql1..~.t1"O.1'...a1". "_..1..,..,1oJl'. .)l10ll ...". .
. tllu. r.t.rr_ to ..r:r~,pe"",.. eI. :r.pro...'at10. .a e Jr....,
tor S.llo.l S.0'10a .0. ,... . .. .
. '1.11. 41aollaat."lu1.14t4. ....r.l1..1.., e 'hat ... aot1.. ,01114 It.
tak.. lrT C01Ia.1l t. all..'a ..hoo).,I,-.ot1... to ..,1 'Jltra.., fr..'ll.
11........1: ..rea "'~ ...,... .tt..Oi'~i~'i... lan\l8.1T 1.: 1'" SoJl,
a,.o;rot..... .1tk'1l,., h..110'.k.~""'. at ........,. 'Il.r.to.
O.:'_.i..,.,,......!i~'l1ltiol;tf~L." . ......e 'i.. ..,.... ..f..CJta'.r. Co...l1
r...sII..'t" lua.h,aJ.ilt~>..Jf'r . H......" ....~O. at.l.}. .....
- Car:ri.... ...e. '. e. e,'