HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/1964
OF Tlill T0l'11~SHlr OF CL.\.PIwr:
August 4, 1964 at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber,. Orono.
Reeve 2. 3. W~lkey
Deputy Reeve .J.W.stone
Councillor B.A.Foster
Councillor R.G.Chater
Councillor L.A.Perrault -
Clerk ~.E.Millson .
Road Superintendent K.L.Ro~5
. .
. .
The mhmtes of the last regular meeting were 811I;roved as
read on motion by R.A.Foster, seconded by L.A.Perrlult. Carried.
General ACC01:1n t Vouchers Ho. 8 for August 1964g,nd :?load
Vou~h@r No. 7 for J1dly, 19~4J were approved f~r pa.yment on
motiol1tby .J.',7.3tone, seconded by n.A~Foster.' Carried.
It lNQS;lOVed ~y R.A. F)ster, S8~o~(1,cd by R.G. Ch3ter that
GO',Hlcil reQess ~3t 12.45 noon for lunet. and resume session
at 2 p.m. Carried.
The followine correspondence and re=)orts were read out
to Council:
1. Petition b:r tCarlO$ R. Smith and others of the hamlet
of ~~ewtonville requesting sidewalk construotion from the
Arnold Wade property to the easterly limit of the Roy-Smith
property. ::he clerk was ins~ructed to a:pplyto the Department
( of iiighways for subsidization and inforn the saiel :peti tioners
2. 1ir. :;. :T.R.Csbol1De re :proI,o,sed road closing between
Lots 32 and 33r Con. 2. - Tabled.
.3. Bo~rd of s..'rus tees of S. S. l'Jo .12, Cls,rke, re forrn,a tion
of Towr}ship 3chool ~lr6a, effeotive .January '1, 1965. Referred
to the Reeve and Clerk to arrange 8, meeting of the Board wi th
COuncil. (
4. Solicitor Z.3.Lovekin re IIarvey Jackson kemorial lark.
Referred to the Clerk and Solicitor.
5. Ontario ~:7ater Rea:ources .commi.ssion re tV'ib letters
unoer dates of July 17 and 23, 1964, in respect tQ Ooono
proposed water works. - Filed.
6~ Cnt8rio Municinal ~oand re two letters und~r dates
of Ju1v 17 and, 27, 1964 re Orono .crOliosed 'N8ter works. - Filed.
7: The Ontario Municipal Boar-d .re two letters Tc.del~ dates
of .July 20 :3.rld 22, 1964, regarding 12l'oposed road project under
the loan fund. - Filed and referred to the Clerk and Road
3unerintendent. (
- 8. George L. Totten & Assooiate! Limited ~e proposed road
p:ro.j ec t( under the loan fund. - Referrea, to the Clerk and Roed
3'rr,erin te,l:d.en t. (
- 9. The Ont2rio MuniCipal Board 1'6 two letters under dates
of July 15( and 23, 1964, regarding Cen tenni a1 r;'roj eo t. - Deve-
lopment of .lands along the Orono stream. - Filed and referred
tb the Clerk.
10. Curtis Products Limited re repair of Reeve's ohair at
no charge. - Received. (
11. Department of Fublic TI'elf~re 1'6 amendments to By-law
No. 1324 respecting lioenses for Nursing :Iomes. Approved by
Council and referred :to the Clerk to draft the necessary by-law
for cons~deration of Council at the regular meeting in S,ptember,
1964. (
12. Orono l~blic Library Board re loan of one steel filing
cabinet. - Filed. (
13. De];artment of Highways of Ontario re approval of
tendered contract C.T.-l. - Filed.
14. Emergency Measures Organization re subsidisatIDon op
purchase of fire pumDer as business brought forward from July
7, 1964. - Council delegated l.lessrs. E~:2.':ialkey and R.G.Chater
to discuss the s'lbject wi th Mr. Alex Carru,thers and. report back
to Council.
2 - Minutes, Council Meet:Lng Augu$t 4, 1964, continued:
15. Department pfHighways oft Ont'lrio re Highways 115 and 35
road allowance between Lots 34 and 35. - .rabled to the September
16. Fred Nelson 8: Sons Limited re acknowledgement of payment
on gravel crushing contract. - Filed. . .
17. Departrnent of Highways of Ontario re equipmeI!: t rental
rates.'- Filed. . .
18. E.F.Marsten Contruction Limited re 10010 Performance
Bond on Contract C.T.-l. - Filed and the Clerk was instructed to
return deposit cheque.
19. Durham Central ..\gricultural :Jociety request for Council
to declare the afternoon of September 11 as a half-holid~y for
public sohool children in the Township of Clarke. '- Referred to
resolution. .. -
The following Resolutions were passed:
Resolution No. 91: Moved by R~A.Fos~er, seconded.by R.G.Chater:
In accQrdance with 3ecttou 2 of ~he TiletDrainage Act, tha Clerk
is hereby i:ostructed to publish By-Law No. 1449 in the Orono
Week:ly Times each week for three succes$ive weeks, together with
the following appended notice by the Cler~:- Notice, .The Corpora-
tion of the Township of Clarke - Take notice that the above is a t~,
true oopy of By-Law passed by the Council of the Township of
Cla.rke on the Fourth day of August, 1964, and all persons are
re:;;.uired to take notice that anyone who desires to apply to have
the 'by-Ia.w or any part thereof quashed must serve -notice of his
applioation upon the Head or Clerk of this muniCipality within
204ays after the date of the last lublication of this notice,
and must make his application to the ~uJ?reme Cou:ct of Ontario
within one month after the said date. :rhis .notice wa~ first
publi shed on the Twen ty- seven th da2T of: August Jt "196'4, and the last
I'ublication V<{ill be qn the Tenth dsy of September, 196.4. - Carried.
Resolution No. 9,2: Moved b;:.T R.A.Fost~r, seconded by .T.W.Stone:
This Council hereby deola.rsGthe afternoon of FridaySepteraber 11,
1964, a half holiday for all Public Jehool Children af the Town-
. ship of Clarke. The Clerk be and is hereby authorized to refer
oertified copies of this ~esolution to the Durham CentrQl Agri-
oultural Society and Mr. C.A.Holmes, Inspeotorof Publis Sohools.
Carried. t t
The following by-law was r.ead.a Thi.rd time and finally passed:
By-Law lTo. 1449 - to raise $7.5,000.00 to aid in the .
. construction of tile, sto~e or timber
drains. -.
The Council of the Corporation of the, 'rowns;hip of Clnrke pursuant
to The Tile Drainage Act enacts as follows: .
1~ That the Reeve may from time to time, subjept to the provisions
of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the ~orporation of the
Municipality such sums not exceed,;l.ng in the whole $75,000.00 as
may be determined by the Council, 'and may in l]]J3.nner hereinafter
:provided, issue debentures of the Cor:por!",tion 'in such j3ums as the
_ Council. may deem proper for the amoUl~t so bprrowed, wi th coupons
attached as provided ~n Section 4 of the said Act.
2. Subject to Section 10 of the Tile Drainage Ac~, when the Council
is of the opinion that the application of any person t~ borrow money
for the purpose of constructing a tile, ptone or timber drain, should
be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by .Re.solution,
direct the Reev~ to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrov.; a
sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to
the a:)l")llcant on the completion of the drainage works.
3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over
and above all other rates upon the land in respeot af which the
money is borrowed, suffici en t for the raymen t. of the, :princil')al and
interest as provided by the Act. .
4. This By-law replaces By-lliwlJO. ,1444, which was repealed by By-
Law Na.-~441. .
,",The ~tollowi ng By-Laws were read a First , Second and Third
time atld.tinally pass~d; . . t
BY~Law No" 1455 ,to appoint t,he tim.s and place af meeting for:
the nomination of Candidates for the Offioe
of Reeve, Dsruty-Reeve and Three Councillors
for the Township of Gh rl-ce, and also Two
e ,'. '7it'4Mi1"'Nr''''7 ""e'~ ~e,"'F '
'3 -Minutes, Council t}4eeting..r..ugust 4, 1964, cdntinued:-
Trustees for The ~ownship School Area
of Clarke for the ensuing year, also
the Polling Places, Deputy Returning
Officers and Poll Olerks in and for
the several Polling Sub-dvisions of
the Township for the next election.
The L~rlicipal Council of the Corporation of the TownsHip of
Clarke enacts as follows: ( t'
That (the Annual l'vleeting of the l.:unicipal Electors of the
Township of Clsrke for the nomination of Candidates for the
Office of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Three Cotincillors for the
Township of Clarke and also Two Trustees for the TOv'Inship
School Area of Clarke for the ensuing year shall be held in
the Township E9:t:l, Orono, Ontario, on the Twenty-Seventh day
of November, 1964, at the hour of One o'clock in the after-
noon. · · ,
That the polling in the respective divisions herein named
for' t"he 1.1unicipal Eltection.:1 ~all take place .(if required)
ont the Seventh day of December, 1964, and the De.futy Returning
Officers and roll Clerks, also Polling Places fo~ e.ach di 17i-
sion shall be and are hereby appointed as ~ollows:
r~ b Di . i "1
>.JU - VlS on i/
Community Hall, Newtonville
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Cler~
Sub-Di vi s1 on .[2
,.." 1 'C'C ."'5
ucnoo llouse it
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Clerk
Su bDi visi 011 113 .
-, 1 T"'" ,,-
::;;;cnoo J:lOuse ,;'))
Deputy Returning Officer
FoIl Clerk
Sub-Division ;;4
Orange Hall, mendal
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Clerk
Sub-Di vi sion ir5
Township Hall, Orono
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Clerk
Sub-Di vi si on/16
~ - ~
~chool house ff15
De~uty Returning Offioer
Poll Clerk
e3ub-Divis1on //:7 ,
Residence of 1:1"'8. l:arv harris
at Lot 23, Con. 8, Clarke ·
Depu ty Re'l;'11rning Officer
:Poll Clerk
Su'b-Di vi sion li8
C' h 1 -- II~ 0
>.Jc" 00 house If.l.
De.puty ReturninG Officer
Poll" Clerk
Sub-Division ;J!9
Counci 1 Chambel~, Orono
Defuty Returning Officer R.E.O. Ooat~am
Poll Clerk ~s. lone Forr~ster
A..ll.d at the said Nomination Meeting and Ele"ction (if "required)
n:"E.Millson, Clerk, shall be Chairman and Returning Officer
By-Law No. 1456
James lmlach
Mrs. Leta Sami ~
Wellington Farrow
Ross Adams
Cecil Malley
Mrs. Chas. Fisk
. .
. .
. .
,Ar thur Thorn];') son
Mrs. Helen Couroux
, .
. .
11r. George lior,ton
Mrs. Olive Miller
l,orman Bairst01l'J
Roy Thompson ·
Lawrenc e' HaTri s
Mrs. Fred C. G"raham
Orme Falls
Mrs. John Stark
. "
to appoint the time ahd place of
meeting for 'the nor1ination of
Cantlidates'f'br Three Police Trus"':
tees for the Police VillaGe of
, Orono, Township of. Clarke, for
th~ ens~ing yesI', ilso th~ Falling
Place, Depu~y. Returning Offic~r
and Poll Clerk for the next ensuing
elec tion. '
4 - .M1nutes, Councj,l Meeting August 4, 1964, continued:..
t t (
The Municipal Council of the, Corpora tion. of the Township of
Clarke enacts as :f"ollows:
That the Anrlual Meeting of the Municipal }i;lectors of the
Village of Orono .for thenominatlon of .Candidates for Three
Police Trustees ef(;)rthe ensuir..gyear shall be held in the
Orono Munioipal Building on ethe Twenty-Seventh day of November,
1964, at the hour of Seven o'clock in the. afternoon.
Thotthe polling, if require2, fo~ the .1~nicipal Election
shall take place on the Seventh day of..December, 1964, and
the Dapu ty RetuX"ntnc( Officer, Poll Clerk and Polling I'lace
. sha.llbe, a.nd.are, hereby appoint.ed a,s follows:
.Orol1QMunicipal Building t
n.eputyReturning Officer 1h's. Alma ~Ii tchell
ee" P011 Clerk Mrs. Margar@t Rickaby
And lit 'the; said Norrtina tion Meeting and Eiection (ff required)
'H.E.Iltfillson shall be Chairman and e :leturntnc Officer.
~ .
:&.eeSQ.e.:t;utiQn No. 93: Moved by R.G.Chat'.er, se,conaed by L.A.1?errault:
,'Tnls Ooun~ilhereby adjourn to meet again Gn SepteG1ber 1, 1964,
>at,lO,il,.m. in regular ~eetirig or other1vise at the call of the
~eeve~ - .Carried. ~
~ .
". .: .'. ~-
$( 1J~~.
.. .-.- /'
August 17, 1964 at 8. p.m.
.Gouncil Chamber, Orono.
Present: R'eeve H.E.v'!alkey
Deputy Reeve J.W~stone
Councillor R.G.Chater
Counci 11 or L...tl.Perrau,l t
Clerk Ii.E.Millson
Road Superintendent M.L.Ross
Spect'al meeting" of Council Yvas called by :({eeve W'alkey to con-
sid~r and deal wi'th c er tain' busin6 ss on hand and .re,co.rded as
follows: ' e .
~ The following correspondenq e and repo.rts were read ou t ~
1. Beport of accident of ~s. Edith Hal~ and destruction of
eleven feet of railing on the Pine Corners bridge.-Council
deciCled on no action as this br.fdge is being contemplated for
reconstruction in the year 1965. fI'he' clerk was instructed to
inform Mr~ F.E. Lycett of council f.s acti'on: t
2. Department of Highways of Ontariore further and final
approval 'of supp1"ementary road and expendi ture By-law. No. 1448.
Filed. . "
3. Departnent of Eigh';Nays ofe Onte.rio re approval of Sup:ple-
mentary Road Expenditure By-law No. 1453. - Filed.
4. CentenniaOl Management Cornllli ttee re Engineer's report
pertaining to the,Centennial rroject involving acquisitien and
development of land as a conservation area ~long the Orono stream. -
Filed. . . 0
5. George L.' Totten &; Associated Limited report covering
.the construction p:rojectsproposed under the.Munioipal Works
Assis.tance F'rogram together wi th a copy letter,~ dated .llu;:;ust 10,
1964, addressed to MI'. C. R. Wilmot, S'1bsidies' Engineer ,Depart-
ment of' Highways of Ontario, requesting, approval ofsubsid:y on
expendi tur~~ under the :proj eat. - Filed. e .
6. Canadian Imperial Bank of Cornrneroe re approval of e.
financing of the proposedgentennial Froj@ct. - Filed.
. The follewing I'fgsolu tion was pas'sed: '
i!i~$sGlutton NID. ,4: Moved.. by L.A.Perl'i:mlt" seconded by R.G.Chater:
e gouncil of the Corpora.ti on of the' Township of Clarke hereby
make ap:plica tion to '1he Ontario ~duni cipal Board for an order to
~ 11" < ,