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4 - N~nutes; Special Meeting of Council, June 15; 1964, cont.:
The Chairman and Seoretary o,f the $'aid Management Committee shall be
Messrs. Wm. Bunting and R. Hazelden res:pe,ctively. ·
The Clarke is hereby instruct~d to oomplete and process an application
in re~pect to this project under t~e Federal-provincial Centennial
Grants Program. . '
A copy of this resolution, to~ether with the Department's Memor{indum
to Clerksf be referred to the Management,Oommittee. - Garriad. .
. .
~ ~ .~-~ /
Cl er"k-.-"---'H" (..
. $~~.
JU1.1 7, 1964 at' 10 a'.m.
Oouno11 Qha.mber ,Orono.
Present.. ,Reeve H. E.. Walkey
])epu:V 1\$8ve. J. W., Stona
Oounolllor~ll. .A.. Foster
Qounoi.Uor: R..G. Oha ter
(Jo'ahc1l1or. L. .A.. Perrault
OJ.erlt . R.E~ . lUlls on
Road Superintendent M. L. Koss
!he minu.tes of theJ.ast regular meeting and' also one .ap.eo1aJ....etin8
were approved as reM on motion by J. W. Stone, s.econdedbyR. .I.f.lhater.
e .. 0a;rr:1ed.
ReeTe Walkey oalled the meeting to order. .A. resolution ,wa.sthen
passed' bY' Oounoll authorizti1g: fm.'1'1nterested person. an op:PQrtu.nity at
th1,s time to opppsethe proposed by-law to ,close or stop~p certain road
allowances U the TOwnJ3ldp, of Clarke. ee '. . ... e eee
In the matter of r.ead1ng ou.t thetollow1ng descriptl,onso:t the proposed
road closings the Resve asked for any ana all objecftiOilS,to be made
before Oouno11i.Jmnedia:te1l after his reading ofea'ohQ.esec~iption.-
l.,~eRoad .A.110wa.noebetW'eenDots ',2:and" in the Seoond
Ooneess1onot the '~wnsh1p of Olarke,Oounty o'f e Durham, 'exteIld.1D8 from
the southerly limit of the said Se.oond(lol1C'Jession teo the northerly
limit thereot. ' , ' .
. 'Mr./UfredGra.hem owner of part 'of ~t,';2,Ooneession 2,oppo,se4
the 010 sing of th,e south part only of the' said road allowan.ce '111
question. e .'
Mr. Robert Kent disoussed the said o+os1ng w1 th O.ounoil and did
not objeQ4t. to the olosing. ,e (\
: 2.Th<e Road AJ.J.owanoe :b&tween Lots 6 and 7 :i1lt.b.e. Jo~~~o,es.iQn
ot the ~ownsh1po:tr Olarke,Oou.ntyo;!Du.rhani,extend1llg.troii'tliit.'~", .'.
southerlyllm1t, 'of the'said Fourth Oonoessionto the northe.r11J11n;1~ e
there~f(. IlOobjeotion.. .., ..'....e
;. .fhelload .A.1lowance between ~ots 26 aIid 27 in (the SSTenthQon.ss1on
of the.;oWneh1p o.tClarke, Gouri'ty of'Durham, extendingfl-01'I1 .thae e
southet'ly 1im.1t ,ot the said 'Seven th Oonoesslonto the nor:th8):J.y
~t th~eo~, 1l~ ob3eot1on. . . . . e t.' "
4.. !fhe Road Allowance between ;Lots 24 and 25 in the Eighth
Oonoef3sion oftl1e !ownBhip of Olarke,.e OOur1V otDurnam~ ex\ending
from the ,BOutA~ly llmi t o.f the aa.~d E1gh'thOOnoessiontP.:tfi~,,~~therly
l1m1i1 thereofiJ,No .obje~tion. . . e c.. .. ."
5. Parto! the 1l0adAllowanoe between ~ts 2 and ; in :the SeveJl,th
Oono~sslon of the Township of Olarke,' Oonn t;y of DtuJ:lq.', being the north
'.16.8 :t.ee"b sou.ther!:y ~f .said northe:tlly: bo~da.q. . Noo,bjecti,on. .
,.. 6. !he Road .J.1lowanoe betwe.en ]::,ots 6 -an.a7 in the J'1J:ost Oonoesa1on
of the !ownsh,ip of .OJ.~ke" OOuri~ot Durh,a.m,e-xtendingfr()Jll the . i
southerly l.,1m1t o:ft~ .s.a.1d F1rst(7~cesB1on t~ the aoutb:er:L7"lim1t
of Xingf.s m.ghwaiWG..40-1. "c. e: '. ,... . '.. . '
!he s~d road clas!Dg1n question was ,01>po.sed to by letter reoei yed
:from Mr. O. M. Jones.
,.;... .
.......;..........;.;;._.....-;,........ .
3-ltIinutes, Speoial Meeting of Council, .Tune 1;, 1964, oon.~..;
Project Deseri!tion
1. Morgans Roa. Construction' 2.6.5 miles including bridge - Lots
16/17, Concessions 2-3. .' c.. ,
2. North East Project, reconstruo.t 4.0 miles - Lots 4/;, Con...
cessions 6-7; Lots .5-9 Incl., Concession 8; and Lots 8/9,
Concession 7.
3. Newtonville realignment - Lot 11, Concession 1. '
4. Leskard Road 2.7 miles including bridge - Lots 30/31. Con.
cessions 6-7.
5. Sixth Concession Road 1.5 miles - Lots 21-26 Incl.,Conoes-
sions .5-6.
6. Kimball Bridge - Lot 10, Concession B.F.
7. Hallowell Bridge - Lots 10/11, Concession 4.
8. Third Concession Road 1.0 miles - Lots 2.5-28 Incl., Conces-
sions '2~3.
hereinafter referred to as "the Projecttl;
And whereas the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a
municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memoran-
And whereas the pro jec t (or $>art 9f it) would not, wi thou t the
assistance under the program, have e been included among>tp.e
capital works projects to be undertaken wi th:!-n ~hecalendar, e'
year or years inrespeet of whicJ1 app:;1.ication for assistance is'
made, and no other capital works project h~s, in consequence
been replaced or deferred until a later, year;
And whereas the project is one to which, the immediately preceding
paragraph applies in whole; . e
And whereas the other requirem€9nts of the Minister'S Memorandum.
have been complied with;
Now therefore be it resolved that application be made to the
Min~ster of Municipal Affairs for a commitment for a loan in the
amount of $.53,226.00 to assist in the financing of the project
under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963.
Resolution No. 66 dated May 5, 1964, is hereby rescinded. -
e Qar.ried. . e.e
Resoluti0n No. 74: Moved by R.A.Foster, seconded by L.A.Perraullt:
In accordance with Section 1 of The Tile Drainage Act the Clerk
is h~reby instructed to publish the following notice in the e
Orono Weekly Times at least once each week for three successive ~
weeks and the first publication of the notice shall be not ;Less
than four weeks prior to the holding of the me*ting of COt,lnci,lJ,..
Township of Clarke
Notice of Meeting to Consider By-Law "
Take notice that a by-law for raising $7.5,000.00 under the. pro....
vi'sions of The Tile Drainage Ac t wi 11 be tak:en into consideratien
by the Council of the Corpora ti on of the Township of Cla;rke'at;:,
the hour of Ten 0' clock in the forenoon on the Fourth day .of
August, 1964, in the Council Chamber at Orono. Carried.
Resolution NO. 7.5: ~ved by R.A.Foster, seconded by R.G.Cha~er:
This Council hereby direct the Township: of Clarke Cemetery Board,
to request thePrlilsbytery ef .the Presbyterian Church 'of Canada
to restere the,Newtonville PreSbyterian Ce.m.et'eryin Lot 8., e
Concession 2 ,Township of Clarke, in accordance with the sa,id
Board's specifications and the said Cemetery Board consider the
acceptance of the moneys fll10m the said Presbytery lnthe amount
of $1,979.78 upon the completion of .the restoration.
Certified copies of this resolution to be referred to the Qemetery
Board and .Solicitor E~R.Lovekin. - Carried.
Re;Solution No. 76: Moved by J.W.Stone, seconded by L.A.Perrault:
T~~s Counoil hereby aco~pt the suggested centennia~ project,
namely, the conservation of the lands adjacent to ~he Oronq Creek
and appoint Messrs. A.; MCLaren, R. Forrester, S. Rutherford,
C. . Armstrong, R. .H.az$lden, W. Bunting, J".W.Stone and I..A.Perrault
as the Management Cornmittee of';the said project. The said .Com-
mitteeare hereby em:powered t~ hold meetings and oarry out the
!iecessa~1'",:planning and business in regard to the estab11shme:nt. of
the said project in co-operation with this Qouncil ~ubject t~
the approval of the project by the Province of Ontario.
, - minutes, Council Meeting 'July 7, 1964, Qontinued.
18. T:r.astees of the Police Village of Orono request for Parking
By-law on Main Street., Orono, as busines~ tabled in meeting on
Jime 2nd, last, - FUed.
19. G. E. Simpson, Seoretary, Police Village of Orono, re
proposed Parking 13y...la".Th~.:glerk was instruct,ed to cO:rrespond
wi th the Trustees requesting t.hem .to survey and reoommend the
method of parkiJ:le; forC)ol1l).c:f.l to con,sid,er in by-law .forpl. '
20. Depar:b1nent of~ghways re proposed transfer of, B.er~o;e road
east side of Highways 115 & ,35. - Filed. '. .,
'" .....~._a.:r'~ent of Highways re Highways 115 & 35 road allowanQ~
betfM'e:n...a ~4& 35. - Filed. e . ~
22. e e ect Oommi ttee on the Municipal Act and Rela,ted Actsre,
brie:ts~~S7tJ.bm.1ssions from munlcipali ties. - Filed. .' . '
2:5.'Gii~1o Municipal Board re final approval of By-law No. ~449.
e Filed..
24.,'O:ntario School. Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association re
cenia'allsat1on program of public schools., -'Filed.,.
2;.~pij23.1 Construction Equipment (Toronto)L1mi ted, re
bovfiloieJ. Sales Tax on purchase of Front End Loader.- Filed.
26. Qt.>rdon V. Wright, Ob-ordinator, Emergency Measures
Ori~~~~Qn re E.M. O. subs:f.diza tion on fire pumpers as business
bJ.'o~t.,t.:rwaI'd from May 5, 1964, meeting. - Tabled.
2.1.O$nb-al Lake Ontario Conservation authority re regulat.toAS
CQtl~...'.............'.'e.....'. d.mn. p. ing of fill.. as busines,~ brought forward from .
Junei~f:t.'o4. -: lil~d. . '
gfJ.."p~tment of Highways re Snow Roads .& Fences Act. The
Cl.erlt ~e., <1,7'l$trUC,ted to reply in effect that Oouncil would ,not
Ob~~,t...t.o..,'.ih.. .erep.. eal of this Act,. if the power .to remoe ve afenOee
which caJUiles '~1ft1ng, and the power to enteron p;ro:lvate .1aD:ds ,
to erect snow tence, were put in the Municipal ,Apt or Tl+e Highway
IJnprov.~t .lot. '
29..!1leOn.tario l1un1c1pal.~socia t10n re annl1al convention.
The. Clerk .w.sinstructed to c~ete two r.g~strations on behalf
of :t.he ~ee."e ,and 'the < ~.e;t.'k and the,ir wives.
1 30. I>epartmeht of Municipal Affairs re report on planning
in 196:5,. e Referred, tOThep'la~1'ng .a.rd.
31.l)$partm.ent of Mun.icipal Affairs re municipal works assistanqe
prog1"am as bus,mess brqught f.orward from meeting on Jnne15,. 1964.
. .- Filed.
'The fOllowing Resolutions were passed: . . .
Resolution No. 7Tl Moved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded byJ. W.. Stqne:
Whereas. t:p.eOou.ncll of the Oorpora tion of the Township of Clarke. '
deems it expedient to apply fqr a loan under the Federal-Provincial
Mtulicipa,l'Works, Assistance Program as d~scribed in the Nemora;n.d~
of the M1n1~ter 'of MUnicipal Affairs, dated the 4th of November,
1963, in ;resp,e(J,t of the following project, namely the re-constructiq,n
of the fal1.owing roads to serve the Towns:qip :of Cl~ke: >
~:;:~:si6;atij~~E:1truction2.65 miles including bridge - :4ots 16/17)'
Ooncessions 2-}. , '
2. NorthEast 'Project, reconstruct 4.0 miles - Lots 4/5, Concession~
6-7; Lots 5-9 1;ncl.,Oorl;cessio.n 8, and Lots 8/9, Concession 7.
3. Newtonvi11erealign.ment- .Lot 11,Concession 1.
4. Leskard Road 2. 7 mil~s including bridge - Lots 30/31, ..
Concession 6-7. '
5. Sixth Ooncession Road 1.5 miles - Lo~s 21-26 Incl., ,Ooncessions
5-6. '
6. X1.mba).l: ~idge -Lot 10, Concession B.~. .
7. Hallowell 13ridge - Lot 10/11, Conqession 4.
8. Third Concession.Road 1.0 miles - Lots 25-28 ~cl.,
Concessions .2-3.
9. Purchase of land and Construction of ~oad 'Deps.z:tment Machine
Ga.rag.., hereinafter referred to as "the Pro j eC,t~; ,...
And whereas the project is, in the opinion .of the Oouncil, a m~....
cipa.l. pro~ect Wi tl.:dn the meaning of the Minister' s Memor~dumJ "c.
And whereas the project (or part of it) would not, without the
assistance under the program, have been included among the capj,tal
works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years
in respect af which application for assistance is made, and no other
capital works project has, in consequence been replaced or deferred
until a later year;
4 - Minutes, Council Meeting ~U1y 7, 1964, continued.
And whereas the project is one to which the immediately
preceding paragraph applies in whole;
And whereas the other requirements- of the Minister's
Memorandum have been complied wi thJ 'e '
Now therefore be it "resol;v~dtha.tapplication be made to the
Minister of MUnicipal Affairs fora commitment for a loan in
the amounto:f $64',675.00 t()al!ls!st in the financing of the
project under the Munici:pal Works, AssistanoeAct, 1963.
Resolution No.' 73 dated JUne "15'1 1964,' is hereby rescinded. Carried.
Resolution .No. 78. Moved. by lioy A.Foster,seconded by
Lome A.Perrault.
Resolv.e j;Pfi,:tan.y interested.perseondes1r1nget,o e~e c~a1m or to
oppose the proposed by....law to clo~eor s.top'"-Up c:erta.1D. road
allowances in the Townsh:ipt):f ()J.arke beheaI"d .in person or 'by
proxy at this tjJue. -~.ioed; ,',' e
Resolution No.'9s Moved' .'b)reLorne A.,l'erraul t,Seconded by
R. G.CJhaterl
This Oouncil hereby gran.t the sum of $10.00 to the Durham County
Plowman' $ Association for the year 1964. Treasurer. Mr. Ralph C.
Banbury, Brighton,Ont. - Oarrie-d.
Res.olution No. 80. Movedby:L.A..Perrault,' seconded by J .W.stone.
Th:tsOounc1J:declare Oivic ltOlidaj-, A.ugust 3, 1964, as a legal
holiday in the Township of Olarke. - Carriecl'. .
Resolution lio. 81,. Moved byJ .W.Stone,Seoon~fJ'" by L.A..Perraul t.
Resolvetha.tthe:l5urbam O,ou;n.ty O~ntral Agricttitural Society be
granted 8200.00 fort.heyear1964. - Oarried.
Resolution 'No~82.Moved by R,.G. Qba.ter, seconded byR.A.Foster.
This CQuncil hereby resolve 'to'proposeclps!ng the following
road allowance in the !OwtlElP1P of Clarke. '
Part ot the .lioad A.1lowancebetween Lota 32. and 33 in the Second
Ooncession o.f.the Townshipo:f Clarke, County otDurham,
extending '.from the north westerly limit ot the A,l.fred Graham
property :tn .Lot 32, Concession 2, to the northerly leimi t ot
the Second Ooncession..- -Cax-ried..
Reso,lutioIl Nth 83' Moved b.y R..~.Poster, seconded by J. W. Stone.
Resol'f&tha.t the Xenda.l Recreation Oomm1tteerequest for '
pernUssion to oJ.,oseottpa.rt Qf the Main s.treet at Kendal on
the evening otcTUly 15th, 1964 , tor purpose ota street lai!'
and Danc'e, be and is 'hereby granted. A oopy Of tnts
resolu tionbe referred to Mrs..' George Mercer ,secretary ot
the' said Recreation Committee. - Carried.
Resolution No. 84J. Moved by :a.A.Foster, Seconded by R.G.Cbater.
~t tentative approval be and is hereby. given to the request
of the Cavan Township SOuth School Area Board: for the raising
of an estimated amount not exceeding 8160,000..00 by the issue
of debentures, for a 20 year pe;riod, for the purpose of
building' and equipping ash o1.aasroom public schoo.l and one
general purpose room in the said.,$.on.th S~ool Area of the
Township of Cavan. - Oax.'ried.
Resolution NO.8?' Moved by R.A.Foster, s.eoonded byJ-.W.Stone.
Whereas, this dowcll . o,t the Corporation of tite Township of
Clarke has been asked to approve of a two-room' .addi tion to
Millbrook High School at a cost estimated by the De:J,>artment
of Education to be $42,50,01 be it resolved that. the, l>urham
COunty District 1:Iigh Scho()J. BOard be granted permission to
enga~e 'architects, draw plans and advertise for tenders tor
thi.s'project.- Carried.
Re9olution No. 86. Moved by R.A.Foster., seconded byJ .W...stone.
lfiereas, the coa"t of the addition to M:U1brook. High School will
be about $42,,5qO, the Corl?o.ration of the!ownship of Clarke
resolve.s that the Durham county-District High School Board be
perm! tted to pay for this ou tof Ourrent Funds in orq.e;r. tOsa.ve
the cost of debentures. T.obeput into etfect, this resolution
mustQe approved by 'the majority of the Munic:1p.alities. The
Department o~Education has agreed to pay'theirshare the
yea.rfol.J.()w1ng completion. -Ca.;rried.
Resolution Jo. 87. Moved by J .W.stone, seoonded by L.A.Perraul,t.
TMS OotUtc:Uhereby accept an,d ap~()ve the Offers to Purchaseot
certain landator :road .a.l.lo'W8.nce purposes signed by Me.asrs.
W: Cox,.C,.W.Oox, Donald 8'b13.pl.eton, J. Bosch and M.L. Ross,
Road Su.ll'erin tenden t of the Township of Clarke.
The 'p1erk be and is hereby instructed to prepare the deeds
for.....cessary si-gn1ng by the Vendors, and the Reeve and
Clerk~ - Carried.
5- Mi%1utes,Oounofl MeetingJu1t 7, 1964, continued.
R.eso1utiQ!l 10. 8S,Mo,,,,~dbl' L.A...Perraul t, seconded by R..G. Chater.
ReBor'V'e&~l.en~ers ;!()r bridge extension and one culvert be and
are hereby op~!led..-~ed. :
i:3..e..t~...~....e..e..:..e....e... ....... O....~.....:~et':O.d~.;dr. ...:~ee .~. ;.~l~:r i~~.e~eO.. nd...lltg. h b~.W.tr..ee~~~p.e.~
LiD1it.4~'~'~\(the construction p~a bridge e~tens!on at Lot 28, .
Oonces.~~f1<'J4, and. a culvert between Lots. 8/9.. Oonceession :Broken
:pre one t' '.e eea.hd. is.. he;ebyacooepted auj)j.ect to the approval of the
,Depar ~ ofH1~hways of'O~tario~.- O~ried. .
~~ .following by-laws we~e' read a First and Second t1me~. ~
S~~ee.'e..e.'.'tar.e....1.... Jj J3r-law NO_: l4~.e.J.:1 a bY-lawt.o..prOv1de f... or the 196~
..&C1I~es' on roads under the Muni<ripal .Works Assistance
~gram. in the amount o~ 173,6'0..00.v
:BY~. .... J'... O........e .:t4e... '.. ..e2-.a bY-I. a. W' to au the o.r. ;i.ze a aen..teAIlial.e. e of Oanad1e ap...
' ~e~i!o:n.s J.>ro~e()t, nB.ID.ely, The Development o:f Park Lands
and Be. we Areas along the Orono ~trea.m. e .
. ~e ,f.oUO;w1ng by-J.aw.s WeI."e read a tirst, Second and -Third
t.f.me Cd tinaJ) Y passed.. , .
1em.enta.r-lawlio ..1. a .by:-law to provide .for the 1964
. .8son roasn.the!.ownsh1p of Clarke, in the Cb~V
o.e...ee.e. Dm.., . . .
,Whereaa."e'J11g:p.way . Improv.epient A.c~ require.s tn,at ~e total expendj.~~
onr:D~~j~p~Ondedfpr a.nnuallY by 'by-law andthEit the by-Iawbe .
St1.but1.i1f1A to e the Millist~r of .E1.ghwaya for a:pprovaq.~. . '
!h~.,.t1teO'Ouncil o~ the Oor:p,ox;a1iion of the se.1:d ~ownship e.naot~
as t(i,).;1.eWS:':(l.) !he sum "of $;1.5,000.00 is he~e~y estimated as the .
expenditure upon the OOIlBtruction and maintenance of the roads and
bridges JUldEJr 'i ts:jurisdi ation during the year 1964. as tollows.
e . Oonstruction Maintenance ~otal
RO.ads l 1 I;,SOO.OO $t~,500.00
:Bridges & ClUlverts $ $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00
liew Ma.cili1nery , $ . Nil $
Su.perlJ'J/t;edence &: Overhead J J J
. - .T,o'tals 1 l~5',OOO..00 l15,00W.O'Q
(2.) tiles.aJ..d,lJl.on1es shall be expended under the supervision ot th'eY'
duly ftppoint ed township road supeJ;intendent and on work performed in
aOoorde.n~e wlthThe Highw~y Improvement Act. . e .
m~:tc;=c:h6~1 th~~:~~ ~i;~ilig:j: ~~:, o~e:;~~t16~ ~~~e
'tf1J!IsJ~t$.rloJ'not l8.ter than Ma;rcl;131st of thesa4dye~r. '
(4] '~$apltre~o.t t;b.e Qntario MunicdpaJ. Boardsballb.e obtained
bS;fgre ~ .expend1 ~e is authorize.d or work commenced which will
bef:1:nane..u.blthe.lss\le ,of debentures or monies rEi.ised in a sub-
se.fluent tear. . ' .
:B1-aws:B'O.. eJ.45h...e ... ..... ' ..e . being. a by-law to estop-up certa.in r. cad allowances
. . .iiiI'o~ parts of road allowances e in the ~ownsh1p o;f' Olarke.
Whereas notiCe of intention to pass. this by-la'!i was published 'o.nee a
week for. a.t leaJ;lt four successlv~"tIeeks in the. Oro;to WeakJ..y!1mes and
was poste.d up for at leaaetone month in six of e.themo.stp:u.bl1.c p.laces
in the 1mmediat.e neighbou;rhood of each of. the said road allowance.s or
partso~ road allowances hereby affeot,!3d as: required by the provisions
of The ~cipal Act; ,e
And whereas O,otmc.U has :['!eceived no objections from persons claiming
J:tt:~;;~O;:n~h:O~1~~~~.a6:~if-~~ ~~eg:;~~iti~~ ~~-~~:J
~o..eni p of Olarke enacts., as fo1;:Lo~s; .
1. 'fha t all. those road allowances and parts of road allowances in
the Townsh1pQf .O:I.arke, deS.c,reibed in Secheclule"A,- ~,d forIn1ng part
of this by-law be ~dthe ~~e are hereby stopped up.
ScheduleltA.. . . .
1. ~..It.oad AJ.J.owancebe1iweenLots 6 and 7 in the Jourth Opnceaa1on
of th~!p.wnlElld,pd of O1.arlte,:Qonnty .'o.tDurham, extending from e. tJ1-" .
southerlll1.1Ji1t .o:f the' ~a!1dFourth Ooncession 'to .the norther~' e e.
limi.t tlier"eotl . >". . ...
2. .fhe llQadJ..l;l'Qwanoe between Lots 26 and 27 in the Seventh
Ooncess1.~: ,flit... ,th~.~~1'11,p .of ..Olarke, OOUlL ty of DUrham, exte:n~!ns
from .the $Ql1~erly I1m1 t of the said SeventhOoncession to the
no~~e.r17 ~t~reo~, .
6 - Minutes, OOuncilllaet1ng ..Tu.ly1i 1964,oontinued.
3. !he Road Allowanoe between .Lots 24 and 25 in the Eighth
Ooncession of th.e. !ownsh;1.pol.e O1arke, Oonn ty of Durham,
ext.end1ng from the souther~ll1m1tof ime said Eighth
Ooncessi.on to ,tb,e np;rctl'1,erlYll1l11 tthereof;
4. Part of the Road .A.1.J.ow-ance bE!"f;ween Lo ts 2 and 3 in the
Seventh Ooncessioa of. 1h.~ ~l11>>ot Olarke, ClOunV of
Durham, being the north '168 t.eet southerly olsaid '
northerly boundary; . ; .,
5 . ThelloadJ,;lloWanoe betw._n.. B.ange"A" and lia.I1gelt]3"in
Lots 1 and a of the J3r.o1ten 'J'it"o,nt COncession otthe ~ownah1p
of O1.arke, QD:unty Of ])urhfJ.1ri.:
!l1e ..following by-law was, given third :read.1ng and finally
passed. .'
:B~-La.wNb. 14..4!!. TeO au thoriiz.e the borrow1ngQf .115.000.00
e upon debentu,resto anend and lJnprove oertain
works :fo.rMstri,buting ele.c.trioal po~ or
energy for the ttSe. of the Police Village .
of Orono and its inhabitants, oalled the
Or,ono .!tdre Electri.c aommf.Ssion.
Whereas it has been deemed desirous to extend and improve
the works forthedistrih:u:bicm o:t eleotrical power or energy
of the Orono B):dro EleotricalOmnnd.ssion,
And whereas it is expedient to borrow for the extension and
improvement of such works for the use of the Polio.e Village
of Orono and its 1nhabi tants, a sum not exoeeding 81500Q..00
upon the said cred1 t otthe Oorporation of the!ownsMp of
Olarke see~ed by the asse,ta ot the Orono Hydro Electric
Commission and by thewho.le .ra teable property ot the said
Police Village of Orono, to issue debentures therefor
bearing interest at the ratee of five and one-ha1.f per
cenWm per annum payableY'earJ.y and to provide for the
discount and expenses incidental to the negotiation and
sale o:t suM1 debentures, "
And whereas' th$ Trustees of'the said Police Vil1age o:t
Orono have mad& appllca tion 'to the Oouncil of this Oorpora tion
for the. paSsing of this :By-law in . pn.rsuano.e of the Power
a<>mmission"A.ct, R.S.O. 1960; Qhapter 300 and the amendments
thereto for the issue of suOh debentures and ;~r the levying
by an anntJAl special rate u!>on thera.:teable property in
the said Pollee VCtUage of Orono of the sums-required for
the paymen~ af the debenturtJs issued. for such extensions
and 1mprovament; . . . .'
.b.d whereaS 1t'is expedient" to make the principa:tof the
said debt 1-epayable in a.nl1uAlinsta.lments du,ring" the period
Of fifte'tm: Y'ea.rs next afteZ" the date of the 'issue of such
debentures" in such amounts.ta.eEipectively so that.Tti1 th the
interest itireapect of theaebt the aggregate8Jnbu.nt
paY's bl'e for prinoipal and' . inter es t in each year shall be
as nearly ~s P9ss~bte the. 8~eJ. .
Bow the~efore the Council, of the Oorporation of the Township
of Olarke enaots as follows 1.-
1. !Or the purposes afQrQaid 1iheO,orporat1on of. the
~ownsbip of Olarke shall ho.rrow upon the general credit
of the Oorpora tion a $Dl'Il not. exoeeding tl5fOOO.OO and
shall issue debentures therefor in'sinns not less thim
8100..0.0 each. Each de.hentJu'e shall bear interest at ~e
:fate of five and one ha1:fpe.r centum per a:rm,p payab1e "
annually and shall hav,a ~~ attached thereto for. the
pa1Dlent ofsUeoh interest,
2. All debentures shallbe$.I'1he sam.e date, shall be
issued at one t1Jne dur!ng1J1,e year 1964 after the day on'
which this :By-law is passel, mal beare e:rJ:1. dat.e within suoh
period andsiJaJ J be madf pqable in annual instalmen ts
during -ij;le period o.f fifteen years next a1"ter the date of
issue thereof and the reEipeotive aotaltB of prinoipal and
in tarest payable in each of slien. years sball be the amounts
so designa.tedin Schedul.e"A"hereto annexed;
1-1(fM..\, ..~~~~ ""7' 7, ~964" .,~..,
: .' ~...~::;,i}~\,:::'~_: ::'/~'.'.': ::_- -- -:_->~ :"> ,--~_':"> ...:-_J,..,"~..~,';':.,,'~:"""'} .,", '''' ~_ '; ',~;::~< \,;"d-'. '~'_: ' ":.~..'" ~~-.,_'_ - :'_"':"i-""""~'~~>_>"""')":"";_':" ...,.--~~' - _
'.f>>,~e de'ben turesshs,11 be P&J~b1e as'tQ both principal and
interest in lawfuJ.money of Oai1a.da at the Oanadian Imper:1al :Bank
of OommerC$l. Oran()~ta:r11o J. e
4. . nesa1Jd de'Qttn ..' .as. s.ha.ll be sealed wi tP. the seal of the'
Gorporation and signed by the head of theOOunoil or by some
otn..r person authorized by Bi-law to sign the sa.m.eandby the
freali\n'9ro.f this corporation. The saidinterestcoupo.ns shall
be .t....edby the said!a"easurer and hissig.n.at'ure the:reon.ms:i .be
wr11f e ,. lltl1bgraphed,e~aved, or mechani.cally reproduced; ,
s. .... ei1cln.g in the year 1964 and in each year thereafter at
the ~ency Oef the"debEmtures. thereshal1 b.e' levied and raiae4 .
b1 SPElc.1aJ. rate su,!fio1.enttherefor, ove.r and above all othei ~ ..... .
ra.tes,'on all the ts.:x:ab1e prope.rv of the ratepayers of the
Po+~()eV1ll~e of'Orono at the same time ~. in the .same $anJl~
a.sother rat.es,theswn shown for the respeotive yea:r in the
t'ourth <?o~.o.faQheQ.ule <".lit hereto annexed, but it .shBll l!~t
'l)e ~..ee.eea.rt to levy !n~yea:r a greater amoUnt thB.n '-S e'
re~.dto pay the instalment after ta1r1ng into account
re4e'i:pts under Section ,6 of .#le Public Utilities Act or t'r0Jll
~ other source.in: connection with the proposed workJ
6. !he said debentures may contain a clause providing for
:-:,#,~'~~on thereot' pursuant to Section "5 of the
7. 'J'.....d1ng the sale ot' the said debentures the head of the
GounoU $nd the said !rea.surermay raise for the pUrposes
a.tore~~1dbyway of I.oan o.nsJ;lch debentures, any sum or sums
ofaOlJ,ei not exeee<iing in all the sum hereby au.thorized to be
borrowe4~an4 may bJpothecate' suCh'debenturesforsuah loan.
, - . !.
1970 .
. 700
"A" to .By-Law !fo. 1446
~rl ~o 15 ~ears
+Jiterest !rote.1Pa1Jnent
. 825.00 . 1,525.00
786.50 1,486.50
748.00 1,548.00
704.00 1,504 't 00
660~00 1,460~00
616.00 1,516.00
566.50 1,466.50
51~.00 1,517.00
462.00 1,462.00
407.00 1,507.00
346.50 1,446.50
286.00 1,486,.00
220.00 1,520.00
148.50 1,448.50
77.00 1,477.00
Resolu.tion:trb. '0. ~oved by L. A. Perrau1 t, seconded by
R. .I.. Foster.
This a.ounci1 hereby adJo'J1rn to ,meet again on Tuesday,
August 4th, 19621-, at 10a..m., ' in regular meeting in the
Oouncil OhaJD.ber at. 01:'ono or otherwise at the call of the
Reeve. - Q'$.X'ried.
Meeting adjourned.
, ~~~~.~r I
01en:-- . e .
Reeve. ..