HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/1964 SPECIAL MEETI~U OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE June 15th, 1964 at 8.00 p.m. Council Chamber~ . Present: Reeve H.E.Wa1key Deputy Reeve J.W.stone Councillor R.A.Foster Councillor R.G.Chater Councillor L.A.Penrault Clerk H.E.Mil1son. ......,. ...., Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve H.E.Walkey to discuss and resolve upon the following business: - As directed in regular meeting of Council on .Tune'~nd last, the following persons met with Council to discuss abandoned cemeteries and particula~ly the recommendation of ~e Cemetery Board, namely, "The Cemetery Board of Clarke Township recommend that the Clarke 'llownshi,p Council ~ccept title to all the oemeteries listed on By-Law No. 1403, with limited aooess": Mr. Sidney Rutherford, Chairman of -the Cemetery Board Mrs. Alice Chater, Secretary · ' Mr. Arnold Wade, Member Mr. Reginald Lovekin, Member Mr. Arthur 'Thompson, Member Councillors R.G.Chater and ~.~.Perrault, Members Mr. R.S. Magowan Dept. of Health of Ontario . E.R.Lovekin, MUnicipal SOlicitor In discussion, it was generally the opinion that Coun-cil would have 1i ttle difficulty in acquiring ti,tles but that a limited access might be a ~rob1em where cemeteries ~re located a distance from municipal roads. The Cemetery Board could be authorized by the passing of certain by-laws, stated Mr. Magowan, to move tombstones so as to prepare .the grounds for ease of maintenance.' J?le.nning of this kind, it was mentioned, had already been considered by the Board. Cairns might be constructed to provide for the permanent establishment of the stones to enable brushing and levelling and eventua11:\T the cutting of grass so as to produce a minimum of perpetual care. It was also suggested that trees might b€ ' planted, rather than grass, to further reduce the annual cost of care~ to such cemeteries. . Mr. Rutherford said it waS the wish of the Board to request a guarantee to provide for the maintenance of. the cemeteries after restoration. Two annual appropriations, he said, might be necessary to produce such a policy, one for the restoration of cemeteries, and another for investment to provide perpetual care upon earnings. By~ this method of financing, the munici- pa1i ty, he believed, could be assured of maint:aining the oemeteries in question. Solicitor Lovekin concurred with the need for a principle to finance this program. Bequests, he said, are quite likely to ocour and oould be applied to specific fund~ on any parti- cular cemetery for perpetual oare. . The Board and Council were agreed on the advisability of the Board preparing a statement of costseto cover both restora- tion and oontinual care for future presentation to the Counoil,~.; On behalf of the Board, Mr. Rutherford asked Counoil fQr a deoision. on the cemetery at Newtonville now owned. by the . Presbytery of the Presbyterian Churoh of Canda in view of the moneys offered, in the amount of $1,979.78, being inadequate for restoration and care. This business was then referred to resolution. ' Further to the proposed request of a Centennial Project of .Tune 2, 1964, Messrs. Wm~ Bunting, A. MoLaren, R. Forrester, 3. Rutherford and R. Hazelden met with Counoil to further the disoussion of the proposal. This matter was referred to resolution. . 2 - Janutes, Speo~al Meeting of Council, June 15, 1964, oont: Messrs. Vim. Talbot and Stanley Ward, representing the Union Rod & Gun Club, requ$ste~ Qouno~l's reply 40 the Club's letter to Counoil under date of February 11, 1964. The aotion of Counoil in respeClt to thisIUa.tter is recorded under oorrespondenoe. The following oorrespondence was read ou.t .by the Reave: 1. The 'Township of Clarke Cemetery ,Board re reoommendation for Counoil to aooept title to oemeteri~s ~nder By-Law No. 1403. Tabled. , . 2. MUnioipalities of Darlington, Ho~e., Manvers and Newoastle re transfer of allocations under loa~ fundtq qlarke as business brought forward. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge and oonvey t~e.appreciation of this Counoil to the said municipalities. 3. Department of Munioipal Affairs re loand fund total allo- oation reserved for Clarke. Filed. t 4. Department of Munioipal Affairs re acknowledgement of applioations under the ~~ioipal Works Assistanoe Program under Refere~ce Nos. A-134 and A-135. - Filed. '.~Par~ent of Munioipal Affairs re Munioipa~ Works ~ssis- tanoe Program Applioations Nos. A-134 and A-135. This letter was tabled, and referred to ~esolu.tions, and the Clerk was instruoted to reply. , . 6. Petition by A.McLaren and ot~ers in respeo~ to a proposed Centennial Project. Referred to resol~tion. 1. Peti tion for funds to oove,r the' cost of opti.ons on land aoquisi tion re the proposed Cente~al Project. It ;was moved by R.G.Chater, seQonded by L.A.Perrault, ~~t a sum in the amount of J $;0.00 be appropriated for ,options for Centenni.al. Pr,ojeot purposes. - Carried. . . , 8. Union Rod & Gun Club request to open ~ rifle and pistol range on Part Lot 23, Con. 3, as business brought forward. On motion by R.A.Foster, seoonded by R.G.Chater, this Council conour with the deoision and aotion of t~e Clarke Planning Board. Carried. The following Resolutions were p~sed by Council: Resolution No.2:. Moved by R'.G.Chater, seconded by L.A.Perrault: areas e ounoil of the Corporatio.n of the Township pf Clarke deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal- Provin- oial-MUnicipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memoran- dum of the M1nister of Municipal Affairs, dated the 4th of November, 196,3, in respect, of the Polioe Village of Orono, hereinafter referred to as "the prOject"; . , And whereas the projeot is, in the opipion of the Council~ a muni- oipal project within the meaning of the Minister'S Memorapdum; And whereas the project (or part of it) would not, without the assistanoe. under th~ program, have been include~ among the oapital works projeots to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of whioh application for assistance is made, and no other capital works prpjeot has, in oonsequence, beep. replaced or deferred until a later year; '. And whereas the project is one to which th~ immediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; And whereas the other. requirements of the. Minister's Memorandum have been oomplied with; e ,~~Now therefore be it resolved t~t application be made to the Minister ~of Municipal Affairs for a oommitment for a loan in the amount of ~ $11',1".00 to assist in the financing of the project under the Muni- ci.pal Works Assistance Aot, 1963. Resolution No. 56 dated April 7, 1964, is hereby resoinded. - Carried. Resolution No.' 73: Moved by J. W .Stone, seoonded by R.A.. Foster: 1jYhereas the Counoil of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it expedient to apply for. a lpan under the FederalrProvincial-Munioipal Works AsaistanoeeProgram as described in, the Memorandum of the Minister of Munioipal Ufairs, dated the 4th of November, 1963,. in respe"O'tof the fol19wingp!'oject, namely the re-construction of the following rop-ds to serve tp.e TownShip of Cl3.rke.: . . . 3- ~nutes, Special Meeting of Council, June 15, 1964, cont.: t . Project Deseri~tion 1. Morgans RoaConstruction 2.65 miles including bridge - Lots 16/17, Concessions 2-3. . . . 2. North East Project,: reconstruo.t 4.0 miles - Lots 4/.5, Con- cessions 6-7; Lots 5-9 Inol. ,Conoession 8; and Lots 8/9, Concession 7. 3. Newtonville realignment - Lot 11, Conoession 1. 4. Leskard Road 2.7 miles including bridge - Lots 30/31, Con- cessi ons 6-7. 5. Sixth Concession Road -1.5 miles - Lots 21-26 Incl., Conces- sions 5-6. 6. Kimball Bridge - Lot 10, Concession B.F. 7. Hallowell Bridge - Lots 10/11, Concession 4. 8. Third G9ncession Road 1.0 miles - Lots 25-28 Incl., Conces- sions '2~3. hereinafter referred to as "the Project"; .tnd whereas the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memoran- dum; And whereas the ,project (or ~art 9f it) ewould not, without the assistance under the program, have. been inoluded am.ong tl1e capital works projects to be undertaken within the oa1endar year or years inrespeat of whiol1'; app~ic'El tioD. for assistance is made, and no other capital works project h~s, in consequence been replaced or deferred until a later, year; And whereas the project is one to which, the immediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; . e And whereas the other requirem~nt~ of the Minister's Memorandum have been complied with; Now therefore be it resolved that app1ioation be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a oommitment for a loan in the amount of $53,226.00 to assist in the financing of the project under the Municipal \Vorks Assi stance Aot, 1963. Resolution No. 66 dated Ma:y 5,' 1964, is hereby resoinded. - e Carri ad. Resolutien No. 74: Moved by R.A.Foster, seconded by L.A.Perrault: In aocordance with Seotion 1 of The Tile Drainage Aot the Clerk is h~reby instructed to publish the following notioe in the Orono Weekly Times at least once each week for three successive weeks and the first publication of the notice shall be not .less than four weeks prior to the holding of the meeting of Council:- Township of Clarke Notice of Meeting to Consider By-Law, Take notice that a by-law for raising $75,000.00 under the. pro- vi'sions of The Tile Drainage Ac t wi 11 be taklt9 into consideration by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon on the Fourth day pf August, 1964, in the Council Chamber at Orono. Carried. Resolution NO. 75: Moved by R.A..Foster, seconded by R.G.Cha,ter: This Council hereby direct the Township of Clarke Cemetery Board to request thePrEj}sbyteryef.the Presbyterian Churoh'ofCanada to restore the Newtonville Presbyterian Cemet'eryin Lot 8., Concession 2, Township of Clarke, in accordance with the s~id Board's specifications and the said Cemetery Board consider the acceptance of the moneys fll10m the said Presbytery in 'the amount of $1,979.78 upon the completion of ,the restoration. Certified copies of this resolutien to be referred to the Qemetery Board and ,Solicitor E.R.Lovekin. - Carried. Resolution No. 76: Moved by J.W.stone, seconded by L.A.Perrault: Th~S Council hereby aoo,pt the suggested oentennia~ project, namely, the conservation of the landsadjaoent to ~he Or0n~ Creek and appoint Messrs. A.:, MCLaren, R. Forrester, S. Rutherford, C. . Armstrong, R. .Hazelden, W.,Bunting, .J.W.Stone andL.A.Perrault as the Management Commltteeot"rithe said .:project. The said ,Com- mi tteeare hereby empowered tq, hold meetings and carry outth,e riecessa1V'~planning andbusin~Ss in regard to the establishmen.t of the said project in co-operation with this Qouncil subjeot to the approval of the project by theP-rlJvince of Ontario. . " ( . . 4- Min~tes: Special tMeeting of Council, .Tune 15; 1964, cont.: ; The Oha-irman, and Seoreta.ry o.f the ~'a:id Management Commtttee shafl be Messrs. Vim. Bunting and R. Hazelden respe.ctively. _ e The Glerktis herebylnstruct~d to complete ~nd process an a:ppli9ation in re~pect; to this project under t~e Federal-Provinciale Centennial Grants Frogram. A copy of this resolution, together with the Department's Memor~ndum to Clel'ks, 'Pereferred to the Management Committee. - Garried. - Meeting. adjourned. . ~~ ~( .. ... - / Cler~ 1 . ~5V~. Reeve. . REGULA!. DE!ING OF THE OOUNUn 0.1' fEE !OWNSHIP OF CLABXE J11111, 1'964 at'lO a'.m. , Oounc11 Gllamber, ~~o,~ ir...iI,.,af'Te R", E. WaJ,k61 . ... e. 'Jf~~_~eeTe J. w. . Stone , le'Q)1OmoX" R.. J.. Jaster ~tu1e1llor:R..G. Obater Ooocillor. L. J.. Perrault Ol.;rJt e R~eiE. ,JlUlson !loa.d'Superintenclent M. L. Ross !he m.:1nlltes a! the last regular meeting and aJ.soonespeoial ..etin.g were approved' as read on motion by J. w. stone, seaondedby R,G. 'hter.. .. Oarried. Ree,.. W~ey called ~hemeeting t.o order. J. ereso~ution ,wa.sthen p....~.i' V CounCil al1th~r1zli1g: any interested person. an opportunity at th;f.,e time' to op~se thepropo.aed by-law to close or atop-np certain road a.l~owM.ces Uthe!OWl1Sh1p:O.!. OJ.8.l'k.e. . ' . . ee. .e.!'h"'thee. ~tter of reading out the following descriptionao:t the proposed roa.d,cl,oainptheRe.8v8 asked for any anda.1l objec.'tions to be made 'before Jo.tUiou. 'lmmediat'ely after his reading of eaOhdes~ipt1onl- 1.. !hit 'J.oad A.J.lowancebetween .Lots}2 and" in the Seoond a~$i.ono;tthe'!Qwnship o!01arke, Oounty o'! Durham, 'ext.ending from tlJ.8 aOu,;:tJ.erl)r .1.im.1t of the said SeoondOonceasion to the northerly Jbiitl!jmeot. e e,' . . '-'JI:r~ ~.d <Jrahe.m owner of part 'of Lot 32, Ooncessi.on 2,oppoaed the, '.OJ;;~e.~o,t tAe seuth part OIllY of the' said roa.d allowanoe 'in ql1e8~O.~.' '. .' e' ftr. lla.bert !tent d1sou.saed the said closing with OOunoil and did not obj ec1i 'totl.ie o-los1ng. . : : : 2.. '!he. Road .A.:1.1owanc.e Ib._.en Lots 6 and 7:in lhe Fourth QOJlo~a$ion otthe!bwnship ot, O1a.rlte, Qounty o.f Durham, ex~endlD.g'5om tB.i~ " sOl1therlyll:mit, 'otthe '<aaldJourth Ooncession to the northerly.!ixu::l:t;. e thel'e,of(. 1"0 obj eot1anell: .' . . , '.fheItoad w.o.wanoe . beween Lots 26 and 27 in (the Seventh Oonoession ot the'~Wns.hip ofOJ..a.r1:el Qouri;tyof Durham, extending from the e aoutherlylimit oithe Sa1.d 'Seventh Ooncession to the northerly limi t thereo~. NQ objec~on. . . t 4-. !he 1\oed Allowanoe between Lots 24 and . 25 i.tithe Eighth Oonoession of the. !fownBhip of Glarke, OounV o;t'Durl1S.m; ex~ending from the .Boutli~ly limit of the &a.~d Eighth Opn()eJas:lontpthe~ortherly l1mi 11 thereo!.,N'oobjee.tlon. ' e ' 5., .'uta! the Road 'Allcrwanoe between Lota2 and.' in ~the Sev~th Conc".sion Q:f the To~'pO~. Olarke , Ooun 1;y of. J)tl~'Jbeing the north 31~e f,,~-b southerly ~! .sal~noX"theJ:lly ,boundary. . 1I.Q eo:b3ection<<.. c... ,... .e6,.'llOlJ.d ..Allowanoe bebfeenLots 6 'and 7 .in the J1:rst: ~...~. ... qti)1. ',' "~ o:tO+~ke.t OOunV of Durh,am, extending trom thfi'.l.'7( e$01:l . .....:1..tIt the ~d l1:rstOoncession to the eoutherl~"l'~;1JJI,1 at e c... .e.. :..., !lb~4-Q~. . .'. e e " """';" ..;~/ .;*,adcloei1ig'inql1eation was opposed to by letter .r..ti.e~i.,a.; !rom .. .-0. X. ,Jl?nea.