HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1964 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE June 2, 1964 at 10 a.m. . . . Council Chamber, Orono. ~.' Present: .Reeve H. E. Wa~key Deputy Reeve J. W. Stone Councillor R. A. Foster Councillor R. G. Chater, , Councillor L. A. Perrault, Clerk R. E. lfillson Road Superintendent M. L. ~R9sS The'minutes of the last regular meeting and one special meettn& were approved as read on motion by R.A.Foster, seconded, by L.A.Perrault. Carried. J.W.Stone, Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, repor- , ted that a road inspection had been Garried out on May 26th and 28th last under the direction of the Road Superint~ndent. Messrs. R. McClellan and.F.~.LYQett discussed and reviewed the schedule of insurances with Council. Mr. McClellan, repre- senting the Frank Cowan Insurance Agency, passed out copies of an(Annual Review-1964 of the insurance now 'geing carried by the Township, together with suggested insurances for Council's consideration. On motion, unanimously agreed upon, Council recessed for lunch at 12.30 p.m. and resumed session at 2 p.m. R.A.Foster reported a Ganaraska meeting held at his home on Uay 28th last. . General Account Vouchers No. 6 f~r J~e 1964 and Road Voucher No. .5 for May, 1964, were authorized for payment on motion by R.A.Foster, seconded by R.G.Chater. Carried. CQunQil recessed at 3.45 p.m. and resumed session again at 4 p.m. J.W.Stone reported a meeting held on even date with Messrs. Fish and Saunders representing the Board of Transport Commissioners for Cailada;,snd Canadian Pacific Railways respectively at the si te of the proposed reconstruction of the sight lines at the CtP.R. orossing located between Lots 8 and 9, Concession B.F. As a result of the said meeting, the Road Superintendent was autho- rized to prepare the necessary estimates with regard to the pro- posed project. . . Solicitor E.R.Lovekin attended Council and 4isoussed certain legal matters. . The following correspondence and reports were read out to Council: 1. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re C.N.R. Grade Separation final inspection of structure and examination of aooounts. - Filed. 2. Board of Transport Co~nissioners for Can~da re inspec- tion of the proposed reconstruction of the sight lines at C.P.R. crossing between Lots 8 and 9, B.F. Concession. - Filed. . 3. E.R.Lovekin, Solicitor, re DQgs - Running ~t Large - and Magistrate Baxter's pending decision with regard to Mr. R. C. Simpson. Filed. 4. Ontario,Good Roads Association re Directory of Company Members. Filed. 5. Mr. Stanley M. Porteous re Newcastle GaEbage Dump. Filed. 6. The Ontario Municipal Board re construction proposed under authority of By-law No. 1449, under the Tile Drainag~ Act. Filed. . 7. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Water Works, Ontario ',Vater Resources Commission Project No. 64-w-130. Filed. 8. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for April 1964. Filed. 9. Mr. John Paxton, Principal, Orono Public School, re letter of appreciation to Council for the use of the,Hall tor rehearsal. Filed. ~ 10. The Ontario Municipal Board re acknowledgement of By- law No. 1449. Filed. . ;. ..-~."""O~. I:' ....IS.'".... \ \, . .ee..' ee 2 - Minutes, 'Oounci1 Me~ting ~une 2, 1964, continued: 11. The Frank Cowan Insurance Agency re Annual Review, 1964. Filed. " . e 12. The Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities ~e 1964 Membership Fee. Filed. 13. Department of Highways reappro'\tal of By-law No. 1441. Filed. 14. Department of Agriculture, Live Stock Branch, re notice to Township Clerks of grants under the.Warble Fly Control Act. F~led. ( . 15. .M"r. Gordon V. Wri gh t, Co-Ordinator, Emergency Measures Organization, re the proposed form~tion of auxiliary police in the municipalities of the United Counties. Filed. . 16. Central Lake Ontario Conservat~on Autho~ity r~ regula- tions concerning dumping of fill as business brought forward. Tabled. . 17. Union Rod & Gun Club re proposed rifle and pi~tol range as business brought forward. Tabled. 18. Department of Highways re proposed transfer of service road east side of Highw~ys 115 and.35. - By Resolution. 19. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, re indigent notice for 1~. Raymond Brownell. Referred to the Clerk. 20. Sel~ct Committee on the Municipal Act and related Acts re Third Report. Filed. 21. Capital Construction Equipment (Toronto) Limited re aocount for purchase of ,Front End Loader. The Clerk was instruc- ted to ~eply., 22. The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada request for financial assistance. Filed. 23. Commu~ity Planning Association of Canada re 1964 National Pl~nning Conference to be held September 27-30. Filed. 24. Gordon V. Wright, Co-Ordinator, Emergency Measures Organi- zation, re financial assistance program for purchase of addit\onal Mlmi cipal Fire Pumpers. - Tabled. 25. The Cemetery Board of the Township of Clarke re the Board's recommendation for Council to accept title, with limited access, to all cemeteries listed in By-law No. 1403 and amendments thereto. On motion by J.W.Stone, seconded by R.A.Foster, the Clerk was instructed to arrange a meeting of the Council and the Cemetery Board wi th Mr. MoGowan of the Department of Health, to .. discuss the subject in question. 26. Mr. Michael Karas, Sr., re drainage and damage to road- side fence. The clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Karas that tA~ fallen tree would be removed, the fence repaired, and finally that hls oomplaint of drainage had ~een caused when he filled in the natural watercourse located on his property. 27. The Municipalities of Darlington, Hope, Manvers and Newca~tle ~e transfer of allocations under the Municipal Works Assistance Program. - TabLed. 28. Orono Community Memorial Park Board re ~cceptance as cu~todians of the pro~osed Cente.nn1.a1 Park Land :Proj.ect along the Orono stream upon its oompletion. - Filed. 29__ Nortqumberland-Durham Health Unit re provision of a fence around a swimming pool. Referred to the Clerk. .. 30. W&lfare Officers Association re annual Qonvention . June 8, 9 and 10, 1964. - Filed. 31. Stratford Seminar on Civio Design re Canada's Centenary. Referred to Finance Committee. 32. Crothers.Limited re zone charges. Referred to Road Superintendent. 33. The Retail Sales Tax Branch re building exemptions. Filed. 34. Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Association re survey of the relationships between Sohool Boards and MUnicipal Councils. - Filed. 31. Miss Adeline Millson re request for fencing. Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee with power to conclude this business. 36. Department of Highways re advance payment of subsidy. Fi Ie d. . 3 - Minutes, 'Council Meeting .Iune 2, 1964, continued: \ 37. Department of Highways re Property Sale No. T-01750 being Part Lots 8 and 9, Range "B" B.F. Con. - Filed. . 38. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono request tor Council to pass a By-Law to establish.a two hour parking limit on.Main Street. - Tabled. 39. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re authoriza- tion to paYtaocounts under Contract 6361 being the addition to the Orpno Fire Hall. - Filed. 40. Department of Municipal Affairs, Planning Branch" re. drafting of a Land Use By-Law for the Township of Clanke. .- Referrs;d'to the Planning Board. 41. Deaprtment of Highways re approval of Supplement8ry By-Law No. 1443. - Filed. .42. Department of Labour re the Trench Excavators' Pro- tectio~ Aot and Regulation 559. - Referred to the Buildine Inspector. The following Resolutions were passed: Resolution-No.. 0: Uoved by L.A.Perrault, secondei by .J.W.Stone: e~ea$ e epartment of ~Highways of Ontario propose to trans- fer the Service Road .being looated on the east side of Highways 115 and 35 in aooordance with their letter of May 13, 1964; And Whereas the Road and Bridge Committee .and Road Superintendent met wi~h Mr. .J. L. Forster of the Department of Highways and inspeoted the said Serviae Road on May 11, 1964; And Wh,ereas the Department in their letter of May 13,. 1964, suggested that if the Department would complete the re-oonstruo- tio~ of the north portion of the .Service .Road, namely the removal of a stump on the corner, which reduces visibili ty" the cGIlstruo- tion of ~ laneway between the Service Road and Cobbledick Road, and ditching on the west ~ide of the Service Road at the north end, and, in addition the Department agrees to give the ro~d a final grading and a~ply oalcium ohloride, the said Road and Bridge Com- mittee would oonsider the acceptance of the transfer upon.their reoommendation ,to the Council; . And Whereas the Depa~ctment will agree to rebate this munici,.,pali ty the costs for the .maintenance of ,their .road allowance si tu.ated between Cobblediok Road and the westerly extremity of the steel guard ,rail looated at the easterly boundar~ of the said Service Road; Now Therefore the Council of the Qorporation of the Township of Clarke hereby GOnsider the road acceptable and would a&ree to the transfer ~pon completion of the provisions herein contained by the Department of Highways. - Carried. A Supplementary By-Law to provide for the 1964 expenaitures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the amount of """11).00 ~- was given First and Second reading only. . Resolution No~ 71: Moved by L. A. Perrault, seconded by Roy A. Foster: .--- . This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on .July 7, 1964~ at 10 a.m. in regular meeting or otherwise at the call of the Reeve. - Carried. . . ~. / .. .. " ~,:! !l~ ..-- Clerk. , #f: ~~ Reeve. . . .