HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/1964 " "" --, -:-"-''':_''-::'!0~o''_'':C~.''''''_'~_ _._ _ ,--~",-,"-_ ".."" - ( . REGULA.R~ING (OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE ~y 5, 1964 ~t 10 a.m. Counoi~ Chamb~r~ Orono, . Present: Reeve H. E. Walkey Deputy Reeve d., W. Stone CounoillorR. A. Foster Counoillor R. G.Chater Counoillor L. A. Perrault Clerk H. E. ~llson . The minutes of the last regular meeting and one speoia+ meeting were approved as read on motion by d.W.stone, seooijded by R.A.Foster. Carried. ' ~. Roy Thompson requested information in respect to the assessment on Part Lot 32, Conoess~on 7. Counoil disoussed the ( matter in question with Mr. Thompsq~ anq finally sugge~ted.that he speak with the Assessor, Mr. A. M. dohnston. A delegation oomposed of Messrs. Wm. Bunting, Roy For~ester, Charles Armstrong and Arthur 'MoLa~en prqposed a suggested Cen- tennial Projeot to Council. ~. Bunting, .on behalf of the said delegation, read out the proposal to Counoil. 'A petition, together with an attaohed map, was then presented to Couno~l. The proposed.oost estimate, it was said, was $8,000.00, ezclqsive of the proourement of.land. A get-together, it was reported, had been held with the major property owners who had expre$sed,agree- ment with the projeot, although no land p~ioes wereoonsidered. Mr. Forrester spoke of the interest of the Police Trustees.in such a proposed projeot. Mr. Armstrong stated the possibility of the Orono Chamber of.Commeroe finanoially subsidizing the projeot. It was suggested that the Orono Memorial Park Bo~d may wish to assume the jurisdiction of . the lands under the proposed project as an addition to the present .Park after the oompletion of the said project. , It was also suggested that the grant .st,ruo- ture of the Parks Assistanoe Aot and the Communi ty Cent.res .AQ:1r e may apply, together wi th the grants under the oentennial pro.- gram. Counoil were unani~ou~ in their tentative approval Qf the proposal as a oentennial project. " It was ~oved by R.G.Chater, seconded by R.A.Foster, that Council recess at 12.20 noon for lunch and resume session &t 1.30 p.m. Carried. . Dr. Hendry of the Health of Animal~ Branch, Department of Agriculture of Ontario, reported the disposal of two dead ~igs an~ one oalt, together with other animal anatomy refuse on Lot 1, Conoession 8. In case of animal disease, he said, the sai~ remains should be buried as soon as PQssi ble. .Itwas unfortunate, . he statad, that all efforts to trace the ownership of this. nuisanoe had failed to date. . d.W.Stone moved, seconded by R~G.Chater, that General Vouohers No.5 for May, 1964, and Road Vouoher No.4 for April, 1964, be and are hereby authorized for payment. Car~ied. . A request by Mr. dohn Paxton, Principal of the Orono p,ublio School, to hold several rehearsals in the Township Hal]. was granted, providing the sohool students do not make exoessive work fQr the oaretaker during the said rehearsals~ , . The following correspondenoe and reports were read out to Counoil by the Reeve: 1. Central Lake Ontario Cons~rvation Authority re regulations ooncerning dumping of fill, as busin8ssbrought forward frQID. tl1e last regular me.eting. OG>J;>ies of the said information were raterred to Mr. R.A.Foster, representative from Council on the Ganar.aska Authority and the Clarke Planning Board. - This b~siness was then tabled for report at the next regular meeting. . 2. Department of Highways re servioe road ea~t side ot B1gh- way No. ll~, Lots 33 and 34, Conoession 1, proposed transfer to TownShip, as business brought forward from the March 3, 1964 meeting. ~ the Clerk was instruotedtp oorrespond with the .said Department stating .CQunoil's opposition at :th1s time unti.l the width of the said servioe road oan be established to meet the requirements of the Highways Improvement Aot. e", ",~",. ,., 2 _ Mtnutes, Counoil Meeting May .5, 1964, oontinued& 3. Delegation compGsed or Mr. Wm. Bunting, eto., re suggested Centennial Projeot. Filed. 4. llfr. C ~R. Wilmot, 'Subsidies Engineer, Pepartmen t of Highways re approval of the purohase of one rubber tired front-end ,loader. - Filed. . . .5. G. Warren Armstrong request for pegulations regarding fen- oing or other proteotion around a swimming.pool. - The Clerk was instruoted to inquire of the Health Unit and report baok to Counoil. 6. The Ontario Munioipal Boardre proFosed water works projeot.- Biled. . . 7. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for Maroh 1964. - Filed. 8. United CouRt:i:es of Northumberland and Durham re Centennial Grants Program. - The Clerk was instructed to inform the Uniied Counties in effect that this Munioipality will be applying for a projeot under the said program. \ 9. Hr. Michael Karas, Sr., re oom~laints with regard to tot 2, Conoession 3. - Reterred to the.Road and Bridge Committee. c 10. Lake Ontario Development Association re Notice of Zone 2: Meeting to be held May 12, 1964. - The Clerk was asked to make three reservations for Messrs. (stone, Foster.and Perrault and refer a oopy oftthe said notice to -the said members of the Council. 11. Community Planning Association of Canada, Ontario Divi- sion, re C()nferenoe to be:held May 28 and 29th, 1964. - A oopy to'be referred to the:Clarke Planning Roard. 12. Mr. Garnet Shield re note to express a wora of thanks for Council'S get-well oard. c 13. Munioipality of New Toronto re Resolution No. 76 of the saidmunf.cipality. - Council endorsed the said Resolution and instruoted the Clerk to reply aocordingly. 14. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re improve- ment of sight lines at C.P.R. orossing between Lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front Concession. - Filed. 15. Ontario Munioipal Board re By-Law No. .1446. - Filed. 16. Mr. Erio Clarke re dumping of refuse on side road allowanoe. _ Referred to the Clerk and Road Superintendent. t 17. Mart Tarum re part of Lot 11, B.F.Conoession, with reference to By~Law No. 1218. - The Clark's Report was received and no further aation was .considered necessary at -this time. 18. Department of Municipal Affairs Planning Branch re pro- posed land use by-law. - Copy of the said letter be refarFed to the Clarke Planning Board. 19. Department of Highways re proposedcrelooation <)1' road allowanoe between Lots 34 and 35, Highways 115 and 3>. - Filed. 20. Department of Munioipal Affairs re Munioipal .Works Assistance Program. - Filed. 21. Department of Highways re Gravel Crushing Tendens. - Filed. 22. W.K~Lyoett re deed of former ~oad allowance to the De- partment of Lands and Forests.. - Filed. 2}. Ontario Munioipa1 Employees Retirement Board re second. annual report. -F~led. , 24. Department of Health re program for air pollution control in Ontario. - Filed. 25. The Perrin Family re aOknowledgement in respeot to the late Mr. A.T.Perrin. - Filed~ 26. Department of Highways re equipment rented and material purchased by munioipalities from appointed munioipal officials or muniCipal employees. - Filed. 27. The Ontario Municipal Board re :proposed water works pro- ject. - Copy to be referred to the Police Trustees. 28. Department of Highways re approval of gnavel hau1ins tender. - Filed. ' 29. Department of Highways re approval of equipment rental tender. - Filed. 30. Department of HLghways re approval of orushing, deLivering and stock piling gravel and screening sand. - Filed. 31. Department of Highways re property sale T-01750, Lots 8 and 9, B.F. Concession, and lots 14 and 1.5 B.F. Concession. - Filed. '. /'1 . . 3 - Minutes, Council Meeting May 5, 1964, continued:< 32. Mr. John ~axton, Principal Orono Public School re appreciation to Council for renting of Township Hall. _ Filed.- 33. ~own of Newmarket re their Resolution dealing with use of schoolfacilities._ Filed. 34. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re their Resolution approving an application under The Emergency Measures Financial Program for assistance in purohasing the fire truck. - Filed. e 35. Northumberland-Durham Board of Health, Plumbing Department, re annual report for the year 1963. - Filed. 36. Northumberland Durham Health Unit re annual report for the year 1963. - Filed. 37. Mr. Gordon V. Wright, Co-Ordinator, United Counties of NOrthumberland and Durham re purchase of fire pumper and short wave radio equipment, under The Emergenoy Measures Organization. - Tabled. The fOllowing Resolutions were passed by Council: ( Resolution No. 65: Moved by R.A.Foster, seconded by R.G.Chater: The Clerk to be allowed the latter two weeks' in July 1964 for holidays and the office to be kept open during the regular hours for business of the said two weeks. - Carried. Resolution No. 66: Moved by J.W.stone, seconded by R.A.Foster: Whereas the-Council of the' Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal-Provincial-Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum. of the Vdnister of Municipal Affairs, dated the 4th of November, 1964, in respect of the following project, namely the re-construction of the following roads t6 serve the Township of Clarke: ProJect Descri~tion' - : . 1. Morgans Roa Construction 2.65 miles'including bridge - Lots 16/17, Concessions 2-;. ' 2. North East Project, reconstruct 4.0 miles - Lots 4/5, Concessions 6-7; Lots 5-9 Incl., Concession 8; and Lots 8/9, Concession 7. , ' 3. Newtonville realignment - Lot 11, Concession l. 4. Leskard Road 2.7 Miles including bridge - Lots 30/31 Concessions 6-7; . 5. Sixth Conoession Road 1.5 miles - Lots 21-26 Incl., Con- cessions 5-6 6. Kimball Bridge - Lot 10, Concession B.F. 7. Hallowell Bridge - Lots 10/11, Concession 4. 8. Third Ceoncession Road-l.O miles - Lots 25-28 Incl., Con- cessions 2-3. hereinafter referred to as "the project"; And whereas the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a -municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memoran- . dum; And whereas the project (or part of it) would not, without the assistance under~the program, have been included among the .cap~talworks prQjects to be un~ertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence been replaced or deferred until a later year; And whereas the other requirements of the Minister's Memorandum have been complied with; Now th$refore be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a commitment for a loan in the amount of $53,226.00 to assist in the financing of the project under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963.-Carried. Resolution No. 67: Moved by J.W.stone seconded by R.A.Foste~: This Council her9by ~esolve to propose Closing the following road allowances in the Township of Clarke: . 1. The Road Allowance between Lots 32 and 33 in the Se~ond Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham extending from the southerly iimit of the said Second Concession to the northerly limit thereof; 2. The Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the Fourth,' . Concession of the Township of C~arke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Fourth . ~.j'':''''''~'~''f7'';''''iij;1'~f;I!'~"' <'~'.'FY; ,-~o;_;q,~th~'!._:~~~>"/::'S{~":2~'7'}:E:~?~~4r-'-';:~tr;,-,--:~-_-:- n~1~f~~0';'-;'::' . . .. . '. .. 4 _ M1nutes.:c.9unQtl~e~~tIl:S(~y .5, 1964, continued:, 6onaession to the no:rth~rlylimit th~reof; 3 The Road Allowanoe, between Lots 26 and 27 in the Seventh Con- .. cession of the Townshipo~ Clarke, County of Durham, ~xtending from the southerly limit of. the'said. Seventh Concession to the northerly limit thereof; , 4. The Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 in the Eighth Con- cesslonof the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Eigh~h Conces~ion to the northerly limi~ thereof; . 5. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 2 and 3 in, the Seventh Conoe.ss10n of 'the Township of Clarke, County of Durhapl, being the north ~168 feet southerly of s~id north~rly boundary; 6. The Road Allowance between Lots. 6 and 7. in the First poncession of' the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from .the southe:rlY limit of the said First Concession to the southerly limit of King's Highway No. 401;. . 7. The Roe.<1 Allowance between Range "A" and Range "B" in Lots 1 and 2. of the Broken Frpnt Conpe~sion of the Towpship of Clarke, . County of Durham. The Clerk and Solicitor are hereby instructed to prepare the necessary by~law and al~ other legal matters for consideration by Council. :- parried. , .. . Resolution No. 68: Moved by ~.W.Stone, seconded by L.A.Perrault: Reso1ve that the hourly wage earners of the Township of Clarke Road Department reoeive an hourly increase of .10st per hour effeotive ~anuary 1, 1964. - Carried. . The following By-Laws were given First, Second and Third reading and finally passed: By-Law No. 1447, to repeal By-Law No. 1444, a By-Law to raise $75,000.00 to ai~ in the construction of Tile, Stone or Timber drains. Whereas ~t is expedient to repeal By-Law No. 1444, now therefore The Counb1L of the Corporation. of the Township Of Clarke Enaots as follows: - 1. That By-Law No. 1444 be an~ is hereby repealed. Supplementary By-Law No. l448t to provide for the 1964 expendi~ tures on roads in the Township of Clarke in t~e COilllty of Durham. Where~s Th~.Highway Improvement Act r~quires that the total ex~ penditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted t9 ~he Minister of Highways for approval; . Therefore the Coullcil of the COf":J?oration of the said Township ~n- aotsas folfows: (L) The sum of ~44, 000.00 is hereby estimated. as the expendl ture upon the ,construction and maintepance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1964 as follows: Construotion Maintenanoe Total , . 20,600.00 17,400.00 17,400.00 RQads ( Bridges & Culverts New Maohlnery . Superintendence & Overhead Totalsi; 3.5,000.00 $9,000.00 $44,000.00.../' (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The'Highway Improvement Act. (3) The olerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Munioipal Roads Branch, Department of High- ways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario MuniCipal Board shall be obtained be- fore any expenditure is authorized or work.oommenced whioh will be financed QY the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent ye ar . .. . . By-Law No. 1449, a by-law to raise $75,000.00 to aid in the con- struction of Tile, stone or Timber Drains ,as read a First and Second time only. Nil Resolution No.6: Moved: by R.G.Chater, sec,onded by .T.W.Stone: is ounoil ereby adjourn to meet, again on TueSday .Tune 2, 1964 at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Orono or pther- wise at the oall of the ~eeve. Carried. . ~ :.._--/ Cler . e &~~. Reeve