HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1964
llliGULAftc. ...~:..!;rrIlm OI~ Tiw COU~,c;IL
OE1 T.till I'O~V1-~S~.i.lr- 0 F CL.A.ltr:E
April 7, 1964, at 10 a.m.
Council Chanber, Orono.
Presen t: Reeve E. L. ".lalkey
Jeputy Reeve J. ~. Stone
C~Jncillor R. G. Chater
Cour1.cillor L. A. Perrault
Clerk H. ];. 1.1i Ilson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
Reeve ~alkey reported upon the absence of Councillor TI. ~.
The minutes of the ]a st regular meeting and two special
meetings were approved as read, on motion by L. A. Ferrtiult,
seconded by R. G. Chater. Carried.
I~. George Stapleton com~lained of poor drainage on his
sLleroad and :'3.sked Council to correct the matter in the year
1964. This business was referred to the attention of the Road
cud Bridge Coulmi t tee.
The Clerk was instructed to reQuest the Planning Board to
report to Council in respect to the letter under correspondence
in tht3 last regular meeting which was received fror1 '1'11e Union
Rod & Gun Club and referred to the Planning Board at that time.
The following tenders were received: For Rental of Eq~ipment -
1. Beaverdale Construction Limited.
2. Alnor Earthmovi ng Lind ted
For crushing, delivering and stockpilillg gravel and screening
sand -
1. Frank S. Coyle Limited
2. Harnden 3: Ling Construc tio!l Limi ted
3. Fred Nelson & Sons Limited
For supplying trucks -
1. Van Camp Constructing Limited
2. Rayr::ond Seed
3. ;"eland Payne
4. Donald Tennant
.5. Lloyd Taylor
The aforementioned tenders were concluded by resoluti0ns.
Council recessed for lunch at.l p.m. and resumed session at
2. p. m.
~essrs. R. Osborne and R. E. 3enson spoke to Council reques-
ting the proposed closing of that road allowance between Lots 32
and 33, Con. 2, Cl~rke.
Lr. 'Tiellington t\..dams asked Council to consider p&ying dalw3.ges
on his cow which was injureQ because of old wire on our road
allowance. This matter was referred to t11e Insurance Adj.lster.
i.Cr. George Mcl\:air reQuested Council to correct the drainage
on the road allowance by his property. In his opinion, he c8TIsi-
dered a culvert could be installed to prevent drainage intG his
base:-:ler:t.. This was referred to the Road and Bridge COm!(,i ttee.
~r. ~. 3. Pope, C.A., Auditor, presented and discussed the
1963 Audit with Council. He suggested, in c0~rliance with the
-Departmental recommendations, that an annual reserve for w0rking
funds be budgeted in an 3.DlOunt sufficient for the needs of-this
1illllicipality.. ~his business waS concluded by resolution.
J. Vi. Stone moveQ, sec::mded lily L. A. :Perraul t, that General
Acco~nt Voucher No. 4 and General ~elfare Account Voucher No. 4
for April 1964, and Road Voucher No.3 for ~arch 1964, be and are
hereby authorized for payment. - Carried.
The Council discussed the Road DepcirtLlsnt employees request
for hourly rate increases in the year 1964 together with sick
leave benefits. This was tabled for further study.
The following Qorrespondence and reports were read out to
Council by the Reeve:
1. l~ss Jane Reid - request for grant of Township Hall
rental. The Council unanimously decided to charge a flat fee of
$5.00 for the said rental and instructed the Clerk to reply
2 - Minutes, Council Meeting April 7th, 1964, continued:
2. Department of lilunicipal Affairs re Federal-Provincial Centennial
Gran ts Program. - Referred to the F1n9.11C8 Cornm}, ttee.
3 ~" t. m L ~ D r D rt Tot'l 0011 p ~ "lG-ke as busi
. .;.v,~.r .:.arllm, .L.., e.l.a ~ _, v . .w."'., V eeL. -
ness reported on by the Road and Bridge COITlr:li ttee and Clerk. The
Clerk was instructed to investigate further and report back to COll..l'lcil.
4. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re annual meeting. -
Fi 1 ed.
5. The Ontario Traffic Conference re 1964 membership. - Filed.
6. Central Lake Ontario Conserva tior~ AutLori ty re proposed by-
law to do with dumping of fill reg~lations. - Tabled.
7. Town of Aurora re membership in the Interna tl on Insti tute
of ~uniciual Clerks. - Tiled.
8. The Ontario f;lunicipal Board 1'e l'rqJosed ';-;a ter \'!orks Project.
Filed. ,
9. Northumberland-DuT'ream health Uni t re pesticides Act and
Regulations of Ontario as busi.ness brought forward from l'ilarch 3, 1964 -
Tabled. ,.. "
10. Department of Highways of Ontario re Highway No. 2 at
:Iope-Clarke town line - proposed sale of property - north side of
Eighway 1\0. 2 as busi TIess broug:t:.. t forvlarc1 fron l.:arcb 3, 1964.
Fi 1 e d.
11. The Ontario I,lunicipal Board. re extension and ir:lp'ovement
of works for distributing electrical power or energy for the Police
Villase of Orono as business brought forward from Llarch 3, 1964. -
12. Department of Agri cuI ture re aj,:pointing of a ';leed Inspec-
tor for the year 1964 as ousj.ness bro:Jt~h t :'or'.7ard i'rOEl fifarch 3,
1964. - Tabled.
13. Depart:'lent of lIich'",:ays of Ont 0 re ser'Tice road - east
side of Eighway :;:;0. 115, 10 ts 33 and 34, Con. 1 - pro.fosed transfer
to ~0"'r's1-'1' 'r, as bU~l' 'reas brr'U~'lt ~or""-'''d .p.,~O'" '.kr'-''' '? }r)(4 rn1<onled
- ~V.l. -~~ J:J Ci 11-0.. ~ U oJ. , ...:....' \'/dJ~ -1_~... LLl. .L'i..CJ. v':"~-~;;J _;0 ~ CA....) .
14. Orono Public Library Board 1'8 acknowledgement of grant. -
15. County of F'eel request for endorese:'Lent of resolution
passed by Peel County Council dealing with costs of annexation
hearings. - Filed.
16. Northumberland-Durham Heal thU:ni t report for Febrll;;H'y 19b4. -
Filed. .
17. Ganaraska Reei OL Conserva tion .Au t}:o':,i ty re 1964 levy. - Filed.
,18. Department of Eighways of Ontario re Property Sale T-01750,
]:.'art Lots 8 and 9, Range lYE", B.r. '3nd I)art Lots 14 and 15, Con.
E.F., Clarke - The C].e~: was asked to refer cer~ified copies of the
1948 :Soad Ledger Cost Sheets to the Derart:',sn t and the. 'Road and
3ridge Corrmittee.
19. Clarke Township Recreation Committee re proposed budget for
1964. Filed.
20. Uni ted Counties of N'.)rt~lUrnbel'land and Durham re Centennial
Grants Program. - Tabled.
21. Gibson Orchards Limited re weed and brush spraying material.-
Filed. .
22. Department of Highways of Ontario re 3ighways 115 and 35 _
at road allowance between Lots 34 and 35, Clarke. - Filed.
23. E. Richard Lovekin re road allOwance between lots 34 and 35
at l:ighway 115 and 35. - Fi~ed. .
24. Department of Agriculture 1'e ,;Jar-ble Fly 1,~eetjngs. - Filed.
25. Union Rod & Gun Club requ,est to u,pen a rifle and pistol
1'flnse as 1;msiness trough": f'orward frO~!1 .iZarch 3, 1964., - The Clerk
~as instructed as aforementioned. .
?6. Report by the ':'.'reasurer and Audi tor for printing and
maili to ":he rDtel)nyers.of the il'ownsbir of Cl'rke under section
223-11.. of tbe Lunicipal Act. - Referr$d to tlle Clerk.
27. ':Jentral Lake Ontario C;onservrltion ~\uthori tv re mtnutes of
General lEeetings February 11th and 27th, 1964, together wi th Finan-
ei al Report and. a report on VUjd Use, ..8." e:~.' ::on trol . and Heforesta-
tion \dvisoru Boa~d ~or +he yea~ lqG~. - Viled
. '23. Dep~rtme~ t ;f J?~bli c ;;I~lf~lr~ 1'e :Fro;i;wi al Reimbursement
under fart 2 of the Child Welfare Act. - ~iled. ,
29. '.Iel fare Offi cers Associ ati 0::< of 'rille Ontario :"u~li cipal
Association 1'e Annual Convention. - ~iled.
3 - Einutes, :JOLUIeil r.:eeting lq)ril 7th, 1964, conti:oued:
30. I::r. R. E. Berlson request for proposed ro:-..\d closing
between Lets 32"~nd 33, Con. 2. - Referred to the Clerk.
31. =:.. Eicl~:lrd 10veldn re request of Lr. R. E. ~3ensor:. -
32. :Jepartr'lent of 1,Junicipal Affairs re publication Of the
FinsmciaL :Jtsterrlents l'ursuant to Section 223-A of t}..l8 ..:unicipal
'\.ct.- Filed.
33. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Arbor
Day Irogram. - ~he Clerk was instructed to reply.
34. ~. Richard Lovekin, Solicitor, report of Fuhlic
Ueeti held ~arch 31, 1964 with regard to Earvey Jackso~ Wemorial
lurk. - This subject was dealt with by Resolution..
35. The Eydro Ele c tri c Power Coc'lti:i ssi on of Ont :tcio re
collection of ~lydro arreurs. - Refer to Resolution.
36. Fred B. Lycett, Insuranoe Agent, re insurance for new
fire truck. - Filed.
37. The ITydl'o .LIE:ctric PO'iJel' 'Jocl1(;ission of G1:t',rio 1'e the
addition of one street lisht to the existi systen in the
,~=arn16t of l~clld::~.l. - Filed.
Y'1. Uni ted C01J.nties of lJorthUlflberh;nd and Dur'lanl re county
1'3. ~,e for 1;1:e ye'Jr 1964. - Filed.
39. Depart:nent of lEst'Nays of Ontario re 1964 norr:ral roads
by-law 8nd progra~me. - Filed.
40. Durh a:l CO:111 tv Di stri ot EiCh 3011001 BOB,I'd re Ei ghSchool
reQuisition for 1964. : Filed.
41. Police Trustees of the Village of Orono re Boy Scout
lpple Day. - Filed.
42. :2. ? L>l:L~ston Consulting :snc;ineer re C.2:-.? Grade
Sepqration and Kilmer Van Nostrand Limited. - Filed.
43. 2,Iemorial Eo;?:pi tal, Bovvmanville, re indigen t notice
of L~. Jarnes Barharrl. - ~iled.
.14. Lake Ont,,)}'io DeveL)ptient AssocLJ.tL)!l reoa:rpcJil;t:llent
of official represent~tives. - Concluded by Resolutio~.
45. COlrlr'l.mi ty Ilunning Associs..tion of Cenada, untario
Di vi 1?i on, re conferene e. - Referred to the }'la.'1ning Board.
4G. Cls.rke :~'lan:ning Board re suggestion of proposed land
use by-la',y. - ~he Clerk W~:JS instructed to prepC:tre a draft by-
law for tl1e ,next rn2eti of Council. c
47. Ont3rio Good Ro~ds Association.re 1964 school for
Road ~u~erintendents. - Referred to the Road Jurerintendent.
4(5. ':7. ~I. rope, C.A., Auditor, re calculation of forgive-
ness to. the :i'olic e Vi llage of Orouo. - Fi led, :i.nd a. co:py to be
referred to the :rustees.
The following Resolutions were passed by Council:
R'esc)111+inl' '"" 40. lr()~re"d b"''''' '\. T'erJ"a"ll" <:''''''O,''''Y',r'1;),'3 b'r n (" ""'h'~ter.
.:.. . _~ v.......\...-~~ ..l~U. ./. ...fJ . - ./.J...J.......... . L L, .J'\.., ,-..Jl.i-t.\.JC'. ',) a.....r. \....J.....1.:.:,;., .
Desolv'" +ba+ +lle t"'~l,'1er -1"0" ;')011J,,1 0'" Ti""'il""cn+ 1"e(\(";-,r,,,,A .p..,..,0""1
.l..i. '-' ..J..' ,~' ',J.J._ _.i.......... ~ ..l- .i.~V u.~ .L .-.;J1....i.t _J..;.J.V '.J .1.. v ~'__ . 'V"-'l ....L- '-,
Be&verdale ~onstructi n ~imitedbe and is hereby accepted as per
tender subject to the approval of the Departm8n~ of Eig~vaY2 of
Ontario.~ Carried.
Resolution No. 50: Moved by J. ~. Stone, seconded by L. A. Perreult:
Reso~ve that the tender for Supplying Trucks received from Raymond
Reed'be and is hereby accepted as per tender $ubject toothe appro~
v'3.1 of the Departrtlsnt of Lish\'Jays of Ontario": C3.!'ried.
Resolution No. 51: Loved by R. ~. 8hater, seconded by L.A.Perrault:
Resolve tha t the tender for Crushi.ng, Deli vering, and Stockpiling
:;e'r' cO ~r F' ~ P ~'l. ,'1 .e, ,~"eO,.", f-' Y' J' 'n ce ^: "nd r' (" c ,: l' 1r i-' (~ f'ro T, 11"1' 1=<1 y: ""I Q 0"" ,.; c::r,1" S L + d .../
'....... ,_....v o,.J..... ......-L \..4. ,,'''_'. \,.J,"-..~. ........::.;. ",-".~l._ _...~ v'-',J.....J... _........ ___ ..1-11......,..................... :.___ .. \.I ,
be a~d is hereby accepted as per tende~ subject.to the arprovsl of
+1.", T,(",e"e"1'+'i),o".,t '",f' .Tl'.'r\\'e1ays of Or1t"1"J.~0 " ('apried
l'J,.lv W..ll:-I.....l....'... U.< '-'J..1. 1.-'-'-....1. t:;.........' _ .U.J... . V .__ .
Resolution No. 52: ~oved by R.G.Ch~ter, secoLded by J.~.stone:
5.eS,)!<Te th:Jt tbe7o'NnshiD of Cln'ke ch::H1ge to De.,rlio:ht Saving Time
to be effective o~ April.25, 19064. Curried. . ~ ,
Resolution 1;0. 53: !.:oVE.d by J".,:.stcJl-;.e, sccoflJsd b~T ....,.A.Eerl~ault:
1'121.3 ~ouncll hereby a.pply to '.::"he Bog;>1 of =ran SI)Ort COlinni ssioners
FOT'::':;,n.':.df3 for assista.ncf:; under the RAilway Gl"ade Crossing :Tund for
the proDosed construction to improve the sight lines at the Canadian
l'acific. ::--i9.i171ay Cro:3sing between Lots 8/7 in t he Broken ::Trant
J()ncGssic;j' of the ':::'o'vw::l11ip of Clark. Carried.
4 - Minutes, Council Meeting April 7, 1964.
Resolution No. 54: M0ved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater:
Resolve that the Clerk-Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to
au thori ze The Iiydro-Elec tri C }'ower '':';ol(:'['11i ssion of Ontario. to can-
cel the Charles Stewart contract under AccQunt No. 0101136 as of
the end of 1963 a.nd,the arrears in respect to this accou12t in the
a:aount of ;lp27.C)0 be and are hereby paid to the said Commission.
Resolution No. 55: l\ioved by R.J..Ch<iter, seconded by J:::.stone:
This Council hereby instruct the Clerk tL) ar;l,l\T to the Cntario
f.e'Ul'; Cl' '-'a1 D-, r'd 'PQe I' a'l't'eOI'i+\T t.-.. de'oc-IJtur' ::Il..,,,~ '7" 00 to
J.~J. l..J.. .l:'..L. DUa .i. ~ ,;...... v.; U ..,' v .l. ~...... ,;/..L. / ,-I ,.J.. i.
instal a water works project to serve the Folice Villa of
Orono in accordance wi t:l Cection 64 of TLc Ontario l.:u.n airal
30ard Act. Carried. (
Resolution NO.o56: I.ioved by R.G.eh tel', seconded b~' L.A.Ferrault:
Whereas the Council of the GOl'poration Df' r"he '-'owEs~ip of Clarke
deecrs it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal-Provin-
cial-l[unicipal '}orks ~\.s;;dstance I'rogra:n as described in the
Eemorqndum of the ~inister of i01ral Affairs, dated,the 4th
of Noveober, 1963, in respect of the followiEg proje~t, namely
to instal a water works project to serve the Police Village of
Orono herei naft er referred to as "the p:r.o j GO t"; &nd whereas the
project is, in the opinion of the Cou.ncil, a 10unicipal :froject
wi thin t hemoani ng of the i,ii ni ste:!;' , s Le~n.orand.um; and whereas the
project (or part of it) would not, without the a2si3tanc~ under
the program, hav!'; been included <if10];lG the cupi tal works projects
to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of
which application fo:c assistcGlce iSolilade, and no other cupital
works project ~as, in conseguence, been replaced or deferred until
a 18.ter year; and whereas the other rec.i.J.irements of the ~.:inister' s
iLe,'lorandum hav(i:l 1;)e8n cO'lplied wi th; llOW therefore be it resolved
that a};.lplicat:i.on be [clade to the Liniste" of ::'1nici. al Affairs for
la CO'nml'tmeni' cpo'''''''' i O;::ln ~ 'I t"\C. r."'lCje "",t Qe. .p~, 119 II t7.00 +0 a'ss" s+
~._~,_ 1..1 :..;.L...L.:.:.l.. ~':.l,-,-... ~..... .};..J.v c;..L..~ ,-,.J..... J .~ it . iJ ____ ILl ..L. \J
in the financing of the project under the ~~lnicipul ~orks Assis-
tance Act, 1963. Carried.
Resolution.No. 57: l\:oved by 3.G.Chater, seconded by J.'::.3tone:
:t~esolve that the Clerk be and is hereby err;:uO"Nered to >lrrarFCi3 for
the sale by };.'ublic auction of that proper(r being part Lot -9,
Concession 1, tJl:u'ke, formerly known'ls the ":;evJtonville 0 C-JLlC}U-
1'li tv 1""""'1,11 dl1l'i 1'1')' t1','" 1 "'tte1'" -",.,.,t e')f :,"T 1 0(.,.1 ('apri ed
J,. .... oJ..- U..L.J.. -...A._ _. ~ . _...\.... ..J..';.J., .... .t:'~..l', v _ _ ,l,~-A,-: ""',' v ' . v. _~...... .
"Qesolut1' (\11 e,cco !:(). T"oved 'oy R ,'-' r<hr>+er to'oct'\l'ded b,r'" " 'C""nr"ul+.
..;. L \.... _ ... ~ . ./ '..-'. .lLi. ..l . ',..f. V u. l,l '..J '-" ....... 1 . .; L ..Lio.. ..L.~ C.1.. CJ.l v .
Resolve that J.,~essrs. n.E.~Valke1T and J..J.3tone be and are,hereb'T
a)poiuted as official represen~~tives to the.Lake entario Develop-
ment AssociatioL for the year 1964. Carried. '..
Resolution No. 59: Loved by L.A.Perra~lt, secoLded by R.G.Chater:
rtesolve that this C01.Uloil ;::Jet UfO the c"..;,llJv'J:Lng F~Cition in. res-
pect to t:le li'.'J.rvey Jackson =.:slo2'ial lark 'vvhich l.'Jas enacted at a
"""U'O'l'C ""leetil"" l"'e -!-1,e- .1"'+ -f' 1'''"".(.(1",' ."'~ 0'- 7.1 1"'(.:1.
.J:.: ...t.. d_ v -"0 .1':' \)l_r-::l .'. '-' l,.' \...).... '............1,,-- c.:....L '.~}..L* ....~ ,/, ;; 0 . .
"3esolved. th,:;t the CO'..1Dci 1 of tte T01Nl'lS1d_li of Clnrl\"8 be rec;.uested
to ask the heirs of Abraham Jac'rz'son to dCoGate t'ne I::tT'}: to the
Corporation of tIle ~ownship of Clarke, free of all restrictions
except the naGS of the park ich 2hall remain as the 2arvey 3ack-
son l:e(~orial J::':G.'k and i.It the S'Tent tllClt ar~y sachrequest is. refused,
the Council to te or a deed to the said lands to the h61::'3 of
,\,bral::1rrl Jackson.1I A copy of this ref:lolution be referred +;0 Soliei tor
3.R.Lovekin. Carried.
Resolution No, 60: ~oved by R.G.Chater, 3econ~ed by L.A.Perrault:
::-{esol ve that t:1e il1Jdi t or' s ne;.o~'t for. thec,C;clr 19G:; 9.E :pre sen t ed
}.,~r :. y, "',-.1 t.e-r. '("one 'oe "".e..,i 1'" l'icer'eb7 acc,",r.t~.;:,{l a~,A t;::'e ('1 e,p1< be
.......' .~........ ..'-"-..L....,J..:.. ..... .!;" ~..J.'..4..... )....""--'...._ .J C '-'..:,:....,u .J.';"\...lo.. J1 '-"'_ .....1_
au Drized to :LTIcoJ';'orate the Auditor's :~(;C;One;.nlend7'ltL)ES in the
1 Oof L1 r1.Ctr-!r:~;-r!:l.! -:~.11a'" Cf'.-:.t'" :I'"'(~'~".T".; PO
./ . .....'--'....~'-'.... ,.~L -----'\.. OC,-,. .J'.......l........L'*-<#'..
r.rhe fOl101.vinC :!?y-V:;.W 'IVa::-.:, r de,d D. FI , ,3::"::;CFD ELid r'::"~IL~D ti'Lle
signed, ,sec"lled and numberf.t.d. ,.
::n'nD.L"'er:'ipnt'-'i'\T ':..('J_T"w >''''u' 1443.~'~ ,,"_7.0'" +Ll \^'vl""e -"jeoj' t..lle .l'o/6A,
<-...J..........r:--.i.;' "., \.--....),. '_-'.._'; ~.... ....,~...,' J.~ . . .4~ ~J ~,...),.;'" "J. ".'...1 U . ~_.... LJ.
~xp~ndi -Cures on l'2?9.d~s in the ~ON nshil) of ,JLrke
In the county of uurnam.
',7hereas J:'he IUc;lJ:Jay Improvemen t Ac t recluires t t the total ex-
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