HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1964 (Special Meeting) SI):2CI~\L 1.lliEr~Il:G OE' TfD.: COU1~~CIL OF T:E-fi rrO~,:.jI\JSr~Il? OF CLIJil:E March 19, 1964, at 7.30 p.m. Council Charrber, Orono . ~ Present: Reeve H. E. Walkey Deputy-Reeve J. 0. Stone Councillor R. .:~. Foster Councillor R. G. Ch3ter Councillor L. A. Perrault 'Jlerk Ii. E. 1'.:111son Road Superintendent E. L. Ross Special meeting of COli..l1cil was c'3.11ed by Reeve E. 3. TIalkey to consider and resolve u~on the following business: Resolution ho. 47: i.Toyed by J. ':I. stone, seconded by R. G. Chater: This Council hereby accept the Capital Construction }~:;rluip:Tlen t ('l~or)nto) L1r:Ji t ed It ender for the purchDse of one rubber tired front end loader as per tender subject to the arproval of the Department of EL~hways of Ontl:rior Carried. Resolution No. 48: Loved by R. A. Foster, seconded by L. A. Ferrault: Resolve th::it the RO~:l.d Juperintendent be and is hereby authorized to pay the following rates for gravel ducnp trucks:- 5 yard size dump truck - ~;4.00 per hour; 6 yard size dump truck - $4.50 per hour. Garried. Meeting adjourned. c:--v~ Clert~ . ~...~...._/ ~c 'llJ oc4 . Reeve ~ ~ \wi o