HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1964 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ~OWNSHIP OF CLARKE March 3, 1964, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. 0',"" .' .... "..'. '......, . ..... . ...' ~ . Present: Reeve H. E. Walkey Deputy Reeve J. W. Stone Councillor R. A. Foster Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor L. A. Perrault Clerk H. E. Millson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross o The minutes of the last regular meeting and two special meetings of Council were approved as read on motion by R~ A. Foster, seconded by L. A. Perrault. Carried. It was moved b~r J. W. Stone, seconded by L. A. Perrault, that the Property and Finance COffimittee and Clerk be and are hereby empowered to advertise the following matters with re- gard to the Fire Department twice in the Canadian Statesman and Orono Weekly Times and once in the Evening Guide: 1. To express the appreciation of this Council to the Police Trus- tees and Orono Fire Department for their co-operation in the organization of the Fire Department of the Township of Clarke. 2. To request the co-operation and interest of the residents of this ~ownship in supplying necessary information in res- pect to their properties to the said Department. Carried. On motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by L. A. Perrault, Counyil recessed at 12:20 noon for lunch to resume session at 1:30 p.m. Carried. R. G. Chater moved, seconded by R. A. Foster, that General Voucher Xo. 3 and General Welfare Voucher No. 3 for l'arch 1964 in the amounts of $20,746.34 and $1,195.56 respec- tively be and are hereby paid. Carried. L. A. Perrault moved, seconded by R. A. Foster, that the Road and Bridge Committee be and are hereby empowered to pre- pare and adverti se for tenders on all necessary projects in conjunction with the 1964 Road Programmes. Carried. R. A. Foster ~oved, seconded by R. G. Chater, that a copier machine - model 107 - be and is hereby purchased. I Carried. J. ~. Stone moved, seconded by R. A. Foster, that Road Voucher No. 2 for February 1964 in the amount of $5,446.22 be and is hereby paid. Carried. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, reported on the present posi- tion of Mosport Limited with regard to Tax Arrears. Other matters were also reported on by rAr. Lovekin which were dis- cussed in Council and referred to correspondence. R. A. Foster moved, seconded by L. A. Perrault, that the Fire Committee request the Wire Department to increase the strength of Volunteer Firemen to twenty-one in compliance with the Canadian Underwriters' Association. Carried. R. G. Chater moved, seconded by R. A. Foster, that the following salary and remuneration be and is resolved upon by this Council for the year 1964: Clerk, Treasurer, and Tax Collector $6,250.00 and Welfare Administrator $500.00. As an amendment to the motion it was P.1oved by J. W. Stone, secon- ded by L. A. Perrault, that the Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector and Welfqre Administrator be and is hereby paid $5,600.00 and $400.00 per annum respectively. Both the amend- ment and the motion were defeated. R. A. Foster moved, seconded by R. G. Chater, that the Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector salary be and is hereby $6,000.00 and Welf8re Administrator $500.00 per annum effec- tive January 1, 1964. J. w. stone moved an amendment to the motion, seconded by L. A. Perrault, that the Clerk, Treasurer and 'Tax Collec- tor be and is hereby paid $5,600.00 and ,Welfare Administrator ~400.00 per annum. The amendment was lost and the motion Carried. 2 - Minutes, Council Meeting March 3rd, 1964, continued: The following correspondence and reports were read out to Council by the Reeve: 1. Department of Highways re property sale T-01750, part lots 8 and 9 and part lots 13 and 14, Con. B.F. - The clerk was instructed to reply. 2. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re 1964 Fire Department Budget - Filed. 3. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re provisional appointments of volunteer firemen - Filed. 4. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono request for the Council to apply for financial assistance under the Hunicipal Works Assistance Program for grants to be applied on the con- struction of the proposed municipal water system in Orono - Approved. 5. ~rustees of the Police Village of Orono requesting Council to forego their right to use the l!-unicipal Works t\..ssistance Pro- gram to assist the Police Village in the construction of the proposed municipal water system - Concluded by resolution. 6. The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed water works pro- ject (Orono) public hearing - Filed. 7. Minnesota Mining &: Manufacturing of Canada Limited re purchase of Copier Model 107 - Approved. 8.Department of Highways re Used Steel Truss Bridges -A copy to be referred to the Road Superintendent. 9. Department of Highways re property sale No. T-862 - tran- sfer of highway property for Municipal 1;Vater Project purposes - Filed. 10. Orono Public Librarv Board re notice of Members of Board for the year 1964 - Filed. ~ 11. Orono Public Library Board request for grant - Concluded by resolution. 12. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, re indigent notice for Mr. Martin Wind - referred to the Clerk. 13. Department of Lands &: Forests re flood potential at spring break-up - Filed. 14. Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. re planning - Referred to the Clarke Planning Board. 15. Boy Sconts of Canada, Bowffianville District, re Boy Scout Apple Day, May 2nd, in Orono - Referred to the Trustees of the Police Villa2e of Orono. 16. Canadian Underwriters Association re Fire Pumper test results - Filed and copies to be referred to the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. 17. E. C. Marston Construction Lirn.ited re credit invoice from Crosstown Paving Co., Ltd. - Filed. 18. Northumberland Durham Health Unit report for January 1964 - Filed. 19. 1T. G. Pope re complaint with regard to a dog at Kendal - Filed. 20. E. F. Marston Construction Limited re C.N.R. grade separa- tion and the contractor - Kilmer Van Nostrand Limited - Concluded by resolution. 21. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re statern.ent of Assets and Liabilities for 1963 - Filed. 22. Department of Highways re approval of adjustment of road program supportine 1963 normal road expenditure By-law No. 1414, - Filed. 23. Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division, re acknowledgement of grant. - Filed. 24. Mart Tarum, LL. B., re part of lot 11, con. B. F. - Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 25. Orono Horticultural Society re acknowledgement of grant. - Filed. 26. Departmen t of Highways re Armco 1.:1.11 ti-Plate Structure in 1963 Road Program. - Referred to the Clerk and Road Superintendent. 27. Ontario Water Resources Commission re test drilling pro- ject No. 59-W-54. - Filed. 28. E. Richard Lovekin, Solicitor, re Wellington Adams - loss of cow - policy of Township re civil losses. - Filed. 29. Department of Agriculture re appointment of a Weed Inspec- tor for the year 1964 - On motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by R. A. Foster, Deputy-Reeve J. W. Stone was authorized to inquire of interested persons for consideration by Council. Carried. \J Q 3 - Minutes, Counci 1 l!lee ting Maret 3rd, 1964, con t in1led: v 30. Depurtn~ en t of I:iighways re Servi ce Road - Eas t si de of ~iighway NQ. 115 - lots 33 and 34, COE. 1. - proposed transfer to Township. - Tabled. 31. Departmen t of Eighways re Highway :~o. 2 at Hope-Clarke Town line. - Tabled. 32. Lake Ontario Develop~ent Association re participation in 1964 - R. A. Foster moved, seconded by R. G. Chnter, t~9t this C01]11oil p'3.rtinipnte in the said Association and the fee in the amount of $205.24 be paid. Carried. 33. Depart~ent of Public Welfare re Emergency Welfare Services related to the Ontario Emergency ITeas'u'es Organization - Fi 1 e d . 34. Northurn.berland-Durham Health Unit re appointments to the board for 1964. - Filed. 35. Depqrtment of Highways re property sale no. T-02350, part lot 23, cons. 9 &. 10. - ApprO\Ted by C011nci1. 36. Department of Public Welfare re supplementary aid under the General Welfare Assistance Act. - Filed. 37. Northumberland-Durham Eealth Unit re Pesticides Act and Regulations. - The Clerk was instructed to renlv. 38. The Ontario r:1unicipal Board re proposed ~xtensions and improvements to the Electrical Distribution and Street Lighting Syste~s in the Police Village of Orono. - Filed. 39. E. Richard Lovekin, Solicitor, re Township of Clarke and 1::0 ~3port Limi ted. - Fi led. 40. The Ontario r.runicipal Board re By-law No. 1425. - Tabled. 41. Departmen t of Highways re supply of material on rn.u~icipal bridge contracts. - Referred to the Road Superinten- dent. 42. !vTr. Fred Warren re comDlf31 nt s on road work. - Fi led. 43. Mr. Wm. Talbot re The 1Jnicn Rod &. Gun Club. - Tabled and a copy of the said letter to be referred to the Clarke Planning Board. The following Resolutions were passed by Council: Resolution l~o. 36: Moved by R. A. Foster, seconded by J. Pi. stone: This Council hereby grant the Orono Public Library Board ~50.00 for the year 1964. Carried Resolution No. 37: Moved by R. A. Foster, seconded by J. ~. Stone: Resolve thst r~r. Arthur Low, Secretary of the Clarke Planning Board, be and is hereby remunerated t300.00 per annum payable monthly beginning January 1, 1964. Carried. Resolution No. 38: Moved by R. A. Foster, seconded by R. G. Chl'3ter: That H. E. Nillson be and is hereby appointed Road Clerk for the year 1964 effective January 1, 1964. Carried. Resolution Ho. 39: Moved by R. A. Foster, seconded by R. G. Chater: Thi s Counc i 1 here by appoint II. E. I.r:i 11 son as 'He Ifare Adrrlini stra tor for the Township of Clarke for the year 1964 at an annual remu- neration of $500.00. Carried. Resolution No. 40: !Aoved b:;r R. A. Foster, seconded by J. W. stone: This Council hereby forego their right to apply for grants under The Municipal Works Assistance Program and such grants, if any, be applied to assist in the installation of a Municipal Water System in the Police Village of Orono. A certified copy of this resolution be referred to the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. Carried. Resolution No. 41: Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by R. A. Foster: Resolve tha t The Reeve be and is hereby appointed as a '.'JelfBre Co~mittee to be given the necessary authority to discuss all matters in connection with welfare assistance during the year 1964. Carried. Resolution }~o. 42: i.Iovedby R. A. Foster, seconded by R. G. Chat er: This Council hereby resolve that no invoice pertaining to charges by the Canadian National ~ailways for flagging, slow orders, watchman etc. during the construction of the Canadian Natir:nal Railway Grade Separation, will be made to the Contractor - Kilmer Van Nostrand Limited. A certified copy of this resolution be referred to Kr. ~. F. Marston, ?Eng., Consulting Engineer. Carried. Resolution No. 43: IAoved by L. A. FeFrault, seconded by R.G.Chater: Resolve than an appropriation of $200.00 be set up in the current General Budget for the ~ownship of Clarke Cemetery Board in the year 1964. Carried. o 4 - Minutes, Council rtfeeting March 3rd, 1964, continued: Resolution No. 44: Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by L. A. Perrault: No person or persons shall cause to be set any unauthorized fires in the Township of Clarke exclusive of the Police Village of Orono witho~t first obtaining the permission of the Fire Chief. Carried. A By~law to raise $75,000.00 to aid in the construction of Tile, Stone or Timber Drains was given First and Second reading only and tabled. The following By-laws were given ?irst, Second and Third reading and finally passed, Signed, Sealed and Numbered: By-Law No. 1434, to establish and define a Fire Area within the Township of Clrlrke in I'ursuance of the Municipal Act being R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249 and the Amendments thereto. Whereas it has been deemed desirous to establish and define a Fire Area in pursuance of the Municipal Act: Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the ~ownship of Clarke enacts as follows: - 1. In pursuance of the r,~nicipal Act being R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249 and the Amendments thereto, a Fire Area within the Township of Clarke is hereby established to be known as the Fire Area of the Township of Clarke and is hereby d~fined as the whole of the Township of Clarke saving and excepting that part thereof known and defined as the Police Village of Orono. By-Law No. 1435, to approve of and to authorize the entering into an agreement by the Corporation of the Township of Clarke with the Police Village of Orono as represented by its Trustees Roy C. Forrester, Earry II. Lcrcer and Douglas ~": Jimpson dated the 15th day of October 1963 respecting Fire Protection within the Town- ship of Cla~ke and to authorize the adoption of the Orono Police Village Volunteer Fire Departrn.ent as the Fire Departrn.ent of the Township of Clarke for the Fire Area of the Township of Clarke as defined by By-Law No. 1434 all in pursuance of the said agreement. Whereas by By-Law JlJo. 1434 the Fire Area of the Township of Clarke has been established and defined; Anc whereas it has been deemed expedient to enter into an agreement with the Police Village of Or0no as represented by 1 ts Tr'lstees, Roy C. Forres ter, Earry LT. li:ercer and Douglas I,~. Si mr)son dated the 15th day of October 1963 for the purpose of providing fire protection for the Fire Area of the ~ownship of Clarke and to establish '1nd adopt the Orimo Police Village Volunteer Fire Department as the fire department for the ~owns~ip of Cl~rke. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows:- 1. An agreement between the ?olice Village of Orono as represented b'T its "'r',lstees Roy C. Forrester, Harry 1\:. Mercer and Douglas M. Simpson, and the Corno~Btion of the Town- ship of Clarke dated the 15th day of October 196;, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, is hereby accepted and approved by the Cornoration of the ~ownshin of Clerke and the Reeve and Clerk o~ this corporation are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement on behalf of this Corporation; 2. The Orono Police Village Volunteer Fire Denartment as esta- blished and constituted u~der By-Laws No. 119i and amendments thereto, No. 1426, No. 1427, and No. 1428, of the ~ownship of Clarke is hereby adopted and established as the Fire Depart- ment of the Township of Clqrke to carry out necessary fire pro- tection within the Fire Area of the Townshio of GIerke as defined by By-Law No. 1434. ~ By-Law No. 1436, being a by-law to define a fire area within the liMits of The Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the r.='ownship of Clarke deems it expedient to establish a fire ~rea; Now therefore the Crnlncil of The Corporation of The ~ownship of Clarke enacts as follows: (1) That the area described as being within the limits of the Township of Clarke be established as a fire area; (2) That the above described lands within the limits of the Township of Clarke be and they are hereby constituted as The Township of Cl'1rke Fire Area. ..j o I I .5 - IUnutes, Council Meeting LTarch 3rd, 1964, continued: \..; By-Law Ko. 1437, to authorize the appointment of Ross Mercer of the Village of Orono as Fire Chief of the Fire Department of the Township of Clarke. ~hereas by By-Law No. 1435 of this Corporation the Fire Department of the Township of Clarke was established and it is desirous to appoint a Fire Chief for such Fire Department; the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. Ross IF-ercer of the Village of Or'Jno 'Ln the COUll ty of T)urham be and he is hereby appointed Fire Chief of the ~ire Departrn.ent of the ~ownshiD of Clarke. By-Law No. 143~, being a by-law to provide for the participation of the Orono Police Village Volunteer Fire Department in County Mutual Aid. Whereas The ~unicipal Act authorizes the councils of all muni- cipalities to enter into agreements with other municipalities for the use of firefighting equipment or Bny of it: l;ow there- fore tne Council of the Corporation of the mownship of CIA"'ke enacts as follows: 1. That the Orono Police Village Volunteer Fire Department be autho:;:,ized to leave the limits of the rr:uni- cipality or fire areas, at the discretion of the Chief and 1.mder the directior. of the Uni ted Counties of Eorthumberland and Durham Co'mties Fire Co-ordinator, to res:pond to c'lllsfor assi s tanc e frorl other m11ni c i pal ~'ire depa :;-tmen t s au thori zed to participate in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham County IlutualAid System or any other County I,Tut'Jal Aid System on a reciprocal aid basis. 2. In case the provi- sions of this by-law conflict with the provisions of any otner by-law, the provisions of this by-law shall prevail. By-Law No.1439, a By-Law to authorize the Fire Chief to hire itinerant assistance in the event of an emergency. Whereas it has been deemed necessary to authorize the hiring of itine.,..ant assistance, who will be automatically covered under The Workmen'S Compensation Board, in the event of a fire emergency in the Township of Clarke; now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows:- 1. The Fire Chief of the Fire Department of the Township of Clarke be and is hereby authorized to hire itinerant assis- tance in the event of a fire emergency occurring in the Town- ship of Clarke. 2. The Fire Chief shall, within one day after an e~ergency notify the Township Clerk o~ the names and addresses of any and all such assistance hired by him. 'The Clerk shall in turn notify the Compensation Board of this information within 3 days of the emergency. By-Law No. 1440, a By-Law to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector of the ~unicipal Council of the Corporation of the ~ownship of Cll1rke. No'!.' t1:erefore mhe r'l1nicipsl Council of the mownship of Clarke nereby enacts that HerMan Edward Millson of the Villaqe of Orono in the said Mownship of Clarke be and he is herery appoin- ted Clerk and ,."reasurer and Tax Collector of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke; that he shall have an office in the said Village of Oreno for the carrying on of his duties as Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collec- tor; and that he shall be paid the sum of Six Thousand per annum, payable monthly, the said Municipal CO'mcil to provide for him a suitable office for the carrying on of his duties as Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector and to pay all premiums on whatever bond they require him as ~reasurer and Tax Collector to supply; and further that all by-laws or parts of by-laws contrary to or inconsistant with the provisions of this by- law be and they are hereby repealed. u 6 - Minutes, Council I,1eeting March 3, 1964, continued: By-Law No. l441{ a By-Law to provide for the 1964 expendi tures on Roads in the Township of Clarke in the Countv of Durham. Whereas 'I'he Highway ImIH'ovement Act requires that the total ex- penditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and the the by-law be submitted to the r:Iinister of Highways for approval. Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $87,000.00 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges unrler its jurisdiction during the year 1964 as follows: Cons trIc ti on Main tenanc e Total Roads ~b~OO.OO $3~,500.00 ~65,300.00 Bridges &: Culverts 2,100.00 2,500.00 4,600.00 New Machinery 4,100.00 nil 4,100.00 Superintendence &: Overhead 7,000.00 6,000.00 13,000.00 Totals ~40,OOO.OO $47,000.00 $~7'/00.OO (2) The said monies shall be expended 'lnder the supervision of the duly appointed township road superin+;enrlent and on work nerfo!'med in accordance with mhe Highway Improvement Act. (3) The ~lerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of IIighways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (~) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work cOr1menced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. By-Law No. 1442, being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1964. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke has in accordance with The tfunicipal Act c nsidered the estimates of the ~unicipality and of the Boards and COffirn.issions of the municipality and it is necessary that the following estimates be raised by means of taxation for the year 1964: County Purposes Per Capita Grants ($12,500.00 Estimated) Township General (No Grants) II II (Grants) " II O. P. T. (No Gran t s) II "0 . P. T. ( Gran t s ) Central Lake Ontario Conservation A'lthori ty) Included in ~ownsh1p General ) Ganaraska Durham County District High School Board Police Village of Orono Federation of Agriculture (Estimated) Newtonville Street Lighting (Estimated) Kendal Street Lighting (Estimated) Township of Clarke School Area School Seotion No. 2 " " No. 5 " " j\~o. 7 " " No. 10 " II No. 12 II " No. 14 " II No. 15 " It No. 16 II II No. 18 It " No. 19 " " No. 20u " " No. 22u " II No. 23u &: 25u II II No. 24 u C.R.C.S.S. for the mownship of Clarke & Hope R.C.S.S. Bowmanville u Requisition 46,790.05 12,500.00 14,827.35 47,575.92 2,493.04 8,084.46 50.00 1,703.34 93,216.53 8,046.00 730.00 201. 00 100.00 26,000.00 2,892.00 3,400.00 3,500.00 1,900.00 23,050.00 2,246.56 2,454 .80 2,510.00 1,350.00 1,500.00 1,841.61 1,269.38 2,132.42 85.80 909.50 4.48 $313,364.24 And whereas the Assessment Roll made in 1963 and upon which the 1964 taxes are to be levied and finally revised by the Court of Revision on the 8th day of January, 1964; and whereas the amount of assessment entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as residential and farm, and the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter o referred to as business, of Unconditional Grants in accordance with the I,Tunicipal Act, R.S.O. 1960 is as follows: Assessment entitled to Benefit $3,194,075.00 Assessment Not entitled to Benefit 810,014.95 be it therefore and it is hereby enacted as follows: 1. That the above estimate be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter and there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and business wi thin the CO""HJ;"'U ~ion of the 'I'ownsl1i li of Clarke the following mill rates fo~ the year 1964: ~ 1,1111 Rates N.R. R.&F. 11.6855 7.- Minutes, Council Meeting March 3, 1964, continued: ~ County Purposes Township General: To~nship Commercial Township with Grants applied Polica ~illage Commercial Police Village with Grants applied Central Lake Ontario Conserva- tion Authority) (Included in r:'ownship General) Ganaraska , .,4254 Durham County District High Sc- . hool Board Police Villase of OronQ Fe:1era tion of Agri Cell ture ~ew\onville Street Lighting Kendal street Lighting 'I'ownship of Clarke School Area School Section No. 2 " " No..5 II II No . 7 " II 1Jo.10 " II No. 12 " "No. 14 " "No. 15 " " l~o. 16 " "No. 18 " "Ko. 19 II II No. 20u " " 1,70. 22u " " No. 23u & 25u 11 " No. 24u C.R.C.S.S. for the Township of Clarke 8: Hope 18.2416 13.7966 21.3:3 ~1.072 .5 1.45 ,., 0'JC) :;.......L.c_/ 13.0713 25.3487 16 01'77, . /~ J" 17.1C15 14.3797 25.298 9.3065 18.9934 16.5456 13.4013 16.6751 12.6107 12.268 22.4197 21..977 10 QGOO .J-/_/"/// . Coram. 22.155 17.71 ?-z '1'1 .:-/' - 20.0793 2'8.1653 1,Q '70"" '-" . I ".. / 19.0017 23.1039 10.8962 21.10;:8 1,3.3841 14.3904 l'L52Q7 ILl . O~19 13.6312 2~1.71l R.C.S:S. Bowmanville 22.4199 Z. "'he taxes shall become due and payable on the 1st day of Sepiember, 1964. 3. ~here shall be imposed a penalty for non- payment of taxes on due date or on instalments thereof, the arrio'lnt of 110 of the amount due on the f'irst day of default, and an additiorial penalty of l~ shalt be added on the first dav of each calendar month thereafter on the balance rernain- i ng unpaid lip fa and i ncludi ng Dec ember 31s t, 1964. 4. The ']:lreas1jrer and Collecto:!'" are hereby empowered to ~ecei've in any year payment~ on account of taxes for that year in advance of the date d',le and is hereby authorized to allovlJ 11 discount 0n such pre-payments at ~ ra~e of discount of 61 per annum. 5. ~he Collector is hereby authorized to Dail or cause to be ma:ile d the noti c e of t axe s due to th e ad'dre ss of the resi- d ence 0 r plrwe of b1ls:in e ss of the person to w horn such no ti c e is required to be given. 6. All current taxes shall be paid into the Cqnadian Imperial Ba~k of Com~erce at Newcastle and Oruno. All tax arrears shall oe paid into the office of the Treasurer at Orono. 7. iYhere a tenant of lands, mvned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the wlnicipality by the same employer for not 1 ess than 30 days, such employer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of wages, salaries, or other rerTlneration d~e to such employee, the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and any such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the ern.ployee fo:!'" the amount paid. 8. ~he collector and treasurer are hereby empow- ered to accept part payments from time to time on account of any taxes due. ~ 8 - J:Jinutes, CO'lllcil IIeeting, Uarch 3, 1964, contin'led: 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. Resolution No. 45: Moved by R. A. Foster, seconded by J. W. Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on April 7, 1964 at 10 a.m. in regular meeting or otherwise at the call of the Reeve. Carried. -~...........- -......-/ ~:.,. ~ ~ ----' Clerk $' 9Ja~ Reeve ?/ - ~ SPECIAL 1lliETING OF THE COUNCIL OF TIm TO 'NN.JHI? 0 F CL:~RKE March 10, 1964, at 2.p.m. Council Chamber, Orono / Present: Deputy-Reeve J. W. Stone Councillor R. A. Foster Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor L. A. Perrault Clerk H. E. Millson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve H. E. Walkey to open and consider tenders for the proposed purchase of a new loader. Deputy-Reeve Stone presided in the absence of the Reeve. Resolution NO. 46: IvIoved by L. A. Perrault, seconded by R. G. Chater: Resolve that tenders for the proposed purchase of a new loader be and are hereby opened. Carried. The following tenders were opened and are hereby recorded in that order: 1. Federal Equipment of Canada Limited 2. Sheridan Equipment Limited 3. Construction Equipment Co. Ltd. 4. W. L. Ballentine Company Limited 5. Capital Construction Equipment (Toronto) Limited 6. Trudeau Motors Limited 7. Geo. VV'. Crothers L1r:ii ted 8. The General Supply Company of Canada Limited 9. Equipment Sales and Service Limited 10. Truck & Tractor EquiIlment Ltd. - This tender was not opened as it was received at 12.15 noon on March 10, 1964, by the Clerk. Representatives of some companies were heard by Cou:r:cil. It was moved by J. ~. Stone, seconded by R. A. Foster that the Road Superintendent be and is hereby empowered to investigate the loaders tendered by the companies under items 3, 4, 5, and 9 afore- mentioned, together with any or all members of Council who may wish to view and inspect the said loaders tendered. The Road Superin- tendent was to report his findings to the Road and Bridge Co~~ittee at his earliest convenience. Carried. Neeting adjourned. , ..-.~~--::-:, C 1 er k .~..... ~ I ~ ~ a-/~:t" Reeve ~ o