HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-001-06 Clw:.pn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, January 9, 2006 Report #: PSD-001-06 File #'8: COPA 2005-008, By-law #: PLN 31.5.10, ZBA 2005-042, ZBA 2005-043, S-C 2005-0003 and ~C 2005-9904 ti~~ ~ t!il."D~~Ob Subject: PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSED NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN FOR VILLAGE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD IN NEWCASTLE APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW AND FOR APPROVAL OF DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVSION TO PERMIT 1469 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, PARKS AND SCHOOLS APPLICANTS: SMOOTH RUN DEVELOPMENTS (METRUS DEVELOPMENTS INC.) BROOKFIELD HOMES (ONTARIO) LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-001-06 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan COPA 2005-008, submitted by Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited be referred back to staff for further processing and the completion of a neighbourhood design plan; 3. THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0003 and application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-042 submitted by Smooth Run Developments be referred back for further processing and the completion of a neighbourhood design plan; 4. THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0004 and application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-043 submitted by Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited be referred back for further processing and the completion of a neighbourhood design plan; 5. THAT the applicants be required to undertake a Financial Impact Analysis to address the impacts of these proposals to the Municipality; REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 2 6. THAT Staff conduct a community consultation process for the North Village Neighbourhood Plan; and 7 . THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: anklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer all J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Dir tor of Planning Services 1( CS/CP/DJC/df 4 January 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 3 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owners: Smooth Run Developments (Metrus Developments Inc.) ZBA 2005-042 and S-C 2005-0003 Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited ZBA 2005-043 and S-C 2005-0004 1.2 Agent: Sernas Associates 1.3 Clarington Official Plan Amendment: . Amend Table 5-1 by increasing the population targets for Newcastle Village from 18,600 to 18,800 and amending all corresponding totals. . Amend Table 9-2 by increasing the housing target for North Village Neighbourhood to reflect the following: i) 1050 low density units to 1350 units ii) 250 medium density units to 300 units iii) total from 1350 units to 1700 units; and iv) amending all corresponding totals. . Amend Section 19.6 by reducing the collector road right-of-way width from 23 -26 metres to 20 metres. . Amend Section 19.7 by reducing the local road right-of-way width from 20 metres to 18 metres. . Amend Map A-4 -"Land Use Newcastle Village Urban Area" by: i) revising the collector road pattern ii) relocating two elementary school symbols and one neighbourhood park symbol; iii) adding a neighbourhood park symbol . Amend Map B4 -"Transportation - Newcastle Village Urban Area" by revising the collector road pattern. . Amend Map E3 - "Neighbourhood Planning Unit - Newcastle Village Urban Area by changing the population of the North Village Neighbourhood from 3900 to 5100 (see Attachment 2). 1.4 Plans of Subdivision: · Smooth Run Developments: 1079 unit residential Plan of Subdivision consisting of 830 single detached dwellings, 249 townhouse units, two (2) elementary schools, two (2) park blocks and two (2) stormwater management facilities. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 4 · Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited: 390 unit residential Plan of Subdivision consisting of single detached dwellings, 1 secondary school and 1 park block. 1.5 Zoning By-law Amendments: Change the current zoning on both properties from "Agricultural (A-1) Zone" to an appropriate zone to permit the proposed developments. 1.6 Site Area: Smooth Run Developments Brookfield Homes TOTAL 73. 84 hectares 32.40 hectares 106.24 hectares 2.0 LOCATION: 2.1 The subject properties are located north of the Canadian Pacific Railway (St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway), east of Mill Street (Regional Road 17) and Highway 35/115, south of Concession Road 3 and west of Arthur Street, being Part Lots 27 & 28, Concession 2, and Former Township of Clarke (see Attachment 1). 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On August 24, 2005 Staff received an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan submitted by both Smooth Run Developments (Metrus Developments Inc) and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited. A Neighbourhood Design Plan was also submitted by both parties. Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes have each submitted separate applications for draft plans of subdivision as well as rezonings. The total number of residential units proposed is 1469, comprising of 1220 single detached dwellings and 246 townhouse units. 3.2 Supportina Documentation The applicants have provided the following documentation to support the development applications. Phase 1 - Environmental Site Assessment The Site Screening Questionnaire prepared by Brookfield Homes indicated that an orchard was situated on the site and as such, retained Golder Associates to prepare a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). Soil sampling conducted determined the presence of arsenic and free cyanide on the site. The soil sampling and analysis are within the acceptable levels according to the Ministry of Environment's guidelines. A Phase 1 ESA was not required for the lands owned by Smooth Run Developments. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 5 Noise Impact Studies Sernas Associates prepared individual Noise Impact studies for Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes. The studies address noise generated from vehicular traffic on Concession Road 3 to the north, Arthur Street to the east, Regional Road 17 and Highway 35/115 to the west, and train traffic from the railway to the south. The reports recommend noise abatement measures to meet the noise levels acceptable to the Region of Durham, Municipality of Clarington, CP Railway and the Ministry of Environment. Noise fencing (1.8 metes) will be required along sections of Arthur Street and Concession Road 3. Noise fencing and berms totaling 2.2 metres to 2.8 metres are required along Regional Road 17 and where lots are influenced by noise from Highway 35/115. Where residential townhouses are located adjacent to the railway, a 7.3 metre noise barrier is proposed comprising of 3.0 meter high noise fence erected on a 4.3 m high earthen berm. The reports recommend that detailed noise impact studies be submitted to identify noise mitigation measures and warning clauses to be included in the subdivision agreements once the final grading plans and the building plans are available. Functional Servicina Study Sernas Associates prepared one Functional Servicing Study for both sites. Minor system flow from the neighbourhood is proposed to discharge to the two proposed stormwater management ponds located abutting the railway. Major system flows (overland flow) from the neighbourhood will be conveyed to the stormwater management ponds via the public road allowances, with the exception of a small area at the north end of the plan which drains onto Concession Road 3. Flow inlet structures will be required on Regional Road 17 to intercept and direct the overland flow into the west stormwater management pond. Two stormwater management facilities are proposed that will meet water quality and quantity targets outlined in the Foster Creek Subwatershed Planning Study (March 2001 ). The northerly extension of the sanitary sewer on Regional Road 17 will provide a sanitary sewer outlet for the neighbourhood. Watermain supply to the neighbourhood will require expansion of the existing Zone 1 reservoir and the installation of the permanent Zone II pumping station. A section of feeder main will be required on Arthur Street to supply pressure and flow to the internal water distribution system. 4.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 4.1 The lands generally slope from north to south and are cultivated with soybean and corn crops. A small tributary flows from a woodlot east of Arthur Street towards the railway tracks. The lands owned by Smooth Run Developments are currently vacant. The lands owned by Brookfield Homes support one single detached dwelling and barns. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 6 4.2 Surrounding Land Uses: North South - Rural residential, agricultural crop and a large hog farm operation CP Railway and beyond that, established residential neighbourhood in the Village of Newcastle Rural residential, trailer park and agricultural crops Rural residential, a church and commercial uses and Highway 35/115 East West 5.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 5.1 The applications were reviewed in the context of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement. Section 1.1.3, Settlement Areas, states that new development shall occur adjacent to built up areas and shall have compact form, a mix of uses and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. Section 1.4, Housing Policies, states that Planning authorities are required to provide for a range of housing types and densities with a ten year supply of lands which are designated and a three year supply of zoned and services within draft approved and registered plans. New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are or will be available. A full range of housing types and densities shall be provided to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area. Section 1.5, Public Spaces, Parks and Open Space policies, states that healthy active communities should be promoted by planning public streets and spaces that are safe and facilitate pedestrian and non-motorized movement. A full range of publicly accessible built and natural setting for recreation including facilities, parks, open space and trails should also be considered. Section 1.6, Infrastructure and Public Service Facilities, states that infrastructure and public services facilities shall be provided in a coordinated efficient and cost effective manner. Planning for these shall be integrated with planning for growth so that they are available to meet current and projected needs. The use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities should be optimized where feasible before considering developing new infrastructure and public service facilities. Section 1.8, Energy and Air Quality, states that planning authorities shall support energy efficiency and improved air quality through various means in the planning and development process. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 7 6.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Durham Reaion Official Plan The lands are designated as Living Area within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of residential areas with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. The proposed increase to the population does not appear to conform to the Regional Official Plan but staff are awaiting comments from Regional staff. 6.2 Clarinaton Official Plan 6.2.1 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject lands are designated as Urban Residential, and Special Policy Area G and Future Urban Residential. The use of lands within the Urban Residential designation shall be predominately for single and semi- detached housing. Public elementary, separate elementary and secondary school, medium density and neighbourhood park symbols are also designated on both sites. 6.2.2 The lands north of the northerly collector road (Streets B and C) is designated within the Special Policy Area G as shown on Attachment 3. This area is potentially affected by the hog operation immediately north of the urban boundary and the surrounding planning area. The area _ of influence as defined in the Minimum Distance Separation Formula (shown on Attachment 3) is designated Future Urban Residential Area. Until such time as the hog operation or similar agricultural operation ceases, the area of influence shall remain designated Future Urban Residential. There are also lands designated Urban Residential in Special Policy Area G. As a condition of development, the developers shall include a warning clause in all purchase and sale agreements indicating potential impacts from agricultural operations including noise and odour. These lands may also be affected by the hog operation. One public elementary school site and one separate secondary school site and a neighbourhood park symbol are also identified within Special Policy Area G. 6.2.3 The lands within the North Village Neighbourhood have a population allocation of 3900 and a housing target of 1350, being 1050 low density units, 250 medium density units and 50 units for intensification. The proposed amendment requests increasing the target to 1,700 units and a population of 5,100. It is noted that the Region modified the Clarington Official Plan to reduce the original North Village population from 4300 to 3900 in order to conform with the Regional Plan. 6.2.4 The Clarington Official Plan requires that prior to the consideration and approval of a plan of subdivision, the Municipality shall require the preparation -of Neighbourhood Design Plan. The plan shall be prepared in consultation with the Municipality and other agencies. A Neighbourhood Design Plan is plan the future development of an entire neighbourhood and does not require the approval of Council. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 8 7.0 ZONING BY-LAW 7.1 Both properties are zoned "Agricultural Exception (A-1)" zone in Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. Zoning by-law amendments are required in order to implement both proposed plans of subdivision. 8.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 8.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject sites. Public Notices signs for each development were posted on Mill Street, Concession Road 3 and Arthur Street. 8.2 As of the date of writing this report, Staff received a phone call from the owner of the hog farm operation Mr. Hugh Allin. He wanted to confirm that Special Policy Area G, and specifically the Minimum Separate Distance would protect his farming operation. Staff subsequently met with Mr. Allin and advised him of the wording of the policy and suggested that he participate in the public meeting or advise Committee and Council in writing of any concerns he may have regarding the proposals. 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 The applications for the official plan amendment, plans of subdivision and rezoning were circulated to various agencies for comment. The Neighbourhood Design Plan was circulated separately. Comments have not been received from the following agencies: . Durham Region Planning Department . Durham Region Works Department . Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority . Separate School Board. 9.2 The Clarington Emergency & Fire Services offered no objection. 9.3 The Engineering Services Department has advised that they continue to review the applications however, have provided some initial comments. . The municipal infrastructure, such as roads, storm sewers and storm water drainage systems do not exist, therefore the proposals are considered premature at this time. These works are identified in the Municipality's Development Charges Background Report proposed in the 2015- 2031 timeframe. . Full development of the neighbourhood will necessitate improvements to the existing transportation network. A Traffic Study should be undertaken to assess external road accesses based on projected traffic volumes the need for REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 9 additional traffic signals, a grade separation at Arthur Street at the railway as well as infrastructure improvements such as road widenings. . Internal traffic network, including the reduction of road widths and rear lanes, lot configurations with respect to driveway locations do not conform to current engineering standards. . A Stormwater Management Implementation report should be prepared to demonstrate that the size and location of the proposed stormwater ponds are sufficient for the proposed developments. . The location, size and configuration of all the parks need to be re-examined. . The applicant should provide a Phasing Plan which outlines all phases of the implementation and ultimate construction of the entire development. 9.4 The Canadian Pacific Railway (St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway) provided comments on the development applications. CPR advises that the proposed developments abut the principle main line. The Railway is not in favour of residential developments adjacent to their right-of-way, as the land use is not compatible with railway operations. However, a standard list of conditions of approval were provided which includes, appropriate noise attenuation and adding warning clauses in the purchase and sale agreements regarding noise and vibrations. 9.5 The Ministry of Transportation has provided individual comments for the development applications. The Ministry has advised that the sites are subject to building/land use permits from the MTO. In addition, the following conditions of draft plan approval were requested: . That prior to final approval, the owner shall submit a Traffic Impact Study to assess the impacts of the development on the Highway 35/115 and Concession Road 3 interchange; . That prior to final approval, the owner shall submit a stormwater management report indicating the intended treatment of the calculated run-off; and . That prior to final approval, the owner shall enter into a legal agreement with the Ministry whereby the owner agrees to assume financial responsibility for all highway improvements and to the interchange necessitated from these developments. 9.6 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board has based its comments on the Neighbourhood Plan and advises it has no major objections. The development of this neighbourhood will yield 741 elementary students to Newcastle Public School, and 205 secondary students to Clarke High School, both of which are over capacity. As such, the Board requires; REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 10 i) Two elementary and one secondary school sites (the elementary school site must be 6 acres, and the secondary school site must be 15 acres in total). The board prefers sites adjacent to park; ii) Sidewalks on all streets; Hi) Storm water management issues be addressed; iv) Six foot chain link fence along the boundary of the Board property and residential lots; v) Soil testing be completed prior to the Board entering into an agreement; vi) The owner deliver the entire school site to the Board or the Owner enter into an Option Agreement with the Board or with the adjoining property owner to the satisfaction of the Board prior to Final Approval; vii) That services to the school site be delivered early in development of each phase. 1 0.0 STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes each own large parcels equal to approximately 96% of land in the North Village Neighbourhood. They have submitted one application to amend the Clarington Official Plan. The amendment is requesting an increase in the population and housing targets for Newcastle Village and the North Village Neighbourhood. The proposal to increase densities, while consistent with emerging provincial directions, does not appear to be consistent with the Durham Regional Official Plan. As noted above, the Region modified the Clarington Official Plan to reduce the population for the Village North Neighbourhood from the Council-adopted 4300 persons to 3900 persons. In addition, the amendment is also requesting a reduction in the current collector road widths from 23-26 metres to 20 metres and a reduction in the local road from 20 metres to 18 metres. The amendment also requests revised locations for collector roads, parks and schools. 10.2 The proponents have also submitted a Neighbourhood Design Plan for the entire neighbourhood, not only those lands subject to the development applications. It includes road alignments, sidewalks, trails and pedestrian nodes, lotting patterns, school, parks, open space system and stormwater management facilities. The Plan is accompanied by design brief which shows urban design elements consistent with some New Urbanism concepts. As Council is aware, New Urbanism concepts are being explored through the Brookhill Secondary Planning Study. Some specific ideas, such as reduced road widths and rear access lanes are being reviewed through this process. As there are similarities between the ideas for the Brookhill neighbourhood and the North Newcastle neighbourhood, it is recommended that the neighbourhood design plan be peer reviewed at the expense of the applicants. It is further recommended that The Planning Partnership, consultants for the Brookhill project, provide the peer review. There is a need for more extensive community consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan so this will be undertaken in Newcastle as part of the peer review process. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 11 10.3 The North Village Neighbourhood concept is based on a strict gird-iron street system organized around a central neighbourhood spine identified as Street D on the Smooth Run draft plan of subdivision. The main neighbourhood facilities (schools and parks) are organized around that central neighbourhood spine. There are a number of merits of the proposed neighbourhood plan, such as the proposed development of community gateway features, but a number of concerns have also arisen to date as follows: . Strict adherence to a grid-iron approach does not provide for interesting neighbourhood spaces - a grid street system does allow for curvilinear elements; . Virtually all lots have shallow depth extending only 28 m (92 ft.); . The location, size and configuration of parks is not desirable - Park Block 898 is a remnant piece with limited visual access; Park Block 407 should not be located between two school sites; . The noise attenuation barrier (a 3 m noise fence on a 3.4 m berm) for the neighbourhood is proposed to be located within public open space and would be an ongoing municipal maintenance issue; . The proposed reduced street-width standards and the three rear-lanes proposed to service the townhouse blocks are not currently accepted municipal standards; . Given the lack of natural features on these properties, the storm water management ponds should be developed and made visually accessible as an amenity feature; . The inconsistencies with the Foster Creek Sub-Watershed Plan as elaborated in Section 10.5. 10.4 Special Policy Area 'G', and more specifically the Future Urban Residential designation provides policies to protect the existing hog operation and its affects from encroaching urban land uses. Both draft plans of subdivision show the area of influence from the hog operation in the appropriate location. However, draft approval for these portions of the plans cannot be granted to these lands until such time as the hog operation is gone, and an official plan amendment is approved to change the designation from Future Urban Residential to Urban Residential. All other portions of Special Policy Area 'G' can proceed but with a warning clause on title with respective to odours from farm operations. 10.5 The subject lands are located within the Foster Creek Sub-watershed. The Foster Creek Subwatershed Planning Study was completed in March 2001 by the consulting firms of Gartner Lee Limited and Greenland International Consulting Inc. The study identified resource management objective for aquatic and terrestrial habitat, surface and groundwater functions, soil and land resources and wildlife corridors and linkages. The report recommends, among other things, that a portion of a buried tributary north of the railway in the vicinity of Arthur Street be day-lighted and a 100 metre wide natural corridor be established to connect to the Wilmot Creek and the Foster Creek valleys. The establishment or restoration of native trees and ground cover in the corridor will facilitate wildlife movement. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 12 The recommendations in this report were approved by Council in principle, and as such, the Neighbourhood Design Plan and proposed applications are required to reflect the recommendations contained in the sub watershed study. 10.6 The request of the Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board for school sites varies from the Official Plan which provides for: · 2 public elementary schools · 1 separate elementary school · 1 separate secondary school The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board is now requesting a deletion of one elementary school site and the addition of a secondary school site. Further discussions with both school boards is required to ascertain their current requirements. 10.7 The servicing and road infrastructure required to support development in this neighbourhood is identified in the Municipality's Development Charges background study for sometime between 2015 and 2031. The applications include almost all the land within the North Village Neighourhood and yet infrastructure money to support his development was not anticipated for a minimum of nine (9) years. Bringing this area on sooner that anticipated will affect the Municipality's infrastructure planning and may not make the most efficient use of existing and committed infrastructure. As a result, staff recommend that a Financial Impact Study be prepared in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan to ascertain impacts on the Municipality's financial situation. The Municipality shall select and retain professional qualified professional to undertake such a study at the expense of the proponents. It is proposed that Hemson Consulting undertake this work since they undertook the analysis for the Development Charges Study in 2005 10.8 Staff have discussed these recommendations for the urban design peer review and the financial impact analysis with the proponents of Smooth Run Developments and they have requested a meeting to discuss staff's requests. 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 11.1 Staff recommends that the neighbourhood design plan submitted by Sernas Associates be peer reviewed, and that the cost of the peer review be bourne by the development proponents. Staff also recommend that a Financial Impact Study be submitted, the cost for which will also be bourne by the development proponents. 11.2 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements under the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration the outstanding comments, staff respectfully request that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. REPORT NO.: PSD-001-06 PAGE 13 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment submitted Attachment 3 - Special Policy Area G List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Bryce Jordan, Sernas Associates Smooth Run Developments Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited Hugh Allin Attachment 1 To Report PSD-001-06 ,.... -...... ...... (Ial&-...., Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited Smooth Run Developments (Metrus Developments Inc.) Cl <( o e::: --l <( Z o C3 w e::: ~ <( -- I e::: ::l Cl -- I- W W e::: l- (/) e::: ::l I l- e::: <( J '-A. WRtNCt A.ND - HUDSON RA./,- WA. Y Newcastle Key Map COPA 2005-008 Clarington Official Plan Amendment Smooth Run Developments (Metrus Developments Inc.) Proposed Subdivision Plan S-C-2005-003 Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA 2005-042 Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited Proposed Subdivision Plan S-C-2005-004 Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA 2005-043 PURPOSE: BASIS: Attachment 2 To Report PSD-001-06 AMENDMENT NO. TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of the Amendment is to accommodate the design of a Neighbourhood Plan for the North Village Neighbourhood (N5) of Newcastle Village. Specifically the Amendment will: 1) increase the number of low and medium density residential units targeted for the North Village Neighbourhood to more closely reflect desirable urban residential densities: 2) revise the population targets anticipated due to item 1) above; 3) revise the collector road pattern to reflect a finer grained grid of collector roads in the North Village Neighbourhood; 4) apply specific reduced road right-of-way widths within the neighbourhood recognizing the grid of Collector roads (as noted above) and local roads in the North Village Neighbourhood; 5) relocate the three elementary schools and two neighbourhood parks within the North Village Neighbourhood based upon the revised collector road pattern; and 6) add a neighbourhood park to the North Village Neighbourhood such that each elementary school would be part of a school/park complex. This Amendment is based upon a Neighbourhood Design Plan for the North Village Neighbourhood which integrates the development proposals of the three major land owners making up virtually all of the land area of the North Village Neighbourhood. Actual Amendment: The Clarington Official Plan is amended as follows: 1) By amending Table 5-1 "Population and Employment Targets, 2016" i) by changing the population target for Newcastle Village from 18,600 to 18,800; and ii) by changing the Total Population of Clarington from 130,600 to 130,800. 2) By amending Table 9-2 "Housing Target by Neighbourhood" as it applied to Neigbhourhood "NS North Village" to reflect the following. i) Residential Areas Low 1 050 units to 1300 units; ii) Residential Areas Medium 250 units to 400 units; iii) Total 1350 units to 1750 units; and, By revising the totals for Newcastle Village accordingly. 3) By amending "Section 19.6 - Collector Roads" by adding a new subsection 19.6.3 to read as follows: "19.6.3 Notwithstanding Section 19.6.2 (g) in the North Village Neighbourhood, collector roads will have a right-of-way of 20 metres due to the number of such roads and the fine grained nature of the collector road grid." 4) By amending Section 19.7 -" Local Roads" by adding the following to 19.7.2 e) "and for greater certainty, local roads within the North Village Neighbourhood shall generally have aright-of-way width of 18 metres." 5) By amending Map A4 - "Land Use Newcastle Village Urban Area" by: i) Revising the collector road pattern; ii) Relocating two elementary school symbols and one neighbourhood park symbol; jii) Adding a neighbourhood park symbol; and iv) All ash shown on the attached Exhibit "A". 6) By amending Map 84 "Transportation - Newcastle Village Urban Area" by revising the collector road pattern as shown on the attached Exhibit "B". 7) By amending Map E3 "Neighbourhood Planning Unit - Newcastle Village Urban Area" by changing the population of North Village Neighbourhood (5) from "3900" to "5100". IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. EXHIBIT 'A' TO AMENDMENT No. ~ .....~... Yo'... , t/" \! A' , - tAK[ c,lNTAIfI";'; _ _ _ U<;w.H ~( t vZt/;/ ~= Ilt~1."'1 At J$lll,l.ll RE$Wll'.... 1 (ill I ~~!~ 1- _ I"'.... (t,..,.... AAE;. _ Lo.:::;.L <CEPR'L A'lEA 11II ~{5~~r~IAl..>REA UTlJl'i i!~ >t('J-,~ .-n ~: ... ..... =. / l l:t({~"'MIo<. PIlnJ< t.TI014 />to' ^ III c;tQ:t,~ >PH.;;. 11II WAc!f.fft'HON~ <l.:fWit"AY _ (1.lll\tlJU ". I'AIt( . . a ~ Ji cS ~lRlI." ~ HEr:l>HlC JR....'XlC I'm!<. PlJel( UCC<Nl.Wl'f SClIO<ll SEPAAA'lt st.~"CoNL."AH"I" SChOOl "',)flU(: El.ElAE>r,o.R, SCti'.l"JL St~"I'[ tt.UANA'h SCHOOl Sl'{C..J. ro..lC'f .<<,0. ~-f.<<:"~' I'IH<<no<. "'leA .. mt_ N(;:( REV/SE COLLECTOR ROAD PATTERN RELOCATE NEIGHBOURHOOD SCHOOL & PARK SYMBOLS ADD NE/GHBOURHOOD PARK SYMBOL ",".,_.-.Ht, ",. ...,~"" "", '. ..... ". ...... . .......... ,,-' .' ........ .' " n'~ :'-, .<........ ,'.... "~.'."". f ~." ..... ~.~ ~ .... ~- " I ~ vw~ro: ~\I MAP A4 LAND USE NEWCASTLE Vl.LAGE URBAN AREA CFflClAL Ft.AN l<lUNI:::JPA. lTY ,'JF CI,.'lll>CTCN :)~J;t:..tllti:lit, '-. 2,::;00 ,~i~~~-:~~.~~14.~kl EXHIBIT 'B' TO AMENDMENT No. REVISE COLLECTOR ROAD PATTERN / .~.. I -----... ,- 'JI> ,_ llReNIl IiIClI.It4OAAY , ( ._.\,,.'- .s--._____.- '\.....,", ,,~.."/ -_._-.~_. "-. ......, '", "". - -..... LAKE -~"':",:~.-""",m" F'REEWAY TY'Pe A AA'TERlAl. ---- 'NflE e ~ fRU:WAY INrrRClWll";( MAP 84 TRANSPORTATION NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA OFHCIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Ol;;CEMOCR 4, 2000 REFER TO ~cnO/l; 19 1=fl"~~;~~~~~-:.kI ............... 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Proposed Draft Plans of Subdivision SON RA/L W ~ S-C- 2005-003 and S-C-2005-004 ~ y o <( -..... o~ 0:::: -l~ <( Z g~ W _...... 0:::: ~ <( I 0:::: :::J o Attachment 3 To Report PSD-001-06 Limit of MDS Setback for Agricultural Use Limit of Special Policy Area "G" .... Smooth Run Developments (Metrus Developments Inc.) J