HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-002 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-lAW 2006 - 002 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Peak Engineering and Construction Ltd., Brighton, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Construction of the Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Peak Engineering and Construction Ltd., Brighton, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 16th day of January, 2006. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 16th CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 BARRY • BRYAN ASSOCIATES (19911 LIMITED Architects Engineers Landscape Architect Project Managers 11 Stanley Court, Unit 1 Whitby, Ontario L1N 8P9 Tel: (905) 666-5252 Tor: (905) 427-4495 Fax: (905) 666-5256 E-mail: bba@bba-archeng.com www.bba-archeng.com Project No. 04103 ~~~~ ~~~ January 20, 2006 ~~ ~,1 ~, Standard Construction Document CCDC ~ ~~~ ` Stipulated price contract This agreement is protectetl by . Project: Brian McFarlane Hockev Museum at the se~r~htar,as~a,~e~~y.,ae~ pa~ti e _ ~ der ' f a Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Municipality cCrz as~a exae$c 11e~xtem of Clanngton 2440 King Street West Bowmanville °tl4~ryan~2atrofi~~r ~~ Ontano Contract No.CL2005-46 `' a~~rfonwr,a supplementary contlifions. ~" D ~ Canadian construction documents committee i' Srandazd Construction Document -CCDC 2 - 1994 AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR For use when a stipulated price is [he basis of payment. This Agreement made on the Twentieth day of Ja_ nuarv in the yeaz Two Thousand and Six ' by and between Municipality of Clarineton hereinafter called the "Owner" and Peak Bn¢ineerine & Construction Ltd hereinafer called the "Contractor" The Dwner and the Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE A-1 THE WORK The Contractor shall: 1.1 perform the Work required by the Contract Documents for Brian McFarlane Hockev Museum at the Garnet B Rickard Recreation Com lex Munici alit of Clazin ton, located at 2440 Kine Street Wes[ Bowmanville Ontario which have been signed by the parties, and for which Barrv • Brvan Associates f 1991) Limited is acting as and is hereinafter called the "Consultant" and L2 do and fulfill everything indicated by this Agreement, and 1.3 commence the Work by the Thirtieth day of January in the yeaz Two Thousand and Six and, subject to adjustment in Contract Time as provided for in the Contract Documents, attain Substantial Performance ofthe Work, by the Twenty-third day of June in the year Two Thousand and Six. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00502 [ This conttact is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. ONy sign this convact if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate that i[ is an original document, unchanged. ARTICLE A-2 AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS ' 2.1 The Contract supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral , relating in any manner to the Work, including the bidding documents that aze not expressly listed in Article A-3 of the '' Agreement -CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 2.2 The Contract may be amended only as provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE A-3 CONTRACT DOCUME NTS 3.1 The following aze [he Contract Documents referred to in Article A-1 of the Agreement -THE WORK: • Agreement Between Owner and Contractor • Definitions • The General Conditions of the Stipulated Price Contract ' 3.2 Addendum No. 1 dated November 7, 2005 ............. ................................ .. 1 a e p g y 3.3 Addendum No.2 dated NovemberlQ 2005 ............................................ 24 pages 3.4 Addendum No. 3 dated November 17 2005 . 3.5 , ........................................... Addendum No. 4 dated November 22 2005 36 pages 3.6 , ............................................ Addendum No. 5 dated November 24 2005 12 pages 3.7 , ....... Tender Form submitted by Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. dated November 25, 2005 ..... 6 pages . 5 pages 3.7.1 Consent to Surety issued by The Guarantee Company of North America dated November 15, 2005 .. 1 page j 3.7.2 Contractor Safety Policy and Procedure dated November 23 2005 3.7.3 , .......................... WSIB CAD-7 Calculations dated September 15 2005 . 8 pages ' 3.7.4 , .................................... WSIB Clearance Certificate dated October 11 2005 .. 1 page 3.8 , ................ ...................... Post Tender Addendum No. 1 dated December 12, 2005 .................................. .. 1 page . 8 pages 3.9 Post Tender Addendum No.2 dated December 14 2005 3.10 , .................................. Post Tender Addendum No. 3 dated December 14, 2005 ....... ....................... .... .. lpage . 2 pages 3.11 Letter from Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. dated December 16 2005 3.12 , .................. Post Tender Addendum No. 1 completed and submitted by Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. . 2 pages 3 pages ' 3.13 Excerpt from Municipality of Clarington's Council Meeting Minutes dated January 16, 2006 regardi ng Report COD-002-006 -Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Resolution #C-022-06 ............. .. .. . 2 pages 3.13.1 A Schedule ...... .............................................................. 3.13.2 Schedule "B" ...... .. lpage 3.14 .............. Fax Transmittal from Peak Engineering &. Construction Ltd. dated January 2Q 2006 ............. 1 page 2 pages 3.15 WSIB Cleazance Certificate dated December 8 2005 3.16 , ............ Memorandum of Insurance issued by Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. dated January 20, 2006........... 1 a e p g 2 pages 3.17 Performance Bond issued by The Guarantee Company of North America dated January 25, 2006... . 1 page 3.18 Labour and Material Payment Bond issued by The Guarantee Company of North America dated Januazy 25, 2006 ............................................................. 2 pages 3.19 List of Contract Drawings attached as page 2A 3.20 Contract Specifications issued November 2, 2005 * (insert here, attaching additional pages if required, a list identifying all other Contract Documents e. g. Supplementary Conditions; Specifications, giving a dirt of contents with section numbers and titles, number of pages, and date; Drawings, giving drawing number, title, date, revision date or mark; Addenda, giving title, number, date) CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00502 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ wntaining a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. i1 ~, ARTICLE A-4 CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 The Contract Price, which excludes Value Added Taxes, is: EiQh[ hundred and fifty-nine thousand five hundred and forty-four dollars and zero cents. $859,544.00 4.2 Value Added Taxes (of ~ payable by [he Owner to the Contractor are: Sixty thousand, one hundred and sixty-eieh[ dollazs and eiehtcents. $60,168.08 4.3 Total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor for the construction of the Work is: Nine hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars and eight teats. $919,712.08 4.4 All amounts are in Canadian funds. 4.5 These amounts shall be subject to adjustments as provided in the Contract Documents. CCDC 2 - 1994 Pile 00502 This contract is prowcted by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page beazs a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. 1 ~i' f ARTICLE A-5 PAYMENT 5.1 Subject [o the provisions of the Contract Documents, and in accordance with legislation and statutory regulations respecting holdback percentages and, where such legislation or regulations do not exist or apply, subject to a holdback of ten percent (10 %), and a further one percent (1%) for the contract completion security account, the Owner shall in Canadian funds: .1 make progress payments to the Contractor on account of the Contraca Price when due in the amount certified by the Consultant together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment, and 2 upon Substantial Performance of the Work, pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of the holdback amount when due together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment, and 3 upon the issuance of the final certificate for payment, pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of the Contraca Price when due together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment. 5.2 In the event of loss or damage occumng where payment becomes due under the property and boiler insurance policies, payments shall be made to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of GC 11.1- INSURANCE. 5.3 Interest .1 Should either party fail to make payments as they become due under the terms of the Contractor in an award by arbitration or court, interest at One percent (1%) per annum above the bank rate on such unpaid amounts shall also become due and payable until payment. Such interest shall be compounded on a monthly basis. The bank rate shall be the rate established by [he Bank of Canada as [he minimum rate at which the Bank of Canada makes short term advances to [he chartered banks. .2 Interest shall apply at the rate and in the manner prescribed by paragraph 5.3.1 of this Article on the amount of any claim settled pursuant to Par[ 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION from the date the amount would have been due and payable under the Contract, had it not been in dispute, until the date it is paid. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00502 4 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal consfimtes an infringement of Copyright. ONy sign this wntract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal m demonst[a[e that it is an original document, unchanged. ~, ~' ARTICLE A•6 RECEIPT OF AND ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES 6.1 Notices in writing between the pazties or between them and the Consultant shall be considered to have been received by the addressee on the date of delivery if delivered to the individual, or to a member of the firm, or to an officer of the corporation for whom they aze intended by hand or by registered post; or if sent by regular post, to have been delivered within 5 Working Days of the date of mailing when addressed as follows: The Owner at 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville. Ontario L1C 3E6 The Contractor a[ P.O. Box 984 Briehton, Ontario KOK 1H0 The Consultant at 11 Stanley Court. Unit 1 Whitby, Ontario L1N SP9 ARTICLE A-7 LANGUAGE OF THE CONTRACT 7.1 When the Contract Documents are prepared in both the English and French languages, it is agreed that in the event of any apparent discrepancy betweenthe English and French versions, the EngiishfFreaek* language shall prevail. * Complete this statement by striking out inapplicable term. 7.2 This Agreement is drawn in English at the request of the parties hereto. La presence convention est redigee en anglais a la demande des pazties. ARTICLE A-8 SUCCESSION 8.1 The Contract Documents are to be read into and form part of this Agreement and the whole shall constitute the Contract between the pazties, and subject to the law and the provisions of the Contract Documents shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the pazties hereto, their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00502 This conttac[ is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright ONy sign [his contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate dtat it is an original document, unchanged. ~' ~, ~' In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this Agreement and by the hands of their duly authorized representatives. SIGNED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: OWNER Municioafity of Cla~ot~o.-N~ name ofoWneJp~~ D/` ~r~ signor re- -_ - - C ~ - ~ C'f name t~ f erson s signs e /11a.taor name and fide f person signing CONTRACTOR Peak Eneineerin¢ & Consvuction Ltd ntractor signature i J~R>~t.•..vS _ P~a~~ na0ne ¢nd tale of person signing signature WITNESS signature name and nrle of person signing signature name and title of person signing name and the of person signing N.B. Where legal jurisdiction, local practice, or Owner or Contractor requirement calls for: (a) proof of authority to execute this document, attach such proof of authority in the form of a certified copy of a resolution naming the representative(s) authorized to sign the Agreement for and on behalf of the corporation or partnership; or (b) the affixing of a corporate seal, this Agreement should be properly sealed. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 0050? V This contract is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. ONy sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC wpyrigh[ seal to demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. t DEFINITIONS ~' ~, ~~ The following Definitions shall apply to all Contract Documents. Standazd Construction Document -CCDC 2 - 1994 1. ContraM The Contract is the undertaking by the parties to perform their respective duties, responsibilities, and obligations as prescribed in the Contract Documents and represents the entire agreement between the parties. 2. Contract Documents The Contract Documents consist of those documents listed in Article A-3 of the Agreement -CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and amendments agreed upon between the parties. 3. Owner The Owner is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement. The term Owner means the Owner or the Owner s authorized agent or representative as designated to the Contractor in writing, but does not include the Consultant. 4. Contractor The Contractor is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement. The term Contractor means the Contractor or the Contractor's authorized representative as designated to the Owner in writing. 5. Subcontractor A Subcontractor is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to perform a pazt or parts of the Work, or to supply Products worked [o a special design for the Work. 6. Supplier A Supplier is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to supply Products not worked to a special design for the Work. 7. Consultant The Consultant is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement. The Consultant is the Architect, the Engineer, or entity licensed to practice in the province or territory of the Place of ahe Work. The term Consultant means the Consultant or the Consultant's authorized representative. 8. Project The Project means the total construction contemplated of which the Work may be the whole or a part. 9. Work The Work means the total construction and related services required by the Contract Documents. 10. Place of the Work The Place of the Work is the designated site or location of the Work identified in Article A-1 of the Agreement -THE WORK. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00602 This contract is protected by Copyright. L'se of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal consUmtes an infringement of Copyright ONy sign this comract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate dtat it is an original document, unchanged. 11. Product Product or Products means material, machinery, equipment, and fixtures forming the Work, but does not include machinery and equipment used to prepare, fabricate, convey, or erect the Work, which aze referred to as construction machinery and equipment. ~, 12. Provide Provide means to supply and instal]. 13. Contract Price The Comract Price is the amount stipulated in Article A-4 of the Agreement -CONTRACT PRICE. 14. Contract Time The Contract Time is the time stipulated in paragraph 1.3 of Article A-1 of [he Agreement -THE WORK from commencement of the Work to Substantial Performance of the Work. 15. Working Day Working Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday which is observed by the construction industry in the azea of the Place of the Work. 16. SupplementalInstruc[ion A Supplemental Instruction is an instruction, not involving adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time, in the form of specifications, drawings, schedules, samples, models or written instructions, consistent with the intent of the Contract Documems. It is to be issued by the Consultant to supplement the Contract Documents as required for the performance of the Work. 17. Change Order A Change Order is a written amendment to the Contract prepared by the Consultant and signed by the Owner and the Contractor stating their agreement upon: - a change in the Work; - the method of adjustment or the amount of the adjustment in ttte Contract Price, if any; and - the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any. 18. Change Directive A Change Directive is a written instruction prepared by the Consultant and signed by the Owner directing a change in the Work within the general scope of the Contract Documems. 19. Substantial Performance of the Work Substantial Performance of the Work is as defined in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. If such legislation is not in force or does not contain such definition, Substantial Performance of the Work shall have been reached when the Work is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended and is so certified by the Consultant. 20. Value Added Taxes Value Added Taxes means such sum as shall be levied upon the Contract Price by the Federal or any Provincial Government and is computed as a percentage of the Contract Price and includes the Goods and Services Tax, the Quebec Sales Tax and any similaz tax, the payment or collection of which is by the legislation imposing such tax an obligation of the Contractor. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00602 This convact is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal cons[imtes an infringement of V Copyright. ONy sign this convact if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonsvate [hat i[ is an original document, unchanged. Standazd Constmclion Document -CCDC 2 - 1994 GENER AL CONDITIONS OF THE STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS GC 1 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENT . S ' 1.1.1 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include the labour, Products, and services necessary for the ' performance of theWorkbythe Contractor in accordance with these documents. It is notintended, however, that the Contractor shall supply products or perform work not consistent with, not covered by, or not properly inferable from the Contract Documents. 1 1 2 Nothin c nt i d i th C D . . g o a ne n e ontract ocuments shall create any contractual relationship between: ', 1 the Owner and a Subcontractor, a Supplier, or their agent, employee, or other person performing any of the Work. .2 the Consultant and the Condactor, a Subcontractor, a Supplier, or their agent, employee, or other person performing any of the Work. 1.1.3 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by any one shall be as binding as if required by all. 1.1.4 Words and abbreviations which have well known technical or trade meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meanings. 1 1 5 R f i h C . . e erences n t e ontracaDocuments to the singulaz shall be considered to include [he plural as the context requires. 1.1.6 The specifications are that portion of the Contract Documents, wherever located and whenever issued, consisting of the written requirements and standazds for Products, systems, workmanship, and the services necessary for the performance of the Work. 1.1.7 The drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents, wherever located and whenever issued, showing the design, location, and dimensions of the Work, generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules, and diagrams. 1.1.8 Neither the organization of the specifications into divisions, sections, and parts nor the arrangement of drawings shall control the Contractor in dividing the work among Subcontractors and Suppliers or in establishing the extent of the work to be performed by a trade. 1.1.9 If there is a conflict within Contract Documents: .1 the order of priority of documents, from highest to lowest, shall be • the Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, • the Definitions, • Supplementary Conditions, • the General Conditions, • Division 1 of the specifications, • Divisions 2 through 16 of the specifications, • material and finishing schedules, • drawings. .2 drawings of larger scale shall govern over those of smaller scale of the same date. .3 dimensions shown on drawings shall govern over dimensions scaled from drawings. 4 later dated documents shall govern over earlier documents of the same type. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 9 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright Only sign this contract if the document cover page beazs a CCDC copyright sea] to demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. r 1.1.10 The Owner shall provide the Contractor, without chazge, sufficient copies of the Contract Documents to perform the Work. 1.1.11 Specifications, drawings, models, and copies thereof furnished by the Consultant are and shall remain the Consultant's property, with the exception of the signed Contract sets, which shall belong to each party to the Contract. All specifications, drawings, and models furnished by the Consultant aze to be used only with respect to the Work and aze not to be used on other work. These specifications, drawings, and models are not to be copied or altered in any manner without the written authorization of the Consultant. 1.1.12 Models furnished by the Contractor at the Owner's expense are the property of the Owner. GC 1.2 LAW OF THE CONTRACT 1.2.1 The law of the Place of the Work shall govern the interpretation of [he Contract. GC 1.3 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 1.3.1 Except as expressly provided in theContractDocuments, the duties and obligations imposed by theContract Documents and the rights and remedies available [hereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation of 1 any duties, obligations, rights, and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. 1.3.2 No action o[ failure to act by the Owner, Consultant, or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under the Contract, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. GC 1.4 ASSIGNMENT 1.4.1 Neither pazty to [he Contract shall assign the Contract or a portion thereof without the written consent of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. PART 2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT GC 2.1 AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT ' 2.1.1 The Consultant will have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise modified by written agreement as provided in paragraph 2.1.2. ' 2.1.2 The duties, responsibilities, and limitations of authority of the Consultant as set forth in the Contract Documents shall be modified or extended only with the written consent of the Owner, the Contractor, and the Consultant. 2.1.3 IftheConsultant'semploymentisterminated,theOwnershallimmediatelyappointorreappointaConsultant against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objection and whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former Consultant. GC 2.2 ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT 2.2.1 The Consultant will provide administration of the Contract as described in the Contract Documents during ' construction until issuance of [he final certificate for payment, and subject to GC 2.1 -AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT and with the Owner's concurrence, from time to time until the completion of any correction of defects as provided in paragraph 12.33 of GC 12.3 -WARRANTY. 2.2.2 The Consultant will visit the Place of the Work at intervals appropriate to the progress of consuuction to become familiar with the progress and quality of [he work and to determine if the Work is proceeding in general conformity with the Contract Documents. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 10 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if [he document cover page 6eazs a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. 2.2.3 If the Owner and the Consultant agree, the Consultant will provide at the Place of the Work, one or more project representatives toassist incarrying out the Consultant's responsibilities. The duties, responsibilities, and limitations of authority of such project representatives shall be as set forth in writing to the Contractor. ~' 2.2.4 Based on the Consultant's observations and evaluation of the Contractors applications for payment, the Consultant will determinethe amounts owing to the Contractorunderthe Contracaand will issue certificates for payment as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT, GC 5.3 -PROGRESS PAYMENT, and GC 5.7 -FINAL PAYMENT. 2.2.5 The Consultant will not be responsible for and will not have control, chazge, or supervision of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs required in connection with the Work in accordance with the applicable construction safety legislation, other regulations, or general construction practice. The Consultant will not be responsible for the Contractors failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Consultant will not have control over, charge of, or be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or their agents, employees, or any other persons performing portions of the Work. 2.2.6 The Consultant will be, in the first instance, the interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and shall make findings as to the performance thereunder by both parties to the Contract, except with respect to GC 5.1 -FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIl2ED OF THE OWNER. Interpretations and findings of the Consultant shall be consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. When making such interpretations and findings the Consultant will not show partiality to either the Dwner or the Contractor. 2.2.7 Claims, disputes, and other matters in question relating to the performance of the Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents, except for GC 5.1 -FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER, shall be referred initially to the Consultant by notice in writing given to the Consultant and to the other party for the Consultant's imerpretation and finding which will be given by notice in writing to the parties within a reasonable time. 2.2.8 The Consultant will have authority to reject work which in the Consultant's opinion does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Whenever the Consultant considers it necessazy or advisable, the Consultant will have authority to require inspection or testing of work, whether or not such work is fabricated, installed, or completed. However, neither the authority of the Consultant to act nor any decision either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Consultant to the Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or their agents, employees, or other persons performing any of the Work. 2.2.9 DuringtheprogressoftheWorktheConsultantwil]fumishSupplementallnstructionstotheContractorwith reasonable promptness or in accordance with a schedule for such instructions agreed to by the Consultant and the Contractor. 2.2.10 The Consultant will review and take appropriate action upon such Contractor's submittals as shop drawings, Product data, and samples, as provided in the Contract Documents. 2.2.11 The Consultant will prepare Change Orders and Change Directives as provided in GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 2.2.12 The Consultant will conduct reviews of the Work to determine the date of Substantial Performance of the Work as provided in GC 5.4 -SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. 2.2.13 All certificates issued by the Consultant shall be to the best of the Consultant's knowledge, information, and belief. By issuing any certificate, the Consultant does not guarantee the Work is correct or complete. 2.2.14 The Consultant will receive and review written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and provided by the Contractor and will forward such waranties and documents to the Owner for the Owner's acceptance. GC 2.3 REVIEW AND INSPECTION OF THE WORK CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal cons[im[es an infringement of I l Copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate [Itat i[ is an original document, unchanged. 2.3.1 The Owner and the Consultant shall have access to the Work at all times. The Contractor shall provide ' sufficient, safe, and proper facilities at all times for [he review of the Work by the Consultant and the inspection of the Work by authorized agencies. If parts of the Work are in preparation at locations other than the Place of the Work, the Owner and the Consultant shall be given access to such work whenever it is in progress. 2.3.2 If work is designated for tests, inspections, or approvals in the Contract Documents, or by the Consultant's instructions, or the laws or ordinances of the Place of the Work, the Contractor shall give the Consultant reasonable notice of when the work will be ready for review and inspection. The Contractor shall arrange for and shall give the Consultant reasonable notice of the date and time of inspections by other authorities. 2.3.3 The Contractor shall furnish promptly to the Consultant two copies of certificates and inspection reports relating to the Work. 2.3.4 If the Contractor covers, or permits to be covered, work that has been designated for special tests, inspections, or approvals before such special tests, inspections, or approvals aze made, given or completed, the Contractorshall, if so directed, uncover such work, have the inspections or tests satisfactorily completed, and make good covering work at the Contractor's expense. 2.3.5 The Consultant may order any portion or portions of the Work to be examined to confirm that such work is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If the work is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct the work and pay the cost of examination and correction. If the work is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documems, the Owner shall pay the cost of examination and restoration. GC 2.4 DEFECTIVE WORK 2.4.1 The Contractor shall promptly remove from the Place of the Work and replace or re-execute defective work that has been rejected by the Consultant as failing to conform to the Contract Documems whether or not the defective work has been incorporated in the Work and whether or not the defect is the result of poor workmanship, use of defective products, or damage through carelessness or other act or omission of the Contractor. 2.4.2 The Contractor shall make good promptly other contractors' work destroyed or damaged by such removals or replacements at the Contractor s expense. 2.4.3 If in the opinion of the Consultant it is not expedient to correct defective work or work not performed as provided in the Contract Documents, the Owner may deduct from the amount otherwise due to the Contractor the difference in value between the work as performed and that called for by the Contract Documents. If the Owner and the Contractor do not agree on the difference in value, they shall refer the matter to the Consultant for a determination. PART 3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK GC 3.1 CONTROL OF THE WORK 3.1.1 The Contractor shall have total control of the Work and shall effectively direct and supervise the Work so as to ensure conformity with the Contract Documents. 3.1.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for co-ordinating the vazious parts of the Work under the Contract. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 12 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC documem not containing a CCDC copyright sea] constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the documem cover page beazs a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate that i[ is an original document, unchanged. r It ~~ GC 3.2 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS 3.2.1 TheOwnerreservestherighttoawazdsepara[econtractsinconnectionwithotherpartsoftheProjecttoother contractors and to perform work with own forces. 3.2.2 When separate contracts are awarded for other parts of the Project, or when work is performed by the Owner s own forces, the Owner shall: .1 provide for the co-ordination of the activities and work of other contractors and Owner's own forces with the Work of the Contract; 2 assume overall responsibility for compliance with the applicable health and construction safety legislation at the Place of the Work; 3 enter into separate contracts with other contractors under conditions of convact which are compafible with the conditions of the Contract; .4 ensure that insurance coverage is provided to the same requirements as aze called for in GC 11.1 - INSURANCE and co-ordinate such insurance with the insurance coverage of the Contractor as it affects the Work; and .5 take all reasonable precautions to avoid labour disputes or other disputes on the Project arising from the work of other contractors or the Owner's own forces. 3.2.3 When sepazate contracts are awarded for other parts of the Project, or when work is performed by the Owner's own forces, the Contractor shall: 1 afford the Owner and other contractors reasonable opportunity to introduce and store their products and use their construction machinery and equipment to execute their work; 2 co-ordinate and schedule the Work with the work of other contractors and Owner's own forces and connect as specified or shown in the Contract Documents; 3 participate with other contractors and the Owner in reviewing their consWction schedules when directed to do so; and .4 where pazt of the Work is affected by or depends upon for its proper execution the work of other contractors or Owner's own forces, promptly report to the Consultant in writing and prior to proceeding with that part of the Work, any apparent deficiencies in such work. Pailure by the Contractor to so report shall invalidate any claims against the Owner by reason of the deficiencies in the work of other contractors or Owner's own forces except those deficiencies not then reasonably discoverable. 3.2.4 Where a change in the Work is required as a result of the co-ordination and connection of the work of other contractors or Owner s own forces with [he Work, [he changes shall be authorized and valued as provided in GC 6.1-CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER, and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 3.2.5 Claims, disputes, and other matters in question between the Contractor and other contractors shall be dealt with as provided in Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION provided the other contractors have reciprocal obligations. The Contractor shall be deemed to have consented to arbitration of any dispute with any other contractor whose contract with the Owners contains a similar agreement [o arbitrate. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 13 This comrac[ is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ wntaining a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate that i[ is an original document, unchattged. ~~ GC 3.3 TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, STRUCTURES, AND FACILITIES 3.3.1 The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility for the design, erection, operation, maintenance, and removal of temporazy supports, structures, and facilities and [he design and execution of construction methods required in their use. 3.3.2 The Contractor shall engage and pay for registered professional engineering personnel skilled in the appropriate disciplines to perform those functions referred to in pazagraph 3.3.1 where required by law or by the Contract Documents and m all cases where such temporary supports, structures, and facilities and their method of construction are of such a nature that professional engineering skill is required to produce safe and satisfactory results. 3.3.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of GC 3.1 -CONTROL OF THE WORK, paragraph 3.3.1, and paragraph 3.3.2 or provisions to the contrazy elsewhere in the Contract Documents where such Contract Documents include designs for [emporay supports, structures, and facilities or specify ame[hod of construction in whole or in part, such facilities and methods shall be considered to be pazt of the design of [he Work and the Contractor shall not be held responsible for that part of the design or the specified method of construction. The Contractor shall, however, be responsible for the execution of such design or specified method of construction in the same manner as for the execution of the Work. GC 3.4 DOCUMENT REVIEW 3.4.1 The Contractor shall review the Contract Documents and shall report promptly to the Consultant any error, inconsistency, or omission the Contractor may discover. Such review by the Contractor shall be to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information, and belief and in making such review the Contractor does not assume any responsibility to the Owner or the Consultant for the accuracy of the review. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage or costs resulting from such errors, inconsistencies, or omissions in the Contract Documents, which the Contractor did not discover. If the Contractor does discover any error, inconsistency, or omission in the Contraca Documents, the Contractor shall not proceed with the work affected until the Contractor has received corrected or missing information from the Consultant. GC 3.5 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 3.5.1 The Contractor shall: .1 prepare and submit to the Owner and the Consultant prior to [he first application for payment, a construction schedule that indicates the timing of the major activities of the Work and provides sufficient detail of the critical events and their inter-relationship to demonstrate the Work will be performed in conformity with the Contraca Time; .2 monitor the progress of the Work relative to the construction schedule and update the schedule on a monthly basis or as stipulated by the Contract Documents; and 3 advise the Consultant of any revisions required to the schedule as the result of extensions of the Contract Time as provided in Part 6 of the General Conditions -CHANGES IN THE WORK. GC 3.6 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY 3.6.1 Subject to paragraph of GC 3.2 - CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for construction safety at theP(ace ofthe Work and for compliance with the rules, regulations, and practices required by the applicable construction health and safety legislation and shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Work. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 14 This contract is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC documem not coraaining a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringemem of Copyright. Only sign [his contract if the documem wver page bears a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate that i[ is an original documem, unchanged. ~~ ~~ GC 3.7 SUPERVISOR 3.7.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent supervisor and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance at [he Place of the Work while work is being performed. The supervisor shall not be changed except for valid reason. 3.7.2 The supervisor shall represent the Contractor at the Place of the Work and notices and instructions given to the supervisor by the Consultant shall be held to have been received by the Contractor. GC 3.8 SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS 3.8.1 The Contractor shall preserve and protect the rights of the parties under the Contract with respect to work to be performed under subcontract, and shall: 1 enter into contracts or written agreements with Subcontractors and Suppliers to require them to perform their work as provided in the Contract Documents; .2 incorporate the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents into all contracts or written agreements with Subcontractors and Suppliers; and .3 be as fully responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and of persons directly or indirectly employed by them as for acts and omissions of persons directly employed by the Contractor. 3.8.2 The Contractor shall indicate in writing, at the request of the Owner, those Subcontractors or Suppliers whose bids have been received by the Contractor which the Contractor would be prepared to accept for the performance of a portion of the Work. Should the Owner not object before signing the Contract, the Comractor shall employ those Subcontractors of Suppliers so identified by the Contractor in writing for the performance of that portion of the Work to which their bid applies. 3.8.3 The Owner may, for reasonable cause, at any time before the Owner has signed the Contract, object to the use of a proposed Subcontractor or Supplier and require the Contractor [o employ one of the other subcontract bidders. 3.8.4 If the Owner requees the Comractor to change a proposed Subcontractor or Supplier, the Contract Price and Contract Time shall be adjusted by the differences occasioned by such required change. 3.8.5 The Contractor shall not be required to employ as a Subcontractor or Supplier, a person or firm to whom the Contractor may reasonably object. 3.8.6 The Owner, through the Consultant, may provide to a Subcontractor or Supplier information as to the percentage of the Subcontractor s or Supplier's work which has been certified for payment. GC 3.9 LABOUR AND PRODUCTS 3.9.1 The Contractor shall provide and pay for labour, Products, tools, construction machinery and equipment, water, heat, light, power, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for the performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract. 3.9.2 Products provided shall be new. Products which are not specified shall be of a quality consistent with those specified and their use acceptable to the Consultant. 3.9.3 The Contractor shall maintain good order and discipline among the Contractor s employees engaged on the Work and shall not employ on the Work anyone not skilled in the tasks assigned. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 15 T7[is contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. GC 3.10 DOCUMENTS AT THE SITE 3.10.1 The Contractor shall keep one copy of current Contract Documents, submittals, reports, and records of meetings at the Place of the Work, in good order and available to the Owner and the Consultant. 1 GC 3.11 SHOP DRAWINGS ~~ 3.11.1 Shop drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performancecharts, brochures, Product, and other data which the Contractor provides to illustrate details of a portion of the Work. 3.11.2 The Contractor shall provide shop drawings as described in the Contract Documents or as the Consultant may reasonably request. 3.11.3 The Contractor shall review all shop drawings prior to submission to the Consultana. The Contractor represents by this review that: the Contractor has determined and verified all field measurements and field construction conditions, or will do so; Product requirements; catalogue numbers; and similar data and that the Contractor has checked and co-ordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. The Contractorshall confirm this review of each shop drawing by stamp, date, and signature of the person responsible. At the time of submission the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing of any deviations in [he shop drawings from therequixements of the Contract Documents.3.11.4The Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Consultant to review in orderly sequence and sufficiently in advance so as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of other contractors. Upon request of the Contractor or the Consultant, theyjointly shall prepare a schedule of the dates for submission and return of shop drawings. Shop drawings which require approval of any legally constituted authority having jurisdiction shall be submitted to such authority by the Contractor for approval. 3.11.5 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in the form specified or as the Consultant may direct. The Consultant will review and return shop drawings in accordance with the schedule agreed upon, or otherwise with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Consultant's review is for conformity to the design concept and for general arrangement only. The Consultant's review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents unless the Consultant expressly notes the acceptance of a deviation on the shop drawings. 3.11.6 Upon the Consultant's request, the Contractor shall revise and resubmitshop drawings which the Consultant rejects as inconsistent with the Contract Documents unless otherwise directed by the Consultant. The Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing of any revisions to the resubmission other than those requested by the Consultant. GC 3.12 USE OF THE WORK 3.12.1 The Contractor shall confine construction machinery and equipment, storage of Products, and operations of employees to limits indicated by laws, ordinances, permits, or the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the Work with Products. 3.12.2 The Contractor shall not load or permit to be loaded any part of the Work with a weight or force that will endanger [he safety of the Work. GC 3.13 CUTTING AND REMEDIAL WORK 3.13.1 The Contractor shall do the cutting and remedial work required to make the several parts of the Work come together properly. 3.13.2 The Contractor shall co-ordinate the Work to ensure that this requirement is kept to a minimum. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 7 6 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page beazs a CCDC copyright seal m demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. 3.13.3 ShouldtheDwner,theConsultant,othercontractorsoranyoneemployedbythemberesponsibleforill-timed work necessitafing cutting or remedial work to be performed, the cost of such wuing or remedial work shall be valued as provided in GC 6.1 -CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER, and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DII2ECTIVE. 3.13.4 Cutting and remedial work shall be performed by specialists familiar with the Products affected and shall be performed in a manner to neither damage nor endanger the Work. ~~ GC 3.14 CLEANUP 3.14.1 The Contractor shall maintain the Work in a tidy condition and free from the accumulation of waste products and debris, other than that caused by the Owner, other contractors or their employees. 3.14.2 The Contractorshallremovewasteproductsanddebris,ofherthanthatresultingfromtheworkoftheOwner, other contractors or their employees, and shall leave the Work clean and suitable for occupancy by the Owner before attainment of Substantial Performance of the Work. The Contractor shall remove products, tools, construction machinery, and equipment not required for the performance of the remaining work. 3.14.3 Prior to application for the final certificate for payment, the Contractor shall remove products, tools, construction machinery and equipment, and waste products and debris, other than that resulting from the work of the Owner, other contractors or their employees. PART 4 ALLOWANCES GC 4.1 CASH ALLOWANCES 4.1.1 The Contract Price includes cash allowances stated in the Contract Documents, which allowances shall be expended as the Owner directs through the Consultant. 4.1.2 Cash allowances cover the net cost to the Contractor of services, Products, construction machinery and equipment, freight, unloading, handling, storage, installation, and other authorized expenses incurred in performing the work stipulated under the cash allowances but do not include any Value Added Taxes payable by the Owner to the Contractor. 4.1.3 The Contract Price, and notthecashallowances,includes[heContractor'soverheadandprofitinconnection with such cash allowances. 4.1.4 Where costs under a cash allowance exceed the amount of the allowance, the Contractor shall be compensated for any excess incurred and substantiated plus an amount for overhead and profit as set out in the Contract Documents. 4.1.5 The Contract Price shall be adjusted by Change Order to provide for any difference between the actual cost and each cash allowance. 4.1.6 The value of the work performed under a cash allowance is eligible to be included in progress payments. 4.1.7 The Contractor and the Consultant shall jointly prepaze a schedule that shows when the Consultant and Owner must authorize ordering of items called for under cash allowances to avoid delaying the progress of the Work. GC 4.2 CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE 4.2.1 The Contract Price includes the contingency allowance, if any, stated in the Contract Documents. 4.2.2 Expenditures under the contingency allowance shall be authorized and valued as provided in GC 6.1 - CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER, and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 4.2.3 The Contract Price shall be adjusted by Change Order to provide for any difference between the CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 This contract is rotec[ed b Co 17 p y pyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page beazs a CCDC copyright sea] to demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. 1 ~r ~~ expenditures authorized under pazagraph 4.2.2 and the contingency allowance. PARTS PAYMENT GC 5.1 FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 5.1.1 The Owner shall, at the request of the Contractor, prior to execution of the Agreement, and/or promptly from time to time thereafter, furnish to the Contractorreasonableevidmce that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract. 5.1.2 The Owner shall notify the Contractor in writing of any material change in the Owner's financial arrangements during the performance of the Contract. GC 5.2 APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT 5.2.1 Applications for payment on account as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT may be made monthly as the Work progresses. 5.2.2 Applications for payment shall be dated the last day of the agreed monthly payment period and the amount claimed shall be for the value, proportionate to the amount of the Contract, of work performed and Products delivered to the Place of the Work at that date. 5.2.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Consultant, a[ least 14 days before the first application for payment, a schedule of values for the parts of the Work, aggregafing the total amount of the Contract Price, so as to facilitate evaluation of applications for payment. 5.2.4 The scheduleof values shall be made out in such form and supported by such evidence as the Consultanrmay reasonably direct and when accepted by the Consultant, shall be used as the basis for applications for payment, unless it is found to be in error. 5.2.5 The Contractor shall include a statement based on the schedule of values with each application for payment. 5.2.6 Claims for Products delivered to the Place of the Work but not yet incorporated into the Work shall be supported by such evidence as the Consultant may reasonably require to establish [he value and delivery of the Products. GC 5.3 PROGRESS PAYMENT 5.3.1 The Consultant will issue to the Owner, no later than 10 days after the receipt of an application for payment from the Contractor submitted in accordance with GC 5.2 -APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT, a certificate for payment in the amount applied for or in such other amount as the Consultant determines to be properly due. If the Consultant amends the application, the Consultant will promptly notify the Contractor in writing giving reasons for the amendment. 5.3.2 The Owner shall make payment to the Contractor on account as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT no later than 5 days after the date of a certificate for payment issued by the Consultant. GC 5.4 SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK 5.4.1 When the ContractorconsidersthattheWorkissubs[antiallyperformed,orifpermittedby[helienlegislation applicable [o the Place of the Work a designated portion thereof which the Owner agrees to accept separately is substantially performed, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Consultant a comprehensive list of items to be completed or corrected and apply for a review by the Consultant to establish Substantial Performance of the Work or substantial performance of the designated portion of the Work. Failure to include an item on the list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete the Contract. 5.4.2 No later than 10 days after the receipt of the Contractor's list and application, the Consultant will review the CCDC 2 - 1994 Pile 00712 T7tis contract is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringemem of 18 Copyright. ONy sign this convact if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate that i[ is an original document, unchanged. 1 ~' Work to verify the validity of [he application, and no later than 7 days after completing thereview, will notify the Contractor whether the Work or the designated portion of the Work is substantially performed. 5.4.3 The Consultant shall state the dateof Substantial Performance of the Work or designated portion of the Work in a certificate. 5.4.4 Immediately following the issuance of the certificate of Substantial Performance ofthe Work, the Contractor, in consultation with the Consultant, will establish a reasonable date for finishing the Work. GC 5.5 PAYMENT OF HOLDBACK UPON SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK 5.5.1 After the issuance of the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, the Contractor shall: .1 submit an application for payment of the holdback amount, 2 submitaswornstatementthatallaccountsforlabour,subcontracts,Products,consvuctionmachinery and equipment, and other indebtedness which may have been incurred by the Contractor in the Substantial Performance of the Work and for which the Owner might in any way be held responsible have been paid in full, except for amounts properly retained as a holdback or as an identified amount in dispute. 5.5.2 After the receipt of an application for payment from the Contractor and the sworn statement as provided in pazagraph 5.5.1, the Consultant will issue a certificate for payment of the holdback amount. 5.5.3 Where the holdback amount has not been placed in a separate holdback account, the Owner shall, 10 days prior to theexpiry of the holdback period stipulated in thelien legislation applicable to the Place ofthe Work, place the holdback amount in a bank account in thejoint names of the Owner and the Contractor.5.5.4The holdback amount authorized by the certificate for payment of the holdback amount is due and payable on the day following the expiration of the holdback period stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. Where lien legislation does not exist or apply, the holdback amount shall be due and payable in accordance with other legislation, industry practice, or provisions which may be agreed to between the patties. The Owner may retain out of the holdback amount any sums required by law to satisfy any liens against the Work or, if permitted by the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, other third pazty monetary claims against the Contractor which are enforceable against the Owner. GC 5.6 PROGRESSIVE RELEASE OF HOLDBACK 5.6.1 Where legislation permits and where, upon application by the Contractor, the Consultant has certified that the work of a Subcontractor or Supplier has been performed prior to Substantial Performance of the Work, the Owner shall pay the Contractor the holdback amount retained for such subconvact work, or the Products supplied by such Supplier, on the day following the expiration of the holdback period for such work stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. 5.6.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and notwithstanding [he wording of such certificates, the Contractor shall ensure that such subcontract work or Products is protected pending the issuance of a final certificate for payment and be responsible for the correction of defects or work no[ performed regardless of whether or not such was apparent when such certificates were issued. GC 5.7 FINAL PAYMENT 5.7.1 When the Contractor considers that the Work is completed, the Contractor shall submit an application for final payment. 5.7.2 The Consultant will, no later than 10 days after the receipt of an application from the Contractor for final payment review the Work to verify the validity of the application. The Consultant will, no later than 7 days after reviewing the Work, notify the Contractor that the application is valid or give reasons why it is not valid. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright sea] constitutes an infringement of 19 Copyright. Only sign this contract if [he document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate [hat it is an original document, unchanged. i' 5.7.3 When the Consultant finds the Contractor's application for final payment valid, the Consultant will issue a ' final certificate for payment. 5.7.4 Subject to the provision of paragraph 10.4.1 of GC 10.4 -WORKERS' COMPENSATION, and any lien legislafion applicable to the Place of the Work, the Owner shall, no later than 5 days after the issuance of a final certificate for payment, pay the Contracaor asprovided inArticle A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT. GC 5.8 WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENT I, 5.8.1 If because of climatic or other conditions reasonably beyond the control of the Contractor, there aze items of work that cannot be performed, payment in full for that portion of the Work which has been performed ' as certified by the Consultant shall not be withheld or delayed by the Owner on account thereof, but the Owner may withhold, until the remaining portion of the Work is finished, only such an amount that the Consultant determines is sufficient and reasonable to cover the cost of performing such remaining work. GC 5,9 NON-CONFORMING WORK 5.9.1 No payment by the Owner under the Contract nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the Work by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of any portion of the Work or Products which are not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. PART 6 CHANGES IN THE WORK GC 6.1 CHANGES 6.1.1 The Owner, through the Consultant, without invalidating the Contract, may make changes in the Work wnsis[ing of additions, deletions, or other revisions to the Work by Change Order or Change Directive. 6.1.2 The Contractor shall not perform a change in the Work without a Change Order or a Change Directive. GC 6.2 CHANGE ORDER 6.2.1 When a change in the Work is proposed or required, the Consultant shall provide a notice describing the proposed change in the Work to the Contractor. The Contractor shall present, in a form acceptable to the Consultant, a method of adjustment or an amount of adjustment for the Contract Price, if any, and the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any, for the proposed change in the Work. 6.2.2 When the Owner and Contracaor agree to the adjustments in the Contract Price and Contract Time or to the method to be used to determine the adjustments, such ageement shall be effective immediately and shall be recordedinaChangeOrder,signedbyOwnerandContractor. The value of the work performed as the result of a Change Order shall be included in applications for progress payment. GC 6.3 CHANGE DIRECTIVE 6.3.1 If the Owner requires the Contractor to proceed with a change in [he Work prior to the Owner and [he Contractor agreeing upon the adjustment in Contract Price and Contract Time, the Owner, through the Consultant, shall issue a Change Directive. 6.31 Upon receipt of a Change Directive, the Contractor shall proceed promptly with [he change in the Work. The adjustment in the Contract Price for a change cazried out by way of a Change Directive shall be determined on the basis of the cost of expenditures and savings [o perform the work attributable [o the change. If a change in the Work results in a net increase in the Contract Price, an aliowance for overhead and profit shall be included. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright sea] consdm[es an infringement of 20 Copyright. ONy sign [his contract if [he document cover page beazs a CCDC copyrigJtt seal to demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. 6.3.3 If a change in the Work results in a net decrease in the Contract Price, the amount of the credit shall be the ' net cost, without deduction for overhead or profit. When both additions and deletions covering related work or substitutions are involved in a change in the Work, the allowance for overhead and profit shall be calculated on the basis of [he net increase, if any, with respect to that change in the Work. ~' ~' 6.3.4 The Contractor shall keep and present, in such form as the Consultant may require, an itemized accounting of the cost of expenditures and savings referred to in paragraph 6.3.2 together with supporting data. The cost of performing the work attributable to the Change Directive shall be limited w the actual cost of all of the following: 1 wages and benefits paid for labour in the direct employ of the Contractor under applicable collective bargaining agreements, or under a salary or wage schedule agreed upon by [he Owner and Contractor, 2 salaries, wages, and benefits of the Contractor s office personnel engaged in a technical capacity and other personnel at shops or on the road, engaged in expediting the production or transportation of materials or equipment; .3 contributions, assessments, or taxes incurred for such items as unemployment insurance, provincial health insurance, workers' compensation, and Canada or Quebec Pension Plan, insofar as such cost is based on wages, salazies, or other remuneration paid to employees of the Contractor and included in the cost of the work as provided in paragraphs and; .4 travel and subsistence expenses of the Contractors personnel described in paragraphs and; 5 the cost of all Products including cost of transportation thereof; .6 the cost of materials, supplies, equipment, temporary services and facilities, and hand tools notowned by the workers, including transportation and maintenance thereof, which aze consumed; and cost less salvage value on such items used but not consumed, which remain the property of the Contractor; .7 rental cost of all tools, machinery, and equipment, exclusive of hand tools, whether rented from or provided by the Contractor or others, including installation, minor repairs and replacements, dismantling, removal, transportation and delivery cost thereof; 8 deposits lost; 9 the amounzs of all subcontracts; .10 the cost of quality assurance such as independent inspection and testing services; .11 charges levied by authorities having jurisdiction at the Place of the Work; 12 royalties, patent license fees, and damages for infringement of patents and cost of defending suits therefor subject always to the Contractor's obligations to indemnify the Owner as provided in paragraph 10.3.1 of GC 10.3 -PATENT FEES; 13 any adjustment in premiums for all bonds and insurance which the Contractor is required, by the Contract Documents, to purchase and maintain; .14 any adjustment in taxes and dudes for which the Contractor is liable; .15 charges for long distance telephone and facsimile communications, courier services, expressage, and petty cash items incurred; .16 the cos[ of removal and disposal of waste products and debris; 17 cos[ incurred due to emergencies affecting the safety of persons or property; CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 21 This contract is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC documem not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign [his convact if the document wver page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonsva[e that i[ is an original document, unchanged. l_ J !u ~' 6.3.5 Pending determination of the final amount of a Change Directive, the undisputed value of the work performed as the result of a Change Directive is eligible to be included in progress payments. 6.3.6 If the Owner and Contractor do not agree on the proposed adjustment in the Contract Time or the method of determining it, the adjustment shall be referred to the Consultant for determination. 6.3.7 If at any time afrer the start of the work directed by a Change Directive, the Owner and the Contractor reach agreement on the adjustment to the Contract Price and to the Contract Time, [his agreement shall be recorded in a Change Order signed by Owner and Contractor. GC 6.4 CONCEALED OR UNKNOWN CONDITIONS 6.4.1 If the Owner or the Contractor discover conditions at the Place of the Work which are: subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which existed before the commencement of the Work which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents; or .2 physical conditions of a nature which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in [he Contract Documents; then the observing party shall notify the other party in writing before conditions are disturbed and in no even[ later than 5 Working Days after first observance of the conditions. 6.4.2 The Consultant will promptly investigate such conditions and make a finding. If the finding is that the conditions differ materially and this would cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor s cost or time to perform the Work, the Consultant, with the Owner's approval, shall issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER or GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 6.4.3 If the Consultant finds that the conditions at the Place of the Work aze not materially different or that no change in the Contract Price or the Comract Time isjustified, the Consultant shall report the reasons for this finding to the Owner and the Contractor in writing. GC 6.5 DELAYS 6.5.1 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by an action or omission of the Owner, Consultatu, or anyone employed or engaged by them duectly or indtrectly, contrary to the provisions of the Contract Documents, then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable rime as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall be reimbursed by the Owner for reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor as the result of such delay. 6.5.2 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by a stop work order issued by a court or other public authority and providing that such order was not issued as the result of an act or fault of the Contractor or any person employed or engaged by the Contractor directly or indirectly, then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall be reimbursed by [he Owner for reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor as the result of such delay. 6.5.3 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by labour disputes, strikes, lock-outs (including lock-outs decreed or recommended for its members by a recognized contractors' association, of which the Contractor is a member or to which the Contractor is otherwise bound), fire, unusual delay by common carriers or unavoidable casualties, or without limit to any of the foregoing, by a cause beyond the Contractor's control, then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The extension of time shall not be less Chan the rime lost as the result of the event causing the delay, unless the Contractor agrees to a shorter extension. The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment for costs incurred by such delays unless such delays result from actions by [he Owner. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 110712 22 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal consdmtes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the documem cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal [o demonstrate [hat it is an original document, unchanged. 6.5.4 No extension shall be made for delay unless notice in writing of claim is given to the Consultant not later than 10 Working Days after the commencement of delay, providing however, that in the case of a continuing cause of delay only one notice of claim shall be necessary. 6.5.5 If no schedule is made under paragraph 2.2.9 of GC 2.2 -ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT, no claim for delay shall be allowed because of failure of the Consultant to famish instructions unti110 Working Days after demand for such instructions has been made and not then, unless the claim is reasonable. ' PART 7 DEFAULT NOTICE ~' I' ~, GC 7.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM THE WORK, STOP THE WORK, OR TERMINATE THE CONTRACT 7.1.1 If the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors because of the Contractor's insolvency, or if a receiver is appointed because of the Contractor s insolvency, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, by giving the Contractor or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy notice in writing, terminate the Contract. 7.1.2 If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the Work properly or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of the Contract to a substantial degree and if the Consultant has given a written statement to the Owner and Contractor that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, notify the Contractor in writing that the Contractor is in default of the Contractor's contractual obligations and instruct the Contractor to corcect the default in the 5 Working Days immediately following the receipt of such notice. 7.1.3 If the default cannot be corrected in the 5 Working Days specified, the Contractor shall be in compliance with the Owner s instructions if the Contractor: commences the corcection of the default within the specified time, and .2 provides the Owner with an acceptable schedule for such correction, and .3 corrects the default in accordance with such schedule. 7.1.4 If the Contractor fails to corcect the default in the time specified or subsequently agreed upon, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, the Owner may: .1 correct such default and deduct the cos[ thereof from any payment then or thereafter due the Contractor provided the Consultant has certified such cost to the Owner and the Contractor, or .2 terminate the Contractor's right to continue with the Work in whole or in part or terminate the Contract. 7.1.5 If the Owner terminates the Contractor s right to continue with the Work as provided in paragraphs 7.1.1 and 7.1.4, the Owner shall be entitled to: .1 take possession of the Work and Products; utilize the construction machinery and equipment; subject to the rights of third parties, finish the Work by whatever method the Owner may consider expedient, but without undue delay or expense, and .2 withhold further payment to the Contractor until a final certificate for payment is issued, and CCIK 2 - 1994 File 00712 23 This comrac[ is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal cons[im[es an infringemem of Copyright. Only sign this contract if [he document cover page bears a CCDC copydgh[ sea] [o demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. 3 charge the Contractor the amount by which the full cost of finishing the Work as certified by the Consultant, including compensation to the Consultant for the Consultant's additional services and a reasonable allowance as determined by the Consultant to cover the cost of corrections to work performed by the Contractor that may be required under GC 12.3 -WARRANTY, exceeds [he unpaid balance of the Contract Price; however, if such cost of finishing the Work is less than the unpaid balance of the Contract Price, the Owner shall pay the Contractor the difference, and 4 on expiry of the warranty period, charge the Contractor the amount by which the cost of corrections ' to the Contractor's work under GC 12.3 -WARRANTY exceeds the allowance provided for such corrections, or if the cost of such corrections is less than the allowance, pay the Contractor the difference. ~, ~, ~' 7.1.6 The Contractor s obligation under the Contractas to quality, corsection, and warranty of the work performed by the Contractor up to the time of termination shall continue in force afrer such termination. GC 7.2 CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK OR TERMINATE THE CONTRACT 7.2.1 If the Owner should be adjudged bankrupt, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors because of the Owner's insolvency, or if a receiver is appointed because of the Owner s insolvency, the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Contractor may have, by giving the Owner or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy notice in writing, terminate the Contract. 7.2.2 If the Work should be stopped or otherwise delayed for a period of 30 days or more under an order of a court or other public authority and providing that such order was not issued as the result of an actor fault of the Contractor or of anyone directly or indirectly employed or engaged by the Contractor, the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Contractor may have, by giving the Owner notice in writing, terminate the Contract. 7.2.3 The Contractor may notify the Owner in writing, with a copy to the Consultant, that the Owner is in default of the Owner s contractual obligations if: .1 the Owner fails to furnish, when so requested by the Contractor, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner s obligations under the Contract, or .2 the Consultant fails to issue a certificate as provided in GC 5.3 PROGRESS PAYMENT, or .3 the Owner fails to pay the Contractor when due the amounts certified by the Consultant or awarded by arbitration or court, or 4 the Ownerviolates the requirements of the Contractto a substantial degree and theConsultant, except for GC 5.1 -FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER, confirms by written statement to the Contractor that sufficient cause exists. 7.2.4 The Contractor's notice in writing [o the Owner provided under paragraph 7.2.3 shall advise [hat if the default is not corrected within 5 Working Days following the receipt of the notice in writing, [he Contractor may, without prejudice [o any other right or remedy the Contractor may have, stop the Work or terminate the Contract. 7.25 If the Contractor terminates the Contract under the conditions set out above, the Contractor shall be entitled to be paid for all work performed including reasonable profit, for loss sustained upon Products and construction machinery and equipment, and such other damages as the Contractor may have sustained as a result of the termination of the Contract. CCDC 2 - 1994 File tNY712 ~ This contract is prorec[ed by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign [his contract if [he documem cover page beazs a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. PART 8 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ' GC 8.1 AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT ~, 8.1.1 Differences between the pazties to the Contract as to the interpretation, application or administration of the Contract or any failure to agree where agreement between the parties is called for, herein collectively called disputes, which are not resolved in the first instance by findings of the Consultant as provided in GC 2.2 - ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT, shall be settled in accordance with the requirements of Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 8.1.2 If a dispute arises under the Contract in respect of a matter in which the Consultant has no authority under the Contract to make a finding, the procedures set out in paragraph 8.1.3 and paragraphs 8.2.3 to 8.2.8 of GC 8.2 -NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION, AND ARBITRATION, and in GC 8.3 -RETENTION OF RIGHTS apply to that dispute with the necessazy changes to detail as may be required. 8.1.3 If a dispute is not resolved promptly, the Consultant shall give such instructions as in the Consultant's opinion are necessazy for the proper performance of the Work and to prevent delays pending settlement of the dispute. The pazties shall act immediately according to such instructions, it being understood that by so doing neither party will jeopazdize any claim the pazty may have. If it is subsequently determined that such instructions were in error or at variance with the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay the Contractor costs incurred by the Contractor in carrying out such instructions which the Contractor was required to do beyond what the Contract Documents correctly understood and interpreted would have required, including costs resulting from interruption of the Work. GC 8.2 NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION, AND ARBITRATION 8.2.1 In accordance with the latest edition of the Rules for Mediation of CCDC 2 Construction Disputes, the parties shall appoint a Project Mediator 1 within 30 days after the Contract was awarded, or .2 if the parties neglected to make an appointment within the 30 day period, within 15 days after either pazty by notice in writing requests that the Project Mediator be appointed. 8.2.2 A pazty shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted a finding of the Consultant under GC 2.2 -ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT and to have expressly waived and released the other pazty from any claims in respect of the particular matter dealt with in that finding unless, within 15 Working Days after receipt of that finding, the patty sends a notice in writing of dispute to the other party and to the Consultant, which contains the particulars of the matter in dispute and the relevant provisions of the Contract Documents. The responding party shall send a notice in writing of reply to the dispute within 10 Working Days after receipt of the notice of dispute setting out particulars of [his response and any relevant provisions of the Contract Documents. 8.2.3 The parties shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve their dispute by amicable negotiations and agree to provide, without prejudice, frank, candid and timely disclosure of relevant facts, information, and documents to facilitate these negotiations. 8.2.4 After a period of 10 Working Days following receipt of a responding party's notice in writing of reply under paragraph 8.2.2, the parties shall request the Project Mediator to assist the patties to reach agreement on any unresolved dispute. The mediated negotiations shall be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of the Rules for Mediation of CCDC 2 Construction Disputes. 8.25 If the dispute has no[ been resolved within 10 Working Days afer the Project Mediator was requested under paragraph 8.2.4 or within such further period agreed by the pazties, the Project Mediator shall terminate the mediated negotiations by giving notice in writing to both pazties. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 25 This convac[ is protected by Copyright. li se of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an inhingemem of Copyright. ONy sign this convac[ if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate that it is an original documem, unchanged. 8.2.6 By giving a notice in writing to the other parry, not later than 10 Working Days after [he date of termination ' of the mediated negotiations under paragraph 8.2.5, either pazty may refer the dispute to be finally resolved by arbitration under the latest edition of the Rules for Arbitration of CCDC 2 Construction Disputes. The arbitration shall be conducted in the jurisdiction of the Place of the Work. 8.2.7 On expiration of the 10 Working Days, the arbitration agreement under pazagraph 8.2.6 is not binding on the paztres and, if a notice is not given under pazagraph 8.2.6 within the required time, the parties may refer the unresolved dispute to the courts or to any other form of dispute resolution, including arbitration, which they ' have agreed to use. 8.2.8 If neither party requires by notice in writing given within 10 Working Days of the date of notice requesting '' azbitration in pazagraph 8.2.6 that a dispute be arbitrated immediately, all disputes referred to arbitration as provided in pazagraph 8.2.6 shall be .1 held in abeyance until ' (1) Substantial Performance of the Work, (2) the Contract has been terminated, or (3) the Contractor has abandoned the Work, :, whichever is earlier, and .2 consolidated into a single arbitration under [he rules governing the arbitration under pazagraph 8.2.6. ~ GC 8.3 RETENTION OF RIGHTS 8.3.1 It is agreed that no act by either party shall be construed as a renunciation or waiver of any rights or recourses, provided the pazty has given the notices required under Part 8 of the General Conditions - DISPUTE RESOLUTION and has carried out the instructions as provided in paragraph 8.1.3. 8.3.2 Nothing in Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION shall be construed in any way to limit a pazty from asserting any statutory right to a lien under applicable lien legislation of the jurisdiction of the Place of the Work and the assertion of such right by initiating judicial proceedings is no[ to be construed as a waiver of any right that pazty may have under paragraph 8.2.6 to proceed by way of arbitration to adjudicate the merits of the claim upon which such a lien is based. PART 9 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY GC 9.1 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY 9.1.1 The Contractor shall protect the Work and the Owner s property and propefy adjacent to the Place of the Work from damagewhich may arise as the result of the Contractor s operations under the Contract, and shall be responsible for such damage, except damage which occurs as the result of: .1 errors in the Contract Documents; 2 acts or omissions by the Owner, the Consultant, other contractors, their agents and employees 9.1.2 Should the Contractor in the performance of the Contract damage the Work, the Owners property, or property adjacent to the Place of the Work, the Contractor shall be responsible for the making good such damage a[ the Contractor's expense. 9.1.3 Should damage occur [o the Work or Owners proper[}' for which the Contractor is not responsible, as provided in paragraph 9.1.1, the Contractor shall make good such damage to the Work and, if the Owner so directs, to the Owner s property. The Contract Price and Contract Time shall be adjusted as provided in GC 6.1 -CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER, and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 26 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not cotuaining a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringemem of Copyright. Only sign [his conract if the documem cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal [o demonsva[e that i[ is an original document, unchanged. ~1 ~' GC 9.2 DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY 9.2.1 If either party Yo the Contract should suffer damage in any manner because of any wrongful act or neglect of the other party or of anyone for whom the other party is responsible in law, then that party shall be reimbursed by the other party for such damage. The reimbursing party shall be subrogated ro the rights of the other party in respect of such wrongful actor neglect if it be [hat of a third party. 9.2.2 Claims for damage under paragraph 9.2.1 shall be made in writing to the party liable within reasonable time after the first observance of such damage and if undisputed shall be confirmed by Change Order. Disputed claims shall be resolved as set out in Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 9.2.3 If the Contractor has caused damage [o the work of another contractor on the Project, the Contractor agrees upon due notice to settle with the other contractor by negotiation or arbitration. If the other contractor makes a claim against the Owner on account of damage alleged to have been so sustained, the Owner shall notify the Contractor and may require the Contractor to defend the action at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall satisfy a final order or judgment against the Owner and pay the costs incurred by the Owner arising from such action. 9.2.4 If [he Contractor becomes liable to pay or satisfy a final order, judgment, or award against the Owner, then the Contractor, upon undertaking to indemnify the Owner against any and all liability for costs, shall have the right to appeal in the name of the Owner such final order or judgment to any and all courts of competent jurisdiction. GC 9.3 TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND MATERIALS 93.1 Por the purposes of applicable environmental legislation, the Owner shall be deemed to have control and management of the Place of the Work with respect to existing conditions. 9.3.2 Prior to the Contractor commencing the Work, the Owner shall 1 take all reasonable steps to determine whether any toxic or hazardous substances or materials aze present at the Place of the Work, and .2 provide the Consultant and the Contractor with a written list of any such substances and materials. 9.3.3 The Owner shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that no person suffers injury, sickness, or death and that no property is injured or destroyed as a result of exposure to, or the presence of, toxic or hazardous substances or materials which were at the Place of the Work prio[ to the Contractor commencing the Work. 9.3.4 Unless the Contract expressly provides otherwise, the Owner shall be responsible for taking all necessary steps, in accordance with legal requirements, to dispose of, store or otherwise render harmless toxic or hazardous substances or materials which were present ai the Place of the Work prior to the Contractor commencing the Work. 9.35 If the Contractor 1 encounters toxic or hazardous substances or materials at the Place of the Work, or 2 has reasonable grounds to believe [hat toxic or hazardous substances or materials are present at the Place of the Work, which were not disclosed by the Owner, as required under paragraph 9.3.2, or which were disclosed but have not been dealt with as required under paragraph 9.3.4, the Contractor shall .3 take all reasonable steps, including stopping the Work, to ensure that no person suffers injury, sickness, or death and that no property is injured or destroyed as a result of exposure to or the presence of the substances or materials, and CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 27 This contract is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. ONy sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate [hat i[ is an original document, unchanged. .4 immediately report the circumstances to the Consultant and the Owner in writing. 9.3.6 If the Contractor is delayed in performing the Work or incurs additional costs as a result of taking steps required under paragraph, the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor and the Contractor shall be reimbursed for reasonable costs incurred as a result of the delay and as a result of taking those steps. 9.3.7 Notwithstanding pazagraphs 2.2.6 and 2.2.7 of GC 2.2 -ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT, or pazagraph 8.1.1 ' of GC 8.1 -AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT, the Consultant may select and rely upon the advice of an independent expert in a dispute under pazagraph 9.3.6 and, in that case, the expert shall be deemed to have been jointly retained by the Owner and the Contractor and shall be jointly paid by them. ' 9.3.8 The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, the Consultant, [heir agents and employees, from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of or resulting from exposure [o, or [he presence of, toxic or hazardous substances or materials which were at the Place of the Work prior to the Contractor commencing the Work. This obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity set out in GC 12.1- INDEMNIFICATION or which otherwise exist respecting a person or party described in this pazagaph. ~' 9.3.9 GC 9.3 -TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND MATERIALS shall govern over the provisions of pazagraph 1.3.1 of GC 1.3 -RIGHTS AND REMEDIES or GC 9.2 -DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY. PART 10 GOVERNING REGULATIONS GC 10.1 TAXES AND DUTIES 10.1.1 The Contract Price shall include all taxes and customs duties in effect at the time of the bid closing except for Value Added Taxes payable by the Ownerto the Contractor as stipulated inArticle A-4 of the Agreement - CONTRACT PRICE. 10.1.2 Any increase or decrease in costs to the Contractor due to changes in such included taxes and duties after the time of the bid closing shall increase or decrease the Contract Price accordingly. GC 10.2 LAWS, NOTICES, PERMITS, AND FEES 10.2.1 The laws of the Place of the Work shall govern the Work. 10.2.2 The Owner shall obtain and pay for the building permit, permanent easements, and rights of servitude. The Contractor shall be responsible for permits, licenses, or certificates necessazy for the performance of the Work which were in force at the date of bid closing. 10.2.3 The Contractor shall give the required notices and comply with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes which aze or become in force during the performance of the Work and which relate to the Work, to the preservation of the public health, and to construction safety. 10.2.4 The Contractor shall not be responsible for verifying that the Contract Documents aze in compliance with the applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes relating to [he Work. If the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, or if, subsequent to the date of bid closing, changes are made to the applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes which require modification to the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing requesting direction immediately upon such variance or change becoming known. The Consultant will make the changes required to the Contract Documents as provided in GC 6.1 -CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER, and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIl2ECTIVE. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 28 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal consdmtes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign [his contract if the documem cover page beazs a CCDC copyright seal m demonstrate that it is an original document, unchanged. 10.25 If the Comractor fails to notify the Consultam in writing; and fails to obtain direction as required in ' paragraph 10.2.4; and performs work knowing it to be contrary to any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes; the Contractor shall be responsible for and shall correct the violations thereof; and shall beaz the costs, expenses, and damages attributable to the failure to comply with the provisions of such laws, ' ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes. GC 10.3 PATENT FEES ' 10.3.1 The Contractor shall pay the royalties and patent licence fees required for the performance of the Contract. The Contractor shall hold the Owner harmless from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suizs, or proceedings arising out of [he Contractor's performance of the Contract which are ' attributable to an infringement or an alleged infringement of a paten[ of invention by the Contractor or anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable. 10.3.2 TheOwnershallholdtheContractorharmlessagainstc]aims,demands,losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, ox proceedings azising out of the Comractor's performance of the Contract which are attributable to an infringement or an alleged infringement of a patent of invention in executing anything fot the purpose of the Contract, the model, plan, or design of which was supplied to the Contractor as pazt of the Comract ~ Documents. GC 10.4 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 10.4.1 Prior to commencing theWork, Substantial Performance ofthe Work, and the issuance of thefinal certificate for payment, the Contractor shall provide evidence of compliance with workers' compensation legislation at the Place of the Work, including payments due thereunder. 10.4.2 At any time during the term of the Contract, when requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall provide such evidence of compliance by the Contractor and Subcontractors. PART 11 INSURANCE -BONDS GC 11.1 INSURANCE 11.1.1 Wi[houtrestrictingthegeneralityofGC12.1-INDEMNIFICATION,theContractorshall provide,maintain, and pay for the insurance coverages specified in GC 11.1 -INSURANCE. Unless otherwise stipulated, the duration of each insurance policy shall be from the date of commencement of the Work until the date of the final certificate for payment. Ptior to commencement of the Work and upon the placement, renewal, amendment, or extension of all or any part of the insurance, the Contractor shall promptly provide the Owner with confirmation of coverage and, if required, a certified true copy of the policies certified by an authorized representative of the insurer together with copies of any amending endorsements. 1 General Liability Insurance: General liability insurance shall be in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner, and the Consultant, with limits of no[ less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and with a property damage deduc[iblenotexceeding$2,500. The insurance coverage shallnotbelessthantheinsmancerequired by IBC Form 2100, or its equivalent replacement, provided that IBC Form 2100 shall contain the latest edition of the relevant CCDC endorsement form. To achieve the desired limit, umbrella, or excess liability insurance may be used. All liability coverage shall be maintained for completed operations hazards from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, as se[ out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, on an ongoing basis for a period of 6 yeazs following Substantial Performance of the Work. Where the Contractor maintains a single, blanket policy, the addition of the Owner and the Consultant is limited to liability arising out of the Project and all operations necessary or incidental thereto. The policy shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than 30 days notice in writing in advance of any cancellation, and of change or amendment restricting coverage. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 29 This coturac[ is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of Copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate [hat it is an original document, unchanged. .2 Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile liability insurance in respect of licensed vehicles shall have limits of not less than $2,000,000 inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death, and damage to property, covering all licensed vehicles owned or leased by the Contractor, and endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than 15 days notice in writing in advance of any cancellation, change or amendment restricting coverage. Wherethepolicyhasbeenissuedpursuanttoagovemment-operatedautomobileinsurance system, the Contractor shall provide the Owner with confirmation of automobile insurance coverage for all automobiles registered in the name of the Contractor. .3 Aircraft and Watercraft Liability Insurance: Aircraft and watercraft liability insurance with respect [o owned or non-owned aircraft and watercraft if used directly or indirectly in the performance of the Work, including use of additional premises, shall be subject to limits of no[ less than $2,000,000 inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death, and damage to property including loss of use thereof and limits of not less than $2,000,000 for aircraft passenger hazard. Such insurance shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner. The policies shall be endorsed to providethe Owner with notless than 15 days notice in writing in advance of cancellation, change, or amendment restricting coverage. 4 Property and Boiler and Machinery Insurance: (1) "All risks" property insurance shall be in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner, and the Consultant, insuring not less than the sum of the amount of the Cottract Price and the full value, as stated in the Supplementazy Conditions, of Products that are specified to be provided by the Owner for incorporation into the Work, with a deductible not exceeding $2,500. The insurance coverage shall not be less than [he insurance required by IBC Form 4042 or its equivalent replacement, provided that IBC Form 4042 shall contain the latest edition of the relevant CCDC endorsement form. The coverage shall be maintained continuously until 10 days after the date of the final certificate for payment. (2) Boiler and machinery insurance shall be in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner, and the Consultant for not less than the replacement value of the boilers, pressure vessels, and other insurable objects forming part of the Work. The insurance provided shall not be less than the insurance provided by the "Comprehensive Boiler and Machinery Form" and shall be maintained continuously from commencement of use or operation of the property insured and until 10 days after the date of the final certificate for payment. (3) The policies shall allow for pardal or total use or occupancy of the Work. If because of such use or occupancy the Conzractoris unable to provide coverage, the Contractorshall notify the Owner in writing. Prior to such use or occupancy the Owner shall provide, maintain, and pay for property and boiler insurance insuring the full value of the Work, as in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including coverage for such use or occupancy and shall provide the Contractor with proof of such insurance. The Contractor shall refund to the Owner the unearned premiums applicable to the Contractor's policies upon termination of coverage. (4) The policies shall provide that, in the case of a loss or damage, payment shall be made to the Owner and the Contractor as their respective interests may appear. The Contractor shall act on behalf of the Owner for the purpose of adjusting the amount of such loss or damage payment with the insurers. When the extent of the loss or damage is determined, the Contractor shall proceed to restore the Work. Loss or damage shall not affect the rights and obligations of either party under the Contract except that the Contractor shall be entitled to such reasonable extension of Contract Time relative to the extent of the loss or damage as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 This convac[ is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of 30 Copyright ONy sign [his convac[ if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate that i[ is an original docmnem, uncltanged. (5) The Contractor shall be entitled to receive from the Owner, in addition to the amount due under the Contract, the amount at which the Owner s interest in restoration of the Work has been appraised, such amount to be paid as the restoration of the Work proceeds and as provided in GC 5.2 -APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT and GC 5.3 - PROGRESS PAYMENT. In addition the Contractor shall be entitled to receive from the payments made by the insurer the amount of the Contractor s interest in the restoration of the Work. ~~ (6) In the case of loss or damage to the Work arising from the work of another contractor, or Owners own forces, the Owner, in accordance with the Owner's obligations under paragraph of GC 3.2 - CONSTRUCTION BY O WNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS, shall pay the Contractor the cost of restoring the Work as the restoration of the Work proceeds and as provided in GC 5.2 -APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT and GC 5.3 - PROGRESS PAYMENT. .5 Contractors' Equipment Insurance: "All risks" contractors' equipment insurance covering construction machinery and equipment used by the Contractor for the performance of the Work, including boiler insurance on temporazy boilers and pressure vessels, shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner and shall not allow subrogation claims by the insurer against the Owner. The policies shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than 15 days notice in writing in advance of cancellation, change, or amendment restricting coverage. Subject to satisfactory proof of financial capability by the Contractor for self-insurance, the Owner agrees to waive the equipment insurance requirement. 11.1.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for deductible amounts under the policies except where such amounts may be excluded from the Contractor's responsibility by the terms of GC 9.1 -PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY and GC 9.2 -DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY, 11.1.3 Where the full insurable value of the Wmk is substantially less than [he Contract Price, the Owner may reduce the amount of insurance required or waive the course of construction insurance requirement. 11.1.4 If the Contractor fails to provide or maintain insurance as required by the Contract Documents, then the Owner shall have the right to provide and maintain such insurance and give evidence to the Contractor and the Consultant. The Contractor shall pay the cos[ thereof to the Owner on demand or the Owner may deduct the amount which is due or may become due to the Contractor. 11.1.5 All required insurance policies shall be with insurers licensed to underwrite insurance in the jurisdiction of the Place of ahe Work. GC 11.2 BONDS 11.2.1 The Contractor shall, prior to commencement of the Work or within the specified time, provide to the Owner any surety bonds required by the Contract. 11.2.2 Such bonds shall be issued by a duly licensed surety company authorized to transact a business of suretyship in the province or territory of the Place of the Work and shall be maintained in good standing until the fulfilment of the Contract. The form of such bonds shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the CCDC approved bond forms. CCDC 2 - 1994 File 00712 31 This convact is protected by Copyright Use of a CCDC document no[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringemem of Copyright. Only sign this convact if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonsva[e that i[ is an original document, unchanged. PART 1 2 INDEMNIFICATION-WAIVER- WARRANTY GC 12.1 INDEMNIFICATION ' 12.1.1 The ContractorshallindemnifyandholdharmlesstheOwnerandtheConsultant,theiragentsandemployees from and against claims demands losses costs dam i , , , , ages, act ons, suits, or proceedings (hereinafter called "claims"), by third parties that arise out of i , or are attr butable to, the Contractors performance of the Contract provided such claims aze: ' 1 attributabl t b dil i . e o o y njury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, and .2 caused by negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor or anyone for whose acts the Contractormay be liable, and .3 made in writing within a period of 6 years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance ofthe Work, or within such shorter period as may be prescribed by any limitation statute of the province or territory of the Place of the Work. ,' The Owner expressly waives the right to indemnity for claims other than [hose stated above. 12.1.2 The obligation of the Contractor to indemnify hereunder shall be limited to $2,000,000 per occurrence from the commencement of the Work until Substantial Performance of the Work and thereafter to an aggregate limit of $2,000,000. 12.1.3 The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, the Contractor's agents and employees from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which are att ib t bl r u a e to a lack of or defect in title or an alleged lack of or defect in title to the Place of the Work. ~ 12.1.4 GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION shall govern over the provisions of paragraph 1.3.1 of GC 1.3 -RIGHTS j. ~ AND REMEDIES or GC 9.2 -DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY. GC 12.2 WAIVER OF CLAIMS i 12.2.1 Waiver of Claims by Dwner As of the date of the final certificate for payment, the Owner expressly waives and releases the Contractor from all claims against the Contractor including without limitation those that might aiise from the negligence or breach of contract by the Contractor except one or more of the following: .1 those made in writing prior to the date of the final certificate for payment and still unsettled; .2 those arising from the provisions of GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION or GC 12.3 -WARRANTY; .3 those arising from the provisions of paragraph 9.3.5 of GC 9.3 -TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND MATERIALS and those arising from the Contractor bringing or introducing any toxic or hazardous substances and materials to the Place of the Work after the Contractor commences the Work. CCDC 2 - 1994 Pile 00712 This contract is protected by Copyright. Use of a CCDC document not containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringement of 32 Copyright Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate [hat it is an original document, unchanged. i~ In the Common Law provinces GC shall read as follows: ' .4 those made in writing within a period of 6 years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, or within such shorter period as may be prescribed by any limitation statute of [he province or territory of the Place of the Work and those arising from any liability of the Contractor for damages resulting from the Contractor's performance of the Contract with respect to substantial defects or deficiencies in the Work for which the Contractor is proven responsible. As used herein "substantial defects or deficiencies" means those defects or deficiencies in the Work which affect the Work to such an extent or in such a manner that a significant part or the whole of the Work is unfit for the purpose intended by the Contract Documents. In the Province of Quebec GC shall read as follows: 4 those arising under the provisions of Article 2118 of the Civil Code of Quebec. 12.2.2 Waiver of Claims by Contractor As of the date of the final certificate for payment, the Contractor expressly waives and releases the Owner from all claims against the Owner including without limitation those that might azise from the negligence or breach of contract by the Dwner except .1 those made in writing prior to the Contractor's application for final payment and still unsettled; and 2 those arising from the provisions of GC 9.3 -TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND MATERIALS or GC 10.3 -PATENT FEES. 12.2.3 GC 12.2 -WAIVER OF CLAIMS shall govern over the provisions of paragraph 1.3.1 of GC 1.3 -RIGHTS AND REMEDIES or GC 9.2 -DAMAGES AND MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY. GC 12.3 WARRANTY 12.3.1 The warranty period with regazd to the Contract is one yeaz from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work or those periods specified in the Contract Documents for certain portions of the Work or Products. 12.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the Work to the extent that the design and Contract Documents permit such performance. 12.3.3 Except for the provisions of paragraph 12.3.6 and subject to paragraph 12.3.2, the Contractor shall correct promptly, at the Contractor s expense, defects or deficiencies in the Work which appear prior to and during the warranty periods specified in the Contract Documents. 12.3.4 The Owner, through the Consultant, shall promptly give the Contractornotice in writing of observed defects and deficiencies that occur during the warranty period. 12.3.5 The Contractor shall correct or pay for damage resulting from corrections made under the requirements of pazagraph 12.3.3. 12.3.6 The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining Product warranties in excess of one year on behalf of the Owner from the manufacturer. These Product warranties shad be issued by the manufacturer to the benefit of the Owner. CCDC 2 - 1994 Pile 00712 This convac[ is protected by Copyright. lise of a CCDC document [to[ containing a CCDC copyright seal constitutes an infringemem of 33 Copyright. Only sign this convac[ if the document cover page bears a CCDC copyright seal to demonstrate that it is an original documem, unck~anged. ~ Clam .~ Leadi ~~ ag the W¢y ' Monday, November 07, 2005 ' Attention: All Potential Bidders Dear Sir/Madam: ~~' RE: ADDENDUM #1, TENDER CL2005-46 CONSTRUCTION OF THE BRIAN MCFARLANE HOCKEY MUSEUM Bidders are hereby advised of the following addendum to Tender CL2005-46. 1. A pre-bid meeting and site tour for pre-qualified General Contractors and interested sub-trades was to be held at: 11:00:00 a.m. (local time) Tuesday, November 8th, 2005 At the project site (2440 King Street West, Bowmanville, ON Date changed, and should now read: 11:00:00 a.m. local time Tuesday, November 15t , 2005 All tender submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly, ~, Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB'km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 4U l"EMPERANCE ST.REcT, BOWMANVILLE,ONTARlO L1C 3A6 F (905) 6~3-3379 1 ~~~1l1 ~ Leadin the Wa ~~ 8 Y ' a U PRC,ES - Thursday, November 10, 2005 Via: Phome & Fax ' ATTENTION: PRE-QUALIFIED BIDDERS ~ CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATIONS Dear Sir/Madam:. RE: TENDER CL2005-46, ADDENDUM NO. 2, BRIAN MCFARLANCE HOCKEY MUSEUM, MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' Bidders are hereby advised of the attached Addendum No. 2, totaling 24 pages, including this cover letter. All tender submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly,~~ ~ /~j .~G:nO~,i~u~ Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB*km Cc: LKM and Partners Inc. GSM Design Expositions George Acom CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOLV ~iANwILLt, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 I I I C r BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES I (19911 Limited Archrcects Engineers I Laldscape Architect Roject Managers I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 Stanley Court, unit i Whitby, Ontario Canada L1N SP9 Tale: f9051686~5262 Toronto: 19051427-4495 Fax: 19051666.6266 Email: hha~hha-archenp.com www.6ha~arcnenp.com Form 8.1-3 Rev. YO 19-( OS 103A091105.k2.wOE Addendum No. 2 Page 1 of 4 Project No.: 04103 Date: November 9, 2005 Project: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 The following information supplements and/or supersedes the bid documents issued on November 2, 2005 This Addendum forms part of the contract documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts. The cost of all contained herein is to be included in the contract sum. The following revisions supersede the information contained in the original drawings and speafications issued for the above-named project to the extentreferenced and shall became part thereof. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by inserting its number and date on the Tender Fonn. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification. Specifications: 1.1 SECTION 00400 -GENERAL CONDITIONS .1 Refer to Item 6.2: .a The method of adjustment to the contract value for the proposed changes shall be limited to direct general construction site costs, sub-contractors, material, labour and equipment. Tha % markup from Section 00200 will cover all overheads and profit. The Site Superintendent, if required by the tender docum ants to be assigned full time to the project, cannot be charged as a cost unless by prior agreement, and only if required to work overtime or premium time. 1.2 SECTION 03300 -CONCRETE 1 Refer to Item 2.02 -Concrete Mixes: .a Add a new item as follows: F. Concrete mixes and strengths are minimums. The contractor may substitute different mix designs to suit the placing and workability requirements subject to final approval of the Engineer. 1.3 SECTION 04200 -MASONRY Refer to Item 3.06 -Loose Steel Lintels: .a Add a new item as follows: B. Install lintels over mechanical and electrical openings. t.4 SECTION 06100 -HOLLOW METAL DOORS FRAMES AND SCREENS .1 Refer to Item 2.02 -Fabrication, Part B. Hardware Preparations: .a Add a new clause as follows: ??. °repare doers and frames for security system condu :runs. I ', i, i t I! I,,'. ', '', '' h' i '' 1 Addendum No. 2 Page 2 of 4 1.5 SECTION 08310 -AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS .1 Refer to Item 2.01 -Products: .a Add a new item as follows: B. The supply and installation of materials under this section is not part of the hardware cash allowance. 1.6 SECTION 08400 -ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS AND CURTAIN WALLS .1 Refer to Item 2.02 -Products, Part E. Door Hardware: .a Add a new clause as follows: 11. All hardware in this section is to be supplied and installed by this section and is not included in the hardware cash allowance. 1.7 SECTION 06710-FINISHING HARDWARE .1 Refer to Item 1.04 -Submittals: a. Revise Item A. to read, ".....hardware schedule shall be prepared by Rivett Architectural Hardware". .2 Refer to Item 2.09 -Products: a. Revise Item 8. to read, "Supply only of finishing hardware will be a cash allowance item. The hardware cash allowance does not include hardware specified in Section 06310 or 08400". 1.8 SECTION 09651 -RESILIENT FLOORING .1 Refer to Item 3.01 -Surface Conditions: a. Add a new item s as follows: F. Allow for any necessary levelling and filling at the junction with the existing building. 1.9 SECTION 09780 -CONCRETE SEALING 1. Delete this section in its entirety. 1.tD SECTION 09900 -PAINTING .1 Refer to Item 3.04 -Finish Schedule: a. Add a new items as follows: 13. The finish schedule is intended to be a summary of the finishes to be read in conjunction with all drawings, specifications and details. It is the intent that all occupied spaces are fully finished. Farm 8.1-9 Rev. NO 1B-O6-01 Od 103A09i 105.e2.wptl Addendum No. 2 Page 3 of 4 t.t 1 SECTION 12520 -ROLLER SHADES .1 Refer to Item 2.01 -Materials, Products, Fabrication and Operation - a. Add a new item as follows: ' F. Blackout Fabric: 4 ply (1 ply woven fibreglass, 3 ply PVC film) solar stop blackoutfabric by Solarflective Products Limited orapproved manufacturer. Fabric shall be dimensionallystable, tensioned in the finished range prior to heat setting to keep the warp ends straight and minimize or eliminate weave ' distortion and keep fabric flat. 1. Blackout Fabric Colour: to be selected by the Consultant from full ' range of colours by Solarfective Products Limited, or other approved manufacturer. Shade fabric on any one floor shall be from the same dye lot. 2. Fabric Pertormance: As shade cloth, the fabric shall hang flat, without buckling or distortion. The edge, when trimmed, shall hang straight without ravelling, unguided roller shade cloth shall roll true and straight without shilling sideways more than t 3mm (1/8") in either direction due to warp distortion or weave design. 3. Flame Retardance: Fabric shall be certified by an independent laboratory to pass the Small Scale Vertical Burn Requirements of - CAN/ULC-S109/NFPA 701. ' b. Add a new item as follows: G. Supply and install solar shading devices as specified at windows GL01, ' GL02 and GL03. c. Add a new item as follows: ' H. Supply and install blackout shading devices as specified at windows GL01, GL02, GL03, SC03, SC04 and SC05. Drawings: 1.12 DRAWINGA101: ' .1 Revise the concrete bench seating in accordance with Drawing No. SKA-6 and SKA-7. 1.13 DRAWINGA203: I .1 Revise door 007 as per Drawing No. SKA-1. 1.14 DRAWING NO. A801: ' .1 Revise door and frame 007 as per Drawing No. SKA-2. 1.15 DRAWING NO. A901: ' .1 Revise the Information Countess per Drawing No. SKA-3, SKA-4 and SKA-5. ' Farm 6.t•3 Rev. BO 1906-01 04103A09t 105.#2.wptl Addendum No. 2 Page 4 of 4 ' 1.16 Refer to Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partners Inc. Electrical Addendum No. E-01 dated November 9, 2005 (8 pages). 1.17 Refer to Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partners Inc. Electrical Addendum No. M-01 dated November 9, 2005 (4 pages).. End of Addendum No. 2 Chris Maves ' CM/Ip Attachments t Drawing No. SKA-1, SKA-2, SKA-3, SKA-4, SKA-5, SKA-6 and SKA-7 Electrical Addendum No. E-01 Mechanical Addendum M-01. - Form fid-3 Rev. pO iB-O6-Ot 04103A097705.k2.wptl PURPOSE PURPOS PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRY •6RVAN ~ ^'' •~" Assxures BRIAN McFRALANE PART GROUND FLOOR ~- nBSIJwDBO ..o _ HOCKEY MUSEUM PLAN FROM Al203 ~ `Y'®°~ ` GARNETT B. RICHARD ARENA ,~ r ~yylyy- arz 2W0 ST. W., BOWMANNLLE . ~~~+verwi IiOHR1oo1 a-ror.uxw rau: ri o-.s tm MUNICIPALRY OF CLARINGTON ~+ ~u •~ ~ a~~s I '~~~ ru r~ ~~i ~ a ._ ~ _ ` ~ tl -~ ~ 04103 SKA-1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROJECT: BRIAN McFRALANE HOCKEY MUSEUM GARNETT B. RICHARD ARENA 3M0 ST. W., BOW WVMLLE MUNICIPAIJTY Or CIAiDNGTON REVISED DOOR AT WORKSHOP 007 BaRRV •BRVAN AssocuTEs (1981111GRED ~~ n~+-a.au+~ MlJOY~LIMR niucrw I wmr¢ 04103 ~ SKA-2 PROJECT: DRAWING: ~~~µ y°N.°y~ A BRIAN McFRALANE REVISED PLAN OF INFO (1991) IYATED , p °i HOCKEY MUSEUM . COU A„pr-, `~" a....- NTER 001 „ s,, ,,, , ~ ~NETf e. wc~ FROM A901 , , , , ~~ cv , w, .aaon ngw~rw .~•": x e~ ++w r ` ` . i MNNI~IPALITY DF CLARINGTON ~ uau..e.~.,....-erus..~.,n~ ^ ~, ~~ ~~"''"~ ~ °` 04103 SFCA-3 1 i r PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRY •BRYAN Ow n' ASSOCIATES x BRIAN MCFRALANE REVISED INFO COUNTER (te°~)uNfTEO un n HOCKEY MUSEUM . 001 -BACK ELEVATION ~ m `°° GARNETr e. RlcwwG ARENA - FROM A901 ,~ ~~ °°° zao sT. w., eowMANwu.E ~ wv.~m I ~fdwL1MR ~ u h ~eyr® MUNICIPAtJTV OF CUNINGTON ~ 0~•w0.....w o..•..o.:•„«1.. ~ lciarY~ ~ ~ rmrtn w: ouwwo ~ _ "'°m°" i 111 6 04103 SKA-4 pjw..~vs _I w~ ~~rwa.~w I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sKa SECTION ,:,o ' PROJECT: BRIAN McFRALANE HOCKEY MUSEUM GMNETf B. RICKARD AREIU iuo sr. w.. eow~urnnu.e MUN:CIPhLfiY OF CLARINGTOF 1 ADDITIONAL SECTION eaRRV •eavua ~, ^. nssoeures 119811 l1MRED ~,,.-: ~° 1110 . W"~' mow. ~M+Y y MF11Y4~ art: I~~YyWL11I1 I~'•4'~ rrd+ww euu: we lewd +yu /swoa ~. ~~ I pW/- ~ PMIIfC~M YYy~lL lp 04103 SKA-5 ...~--~ ~. oruwwc: eaRRr •BRrAN BRIAN MoFRALANE PART SITE PLAN ~'u~s° HOCKEY MUSEUM PLAN FROM A101 GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA _ B~ Wp 2M0 ST. w., BOWMANVILLE Il ~+rarwl rrwrww MUNICIPALITY 0= CLARWGTOIi w~~~~.Ewa~onMm~v~ ~ias~i~ -o~nn wnWxc~ 04103 SKA-6 rASea PuiES ro eENa1 BTw 1a1.n OY ANCIICgS MFIEOED to RAE Aw sv w van TucsxE. ro 10gnm OEPM rn. a PARTIAL FRONT ELEV. Jw ~, - - ,,..._..., •ie- EwESCa YuBE a fro me d 3._ ~.o '- COYAOE SOEWII(. Ez1em arlc to cnvrt BerAiEO a RAe wTa ~. Eoner>w ~ coxlBa AID EiRY6'gB ANIa AND empc ewes. :: o_ _~. - --- ---- & `• gOP 9' ~ PavneE sue nB acEYec AT erCK &1D IOEdTIY1 o9°~i~ r K/ _e _. _ _ _ ~ y (BEF 0110. f/A701.J 9.Smm NOf OO+PEO CAIY. m PI/OE. TIP. - - - ON FAQ OE BFY01 O g o $ECIIOee AYI STEP - ~ oowx 1nuTCNs a o i-~ u~ `-iPoPIF YII `IOh1m C0.WULYt A' BASE i11weNG SBL BN COYPAOTFa SYi71A0F X-SECTION AT DROPPED AREA 93mm IIOf OIPPFD fo sao w rxv. m EurE. s¢ B~~' RAN fLR SP/pN0 r 11 ~~ ~' ~- -0 -. ~gP ~ SIFII fOBY swell aM1FK III E .. •y~ ~IB' 10011EE LOYAEIE SOEMNlI. R E%feD IwN(m FXIEBf .. • : wYnJEO BN vux wTCx 4 ~ ~ It EI(PMI,pYBSNO eBrB arcs ~ \ia\ -. ~ ; ~~ g' ~ rBO.cE sue neacEw ~ p ,p Opp ~ ~ c 044,,,,0~ AT 900f BA1U LOCA0011 Q~' _„ _ _ _ gc~yQ~ b (SEE Oro. 4/A101J - 11,1f. Y ~-1-/5Y BEHri ~ 20fMn f.RAM11Wt 'K 66E PLwIB10 SOA TOP NO BO710Y Oe CtlIwLfEp $OBW/aE X-SECTION THRU SEAT PROJECT: BRIAN McFRALANE HOCKEY MUSEUM cARweT"re.wcluAavAaeNa aA,w sr. w., eowYANVIUF M:INICIPALITV OF CIJJONOTON REVISED CONCRETE BENCH DETAIL FROM A101 BARRY •BRYAN ASSOCYlES Heel) uArrEo .+... 1a ..e.a wgrra. rra.awl iiwrsYlw '-~~~ ~ ene~- -o~n•o. wux~w 04103 SKA-7 PARTIAL FRONT ELEV. LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN And Partners Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM ADD E-01 Barry Bryan Associates Attention: William Weima Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario TORONTO OFFICE 235 Lesmill Road Toronto, Ontario M3B 2V1 Tel: (416) 445-8255 Fax: (416) 445-7885 Ikm@Ikm-eng.com www.lkm-eng.com 2005 November 04 Fax: 1(905)666-5256 LKM No. 20040656 THIS ADDENDUM SHALL FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND ALL CHANGES AND COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID AMOUNT. 1. Reference: Drawing E201 (not re-issued) and sketch ADD E01-1 (issued). .1 Provide four (4) type'F6' luminaire - 2 per each side of millwork in Workshop 007. Switches for these luminaire shall be located as indicated on attached sketch and fed from circuit #1. Refer to Architectural drawings for exact locations. 2. Reference: Drawing E202 (not re-issued) and sketch ADD E01-1, ADD-E01-2, ADD E01-3, ADD E01-4 (issued). .1 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel ' Mi', circuit # Mi -25 to feed new connection for electronic plumbing control (EPC) as indicated. .2 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel 'Mi', circuit # M1-26 to feed new connection for exhaust fan, EF-1 as indicated. .3 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel'M1', circuit # M1-22 to feed new connection for electric duct heater (EDH) as indicated. .4 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel 'M1', circuit # M1-24 to feed new connection for electric duct heater (EDH) as indicated. .5 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel 'Mt', circuit # Mi -28 to feed new connection for exhaust fan, EF-2 as indicated. .6 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel'Mi', circuit # Mi-78 to feed new connection for automatic door operator (AD) as indicated. Installation shall be c/w back boxes for pushbuttons (coordinate with Architect) and 16mmC and pull cords to door operators. .7 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel'M7', circuit # Mt-23 to feed new connection for automatic door operator (AD) as indicated. Installation shall be c/w back boxes for pushbuttons (coordinate with Architect) and 16mmC and pull cords to door operators. .8 Provide a new 15A-1 P circuit from branch circuit panel 'M1', circuit # M1-20 to feed new connection for electric duct heater (EDH) as indicated. .~ i 3. Reference: Drawing E801 (not re-issued) and sketch ADD E01-5 (issued). .1 Revise the Fire Alarm Control Panel as per attached sketch. .2 New type'F6' luminaire shall be: 'F8' 1-32W T8 1220- (4'-0") Single lamp fluorescent strip light mounted to Peerless 3500°K the underside of millwork, white finish, 347V HPF electronic Thomas program start ballast. Visioneering Symkar Lithonia 'TS-132-347-GEB10PS-CSA 4. Reference: Drawing E801 (not re-issued) and sketch ADD E01-6 (issued). .1 Revise the new branch circuit panel 'Mi' from 30 circuits to 42 circuits and provide spare 15A-1 P breakers to fill the remaining spaces. LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN, And Partners Inc. per: Rupnarain Dharry P:X20041200406561DOCS5CONST20040656 ADD E01.DOC LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN - 2 ~ And Partners Inc. 1 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER ~ MITELMAN `And Parlnon Ino. carlelu~ ewe TORONTO ' SUOBURl' (416)445-8255 ~ (705)675-6881 BRWr IItcFARIANE Hoc~c~r ~usEUr~ aECn~ca. P11RT OF LIGHTING UYOtJI' m: u.N. wc,[cr No. zoD4-DSS6 o ~: R.D. ~• NOY. 4 2005 ~~~~~'~ ~'~ 1:50 PARE OF DRAW6JG EZD1 1 ~~ 1 1 LJ LEIPCIGER KAMINKER ~ MITELMAN `And Parfn~rs Ine. COMSIU]NG B TORJt~'TQ SilD5URY (416)445-8255 / (7Q5)675-6881 BRIMI IIIcFARLANE HoacE~r ~usE~ ELECTRICAL. PART OF POWER LAYalT x: Nx In zoo4-oese ~~~ a': FrD, m~~wgx~~:yyNCRR C 4f e~ NOY. 4 2005 /"1VL/~E®1 ~Z 1:50 PART OF DRAWING E202_ M1-6 SS-16 ES-16 5 6 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN `And Parfnor• Ino. COMSUI]WG 94GIf~ TORONTO SllDBUR`' (416)445-8255 ~ (705)675-6881 4 ~i~ IG 1-9 HUMIDIFlER H-1 M1-y `^ v~ 1-11 7.6kW 500. 3P M1- 1 208V-10 ~ CCf./M1-19/21 55-16 ~; 3/6+GN0-27mmC ~ ES-16 E "~ ~ i EDH WORKSHOP M1-24 007 5 ii M1-i ' - ------- J j ~- / / 1 111 1-u M1-12 E WP - % E7fHAU5T FAN EE_2 ON RDOF M1-28 55-09 ~ 55-10 \ T ELEC CLO E oos V STORAGE / ; I I 008 ES-OJ(IG) Es-oa(~c) sEE DETaL 55-06 Es-ospc) ES-09 ES-10 -SS-18 ES-16 - R-14 5EE ELECTRICAL UYOUf BI FOR DETAILS UNLESS O1HE ~' ir~a~rr~c Hoac~r ~u~ PWrr oF~POwER uYnur ar: M.N. repEp 116 2004-0656 D er: R.C. p~~ q y NOU. 4 sons I~Q-E~ 6 -J ~.. 1'~ PART OF DRAW6IG (302 1 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN `And Parfnon Ino. TORONTQ SUOBURI` (416)445-8255 ~ (705}675-6881 BRIAN I~IcFARUNE Hoc~cE~r IrusEUwt ELECif~CAL P~Rr of Po w ER uYOUr BM WN. PIIOEQ x0. 2004-0856 v e<: R.D. oaw,a w. NW. 4 2005 ~~~~~'~ ~~ N.TS. PAtff OF ORAN7NG E202 1 1 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELrMAN o TORONTO ~ SUDBURY 076)445-8255 f (7Q5)675-6881 BRIAN I~IcFARLANE Hoclc~r aus~uwt aECrRIr,AI. ~ AW~1 coNiROI. PANa n: LLN. fxa[c,7 Na 200E-0656 o er: R.D~~ p~ry~ry• c/~ NOY, 4 ~~ ! /SiJLI~Ct~~ ~~ N.TS. PAAI' OF DRAWING E801 ~' , 1 LEIPCIGER • KAMINKER ' MITELMAN `And Perfner~ Ine. COfmU7lIG fidR~tB TORONTO ! SUJ9URY (416)445-8255 / (705)675-6881 BRIAN AIcFARIANE Hoc~c~r Irus~l ~~ Bw. LLN. PNORI.7 Iq. 2004-0656 ~aci¢o er: F..G. au+MtC Ha ~: NOV.42oos ~~-E©1-6 N.TS. PART OF DRAWING E802 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MtTELMAN ` And Partners Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS TORONTO OFFICE 235 Lesmill Road Toronto, Ontario M36 2V1 Tel;{416)445.8255 Fax: (416)445-7885 Ikm(a31km-eng.com www.ikm~ng.com MECHANICAL ADDENDUM ADD M-01 Barry Bryan Associates Attention: Chris Maves Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario cc: 2005 November 09 Fax: 1(905)666-5256 KyhNo. 2004-0656 LKM & Panners Inc. (Toronto) THIS ADDENDUM SHALL FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND ALL CHANGES AND COST SHAL~b~~vc~uDED IN THE BID AMOUNT. `` // // Reference drawing M200 (Schedules). a. Delete EDH-2 and EDH-3 electric duct heaters. b. Delete WG1 and LAV-1 fixture description-specification from plumbing schedule. c. Plumbing factures shall be as specified below: ' WC -1/TOILET -FLOOR MOUNTED FLUSH VALVE (BARRIER FREE DESIGN) American Standard 'MADERA ELONGATED 16-118" (410mm) HIGH' #2305.100 'Low Consumption' Toilet, floor mounted for flush valve, vitreous china, elongated syphon jet flush action bowl, fully glazed 2" (SDmm) ball ' pass internal trapway, 10" x 12" (254mm x 304mm) large water surface, 1.3 gai. (6L) Flush, 1-1/2" (38mm) top spud and bolt caps. Provide floor flange, flange bolts and gasket. Sloan `REGAL' #111-YG-XL Flush Valve , C.P. low consumption, factory set flow, quiet action diaphragm type with non-hold open feature, vacuum breaker and- extended seat bumper on back-check angle stop. Centoco #820STS Seat, elongated heavy duty solid ' plastic open front wRh cover, reinforced stainless steel check hinge, posts, washers and nuts. ' LAV-1/BASIN -COUNTER MOUNTED (BARRIER FREE DESIGN & GENERAL USE) ' ' American Standard CADET UNIVERSAL ACCESS #9494:001 Basin, 4' (102mm) centres, 21" x 17-1/2" x 5- 1/4 -6-718" (533mm x 445mm x 133-175mm) deep, countermounted, vitreous china, rear overflow, self-rimming with sealant. Symmons 'SCOT #S-80-H-5TE Metering Faucet, C.P. 4" (102mm) C.C., solid cast brass body, slow close cartridge, with vandal-resistant 0.25 gal. (1L) per push flow outlet, temperature and time selection, temperature limit stop, in line checklscreen assemblies, cast metal lever handle and 3/8" (10mm) supply tubes. McGuire #155WC Drain, C.P. offset open grid. McGuire #H170BVRB Supplies,. C.P„ polished, short rigid horizontal integral sweat tubes with V.P. combination wheel handlelloose key ball valve angle stops, escutcheons, less braided flexible risers. McGuire #8872C-17T 'p' Trap, C.P. 17 gauge (1.Smm), 1-1/4" (32mm) and escutcheon. ATS Spec #BF-1 'Sanitary Safti-Covers' to exposed piping (to protect against contusions) as per ' local codes. __ ~'' ' NFHB/NON-FREEZE WALL HYDRANT -BOX -EXTERIOR ' Smith Series 5509QT Box Type Wall Hydrant, 1/4 tum non-drip, ceramic cartridge, 314" (19mm) non-freeze wall type with bronze face and stainless steel with full 180 deg. cover opening box, adjustable wall-flange operating key and self-draining integral vacuum breaker. Length to suit wall thickness. ' 2. Reference drawing M203(HVAC), sketch M203/SK-1 and M203/SK-2 are issued. ' a. Delete EDH-2 and EDH-3 electric duct heaters.: b. Provide ¢150mm by-pass VAV boxes as shown on sketches. ' LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN And Pa ners Inc. ' rt n,~o C -' ~ t a per: ~,t,~.~.~.~J Risto Basic P:120041200406581DOCStCONST12004-0656 ADD M01.DOC 1 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER ' MITELMAN 2 " Antl Partners fnc. 1 1 1 t . -, , g 1 X150 ONIC TH OSTAT i /W 24V FORMER & O O O1HER ACCESSOPoES I~OR COMPLETE ODUUTING CONiROL(TYP. 2) ~-~/`- a-2ts - -~- - - I -- 0250 1100x650 VAV BOXES (RILED ON EH PRICEI ,.~~, B 5 ~ VAV BOXES ~WLLL BE BY-PASS TYPE. LGB WIiH =_~ - ELECTRONIC MODUUTING CONTROL PROVIDE l '~ ~ j' 7RANSF .POWER WIRING FROM NEAREST ~/ JUNCTbN X & ALL CONTROL WIRING. ELECTRONIC LS SHALL PROVIDE k HEATING/ LING WRH AUTOMATIC AVER, BOX SHALL WITH ACOUSTICALLY MALLY ., .: 006 ~' LNIED WffH INCH. SEQUENCE OPERATION: WHEN SU ED AIR TEMP. IS BELOW 75F SENSOR WILL TURN UNTf IN THE COOLING MO E ON A RISE IN ROOM TEMP, BOX SHALL M0 is OPEN. IF ROOM TEMP IS BELOW SET POINT X SHALL MODUUTE CLOSE IF SUPPLED R IS ABOVE 7B'F CHANGEOVER SENSOR WI TURN UNR IN THE HEATING MODE. Q2 ON A DROP.IN RODM TEMP. 80X SHALL MODUUTE OPEN. IF ROOM TEMP IS ABOVE SET B0 POIM BO% SHALL MODUUTE CLOSE. TRANSFER 'EYISEp AS PER ADD M-01 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER ~ MITELMAN And PerMen Ine. CSP~ EiJ6t~ff6?S TORONTO SUDBURY (416)445-8255 / (705)675-6881 BHOCKEY Mt1SEU1~ VAV BOXfS BD BD e:. RB galECt xa 20D,-0656 1 6v: RB oRWlc N6 9.NW2D05. ~-203/SK-1 1 mm=50mm AC SIICALLY ED 100 1RANSFER WORKSHOP oo~ ~~ i'/ VAV-2 2 0 0200 2002200 ~- / ..150)!150 ON R ~ T/ELE CLOS \ i 009 REVERSE ACTWG T T'SiAT SUPPLIED. BY ~ 11ECH dt INISALLED BY ~ - STORAGE , ooe /D • aoa ~ 300 ABOVE D y..~._ O ~~ C REVISE- AS PQi AW M-OI LEIPCIGER ~t KAMINKER MITELMAN • vAV eoxEs And Pertnere Ine. ' ei: RE Pfi3ES.T Ir. 200ti-0&~E TORONTO SUDBURY ~"` ~ ~ (416)445-8255 / (705)675-6881 9••2005• IYI-203/SK-2 mn<SOm„ 1 1 C~~l11 n Leadin the Wa ~~ a y 3 to t7AGE5 ' Thursday, November 17, 2005 VIA: PHONE & COURIER Attention: All Potential Bidders ' Dear Sir/Madam: ' RE: ADDENDUM #3, TENDER CL2005-46 CONSTRUCTION OF THE BRIAN MCFARLANE HOCKEY MUSEUM Bidders are hereby advised of the attached Addendum No. 3 with revisions to specifications and drawings, also note the extension in the closing date. Closing Date was: 2:00:00 PM (local time) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2005 ' Should Now Read: Closing Time & Date: 2:00:00 PM (local time) ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2005 All tender submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly, ~,~ Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB*km ' Cc: PRE-QUALIFIED BIDDERS CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATIONS LKM and Partners Inc. ' GSM Design Expositions George Acorn ': ' CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANQE S.TRE ET, 80WMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 62.3-3379 1 ' BARR ' ASSOCIATES 11991) Limited Architects Engineers Landscape Architea Project Managers 1 Pre-bid Meeting Report (Addendum No. 3) Page 1 of 4 Project No.: 041 D3 Date: Project: Attendees: November 15, 2005 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 Ms. Elizabeth Mitchell Mr. Skip Crosby Mr. Clemente Garritano Mr. John Gems Mr. Ron Kemp Mr. Herman Luymes Mr. Shashi Anand Mr. Vijay Bichkar Mr. Reinhard Arlt Mr. John Salomone Mr. Mike Howard Mr. Steve Lotto Mr. Rick Tureck Mr. Vic Rankine Mr. William Weima Mr. Chris Moves Municipality of Clarington Municipality of Clarington Garritano Bros. Ltd. Geer Construction Ltd. Kemp Construction Peak Engineering & Construction Stuct-Con Construction Ltd. Torbear Contracting Inc. Aarlton Electrical Orbit Electrical Contractors Ltd. Viking Fire Protection Inc. Boulder Mechanical J&M Sandblasting and Painting VR Mechanical Services Inc. Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited ' The following information supplements and/or supersedes the bid documents issued on November 2, 2005. This Addendum forms part of the contract documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts. The cost of all contained herein is to be included in the contract sum. The following revisions supersede the information contained in the original drawings and specifications issued for the above-named ' project to the extent referenced and shall become part thereof. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by inserting its number and date on the Tender Form. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification. ' General: 3.1 BBA introduced the Owners' representatives, all pre-qualified contractors and all sub- contractors present. ' 3.2 A question was raised regarding changing the closing time to 4:00 pm on November23, 2005. The closing time far this tender has not changed. It remains at 2:00 pm on November 23, 2005 as indicated in [he tender documents. ' 3.3 BBA lead all attendees on a tour of the existing Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, giving t i staniey court, a brief overview of the project. Unit 1 ' wnitny, Ontario 3.4 BBA pointed out the area on the site designated for use by the contractor during construction. Canada L1 N 8P9 Any damage to the existing landscaping, site services or adjacent structures shall be repaired to their original state at the expense of the contractor. reig Is951 see-626z Toronto: 190514274495 Fax: 1896) 666-5266 E-maiC bba@bba-archenp.com ' www.bbaarchenB.com Form 6.1-3 Rev. #9 19-0fi at 06tn3A1611a6.#3.wptl ' Addendum No. 3 Page 2 of 4 3.5 An issue was raised regarding the 90 day validity period of the tenders and how this could impact the overall schedule if a contract is not signed for 90 days. The start/completion dates are indicated to represent the length of the construction period. Any significant delays in awarding the contract will result in adjustments to the final completion dates. 3.6 The overall project schedule is based on GSM Build coming in after building construction to perform additional fit-up of the exhibit space. 3.7 GSM Build's drawings and specifications have been issued for reference-only. The contractor is not required to perform any of this work unless specifically indicated on the electrical drawings. 3.8 The mechanical drawings indicate a new sprinkler line beginning a[ the Mechanical Room and terminating at the new addition (approx. SOm) is to be installed in the existing ceiling. The general t contractor is responsible for removing and reinstalling any ceiling tiles/t-bars required to perform the work. Any damage is to be repaired to match the existing ceiling prior to construction. 3.9 The ceiling/floorjunction boxes and conduit shall include all wiring as indicated on electrical drawings t and addenda but shall be included in identified separate price 10. A. on the Tender Form. 3.10 The fire alarm panel module upgrading is part of the base tender amount. Identified Separate Price 10. B. only indicates the change in wiring from one location to another. 3.11 The Tenders will be opened at a public meeting immediately following the closing. The meeting is scheduled for 2:15 pm Wednesday, November 23, 2005. ' 3.12 BBA thanked all attendees for participating in the Pre-bid Meeting. Specifications: 3.13 SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS .1 Revise the tender opening meeting time tc: ' 2:15 pm local time on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 3.14 SECTION 00200 -TENDER FORM .1 Add a new item under clause 11.0 as follows: ' B. For the deletion of the window sprinkler system indicated on mechanical Drawing No. M201 and revisions to screens SC01 to SCO5 as indicated in Addendum No. 3. Include in this all revisions to plan and shades associated with screen revisions. 3.15 SECTION 1252D -ROLLER SHADES .1 Delete Item H. ' .2 Revise item G. to read as tollows: G. Supply and install double, manual shading devices (including solar shades and blackout shades) at all new interior and exterior windows including GLOt, GL02, Form 6.1.3 Rev. MO t9-06-01 06103A15t 105.#3.wptl GL03, SCOT, SC02, SC03, SC04 and SCOS Addendum No. 3 Page 3 of 4 .Drawings: 3.16 DRAWING NO. A101 .1 Revise the concrete bench as indicated on SKA-6R and SKA7R (attached). 3.17 DRAWING NO.A202 .1 Add a general note as follows: "The demolition items listed here are key items for the Contractor's information. The Contractor is responsible for all necessary demolition, patching and repair whether noted on these drawings or not. Tha Contractor is responsible far visiting the existing building to establish the full scope of work required ' 3.18 DRAWING NO.A203 t .1 Revise screen SC05 and add a concrete block pier as indicated on SKA-12 (attached). This work shall be included as Separate Price B under Item 11.D of Section 002D0 -Tender Form. - .2 Relocate the RW L and furr out the corner of W ashroom 006 as show on SKA-14 (attached). .3 Relocate the hose bib from Grid Line 6 and B to Grid Line 8 and A to coordinate with mechanical drawing M202. ' 3.19 DRAWING NO. A601 .1 Revise detail 15/A601 as per SKA-11 (attached) and include this revision as Separate Price ' B under Item 11.0 of Section 00200 -Tender Form. .2 Add an HSS post at the end of the glass block and modify detail 13lA601 as indicated on SKA-13 (attached). ' 3.20 DRAWING NO.A801 .1 Revise the screens as shown on SKA-6, SKA-9 and SKA-10 (attached) and include these revisions as part of Separate Price B under Item 11.0 of Section 00200 -Tender Form. 3.21 DRAWING NO. 5202 ' .1 Add C100x8 outriggers as indicated on SKS-1 (attached). .2 Add detail 25lS501 as shown on SKS-2 (attached). .3 Add detail 11lS501 and 12lS501 as shown on SKS-3 (attached). ' 3.22 Refer to Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partners Inc. Electrical Addendum No. E-02 dated November 14, 2005 (2 pages). 3.23 Refer to Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partners Inc. Mechanical Addendum No. M-02 dated November 15, 2005 (2 pages). ' Form fi.1-3 Rev. p0 19-06.01 04103A1fi1105.p3.wptl 1 Addendum No. 3 Page 4 of 4 Additionalltems: 3.24 A copy of the Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by V.A. Wood Associates Limited dated September 2005 (15 pages) is attached for information purposes and does not form part ofthe tender documents. End of Addendum No. 3 Chris Maves CMlIp Attachments: Drawing No. SKA-SR, SKA-7R, SKA-8, SKA-g, SKA-10, SKA-11, SKA-13, SKA-14, SKS-1, SKS-2 and SKS-3 Electrical Addendum No. E-02 Mechanical Addendum No. M-02 Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by V.A. Wood Associates Limited dated September 2005 (15 pages) Form fi.1-3 Rev. #0 19-06.01 D4103F151105.#3.wptl 1 1 1 PROJECT: BRIAN McFRALANE HOCKEY MUSEUM GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA 2640 ST. W.. BOWMANVILLE MUNICIGALITY GF CLARINGTON PART SITE PLAN PLAN FROM A101 .r~+rriww Mwm~u..rewroux~n• ASSOC41TE5 (19Bi)LIMRED dxw~~n CBM eme.rr oar~.e care nq~ir.~ ,e. rr rnam.twr MOU. f4T06f 'wl+aorn~ww acas~ lc Pwwre ii re/. ~- w anmweru ~ "rr~~ risea~wm moiccrw: m..vw.ow 04103 , SKA-6R 1 i 130 ~ ~ ~-raw. uxE •: ,e . ~ 19 " RNL4® GR/DE CN 199 710(. .. . DDNCRETE SIDEYUIK. d - - - ~- -a E%IEND NAIX T9 FMENf NNNUlE9 DN PLUO WTCH RMSK LOCA7N7N 9F CONTROL a1a E%Pk89N JOITIS llIIl BflICK B1JPG r r _.~.....--- ~ ~~~~~ -~ ,'d . ~ - - ° '~ o gr o b1oP ~. \ ~ PR0.10E SUB 1HN,Y(ENNl9 ~~ o ° ,q 09°o g q. ~ R Btlpc Ba1A LDG710N. oy b ~ Uoo ~~ ° ~ (SEE OWG 4/A101J p 0~ ° b°O•°.b p ~~ ~p O qp ° y0°$v~y° b ~7oP 40 O pO~p~ 7PoPlE Y% 20Unm CRANUVR 'A' RISE P!/OlONG SqL ON C04PACTED SUBgLDE X-SECTION AT DROPPED AREA I2.7mm X Otrnm X01 gPPPD Smm F%lET AT GW. BENT STEEL PUTE CM ALL Eq'95ED tv Du. x iW Lauc ANC1mR EDOES WB.DED 70 PUTE IND SR OSp NffO CONCRETE WIIN EPONY lDHEShE. SEE PIAN FOR ~ t00 ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~" ~ STEEL FORK F9%SH E~4FAL LNIE .6..; a19--~ 9v ', . FNlIS1E.D GRADE OH 1W 7M(. LONCRDE 90EWiK. E%fEND WA411 10 EXIFM NgGTED ON •' ti , • PLW, WTCH PgfiX, IOCA7NIN Di CONTROL AfL IXPANSNIN :1gxn N1D BRCN Buns. - - - PARTIAL \//~. ~~jj~~ -- •. ~~ , . FRONT ELEV. .\~ ~/ ~ _ . _ ~\~~\ ~}~ y ~p' ~,° F~m~° ~PRJYIDE SlIe 7WgfENgG ° ~~i m ~ ~M gp0UT9° .., _ _ 6f~~R°.~~b (SB: DW&% 84NDtO0GTON. ~ iPWtE Yq ~-2-131.1 RE8Y2 ~- 209mm gWJULN2 'A' &SE PUNRNG SqL i0P N1D BOTTOM ON COAPACIEO SUBGRN7E X-SECTION THRU SEAT PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRY'BRVAN wi •° ~ BRIAN MCFRALANE REVISED CONCRETE (199~LIMI Tm rower: ~ HOCKEY MUSEUM BENCH DETAIL Ax1,,,,1, ,"p"er-,,,~„~ .r E~N1 GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA FROM A'101 ""d1"°" °"~ 440037. W., BOWA/ANVILLE iieewyoenuei NW. e4 Aee wpa.wuxw ccuE. is raeexxee ers. ~ .- rww.ra ~ MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON °`B"' °~"°°"'^^'~ em '"a°w'-"+° wmrewui . u ' ~® ~ ~ ~ I ~xcrxa. awwex:. ' ""` '"~ 04103 SKA ~xm.ws -7R 1 1 i 1 1 N3 V~ Ai1113A 3115 Q // \\ ~ $ / \ / \ J ~ ~ W W 0 J v, 2 SZ9 OSOI SZII 1.~IN3A 3llS PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRr'eRTAN w m 'g`am A980CIAT6 ~,µn, BRIAN McFRALANE nse+luMrtEO o„ REVISED SCREEN TYPES ~ r,~.., HOCKEY MUSEUM ~~ GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA s+4ss ersOss ewm 444057. W„BOWNIANVILLE neerteewuse IAV't~~ro r«erwse~«w scut. m emweQ t~ ' is sense MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON I °®'"'°~~ •~ ie~~ «r«m r I vuwewsvwew«e«suent . mrscrw: sw.xewuo: ~- d_ ~ • i i 04103 SKA-8 W ydj J J4J vJMI lull O N ,' 1 .~ m W {C,~ v W W 000 l o~~~ 00~ ~ ~~ sze ~ ooo~ I sce (A~a~ Sus) oosa /~ M /~ ./ .1~ K `~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ PROJECT: DRAWING: SARRY~SRYAN °P8~'°' °°~ ASSOCIATES ~ BRIAN McFRALANE REVISED SCREEN TYPES I'~"I ~~D tl1 HOCKEY MUSEUM r~ °~~ GARNET7 B. RICKARD ARENA q~~Y aie 26605T. W., SOWMlWVILLE ~~wy-w~ NOV. t~.ams w+war.uxw erxE m pmiswt. ~ +.s-. r- YW NiYlf ..E: ~1 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON °'®' ~~~~ •*+.+.~. ~~ ~ .+N~re.w~om ~! ,.~. w. am~a v"`w ~°° ~°w..`~ou ~ ~ . it wo~erw: oxu+v~aw d..,.._,_.."`~...".-"-°,. ~ ~ 04103 SKA-9 i ~~~' a a~ ~~5~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ I ~^ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ,Q^~~W ~ Y + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Y a s ° I v _~ M ~ ~ ~ I ~v~ I o~~ SZ9 DODL SG6 (,l~la3A 3115) D09Z PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRY•BRYAN x~ec -.s ASSGCIATES ownxev: BRIAN McFRALANE n»s»uMrtEO ,,, REVISED SCREEN TYPES e++r+,+ ~-, HOCKEY MUSEUM ~~ GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA Aq+~W~an ure. ?A405T. W., BOWMANVILLE uw+mrw,u~+ ~''~~' •++eruwuuw awe: I ~, n: a~«rc ~ +sc r rmae+er s+c MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON I 0101'O`Of °'°®"'^ +~ ~ '~11-~d°'~-' aw,~s~ ' I ~~ `'~~" ~ ~ ~ 04103 SKA-10 ~~~ IXIST. CORRIDOR wwoow au n 160 (SITE VERIFY) RATED SCREEN SC0.5 590 19o CONCRETE eLOac uN Exlsrwc FouNaTKIN wAu CONE. U5x75x6 ANCHORED TO BLOCK AT WINDOW ~14NBS (IYP.) '90 CONCRETE BLOCK ON E%ISI9rG FOUNOATKIN WALL IXISIWG WINDOW SILL - NEW RAEO SCREEN SCOSA ~~ ~~ ~5 PLAN DETAIL A203 ,:5 PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRYSRrAN °OtlNOM Km ••~ ~ BRIAN McFRALANE REVISED DETAIL 15/A6 01 (~ ~ mavwec tl1 HOCKEY MUSEUM . ,,~,,,,,,, ..ore.. °~°' GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA M~Yee~ m.e 241057. W., BOWMANVILLE ++wimn,y++ NOV.µ%m term-e ~m-e aruE: r.o eoaes.aes rat. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON '°~^W- •+ .r Me..e•ee u+a.,ml . . ~ rauarxo: ~ i auwa m. "` °` ~ ~ 04103 SKA-11 ~I ' i/ 1i / .~ ~~' ~~ 11 /I1II ' o ~ ~ o -6-0D~ ~' ~~ ~I I, I ~ ~ _ I ~ I I 1 EXTENT DF SLAB S~LSYIXi~ANO REMOVAL I I TO INSTALL NEW MECHANICAL~iPES~ ' I I I , NEW SLAB TO MATCH EXISTING. ~ ~ .. ~ I COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION ~ I I ` I WRH MECH. ~ XIS i I I I I ~ ~ ' ~ I I I I I FY) z1o sso 1s2B (sue VE ~ ' I I ~ SCOS _ _ SC05 11 ~ 15 I tl I OFFICE asd' ' II A601 oos II I! a II ~ A501 ' 1 II I /! II P15 111 Pa II 1f ~ P3 2176 1 _1396=_ __ ___________ 'i PROJECT: BAR31'•BRVAN ~" DRAWING ASSOCIATES r x i•- E4RIAN McFRALANE PART GROUND FLOOR (T99T)UMIIED AAI~tY W . awxvm qI HOCKEY MUSEUM PLAN FROM A/203 ~~ oeoaee ' GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA ~M.yn nre 2410 ST. W., BOWMANVILLE u~WrioWLU~+ ~'M'90~ WiWO-bLWM acLLE' I ' I ~ Tc OOA -i6i9 ~ K Wq~W+ +S saL ~, MUNIGIPALRY OF CLARINGTON T I "~°~'""°~-' WW~u , ~ry~L ~~~-~~n~+o ~ L ~.~:..~mm~..T,W.+~ r r 04103 ~ SKA-12 ~~-.~ 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 '. '~ , i ~I' 13uu crPSUU eawD w ~ D D efv. caemx IrFO. COUNTER ~ . VAPOUR 64RR9:R o ~~~ 92A11A SOEI. SNDS p «~~ CJVI BATE 9iSULATION E%6~NG WkIDOW ~ ~~~ ~,~~ HSS t00x50n6 ANCHORED m ra~ovui ~uu ,w TO RJUNDATION WML MID um~ rc sEU UNDERSIDE OF STEEL w uo a ais eoa MtAP END aF GIASS BLOCK aw ieo.E ran snc BEAM ABOVE FOR BRAC9~ ~ / ~a ~ ~ N7IN N4111E PREFN. ~y METAL eu a ais aaac END OF GUESS BLOCK. ~~ ~~ us ~ scu nu LAP & SEAL FlEX rnm munir ~~ SEMANI m.~ n vwow IAEYBRANE AT VAPOUR ~. BARR9R. I.. L - - _ n axnm 75 SPRAYED - INSUUTION '°""T°~ - ~ - am~w ana EKISIING GLASS - sum BLOCKS ~ ~ ~ - - mn. vnm CONE. SEAUNT ~ nvx inx PREFW. NEGL -. -, am~c nr CLOSURE TRIN / ti r - ~ - _ ig ~b -.' ~ - - ~ '. r ~~ - ~ - is PLAN DETAIL @ GLASS BLOCK 13 PLAN DETAIL @ GLASS BLOCK Boa ,~ A203 ~:s PROJECT: pgAyy~~,; BARRY~BRVAN y®µ°18" ~" m BW/J1 NCFffALANE BRIAN McFRALANE gEVISFD DEfNL 13/gR 01 REVISED DETAIL 13/A6.01 n~ u~M'~'ED ~ 4aire. ~,""'a~ XOCI(EYMUSEUY HOCKEY MUSEUM dom. Boa. GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA w~W~an °`~ rt. w,xwwnue 244057. W., BOWMANVILLE Il ewbmy.wl I1DV. ~'~ ~ ~. w~wro-n~wn f ~. ~~ rn emrwu - r µµµw rce ~ . MUNICI7ALITV OF CLARINGTON °~'"" `f°""~ "TM' "w11~-'°'o'" w~w,~m ~ ~ ec.~..e.w°c"mlcue .~wr1P°.nO°°"wvrz°~m ~ ~~~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ^°'a*w. ~ ~ """"m"'m°"°~ '""''"°m'°: ~.-~~ r`_ 04703 04103 SKA-03 SKA-13 . . ~~ I , I I n PURPOSE 2 '~ ',' o N ''~ 3 ',' ' i ' Pwaecr : BRIAN McFRALANE '' HOCKEY MUSEUM cARNerT e. wcl<ARG ARENA 2460 ST. W., 80WMANVILLE ' I MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON i 1 nwi m~eu. I ~ I I , 15 ~ ~ ~' 1 .A60 I f I I I U_ ~r" L = ~~_ ___ I II I (r OFFICE II (( II asd< oos II t! II fl I II I (1 Pu ~ ~~( P4 II (( ~ P3 2176 11 1396 I =____ ________ II IIk DOS FURR 0 Q2WL WITH 4 0 CARPET CON ~ 13 GYP. ON P3 P7 152 STEED ~TU05 9 - --- II o §A6'G i II >~ II ~ _ ~ ~ 6Dl II X900 A 5 III ( W.R. 2 \ GB ~________ 13 GYPSUM BD. ~ D06 9 ggD2 fir' b4 STEEL STUDS ill P1S III p>~BW ~ 006 II II ~; - - - z - II P3 I ~ III _ P1S I g ( 25ao 1 II w D04B o, II N WASHROOM 006 PLAN FROM Al203 BARRY•BRYAN "•. _ ~ assocures y neei> urnnEO ~»... G, iwrb. ~.,, I-4 ~,~~,0,~ GR nwmrtu~~ nov. ix ami M1YMO~WWM 8WE. {,; yfN®N6 I 1yC, • Asa ®mr rv~ aw wn raurn w: v«waxs 04103 SKA-14 I ~ ny~ ~ am91mo4r I 3z e0tt sm 11V4 ~I I to ~ ~t yl l\/J ~ 191 W3CB VIII 61(013 3 I ~1 S ~~ 31 W Y u u g a S 9 R P~ ~/~\p~3u13~ \/ UJ 9O[ CIIO! 9fI31' plVp V 8 M y5 OEf SII11NS SWI 316~i tllMl II 12 I S% WII ALY19 tlW ~ Eltl 8 R tl ^^ d ~ y Q ~ 2p ^ U p B 9 C9h13 tl CIVi! WAl9 ~ 4PYB OION ~ m/yll Stll \J IffiI9EL Mi I w ~I ffi A PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRY•BRYAN ABBOCVITEB °,tlA°"" BRIAN McFARLANE (1981) DMRFD PARTIAL ROOF FRAMING ~ n HOCKEY MUSEUM .,tiro. PLAN ~ 4m1.m ~,, ,Ic r9plr.o.. ma. GARNETT B. RCKARD ARENA nsrm.,wl M1Vf1pS 2440 KING BT. N'. 1'.IAro~eulw i '~ BOVJMANVIILE ONTARIO ' 3e ®41rYt Ix' r.e ~~~ ru i MUNICIPALRV OF CLARINGTON 'r"•'°~"^' •* ~ rrlrsAS arms ~~h~ ~ ~ ~ 04103 SKS1 '' ,'1 ', '''' i Ewsr alxolNc L65x85z6.4 CONE EDGE ANGLE T.O. ROOF DECK ~ BEYOND ~~' - 1Dmm STIFFENER . PLATE ' ~ I SLOPING W310 , , ~ C10D WTRIGGER !~ ~ ~ 25 SECTION 5202 1:20 r~ , i' PROJECT: BARRY~BRYA °®°"'" SAO' DRAWING: N AQ AssocwTFS BRIAN MCFARLANE SECTION 25/S501 ADDED (1981 u MrtFD ; ,~ '" HOCKEY MUSEUM 4nr . sa+.. ~" . , ~ ~ ° ~ GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA n y. n .r. ++r¢yy~, ¢¢~+ a+E ~'¢¢~ 2440 KING ST. W. ~rorx¢mw ¢cue: BOVJMANVILLc ONTARIO ~ ~" ¢+~ ~¢¢~~% ' ¢~ n MUNICIPALITY OF OLARINGTON ~~•+~ ® ~ ~ dpi ~ ' ~ ~~~~ ~m~~ ~ ~rxo: m¢wroxo: I ~ ~ ~ 04103 SKS2 q ~ r~~~~~~ III' '. '' EXIST BU6DING l~ ' I LB6x65x6.4 CONT EDGE ANGLE BEYOND 6mm CONi GALV I, BENT PLATE T.O. ROOF DECK BEYOND ' ' C200 BEYOND Y -=====1_ _______________________________ ' '' ' ---- ------------------------------- -~'~ , L102x76x6.4 LLV EA SIDE OF W310 SLOPING W310 '! ~ L65x65x6.4 CONT EDGE ANGLE tt SECTION !,'' s2o2 ,2D EXIST BDIU11r~ L65x65x6.4 CONE EDGE ANCLE I I 6mm COM GALV ' BENT PUTE C200 BEYOND 'I ' - -----1------------------- ----------- a L102x7Bx6.4 LLV EA SIDE OF W310 ', , SLOPING W310 .. TOP PORTION RENWIFO I t2 SECTION `' szoz ,:2D ' ' ~ BPAR1'•BRYAN o®anee saa . PROJECT: DRAWING: A95~afES ~ BRIANMDFARLANE nesiluMITED SECTIONS 11 & 12 S501 .d.,,. '~" HOCKEY MUSEUM REVISED ~ ~,,, ' ~ a~ ~~~ GARNETT B. RICKARD ARENA "~"~'01"~w~ ~"dr°~~"~ `"` 244P KING ST. W. 90'NMANVILLE ONTARIO - ~c' ~°°Q ~` ~ ~~ ~ MUNICIPALIN OF CLARINGTON ~ . .~ w~ "PM° " xv per ' m ~ ~ourm ~ cwwxoxu °w ; ~ ~ ~ 04103 I SKS3 _~,___.~ ,, „~.~ ~~, 1 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN ` Artd Partners Inc.. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM ADD E-02 Barry Bryan Associates Attention: William Weima Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario TORONTO OFFICE 235 Lesmill Road Torontq Ontario M36 2V1 Tel: (416)445-8255 Fax: (416) 445-7B85 Ikm(a~lkm-eng.com www.lkm-eng.com 2005 November 14 Fax: 1(905)666-5256 LKM No. 2004-0656 THIS ADDENDUM SHALL FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND ALL CHANGES AND COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID AMOUNT. REFERENCE DRAWINGS E201, E202 and E802.(drawings not reissued). Detail Reference within gridline 6-7/B-C shall revised to read Detail 3 of drawing E802 and Detail 4 of E802 and not detail 3 of E803 and detail 4 of E803. .2 Separate Price for providing fire alarm wiring from location indicated to Fire Alarm Control Panel as per note number 5. Separate Price shall to be included in the Tender Amount but identified as a line Rem in Tender submission and as a deduct price if the work were to be deleted. ' .3 Separate Price for providing system for power and empty conduit system for communication/data system within the exhibit area as per note number 6. Power system shall include all branch circuits from. panels 'SS', ES' and 'EL'. Separate Price shall to be included in the Tender Amount but identified as a line item in Tender submission and as a deduct price if the work were to be deleted. .4 Revise conduits in slab on grade from metal to PVC and provide separate conduits for circuits from different ower so p urce. .5 Revised to detail for "Junction box in IT/Elect Closet (009)" to read Detail 5 of drawing E802 and t d t il 4 f no e a o E804 as indicated on drawing E802. I' 1 .6 Provide a new 15A-1P circuit from panel 'M1-2T complete with 16mmC from pushbuttons to door operator for new door 003, between existing corridor and Gift Shop '' ~ 003. Refer to Architectural drawings for exact locations of pushbuttons. LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN , And Partners Inc. I I, per: Rupnarain Dharry P:{20062000-0656NOCSICONST12001~08%AUD E02.000 LEIPCIGER ~' ICAMINKER MITELMAN ' 2' And Partners Inc. N~ , 1f1S/°(70j 11:06 F:tS d16-1457 SS9 LISJI iNll P.~H 3"NEHJ !NC V.4 utla: uu: i ' l.EIPCIGER KAMINKER ' ~ N(ITELMAA( A'nd Partners lnc. CONSULTING ENpNE£R Barry Bryan Associates Attention: Chris Moves RECEI~I'ED NOU 1 5 2005 ~Y~ANOd1~3t)9l~t~ 5 ~,~„ t ~ MECHANfCAL ADDENDUM ADD M-02 Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario TORONTO OFFIOE 235 LesmiN Raatl Tartmta. Ontario ~zv, Tel: (41by 4458235 Fex:(a~6}445.7885 IkooGglkm~eng.tom w.wJ.lton~eng.com 2005 November 15 Fax: 1(gQ5)666-5256 LKM No. 2004-0656 cc THfS ADDENDUM SHALL FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, ANO ALL CWWGES AND COST SNALL BE INCLUDED IN TnE sIDAMOUNT. 1. Reference washroom venting detail, detail is attached. a. See attached sketch describing preferred venting of the washroom as requested by Gty of Claring[an plumbing inspector. All other ways of venting will be allowed as tong. as they are in conformance with OBC and specification. 2. Reference non freeze hose bib location a. NPFIS on shown at gridfines A18 sha11 be located at grldlines 618 as shown on architectural drawings. LEiPCIGER KAMfNKER MI7ELMAN And{Pa~rtners Inc. ~p per. ~-rG7.6~.u.~.~/`-r t. Risto Basic P ~oa4uoaa oes~ocscoNSnzoo4.arse ADD Moz.ooc ~:~ j~~ '~s-~a1~ (~~-~~ta;l~c, irys~in~e~ !-~los-~3-~8ay 'f -Z rl ~J 1..1.1>:+ten5 1L'U6 FAS d16-1 ~i57A85 LlJS :k'~.U YAKt'^~Lte~ Ire. +~O1DC;""' '~ ~ , '. ', 1 '='NR.v ' t2oo ~ ~ . ~r ~ ,e ~_ ' r~ ¢i5~ Yc'NT t ~~ ' ?I~~t-~E Tu3t° ~ I a~~ ~- ~a~ w !~ 1 ¢`~ ~~ i _ 1 t ~1 1 ~-~ ;I i 1 ~ Y. A. WOOD ASSOCIATES L1M~TED GONSUCTlNG GEOTECHNIGAL ENGINEERS 1888 7AP&OOTT ROAD, UNIT 26, SCARBOROUCiN. ANTAEtlO MiX 1E7 TELEPF~NE (418) 292.2868 FAX k9: (618) 2.924376 ''' CX~(v3 _ 5.i GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED BRL4NMCFARLANE ' IIDCX~'3'MUSEUM GARNET B. RICHARD RECREATIONCENTRE 2440EINGSTRB'ET iYF.ST I, BOiViti1ANVILLF ONTARIO Ref. No. 4770.5-9 Septem6er?005 Prepared for: The ~1lunicipality afClarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3A6 DISTRIBUTION OCi u 5 205 (4j Copies -The iYfunicipality ofClarington ~''~1'd~w...wt"~'KI. (1J Capies • I:A. Woad Associates Limited ~~® ASSOCM1TE OiFCE V.A. VIIdOD pUELiFBIN:.. 605 YaKMed, fiwbl4 OnoWo, NIE8H7 TEtEPAIONE {819)7481161 '7 ~r i i 1 '' ~'' I~ ~' L~ ',~ '' II~ I' CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................... ............ . ... 1 2.0 FIELD R'ORK ............................. ................Z ~. ~ SUBSURFACE CONDT170NS ................. ............... 3 4.0 GROTINDYI'ATER CONDITIONS ............. . . ............... 4 5.d DISCUSSIONANDREC0~I~IMENDATIONS ...... ............... S 6.0 STATEMENTOFLLI~IITATIONS ................ ...............8 .9PPENDIX APPENDIX'g' ,EArCLOSURES Statemeni ofLlmitarion ~~ BOREHOLE LOCATION PLA1V ... , ....._ ..................... 1 BOREHOLE LOGS ..................................... 2 & 3 '' ''' I, '~ ~' ~~ 1 ',,~ ',' '~ '' ~, ~~ I' 1 E Ref ise~. 4770-3-9 LCt INTRODUCTI©N -I- V.A. N'aod Associates Limited was retained by The tYhonicipal ity afClarington to carry out a geotechnical im~estigation for the proposed Brian McFarlane Kckey Museum at the Garnet B. $ickard Recreation Centre, 1440 King Street Westin Bowmanville, Ontario. It is understood chat the propasedstructure will tonsist ofa single~storeysttzteture attached to the existing recreation centre. It will have a plan area ofabottt 20m x 25m The purpose of the irrvestigation was ro reveal the subsurface conditions and to determine the relevant sotl properties far the design and cortstraction of the foundations far the proposed addition. Ref .rv. X774-5-9 2.r~ k7.~rn woltx _~_ The fteld work was carried out on September 16, 2045 and eansisted of two boreholes at the locations shown on Enelossure 1. The boreholes were advanced to the sampling depths bl' means of apower-auger, eguipped for soil sampling. Standard Penetration tests were carried out at freguent inten~ais of depth and the results are shown on the Borehole Lags as N=values. ' The field work was supervised by a soils iechnictan and the samples were Logged 8y o geatechnicai engineer. Alt samples were transported to our laboratory• for further examination, classificarion and testing. ~: ~1! Red J40. ~7,7U-3-~ _.3" 3.0 SUBSDRFACBC©1VDITIONS ~~I' i' Full details of the soils aruountered in each barehale are given on the Borehole Logs, ' Enclosures ?and 3, and the following notes are intended to summarise this data I~!, ' Botn bareholes encountered a surfacial layer ofd whlah ez7ended to a depth of 0.6 to i.4 metres below grade. This fill is typically comprised of mized ofsand and stir with traces of ' gravel and organic matter. Standard Penetration tests in thfs material gave N-values ' ranging of 9 to 21 blows/300mm, and its moisture content varied between 6 and 163b. ' Based an the test results, the fill is considered to be in a loose to compact condttiorz ' The fill was underlain by a deposit ofs~ silt till, which extended to a the maximum depth ' investigated, at 4. & metres below grade. This till is comprised of a sandy silt marrtx which contained Traces offine to medium gravel. Standard Penetration tests in this depostt gave N-values of 45 to more than 100 blox+s/300mrn, and the natural moisture content ranged ' ,from Eta 7.S% Bused on the teat results, the sandy silt till is considered to have a dense fo very dense ' relative density. Ref rrU, .~~;'0-~-9 _ ¢ ~i.0 GItOIIM)A`ATER COND7TT0?1'S ' 1Vo free water surface was encountered in either of the boreholes, whick were open and dry ra the full depth upon completion of the fieddworlc An examination of the loll samples indicated that. they were generally moist and no colour change was noted in the till. Based on the foregoing; the permanent groundwater table is considered to be located at a depth of at least 4.8 metres below grade. Perched water conditions may occur within the, fill and possible wetland seams in the till. ' Ref i ,;. d i70-3-9 - 5 - 5:0 b„~'SCUSSIdNAND RECOMMENDATTQNS ' ?.l General ' The boreholes encouraered a surfreiaJ layer ftlt 0.6 to l.4 metres thicl~ followed by ' competent deposiu of glacial sill. The permanent groundwater table is considered to be located at a depth of at least ~ 8 metres-below existing grade, although perched water condtfidns may occur within the fill and possible wet sand searrcr in the ti1L It is understood that the building will be asingle-storey structure with no basement, and will have the same fmishedflaar elevation as the existingstructure. Full details offhe proposed ' structure were not available at the time of this report, and the following recommendations should be reviewed when these details are available. ' S.2 Foundations The fell is considered not suitable foundation material. The foundation of the proposed stricture should, dherefore, extend to or below the surface of the dense to very dense sandy silt tilt, which is capable ojsupporting Wormed spread footings designed to an aTIowable bearing pressure of 350 kPa. 7"nis suitable foundation material was encouruered in '~ Ref h~~ .1770-5-9 Borehotes i and 2 at a depth of 0.6 and 1.~ metres below grade, respectively. ~ [ 1 -6- A11 exterior footings or {outings in unheated areas should be locrued at least 1.2 metres below fcnished grade _{or adequate frost protection. Footings located adjacent to the existing building should be founded on native soil below the existing footings. The slopes between footings should be inclined such that elevation d~erences between ate'acentfootingsarenatmorethanahalfofthehorizora`aldistancebetweenthem, inclu~ng the footings of the existing structure. It is estimated that the total and ifi,~jerential settlements of footings designed to the above bearingprsssure will8e lessthan 25 and20mm respectively. These are normallyconsidered to be acceptable for the proposed shztcture. The mintmunn footing sizes should not be less than those specked in the Natrona! Building Code of Canada It is recommended that alt footing excavations be inspected bygeatechnrcal personnel from V.A. Woad Associates Limited to ensure the founding sous are similar to those ident~ed in the Borehole Logy. and that they are capabl a of supporting the design loads. 1~ 1 Ref Ivu. 470-5-9 ~. Slab-On-Grade -'- It is understood that the ftnished floor of the addition wilt be at the same elevation as the existing structure. It is noted that the area. is an existing concrete patio. In this case, the subgrade for the slab-on-grade is likely to consist of a thin layer of fitl underlain by dense till. The proposedsubgradesiiouldbeincpectedandapprovedbyarepresentativefromthis o,~ce. A layer of weif-graded free-draining granulm material, at least 150 mm thick and compacted to 98% ofits Standard Proctor maximum drydenstty, should be placed under the ftoor slab to provide a uniform bearing surface and to act as a vapour barrier. 1.~1 Excavation and Groundwater Control No major construction problems due to water are anticipated with excavations of less than 9metresbeloweristirtggrade. However, provisionshouldbemadeforthecontrolofsutface water and possible minor subsurface seepage from the ftll bypumping from local sumps, as and when required. Excavations of more than 1.2 metres in depth should be cut back to a side sdooe of 1:1. Alternatively, the excavation should be supported using adequately braced sheeting. '' ',,, Ref tti`o_ d77D-.i-9 - 8 - 0.0 S7.4TEMENT OFLIMITI4TIONS '. I, ',' The statement of Limrtatian presem'ed on .4ppendiar A' is an integral pari of this report. '' ~':A. R'ODD ASSOCIATESLIMITE'D Prepared by: /~'~'~`~ Rer6ato Quiambao, B. Sc. Reviewed by., ~„+~~ ' ~ v. wooa h. ' V. Waad, MBng., '. ' , RQ-vw ~~ ~, '~ ', ~: 1 I � APPENDIX �a Ref 71~c X770.5-9 APPENDIX "A' ' STATEMENT DF'LIMITATTON 1 ' The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based on information determined ' at the borehole Locations and on geological data ofageneral nature which mcry be available for the area investigated Soil and ,groundwater conditions between and be}rond the h u boreholes may differ from t ose enco ntered at the borehole locations. and conditions may ' becomeappta•entduringconstruciionwhichwouldrtotbedeteetedoranticipatedatthetime of the soil investigation. bGe recommend that we be retained to ensure that all necessary stripping, subgrade preparation and compaction requirements are met, and to corlftrm that the soil conditions do not deviate materially from those encountered in the boreholes. Ix races where this ' recommendation is not followed tha comoarrv's resaansiblity is limited to int retin accurately the information encountered at the boreholes. This report is applicable only to the project described in the introduction, constructed ' substantially in accordance with details• ojaltgnment and elevations quoted in the test. i i ~~ ENCLOSURES ~r ~~ ,~ ~~ .,r ~~ ~, ~ Re€ercnr ra : d?145•J Borehole No : l EneMwrr No : 2 i Client : Mimirilue0ty nf'L'Wringtoa . ~' ~ FroJoet:Pevpasal Raekey Almeum Nfefhad: Augnr Lotafbn :7Ad0'Ainp St Weer, BowmanrOk, ON D4meur: !lOnm '' Darnm Eleva0on: Dace: SepOemhcr]6. 2f105 SUBSURFACE PROFILE sAOIPLE I. ~ I i a . I ! I ~ ~ Srindard Water'74 z ~; Bncripfion ~ ~ ~ ~ - Pe¢ttraflaa PWI~lImiY ,~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ e $ I a > . L1quW. Limit e ~ c.I ~I~I Z ~~ Z 30 40 60 00100 FD 10 JO 44 SO 6 G ~' ~ 0 1 Graondsnsfart ~ ~ = F FILL ' -~~ Mixed land and all[ with traeeaof 1~If ! ~ -0.6 ~ i grnval and erguic mafWr, rraPbh hrowa dam . bnse .! ~' 11- :~ j 2 SS 45 ~ ~_ '~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~ .~ 3 1 Ss 157 ~~ r s i ~~ ( I saunrslcr ntc c d j~ ~ bn i~ i I~~ j pmaa m ve7 dense. trace gravel, '' ~ ' 1 3. braw4 moist ~ ( y ~ I I • ~., ~ d- ~ ". i I i i ~ ~, _ ~ j I ~ Ali J fi i i b l SS l00# ? (' t r End e1' Borchok I I K- ~ i ''f € t i ~ ~ ~ E f ~ ~ l ~ ~ i i ~ i Ef i { } ~ 6 ? f l f ~ j _ ~ f Y.A. Wood Associates Limited ~~ ` ~ Shen : ] of l '~ ~f 1 1 '1 1 ''I 1 1 1 Refercnes +a :. 4770.5.5 Bosehole No : Z ~ EndmurclVa:3 ~w.... a:.++~,+ Borehnk No:2 - ~.w:~ Cliewt : Munieipality •e Clarington Project: Proposal Hockey Masevm Method :Auger ~nI~:M~Ya~~MNMrv IWOW:.~uM ~~e6~.IM/Y[gg6~+niM.ON li~ee:l~be L•ca#i•e:2440 Kiwg St. Wea4.B•wmanviOe. ON Iliamehr: IlOmm w 6Ymd: Ao:bpuW ILIW Datum Elevadan : Dah :September ]G, 2003 SllBSUMn<6PXOPIL[ SUU5URPACE PROp[t.E SAMPLE ~ I ~ i z ~~ StuWard I Wihr•A { ~ e ' OwMlr ~ ~ i Deeuipti•n y ~ a 1 ~ ~ b~suYa Pewelratioa ~~ P .6 i t y IJq•id ]dmlt ~ ~ ~ i y m.!'v`~ 6 ~ ~ ~ F i F i Z 20 d0 60 80 i00 WWMIY y 10 20 Sll N SO MA a d i u 'Ground Surface ! 1 I I I I 1 I i ~ I I t S ~ SS f 4 Fpl l ~ Mined sand and sikwlth traces •f m I I i~nu MNrt~b gravel sad •rgank maker, m•rs at m~ lower patrisn, greyish brawn, damp u~v FnYaLq~~aY~ l 3 2 Y SS A 27 ~ sYtls rW~ i S• maidt, lose tawmpaet We -L4 ! j ~ l t i i 3 ffi I SS IM 100+ ~ I ~o I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ( ~ I w I ~ ~ d S 5S P 3t I i i ~ I ¢ ~ i 1 _ i } 'HroY9L1TLL 13~ 5'AMOYSILTTILL- ~ ~ I 1 i ~ Very ttenm. trace gravel, brcwv, vnl~wr.~~O^Y•Ywe. ~ 5 15 I b SS INr 100+ moot E . € ., I _ V ~ i i 4 ° • i ..~ I , .i: ~~ . 1 1 -4.8 ! '~ 6 Y 55 how 100+ f i l k ;. i w+WYY i $~ En6 oe Horehole i ~ i 9 ~ 1 I ~ I ~ d- I i I ~ I i i I { I dik~v. DiekNo dk V.A. WoodAssociater Limited V.A. Wood Associates Limited 9ee:I N1 Shat: 1 •el il~ II~ I~ '~ 1 II ~~ ~~ ~i Cc: PRE-QUALIFIED BIDDERS CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATIONS LKM and Partners Inc. GSM Design Expositions George Acorn Addendum 4 - includes a total of 12 pages CORPORATION OF- THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANViLLE, ONiARlO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 Clam n Leadin the Wa ~~ g Y Tuesday, November 22, 2005 Attention: All Potential Bidders Dear Sir/Madam: i a QA[aC5 VIA: PHONE & FAX RE: ADDENDUM #4, TENDER CL2005-46 CONSTRUCTION OF THE BRIAN MCFARLANE HOCKEY MUSEUM Bidders are hereby advised of the attached Addendum #4. 1) Revisions to Reference Drawings E101 & E801, Drawing ADD-E03-1. 2) As requested in the tender document, please find attached the "CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY- POLICY PROCEDURES, HEALTH & SAFETY PRACTICE .FORM" which must be completed and included as part of your tender submission. All tender submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly, C--FYI d~~ ~t~'/~' Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB"km BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES (1991) Limited Addendum No. 4 Page 1 of 1 Project No.: Date: Project: 04103 November 22, 2005 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 j The following information supplements andlor supersedes the bid documents issued on November 2, 2005. Archhects This Addendum forms part of the contract documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all Engineers other parts. The cost of all contained herein is to be included in the contract sum. The Following revisions Landscape Architect supersede the information contained in the original drawings and specifications issued far the above-named Project Managers project to tha extent referenced and shall become part thereof. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by inserting its number and date on the Tender Forth. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification. Drawings: 4.1 Refer to Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partners Inc. Electrical Addendum No E- . 03 dated November 22, 2005 (2 pages). End of Addendum No. 4 Chris Moves CMlIp S 11 Stanley Court, Unit 1 Whitby, Ontario ' Canada L1N SP9 Tel¢ 180616665252 Toronto: 190 61 42 744 9 6 Fax: t9051866~6266 Email: 66a@b6a~archenB~com www.bha-archenp.com Pormm 6.1.3 Rev. #0 1a.[ 041 WA22t 105.#4.wptl Attachments: Electrical Addendum No. E-03 i i LEIPCIGER KAMINKER ' MITELMAN ` And Partners Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM ADD E-03 Barry Bryan Associates Attention: Chris Maves Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario TORONTO OFFICE 235 Lesmill Road Toronto, Ontario M36 2V1 Tel: (416) 445-8255 Fax: (416) 445-7885 Ikm~lkm-eng.com www.lkm~ng.com 2005 November 22 Fax: 1(905)666-5256 LKM No. 20040656. THIS ADDENDUM SHALL FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND ALL CHANGES AND COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE 61D AMOUNT. 1. REFERENCE DRAWINGS E101 & E801. .1 Pole for type 'P' luminaire shall be Square Straight Steel 20'-0" long pole, c/w provisions for grounding, dark bronze polyester power paint finish and full-base cover with finish to match existing. Poie shall be mounted on concrete base as per attached detail ADD- E03-1. Cat # Lithonia - SSS 20 4G series or Engineer Approved Equal. LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN And Partners Inc. per: Rupnarain Dharry P;120 0 412 0 04-06 5 61DOCSICONST120040656 ADD E03.DOC Paoe ? 1 I I 1 1 E, ~, 1 t 1 1 t ~f OA POST Alaat BW6 nC Cl6alrf FDf! PaRA 7ae6 16Y • 006eNn R6 S T trip' YE7XXElE U1fl! { hON B a 40611n W COYER ~ FOEE al1lR ~.~~ Itlg$ 1. ma67E SIIE7IOIXI~&RWL E 70IA L ~FEA~10 ~ (R') R~EIp1 fA/eF. PIgY BOROY 1 70R ewer IaemoN ar LICIf I61Rr[ ILtm ro tnaR. ~. mRRWTpt m ~' OR1RIa ~ N Pate ~ at6at PRat ro SEIINa mans L 16/MIY a two ma2rs faR rAax COIaLTE rauaml. TYPE 'P' LIGHT Fl R aecv nF'r u u oRl W w~ OFPRI 0 lam) uxcrl W Ja Im x a t3 6i L16 N • 206 70 216 N a Lao 7a i16 x a LOp L7 Lb N F ZJb W La X a 7S 1pd LIO N • 7M 17.0 L76 X 4260 130 L10 N i 270 1L1 106 N a 210 LEIPCIGER KAMINKER ' MITELMAN `And Varlnere Ine. CGNNI]NC BNi~18 TORONTO SUDBURY (~ ~ s}~s-erss ~ (cos}sus-sss OI\OY\ ~ryE1.PY1\G ~ ~ 1 oR1e1 ~ ~ ~ 2004-0656 n: R0. aw~a NL Na-. 2~ 2a~ /~a-E~3-~ N.TS. pAR( OF ORAWNIC E101 CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE POLICY: t .Contractors and Sub-contractors are responsible to ensure that their personnel are updated on all safety concerns of the workplace and are aware of the safety requirements as required by the Contractor under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Safety pertormance will be a consideration in the awarding of contract. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Section 23 (1), (2)), it is the constructor's responsibility to ensure that: • the measures and procedures prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations are carried out on the rp oiect; - every employer and every worker pertorming work on the ro'ect complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations (under the Act); and • Where so prescribed, a constructor shall, before commencing any work on a project, give to a Director notice in writing of the project containing such information as may be prescribed. DEFINITIONS: Contractor- any individual or firm engaged by the Municipality to do work on behalf of the Municipality Project - means a construction project, whether public or private, including: • the construction of a building, bridge, structure, industrial establishment, mining plant, shaft tunnel, caisson, trench, excavation, highway, railway, street, runway, parking lot, cofferdam, conduit, sewer, watermain, service connection, telegraph, telephone or electrical cable, pipe line, duct or well, or any combination thereof; the moving of a building or structure; and any work or undertaking, or any lands or appurtenances used in connection with construction. Construction -includes erection, alteration, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, painting, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating, trenching, digging, boring, drilling, blasting, or concreting, the installation of any machinery or plant, and any work or undertaking in connection with a projeci. CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... Constructor- means a person who undertakes a project for an owner and includes an owner who undertakes all or part of a project himself or by more than one employer. Project Manager -means the municipal management representative who has responsibility for a contract. PROCEDURE: The following items are required before any Contractors are hired by the Municipality: a) Before beginning a project, the project manager or designate must determine whether an desi nated b t y g su s ances/hazardous materials are (or will be) present at the site and prepare a list of all these substances. b) The project manager or designate must include, as part of the request for tender/quotations, a copy of the above mentioned list. The list of designated substances/hazardous materials must be provided to all prospective constructors and/or contractors. c) The request for tendedquotations will require prospective contractors to include a list of the designated substances/hazardous materials that will be brought onto the work site and material safety data sheets. d) Before awarding a contract, the contractors} will be required to complete and sign the Health and Safety Practice Form (Schedule "A"). The Purchasing Office will maintain all contractors' safety pertormance records. e) As part of the tender/quotation conditions, before award of a contract, the contractor must provide details of their Health and Safety program. f) The project manager or designate, if necessary, will provide the successful contractor with a workplace orientation which will include, but not be limited to identifying known potential hazards, hazardous material inventory and material safety data sheets for the sites. CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... g) Before the start of the assignment the following documentation will be provided to the successful contractor, by the project manager or delegate: i) copies of the Municipal Corporate Health and Safety Program ii ) departmental health and safety policies iii) workplace procedures regarding health and safety practices t h) The contractor has the responsibility to provide any and all prescribed personal protective equipment for their own workers, to include as a minimum but not limited to hard hats and safety boots. If a worker(s) fails to comply with any program, policy, rule or request regarding health and safety, that person(s) is not allowed on the site until the person(s) s complies. i) The Municipality will retain the right to document contractors for all health and safety warnings and/or to stop any contractors' work if any of the previously mentioned items are not in compliance. Similarly, the Municipality will have the right to issue warnings and/or to stop work if there are any violations by the contractor of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal Health and Safety programs, policies, rules, and/or if the contractor creates an unacceptable health and safety hazard. Written warnings and/or stop work orders can be given to contractors using Bojtractor Health and Safety Warning/Stop Work Order Form (Schedule j) Where applicable, the Municipality will retain the right to allow municipal employees to refuse to work in accordance with the established policy and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, in any unsafe conditions. k) The Purchasing Department will maintain current certificates of clearance until all monies owing have been paid to the contractor. I) Responsibility for ensuring contractor compliance to this policy falls upon the project manager or designate. This will include identification, evaluation and control practices and procedures for hazards and follow-up and issuing of Contractor Health and Safety Warning/Stop Work Orders. T .CONTRACTOR SAFETY '~ POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE FORM To Contractor(s): ~~ The Municipality of Clarington is committed to a healthy and safe working environment for all workers. To ensure the Municipal workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, contractors, constructors and subcontractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other legislation pertaining to employee health and safety. In order to evaluate your company's health and safety experience, please provide the accident/incident and/or Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) information noted below, where applicable. • The New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) -The WSIB experience rating system for non-construction rate groups ............... ......................................................... • The Council Amended Draft #7 (CAD-7) Rating -The WSIB experience rating system for construction rate groups ....................................................................... Injury frequency performance for the last two years -This may be available from the contractors trade association. Has the contractor received any Ministry of Labour warnings or orders in the last two years? (If the answer is yes, please include the infraction). Confirmation of Independent Operator Status - The WSIB independent operator number assigned: (Bidders to include the letter confirming this status and number from WS1B wifh theirbid submission). CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY As a contractor working for the Municipality of Clarington, I/we will comply with all procedures and requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal safety policies, department and site specific polices and procedures and other applicable legislation or regulations. I/we will work safely with skill and care so as to prevent an accidental injury to ourselves, fellow employees and members of the public. ' 1. The contractor/successful tenderer certifies that it, its employees, its subcontractors and their employees: a) are aware of their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended from time to time, and all Regulations thereunder (the 'Act's; and b) have sufficient knowledge and training to perform all matters required pursuant to this contract/tenderssfely and in compliance ^ with the Act. 2. In the pertormance of all matters required pursuant to this contract/tender, the contractoNsuccessful tenderer shall: a) act safely and comply in all respects to the Act, and b) ensure that its employees, its subcontractors and their employees act safely and comply with .all aspects with the Act. 3. The contractoNsuccessful tenderer shall rectify any unsafe act or practice and any non-compliance with the Act at its expense immediately upon being notified by any person of the existence of such act, practice or non- compliance. 4. The contractoNsuccessful tenderer shall permit representatives of the Municipality and the Health and Safety Committee on the site at any time or times for the purpose of inspection to determine compliance with this contract/tender. 5. No act or omission by any representative of the Municipality shall be deemed to be an assumption of any of the duties or obligations of the contractodsuccessful tenderer or any of its subcontractors under the Acf. ' CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued ' 6. The contractor/successful tenderer shall indemnify and save harmless the Munici alit : p y ' a) from any loss, inconvenience, damage or cost to the Municipality which may result from the- contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees failing to act ' safely or to comply in all respects with the Actin the performance of any matters required pursuant to this contract/tender; ' b) against any action or claim, and costs related thereto, brought against the Municipality by any person arising out of any unsafe act or practice or any non-compliance with the Act by the ' contractodsuccessful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees in the pertormance of any matter required pursuant to this contract/tender; and c) from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality (or any of its council members or ' employees) shall be made a party to any charge under the Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract/tender. Contractor Name of Person Signing for Contractor Signature of Contractor Date ~,_ ' CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... Schedule "B" CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER ' The purpose of this form is to: (Issuer to check one of the following) ' ^ Provide warning to the contractor to immediately discontinue the unsafe work practices, if it affects our workplace, described below. ^ Direct the contractor to immediately cease all work being performed under this contract due to the unsafe work practice described below. PART "A" -DETAILS OF CONTRACT CONTRACTOR/P.O. # DESCRIPTION: NAME OF FIRM: ,.. CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... PART "B" -DETAILS OF INFRACTION (TO BE COMPLETED BY ISSUER) DATE AND TIME OF INFRACTION DESCRIPTION OF INFRACTION, INCLUDING LOCATION: ORDER GIVEN BY MUNICIPALITY: DID THE CONTRACTOR COMPLY WITH THIS ORDER? DATE AND TIME OF COMPLIANCE: ISSUED TO: CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEE TITLE ISSUED BY: MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT TITLE PART "C" -ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THIS SECTION TO BE USED INTERNALLY TO RECORD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SUBSE( TO ISSUING THE WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER, I.E. DATE AND TIME WORK RESUMED, FURTHER ACTION TAKEN, ETC. r ~ ~~~lrl ~ ~;`~0 1 . Le¢ding the W¢y ;';' Thursday, November 24, 2005 Attention: All Potential Bidders Dear Sir/Madam: VIA: PHONE & FAX RE: ADDENDUM #5, TENDER CL2005-46 CONSTRUCTION OF THE BRIAN MCFARLANE HOCKEY MUSEUM Bidders are hereby advised of the attached Addendum #5, being a revised tender form to include changes provided for in Addendum #3. ~ All tender submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly, 1 Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB`km Cc: PRE-QUALIFIED BIDDERS CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATIONS LKM and Partners Inc. GSM Design Expositions George Acorn 1 .Addendum 5 - (This includes: Cover letter, Pages 1 to 5 -Division 0, Section 00200) CORPORA7fON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ?C TEMPERANCE S?BEET, BON~M1^J~. MI!LLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(9C5', 62333?9 ' DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Pa e 1 ' The Office of the Clerk ' The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3E6 ' Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, Municipality of Clarington 2440 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario Contract No. CL2005-46 Sir: 1.0 We agree for the C ( ompany Nama) Stipulated Price stated below to supply all necessary labour, materials, plant, equipment, services and overtime work as may ba required for the execution and completion of all work in connection wHh the above referenced project for the Corporation of the Municipaltty of Clarington, in accordance with I ' nstructions to Bidders, the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's Standard Terms and Conditions, the General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, Specifications and Drawings, prepared for that purpose by Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited, Whitby, Ontario and to the entire satisfaction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington: STIPULATED PRICE Ip.pw.roapresr~ ' Dollars ($ )- 2.0 Goods and Services Tax (GST) at 7% to be added to.the Stipulated Price $ ' 3 0 The Stipulated Price incl d CASH ALLO . u es WANCES in the amount of $29,000.00 (Twenty-nine Thousand Dollars) as listed in the Instructions to Bidders. ' 4.0 W e agree the Owner reserves the right to accept or reject prices bid for the work or for any portion of the work. 5.0 W e agree that the Owner reserves the right to take any financial benefit, from alternates submitted, into consideretioh in the evaluation of all tenders and the subsequent award of the Contract. 6.D W e agree to complete all work including necessary overtime work pursuant to this Contract in the period required to meet the scheduled completion dates as specified. 7.0 W e have received and included for Addenda No. _ to _ in the Stipulated Price. 8.0 We agree that the Owner may award a Contract based on any combination of the Stipulated Lump Sum Price, Separate Prices and Alternate Prices. 9.0 In the event that work extra to' that included in the Contract is required, and is authorized in writing by the Owner, the Contractor will add the following percentages to the cost of the work. Overhead Profit General Contractor's Work Subcontractor's Work D{103-00200-0.Lwptl @1 ~, DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 2 10.0 W e submit the following Separate Prices which are included in the Stipulated Price (Separate prices shall include G.S.T.j: A. All work identified on GSM Build drawings including floorand ceiling junction boxes and associated conduit. $ 8: Fire alarm wiring from ITfElectrical Closet 009 to the Fire Alarm ConVOI Panel in lieu of location shown at SV-103. $ 1 t.0 We submit the following Separate Prices which are not included in the Stipulated Pirce (Separate prices shall include G.S.T.j: A. Foralldifferencesbetweenthepre-action sprinkler system specified and a wet system. Include in this separate price a floor drain, heat detectors c/w conduit and wiring, pipe difference and all other differences required to complete the work. $ B. .For the deletion of the window sprinkler system indicated on mechanical Drawing No. M201 and revisions to screens SC01 to SCOS as indicated in Addendum No. 3. Include in this all revisions to plan and shades associated vuRh screen revisions. $ 12.0 W e submit the names of subcontractors upon whose tender the stipulated price was based: TRADE FIRM ADDRESS Excavation and Sackfill Site Services 1 Structural Steel and Steel Joists Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Metal Cladding Aluminum Windows and Doors ' Gvosum Board and Acoustic Tile Millwork ~'~ 1 Sprinklers HVAC O~t03-00100-R i.wptl 1. DlvlsloN o SECTION 00200 ' TENDER FORM Pa e 3 - - ' - 13.0- - Un1YPrices: AdtlitionefworkwilPba completed in accordance with the following schedule ofunit rates, an approval of the Consultant, exclusive of overhead and profit Unit rates include all h f . c arges ar supply and installation, supervision, plant and tools. Deletions shall be deducted from additions before unit rates are applied. Credits will be deducted from extras before overhead and profh are added. All work will be performed in accordance with the Contract documents. Provincial tax is included in the unit rates Goods and i t . serv ces ax is not included in the unit rates. Unit Prices for Additions and Deletions: Nature of Work Additions Deletions A. OPSS Granular'A' backfill (supply, place and compact) par m'. ' B. OPSS Granular'B' backfill (supply, place and compact) per m'. C. OPSS sand fill (supply, place and compact) per m'. ' ~ D. Clear crushed stone fill (supply, place and compact) perm'. E. Reinforcing steel, supply and place, per metric tonne. F. 25 MPA concrete-in-place perm'. ' G. Structural steel per metric tonne. 14.0 W e have carefully examined all the Tender Documents, have vished the Slte, and have a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the W ork required underthis Contract and of all the working conditions and schedule requirements. ' 15.0 W e the undersigned agree that this Tender Is valid and irrevocable and subJectto acceptance by the Owner without notice to us for a period of Ninety (90) days from date of receipt of Tender, and that if notified of award of Contract, we will within ten (10) days of receipt of notification of Acceptance of Tender: a) Furnish tc the Owner, copies of insurance policies as required by the Conditions of the Contract. b) Furnish to the Owner a breakdown of the Stipulated Price in such form and detail as required by the Owner for progress payments and internal accounting purposes. c) Furnish tothe Owner, a Performance Bond and a Labourand Material PaymentBond, issued by a Su rely acceptable to the Owner, each for an am ou nt equalling 100% of the lender Price to ensure the Lull and proper completion of the Contract. d) Commence the work forthwith after the execution of a Contract or when notified to do so by the Owner and to execute the work continuously to completion. Time shall be the essence of the Contract and the work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule outlined in the Contract Documents. e) Furnish to the Owner a Clearance Certificate of the Workers' Compensation Board at any time when requested thereafter. f) Submit within three (3) days of award of the contract a detailed construction schedule to the Owner for approval. g) Fumish to the Owner a copy of our Corporate Safety Policy. 16.0 W herever the plural is used herein, the same shall be read and construed as if the singular had been used where the facts and context so requires and as if all necessary grammatical changes had been made. oatoe-oozooat.pe ' DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 4 17.0 Bid Security: Attached to this tender Form is a bid deposit in the amount required by the Instructions to Bidders. IlWe the undersigned agree that if I/We wfthdrew this tender or default in executing a contract or providing the required Performance Security in accordance with the terms of the bid documents, the Owner shall have sustained liquidated damages in the amount equal to the difference between the amount of this bid and the amount for which the Owner legally contracts with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount exceeds the former up to a maximum of the amount of the bid deposR and such amount shall become the property of the Owner. 1 18.0 Bands: Attached to this Tender is an agreement to bond in the amount of 100% for Performance, and 100% for Materials and Labour Payment. 19.0 SafetvForm:AttachedtothisTenderisacompletedcopyoftheMunlcipalityofCladngtonHealthand Safety Practice Form. L_~ ' 01103-00200~R t.wptl DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 5 20.0 Signature and Seal of Bidder: Street Address Name of Company City or Town Signature of Company Official Postal Code Name and Title Telephone No. Date Signature of Company Official Name and Title SEAL Facsimile No. Tenderer's G.S.T. Registration No. If the bidding firm is a limited company, the company seal must appear on this Bid Form with the signature(s) of the proper signing official(s). 0103-00200-R1.wOtl l.- j ~` DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Pege.9 ' The Office of the Clerk The Corporation of ttte Municipality of Clarngton 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvllle, Ontario L9 C 3E6 - Re: Brian MoFarlane Hockey Museum at the Garnet B. Riokard Recreation Complex, Municipality of Clarington 2440 King Street West, Bowmanvllle, Ontario Contract No. CL2005-d6 Sir: r~ 1.0 We ~~ ~NU(~~TR~~T ~~~ ~cY• agreefoithe (Company Nama) StlpulatadPrlcastatedbelowtosupplyallnecessarylabour,materiels,plent,equipment,servicesend overtime work as may be required for the execution and completion of all work in connection with the above referenced project for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clartngton, in accordance with Instructions to Bkldars, the Corporation of the Municipality at Clarington's Standard Terms and Conditions, the General Conditions; Supplem enta,ry General Conditions, Specifications end Drawings, prepared for that purpose by Barry • Bryan Associates {1991) Limited, W hltby, Ontario and to the entire satisfaction at the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington: STIPULATED PRICE t.mw.mpwoaT~ - 9uC MesIUGREi~ ralz~ 1.~+~~NetusA-YJ FtVF+~w~O¢a0 LalLAOs _ ~ ~ °)d') ~ - ). Dollars (S eo 2.0 Goods and Services Tax (G ST) et 7°h to be added to the Stipulated Price $ bt'ot X65-• 3.0 The Stipulated Price includes CASH ALLOWANCES ih the amount of 128,000.00 (Twenty-nine Thousand Dollars) as listed in the InsVUCtloris to Bidders. 4.0 W e agree the Owner reserves the right to accept or reject pricec bid for the work or for any portion of the work. 5.0 W e agree that the Owner reserves the right to take eriy financial benefit, from alternates submitted, Inteconcideratioh in the evaluation of all tenders and the subsequent award of the Contract. 6.0 W e agree to complete all work including necessary overtime work pursuant to this Contract in the ' pecified. period requiretl to meat the scheduled completion dates as s G 7.0 We have received and included for Addenda No. ~ to.S in the Stipulated Price. 8.0 W e agree that the Owner may award a Contract based on any combination of the Stipulatad.Lump Sum Price, Separate Prices and AOarnats Prices. 9.0 In the event that work extra to that Included in the Contract is required, end is authorized in wrtting ' by the Owner, the Contractor will add the Tollowing percentages to the cast o4 the work. Overhead Profit General Cantractor'c Work lDl• a'tSrt ~~. Subcontracto's 1Mork Icy ~ ' _ oN a3-00]op-q Lwpe 1 (~ r ~' DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 2 ' 10.0 W e submitthe following Separate Prices which are included in the Stipulated Price (Separate prices shall include G.S.T.): A. All work identified on GSM Build drawings including Oaor and ceiling ee junction boxes and associated conduit. $ 53t(o0D ~ B. Fire alarm wiring from ITlElectrlcal Closet 009 to the Fire Alarm eb Control Panel in Ileu of location shown at SV-103. $ ~~ 71.0 W e submit the following Separate Prices which are not included in the Stipulated Piice (Separate prices shell inclutle G.S.T.): A. Forelldiiferencesbetweenthepre-ectionspdnkfersystemspecifiad and a wet system. Include in this separate price a fbor drain, heat detectors c/w conduit and wiring, pipe difference and all other lete the work dlifarences required to com ~ $~~d . p . B. .For the deletion of the window sprinkler system Indicated on mechanleal Drawing No. M201 and revisions to screens SCOt to SC05 as indicated in Addendum No. 3. Include in this ail d h i d ith i ~ ~' rJ60 s ades assoc ate w screen revis ons. revisions to plan an . $ 12.0 We submit the names of subcontractors upon whose tenderthe stipulated price was based: TRADE FIRM ADDRESS Exceva0on and Backfill 8EH14p! mBe,a~2.f. Site Services '~ u Landscaping 1OQ Jt W Ce uEf. Structural Steel and Steel Joists Lt tan q Hollow Metal Doors and Frames ~i $ Metal Cladding ~ $ MI Aluminum Windows and Doors ~yyt y eolyou Gypsum Board and Acoustic Tile 5- ~ rrtb~ Millwork M L Plumbing 'm~l~s~C2 ~ ~ Sprinklers S ~te~' E2N HVAC ~~ 17 ~ Electrical ~Qlst~ (!p15p~Q,(~ ~~ 0<103-00200•Rt.rpd l,~ i~ 1 DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 3 ' 13.0 UnitPrieee:Additionalworkwillbecompletadinaccordancewiththefollowingscheduleofunitrates, an approval of the Consultant, exclusive of overhead and profit. Unit rates Include all charges for supply and insteMation, supervision, plant and tools. Deletions shell be deducted from additions ' before unit rates are applied. Credits will be deducted from extras before overhead and profit are added. All work will ba performed in ecwrdance with the Contract documents. Provincial taz is included In the unit rates. Goods and services tax is not Included in the unit rates. Unit Prices for Additions and Deletions: Nature of W ork A dd itions A. OPSS Granular'A' baekflll (supply, place and compact) per m' n~ ,jt . ~r~/~~3 B. OPSS Granular'B' Oackfill (supply, place and compact) perm'. Mv'~/K73 C. OPSS sand fill (supply, place and compact) per m'. 0.~~%m3 D. Clear crushed stone fill (supply, place and compact) per m'. .~/YM3 ~ ~~~~ ~n1 E. Reinforcing steel, supply and place, per metric tonne. rlrt[.iJ~ ' ~~~~ F. 25 MPA concrete-in-place per m . G. Structural steel per metric tonne. ~QU7~ Deletions 2or~jf,i~ 13.x% ~ 12 QO~rn 3 22.~m3 ~ZOO~ . l1D yyf 3 1,5o~j`r. r t 14.0 We have carefully examined all the Tender Documents, have visited the Site, and have a clear and com prehenslve knowledge of the W ork raqulred untlar this Contract and of all the working conditions and schedule requirements. 15.0 W e the undersigned agree thetthis Tender is valid and irrevoce6le and subject to acceptance by the Owner without notice to us for a period of Ninety (90) days from date of receipt of Tender, and that if notified of award of Contract, we will within tan (10) tlays of receipt of notification of Acceptance of Tender: a) Furnish to the Owner, copies of insurance policies as required by the Conditions of the Contract. h) Furnish to the Owner a breakdownof the Sllpulatetl Price in such form and detail ae raqulred by the Owner for progress payments and internal accounting purposes. c) Furnish to the Owner.aPerformancaBOndandaLabaurandMaterlalPaymant8ond,issued by a Surety acceptable to the Owner, each For an amount equalling 100% of the Tender Price to ensure the full and proper completion of the Contract. d) Commence the work forthwith offer the execution of a Contract or when notified to do so by the Owner and to execute the work continuously to completion. Time shall be the essence otthe ContraMand the work shell be completed in accortlance with the schedule outlined in the Contract Documents. e) Furnish to the Owner a Clearance Certificate of the Workers' Compensation Board at any time when requested thereafter. f) Submit within three (3) days of award of the contract a detailed constructWn schedule to the Owner for approval. g) Furnish to the Owner a copy of our Corporate Satety Policy. 16.0 W herever the plural is used herein, the same shall be read and construed as lithe singular had been used where the facts and context so requires and as if ail necessary grammatical changes had been made. onm.aoxoa-RtWOd olwsloN o SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 4 17.0 Bid Securilv: Attached to this tender form is a bid deposit in the amount required by the Instructions to Bidders. I/W a the undersigned agree that if I/We withdraw this tender or default in executing a contract or providing the required Perormance Security in-accordance with the farms otthe bid documents, the Owner shall have sustained liquidated damages in the amountequal to the difference between the amount of this bid and the amount for which the Owner legaly contracts whh another party to perform the work, if the latter amount exceeds the farmer up to a maximum of the amount of the bid deposit and such amount shall become the properly of the Owner. 18.0 Honds: Attached to this Tentler is an agreement to bond in the amountof 100% for Performance, and 100% for Materials and Labour Payment. 19.0 SafetyForm:AttachedtothisTenderisacompletedcopyoftheMunicipalityofCladngtonHealthand Safety Practice Form. oatoo-ooxoo-at..cd -. r DIVISION 0 SECTION 0020D TENDER FORM Pape 5 ' 20.0 Sicnature and Seal of Bidder: 0 LJ 'F? D. $09c °/a¢ 'PEAK ~lCi I I1~ t ~ f GoNSrlpu crlol.i Street Address Name of Company LTb 8tzi6HrDN, gN-c4wn City or Town Signature o ny Official (C,oK f ND TOraY JE~nfliMUS.. '~At2TNER. Postal Code Name and Title 905. 355. 1500 Telephone No. Signature of Company Official NovEMPrEf~ 25~ 2~5 Date 405.355.3238 Facsimile No. 13094 2253 Tenderer's G.S.T. Registration No. Name and Title SEAL If the bidding firm is a limited company, the company seal must appear on this Bid Form with the signature(s) of the proper signing official(s). 04103-00200.wpd 4950 Yonge Sueet, Suite 1400, Madison Centre Toronto, Ontario M2N 6K1 Te1416-223.9580 Fax 416.223-65ii www.gcna.COm ~J ~J Consent of Surety Bond No.8000949-36 Date: November 15, 2005 R'HEI2EAS Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. has submitted a written tender to Corporation of the Municipality of ' Clarington dated 23rd day of November 2005, concerning: Contract No. CL 2005.46 -Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, and the condition of this obligation being such that the Principal shall have the tender accepted within Ninety (90) ' days from the closing date of [ender; we, The Guarantee Company of North America a corporation created and existing under the laws of Canada and duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in Canada as Surety, agree to issue for ' the Principal if the Principal shall enter into a written contract with the Obligee, the following bond(s): 1. a Performance Bond for (100%) of the contract price not exceeding the maximum sum of: One Hundred Percent of Tender Price. 2. a Labour and Material Payment Bond for (100%) of the contract price not exceeding the maximum sttm of One Hundred Percent of Tender Price. This consent shall be null and void unless an application for the said bond(s) is made within thirty (30) days following the awazd of the contract. Enaorsea by - ccDC zzo (Jm. 2003 -Bid Bond CCA -Standard) CCDC 220-2002 has been approved by The Surety Association oFCanada Scrvin~ Y.,rtb America since 1x72 ~; ' CONTRACTOR SAFETY ' POLICY AND PROCEDURE POLICY: Contractors and Sub-contractors are responsible to ensure that (heir personnel are updated on all safety concerns of the workplace and are aware of the safety requirements as required by the Contractor under the Occupational Health and ' Safety Act. Safety performance will be a consideration in the awarding of contract. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Section 23 (1}, (2)), it is the constructor s responsibility to ensure that: • the measures and procedures prescribed by the Occupational Health and t Safety Act and the Regulations are carried out on the aroiect; • every employer and every worker performing work on the ro'ecf complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations (under the Act); and. • Where so prescribed, a constructor shall, before commencing any work on a.project, give to a Director notice in writing of the project containing such information as may be prescribed. DEFINITIONS: Contractor- any individual or firm engaged by the Municipality to do work on behalf of the Municipality Project - means a construction project, whether public or private, including: • the construction of a building, bridge, structure, industrial establishment, mining plant, shaft tunnel, caisson, trench, excavation, highway, railway, street, runway, parking lot, cofferdam, conduit, sewer, watermain, service connection, telegraph, telephone or electrical cable, pipe line, duct or well, or any combination thereof; the moving of a building or structure; and any work or undertaking, or any lands or appurtenances used in connection with construction. Construction -includes erection, alteration, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, painting, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating,. trenching, digging, boring, drilling, blasting, or concreting, the installation of any machinery or plant, and any work or undertaking in connection with a project. CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLtCYAND PROCEDURE Continued... ' Consfrucfor -means a person who undertakes a project for an owner and includes an owner who undertakes all or part of a project himself or by more than one employer. Project Manager- means the municipal management representative who has responsibility for a contract. PROCEDURE: The following items are required before any Contractors are hired by the Municipality: a} Before beginning a project, the project manager or designate must determine whether any designated substanceslhazardous materials are (or will be} present at the site and prepare a list of all these substances. b) The project manager or designate must include, as part of the request for tender/quotations, a copy of the above mentioned list. The list of ' designated substances/hazardous materials must 6e provided to all prospective constructors and/or contractors. c) The request for tender/quotations will require prospective contractors to include a list of the designated substances/hazardous materials that will be brought onto the work site and material safety data sheets. ' d} Before awarding a contract, the contractor(s) will be required to complete and sign the Health and Safety Practice Form (Schedule "A"). The Purchasing Office will maintain all contractors' safety performance records. ' e) As part of the tender/quotation conditions, before award of a contract, the contractor must provide details of their Health and Safety program: ' f) The project manager or designate, if necessary, will provide the successful contractorwith aworkplace orientation which will include, but not be limited to identifying known potential hazards, hazardous material ' inventory and material safety data sheets for the sites. (`_ ~' ' CONTRACTOR SAFETY ' POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... g) Before the start of the assignment the following documentation will be id d ' prov e to fhe successful contractor, by the project manager or delegate: ' I) copies of the. Municipal Corporate Health and Safety Program ii) departmental health and saf t li i e y po c es iii) workplace procedures regarding health and safety practices h} The contractor has the responsibility to provide any and all prescribed personal protective equipment for their own workers, to include as a minimum but not limited to hard hats and safety boots. If a worker(s) fails to comply with any program, policy, rule or request regarding health and safety, that person(s) is ri'o"~'allowed on the site until the persons} ' complies. i} The Municipality will retain the right to document contractors for all health and safety warnings and/or to stop any contractors' work if any of the ' previously mentioned items are not in compliance. Similarly, the Municipality will have the right to issue warnin s and/o t g r o stop work if there are any violations by the contractor of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal Heaith and Safety programs, policies, rules, and/or if the contractor creates an unacceptable health a d f ' n sa ety hazard. Written warnings and/or stop work orders can be given to contractors using Contractor Health and Safety Warning/Stop Work Order Form (Schedule „ , B j) Where applicable, the Municipality will retain the right to allow municipal employees to refuse to work in accordance with the established policy and the Occupational Health and Safety Act in an unsaf i ' , y e cond tions. k) The Purchasing Department will maintain current certificates of clearance ' until all monies owing have been paid to the contractor. I) Responsibility for ensuring contractor compliance to this policy falls upon ' the project manager or designate. This will include identification , evaluation and control practices and procedures for hazards and follow-up and issuing of Contractor Health and Safet W i y arn ng/Stop Work Orders. _ _ r-, CONTRACTOR SAFETY 1 POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE FORM To Contractors}: ' The Municipality of Clarington is committed to a healthy and safe working environment for all workers. To ensure the Municipal workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, contractors, constructors and subcontractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other legislation pertaining to employee health and safety. ' In order to evaluate your company's health and safety experience, please provide the accident/incident andlor Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) information noted ' below, where applicable. • The New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) ' -The WSIB experience rating system for non-construction rate groups ....................................................................... • The Council Amended Draft #7 (CAD-7) Rating -The WSIB experience rating system for construction rate groups _ ~TT'4C-F+-~ ....................................................................... cA~ '~ ' Injury frequency performance for the last two years -This may be available from the contractor's trade association. - ~.-rT°~ ~~ ' .................................... cao ~ • Nas the contractor received any Ministry of Labour warnings or orders in ' the last two years? (If the answer is yes, please include the infraction). ' Confirmation of Independent Operator Status -The WSIB independent operator number assigned: (Bidders fo include the letter confirming this status and number from WS1B wifh their bid submission). 1 ~~ ~ ~-~ ' CONTRACTOR SAFETY t POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY As a contractor working for the Municipality of Clarington, I/we will comply with all procedures and requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal safety policies, department and site specific polices and procedures and other applicable legislation or regulations. I/we will work safely with skill and care so as to prevent an accidental injury to ourselves, fellow employees and members of the public. ' 1. The contractor/successful tenderer certifies that it, its employees, its subcontractors and their employees: ' a) are aware of their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended from time to time, and all Regulations thereunder (the "Act's; and ' b) have sufficient knowledge and training to perform ail matters required pursuant to this contract/tender safely and in compliance ' with the Act. 2. In the performance of all matters required pursuant to this contract/tender, the contractoNsuccessful tenderer shall: a) act safely and comply in alt respects to the Act, and ' b) ensure that its employees, its subcontractors and their employees act safely and comply with all aspects with the Act. 3. The contractor/successful tenderer shall rectify any unsafe act or practice and any non-compliance with the Act at its expense immediately upon being notified by any person of the existence of such act, practice or non- compliance. ' 4. The contractor/successful tenderer shall permit representatives of the Municipality and the Health and Safety Committee on the site at any time or times for the purpose of inspection to determine compliance with this ' contract/fender. 5. No act or omission by any representative of the Municipality shall be deemed to be an assumptiori of any of the duties or obligations of the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its subcontractors under the Act. 1 t_J ~- ,.-- CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEdURE Continued... 6. ~~~ c.o,~ Contractor The contractor/successfu! tenderer shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality: a) ftom any loss, inconvenience, damage or cost to the Municipality which may result from the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees failing to act safely or to comply in all respects with the Actin the performance of any matters required pursuant to this contract/tender; c) from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality (or any of ifs council members or employees) shall be made a party to any charge under the Acf in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract/tender. b} against any action or claim, and costs related thereto, brought against the Municipality by any person arising out of any unsafe act or practice or any noh-compliance with the Act by the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees in the performance of any matter required pursuant to this contract/tender; and ENC~~.~EEi?~/,~~ a -JEPs~iv~~nuS Name of Person Signing for Signature of 23~ t~o~ Date ( ~' _ '~' ~' ~ CONTRACTOR SAFETY t POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... Schedule "B" CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNfN6/STOP WORK ORDER ' The purpose of this form is to: (Issuer to check one of the following} '' ^ Provide warning to the contractor to immediately discontinue the unsafe work ~ practices, if it affects our workplace, described below. '' ^ Direct the contractor to immediately cease all work being pertormed underthis contract due to the unsafe work practice described below. PART "A" -DETAILS OF CONTRACT M1 ~~ ~I' CONTRACTOR/P.O. # DESCRIPTION: NAME OF FIRM: ~~' { - ~~,_ '_ - ' CONTRACTOR 5AFETY ' POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... PART "B" -DETAILS OF INFRACTION {TO BE COMPLETED BY ISSUER) DATE AND TIME OF INFRACTION DESCRIPTION OF INFRACTION. INCLUDING LOCATION: ' ORDER GIVEN BY MUNICIPALITY: i ' DID THE CONTRACTOR COMPLY WITH THIS ORDER? ' DATE AND TIME OF COMPLIANCE: ISSUED TO: ' CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEE TITLE ISSUED BY; MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT TITLE PART "C" -ADDITIONAL COMMENTS i rns JtG i ION TO BE USED INTERNALLY TO RECORD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SUBSE( TO ISSUING THE WARNINGlSTOP WORK ORDER, I.E. DATE AND TIME WORK RESUMED, FURTHER ACTION TAKEN, ETC. oizioiz ~' ' m~.:~am.a 2~rront Sveet west Experience Teleplio~~e: CAD•7 Calculation c ~~e.4,~~ Toronto ON M5V 3Jt hating Section (4t6) 3441016 «a.i..~~ ~~Rwreeemde~~..~i 1-800-6636639 Firm Name AtCOUrlt N0. Firm No. Date PEAK ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION LTD 6919995 240736LA 155EP05 ' This statemerrc reflects an adjustment to your insurance premium based on injury experience. It may not be a reflection of yourarorkplace health and safety program. Firm's In)ury Cost Data for CAD-T Rates ' Year Total WSIB Total Expected Total Actual Firm Cost Index Premiums(S) Injury Costs(S) Injury Costs(S) us 14y tl41 3fi 8ti8.67 663.11 04 141 145 33 529.84 1 775.44 total 72,418.51 2,438.55 0.966 ' averag e 36,209.26 Firm's Injury Frequency Data for CAD-7 Rates t t 1 1 ~ 1.2so ~ a.9es i o~s7A (o7ros) oo_as cuw aacwaes rreaan l:are oniy mfurres. 2004 includes all cta'uns with bst time benefits of a or more days and/or fatalkies. k14. k~i4,a S f i b b ~-,= ~ ' -- a ' ' ' ~/ ' cur „= oQ ~ a~r~l sTR~E: IT T Ciea~ance Certificate (/~/~~y~~~~~ t_umn~~„~ >,t~~~n,~ ~Oy/~ f$'~/ 1'~nfvx.mtuulla eo do l'asnurann` conne cv acctlcnG d m a! T1ORfaNTOr ONTARIO MSV 3 Certifcaf de Bechar e g , u n J1 (416) 344-1012 TFw Workplace Safety erd Insfrrance Board (1NSI81 hereby waives its righh under Sar:tion 141 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to tw kl the Principsl, that is in a contractual agreemerft with ihr Contractor named, fieltle for any Section 141 CONTRACTOR liability of the Contractor for premiums and kvias L' ENTREPRENEUR of llm WSIS owitg stow or within SO days from the ' date of this Certificate PEAK ENGINEERING & Per le prLtsente, le Cammisaion de le sEcurit~ CONSTRUCTION LTD professionnelle et 1'esatranoe contra les accidents ' BOX 984 du travail (CSPMTI renonce aux dreits qui k!i soot contr3rEa en vertu de Particle 141 d l l i l BRIGHTON ON e a .o sun a ' s4curicbprofessionnelYe e[ ( assurance fxmtre les KOK 1H0 accidents du travail et qui 1'autoriserK rY [errir 1'entrepreneur prlncipel. qui a signf une entente wntrectuelle aver I'eMrepreneur door le nom figurosur le prEsent certificat, responsable itu paiement de tout prima ou de route sanrtfe qua I'entreprarfaur est tenu de veneer ~ la CSPAi4T ' immEdiatement au dons les 60 fours vivant {a date indiqu9e sun co certificat. THIS CERTIFICATE IS VALID FOR ALL CONTRACTS OF THE NAMED CONTRACTOR DURING THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD 1 1 Rxe ! 7wr Dauipfion RaR 1 Tae Oaacriptbn 4022099 INDUSTRIAL CONSTRU Contncr Wwbrbnl Deruprbn du ranrrer :anucr me WSIS N you auavtlon the vd'.dity M rt:is cowmen;. V Comnfnlaua aver b CS/'.tnT ai wus daRer de .C, v;difAfd,h. aibMr Mcu»nu. 0790C 1071991 Certltlmre Na. / IV" do ceru6car I 202259396 59053553238 LE PRESENT CERTIFICAT EST VALIDE POUR TOUS LES CONTRATS PASSES FAR LEDIT ENTREPRENEUR PENDANT LA PERIODS D'~~~T~~'~wsla Non eau L rlpnmal! Wm YpMr ~f a! b CSPAAT. ~' ~~ Clarlrl n Energizing Ontario December 12"', 2005 VIA: PHONE, FAX & COURIER (8 Pages in total) Attention: Bidders RE: POST-TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1. CL2005-46 Bidders are advised of this attached Post-Tender Addendum. The Post Tender Closing Date is: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16T", 2005, 2:00:00 PM. All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum and in the envelope provided. Note, pricing will not be read out at the public opening. Yours truly, Lau Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB'km Ha2005TENDERS1CL2005-46 - Const of Brian McFarlane Hockey MuslPostTender Add.doc CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~, 40 TEMPERANCE STREE ~~, BOWMANbILL E, UN fARIU L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 _. f ~ ~ BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES ' 11991) Limited ArcNtects Engineers Landscape Architect Protect Mangers Post-Tender Addendum No. 1 Page 1 of 3 Project No.: 04103 Date: December 9, 20D5 Project: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 The fallowing information supplements andlor supersedes the bid documents issued on November 2, 2005. This Addendum forms part oflhe contract documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated wiN all other parts. The cost of all contained herein is to be included in the oontrad sum. The following revisions supersede the Information contained in the original drawings and spec cations issued fortheabove-named project to the extent referenced and shall become part thereof. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by inserting its number and date on the Tender Form. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification. The tenders received were greater than the 15°/a of the original construction budget. As set out in Section 14.2 "Instructions to Bidders", this tender will invite the 3 low bidders to participate in a Post Tender Addendum. The original base bid for each contractor is to remain as is. The Post Tender Document is to show further possible credits that could be utilized to bring this project within budget. The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to select any or all credits proposed whichever is in their best interest. The credits proposed and selected will be used in determining the overall low bidder. The Post Tender Closing Date is Friday, December 16, 2005 at 2:00 pm Closing at: Office of the Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvill'e, Ontario L1C 3A6 1.1 Separate Credit Prices We submit the following Separate Credit Prices (originally included in the stipulated price) as credits for price reductions: 11 Stanlay court, Unit 1 vVhitby, Ontario Canada L1 N BP9 Tele: 18051666-5252 Toronto: (9 0 51 42 7-448 5 fax: 1886] 8865256 E-mail: hba@hha~archenp.com www.hba-archeng.cam ARCHITECTURAL: CREDIT A. Eliminate the two skylights (located in existing multipurpose room) and all work associated with the installation. $ B. Keep the existing corridor glass including P.Lam bases (fire separation no longer required on Museum side). Remove metal sill and add new P.Lam sill as shown on drawings (with the Exhibit Area 004). $ C. Delete the onehourwallrequirements. This includes: .1 Shaft wall requirements at existing wall. .2 All references for firestop/smoke seals. .3 One hour wall requirements. Change type from using 516" gypsum board to regular'/," $ gypsurc, boas (from P2 to P2a;. Form 6.1-3 Rev. p0 1 06103PTA091106.k1.wptl 1. 1 1 Post•TenderAddendum No.1 Page 2 of 3 .1 ARCHITECTURAL (Continued): D. Eliminate thelwopiecewashroom(Washroom006)including all: .1 Associated walls, ceiling finishes, floor finishes, etc. .2 Counter. .3 Grab bars, fixtures, etc. E. Change the roof assembly as follows: .1 Delete dens tleck underlayment substrate board. .2 Change vapour retarder to one layer of two ply vapour retarderfultyodhered. .3 Delete fibre protection board. .4 Revise TPO membrane from fully adhered to mechanically fastened. F. Reduce the curtain wall sizes. Refer to Drawing No. A301 (attached ). G. Change W all Type 1 to: - 7/6" corrugated metal cladding (Galvalume Plus) - Allow two colour screw head types (red, blue and galvanized) - 1"air space - 4' Z girts (galvanized) - 3" rigid insulation (Roxul Cavity Rock) - Blueskin air barrier/vapour barrier - %" Densglass sheathing H. Eliminete the curved aluminum channels (as shown on the south elevation). 2 MEC HANICAL: A. Eliminate washroom plumbing fixtures and associated sewer drains and associated underground services and concrete work. Delete room exhaust fan. B. Reroute storm water roof drains as indicated on the mechanical drawings (refer to attached drawing). C. Delete the sprinklers at the corridor wall originally shown as part of a one hour fire separation. .3 ELECTRICAL: A. Eliminate exterior light poles. B. Add six new wall packs as indicated on Drawing A301 attached. C. Delete all electrical items associated with the washroom. CREDIT Form 6.1-3 Rav.#0 19-O6-D1 0<703 PTA091206.#1.wptl ~' , ~~ Post-Tender Addendum No.1 Page 3 of 3 1.2 Separate Prices -Owner's Budget Allowance To assist in the separation of the Construction, FF&E and Exhibit work budget allocations, please identify the following separate prices (originally included in the stipulated price): .1 Window Blinds $ .2 Millwork: A. Front Ticket Counter (only the curved portion) $ B. Gift Store $ C. Workshop $ .3 Costs of Engineerfield reports as identified in each subtrade section for final review letters for OBC compliance. $ .4 Identify the price for the transformer and three electrical subpanels (located in IT/Electrical Closet 009). $ 1.3 Alternate Separate Prices In addition to the Credit Prices identified in Item 7.1 above, we offerthe fallowing proposed changes to the project plans and specifications with the following Credits. Description of Proposed Change Credit .1 $ .2 $ .3 $ .4 $ .5 $ 1.4 Please refer to Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partner Inc.'s PTA M-O1 dated December 9, 2005 ~' (2 pages attached). End of Post-Tender Addendum No. 1 William Weima, OAA, MRAIC W W /cb Attachments: Drawing A203 -Ground Floor Plan Drawing A301 -Elevations Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partners Inc.'s Post Tender Addendum No. PTA M-01 dated December 9, 2005 (2 pages) Porm 6.1-3 Rev.#0 19.06-01 04103 PTA991206.# 1.wptl ., .y ,, . i , a ''<3!~I~ 1 1 ~~~~ 3 ~ le l~i{ 171a is I ; ~Y i! ! ? a .I ll ! ~ x>.c ~ ~ I ° g ® ! a ~i~~ = ~ o i ! I ° i s 19 €ll °=, '~ i i y !11 ~y lil 11 I' ~ ~ l y ~I y !I 1 'i i 1 1 S :Td 1 ~ 1~ '~ ~ y a- i i ii IK Ir'~1 Ij I 111~ i 6 16 ~l ! ~I i I I 1 li !IIIi II lii 1 I ~ I d ~~ d ; ` ! I :1_ ! i ~ tl :tea! !5 , i 1 Il n 1 I it 11 l i 1 ~I ! 9C ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ m il q }}~ ~ ~ w ®~ ' I I ~ m l I C~ ®~Bm~ p4 9 ~ ~ (T~J 1T_. .. 1 ~ ~~ `opal y. r r. _ _ _ L _. J I I ~ vl' ~ I I ~~ ~ , ~ I 1 ~ !~ \ F y s ~ I ~ -- - 1 - E 9 ~i ~ I i ~ 1 e I,o ~ I iily I ee n ®t °---- -- -- 1 a ~ i i ~ f 1 i i ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ • .p...-' __ .y_ -_ i ±_-_ i -:-_ ' -_ J _ __ 11 I ~ r ~, ! - I --- ' , , a r !' ~I .,~ ' ~ i~ ~ ~ I. y ; - ~---- ~ I i V ®®® n ~ ~ I ~ I ii ' r, t~ i y i - h ~ ,- ~ A® ® ' -- '~I Iae i ® D I _- - "'" 111 _ _ ii ' ~ II > ^~ I 6 ~~ ~ 1 O ~ ~ + ~ I b aa ~ 8e 9e 4 I 1 t -, ~ . ; e e i;~s ~ i~lpSt ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ! pi pi i - ~ iE !' ~ et~t~p'i "Pi9 ~ ~~ ~ 9~3~ ~ 4~ ip {E , ! ttie;l i ~ ~ i' p~ ~ ~~ ~ 0003000~0o l ~ ~ a 9 '' ~ ~ 'Iiil~! t~{ ~~ f ® ~ ,° i il l ~ , E ~€~! 3 ~ ~ y1 { ~ ~ ' ~ ° tSl li xi e i i i ~ i I © ~ -_ I i........J.. _.i I +'-i p _ ~ F i ~~ ~ ~ i o-- - --- i - -- ~ _ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~.. ~, 0 __t_. . , ~ Q o--. - -- i ~ w .;.,.. 5 t at - ~ - - - ~ __ _ ..-. -- ~ __ ~~ o--- ~ ~ ~ ' i > 0 i ' !; r, o-- o-- ~ ~~~ ~ I ' o--- I - o-- ---r' - - ~ ~' ., ~ ~ o-- '° i o-- - - -- a ~ ~ i ~ ,~,,: ,; --- -~-'~-------- ~ --- ~; o-- 6 t t ~,. ~ ' i ip ~ ~ o I ' '~ ~ _ , i _ ---~- ! f ~ ' ll~~l ~~I~ ~I ~j ~' ~~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ - / --- ,~ i~~~l ~ I ~~l~~~~~ ~~ ~ , i Li, ~ LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN ` And Partners Ln.c. CONSULTING ENGINEERS MECHANICAL POST TENDER ADDENDUM PTA M-07 l _J Barry Bryan Associates Attention: Chris Maves Re: .Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario TORONTO OFFICE 235 Lesmill Road Toronto, Ontedo M36 2V1 Tel: (418)445-8255 Fax: (416)445-7885 IkmQlkm-eng.com www.lkm-eng.com 2005 December 09 Fax: 1 {905)666-5256 LKM No. 20040656 ec: THIS ADDENDUM SHALL FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND ALL CHANGES AND COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID AMOUNT. 1. Reference drawing M202(Plumbing and drainage), sketch M202/SK-1 issued ', a. Delete complete washroom. Delete plumbing fixtures and all piping serving this room. Delete floor drains. There is no sanitary drainage on the project. b. Revise storm drainage as shown on attached sketch. Tie in existing storm line, gridNnes A/5, to the left. General contractor shall cut existing slab and restore to match existing tiles. Mechanical contractor shall replace existing buried storm line with new X150. The number of roof drains stays the same. ',' ~ c. Humidifier and all associated piping (except drain) shall remain as per original drawings, although it is not shown on the sketch. Humidifier shall be installed as high as possible and drained into X100 funnel drain tied into main X150 rain water leader (gridlines A!5) c/w back water valve to prevent backflow. Provide trap and run humidifier's drain for 3' to 4' down and then connect to main pipe. LEIPCIGER KAMINKER MITELMAN And Partners Inc. ~~~. per: ~~~~~,p~ Risto Basic P:1200412004-06564000SICONST120040656 PTA MOI.DOC is ~ ~ - ~~ ~ g ~s e ~ i ~~ g ' • C1ar~ ~ ~Ito~ Energizing Ontario tl December 14, 2005 VIA: PHONE & FAX (1 Page) Attention Bidders: RE: POST-TENDER ADDENDUM N0.2 CL2005-46 Bidders are advised of Post-Tender Addendum #2, which adds the following "Bids received after the closing time and date will NOT be accepted". All bids submitted must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly, Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB"km HJ,2005TcNDERS1C;2005-4E - Const of Brian McFarlane Hockey MuslFostTender Add2.doc CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOwMANVILLE, ONT1RIC .C 6A6 T l90o"j 623-"x376 Clarlr~ ~ ~ Energizing Ontario December 14, 2005 VIA: PHONE & FAX (2 Pages) Attention Bidders: RE: POST-TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 3 CL2005-46 Bidders are advised of Post-Tender Addendum No. 3 attached herewith. All bids submitted must be in accordance with this addendum. Yours truly, Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A. M.C.T. Purchasing Manager LAB'km H:12005TENDER51CL2006-46 - Const of Bdan McFarlane Hockey MuslPOStTentler Add3.doc CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALI7Y OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET., BOW!dANVILLE, ONTARIu LiC 3A6 T (y05) 623-3379 ~~ 1 BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES 11991) Limited Post-Tender Addendum No. 3 Page 1 of 1 Project No.: 04103 Date: December 14, 2005 Project: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 The idlowing informaBon supplements and/or supersedes the bitl documents issued on November 2, 2005. This Addendum forms part of the eontraU documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts, Tha ArChheCtS cost of all containetl herein is to be inUUded in the rnntreU sum. Tha folbwing revisions supersede the information contained in me original drawings and specificatbns issued for Me above-named projeU to the extent referenced and shall become part Engineers thereof. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by inserting its number and date on the Tender Fonn. Failure to do so may La1dsC8ce Architect subject bidder to disqualffication. Project Managers The attached items are issued as a clarification to Post Tender Addendum No. 1. 2.1 Revise Item 1.1.1A of Post Tender Addendum No. 1 to read: "Eliminate the three skylights (located in existing multipurpose room) and all work associated with the installation." 2.2 The new P.Lam sill indicated in Item 1.1.18 occurs only in Exhibit Area 004. 2.3 The reduced curtain wall in Item 1.1.1E shall be 1300 mm wide. 2.4 The engineers field review reports indicated in Item 1.2.3 relate to specification Section 05410, 07410 and 07420. 2.5 The six (6) new wall packs indicate in Item 1.36 shall be: "175W wall mounted half round metal halide luminaire complete with die cast single piece housing, die cast door frame with one piece solid silicone gasket, tempered glass lens, wide throw downward distribution, 347v HPF ballast, black enhance corrosion resistant finish, wet location listed and lamp included (Cat. # Lithonia WSR-175M-WT-347-CR-WLU-LPI-DBLK)." 11 Stanley Court, Unk 1 Whitby, Ontiario Canada L1N 8P9 Tale: 19D6) BBB-5252 Toronto: (0051427.4495 Faz: 19061886.5266 E-mail: bha~bba-archeng.cam www.bba-archenrr.corn Form e.ld Rev. aO 19-C 0d 103 P T A i d 120 e.#2.wpE 2.6 Revise the completion date indicated in Section 00100, Item 7.6 to June 1.2005. End of Post-Tender Addendum No. 3 William Weima, OAA, MRAIC wwnp •. 1 PEAK ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION LTD. P.O. Box 984, ' Brighton, Ontario KOK 1H0 ' December 16, 2005 ' The Office or the Clerk The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperence Street , Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 ' Attn: Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T., Purchasing Manager Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum CL2005-96 1 Post Tender Addendum Nos. 1,2 and 3 Attached are the filled in first three pages of Post Ender Addendum No. 1 dated December 9, 2005. We acknowledge receipt of Post Tender Addenda No. 2 dated December 14, 2005 and No. 3 dated December 14, 2005. The following items are all adjustments to our previously submitted base Stipulated Price of $949,500.00 exclusive of G.S.T. Note that these individual credits are also G.S.T. excluded. 1.3 Alternate Separate Prices (per Page 3 of 3 PTA No. 1) .1 Reduce the 100% Performance Bond and 100% Labour and Material Payment Bonds to 50/50 Bonds Credit $ 3,400.00 + G.S.T. .2 Delete the 100% Performance Bond and 100% Labour and Material Payment Bond for full credit Credit $ 8,000.00 + G.S.T. .3 Delete the "Gutter" detail at the new roof and slope the deck to G.L. "A". Note That this will require some redesign. This also includes reducing the 6 roof drains to 3 and modifications to the structural steel, steel deck and roofing design. Credit $ 4,000.00 + G.S.T. .4 Re: AHiJ-1, substitute alternate manufacture for the Engineered Air Base Bid unit. Note that this likely won't be a York and McQuay unit. This is subject to further discussion With the Mechanical consultant Credit $ 4,000.00 + G.S.T. 1 5. Delete the Non Freeze Hose Bib and associated plumbing on the East Elevation ' Credit $ 1,000.00 + G.S.T. 6. Substitute the FSR FL-710 Pass Through Floor Boxes (per detail 3/E803) with a CER "floorbox" (47 total) Credit $ 29,000.00 + G.S.T. ' 7. Sawcut existing Sidewalk at the new Concrete Bench detail and leave existing sidewalk in place Thereby reducing the amount of new concrete sidewalk and repairs Credit $ 3,000.00 + G.S.T. t .8. As a further savings, Peak is willing to offer an additional credit of $10,000.00 on the following conditions: ' -The majority of credits provided in the Post Tender Addendum No. 1 form as well as the 7 additional credits offered in this letter aze accepted. - A letter of Intent is given to Peak by January 18, 2006 understanding that the date of Substantial ' Completion is now given as June 1, 2006 per PTA No. 3. If you have any questions on this or any other items in the PTA form, please do not hesitate to call us. ' We trust that this meets with your approval. Sincerely, PEA% ngineering & Construction Ltd. ~. Tony Jeronimus, P. Eng. Partner i ..:,\, ' BARB ASSOCIATES 11991) Limited Archdeas ' Engineers Laldscape Architect Project Managers t 1 Stanley Court, Unit 7 ' Whitby, Ontario Canada L1N aP9 ' Tele: (9n51666~5262 T9r9nw:19951427.4496 fax: 199518966258 E-rreih hha@hbaarchenp.com www.b6a-archenp.com ' Form 9.1-3 Rav.#0 iB-[ 04103PTA091205.#1.wDa Post-Tender Addendum No. 1 Page 1 of 3 Project No.: 04103 Date: December 9, 2005 Project: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 The following information supplements andlor supersedes the bid documents Issued on November 2, 2005. This Addendum fomis part oilhe contract documents and is to be read, Interpretetl, antl coordinated with all other parts. The mst of all contained herein is to be inGuded in the contract sum. The following revisions supereetle the information contained In the original drawings and specifications issued for the above-named project to the extent referenced and shall become part thereof. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by inserting its number and date on the Tentler Fonn, Failure to do so may subject bldtler to disqualification. The tenders received were greater than the 15% of the original construction budget. As set out in Section 14.2 "Instructions to Bidders°, this tender will invite the 3 low bidders to participate in a Post Tender Addendum. The original base bid for each contractor is to remain as is. The Post Tender Document is to show. further possible credits that could be utilized to bring this project within budget. The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to select any or all credits proposed whichever is in their best interest. The credits proposed and selected will be used in determining the overall low bidder. The Post Tender Closing Date is Friday, December 16, 2005 at 2:00 pm Closing at Office of the Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvilfe, Ontario L1C 3A6 1.1 Separate Credit Pricea W e submit the following Separate Credit Prices (originalty included in the stipulated price) as credits for price reductions: ARCHITECTURAL: 'I'~9NNG[Ci A. Eliminate the ins skylights (located in existing multipurpose room) and all work associated with the installation. Keep the existing corridor glass including P.Lam bases (fire separation no longer required on Museum side). Remove metal sill and add new P.Lam sill as shown on drawings (with the Exhibit Area 004). /5~~~ sCo4;~.5co6 ow~Y) Delete the one hour wall requirements. This includes: .1 Shaft wall requirements at existing wall. .2 All references forfirestop/smoke seals. .3 One hour wall requirements. Change type from using 5/B° gypsum board to regular ii" gypsum board (from P2 to P2a). CREDIT s Ilo,2ol0.°iD T- $ 7, 4GY7.O° ~ , ¢rr'' G'~' ' Post-Tender Addendum No. 1 Page 2 of 3 ~' 1 ARCHITECTURAL . (Continued): CREDIT D. Eliminate the two piecewashroam(Washroom006)including ' all: .1 Associated walls, ceiling finishes, floor finishes, etc . .2 Counter. ~.' .3 Grab bars, fixtures, etc. $ ~~ ~ ~ E. Change the roof assembly as follows: ~ I .1 Delete dens deck underlayment substrate board. ' .2 Change vapour retarder to one layer of two ply N, vapour retarderfully adhered. , .3 Delete fibre protection board. .4 Revise TPO membrane from fully adhered to M ~! ~ mechanically fastened. $ 7 ~~ ~ ~ ~ F. Reduce the curtain wall sizes. Refer to Drawing No. A301 (attached). $~~.~ ,' G. Change Wall Type 1 to: - 7/6' corrugated metal cladding (Galvalume Plus) ~ - Allow two colour screw head types ~ ' (red, blue and galvanized) 1"air space I - 4" Z girls (galvanized) ' - 3' rigid insulation (Roxul Cavity Rock) ' Blueskin air barrier/vapour barrier 'h" Densglass sheathing $!jI) Cyr 6+0 =~-~~ ' H. Eliminate the curved aluminum channels (as shown on the h - ' sout elevation). $__TOO p .2 MECHANICAL: A. Eliminate washroom plumbing fixtures and associated se wer drains and associated underground services and concrete work. Delete room exhaust fan. $ ~~ ~j0~~00 ' B. Reroute storm water root drains as indicated an the ~ ~ mechanical drawings (refer to attached drawing). $ ~'~ O~ ' C. Delete the sprinklers at the corridor wall originally shown as ' part of a one hour fire separation. $ "7 ryy,, pp .3 ELECTRICAL: A. Eliminate exterior light poles. $ R_7iy~ po ~- ( B. Add. six new wall packs as indicated on Drawing A301 I' attached. $ ~~ OD b..l~ yXf ~ C. Delete all electrical items associated with the washroom. $ 4~o OD Form 6.1-3 Rev. #0 19.06-01 06t 03PTA091206.#i.r•ptl ', ~ Post-Tender Addendum No. 1 Page 3 of 3 '' 1.2 Separate Prices-Owner's Budget Allowance To assist in the separation of the Construction, FF&E and Exhibit work budget allocations, please identify the following separate prices (originally included in the stipulated price): C ~~ 1 .1 Window8linds $. Z~/~,~ ~ , .2 Millwork: A. Front Ticket Counter (only the curved portion) $ 5 r o, d'D B. Gift Store g 1LL. Rnn o0 C. Workshop $--'~-(-~~y~70-pp .3 Costs of Engineer field reports as identified in each subtrade section for final review letters for OBC compliance. $ BO I .4 Identify the price for the transformer and three electrical subpanels (located in ITlElectrical Closet 009).. $ f n Pjd/) OD 1.3 Alternate Separate Prices -`=Y'~OL In addition to the Credit Prices identified in Item 1.1 above, we offer the following proposed changes to the project plans and specifications with the following Credits. Description of Proposed Change (SEE ~1TrAGFt~~ C! r dI~E~) .1 ~ _e , 2 $ .3 $ .4 $ .5 $ 1.4 Please refer to Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman and Partner Inc.'s PTA M-01 dated December 9, 2005 ', (2 pages attached). End of Post-Tender Addendum No. 1 William Weima, OAA, MRAIC W W /cb Attachments: Drawing A203 -Ground Floor Plan Drawing A301 -Elevations Leipciger Kaminker Mltelman and Partners Inc.'s Post Tender Addendum No. PTA M-01 dated December 9, 2005 (2 pages) Form 64.3 Rev. pO t9-96-Of 96t03PTA991I06.%twp0 Council Meeting Minutes -25- January 16, 2006 ' OTHER BUSINESS ' Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robins ' THAT the meeting be "closed" to consi nfidential Report ADMIN-001-06 pertaining to a personnel m the Confidential Verbal Reports of the Solicitor pertainin a matters. Report COD-002-Oti -Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Resolution #C-022-06 ' Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle ' THAT Report COD-002-06 be received; THAT the tender received from Peak Engineering and Construction Ltd., Brighton, Ontario, being the lowest responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2005-46, be awarded the contract for the Construction of the Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, Bowmanville, Ontario at a total revised bid of $859,544.00, plus GST; THAT the requirements for tendering in accordance with Purchasing By-law # 94-129, 1 Paragraph 5, item 5.6 be waived for the production of the museum exhibits; THAT the proposal from GSM Design Exhibits Inc, Montreal, Quebec, dated January 3, 2006 in the amount of $539,000.00, plus GST for the production of the exhibit gallery be accepted subject to the negotiation of a formal contract which meets the requirements of the Municipality of Clarington and is to the satisfaction of the ' Purchasing Manager and Director of Community Services; THAT the expenditure in the total amount of $1,398,544.00 ($859,544.00 tender + $539,000.00 GSM Design Exhibits Inc., Montreal, Quebec), be drawn from Clarington's Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Account # 110-42-421-84242-7401; THAT the Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to make application to the Region of Durham for a debenture in the amount of $1,111,640.00 plus debenture costs; i THAT Council express its intent to fund this project including debenture repayments and financing to the extent allowable from future development charges; and ' Council Meeting Minutes -26- January 16, 2006 1 OTHER BUSINESS ' THAT the By-laws attached to Report COD-002-06 and marked Schedules "A" and "B" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreements be approved. "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the actions taking during the "closed" session of Council be ratified. "CARRIED" BY-LAWS Councillor Pingle stated a pecuniary interest during the "closed" ession and refrained from voting on the reading of the by-laws. Resolution #C-024-06 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Cou~illor Foster THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2 6-001 to 2006-005, inclusive and that the said by-laws be now read a first and se nd time: 2006-001 being a by-law to author' a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarin nand Work Tech Inc., Grimsby, Ontario, to enter into a license agree ent for the municipal application 2006-002 being a by-law authorize a contact between the Corporation of the Municipality Clarington and Peak Engineering and Construction Ltd., Brighton, ntario, to enter into agreement for the Construction of the Brian arlane Hockey Museum 2006-003 b g a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the unicipality of Clarington and GSM Design Exhibits Inc., Montreal, Quebec, to enter into agreement for the production of the exhibit gallery for the Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum being a by-law to authorize the execution of Minutes of Settlement between Wiggers Custom Yachts Limited, Port Darlington Harbour ?9f1-J0-06 FR? 1^,25r.M f1AG CO[1M1Ji`lITv ~E3t~f~E i h1i1 lr, Q, ~~~, ~,~1C.y,~py THE CORPORATION OF 7HE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTONSchedule "A" BY-LAW 2006- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Peak Engineering and Construction Ltd., Brighton, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Construction of the Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum, CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAf?INGTO<`! HEREBY ENACTS AS iLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Peak Engineering and Construction Ltd., Brighton, Ontario, and sold Corporation; and 1 THAT the contract attached herefo as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. law read a first and second time this day of ~w read a third time and finally passed this 2006. day of , 2006. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk n ~1Q A i FRI 10:25 RM MRC COI1MUI~IITY SERVICES 7HE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPgLITY OF CLARINGTON Schedule "g" ' BY-LAW 2006- '' Being a By_!aw to Corporation of the Municipah y of Clarington andbetween tha Exhibits Inc., Montreat, Quebec, to enter into agreemD t for the p,~duction of the exhibit gallery for the Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum. THE CORPORATION OF uc FOLLOWS: T. ~~ fviUNICIPALI7Y OF CL,gRINGTO N HEREBY ENACTS qS 1~ 7HAT the Ma yor and Clerk are hereb Corporation of the Munici alit of 9 authorized to execute, contract between, p Y Clarin ton and seal with the Co po ahoni Seal,ha Corporation; and GSM Design Exhibits inc., Montreal, Quebec, and said 2' THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this B -la Y w. By-law read a first and second time this day of , 2006. BY-law read a third time and final) Y passed this day of , 2006, John Mutton~'~j~ ra oy Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk _ P.O. Box 984 Brightaq ON KOK 1H0 Tel: (905) 355-1500 Fax: (905)355-3238 e-mail general(2peakltd.ca FAX TRANSMITTAL ,~ ' To: Brian Duffield Date: January 20, 2006 Company: Barry~Bryan Associates (1991) Limited Fax: 905-666-5256 From: Herman T. Luymes No. of pages (including cover): 2 Project Name: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Following is our summary of the Original Tender Submission along with PTA submission for your review Orrginal Tender Submission dated November 25, 2005 Stipulated Price (exclusive of G.S.T.) $ 949,500.00 Item 11.OA Add pre-action sprinkler system ($21,190 w/GST) + $ 19,803.00 Item 11.OB Delete Sprinkler System only excluding revisions to SC-O1 to SC-OS (see Item 1.1.2C of PTA) - $ 7.009.00 $ 962,294.00 ' Post Tender Addendum Nos. 1-3 Submission dated Dec. 16, 2005 Item 1.1.1A. Eliminate 3 Skylights - $ 16,200.00 Item 1.1.1B. Keep Existing Corridor Glass for SC-03, 04, OS Item 1.1 1C Delete 1 Hour re uirements - $ 7;400.00 $ 4 . . q - ,850.00 Item 1.1.1D Eliminate 2 pc. Washroom (Architectural) - $ 5,100.00 Item 1.1.1E Change Roof Assembly Item 1.1.IF Reduce Curtainwall sized (per A301 PTA) - $ 7,900.00 - $ 12,400.00 Item 1.L1H Eliminate Skate Lines - $ 6,000.00 Item 1.1.2A Eliminate Washroom Mechanical work Item 1 1 2B Reroute Storm Water drains - $ 6,390.00 . . - $ 800.00 Item 1.1.3A Eliminate Exterior Light Poles - $ 8,700.00 ' Item 1.1.3B Add 6 Wall Packs It 1 1 3C D l W + $ 3,460.00 em . . e ete ashroom Electrical - $ 470.00 Subtotal PTA - S 72,750.00 Item 1.3 Alternate Separate Prices as offered by Peak Engineereing Item 1.3.5 Delete Non-freeze hose bib and associated plumbing - $ 1,000.00 Item 1.3.6 Substitute Electrical Floor Boxed - $ 29,000.00 ~ Subtotal - $ 30,000.00 Revised Tender Total $ 859,544.00 + G.S.T. Contact (905) 355-1500 it transmission is incomplete Please let me know whether this is acceptable and can proceed with ordering the 100% Performance Bond and 100% Labour and Material Payment Bond. Please also provide a Contract Date we can reference on the bonds. ' Regards. PEAK Engineering &~ ~C~onst~ruction Ltd Herman T. Luymes; Esti`Kma or Contact (905) 355-1500 it transmission is incomplete ' w1 :::a..Sd.i k .•L , l U~~~ t~~,r~,« K~.:~.~~ ono FaauT sTnsET WE ST Clearance Certificate t_wnnu>,av.ri. L. s:~~i:rilr " 'j pR~b QNZ'~ro ^ "'urantt ~ I""i""='n"~"'e[de' cenaelceacuunceriuaevaJ F15V 3JS ( Ceriihcaf de Bechar e ~ ^ 416J 344-10I2 The W"rkplace Sataty end Insurance Board (WSIF31 hereby waives its rights under Section 141 Of the Workplace Safety and Inaurerse Act to hold the Principal, tltet is in a conuectual agreement with CONTRACTOR the Contractor named, liable inr arty Section 141 liability of the ContmC[at for premiums and leyias ' of the WSIB owing now or within 80 days from the L ENTREPRENEUR Bete of this Cettificete PEAK ENGINEERING & Per la pr@sente, le Commission de le e~curit~ CONSTRUCTION LTD professionnelle et ('assurance contra lee accidents BOX 934 du travail (CSPAAT) renance eux Broils qui Wi soot confdrtza en vertu de I'articie 141 de la Lai stu la BRIGHTON ON securit4professiotvtelle et 1'assuranee carve les ' KOK 1H0 accidents du travail e[ qvi 1'autorisen[ E [erwr I'enuepreneur prinoip~, qui a sigrtE une entente convattueile avec I'eMrepreneur don[ le nam figuresur le prEscnt certificat, responsible du ' paiement de tout prmo ou de tome aomrne qua I'envepronaur est tenu de verser 'a la CSPAAT imm~diattrnent ou done les fi0 fours suivant la date ~ indiqu4e sa w cartificat. _ THIS CERTIFICATE IS VALID FOR ALL CONTRACTS OF THE NAMED CONTRACTOR DURING THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD tiara ! Tqur Dswiption Rate !Taus Dexription 4021099 INDUSTRIFiL CONSTRU Cuwacr Dascrbrbn ! Des~f/an ab conrcer Conra¢ ma WSIB a you oueatbn the ealMlty N Ihn dowma,n. VwJJa1 Conwurlouer avec b CyAgT a wrrs dwrrez de 4i with! rA, vrGSeM Manrsu. Canllka[e rb. / M da eensiicar 202311462 1905355323E Ot 90C 107!991 LE PRESENT CERTIFICAT EST VALIDE POUR TOUS LES CONTRATS PASSES PAR LEDIT ENTREPRENEUR PENDANT LA PERIODE D',T~j 'e~~o~h~wsla. Nan yveA~~a, mm le s~merwe d'nn oarr,1 aintwisE cp k LSYAAT. Ref. No. 320005495023 ~ . , I~ D Aon Reed Slenhause Inc. 20 Bay Street Toronto ON M5J 2N9 te! 416-868-5500 (ax 416-868-5580 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L7C 3A6 Re: Contract No. CL2005~6 Insurance as described herein has been arranged on behalf of the Insured named herein under the following policy(ies) and as more fully described by the terms, conditions, exclusions and provisions contained in the said policy(ies) and any endorsements attached thereto. Insured Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd P 0 Box 984 Brighton, ON KOK 1H0 Coverage Commercial General Liability Insurer St Paul Fire And Marine Insurance Co. Policy# CP00037379 ---------------------------------------------------- Effective 30-Nov-2005 Expiry 30-NOV_2006 _ Limits of Liability Bodily Injury & Property Damage, Each Occunence $2,000,000 not less than Subject to aggregate where applicable ----------------------------------------------------- Automobile Owners Form Insurer St. Paul Fire And Marine Insurance Co. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Policy# _----- _277JG5110 ------------------------------------ Effective 30-Nov-2005 Expiry 30-Nov-200fi Limits of Liability Third Party Liability - O.A.P.1 $1,000,000 not less than llmbrellaLiability_______________ _Insurer ___- Policy # Effective Limits of Liability not less than Aviva Insurance Company Of Canada -------------------------------- ULP81223547 ----------------------- 30-Nov-2005 Expiry 30-Now2006 Bodily Injury & Property Damage, Each Occunence $8,000,000 Subject to aggregate where applicable THE POLICY CONTAINS A CLAUSE THAT MAY LIMIT THE AMOUNT PAYABLE OR, IN THE CASE OF AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, THE POLICY CONTAINS A PARTIAL PAYMENT OF LOSS CLAUSE ~~ 1 Ref. No. 320005495023 ~ . , ' Additionallnsured ' Only with respect to the above and arising out of the Named Insured's operations are the following name(s) added to the policy as Additional Insureds}. The policy limits are not increased by the addition of such Additional Insureds and remain as stated in this Memorandum. ' Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Barry Bryan Associates (1991) Limited with respect to Commercial General Liability Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Barry Bryan Associates (1991) Limited with respect to Umbrella Liability THIS MEMORANDUM CERTIFICATE CONSTITUTES A STATEMENT OF THE FACTS AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE ' AND ARE SO REPRESENTED AND WARRANTED ONLY TO Corporation of fhe Municipality of Clarington. OTHER PERSONS RELYING ON THIS MEMORANDUM DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. Dated : 2Q-!anuary-2Q~6 ' Issued By: Bruno,David Tel: 416-868-5691 Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. ~~ THE POLICY CONTAINS A CLAUSE THAT MAY LIMIT THE AMOUNT PAYABLE ^ OR, IN THE CASE OF AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, 2 THE POLICY CONTAINS A PARTIAL PAYMENT OF LOSS CLAUSE A~ 1 ~~ 1 r 1 I 4950 Yonge Sueel. Suim I40p THE GUARANTEE COMPANY M'd`'°a``°I" NonM1 York, Onurio M2N 6KI OF NORTH AMERICA rel.: tale) n3.esea Fos tale) 213LSA PERFORMANCE BOND Band No: TS 5048780 Bond Amount: $859,544.00 Peak Engineering & Construction L[d. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and The Guarantee Company of North America a corporation created and existing order the laws of Canada and duly authorized W transact the business of Suretyship N Canada as Surery, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and fumly bound wto The Corporation of the Municipality of Claring[on as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, m the arrow[ of Eight Hundred and Fifty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Four - 7CXLI00 Dollars ($859,544.00) lawful money of Canada, for the payment of which sum the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a written contract with the Obligee, dated the 20th day of January, 2006, for Contract No. C[ZOOS46 -Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Addition at the Garnet B. Rickard Recrea[iom Complex hereinafter referred [o as the Contract The condition ofthis obligation is such that if the Principal shall promptly and faithfully perform the Cwhact then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Whenever the Principal shall be, and declared by the Obligee [o be, in default under the Contract, the Obligee having performed the Obligee's obligations therewder, the Swery shall promptly: (1) remedy the default, or; (2) complete the Contract or accordance with its terms and conditions or, (3) obtain a bid or bids for submission to the Obligee for wmple[ing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon determination by [he Obligee and the Surety of the lowest responsible bidder, artange far a contract between such bidder and the Obligee and make available as work progresses (even Hough [here should be a default, or a succession of defaults, order the contract or comtmets of completion, arranged order [his paragraph) sufficient fords [o pay to complete the Principal's obligations m accordwce with the terms and conditions of the Contract and to pay those expenses incurred by the Obligee as a result of [he Principal's default relating directly to the performance of the work order the Contract, less the balance of the Contract price; but not exceeding the Bond Amowt. The balwce of the Contract price is the total arrow[ payable by the Obligee to the Principal under the Contract, less the arrow[ properly paid by the Obligee to the Principal, or; (4) pay the Obligee the lesser of (1) the Bond Amowt or (2) the Obligee's proposed cost of completion, less the balance of Contract price. I[ a a condition of this bond that any suit or action must be commenced before the expiration of two (2) years from the earlier oY (1) the date of Substantial Performance of [he Contract as defined in the lien legislation where the work under [he Contract is taking plaze, or if no such definition exists, the date when the work is ready far use or is being used for the purpose intended, or (2) the date on which the Primcipal is declared m default by the Obligee. The Surety shall mot be liable for a greater sum than the Bond Amowt. No right of action shall accrue on this Band, to or for [he use of, any person or corporation other than the Obligee named herein, or the heirs, executors, admimistrators or successors of the Gbligee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have Signed and Sealed this bond dated 25th day of January, N the year of 2006. SIGNED and SEALED in [he presence of Witness as to Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. Principal The Gua n[ a ampa of North America Tisha Hamid, Atto ey-In-Fact 1 Endorsed by-CCDC 32I CCDC 221-2002 has been approved by The Surety A4oC1811W of Canada (lan. 2003-PeRO~mance Bond CCA-Slandard~anadian Company Serving Canadians smw t8]2 THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA 4950 Yonge Bvee~.5uim 1400 Madison Cenve NonM1 York, Onurio M2N bKl TeL (d Ib] 423-9580 Pox: (416)423fi5r1 C~ C~ LABOUR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND (Trustee Form) Bontl No: TS 5048780 Bond Amount $859,544.00 Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and The Guarantee Company of North America a corporation created and existing under the laws of Canada and duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in Canada az Smety, hereinafter called Ne Surety, are held and firmly bound unto The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the amount of Eight Hundred and Fifty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Four - 7W100 Dollars ($859,544.00) lawful money of Canada, for the payment of which sum the Principal and the Smety bind themselves, then heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally. NTIEREAS, the Principal has entered iota a written contract with the Obligee, dated 20th day ofJanuary, N the year 2006, for m accordance with the Contract Documents submitted, and which are by reference made part hereof and are hereinafter referred m az the Contract. Contract No. CL2005-46 -Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Addition a[ the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex The condition of this obligation is such that, if the Principal shall make payment to all Claimants for all labour and material used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect, subject, however, [o the follmving conditions: I. A Claimant for the propose of [his Bond is defined az one having a direct contract with the Principal for labour, material, or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, labour and material being constmed to include [hat part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or renta! equipment dmectly applicable m the Contract provided that a person, firm or corporation who rents equipment to the Principal to be used in the performance of the Contract under a contract which provides that all or any part of the rent is to be applied towards the purchase price thereo>y shall only be a Claimant to the extent the prevailing industrial rental value of such equipment far the period during which the equipment was used N [he performance of the Contract. The prevailing industrial rental value of equipment shall be determined, insofar as i[ is practical to do so, by the prevailing rates in the equipment marketplace in which the work is taking place. 2. The Principal and [he Smety, hereby jointly and severally agree with the Obligee, az Trustee, that every Claimant who has not been paid as provided for under the terms of his wnimc[ with the Principal, before the exp'vation of a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last of such ClaimanPs work or labour was done or performed or materials were fumisked by such Claimant, may az a beneficiary of the trust herein provided far, sue on this Bond, prosecute the suit to final judgment for such sum or sums az may by justly due to such Claimant under the terms of his contact with [he Principal and have execution thereon. Provided that the Obligee is no[ obliged to do or take any act, action or proceeding against [he Smety on behalf ofthz Claimants, or any ofthzm, ro enforce the provisions of this Bond. If any act, action or proceeding is taken either m the name offhe Obligee or by joining the Obligee as a party to such proceeding, then such ac[, action or proceeding shall 6e taken on [he understanding and basis that the Claimants or any of them who take such act. action or proceeding shall indemnify and save hornless the Obligee against all costs, charges and ezpeases or liabilities incurred [hereon and any foss or damage resulting to the Obligee by reason thereof. Provided still further that, subject to the foregoing terms and conditions, the Claimants, or any ofthem, may use the name of the Obligee m sue on and enforce the provisions of [his Bond. 3. It is a condition precedent to the liability of the Smety under this Bond that such Claimant shalt have given written notice as hereinafter set forth to each of the Principal, the Smety and the Obligee, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed, and [hat such Claimant shall have brought suit or action m accordance with this Bond, as set out in sub-clauses 3 (b) and 3 (c) below, Acwrdingly, no suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any Claimant a) unless such notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered mail to the Principal, the Surety and the Obligee, a[ any place where an office is regularly mainmined for the transaction of business by such persons or served m any manner m which legal process may be served in the Province or Territory in which the subject matter of the Contact is located. Such notice shall be given. i.) m respect of any claim for the amount or any portion [hereof, required [o be held back from the Claimant 6y the Principal, under either the terms of the ClaimanPS contract with the Principal, or under the lien Legislation applicable to the Clairttant's connam with the Principal, whichever is the greater, within one hundred and twenty (120) days after such Claimant should have been paid in full under the Claimant's contract with the Principal; Endorsed by-CCDC?2I CCDC 221-2002 bas bcen a (ten. 2003 - Pedormanre L@M Payment CCA -Standard) pproved by The Surety Association oFCanada Canatllan Company Serving Canatlians since I BR I ii.) in respect of any claim other than for the holdback or portion thereof, referred to above, within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date upon which such Claimant did, or performed, the last of the work or labour or funushed the lazt of the materials for which such claim is made under the Claimant's contract with the Principal b) after the expkation of one (1) year following the date on which the Principal ceased work on the Contract, including wmk performed under the guarantees provided in the Contract; c) other than m a Court of competen[jurisdiction in the Province or Territory N which the work described m the Conhact is to be installed or delivered as the case may be and not elsewhere, and the parties hereto agree to submit to thejmisdiction of such Court 4. The Surety agrees not to take advantage of Article 2365 of the Civil Code of the Province of Quebec m the event that, by an act or an omission of a Claimant, the Surety can no longer be subrogated in the rights, hypothec and privileges of said Claimant. 5. Any material change in the contract between the Principal and the Obligee shall not prejudice the rights or interest of any Claimant under this Bond, who is not instrumental in bringing about or has not caused such change. E. The ame~nt of this Bend shall be reduced by, and m the extent of any payment or payments made N good faith, and in accordance with the provisions hereof, inclusive of the payment by the Surety of claims made under the applicable lien legislation or legislation relating to legal hypothecs, whether or not such claim is presented under and against this Bond. 7. The Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than [he Bond Amount. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Smery have Signed and Sealed [his bond dated 25th day of January, in the year 2006. SIGNED and SEALED in the presence of Wtmess az [o Pnnc[pal Peak Engineering & Construction L[d. Principal The Guar a gtpan of North America r I Tisha amid, A[[a y-In-Fact Endorsed by- CCDC 221 CCl)C 221-20o2 has been approved by The Surely Association of Canada Qan. 2003 - Perfoemance l.&M Payment CCA -Spndard) LIST OF DRAWINGS Page 2A 1 Architectural 1 2 Dwg No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued A100 Site Plan 1 A101 Enlar ed Site Plan, Landsca a Plan and Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A201 Overall Ground Floor Ke Plan 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A202 Ground Floor Demolition Plan - Nov. 2, 2005 A203 Ground Floor Plan 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A204 Roof Plan and Detail Section of Sk li ht 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A205 Ground Floor Reflected Ceilin Plan 1 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A301 Elevations - Nov. 2, 2005 A401 Sections & Elevation 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A501 Wall Sections and Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A502 Wall Sections 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A503 Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A601 Plan Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A801 Schedules 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A901 Millwork Plan, Sections and Details 1 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A902 Millwork Sections and Details - Nov. 2, 2005 1 - Nov. 2 2005 Structural Dwg No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued S101 General Notes and Abbreviations 1 S102 T ical Details - Nov. 2, 2005 S201 Foundation Plan and Column Schedule 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 S202 Roof Framin Plan and Elevations 1 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 S501 Sections - Nov. 2, 2005 1 - Nov.2 2005 3 Mechanical Dwg No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued M200 Le end & Details Mechanical 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 M201 Fire Protection Plan Mechanical M202 Plumbin & Draina a Mechanical 1 1 - Nov. 2. 2005 M203 HVAC Plan Mechanical - Nov. 2, 2005 1 - Nov. 2 2005 M204 Roof Plan Mechanical 1 , - Nov. 2, 2005 4 Electrical Dwg. No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued E101 Electrical Site Plan and Le end 1 E201 Electrical Li htin La out - Nov. 2, 2005 E202 Electrical Power and S stem La out 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 E301 Electrical Li htin La out -Demolition 1 - 1 Nov. 2, 2005 E302 Electrical Power S stem -Demolition - Nov. 2, 2005 1 - Nov. 2 2005 E801 Electrical Sin le Line Dia ram and Details 1 - , Nov. 2 2005 E802 Electrical S ecification and Details 1 , P00 01 Electric Floor Plan Room 004 for reference onl - 01 01 Nov. 2, 2005 C00 00 Electric Ceilin Plan Room 004 for reference onl - 00 Oct. 26, 2005 Oct. 27 2005 000_01 Electric & Data (I.T.) Details & Specs (for reference 01 01 , onl Oct. 26, 2005 04103 Dwg List.wptl ~' ~' ~' SPECIFICATIONS Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 BARRY • BRYAN ASSOCIATES (1991) LIMITED Architects Engineers Landscape Architect Project Managers 11 Stanley Court, Unit 1 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 8P9 Tel: (905) 666-5252 Tor: (905) 427-4495 Fax: (905) 666-5256 E-mail: bba@bba-archeng.com www.bba-archeng.com Project No. 04103 November 2, 2005 I, ~~ i SPECIFICATIONS Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Municipality of Clarington Contract No. CL2005-46 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 DIVISION SECTION TITLE NO. OF PAGES 00 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00100 Instructions to Bidders ....................... ................. 9 00200 Tender Form ............................... ................. 5 00300 General Conditions .......................... ................. 1 00400 Supplemental General Conditions .............. ...............:. 7 Municipality of Clarington's Fair Wage Policy ............... ................. 8 01 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 01005 General Instructions and Special Provisions ...... ................. 6 01200 Site Administration :......................... ............. . 2 01210 Allowances ................................ .................2 01320 Construction Progress Documentation ........... ................. 2 01330 Submittal Procedures ........................ ................. 4 01410 Regulatory Requirements ..................... ................. 4 01450 Quality Control ............................. ................. 4 01510 Temporary Utilities .......................... ................. 3 01520 Construction Facilities ........................ ................. 4 01545 Safety Requirements ........................ ................. 3 01560 Temporary Barriers and Enclosures ............. ................. 3 01720 Preparation ................................ ................. 3 01740 Cleaning .................................. .................2 01770 Closeout Procedures ........................ .................2 01780 Closeout Submittals ......................... ................. 6 02 SITE WORK 02050 Selective Demolition ......................... ................. 7 02200 Excavating, Backfilling and Grading .......:..... ................. 8 02514 Concrete Sidewalks ......................... .................3 02950 Planting ................................... .................6 03 CONCRETE 03100 Formwork ................................. .................8 03200 Concrete Reinforcement ...................... .................5 03300 Concrete .................................. ................14 04 MASONRY 04080 Masonry Reinforcement and Connectors ......... ................. 3 04200 Masonry .................................. .................7 OS METALS 05120 Structural Steel ............................. ................11 05210 Steel Joists ................................ .................6 05310 Steel Roof peck ............................ ................. 6 05410 Lightweight Steel Framing .................... ................. 9 05500 Metal Fabrications .......................... ...............:: 7 0410&tblc.wptl SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 DIVISION SECTION TITLE NO. OF PAGES 06 WOOD AND PLASTICS 06100 Rough Carpentry ............................. ................4 06200 Finish Carpentry ............................. ................ 4 06410 Cabinetwork ................................ ................ 5 07 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07130 Sheet Membrane Waterproofing ................ ................ 4 07200 Building Insulation ............................ ................ 5 07260 Sheet Vapour Retarders ....................... ................ 4 07270 Air Barrier ...........................:...... ................ 5 07410 Metal Wall Cladding .......................... ................ 5 07420 Insulated Wall Panels ......................... ................ 5 07540 Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing ............... ............... 11 07620 Metal Flashing and Trim ....................... ................ 5 07700 Roof Specialities and Accessories ............... ................ 2 07840 Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals ................. ................ 3 07900 Joint Sealers ................................ ................ 5 08 DOORS AND WINDOWS 08100 Hallow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens ......... ................ 6 08213 Plastic Faced Wood Doors ..................... ................ 3 08310 Automatic Door Operators ..................... ................ 4 08351 Sliding/Folding Grilles ......................... ................ 2 08400 Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls ...... ................ 9 08425 Aluminum Skylights .......................... ................ 6 08710 Finishing Hardware ........................... ................ 3 08800 Glazing .................................... ................5 09 FINISHES 09250 Gypsum Wallboard ........................... ................ 8 0931 D Ceramic and Porcelain Floor and Wall Tile ........ ................ 4 09500 Acoustical Ceilings ........................... ................ 4 09651 Resilient Flooring ............................ ................ 5 09684 Carpet Tile ................................. ................4 09780 Concrete Sealing ............................ ................ 2 09900 Painting .................................... ................ 8 10 SPECIALTIES 10800 Washroom Accessories ....................... ................ 2 12 FURNISHINGS 12520 Roller Shades ............................... ................ 3 15 MECHANICAL 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods ......... ............... 25 15250 Mechanical Insulation ......................... ................ 6 15330 Sprinklers .................................. ................8 15400 Inside Plumbing and Drainage .................. ................ 9 15850 Ventilation, Heating and Air Conditioning .......... ............... 21 oa~oa-mic.woa ~~ ', ~ SPECIFICATIONS !, ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 DIVISION SECTION TITLE NO. OF PAGES 16 ELECTRICAL Cat Se Installation (for reference only) ............................ 7 Electrical Guidelines: Exhibition Power Supply and Isolated Ground (for reference only) ........................................... 2 ', 04103-tblc.wpd DIVISION 0 SECTION 00106 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 1 SECTION1-GENERAL ' 1.1 Stipulated Price tenders executed and signed under seal, are invited for the supply of all labour, material, equipment and services to complete the work for the: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, Municipality of Clarington 2440 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario ' Contract No. CL2005-46 in accordance with the Drawings and Specification^, prepared by Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited. 1.2 A pre-bid meeting and site tour for pro-qualified General Contractors and interested sub-trades will be held at 11:00 am. Tuesday. November 8. 2005 at the project site (2440 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario). 1.3 The Tender Documents including the Contract Form (Canadian Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor, Canadian Standard Construction Document CCDC 2, 1994), as amended by the Supplementary General Conditions, the Instructions to Bidders, the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, Specifications, Tender Form, and the Drawings listed in Section 8 hereof are alt complementary and shall be read together. ' 1.4 Each Bidder shall examine the Tender Documents as soon as possible after receipt thereof, and should he discover any errors or omissions therein he shall notify the Consultant as soon as possible so that further instructions and/or Drawings may be issued to all Tenderers befcre the date set for receiving Tenders. 1.5 Tender documents will be available on Thursday, November 3, 2005 at the Purchasing Department, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, ' Telephone (905) 623-3379. Two sets of tender documents will be provided free of charge to Pre-Qualified General Contractors only. Additional copies of the Tender Documents will be provided to Pre-Qualified General Contractors and interested sub-trades, on receipt of anon-refundable fee of $200.00 for each set of documents. Payment may be made in the form of cash or certified cheque, payable to The Municipality of Clarington. 1.6 Tender documents will be available for viewingattheofficesoftheDurhamConstructionAssociation, the Peterborough Construction Association, the Quinte Construction Association and the Toronto Construction Association. 1.7 Individual drawings and sections of specifications are not available (including electronic drawings and/or data). 1.8 Bidders are advised that enquiries regarding interpretation of the drawings and specifications shall be directed to the Consultant: ~ ' 04703-00100.wpd DIVISION 0 r SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 2 ' SECTION 1 -GENERAL (Cont'd) ' Arch itectu rallStructural: Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited , 11 Stanley Court, Whitby, Ontario L1N SP9 Telephone No. (905) 666-5252 ' Facsimile No. (905) 666-5256 Attenticn: Mr. William Weima, OAA, MRAIC extension 226 Mr. Archie Cheung, P. Eng. extension 239 ' Mechanical: Leipciger, Kaminker, Mitelman and Partners Inc. ' 235 Lesmill Road, Toronto, Ontario M36 2V1 Telephone No. (416) 445-8255 , Facsimile No. (416) 445-7885 Attention: Mr. Kris Sharma, P. Eng. extension 209 Electrical: ' Leipciger, Kaminker, Mitelman and Partners Inc. 235 Lesmill Road, Toronto, Ontario M36 2V1 ' Telephone No. (416) 445-8255 Facsimile No. (416) 445-7885 , Attention: Mr. Dahn Nugyen, P. Eng. extension 224 1.9 Consultants will not accept any calls from bidders orsub-trades regarding enquiries on this project ' 24 hours prior to close of Tender. 1.10 Bidders shall be responsible for the distribution of all Contract Documents and Addenda to all ' Subcontractors and suppliers. There will be no consideration given for extra payment due to the failure of any subcontractor or supplier to review all Documents prior to close of tender. 1.11 No claims for payment will be accepted because of failure on the part of the Owner, the Consultant ' or their representatives to supply any Subcontractor with all or part of the Contract Documents and Addenda thereto, which will have been supplied to the Bidder up to the closing date. amount of Five Million dollars i th f Li bilit I f ' nsurance n e y o a 1.12 The successful bidder shall submit proo ($5,000,000.00) to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, prior to the commencement of the work. Insurance policy shall name the Owner and the Consultants as additional insured. ' 04103-00100.wpd , ~' DIVISION 0 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 3 SECTION 2 -TENDER SUBMISSIONS 2.1 Tender submission shall be in accordance with the Instructions fo Bidders and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Standard Terms and Conditions attached to these Instructions To Bidders. ' 2.2 Stipulated Lump Sum Tenders executed and signed under seal, will be received at or before 2:00:00 p.m. local time, on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 Submit Tender and the Supplementary Tender Farm to: Office of the Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 t 2.3 Bidders are solely responsible for the delivery of Tenders to the Office of the Clerk, on or before the date and time set for the close of Tender. The Tender Form must be submitted at or before the ' respective closing time to be valid. 2.4 EachTendershallstatethestipulatedPRICE/PRICESforwhichtheBidderwillundertaketocarryout all the Work as described and/or shown in/on the Tender Documents. 2.5 The Tender Form , on the forms provided shall be filled inexactly as required, and shall be returned sealed in Tender envelopes provided by the Municipality of Clarington and bearing the Tenderer's name and clearly marked as indicated herein. 2.6 Two (2) sets of Tender Forms are provided. Bidders shall complete and return one (1) set of Tender Forms. 2.7 Bidders shall furnish all information requested and fill in all blanks in the Tender Form. Should any uncertainty arise as to the proper manner of completing the form, the requisite information will be given by the Consultant. 2.8 Tender Forms shall be completed in a legible manner. Incomplete tenders may not be considered. Bids must be typewritten or in ink. Erasures or noticeable changes to the Tender Farms must be initialled by the Bidder. 2.9 Incorporated Companies must attach Corporate Seal and Signatures of proper officers shall be affixed. Bids not signed are subject to rejection. 2.10 All prices (unless otherwise specifically requested in the Tender Documents) shall be "Work completed" prices, and shall be understood to include for all material, labour and other expenses including all Provincial Sales Taxes, fees, insurance, compensation and other items required by governing regulations, as well as overhead and profit for the work concerned. Tender prices shall not include Goods and Services Tax. 2.11 It shall be understood that the Stipulated Price submitted in the Tender Form shall be open for acceptance and irrevocable for a period of ninety (90) days. 04103-00100.wpd DIVISION 0 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 4 SECTION 2 -TENDER SUBMISSIONS (Cont'd) 2.12 Tenders may not be submitted by telegram, facsimile, telephone or orally. 2.13 Late tenders will be returned unopened to the respective bidder. 2.14 Bidders must not include restrictive or conditional statements to alter the format, or intent of the tender. 2.15 Tenders received in accordance with these instructions will be opened at a Public Meeting at the Municipal offices immediately following the closing time. The tender opening meeting will be held in Meeting Room #1, First Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario at 2:15 p.m. local time on Thursday, November 23, 2005. SECTION 3 -ADDENDA , 3.1 Bidders may, during the tendering period, be advised by Addenda of required additions to, deletions from, clarifications to, or alterations in the requirements of the Tender Documents. All such changes shall become an integral part of the Tender Documents and shall be allowed for in the Stipulated ' Price. 3.2 Bidders shall insert, in the space provided in the Tender Form, the Addenda numbers of all Addenda ' received bythem. If noAddenda have been received, the word "NONE" shall be inserted in the space provided. SECTION 4 -BASE BID TENDERS ' 1 Contractors shall base their Tenders on the materials, methods, firms and equipment named in the 4 . documents. No deviationfrom the specifed materials, methdds firms and equipment will be allowed ' without written approval from the Municipality. 4.2 Requests to accept any alternatives to the materials, suppliers or products specified must be submitted to the Consultant not later than five (5) days prior to the close of Tenders. All bidders will ' be advised by written addenda, of any acceptable alternates. Requests shall include the following information: lier's name d ' ' . s name an supp 1 Manufacturer 2 Detailed description of alternative including identification of difrerences from specified products. 3 Statement assuming full responsibility that any equipment shall not exceed the space , requirements allocated on the drawings. The successful Bidder shall be responsible for any additional installation cost, resulting from the acceptance of a substitute piece of equipment or product. , 4 Any other information requested by the Consultant, including samples, as necessary to complete his evaluation of proposed alternates. .5 Any other information requested by the Consultant in assisting in evaluation of proposed alternates. ' 04 i03-OOt00.wptl ' 1 ;• k DIVISION 0 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 5 SECTION 4 -BASE BID TENDERS (Cont'd) Under no circumstances shall the value of an alternative material or equipment not approved in accordance with the above, be included in the Stipulated Price. Under no circumstances will alternatives submitted after the closing of Tenders be considered. 4.3 The Owner and his representative reserve the right to accept or reject proposed alternatives as they see fit. SECTION 5 -TENDERS NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED 5.1 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to: a) Cancel the Tender at any time prior to acceptance of a bid. b) Reject any or all bids. c) Cancel any order if the goods or services are unsatisfactory. d) Accept the Tender in whole or in part. e) Disqualify any Tenders not submitted in strict accordance with the requirements of the Tender Documents. f) Require each Bidder to submit evidence of any proposed Subcontractors' experience and competence in similar work previously performed. g) Accept any Tender based uponanycombinationoftheSfipulatedLumpSumPrice,Separate Prices and Alternate Prices. 5.2 The Owner reserves the power and right to reject Tenders received from parties who cannot show a reasonable acquaintance with, and preparation of the proper pertormance of the class of work herein specified and shown on the drawings. 5.3 Tenders containing escalator clauses will not be considered. 5.4 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any tender which is incomplete, illegible or obscure, or which contains alterations not called for, or irregularities of any kind, may be rejected. SECTION 6 -TAXES 6.1 The Tender amount shall include all Excise Taxes and Government Duties on all materials required for the completion of the work of this Tender, provided that same are in force at the time of signing the Contract. 6.2 Provincial Retail Sales Tax shall be included in tendered prices for material supplied under this contract. 6.3 The total Tender amount shall not include Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.). SECTION 7 -TIME OF THE ESSENCE 7.1 The Contractor is cautioned that time is of the essence in this Contract and that the ability to complete the Work within the stipulated time period will be one of the factors considered in the award of the Contract. oamaooiao.v,~d DIVISION 0 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 6 SECTION 7 -TIME OF THE ESSENCE (Cont'd) 7.2 Upon commencing work on site, all work must continue until completion without delay or work stoppage unless instructed otherwise by the Owner. 7.3 The Contractor shall co-ordinate the work to ensure completion of the work in accordance with the schedule set forth in Section 01140, Work Restrictions. 7.4 The Contractor will be required to provide all labour, material and equipment and direct his subcontractors and suppliers to work the number of shifts and days that are necessary to meet the Owner's schedule. 7.5 Bidders shall allow in their Stipulated Price for all premium time and other costs as necessary to meet the required completion date. 7.6 The Contractor shall co-ordinate the work as follows: Start Date: Upon Award of Contract Completion Date: Mav 8. 2006 7.7 The Contractor will be required to provide all labour, material and equipment and direct his subcontractors and suppliers to work the number of shifts and days that are necessary to meet the Owner's schedule. '7.8 Bidders shall allow in their Stipulated Price for all premium time and other costs as necessary to meet the required completion date. SECTION 8 -LIST OF DRAWINGS 8.1 D rrh ihcPh val Dwg No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued A10D Site Plan 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A101 Enlar ed Site Plan, Landsca a Plan and Details 1 - Nov. 2. 2005 A201 Overall Ground Floor Ke Plan 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A202 Ground Floor Demolition Plan 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A203 Ground Floor Plan 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A204 Roof Plan and Detail Section of Sk li ht 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A205 Ground Floor Reflected Ceilin Plan 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A301 Elevations 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A401 Sections & Elevation 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A501 Wall Sections and Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A502 Wall Sections 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A503 Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A601 Plan Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A801 Schedules 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 A901 Millwork Plan, Sections and Details 1 - Nov. 2. 2005 A902 Millwork Sections and Details 1 - Nov. 2 2005 04103-0010D.wptl DIVISION 0 SECTION OD100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION 8 -LIST OF DRAWINGS (Cont'd) 8.2 Structural 7 Dwg No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued S101 General Notes and Abbreviations 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 S102 T ical Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 S201 Foundation Plan and Column Schedule 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 S202 Roof Framin Plan and Elevations 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 5501 Sections 1 Nov. 2 2005 8.4 Mechanical Dwg No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued M200 Le end & Details Mechanical 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 M201 Fire Protection Plan Mechanical 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 M202 Plumbin & Draina a Mechanical 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 M203 HVAC Plan Mechanical 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 M204 Roof Plan Mechanical 1 Nov. 2 2005 8.4 Electrical Dwg. No. Title Issue No. Rev. No. Issued E101 Electrical Site Plan and Le end 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 E201 Electrical Li htin La out 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 E202 Electrical Power and S stem La out 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 E301 Electrical Li htin La out -Demolition 1 - Ncv. 2, 2005 E302 Electrical Power S stem -Demolition 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 E801 Electrical Sin le Line Dia ram and Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 E802 Electrical S ecification and Details 1 - Nov. 2, 2005 P00_01 Electric Floor Plan Room 004 (for reference onl D1 01 Oct. 26, 2005 000_00 Electric Ceiling Plan Room 004 (for reference onl - 00 Oct. 27, 2005 D00_Ot Electric & Data (I.T.) Details & Specs (for reference onl D1 01 Oct. 26, 2005 SECTION 9 -EXECUTE CONTRACT 9.1 The Successful Bidder shall execute the Contract Documents within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of notification of Acceptance of Tender from the Owner. 9.2 The Successful Bidder shall commence the Work at the site within three (3) calendar days of receipt of Notification to Commence Work, and complete all construction to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Consultant as indicated in Section 7 herein. 04103-00100 wpd 1 DIVISION 0 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 8 SECTION 9 -EXECUTE CONTRACT (Cont'd) 9.3 Failure by the Successful Bidder to meet the above requirements will entitle the Owner to cancel the award of the Contract. The Owner may then award the Contract to one of the other bidders or to take such other action as he chooses. SECTION 10 -AGREEMENT TO BOND 10.1 Include with the tender, an agreement to bond issued by a duly incorporated and nationally recognized surety company, guaranteeing the faithful performance of the contract including the warrantee period, in accordance with the Contract Documents. Agree to furnish to the Owner, a Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond, each in the amount of One Hundred Percent (100%) of the Stipulated Price. 10.2 The premiums for all bonds shall be included in the Stipulated Price. SECTION 11 -BID SECURITY 11.1 11.2 11.3 Bid 1 Tender Deposit Total Amount of Bid Minimum Deposit Required $250,000.01 to 500,000.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.01 to 1,000,000.00 $50,000.00 $1,000,000.01 to 2,000,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $2,000,000.01 and over $200,000.00 Bid deposit, in the form of a certified cheque or money order must be enclosed in the envelope with the tender. Bid bonds issued by a surety approved by and in a form containing terms satisfactory to the Municipality's Treasurer will be accepted. 11.4 All tender bid depositswillbereturnedtotherespectivebidderswithinten(10)daysaftertheTenders have been opened except those ofthe two (2) low bidders, which shall be retained by the Municipality of Clarington until the successful bidder has executed the Contract. SECTION 12 -CASH ALLOWANCES 12.1 Include in the Stipulated Price, the following cash allowances. 1. Independent inspection and testing $ 8,000:00 2. Project Sign $ 3,000.00 3. Finishing Hardware (for hollow metal and plastic faced wood doors) $ 8,000.00 4. Exterior Building and Site Signage $ 10,000.00 TOTAL CASH ALLOWANCES SECTION 13 -LOCATION 13.1 The site is located at 2440 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario. 04103-OOi00.wptl 1 1 _$ 29,060.00 1 DIVISION 0 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 9 SECTION 14 -PROCEDURES TO BE USED IF BID EXCEEDS BUDGET ' 14.1 The procedures recommended in CCDC Document 23 will be used. 14.2 In the event that all Bids received exceed the Owner's budget, the Owner will negotiate changes in the scope of the work with the bidder submitting the lowest acceptable Bid. When the negotiations result in a Contract Price acceptable to both parties, no re-bidding ofthe project is necessary and the Contract should be awarded at the negotiated price. ' If negotiations fail to produce a Contract Price acceptable to both parties, or if, in the first instance, the changes contemplated result in a value in excess of 15%, the Bid Documents may be amended and invitations to re-bid be restricted to the three (3) lowest acceptable Bids on the original Bid Call. SECTION 15 -STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ' 15.1 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Standard Terms and Conditions attached to these Instructions to Bidders will be read in conjunction with the documents listed in Section 1, and will form a part of the contract, with the following amendments: 1. Delete the term "purchase order" and replace with "Canadian Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, Canadian Standard Construction Document CCDC-2,1994 as amended by the Supplementary General Conditions". 2. In Article 7, 5`" paragraph, change last sentence to read: "Goods and Services Tax shall be extra. Provincial Sales Tax is to be included in the bid price". 3. In Article 23, 's` paragraph, change insurance limits from $3,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00. 4. In Article 23, 2ntl paragraph, add "Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited" as additional insured. ' End of Section 1 04103-00100.wptl DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 1 The Office of the Clerk ' The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3E6 1 Re: Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, Municipality of Clarington 2440 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario ' Contract No. CL2005-46 Sir: 1.0 We !1 LJ L~ agree for the Stipulated Price stated belowto supply all necessary labour, materials, plant, equipment, services and overtime work as may be required for the execution and completion of all work in connection with the above referenced project for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, in accordance with Instructions to Bidders, the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's Standard Terms and Conditions, the General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, Specificationsand Drawings, prepared for that purpose by Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited, Whitby, Ontario and to the entire satisfaction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington: STIPULATED PRICE (excWSlve of GSn Dollars 2.0 Goods and Services Tax (GST) at 7% to be added to the Stipulated Price $ 3.0 The Stipulated Price includes CASH ALLOWANCES in the amount of $29,OOD.00 (Twenty-nine Thousand Dollars) as listed in the Instructions to Bidders. 4.0 We agree the Owner reserves the right to accept or reject prices bid for the work or for any portion of the work. 5.0 We agree that the Owner reserves the right to take any financial benefit, from alternates submitted, into consideration in the evaluation of all tenders and the subsequent award of the Contract. 6.0 We agree to complete all work including necessary overtime work pursuant to this Contract in the period required to meet the scheduled completion dates as specified. 7.0 We have received and included for Addenda No. _ to _ in the Stipulated Price. 8.0 We agree that the Owner may award a Contract based on any combination of the Stipulated Lump Sum Price, Separate Prices and Alternate Prices. 9.0 In the event that work extra to that included in the Contract is required, and is authorized in writing by the Owner, the Contractor will add the following percentages to the cost of the work. Overhead Profit General Contractor's Work Subcontractor's Work aaios-oozoc.wpa I~ u [ _J DIVISION 0 SECTION OD200 TENDER FORM 10.0 We submitthe following Separate Prices which are included in the Stipulated Price (Separate prices shall include G.S.T.): A. All work identified on GSM Build drawings including floor and ceiling junction boxes and associated conduit. $ B. Fire alarm wiring from IT/Electrical Closet 009 to the Fire Alarm Control Panel in lieu of location shown at SV-103. $ 11.0 We submit the following Separate Prices which are not included in the Stipulated Pirce (Separate prices shall include G.S.T.): A. Foralldifferencesbetweenthepre-action sprinklersystem specified and a wet system. Include in this separate price a floor drain, heat detectors c/w conduit and wiring, pipe difference and all other differences required to complete the work. 12.0 We submit the names of subcontractors upon whose tender the stipulated price was based: TRADE FIRM ADDRESS Excavation and Backfill Site Services Landscaping Structural Steel and Steel Joists Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Metal Cladding Aluminum Windows and Doors Gypsum Board and Acoustic Tile Millwork Plumbing Sprinklers HVAC Electrical 13.0 Unit Prices: Additional work will be completed in accordance with the following schedule of unit rates, an approval of the Consultant, exclusive of overhead and profit. Unit rates include all charges for supply and installation, supervision, plant and tools. Deletions shall be deducted from additions before unit rates are applied. Credits will be deducted from extras before overhead and profit are added. All work will be performed in accordance with the Contract documents. Provincial tax is included in the unit rates. Goods and services tax is not included in the unit rates. 04103-00200.wpd 1 t DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Page 3 Unit Prices for Additions and Deletions: Nature of Work Additions Deletions A. OPSS Granular'A' backfill (supply, place and compact) per m'. B. OPSS Granular'B' backfill (supply, place and compact) per m'. C. OPSS sand fill (supply, place and compact) perm°. D. Clear crushed stone fill (supply, place and compact) perm'. E. Reinforcing steel, supply and place, per metric tonne. F. 25 MPA concrete-in-place perm'. G. Structural steel per metric tonne. 14.0 We have carefully examined all the Tender Documents, have visited the Site, and have a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the Work required underthis Contract and of all the working conditions and schedule requirements. 15.0 We the undersigned agree that this Tender is valid and irrevocable and subject to acceptance by the Owner without notice to us for a period of Ninety (90) days from date of receipt of Tender, and that if notified of award of Contract, we will within ten (10) days of receipt of notification of Acceptance of Tender: a) Furnish to the Owner, copies of insurance policies as required by the Conditions of the Contract. b) Furnish to the Owner a breakdown of the Stipulated Price in such farm and detail as required by the Owner for progress payments and internal accounting purposes. c) Furnish to the Owner, a Performance Bond and a Labourand Material Payment Bond, issued by a Surety acceptable to the Owner, each for an amount equalling 100% of the Tender Price to ensure the full and proper completion of the Contract. d) Commence the work forthwith after the execution of a Contract or when notified to do so by the Owner and to execute the work continuously to completion. Time shall be the essence of the Contract and the work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule outlined in the Contract Documents. e) Furnish to the Owner a Clearance Certificate of the Workers' Compensation Board at any time when requested thereafter. f) Submit within three (3) days of award of the contract a detailed construction schedule to the Owner for approval. g) Furnish to the Owner a copy of our Corporate Safety Policy. 16.D Wherever the plural is used herein, the same shall be read and construed as if the singular had been used where the facts and context so requires and as if all necessary grammatical changes had been made. 17.0 Bid Security: Attached to this tenderform is a bid deposit in the amount required by the Instructions to Bidders. I/We the undersigned agree that if I/We withdraw this tender or default in executing a contract or providing the required Performance Security in accordance with the terms of the bid documents, the Ownershall have sustained liquidated damages in the amount equal to the difference between the amount of this bid and the amount for which the Owner legally contracts with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount exceeds the former up to a maximum of the amount of the bid deposit and such amount shall become the property of the Owner. oaioa-oozoo.wpa r~ ' DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Paqe 4 18.0 Bonds: Attached to this Tender is an agreement to bond in the amount of 100% for Performance, and 100% for Materials and Labour Payment. 19.0 Safety Form: Attached to this Tender is a completed copy of the Municipality ofClarington Health and Safety Practice Form. ,,~ I'~ ~ 1 ~~ 1 ' 04103-00200.wptl DIVISION 0 SECTION 00200 TENDER FORM Paqe 5 20.0 Signature and Seal of Bidder: Street Address City or Town Postal Code Telephone No. Date Facsimile No. Tenderer's G.S.T. Registration No. Name of Company Signature of Company Official Name and Title Signature of Company Official Name and Title SEAL If the bidding firm is a limited company, the company seal must appear on this Bid Form with the signature(s) of the proper signing official(s). oa~oaaozao.wPa ~' ~' ~' ~~ DIVISION 0 SECTION 00300 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 1 1.0 GENERAL 1 The Agreement, Definition and General Conditions of this Contract shall be the Canadian Standard Construction Document CCDC-2, 1994, Stipulated Price Contract, except as amended by the Supplementary General Conditions, Section 00400. End of Section ~' 1 ~, ' 04103-00300.wptl ~', ~, DIVISION 0 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 1 GENERAL The Definitions and General Conditions of the Canadian Standard Construction Document CCDC-2, 1994, Stipulated Price Contract are amended as follows: 2 The Municipality of Clarington Standard Terms and Conditions appended to Instructions to Bidders shall be read in conjunction with, and form part of, the Contract document. Whereverthe contents of this document exceed the requirements of the General Conditions, provide such additional requirements. 2. DEFINITIONS The definitions set out on page 7 of the standard construction document are hereby amended by adding the following sentences to the appropriate paragraphs: 3 The term 'Owner' The Municipality of Clarington, shall be understood to mean The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Bowmanville, Ontario, or their authorized representatives. 7 The term 'Consultant', 'Architect' or 'Engineer', refers to Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited, or their authorized representatives, in conjunction with the Owner. 3. GC 1.1 -CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Delete from article 1.1.10 "sufficient copies of ...... work" and add: "15 sets of the drawings and specifications upon which the Contract is based. Additional copies of drawings and specifications will be issued to the Contractor at the Contractor's expense." 4. GC 2.3 -REVIEW AND INSPECTION OF THE WORK 1 Add the following to GC 2.3.2: The Contractor shall give the Consultant and the Testing Agency at least three working days notice of the date and time fixed for all required tests and shall supply all labour, materials and fuel, etc. as necessary. 5. GC 3 2 -CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS 1 Add new article as follows: 3.2.6 The Contractor shall afford all other Contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work. oa~os-ooaoawPd DIVISION 0 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 2 6. GC 3.7 -SUPERVISOR Add new article as follows: 3.7.3 The Contractor's Supervisor shall be satisfactory to the Consultant and must be maintained on the job full time until all deficiencies have been corrected and the completion ofthe Contract has been reached. Applications to replace the Supervisor during or prior to this period will not be considered. 7. GC 3.9 -LABOUR AND PRODUCTS .1 Add new article as follows: 3.9.4 Manufactured materials and equipment which are specified by their proprietary names or by part of catalogue numbers must be provided. Where a number of proprietary materials are specified for one use the Contractor may select any of the materials specified. No substitute for the materials specified will be allowed unless written approval of alternate material eq uipment is authorized by the Consultant prior to signing of the Contract. 2 Add new article as follows: 3.9.5 The Contractor shall use all proprietary materials and equipment in strictaccordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. 8. GC 3.11 -SHOP DRAWINGS Add new article as follows: 3.11.7 The Contractor shall arrange far the preparation of clearly identified shop drawings and submission of 6 copies of such shop drawings, erection and setting drawings or diagrams including electrical wiring schematics. The Consultant will return 3 copies to the Contractor. .2 Add new article as follows: 3.11.8 The term Shop Drawings shall include erection and setting drawings, data sheets and electrical wiring schematics. 3 Add new article as follows: 3.11.9 The Shop Drawing Review Stamp shall be as herein shown: "This review by Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited is for the sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with the general design concept. This review shall not mean that Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited approves the detail design inherent in the shop drawings, responsibility for which shall remain with the Contractor submitting same, and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of his responsibility for meeting all requirements ofthe Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for co-ordination of the work of all sub-trades". oai oa-ooaon.wPa ~~ DIVISION 0 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 3 8. GC 3.11 -SHOP DRAWINGS (Cont'd) REVIEWED ( ) REVIEWED AS MODIFIED ( ) NOT REVIEWED ( ) BARRY • BRYAN ASSOCIATES (1991) LIMITED BY: DATE: 4 Add new article as follows: 3.11.10 Samples: Reviewed samples will be returned to the Contractor or his Superintendent on the site. Materials ordered and/or received must match reviewed samples. Any materials, whether incorporated in the building project or not, ' which do not match reviewed samples, shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. ' 9. GC 3.12 - USE OF THE WORK 1 Add new article as follows: 1 3.12.3 The Owner shall have the right to enter and occupy the building in whole, or in part, for the purpose of placing fittings and equipment or for other uses before completion of the contract. Such entry and occupation shall not be considered as acceptance of the work or in any way relieve the Contractor from his responsibility to complete the contract. 10. GC 3.14 -CLEAN-UP 1 Add new article as follows: 3.14.5 As soon as sections or areas of the work are completed and ready for painting, the ' Contractor shall remove all rubbish and waste, replace all broken glass and leave the areas clean suitable for painting to the Painter's approval. On completion of the work the Contractor shall remove the dust by washing and vacuuming with industrial quality vacuum from walls, ceiling, sills, ledges, etc., thoroughly wash, wax and polish all floors and bases, clean and polish all mirrors and glass (both inside and outside) and leave the work in a condition satisfactory to the Consultant. Remove all plant and equipment, sheds, offices, barricades, hoarding, temporary roads, ' walks, and temporary services, surplus materials, and leave the work site in a condition satisfactory to the Consultant 04103-00400.wpd DIVISION 0 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 4 10. GC 3.14 -CLEAN-UP (Cont'd) .2 Add new article as follows: 3.14.6 The Owner shall have the right to back charge cleaning to the Contractor if not done by the Contractor within 24 hours of notice to clean. .3 Add new article as follows: 3.14.7 The Owner shall have the right to back charge cost of damage to the site caused by contractor transportation in and out of the site if not repaired before final payment. 11. GC 4.1 -CASH ALLOWANCES Delete article 4.1.4 and insert the following 4.1.4 In the event that the cost of the work covered by Cash Allowances should exceed the cash allowance, while the contract sum will be adjusted inconformity therewith, there shall be no adjustment to the Contractor's fee or other expenses such as overhead or profit, it being understood and agreed thatthe contractsum includesthe Contractor's expenses and profit for all Cash Allowances whether or not they are exceeded. Work and material covered by Cash Allowance will be tendered later. The General Contractor shall sign the successful bidders as normal subcontractors and assume full responsibility for supervision, scheduling, guarantees and payment for this work. 12. GC 5.1 -FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 1 Delete entirely, Articles 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. 13. GC 5.3 -PROGRESS PAYMENT 1 Refer to Article 5.3.2 -Change "(5)" to "(30)". 2 Add new paragraph: 5.3.3 The Consultant shall deduct, on each Certificate of Payment, after the 10% lien holdback has been deducted, a further 1 %, to be set aside and held as a Contract Completion Security Account. The accumulated amount in this account shall be released to the Contractor upon Total Performance of the Work. Partial releaseswill not be made. If, within fifteen (15) days of written notification by Owner at any time after Substantial Performance, the Contractor does not reach Total Performance, by failing to completely finish outstanding work, the Owner shall have the right to complete such work and deduct the cost for such work together with an appropriate administration fee from the Contract Completion Security Account. 04103-OO400.wptl ~I'' ~~ , DIVISION 0 SECTION OD400 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 5 14. GC 5.5 -PAYMENT OF HOLDBACK UPON SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK 1 Delete Article 5.5.3 entirely. 15. GC 5.6 -PROGRESSIVE RELEASE OF HOLDBACK 1 Refer to Article 5.6.1 -Delete and replace with the following: "Holdback monies will not be released until 46 days after substantial performance of the Contract." 16. GC 5.7 -FINAL PAYMENT 1 Refer to Article 5.7.4 -Change "(5)" to "(30)". ' 17. GC 10.1 -TAXES & DUTIES 1 Add the following to GC 10.1.2: 1 The Contractor must provide a detailed breakdown of additional taxes if requested by the Owner in a form satisfactory to the Owner. ' 2 Profit and overhead shall not be included in the increase or decrease in costs incurred by the Contractor due to changes in the aforementioned taxes and duties. 18. GC 10.2 -LAWS. NOTICES. PERMITS AND FEES 1 Add new articles as follows: ' 10.2.6 It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to apply and pay for any Permits, the cost of which shall be included in the Stipulated Price except for the Municipality of Clarington Building Permit which will be obtained and paid for by the Owner. 10.2.7 The Contractor will file a Notice of Project with the Ministry and will pay any associated fees. The Contractor will be the 'Constructor' as defined by the Construction Health and Safety Act. ' 19. GC 11.1 -INSURANCE .1 Add new paragraph: 11.1.1(6) The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Barry Bryan Associates (1991) Limited are to be included in the list of insured. ' 20. GC 11.2 -BONDS .1 Add new article as follows: 11.2.3 The bonds shall cover payment of all obligations occurred in the event of the Contractor's default, including the following: ' 04103-00400.wpd DIVISION 0 SECTION 0040D SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS zo. GC 11.2 -BONDS (Cont'd) Payment of all legal; architectural, mechanical, electrical and structural engineering expenses incurred by the Owner in determining the extent of work executed and work still to be executed and any additional work required as a result of the interruption of the work. Payment of additional expenses to the Owner in the form of Watchmen's services, light, heat, power, etc., payable over the period between the default of the original contract and commencement of the new contract. 21 22. GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION Add new article as follows: 12.1.5 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Consultant(s) for and against any and all costs and expenses (including legal and architect/engineering services and court costs) arising out of or a consequence of any default of the Contractor under the Contract. GC 12.3 -WARRANTY .2 Add the following to GC 12.3.3: The term "defect" shall not be construed as embracing such imperfections as would naturally follow misuse, failure to pertorm recommended maintenance, accident, or the wear and tear of normal use. Generally, any manufactured item ormaterial, which when used as directed, must be capable of such use for the duration of the specified warranty period. Failure to comply with this requirement shall be considered as being a "defect". The costs of investigations, tests, repairs and/or replacement and the making good of any resulting damage shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible to see that all required work is performed without undue delay. The carrying out of the replacement work and making good of defects shall be executed at such times as convenient with the Owner, which may entail overtime work on the part of the Contractor. The Owner shall give notice of observed defects promptly. Additional charges for overtime work in this regard must be borne by the Contractor. Prior to the expiry of the Warranty Period the Owner reserves the right to carry out a detailed and exhaustive inspection of the building with regard to all work carried out under the terms of this contract and the Contractor shall be required to make good the defective or unsatisfactory materials and/or workmanship observed. Add new article as follows: 12.3.7 If extended warranties in excess of one year are required elsewhere in the Contract Documents, the provision of this article shall also apply for such extended periods. 1 i L~ 1 oa7oa-ooaoo.wotl ' ~' DIVISION 0 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS 22. GC 12.3 -WARRANTY (Cont'd) 3 Add new article as follows: ' 12.3.8 Any material or equipment requiring excessive servicing during the warranty period (or free maintenance period if applicable) shall be considered defective and the warranty (or free maintenance period) shall be deemed to take effect from the time ' that the defect has been corrected so as to cause excessive servicing to terminate. 4 Add new article as follows: 12.3.9 The Contractor shall make good in a permanent manner, satisfactory to the Owner, any and all damage to the work both during construction and during the period of warranty as aforesaid. The Contractor shall commence repairs on any work identified as defective within 48 hours or receipt of notice from the Owner or the ' Consultant. 5 Add new article as follows: 12.3.10 The decision of the Owner and Consultant shall be final as to the necessity for repairs or for work to be done under this Section. ' End of Section ' oaios-ooaoowPd Leading tkc Wm• FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ' ICI CONTRACTS POLICY STATEMENT On all Industrial Commercial Institutional Construction Contracts with the Municipality, every Contractor and Sub-Contractor shall pay or provide wages, benefits and hours of work to their Employees, in accordance with the "Fair Wage Policy for ICI Contracts" and the Fair Wage Schedule of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. Failure to comply with the Fair Wage Policy may result in restricted ability to bid on Municipal construction business. DEFINITIONS ' In this policy wherever a term set out below appears in the text of this policy with its initial letters capitalized, the term is intended to have the meaning set out for it in this DEFINITION section. Wherever a term below appears in the text of this policy in regular 1 case, it is intended to have the meaning ordinarily attributed to it in the English language. a) "Municipality" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, and, ' where the context allows, its officers, officials, employees and agents or any of them. b) "Municipal Council" means the elected Municipal Council of the Municipality. c) "Contractor" means any person, firm or corporation having a contract with the Municipality for the performance of ICI construction work, but does not include any person, firm or corporation that only supplies materials for the Construction Contract. ' d) "Construction Contract" means any ICI construction of an estimated value of at least one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars (exclusive of GST, administration and related costs), entered into between the Municipality and a Contractor and includes the various sub-contracts to that contract. Construction Contracts which were initially tendered and awarded under the one million ($1,000,000.00) dollar threshold (exclusive of GST, administration and related costs) but exceeded this upset limit due to owner requested changes or other unknown change orders after the award of the contract, are exempt from this policy. 1 FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS Page 2 of 8 DEFINITIONS CONTINUED e) "Audit Services' means the review of tender submissions of any or all bids at time of tender and records of low bid contractors and sub-contractors to ensure compliance. Audit services may be performed by the City of Toronto or alternate designated by the Municipality of Clarington. f) "Employees" means those persons employed by the Contractor or Sub- contractor in positions, classifications (trades or any combination of those) identified in the Fair Wage Schedule, for the performance of construction work on a Construction Contract with the Municipality, or any sub-contract. g) "Fair Wage Schedule" means the schedule of wages, benefits and hours of work for the performance of construction work on all Municipal ICI Construction Contracts as approved and as amended from time to time as based on the Ontario Labour Relations Geographical Board Area 9. h) "Fringe Benefits" includes such benefits as company pension plans, extended health care benefits, dental and prescription plans, etc. It does not include legislated payroll deductions such as C.P.P., E.H.T., W.S.I.B. or E.I.C., O.H.I.P. "ICI" is an acronym abbreviation for "Industrial, Commercial andlor Institutional". j) "Registered Complaint" means a written complaint from an identified source which alleges that a Contractor or Sub-contractor has violated this Fair Wage Policy. Registered Complaints must be submitted, in writing, to the Purchasing Manager of the Municipality of Clarington. k) °Sub-contractor" means any person, firm or corporation performing work for a Contractor or one of the Contractors or other Sub-contractors who has a Construction Contract with the Municipality, but does not include any person, firm or corporation that only supplies materials for the Construction Contract. "Sub-contract" means any contract between a Contractor and any of that Contractor's Sub-contractors with a firm, person or corporation for work in accordance with a Construction Contract. The term excludes contracts for material supplies only. m) "Term". This policy is in effect for a term of twelve (12) months from Council ratification, after which it will be referred back to Council for review. 1 1 FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS PROCEDURES 3of8 1.a) The Purchasing Manager or designate will prepare and review the Fair Wage Schedule from time to time and after consultation with the audit service provider, those amendments to the Fair Wage Schedule which are required to reflect the prevailing wages, benefits and hours of work in the construction industry in the geographical area of the Municipality will be made by the Purchasing Manager. b) The Purchasing Manager or designate will review the Fair Wage Policy from time to time and recommend to Council any substantive required amendments to the Fair Wage Policy. Minor amendments may be made after consultation with the audit service provider. c) The Purchasing Manager for the Municipality or designate will co-ordinate, as necessary, the preparation of information reports to Council regarding complaints investigated and audits performed pursuant to the Fair Wage Policy. 2. The Municipality shall make available through its tender call, to every person bidding on the Municipality's ICI Contracts, the then current Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage Schedule and shall include in contract documents and/or provide copies of them to the bidders, or make them available through the Municipality's web page. The Contractor and its Sub-contractors shall not be responsible for any Fair Wage Schedule rate increases which occur after the closing of the tender for the Municipal Construction Contract on which the Contractor is the successful bidder. 3. For all ICI Contracts with the Municipality, the Contractor shall provide to the Municipality, in a form acceptable to the Municipal Solicitor or designate, notification that the Contractor and its Sub-contractors are in compliance with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. This notification shall be provided to the Municipality after substantial performance of the Construction Contract as defined in the Ontario Construction Lien Act. R.S.O. 1990, c C.30, as amended, including successor legislation. 4.a) A Contractor is fully responsible for ensuring that all of its Sub-contractors comply with the Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage Schedule. ASub-contractor is fully responsible for ensuring that all of its Sub-contractors comply with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. b) A Contractor must provide all of its Sub-contractors with a copy of the Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage Schedule before any construction work is performed by the Sub-contractors. c) Contractors and Sub-contractors can not subcontract any portion of the contract for less than the fair wage rates. 5. From time to time, the Municipality of Clarington will engage the services of the City of Toronto or alternate auditing services to conduct investigations on their behalf. J FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS Page4of8 ' PROCEDURES CONTINUED ' 6. The Fair Wage Rates will be based on the Ontario Labour Relations Geographical Board Area 9. 7. Contractors and Sub-contractors shall not discriminate because of race, ' ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences (provincial offences and pardoned federal offences), marital status, family status or handicap. ' 8. LEGISLATIVE COMPLIANCE , Contractors and Sub-contractors shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Act, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Company. ' Contractors and Sub-contractors shall ensure WSIB compliance and coverage in accordance with relevant legislation and the Municipality's prevailing policy. , Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Contractors and Sub-contractors ' shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Contractors and Sub-contractors obligations. , 9. LIABILITY The Municipality of Clarington and any other designate to be fully indemnified and , saved harmless from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever for all damage or injury including death to any person ' and all damage to any property which may arise directly or indirectly, save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality, its employees or designate. The Contractor agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the , Municipality from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality if the Municipality or any of its employees shall ' be made a party to any charge under the Occupational Health and Safety Act or any other Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract. POSTING , All Contractors must post in a conspicuous place on every construction project site, in a ' location satisfactory to the Project Manager or his designate, a copy of the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule supplied to it by the Municipality which will include a telephone number by which any inquiry regarding the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule, may be made to the Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate. ' FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS Page 5 of 8 RECORDS ' 1 Th C t t t k f .a) e on rac or mus eep records o the names, addresses, wages paid, benefits paid or provided and hours worked for all of its employees. ' b) The Contractor shall make these records available for inspection by the Municipality upon the request of the Municipality for a period of seven (7) years ' after final completion of the Construction Contract. The Municipality will only be permitted access to these records upon receipt of a Re istered Com laint g p . 2. The Contractor shall, in any agreement with aSub-contractor, require the Sub- contractor to comply with all subparagraphs below. a) The Sub-contractor shall keep records of the names, addresses, wages paid, ' benefits paid or provided and hours worked for all of its employees. b) The Sub-contractor shall make these records available for inspection by the Municipality within five (5) days to the date of the Municipality's request. The ' Municipality will only be permitted access to these records upon receipt of a Registered Complaint, and only for a period of seven (7) years after final completion of the Construction Contract. ' c) The Sub-contractor shall also require its Sub-contractors to assume the same obligations in relation to their own Employees. ' 3. Failure to provide these records or failure to co-operate as required by this Policy may result in the Contractor or Sub-contractor being subject to the 1 CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE provisions of this Fair Wage Policy. COMPLAINTS 1. Any Contractor, Sub-contractor or Employee that tendered on that awarded Construction Contract by the Municipality, may submit a Complaint against that tender award to the Municipality with respect to any Contractor orSub-contractor on that project. Registered Complaints should be submitted at the earliest time but no later than fifteen (15) days following the: a) substantial performance of relevant Construction Contract where a complaint is being made against a Contractor; or b) substantial completion of relevant Sub-contract to a Construction Contract where a complaint is being made against aSub-contractor. 2. Upon receipt of a Registered Complaint, together with payment of an investigation fee of $2,500.00, in the form of a certified cheque, the Municipality shall take such action as it deems necessary to determine whether the Contractor and Sub-contractor involved or named in the Registered Complaint is in compliance with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS 6of8 COMPLAINTS CONTINUED If upon investigation, the Registered Complaint is found to be substantiated, the fee of $2,500.00 will be refunded to the person, company or corporation filing the complaint. If the complaint is found to be unsubstantiated, the fee will be retained by the Municipality to cover administrative costs of the investigation and audit process. The Municipality may, at its discretion, waive the fee in cases where an employee of the Contractor or Sub-contractor working on the construction project issues the complaint. 3. The Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate shall inform the complainant and any Contractor or Sub-contractor involved or named in the complaint, or the results of the Municipality's determination of Contractor's andlor Sub-contractor's compliance or non-compliance with the Fair Wage Policy or Fair Wage Schedule, or both by ordinary mail. The decision of the Purchasing Manager or designate is final. INSPECTION AND AUDITS The Municipality retains the right to inspect and audit the payroll records (as referred to in the RECORDS section of the Fair Wage Policy) of the Contractor or Sub-contractor at any time during the period of the Construction Contract and up to seven (7) years after the Construction Contract has been completed, as deemed necessary by the Municipality. The Contractor shall supply certified copies of any records whenever requested by the Municipality within five (5) business days.. After completion of the Construction Contract, the Municipality will only be permitted access to these records upon its receipt of a Registered Complaint of non-compliance of a Contractor or Sub-contractor under the Fair Wage Policy. COMPLIANCE A Contractor or Sub-contractor shall be in compliance with the wage requirements of the Fair Wage Policy when it pays to its Employees wages, vacation and holiday pay, fringe benefits equal to or greater than the amount set out in the most recently approved Fair Wage Schedule. CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE The Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate, upon determining that a Contractor or Sub-contractor is in non-compliance of the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule, shall undertake the actions set out in subparagraphs (a) and (c) and may undertake the action set out in subparagraph (b). 1 1 ' FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS Page 7 of 8 CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE CONTINUED a) The Municipality shall advise the Contractor and/or Sub-contractor, in writing, ' sent by ordinary mail, that it has been determined that the Contractor or Sub- contractor is in non-compliance, providing the detail of that non-compliance. The notice shall stipulate that the Contractor and/or Sub-contractor is required to comply and/or immediately pay (retroactively) wages to its workers according to the Fair Wage Schedule applicable at the time of the Construction Contract award, as applicable. If a Contractor or Sub-contractor is provided with notice in accordance with this subparagraph, the fact shall be recorded as an occurrence ofnon-compliance. ' b) The Municipality may withhold an amount of funds equal to the amount by which the Contractor and/or Sub-contractor has benefited from its non- compliance ' from any payment owed by the Municipality to the Contractor until such time as the Contractor or Sub-contractor complies. c) The Municipality shall assess the base cost of $2,500.00 for the Municipality's ' inspection, audit or other action as deemed necessary by the Municipality as a result of the determination of non-compliance of the Contractor and/or Sub- contractor, and may deduct that amount from any payment owed by the Municipality to the Contractor. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for ' all of the Municipality's costs beyond the base cost of $2,500.00, to be payable immediately upon demand. 2. Where a Contractor or Sub-contractor has been determined to be in non- compliance with the Fair Wage Schedule for the first time in a five (5) year period, the Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate may require that Contractor or Sub-contractor, on the next three (3) Municipal Construction Contracts on which the Contractor or Sub-contractor performs construction work, to submit an accountant's report which verifies the Contractor's or Sub- contractor's compliance with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. , The account's report shall be in a form satisfactory to the Municipality's Director of Corporate Services or designate and shall be submitted after substantial ' performance of the Construction Contract as defined in the Construcfion Lien Act R S O c C 30 as amended including successor legislation , . . ., . . , , . 3. Where a Contractor or Sub-contractor has been determined to be in non- compliance with the Fair Wage Schedule for a second or subsequent time within a five (5) year period from the date of the first determination of non- compliance by the Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate, the Municipality may: r a) refuse to accept bids, quotations or proposals from that Contractor on Municipal Construction Contracts for a period of two (2) years, save and except any 1 Construction Contract the Contractor may currently have with the Municipality. 1 FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS 8of8 CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE CONTINUED b) not allow that Sub-contractor to perform any construction work on any Municipal Construction Contract for a period of two (2) years, save and except any Construction Contract on which the Sub-contractor may currently be performing construction work. 4. The Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate shall make available to the public a list of all Contractors and Sub-contractors who have been determined to be in non-compliance with the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule or both and are subject to restrictions in accordance with #2 and/or #3 of the CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE. This list may be made available through the Municipality's web page, posted through the Durham Construction Association web page, included in ICI tender calls, posted in the Purchasing Office or other suitable methods of posting. 5. The Municipality of Clarington's Purchasing Manager or designate will require a Contractor or Sub-contractor to substitute, at its own cost, any Sub-contractor who, on the first day that the tender for the relevant Construction Contract is available for pick-up, is named on the list referred to in #4 of the CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE above, and is identified as not being allowed to perform any construction work on a Construction Contract. 6. The Municipality of Clarington or its designate is not in any way liable, obligated or responsible to any Employee, Sub-contractor, Contractor or any other person for the payment of any monies not paid by a Contractor or Sub-contractor in accordance with the Fair Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule or both and the Municipality assumes no responsibility to any Employee, Sub-contractor or Contractor or any other person for the administration and enforcement of the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule or both. Any employee of the Contractor or Sub-contractor is not an employee or deemed an employee of the Municipality for any purpose. THIS POLICY SHALL BE READ WITH SUCH GENDER OR NUMBER OR CORPORATE STATUS AS THE CONTEXT MAY REQUIRE. 1 ~I J ~~ LJ DIVISION 1 SECTION D10D5 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS ' TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 : GENERAL Item Description Page No. 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................... ........... 1 1.02 SPECIFICATION FORMAT .......................................... ........... 1 1.03 CO-OPERATION ................................................... ........... 1 1.04 EXAMINATION .................................................... ........... 2 1.05 CONCEALMENT OF PIPES. DUCTS, TUBING AND WIRING ............... ........... 2 1.06 FASTENINGS .................................................... ............ 2 1.07 CUTTING AND PATCHING . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .... .... .. 3 1 1.08 CO-ORDINATION ................................................. ............ 3 1.09 COLD WEATHER WORKING ....................................... ............ 3 ' 1.10 1.11 CLOSING OFF AREAS ............................................. VERIFICATION ................................................... ............ 4 ............ 4 1.12 OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS ....................................... ............ 4 1.13 UTILITIES ....................................................... ............ 4 1.14 DUST CONTROL ON DRIVEWAYS AND IN WORK AREAS ............... ............ 5 1.15 . FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS .............................. . ............ 1.16 INSPECTION OF WORK ........................................... ............ 7 1.17 SCHEDULING REQUIREMENTS ..................................... ............ 7 ' 1.18 LIST OF DRAWINGS .............................................. ............ 8 i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 D4103A1005 wptl ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01005 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Unless specified otherwise, the provisions all Sections of Division 1 shall apply to all Sections of the specifications. B. Conform tothe General Conditions ofthe Canadian Standard Construction DocumentCCDC 21994 Stipulated Price Contractasamended by the SupplementaryGeneralConditions, and the Information for Tenderers. C. Study all Contract Documents to determineadditionalworkrequiredbyyourSectiononwhich the work of other Sections depend. D. Workmanship shall be of highest quality in accordance with best standard practice for this type of work, except where specified more precisely. E. All materials shall be exactly as specified. Only new materials will be permitted. ' Requests for the use of any alternate to the specified material and equipment must be submitted in writing to the Consultant, outlining the reasons for the alternate submission and the credit offered. Approval must be received in writing from the Consultant before the contractor proceeds with the alternate. The Consultant and Owner may reject any alternate without reason. F. Undertake a preconstruction survey of the existing building site and all structures in the vicinityoftheproposedconstruction. Survey existing surface conditions. Document findings with photographs, and in writing to the Region prior to construction. Be responsible for the repair of any damage not documented. 1.02 SPECIFICATION FORMAT A. These specifications are not intended as a detailed description of installation methods but serve to indicate particular requirements in the completed work. 1 B The Specification format is based on the Uniform Construction Index (U.C I) and the three part format of the Canadian National Master Specification. It is the contractors sole responsibility to provide all Work indicated in the Contract Documents. C. Separation of materials and products by Section, does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to coordinate and complete the all Sections of the Work in its entirety, and in accordance with the Contract Documents. ' 1.03 CO-OPERATION A. Cooperate with and coordinate with other trades as required for the satisfactory and expeditious completion of the work. Take field dimensions relative to this work. Fabricate and erect work to suit field dimensions and field conditions. Provide all forms, templates, anchors, sleeves, inserts and accessories required to be fxed to or inserted in the work and set in place or instruct the related trades as to their location. Pay the cost of extra work caused by and make up time lost as the result of failure to provide the necessary cooperation, information or items to be fixed to or built in, inadequate time. 04103-Ot005.wptl DIVISION 1 , SECTION 01005 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 2 ' 1.03 CO-OPERATION (Cont'd) ' B. Cooperate fully with, and provide assistance to all outside authorities including Building Inspectors, testing agencies, Consultants and the Project Manager, with the inspection ofthe work. ' C. Coordinate all connections to public utilities with the applicable authorities. 1.04 EXAMINATION A. Examine the work upon which your work depends. Report in writing defects in such work. The commencement of work or any part of it, shall be deemed acceptance of the work upon which work or that part of it which has been applied depends. , B. Drawings are, in part, diagrammatic and are intended to convey scope of work and indicate general and approximate location, arrangement and sizes of fixtures and equipment. Obtain more accurate information about locations, arrangement and sizes from study and coordination of shop drawings and interference drawings, including architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical drawings and becomefamiliarwithconditionsandspacesaffecting these matters before proceeding with work. Where job conditions require reasonable ' changes in indicated locations and arrangements, make changes at no additional cost to Owner. C. Install and arrange fixtures and equipment in such a way as to conserve as much headroom and space as possible. 1.05 CONCEALMENT OF PIPES. DUCTS. TUBING AND WIRING ' A. Conceal pipes, ducts, tubing, conduit and wiring located in finished areas, within ceiling spaces and furred construction unless specifically noted to be left exposed. B. If any doubt arises as to the means of concealment, or intent of contract documents, request t clarification from the Consultant before proceeding with the portion of the work in question. C. Do not install conduit, piping or the like exposed on face of exterior walls or surtaces without , express consent of the Consultant. D. Mechanical and Electrical work shall be inspected and tested before being concealed. , 1.06 FASTENINGS A. Supply all fastenings, anchors and accessories and adhesives required for fabrication and ' erection of the work. B. Exposed metal fastenings and accessories shall be of same texture, colour and finish as base metal on which they occur. , C. Fastenings used in humid areas, or exposed outside of the building, shall be stainless steel. t D. Metal fastenings shall be of the same material as the metal component they are anchoring or of a metal which will not result in an electrolytic action which would cause damage to the fastening or metal component under moist or acidic conditions. D4103-Ot005.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01005 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 3 1.06 FASTENINGS (Cont'd) E. Anchoring and fastening devices or adhesive shall be of appropriate type and shall be used insufficient quantity in such a manneras to provide positive permanentanchorage oftheunit to be anchored in position. Install anchors at spacing to provide for required load carrying capacity. 1 F. Keep exposed fastenings to a minimum, evenly spaced and neatly laid out. G. Supply adequate instructions and templates and, if necessary, supervise installation where fastenings or accessories are required to be built into work of other trades. f H. Fastenings which cause spalling or cracking of material to which anchorage is being made are not permitted. I. Powder actuated fastening devices will not be permitted on this project. 1.07 CUTTING AND PATCHING t A. Cut, patch and make good to leave work in a finished condition. I B. Do cutting and patching in the following manner: 1. RegardlessofwhichSubcontractororSectionofthespecificationsisresponsiblefor any portion of cutting and patching work, in each case tradesmen qualified in the I work being cut and patched shall be employed to ensure that it is correctly done. 2. Do not cut, drill or sleeve load-bearing members without first obtaining Consultant's written authority for each condition. 3. Drill work carefully, leaving clean hole not larger than required. 4. Cut holes after they are located by trades requiring them. 5. Make cuts with clean, true, smooth edges. Fit units to tolerances established and in conformance with best standard practice for applicable class of work. Make patches invisible in finished work. 6. Co-ordinate work of your Section with work of other Sections, taking into account existing installations to assure best arrangement of components in available space. For critical locations review with Consultant before commencing work. 1.08 CO-ORDINATION A. Co-ordinate all sections of the work. The responsibility as to which subcontractor, or supplier provides labour, material, equipment or services rests solely with the Contractor. The Consultant will not be required to settle disputes between the Contractor and subcontractors or suppliers. B. Coordinate the installation of hydro services being provided by Ontario Hydro and paid for by the Region, as noted on the drawings. The Region will not be responsible for any delays caused by the Contractor's failure to coordinate this work. 1.09 COLD WEATHER WORKING ' A. Particular attention is drawn to the requirement that the work shall commence immediately upon Contract award and shall continue full scale operations until the work is completed and accepted by the Project Manager and Consultant. D41D3-01005.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01005 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 4 ' 1.09 COLD WEATHER WORKING (Cont'd) B. It is understood thatthe STIPULATED LUMP SUM TENDER PRICE includes all costs forthe ' provision of temporary heating, temporary shelters and all other necessary cold weather measures to enable all trades including any assigned sub-trades to proceed without delay regardless of weather, to complete the entire building in accordance with the specified schedule. 1.10 CLOSING OFF AREAS ' A. Close off access routes by placing barricades or to prevent unauthorized personnel from having access to areas of the work. Unauthorized personnel shall mean anyone not directly ' concerned with the execution, supervision or inspection of the work. 1.11 VERIFICATION nd draw to the attention of the Consultant ti if i d ' ons a ngs an spec ca A. Carefully check the draw any apparent discrepancies or dimensional errors before proceeding with the work. Any job deviation from the specifications and drawings shall be drawn to the attention of the Consultant for decision before proceeding with the work. Check and verify all dimensions at the job site. All dimensions when pertaining to the work of other trades shall be verified with the Contractor concerned prior to start of the work. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS 1.12 All work or material delivered on the site or premises to form part of the works, shall be A . considered the property of the Contractor until installed and shall not be removed without the ' consent of the Owner, but the Contractor shall have the right to and shall remove the surplus material after he has completed the work. If so directed by the Owner, such surplus material shall be removed at any time prior to the completion of the work. , B. All excess or un-used materials shall be removed from the Owner's property, and disposed of at a location arranged for by the Contractor, and at the Contractor's expense, unless specifically noted otherwise. , 1.13 UTILITIES A. Be responsible for the protection of all utilities where required. However, no claims will be , considered which are based on delays or inconvenience resulting from relocation or repair due to the Contractor failing to provide adequate protection. wn on the Contract Drawings are tiliti h d d ' es s o ergroun u B. The location and depth of any un based on the investigations made by the Owner. Contact the appropriate utilities for further information in regard to the exact location of all utilities and exercise the necessary care in construction operations and take such other precautions as are necessary to safeguard the ' utilities from damage. C. Give proper notices for new services as may be required. Make arrangements with authorities and utilities for service connections required. D. Pay any charges levied by utilities or authorities for work carried out by them in connection with this Contract, unless specified otherwise. ' oa ~ oa-omos.wpd ' ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01005 ' GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 5 ' 1.13 UTILITIES (Cont'd) E. Operate and maintain all utility systems affected by work of the Contract, until the building or specific portions thereof have been accepted by the Owner. F. Report existing unknown services encountered during excavation to Consultant for instructions; cut back and cap or plug unused services. Be responsible for the protection of ' all active services encountered and for repair of such services if damaged. 1.14 DUST CONTROL ON DRIVEWAYS AND IN WORK AREAS A. Be solely responsible for controlling dust nuisances resulting from operations, both within the work limits and elsewhere as directed by the Owner. Quantities of water and calcium chloride shall be supplied and applied by the Contractor to those areas as being necessary and unavoidable for the prevention of dust nuisance or hazard to the area, as directed by the Consultant at no additional cost. B. Care shall be taken to control tlust. Provide adequate protection and dust screens to the complete satisfaction of the Consultant 1.15 FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS G. Provide fire protection to the finished project as indicated on the drawings and in the ' Technical Sections of the Specifications. H. Test methods used to determine fire hazard classifications and fire performance ratings of 1 assemblies and materials shall be as required by the Ontario Building Code. I. When requested, furnish the Owner with evidence of compliance with the fire protection requirements. J. Materials and components used to construct fire rated assemblies and materials requiring fire hazard classification shall be listed and labelled orotherwise approved by the appropriate authority. Labelled materials and their packaging shall bear fire rating authorities label ' showing product classification. K. Fire rated doorassemblies shall include doors, frames, anchors and hardware and shall bear label of fire rating authority showing opening classification and rating. L. Materials having a fire hazard classification shall be installed in accordance with the fire rating authorities printed instructions. M. Fire rated assemblies and all components shall be in accordance with the referenced design criteria. Deviations from the requirements of the referenced authority will not be permitted. N. Construct all fire rated assemblies as continuous, uninterrupted elements, except for permitted openings. Extend rated walls or partitions from the floor to the underside of the structure above. O. Fill and patch voids and gaps around openings and penetrations and at the perimeter of the assembly to maintain continuity and to produce a fire resistant smoke tight seal. oaias-amas.wPa DIVISION 1 SECTION 01005 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 6 1.16 INSPECTION OF WORK t Th C lt f i i ' an e onsu nspect on. A. The Consultant shall have access to the work for the purpose o may order any extra tests or inspections that may be deemed necessary to ascertain the proper execution of the work. If thework is found in accordancewith the contract, the Region shall pay the costs of extra tests or inspections. If the work is found deficient, the Contractor , shall pay the costs of tests and inspections, in addition to the cost to make the work acceptable under the terms and conditions of the contract. HEDULING REQUIREMENTS 1.17 SC A. There will be periods during construction where no excessive noise can occur and these operations would have to be scheduled at an approved time. Allowances must be made for this special scheduling and hardship or delay claims will not be considered. B. Perform all work on a Monday to Friday basis between the hours of 7:00 am and 6:00 pm, , and Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm unless otherwise directed by the Owner. No work will be permitted on Sundays. Working hours will be in accordance with local by-laws and ordinances where applicable. ' However, the contractors are advised that this schedule is subject to change without notice. Working hours will be reviewed and confirmed weekly, with the Municipality of Clarington's Project Manager. , C. Refrain from work on Statutory Holidays recognized by the Owner. D. Provide all labour, material and equipment necessary to meet the schedule. E. Prepare and submit for approval, a schedule and a work program based on the above general sequence taking into account key dates and scheduling requirements. End of Section oai oa-omos.wPd r DIVISION 1 SECTION 01200 ' SITE ADMINISTRATION Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Site Administrative procedures. B. Site meetings. C. Supervision. D. Documents on site. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2-94 ,Stipulated Price Contract. 1.03 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING 1 A Immediatel i t t ti d . y pr or o cons ruc on an upon notification, attend where directed by the Owner, pre-construction meeting along with representatives of majorsubcontractors as requested by the Consultant and Owner. B. Purpose of the meeting will be as follows: 1. Review communication procedures. 2. Review contractadministrationrequirementsincludingsubmittals paymentand , change notice procedures. 3. Review construction schedule and identify critical dates and points in the schedule. 4. Identify product availability problems and substitution requests. 5. Establish site arrangements and temporary facilities. 6. Review any items requiring clarification. 1.04 SITE MEETINGS A. Prior to commencement of the Work, the Contractortogethertyith the Consultant, shall mutually agree on a schedule for on site project meetings. Meetings will be held at least bi-weekly. ' B. Organize all necessary meetings. Ensure that persons whose presence is required are in attendance and that relative information is available to allow meetings to be conducted efficiently. C. The Consultant will record minutes of each meeting and distribute copies to all participants not later than four days after meeting. 1.05 SUPERVISION A. Employ an experienced and qualified superintendent who shall devote his time exclusively to the work ofthis Contract and who shall be in complete charge of the work from commencement until Total Completion. A working foreperson will not be acceptable. The superintendent shall not be changed aftercommencementofthework without approval of the Consultant. ' 04103-01200.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01200 SITE ADMINISTRATION Page 2 , 1.05 SUPERVISION (Cont'd) B. Supervise, direct, manage and control the work of all forces carrying out the work, including contractors and suppliers. Carry out daily inspections to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and the maintenance of quality standards. Ensure that the inspectors include personnel competent in inspecting the work of the mechanical and electrical trades. 1.06 DOCUMENTS ON SITE A. Contractors field office shall at all times contain a compete set of Contract Documents ' (Drawings and Specifications) with all addenda, site instructions, change orders, reviewed shop drawings and samples, finish schedules, hardware lists, progress reports, schedules, inspection reports and meeting minutes. B. Maintain building permit, including permit drawings and all reports or orders from j jurisdictional authorities on site. C. Maintain'As-built' documents on site. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION ' NOT APPLICABLE End of Section , 04103-01200.wpd , ' DIVISION 1 SECTION D1210 ALLOWANCES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cash Allowances. 1.02 R EFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2-94 ,Stipulated Price Contract. 1.03 CASH ALLOWANCES i A. Refer to General Conditions, GC4.1. B. Unless otherwise specified, cash allowances shall cover the cost of the materials and equipment delivered F.O.B. job site, and all applicable taxes. The Contractor's handling costs on the site, labour, installation costs, overhead and profit and other expenses shall be included separately in the Stipulated Price and not in the Cash Allowance. C. Where it is specified that a cash allowance is to include both supply and installation costs, such allowances shall cover the cost of the materials and equipment delivered and unloaded at the site; all applicable taxes and the contractor's handling costs on the site, labour and installation costs and other expenses, except overhead and profit which shall be included separately in the Stipulated Price. ' D. Where costs under a cash allowance exceed amount of allowance, Contractor will be compensated for the difference between the amount of the allowance and the actual cast. There will be no increase for Contractor's overhead and profit. E. If the cost of the Work covered by allowances, when determined, is more or less than the allowance, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly. ' F. Progress payments on accounts ofwork authorized under cash allowances shall be included in monthly certificate for payment. G. A schedule shall be prepared by the Contractor to show when items called for under cash allowances must be authorized by the Consultant for ordering purposes so that progress of Work will not be delayed. H. Expenditures from cash allowances shall be authorized in writing by the Consultant. I. Cash allowance for independent inspection and testing shall cover the cost of such services as provided by independent testing agency only. The Contractor's cost far labour, overhead and other expenses shall be included separately in the Stipulated Price and not in the allowance. J. Cause the work covered by allowances to be performed for such amounts and by such ' persons as the Consultant may select and direct. ' K. Refer to Instructions to Bidders, Section OD100, for list of Cash Allowances. D4103-01210.wptl PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE DIVISION 1 SECTION 01210 ALLOWANCES End of Section 2 041D3-01210.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 0132D CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION Page 1 ' PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Schedule, form, content. B. Scheduled revisions. C. Critical path scheduling. D. Progress photographs. ' FIED ELSEWHERE C T.02 I RELATED WORK SPE ' A. Closeout Procedures Section 01770 1.03 SCHEDULES REQUIRED ' A. Submit schedules as follows: 1. Construction Progress Schedule. 2. Submittal Schedule for Shop Drawings and Product Data. 3. Submittal Schedule for Samples. ' 4. Product Delivery Schedule. 5. Cash Allowance Schedule. 6. Cash Flow schedule ' 04 1 FORMAT . A. Prepare schedule in form of a horizontal bar chart. B. Provide a separate bar for each major item of work, trade or operation. C. Split horizontally for projected and actual performance. D. Provide horizontal time scale identifying first work day of each week. E. Format for listings: chronological order of start of each item of work . ' F. Identification of listings: Systems description . 1.05 SUBMISSION i h ki d ft d f C t A. ontrac in 15 wor ng ays a er awar o . Submit initial format of schedules w t B. Submitschedulesinelectronicformat,usingMicrosaftMSProjectsoftware,fonvard[through e-mail to the consultant as pdf files. C. Submit one coloured reproduction, plus 2 copies to be retained by Consultant . ' i t i ithi 10 t d ft h d l d D. er rece p . return rev ew copy w n ( en) ays a e u e an Consultant will review sc E. Resubmit finalized schedule within 7 days after return of review copy. F. Submit revised progress schedule with each application for payment. G. Distribute copies of revised schedule to: 1. Job site office. 2. Subcontractors. 3. Other concerned parties. ' 4. Instruct recipients to report to Contractor within 10 days, any problems anticipated by timetable shown in schedule. ' 04103-01 320.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01320 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION Page 2 1.06 CRITICAL PATH SCHEDULING A. Include complete sequence of construction activities. B. Include dates for commencement and completion of each major element of construction. C. Show projected percentage of completion of each item as of first day of month. D. Indicate progress of each activity to date of submission schedule. E. Show changes occurring since previous submission of schedule: 1. Major changes in scope. 2. Activities modified since previous submission. 3. Revised projections of progress and completion. 4. Other identifiable changes. F. Prov ide a narrative report to define: 1. Problem areas, anticipated delays, and impact on schedule. 2. Corrective action recommended and its effect. 3. Effect of changes on schedules of other prime contractors. 1.07 PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS A. Submit electronic and hard copy of colour digital photography in jpg format, standard resolution. B. Identification: name and number of project and date of exposure indicated. C. Number of viewpoints: four . Locations of viewpoints determined by Consultant. D. Frequency: monthly with progress statement. 1.08 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE A. Include schedule for submitting shop drawings, product data, and samples. B. Indicate dates for submitting, reviewtime, resubmission time, last date for meeting fabrication schedule. C. Include dates when reviewed submittals will be required from Consultant . Allow minimum 10 (ten) working days far circulation and review of all submittals. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04103-01320.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 1 1 l~ PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Shop drawings and product data. B. Samples. C. Certificates and transcripts. D. Interference drawings. E. Procedure submittals. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' 1.03 1 lJ t 1 A. General Instructions Section 01005 B. Construction Progress Documentation Section 01320 C. Quality Control Section 01450 D. Closeout Submittals Section 0178D A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2-94, Stipulated Price Contract. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE A. Submit to Consultant submittals listed for review. Submit with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to not cause delay in Work. Failure to submit in ample time is not considered sufficient reason for an extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed. B. Work affected by submittal shall not proceed until review is complete. C. Present shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups in Metric units. D. Where items or information is not produced in Metric units converted values are acceptable. Errors in conversion are the responsibility of the Contractor. E. Review submittals prior to submission to Consultant .This review represents that necessary requirements have been determined and verified, orwill be, and thateach submittal has been checked and co-ordinated with requirements of Work and Contract Documents. Submittals not stamped, signed, dated and identified as to specific project bythe General Contractorwill be returned without being examined and shall be considered rejected. F. Notify Consultant, in writing at time of submission, identifying deviations from requirements of Contract Documents stating reasons for deviations. G. Verify field measurements and affected adjacent Work are coordinated. H. Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submission is not relieved by Consultant's review of submittals. I. Contractor's responsibility for deviations in submission from requirements of Contract Documents is not relieved by Consultant review. J. Keep one reviewed copy of each submission on site. 1.05 INTERFERENCE DRAWINGS A. Submit interference and equipment placing drawings as specified in Section 01720. 04103-01330.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 2 1.06 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Refer to CCDC 2 GC 3.11. B. Indicate materials, methods of construction an d attachment or anchorage, erection diag rams, connections, explanatory notes and other information necessary for completion of Work. Where articles or equipment attach or connect to other articles or equipment, indicate that such items have been coordinated, regardless of Section under which adjacent items will be supplied and installed. Indicate cross references to design drawings and specifications. C. Allow seven (7) working days for Consultant's review of each submission. D. Adjustments made on shop drawings by Consultant are not intended to change Contract Price. If adjustments affect value of Work, state such in writing to Project Manager prior to proceeding with Work. E. Make changes in shop drawings as Consultant may require, consistent with Contract Documents. When resubmitting, notify Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested. F. Accompany submissions with transmittal letter, containing: 1. Date. 2. Consultant's Project title and number. 3. Project Manager's name and address. 4. Identification and quantity of each shop drawing, product data and sample. 5. Other pertinent data. G. Submissions shall include: t. Date and revision dates. 2. Project title and number. 3. Name and address of: (1) Subcontractor. (2) Supplier. (3) Manufacturer. 4. Contractor's stamp, signed by Contractor's authorized representative certifying approval of submissions, verification of field measurements and compliance with Contract Documents. 5. Details of appropriate portions of Work as applicable: (1) Fabrication. (2) Layout, showing dimensions, including identified field dimensions, and clearances. (3) Setting or erection details. (4) Capacities. (5) Pertormance characteristics. (6) Standards. (7) Operating weight. (8) Wiring diagrams. (g) Single line and schematic diagrams. (10) Relationship to adjacent work. H. After Consultant's review, distribute copies. I. Submit 6 prints of shop drawings for each requirement requested in specification Sections and as consultant may reasonably request. J. Submit 6 copies of product data sheets or brochures for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested by Consultant where shop drawings will not be prepared due to standardized manufacture of product. K. Delete information not applicable to project. L. Supplement standard information to provide details applicable to project. 04103-01330.wpd fJ t DIVISION 1 SECTION 0133D SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Pa e 3 1.06 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA (Cont'd) M. If upon review by Consultant , no errors or omissions are discovered or if only minor corrections are made, 3 copies will be returned and fabrication and installation of Work may proceed. If shop drawings are returned stamped "not reviewed", noted copy will be returned and re-submission of corrected shop drawings, through same procedure indicated above, must be performed before fabrication and installation of Work may proceed. N. The review of shop drawings by the Consultant is for sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with general design concept. This review shall not mean that the Consultant approves detail design inherent in shop drawings, responsibility for which shall remain with Contractorsubmitting same, and such review shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in shop drawings or of his responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at job site, for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for co-ordination of Work of all sub-trades. 1.07 SAMPLES A. Submitfor review samples as requested in respective specification Sections. Label samples with origin and intended use. B. Deliver samples prepaid to Consultant's business address. C. Notify Consultant in writing,attimeofsubmissionofdeviationsinsamplesfromrequirements of Contract Documents. D. Where colour, pattern or texture is criterion, submit full range of samples. E. Adjustments made on samples by Consultant are not intended to change Contract Price. If adjustments affect value of Work, state such in writing to Consultant priorto proceeding with Work. F. Make changes in samples which Consultant may require, consistent with Contract Documents. G. Reviewed and accepted samples will become standard ofworkmanship and material against which installed Work will be verified. 1.08 MIX DESIGNS A. Submit mix designs in accordance with Section 01450. 1.09 MOCK-UPS A. Erect mock-ups in accordance with 01450 -Quality Control. 1.10 CERTIFICATES AND TRANSCRIPTS A. Immediately after award of Contract, submit Workplace Safety and Insurance Board status, transcription of insurances, bonds and all other documents, certificates ortranscripts required by the Contract documents. 1.11 PROCEDURES A. Where required by the Contract Documents, submit Safe Work Plans and Waste Management plans to the Owner. B. Submit one copy of the Contractors Corporate Construction Safety Policy to the Owner. C. Submit a Fire Safety Plan as specified in Section 01545. D4103-01330.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page4 1.11 PROCEDURES (Cont'd) D. Submit WHMIS Material Safety Data Sheets forall products and materials to be used on site, to the Owner. Maintain copies of MSDS on site. PART 2: PRODUCTS NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04103-0133D.wpd ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Pagel PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. References and Codes. ' B. Owner s Regulations. C. Standards and Definitions. D. Hazardous Materials. E. Spills Reporting. ' F. Protection of Water Quality. G. Waste Management Program. H. Smoking Environment. I. Potable Water Systems. J. Access for Inspection and Testing. K. Other Regulatory Requirements. 1.D2 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01005 B. Safety Requirements Section 01545 1.03 REFERENCES ' A. Perform Work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Act, O. Reg. 403197, the Ontario Building Code (OBC) including all current amendments and other codes of provincial or local application provided that in case of conflict or discrepancy, more stringent ' requirements apply. C. Where a material is designated in the Contract Documents far a certain application, unless otherwise specified, that material shall conform to standards designated in the Code. Similarly, unless otherwise specified, installation methods and standards of workmanship shall also conform to standards invoked by the aforementioned Code. D. Meet or exceed requirements of: ' 1. Contract documents. 2. Specified standards, codes and referenced documents. _ 3. Manufacturers instructions. E. Where requirements of Contract Documents exceed Code requirements provide such additional requirements. Where the Building Code orthe Contract Documents do not provide all information necessary for complete installation of an item, then the manufacturer's instructions for first quality workmanship shall be strictly complied with. 1.04 OWNER'S REGULATIONS A. Conform to the standard requirements for construction projects and procedures of the Municipality of Clarington. 04103-01410.wptl DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Page 2 ' 1.D5 STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS A. Where a reference is made to specification standards produced by various organizations, ' conform to latest edition of standards, as amended and revised to date of Contract. B. Have a copy of each specified standard which relates to your work available on the site to be ' produced immediately on Consultant's request. C. Where a standard designates authorities such as the "Engineer", the "Owner" (when used ' in a sense other than that defined in the General Conditions) the "Purchaser" or some other such designation, these designations shall be taken to mean the Consultant. D. Whereverthewords "acceptable", "approved", "satisfactory", "selected", "directed", "submit", or similarwords or phrases are used in standards or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, it shall be understood that they mean, unless the context provides otherwise, "acceptable to the Consultant", "approved by the Consultant", "satisfactory to the Consultant", "selected by ' the Consultant", "directed by the Consultant", "inspected by the Consultant", "instructed by the Consultant", "required by the Consultant" and "submit to the Consultants". 1.06 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ' A. The Owner will arrange for independent testing of suspected hazardous materials and removal of confirmed hazardous substances. ' B. In the event of discovery of potentially hazardous materials including friable materials, immediately stop work and notify the Owner, both orally and in writing. C. "Hazardous Materials" will not be introduced for experimental or any other use prior to being , evaluated for hazards. D. Make known to the Consultant those "hazardous materials" intended to be used in the " ' before introducing to the Universities property. workplace and receive "Permission to Use In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing any content data and safe use data, as may be required. ' E. Definition: "Hazardous Material" is material, in any form, which by its nature, may be flammable, explosive, irritating, corrosive, poisonous, or may react violently with other materials, if used, handled or stored improperly. Included are , substances prohibited, restricted, designated or otherwise controlled bylaw. F. Many common construction materials such as asbestos pipe and various insulations are hazardous materials and shall not be used under any circumstances. Such materials are ' banned from the Owner's facilities. 1.07 SPILLS REPORTING ' A. Spills or discharges of pollutants or contaminants under the control of the Contractor, and ' s spills or discharges of pollutants or contaminants that are a result of the Contractor operations that cause or are likely to cause adverse effects shall forthwith be reported to the ' Consultant. Such spills or discharges and their adverse effects shall be as defined in the Environmental Protection Act. 0410301410.wptl ' ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Paqe 3 1.07 SPILLS REPORTING (Cont'd) ' B All s ills o disch r f li id th th l d . p r ges o a qu , o er an accumu ate rain water, from luminaries, internally illuminated signs, lamps, and liquid type transformers underthe control of the Contractor, and all spills ordischarges from this equipment that are a result of the Contractor's operations shall, unless otherwise indicated in the Contract, be assumed to contain PCB's and shall forthwith be reported to the Owner. C. This reporting will not relieve the Contractor of his legislated responsibilities regarding such spills ordischarges. 1.08 PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY A. At all times maintain existing stream flows and control all construction work so as to not allow sediment or other deleterious materials to enter streams. ' 6. No waste or surplus organic material including topsoil is to be stored or disposed of within 100feet(30metres)ofanywatercourses. Run-off from excavation piles will not be permitted to drain directly into watercourses. Where this measure is not sufficient or feasible to control ' sediment entering the watercourses, sedimentation traps or geo-textile coverage will be required. C. If dewatering is required, the water shall be pumped into a sedimentation pond or diffused ' onto vegetated areas a minimum of 100 feet (30 metres) from the watercourses and not pumped directly into the watercourses. ' D. Provide all dewatering and sedimentation control required to properly complete the work of this contract. E. Supply, install and maintain silt/sediment control fencing as detailed, along the edge of the site to intercept construction runoff silt, to the satisfaction of the consultant and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 1.09 WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM A. Submit to the Owner for approval, a Waste Management Policy. B. The Waste Management Policy shall clearly state the Contractor's proposed procedures for the removal, separation, storage, transportation and disposal of all waste materials. C. The Waste Management Policy shall include a Source Separation Program for recyclable waste, and shall be in accordance with the established policies currently in place at the Municipality of Clarington, and the requirements of O. Reg. 102/94. ' D. Waste materials shall include surplus excavated material, scrap construction material and the like. E. Reduce construction and demolition waste in compliance with O. Reg. 102/94. ~, ~, 04103-01410.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Page 4 1.09 WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (Cont'd) F. Reduction will involve action to minimize quantity of waste at source. Reuse products which would becomewastewhere practical. Recycling will involve collection and source separation at the site, of materials far use as feedstock in manufacturing of new products. G. Conform to local Municipal Landfill Solid waste management requirements. Consider reduction, reuse and recycling of waste generated during construction such as dimensional lumber, clean drywall, concrete, brick, scrap metal and corrugated cardboard. 1.10 BUILDING SMOKING ENVIRONMENT A. Smoking is not permitted in the Municipality's buildings. Post "No Smoking" signs at visible ' locations within the construction area. 1.11 POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS A. Potable water systems in completed buildings must meet criteria and guidelines established by Provincial and Regional authorities, prior to occupancy by the Owner. B. Upon completion, submit testing certificates verifying water quality and water systems meet all applicable Provincial and Legislated Standards. 1.12 ACCESS FOR INSPECTIONS AND TESTING A. Cooperate fully with and provide assistance to, all outside authorities including Building Inspectors, utilities, testing agencies and consultants, with the inspection of the Work. 1.13 OTHER REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Regional and Local authorities regarding transportation of materials. B. Obtain required road occupancy permits. C. Conform to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. D. Conform to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. E. Conform to atI applicable local by-laws, regulations and ordinances. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04103-01410.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 ' QUALITY CONTROL Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Inspection and testing, administrative and enforcement requirements. B. Tests and mix designs. C. Mock-ups. D. E. Mill Tests. Equipment and system adjust and balance. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01005 B. Allowances Section 01210 C. D. Submittal Procedures Section 01330 Closeout Submittals Section 01780 1.03 WORK NOT INCLUDED 1 A. Requirements specified herein do not apply to the following: 1. Inspection and testing required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders by public authorities. 2. Testing, adjustment and balancing of mechanical and electrical systems and equipment. 3. Inspection and testing performed exclusively for Contractor's convenience. 1.04 REFERENCES ' A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) 1. CCDC 2-94, Stipulated Price Contract. 1.05 INSPECTION A. Refer to CCDC 2, GC 2.3. B. Allow Consultant access to Work. If part of Work is in preparation at locations other than Place of Work, allow access to such Work whenever it is in progress. ' C. Give timely notice requesting inspection if Work is designated for special tests, inspections or approvals by Consultant, instructions, or law of Place of Work. D. If Contractor covers or permits to be covered Work that has been designated for special tests, inspections or approvals before such is made, uncover such Work, have inspections or tests satisfactorily completed and make good such Work. E. Consultant may order any part of Work to be examined if Work is suspected to be not in accordance with Contract Documents. If, upon examination such work is found not in accordance with Contract Documents, correct such Work and pay cost of examination and correction. If such Work is found in accordance with Contract Documents, Owner shall pay cost of examination and replacement. ' 04103-01450.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 QUALITY CONTROL Page 2 1.06 INSPECTION AGENCIES A. Independent Inspection and Testing Agencies will be engaged by the Owner for purpose of inspecting and/or testing portions of the Work. Cost of such services will be borne by the Owner. B. Independent Inspection and Testing Agencies do not have authorization to amend or release any requirements of Contract Documents, nor to approve or reject portions of the Work. C. Provide equipment required for executing inspection and testing by appointed agencies. Provide casual labour and other incidental services required by testing and inspection agency. D. Employment of inspection/testing agencies does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to perform Work in accordance with Contract Documents. E. If defects are revealed during inspection and/or testing, appointed agency will request additional inspection and/or testing to ascertain full degree of defect. Correct defect and irregularities as advised by Consultant at no cost to the Owner. Pay costs for retesting and reinspection. F. Failure by the independent inspection and testing agency to detect defective work or materials shall not in any way prevent later rejection when such defect is discovered, nor shall it obligate consultant for final acceptance. 1.07 ACCESS TO WORK A. Allow inspectionltesting agencies access to Work, including off site manufacturing and fabrication plants. B. Cooperate to provide reasonable facilities for such access. 1.08 PROCEDURES A. Notify appropriate agency and Consultant in advance of requirement for test, in order that attendance arrangements can be made. B. Submit samples and/or materials required for testing, as specifically requested in specifications. Submit with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence so as not to cause delay in Work. C. Provide labour and facilities to obtain and handle samples and materials on site. Provide sufficient space to store and cure test samples. D. Refer to technical specification sections for specific inspection and testing requirements. 1.09 REJECTED WORK A. Refer to CCDC, GC 2.4. 04103-01450.wpd ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 QUALITY CONTROL Page 3 1.09 REJECTED WORK (Cont'd) 6. Remove defective Work, whether result of poor workmanship, use of defective products or damage and whether incorporated in Work or not, which has been rejected by Consultant as failing to conform to Contract Documents. Replace or re-execute in accordance with Contract Documents. C. Make good other Contractor's work damaged by such removals or replacements promptly. D. If in opinion of Consultant it is not expedientto correct defective Work or Work not performed in accordance with Contract Documents, Owner may deduct from Contract Price difference in value between Work performed and that called for by Contract Documents, amount of which shall be determined by the Consultant. 1.10 REPORTS ' A. Submit four (4) copies of inspection and test reports to Consultant. B. Provide copies to sub-contractor of work being inspected or tested. 1.11 TESTS AND MIX DESIGNS A. Furnish test results and mix designs as may be requested. B. The cost of tests and mix designs beyond those called for in Contract Documents or beyond those required by law of Place of Work shall be appraised by Consultant and may be ' authorized as recoverable. 1.12 MOCK-UPS A. Prepare mock-ups for Work specifically requested in specifications. Include for Work of all Sections required to provide mock-ups. B. Construct in all locations acceptable to Consultant. C. Prepare mock-ups for Consultant's review with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence, so as not to cause any delay in Work. D. Failure to prepare mock-ups in ample time is not considered sufficient reason for an extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed. E. Specifications section identifies whether mock-up may remain as part of Work or if it is to be removed and when. 1.13 MILL TESTS A. Submit mill test certificates as required of specifications Sections. 1.14 EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS ' A. Submit adjustment and balancing reports for mechanical, electrical and building equipment systems. ' 04103-01450.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 QUALITY CONTROL Page 4 1.14 EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS (Cont'd) B. Refer to Divisions 15 and 16 for definitive requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04703-01450.wpd ~, ~1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Temporary Utilities. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Construction Facilities Section 01520 B. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 1.03 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL A. Provide temporary utilities and controls in order to execute work expeditiously. B. Remove from site all such work after use. 1.04 1 A. Provide temporary drainage and pumping facilities to keep excavations and site free from standing water. B. Refer to Section 01410-Regulatory Requirements. C. Provide necessary equipment, including pumps and piping. D. Control grading in and adjacent to excavations to direct all surface water from open excavation. C. Avoid excavation below groundwater table if quick condition or heave is likely to occur. Prevent piping or bottom heave of excavations by groundwater lowering, or other means. D. Protect open excavations against flooding and damage due to surface runoff. E. Dispose of water in a manner not detrimental to public and private property, or any portion of work completed or under construction. F. Provide flocculation tanks, settling basins, or othertreatment facilities to remove suspended solids or other materials before discharging into storm sewers, water courses or drainage areas. 1.05 WATER SUPPLY A. Provide continuous supply of potable water for construction use. B. Arrange for connection with local utility company and pay all costs for installation, maintenance and removal. C. Pay all utility charges. 041D3-01510.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES Page 2 1.05 WATER SUPPLY (Cont'd) D. Conveniently locate water supply for use by all sections of the work. Protect water lines from freezing. E. Water shall be potable and shall meet the requirements of the technical sections of the specifications. 1.06 TEMPORARY HEATING AND VENTILATION A. Provide temporary heating required during construction period, including attendance, maintenance and fuel B. Construction heaters used inside the building must be ventilated to outside or be flameless type. Solid fuel salamanders are not permitted. C. Provide temporary heat and ventilation in enclosed areas as required to: 1. Facilitate progress of the work. 2. Protect work and products against dampness and cold. 3. Prevent moisture condensation on surtaces. 4. Provideambienttemperaturesandhumiditylevelsforstorage,installationandcuring of materials. 5. Provide adequate ventilation to meet health regulations for safe working environment. D. Maintain temperatures of minimum 10 degrees C in areas where construction is in progress. E. Ventilating: 1. Prevent accumulation of dust, fumes, mists, gases or vapours in areas occupied during construction. 2. Provide local exhaust ventilation to prevent harmful accumulation of hazardous substances into atmosphere of occupied areas. 3. Dispose of exhaust materials in manner that will not result in harmful exposure to persons. 4. Ventilate storage spaces containing hazardous or volatile materials. 5. Ventilate temporary sanitary facilities. 6. Continue operation of ventilation and exhaust systems for time after cessation of work process to assure removal of harmful contaminants. F. Permanent pumps, unit heaters and convectors may be used for temporary heating when available provided that equipment is installed in permanent location and providing that the building is completely closed in and clean. Obtain approval from Consultant before using equipment. G. Fans and air systems may not be used for temporary heat except with permission and specific instructions from the Consultant. Be responsiblefordamage to heating system if use is permitted H. On completion of Work for which permanent heating system is used, and prior to final acceptance, all permanent equipment used fortemporary heating shall be thoroughly cleaned and provided with new filters, put in first class operating condition and appearance to the satisfaction of the Consultant. Replace all damaged equipment. 04103-01510.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES Page 3 ' 1.06 TEMPORARY HEATING AND VENTILATION (Cont'd) I. Ensure Date of Substantial Performance and Warranties for heating and ventilation system do not commence until entire system is in as near original condition as possible and is ' certified by Consultant. J. Pay costs for maintaining temporary heat, when using permanent heating system. K. Maintain strict supervision of operation of temporary heating and ventilating equipment to: .1 Conform with applicable codes and standards. 1 .2 Enforce safe practices. 3 Prevent abuse of services. 4 Prevent damage to finishes. 5 Vent direct-fired combustion units to outside. L. Be responsible for damage to Work due to failure in providing adequate heat and protection during construction. 1.07 TEMPORARY POWER AND LIGHTING A. Provide and pay for all temporary power during construction. B. Arrange for connection with utility company. Pay all costs for installation, maintenance and removal. ' C. Provide and maintain temporary lighting throughout project. Lighting levels shall be sufficient to complete work including inspections. Provide minimum lighting levels of 400 lux at work areas. Lighting levels at floors and stairs not within work areas shall be not less than 160 lux at all times during construction activity. D. All equipment used shall be CSA approved. E. Wiring and method of installation shall conform to Ontario Hydro requirements and shall be reviewed by an Ontario Hydro inspector prior to use. ' 1.08 TEMPORARY COMMUNICATION FACILITIES A. Arrange, provide and pay for temporarytelephone, fax and data hook up lines and equipment ' as necessary for own use and use of Consultant and Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.D1 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section ' 04103-01510.wpd 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01520 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL S 1.01 SECTION INCLUDE A. Construction aids. ' B. Office and sheds. C. Construction access and parking. D. Waste disposal. E. Project identification. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01005 B. Regulatory Requirements Section 01410 C. Temporary Utilities Section 01510 ' D. Safety Requirements Section 01545 E. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 1.D3 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2- 94 ,Stipulated Price Contract. B. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) 1. CGSB 1-GP-189M, Primer, Alkyd, Wood, Exterior. 2. CGSB 1.59, Alkyd Exterior Gloss Enamel. C. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) i on. 1. CAN3-A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods for Concrete Construct 2. CSA-0121, Douglas Fir Plywood. ^ 3. CAN3-2321, Signs and Symbols for the Workplace. s 1.04 INSTALLATION AND REMOVALS A. Provide construction facilities in order to execute work expeditiously. B. Remove from site all such work after use. ' C. Make good all surfaces and restore site where disturbed by removal of temporary facilities. 1.05 FALSEWORK d Mi i t f L b A. our n s ry o a Design and construct falsework in accordance with CSA S269.1, an Regulations. ' 1.06 SCAFFOLDING A. Provide and maintain scaffolding in accordance with CSA S269.2-M. I in such a manner as to interfere as little as Us t f ll d ff i i d B. en wa s. e epen o old ng n Erect sca possible with other trades. When not in use, move as necessary to permit installation of other work. Construct and maintain scaffolding in a rigid, secure and safe manner. Scaffolding must comply with all safety regulations in force in the Province of Ontario. 04103-01520.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01520 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 1.06 SCAFFOLDING (Cont'd) C. Scaffolds must be in good condition and if equipped with wheels. Wheels must be locked when in use. D. Planking on scaffolds must meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1991 and Regulations for Construction Projects. 1.07 HOISTING A. Provide, operate and maintain hoists and cranes required for moving of materials and equipment. B. Hoists and cranes shall be operated by qualified operator. C. Hoists and cranes shall be certified for use by the Ontario Ministry of Labour and shall be inspected on a regular basis in accordance with applicable legislation. 1.08 SITE STORAGE AND LOADING A. Refer to CCDC 2, GC 3.12. B. Confine work and operations of employees to areas of buildings affected by Contract ' Documents. Do not unreasonably encumber premises with products. 1.09 SITE STORAGE AND LOADING C. Do not load or permit to load any part of Work with a weight or force that will endanger the Work. D. Store packed materials in original, undamaged condition with manufacturer's labels and seals intact. Handle and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Replace all damaged material. 1.09 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS AND PARKING A. Parking will be permitted on site provided it does not disrupt the performance of Work. B. C. D. E. F. 04103-01520.wpd Provide and maintain adequate access to project site as indicated and where directed by the Owner. If authorized to use new roads and driveways for access to project site, maintain such roads for duration of Contract and make good damage resulting from Contractors' use of roads. Height, width and weight restrictions must be verified prior to bringing equipment into the work area. Provide flagmen to direct traffic for large vehicles accessing public roads from the site. Obey and enforce all parking restrictions and speed limits. 1 !J DIVISION 1 SECTION D1520 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Page 3 1.10 SECURITY A. Be responsible for security of site, equipment, tools and materials. 1.11 OFFI CES ' A. Provide office space heated to 22°C, lighted to 750 Ix and ventilated, of sufficient size to accommodate site meetings and furnished with drawing lay-down table. B. Locate site trailers where directed by the Owner. C. Provide a clearly marked and fully stocked first-aid case in a readily available location. ' D. Subcontractors may provide their own offices as necessary and if space permits. Direct location of these offices. 1.12 EQUIPMENT. TOOL AND MATERIAL STORAGE A. Provide and maintain, in a clean and orderly condition, lockable weatherproof sheds for storage of tools, equipment and materials. B. Locate materials not required to be stored in weatherproof sheds on site in a manner to cause least interference with work activities and in a location assigned by the Owner. 1 1 13 SANI TARY FACILITIES . A. Provide sanitary facilities for work force in accordance with governing regulations and ordinances. B. Post notices and take such precautions as required by local health authorities. Keep area and premises in sanitary condition. 1..14 WASTE DISPOSAL 1 A. Provide appropriate garbage disposal bins. Dispose of all garbage and waste materials on a regular basis and in accordance with applicable legislation and municipal by-laws. Do not use Owner's refuse containers for construction debris. t B ermit waste to accumulate on site Do not . . p C. Comply with the Waste Management Program specified in Section 01410. 1.15 CONSTRUCTION SIGNAGE A. No signs or advertisements, otherthan warning signs and the Project Sign, are permitted on ' site. B. Safety and Instruction Signs and Notices: Graphic symbols shall conform to CAN3-2321. 04103-01520.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 0152D CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Pape 4 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04103-01520.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01545 ' SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES ' A. Safety Requirements. B. Fire Protection. 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01005 C. Regulatory Requirements Section D1410 D. Construction Facilities Section 01520 E. Selective Demolition Section 02050 ' 1.03 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. Observe and enforce all construction safety measures and complywith the latest edition and amending regulations of the following documents and in the event of any differences among those provisions, the most stringent shall apply: 1. Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects, August 1997, Ontario Regulation 213/91 as amended by Ontario Regulation 631194, R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 834. 2. Hazardous Projects Act and Canada Labour Code. 3. The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. 4. Ontario Building Code Act Chapter 51 and Ontario Regulation 403/97 including amendments. 5. Ontario Regulation 454-Fire Codes and Building Construction Operation DFC No. 301, issued by the Dominion Fire Commissioner. 1 6. Regulation 447- Environmental Protection Act. 7. National Building Code of Canada, Part 8: Safety Measures on Construction and Demolition Sites. 8. National Fire Code of Canada. 9. The Power Commission Act. 1 D. The Boiler and Pressure Vessels Act. 11. The Elevators and Lifts Act. 12. The Operating Engineer's Act. 13. Municipal statutes. B. Obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Acts, Statutes, Regulations, Ordinances and By-laws which could in any way, pertain to the work outlined in the Contract, or to any employeesoftheContractor. Satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a Contractor, and Constructor ' and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Contractors obligations under this Contract. 1 C. The Contractor will be the "Constructor" as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and will file a Notice of Project with the Ontario Ministry of Labour prior to commencement of the work. 04103-01545.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01545 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 2 1.03 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (Cont'd) D. Confined Space: Where applicable,providetheConsultantandallRegulatoryAuthoritieswith a copy of the Contractors' Confined Space Entry Procedure. In the event that defined procedures are not available, abide by the applicable requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all regulations made thereunder. E. The supervisor of the project, will be responsible for his employees and subcontractors/suppliers maintaining standard safety practices, as well as the specific safety rules listed below, while working on the Owner's property. F. The Owner reserves the right to order individuals to leave the site if the individual is in violation of any safety requirement or any Act, and any expense incurred will be the responsibility of the Contractor. G. Notify the Ownershould any hazardous condition become apparent. Referto Section 01410. H. Enforce the use of CSA approved hard hats and safety boots for all persons entering or working at the construction site. Refuse admission to those refusing to conform to this requirement. I. Provide safeguard and protection against accident or injury tc any person on the site, adjacent work areas and adjacent property. J. Provide safeguard and protection against damage to adjacent structures, properties and services. 1.04 FIRE PROTECTION A. Provide safeguard and protection against fire in accordance with current fire codes and regulations. B. Providetemporaryfireprotectionthroughoutthecourseofconstruction. Particular attention shall be paid to the elimination of fire hazards. C. Complywith the requirements of FCC No. 301 Standards for Construction Operations issued by the Fire Commissioner of Canada and the National Building Code. D. Prior to construction, submit to the Owner and Consultant for review, a "Fire Safety Plan" conforming to Section 2.14 of the National Fire Code of Canada. Maintain a copy of the "Fire Safety Plan" on site. E. Provide and maintain portable fire extinguishers during demolition and construction; in accordance with Part 6 of the National Fire Code of Canada. F. Maintain unobstructed access for fire fighting at all areas in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE 04103-01545.wpd ~~ DIVISION 1 SECTION 01545 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 3 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section ,',~ . ': ~', ~~ 04103-01545.wpd '' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Barriers B. Environmental Controls. C. Traffic Controls. D. Fire Routes. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01005 B. Construction Facilities Section 01520 C. Selective Demolition Section 02050 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 1.03 A. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) 1. CGSB 1.189M, Primer, Alkyd, Wood, Exterior. 2. CGSB 1.59, Alkyd Exterior Gloss Enamel. E. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) 1. CSA 0121 Douglas Fir Plywood. 1.04 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL A. Provide temporary controls in order to execute Work expeditiously. B. Remove from site all such work after use. 1.05 HOARDING A. Erect temporary hoardings as indicated on the Site Plan, using 1800mm high chainlink fencing including access gates to provide a secure site. B. Provide barriers around trees and plants designated to remain. Protect from damage by equipment and construction procedures. Refer to Section 02100. 1.06 GUARDRAILS AND BARRICADES A. Provide secure, rigid guard rails and barricades around deep excavations, open shafts, open stair wells, open edges of floors and roofs. B. Provide all necessary barricades,fencing, hoarding andrailingstoprotecttheworkareasand prevent access by unauthorized personnel from entering the site. Provide all necessary safety screens and hoarding to protect pedestrians and vehicles passing through the work area when necessary. ', C. Provide as required by governing authorities. 04103-01560.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES Page 2 1.07 WEATHER ENCLOSURES s of shafts and in s to i d d g , p ow open w n A. Provide weather tight closures to unfinished door an other openings in floors, walls and roofs. B. Close off floor areas where walls are not finished; seal off other openings; enclose building interior work for temporary heat. C. Design enclosures to withstand wind pressure and snow loading. , D. Provide adequate weather protection around and overallopeningsduringtheprogressofthe work to prevent damage to the building. Insulate openings or provide temporary heat to maintain comfort conditions in the area during construction. E. Keep that work which requires protection from cold adequately warm and sheltered from elements so that it may be done safely and with good workmanship meeting all code requirements. Provide minimum required temperatures and do everything necessary to produce a suitable environment for work to proceed without delay at all times of the year. F. Maintain the building in a secure and weatherproof condition at all times during construction. , 1.08 DUST TIGHT SCREENS A. Provide and maintain dust tight screens or insulated partitions to localize dust generating , activities, and for protection of workers, finished areas of Work, and public. B. Maintain and relocate protection until such work is complete. ' 1.09 ACCESS TO SITE A. Provide and maintain access roads, sidewalk crossings, ramps and construction runways as , may be required for access to Work. 1.10 PUBLIC TRAFFIC FLOW A. Provide and maintain signal flag operators. traffic signals, barricades and flares, lights, or lanterns as required to pertorm Work and protect the public. ' 1.11 FIRE ROUTES A. Maintain access to property including overhead clearances for use by emergency response , vehicles. 1.12 PROTECTION FOR OFF-SITE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY ' A. Protect surrounding private and public property from damage during pertormance of Work. B. Be responsible for damage incurred. 04103-D1560.wpd ~~ DIVISION 1 SECTION 01560 ?,, ~ TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES Page 3 1.13 PROTECTION OF BUILDING FINISHES A. Provide protection for finished and partially finished building and existing building finishes and equipment during pertormance of Work. id n r n rdi B P s a d h . rov e ece s ry sc ee s, covers, an oa ngs. C. Confirm with Consultant locations and installation schedule 3 days prior to installation. D. Be responsible for damage incurred due to lack of or improper protection. E. Damaged work shall be made good by the appropriate trade. PART 2 : PRODUCTS ,' ~ 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 : EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE ~'~ ~~', , 04703-07560.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01720 1 PREPARATION Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. B. C. D. E. 1.02 RE A. Field engineering survey services to measure and stake site. Survey services to establish and confirm inverts for Work. Lines and levels. Recording of subsurface conditions found. Location of equipment and fixtures. LATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Construction Progress Documentation ~ Section 01320 1.03 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) ' 1. CCDC 2- 94 ,Stipulated Price Contract. B. Owner's identification of existing survey control points and property limits. ' 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS OF SURVEYORS A. Qualified registered land surveyor, licensed to practice in Place of Work, acceptable to .. Consultant. 1.05 SURVEY REFERENCE POINTS A. Existing base horizontal and vertical control points are designated on drawings. B. Locate, confirm and protect control points prior to starting site work. Preserve permanent reference points during construction. C. Make no changes or relocations without prior written notice to Consultant. D. Report to Consultant when reference point is lost or destroyed, or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations. i E. Require surveyor to replace control points in accordance with original survey control. 1.06 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Establish two permanent bench marks on site, referenced to established bench marks by survey control points. Record locations, with horizontal and vertical data in Project Record Documents. B. Establish lines and levels, locate and lay out, by instrumentation. C. Carefully lay out the building on the site and confirm all bearings and tie in points relative to the site. Report any discrepancies to the Consultant prior to commencement of the work. Proceed only when such discrepancies have been resolved. oa~oa-onzo.wPd DIVISION 1 SECTION D1720 PREPARATION 1.06 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS (Cont'd) D. Stake for grading, fill and topsoil placement and landscaping features. E. Stake slopes and berms. F. Establish pipe invert elevations. G. Stake batter boards for foundations. H. Establish foundation column locations and floor elevations. 1.07 LINES LEVELS AND DIMENSIONS A. Lay out work in accordance with lines and levels shown on Drawings. B. Verify lines, levels and dimensions and report errors or inconsistencies in the Drawings to Consultant before commencing shop drawing or the work. C. Provide levels and dimensions necessary to relate the work of one Section to another Section. D. Establish lines and levels for mechanical and electrical work. E. Take all necessary job measurements for proper execution and completion of the work. Assume complete responsibility for accuracy and completeness thereof. 1.08 EXISTING SERVICES A. Before commencing work, establish location and extent of service lines in area of Work and notify Consultant of findings. B. Remove abandoned service lines within 2 m of structures. Cap orotherwise seal lines at cut- off points as directed by Consultant. 1.09 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES A. Location of equipment, fixtures and outlets indicated or specified are to be considered as approximate. B. Locate equipment, fixtures and distribution systems to provide minimum interference and maximum usable space and in accordancewith manufacturer's recommendations for safety, access and maintenance. C. Inform Consultant of impending installation and obtain approval for actual location. D. Submit field drawings to indicate relative position of various services and equipment when required by Consultant. E. Prepare interference and equipment placing drawings to ensure that all components will be properly accommodated within the spaces provided. 04103-01720.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01720 PREPARATION Page 3 1.09 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES (Cont'd) F. Prepare drawings to indicate coordination and methods of installation of a system with other systems where their relationship is critical. Ensure that all details of equipment apparatus and connections are coordinated. G. Ensure that clearances required by jurisdictional authorities and clearances for proper maintenance and access are indicated and maintained. H. Submit two (2) copies of interterence drawings to Owner and Consultant in accordance with Section 01330. 1.10 RECORDS A. Maintain a complete, accurate log of control and survey work as it progresses. B. On completion of foundations and major site improvements, prepare a certified survey showing dimensions, locations, angles and elevations of Work. C. Record locations of maintained, re-routed and abandoned service lines. ^^ 1.11 SUBMITTALS C A. Submit name and address of Surveyor to Consultant. B. On requestof Consultant, submit documentation to verify accuracy of field engineering work. C. Submit certificate signed by surveyor certifying and noting those elevations and locations of completed Work that conform and do not conform with Contract Documents. 1.12 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A, Refer to CCDC 2, GC 6.4. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04103-01720.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01740 CLEANING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Progressive cleaning. B. Final cleaning. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Regulatory Requirements B. Closeout Procedures 1.03 Section 01410 Section 01770 A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) CCDC 2- 94 ,Stipulated Price Contract. 1.D4 PROJECT CLEANLINESS A. Conform to the Waste Management Program specified in Section 01410. B. Maintain Work in tidy condition, free from accumulation of waste products and debris, including that caused by Owner or other Contractors. C. Remove waste materials from site at regularly scheduled times or dispose of as directed by Consultant. Do not burn waste materials on site. D. Make arrangements with and obtain permits from authorities having jurisdiction for disposal of waste and debris. E. Provide on-site containers for collection of waste materials and debris. F. Provide and use clearly marked separate bins for recycling. G. Remove waste material and debris from site and deposit in waste container at end of each working day. H. Dispose of waste materials and debris off site. I. Clean interior areas prior to start of finish work, and maintain areas free of dust and other contaminants during finishing operations. J. Store volatile waste in covered metal containers, and remove from premises at end of each working day. K. Provide adequate ventilation during use of volatile or noxious substances. Use of building ventilation systems is not permitted for this purpose. L. Use only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be cleaned, and as recommended by cleaning material manufacturer. 04103-01740.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01740 CLEANING Page 2 1.04 PROJECT CLEANLINESS (Cont'd) M. Schedule cleaning operations so that resulting dust, debris and other contaminants will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces nor contaminate building systems. N. Close rooms and areas finished by painter and decorators to all but authorized persons. O. On completion of work remove stains and smudges from paint work, hardware, aluminum and other finished surfaces and wash and polish glass. P. Replace all broken, damaged or scratched glass other than those which have been broken or damaged by those installing them which shall be replaced by the installers. O. Upon completion of final cleaning, and immediately prior to Total Pertormance, remove cleaning equipment, tools, waste materials and debris from the building and site. 1.05 FINAL CLEANING A. Refer to CCDC 2, GC 3.14. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.D1 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section oai os-onao.wPa t DIVISION 1 SECTION 01770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Administrative procedures preceding preliminary and final inspections of Work. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Closeout Submittals Section 01780 1.03 A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) 1. CCDC 2- 94 ,Stipulated Price Contract. B. OAA/OGCA Document 100 -Recommended procedures regarding Substantial Performance of Construction Contracts and Completion Take Over of Projects. C. The Construction Lien Act. 1.04 INSPECTION AND DECLARATION A. Contractor's Inspection: All Sub-contractors shall conduct an inspection of Work, identify deficiencies and defects, and repair as required to conform to Contract Documents. 1. Notify Consultant in writing of satisfactory completion of Contractor's Inspection and that corrections have been made. 2. Request Consultant's Inspection. B. Consultant's Inspection: Consultantand Contractorwill pertorm inspection of Work to identify obvious defects or deficiencies. Contractor shall correct Work accordingly. C. Completion: submit written certificate that following have been performed: 1. Work has been completed and inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 2. Defects have been corrected and deficiencies have been completed. 3. Equipment and systems have been tested, adjusted and balanced and are fully operational. 4. Certificates required by Boiler Inspection Branch, Fire Commissioner, Utility companies, TSSA and other regulatory agencies have been submitted. 5. Operation of systems have been demonstrated to Owner's personnel. 6. Work is complete and ready for Final Inspection. D. Final Inspection: when items noted above are completed, request final inspection of Work by Consultant ,and Contractor. If Work is deemed incomplete Consultant, complete outstanding items and request reinspection. E. Declaration of Substantial Performance: when Consultant consider deficiencies and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of Contract have been substantially performed, make application for certificate of Substantial Performance. Refer to CCDC 2, General Conditions Article GC 5.4 -Substantial Performance of Work and the Construction Lien Act for specifics to application. 0410301770.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Page 2 ' 1.04 INSPECTION AND DECLARATION (Cont'd) F. Commencement of Lien and Warranty Periods: date of Owner's acceptance of submitted declaration of Substantial Performance shall be date for commencement forwarranty period and commencementof lien period unless required otherwise by lien statute of Place of Work. , G. Final Payment: When Consultant considers final deficiencies and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of Contract have been totally performed, make application for final payment. Refer to CCDC 2, General Conditions Article GC 5.7 for specifics to application. H. Payment of Holdback: After issuance of certificate of Substantial Performance of Work, ' submit an application for payment of holdback amount in accordance with CCDC 2, General Conditions Article 5.5. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04'103-01770.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Pape 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1 01 SECTION INCLUDES . A. B. As-built, samples, and specifications. Record drawings. C. Equipment and systems. D. Product data, materials and finishes, and related information. E. Operation and maintenance data. ' F. Spare parts, special tools and maintenance materials. G. Warranties and bonds. H. Final site survey. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01005 ' B. Submittal Procedures Section 01330 C. Closeout Procedures Section 01770 1.03 SUBMISSIONS A. Prepare instructions and data by personnel experienced in maintenance and operation of ' described products. B. Copy will be returned after final inspection, with'Consultant's comments. ' C. Revise content of documents as required prior to final submittal. D. Submit to the Consultant, three (3) final copies of operating and maintenance manuals when the project is 75% complete according to progress payment amounts. If operating and ' maintenance manuals are not submitted in accordance with this requirement, the Ownerwill withhold $25,000.00 from all payments until the manuals are provided. E. Ensure spare parts, maintenance materials and special tools provided are new, undamaged ' or defective, and of same quality and manufacture as products provided in Work. ' F. If requested, furnish evidence as to type, source and quality of products provided. G. Defective products will be rejected, regardless of previous inspections. Replace products at own expense. ' H. Pay costs of transportation. ' 1.04 MAINTENANCE MANUALS- FORMAT A. Organize data in the form of an instructional manual. ' B. Binders: vinyl, hard covered, 3'D' ring, loose leaf 219 x 279 mm with spine and face pockets. C. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings. Identify t contents of each binder on spine. 04103-01780.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 2 1.04 MAINTENANCE MANUALS -FORMAT (Cont'd) D. Cover: Identify each binder with type or printed title 'Project Record Documents'; list title of project and identify subject matter of contents. E. Arrange content by systems, under Section numbers and sequence of Table of Contents. F. Provide tabbed fly leaf for each separate product and system, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. G. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or typewritten data. H. Drawings: provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages 1.05 MAINTENANCE MANUALS -CONTENTS -EACH VOLUME A. Table of Contents: provide title of project; 1. Date of submission; names, 2. Addresses, and telephone numbers of Consultant and Contractor with name of responsible parties; 3. Schedule of products and systems, indexed to content of volume. B. For each product or system: 1. List names, addresses and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers, including local source of supplies and replacement parts. C. Product Data: mark each sheetto clearly identify specific products and component parts, and data applicable to installation; delete inapplicable information. D. Drawings: supplement product data to illustrate relations of component parts of equipment and systems, to show control and flow diagrams. E. Typewritten Text: as required to supplement product data. Provide logical sequence of instructionsforeachpvocedure, incorporating manufacturer's instructions specified in Section 01450 -Quality Control. 1.06 RECORD DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES A. In addition to requirements in General Conditions, maintain at the site for Consultant one record copy of: 1. Contract Drawings. 2. Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. 5. Reviewed shop drawings, product data, and samples. 6. Field test records. 7. Inspection certificates. 8. Manufacturer's certificates. 04103-01780.wpd ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 ' CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 3 1.06 RECORD DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES (Cont'd) B. Store record documents and samples in field office apart from documents used for construction. Provide files, racks, and secure storage. C. Label record documents and file in accordance with Section number listings in List of Contents of this Project Manual. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed letters. ' D. Maintain record documents in clean, dry and legible condition. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. E. Keep record documents and samples available for inspection by Consultant . 1.07 RECORDING ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS A Record information on set of black line o a ue drawin s obtained from th C lt t . p q g e onsu an . ' B. Provide felt tip marking pens, maintaining separate colours for each major system, for recording information. C. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal Work until t required information is recorded. D. Contract Drawings and shop drawings: legibly mark each item to record actual construction, t including: 1. Any deviation from construction documents. 2. Measured depths of elements of foundation in relation to finish first floor datum. 3. Measured horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surtace improvements. 4. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances, referenced to visible and accessible features of construction. ' S. Field changes of dimension and detail. 6. Changes made by change orders. 7. Details not on original Contract Drawings. ' 8. References to related shop drawings and modifcations. E. Specifications: legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, and catalogue number of each product actually installed ' , particularly optional items and substitute items. 2. Changes made by Addenda and change orders. F. Other Documents: maintain manufacturer's certifications, inspection certifications, field test records required by individual specifications sections , . 1.08 FINAL SURVEY ' A. Submitfinal site survey certificate, prepared by a registered Ontario Land Surveyor, certifying that elevations and locations of completed Work are in conformance, ornon-conformance ' with Contract Documents. ' 04'103-01780.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 4 1.09 EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS A. Each Item of Equipment and Each System: include description of unit or system, and component parts. Give function, normal operation characteristics, and limiting conditions. Include performance curves, with engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. B. Panel board circuit directories: provide electrical service characteristics, controls, and communications. C. Include installed colour coded wiring diagrams. D. Operating Procedures: include start-up, break-in, and routine normal operating instructions and sequences. Include regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions. Include summer, winter, and any special operating instructions. E. Maintenance Requirements: include routine procedures and guide for trouble-shooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly instructions; and alignment, adjusting, balancing, and checking instructions. F. Provide servicing and lubrication schedule, and list of lubricants required. G. Include manufacturer's printed operation and maintenance instructions. H. Include sequence of operation by controls manufacturer. I. Provide original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams required for maintenance. J. Provide installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer. K. Provide Contractor's coordination drawings, with installed colour coded piping diagrams. L. Provide charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve, keyed to flow and control diagrams. M. Provide list of original manufacturer's spare parts, current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. N. Include test and balancing reports as specified in Section D1450 -Quality Control. O. Additional requirements: As specified in individual specification sections. 1.10 MATERIALS AND FINISHES A. Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: include product data, with catalogue number, size, composition, and colour and texture designations. B. Instructions for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. 04103-01780.wpd 1 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 ~ CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 5 1.10 MATERIALS AND FINISHES (Cont'd) C. Moisture-protection and Weather-exposed Products: include manufacturer's recommendations forcleaningagents and methods, precautions againstdetrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. D. Additional Requirements: as specified in individual specifications sections. 1.11 SPARE PARTS A. Provide spare parts, in quantities specified in individual specification sections. B. Provide items of same manufacture and quality as items in Work. C. Deliver to site; place and store. D. Receive and catalogue all items. Submit inventory listing to Consultant. Include approved listings in Maintenance Manual. E. Obtain receipt for delivered products and submit prior to final payment. 1.12 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide maintenance and extra materials, in quantities specified in individual specifcation sections. B. Provide items of same manufacture and quality as items in Work. C. Deliver to site; place and store. D. Receive and catalogue all items. Submit inventory listing to Consultant .Include approved listings in Maintenance Manual. E. Obtain receipt for delivered products and submit prior to final payment. 1.13 SPECIAL TOOLS A. Provide special tools, in quantities specified in individual specification section. B. Provide items with tags identifying their associated function and equipment. C. Deliver to site ;place and store. D. Receive and catalogue all items. Submit inventory listing to Consultant .Include approved listings in Maintenance Manual. 1.14 STORAGE. HANDLING AND PROTECTION A. Store spare parts, maintenance materials, and special tools in manner to prevent damage or deterioration. '' B. Store in original and undamaged condition with manufacturer's seal and labels intact. ~' 0410&01780.wpd DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 6 ' 1.14 STORAGE HANDLING AND PROTECTION (Coned) roof enclosures from weather in weather d t b t t ' C. . p amage s su jec o Store componen D. Store paints and freezable materials in a heated and ventilated room. ' E. Remove and replace damaged products at own expense and to satisfaction of Consultant. 1.15 WARRANTEES AND BONDS , A. Separate each warranty or bond with index tab sheets keyed to Table of Contents listing. B. List subcontractor, supplier, and manufacturer, with name, address, and telephone number ' of responsible principal. C. Obtain warranties and bonds, executed in duplicate by subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers, within ten (10) days after completion of the applicable item of work. ' D. Leave date of beginning of time of warranty until the Date of Substantial Performance is determined. ' E. Verify that documents are in proper form, contain full information, and are notarized. F. Co-execute submittals when required. ' G. Retain warranties and bonds until time specified for submittal. _ PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.D1 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 04103-01780.wpd ' DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 ' SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. B. Obtain and pay for all permits and comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations relating ' to Demolition of Building and preservation of Public Health and Safety. C. Refer to requirements regarding discovery of hazardous substances in Section 01410. ' D. Refer to requirements for Construction Waste Disposal and Diversion, Source Separation and Recycling programs specified in Section 01410. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. General Instructions Section 01005 B. Work Restrictions Section 01140 C. Regulatory Requirements Section 01410 D. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 E. Excavation and Backfill Section 02200 F. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 G. Mechanical Division 15 H. Electrical Division 16 ' 1.03 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. The Building Code, Ontario Regulation 403!97. B. The Occupational Safety at Work Act, and Regulations for Construction Projects. C. CSA S350, Code of Practice for Safety in Demolition of Structures. ' D. The National Building Code of Canada, Part 8, "Safety Measures on Construction and Demolition Sites". ' E. F. The National Fire Code of Canada. The Environmental Protection Act. G. Ontario Regulation 347, General-Waste Management. H. Ontario Regulation 102/94, Waste Audits and Waste Reduction Work Plans. I. Ontario Regulation 103/94, Industrial, Commercial, and Industrial Source Separation ' Programs. J. Ontario Regulation 838/90 Regulations Regarding Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations. ' K. Ontario Regulation 362. L. The Corporation of the Town of Ajax Health and Safety Program. M. The Contractors Health and Safety Program. ' N. Laws, rules and regulations of other authorities having jurisdiction. 1.04 SUBMITTALS ' A. Submit detailed written schedule and a proposal for demolition procedures including safe work procedures, for review prior to commencement of demolition. ' 04103-0205D.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Page 2 1.04 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) B. Safe work procedures shall be submitted for the Owner's approval a minimum of three (3) working days prior to commencement of demolition work. Indicate scope of work, procedures, equipment, number of personnel, schedule, sequencing and methods of demolition and disposal. C. Drawings for structural elements of the demolition process shall bear signature and stamp of qualified professional engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. D. Where required by authorities having jurisdiction, submit for approval, drawings, diagrams or details clearly showing sequence of disassembly work or supporting structures and underpinning. E. Submit videotape and photographic records of existing conditions prior to commencement of the work. Refer to Section 01410. 1.05 TEMPORARY VENTILATION A. Provide all required temporary ventilation for demolition work. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Materials from demolition shall become the property of the Contractor unless specified otherwise and shall be removed from the Site the same day. B. All equipment and materials to be handed over to the Owner as indicated on the drawings shall be delivered and unloaded on the Owner's property as directed by the Consultant. C. Materials scheduled to be reused shall be carefully removed and stored within the building, readily available for cleaning, restoration and reinstallation by respective trades. D. Conform to requirements of the General Conditions and Division 1, in particular, articles on Design and Safety Requirements for Temporary Work. Provide materials necessary for temporary shoring. E. Building materials which can be recycled through local municipal programs shall be sorted and separated in accordance with the requirements of Ontario Regulation 103/94. F. Remove contaminated or dangerous materials from site and dispose of in safe manner to minimize danger at site or at any time during disposal. Comply with all applicable legislation and governing requirements. G. Materials and debris from demolition shall not be stacked or stored in building. H. Before work is commenced in any section of the existing building, the Owner will remove all movable materials and equipment, etc., that do not require disconnecting from services. Material and equipment that cannot be moved shall be protected from damage by the Contractor. 04103-02050.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 ' SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Page 3 ' 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Equipment and heavy machinery shallmeetorexceedallapplicableemissionrequirements. ' B. Leave machinery running only when in use. C. Obtain permission from Owner regarding use of outriggers, swinging cranes and similar ' equipment. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Preliminary Survey: The Demolition Plans indicate the general extent of existing conditions. Review all areas of work to determine full extent of areas to be demolished, altered or ' renovated and become familiar with actual conditions and extent of work required. B. Examine Site and when requested, provide engineering survey to determine type of ' construction, condition of structure, and Site conditions. Assess strength and stability of damaged or deteriorated structures. C. Assess potential effect of removal of any part or parts on the remainder of structure before t such part(s) are removed. D. Assess effects of demolition at adjacent buildings and structures and consider need for ' underpinning, shoring and/or bracing. E. Investigate for following conditions: ' _ load bearing walls and floors structure suspended from another - cantilevered construction - effects of soils, water, lateral pressures on retaining or foundations walls presence of tanks, wells, other piping systems presence of hazardous materials. ' F. Contact authorities, and utility companies for assistance in locating and marking services passing under, through, overhead or adjacent to structure to be demolished. Such services include: - electrical power lines ' gas mains oil pipelines - communication cables _ water mains and fire mains ' drainage piping (storm and sanitary) - steam distribution G. Afterdeterminingdemolitionmethods,determineareaofpossiblevibration. Carefully inspect beyond those adjacent areas. List potential damage areas and photograph each for record purposes before starting work. ' H. Inspect site and verify with Consultant items designated for removal and items to be preserved prior to starting demolition. ' 04103-02050.wpd 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Page 4 3.01 PREPARATION (Cont'd) Prior to the commencement of Construction, the Owner will arrange for the removal of all known asbestos and other friable materials. 1 1 J. Refer to Section 01410 for requirements regarding discovery, discovery and handling of ' suspected hazardous materials which might be encountered during the course of the work. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Provide, erect and maintain required hoarding, catch platforms, lights and other protection around Site before commencing work. Maintain such areas free of snow, ice, mud, water and debris. Lighting levels shall be equal to that prior to erection. B. Provide a full time flagman, and additional flagmen where necessary or appropriate, to provide effective and safe access to site to vehicular traffic. C. Ensure scaffolds, ladders, equipment and other such equipments are not accessible to public. Protect with adequate fencing or remove and dismantle at end of each day or when no longer required. D. Protect existing adjacent work against damages which might occur from falling debris or other causes due to work of this Section. E. Where demolition operations prevent normal access to adjacent properties, provide and maintain suitable alternative access. F. If at any time safety of adjacent buildings appear to be endangered, cease operations and notify Owner; take precautions to support buildings; do not resume operations until permission is granted by Owner. G. Provide all shoring and bracing required for the execution of the work. H. If Owner considers additional bracing and shoring necessary to safeguard and prevent movement or settlement, install bracing or shoring upon Owner's orders. I. Provide protection around floor and/or roof openings. J. Take precautions to guard against movement, settlement or collapse of adjacent structures, services, sidewalks or driveways. Be liable for such movement, settlement or collapse caused by failure to take necessary precautions. Repair promptly such damage when ordered. K. Erect and maintain dustproof partitions as required to prevent spread of dust, fumes and smoke to other parts of building. Construct dust-proof screens as directed by the Consultant as requfired to completely enclose the work areas and the access passages to the work areas from the other areas of the existing building being used, from dust, dirt and the possibility of injury to all persons. L. At all times protect the structure from overloading. M. Particular attention shall be paid to prevention of fire and elimination of fire hazards which would endanger new work or existing premises. 04103-02050.wpd 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Page 5 3.02 PROTECTION (Cont'd) N. All roof decks over which steel, concrete or mechanical equipment are to be hoisted or transported over shall be planked with 1 1/2" (38 mm) thick minimum planking as a safety ' precaution. Planking to be of thickness required to prevent the loads being transported from penetrating through the roof decks in the case of the material being accidentally dropped. Planking shall be reviewed by the Owner. O. Before commencing demolition, verify that existing sprinkler, water, gas, electrical and other services in areas being demolished are cut off, capped diverted or removed as required. Active services tothe existing building shall be protected and maintained without interruption, unless otherwise approved by the Owner. Post warning signs on electrical lines and ' equipmentwhich must remain energized to serve adjacent areas during period of demolition. P. Ensure that all work in the existing building, such as floors, finishes, trim, etc., is protected ' completely. O. At end of each day's work, leave work in safe condition so that no part is in danger oftoppling or falling. Protect interiors of building parts not to be demolished from exterior elements at ' all times. R. During removals of existing roofing membranes, maintain the building in a watertight ' condition. Coordinate with other Sections in the preparation of existing roof slabs and curbs and the installation of waterproofing membranes. ' S. Provide safe access and egress from working areas using entrances, hallways, stairways, protected to safeguard the personnel using them from falling debris . 3.03 PERFORMANCE ' A Ensure demolition work is su ervised b com etent foreman at all times . p y p . B. Demolition shall proceed safely in systematic manner from roof to grade, and as necessary to accommodate remedial work indicated. Parts of building which would otherwise collapse prematurely shall be securely shored. Walls and piers shall not be undermined. C. At end of each day's work, leave work in safe condition ensuring that no parts of structure are in danger of collapsing. ' D. Until acceptance, maintain and preserve active utilities traversing premises. E. Provide enclosed chutes for disposal of debris from heights more than 1 storey in accordance with CAN S350-M. ' 3.04 DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL A. Note that the removal of certain Mechanical and Electrical equipment and structural elements, is shown on the Mechanical, Electrical and Structural drawings. The Contractor shall fully review these drawings prior to commencement of demolition. ' B. Maintain the work areas and storage areas clean and orderly at all times and free of rubbish and debris. ' 04103-0205D.wpd DIVISION 2 ' SECTION 02050 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Page 6 ' 3.04 DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL (Cont'd) C. When permission has been granted to proceed with demolition, it shall be carried forth ' expeditiously and continuously to completion. D. Cut, patch and make good all existing roofs, walls, floors and other finishes where damaged ' or affected by the alterations. Cutting and patching of historic elements of the building shall be completed by skilled craftsmen in the respective trades. E. Execute all cutting and removal of existing building walls, floor slabs, structural steel, roof ' deck, roofing and other removals as indicated on the drawings and as required. Remove existing sections of walls as indicated. f " 25 ' F. 1 ( mm) All existing concrete to be removed shall be saw cut to a minimum depth o before breaking out concrete. G. Glass occurring in windows to be removed shall be removed before removal of the window , frames is commenced unless otherwise indicated. H. Be responsible for maintaining the existing building in a weather and watertight condition at ' all times until the completion and acceptance of the work. All damage caused to the building interior and/or equipment, etc. of the existing buildings by the neglect of the Contractor or any of his forces shall be made good at the expense of the Contractor including all costs and charges which may be claimed by the Owner for damages or loss of use suffered. ' I. Removal of items indicated on the drawings shall mean all adhesives, fasteners, hangers, anchors, appurtenances, and the like as necessary to prepare substrates for the installation ' of new construction, finishes and equipment. J. Removalofflooringshallincludecompleteremovalofalladhesives,levellingcompoundsand the like and preparation of existing substrates for installation of new flooring. Scarify existing ' slabs if necessary. 3.05 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE HANDED OVER TO OWNER ' A. Carefully remove and hand over to the Owner all items as indicated on the drawings. B. Label all hardware and fittings. ' C. Deliver all reclaimed and salvaged materials to designated storage shed on site and store in a neat manner. ' 3.06 REUSE OF MATERIALS A. All materials and equipment scheduled for reuse shall be carefully removed by qualified ' craftsmen, cleaned and stored within the building, ready for restoration and reinstallation at new locations. B. Clean all materials of adhesives, loose paint, etc., and make ready for restoration. ' 04103-02050.wpd ' 1 ' DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 I, ~ SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Pape 7 3.07 CLEAN UP A. On completion of all demolition work, remove dust proof screens, hoardings, partitions and shoring and make good surfaces to match adjacent surfaces of building. B. Upon completion of demolition work, level and clear site or prevent access to excavations by means of fences or hoardings. C. Reinstate areas and existing works outside areas of demolition toconditionsthatexistedprior to commencement of work. D. Upon completion of work, remove debris, trim surfaces and leave work site clean. End of Section D4103-02050.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING. BACKFILLING AND GRADING Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A . Conform to the requirements of Division L ' B . Prior to the commencement of the work, submit for the Owner's review and acceptance, a Waste Management Plan. ' 1.02 RELATED WORK A . Site Preparation Section 02100 B. Concrete Sidewalks Section 02514 C . Concrete Curbs and Gutters Section 02516 D . Concrete Work Section 03300 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 ' F. Mechanical Work Division 15 G . Electrical Work Division 16 ' 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Earth: Site excavated material, including shale, rubble rack, building debris, shrub and tree roots and soil. ' B . Soil: Site excavated material, free from shale, rubble rock, building debris, shrub and tree roots. C. Fill: Approved materials, other than earth, clay and unapproved soil. Approved soil may be used only with approval of the Consultant in writing. ' D. Rock: All solid rock in ledges, stratified deposits, unstratified masses, and all conglomerate deposits or any other material so firmly cemented by process of nature as to present all the characteristics of solid rock, being so hard or firmly cemented that it cannot be excavated ' and removed with a power shovel except afterthorough and continuous drilling and blasting. E. Backfilling: The operation of supplying and installing fill and approved soil materials. ' F. Engineered Fill: Approved material used to build-up to design elevations. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Codes. Regulations 1 Conform to the requirements ofthe Ontario Building Code and the Workplace Health and Safety Act. ' 2 Conform to the applicable requirements of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS). B. Examination: 1 Examine the building site and determine the nature and extent of the materials to be removed or the additional fill required to provide depths and levels indicated on drawings. Field check the site to review existing conditions. ' 2 Review the Geotechnical Report for the site and note any concerns identified in regards to earthworks to be carried out on the site, prior to close of tender. -~ 04103-02200.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 2 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) C. Setting Out Work 1 The drawings indicate the building components location, and proposed and final grades. Be responsible to construct the work according to levels and locations shownonthedrawings. ReportanyerrorsordiscrepanciestotheConsultantbefore commencing with the work. Commencementofanypartoftheworkshallconstitute acceptance of drawings as being correct. .2 Employ a competent instrument man and provide all lines and levels, limit lines and boundary stakes for the execution of the work as required. All bench marks shall be carefully protected. .3 Provide all Subcontractors with, and be responsible for, all lines, levels and dimensions which such trades require to relate their work to the work of the Contractor or other trades. All trades shall be notified that all such levels and dimensions must be obtained from the Contractor. D. Ins pection and Testing .1 Provide proper and sufficient samples, ample opportunity and access at all times for the Consultant or Testing Agency to inspect materials, operations and completed works carried out under this Section. .2 Sample and test excavated material priorto shipping to landfill off the site. Samples shall be tested for compliance of acceptable material for landfill. Furnish to the Owner the results of all testing and location of landfill site used. This testing will not be undertaken by the Owner's Inspection and Testing Agency. .3 Provide 24 hours notice to inspection laboratory and request tests as follows: Sieve Analvsis: Proposed fill materials will be tested to confirm stability for intended use and conformity with specifications. Density Test: Tests will be conducted on compacted fill, to ASTM D898-70. FreauencvTest: Excavated Surfaces: When existing compacted fill surface is being prepared, make a series of three tests of surface for each 5,4D0 sq. ft. area. Fills under Roads or Slabs on Grade: Make three tests for every two lifts of compacted fill for each 5,400 sq. ft. area. Backfill Structural Walls: Test each different material for approximately each 100 feet of wall being backfilled at depth increments of 2 feet. 4 All imported soil fill materials (not from a pit or quarry source) should be approved prior to any material being delivered to site. This approval may require the submission of chemical testing results indicating the material meets chemical guidelines for the intended land use. 1.05 PROTECTION A. Protection of Existing Services .1 Before starting the work, verify the location of all known underground services and utilities occurring in the work site area. 2 Notify the Owner, Public. Utility or Municipal authorities in advance of planned excavations adjacent to their services. 3 Take care not to damage or displace encountered known and unknown services. 04103-0220g.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Paqe 3 1.05 PROTECTION (Cont'd) .4 When such services are encountered during the execution of work, immediately notify the Consultant and protect, brace and support active services. Where repairs to these services become necessary use the following procedure: a. Known services, repair at no expense to the Owner. b. Unknown services, forward to the Consultant a complete breakdown of the estimated cost of such work. Proceed only upon written authorization. 5 In the case of damage to, or cutting off of an essential service, notify Consultant, the Owner, and Public Utility or Municipal authorities immediately and repair the service under the Consultant's direction. B. Shoring and Bracing 1 Shoring and trench timbering, in addition to requirements of local authorities, shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of The Occupational Health and Safety Act, "November 1992 Ontario Regulation 213/91" and Regulations for Construction Projects by Ontario Ministry of Labour and to Construction Safety Association brochure "Trenching Safety April 1994": 2 Erect necessary shoring for excavations in such a manner that: a. Whenever a trench or excavated face is necessary, shore and brace to prevent failure. Engage a registered Professional Engineerfully qualified in this line of work to design, stamp shop drawings and assume responsibility for the shoring and bracing. All shop drawings shall be submitted to the Consultant for review. b. It will properly retain the banks of the excavations and prevent caving-in or displacement or damage to surrounding or adjacent buildings or other property. c. All otherwork in connection with this Contract, including the Mechanical and Electrical Trades, may be carried out while it is still in place if necessary. d. It will be entirely free of footings, foundation walls or other such work so that it may be removed entirely or in sections when it is no longer required or when directed, without causing any damage or injury to the structural work that has been completed. C. Sedimentation Control 1 Provide sedimentation control at all watercourses and catch basins to prevent contamination by excavated fill. 2 Sedimentation control shall be in accordance with the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, and local authorities. 3 Install sedimentation control and obtain Consultant's approval prior to commencement of site works. D. Soils Report A soils report has been completed by AMEC Earth & Environmental and is available for review at the office of the Consultant. 04103-02200.wpd DIVISION 2 ' SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 4 1.06 SAMPLES FOR FILL MATERIALS A. Within 15 days of award of Contract and not less than seven days prior to placing fills, provide names of aggregate supplier and submit 50 Ib. samples of each type fill specified including representative samples of excavated material for analysis by testing laboratory. In the case of coarse gravelly soil or coarse crushed stone, submit 130 Ib. samples. 1.07 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit shop drawings of shoring and bracing required in connection with excavation. Drawings shall show clearly procedural sequence to be followed. 1.08 DEWATERING A. Keep excavation andbackfilldryatalltimes. Provide necessary equipment, including pumps and piping. B. Control grading in and adjacent to excavations to direct all surface water from open excavation. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Tvoe A Fill: Class "A" material conforming to OPSS Division 10, latest edition. B. Tvoe B Fill: Class "B" material conforming to OPSS Division 10, latest edition. C. Pea Gravel: 13mm diameter washed stone. D. Sand Fill: All sand fill shall be clean, well graded compactable sand to OPSS 1010 Granular "M" fill. E. Engineered Fill: fill placed below Type A and Type B fill. to bring excavation to the design elevations. To be Type B fill or approved fill, approved in writing by the Consultant. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Lines and Levels -Establish accurate lines and levels as required and supply batter boards, lines, stakes and templates and establish permanent reference lines and bench marks required. B. Stock Piles -Materials other than excavated topsoil approved for use, shall not be stockpiled on the site except with the prior approval of the Owner. Where permitted, stockpile materials in a manner to prevent segregation and contamination. 04103-02200.wptl DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 5 3.02 EXCAVATION WORK A. Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated or required by the work, plus sufficient space to permiterection of forms, shoring and inspection. Excavation shall be made to clean lines to minimize quantity of fill material required. B. Remove large rocks, stamps-and other obstructions of whatever nature encountered iri the course of excavation and haul away off the site. Boulders and rocks are to be expected to be encountered on this site (refer to Geotechnical Report). C. Unauthorized Excavation -Excavation to greater than required depth shall be corrected by the Contractor at his own expense in a manner as directed by the Consultant. Fill over-excavated areas under structure bearing surfaces and footings with concrete as specified for foundations. D. Keep excavation free of water by bailing, pumping or a system of drainage as required and provide pumps, suction and discharge lines Orwell points of sufficient capacity and maintain until such time as the permanent drainage system is installed or until the Consultant's approval of removal of equipment is obtained. Take all necessary measures to prevent flow of water into the excavation. E. Protectthe bottom and sides of excavated pits and trenches from freezing. Protect also from exposure to the sun and wet weather to prevent cave-ins and softening of the bed upon which concrete or drains rest. F. Keep bottoms of excavations clean and clear of loose materials levelled and stepped at changes of levels with exception of excavations made for drainage purposes and those to slope as required. G. If the excavations reveal seepage zones, springs orother unexpected sub-surtace conditions which may necessitate revisions or additions to any drainage system, inform the Consultant immediately so that remedial action can be taken. H. Protect existing trees to remain at all times during construction and excavation. Do not damage roots. I. If removal of earth causes displacement of adjacent earth, the earth so disturbed shall be removed at no additional cost to the Owner. J. Conditions of Excavated Surfaces 1 Excavate to a depth sufficient to expose firm undisturbed subsoil, free of organic matter and to the Testing Agency's approval. .2 Remove soft, wet or unconsolidated ground and organic material encountered in excavating. 3 Should the nature of the sub-soil at the depths shown prove to be unsatisfactory to the Consultant for the placing of the concrete work, then upon the Consultant's written order, the Contractor shall excavate to greater depth until a satisfactory bottom is reached. K. Tolerances .1 General excavation shalt be to the elevations shown on the drawings, plus or minus 25mm. 04103-02200.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 6 3.03 BACKFILLING A. Proceed promptlywith backfilling as the building progresses, and aswork to be backfilled has been inspected and approved by the Consultant. The backfill in areas where settlement cannot be tolerated, e.g. service and footing trenches under the floor slab, should be compacted to at least 100 per cent of its Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density. The backfill should be placed in lifts not greater than 8" thick in the loose state, each lift being compacted with a suitable compactor to the specified density. B. Do not commence backfilling operations until mechanical and electrical services, and site drainage systems have been inspected and approved by Consultant and authorities having jurisdiction. Existing floor subgrade must be proof rolled before backfilling. C. Withdraw shoring material during backfill. Lumber left in place without the Consultant's approval will not be paid for by the Owner. D. Backfill evenly on both sides of foundation walls to avoid unequal fill pressures on walls. E. Place fill around foundation walls and footings so that footings will have a minimum of 4 foot coverage from bottom of footing to protect against frost until final grading is complete. F. Where fill is placed adjacent to structures or vulnerable building components or in restricted areas, the fill shall be compacted to the same degree as specified by suitable equipment approved by the Consultant. Avoid damage to or displacement of walls, columns, piers, underground services, and process/ production equipment. G. Add water in amounts required only to achieve the optimum moisture content. H. Backfill shall be free of snow and ice, topsoil, construction debris and oversized boulders greater than 150mm. 3.04 ROUGH GRADING A. Preparation and Lavout .1 Establish extent of grading by area and elevation. .2 Prior to commencement of grading work, establish location and extent of all underground utilities occurring in work areas. Maintain, reroute or extend as required. Pay all costs for this work, except costs borne by utilities companies. 3 Slope grade away from building as indicated on drawings. 3.05 FILLS UNDER CONCRETE SLABS A. Prior to placement of fill material, ensure that all areas are completely stripped of topsoil and the exposed native sub-grade has been proof-rolled in conjunction with an inspection by the Geotechnical Engineer. Any soft, wet or deleterious areas shall be sub-excavated and replaced with acceptable fill material as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. B. The fill shall be deposited in layers of such thickness that the equipment being used for compacting can produce the specified density but in no cases, more than 200mm. If lumps are present in the material each layer shall be continuously disced in order to ensure proper compaction. 04103-02200.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING BACKFILLING AND GRADING Paqe 7 3.05 FILLS UNDER CONCRETE SLABS (Cont'd) C. Immediately after levelling, each layer of fill shall be thoroughly compacted by the use of approved mechanical equipment. D. The exposed subgrade shall be proof rolled to ensure its integrity. If the subgrade consists of engineered fill, the fill shall be compacted to at least 98% of its maximum Standard Proctor Dry Density for native materials or 100% compaction for Granular "A" and "B' materials, using equipment approved by the Consultant. Any loose, wet or deleterious material shall be sub-excavated and replaced by the Contractor with Type B Engineered fill which must be compacted to 98% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. 3.06 COMPACTION DENSITY A. Use approved equipment for compaction. Maintain materials at optimum moisture content to obtain required compaction. Special care shall be taken to prevent disturbance of the existing subgrade and adjacent structures and equipment. B. Be responsible for damage to the subgrade and installed materials due to improper compaction methods. Make good to approval of the Consultant. C. The minimum density of fill in place shall be the following values of Standard proctor densities for corresponding locations in accordance with latest revisions of A.S.T.M. D698-(STD). 1 Type A Fill: To 100% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. 2 Type B Fill: To 100% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. 3 Engineered Fill: To 98% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. D. If during progress of work, tests indicate that compacted materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at own expense., E. .Ensure compacted fills are tested and approved before proceed ing with placement of surface materials. 3.07 FILL LOCATIONS A. Type A FiII: 1 Under all interior and exterior concrete slabs 150mm minimum thickness. B. Type B Fill: 1 Around all footings, foundations and walls up to the underside of Type A fill. 2 From top of approved compacted subgrade to underside of concrete slabs (interior or exterior) but not less than 200mm thickness. 3 Above all mechanical or electrical pipes and trenches. C. Sand Fill: Below all mechanical or electrical services, minimum 150mm deep. D. Engineered Fill: All fill locations up to the underside of Type B fill and where required to fill up to design elevations. 04103-02200.wpd DIVISION 2 , SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 8 , 3.07 FILL LOCATIONS (Cont'd) E. Site excavated material: as backfill to exterior side of foundation walls only and below all , sodded or seeded areas up to underside of topsoil, but not within 2 feet of foundation walls or structures. ' 3.08 WATER ON PREPARED SURFACES A. Promptly remove, by approved methods, water rising from seeping of the soil or resulting ' from rainfall wherever such water is on the surface of sub-grade soil and compacted fill. B. Where proper drainage and pumping is not carried out as specified herein, and any prepared sub-grade soil for under structural work, and any compacted fill for under concrete slabs, is softened or disturbed by water due to improper drainage and pumping, the Contractor shall remove the unsatisfactory soil and fill, and bear all incidental costs in connection with additional excavation and placing and compacting of granular fll under floor slabs, without extra cost to the Owner. 3.09 SURPLUS SOIL DISPOSAL A. Surplus soil and excavated material shall be promptly removed and disposed of off the site at legal dump sites. Conform to local bylaw requirements for trucking and disposal. Complete testing as described in Part 1 of this specification. Conform to the requirements of the approved Waste Management Plan as specified in Part 1 of this specification. 3.10 CLEAN-UP A. As excavation proceeds, keep roads and aisles clean of dirt and excavated material. B. Clean up and wash down to remove all dirt and excavated materials caused by the work of this section daily. End of Section D4103-02200.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02514 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Pape 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM C309 Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete B. ASTM D698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil- Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-Ib (2.49-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (305-mm) Drop C. CAN/CSA-A23.1 Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction D. CAN/CSA-A23.2 Methods of Test for Concrete E. OPSS 1010 Material Specification for Aggregates-GranularA, B, Mand Select Subgrade Material F. OPSS1308 Material Specification for Joint Filler (Concrete) PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Base: Granular "A", OPSS 1010. B. Concrete: CAN/CSA-A23.1-M. C. Curing Compound: Chlorinated rubber based, ASTM C309 Type 2. D. Joint Filler: Premoulded, non-extruding and resilient bituminous. OPSS 1308 Type A joint filler. E. Form Lumber: No. 2 S.P.F., 28 x 89 mm, free of twist and warp. F. Reinforcing Steel: 152 x 152 mm MW18.7/MW18.7 welded wire mesh, in flat sheets, not rolls. G. Polyethylene Sheeting: 0.100 mm thickness, to CGSB CAN2-53.33. 04703-02514.wpd DIVISION 2 , SECTION 02514 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Pa e 2 ' 2.02 CONCRETE MIX A. Unless otherwise indicated, provide ready mix concrete designed by concrete producer, ' meeting the following requirements: 1. Coarse Aggregate: Standard weight, maximum size 19 mm. ' 2. Water Cement Ratio: Maximum 0.45 by weight. 3. Compressive Strength: 32 Mpa at 28 days. 4. Air Content: 5% to 7% achieved by air entrainment. ' 5. Slump at Point of Discharge: 50 mm ± 25 mm. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION ' A. Establish lines and levels as required for completion of work. ' B. Check adequacy of preparations for sidewalks done under Section 02200. Ensure that sub- base is compacted to 98% of Standard Proctor density ASTM D698. 3.02 PLACING GRANULAR BASE ' A. Sub-grade mustbe dry and compacted to smooth surface and required grade priorto placing t granular base material. B. Place Granular Base to a uniform cross-section over required area in minimum 100 mm thickness. , C. Finish granular base surface true to sidewalk founding elevations and compact to minimum of 98% of Standard Proctor density, ASTM D698. ~ 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Erect formwork for sidewalks to achieve lines and grades shown on the drawings. B. Cut expansion joint filler to full cross sectional shape of the sidewalk and place at intervals not exceeding 5.0 m. Refer to plans for patterns. C. Place expansion joint filler between sidewalks and building foundations and between sidewalk and any poured concrete bases or piers. D. Pourconcreteonpreparedsub-base to required levels and dimensions. Execute all concrete work to CAN/CSA A23.1, and CAN/CSA A23.2. E. Pour concrete sidewalks with minimum 125 mm depth, and with transverse slope of 2 mm/ 100 mm (2%). F. Do not pour concrete when air temperature is, or may fall below 5° C (41 ° F) during or within 24 hours of pour, unless precautions are taken to prevent damage to concrete resulting from low temperature. 04103-02514.wptl DIVISION 2 SECTION 02514 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Page 3 3.03 INSTALLATION (Cont'd) G. Remove and replace any concrete damaged by freezing at no extra cost. H. Finish concrete with light broom finish to match existing. I. Trowel smooth edges, minimum 75 mm wide. J. Apply membrane forming curing compound as soon as surtace is free of bleed water to uniformly cover exposed concrete surfaces at rate of not less than 1.0 litre/5 m' (1.0 gal/27 sq. yd.). Maintain this protection for minimum 7 days. K. Dividesidewalkbetweenexpansionjointsintolengthsnotexceeding2.Om,withpowerdriven carbide tipped blade, or other device approved for use by the consultant. L. Form and pour reveals to accept brick bands to match existing patio, as indicated on drawings. End of Section 1 1 04103-02514.wpd i DIVISION 2 SECTION 02950 PLANTING Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Site Preparation Section 02100 B. Excavation, Backfilling, and Grading Section 022D0 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All planting work shall be carried out by experienced workmen, under the direction and supervision of an experienced, qualified plant person. B. All plants shall be No. 1 Grade nursery stock grown and supplied in accordance with current standards as adopted by the Canadian Nursery Trades Association, latest edition. C. All plants shall meet or exceed all pertinent regulations with respect to inspection for plant disease and insect control. D. Submit sample of specified mulches and submit sample of plant accessories when required by Consultant. Keep approved samples on site, in an approved and protected location until work has been inspected, approved, and accepted. Submit samples in accordance with Section 01330. E. Topsoil from each source, native and imported, shall be tested for N.P.K., atrazine, and minor elements, as well as for clay and organic matter content, and acidity (pH0 range). Topsoil shall be tested, written test reports submitted and approved by Consultant, before using topsoil on site. 1.04 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Deliver all materials in their original containers, with all labels intact and legible. Containers with fertilizers, peatmoss, bonemeal, shall clearly indicate contents, weight, analysis, and manufacturer's name. B. All materials which are subject to deterioration from weather, shall be stored in a dry, protected weatherproof area. C. Plants shall be protected from damage, and drying out from the time they are dug and during transportation, until planting on the site. D. Plants which cannot be planted immediately after arrival on the site shall be properly heeled in and protected and kept moist until they can be planted. 1.05 INSPECTIONS A. All plant materials shall be available for inspection at the nursery by Consultant. Give timely notice of availability of the material for inspection. oa~as-ozaso.wPa DIVISION 2 SECTION 02950 PLANTING Pa e 2 1.05 INSPECTIONS (Cont'd) B. Approval of plants at the nursery does not impair the right of the Consultant to inspect plants upon arrival at the site and reject plants which have been damaged, are in poor condition, or otherwise do not conform to the Specifications. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL 1 Thoroughly mix 5 parts of topsoil and 1 part manure and shred to a fine, even texture. .2 Add bonemeal at S.Okg./m3. of soil and add fertilizer in accordance with soil analysis report. 2.02 MANURE A. Clean topsoil, imported material approved by Geotechnical Engineer, and free from admixtures of subsoil, clay lumps, stones or roots over 50 mm diameter, free of toxic substances or any other foreign matter which would inhibit growth. B. Except where different mix is indicated on Drawings, provide the following planting soil mixture: A. Well rotted, unleached cattle manure not less than 8 months and not more than 2 years old, free of harmful chemicals and injurious substances, containing maximum 25% straw, leaves, and other foreign matter. 2.03 PEATMOSS A. Partially decomposed, fibrous or cellular stems of Sphagnum Mosses with a porous to spongy fibrous texture and with a pH ranging from 4.5 to 6.0. The peatmoss shall be supplied in bales, which shall be free of decomposed colloidal residue, wood, sulphur and iron and shall be finely shredded into particles not larger than 6 mm. 2.04 BONEMEAL A. Commercial, clean bonemeal, finely ground and analyzing to a minimum 5% nitrogen and ' 20% phosphoric acid. 2.05 FERTILIZER 2.06 A. Organic. Fertilizers containing chemicals are strictly prohibited. PLANT MATERIALS A. B. oa~oa-ozsso.woa All plants shall be No. 1 Grade, nursery-grown stock of a grade and quality conforming to the horticultural standards and grown under proper cultural practices as adopted bythe Canadian Nursery Trades Association (CNTA). Nursery stock shall be transplanted andlor root pruned regularly, but not later than nine (9) months prior to arrival on projects site. I DIVISION 2 SECTION 02950 PLANTING Page 3 2.06 PLANT MATERIALS (Cont'd) C. Plants shall conform to all regulations requiring inspection for disease and insect control. Plants which require chemical treatment as ordered by the Department of Agriculture shall be prohibited. D. All plants shall be true to name in accordance with Plant List, with botanical names conforming to the "International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants". E. Plants shall be tagged with name and size of plants. Labels shall not be removed until after final inspection at end of maintenance period. F. Substitutions for the specified plants are not allowed unless approved by Consultant in writing. G. Any plants dug from native stands, wood lots, and which have not received proper cultural maintenance as advocated by the CNTA, shall be designated as "Collected Plants". H. The supply and planting of "Collected Plants" will not be permitted unless approved, in writing, and subject to inspection by Consultant at the original growing location. Be responsible for all costs related to such inspection. I. The guarantee period for approved "Collected Plants" shall be one (1) year longer than the specified guarantee period for nursery-grown plants. J. Plants shall be supplied from nurseries located within the same hardiness zone, and grown in the same soil conditions as the project site, and in accordance with the Plant List, unless otherwise approved. K. Plants shall be freshly dug and be in healthy vigorous condition upon arrival at the site. Heeled-in plants or plants from cold storage are not allowed. L. Plants shall be sound, healthy and well-branched, free of disease and insects, and possess all the characteristics of the specified species, headers shall be straight and intact and stems and trunks free of sun scalds, frost cracks, abrasions and other damages. M. Old injuries shall be completely callused overwith pruning wounds showing vigorous bark on all edges and all parts showing live, green Cambium tissue when cut. N. Plants shall be measured when the branches are in their normal position, with height and spread dimensions referring to the main body of the plant. O. Root balls shall contain at least 75% of the fibrous roots and shall conform to the size specifications in the Guide Specification for Nursery Stock of the Canadian Nursery Trades Association. 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. Wrapping material for tree trunks shall be burlap, or other material approved by Consultant, at least .3 kg/m~ in weight and ranging in width from 150 to 250 mm. 04103-02950 wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02950 PLANTING Page 4 2.07 ACCESSORIES (Cont'd) B. Stakes for support of small trees and large shrubs shall be as detailed, painted with two (2) coats df dark brown stain. C. Supports for large trees, as detailed, shall consist ofzinc-coated guy cables, eye bolts and turnbuckles, or approved equal. Cables shall be used for trees 150 mm in caliper and over. D. Wires for tree supports shall be #9 gauge galvanized steel wire, encased in new black, two ply 13 mm diameter rubber hose. E. Anti-desiccant, where required, shall be "Wilt Proof' or similar product approved by Consultant. 2.08 MULCH A. Mulch in planting areas and tree saucers, shall be approved shredded pine bark mulch. B. Pine bark mulch shall be pieces not larger than 50 mm and shall be free of sticks and chopped or broken branches. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SITE PREPARATION A. Excavate to the specified depth, as detailed, or, where not indicated, in accordance with the following schedule: 1 Planting Areas Shrubs and Evergreens 450 mm minimum B. Scarify subgrade in planting areas to minimum depth of 150 mm. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Plantduringperiodssuitablewithrespecttoclimaticconditions,locallyacceptedpracticeand to Consultant's approval. B. Plants shall be installed to give the best appearance as directed by Consultant. C. Plants shall be set plumb in the centre of pits and at the same relationship to grade as in their original growing locations. D. Remove ropes, wires, and pull away burlap from top'/a of rootball. E. Backfill in 150 mm layers, firmly tamping each layer around the roots, and taking care not to leave air pockets. F. Thoroughly water when planting pit is half full and again when completely filled. G. Allow each plant and tree to be about 75 mm above surrounding grade to permit natural settlement. 04103-02950.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02950 ' PLANTING Pa e 5 3.02 INSTALLATION (Cont'd) ' H. Surround each plant, exceptwhen planted in a bed, with an earth saucer as large as planting pit, in order to retain water. Remove saucer at end of maintenance period. I. Thoroughly water all planting areas and trees immediately after planting. J. Place specified mulch around all trees and in all planting beds to a depth of 75 mm. 1 3.03 PRUNING A. Prune all plants as necessary to remove dead and broken branches and to compensate for the loss of roots as a result of transplanting and digging in nursery. B. Preserve the natural character; do no remove leader or small branches along trunks. C. Use clean, sharp tools and make cuts clean and flush without leaving stubs. D• Cut back to living tissue all cuts, scars and bruises, shaped so as not to retain water. 3.06 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain all plants and planting areas immediately after installation until all project work has been inspected, approved and accepted. Further, maintain all plant material for the duration of the warranty period. B. Maintenance shall include all necessary measures to establish and maintain plants in a healthy, vigorous growing condition and planning areas are neat and tidy. ' C. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to the following work: .1 Regular inspection of all plants and control of insects and diseases. 2 Fertilizing, watering and pruning as necessary. Water is considered the Contractor's cost. 3 Removal of debris, broken branches, to keep planting areas in neat and tidy condition at all times. D. All plants shall be free of diseases and insect infestations in a healthy, good, growing condition, and planting areas free ofweeds and freshly cultivated, at time of final inspection. E. The use of chemicals for fertilization or pest control is strictly prohibited. 3.07 GUARANTEE A. All plants accepted shall be guaranteed for a period of two (2) years from date of Substantial Pertormance or date of planting, whichever is later. B. All plants shall be inspected at the end of the guarantee period. Plants which, at that time, are not in a healthy vigorous growing condition, to Consultant's approval, shall be replaced at no extra charge. C. Replacements shall be supplied and planted in strict accordance with Drawings, Plant List, and the specifications and shall be subject to the specified guarantee periods. 04103-02950.wptl DIVISION 2 SECTION 02950 PLANTING Pa e 6 3.07 GUARANTEE (Cont'd) D. E. F. G. Replacements shall be planted as soon as possible, but during the proper planting season, in accordance with accepted horticultural practice. All replacement plants shall be clearly marked in a visible manner. Notify Owner and Consultant, in writing, when replacements are to be planted. Replacements required because of vandalism, theft, or othercauses beyond the Contractor's control, are not part of this Contract. End of Section oaioa-ozaso.wPa DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. B. Quantities and dimensions enclosed by brackets apply for Project forwhich the Drawings are in imperial units. C. Obtain a copy of CSA Standards CAN/CSA-A23.1 and CAN/CSA-S269.3 and maintain on site. D. Architectural Concrete: Architectural concrete shall mean concrete surfaces designed as "architectural concrete" in Contract Documents. Sandblasted and bush-hammered surfaces shall be considered as architectural concrete. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavation Section 02200 B. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 C. Concrete Section 03300 D. Structural Steel Section 05120 E. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 F. Sealants Section 07900 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: The following Reference Standards shall govern Work of this Section, except where they are in conflict with requirements imposed by this Specification, in which case, the latter shall govern. Standards referenced by following Standards apply, but are not necessarily repeated in following list: 1. CAN/CSA-A23.1. Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. 2. CAN/CSA-086.1 Engineering Design in Wood (Limit States Design). 3. CSA 0121 Douglas Fir Plywood. 4. CSA 0151 Canadian Softwood Plywood. 5. CSA 0153 Poplar Plywood. 6. CAN3-0188.0 Standard Test Methods for Mat Formed Wood Particleboards ono Waferboard. 7. CSA 0437 Series -Standards for OSB and Waferboard. 8. CAN/CSA-S269.3, Concrete Formwork. 9. CAN/CSA-S269.1, Falsework for Construction Purposes. 10. ACI 117-89, Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials, American Concrete Institute. 11. CGSB Standard 41-GP-35M, Polyvinyl Chloride Waterstop. 12. ASTM D1751-83(1991), Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). 13. ASTM D1752-84(1992), Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction. 04103-03100.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) B. Qualifications: Formwork design engineer shall be insured against professional liability in accordance with section 74 subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with subsection (2) is not acceptable. C. Design of Formwork: 1. Assume full responsibility for complete structural design and construction of formwork in accordance with CSA Standard S269.1. 2. Perform structural design of formwork for suspended concrete structural members by a professional engineer experienced in design of formwork and licensed to practise at location of Project. His responsibility shall include design of formwork and shoring, review of drawings related to this work, field review of formwork construction including stripping and reshoring, and when requested by regulatory agencies, submission of written reports of site review of formwork and shoring. D. ReauirementsofReaulatorvAOencies: Conform tolocalandprovincialregulations,including construction safety regulations. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Professional Liability Insurance: Submit proof of formwork design engineer's professional ' liability insurance coverage specified in paragraph 1.03 B. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit shop drawings for formworks and falsework in accordance with Division 1. 2. Indicate method and schedule of construction, shoring, stripping and re-shoring procedures, materials, arrangementofjoints, specail architectural exposedfinishes, ties, liners and locations of temporary embedded parts. Comply with CSA S269.1 for falsework drawings. Comply with CSA S269.3 for falsework drawings. 3. Sleeving Drawings: Submit drawings showing sleeves required through floors, roof and other structural members. 4. Submit drawings showing size and spacing of conduits and piping, if requested by Consultant. 5. Forarchitecturalconcretesurtaces,submitshopdrawingsshowinglayoutofpanels, form ties, corner details and joint details. 6. Coordinate with other Divisions prior to submittal. 7. Prior to submission to Consultant, Contractor shall review all submitted drawings. By this review, Contractor represents to have determined and verified field measurements, site conditions, materials, catalogue number and similar data and to have checked and coordinated each drawings with the requirements of Work and of Contract Documents. Contractor's review of each drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a responsible person. 8. At time of submission, Contractor shall notify Consultant in writing of any deviations in drawings from requirements of Contract Documents. 9. Consultant will review and return submitted drawings in accordance with an agreed schedule. Consultant's review will be for conformity to design concept and for general arrangement, and shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in submitted drawings or of responsibility for meeting requirements of Contract Documents. 04103-03100.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Pa e 3 1.04 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) 10. Contractor shall make any changes in submitted drawings which Consultant may require, consistentwith Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by Consultant. When resubmitting, Contractor shall notify Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by Consultant. 11. Do not commence placing sleeves, conduits, or piping before drawings have been reviewed and Consultant's comments incorporated on drawings issued to site. 12. Assume responsibility for accuracy of Work. Review of submitted shop drawings does not relieve Contractor from compliance with requirements of Contract Documents. 13. Submit shop drawings as follows: (1) 4 copies for review before any Work commences. (2) 1 additional copy for distribution as directed by Consultant. (3) 1 copy to Inspection and Testing Company. C. Required by Regulatorv Agencies: Submit shop drawings bearing signature and seal of Professional Engineer responsible for formwork design, as may be required by regulatory agencies. Proceed with construction of formwork only with their approval. 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protect formwork to prevent functional damage and damage to faces affecting appearance of concrete surfaces exposed to view. B. Prevent damage to fibre column forms, and protect against moisture. 1.06 UNIT PRICES A. Unit prices requested as part of Tender shall include formwork materials, erection, bracing, shoring, incorporation of built-in items, release agent, stripping and removing. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All materials shall be new, in accordance with referenced standards. B. Plywood: Douglas Fir, conforming to CSA 0121. Sound undamaged sheets finished one side, fabricated especially for use as concrete form panels, with sealed edges. Minimum 17.0 mm (11/16") thickness. Where surfaces receive architectural finishing, such as sandblasting or bush hammering, use coated or medium density overlaid form panels: Sylvaform by MacMillan Bloedel Building Materials Limited or equal. C. Lumber: Conforming to CSA 0141 with grade stamp clearly visible. D. Chamfers: Cut from 19 mm x 19 mm ('/." x'/<") wood, smooth with no open defects. 041 0 3-0 31 00.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Pa e 4 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) E. Form Ties: 1. At architectural concrete surfaces: snap ties, with plastic cone, 25 mm (1") break back, and grey plastic plugs, to Consultant's approval, and to provide 6 mm ('/;') reveal. 2. At all other surfaces, snap ties, with spreader washer and 1" break back. F. Round Column Fibre Forms: Strippable fibre forms. Sonotube "A" Coated, by Sonoco Limited. G. Joint Tape: non-staining, water impermeable, self-release, as approved by Consultant. H. Dovetail Anchor Slots: 0.55 mm (0.021 ") thick galvanized steel, glass fibre filled. Waterstops: 1. PVC Waterstop to CGSB 41-GP-35M, types 2 and 3. (1) Construction Joints, Internal Waterstop. (a) 150 mm (6") wide; tapered thickness varying from 9.5 mm (3/e") near centre to 6.4 mm ('/,") near edge. (b) Durajoint PVC Waterstop Type 5, by The Sternson Group. (c) Epseal PVC Waterstop Type 6380, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Ltd. (2) Expansion Joints, Internal Waterstop with Centre Bulb: 229 mm (9") wide; tapered thickness varying from 9.5 mm (3/e") near centre, to 6.4 mm ('/<) near edge, with 20 mm ('/<") inside diameter centre bulb. (a) Sternseal PVC Waterstop type 7c, by The Sternson Group (b) Epseal PVC Waterstop, type no. 9380G, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Ltd. J. Copper Strip: 0.549 mm (16 oz) thick cold rolled, to ASTM 8370. The following supply flat stock copper sheet. 1. Cambridge-Lea, Mississauga, Ontario 2. Drummond McCall, Hamilton, Ontario K. Expansion Joint Filler and Isolation Joint Filler: 1. Bituminous Type: Premoulded, resilient, non-extruding, asphalt impregnated fibre, to ASTM D1751-83. 2. Non-Bituminous Type: Premoulded, resilient, non-extruding, to ASTM 1752-84, and compatiblewith polysulphide urethane, polyepoxide urethane, orneoprene sealants, as applicable. L. Nails, Spikes and Staples: Galvanized, conforming to CSA B111. M. Form Release Agent: Colourless mineral oil which will not stain concrete. N. Metal forms shall be used only with the approval of the Consultant. O. For concrete surfaces exposed to view, provide panels smooth and free of defects which would be reproduced as concrete blemishes. 04103-03100.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Pa e 5 2.02 EARTH FORMS A. Where soil conditions are suitable, earth forms for wall foundations may be used with Geotechnical Engineer's approval. B. Trim edges of excavation vertical and smooth. Completely remove trimmings. C. Install wood stringers for suspension of reinforcement. D. Install wood forms where earth form sides have collapsed. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before starting this work, examine work done by others which effects this work. B. Notify the Consultant of any conditions which would prevent proper completion of this work. C. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. 3.02 ERECTION A. Verify lines, levels and centres before proceeding with formwork. Ensure dimensions agree with drawings. B. Align joints and make watertight, to prevent leakage of cement paste and disfiguration of concrete. C. Construct formwork to produce concrete with dimensions, lines and levels within tolerances specified in ACI 347. D. Provide formed openings where required for pipes, conduits, sleeves and other work to be embedded in and passing through concrete members. E. Install chamfers at all external comers exposed to view. F. Bed mud sills on sand, gravel or crushed stone placed on unfrozen, dry, solid and stable subgrade. G. Forms for Architectural Concrete Surtaces or Surtaces which will be Exposed or Painted: 1. Construct panels with full size plywood sheets as far as possible, and continuous and level horizontal joints, unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. 2. Back all edges of plywood to prevent separation of plywood panels atjoints. 3. Construct corners so that concrete is not placed against panel edges. 4. Seal joints between panels with joint tape. ' S. Where tie marks will show, place ties in regular patterns as approved by consultant or as indicated on Drawings. 6. Reuse farms only if their surtaces are not marred in any manner and where established pattern of holes can be maintained with no alteration to panels. 04103-03100.wptl - DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Pa e 6 3.02 ERECTION (Confd) H. Adequately brace and shore formwork to sustain loads (both concrete and working loads) applied during construction. I. Be responsibleforsafetyofthestructurebothbeforeandaftertheremovalofforms,untilthe concrete has reached its specified 28 day strength. 3.03 BUILT-IN WORK A. Form openings and build in anchors, inserts, sub-frames, sleeves; miscellaneous metal items, flashing reglets and similar items furnished under Work of other Sections, which are indicated on Drawings and on shop drawings of other trades, and as required for proper completion of Project. B. Do not embed wood in concrete. C. Anchor Bolts: Tie anchor bolts securely in position to prevent movement during concrete placing. Use template to locate bolts. Verify that bolts have specified projection above concrete. D. Openings or Sleeves Not Shown on Structural Drawings: 1. Obtain Consultant's written approval before forming openings of sleeves through columns and beams, or through slabs within 2 m (6"-0") of their supports. 2. Obtain Consultant's written approval before forming openings orsleeves larger than 200 mm (8") square in any location. 3. Do not relocate or interfere with bottom bar structural integrity reinforcement which extends from column to column. Report any interterences to Consultant. E. Embedded Pipe or Conduit Not Shown or Detailed on Structural Drawings: 1. Obtain Consultant's written approval before placing conduit or pipe which would be embedded in finished structure. F. Confirm that built-in items that penetrate surface waterproofing are installed to meet ' requirements of waterproofing trade. G. Dovetail Anchor Slots: 1. Build in dovetail anchor slots for masonry anchors in locations directed b m ' y ason. 2. Install dovetail anchor slots for full height of vertical concrete surfaces faced with masonry thatexceedaheightof400mm(16")and that are not waterproofed. Install l s ots continuous and vertical at 600 mm (24") centres maximum, with at least one slot at each surtace 600 mm (24") or less in width. 3. Atjunctions of masonrywalls and partitions with concretewalls and columns, install one continuous vertical slot at centre line of partition for full height. ' 3.04 CONSTRUCTION & EXPANSION JOINTS A. Form construction and expansionjoints with bulkheads to ensure straight lines. Immediately , before subsequent pour at construction joint, remove bulkhead and tighten forms so that concrete surfaces will be on same plane with no overlapping of concrete. D4103-03100.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Pa e 7 3.04 CONSTRUCTION & EXPANSION JOINTS (Cont'd) B. ReviewwithConsultantandStructuralEngineerproposedlocationanddetailsofconstruction joints in walls, columns, beams and slabs. 1. Construction joints shall present appearance of normal form panel joint. 2. Install continuous shear key in construction joints in walls and framed floors which are 150 mm (6") or more thick. 3. Locate construction joints in framed floors at point in span where shear will be equal to zero (normally at midspan under uniformly distributed load). 4. Provide vertical construction joints in walls at not more than 23 m (75'-0") centre to centre, and inexposed-to-the-exterior retaining walls at not more than 12 m (40'-0") centres. 5. Provide and install internal PVC waterstops at construction joints in walls and grade beams which retain earth. Tie edges to adjacent reinforcing bars to prevent displacement during concrete placement. 6. Heat seal joints in PVC waterstops to make watertight. 7. Vibrate concrete adjacent to waterstops. C. Construction Joints at Junction of Old and New Work: 1. Install continuous copper strip waterstop, for full length ofjoint between old and new construction, shaped as detailed on Drawings, and with joints lapped and soldered to be watertight. 2. Cut dovetail chase to receive strip in existing structure with carborundum wheel. 3. Embed strip in chase with solidly packed metallic or chemical waterproofing grout. D. Expansion Joint: 1. Install expansion joints in locations and as detailed and noted on Drawings. 2. In exterior cantilever retaining walls, locate expansionjoints at 12 m (40'-0") centres, maximum. 3. Provide and install internal PVC waterstops with centre bulb, in expansion joints in foundation walls, grade beams and walls retaining earth. Heat seal waterstop at joints to make watertight and fix firmly in place by tying edges to adjacent reinforcing bars. 4. Filljointsateachsideofwaterstopwithpremouldedexpansionjointfiller. Forjoints to be caulked, stop joint filler 45 mm (1.75") back of concrete face, to allow for backer rod and sealant. 5. Install and anchor expansion joint hardware supplied under work of other Sections. E. Expansion Joints at Junction of Old and New Work: 1. I nstall continuous copper strip waterstop, for full length of joints between ofd and new construction, shaped as detailed on Drawings, and with joints lapped and soldered to be watertight. 2. Cut dovetail chase to receive strip in existing structure with carborundum wheel. 3. Embed strip in chase with solidly packed metallic or chemical waterproofing grout. 4. Install finish hardware as detailed on Drawings 3.05 TREATMENT OF FORMWORK SURFACES A. Form Release Agent: 1. Coatformwork with form release agent before reinforcement, anchors, accessories, and other built-in items are installed. 2. Do not coat plywood forms pre-treated with release agent. 04103-03100.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Pa e 8 3.05 TREATMENT OF FORMWORK SURFACES (Confd) 3. On surtaces to receive finish materials, adhesives, sealers, paint or other coatings or materials, use a compatible release agent. 3.06 STRIPPING OF FORMWORK 3.07 A. Be responsible for safety of structure, both before and after removal of forms, until concrete has reached its specified 28 day strength. B. Strip formworkforsoffitsofbeams,slabsandotherspanningmemberswhichsupportweight of concrete only when concrete has reached its specified 28 day strength, except as specified hereafter. C. Formwork may be stripped when concrete has reached 75% of specified 28 day strength, but only in accordance with re-shoring procedures specified in this Section. D. Strip formwork on vertical surfaces when concrete has hardened sufficiently that no damage will result from stripping operations. E. Remove formwork at architectural concrete surtaces after other formwork has been removed, to prevent damage to surfaces. F. Do not remove plywood formwork byjerking loose or by metal pinch bars. Use wood wedges and graduallyforce panels loose. Leave plywood forms in place as long as possible to permit maximum shrinkage away from concrete. G. Take particular care not to damage external corners when stripping formwork. H. When forms are stripped during curing period, cure and protect exposed concrete in accordance with Section 03300. DEFECTIVE WORK A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances, and failure of materials orworkmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective work. B. Movement and displacement of formwork during construction, variations in excess of specified tolerances and marked and disfigured surfaces that cannot be repaired by approved methods will be considered defective work. C. Replace defective work, as directed by Consultant. D. Contractorshallpoy for additional inspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related expenses, if work has proven to be deficient. E. Reconstruct defective formwork and replace concrete and reinforcement placed in defective formwork at no additional cost to Owner. End of Section 04103-03100.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. ' B. Quantities and dimensions enclosed by brackets apply for Project for which Drawings are in imperial units. C. Obtain a copy of CSA Standard CAN/CSA A23.1, and maintain on site. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED A. Reinforcing steel bars, and welded steel wire fabric for cast in place concrete complete with support chairs, bolsters, bar supports and spacers for reinforcing. 1.03 RELATED WORK A. Concrete: Section 03300 B. Concrete Formwork: Section 03100 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards and Publications: The following Reference Standards and publications shall govern Work of this Section, except where they are in conflict with requirements imposed by this specification, in which case the latter shall govern. Standards referenced by following Standards apply, but are not necessarily repeated in the following list: 1 CSA A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. .2 CAN3-A23.3, Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings. 3 CSA G30.5, Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. 4 CAN/CSA-G30.18, Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. 5 CSA W186, Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete Construction. 6 ASTM D 3963/D3963M, Specification for Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel. .7 ACI Detailing Manual. 8 RSIC Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice. B. Qualifications: Welding: U ndertake welding of reinforcement only by a fabricator or Subcontractor approved by Canadian Welding Bureau to requirements of CSA Standard W186. C. Source Quality Control: 1 Source Quality Control may be pertormed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by Consultant. .2 Review provided by Inspection and Testing Company does not relieve Contractor of his sole responsibility for quality control over Work. Pertormance or non- pertormance of Inspection and Testing Company shall not limit, reduce, or relieve ,~ Contractor of his responsibilities in complying with the requirements of the Specification. 3 Identify and correlate reinforcing steel from Canadian mills with test reports for compliance with requirements specified. 4 Test unidentified reinforcing steel at expense of Contractor. Pertorm testing foreach 1 tonne (ton) or part thereof supplied for incorporation in Work. 04103-03200.wptl DIVISION 3 , SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Pa e 2 , 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE(Cont'd) 5 Payment for specified Work pertormed by Inspection and Testing Company will be ' made by the Owner. 1.05 SUBMITTALS _ _ , A. Shop Drawings: 1 Submit shop drawings, including placing drawings and bar lists , . .2 Prepare placing drawings and bar lists in accordance with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Detailing Manual, and the Reinforcing Steel Institute ofCanada (RSIC) Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice, the typical details included with Contract Documents. ' .3 Prepare placing drawings to minimum scale of 1:50 ('/;' = 1'-0"). .4 Submit placing drawings and bar lists sufficiently detailed and dimensioned to permit correct placement of reinforcement and accessories without reference to architectural or structural Drawings. 5 Show reinforcement, including dowels, in elevation on placing drawings for wall reinforcement . 6 Show concrete cover to reinforcement. ' 7 Show location of construction joints. .8 Prior to submission to Consultant, Contractor shall review all shop drawings. By this review Contract , or represents to have determined and verified field measurements , site conditions, materials, catalogue number and similar data and to have checked and coordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of Work and Contract Documents. Contractor's review of each shop drawing with the requirements of Work and Contract Documents. Contractor's review of each shop drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date, and signature of a responsible person. 9 At time of submission, Contractor shall notify Consultant in writing of any deviations in shop drawings from requirements of Contract Documents . 10 Consultant will review and return shop drawings in accordance with an agreed schedule. Consultant's review will be for conformity to design concept and for general arrangement, and shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for errors or i i om ss ons in shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting requirements of Contract Documents. , .11 Contractor shall make any changes in shop drawings which Consultant may require consistent with Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by Consultant. When resubmitting, Contractor shall notify Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by Consultant. 12 Do notcommence fabrication of reinforcement before drawings have been reviewed C ' and onsultant s comments incorporated on drawings issued to fabricating shop. 13 Submit shop drawings as follows: ' 4 copies for review before any Work commences. 1 additional copy for distribution as directed by Consultant. ' B. Inspection Reports: Inspection and Testing Company shall: 1 . Submit reports of inspections and tests. 2 Distribute inspection reports as follows: 1 copy tb Consultant; 1 copy to Consulting Structural Engineer; 1 copy to Contractor. 04103-03200.wpd s DIVISION 3 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Pa e 3 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Epoxy-Coated Bars: 1 Protect epoxy-coated bars, with a suitable covering on drive rolls on shear beds, and back-up barrels on benders. 2 Do not drop or drag bars. 3 Use only systems with padded contact areas. .4 Lift bar bundles with strong back,spreaderbar,multiplesupports,orplatformbridge, to prevent bar to bar abrasion from sags. 5 Store above ground on wooden or padded supports. 6 Do not place other materials on top of stored bars. 1.07 UNIT PRICES A. Unit prices requested as part of Tender shall include detailing, materials, bending, placing, and cleaning. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Generally t 1 In accordance with Reference Standards. B. Bar Reinforcing Steel: .1 Bars which are to be welded byarc-welding process: to CSA Standard CAN/CSA- G30.18 Grade 400W. 2 Other bars: to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-G30.18 Grade 400R. .3 Bar areas are 100 mm', 300 mm', 500 mm', 700 mm~, 1000 mm', 1500 mm' and 2500 mm~ for bar designations 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 45, and 55 respectively. Be aware that some sources produce bars of same designation, but with significantly smaller areas, and such bars shall not be used without written permission of Consultant and appropriate adjustments in number of bars. C. Welded Wire Fabric: to CSA Standard G30.5, and in flat sheets, not rolls. D. Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement: from Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) approved sources, to ASTM D3963/D3963M and additionally to be primed or treated with conversion coating before epoxy coating, in accordance with MTO Requirements. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate reinforcing steel only in permanent fabricating shop unless otherwise approved by Consultant. B. Fabricate reinforcing steel in accordance with shop drawings. C. Tag reinforcing bars to indicate placement as designated on shop drawings. D. Provide padded contact surfaces for systems for handling epoxy-coated bars, to prevent damage to coating. 04103-03200.Wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Page 4 2.02 FABRICATION (Cont'd) E. Splices: 1 Provide splices only where specifically indicated on Drawings. .2 Stagger alternate mechanical splices 750 mm (30") apart. 3 Stagger alternate end bearing splices 750 mm (30") apart. 4 Install on threaded splices, plastic internal coupler thread protector and plastic bar end thread protector. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before starting this work, examine work done by others which effects this work. B. Examine formwork to verify that it has been completed, and adequately braced in place. C Notify the Consultantofanyconditionswhichwouldprejudicepropercompletionofthiswork. D. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Place reinforcing steel in accordance with reviewed placing drawings, typical details, and CSA A23.3. B. Adequatelysupportreinforcingandsecureagainstdisplacementwithintolerancespermitted. C. Place reinforcing steel to provide concrete cover as follows: Item Coveraoe Formed Surfaces and Slabs 50 mm (2") Concrete Formed Against Earth 75 mm (3") D. Do not cut reinforcement to incorporate other Work. E. Relocate or rebend bars only on written instructions of Consultant. F. Tie, do not weld, reinforcement in place. G. Reinforcement for Separate Topping: .1 Reinforce separate toppings 50 mm (2") thick and over. .2 Reinforce with flat sheets of welded steel wire fabric. 102 x 102 MW13.3 x MW13.3 for toppings 50 mm (2") to 75 mm (3") thick. 102 x 102 MW18.7 x MW18.7 for toppings over 75 mm (3") to 100 mm 4" thick. 3 Place wire fabric 40 mm (1.5") below finished concrete surface. H. Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement: 1 Provide epoxy-coated bars far reinforcement where noted on plans. 04103-03200.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03200 ~~ IrI-, LJ i 3.D2 INSTA~pN (Cont'd) •2 Repair all visible damage and bare areas including bar ends. Remove loose or deleterious material. Remove any rust by blast cleaning. Coat area with epoxy provided by epoxy-coated bar supplier. 3 Do not use bars with more than 1 percent of surface area covered by patching material. 3.03 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust and secure reinforcement in correct position immediately before concrete is placed. B. Remove contaminants which lessen bond between concrete and reinforcement. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide competent supervisor, with at least three years experience in reinforcement placement, to direct placement of reinforcement. i3. Inspect placement of reinforcement for conformance with Drawings and Specifications, before each concrete placement, and correct as necessary. C Be aware that Consultant's periodic review of selected areas of reinforcement are for verification of conformity to design concept and general arrangement only, and shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for quality control, errors, or omissions, or conformance with requirements of Contract Documents. 3.05 DEFECT_ IV-RK A. Incorrectlyfabricated, misplaced, oromitted reinforcement, will be defective Work pertormed by this Section. 6. Replace or adjust defective reinforcement before concrete is placed as directed by Consultant. C Replace or strengthen concrete work which is deficient as a result of incorrectly fabricated, misplaced, oromitted reinforcement, which was not corrected before concrete was placed. D. Contractorshall payforadditionalinspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related expenses, if Work has proven to be deficient. End of Section 04108-03200.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1.. B. Obtain a copy of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A23.1, and maintain on site. C. Cooperation with Consultant: 1. Before commencing work, review with Consultant, Work performed under this Section. 2. Schedule Work to allow sufficient time and access for Consultant to carry out periodic field review. 1.02 RELATED WORK A . Selective Demolition Section 02050 B. C Excavation,. Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 . Concrete Sidewalks Section 02514 D. E Formwork Section 03100 . Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 F• G. Masonry Structural Steel Section 04200 H. Metal Fabrications Section 05120 Section 05500 I. Bituminous Dampproofing Section 07120 J. K. Joint Sealers Mechanical Section 07900 L Division 15 • Electrical Division 16 1 1.03 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES 1 A. The latest issues of the following Codes and Standards shall govern the work of this Section: 1. CAN/CSA-A5, Portland Cement. 2. .CAN/CSA A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. 3. CAN/CSA A23.2, Methods of Test for Concrete. 4. CAN/CSA-A23.5, Supplementary Cementing Materials. 5. CAN/CSA A363, Cementitious Hydraulic Slag. 6. ACI 117, Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials, American Concrete Institute. 7. CAN/CGSB-19.13-M, Sealing Compound, One Component, Elastomeric, Chemical Curing. 8. CAN/CGSB-19.24-M, Multicomponent, Chemical-Curing Sealing Compound. 9. CAN/CGSB-37.2-M, Emulsified Asphalt, Mineral-Colloid Type, Unfilled, for 10. CAN/CGSB 3 3 MWApppc tiongof Emusif~ed Asphalts for Dampproofing or Waterproofing. 11. CAN/CGSB-37.5-M, Cutback Asphalt Plastic Cement. 12. CGSB 37-GP-6Ma, Asphalt, Cutback, Unfilled, for Dampproofing. 13. CGSB 37-GP-12Ma, Application of Unfilled Cutback Asphalt for Dampproofing. 04103-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e 2 , 1.03 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES (Cont'd) 14. Ontario Provincial Standard Specification OPSS 1010, Material Specification for Aggregates -Granular A, B, M and Select Subgrade Material. 15. Ontario Provincial Standard Specification OPSS 1212, Material Specification for Hot- Poured Rubberized Asphalt Joint Sealing Compound. 16. ASTM C 109/C 109M, Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (using 2 in. or 50mm cube specimens}. 17. ASTM C 260, Specification far Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 18. ASTM C309, Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 19. CAN/CGSB-51.34, Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for use in Building Construction. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality Control: 1. Both source quality control, and field quality control specified in Article 1.05 B., may be pertormed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by Consultant. 2. ReviewprovidedbylnspectionandTestingCompanydoesnotrelievetheContractor of his sole responsibility for quality control over Work. Performance or non- pertormance of Inspection and Testing Company shall not limit, reduce, or relieve Contractor of his responsibilities in complying with the requirements of the Specification. 3. Inspection and Testing Company shall be certified under CSA Standard A283, Qualification Code for Concrete Testing Laboratories, for Category 1 Certification. 4. Payment for specified Work performed by Inspection and Testing Company will be made by the Owner. 5. Payment for additional tests (including testing of structure and its perormance and load testing) required by changes of materials or mix design requested by Contractor, and failure of completed Work to meet specified requirements, shall be made at Contractor's expense. 6. Perform Work of source quality control in accordance with CSA Standard A23.2 and to include: 1. verification that ready-mix supplier is qualified to supply concrete in accordance with Specification. 2. review of proposed concrete mix designs. 3. sampling, inspection, and testing of materials as may be required. B. Field Quality Control: 1. Inspection and Testing Company, when appointed as specified for Source Quality Control in Article 1.05 A, shall pertorm sampling, inspection and testing of concrete work at site. 2. Pertorm sampling, inspection and testing in accordance with CSA Standard A23.2, and to include: 1. Making of standard slump tests. 2. Obtaining of three standard specimens for strength tests from each 100 m' [130 yd'J of concrete, or fraction thereof, of each mix design of concrete placed in any one day. In addition, for slabs-on-grade, obtain beam specimens for determination of modulus of rupture. oaioaoa3oo.wPd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e3 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) 3. Verification that test specimens are stored within an enclosure, maintained at specified temperatures. 4. Making compression tests of each set of three specimens, one at 7 days and two at 28 days; modulus of rupture tests at 90 days. 5. Verification of air content of air-entrained concrete. 6. For Class of exposure F-1, and C-2, test at frequency in accordance with CSA Standard A23. i Clause 7. Make first test before placing any concrete. 8. After stable air content has been established, frequency of tests will be determined by Consultant. 9. For other Classes of exposure, test at time of obtaining strength test specimens. 1 3. Inspection for Tolerances: 1. Confirm that concrete work meets tolerance requirements specified in paragraph 1.07. 2. Use approved aluminum straightedge to judge compliance with specified slab tolerances, except use dipstick equipment where F-number tolerance is specified. 4. Slabs-on-Grade: 1. Observe application of curing compound to sample slab, recording rate of application. C• Qualifications: Floor finishing shall be undertaken only by contractors with at least 10 years experience finishing flat floors. D. Sample of Finish Flooring: 1. Finish an area of floor slab where directed by Consultant to provide sample of finish for approval. 2. Protect new sample area until finish is approved. 3. If liquid membrane curing compound is to be used on Project, determine and apply correct quantity required to meet rate of coverage recommended by manufacturer for measured test area. 4. Approved sample will provide standard by which subsequent finishing will bejudged and will be incorporated into Work. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Submit for inspection, material samples of specified mix designs. B. Concrete Mix Designs: 1. Submit concrete mix designs for review; when optimum bulk density of aggregates is specified, provide supporting evidence of compliance with requirements. 2. Review of mix design does not relieve Contractorfrom responsibility for compliance with Contract Documents. 04103-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e4 1.05 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) C. Inspection Reports: Inspection and Testing Company shall: 1. Submit written reports of inspection and tests. 2. Distribute reports as follows: 2 copies to Consultant; 1 copy to Consulting Structural Engineer; 1 copy to Contractor. 3. On concrete cylinder test reports, include: 1. Specific location of concrete represented by sample 2. design strength 3. unit weight of sample 4. Class of exposure 5. aggregate size and mixtures incorporated 6. date, hour and temperature at time sample taken 7. percentage air content 8. test strength of cylinder 9. type of failure if test fails to meet specification 1.06 TOLERANCES A. Allowable tolerances for finished horizontal surfaces: 7. For tops of walls and curbs: within 3 mm (~/s") of a 3.0 m (10'-0") Tong straight edge at any location, and within 3 mm (~/e") of indicated elevation. 2. For slabs and other horizontal surfaces with no applied finish: within 3 mm (~~") of a 3.0 m (10'-0") long straightedge at any location and within 1/8" (3 mm) of indicated elevation in any 6.0 m (20'-0") square area. 1.07 PROJECT RECORDS A. Maintain record of all concrete pour related to time, date, delivery slip serial number and ' location of each concrete pour and identify related test cylinders. Keep records on site until project is completed. B. Delivery Records: File duplicate copies of concrete deliveryslips on which shall be recorded: supplier, serial number of slip, date, truck number, contractor, Project, Class of exposure, cementing materials content, air content, volume in load, and time of first mixing of aggregate, cementing materials and water. C. Record Drawings: 1. Record on a set of Drawings: ' 1. time and date of each pour 2. high and low ambient air temperatures during each pour 3. date of removal of forms in each area 4. founding elevations of all footings 5. variations of foundation Work from that indicated on Drawings 2. Make record drawings available for Consultant's inspection at all times. 04,o~~~wPd _ r DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 1.08 JOB CO_____ NpITIONS A• Protect floor slabs, and concrete surtaces exposed to view or on which finishes are to be applied, from grease, oil, and other soil which will affect the appearance of the concrete, or impair the bond of finish material. B. Environmental Conditions: In addition to Cold Weather and Hot Weather Requirements of CSA Standard A23.1, the following shall apply to Work of this Section: ~ • Provide protection or heat, or both, so that temperature of concrete at surtaces is maintained at not less than 21 °C (70°F) for three da s 10°C ft ° y a (50 er placing, not less than F) for the next two days and above freezing for the next two da above freezing for the n t 2• ex ys and two days. Do not permit alternate fre i 3. ez ng and thawing far fourteen days after placing. Vent exhaust gases from combustion type heaters t 4 enclosures. o atmosphere outside protection . 5. Provide protection to maintain concrete continuously moist during curing period For field cured cylinders re . presenting strength development of in-situ concrete, provide same specified hot and cold weather protecti f on or storage of each concrete compression specimen as for concrete from which it was taken, until it is sent to testing laboratory. 8• Do not place concrete when it is raining. Should rain commence during placing cover freshly placed concrete ~~ 8. , . Do not place bonded toppings on rough slabs that are less than 15°C (60°F) Do not grout at ambient airte . mperatures or concrete surtace temperatures less than 5°C (40°F), or when temperature is forecast to f ll t a hours of grouting. o less than 5°C (40°F) within 24 9. Do not apply sealants at ambient air temperatures or concrete surtace temperatures less than 5°C (40°F). 1.09 UNIT PRICES A• Unit prices requested as part of Tender shall include concrete, and its placing, curing and finishing. 1.10 DEFINITION A• Architectural Concrete: Architectural concrete shall mean concrete surfaces designated as "architectural concrete" in Contract Documents. Sandblasted and bush-hammered surtaces shall be considered as architectural concrete. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A~ To meet specified requirements of referenced Standards. ~j B. Cement: 1. Portland Cement: to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A5. 2• Cementitious hydraulic slag: to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A23.5. 04103-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa eE 2.01 MAT_ ERIALS (Cont'd) C~ Fine Aggregate: For slabs-on-grade, fineness modulus of fine aggregate to be between 2.7 and 3.1. D~ Coarse Aggregates: 1 • 20 mm ('/<") to 5 mm (No. 4 sieve) except as specified below. 2. For slabs-on-grade 125 mm (5") and thicker: 40 mm (1%') to 5 mm (No. 4 sieve); combine at least two of the single sizes specified in Table 2 Group II of CSA Standard A23.1, one of which is to be 40 mm (1 %,°), to obtain maximum bulk density 3• Fo~rl s abs otn-grade t~ Ab as ondloss fn t to exceed 35%an petrographic number of aggregate not to exceed 125 when tested in accordance with ASTM C295, as conducted by Ministry of Transport of Ontario. 4• For toppings 50 mm (2") thick and less: 12 mm (%') to 5 mm (No. 4 sieve). E• Admixtures: 1 • Conform to Reference Standards for chemical and air-entraining admixtures. 2• Provide only admixtures that are free of chlorides. 3• When requested, provide evidence acceptable to Consultant that superplasticizer does no increase shrinkage of concrete. F~ Premoulded Expansion Joint Filler: 1~ Asphalt impregnated fibreboard conforming to ASTM D1751, sizes indicated on drawings, W.R. Meadows Sealtite Fibre Expansion Joint, C.P.D. Asphalt fibre expansion joint. 2• Emseal: Emseal regular uncompressed width 4-3/4" x 3" deep, manufactured by Emseal Corporation. G~ Non-Metallic Hardener: 1• Natural and synthetic materials with Mohs hardness 7 minimum, premixed with Portland cement. Mastercon FF, by Master Builders Ltd. SurFlex, by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. H. Metallic Hardener: 1 • Ferrous aggregate premixed with Portland cement and plasticizers. Mastertop 300 anvil top, by Master Builders Ltd. Euco-Plate H.D., by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. Curing-Sealing Compound: 1 • Membrane curing-sealing compound formulated from chlorinated rubber resins, or acrylic emulsion or solvent free for use in occupied buildings, to ASTM C309, type 1. Masterkure, by Master Builders Ltd. C.P.D. Acrylic Cure $ Seal. Sealtight CS309 or Vocomp-20, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Limited. Floor Coat, by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. 2~ For areas which will be exposed to sunlight: Diamond Clear by Euclid. J~ Sawcut Filler: two component pourable sealer, 100% solids epoxy: Euco 7000 by Eulid, Jointflex by C.P.D. or Sealtight Rezi-Weld Flex by W.R. Meadows. 04703-03300.wpd ~ DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) K. Bonding Agent: Euco 452LV by Euclid or C.P.D. Epoxcrete. L~ Sealant: 1 • Hot-Poured Asphalt: For use with bituminous type joint filler: rubberized asphalt compound to OPSS 1212. Hi-Spec Hot Poured Joint Sealant, by W.R• Meadows of Canada Ltd. Sealz No. 6165 Hot Poured Joint Sealant, by Hydrotech Membrane Corporation. 2. Cold Poured Liquid Neoprene: For use with non-bituminous joint filler. • Gardox, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Limited. 3. Elastomeric Sealant: For use with non-bituminous type joint filler. 1 Two component polysulphide, or two component polyepoxide urethane, in colour selected by Consultant, to CGSB Specification CAN/CGSB-19.24. • For horizontal joints: THC 900, by Tremco Ltd. or Eucolastic Pourable by Euclid. For vertical joints: Dymeric, by Tremco Ltd. or Eucolastic gun grade by Euclid. Or one part urethane, in colour selected, by Consultant, to CAN/CGSB-19.13. 4• Sealant in conjunction with dampproofing. Plastic cutback asphalt to CAN/CGSB-37.5. M. Mechanical Anchors -'Kwik' Bolts, 'Cinch' Anchors or Parabolts. N. Non-Slip Inserts: Fine aluminum oxide, standard strips, 6 mm (~/,") wide, 10 mm (~^) deep. 2.02 CONCR~XES A. Ready Mix, with 28 day compressive strength as indicated on Drawings, except where the cement content required for floor finishing as specified in CAN3-A23.1 exceeds the cement content for strength. B• Design concrete mix in conformance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 16, Table 11 (Alternative 1) and Clause 15, Tables 11,10 and 14, and as follows. Provide concrete meeting water/cementing materials ratio and air content of Table 8 in accordance with Class of exposure specified in following sub-paragraphs, and minimum strength specified on Drawings. Note that concrete designed in accordance with water/cementing materials ratio of Table 14 may yield strength exceeding minimum strength specified on Drawings. 1 Class of exposure C-2 with 25 percent Portland cement replaced with cementitious 2• Cass of exlposu~e F 2 w th 25 percentlPortlands ementtreplaced with cementitious hydraulic slag: for grade beams, and for exposed exterior beams, columns, walls and slabs. 3. Slabs-on-Grade: (1) Use type 20 Portland cement, or replace 35 percent type Portland cement with cementitious hydraulic slag. (2) When mean daily temperature exceeds 25°C (77°F) at time of placement, replace 25 percent of type 20 cement, or 50 percent of type 10 cement, with cementitious hydraulic slag. 04103-03900,wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e 8 2.02 CONCRETE MIXES (Cont'd) (3) Use water/cementing materials ratio 0.45 maximum. (4) Use aggregates specified in paragraphs 2.01, C and D. (5) Cementing materials content 325 kg/m' (550 Ib/yd'). (6) Modulus of rupture 3.5 MPa (510 psi) average, 3.0 MPa (435 psi) minimum. (7) Slump at delivery, before addition of superplasticizer, 50 mm (2"); add superplasticizer, not water, to bring slump to level acceptable to floor finisher for placement. 4. Interior Concrete, other than specified above, and not exposed to freezing and thawing or the application of deicing chemicals: select water/cementing materials ratio and cementing materials content on basis of strength, workability, and finishing requirements. 5. Floor Hardeners: Confirm that concrete mix containsonlymaterialscompatiblewith floor hardener. 6. Caissons: Provide 150 mm (6") slump concrete for caissons. C. Submit evidence, and material samples, if requested, acceptable to the Inspection and Testing Company, to verify that the proposed concrete mix design will produce specified quality of concrete. D. List all proposed admixtures in mix design submission. Do not change or add admixtures to approved design mixes without Consultants approval. E. Concrete Weight: Air dry unit weight: minimum 2,300 kg/m' (145 lbs./cu.ft.) adjusted proportionally for maximum air content listed in CSA A23.1, Clause 15, Table 10. 2.03 ADMIXTURES 2.04 2.05 A. Chemical Admixture: Incorporate water-reducing admixture, type WN, in all concrete. B. Air Entraining Agent: Incorporate air-entraining agent in addition to chemical admixture in concrete of relevant Class of exposure, in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 15, Table 10. C. Calcium Chloride: Do not use calcium chlorideoradmixturescontainingchlorideinconcrete. D. Concrete Toppings: Provide topping with minimum 28 daycompressive strength of 30 Mpa. GROUT A. Dry pack grout under steel plates and where grout thickness does not exceed 75 mm (3"): Mix one part Portland cement to two parts concrete sand that conforms to CSA Standard A23.1, with only sufficient water that mix will retain its shape when made into ball by hand. PREMIXED GROUT Mix with water in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. A. Non-Shrink Metallic: Embeco 636 Grout, by Master Builders Ltd. NS Metallic Grout by Euclid. 04103-03300.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e 9 2.05 PREMIXED GROUT (Cont'd) B. Non-Shrink Non-Metallic: V-3 Grout, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Limited. Masterflow 713 Grout, by Master Builders Ltd. M-Bed Standard Premix, by The Sternson Group NS Grout by Euclid C.P.D. Non Shrink Grout. C. Plowable Grout: Non-metallic shrinkage compensating: M-Bed Supertlow, by The Sternson Group Masterflow 713, by Master Builders Ltd. In-Pakt Pre-Mix, by C.C. Chemicals Limited Hi Flow Grout by Euclid PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before starting this work, examine work done by others which effects this work. B• Notify Consultant of any condition which would prejudice proper completion of this work. C. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. D. Confirm that surtaces on which concrete is to be placed are free of frost and water before placing. E. Confirm that reinforcement, dowels, control joints, inserts and all other built-in work are in place and secured. 3.02 TREATMENT OF FORMED SURFACES A• Conform to the requirements of CSA A23.1, Clauses 24.1 and 24.2 and as additionally specified herein. B. Treat concrete surtaces which will be exposed or painted in the completed building to provide a "Smooth Rubbed Finish" in accordance with CSA A23.1, Clause, uniform in colour and texture. C. Finish surtaces toreceive ahot-applied rubberized asphalt membrane smooth with no ridges ordepressions, using "Sack-Rubbed Finish"in accordance with CSAStandard A23.1, Clause D. Plugs at Recessed Ties Clean tie holes to remove all foreign matter. Coat plugs by dipping in adhesive and insert in hole. Remove excess adhesive immediately with thinner which will not stain concrete, as recommended by manufacturer. E• Obtain Engineer's approval of finished exposed concrete and grind or otherwise correct to the satisfaction of the Engineer. oaioaosaoo.w~d DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa a 10 3.03 PLACING CONCRETE A. Place concrete in accordance with requirements CANlCSA-A23.1. B. Notify Engineer and inspection and testing firm at least 24 hours prior to commencement of concrete placing operation. C. Do not place concrete in water or open frozen surtaces. D. Remove contaminants which lessen concrete bond to reinforcement before concrete is placed. E. Maintain accurate records of cast-in-place concrete items. Record date, location of pour, quantity, air temperature and test samples taken. F. Ensure that reinforcement, inserts, embedded items, formed expansion joints and the like, are not disturbed during concrete placement. G. Provide construction joint as indicated on the drawings. Ensure dowels are adequately anchored and placed at right angles to the joint before placing concrete. H. Place floor slabs to depth indicated on the drawings with 25 MPa minimum concrete unless otherwise noted on drawings but consistent with minimum cement content specified for exposed floors in this specification. I. Hot and Cold Weather Concreting: Conform CAN3-A23.1-M90 and ensure that procedures used are approved by Consultant. J. Use rubber headed vibrators for vibration of concrete reinforced with epoxy coated bars. 3.04 FINISHING CONCRETE A. Perform finishing operations on plastic concrete surfaces in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 22, and as specified herein. B. Refer to the drawings andlor the finish schedule for floor finishes and coverings. C. Screed the top of rough floor slabs to an even level or sloping surtace at the proper elevation to receive the finish or topping specified on the drawings and in finish schedule. D. Provide a smooth steel trowel finish on all areas scheduled to receive a covering, or painted finish, except recessed Floor. E. Stair treads and landings and areas receiving Quarry the shall receive a wood float finish. F. Exposed Floor surtaces: Provide hard, smooth, dense, steel trowelled surtace, free from blemishes, and of uniform appearance. G. Non-Slip Floor surtaces: Provide swirl trowel finish of texture acceptable to Consultant. 04103-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa e 1 t 3.04 FINISHING CONCRETE (Cont'd) H. Hardened Floor Finish: 1. Apply premixed material specified in paragraphs 2.01 G and H, prepackaged hardener, to total of 7.5 kg/m~ (1.5 Ib/ft') of floor surtace. 2. Apply in two shakes, of half total specified amount in each shake; the second shake at right angles to the first. 3. Finish as specified for "Exposed Floor Surfaces", paragraph 3.04 F. 4. Follow manufacturer's special finishing instructions if concrete is air entrained. Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalt Waterproofing Membrane, or Self-adhering Rubberized Asphalt Sheet: 1. Hand or mechanical float surface to uniform texture, free from hollows, bumps, sharp edges, and ridges. 2. Finish to moderately Flat classification. 3. Do not finish too smoothly. 4. Arrange for waterproofing trade to inspect finish after first area is completed, and to reinspect until finish conforms to their requirements. ~. Curb Edging: Finish external corners of curbs rounded and smooth. K. Stair Tread Non-Slip Inserts: 1. Install one non-slip insert specified in paragraph 2.01 N, at each tread and landing; place 40 mm (1%")from edge of nosings and extend for full width of nosings except for 80 mm (3") at each end. 2. Set inserts in prepared grooves, secured with waterproof adhesive and with top set 1 mm (0.04") above treads. 3.05 CURING AND SEALING A. Cure concrete in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 21 and as specified herein. B• Cure finished concrete surtace with an approved curing and sealing compound which will leave the surtace with a uniform appearance and with a minimum of discolouration after drying. Ensure that the curing compound will be compatible with the architectural finishes or adhesives for architectural finishes to be applied later. Apply the compound in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. C. Protect surface which will be exposed to direct sunlight during the curing period, with a light coloured, laminated waterproof paper immediately after the curing and sealing compound has hardened sufficiently for the paper to be placed without damage to the sealed surtace. Lap the paper a minimum of 100 mm (4")and seal the laps. Leave the paper in place for at least seven days. 3.06 GROUTING OF STEEL MEMBERS A. Provide and place grout for setting column base plates and beam bearing plates. Co-operate with those pertorming the work of other Sections who supply and set plates. Install grout in a manner that will ensure positive bearing on the full area of the steel plate on top of the supporting surtace. 04103-03300.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa a 12 3.06 GROUTING OF STEEL MEMBERS (Cont'd) 3.07 B. Dampen concrete surfaces immediately before installing grout. C. Use non-shrink and shrinkage-compensating grouts only when grout will be contained against expansion arulself-disintegration. - D. Slope grout beyond edge of plate at 45 degrees. E. Provide same environmental protection and curing as specified for concrete. F. Do not use Plowable grout at beam bearing plates unless otherwise indicated, or approved by Consultant. JOINT SEALANT A. Provide sealant on top of joint filler with a polyethylene bond breaker between joint filler and joint sealant applied in accordance with manufacturer's direction. Sealant shall be light grey colour. B. Apply sealant to thoroughlydrysurtacesonly,atambientairtemperaturesabove5°C (40°F). C. Confirm that preformed joint filler and backer rod are compatible with sealant. D. Caulk joints in accordance with the following: 1. Do not commence joint preparation until concrete is at least 28 days old. 2. Thoroughly clean sides of joints with mason's router, or power saw, equipped with double blade where necessary to suit joint width. 3. Blow clean with compressed air with oil trap on line, or vacuum clean. 4. Install backer rod of diameter 25 percent greater than joint width, and type recommended by sealant manufacturer to be compatible with sealant. Locate backer rod to provide for sealant depth of one-half joint width, but not less than 12 mm (%"). 5. Prime joint if required, as recommended by sealant manufacturer. 3.08 DEFECTIVE WORK A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances and marked and disfigured surfaces that cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective work. B. Replace or modify concrete that is out of place or does not conform to lines, detail or grade as directed by the Engineer. C. Replace or repair defectively placed or finished concrete as directed by the Engineer. D. Testing and Replacement of Deficient Concrete in Place: 1. Pay for additional testing and related expenses if concrete has proven to be deficient. 2. Replace or strengthen deficient concrete work as directed by the Engineer, and pay for all testing and related expenses for replaced work until approved by the Engineer. oaioauasoo.wPa DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa a 13 3.09 CLEANING UP A. Clear awayfrom the building site excess and waste materials and debris resulting from Work of this Section. Leave the premises in a condition acceptable to the Engineer before completion of the work. 3.10 TWO-POUR SLAB CONSTRUCTION A two-pour slab construction shall be used for exterior slabs when electrical heating cables are used. B. Materials 1. Base Slab Concrete - 30 MPa at 28 days Entrained Air Content - 5% t 1 Water-Cement Ratio -Not to exceed 0.5 by weight Aggregate as specified in 2.01, D 2. Toooing Slab Concrete - 35 MPa at 28 days Entrained Air Content - 5% ± 1 Water-Cement Ratio -Not to exceed 0.5 by weight Aggregate size as specified in 2.01, D. C. Installation 1. The reinforced base slab shall be poured to within 50 mm (2") of the proposed final elevati i di ' ons n cated on the drawings. All concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated by vibrating. Before the base slab has fully hardened, it should be roughened with a coarse wire broom to remove all laitance and leave the coarse aggregate exposed. The slab shall be moist cured by coverin with b l g ur ap and spraying to maintain the surtace in a damp condition for at least 7 days. Control joints shall be sawn as indicated on the drawings. The location of the base slab control joints shall be I marked so that the topping coarse can be sawcut directly over the base slab joints. 2. After preparing the base slab surtace the h ti ' ea ng cables shall be placed as indicated in the specifications and as directed by the heating cable manufacturer. The heating cables shall be held in place with prepunched strap fastened in place with concrete nails ' . 3. The topping slab shall be poured as soon as possible after placement of the cables . The surtace of the base slab shall be thoroughly cleaned and saturated with water 10 minutes before the application of the neat cement paste bonding agent. Immediately before applying the bondin ' g agent, the base slab shall be in a damp condition with no free water being present on the surtace. Application of the bonding t agen on dry concrete will not be permitted. . ~ 4. The neat cement paste bonding agentshallconsistofNormalPortlandCementType 10 and mix water. The paste will contain not more than 1 lit f re o water per 23 kg. of cement and shall be thoroughly mixed either manually or in a concrete mixer so as , to produce a paste of creamy consistency. The use of cement containing hardened lumps will not be permitted. _ The neat cement paste shall be used within 1 hour of its initial mixing and during this time, the paste shall be continually remixed to r t p even settlement of the cement from the paste. Tempering of the paste with additional water during this time will not be permitted. ' 04703-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Pa a 14 3.10 TWO-POUR SLAB CONSTRUCTION (Cont'd) 6. Place and consolidate the topping slab and finish the top slab surface with a transverse wire broom finish (transverse to traffic movement) immediately following the final finishing and before final curing. The brooming may be done by hand or machine to produce a skid resistant texture with an average depth of indentation or height of ridge of 2 mm (1/16")above or below the average surface and even spread 6 mm ('/<^) apart in an even and uniform manner. End of Section 04103-03300.wpd 1 ' DIVISION 4 SECTION 04080 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Structural Steel Section 05120 D. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 ' E. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CSA-A370, Connectors for Masonry. ' B. CSA-A371, Masonry Construction for Buildings. C. CSA-5304, Masonry Design for Buildings. D. CSA G30.3, Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. E. CSA G3D.12, Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. ' F. CSA W186, Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete Construction. 1.04 SAMPLES ' A. Submit the following samples in accordance with Section 01330: 1 Two (2) of each type of masonry reinforcing and connector specified. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Connectors: to CSA-A370 hot dipped galvanized. 1. Column Ties: Ferro CAT Tie (Column Adjustable Tie), spot weld to columns at ' 400rnm c/c. B. Bar Reinforcement: To CAN3-A371andCSAG30.18,grade400R,deformedbilletsteelbars. ' C. Wire Reinforcement: To CAN3-A371 and CSA G30.3, truss type: Interior non bearing walls: bright wire finish, standard duty, 9 gauge 3mm wire diameter: Blok-Trus BL-30 by Blok-Lok t Ltd. D. All metalcomponents:hotdippedzincgalvanizedtoCAN3-S304unlessotrhenviseindicated. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate reinforcing in accordance with CAN/CSA-A23.1 and Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice by the Reinforcing Steel Institute of Ontario. B. Fabricate connectors in accordance with CAN3-A370. oaiaa-oaoso.wPa DIVISION 4 SECTION 04080 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS Page 2 2.02 FABRICATION (Cont'd) C. Obtain Consultant's approval for locations of reinforcement splices other than shown on placing drawings. D. Upon approval of Consultant, weld reinforcement in accordance with CSA W186. E. Ship reinforcement and connectors, clearly identified in accordance with drawings. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 I NSTALLATI O N A. Prior to placing concrete, mortar or grout, obtain Consultant's approval of placement of reinforcement and connectors. B. Install masonry connectors in accordance with CAN3-A370, CAN3-A371, CAN/CSA-A23.1 and CAN3-S3D4 unless indicated otherwise. 3.02 REINFORCEMENT A. Unless otherwise noted on plans, all masonry walls shall be reinforced with joint , reinforcement. B. Reinforcement shall be installed in the first and second bedjoints, 200mm apart immediately above lintels and below sill at openings, and in bed joints at 400mm vertical intervals elsewhere. Reinforcement in the second bed joint above or below openings shall extend 600mm beyond the jambs. All other reinforcement shall be continuous except that it shall not pass through vertical masonry control joints. Side rods shall be lapped at least 150mm at splices. C. Use prefabricated corner and tee sections for continuous reinforcement at corners and intersecting walls. D. Terminate reinforcement 25mm short of each side of control joints. E. Vertical reinforcement shall have a minimum clearance of 13mm from the masonry and not less than one bar diameter between bars. F. All block cores containing vertical reinforcing andlor anchor bolts shall be solidly filled with non shrink grout. 3.03 REINFORCED LINTELS A. Reinforce masonry lintels as indicated. B. Place and grout reinforcement in accordance with CAN3-S304. 3.04 METAL ANCHORS A. Do metal anchors as indicated. 04103-0408D.wptl I' ' DIVISION 4 SECTION 04080 ~ MASONRY REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS 3.05 LATERAL SUPPORT AND ANCHORAGE A. Do lateral support and anchorage in accordance with CAN3-S304 and as indicated. B. Lateral support at top of masonry walls shown on the structural drawings is specified under Section 05500. 3.06 CONTROL JOINTS A. Terminate reinforcement 25mm short of each side of control joints unless otherwise indicated. 3.07 FIELD BENDING A. Do not field bend reinforcement and connectors except where indicated or authorized by Consultant. B. When field bending is authorized, bend without heat, applying a slow and steady pressure. C. Replace bars and connectors which develop cracks or splits. 3.08 FIELD TOUCH-UP A. Touch up damaged and cut ends of galvanized reinforcement steel and connectors with compatible finish to provide continuous coating. End of Section oaros-oaoao.,r~a DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Pagel PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Concrete Section D3300 B. Masonry Reinforcement and Connectors Section D4080 C. Structural Steel Section 05120 D. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 F. Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals Section 07270 G. Joint Sealers Section 07900 H. Hollow Metal Doors Frames and Screens Section 08100 I. Painting Section 09900 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Ontario Building Code, Ontario Regulation 403/97. B. Ontario Concrete Block Association Quality Assurance Program. C. CSA A179, Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry. D. CSA-A370, Connectors for Masonry. E. CSA-A371, Masonry Construction for Buildings. F. CSA A3000, Cementititious Materials Compendium. G. CSA-S3D4, Masonry Design for Buildings. H. CSA CAN3-A165.1 Standards for Concrete Masonry Units. I. CSA G30.3, Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. J. CSA G30.12, Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. K. CSA W186, Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete Construction. L. ASTM C207 Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes. 1.D4 QUALIFICATIONS A. The masonry sub-contractor shall have a minimum of five (5) years continuous documented Canadian experience in work of the type and quality shown and specified. Proof of experience shall be submitted when requested by the Consultant and shall be subject to the approval of the Consultant. ' 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Materials shall be kept clean and dry. B. Deliver cement, lime and mortar ingredients with manufacturer's seal and labels intact. C. Cementitious material and aggregates shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of CAN A23.1-M. D. Replace exposed units which become stained or chipped, surface marked or scratched, and ' materials which are affected by inadequate protection. oai oa-oa2oo.wPa DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Paget 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE (Cont'd) E. Deliver masonry units to site in protective film and store without contact with ground or ground water. 1.06 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Examine work of other trades for defects or discrepancies and report same in writing to Consultant. B. Installation of any part of this work shall constitute acceptance of such surfaces as being satisfactory. 1.07 COLD WEATHER REQUIREMENTS A. Supplement Clause 5.15.2 of CAN3-A371 with the following requirements: 1. Maintain temperature of mortar between 5°C and 50°C until batch is used. 1.08 HOT WEATHER REQUIREMENTS A. Protect freshly laid masonry from drying too rapidly by means of waterproof, non-staining coverings. ' 1.09 PROTECTION A. Keep masonry dry using secure waterproof, non-staining coverings that extend over walls and down sides sufficient to protect walls from snow, rain and dirt, until masonry work is completed and protected by permanent construction. B. Protect masonry and other work from marking and other damage. Protect completed work from mortar droppings. Use non-staining coverings. C. Provide temporary bracing of masonry work during and after erection until mortar has cured and permanent lateral support is in place. 1.10 SUBMITTALS A. Submit laboratory test and O.C.B.A. Quality Assurance Test Certificates certifying compliance of concrete masonry units with specification requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials specified herein. B. Masonry Units: Concrete Block: Modular, conforming to CSA A165 Series-M, Concrete Masonry Units. 1. H/15/AM concrete, masonry units, autoclaved. 2. Special Units - Bullnose and corner blocks, base blocks, fillers, bond beam and lintel blocks, and the like as may be required. oaioa-oazao.wpd ' DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 ' MASONRY Page3 ' 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) C. 3. Exposed block shall all be made by one manufacturer and shall be uniform in colour, shade and texture. 4. All 190mm concrete block to be rated for min. 2 hour fire resistance. Type o1 concrete to conform to Table 5.1 of the Ontario Concrete Block Association Handbook, Fire Performance Properties. Refer to drawings for other Fire Resistance Ratings. Masonry Reinforcement and Connectors: Bar Reinforcement, wire reinforcement, connectors and ties: as specified in Section 04080. D. Control Joint Filler - to ASTM D5249, Type 2, Flexible foam, 10mm thick by width of wall: Unifoam R1009 -Flexible by Goodco Limited Sealtight Ceramar by W. R. Meadows Canada Limited. E. Pre-manufactured Masonry Control Joint: The use of pre-manufactured control joints in lieu of the specified Built-up type of joint is at the option of the Contractor. Control joints as manufactured by the following are acceptable: Wall-Tite by Blok-Lok Limited Rapid Control Joint- Wide Flange - by Dur-O-Wall Limited F. G. Mortar and Grout: Conforming to CSA A179 1. Aggregate: coarse sharp clean sand, free from salt. Alkaline or other organic substances, specifically graded for masonry use. 2. Cement: To CSA A3000, masonry cement. Type S. Blended mixes of Portland cement to CSA A3000 and double hydrated lime to ASTM C 207. 3. Water: clean, potable and free of harmful amounts of acid, alkalies, or organic materials. 4. Type'S' mortar shall be used for all masonry work. 5. Proprietary Mortar Mixes: St. Lawrence Cement Company, Blue Circle Cement, Daubois Inc., Lafarge Canada. Mortar mixes shall conform to mix requirements specified. 6. Mortar colour for interior masonry work shall be grey. 7. Admixtures of any kind are not allowed. 8. Grout: to CSA A179, Table 3. 9. Premixed, non shrink grout: V3 by W.R. Meadows of Canada, NS Grout by Euclid. Other Materials: all other materials notspecificallydescribedbutrequiredforacompleteand proper installation of masonry, shall be as selected by the Contractor subject to approval by the Consultant. 04103-04200.wpd r DIVISION 4 , SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 4 ' 2.02 MIXES , A. Mixing: Prepare and mix mortar materials under strict supervision, and in small batches only for immediate use. Mix proprietary mortars in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions to produce the specified mortar types in accordance with CSA A179. Do not use , retempered mortars. B. Take representative samples fortestingconsistencyofstrengthandcolouraccordingtoCSA ' A179. C. Use mortar within 2 hours after mixing at temperatures of 26 degrees C, or 2-1l2 hours at temperatures under 10 degrees C. , 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Mechanical Fasteners: As recommended by manufacturer of material to be fastened, and ' in accordance with the reference standards, corrosion resistant. Packing Insulation: loose glass fibre insulation or mineral wool with minimum density of 17.6 kg/m'. 2.04 FABRICATION A. Fabricate reinforcing in accordance with CAN/CSA A23.1 and Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice by the Reinforcing Steel Institute of Ontario. B. Lintels in non-load-bearing walls shall be constructed with special bond or lintel block units unless shown otherwise on plans. Lintels shall bear 6" minimum and bearing shall be isolated with two layers of heavy asphalt coated paper. C. Reinforcing steel in lintels shall be 2 x 20 M bars or as noted on drawings. D. Concrete fll for lintels shall be 25 MPA or as noted on the drawings. Concrete shall be as specified in Section 03300. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Do masonry work in accordance with CAN3-A371 except where specified otherwise. B. Build masonry plumb, level and true to line, with vertical joints in alignment. C. Layout coursing and bond to achieve correct coursing heights and continuity of bond above and below openings, with minimum cutting. D. A competent masonry foreman shall supervise and direct the work and only skilled masons shall executetheworkofthisSection. Theworkmanshipinconstructionofexposedmasonry walls shall be of highest calibre and first class in all respects. E. Chipped, cracked orstained, and unsatisfactorymaterialorworkmanshipofall masonrywork shall be replaced with undamaged units. 04103-04200.wpd DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 5 3.01 GENERAL(Cont'd) F. Co-ordinate work of this Section with others such as, field welding of anchors to steel work, insulation application, installation of conduit and electrical boxes, and the like. Prepare all items to built-in as the work proceeds, either supplied and installed by other trades or installed under this Section. G. Walls shall be constructed as true planes and when tested with a 3m straight edge placed anywhere on the wall in any direction shall be true within 3mm. H. Variation in the Sizes of Wall Openings: A 6mm maximum variation is allowed from the actual designated size of wall openings. I. All mortar shall be used and placed in final position within 2-1/2 hours of mixing. Mortar not used within this time limit shall be discarded. J. Buttering comers of units, throwingmortardroppingsintojoints,deeporexcessivefurrowing of bed joints, will not be permitted. Do not shift or tap units after mortar has taken initial set. Where adjustment must be made after mortar has started to set, remove mortar and replace with fresh supply. Bed and vertical joints shall be evenly and solidly filled with mortar. K. Lay all joints 10mm thick (uniform) unless otherwise specified or otherwise indicated on drawings or instructed by the Consultant. All joints shall be full of mortar except where specifically designated to be left open. L. All joints shall be slightly concave. Use sufficient force to press mortar tight against masonry units on both sides of joints. Remove excess material or burrs left after jointing by means of a trowel or rubbing with burlap bag. 3.02 BLOCK WORK A. Provide special shapes and sizes as required such a halves, jambs, lintels, solids, comers, bullnoses and double bullnoses, semi-solids and ashlar. B. Lay block with webs to align plumb over each other with thick ends of webs up. The top course of all partitions which do not pass through a ceiling or up to the underside of a roof deck shall have the open cells filled solid. C. Cut exposed blockwith powerdriven abrasive cutting disc or diamond cutting wheel forflush mounted electrical outlets, grilles, pipes, conduits, leaving 3mm maximum clearance. D. Do not wet concrete masonry before or during laying in wall. E. Fill all vertical and bed joints, including plain end faces, through the entire wall thickness solidly with mortar. F. Bond intersecting block walls in alternate courses. G. Do not break bond of exposed walls where partitions intersect and if bond would show through on exposed face of walls. Bond these partitions to walls they intersect with prefabricated intersection masonry reinforcement in each course. H. Terminate non load bearingwallswithin19mmofstructureaboveunlessindicatedotherwise. oa i oa-oazoo.wpd DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 6 3.02 BLOCK WORK (Confd) I. Where walls are pierced by structural members, ducts, pipes, fill voids with mortar to within 19mm of such members. J. Fill spaces between non-load bearing walls and structure, ducts and pipes with compressed glass fibre or mineral wool insulation for entire width of wall. K. For f re separations, fill around wall penetrations and between top of wall and decklstructure with Fire Stop Sealant specified in Section 07270 to provide the same rating as the wall. 3.03 REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS A. Refer to Section 04D80. 3.04 CONTROL JOINTS A. Provide continuous joints as indicted. B. Break vertical mortar bond with extruded neoprene gasket or building paper. C. Prime control joint to prevent drying out of caulking material. 3.05 CONCRETE MASONRY LINTELS A. Install reinforced concrete block lintels over openings in masonry walls where steel or reinforced concrete lintels are not indicated. B. End bearing: not less than 200mm. C. Refer to Section 04080. 3.06 LOOSE STEEL LINTELS A. Install loose steel lintels. Centre over opening width. Lintels supplied under Section 05500. 3.07 SUPPORT OF LOADS A. Use 25 MPa concrete unless specified otherwise on the Drawings, where concrete fill is used in lieu of solid units. B. Use grout to CSA A179 where grout is used in lieu of solid units. C. Install building paper below voids to be filled with grout. Keep paper 25mm back from face of units. 3.08 GROUTING A. Grout masonry in accordance with CAN3-S304 and as indicated. 3.09 LATERAL SUPPORT AND ANCHORAGE A. Refer to Section 04080. 04103-04200.wptl 1 DIVISION 4 SECTION D4200 MASONRY Page 7 3.10 BUILT-INS A. Build in items provided by otherSections, including bearing plates, doorframes, anchorbolts, sleeves, inserts and loose steel lintels. Build in items to present a neat, rigid, true and plumb installation. Leave wall openings required for ducts, grilles, pipes and other items. B. Fill voids between masonry and metal frames with masonry mortar or insulation, as indicated on drawings or as required to provide a neat finished appearance. C. Set wall plates on masonry in non-shrink grout in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Do all cutting, fitting, drilling, patching and making good for other trades in masonry work. 3.11 REPOINTING OR TUCK POINTING A. Repoint defective joints as follows: 1. Cut back joints 13mm, taking care not to damage units. Remove dust and loose materials by brushing or by waterjet. If waterjet is used, allow excess waterto drain before repointing. 2. Repoint with original mix. 3. Pack mortar tightly in thin layers, and tool to required joint finish. 3.12 CLEANING A. Obtain and follow material manufacturer's written instructions for Cleaning. B. Keep wall clean and free of mortar stains during laying. Allow mortar droppings which adhere to wall to dry out but not set. Then rub with small piece of masonry followed by brushing to remove all traces. On completion of masonry, after mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean masonry thoroughly. C. Protect windows, trim and metal. D. Removemortarwithwoodpaddlesandscrapersbeforewetting.Saturatemasonrywithclean water and flush off loose mortar and dirt. Clean block work using water, scrubbing brushes and wood paddles only. E. Remove mortar from concrete floor slabs. F. Leave entire area vacuum clean. 3.13 A. Protect masonry units from damage resulting from subsequent construction operations. B. Use protection materials and methods which will not stain or damage masonry units. C. Remove protection materials upon Substantial Performance of the Work, or when risk of damage is no longer present. End of Section 04703-04200.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL ' PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Reinforcement and Connectors Section 04080 C. Masonry Section 04200 ' D. Steel Joists Section 05210 E. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 F. Steel Floor Deck Section 05320 G. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 ' H. Painting Section 09900 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CANICSA-640.20, General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel. B. CAN/CSA-640.21, Structural Quality Steels. C. CANICSA-6164, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. D. CAN/CSA-S16.1, Limit States Design of Steel Structures E. CANICSA-5136, Cold Formed Steel Structural Members F. CISC Handbook of Steel Construction. G. CISC/CPMA Standard 1-73A, Quick-Drying One Coat Paint for Use on Structural Steel. H. CISC/CPMA 2-75, a Quick-Drying Primer for use on Structural Steel. I. CAN/CGSB-1.40, Primer Structural Steel, Oil Alkyd. J. CAN/CGSB 1.171, Inorganic Zinc Coating. K. CAN/CGSB 1.181, Organic Zinc Rich Coating (Ready Mixed) L. SSPC-SP6, Steel Structures Painting Council Standard for Commercial Blast Cleaning M. ASTM A108, Specifications for Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold Finished, Standard Quality. N. ASTM A123, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip. O. ASTM A143, Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dipped Galvanized Structural Steel P. ASTM A153, Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware Q. ASTM A307, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength. R. ASTM A325, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength. S. ASTM A385, Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot Dip) T. ASTM A78D, Repair of Damaged Hot Dip Galvanizing Coatings U. AmericanlnstituteofSteelConstruction(AISC)CodeofStandardPracticeforSteelBuildings and Bridges, Section 10, Architectural Exposed Structural Steel. 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS A. Undertake weldingandlorweldinginspectionbyweldersfullyapprovedtooneormoreofthe following codes and reference standards where applicable: CSA W47.1 Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures CSA W59 Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding) oatas-ostzo.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 ' STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 2 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS (Cont'd) CSA W178.1 Certification of Welding Inspection Organizations CSA W178.2 Certification of Welding Inspectors B. Fabricate structural steel only by a Fabrication Member of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Connections: 1. Connections designed by Consultant: Submission of shop drawings for connection which have been detailed on Drawings by Consultant shall represent acceptance by Contractor that connection can be executed successfully. 2. Other connections: 1. Design of other connections which cannot be selected from standard designs tabulated in CISC Handbook of Steel Construction shall be by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the Province of Ontario, experienced in structural steel connection design. 2. Consultant will review connection arrangement to verify general conformance with overall design concept of structure. 3. Connection design engineer shall be insured against professional liability in accordance with section 74 subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with subsection (2) is not acceptable. B. Design: 1. Connections: 1. Provide bolted or welded connections, unless indicated otherwise on Drawings. 2. Use high strength bolts, except thatA307 bolts maybe used for connections of roof purlins, bridging, girls and trimmer beams not connecting to columns, unless otherwise note don Drawings. 3. Use slip resistant (friction-type) connections for bolted joints designed to resist reversible forces, except that bolt capacity need not be so limited under seismic force. 4. Provide tension adjustment hardware at rod type bracing and at flat bartype bracing. 5. Do not permit connections to encroach on clearance lines required for installation of Work of other Sections. 2. Beam Connections: 1. Provide connections adequate to resist reaction of beam, when beam is loaded to maximum flexural capacity under uniformly distributed load, unless reaction or connection detail is shown on Drawings. For composite beam construction, use flexural capacity of composite section based on 100 percent shear connection of beam to slab. 04103-0512D.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL ' 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) 2. Provideflexiblebeamconnectionsforunrestrainedmembersinaccordance with CAN/CSA S16.1, unless shown otherwise on Drawings. 3. Select connections, wherever possible, from standard designs tabulated in current edition of CISC Handbook of Steel Construction, except that length of beam web angles shall not be less than half the depth of beam, and single angles shall not be used for beams deeper than 24" (610 mm) . 4. Provide direct connections to flanges of spandrel beams (exterior perimeter beams) to restrain twisting. 5. Do not use fish plate, shear plate or tab connection. C. Random Splicing: Obtain in writing from Consultant, prior to commencement of shop drawings, special requirements that will be imposed as a necessary condition of acceptance of members with randomly located butt welded splices. D. Column Splicing Connection: provide flush connection where the axial and bending capacities are maintained. ' E. When requested by the Consultant, a Certificate of Compliance shall be provided stating that the galvanizing complies with ASTM Specifications and Standards and all other applicable ' requirements specified herein. 1.06 TOLERANCES A. In addition to tolerances specified in CAN/CSA-S16.1-M, erect shelf angles and sash angles attached to steel frame within a tolerance of 1/8" (3.0 mm) plus or minus, with abutting ends of members at the same level. 1.07 INSPECTION & TESTING A. Inspection and testing of materials and shop fabrication of Work of this Section, and field quality control, will be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by the Owner. B. The Inspection and Testing Company shall meet qualification requirements of CSA W 178.1, and shall be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau in Category 1 Buildings. C. Welding Inspectors and supervisors shall be certified by Canadian Welding Bureau to CSA W178.2, to minimum level 2 certification. Provide free access for inspectors to all places work is being performed, whether on site or off. E. Mill inspection shall ensure that materials conform to specified requirements. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests. Shop inspection shall ensure that structural steel is fabricated in accordance with the shop drawings, and the specified fabrication and welding procedures. 04103-05120.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION D5120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page4 1.07 INSPECTION AND TESTING (Cont'd) G. The cost of inspection and testing of splices introduced by the fabricator and not required on the Contract Documents will be paid by the Contractor. H. Inspection and Testing Company when appointed shall carry out shop inspection to verify: 1. Structural materials and paint conform to Specifications. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests of structural materials. 2. Fabrication and weldingconformstoSpecificationsanddimensionedshopdrawings. 3. Shop painting, and cleaning and preparation for same, conform to specified requirements. 4. Surfaces inaccessible for cleaning and painting after assembly are treated before assembly. 5. Forsurtacespaintedwithzincrichpaintorzincprimer,specifiedsurfacepreparation is followed and specified paint thickness is applied. 6. Non-destructive Testing of Welded Connections: Carry out non-destructive testing of welded connections chosen at random as follows: 1. 10% of moment connections involving use of fillet welds, by magnetic particle inspections. 2. All moment connections and all connections in direct tension involving use of sf Full Penetration Groove welds, by ultrasonic testing. 3. Where moments are transferred by either fillet welds or groove welds into end plates in "T" joint configurations, examine base metals for lamellar tearing or cracking, by ultrasonic testing. 7. Inspections, tests and samples for galvanized materials shall conform with CSA or ASTM Specifications and Standards. Inspection shall be carried out at the galvanizers plant by a designated party, or at some other place as agreed between fabricator and galvanizer. Inspection rights and privileges, procedures, and acceptance or rejection of galvanized steel material shall conform with CSA G164, ASTM A123 or ASTM A153 as applicable. Inspections and test shall include the following: 1. Visual examination of samples and finished products. 2. Tests to determine weight of mass of zinc coating persquare metre of metal surtace. 1.08 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with the requirements of Section 01330 and 01450. B. Submit proof of connection design engineers professional liability insurance when requested by the Consultant. 04103-05120.wptl DIVISION 5 ' SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Pages t 1.08 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) C. Submit shop and erection drawings. Submit typical details of connections and any special connections for review before preparation of shop drawings. Assume responsibility for the accuracy of Work. Review of submitted shop drawings is to ensure only that the Contract Documents are being correctly interpreted. D. Show on shop drawings the size, spacing, and the location of structural steel members, connections, attachments, reinforcing, anchorage and all necessary plans, elevations and details. ' E. Show splice locations and details. F. Professional Engineer responsible for connection design shall sign and seal each shop drawing. G. Detail welded connections using standard symbols for welding joints as published in the current CISC Handbook of Steel Construction. H. Submit design calculations if requested by the Consultant. I. Submit to the Engineer for review, diagrams showing proposed methods of erection. J. Field Work Drawings shall be submitted as shop drawings. K. Submit paint manufacturer's certification that pertormance of specified paint will meet the requirements of the CISC/CPMA standard specified. L. Notify Consultant in writing of any deviations in shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract Documents. M. Submitwrittenproceduresandsamplesofgalvanizedmaterial,forallarchitecturallyexposed steel specified to be left galvanized. 1.D9 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Deliver products that are only supplied under work of this Section to those who are responsible for their installation, to the place they direct and to meet construction schedule. B. Handle and store structural steel in such a manner that no damage, including corrosion, is caused to the stored or erected work, or to other property. C. Protect architecturally exposed steel during fabrication, handling storage and erection to prevent marring of surtaces exposed to view, by marking, bending, coarse grinding or denting. D. Protect galvanized articles to prevent the formation of wet storage stain. 04703-05120.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page_6 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.D1 MATERIALS A. Rolled shapes, hollow structural sections, plates and rods: new steel, in compliance with CSA and/or ASTM Standards indicated on Structural Drawings. B. High Strength Bolts: to meet specified requirements ofASTM A325M. Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers. Machine Bolts: to meet specified requirements of ASTM A307, Specification for Carbon Steel, Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. Anchor Bolts: to meet specified requirements ofASTM A307, Specification for Carbon Steel, Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. Studs: to ASTM A108. C. Welding Electrodes - to meet the requirements set forth in the applicable standard of the CSAW48Seriesonweldingelectrodes. (Any process which produces deposited weld metal meeting the requirements of the applicable W48 Series Standard for any grade of arcwelding electrodes shall be accepted as equivalent to the use of such electrodes.) D. Shop Coat Paint: for steel that will not receive finish coat. To meet specified requirements of CISClCPMA Standard 1-73A. E. Prime Paint: to meet requirements of CISC/CPMA 2-75. Inorganic Zinc Primer: to CGSB 1-GP-171M Metalhide One Pac Zinc Rich by PPG Canada Inc. Dimetcote 9, by Amercoat Canada Inc. Cathacoat 313 by ICI (Glidden) Paints G. Zinc-Filled Epoxy Polyamide Primer: Carboline 658, by Corrosion Service Co. Ltd. Amercoat 68A, by Amercoat Canada Inc. Glid-Zinc 5526!5527/5528, by ICI (Glidden) Paints H. Zinc Rich Paint: to CGSB 1-GP-1.181 Galvafroid by W. R. Meadows Ltd. Devoe 13034 by ICI (Glidden) Paints Galvanizing Materials: to CAN/CSA G164 or ASTM A123, or ASTM A153. 04103-05120.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 ' STRUCTURAL STEEL ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION '' A. Fabricate work of this Section in compliance with CAN/CSA-S16.1-M, and as specified following. ',, B. Connections -Make bolted or welded connections. Use high strength bolts, except that machine bolts may be used for connections of roof i purlins, bridging, secondary bracing, girts and trimmer beams not connecting to columns, unless otherwise noted on Drawings. '' Use friction type high strength bolts for the connections of bracing members (Diagonal ! Kickers) resisting the effects of applied lateral loads. Provide tension adjustment at flat bar and rod type lateral bracing. Do not permit connections to encroach on the clearance lines required for the installation of work of this Section. C. Beam Connections: Provide beam connections adequate to resist the reactions produced by the framing or load conditions. i ' Provide beam to column connections that apply vertical reaction with negligible eccentricity at the connecting face of the column, such as single or double beam web connections, end plate connections or unstiffened seats, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. Submit for review, in advance ofthe preparation ofshop drawings, connectionswhich do notmeetthese requirements. ' Provide connections complying with the requirements of the CISC Handbook of Steel ' Construction, except thatthe length of beam web angles shall not be less than half the depth of the beam and single angles shall not be used for beams deeper than 24" (610 mm). Provide direct connections to flanges of spandrel beams to restrain twisting. Do not use fish plate or shear plate connections. D. Holes in Structural Members: Punch holes 7/16" to 1 1/16" (11 to mm) in diameter as required for attaching the work of other Sections to structural steel members. Locate holes so that no appreciable reduction of the strength of members is caused. oaioo-osi2o.wpd 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page8 ' 3.01 FABRICATION (Cont'd) ' Provide holes for pipes and ducts, and reinforce openings as indicated on drawings. Cutting of holes in structural members in the field will not be permitted except with written approval of the Engineer. ' Provide effective drainage holes to prevent the accumulation of water in tubular members. E. Member Separators: Provide separators at approximate spacing of 48" (1220 mm) o.c. for double beams and channels as follows: 1. For beams and channels 9" (225 mm) or less in depth: one or two rows of pipe ' separators. 2. For beams and channels over 9" (225 mm) in depth: channel separators, unless otherwise detailed on Drawings. ' F. Built-up Compression Members-General Requirements: Comply with the requirements of Clause 18 of CAN/CSA-S16.1-M, for all built up compression members of fabricated joists and trusses. ' G. Column Bearing Plates: Mill column bearing plates under column bearing unless plate is sufficiently flat to give adequate contact bearing between column and plate. ' H. Masonry Anchors: Provide masonry strap anchors welded to structural steel. Provide for attachment of adjustable flexible anchors that are supplied by mason. Provide wall anchors for beams bearing on masonry or concrete. 1. StructuralSteelPainting:Paintinaccordancewithmanufacturer'spublisheddirections. Paint steel in the shop under cover. Keep painted members under cover until the paint has dried. ' Clean and prepare surfaces, as appropriate for paint specified, in accordance with CISC/CPMA Standard 2-75 or clean steel in compliance with SSPC-SPB, where zinc rich ' paint is shop applied. Where paint is applied adjacent to welded joints, remove it to bare metal for a distance of at least 2" (50 mm) beyond sides of joints. ' Do not paint surfaces and edges to be field welded, contact surfaces of friction type ith connections assembled by high strength bolts, surfaces encased in or in contact w ' concrete. Paint interior steel surfaces that are not specified to receive top coat or zinc primer or zinc- rich paint, with one coat of paint to CISC/CPMA 1-73A. ' Give surtaces of all structural steel which will be exposed on the exterior of the building, and any other areas noted on the structural drawings, two coats of zinc rich paint applied to an ' aggregate minimum dry film thickness averaging 4 mils but not less than 3 mils. Give all other steel surfaces not noted above which are to receive a top coating, one shop coat of prime paint to CISC/CPMA 2-75. ' 04103-05120.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page9 3.02 GALVANIZING A. Steel members, fabrications, and assemblies shall be galvanized after fabrication by the hot dip process in accordance with CSA G164 or ASTM A123. B. Bolts, nuts, washers, iron, and steel hardware components shall be galvanized in accordance with CSA G164 or ASTM A153. C. Coating Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 3.03 EXAMINATION Weight: the weight of the galvanized coating shall conform with Table 1 of CSA G164 or paragraph 6.1 of ASTM A123 and Table 1 of ASTM A153 (as appropriate). Surface Finish: The galvanized coating shall be continuous, adherent, as smooth and evenly distributed as possible and free from any defect that is detrimental to the stated end use of the coated article. The integrity of the coating shall be determined by visual inspection and coating thickness measurements. Adhesion: the galvanized coating shall be sufficiently adherent to withstand normal handling. A. Verify, before delivery of structural steel, that work of other Sections on which work of this Section is dependent is correctly installed and located. 3.04 PREPARATION A. Supply anchor bolts, base and bearing plates and other members to be built in under work of other Sections as the work progresses. Co-operate with installers of this work and provide instructions for setting items to be built-in. 3.05 ERECTION A. Comply with CAN/CSA-S16.1-M and the By-Laws of the Municipality in erection of work of this Section. B. Provide temporary steel members as may be required for erection purposes and remove them when no longer required. C. Make adequate provision for horizontal and vertical erection loads and for sufficient temporary bracing to keep structural frame plumb and in true alignment until the completion of erection, and the installation of masonry, concrete work, and floor and roof decks which provide the necessary permanent bracing. D. Installation of Bearing and Column Base Plates -Install bearing plates and standard wall anchors for beams bearing on masonry or concrete. 04103-05120.Wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 10 3.05 ERECTION (Cont'd) Set loose beam bearing plates and column base plates, at proper elevation, true and level, with steel shims, ready for grouting as specified under work of other Sections. E. Erect architecturally exposed steel in accordance with specified requirements ofAISC Code of Standard Practice, Section 10, Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel. 3.06 COATING TOUCH-UP A. Clean welds with wire brushes and wash down with clean water to ensure no residue from electrodes is present. B. After erection, give one coat of prime coat or zinc rich paint as applicable and specified for shop coat to field bolts, Feld connections, burnt areas, and abrasions or damage to shop coats. C. Touch up all areas with a specified paint film thickness. D. Give areas of bare metal on concealed galvanized members two coats of zinc-rich paint. E. Repair damaged hot dip galvanized coatings on architectural metals in accordance with ASTM A780. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection and Testing Company, when appointed as specified elsewhere in this Section, shall perform: 1. Inspection of erection and fit-up, including placing, plumbing, levelling and temporary bracing and conformance with specified tolerances. 2. Inspection of bolted connections, including verification thatA307 and A325 snug tight only bolts, and A325M pretensioned bolts have been used appropriately, and that threads are excluded from shear plane where required. 3. Inspection of welded joints, including slag removal. 4. General inspection offield cutting and alterations; report immediately to Consultant, alterations or cutting not shown on reviewed shop drawings. 5. General inspection of shop coating touch-up. 6. Inspection of zinc primer and zinc-rich paint, including surface preparation and coating thickness. 04103-05120.wpd ' DIVISION 5 '.F SECTION 05120 ":, ~ STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 11 3.08 DEFECTIVE WORK A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances, and failure of materials orworkmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective Work performed by this Section. B. Replace defective Work, as directed by Consultant. C. Contractorshallpay foradditionalinspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related expenses if Work has proven to be deficient. End of Section 04103-05120.wptl ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . A . Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 R ELATED WORK ' A . Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 B. Concrete Section 03300 C . Masonry Section 04200 ' D E. . Structural Steel Steel Roof Deck Section 05120 Section 05310 F. Steel Floor Deck Section 05320 G . Metal Fabrications Section 05500 ' 1 03 R EFERENCE STANDARDS . A. B. CAN/CSA-S16.1, Limit States CAN/CSA S 136 Cold Formed Design of Steel Structures. Structural Steel Members. C. CISC/CPMA Standard 2-75, a Quick Drying Primer for Use on Structural Steel. D. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mix Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. E. The National Building Code of Canada, 1995 Edition (NBC). F. The Supplement tc the National Building Code of Canada, 1995 Edition. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications A. Undertake welding only by welders fully approved to one or more of the following codes and reference standards as appropriate: CSA W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). CSA W178, Qualification Code for Welding Inspection Organizations. B. Design Criteria A. Design joists to carry loads indicated on structural drawings. B. Design joist to ensure that total load deflection does not exceed 11240 of the span and live load deflection does not exceed 1/360 of the span. C. Analyse joists composed wholly or in part of cold formed structural members as rigidly connected linear elastic frame works, includingalljointeccentricities. Design cold formed members for combined axial loads and bending moments predicted by analysis. Design hot rolled members for combined axial load and bending moment if eccentricity at one or both ends exceeds limits of reference standards above. D. Tie Joists: Where tie joists are used, design tie joist, columns and connections to resist the member forces predicted by a linear elastic analysis. E. Design special joist components to allow the passage of mechanical and electrical services through webs of joists, where so indicated on the structural drawings. 04103-05210.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Page 2 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) F. Design of joists shall be by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario, experienced in steel joist design. Joist design engineer shall be insured against professional liability in accordance with Section 74 Subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with Subsection (2) is not acceptable. G. Design framing members to meet minimum requirements of ULC far listed assemblies. C. Source Quality Control A. Inspection and testing of materials and shop fabrication of work of this Section, and field quality control specified elsewhere in this Section, will be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by the Owner. B. The Inspection and Testing Company, and welding inspectors and supervisors shall meetqualificationreguirements of CSA W178, and shall be certified bythe Canadian Welding Bureau in Category (1), Buildings. C. Provide free access for inspectors to all places work is being performed. D. Shop Inspection Inspection shall ensure that materials conform to specified requirements. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests. Inspection shall ensure that fit-up, fabrication, and shop painting conform to specified requirements and dimensioned shop drawings. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings A. Submit steel joist shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330 and submitjoist design drawings as defined in reference standards. Shop drawings shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. B. Indicate, in addition, dimensioned intersections of members, critical bending moments due to eccentricities, joist spacing, framing for openings, and slopes. C. Detail welded connections using standard symbols for welding joints as published in the current CISC Handbook of Steel Construction. D. Indicate on erection drawings, for each type ofjoist and bearing condition, the centre of bearing assumed in design and the maximum allowable distance from this point to the intersection of the axes of the chord and the end diagonal. E. Prior to submission to the Consultant, review all shop drawings. By this review, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue number and similar data orwill do so and that he has checked and co-ordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. The Contractor's review of each shop drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a responsible person. F. At time of submission, notify the Consultant in writing of any deviations in the shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract Documents. G. The Consultant will review and return shop drawings in accordance with any schedule agreed upon, or otherwise with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Consultant's review will be for conformity to the design concept and for general arrangement only and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents unless a deviation on the shop drawings has been approved in writing by the Consultant. 04103A5210.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS 1.05 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) 3 H. The Contractor shall make any changes in shop drawings which the Consultant may require consistent with the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the Consultant. When resubmitting the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by the Consultant. I. Submit shop drawings as follows: 5 Copies of erection diagrams and shop drawings for review before any work commences. 2 AdditionalcopiesofshopdrawingsfordistributionasdirectedbyConsultant. 1 Copy of erection diagrams to the Inspection and Testing Company. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Deliver products that are supplied only under work of this Section to those who are responsible for their installation, to the place they direct and to meet construction schedule. B. Handle and store joists in such a manner that no damage, including corrosion, is caused to the stored or erected work, or to other property. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Steel Joists: Formed of hot rolled or cold formed shapes, hollow structural sections, plates and rods meeting requirements of specified reference standards. B. Prime Paint: to CISCICPMA 2-75. Ensure shop paint is compatible with finish coat of paint. 2.02 FABRICATION ' A. Fabricate joists with their attachments and accessories in accordance with the reference standards. B. Provide top chords of sufficientwidth and material thickness to permit 3/4" (20 mm) diameter arc spot welds of deck to joist to be formed, in accordance with CSA-S136. C. Prepare joists for attachment of other work as indicated on drawings and required for construction. D. Fabricate bridging not less than 1/8" (3 mm) in thickness. E. Extend bottom chords of joists where required to support ceiling or walls as shown on drawings. F. Fabricate joists and shoes to accommodate roof slopes shown on drawings. G. Fabricate web systems to allow clearances fortransverse mechanical and electrical services to pass through where so indicated on structural drawings. 04103-05210.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Page 4 2.02 FABRICATION (Cont'd) H. Provide shoe depths to suit elevations of bearings in each location. I. Fabricate bearing plates and supply plates and anchors to installer. At masonry, provide sufficient bearing area to ensure that bearing pressure does not exceed 1.20 Mpa. J. Fabricate joists of uniform appearance for erection in areas where they are exposed to view. K. Cleaninc and Paintino 1. Remove rust, loose mill scale, dirt and all contaminants prior to painting. 2. Prior to painting, clean welds with wire brushes and wash down with clean water to ensure no residue from electrodes is present. 3. Give joists that will not receive finish coat one coat of shop paint and keep under cover until paint has dried. 4. Clean joists in accordance with requirements of specified CISC/CPMA Standard. 5. Do not paint surfaces and edges to be field welded. L. Mark joists to indicate erection orientation when they are fabricated to special design or loading requirements. M. Identify each joist with mark corresponding to shop drawing designation. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXECUTION A. Verify, before delivery of joists, that work to receive joists is located correctly and at proper levels. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Provide necessary instructions to other trades for installation of bearings and anchors installed under work of other Sections. Assist in installation if requested. B. If steel surfaces are painted where connections are made bywelding atthe site, remove paint to bare metal for a distance of at least two inches beyond sides of joints. 3.03 ERECTION A. B. C. 04103-05210.wpd Comply with requirements of specified reference standards as applicable, and the by-laws of the Municipality, in erection of work of this Section. Refer to drawings for the work of other Sections and locate joists to avoid interference with ceiling construction, recessed lights, mechanical and electrical services, and similar work. Install shims, packing or special shoes to support joists at proper elevation. lJ 1 J 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Page 5 3.03 ERECTION (Cont'd) D. Carry joists to centre line of beams, with a tolerance of +D" and -1" (+0 mm and -25 mm) for beams with joists bearing from both sides, and + 1"and -0" (+25 mm and -D mm) for beams with joists bearing from one side only. E. Weld each joist at bearings on structural steel members and bearing plates, or as indicated on drawings.. F. Install framing for openings between joists as indicated on drawings, and as specified for metal deck. G. Brid in 1. Install steel bridging, transverse to joist spans to meet specified requirements of reference standards. 2. Locate bridging at panel points wherever possible. 3. Locate bridging to ensure no interference with recessed lights, and mechanical and electrical services. 4. Top chord load distributing bridging may be used in lieu of normal top chord bridging specified above. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection by Inspection and Testing Company to meet requirements specified under Source Quality Control of this Section, and to include: 1. Inspection of erection and fit-up, including placing, plumbing, levelling and temporary and permanent bracing. 2. Verification for each end of each joist that the distance from the centre of bearing to the end tension web memberdoes not exceed the maximum dimension given on the drawings. 3. Inspection of welded and bolted connections. 4. General inspection of shop coating touch-up. B. Inspection & Testing Company shall: 1 1. Submit reports at least weekly when shop and site work of this Section is in progress. 2. Distribute inspection reports as follows: 2 copies to Consultant; 1 copy to Consulting Structural Engineer; 1 copy to Contractor, 2 copies to Steel Fabricator. 3. Sign report by inspector who pertorms inspection, and describe progress of Work, deficiencies found and corrective actions taken. 4. Include deficiency list of outstanding items from previous reports, and comment on status. 04103-05210.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Page 6 3.05 COATING TOUCH-UP A. After erection, give one coat of paint specified for shop coat to field bolts, field connections, burnt areas, and abrasions or damage to shop coats. 3.06 DEFECTIVE WORK A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances, and failure of materials orworkmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective Work performed by this Section. B. Replace defective Work, as directed by Consultant. C. Contractorshallyay for additional inspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related expenses if Work has proven to be deficient. End of Section 04103-05210.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Structural Steel Section 05120 B. Steel Joists Section 05210 C. Steel Floor Deck Section 05320 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Painting Section 09900 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CAN/CSA S16.1, Steel Structures for Buildings - (Limit States Design). B. CANlCSA S 136 Cold Formed Structural Steel Members. C. CISC/CPMA Standard 2-75, a Quick Drying Primer for Use on Structural Steel. ' D. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mix Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. E. CSSBI Articles referred to in this Section that are contained in "Standard for Steel Roof ' F. Deck", published by Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute. ASTM A90, Tests for Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Articles. G. ASTM A446M, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hat-Dip Process, Structural Physical) Quality. H. The National Building Code of Canada, 1995 Edition (NBC). ' I. The Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada, 1995 Edition. ' 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications ' 1. Design of steel deck shall be by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario, experienced in steel. deck design. 2. Consultant will review general arrangement to verify general conformance with ' overall design concept of structure. 3. Steel deck design engineer shall be insured against professional liability in accordance with Section 74 Subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario ' Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with subsection (2) is not acceptable. 4. Undertake welding and/orweldinginspection only bypersonnelfullyapprovedtoone or more of the following Codes and reference standards where applicable: ' CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). CSA W178, Qualification Code far Welding Inspection Organizations. CSA W178.2, Certification of Welding Inspectors. ' B. Design Criteria: Design roof deck and fasteners in conformance with CSSBI Article 8.6: to ensure that the roof deck is capable of supporting the dead plus live loads shown on the ' drawings; to provide anchorage of roof deck to supporting framework; to resist the uplift loads. ' 04103-05310.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Page 2 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) C. Suspended Loads: do not suspend ceilings, lights, ducts, piping, or any other item from steel roof deck. D. Tolerances: Lay and position roof deck within a tolerance of 114" in 36'-0" (6 mm in 11 m) for unit alignment E. Source Quality Control 1. Inspection and testing of materials and fabrication of work of this Section, and for field quality control specified elsewhere in this Section, will be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by the Consultant. 2. The Inspection and Testing Company, and welding inspectors and supervisors shall meet qualification requirements of CSA W 178, and shall be certified bythe Canadian Welding Bureau in Category (a), Buildings. 3. Provide free access for inspectors to all places work is being performed. 4. Shop Inspection Inspection shall ensure that materials, thickness of sheet steel, profile, welding and protective coating conform to the requirements of this specification. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shoo Drawinos 1. Submit shop and erection drawings in accordance with Section D1330. 2. Each shop drawing submitted shallbearsignatureandsealofProfessionalEngineer responsible for deck design. 3. Indicate: design loading; thicknesses and steel grade of material; zinc coating designations; layout of units; framing and supports; required minimum bearing; anchorages; size and spacing of fastening to meet uplift and diaphragm action; openings and their reinforcement; accessories; and details of construction. 4. Prior to submission to the Consultant the Contractor shall review all shop drawings. By this review, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue number and similar data orwill do so and that he has checked and co-ordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. The Contractor's review of each shop drawings shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a responsible person. 5. At time of submission, notify the Consultant in writing of any deviations in the shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract documents. 04103-05310.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Page 3 t 1.05 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) ' 6. The Consultant will review and return shop drawings in accordance with any schedule agreed upon, or otherwise with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Consultant's review will be for conformity to the design concept and for I general arrangement only and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents unless a deviation on the shop drawings has been approved in writing by the Consultant. 7. The Consultant shall make any changes in shop drawings which the Engineer may require consistent with the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the Consultant. When resubmitting, the Contractor shall notify the ' Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by the Consultant. 8. Submit shop drawings as follows: 5 copies for review before any Work commences 1 copy of erection diagrams to Inspection and Testing Company ' B. Inspection Reports 1. Distribute inspection reports as follows: ' To Consultant: 2 copies To Roofing Subcontractor: 1 copy To Contractor: 1 copy 2. Submit reports weekly when shop and site work of this Section is in progress. 3. Sign report by the inspector who performs the inspection, and describe progress of ' work, the deficiencies found and the actions taken to correct them. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING ' A. Ship, store and install roof deck to prevent damage to the finish, denting, deformation and rusting by both careful handling and physical protection. Remove and replace deck that has suffered damage. ' B. Stack deck tilted for drainage. Raise off ground and provide spacers between each panel, with wood blocking. ' C. Coverstoreddeckandothercomponentswithwaterproofmaterialandprovideaircirculation. D. Tightly band bundles of deck when hoisting at site. ' E. During erection, secure deck units to supports with temporary fastening until they are permanently welded in place, to ensure no displacement from any cause. ' F. Secure loose bundles of deck in place at end of working day. 04103-053t0.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Page 4 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Sheet Steel: To meet specified requirements of ASTM A446. Grade'A', minimum. Minimum Core thickness: 0.030" (0.76 mm). Coating: Zinc coating designation of ZF75. B. Zinc Rich Paint: to CGSB 1-GP-1.181 Galvafroid by W. R. Meadows Ltd. Devoe 13034 by ICI (Glidden) Paints 2.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate roof deck to meet specified requirements of CSA S136 of depth (and profile if noted) and to support dead and live loads, as indicated on drawings. B. Reinforcement forOpenings: provide reinforcementforopenings in accordance with CSSBI 10M, Clause 8.7. C. Form deck units in lengths to span continuously over at least three supports wherever possible. D. Work shall include sheetsteel angles, curbs, cover plates: cell closures; fasteners; stiffeners; and accessories as required. E. Holes in Deck: Provide holes in deck as indicated on drawings and for required services. Ensure that information on size and location of holes is obtained before fabrication commences. 1. Separate framing will be supplied under work of Section 05120 for holes with dimensions across flutes greater than 18" (450 mm). 2. Do not reinforce openings of less than 6" (150 mm). 3. Reinforce openings of more than 6" (150 mm). 4. Reinforce openings from 12" (300 mm) to 18" (450 mm) across flutes with 2 Y" x 2 ''/z' x 1/4" (65 x 65 x 6 mm) structural steel angles. 5. Provide reinforcing across flutes at both ends of each opening, with members extending 18" (450 mm) at each side of opening. Weld angles to deck with 1" (25 mm) long tack welds on each side at 6" (150 mm) o.c. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify and approve alignment and levels of supporting members before laying roof deck. Do not proceed with erection until conditions are made satisfactory. 04103-05310.wpd f DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Page 5 1 3.02 ERECTION ' A. Erect roof deck by its fabricator or experienced contractor. B. Placing 1. Roof Deck Units Place units aligned end to end and to provide a minimum bearing on structural steel members of 1 3/4" (45 mm). Install necessary steel packing to level units. 2. Do not force units into place causing them to warp or deflect. 3. Lap ends of panels no less than 2" (50 mm). C. Fastening Roof Deck Units 1. Weld flutes to steel supports with 314" (19 mm) diameter arcwelds unless otherwise ' indicated on drawings. 2. Providewelds atend laps, and at intermediate supports, at maximum spacing of406 mm o.c. " 3. (25 Secure panels to each other by clinching side laps at 24" (600 mm) o.c., or by 1 mm) welds at 24" (600 mm) o.c., or by self-tapping screws at 24" (600 mm) o.c. D. Cutting and Fitting 1. Cut and fit deck and accessories around projections through roof. ' E. Reinforcement 1. Reinforce all elements at top and bottom by a continuous web of sheet metal the same gauge as deck where they are cut longitudinally 2" (50 mm) or more from a vertical web. 2. Reinforce holes cut in floor deck in the field as specified under Article 2.03, Fabrication. F. Cover Plates 1. Install sheet steel cover plates as may be required to support insulation and similar roofing components. ' 2. Secure cover plates by either sheet metal screws or welding. G. Closures ' 1. Install sheet metal closures in flutes where indicated on drawings and where required to close openings as at junction of walls and partitions with deck. 2. Secure closures by either sheet metal screws or welding. 3. Install formed sheet metal closures to trim openings in steel deck at roof access ' hatch and elsewhere to provide a neat opening. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection by Inspection and Testing Company to meet requirements specified under Source Quality Control of this Section, and to include: 1 1. Erection and fastening. 2. General inspection of coating touch-up. ' 04103-05310.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK 3.04 COATING TOUCH-UP AND REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE WORK A. After erection, wire brush, clean and paint welded areas, rush spots, and scratched or otherwise damaged areas ofzinccoating on deck and shop-applied prime paint on structural members. B. Apply iwo coats of zinc rich paint to zinc coated areas specified above. C. Apply one coat of prime paint to prime painted areas specified above. Ensure that touch-up paint is the same type as shop coat. D. Variations in excess of specified tolerances and failure of materials or workmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective Work performed by this Section. E. Replace defective Work, as directed by the Consultant. F. Replace bend, warped, dented, punctured or weld perforated deck where exposed to view. G. Pay for additional inspection and testing and related expenses if Work has proven to be deficient. End of Section 04103-05310.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 1 PART 1' GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Sheet Vapour Retarder Section 07160 F. Air Barrier Section 07195 G. Building Insulation Section 07200 H. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 I. Insulated Wall Panels Section 07430 J. Joint Sealers Section 07900 K. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 L. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls Section 08400 M. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. The National Building Code of Canada. B. The Ontario Building Code. C. CAN/CSA G164-M Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. D. CAN/CSA-S16.1-M Limit States Design of Steel Structures. E. CAN/CSA S136-M Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. F. CSA W47.1 Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. G. CSA W59 Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). H. CSA W178.1 Certification of Welding Inspection Organizations I. CSA W178.2 Certification of Welding Inspectors J. CBSB 1-GP-181M Standard for Coating, Zinc Rich, Organic Ready Mix. K. CSSBI Lightweight Steel Framing Manual SD-M. L. CSSBI 56-90 Guide Specification for Lightweight Steel Framing. M. ASTM A591 Standard Specification for Sheet Steel, Electrolytic Zinc Coated for Light CoatingWeight (Mass) Applications. N. ASTMA653/653MStandardSpecificationforSteelSheet,ZincCoated(Galvanized)orZinc- Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process. O. ASTM A792 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55%Aluminum Zinc Alloy Coated by the Hot Dip Process. P. ASTM C1177 Glass Mat Substrate for Use as Sheathing. Q. ANSI/AWSD7.3, Structural Welding Code-Sheet Steel. 1.04 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect all materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of other trades affected by this work. B. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. 04103-05410.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 2 1.04 PRODUCT HANDLING (Cont'd) C. Delivery of pre-fabricated material shall conform to height and width restrictions of the Ministry of Transportation and Regional Municipality requirements. Obtain all necessary permits. D. Store prefabricated trusses and lightweight steel framing members on site, flat. Protectfrom contact with ground. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit six (6) copies of shop drawings indicating layout and details of fabrication and erection. Indicate member sizes and gauges of materials, framing, method of fastenings, spacing of all members, bridging and bracing. Indicate design loads. C. Submit sequential erection drawings. Show temporary bracing. D. Lightweight steel framing systems shall be designed by, and each shop drawing shall bear the stamp of a registered Professional Engineer licenced to practice in the Province of Ontario. E. Submit six (6) copies of engineering design calculations or data verifying the capacity of the members and the ability of the assemblies to meet the design requirements. F. Detail welded connections using standards symbols forweldedjoints as published in current CISC Handbook of Steel Construction. G. Submit three (3) copies of field review reports specified in Section 3.07 within 3 working days of each inspection. Reports shall be submitted directly from the design Engineer to the Consultant. H. Submit mill test reports covering chemical and mechanical properties of steel, and coating designation. Inspection Reports: Inspection and Testing company shall: 1. Submit reports at least weekly when the work of this Section is in progress. 2. Distribute inspection reports as follows: 4 copies to the General Contractor. 1 copy to the Consultant. 2 copies to the Lightweight Steel Framing fabricator. 3. Sign report by inspector who pertorms inspection, describing progress of work, deficiencies observed and corrective action taken. 4. Include deficiency list of outstanding items from previous reports, and comment on status. 1.06 QUALIFICATIONS A. Subcontractor undertaking work of this Section shall have a minimum of 5 years experience in lightweight steel framing. aai oa-osai o.wPa DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING 1.06 QUALIFICATIONS (Cont'd) B. C. D. E. F. 3 Design of lightweight steel framing shall be by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario, experienced in lightweight steel framing design. Consultant will review lightweight steel framing to verify general conformance with overall design concept of the structure. Undertake welding only by fabricators certified by Canadian Welding Bureau under Division 1 or2.1. Use welders qualified for the base material types and thicknesses that are to be welded. Lightweight steel framing design engineer shall be insured against professional liability in accordance with section 74 subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with subsection (2) is not acceptable. 1.07 PROTECTION A. Provide and maintain adequate temporary bracing forallworkofthisSectionuntilpermanent lateral support is in place. B. Provide and maintain scaffolding independent of walls in such a manner as to interfere as little as possible with other trades. Construct scaffolding in a rigid, secure and safe manner in accordance with Ministry of Labour requirements, and CSA 5269.2-M. 1.08 DESIGN A. B. C. D. E. J. Design shall be based on Limit States Design Principles using factored loads and resistances. Loads and load factors shall be in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. Resistances and resistance factors shall be determined in accordance with the National Building Code and CAN3-5136. Maximum allowable deflection of metal studs under specified loads shall be U600. Design bridging as necessary to align members during erection, and to provide necessary structural integrity during construction and in the completed structure. Design bridging to prevent member rotation and translation perpendicular to the minor axis. Design lintels over all openings in accordance with the National Building Code. Design components or assemblies to accommodate specified erection tolerances. Member spacing shall not exceed the spacing indicated on the drawings. Allow for movement of the structure. Design wind bearing stud end connections to accommodate roof deflections such that the studs are not loaded axially. Connections between lightweight steel framing members shall be by bolts, welding or sheet metal screws. 0 41 03-0541 0.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 4 ' 1.08 DESIGN (Cont'd) ' K. Resistances for sheet metal screws shall be based on the manufacturer's lower bound test values multiplied by the appropriate resistance factor, m~, given in CAN3-S136. L. Design roof members and connections to resist the following minimum gross un-factored , uplifts, where widths of "s", "c" and "r" areas are defined in the Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada, Commentary B, Figure B-9. " " 1.49 kPa Edge strips s Corner areas "c' 1.49 kPa Other roof areas "r" 1.21 kPa ' Dead load of roof deck and lightweight steel roof framing construction may be deducted from these uplifts, after applying relevant load factors forwind load, and dead load resisting uplift. th t th , M. an e er Provide bridging at spacing to satisfy structural requirements, but not at grea following: at the lesser of 1500 mm or 1/4 of span, for joists and rafters. ' N. Neglect contribution of sheathing to restrain member rotation and translation perpendicular to the minor access except where sheathing is of sheet steel, steel deck or plywood. , O. Limit deflections under specified loads to the following: 1. Span/360forroofjoists,rafters, trusses supporting materials susceptibletocracking , under Live Load. 2. Span/240 for roof joists, rafters and trusses supporting materials susceptible to cracking under Dead + Live Load. 3. Span/240 for roof joists, rafters, trusses supporting materials not susceptible to ' cracking under Live Load. 4. Span/180 for roof joists, rafters, trusses supporting materials not susceptible to cracking under Dead + Live Load. ' P. Design bracing system to limit lateral deflections of building components under wind or seismic load to height/500. ' CZ. Use bolts, welding or sheet metal screws to make connections between lightweight framing members. ' R. Determine sheet metal screw capacities in accordance with CSA S136. S. Design diagonal bracing in the floor, roof and walls at locations shown on Drawings to resist the loads indicated on Drawings. ' T. Design top and bottom tracks to transfer joint and member loads, but not less than one gauge size thicker than the wall stud thickness. ' U. Design connections to masonry walls to stabilize the walls and resist lateral forces due to wind and earthquake. ' 04103-05410.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 5 1.09 WARRANTEE A. The Contractor represents that he has the special qualifications for doing the work and that the plans and specifications are, in his opinion, appropriate and adequate for the construction set out therein. B. Warrant the work of this Section against defects of workmanship and material, for a period of two (2) years from the date of Substantial Performance and agree to make good promptly any defects which occur or become apparent within the warranty period. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 METAL STUD FRAMING A. Steel shall conform to the requirements of CAN3-S136 and shall be identified as to ' specification, type, grade and mechanical properties. B. Steel shall meet the requirements of ASTM A653fA653M„ structural (physical) quality. Minimum grade, Grade'D', 50 ksi yield, galvanized 2180 coating. C. Lightweight steel framing shall be as manufactured by Bailey Metal Products Ltd., CSM (Canadian Steel Manufacturing), Nicholson Rollforming Inc., or Crona Steel Products. ' D. Thickness, exclusive of coating: not less than 1.52 mm (16 gauge). Use thicker material where required to satisfy structural requirements. Comply with thickness tolerance requirements of CSA S136. Material thicknesses shall be greater than or equal to the specified thicknesses with underruns not to exceed the tolerance requirements of S136. E. Welding Electrodes: to CSA W59, 480 mPa minimum tensile strength series. ' F. Provideallnecessarytracks,bridging,fasteners, hardware and otheraccessoriesasrequired for a complete installation. ' G. Zinc Rich Paint: CGSB 1-GP-181 M: Galvafroid by W.R. Meadows of Canada. 2.02 FASTENINGS A. Sheet Metal Screws: self tapping with a minimum coating thickness of 0.008 microns ofzinc or cadmium. Screws shall have low profile heads where covered by sheathing. ' B. SheathinpScrews:PanheadBuildexS-12climasealpolymercoated,corrosionresistantself- tapping sheet metal screws minimum 32mm long. C. Anchors: appropriate anchors sized to suit loads, substrate material, and edge distances, manufactured by Hilti Canada, installed as per manufacturer's recommendations. 2.03 GYPS UM SHEATHING A. To ASTMC177,GeorgiaPacificDENS-Glass Gold,12.7mmthick,1219mmwidex2438mm long, square edge with water repellant glass mat facings. B. Sealant: Dow Corning 795 or equivalent as approved by the Manufacturer. ' 04103-05410.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING 2.03 GYPSUM SHEATHING (Cont'd) C. Joint Treatment: 6" wide, 10 x 10 woven threads per inch, self adhering fibreglass joint tape and Borden HPPG Elmer's Siliconized Acrylic Latex Caulk. 2.04 ACCESSORIES LJ A. Deflections Tracks and Slide Clips: Manufacturer's standard telescoping or slotted tracks to suit design and load conditions. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Fabrication and erection shall conform to the approved shop drawings. Modifications required to accommodate as-built conditions (other than minor dimensional changes) shall be submitted for approval. 3.02 WELDING A. Companies engaged in welding shall be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau to CSA Standard W47.1. Companies shall havewelding procedures approved and welders qualified for the base material types and thicknesses that are to be welded. B. Welds shall conform to CSA W59. C. For metal less than 3mm (118")thick, shop drawings may shown nominal weld leg sizes. For such material, the effective throats of welds shall not be less than the thickness of the thinnest connected part. D. Touch-up welds with zinc rich paint. 3.03 SCREWS A. Steel screws shall equal or exceed the minimum diameter indicated on the shop drawings. B. Penetration beyond joined materials shall be not less than 3 exposed threads. 3.04 FABRICATION A. Where specified, provide cut-outs centred in the webs of members to accommodate services. Unreinforced cut-outs shall be limited to the dimensions in Table 1 of CSSBI56. The effect of cut-outs on the strength and stiffness of the member shall be considered. B. Use only un-perforated joists and rafters. C. Fabrication tolerances for members shall conform to Table 2 of CSSBI56. D. The steel thickness exclusive of coating shall be marked on each member by embossing, stamping with indelible ink or by colour coding. aaiaa-osaio.wpa 1 1 ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 7 3.05 ERECTION ' A. Methods of construction may be either by piece (stick-built) or by fabrication into panels (panelized) either on or off site. ' B. Lightweight steel framing shall be erected true and plumb within the specified tolerances. Temporary bracing shall be employed wherever necessarytowithstand all loads towhich the structure may be subject during erection and subsequent construction. Temporary bracing shall be left in place as long as required for the safety and integrity of the structure. The ' Erector shall ensure that during erection, a margin of safety consistent with the requirements of the National Building Code and CAN3-S136 exists in the uncompleted structure. ' C. Erection Tolerances: 1. For the purposes of this section, camber is defined as the deviation from straightness of a member or any portion of a member with respect to its major axis, ' and sweep is defined as the deviation from straightness of a member or any portion of a member with respect to its minor axis. ' 2. For axial load bearing studs, out of plumbness and out of straightness (camber and sweep) shall not exceed 1/1000th of the member length. 3. For wind bearing studs, out of plumbness shall not exceed 1/500th of the member length. 4. For track, camber shall not exceed 1/1000th of the member length. ' 5. Studs shall seat into top and bottom tracks. The gap between the end of the stud and the web of the track shall not exceed 1/11" (1.6mm) for axial load bearing studs or 3/16" (5 mm) for wind bearing studs. ' 6. Spacing of studs shall not be more than 3mm from the design spacing. The cumulative error in spacing shall not exceed the requirements of the finishing materials. ' D. Make all field measurements necessary to insure the proper fit of all members. E. Cutting of members may be by saw or shear. Torch cutting is not permitted. F. All axially loaded members shall be aligned vertically to allow for full transfer of the loads down to the foundation. Vertical alignment shall be maintained at floor/wall intersections. G. Completed bearing shall be maintained under tracks to provide for load transfer in axially loaded assemblies. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the attention of the Consultant. ' H. Holes that are field cut into lightweight steel framing members shall conform to the requirements of Section 3.04 and Table 1. ' I. Splicing of axial load bearing members is not permitted. J. Insulation shall be placed in all jamb and header assemblies that will be inaccessible after their installation into the wall. Insure that insulation is kept dry and not compressed. Use fibrous fill insulation as specified under section 07200. K. Handling and lifting of prefabricated panels shall not cause permanent distortion to any ' member or collateral material. ' 04103-05410.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 8 3.06 SHEATHING A. Install water resistant gypsum sheathing horizontally on all exterior walls. Stagger joints between adjacent sheets. B. Screw-attach gypsum sheathing to exterior of each stud with 32mm (1%') self-drilling corrosion resistant screws spaced 10mm (3/8")from ends and edges 200mm (8") o.c. Drive fasteners to bear tight against and flush with surface of sheathing. Do not countersink. Apply sealant around sheathing perimeter at interface with other materials and install flashing as indicated on the drawings. C. Apply fibreglass joint tape to all joints, overlapping at intersections by the width of the tape. Apply 10mm (318") bead of sealant along the joint and embed the sealant into the entire surface of the tape with a trowel. Apply enough sealant to each exposed fastener to cover completely when trowelled smooth. 3.07 INSPECTION A. The lightweight steel framing Design Engineer, responsible for the production of the shop drawings, shall provide periodic field review during construction and shall submit reports in accordance with Section 1.06. 1. The cost of this field review shall be paid for by the Contractor. B. Additional inspection and testing of materials and workmanship shall be carried out by a qualified Independent Inspection Agency appointed by the Consultant. 1. The cost of this additional inspection shall be paid for out of the Cash Allowances for Inspection and Testing. 2. Any testing or inspection required by the Consultant because of an error by the Contractor or due to departure from the contract documents bythe Contractor, shall be paid for by the Contractor. 3. Inspection shall include: a. Checking that mill test reports are properly correlated to materials. b. Sampling fabrication and erection procedures for general conformity to the requirements of the specification. c. Checkingthattheweldingconformstotherequirementsofthisspecification. d. Checking fabricated members against specifed member shapes. e. Visual inspection of all welded connections including sample checking of joint preparation and fit-up. f. Sample checking of screwed and bolted joints. g. Sample checking thattolerances are not exceeded during fit-up or erection. h. Additional inspection and testing of welded connections as required by CSA W59. i. General inspection of field cutting and alterations required by other trades. j. Submission of reports to the Consultant, the Project Manager, the Contractor and the authorities having jurisdiction covering the work inspected with details of deficiencies discovered. 4. The Contractor shall provide the necessary cooperation to insure that the inspection can proceed. 04103-05410.wpd 1 t 1 1 1 1 ll DIVISION 5 SECTION 05410 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Paqe 9 3.07 INSPECTION (Cont'd) 5. The inspection provided in this section does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the performance of the contract. The Contractor is solely responsible for quality control and he shall implement his own supervisory and quality control procedures. 6. Materials or workmanship not conforming to the requirements of the contract documents may be rejected at any time during the progress or work. 3.07 INSPECTION (Cont'd) Table 1 -Allowable Dimensions for Unreinforced Cut-outs Member Depth Across the Member Web Along the Member Length • Centre to Centre Spacing (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 92, 102 40 max. 105 max. 600 min. >152 65 max. 115 max. 600 min. * The distance from the centerline of the last unreinforced cut-out to the end of the member shall be not less than 400 mm. Table 2 -Fabrication Tolerances for Li ghtweight Steel Framing Members Member Type Member Flange Width Lip Length Thickness Inside Radius Corner Depth B C t r Angles - A (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Track, stud, joist or rafter -1, +2 -1, +2 '"' -0, +4 -0 * +3° * Only applicable to members subjected to web crippling. For rs2t +28% For 2t<rs4t +g% Where r is the manufacturer's specified inside bend radius and t is the thickness exclusive of coating. ** Where drywall is attached directly to the flange, the minimum flange width shall be 31 mm. Member Type Length Tracks N/A Wind Bearing Studs ±3 mm Axial Load Bearing Studs ±1.5 mm End of Section 04103-05410.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. ' 1 02 RELATED WORK . A. B. Concrete Section 03300 Masonry Reinforcement and Accessories Section 04080 C. Masonry Section 04200 D. Structural Steel Section 05100 E. Steel Joists Section 05210 F. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 G. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 07425 ' H. I. Joint Sealers Section 07900 Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtainwall Section 08400 J. Painting Section 09900 1 1.03 REFERENCES A. The Ontario Building Code. ' B. C. The National Building Code of Canada. CAN3-S136 Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. D. CAN3-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. E. CAN/CSA S16.1, Limit States Design for Steel Structures. F. CAN/CSA-G164, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. ' G. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). H. CAN/CGSB-1.40, Primer, Structural Steel, Oil Alkyd Type. I. CAN/CGSB-1.108, Bituminous Solvent Type Paint. ' J. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mixed, Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. K. CSS61 12M Standard for Composite Steel Deck. L. ASTM A53, Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless. ' M. ASTM A307, Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile. N. ASTM A385, Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot Dip) 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS A. Work of this Section shall be executed by a firm thoroughly conversantwith laws, bylaws and regulations which govern and capable of workmanship of best grade of modern shop and field practice known to recognized manufacturers specializing in this work. Use workmen skilled in work of this Section. B. Welding shall be pertormed by trades persons certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau under CSA Standard W47.1. C. Galvanizing: hot dip galvanizing of architecturally exposed steel shall be completed by a company recognized in high quality hot dip galvanizing of architectural metals. Submit proof of experience and references prior to fabrication. oai oa-assoa.wPa Il DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 2 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings 1. Submit Shop and Erection Drawings in accordance with Section 01330 to the Consultant for review before fabricating miscellaneous metal work. 2. Verify site dimensions before proceeding with shop fabrication and to suit field conditions and field openings. 3. Show and describe in detail all the work of this Section including large scale detail of members and materials, of connection and jointing details, and of anchorage devices, dimensions, gauges, thicknesses, description of materials, metal finishing, as well as all other pertinent data and information, including type, size and description of all fasteners and anchors. 4. Shop Drawings for all miscellaneous metal items shall be reviewed, stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer, registered in the Province of Ontario. 5. All work completed under this section shall be reviewed during construction by the Design Engineer who is responsible for the shop drawings and a field review report shall be submitted to the Consultant within 7 days. 6. Submit written procedures for galvanizing and samples of galvanized material, for all architecturally exposed steel specified to be left galvanized. 1.06 1.07 t DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING ns to indicate its th ti ti b ll t A. er sec o on y o a Label, tag or otherwise mark work supplied for insta function, location and shop drawing description. B. Protectwork from damage and deliverto a location at the site in orderto meetthe scheduling ' requirements. C. Protect architecturally exposed materials during fabrication, delivery, handling, storage and t erection to prevent marring of surfaces exposed to view, by marking, bending, denting or coarse grinding. PROTECTION ' A. Protectwork from damage and deliverto a location atthe site in orderto meet the scheduling requirements. B. Protect architecturally exposed materials during fabrication, delivery, handling, storage and erection to prevent marring of surtaces exposed to view, by marking, bending, denting or coarse grinding. , C. Leave protective covering in place until final cleaning of building. Provide instructions for removal of protective coverings. , D. Protect galvanized articles to prevent the formation of wet storage stain. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials specified herein. , B. Structural Steel Sections and Steel Plate: CAN3-G40.21, Grade 300W. 0410&OSSOO.wptl ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 3 2.01 MAT ERIALS (Cont'd) C. Hollow Steel Sections: CAN G40.20M and CAN G40.21 M, Grade 350W. D. Architectural and Miscellaneous Mild Steel: CAN3-G4D.21, Grade 300W. E. Machine Bolts and Nuts: to ASTM A307 low carbon steel externally and internally threaded standard fasteners. Dimensions, sizes, thread, strength, quality and type of items shall be designed for the work intended. Exposed fasteners and anchors shall be same material, colour and finish as the metal to which they are applied. F. Sheet Steel: (Structural Quality) ASTM-A570. ' G. Sheet Steel: (Commercial Quality) ASTM-A366, stretcher levelled or temper rolled. H. Galvanized Sheet Steel: Hot dipped galvanizing with minimum zinc coating of 600 g/sq. I. metre to CSA G164. Welding Materials: CSA W59. J. Metal Filler: Epoxy, Hysol epoxy adhesive kit. K. Steel Pipe: to ASTM A120 or ASTM A53, Schedule 40, Grade B. L. Sulphur: Commercial Grade for setting of steel posts. M. Gaskets: Noprene, minimum 6mm thick x 25mm wide. N. Non-shrink Grout: NS Grout by Euclid V-3 Grout by W.R. Meadows Masterflow 7.13 Grout by Master Builders Non Shrink Grout by CPD O. Aluminum: Extruded from 6063-TS alloy, free from defects which would impair strength, appearance or durability. Finish as indicated or specified. 2.02 FINISHES A. Pre-Paint Finish: For galvanized surfaces to be exposed and finish painted -ASTM 02092. B. Galvanizing:hotdippedgalvanizingtoCAN/CSA-G164,ASTMA123. Architecturallyexposed galvanized finishes shall conform to ASTM A385. C. Shop Coat Primer: to CAN/CGSB-1.40, colour to be grey. D. Zinc Rich Primer: zinc rich, organic, ready mix to CAN/CGSB-1.181: Galvafroid by W.R. Meadows Ltd Devoe 13034 by ICI (Glidden) Paints. 2.03 ISOLATION COATING A. Alkali resistant bituminous paint to CAN/CGSB 1.108. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. General 1 Fabricate to reviewed shop drawings and in general to details, sizes and materials indicated on drawings and specified herein. 2 Fabricate work square, true, straight and accurate to required size, withjoints closely fitted and properly secured. 3 Fabricate work complete with all components required for anchoring; bolting or welding to structural frame; standing free or resting in frames or sockets; in a safe and sure manner. 04103-05500.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 4 3.01 FABRICATION (Confd) 4 Where possible fit and shop assemble various sections of the work and deliver to site in largest practicable sections. Where shop fabricating is not possible make trial assembly in shop. .5 Grind and fill all welds after inspection and acceptance and leave ready for. prime painting. .6 Ensure exposed welds are continuous for length of each joint. File or grind exposed welds smooth and flush. 7 Fill all open joints, depressions, seams with metallic paste filler or by continuous brazing or welding and grind smooth to true sharp areas and profiles .8 Fit joints and intersecting members accurately. Make work in true planes with adequate fastenings. .9 Supply all fastenings, anchors, accessories required for fabrication and erection of work of this Section. Such items occurring on or in an exterior wall or slab shall be hot dip galvanized. Make thread dimensions such that nuts and bolts will fit without re-threading or chasing threads ,10 Make exposed metal fastenings and accessories of same material, texture, colour and finish as base metal on which they occur unless otherwise shown or specified. Keep exposed fastenings to an absolute minimum evenly spaced and neatly laid out. Make fastenings of permanent type unless otherwise indicated. B. Shop Painting 1 Cleaning Steel: (1) Clean steel, whether it is to be painted or not, to the degree required by CISC/CPMA 1-73a, except as specified below. (2) Clean steel which is specified to be painted to CISC/CPMA 2-75 in accordance with that Standard. (3) Clean steel which is specified to receive an organic zinc-filled epoxy primer, or zinc-rich paint, or inorganic zinc primer, in accordance with SSPC-SP 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. 2 Clean welds by wire brushing and wash down with clean water, to remove the chemical residues left by the electrodes, prior to painting. .3 The following surfaces shall not be painted: (1) Surfaces and edges to be field welded. If painted, remove paint for field welding for a distance of at least 50mm on all sides of the joint, to ensure proper fusion of the metal. (2) The contact surfaces of friction type connections assembled by high strength bolts. (3) Portions of steel members which are to be encased in or in contact with concrete. (4) Galvanized items. 4 All other ferrous metal work shall be given one prime paint coat type CGSB 1-GP-40M. Work paint into all corners and all joints. Metal parts in contact shall be primed before shop assembly. Priming damaged during erection or through lack of protection shall be cleaned and touched up. .5 Metals in contact with other dissimilar metals, concrete or masonry materials shall be insulated or separated from one another to prevent corrosion, staining or electrolysis by use of one coat of bituminous enamel paint. oa~oa-ossoa.wPd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 ' METAL FABRICATIONS Page 5 ' 3.01 FABRICATION (Cont'd) 6 Paint steel surfaces exterior to the building vapour barrier, and not specified to be galvanized, with two (2) coats of zinc rich paint applied to an average dry film ' thickness of 2.6 mils per coat and a minimum dry film thickness of 0.90 mils per coat. .7 Use primer unadulterated, as prepared by manufacturer. Paint on dry surfaces, free from rust, scale, grease. Do not paint when temperature is lower than 7°C. 3.02 GALVANIZING ' A. Steel members, fabrications, and assemblies shall be galvanized after fabrication by the hot dip process in accordance with CSA G164 or ASTM A123. B. Galvanizing of architecturally exposed steel shall be completed by a company recognized in the application of High Quality galvanized finishes and in accordance with ASTM A385. C. Bolts, nuts, washers, iron, and steel hardware components shall be galvanized in accordance ' with CSA G164 or ASTM A153. D. Coating Requirements: 1 Weight: the weight of the galvanized coating shall conform with Table 1 of CSA G164 or paragraph 6.1 of ASTM A123 and Table 1 of ASTM A153 (as appropriate). ' .2 Surtace Finish: The galvanized coating shall be continuous, adherent, as smooth and evenly distributed as possible and free from any defect that is detrimental to the stated end use of the coated article. The integrity of the coating shall be determined by visual inspection and coating thickness measurements. .3 Adhesion: the galvanized coating shall be sufficiently adherent to withstand normal handling. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Work shall be fabricated and erected square, plumb and true, straight, level and accurately fitted to size detailed on reviewed Shop Drawings. All joints shall be welded unless otherwise indicated. Exposed welds shall be ground smooth and/or flush. Exposed work shall be finished smooth and even, close joints and neat connections. Exposed welds shall be continuous for full length of joints. B. Where anchors or fastenings, sleeves, have to be built in by other trades, supply all necessary templates, instructions and supervision to ensure satisfactory installation. C. Do all drilling, cutting and fitting necessary to attach this work to adjoining work and make it complete. D. Provide all components required foranchoring. Make anchoring in concealed mannerwhere possible. Exposed anchors shall be approved by the consultant, shall be neat, and of the same material, colour, texture and finish of base metal on which they occur. Exposed fastenings shall be evenly spaced. oaioa-ossoo.wPd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 6 3.03 INSTALLATION (Cont'd) E. Securely anchor components in place. Unless otherwise indicated, anchor components as follows: 1 To hallow construction with toggle bolts. .2 To concrete and solid masonry with expansion type anchors. .3 To thin metal with screws or bolts. .4 To thick metal with bolts or by welding. 5 To wood with bolts or lag screws. 6 Fill space between railing members and sleeves with non shrink grout. F. Grind all field welds smooth to the satisfaction of the Consultant. G. Touch up prime paint and zinc rich primer where damaged by field erection. 3.04 SCHEDULE A. General 1 Supply and install all miscellaneous metal work indicated on Drawings and not included in the work of other Sections in addition to items listed below. Where items are required to be built into masonry, concrete or other work supply such items to respective Sections with all anchors, templates and accessories for building in. .2 All items shall be of sizes and as detailed on drawings. 3.05 VANITY SUPPORT BRACKETS A. Provide 5mm x 38mm steel bent plates to form brackets as indicated on drawings. B. Brackets are located at each end and spaced at maximum SOOmm centres. See plan drawings. C. Finish: Finish painting by Section 09900 -Painting. 3.06 ANGLE LINTELS A. Provide all loose steel angle lintels required to support openings and recesses in masonry walls, whether indicated on the drawings or not. Refer to Architectural and Mechanical drawings for locations of openings. Lintels shall be as scheduled on the Structural drawings. B. Steel angles: CAN3-G40.21, Grade 300W, sizes indicated for openings. Provide 150mm minimum bearing at ends unless otherwise indicated. C. Weld or bolt back-to-back angles to profiles as indicated. D. Finish: Shop coat primer. 3.07 DECORATIVE SKATE LINES A. Provide 38 x 13 x 3 mm curved aluminum channels and all required fasteners unless otherwise noted. Finish: clear anodized, polished. B. Provide neoprene gaskets between aluminum channels andmetalwallpanelsatallfastening points to prevent any electrolytic action and to seal the holes. 04103-05500.wptl 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 7 3.08 WINDOW FRAMING SUPPORTS ' A. Provide L75 x 75 x 6 mm angles at all window jambs, sills and heads or as detailed and/or required for fastening windows to wall system. 3.09 LADDERS A. Conform to Ministry of Labour and Ontario Building Code requirements where applicable. B. Unless otherwise detailed, construct ladders as follows: 1. Stringers shall be minimum 19 x 38 mm steel bar extending from 150 mm above floor or roof, to minimum 1220 mm above top rung. 2. Rungs shall be 19 mm solid steel bars, 400 mm long, spaced at 300 mm o.c. vertically and welded to stringers. 3. Attach stringers to walls with 10 mm x 38 mm steel bar yokes, U-shaped, spaced at maximum 1220 mm o.c. vertically. Locate centre line of rungs not less than 15D mm from face of walls. 4. Where indicated, provide horizontal and vertical returns or stringers. 5. Exterior roof ladders and interior ladders where indicated or required by height, shall ' have safety cages in accordance with Ministry of Labour requirements. 6. All exterior roof access ladders shall be galvanized. Apply pre-paint finish to ASTM 2092 where galvanized ladders are shown to be finish painted. 7. Surge tank access ladders shall be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication. ' 8. Elevator pit access ladder shall be prime painted. 9. Mechanical room access ladders and interior roof hatch access ladders shall be prime painted. ' ROO F GUTTER 3.10 A. Fabricate roof gutter of 16 gauge galvanized sheet metal. Build in slopes. All seams in roof ' gutters shall be continuously welded prior to galvanizing. B. Beak form to profile indicated, in maximum practical lengths. Cap ends. ' Coordinate with Division 15 nd sleeves for roof drain connections i P id C. . . e open ngs a rov ' D. Overlap joints to match direction of water flow. Seal all laps. E. Coordinate with Section 07610. End of Section 04103-05500.wpd DIVISION 6 SECTION 06100 ' ROUGH CARPENTRY Pagel PART 1 : GENERAL 1 01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS: . A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK: A. Construction Facilities Section D152D B. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 C . Formwork Section 03100 ' D E. . Metal Fabrications Section 05500 Finish Carpentry Section 06200 F. Cabinet Work Section 06410 G . Lightweight Steel Framing Section 07425 H . Elastomeric Sheet Roofing Section 07530 ' I. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 J. Washroom Accessories Section 10800 1.03 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Structural members shall conform to CSA 086.1,'Engineering Design in Wood' (Limit States ' Design). B. Sawn lumbershall be identified by the grade stamp of an association or independent grading agency certified by the Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board. ' d id ifi ti h ll b b d k i d ith li bl CSA St d d Pl C n accor an ent ca on s a e y gra e mar ance w app ca e ar s. ywoo . ' D . Pressure treated and fire retardant treated materials shall conform to CAN/CSA-080.1. E. All workmanship and installation shall conform to the requirements of the Ontario Building Code, Part 9. 1 0 P RODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE . 4 A. Materials shall not be delivered before they are required for proper conduct of the work. B. Protect materials, under cover, both in transit and on the site. C. Store materials to prevent deterioration orthe loss or impairment of their structural and other essential properties. Do not store materials in areas subject to high humidity and areas where masonry and concrete work are not completely dried out. D. Protect work from damage during storage, handling, installation and until the building is turned over to the Owner. Make good damage and loss without additional expense to the Owner. E. Store sheathing materials level and flat, in a dry location. Protect panel edges from moisture at all times. F. Deliver anchor bolts for setting into concrete foundation walls and masonry walls by others. oai oa-osi ao.wPa DIVISION 6 SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY Paget 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. When required by authorities having jurisdiction, submit sequential erection drawings indicating all necessary false work, temporary construction bracing and hoisting. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials specified herein. B. Timber Material shall be 'Grade Stamped'. C. Construction Lumber: To CAN/CSA 0141 Softwood Lumber graded to NLGA Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber, published by the National Lumber Grades Authority. All lumber shall bear grade stamps. Moisture content of softwood lumbernottoexceed19% at time of installation. 1. All wood curbs, copings, cants, and blocking on roof shall be No. 2 Pine or better pressure treated as herein specified. 2. Nailing strips, furring and strapping: No. 4 Common Pine. 3. Fitment framing: No. 1 Common Pine. p. Panel Materials: Type, grade and thickness as specified in accordance with the following standards: 1. Canadian Softwood Plywood: to CSA 0151-M, standard construction, good one or both sides as required, thickness as shown or specified. 2. Douglas Fir Plywood: To CSA 0121-M, standard construction, good one side, thickness as shown on the drawings. 3. Mat formed structural panel board (oriented strand board): To CAN3-0437.0. E. Rough Hardware: Nails, screws, anchors and special fastening devices required for the erection of rough carpentry shall be galvanized and conform to CSA Standards B111 and B34. F. Bolts: 13mm diameter, galvanized, complete with nuts and washers. G. Proprietary Fasteners: toggle bolts, expansion shields and lag bolts, screws and lead or inorganic fibre plugs, recommended for purpose by manufacturer. H. Galvanizing: To CAN/CSA-G164. I. Sealant: 'Mono' as manufactured by Tremco Manufacturing Ltd. or equivalent by Dow- Corning. ~. Wood Preservative to CAN/CSA-080-M: 1. Pressure treated: CCA - Wolmanized Koppers Company Inc. 2. Surface-Applied: Coloured Copper napthenate or 5% pentachlorophenol solution, water repellant. K. Adhesive: contractors gun grade wood adhesive, general purpose, to CSA 01120 Series. 04103-06100.wptl ' DIVISION 6 SECTION D6100 ROUGH CARPENTRY Page3 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) L. HiahDensitvPolvethvlene(HDPE1:13mmthickhighimpact,internallycoloured,highdensity polyethylene sheets. Colours as specified. 1. HDPE panels as specified by: A. Sports Systems Unlimited Corp. B. Crystalplex (division of Athletics Inc.) PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Workmanship 1. Comply with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code, Part 9. ' 2. Executework using skilled mechanics according to best practice, as specified herein and indicated on drawings. 3. Lay out work carefully and to accommodate work of other trades. Accurately cut and fit; erect in properposition truetodimensions; align, level, square, plumb, adequately brace, and secure permanently in place. Join work only over solid backing. B. Rough Hardware 1. Work shall include rough hardware such as nails, bolts, nuts, washers, screws, clips, hangers, connectors, strap iron, and operating hardware for temporary enclosures. 2. Fasten rough hardware; to hollow masonry units with adequate size toggle bolts; to solid masonry or concrete surfaces with expansion shields and lag screws. Where screws are required, use lead or inorganic fibre plugs. Wood or organic plugs are not permitted. Do not ramset fastenings into concrete floor or concrete block or structural steel sections. C. Roof Blocking Curbs and Cooinos 1. Provide and install framing, blocking, curbs and copings as indicated on the drawings. Anchor blocking securely in permanent manner as indicated on the drawings. 2. Provide 10mm Douglas Fir plywood copings on all built-up wood copings and curbs as detailed. D. Installation of Door Frames 1. Set frames plumb, square and level, maintaining door width and height. 2. Brace frames securely in position while being built-in. Install temporary wood spreader at mid height of frame until adjacent masonry work is complete. 3. Where indicated, fill door frames with insulation, E. Surface Aoolied Wood Preservative Treat surfaces of material with wood preservative before installation. Apply preservative after materials have been cut and fit to size. To cut end two coats of preservative shall be applied. 04?03-06?OO.wpd DIVISION 6 SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY Page 4 3.01 INSTALLATION (Cont'd) 2. Apply preservative by dipping, or by brush or spray to completely saturate and maintain wet film on surface for minimum 3 minute soak on lumber and one minute soak on plywood. 3. Retreat surtaces exposed by cutting, trimming, or boring with 2 coats of brush application of preservative before installation. 4. All wood in contact with masonry or concrete shall be dipped in a tank of preservative for two minutes after fabrication. Electrical Equipment Backboard: 1. Provide backboards for mounting electrical equipment as indicated. Use 19 mm thick fir face veneer fire retardant softwood plywood on 19mm x 38mm furring around perimeter and at max. of 305mm intermediate spacing. G. Blockin 1. Provide solid wood or plywood backing to support cabinetwork and grab bars, toilet partition and the like. Install blocking between metal studs. 2. Provide continuous plywood backing at window heads, concealed behind gypsum board, for support of blinds, as detailed. 3. Provide continuous plywood backing in partitions where indicated for the support of fitments and fixtures. H. High Density Polvethvlene (HDPE) 1. Provide and install decorative HDPE kick plate at exterior of building, fastened to concrete as detailed. 2. Provide and install decorative HDPE pucks at exterior of building, fastened to metal siding as detailed. End of Section 04103-06100.wpd ' DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 ' FINISH CARPENTRY Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.D2 RELATED WORK A. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 ' B. Cabinet Work Section 06410 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 ' E. Wood Doors Section 08210 F. Finish Hardware Section 08710 G. Painting Section 09900 H. Washroom Accessories Section 10800 ' I. Electrical Division 16 ' 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do millwork to Millwork Standards of Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers Association of Canada(AWMAC). All materials and workmanship shallbeAWMACPremiumGradeunless ' noted otherwise. B. Lumber and wood products shall be graded in accordance with the National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA) Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber. 1.04 SPECIAL PROTECTION A. Store finished carpentry items in clean, dry, ventilated area. During shipment and storage, materials shall have protective covering. B. Cover plastic laminate items with heavy Kraft paper and place in corrugated cardboard ' cartons with corners well padded to avoid damage. 1.05 SAMPLES A. Submit duplicate 305mm long samples of each type of solid wood or plywood to receive stain or natural finish, in accordance with Section D1330. ' 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide a written guarantee stating that "finished carpentry work shall be guaranteed for two (2) years following date of Substantial Completion against warpage, opening of joints, ' cracking, shrinking, and similar defects." 1.07 SHOP DRAWINGS 1 ti n 01330 ith S i h d i i d n accor ance w ec o . raw ngs A. Subm t s op B. Clearly indicate details of construction, profiles, jointing, fastening and other related details. ' 04103-06200.wptl DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Page 2 1.07 SHOP DRAWINGS (Cont'd) C. Indicate all materials, thicknesses, finishes and hardware. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Softwood Lumber: To CAN/CSA 0141 and National Lumber Grades Authority requirements, S4S, with maximum moisture content of 19% or less for interior work, Ponderosa Pine species, to AWMAC premium grade. B. Hardwood Lumber: To National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) requirements, moisture content of 6% maximum maple species AWMAC Premium Grade. C. Hardwood Veneered Particle Board: To CSA 0115, of thickness indicated, rotary cut face birch veneer; unless specified otherwise on the drawings; good two sides for work with two sides exposed to view; good one side for work with one side exposed to view. Use particle hoard core with Type I bond. Select veneer to provide random match. D. Douolas Fir Plywood (DFP1: To CSA 0121-M, good two sides, tight face select sheathing, high density overlaid. E. Canadian Softwood Plywood (CSP): to CSA 0151, standard construction. F. Poplar Plywood: To CSA 0153-M sanded grade construction grade overlaid grade. G. Mat-Formed Wood Particle Board: To CAN3-0188.1-M grade, sanded faces, of thickness indicated. H. Nails and Staples: To CSA 6111; plain finish, spiral thread nails. I. Hardwood and Decorative Plywood: To CSA 0115-M. J. Melamine Overlaid Panelboards: 1. Melamine overlay, heat and pressure laminated with phenolic resin to 13mm thick particleboard core. 2. Overlay bonded to both faces where exposed two sides, and when panel material requires surface on one side only, reverse side to be overlaid with a plain balancing sheet. 3. Furniture finish: solid colour selected by consultant. 4. Edge finishing: matching melamine and polyester overlay edge strip with self- adhesive. K. Rouoh Hardware: Bolts, lag screws, anchors, nails and expansion shields required to secure this portion of work. Rough hardware hot dip galvanized conforming to latest edition of CAN/CSA-G164. L. Wood Screws: to CSA B 35.4 plain, type and size to suit application. M. Adhesives: To CSA 0112-M; type as appropriate for the intended application. oa~oa-oszoo.wpa ' DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Page 3 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) ' N. Plastic Laminate: CSA CAN 3-A172, Nevamar, with armoured protection surface. Colours and textures will be selected by the Consultant. ' O. S to fines: wood or metal, to suit application. P. Aluminum Accents: solid aluminum, 6063-T54 alloy with mill finish. ' O. Sliding Glass Disolav Hardware: Sliding glass display hardware to be anti lift showcase track assembly by CR Laurence or other accepted manufacturer, consisting of: 1. S702A Security Lower Track 2. TA20 Roller 3. S710A Security "H" Bar 4. TA30 End Caps ' 5. FP88 Finger Pull 6. TA40 Interlocking Retainer Clips 7. TA10KA Key Locks 8. D613H Upper Channel 9. SDV732 Glazing Vinyl R. Reveal Channel Screen: by Fry Reglet Part # ECS-50-50. S. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE):25mm thick high impact, integrally coloured, high density polyethylene. Colours to be selected by consultant from manufacturer's full range. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. General: Field measure all dimensions. ' Fabricate all finish carpentry items to AWMAC premium grade, and in accordance with the reviewed shop drawings. ' Set nails and screws, apply stained plain wood filler to indentations, sand smooth and leave ready to receive finish. ' Provide 13mm thick solid matching wood strip on plywood and particle board edges 13mm or thicker, exposed in final assembly. ' B. Window Stools: Fabricate window sills as detailed. Stools shall be minimum 19mm thick DFP plywood with plastic laminate finish on all exposed faces and edges.. C. Electrical: Install power, data and communication at reception millwork as shown on detailed drawings. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Provide grounds as necessary for secure installation of cabinetwork. 64163-66266.wpd DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Page 4 3.02 INSTALLATION (Cont'd) B. All wood surfaces shall be sanded smooth, ready to receive finish. C. Scribe and cut as required, fit to abutting walls and surfaces, fit properly into recesses and to accommodate piping, columns, fixtures, outlets or other projecting, intersecting or penetrating objects. D. Form joints to conceal shrinkage. E. Set and secure materials and components in place, rigid plumb and square. F. Provide heavy duty fixture attachments for wall mounted cabinet work. G. Design and select fasteners to suit size and nature of components being joined. Use proprietary devices as recommended by manufacturer. H. Set finishing nails to receive Eller. Where screws are used to secure members, countersink screws in round, cleanly cut hole and plug with wood plug to match material being secured. I. Replace itemsoffinish carpentry with damage to wood surfaces including hammerand other bruises. J. Install in accordance with the AWMAC Quality Standards Manual, Part 6, Item 6 for premium grade. All fastenings shall be concealed. K. Install plastic laminate window stools with continuous woad levelling shims, after installation of windows and gypsum wallboard is complete. Screw levelling shims to metal stud framing with self-tapping sheet metal screws at 200mm c/c staggered. Bond window stools to levelling shims using exterior grade adhesive. L. Install HDPE panels into architectural concrete on exterior of building with recessed fasteners as detailed. 3.03 FINISH HARDWARE INSTALLATION A. Finish hardware will be supplied for installation under this Section B. Prepare doors and frames in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and templates. Install finish hardware complete in all respects, hang doors and make adjustments necessary. C. Doors shall swing freely. Where thresholds are to be used, door bottom shall be finished to suitthresholdsasrequired. Where indicated ondoorschedulesordrawingsunder-cutdoors. D. Install door signs, bumpers and coat hooks. 3.04 MISCELLANEOUS A. Install washroom accessories as specified in Section 10800. End of Section oar os-eszoo.wpa DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 ' CABINETWORK Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 B. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 C. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 D. H. Miscellaneous Specialties Plumbing Fixtures and Trim Section 10950 Division 15 I. Electrical outlets Division 16 1 1.03 DEFINITION A. "Exposed" when referred to in this Section, shall mean all parts which can be viewed and ' shall include interiors of cupboards, cabinets and countertops, backs of doors, shelving, gables, and drawers. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Reference Standards: unless otherwise specified, carry out finish carpentry work in accordance with requirements of "Millwork Standards" (latest issue) of Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers' Association of Canada (AWMAC), Custom Grade. ' 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit detailed shop drawings for cabinetwork showing proposed assembly, connections, anchorage, materials, dimensions, thickness, and finishes. B. Submit duplicate, 300 mm long samples of each type of solid wood and plywood used in exposed work, complete with specified finish, prior to fabrication of cabinetwork. C. Submit sample of each type of cabinet hardware component used. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY. HANDLING & STORAGE A. Protectagainstdamage,includingdamagebyexcessivechangesinmoisturecontent,during delivery and storage. Maintain minimum storage temperature of 16°C, and relative humidity of 25% to 55%. ' B. Cover plastic laminate faces at shop with heavy Kraft paper. C. Do not deliver finish carpentry components to site before all wet trades are completed, the building is closed in and humidity conditions on site are acceptable. Do not deliver during rain or damp weather. D. Store materials on site in such a way as to prevent deterioration or loss or impairment of ' essential properties. Prevent excessive moisture gain of materials. ' 04103-06410.wptl DIVISION 6 SECTION D6410 CABINETWORK Page 2 1.07 PROTECTION A. Provide coverings as necessary to protect finish carpentry components from damage of any kind during storage and after installation. 1.08 WARRANTY A. At no cost Owner, remedy any defects in work of this Section due to delamination and warping of plastic laminated finish carpentry components for a period of iwo (2) years from date of Substantial Performance. Provide Owner with a written warranty to this effect. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Solid Wood: 1 Unless otherwise indicated, provide AWMAC Premium Grade. 2 All wood materials shall be new, straight and clean, free of sap, knots, pitch, and other defects, except as permitted by applicable grading rules. 3 All wood shall be kiln dried to a maximum moisture content of 7%. 4 Softwood: to CSA 0141, dressed all sides used in concealed locations. B. Plywood: 1 Hardwood Plywood: to CSA 0115-M, Type I I Select Grade Maple, where transparent finish is required and Solid Grade where paint finish is required. 2 Soft Plywood: to CSA 0151-M Standard Grade, solid two sides. Use in concealed locations only, except as indicated. C. Hardboard: To CGSB 11-GP-3M, Type 2, 6 mm thick or as indicated. D. Plastic Laminated Components: 1 Plastic laminate facing sheet: CSA CAN3-A172-M, PF-S and GP-S; colours, gloss and texture will be selected by Consultant from full range of products by Formica, Arborite, Pionite, Nevamar or Wilsonart. 2 Backing sheet: BK Grade by manufacturer of facing sheet. 3 Core: CAN3-0188.1 M, Grade R. 4 Laminating adhesive: CAN3-0112 Series M. 5 Core sealer: clear water resistant synthetic resin sealer. E. Melamine Overlaid Panelboards: 1 Melamine overlay, heat and pressure laminated with phenolic resin to 12.7 mm thick particle board. 2 Overlay bonded to both faces where exposed two sides, and when panel material require surtace on one side only, reverse side to be overlaid with a plain balancing sheet. 3 Furniture finish: solid colour as selected by the consultant. 4 Edge Finishing: matching melamine and polyester overlay edge strip with self- adhesive. oa~oa-osa~o.wpd DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK Page 3 ' 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) F. Fasteners and Adhesive: .1 Nails and staples: CSA 6111, galvanized, spiral head nails. .2 Screws: To CSA B35.4 zinc, cadmium or chrome plated steel. .3 Adhesive: To CSA 0112-M, type as appropriate for the intended application waterproof. Contact bond not acceptable. G. Cabinet Hardware: Products listed are a standard of acceptance. Products by other manufacturers, of equal quality and similar appearance may also be accepted subject to review and approval by Consultant. .1 Hinges far 19 mm door Blum 91-650, 170° with self closing spring. .2 Door and drawer pull: GSH 3D2 x 100 mm CTC 7.5 mm o.d. brushed stainless steel. ' 3 Drawer slides: KV 1429 full extension for 45 kg load @ 500 mm. 4 Drawer locks: CCL 0738 pin tumbler MK & KA by room. .5 Cabinet locks: CCL 0737 pin tumbler MK & KA by room. .6 Elbow catch: Ives 2-A14 on inactive door of locked pair. 7 Pilaster & clips: KV 255, 256. 8 Heavy Duty Pilasters and Clips: KV85, 185. 9 Hardware finish: Chrome or nickel plated. 10 Casters: Full swivel type with brake option. H. Retail Hardware: Visplay Mono 25 holders as manufactured by Marlite, www.marlite.com (905) 343-6620. 2.02 FABRICATION A. General Requirements: .1 Exposed joints and edges: a. Uniformly space exposed joints unless otherwise indicated. b. No edge grain shall be visible; mitre external corners, house internal fasteners. Glue mitred corners. c. All exposed edges of plywood and particle board shall have solid wood edging, pressure glued. .2 Mechanical Fasteners: a. Inconspicuously locate mechanical fasteners. Wherever possible, conceal fastenings. b. Countersink nail heads. c. Where exposed to view, countersink screw and bolt heads andfillholeswith matching wood plugs. d. Cutting and fitting: make cutouts in work of this Section as required to accommodate work of other Sections. e. Make provisions in cabinetwork to accept built-in appliances, provided by ' others. .3 Plastic Laminate Components: a. Unless otherwise specified herein, comply with requirements of CAN3- A172-M Appendix'A'. b. Assembly: Bond plastic laminate to core with adhesive, under pressure. c. Core: unless otherwise indicated: 19 mm thick; countertops 28 mm thick. I 04103-06410 wptl DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK Page 4 2.02 FABRICATION (Cont'd) d. Balanced construction: plastic laminate covered components shall be of balanced construction, with plastic laminate on both faces of core. Seal core edges not covered with plastic laminate. e. Use largest practicable plastic laminate sheet size. f. Provide joints symmetrically; provide joints at corners and at changes in superficial areas; provide concealed draw bolt anchors and joints. All butt joints shall have a blind spine. g. Construct countertops posttormed or self edged as detailed on Drawings. h. Apply self-edged minimum 1.0 mm thick plastic laminate to exposed ends of countertops. i. Construct splashbacks minimum 100 mm high or higher where indicated. Do not return posttormed splashback at ends except where specifically called for. j. Openings and cutouts: i. Radius internal corners at least 3 mm and chamfer edges. ii. Where core edge is to remain exposed, coverwith plastic laminate edging. iii. Where core edge is to be concealed, seal with sealer. 4 Cabi network: a. Except where otherwise detailed, use flush overlaid construction. Tenon, dodo, dowel, or rabbet interior construction with all parts well glued. Shoulder mitre all exposed corners. Open ends or skeleton frames against walls are not permitted. Unless otherwise permitted by Consultant, use unitized construction system for all components. b. Unless otherwise indicated, construct all exterior components of cabinetwork, counters, cupboards, such as doors, drawer fronts, exposed end gables, from plastic laminate covered particle board; use melamine finished particle board for interior components, not visible when cabinet doors, cupboard doors, drawers, are in closed position. c. Provide cupboards with 6 mm thick plywood backs. d. Construct gables of plastic laminate faced particle board. Rout gables for pilaster strips where adjustable shelving is required. e. Construct shelving of 19 mm melamine faced veneer core particle board. f. Constructdoorsanddrawerfrontsof19mmplasticlaminatefacedplywood. g. Construct doors with 19 mm particle board sides and back, with sides tongued into front and back housed into sides. Construct bottom with 19 mm hardboard housed into front and sides. Top edge for sides and back may be exposed. h. Install cabinet hardware in accord with hardware manufacturer's directions. Unless otherwise indicated, provide each drawer and door with pull, each drawer with extension hardware and each door with minimum two hinges. Provide locks where indicated. i. Apply moisture repellent sealer to concealed backs of cabinetwork. 2.D3 FINISHES A. All exposed exterior surfaces: plastic laminate. B. All exposed interior surfaces: melamine. 04103-06410.wpd DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK 2.03 FINISHES (Cont'd) 5 C. Cabinet and case backs unexposed to view shall be given one coat of moisture repellent sealer. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install cabinetwork components plumb, true and level and securely fasten in place. Accurately scribe and closely fit components to irregularities of adjacent surfaces. B. Accurately fit joints in true plane, locate joints over bearing or supporting surfaces. C. Provide mechanical fastening devices such as Waits, screws and bolts required for fastening wood components. Unless permitted, provide concealed fastening of components. D. Install wall mounted cabinets with steel angle supports secured to wall with drilled, self- tapping screw anchors. E. Where permitted, nail with small headed finishing nails. Countersink nail heads with nail setter. F. Install plastic laminate components using concealed fastening devices. G. Where components are fastened with screws or bolts, countersink screw and bolt heads and provide wood plugs matching surrounding wood. H. Where cabinetwork abuts other building elements, provide wood trim matching cabinetwork except where otherwise detailed. Where access is required to valves and other mechanical and electrical components, located behind cabinetwork, provide removable plywood access panels of size required and secure with four brass screws. J. Check operation of all moveable parts and, if necessary, adjust to ensure proper and smooth function. K. Upon completion of installation, inspect work of this Section and touch-up, where required, minor or damaged surtace finish to restore it to original condition. Replace damaged components which, in the opinion of the Consultant, cannot be satisfactorily repaired. End of Section 04103-06410.wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07130 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING Page 1 PART1-GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Building Insulation Section 07200 B. Joint Sealers Section 07900 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D 461, Standard Test Methods for Felt. B. ASTM D 412, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Tension. C. ASTM D903, Standard Test Method for Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds D. ASTM D1970, Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection E. ASTM D 3767, Standard Practice for Rubber -Measurements of Dimensions F. ASTM E 96, Standard Test Methods for Water Vapour Transmission of Materials 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, installation instructions, use limitations and recommendations. Include certification of data indicating VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content of all components of waterproof ng system. C. Samples: Submit 300 mm square representative samples of the sheet membrane for approval. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Sheet membrane waterproofing system shall be manufactured and marketed by a firm with a minimum of 20 years experience in the production and sales ofself-adhesive sheet membrane waterproofing. Manufacturers proposed for use but not named in these specifications shall submit evidence of ability to meet all requirements specified, and include a list of projects of similar design and complexity completed within the past 5 years. B. Installer: A firm which has at least 3 years experience in work of the type required by this section. C. Materials: For each type of material required for the work of this section, provide primary materials which are the products of one manufacturer. D. Pre-Installation Conference: A pre-installation conference shall be held prior to commencement of field operations to establish procedures to maintain optimum working conditions and to coordinate this work with related and adjacent work. Agenda for meeting shall include review of special details and flashing. 04103-0713D.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07130 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING Page 2 1.06 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials and products in labelled packages. Store and handle in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions, recommendations and material safety data sheets. Protect from damage from sunlight, weather, excessive temperatures and construction operations. Remove damaged material from the site and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. 1. Do not double-stack pallets of membrane on the job site. Provide cover on top and all sides, allowing for adequate ventilation. 2. Protect mastic and adhesive from moisture and potential sources of ignition. 3. Protect surface conditioner from freezing. B. Sequence deliveries to avoid delays, but minimize on-site storage. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Perform work only when existing and forecasted weather conditions are within the limits established by the manufacturer of the materials and products used. B. Proceed with installation only when substrate construction and preparation work is complete and in condition to receive sheet membrane waterproofing. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Sheet Membrane Waterproofing: Provide written 5 year material warranty issued by the ' membrane manufacturer upon completion of the work. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ice and Water Shield Membrane: The membrane shall be scold-applied, self-adhering membrane composed of a high density, cross laminated polyehtylenefilm coated on one side with a layer of rubberized asphalt adhesive. An embossed, slip resistant surface is provided on the polyethylene. The Ice and Water Shield shall be as manufactured by Grace Construction Products or approved equal and shall conform to the following physical properties: Property Value Test Method Colour Gra -Black ' Thickness, Membrane 1.02 mm 40 mil ASTM D 3767 Method A Tensile Stren th, Membrane 1720 kN/m~ 250 si ASTM D 412 Die C Modified Elon anon, Membrane 250% ASTM D 412 Die C Modified Low Tem erature Flexibilit Unaffected -29°C -20°F ASTM D 1970 Adhesion to PI ood 525 N/m 3.0 Ib/in. width ASTM D 903 ~ Permeance Max 2.9 n /m's Pa 0.05 Perms ASTM E 96 Material Wei ht Installed Max 1.3 k /m° 0.3 Ib/ff' ASTM D 461 B. Sealants: as recommended by membrane manufacturer, and compatible with all materials. 04103-07130.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07130 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING Pa e 3 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine conditions of substrates and other conditions under which this work is to be performed and notify the contractor, in writing, of circumstances detrimental to the proper completion of the work. B. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATES A. Install the membrane directly on a clean, dry, continuous structural deck. Some suitable deck materials include plywood, wood composition, wood plank, metal, concrete, orgypsum sheathing. Remove dust, dirt, loose nails, and old roofing materials. Protrusions from the deck area must be removed. Decks shall have no voids, damaged, or unsupported areas. Repair deck areas before installing the membrane. B. Prime concrete and masonry surfaces with Bituthene Primer WP-3000 at a rate of 12-15 m~/L (500-600 ft'/gal). Priming is not required for other suitable surfaces provided that they are clean and dry. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to manufacturer's literature for recommendations on installation. B. Ice and Water Shield shall be installed directly on deck. Ensure all surfaces are clean and free of dust, dirt, loose nails, fasteners and old roofing materials. The deck shall have no voids,damagedorunsupportedareas. Repair decksurfacespriortomembraneinstallation. C. Delay application of membrane until surfaces are completely dry. D. Install membrane waterproofing in maximum practical sheet sizes and with minimum amount of joints or laps in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. E. Commence installation from the roof eaves and continue upward. Overlap horizontal joints 200 mm minimum. 3.D4 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Remove any masking materials after installation. Clean any stains on materials which would be exposed in the completed work. B. Protect completed membrane waterproofing from subsequent construction activities as recommended by manufacturer. 3.05 SCHEDULE A. Apply waterproofing membrane to entire roof surface above, below and adjacent to new skylights and at existing roof eaves where new roof connects to existing. Extend waterproof membrane up existing roof to a minimum of 915mm. 04103-07130.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07130 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING Page 4 3.05 SCHEDULE (Cont'd) B. Seal all penetrations through roof with sealant and install one additional layer of waterproofing membrane for a minimum of 230 mm along the length of any pipes passing through roof. End of Section D4103-07730.wpd t DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 BUILDING INSULATION Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1 01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS . A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Concrete Section 03300 C. Masonry Section 04200 D. E. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07160 F. Air Barrier Section 07195 G. Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals Section 07270 H. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 ' I. Insulated Wall Panels Section 07420 J. Lightweight Steel Fram ing Section 07425 K. Elastomeric Sheet Roofing Section 07530 ' L. Joint Sealers Section 07900 M. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section D8100 A. Aluminum Windows, Docrs and Curtainwall Section 08400 N. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 O. Mechanical Division 15 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A CAN/ . CGSB-51.20-M Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene Boards and Pipe Covering. B. CGSB 71-GP-24M Adhesive, Flexible; for Bonding to Cellular Polystyrene Insulation. C. CSAA101-M Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings. ' D. CAN 2-51.32 Sheathing, Membrane, Breather Type. E. CSA 8111 Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. F. CAN/CGSB 51.26M Thermal Insulation, Urethane and Isocyanurate, Faced. G. CAN/ULC-S702 Thermal Insulation Mineral Fibre for Buildings. H. ASTM E1677 Standard Specification for an Air Retarder Material or System for Low-Rise Framed Building Walls. I. ~ ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of ' Building Materials. J. D1621-00 Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties Of Rigid Cellular Plastics. K. ASTMD1623 Standard Test Method for Tensile And Tensile Adhesion Properties Of Rigid Cellular Plastics. L. ASTM E1677 Standard Specification for an Air Retarder (AR) Material or System for Low-Rise Framed Building Walls. M. ASTM C665 Mineral-Fibre Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing. 1.04 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver material to the site in the original unbroken packages bearing the name of manufacturer. D41 0 3-0 72 0 0.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 page 2 BUILDING INSULATION 1.04 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE (Cont'd) Store materials in an approved manner at the site preceding application and protect from damage at all times. C. Remove damaged or deteriorated material from the site. 1.05 SAMPLES q. Make submittals in accordance with the requirements of Section 01330. g. Submit minimum 200 x 200mm samples of each type of insulation specified. C. Submit one (1) can of spray foam insulation for review by Consultant. D. Submit MSDS for all products to the Owner's project manager, when requested. 1.06 MOCK-UP A. Coordinate with other Sections and construct mock-ups of each exterior wall type which incorporates building insulation. Mock-ups shall be minimum 1500 x 1500mm. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS q. Board Insulation: 1. Rigid Insulation above grade, in exterior wall assemblies shall be closed cell polyisocyanurate foam with tri-laminate foil facers, CANlULCS704 Type 2, Class C. Energy Shield supplied by Atlas. Insulation shall have minimum 75mm thickness or as detailed, 400 x 2438mm boards with butt edges. 2. Rigid insulation at perimeter foundation below grade shall be rigid extruded polystyrene to CAN/ULCS704, Type 4. Insulation shall have a minimum compressive strength of 210 KPa, R-value of not less than 511 inch and a moisture absorption rate of not more than 0.7% by volume. Styrofoam SM insulation as manufactured by DOW Chemical of Canada. Board size to be 600 x 1200 x 50mm thick with ship lapped edges. g. Primer for concrete and masonry surfaces recommended by the adhesive manufacturer for the materials to be adhered. C. Adhesive: As recommended by material manufacturer, compatible with insulation and substrate membrane, waterproof, conforming to CGSB 71-GP-24M. 1. Air-Bloc 21 by Monsey Bakor 2. Shur Stik 99 by The GH Company 3. PL Premium by LePage 04103-C7200.wpd r DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 ~ BUILDING INSULATION Page 3 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) ' D. Batt Insulation: Fibreglass friction fit Batts to CSA A101-M, Type 1 or mineral fibre to CAN/ULC-S702 Type 1 forwall application, width and thickness as shown on details: t 1. Owens Corning Fibreglass Batt Insulation, unlaced. 2. Roxul Batt Insulation. E. Loose Fill Insulation: Cellulose fibre to CBSB 51-GP.27M, fire resistant or fire retardant treated. F. Sheathing Tape: Pressure sensitive self-adhesive biaxially oriented polypropylene film, ' minimum 65 mm wide: 1. Y-8086 Contractors Sheathing Tape by 3M Canada Inc. 2. Scotch Brand No. 352 polyester. ' 3. MACtac WMP10. G. Vapour Retardant: refer to Section 07160. H. Building Paper: To CAN 2-51.32,15# asphalt impregnated paper. I. Rough Hardware: Nails and staples as required for installation of insulation and membrane materials, galvanized to CSA 8111 and 634. J MechanicalFastening:galvanizedscrewtypefastenerswith25mmgalvanizedplatewashers. . Screws shall be 13mm longer than the combined thickness of the insulation and sheathing. K. Sorav Foam Insulation: one component expanding polyurethane or polyisocyanurate foam, ULC approved and compatible with rigid insulating materials, with Class 1 fire rating to ASTM-E84 for window and door frame application: 1. Handi-Foam by Fomo Products Inc. 2. Pinkseal by Owens Corning. 3. Ultra Seal PF-100 Gun Foam by Nuco Inc. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 WORKMANSHIP A. Install insulation after building substrate materials are dry. elements and s aces ildin ti t b f th l t i i B. p . g on o u erma pro ec nu ty o Install insulation to maintain cont C . Fit insulation tightly around all structural angles, penetrations and other protrusions. D . Cut and trim insulation neatly to fit spaces. Buttjoints tightly; offset vertical joints. Use only insulation board materials free from chipped or broken edges. stem f the s ith th d l i t t ll b E . y w e mo u e o e cons s en . Sizes of materials sha F . Do not enclose or conceal insulation until it has been inspected by the Consultant. 04103-07200.wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 BUILDING INSULATION 3.02 4 PERIMETER INSULATION A. Do not proceed with installation until concrete surfaces are dry and cured, and damp proofing membranes have been inspected and approved. B. Install perimeter insulation vertically just prior to backfilling. C. Prime porous concrete surfaces. D. Apply adhesive in gobs or pads to the back of the insulation board in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Joints shall be left dry with joints brought into tight contact. Apply insulation to the wall with a slight sliding motion to ensure good contact. E. Protect insulation from damage until time for backfilling 3.03 SILL PLATE GASKETS A. Smooth top surface of foundation and masonry walls, to no greater variation than 6mm, and brush off all debris. B. Unroll sill plate gasket on top of wall. C. Butt all joints tightly. D. Pierce sill plate gasket at anchor bolt locations. 3.04 RIGID WALL INSULATION A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Install isocyanurate insulation at all above grade exterior wall assemblies including at metal clad walls. Ensure that all surfaces to which insulation board will be applied, are clean, smooth, free of grease, and that the surfaces are otherwise acceptable for insulation application. Ensure that air barrier membrane has been inspected and approved by the Consultant, and the Inspection and Testing Agency. Install rigid polyisocyanurate insulation boards to the substrate starting at base of wall, in horizontal, parallel courses with tightly butted joints. Stagger ends in adjacent courses. Install insulation using adhesive, in quantities as recommended by the manufacturer. Apply pressure to boards to ensure positive contact. Before adhesive dries, install insulation retainers, one perveneertie, at cavitywall insulation. Set retainers to rigidly hold insulation in full contact with substrate. Butter all joints except over movementjoints with 3mm film thickness of adhesive. At movementjoints in substrate, create a continuous butt joint in line with movement joint. Leave insulation board un-bonded over line of movementjoints. 1 oai oa-o~zao.wPd ', i DIVISION 7 SECTION D7200 `; ~ BUILDING INSULATION Page 5 3.05 GATT INSULATION ' A. Install insulation to maintain continuity ofthermal protection to building elements and spaces. B. Install friction fit batt insulation in walls, fit tight to framing. Ensure complete coverage and fill all voids in framing. Do not compress insulation. Fit insulation tight to all penetrations. C. Pack loose fibreglass insulation in crevices between exterior concrete and door and window frames and about lintels, frames, beams around ducts at holes and other places where ' shown or required to eliminate air infiltration. D. Pack loosefibreglassintovoidsaroundmechanicalandelectricalpipesandductswherethey pass through walls and slabs. E. Install friction fit insulation in spaces as shown on drawings, including all steel framed stud walls. F. Fill fabricated wood roof curbs with fibrous insulation as detailed 3.06 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION A. B. Completely fill all joints and penetrations in exterior walls, at door and window frames and where indicated, with expanding spray foam insulation, in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Fill all joints in rigid polyisocyanurate insulation and all rigid insulation above grade within exterior wall with expanding spray foam. End of Section 04103-07200.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION D726D SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Concrete Section 03300 C. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 05410 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06200 E. Building Insulation Section 07210 F. Air Barriers Section 07270 G. Joint Sealers Section 07900 H. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCES A. CAN/CGSB-51.34 B. ASTM E96 C. ASTM E154 D. ASTM E1643 E. ASTM E1745 F. ACI 302.1 R 1.04 JOB MOCK-UP Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet, for Use in Building Construction. Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover. Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. Standard Specification for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. A. Construct mock-up of sheet vapour barrier installation including one lap joint, one inside corner and at one electrical box. Mock-up may be part of finished work. B. Allow 24 hoursforinspectionofmock-up by Consultant before proceeding withvapourbarrier work. ~'' I'1 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET VAPOUR BARRIER AND ACCESSORIES FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS A. Polyethylene film: to CANlCGSB-51.34, 0.15 mm thick. B. Joint sealing tape: air resistant pressure sensitive adhesive tape, type recommended by vapour barrier manufacturer, 50 mm wide for all lap joints and perimeter seals. C. Mastic: as recommended by membrane manufacturer and compatible with substrate. D. Sealants and Adhesives: as specified in Section 07900, compatible with vapour barrier and substrate. 04103-07260.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07260 SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 2 2.01 SHEET VAPOUR BARRIER AND ACCESSORIES FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS (Cont'd) E. Moulded box vapour barrier:factory-moulded polyethylene box forusewithrecessedelectric switch and outlet device boxes. 2.02 SHEET VAPOUR BARRIER AND ACCESSORIES FOR BELOW CONCRETE SLABS ON GRADE A. Vapour Retarder: Sealtight Vapor-Mat, 10 Mil as manufactured by W.R. Meadows. B. Vapour Retarder membrane below slabs on grade must meet or exceed all requirements of ASTM E 1745 Classes A, B, & C. 1. Minimum Permeance Resistance to Organisms 2. and Substrates in Contact with Soil, 3. Tensile Strength 4. Puncture Resistance 5. Water Vapor Retarder 6. Thickness of Retarder (plastic) ASTM E 96 ASTM E 154, Section 13 ASTM E 154, Section 9 ASTM D 1709, Method B ASTM E 1745 ACI 302.1 R-96 0.034 Perms 0.051 Perms 52 LBS. Force/Inch 3,770 Grams Meets or exceeds Class A, B & C Not less than 10 mils C. Seam Tape: High Density Polyethylene Tape with pressure sensitive adhesive. Minimum width 100 mm. D. Pipe Boots: Construct pipe boots from vapor barrier material and pressure sensitive tape per manufacturer's instructions. 2.03 SLIP SHEET BELOW RINK SLABS A. Polyethylene Film: as specified and supplied under Section 13176. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS A. Ensure services are installed and inspected prior to installation of vapour retarder. B. Use sheets of largest practical size to minimize joints. Install horizontally on wall surfaces. C. Adhere membrane to metal studs with continuous ribbons of mastic. D. Tape all joints. E. Seal perimeter of sheet vapour barrier as follows: 1. Apply continuous bead of sealant to substrate at perimeter of sheets. 2. Lap sheet over sealant and press into sealant bead. 04103-07260.wpd 1 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07260 SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 3 3.01 INSTALLATION FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS (Cont'd) 3. Ensure that no gaps exist in sealant bead. Smooth out folds and ripples occurring in sheet over sealant. Seal lap joints of sheet vapour barrier as follows: 1. Attach first sheet to substrate using sealant/adhesive. 2. Apply continuous bead of sealant over solid backing at joint. 3. Lap adjoining sheet minimum 150 mm and press into sealant bead. 4. Ensure that no gaps exist in sealant bead. Smooth out folds and ripples occurring in sheet over sealant. G. Seal electrical switch and outlet device boxes that penetrate vapour barrier as follows: 1. Install moulded box vapour barrier. 2. Apply sealant to seal edges of flange to main vapour barrier and seal wiring penetrations through box cover. H. Inspect for continuity. Repair punctures and tears with sealing tape before work is concealed. I. Refer to building elements schedule on the drawings and details for locations of vapour retarders. 3.02 VAPOUR RETARDER BELOW SLABS A. Install vapour retarder below floor slab immediately prior to concrete placement and in accordance with ASTM E1643. B. Do not place vapour retardant until immediately prior to installation of slab reinforcing. C. Prepare surfaces in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. D. Unroll vapour retarder with the longest dimension parallel with the direction of the pour. E. Lap vapour retarder over footings and seal to foundation walls. F. Overlap joints 150 mm and seal with manufacturer's tape. G. Seal all penetrations (including pipes) with manufacturer's pipe boot. H. No penetration of the vapour retarder is allowed except for reinforcing steel and permanent utilities. I. Repair damaged areas by cutting patches ofvapcur retarder, overlapping damaged area 150 mm and taping all four sides with tape. J. Restrict traffic over vapour retarder. K. Prior to placing concrete inspect vapour retarder and repair all tears and punctures. L. Install vapour retarder below all concrete slabs on grade which are to receive an applied or adhered finish including sealed concrete, VCT, carpet, and ceramic tiles. 04103-07260.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07260 SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 4 3.03 RINK SLABS A. Polyethylene slip sheet vapour retardant below ice rink slabs as specified under Section 13176. 3.06 INSPECTION A. Arrange for inspection of vapour retarders immediately prior to installation of finish systems, by local building department and Consultant. B. Make all required repairs identified during inspection. End of Section 041D3-07260.wpd 1 1 1 t t DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 AIR BARRIER Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry B. Structural Steel C. Steel Roof Deck D. Lightweight Steel Framing E. Rough Carpentry F. Building Insulation G. Sheet Vapour Retarders H. Metal Wall Cladding I. Insulated Wall Panels J. Elastomeric Sheet Roofing K. Joint Sealers L. Hollow Metal Doors & Frames M. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls N. Gypsum Wallboard Section 04200 Section 05120 Section 05310 Section 05410 Section 06100 Section 07200 Section 07260 Section 07410 Section 07420 Section 07530 Section 07900 Section 08100 Section 08120 Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS ' A. The latest issues of the following codes and standards shall govern the work of this Section: 1. The Ontario Building Code 2. CAN2 51.33.M 3. ASTM 0-624 Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers. 4. CGSB 57GP52M ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to commencing the Work, submit independent documentation certifying that the air ' barrier membranes have been tested independently, indicating air leakage at rates recommended by the NRC and the National Building Code. B. Prior to commencing the Work, submit copies of manufacturers current certification to ISO ' 9002-1994 Model. Membrane, primers, sealants and adhesives shall be included. C. Prior to commencing the Work, submit references clearly indicating that the materials ' proposed have been installed for not less than ten years on projects of similar scope and nature. Submit references for a minimum of twenty-five projects. D. Prior to commencing the Work, submit manufacturers complete set of standard details for ' air barriers. E. Submit MSDS data sheets for all products and materials prior to delivery to the site ' 1.05 SAMPLES A. Submit three copies of manufacturers product data and installation instructions. ' 04103-07270.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 AIR BARRIER Page 2 1.05 SAMPLES (Cont'd) B. Submit two 305mm square samples of each membrane type used. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: submit in writing, a document stating that the applicator of the primary air barrier membranes specified in this section is recognized by the manufacturer as suitable for the execution of the Work. B. Workmanship Standards: 1. Prepare and apply materials in accordance with membrane material manufacturer's requirements, and this specification. 2. Keep copy of manufacturer's specifications and instructions on site for duration of work. C. Ensure that membrane manufacturer's field representative is present at site to observe installation of air barrier system and that he, upon completion ofwork, confirms in writing that work is installed as specified. D. Components used in this section shall be sourced from one manufacturer, including sheet membrane, air barrier sealants, primers, mastics, and adhesives. 1.07 MOCK-UP A. Construct, where directed, typical exteriorwall panels on gypsum sheathed wall, each 1500 x 1500mm incorporating substrate, window frame, insulation and showing typical air barrier membrane installation details. B. Allow 24 hours for inspection of mock-up by Consultant before proceeding with air barrier work. Mock-up may remain as part of the Work. 1.08 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Convene a pre construction conference one (1) week before commencing work of this Section. Arrange for all affected parties to be in attendance, including but not limited to: 1. Installer 2. Manufacturer's representative 3. General Contractor 4. Sub-contractors pertorming work affected by this trade 5. Independent Inspection & Testing Agency 6. Consultant 7. Owner 1.09 COORDINATION A. Ensure continuity of the air seal throughout the scope of this Section. 04103-07270.wpd I~ 1 u 1 ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 0727D AIR BARRIER Page 3 ' 1.10 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver material to the site in the original unbroken packages bearing the name of ' manufacturer and product. B. Store materials in an approved manner at the site preceding application and protect from damage at all times. C. Store adhesives and primers at temperatures of 5°C and above to facilitate handling. D. Keep solvent away from open flame or excessive heat. E. Protect rolls from direct sunlight until ready for use. ' 1.11 JOB CONDITIONS A. Apply membrane only when air temperature is within limits specified by material manufacturer. B. Protect surrounding building surfaces from damage. C. During cold weather, store materials at minimum 5°C until immediately prior to application. 1.12 WARRANTY t A. At no cost to Owner, remedy any defects in work, including work of this and other Sections, due to faults in materials or workmanship provided under this Section of Specifications appearing within a period of two (2) years from date of substantial pertormance of entire work ' of the contract as certified by the Consultant. Provide Owner with a written warranty to this effect. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials specified. B. Air/vapour barrier membrane shall be an SBS modified bitumen self adhering type, integrally laminated to across-laminated polyethylene film having the following physical properties: 1. Thickness: 1 mm (40 mils) min. 2. Air Leakage: <0.01 L/s• m~ @ 75 Pa ' 3. Vapour permeance: 2.8 ng/Pa.m'.s 4. Low temperature flexibility: Pass @ -30°C to CGSB 37-GP-56M 5. Elongation: 200% min. to ASTM D412 oaioa-m27o.wpd Acceptable Products: Blueskin SA by Monsey-Bakor Inc. Perm-A-Barrier by W.R. Grace & Co. Air Shield by W.R. Meadows DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 AIR BARRIER Page 4 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) C. AirNapour Barrier Membrane Primer: ~~ Sheet membrane primer: synthetic rubber based adhesive type, quick setting having the following physical properties: , 1. Colour: Blue 2. Weight: 0.8 kg/l t 3. Solids by Weight: 35% 4. Drying time (initial set): 30 minutes Acceptable material: Blueskin primer as manufactured by Monsey-Bakor Inc. or equivalent ' by W.R. Grace ~ Co. or W.R. Meadows. D. Through Wall Flashing: , Through wall flashing membrane shall be aself-adhered membrane consisting of an SBS rubberized asphaltcompoundwhichisintegrallylaminatedtoacross-laminatedpolyethylene film having the following physical properties: ' 1. Thickness: 1.Omm (40 mils) min. 2. Water Vapour Permeance: 2.8 ng/Pa.s.m~ (0.05 perms) ' 3. Low Temperature Flexiblity at -30°C: Pass 4. Elongation: 200% minimum Acceptable Material: Blueskin TWF as manufactured by Bakor Inc. or equivalent by W.R. ' Grace and Co., or W.R. Meadows. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 A. Examine all surfaces to ensure conformance to the manufacturer's recommended surface conditions. B. Do not proceed with air barrier application until all substrate defects are repaired in accordance with the directions in 3.02 "Preparation". 3.02 PREPARATION A. B. C. 04103-07270.wpd All surfaces which are to receive flexible air barrier must be smooth, clean, dry, frost-free and in sound condition. All moisture, frost, grease, oils, loose mortar, dust, or other foreign materials which may impede the adhesion of the air barrier must be removed. Concrete must be cured 28 days and dry before air barrier membrane is applied. Remove any and all sharp protrusions and repair any defects such as spalled or loose aggregate areas. New mortar must be cured 14 days and must be dry before air barrier membrane is applied. 1 i ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 AIR BARRIER Page 5 ' 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Prime surfaces and apply membrane in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed directions. t b ki d B. ay mus e ng Primed surfaces not covered by air barrier membrane during the same wor reprimed. ' C. Apply membrane by heating the surface in contact with the substrate with atrigger-activated propane torch, type as recommended by the manufacturer. ' D. Cut sheet membrane into manageable sizes, position membrane for alignment prior to removing protective film. E. Install membrane horizontally, in a shingle fashion starting at lowest point. Position membrane and remove protective film and press firmly into place. Ensure minimum 50 mm overlap at all end and side laps. Promptly roll the membrane surface and all laps with a counter top roller to ensure proper surface bond and effect the seal. F. Tie-in to window frames, door frames, roofing system and at the intertace of dissimilar materials as indicated on drawings. Seal with air barrier tape. Refer to manufacturer's standard details. i d i i id G. e w n ow open ngs: ns At window openings, apply membrane around perimeter and return Seal with tape. H. At door openings, apply membrane to create positive seal between wall substrate and hollow metal door frame. Seal with tape. I. Ensure alt projections including wall ties, are properly sealedwithatrowelorcaulkapplication of specified sealant. J. At the base of all wall install through wall flashing membrane in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed directions. Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or in the specification, all through wall flashing shall be 450mm wide. K. Lap the air/vapour barrier a minimum of 150mm overall through wall flashing. 3.D4 INSPECTION AND REPAIR ' A. Inspect membrane thoroughly before covering and make any corrections to punctures, tears, voids and other obvious defects which would impede the membrane from pertorming as intended. leted air barrier to only ment movement near the com nd e ui ti t ff i t B. p q p on ra ic a ct cons ruc Restr essentially related trades. For any other trades continuing to work near the completed air barrier, appropriate protection shall be provided. C. Notify consultant when sections of work are complete so as to allow for review prior to installation of insulation. ' ti d f S on En o ec 04103-07270.wptl r DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 METAL WALL CLADDING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.03 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05100 C. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 D. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 05410 E. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 F. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 G. Air Barrier Section 07195 H. Building Insulation Section 07200 I. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07260 J. Air Barrier Section 07270 K. Insulated Wall Panels Section 07420 L. Elastomeric Sheet Roofing Section 07530 M. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 N. Joint Sealers Section 07900 O. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 P. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls Section 08400 Q. Painting Section 09900 1.04 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. The latest issues of the following Codes and Standards shall govern the work ofthis Section. 1. The Ontario Building Code. 2. The National Building Code of Canada. 3. CSA S136 Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. 4. CSSBI -Standard Practice for Sheet Steel Cladding. 5. CSSBI 20M-91 Sheet Steel Cladding for Architectural and Industrial Applications. 6. CSSBI B14-93 Steel Roofing and Siding Installation Guide. 7. CSSBI B15-93 Snow, Wind and Earthquake Load Design Criteria for Steel Building Systems. 8. CSSBI 616-94 Prefinished Sheet Steel for Building Construction. 9. ASTM A653/653M Standard Specification forSteel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process. 10. ASTM A 792 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy- Coated by the Hot Dip Process. 11. ASTM 02244, Standard Practise for Calculation of Colour Tolerances and Colour Differences from Instrumentally Measured Colour Coordinates. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Shop Drawings in accordance with Section 01330. B. Show profile, size, lap dimensions and details, connections, attachments, anchorage, caulking, closures and expansion joint detail. Include necessary plans, elevations and details. 04103-07410.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 METAL WALL CLADDING Page 2 1.05 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) C. Submit for approval duplicate samples in the selected colour(s) and profiles. D. Submit duplicate colour samples of exposed fasteners for selection by the Consultant. E. Shop drawings shall be stamped and signed by a registered Professional Engineer. F. All work performed under this section is to be reviewed during construction by the same engineer who reviewed and stamped the shop drawings for conformance. G. Submit WHMIS Material Safety Data Sheets for all products intended to be used on this project, including adhesives and sealants. H. Submit maintenance and cleaning instructions for metal cladding for inclusion in the Maintenance Manuals specified under Section 01780. 1.06 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Metal wall cladding shall be handled and stored on thejob in such a manner that no damage shall be done to the material or the structures. B. Materials showing evidence of improper handling and storage shall be rejected and removed from the site at no additional expense to the Owner. 1.07 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. The erector shall be responsible for the examination and acceptance of surfaces and the conditions affecting the proper installation of his materials and shall not proceed until all satisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. All dimensions must be verified in the field prior to submittal of shop drawings. 1.08 MOCK-UP A. Fabricate mock-up of metal wall cladding and metal soffit assemblies far reviewand approval by the consultant. B. Mock-up shall be minimum 1500 x 1500 mm of each type of assembly and shall include methods of fastening, trim, seals and subframing. C. Mock-up, when approved, may remain as part of final construction, and shall form the acceptable standard for work of this section. 1.09 GUARANTEE A. Submit manufacturer's warrantee that pre finished materials will not lose film integrity for 25 years and will not chalk or fade for 20 years following date of substantial performance. 04103-07410.wpd ~' ', , DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07410 METAL WALL CLADDING Fage 3 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS ' A. Use materials as specified herein. Liner and exterior panel shall be farmed from structural quality steel sheet, ASTM Spec. A6531A653M Grade'A' with a minimum yield stress of 230 MPA, and a working stress of 144 MPA, to CSA 136. ' B. Exposed side of materials shall be colour coated with manufacturer's standard finish system equivalent to VicWest Colourite HMP with 100% ceramic colour pigmentation, minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 t 0.2 mils (ASTM D1005). Colour to be selected by Consultant from full range of manufacturers extended inventory of colours (up to 3 colours will be selected). C. Products supplied by VicWest form the basis of this specification. Equivalent products as manufactured by the following are acceptable, subject to approval of material and finishes, by the Consultant: 1. Canadian Metal Rolling Mills 2. Peerless. 3. Cemal. 4. Agway Metals Inc. All material shall be from one source of supply. ' D. Metal cladding: 1. Exterior Panel: Vicwest AD300R Vicwest Steel Panel C.N.T. 0.76 mm Zinc Coating Designation of 2275 ' 2. Corrugated Panels (Roof Screens): Vicwest Steel Panel 2-213" x 7/8" corrugated C.N.T. 0.76 mm Zinc Coating Designation of 2275 3. Z Bars and Framing Channels: ' Zinc coated 2275 steel 1.22 mm thick, galvanized to ASTM A653/A653M, Grade 230. Depth to suit. 4. Flashings and Trim: Flat Sheet to match adjacent wall panels. C.N.T. 0.76 mm. ' Zinc coating designation of 2275, pre painted on exposed sides to match siding. E. Flashing, trims and closers shall be fabricated from the same material, thickness and finish as the interfacing exterior panel and shall be custom fabricated to suit each application. Exposed edges shall be hemmed. Up to 3 colours will be selected. F. Fasteners: Exterior panel fastened with exposed self-tapping "confas" or Tapcon screws, ' prefinished nylon hat "Colourmate. Colour to be selected by the Consultant. Interiorframing and sub-girts .fastened with type "AB" hex head cadmium plated high carbon steel, self-tapping sheet metal screws. ' 04103-0741 D.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 METAL WALL CLADDING Page 4 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) G. Caulking: Concealed caulking shall be butyl rubber, curtain wall sealant factory applied to liner sheet female lips, and for panel bedding on supports and around perimeter. Exposed caulking to be single component polysulphide, colour matched to siding. H. Closures: Unifoam PVC closures to profile of siding. I. Adhesive: waterproof type, as recommended by cladding supplier for adhering flat soffit panels to plywood. J. Isolation Coating: Alkali resistant bituminous paint to CAN/CGSB-1.108. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Design metal siding and fasteners for a positive wind load of 1.0 KPa and a negative wind load of 0.60 KPa and a maximum deflection of 1/180 of the span at maximum load. B. Fabricate all metal flashing, starter strips, closures, and trim as required for complete installation of wall cladding. Hem all exposed edges minimum 13mm for appearance and stiffiess. Mitre and seal corners with sealant. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Examination 1. Examine building frame, take feld measurements and examine other work which may affect this work. 2. Notify Consultant of any conditions which would prevent proper installation of this work. 3. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. B. Erection shall be carried out by the manufacturer's trained erection crews or their approved erector, in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Install all (lashings and seal to provide aweather-tight structure. C. It will be the responsibility of the metal wall cladding erector to check the accuracy and alignment of the building structure. If not within tolerances set forth in the CISC Standard Code of Practice, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Consultant before proceeding with erection of the metal wall cladding. D. Endlaps shall be minimum 100mm formed over supports. E. Fasteners or method of attachment shall withstand all loads of wind or of suction as may be imposed on the metal wall cladding. Exposed fasteners shall have pre-coated or nylon coated heads. F. Before removing scaffolding from walls, clean off any marks on exposed surtaces. Remove debris and leave work ready for other trades. oaio3-o~aio.wPd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 ' METAL WALL CLADDING Page 5 3.02 INSTALLATION (Confd) t G. There shall be no apparentdifferencebetweenfacesheetsofsamecolourwhenviewedfrom a minimum distance of 15 metres. Remove and replace off-colour sheets as directed by the Consultant. H. Installation of Sidino 1. Install sub-framing, furring, trim, (lashings, and siding in accordance with ' manufacturer's printed instructicns and reviewed shop drawings. 2. Coordinate installation of siding and subframing with insulation and air barrier installations specified under other Sections. Install siding immediately after inspection and approval of insulation to minimize exposure to elements. 3. Bed all flashings, closures and corner pieces in sealant to provide a weather tight installation. 4. Caulk all openings, joints and around perimeter to provide a weather tight installation. Caulk at sides and top of metal siding where adjoining dissimilar materials. ' J. Soffits shall be fabricated of standing seam profile metal stock, as detailed. 3.03 TOUCH-UP ' A. Touch-up marred siding, soffit or panel surfaces to match finish, or replace as necessary, to the satisfaction of the Consultant. End of Section 04103-07410.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07420 INSULATED WALL PANELS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05100 C. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 05410 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Air Barrier Section 07270 F. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 G. Joint Sealers Section 07900 H. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Wafls Section 08400 I. Mechanical Division 15 J. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. The Ontario Building Code. B. ASTM A653 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated by Hot-Dip Process. C. ASTM C518 Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus. D. ASTM C236 Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Performance of Building Assemblies by Means of a Guarded Hot Box. E. ASTM C518 Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus F. ASTM E72 Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction G. ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. H. ASTM E283 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen I. ASTM E331 Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit 300 x 300 mm samples of each type of panel material in specified thickness and selected finishes showing joints, insulation, profiles and finishes for approval by Consultant. C. Submit shop drawings showing all work of this Section. Drawings shall clearly show materials, joints, anchorage system, profiles, fastenings, sealants, edgeconditions, closures, expansion joint and other details as may be required for a weather tight installation. Distinguish between factory and field assembled work. Include necessary plans, elevations and details. 04103-07420.wpd DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07420 INSULATED WALL PANELS Paget ' 1.04 SUBM ITTALS (Cont'd) D. Submit WHMIS Material Safety Data Sheets for all products intended to be used on this ' project, including adhesives and sealants. E. Submit duplicate samples of manufacturer's full range of available colours and textures. ' F. All shop drawings prepared for this section shall bear the stamp of a registered Professional Engineer licensed to practise in the province of Ontario. , G. Installation of the panels shall be reviewed on site by the design engineer and feld review reports shall be submitted to the Consultant. , 1.05 DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Appearance: neatly and evenly lay out and install components. Exposed fastening devices not permitted. Locate openings in panel modules as indicated. Vertical joints shall be in line, ' located as per drawings. Obtain approval for joint locations prior to fabrication. B. Effects of Wind: resist positive and negative wind pressures without detrimental effects. ' C. Structural: Material shall be tested to ASTM E72 Vacuum chamber test forwind and suction load deflections on wall assemblies. The panels shall have achieved a vertical load bearing capacity on standard width to maximum 8980 kg compressive force at 0.015mm deflection ' when tested to ASTM E72-9. D. Fatigue Test: Standard panels shall be tested by an independent laboratory for long term , deflection failure. The panels shall exceed 2 million alternate cycles without failure or damage. E. Bond Strength: The panels shall be tested for Tensile Bond strength of the metal to foam ' interface to more than 544 kg force without delamination. F. Vapour Barrier: ASTM E283 Air infiltration "O" at20 PSI, ASTM E331 Water penetration "O" , at 138 KPa. G. Thermal transmission: Panels shall meetorexceedrequirementsofASTMC518andASTM C236. H. Thermal Movement: accommodate expansion and contraction of component parts without buckling, failure of joints, undue stress on fasteners and other detrimental effects. I. Fire Performance: wall panels shall meet special requirements of model building codes and shall be certified and approved by the following authorities: ULI -Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ' FM -Factory Mutual WH -Warnock Hersey ULC -Underwriters Laboratories Canada FM-4880 -Passed testing for Class 1 Fire rating ' ASTM-E84 -Flame Spread 17; smoke developed: 97 Finished Panel ULC S102 -Flame Spread 22; smoke developed: 67 Finished Panel ULC S101 -Passed Fire Endurance Tests without fastening joint seams , UBC 17-6 -Passed Multi-story test with standard panels 04703-07420.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07420 INSULATED WALL PANELS Page 3 1.05 DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (Cont'd) Compatibility: components shall be compatible with dissimilar metals and materials with which they are in contact or fastened to so as to prevent corrosion, staining and other detrimental effects. If req wired, treat or separate contact surfaces with inert and non-staining insulation material to achieve compatibility. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Work of this Section shall be performed by a qualified contractor approved by the panel supplier. 1.07 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Materials shall be handled and stored on the job in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and in such a mannerthat no damage shall be done to the material or the structures. B. Materials showing evidence of improper handling and storage shall be rejected and removed from the site at no additional expense to the Owner. 1.08 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. The erector shall be responsible for the examination and acceptance of surfaces and the conditions affecting the proper installation of his materials and shall not proceed until all satisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. All dimensions must be verified in the field prior to submittal of shop drawings. 1.09 MOCK-UP A. Construct mock-up of insulated wall panels in each specified colour, 2440 mm long x 915 mm wide, for review and approval of the Consultant. B. Mock-up will form representative sample of panel material. Do not continue with installation until mock-up has been approved by the Consultant. 1.10 WARRANTY A. Submit manufacturer's 1 year warrantee from date of substantial performance providing panels manufactured to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service. ' B. Submit manufacturer's warranty that prefinished materials will not lose film integrity for 25 years and will not chalk or fade for 25 years following the date of substantial performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Use materials only as specified herein and matching exactly, all approved samples. C. Ensure compatibility of all materials in contact with roof membrane. oaioa-o~azo.wPa DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07420 INSULATED WALL PANELS Page 4 , 2.02 MATERIALS ' A. Insulated Wall Panels shall be Coldmatic Building Systems Limited, THERMAWALL series panels insulated with aNon-CFC thermo-setting foamed polyurethane insulation. Structural grade steel facings shall be precisely roll formed and foam insulation shall be expanded between the metal sheets in astate-of-the-art fully computerized continuous line production ' sequence to ensure optimum quality and consistency. B. Exteriorwall panels: THERMAWALL T4500 series with 76 mm thick polyurethane insulation , core to provide insulation values of RSI4.12 (R23). Linear profile, 22 gauge. Panel coverage: 915 mm. C. Panel design: horizontal panel style with HJF (Hidden Joint Fastener) Series side joint to , allow 10 mm reveal between panels and incorporating a sloped shelf to shed water. Interlocking, weather tight factory caulked joint design providing concealed fastener anchorage affording connection of both metal skins to the building structure, double caulk ' seal. 3.0 mm horizontal reveals. D. Facings: 26 gauge interior and exterior facings of smooth or stucco embossed galvanized " " A steel to ASTM A653 designation. Base steel shall be structural quality to minimum Grade ' 33,000 PSI, conforming to ASTM A653.\ E. Flashingsandtrim:Manufacturer's standard and custom fabricated sections,colourmatched ' to cladding materials. F. Fasteners used to attach panels to the structural frame shall be #14 Hex-head type "B" self- tapping with steel and neoprene washer and 12 Ga. Stainless steel clip supplied by panel manufacturer. Supplementary fastening, when required, shall be made with Tek fasteners into the interior panel face and reinforcing bars or with Fab-Lok fasteners spaced to meet code requirements and anticipated loads. G. Sealant used in warm side of panel joints shall benon-curing mastic sealant. Silicone sealant shall be as recommended by manufacturer. f t h ll i i ' H. ve ac ory rece ngs s a Finishes: the exterior and interior faces of the panels and (lash applied coatings. Coatings shall be Kynar 500 PVF2 finish with high performance properties and a 20 year warranty, covering colour retention, chalk resistance and film integrity. Colour to be "Regal White" as selected from manufacturer's catalogue. , PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 GENERAL A. Install composite panels, clips, fasteners, joint f Ilers; trims, flashings and related sealants in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and as detailed. ' B. Use concealed fastenings except where approved before installation. R ICATION 3.02 FAB A. Fabricate composite panels, clips, fasteners, jointfillers, trims, flashings and related sealants ' s standards. in accordance with reviewed shop drawings and manufacturer ' 04103D7420.wptl ' '~, ~ DIVISION 7 SECTION 07420 ' ~ INSULATED WALL PANELS Pages 3.02 FABRICATION (Cont'd) B. Make allowance for expansion at joints. C. Adjacent panels shall be mechanically interlocked at their horizontal edges with the roll- formed tongue and groove profile. Lap panels to facilitate drainage on face of panels. D. Install panels horizontally, fastened to building structure and steel studs. Provide shims as required to ensure panels are installed plumb and in line. 'c. Install compressible gasketted seals continuously aver paneljoint locations on building frame to seal interiorjoints. F. Install flashings and trim. Afl (lashings shall be installed in perfectly straight lines. Irregular or poorly fitted work will not be accepted. Exposed fastenings will only be permitted where concealed fastening is not possible. Provide neoprene washers for exposed fasteners. G. Imperfections in metal panel work such as holes, dents, creases, or oil-canning will not be accepted. H. Coordinate with other Sections, installation of doors, windows louvres, vents and the like. Ensure openings are square. Seal all joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Caulking compound shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's application instructions. Use proper surface primers where necessary. J. Colour of caulking compound shall be the integral colour of the abutting material. K. All vertical panel butt joints shall be perfectly aligned and shall have a continuous 76mm wide, 26 gauge pre-finished metal closure, colour to match panels. 3.04 CLEANING A. After completing panel installation, strip interior protective film if so instructed by Consultant. Panel surface shall be free of deleterious material including dirt, filings caused by drilling or cutting to prevent any discolouration or rust stains resulting from the installation process. B. Wipe finished surfaces of fillings caused by drilling or cutting to prevent rust staining. End of Section ~~' ~',, 04103-07420.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 ',', THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 1 ,' PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 A. Comply with the requirements of Division I. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Structural Steel Section 05100 B. Metal Roof Deck Section 05300 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D. Air Barrier Section 07270 E. Metal WaII Cladding Section 07410 F. Metal Flashings and Trim Section 07620 ; , G. Roof Specialties and Accessories Section 07700 " ' H. Joint Sealers Section 07900 1. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 J. Mechanical Division 15 ' 1 03 REFERENCES i . ' A. B. Ontario Building Code. ASTM C208 -Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber). C. ASTM C-1177, Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing. ~ D. ASTM C1289, Standard Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate Thermal , Insulation. E. ASTM 0226, Standard Specification forAsphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing F. ASTM 02178 Standard Specification for Asphalt Saturated Glass Ply Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. G. CAN/CGSB-37.5, Cutback Asphalt Plastic Cement. H. CGSB 37-GP-9Ma, Primer, Asphalt, Unfilled, for Asphalt Roofing, Dampproofing and Waterproofing. I. CGSB 37-GP-15M, Application of Asphalt Primer for Asphalt Roofing, Dampproofing and Waterproofing. J. CGSB 37-GP-19M, Cement, Plastic, Cutback Tar. K. CAN/CGSB-37.29, Rubber-Asphalt Sealing Compound. L. CAN/CGSB-51.33-M Vapour Retarder Sheet, Excluding Polyethylene, for Building Construction. M. CSA A123.3, Asphalt or Tar Saturated Roofing Felt. N. CSAA123.4, Bitumen for Use in Construction of Built-up Roof Coverings and Dampproofing and Waterproofing Systems. ' O. CAN/CSAA247-M, Insulating Fibreboard. P. CAN/ULC S102 Test for Surtace Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. , O. CAN/ULCS704 Standard forThermallnsulationPolyurethaneandPolyisocyanurate,Boards, , Faced. R. CAN/ULC S770 Standard Test Method for Determination of Long Term Thermal Resistance of Closed Cell Thermal Insulating Foams. S. Canadian Roofing Contractor's Association (CRCA) Metric Specification Manual, except as specified herein. oaioa-o7saa.wPa DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 2 1.03 REFERENCES (Cont'd) T. Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation (FM): "Loss Prevention Data, Insulated Steel Deck 1-28", FM "Approval Guide" including Revisions to date. U. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) "List of Equipment and Materials Volume II Building Construction" including supplements to date. V. Provide built-up roofing systems including insulation and all related materials to conform to "ULC Class A" and "FM Class I" design criteria, as shown and as specified herein. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit complete list of all products intended for use, together with samples and manufacturer's technical literature. C. Submitverificationthatmembranematerialmeetspertormancerequirementsspecifiedinthe Referenced Standards. D. Submit shop drawings of all components and accessories and including layout drawings and details for the tapered insulation system. Submit shop drawings for prefabricated work. E. Submit shop drawings detailing roof size, membrane sheet placement, location and type of penetrations, type of vapour retarder, insulation and insulation fasteners. F. Submit WHMIS Data Sheets for all products to be used on this project. G. Submit a letter of certification from the manufacturer which certifies the roofing contractor is authorized to install the manufacturer's roofing system and lists foremen who have received training from the manufacturer along with the dates training was received. H. Submit certification from the membrane manufacturer indicating the membrane thickness over the reinforcing scrim (top ply membrane thickness) is nominal 15 mil. I. Upon completion of the installed work, submit copies of the manufacturer's final inspection to the specifier prior to the issuance of the manufacturer's warranty. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The roofing Contractor shall be of recognized standing with a proven record of satisfactory installations, and shall be a member in good standing of the Canadian Roofing Contractors Association and the Ontario Industrial Roofing Contractors Association. B. All membrane work shall be carried out by applicators fully experienced in this type of work, and approved by the system manufacturer. C. Roofing work shall be executed under the full time supervision of a competent foreman. D. Amembranemanufacturer'srepresentativeshallbeavailabletoreviewinstallationprocedure and to impact the completed installation to verify compliance with all specifications and details. 04103-07540.wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 3 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) E. The Owner will appoint and pay for an Independent Inspection Company to provide roofing inspection. Provide full co-operation to the roofing inspector. 1.07 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver and store materials undamaged in original unopened containers with manufacturer's label and seals intact. Containers shall be stored upright and roofing membrane shall be stored on end to prevent flattening. All materials shall be protected from moisture at all times. No material shall be placed in direct contact with the earth. B. All materials, except membrane, must be stored between 5° C and 27° C. If exposed to lower temperature, restore materials to 5° C minimum temperature before using. D. All materials, except membrane, must be stored in a dry area and protected from water and direct sunlight. Damaged materials shall be replaced at roof ng Contractor's expense. E. Storage of insulation and roofing materials on the roof is prohibited. 1.08 A. Provide adequate protection of materials and work of this trade from damage by weather, traffic and other causes. Schedule roofing installations in such a manner that traffic over the completed portions of roofing will be avoided. At the end of each day's work seal exposed edges of roofing membrane. Protect work of other trades from damage resulting from the work of this trade. Make good such damage at no additional expense to the Owner and to the satisfaction of the Consultant. 1.09 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Apply roofing in periods only approved by the roofing inspector. B. The roofing contractor must receive written authorization from the roofing inspector to proceed. C. Do not work during periods of rain, fog, sleet, snow or cold temperatures (below -15° C) 1.10 GUARANTEE A. The Contractor represents that he has the special qualifications for doing the work and that the plans and specifications are, in his opinion, appropriate and adequate for the construction and/or renovations set out therein. B. The Contractor shall furnish the Guarantee Warranty in writing, on forms issued and approved bythe Canadian Roofing Contractors Association,slgned by the roofing Contractor. 04103~7540.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 4 1.10 GUARANTEE (Cont'd) C. The roofing Contractor hereby warrants the work of this Section, including vapour retardant, insulation and sheet metal work against defects of workmanship and material, and against any actual leakage for a period of five years from the date of Substantial Pertormance and agree to make good promptly any defects which occur or become apparent within the warranty period, such defects to include but not be restricted to leaking, failure to stay in place, undue expansion, lifting, deformation, loosening and splitting of seams, joint deformation, failure to adhere, deterioration, blisters, etc. D. Provide manufacturers extended 10 yearwarrantee to cover repair or replacement costs for Labour, Materials and Workmanship required to restore roof or system to watertight condition, after a leak has occurred, due to defective materials or system related failures. Warranty shall be Non Pro Rated and must be covered to the original installation cost for the full ten years. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The roofing system shall be a mechanically fastened and fully adhered roofing system, including the following components: 1. Underlayment substrate board, mechanically fastened to roof deck. 2. Two (2) ply vapour retarder. 3. Rigid polyisocuanurate insulation (2 layers) 4. Tapered insulation where indicated 5. Fibre protection board. 6. 1.14 mm (45 mil) nominal thickness prefabricated TPO roofing membrane, fully adhered to substrate. 7. TPO membrane Flashings. 8. All accessories, hardware and material required for a complete installation as described on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer of the roof membrane. B. Equivalent roofing systems and components as manufactured by the following are acceptable, subject to the approval of the Consultant and conformance to the requirements of the reference standards: 1. Firestone 2. Carlisle 3. Johns Manville 4. Lexcan Limited 2.02 MATERIALS A. General Compatibility between roofing system components is essential. All materials used on the roof shall be endorsed for compatibility by the applicator and the materials manufacturer. Where required under manufacturers warranty, all products (including insulation, fasteners, fastening plates and edgings) must be manufactured and supplied by the roofing system manufacturer. 04103-07540.wptl i ,' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 ~ THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 5 2.02 MATERIALS (Cont'd) ' 2. All packed materials shall bear the manufacturer's name brand, weight and applicable specification numberand printed instructions for storage, application, etc. Materials not identified shall be removed off the site. 3. Materials shall conform to the reference specification numbers named including all revisions to date or shall be the product named. B. Asphalt Primer: to CGSB 37-GP-9Ma, unfilled, penetrating, non-fibrated, cutback asphalt. C. Vapour Retardant: To CSA CAN2-51.33, Type 2: Lexsuco Permate (Ultra) vapour retarder. DuroPerm Vapour Retarder by Johns Manville. IKO Armourgard. D. Vapour Retardant Adhesive: Non-flammable type, compatible with vapour retardant membranes: Lexsuco Permate II adhesive. DuroPerm "VR" Adhesive by Johns Manville IKO Roofcraft Armourgard VR Adhesive E. Underlayment Substrate Board: to ASTM C1177, moisture resistant. 1220 x 2440 mm sheets, 7.9 mm thickness for use at al I perforated acoustic metal deck. Georgia Pacific Dens Deck Prime Roof and Substrate Board. F. Roofing Asphalts: Type 1 and 3 oxidized asphalt conforming to CSA A123.4. G. Roof Membrane:Non-Halogenated ThermoplasticPolyolefn,045TPOreinforcedmembrane (TPO) membrane manufactured with a 9 x 9, 1000 denier polyester reinforcement conforming to the following physical properties: PROPERTY A.S.T.M. TEST METHOD TYPICAL TEST VALUES Colour (Face) White Weight D-751 45 mil - .21 Iblft~ Thickness, Nominal D-751 .045" Thickness Over Scrim, mm (in) D 4637 Optical Method 381mm (.015") Min. Breaking Strength, min. D-751 1 k/N Min Elongation (unreinforced) D-421 -421 500% Tearing Strength, Min. D-751 245N Properties after heat aging ASTM D-751 a. Breaking Strength ASTM D-3045 90% b. Tear Strength 90% oaioa-msao.wPd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 6 PROPERTY A.S.T.M. TEST METHOD TYPICAL TEST VALUES c. Elongation 90 Brittleness Point D2137 -40°C Ozone Resistance D1149 Pass Water Absorption, Max. D471 +/- 2% Linear Dimensional Change, Max. D1204 +/- 2% Weather Resistance G53 Pass (No Cracks) Reflectivity E93 Grey: 44 Water Vapour Transmission E96 13 (perm mils) Puncture Resistance FTM 101C Method 2031 200 Ibs Min. Fungus Resistance G-21 (21 days) No sustained growth - Pass H. Acceptable products: Carlisle Sure-Weld TPO Firestone UltraPly TPO Johns Manville Ultragard TPO Lexcan Hi-Tuff TPO I. Provide membrane manufacturer's standrad accessories including bonding adhesive, edge sealant, sealers, cut off mastics, pocket sealants and cleaners. J. Metal edge and membrane terminations: manufacturers standard, to suit project requirements and conditions. K. Polyisocyanurate Base Insulation, Type 3, Class 2 manufactured with HC blowing agent laminated to heavy black non-asphaltic fibre reinforced felt facers on top and bottom surfaces. Meeting the requirements of CAN/ULC S126 and CANlULC S107 and conforming to CAN/ULC S704 and CAN/ULC for Long Term Thermal Resistance (LTTR) R- values. Evaluated and listed by current CCMC approvals guide and approved and listed by Factory Mutual Global for Class 1-60l75/9D windstorm classification and meeting FM 4450 approval requirements for Class 1A Fire as a component in roof deck construction. Provide 2 layers of 50mm each thickness or as required to achieve a minimum LTTR R-value of 24.2 square edges. Minimum compressive strength of 138 Kpa. Firestone ISO+GL E'NRG'Y 3 by Johns Manville Lexsuco Isolex Isocyanurate IKO Polyisocyanurate insulation. Atlas AC Foam II by Atlas Roofing Corporation. Energy Guard ISO by GAF Materials Corp. H-Shield Iso by Carlisle Syntec Canada. 04103-07540.Wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 7 2.02 MATERIALS (Cont'd) L. Tapered Insulation: compatible with roofing system, slope as shown on the drawings but not less than 2% starting thickness of 0 mm, factory tapered. M. Insulation Accessories: As required, preformed crickets and mitres to match roof insulation. Insulation Fasteners: FM approved and tested with specified underlayment substrate board to FM I-90 Uplift Classification. Self tapping metal screw and plate fastening devices approved by the manufacturer of the substrate and of appropriate length to penetrate the top flange of the deck a minimum of 19 mm, but not long enough to extend past the bottom of the deck rib. Fasteners shall be coated with Zn-97 base coat and composite flouropolymer finish: Firestone Screw and Plate Anchoring System Lexsuco Lexgrip Weatherguard Fasteners IKO "Dekfast" Carlisle O. Caulking Sealant: Compatible with roofing materials, as specified in Section 07900. P. Stackjacks (vent pipe flashings): Lexsuco orThaler standard mill finish aluminum insulated vent stack covers as specified in Section 07800 applicable at all plumbing vent pipes. Rubber sleeves and sleeves supplied by other trades will not be acceptable. O. Elastic flashings -Field fabricated with TPO membrane, 1.6 mm thick. Adhesive as recommended by membrane manufacturer. R. Pitch Pockets -Spun Aluminum Mastic Pans. S. Bituminous Paint: To CGSB 1-GP-108M T. Substitutions - If this Contractor substitutes materials or trade names specified herein with others such materials shall be removed immediately from the site making good all otherwork disturbed for such removals. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Examine work of other trades and notify in writing to the Consultant and Contractor that the work is acceptable or of any defects or discrepancies. Verify that work of other trades which penetrates roof deck or requires men and equipment to transverse roof deck has been completed or adequate protection is provided. B. Examine surfaces for inadequate anchorage, foreign material, moisture and unevenness which would prevent the execution and quality of application of the roofing system as specified. Do not proceed with application of the roof system until defects are corrected. ' Installation of any part of the work without the written acceptance of such surfaces shall require immediately removal of such installed work. oaios-o~sao.wpa DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 8 3.D2 WORKMANSHIP A. Workmanship shall be of the highest quality. Use only competent mechanics and execute work in accordance with drawings and specifications. B. Regard the manufacturer's printed recommendations and specifications as the minimum requirement for materials, methods and workmanship not otherwise specified. C. Maintain roofing equipment in good working order. D. Unsuitable or damaged materials shall immediately be removed from the site. E. Materials shall not be applied during inclementweather. Do notapply roofing overwet decks, or where frost or snow is present. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Installation of wood and metal curbs, and prefabricated curbs is specified in other Sections. Coordinate with others to ensure that all curbs, blocking and the like is in place, level and secure. B. Apply primer to vertical surfaces commencing at top of cant strips and terminate primer 25 mm below reglets or highest possible point. ' 3.04 UND ERLAYMENT SUBSTRATE BOARD A. Underlayment substrate board shall be installed over all areas of deck as indicated on the drawings, prior to application of vapour retarder. B. Install underlayment substrate board over steel deck with long side at right angles to flutes of steel deck. Provide full support at ends. Cut and trim boards to provide plain buttjoints at perimeter, parapet curbs and other obstructions or terminations. Lay boards in parallel course, butted together in moderate contact without gaps, with staggered end joints. C. Adhere underlayment substrate board to steel deck by mechanically fastening with fasteners and plates in accordance with FM Approval Guide, ULC requirements and reviewed shop drawings. ' 3.06 APPLICATION OF VAPOUR RETARDANT A. Vapour retardant shall be installed in two plies. Lap plies minimum 440 mm. Apply two (2) layers of vapour retardant (top layer in opposite direction) in straight lines, free from wrinkles, tears or open laps. B. Base layer shall be adhered with adhesive in accordance with Factory Mutual requirements ' for a Class 1 Vapour retarder, at the rate of 0.16L1mZ , in continuous ribbons parallel to steel deck flutes. C. Second layer shall be hot mopped to first layer with a solid, uniform mopping of hot asphalt 1.2 kg/mZ . Minimum end 150 mm and side laps 50 mm and are tightly sealed with a continuous mopping of adhesive. 04103-07540.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 9 3.06 APPLICATION OF VAPOUR RETARDANT (Cont'd) D. Install two ply hotvapour retarder mopped to mechanicallyfastened underlaymentsubstrate board with hot asphalt and embed roofing felts. Apply bitumen at a rate of 1.2 kg/m2 . E. Extend vapour retarder minimum 375 mm beyond termination point. The extended portion of the vapour retarded shall be turned op to envelope exposed ends of insulation boards and sealed on the top side of the insulation in a hot mopping of asphalt Type III. No more vapour retardant shall be applied in any one working day than can be covered with insulation and properly "dried-in". G. Vapour retardant shall not be installed to bridge across expansion joints or similar devices. 3.07 INSTALLATION OF RDOF INSULATION A. Keep insulation dry at all times. Insulation showing evidence of having been dampened since its manufacture orseparation of laminations shall not be used. Lay insulation panels in rows with all joints staggered. B. Lay board in tight contact to prevent gaps and resulting loss of thermal insulation value. Cut boards to fit neatly around projections through roof. C. Install second layer of insulation over base layer with joints staggered. D. Fasten through first layer of insulation to steel Beckwith approved screw and plate fasteners spaced in accordance with Factory Mutual requirements and reviewed shop drawings. Fasteners shall penetrate deck a minimum of 19 mm. E. At roof drains, reduce the insulation thickness by 13 mm for a distance of 610 mm from the centre of the drain. Fill the flutes of the steel deck at roof drains with insulation board adhered with adhesive for a distance of 610 mm from the centre of the drain to ensure total support at all drains prior to placement of vapour retardant. F. Install tapered insulation, preformed crickets and mitres where indicated, fully adhered to top layer of insulation in a full solid mopping of type III asphalt at a rate of 1.2 kglmz .Embed tapered insulation and accessories firmly into the hot asphalt. G. Protection board: Cover entire roof with a layer of protection board, fully adhered in a complete 1D0% hot mopping of asphalt type III, at a rate of 1.2 kg/mz to the top layer of insulation. Embed protection board firmly into the hot asphalt. H. Protect all exposed edges of insulation where roofing temporarily terminates at the end of a working day by forming a water cut-off. Water cut-off shall consist of 2 plies of felt continuously mopped and coated with asphalt, extending from the surface of the roof membrane minimum 200 mm onto the deck. Ensure water cut-off is continuously secured to the deck and is removed prior to proceeding with work the following day. Insulation shall not be installed to bridge across expansion joints or control joints. 04703-07540.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION D7540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page_10 3.09 ROOF MEMBRANE A. Roof membrane shall consist of 1 ply of reinforced TPO sheets, fully adhered to substrate in accordance with Factory Mutual requirements. All seams shall be fully bonded with adhesive. B. Unroll membrane and position sheets, lapping edges a minimum of 100 mm. Allow sheets to relax a minimum of thirty (30) minutes. C. Apply adhesive and bond membrane to substrate in accordance with manufacturer's printed directions, and under the full time supervision of a qualified foreman. Apply bonding adhesive, to the exposed underside of the membrane and the corresponding substrate area. Do not apply Bonding Adhesive along the splice edge of the membrane to be hot air welded over the adjoining sheet. Allow the adhesive to dry until it is tacky but will not string or stick to a dry finger touch. D. Flash all corners, vent pipes, drains and curbs in accordance with the manufacturer's standard recommended details. Use either TPO membrane flashing for field fabrication or preformed accessories as recommended by manufacturer. Seal drains with water cut-off mastic or elastic sealer tape as per manufacturer's standard recommended details. E. Form control joints and expansion in membrane where indicated on the drawings. F. At roof edge, membrane shall be carried over parapet and conterflashed with sheet metal (lashings. G. Roll the coated membrane into the coatedsubstratewhileavoidingwrinkles. Brushdownthe bonded section of the membrane sheet immediately after rolling the membrane into the adhesive with a soft bristle push broom to achieve maximum contact. H. Fold back the unbonded half of the sheet lengthwise and repeat the bonding procedures. I. Hot air weld the membrane sheets using manufacturers recommended hot air welding machine in accordance with the manufacturer's hot air welding procedures. J. Pull the membrane back along the welded splice so the entire underside of the membrane is exposed once the hot air weld has been completed. K. Apply Bonding Adhesive to the exposed underside ofthe membrane sheet and the substrate. L. Allow adhesive to dry until tacky and roll the membrane into the substrate and brush down the bonded section with a bristle broom following the procedure noted above. M. Continue to install adjoining membrane sheets in the same manner, overlapping edges a minimum of 50 mm and complete the bonding procedures as stated previously. N. Probe all seams once the hot airwelds have thoroughly cooled (approximately 30 minutes). O. Repair all seam deficiencies the same day they are discovered. 04103-07540.Wptl t DIVISION 7 SECTION 07540 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 11 3.09 ROOF MEMBRANE (Cont'd) P. Apply cut edge sealant on all cut edges of reinforced membrane (where the scrim reinforcement is exposed) after seam probing is complete. Cut edge sealant is not required ~ on vertical splices. Q. Follow manufacturer's typical flashing procedures for all wall, curb, and penetration flashing including metal edging/coping and roof drain applications. R. Flashing of parapets, curbs, expansion joints and other parts of the roof must be performed using reinforced membrane. Non-reinforced membrane may be used for flashing pipe penetrations, sealant pockets, and scuppers, as well as inside and outside comers, when the use of pre-moulded accessories is not feasible. S. Coordinate with Section 07195 for termination/tie ins with air barrier membranes at building walls and roof openings. Lap and seal membranes in accordance with manufacturer's printed recommendations, to provide continuous, uninterrupted building envelope and air seals. 3.10 METAL FLASHING A. Refer to Section 07620. 3.11 PITCH POCKETS A. Provide and install prefabricated aluminum pitch pockets (mastic pans) around protrusions through the roofing, including the work of the Mechanical and Electrical Trades. Pockets shall be fabricated, to a size 150 mm greater on each side of the protrusion. Solder all seams and corners. B. Flash in the pitch pockets with TPO membrane flashing in accordance with the manufacturer's standard recommended details. C. Completely fill the pockets with plastic cement. Slope the top ofthe filled pockets down from the centre to finish flush with the outside edges. 3.12 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT A. Provide purpose made pre-formed stack jack flashings at all plumbing vents. Refer to Section 07800. B. Seal flashing sleeves in accordance with manufacturer's directions and CRCA standard details. 3.13 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Provide necessary facilities and co-operate with designated inspection and testing agency. B. Upon completion of the roofing system, an authorized manufacturers representative will make an inspection of the installation for warranty acceptance. End of Section 0413-07540.Wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 05410 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 E. Insulated Wall Panels Section 07420 F. Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing Section 07540 G. Joint Sealers Section 07900 H. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Wall Section 08400 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the applicable provisions of the following reference standards: 1. The Ontario Building Code. 2. The National Building Code of Canada. 3. CSA 5136 Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. 4. CSSBI -Standard Practice for Sheet Steel Cladding. 5. CSSBI 20M-91 Sheet Steel Cladding for Architectural and Industrial Applications. 6. CSSBI B16-94 Prefinished Sheet Steel for Building Construction. 7. ASTM A653/653M Standard Specification for Sheet Steel, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process. 8. ASTM 632 -Solder Metal. 9. ASTM C920 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants. 10. Canadian Industrial Roofing Contractor's Association Specification Manuals. 11. Factory Mutual Loss Prevention Data Sheets. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit 305 x 305mm samples of each type of sheet metal material. B. Submit shop drawings showing all work of this Section. Drawings shall clearly show materials, profiles, fastenings, sealants, lap joints, caulking, closures and expansion joint detail. Include necessary plans, elevations and details. C. Submit duplicate colour charts showing full range of manufacturers available colours. D. Submit WHMIS Material Safety Data Sheets for all products intended to be used on this project, including adhesives and sealants. Do not deliver products to site until Owner's approval is obtained. E. Certify that system and components intended for use on this project meet Factory Mutual requirements for 1-90 wind uplift requirements. oaioa-o~szo.wPd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 2 1.05 DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Appearance: neatly and evenly lay out and install components. Exposed fastening devices not permitted. 1.05 DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (ConYd) B. Effects of Wind: resist positive and negative wind pressures without detrimental effects. C. Water Control: prevent passage of water. D. Thermal Movement: accommodate expansion and contraction of component parts without buckling, failure of joints, undue stress on fasteners and other detrimental effects. E. Compatibility: components shall be compatible with dissimilar metals and materials with which they are in contact or fastened to so as to prevent corrosion, staining and other detrimental effects. If required, treat or separate contact surfaces with inert and non-staining insulation material to achieve compatibility. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. W ork of this Section shall be performed by a qualified sheet metal contractorwith a minimum of 5 years experience in the type of work required and specified. Submit proof of experience where requested by the Consultant. 1.07 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Materials shall be handled and stored on the job in such a manner that no damage shall be done to the material or the structures. B. Materials showing evidence of improper handling and storage shall be rejected and removed from the site at no additional expense to the Owner. 1.08 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. The erector shall be responsible for the examination and acceptance of surfaces and the conditions affecting the proper installation of his materials and shall not proceed until all satisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. All dimensions must be verified in the field prior to submittal of shop drawings. 1.09 MOCK-UP A. Constructmock-up of parapetflashingineachcolour,2440mmlong,forreviewandapproval of the Consultant. B. Mock-up will form representative sample of flashing material and joint layout. Do not continue with flashing installation until mock-up has been approved by the Consultant. 0470307620.wpd ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 0762D METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 3 ' 1.10 WARRANTY A. Submit a warranty to repair or replace metal flashing work for a period of five (5) years from date of substantial completion of work of this Section does not remain watertight or free of material or workmanship defects affecting structure and appearance. B. Submit manufacturer's warrantee that pre finished materials will not lose film integrity for 25 ' years and will not chalk or fade for 20 years following date of substantial performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 GENERAL A. Use materials only as specified herein and matching exactly, all approved samples. t B. Ensure compatibility of all materials in wntact with roof membrane. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Sheet Metal: 24 gauge thick galvanized sheet steel, commercial quality to ASTM Spec. A653/A653M Grade'A' with a minimum yield stress of 230 MPA, and a working stress of 144 ' MPA, to CSA 136. Material shall have 2275 designation zinc coating. B. Prefinished material shall be colour coated with manufacturer's standard finish system equivalent to VicWest Colourite HMP with 100% ceramic colour pigmentation, minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 t 0.2 mils (ASTM D1005). This Section shall supply all metal flashing ' for all roof applications and parapet coping flashings whether shown or not, and as necessary far the complete installation. Colours for all flashing supplied by this Section shall be selected by the Consultant. Up to 4 colours may be selected from manufacturer's full range of ' colours. C. Continuous hook on strips and metal bellows: 0.65 mm galvanized sheet steel, zinc coating designation ZF275. D. Isolation Coating: Alkali resistant exterior bituminous paint to CAN/CGSB 1.108-M. ' E. Plastic Cement: To CGSB 37-BP-5M. F. Nails, Bolts, Screws and Other Fastenings: same metal finish as sheet metal being used to CSA 8111. The size of fastenings shall suit the applicable conditions. All nails, screws, and ' other fastenings shall be subject to the approval of the Consultant or his representative. G. Caulking Sealant: Parr Uniseal Polysulphide as supplied by Parr Paints and Sealants Ltd., Toronto or PRC rubber caulk #5000 as supplied by PRC Chemical Corporation of Canada Ltd. H. Underlay: No. 15 perforated asphalt felt to CSA A123.3-M. I. Cleats: Of same material, and temper as sheet metal, minimum 50 mm wide. Thickness ' same as sheet metal being secured. ' 04 7 03-07620.wpd DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 4 ' PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 GENERAL A. Install sheet metal work in accordance with CRCA specifications and as detailed. ' B. During the course of the work, report any damaged or unsuitable material uncovered and allow for their repair or replacement as directed by the Architect. ' C. Use concealed fastenings except where approved before installation. 3.02 FABRICATION , A. Fabricate metal flashings and other sheet metal work in accordance with applicable CRCA specifications and as indicated. n at joints i f ' B. . or expans o Form pieces in 2438mm maximum lengths. Make allowance C. Hem exposed edges on underside 13mm. Mitre and seal corners with sealant. ' D. Form sections square, true and accurate to size, free from distortion and other defects detrimental to appearance or performance. te or mortar t t ith E. concre ac w Apply isolation coating (two coats) to metal surfaces to be in con or dissimilar metals. F. Install underlay under sheet metal in accordance with CRCA "FL" series details. Lap joints ' 100mm. G. All seams shall be of the "slip lock type" that permit adequate movement without resulting in deformation or loosening of metal flashings. Lapped joints or exposed raw edges will not be ' accepted. Exposed edges shall be "double back" at least 13mm. At eaves, parapets, etc., metal shall be hooked over continuous starter strips minimum 1 gauge thicker than the metal used for flashing. Secure starter strips at 300mm on centre or closer as required. ' H. Where metal terminates under fascia boards, secure metal at 600 mm centres using specified fasteners. At curbs to openings or at sleepers, etc., provide locked or standing , seams at corners. Solder mitred corners, pop rivet or form standing seams. I. Secure metal flashings in reglets at 600mm centres and further secure metal to vertical surfaces at locks as required. ' J. All flashings shall be installed in perfectly straight lines. Irregular or badly fitted work will not be accepted. Exposed fastenings will only be permitted where concealed fastening is not ' possible. Provide neoprene washers for exposed fasteners. K Imperfections in metal flashing work such as holes, dents, creases, oroil-canning will not be . accepted. ' L. Coping flashings shall be secured on the exterior by continuous hook strips fastened to wall with No. 10 minimum metal fasteners spaced at maximum 600mm on centre. ' 04103-07620.wpd , ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 5 ' 3.03 CAULKING OF FLASHINGS A. Caulk all joints in flashing. ' B. C. ' D. ' E. ~.J t 1 Dissimilar metals in contact, or metals in contact with adjacent surtaces shall be separated from one another to prevent corrosion, staining, or electrolysis by use of approved methods and materials. Do caulking between metal flashing and concrete, through roof openings, and all reglets using caulking as specified. Caulking compound shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's application instructions. Use proper surtace primers where necessary. Colour of caulking compound shall be the integral colour of the abutting material. End of Section ' (iM1103-07620.wptl ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07700 ROOF SPECIALITIES AND ACCESSORIES Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Structural Steel Section 05100 B. Metal Deck Section 05300 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 F. Elastomeric Sheet Roofing Section 07530 ' G. Thermoplastic Membrane Section 07540 H. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 1.03 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES ' A. The latest issues ofthe following Codes and Standards shall govern the work of this Section. 1. The Ontario Building Code. 2. National Fire Code. 3. CAN3-A231.2, Precast Concrete Pavers. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Shop Drawings in accordance with Section 01330. B. Indicate size and description of components and materials, arrangement of hardware, operating mechanism, required clearances, fasteners, anchoring, and finishes. t 1.05 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance dataforequipmentincludinghardware,completewithpertinentdetails, spare parts list and warnings against harmful maintenance materials for incorporation into Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. PART 2 : PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. Mechanical Vent Flashinos: Thaler FEF: co-ordinate size, material, and locations with Division 15. Provide mechanical vent flashings at all mechanical equipment and pipe penetrations through the roof. Flashings shall be compatible with rocfing assemblies. ' B. Pavers: 610 x 610 x 50 mm thick, precast concrete paving stones to CAN3-A231.2, fabricated for exterior use, with textured non slip surface. Colour: grey. C. Paver Stone Pedestals:Pave-El pedestal system manufactured byEnvirospeclnc.consisting ' of Model 5X high density polyethylene pedestals and levelling plates, as required. oa~aa-onoo.wPo DIVISION 7 SECTION 07700 ROOF SPECIALITIES AND ACCESSORIES Page 2 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 VENT FLASHINGS A. Secure all vent flashings and accessories to deck with bolts to meet the manufacturer's specifications. B. Coordinate with other trades for location and size of vent flashings. 3.02 PAVERS A. Install paver pedestals at each corner of concrete paver stones, in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions. B. Shim with levelling plates, and stack paver pedestals as necessary to provide a level walking surface. C. Place %: pedestals at edges, and 114 pedestals at edges of pavers. D. Place pedestals with spacer edge up, to provide uniform spacing between pavers of 6 mm E. Install precast pavers by lowering into place. Align and shim pedestals to provide a level surface. END OF SECTION 04103-07700.wptl u t t DIVISION 7 SECTION 07840 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Pape 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Building Insulation Section 07200 C. Joint Sealers Section 07900 D. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 E. Fire stopping at Mechanical and Electrical Penetrations Divisions 15 & 16 1.03 QUALITY CONTROL A. Fire stopping and smoke seal components shall be listed and labelled by ULC. B. Install materials under environmental conditions specified by material manufacturer. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Priorto start of work, submit list of proposed fire stopping and smoke seal materials together with suitable documentation to verify that specified requirements will be met. B. Upon Consultant's request, submit samples of materials. 1.05 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) regarding use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials and regarding labelling and provision of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). B. Submit MSDS for review and acceptance by the Owner prior to delivery to the project site. Obtain written approval from the Owner, and do not deliver any materials to the Owner's property prior to receipt of such approval. C. Ventilate areas of work by use of approved portable supply and exhaust fans PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. Fire stopping and smoke seal systems: in accordance with CAN4-S115-M, asbestos free and capable of maintaining an effective barrier against flame, smoke and gases in compliance with requirements ofjurisdictional authorities; labelled by ULC. Fire resistance rating of installed systems shall be equal to fire resistance rating of adjacent/surrounding building components. B. Fire stopping materials: foamed in place insulation, mortar, grout, gun grade sealant, mineral fibre felt, or other materials bearing ULC label for required fire rating. C. Smoke seals and fire stopping exposed to view: sealant type. D4103-07840.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07840 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 2 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) D. Service penetration assemblies: certified by ULC in accordance with CAN4-S115-M and listed in ULC Guide No. 40 U19. E. Service penetration fire stop components: certified by ULC in accordance with CAN4-S115- M85 and listed in ULC Guide No. 40 U19.13 and ULC Guide No.40 U19.15 under the Label Service of ULC. F. Fire stopping and smoke seals at openings intended for ease of re-entry such as cables: elastometric seal; do not use cementitious or rigid seal at such locations. 1 G. Fire stopping and smoke seals at openings around penetrations for pipes, ductwork and , other mechanical items requiring sound and vibration control; elastometric seal; do not use a cementitious or rigid seal at such locations. H. Primers: to manufacturer's recommendation for specific material, substrate and end use. ' I. Water (if applicable): potable, clean and free from injurious amounts of deleterious substances. J. Damming and back-up materials, supports and anchoring devices: to manufacturer's recommendations, and in accordance with tested assembly being installed as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. K. Sealants for vertical joints: non-sagging. L. Ensure fire stopping materials used are suitable for each particular application. Where fire stopping will be subjected to loading, use and install materials which will support the load. Obtain Consultant's approval before proceeding with installation. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.D1 PREPARATION A. Examine sizes and conditions of voids to be filled to establish correct thickness and installation of materials. Ensure that substrates and surfaces are clean, dry and frost free. B. Prepare surfaces in contact with fire stopping materials and smoke seals to manufacturer's instructions. C. Maintain insulation around pipes and ducts penetrating fire separation. D. Mask where necessary to avoid spillage and over coating onto adjoining surfaces; remove stains on adjacent surfaces. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install fire stopping and smoke seal materials in accord with manufacturer's recommendations and ULC test requirements. 04103-07840.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07840 ' FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 3 3.02 INSTALLATION (ConYd) B. Provide fire stopping and smoke seal at control joints, between fire rated walls/partitions and structural deck above, and at other locations, as required, to maintain integrity of smoke and fire barriers. C. Fire stopping and smoke seal in locations exposed to view shall be of the sealant type, alternatively, other fire stopping material may be used, provided it is covered by a bead of sealant. D. Seal holes or voids made by through penetrations, poke-through termination devices, and unpenetrated openings or joints to ensure continuity and integrity of fire separation are ' maintained. E. Provide temporary forming as required and remove forming only after materials have gained sufficient strength and after initial curing. F. Tool or trowel exposed surfaces to a neat finish. t G. Remove excess compound promptly as work progresses and upon completion. 3.03 SCHEDULE ' A. Firestop all openings in fire rated assemblies and fire separations in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. B. Provide smoke seals at all openings in walls between indoorvehicle parking ordelivery areas and adjacent spaces. 3.04 INSPECTION A. Notify consultantwhen ready for inspection and prior to concealing or enclosing fire stopping materials and service penetration assemblies. ' 3.05 CLEAN-UP A. Remove excess materials and debris and clean adjacent surfaces immediately after application. B. Remove temporary dams after initial set of fire stopping and smoke seal materials. End of Section 04103-07840.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D Finish Carpentry Section 06200 1 E. Cabinet Work Section 06410 F. Building Insulation Section 07200 ' G. H. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07260 Air Barrier Section 07270 I. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 J. Insulated Wall Panels Section 07420 K. Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing Section 07540 L. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 M. Firestopping and Smoke Seats Section 07840 N. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 O. Aluminum Windows, Doors, and Curtain Wall Section 08400 P. Glazing Section 08800 Q. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 ' 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Sealant materials shall conform to the following: ' l vent 1. CBSB 19-GP-SM Sealing compound, one component, acrylic base, so curing. 2. CGSB 19.13-M Sealing compound, one component, elastomeric chemical ' curing. 3. CGSB 19-GP-14M Sealing compound, one component, butyl-polyisobutylene, polymer base, solvent curing. 4. CBSB 19-22-M Mildew resistant sealing compound for tubs and tile. ' 5. CGSB 19-24-M Multi component, chemical curing sealing compound. ' 1.04 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Sealant and substrate materials to be minimum 5 degrees C. B. Should it become necessary to apply sealants below 5 degrees C, consult sealant ' manufacturer and follow their recommendations and review with Consultant. 1.05 WARRANTY A. Warrant that caulking and sealant work will not leak, crack, crumble, melt, shrink, run, lose adhesion or stain adjacent surfaces in accordance with General Conditions clause GC 24. Warranty for caulking and sealants shall be for three years. 0410307900.wpd DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS Page 2 ' 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Installation of caulking shall be performed only by workmen thoroughly skilled and specially trained in the techniques of caulking. B. Caulking work shall be carried out in strict accordancewithrnanufacturer's printed directions. ' 1.07 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. Use all means necessary to protect caulking materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. B. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the ' approval of the Consultant and at no additional cast to the Owner. C. Store all caulking materials and equipment under conditions recommended by its ' manufacturer. D. Do not use materials stored for a period exceeding the maximum recommended shelf-life of the material. ' E. Materials shall be delivered to the job in their original containers or wrapping with the manufacturer's seal and labels intact. ' 1.08 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with requirements of Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) ' regarding use, handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials, and regarding labelling and provision of material safety data sheets. B. Submit MSDS Data Sheets for review and acceptance by the Owner prior to delivery to the ' project site. Obtain written approval from the Owner and do not deliver any materials to the Owner's property prior to receipt of such approval. ' C. Conform to manufacturer's recommended temperatures, relative humidity, and substrate moisture content for application and curing of sealants including special conditions governing use. ' D. Ventilate area of work by use of approved portable supply and exhaust fans. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. Primers: Type recommended by sealant manufacturer. ' B Products of the following manufacturers are approved for use subject to meeting the . specifications for the particular product listed below: ' 1. Canadian General Electric 2. Dow Corning 3. Nuco Inc. ' 4. Sika Canada Limited 04103-07900.wpd ' 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS Page 3 ' 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) 5. Tremco Manufacturing Company (Canada) Ltd. ' 6. W.R. Grace and Company. C. Jcint Fillers: ' 1. General: Compatible with primers and sealants, outsized 30 to 50%. 2. Polyethylene, Urethane, Neoprene or Vinyl: (1) Extruded closed cell foam, Shore A hardness 20, tensile strength 20 psi to ' 29 psi (140 to 200 kPa). (2) Sealtight-Etha Foam Backer Rod W. R. Meadows Canada Ltd. 3. Premoulded Joint Filler: (1) Unifoam R1009 Goodco Limited ' D. Sealants: 1. For Exterior Locations: To CAN/CGSB19.24-M, two component LP polysulphide base sealant Type 2 where subjected to foot traffic and Type 1 where not subjected ' to foot traffic (20-35 Shore A) Class B, bearing seal of approval of Thiokol Chemical Corporation: (1) DOW Corning 7901795 ' (2) Dymeric -Tremco 2. ForlnteriorLocations:ToCAN3-11.13-M, one component polysulphide base sealant bearing seal of approval of Thiokol Chemical Corporation. (1) Mono 555 -Tremco ' (2) Vulkem 116 -Tremco (3) DOW Corning 790/795 3. Acrylic Latex: Siliconized acrylic latex to CGSB 19.GP-17M. ' (1) Tremflex 834 -Tremco 4. Colour of Sealants to be selected by Consultant. E. Bond Breaker Tape: ' 1. Polyethylene bond breaker tape which will not bond to sealant. ' F. Joint Cleaner: Xylol, methylethyleketon or non-corrosive type recommended by sealant manufacturer and compatible with joint forming materials. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 INSPECTION ' A. Inspect conditions and substrates upon which work of this Section is dependent. Report to Consultant in writing any defects that may jeopardize the performance of this work. Commencement of work implies acceptance of conditions. ' 3.02 PREPARATION A. Remove dust, paint, loose mortar and otherforeign matter. Ensurejoint surtaces are dry and free of frost. B. Remove rust, mill scale and coatings from ferrous metals by wire brush, grinding or sandblasting. ' 04103-07900.wpd J DIVISION 7 SECTION 079D0 JOINT SEALERS Page 4 3.02 PREPARATION (Cont'd) C. Remove oil, grease and other coatings from non-ferrous metals with joint cleaner. D. Do not apply sealantstojointsurfacestreatedwithsealer,curingcompound,waterrepellent, or other coatings unless tests have been performed to ensure compatibility of materials. Remove coatings as required. E. Prepare concrete, masonry glazed and vitreous surfaces to sealant manufacturer's instructions. F. Examine joint sizes and conditions to achieve correct depth ratio 1/2 of joint width with minimum width and depth of 6 mm, maximum width 25 mm. G. Install joint filler to achieve correct joint depth. H. Where necessary to prevent staining, mask adjacent surface prior to priming and caulking. Apply bond breaker tape where required to ensure performance of sealant. J. Prime sides of joints when required to ensure performance of sealant immediately prior to caulking. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Apply sealants in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, in continuous beads, to provide watertight joint. Apply sealant using gun with proper size nozzle. Use sufficient pressure to fill voids and joints solid. Superficial pointing with skin bead is not acceptable. B. Form surface of sealantwith full bead, smooth, free from ridges, wrinkles, sags, air pockets, embedded impurities. Neatly tool surface to a slight concave joint. C. Apply sealant to joints between window or door frames to adjacent building components, around perimeter of every external opening, to control joints in masonry walls where shown. D. Clean adjacent surfaces immediately and leave work neat and clean. Remove excess sealant and droppings using recommended cleaners as work progresses. Remove masking after tooling of joints. E. Caulk joints in surfaces to be painted before surfaces are painted. Where surfaces to be caulked are primed in shop before caulking, check to make sure prime paint and caulking are compatible. If they are incompatible, inform Consultant and change caulking to compatible type approved by Consultant. Sealant Locations 1. Joints between metal frames (both sides) board. 2. Joints at metal frames and resilient flooring. 3. Joints in metal frames. 4. Door frames. 5. Window frames. 6. Construction and control joints. 1 1J 1 1 1 with concrete, masonry and gypsum 04103-079DD.wpd ' 1'' ', ~ DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 •, ~ JOINT SEALERS Pages 3.03 APPLICATIO N (Cont'd) 7. Junction of masonry and other types of partitions. 8. Other locations where caulking is required to provide a neat clean junction. 9. Caulk the entire perimeter of all mechanical and electrical material or piping extending through or occurring in masonry walls. 10. Joints between gypsum board and masonry 11. Joints between cabinetwork and adjoining wall surtaces (Acrylic latex, white). ' End of Section , I' 1 ,, ' 04103-07900.wpd DlvlsloN 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS FRAMES AND SCREENS Page 1 ' PART 1 : GENERAL ' 01 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 ' B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D. E. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 F. Joint Sealers Section 07900 G. Plastic Faced Wood Doors Section 08213 H. Automatic Door Operators Section 08310 I. Finishing Hardware Section 08710 J. Glazing Section 08800 K. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 L. Painting Section 09900 1.03 REFERENCES ' A. ASTMA653M-95,SpecificationforSteelSheet,Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)orZinc-IronAlloy- Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. B. ASTM B 749, Specification for Lead and Lead Alloy Strip, Sheet and Plate Products. ' C. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. D. CAN/CGSB-51.20, Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering. E. CGSB 51-GP-21 M, Thermal Insulation, Urethane and Isocyanurate, Unfaced. F. CSAA101, Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings. ' G. CGSB 40-GP-19Ma Thermal Breaks: Polyvinylchloride (PVC). H. CANlCSA-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. I. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). J. Canadian Steel Door and Frame Manufacturers' Association, Specifications for Commercial ' Steel Doors and Frames, 1990. K. Canadian Steel Door and Frame Manufacturers' Association, Recommended Selection and Usage Guide for Commercial Steel Doors, 1990. L. NFPA 80, Fire Door Assemblies, Fire Tests of. M. ULC CAN4-S104M, Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. N. ULC CAN4-S105M, Fire Door Frames. ' 1.04 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Steel fire rated doors and frames: labeled and installed by an organization accredited by ' Standards Council of Canada in conformance with CAN4-S104M (NFPA 252) for ratings specified or indicated. B. Provide fire labeled frame products for those openings requiring fire protection ratings, as ' scheduled. Test products in strict conformance with CAN4-S104, ASTM E 152 or NFPA 252 and list by nationally recognized agency having factory inspection service and construct as detailed in Follow-up Service ProcedureslFactory Inspection Manuals issued by listing ' agency to individual manufacturers. ' oaioa-oa~oo.wPd ti DIVISION 8 , SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS FRAMES AND SCREENS Page 2 1 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawinos ' 1. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330 for review before fabricating hollow metal doors and frames. ' 2. Co-ordinate with the Finish Hardware supplier. 3. Indicate each type of door, size, material, mortises, hardware blanking, reinforcing, tapping and drilling arrangements, openings, metal gauges, thicknesses and ' finishes. 4. Indicate frames including material, profile, elevation, anchorage details, mortices, reinforcement, fire rating, glazing stops and finish. 5. Submit door and frame schedule identifying each unit. Each unit shall bear a legible ' identifying mark corresponding to that listed in the door and frame schedule. B. Samples: Supply, for review, sample of frame comer showing construction, workmanship and finish. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer of hollow metal doors, screens and pressed metal frames shall be a member ' in good standing of the Canadian Steel Door Manufacturer's Association (CSDMA). B. Manufacturer shall be assessed and registered as meeting the requirements of Quality ' Systems under ISO 9001. 1.07 TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ' A. Fire labelled products shall be provided for those openings requiring fire protection ratings as scheduled on the drawings. Products shall be tested in strict conformance with CAN4- S104 and listed by Underwriters Laboratory of Canada Ltd. or Warnock Hersey under an ' active Factory Inspection Program. B. Product quality shall meet the standards established by the Canadian Steel Door Manufacturer's Association. ' 08 TESTING AND PERFORMANCE 1 . 17 when of RSI 2 ratin i t h l ' . g res s ance erma A. Core materials for exterior doors shall attain a t tested in accordance with ASTM C177 or ASTM C518. B. Thermally broken frames shall meet or exceed the requirements of CGSB 82-GP-5M. ' C. Door construction covered by this specification shall meet acceptance criteriaofANSIA224.1 and shall be certified as meeting Level A (1,DOO,OOD cycles) and Twist Test Acceptance ' Criteria deflection not to exceed 6.4 mm/13.6 kg force, total deflection at 136.1 kg force not to exceed 64 mm and permanent deflection not to exceed 3.2 mm when tested in strict conformance with ANSI A250.4. Test shall be conducted by an independent nationally , recognized accredited laboratory. 04703-08700.wpd ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS FRAMES AND SCREENS Page 3 ' 1.09 WARRANTY A. All steel door and frame products shall be warranted for defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of substantial performance. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Sheet Steel: Cold rolled or hot rolled, commercial quality, stretcher leveled, galvanized, "Gatvanneal", conforming to ASTM A924 light zinc coated ZF75 to ASTM A653. ' B. Gauges (min. thicknesses): Thickness (inches) Member Galvanized Gauoe t Frames 0.064 16 Thermally broken frames 0.064 16 Spreaders 0.052 18 Anchors 0.052 18 Boxes 0.022 20 Reinforcement 0.139 10 Door Faces (Interior) 0.064 16 ' Thickness (inches) Member Galvanized Gauoe ' Door Faces (Exterior -Insulated) 0.064 16 Stiffeners 0.040 20 Door End Channels 0.064 16 C. Sheet Steel: Cold rolled or hot rolled, commercial quality, stretcher leveled, galvanized, "Galvanneal", conforming to ASTM A924 light zinc coated ZF75 to ASTM A653 D. Door Fill Interior Doors: Structural small cell 25.4 mm maximum kraft paper honeycomb. Weight 36 kg per ream (minimum) with minimum density of 16.5 kg/m', sanded to required thickness. ULC approved. E. Door Fill Exterior Doors: Polyisocyanurate rigid foam, closed cell insulation. Thermal resistance value of RSI 2.17, minimum, to ASTM C 1289. 1 F Adhesives: 1. Honeycomb cores and steel components: Heat resistant, spray grade resin reinforced neoprene/rubber based, low viscosity, contact cement or ULC approved equivalent. ' 2. Polyisocyanurate cores: Heat resistant, epoxy based, low viscosity contact cement. 3. Interlocking edge seams: Resin reinforced polychloroprene (RRPC), fire resistant, high viscosity sealantladhesive or ULC approved equivalent. G. Exterior Top Caps: Rigid polyvinylchloride (PVC) extrusion to CGSB-4I-GP-19Ma. H. Door Silencers: To CGSB-60-GP6, Type 61180. Grey or black neoprene, single stud. Glynn Johnson Model No. GJ64. ' 04103-08100.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS FRAMES AND SCREENS Page 4 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) 1. Glazing Stops: Minimum 20 gauge (0.9 mm) base thickness sheet steel with wipe zinc finish to ASTM A525-80a. Fasteners to be #6 x 32 mm cadmium plated oval head scrulox (self drilling) type screws. Tamper proof screws on exterior doors and frames. J. Primer (for touch-up): To CAN/CGSB 1.181, organic zinc rich coating, rust inhibitive, Galvafroid SB Grade by W.R. Meadows or Devoe 13034 by ICI (Glidden). K. Fibreglass: To CSA A101, loose belt type, minimum density of 24 kg/m'. L. Glass: Refer to Section 08800, Glazing. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Welding 1. Conform to CSA Standard W59. 2. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush. Fill all open joints, seams and depressions with filler or by continuous brazing or welding, and grind smooth to true shape and profile, sand to smooth, true, uniform finish. B. Hardware Preparations: 1. Doors and frames shall be factory blanked, mortised, reinforced, drilled and tapped forfully templated mortised hardware in accordancewith the final approved schedule and templates received from the hardware supplier. 2. Doors and frames shall be factory blanked and reinforced only for mortised hardware that is not fully templated. 3. Doors and frames shall be factory reinforced for surface mounted hardware. 4. Templated holes 13 mm diameter and larger shall be factory prepared, except mounting and through bolt holes, which shall be by the contractor responsible for installation, on site at time of application. Templated holes less than 13 mm diameter shall be factory prepared onlywhen required forthe function ofthe device (forknobs, levers, cylinders, thumb ortum pieces) orwhen these holes overlap function holes. 5. Drilling and tapping for surface mounted hardware that is notfully templated shall be by the contractor responsible for installation, on site at time of application. 6. Hinge and pivot reinforcements shall be 3.5 mm steel minimum with top cutout provided with high frequency type reinforcing. 7. Lock, strike and flush bolt reinforcement shall be 1.6 mm steel minimum. 8. Reinforcements for concealed closers and holders shall be 2.7 mm steel minimum. 9. Reinforcements for surtace mounted hardware shall be 1.6 mm steel minimum. 10. Hardware enclosures and/or junction boxes shall be provided and inter connected with CSAapproved 13 mm diameterconduit and connectors forelectricallyoperoted hardware. C. Frames 1. Fabricate frames to profiles shown with integral continuous stops, minimum 16 mm high. Interior frames shall be minimum 16 gauge. 2. Exterior frames shall be Fleming TB Series, thermally broken with extruded PVC spline, 1.6 mm thick galvanized steel, to CG56 82-GP-5M. 3. Mitre corners of frames. Cut frame mitres accurately and weld continuously on inside of frame. 04103-08100.wpd 1 u DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS, FRAMES AND SCREENS Page 5 2.02 FABRICATION (Cont'd) 4. Where site welding or splicing is required due to size of unit, the location of field joints shall be shown on the shop drawings and strictly adhered to. 5. Protect strike and hinge reinforcements and other openings with metal guard boxes welded to frame. 6. Fit frames with channel or angle spreaders, two per frame, to ensure proper frame alignment. Install stiffener plates or spreaders between frame trim where required, to prevent bending of trim and to maintain alignment when setting and during construction. 7. Where frames occur in masonry provide an adjustable tee anchor forevery 610 mm of jamb length or as required by U.L.C. to provide the required rating of the door. 8. Where frames are to terminate at finished floor level, provide plates for anchorage to slabs. 9. Fit interior frames with rubber silencers. 10. Provide manufacturer's standard removable mullion where indicated. 11. Frames to fit over full width of gypsum board wall assemblies. D. Doors 1. Fabricate to present one continuous face free from joints, tool markings and abrasions. Assemble by welding. 2. Exterior doors shall be Fleming DSS Series, with face sheets fabricated from 1.6 mm galvanized sheet steel, stiffened, insulated and sound deadened with polyisocyanurate core laminated to face sheets under pressure. Provide PVC top caps on all exterior doors. 3. Interior doors shall be Fleming DSS Series, with face sheets fabricated from 1.6 mm galvanized sheet steel, stiffened, insulated and sound deadened with honeycomb core laminated to face sheets under pressure. 1. Formed edges shall be true and straight with a minimum radius for the thickness of steel used. 5. Reinforce edges with channel reinforcing. Form seam between faces and door edges by tack welding, followed by continuous welding and grinding smooth. Bevel stiles 3 mm. 6. Provide stiffeners for doors over 915 mm wide or.2134 mm high. 7. Top and bottom of doors shall be provided with inverted, recessed,1.6 mm steel end channels, welded to each face sheet at 150 mm on centre, maximum. Channels to be 2.7 mm thick at fire labelled doors. E. Partition Screens: 1. Fabricate metal screens to profiles indicated. 2. Supply jamb and mullion extensions and anchors required to secure screens to structureorframingprovidedunderothersections. Fabricate anchorage to prevent transfer of toad form support framing to the screens when deflection of structure occurs. 3. Provide concealed fitted steel glass stops where required. Mitre corners, drill and countersink fasteners symmetrically at 150 mm o.c. Screw stops in place. 4. Glass: Refer to section 08800, Glazing. F. Glazing Stops: 1. Glazing stops: 20 gauge (0.90 mm) steel trim and screwfixed type. Screws shall be #6 x 32 mm oval head scrulox (self drilling) type at 300 mm on centre maximum. 04103-08100.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS FRAMES AND SCREENS Page 6 2.02 FABRICATION (Cont'd) 2. Glazing stops shall be accurately fitted, butted at corners with removable stops located on push side of door. 3. Provide tamper proof screws on exterior doors and screens. G. Finishes: Doors and frames shall be wipe coat zinc, ready for painting. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 I NSTALLATI O N A. Set frames plumb, square, level and without twist at correct elevation. B. Secure anchorages and connections to adjacent construction. C. Brace frames rigidly in position while building-in.lnstall temporaryhorizontalwoodspreaders at third points of door opening to maintain frame width. Provide vertical support at centre of head for openings over 1200 mm wide. Remove temporary spreaders after frames are built-in. D. E. H. F. G. E. F. J. Make allowances for deflection to ensure structural loads are not transmitted to frames. Frames in masonry walls shall be fully grouted in place. Fill frames in exterior walls and insulated interior walls, with fibrous insulation. Install doors and hardware in accordance with templates and manufacturer's instructions. Install rated doors in accordance with N.F.P.A.-80 and U.L.C. requirements. Install glazing materials in accordance with Section 08800. Remove protective coverings. Touch up doors and frames with primer where galvanized finish is damaged during fabrication and installation. End of Section 04103-08100.wpd ~J DIVISION 8 SECTION 08213 PLASTIC FACED WOOD DOORS Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Rough Carpentry Section 0610D B. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 B. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 B. Finish Hardware Section 08710 D. Glass and Glazing Section 08800 C. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A208 1-Wood Particle Board. B. ASTM D1037 Method for Evaluating Particle Board. C. CSA Standard 0132-M. D. AWMAC Quality Standards E. NWMA Industry Standards. F. Architectural Woodwork Institute Standards. G. NEMA LD3 High Pressure Decorative Laminate. H. NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors. 1.04 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect doors before, during and after installation. B. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Division 1. Indicate doortypes, sizes, thicknesses and details of construction. Identify doors by opening number which corresponds to the Architectural drawings. B. Submit one 300 x 300mm corner sample of each wood doortype showing door construction, core and faces. C. Submit samples of selected plastic laminate facing. D. Submit maintenance and care instructionsforinclusionintheMaintenanceManualsspecified in Division 1. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The"Quality Standards"oftheArchitecturalWoodworkManufacturersAssociationofCanada (AWMAC), 1991 Edition, together with authorized additions and amendments, shall be used as a reference standard and shall form part of this project specification. 04103-03213.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08213 PLASTIC FACED WOOD DOORS Page 2 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Cont'd) B. Where modifications to the AWMAC Quality Standards contained within the Manual are included in this project specification, then such modifications shall govern in case of conflict. C. Any reference to Custom or Premium grade in this specification shall be as defined in the AWMAC Quality Standards. D. Any item not given a specific quality grade shall be Custom grade as defined in the AWMAC Quality Standards. E. References in this specification to part and item numbers mean those parts and items contained within the AWMAC Quality Standards Manual. 1.07 TESTING AND PERFORMANCE A, Fire labeled products shall be provided for those openings requiring fire protection ratings as scheduled on the drawings. Products shall be tested instrict conformance with NFPA 80 and shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratory of canada Ltd. or Warnock Hersey under an active Factory Inspection Program. 1.08 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE A. The door manufacturer and the Contractor shall be jointly responsible to make certain that wood doors are not delivered until the building and storage areas are sufficiently dry so that the wood doors will not be damaged by excessive changes in moisture content. B. Wood door delivery, storage and handling shall be in accordance with the AWMAC Quality Standards. C. Deliveredmaterialswhicharedamagedinanywayordonotcomplywiththesespecifications will be rejected by the Consultant and shall be removed from the job site and replaced with acceptable materials. 1.09 WARRANTY 1 1 A. Provide a written guarantee stating that work of this Section shall be guaranteed for three years against warping, twist, delamination, opening ofjoints, cracking, shrinking and similar ' defects. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PLASTIC FACED DOORS AND TRANSOMS q. Plastic Faced Wood Doors and Transom Panels as manufactured by the following are acceptable: Superstructure Door Co. of Canada Ltd. Premium Forest Products. Sauder Premdoor Poncraft Door Co., Inc. 04103-08213.wpd 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08213 PLASTIC FACED WOOD DOORS Page 3 2.01 PLASTIC FACED DOORS AND TRANSOMS (Cont'd) B. Doors and transoms shall be constructed with solid particle core (non-labeled) or noncombustible mineral core (labeled doors), 114mm wide stiles and 70mm top and bottom rails. Stiles to have 16mm wide facing strips of birch. Provide extra blocking where required to suit each type of hardware item. Provide wood grounds around glazed and louvre openings. C. Particle board core shall conform to C.S.A. Standard 0188 and shall be 32 pounds per cu. ft. density. D. Mineral core: manufacturer's standard, ULC approved for use in fire labelled doors. E. Doors and transoms to be 44mm thick. F. Plastic laminate shall be 1.1mm thick decorative, melamined surtace, high pressure laminated plastic sheeting conforming to NEMA Specifications, and having a suede finish. Edge strips shall be cut from same sheet as facing. Bond the plastic laminate to the core, stiles, rails and facing strips, under pressure to provide a smooth surface. Laminate colour and texture shall be selected by the Architect. G. Provide rabbetted joints between doors and transom panels. Rabbett to be 22 x 22mm. H. Adhesive: To CSA 0132.2-M, Type II, for interior use, water resistant. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 FABRICATION A. Fabricate all plastic faced doors and transom panels in strict accordance with CSA Standard 0132-M and the AWMAC Quality Standards Manual. B. Fabricate fire labeled doors in accordance with NFPA 80. Factory install Underwriters of Canada Limited or Warnock-Hersey fire label on stile of each fire rated door. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Comply with reference standards. ' 3.03 B. Allow doors to be acclimated to building heat and humidity conditions prior to installation. C. Install doors and transoms in designated openings within specified clearances. Install applicable hardware in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and templates. D. Install transom panels with concealed fasteners. E. Do not install doors in frames which are out of plumb. A. Protect doors from damage before and after installation. End of Section 04103-08213.wpd 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08310 AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL UIREMENTS 1.01 GENERAL REQ A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section D8100 B. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls Section 08400 C. Finishing Hardware Section 08710 D. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. All automatic entrance equipment is to comply with ANSI A-156.10 B. Equipment shall be C.S.A. approved. C. Ontario Building Code. ' D. Canadian Electrical Code. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shoo Drawings: Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330 to the Consultant ' for review indicating all components, required clearances, electrical hook-up and coordination required with the work of related trades. B. Indicate materials, thickness, anchorage, finishes and operation. Indicate minimum acceptable clearances required. C. Provide layout for installation of door controller paddles and devices including mounting heights and conduit requirements. D. Submit wiring diagrams and schematics. 1 TENANCE 1.05 MAIN ' A. Provide operating and maintenance manual for the automatic door operators. B. Provide triplicate copies for inclusion in Operation and Maintenance Manuals required under Section 01780. t f d C. oor opera ors. Instruct Owner in operation and maintenance o 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide written guarantee against defects for all work of this section for a period of two (2) years from date of Substantial Completion. oa~oa-oea~o.wPa DIVISION 8 SECTION 08310 AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Page 2 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Manufacturer: This specification is based on Stanley Magic Swing Door Operators. Equivalentproductsbythefollowingmanufacturersareacceptable,subjecttoapprovalofthe ' Consultant: Besam, Horton Automatics, Dor-O-Matic. 2.02 MATERIAL/DESIGN/OPERATION A. Operator 1. Shall be Stanley Magic-Swing, electro-mechanical system sealed against dirt, dust and corrosion in a cast aluminum case and fully lubricated to minimize wear and friction ofthe moving parts between temperature extremes of-20°C and +60°C. The entire operator shall be removable from the header as a unit. 2. Size operators tosuitweightofdoorsasindicatedontheDoorandFrameSchedule. 3. Aluminum header extrusions to be minimum 3.0 mm wall thickness and have an anodized finish (clear or black anodic hardcoat) to match adjacent frames. (Colours will be selected by the Consultant). 4. Back paint all aluminum in contact with steel with bituminous paint to CGSB 1-GP- 108 and install PVC isolating strips. 5. All automatic entrance equipment is to complywith all sectors ofANSI A-156.10 and by C.S.A. approved. B. Power Ooeninc 1. The operator shall open the door with a 118 hp DC motor through reduction gears, ball screw actuator and a forged steel rack and pinion. Opening time to back-check (approximately 75°) shall be 1.25-1.6 seconds. The drive train shall have positive, constant engagement. A force no greater than 25 IbF at the lock stile shall stop the door from opening. The operator shall stop the door in the open position by electrically reducing the motor voltage and holding against an adjustable 90° stop. C. Sorino Closino 1. The operator shall close the door by spring energy. Closing speed shall be controlled by employing the motor as a dynamic brake, and closing to latch check (approximately 10°) shall be in 3 seconds. Closing through last 10° shall be in 1.5 seconds minimum. The closing spring shall be a helical compression spring, pre- loaded for positive closing action at a low material stress level for long spring life. D. Emeroencv Release 1. The operator shall have built in emergency release with controlled spring return to the closed position without manual resetting. While the door is in the emergency release mode, a disconnect switch shall prevent powered operation. No header or jamb mounted stops or cams shall be required for emergency function. Nat more than 50 IbF at the lock stile shall be required for emergency use perANSI A-156.10. 04103-08310.wpd `1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08310 ' AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Page 3 2.02 MATERIALIDESIGN/OPERATION (Cont'd) E. Manual Use 1. The operator shall function as a manual door closer in the direction of swing with or without electrical power. 2. Entrapment Protection: the forces and speeds of power opening, manual opening in both directions of swing, and spring closing in both directions of swing shall conform to the requirements of ANSI-A-156.10. F. Electrical Control 1. A solid state, completely enclosed electronic control with quick connect plugs shall incorporate the following features: (1) A "safety plus" - 1 '/ second extension of both operate and safety signals after pressure has been removed from the control mats. (2) A 2 '/s ampere current limiting circuit which limits the opening force of the operator to a maximum of 24 IbF at the lock stile. (3) A "soft-start" motor driving circuit that reduces power to the motor after seven (7) seconds of maintained opening speed. (4) A cam actuated emergency breakout switch to disconnect power to the motor when the door is manually pushed in the emergency direction. The operator will then automatically reset and power will be resumed. ' G. Door Arm 1. Linkage assembly shall provide positive control of door through entire swing; shall permit use on butt hung doors. 2. Header shall be 140 mm wide by 152 mm high extruded aluminum of 3.0 mm thickness. Access to the operator and electronic control box shall be by a full length removable cover, edge rabbited to the header to insure flush fit. Finish to be ' anodized. H. Controls 1. Shall be manufacturer's standard manually operated 115 mm diameter stainless steel push plate embossed with Handicap Symbol and "PUSH TO OPEN". 2. Provide CSA approved 50 x 10D mm galvanized steel junction box or size to match frames. On frames, provide push plate to fit width of frame. ' 3. Provide manufacturer's standard bollard mount assembly for exterior doors where indicated. Bollard shall be prime painted. 4. Control devices shall be weatherproof. ' PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION ' A. Prior to installation inspect the site with the Contractor to ensure that no defects are present in the completed phases of the work which would result in poor application or installation, or cause latent defects of the automatic door equipment. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install components and wire operators in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. 04103-08310.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08310 AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Page 4 3.02 INSTALLATION (ConYd) B. Coordinate installation of operators with other Sections. Supply material to be built in to the work when required. C. Install control switches at heights in accordance with referenced standards and reviewed shop drawings. D. Maintain minimum headroom requirements at doors as indicated on the reviewed shop drawings. E. Adjust door operating components to ensure smooth opening and closing of doors. F. Install bollard mounted push button operators where indicated. G. Instruct the Owner in the correct operation, care and maintenance of the door operators. End of Section 04103-08310.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08351 SLIDING/FOLDING GRILLES PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 B. Finishing Hardware Section 08710 C. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Samples 1. Submit samples of aluminum finishes inaccordancewithsection01330forapproval. B. Shop Drawings 1. Submit shopdrawingsinaccordancewithSection01330totheConsultantforreview before fabricating sliding/folding grilles. 2. Indicate details of construction, operation and installation. Show all required clearances, weights of equipment in closed and stacked positions, pocket dimensions, and methods of attachment. 3. Submit layout drawings for installation of framing to be installed by others. 1.04 WARRANTY A. The standard warranty shall cover the repair or replacement of defective components or assembly labour for a period of one year following the installation of grille. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Sliding/folding grilles to be Royal as manufactured by MobilFlex Inc. B. Similar products acceptable to the Consultant as manufactured by the following will be accepted subject to approval of the Consultant: Atlas Door Dynamic Dynaflair Corporation Canada Inc. Amstel C. Curtain :The top and bottom of each section is fitted with an aluminum panel 4" (101mm) high. This panel consists of an aluminum extrusion 1/16"(1.6mm) thick and composed of modules with a 15° angle between them to facilitate the operation of the closure. The curtain is constructed of 6" (152mm) wide modules linked together by a continuous aluminum hinge. These hinges hold tempered glass panels 118" (3mm) thick and 4-314" (120mm) wide. Each glass panel is protected at its perimeter by a vinyl extrusion recessed within the full height of the hinges. ~~ , ~~I 0410308351.wpd June 4, 2003 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08351 SLIDING/FOLDING GRILLES Page 2 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) D. Track: Overhead track is to be 33mm wide x 40mm high and is to accept 29mm diameter roller trolleys. Rollers are to bear on 6mm thick aluminum surface within the track. Track curves, where indicated, are to have 350mm radii. Refer to Section 0550D for track support. E. Locking: A. Lead post shall be equipped with a hook bolt lock with MobilFlex cylinders each side. B. Lead post shall engage a full height wall jamb. C. Trailing post shall be self-locking at the top and bottom inside the storage pocket. D. Free floating intermediate posts shall be located at all curves and at intervals not exceeding 10 feet (3M), 6 feet (2M) for counter top units. Intermediate posts shall be equipped with self-adjusting spring loaded drop bolts activated from the inside only. Drop bolts shall engage dust proof stainless steel receptacles. F. Finishes: To be clear anodized aluminum. G. Coordinate the size of the curtain closet with other trades. Ensure that the closet is of sufficient size to contain the curtain in a closed position, with the outer door in a closed position. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Set track level and at correct elevation. B. Secure anchorages and connections to adjacent construction. C. Make allowances for deflection to ensure structural loads are not transmitted to frames. D. Install grilles and hardware in accordance with templates and manufacturer's instructions. 3.02 MAINTENANCE 1 1 1 1 A. Grille curtain shall be cleaned regularly with a mild soap that is approved for use on aluminum. Roller trolleys are to be lubricated at least every 4 months with WD-40 or , equivalent. End of Section 04103-08351.wpd June 4, 2003 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ' ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS, AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . A. Conform with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Selective Demolition Section 02050 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Structural Steel Section 05100 ' D. E. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 05410 Metal Fabrications Section 05500 F. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 G . Finish Carpentry Section 06200 H. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 1. Insulated Wall Panels Section 07420 J. Joint Sealers Section 07900 K. L. Automatic Door Operators Section 08310 Finishing Hardware Section 08710 M . Glazing Section 08800 N. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 ' 1.03 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Windows shall be designed to meet or exceed air and water infiltration criteria of CAN/CSA- A440 Windows. B. Structural members including intermediate mullions and horizontals, shall be designed to withstand loading in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. C. Structural performance shall be based on CAN3-S157 "Strength Design in Aluminum" and a maximum deflection of 1/175 of the span. D. Curtain walls shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E331 and there shall be no water infiltration with a pressure differential of 720 Pa. ' E. Air infiltration shall not exceed 0.0001 m'/s.m~ when tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a pressure differential of 300 Pa. 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS A. The Subcontractorexecuting thework ofthis Section shall have at leastten years continuous Canadian experience in the successful manufacture and installation of work of the type and ' quality shown and specified and shall be approved by the systems manufacturer. B. Submit proof of experience upon Consultant's request. C. Design Engineer for curtain wall systems shall have a minimum five (5) years experience in the design of similar systems and will have a minimum five (5) million dollars professional liability insurance. Submit proof of experience and insurance on request. 04103-08400.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 2 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS (Cont'd) D. Pre-installation Meeting: Conduct apre-installation meeting to review and verify project requirements, substrate conditions, manufacturer's installation instructions and warranty requirements. Meeting shall be attended by manufacturer's representative, sealant manufacturer's representative, installer, General Contractor and Consultant. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Samples: Submit to the Consultant, duplicate 300 mm long sample sections of all component parts of aluminum extrusions, finished in specified colours. , C. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit shop drawings for review. 2. Indicate and identify all items, show assembly, installation and connection details and methods. 3. Shop drawings shall clearly indicate methods of accommodating thermal expansion and contraction, provisions for structural deflections, contractions, expansion and other normal movements. 4. Curtain wall shop drawings shall bear the stamp of a professional engineer, registered in the province of Ontario far the design of all members and connections and shall indicate design loads and maximum support reactions. 5. All work performed under this section shall be reviewed by the same engineer responsible for reviewing the shop drawings. At the completion of the work, the same engineer shall provide a written letter to the consultant that thework has been installed as per the submitted and sealed shop drawings. D. Test Reports: Submit a report from an independent testing laboratory, verifying that the metal construction and the glass units used meet the following test requirements: 1. Air Infiltration: Conducted on fixed lights not less than 1370 x t 370mm in area. The frame shall include a thermal barrier in aluminum extrusions. The test pressure shall be 0.081 kPa in accordance with the double chamber method outlined in NRC Technical Note No. 375, using Emsweiler gauges to measure pressure differentials. Air infiltration shall be within NAAMM tolerance standards. 2. Water Infiltration: Conducted on fixed lights not less than 1370 x 1370 mm in area. The frame shall include a thermal barrier in aluminum extrusions. The static air pressure on the exterior side shall be 958 kPa (equivalent to the pressure exerted by wind having a velocity of 1D5 kmlh), with a continuous water spray flowing at the rate of 6 litres per 300 x 300mm per hour applied at the window head to flow as a film over the exterior window face. No water shall penetrate during a 15 minute period during which the above conditions shall be in effect. 3. Structural Deflection: Conducted on fixed lights used in the system specified or approved, over at least a heightof 3m and a width of two modules between mullions. The allowable maximum deflection at any point of the span, shall not be more than 11175 of its span under a uniformly distributed positive load equivalent to the pressure exerted by wind having a velocity of 128 km/h and a negative load as determined from data and requirements of CAN3-5157 "Strength Design in Aluminum". 04103-08400.wpd 1 L~ L~ DIVISION 8 SECTION 0840D ALUMINUM WINDOWS. DOORS, AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 3 1.05 SUBMITTALS (Cont'd) 4. Thermal Condensation: Conducted on fixed lights used in the system specified or approved, of not less than 1370 x 1370 mm in area, with an external temperature of -26.1 deg. C and an internal temperature of 24 deg. C and with an internal relative humidity of 30% maintained for 48 hours. Test result shall indicate no frost or condensation on the interior surfaces. 5. Design and components not complying with above requirements will not be accepted. E. Design Calculations: 1. Submit to the Consultant, design calculations of curtain wall system. Be responsible for the design of all components and accessories thereof and connections in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. 2. Make thorough examination of all drawings and details, check interfacing with work of other Contracts and other factors influencing the engineering design and performance of the work and be fully cognizant of requirements. 3. The engineering design calculations and drawings for the curtain wall shall be prepared by a registered Professional Engineer registered to practice in Ontario. The said Engineer shall affix his seal and signature to the design calculations and drawings. 4. .Design to withstandwithoutfailurethepositiveandnegativeforcesimposedbywind, earthquake, temperature and shrinkage stress, deflections of the supporting or adjacent structures, all with deflection limitations governed by the design of the supporting structure. The external pressure of suction due to wind on part or all of the surtace of the units shall be calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. 1.D6 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Transport materials to the job site storage compound in such a manner as to prevent in transit damage. These measures shall include, but not limited to, crating, polyethylene wrapping system, etc. B. Store in a dry, protected area on site, in original undamaged containers with manufacturers labels and seals intact. C. Remove damaged or unsatisfactory materials from the site and replace with new materials to the satisfaction of the Consultant at no cost to the Owner. 1.07 PRE INSTALLATION CONFERENCE A. Conduct apre-installation meeting to review and verify project requirements, substrate conditions, manufacturer's installation instructions and warranty requirements. Meeting shall be attended by manufacturer's representative, sealant manufacturer's representative, installer, General Contractor and Consultant. r 04,03.08400 wpd DIVISION 8 ' SECTION D8400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 4 1.08 WARRANTY D. Providea5yearwarrantyagainstdefectsandfailureofsystemtoremaincompletelyweather tight and air and water leak proof within the tolerances and limits specified. Insulating units shall carry a minimum five (5) year warranty against breakage due to faulty workmanship or materials, loss of air seal and condensation. Tinted reflective units shall carry a minimum ten (10) year warranty against peeling or becoming defective due to normal weather conditions. E. Provide a warranty stating that the anodized finish will be non-fading, nonconvertible, and permanently a part of the metal surface for a period of five years after acceptance of the , building. The warranty shall state that any item showing failure during the warranty period will be replaced or refinished to the original condition, at no cost to the Owner. F. Submit extended period warranties in writing, in a form acceptable to the Owner, jointly , signed by the subcontractor or supplier and the Contractor, with seal of each attached. G. Leakage in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, glass breakage, failure of insulating ' glass units and condensation in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, shall (without limit to other defects which may become apparent) all be judged as defective work. Repair or replace at the discretion of, and at no cost to, the Owner, any defects observed at any time prior to expiration of the above mentioned warranty periods. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS , 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials specified herein. Aluminum sections and products manufactured by Kawneer Company Canada Ltd. form the basis of the drawings and specifications. The following manufacturers are considered as acceptable alternates subjectto approval by the Consultant, of supporting technical literature, samples, drawings and performance data: Alumicor Fulton Windows B. It is a mandatory requirementthatthe products specified in this Section be obtained from one ' source of supply. C. Aluminum Sections: Extruded from Alcan 6063 alloywith a T54 temper. Extruded aluminum sills to size and shape to suit wall conditions, complete with end drip deflectors, expansion cover plates and necessary anchors. Formed aluminum components shall be manufacturer's standard sections as required for a complete installation, formed from sheet of alloy and temper suitable for their purpose and finish. ' D. Member Wall Thickness: Each framing member shall provide structural strength to meet or exceed specified performance requirements. ' E. Fasteners: Self-tapping 300 Series stainless steelforaluminumtosteelcontact,steeldouble cadmium plated for aluminum to aluminum contact, of sufficient strength, size and quantity to perform the functions for which they are intended. , F. Thermal Break: All members to have ISOWEB glass reinforced nylon thermal barriers. 041 D8-08400.wpd r t _7 J r DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS, AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 5 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) G. Steel Reinforcements. Weld Plates, Structural Sections and Anchors: Conforming to CAN3-G40.21-M, Grade 300W hot dipped galvanized to CSA G164-M requirements. H. Cold Formed Reinforcing Channels: To CAN/CSA S136-M and ASTM A525M, zinc coated steel channels. I. Isolation Coatino: Acid and alkali resistant material conforming to CGSB 1.108-M, Type 2. J. Glass and Glazino: Glass and glazing shall be as specified in Section 08800. K. Sealant: Multi-component conforming to CAN/CGS619.24-M,Type 2, Class"B"for sealant to be incorporated between aluminum framing and adjacent structures. Colours as later selected by the Consultant from standard colour selection. Furnish non-hardening, non- skimming, non-sagging, non-bleeding polyisobutylene or partially vulcanized rubber base sealant for use in concealed-sealing of thin joints in metal work. L. Compressible Filler: "Unifoam R1009" by Goodco Limited. M. Adhesives: as recommended by manufacturer of materials to be bonded. N. Aluminum Finishes: 1. Finishes shall be in accordance with Aluminum Association Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. 2. Clear Anodized Finishes: Designation AA-M12-C22-A31 -appearance and properties of anodized finishes designated by the Aluminum Association as Architectural Class 1 and Class 2 respectively. 2.02 PRODUCTS A. Windows 1. Trifab 451 T, 51 x 114mm deep framing designed far all relevant loading. 2. 25mm thick sealed insulating units. Type GL-1 (Refer to Section 08800 -Glazing). 3. Finish: clear anodized aluminum. B. Curtain Walls 1. Exterior Frames: 1601 Wall Series Curtain Wall Framing System nominal 64mm wide x 191 mm depth as per engineering design with horizontal pressure plates and caps. Caps shall be 19mm as indicated on the drawings. Design caps and pressure plates to safely support all applied loads including snow and ice build up on oversized horizontal members. Tubu lar sections shall be thermal ly broken, complete with drainage holes, matching stops and exterior pressure plates of sufficient size and strength to provide adequate bite on glass and spandrel panels, deflector plates and internal mullion baffles. 2. 1" sealed glazed insulating units(refer to Section 08800 -Glazing). 04103-08400.wpd t DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 6 2.02 PRODUCTS (Cont'd) 3. Spandrel Panels (type GL-2) heat strengthened 6mm thick spandrel glass, 100mm AF 530 Fibreglas or Roxul Mineral Fibre Curtain Wall insulation with 22 gauge galvanized sheet steel metal back pan. Insulating clips to be adhesive bonded pin and disc type, Sticklip by Eckel, or similar by Kelty or Dewar. C. Interior Screens 1. Trifab 450, 44.5mm x 114mm deep framing designed for all relevant loading. 2. 6mm thick glass. Type GL-3. 3. Finish: clear anodized aluminum. D. Interior Doors to size and thicknesses as indicated on schedules and drawings. 1. Kawneer 350 Series, medium stile with intermediate horizontal rails where detailed. 2. Reinforce doors for continuous hinges. 3. Finish: Clear anodized as indicated and to match adjacent frame. 4. Rails and stiles to be 9D mm ±wide, bottom rail 165 mm t high. Frame 45 mm thick. 5. Door members to be 3.0 mm nominal thickness. Glazing mouldings to be lock in type with glazing gaskets. Provide flush stops for insulating glass in exterior doors. 6. Interior glass: clear, 6.0 mm thick, laminated units as indicated. E. Door Hardware 1. Dor-O-Matic 1690 Concealed Rod Exit Device. 2. Kawneer Panic Guard on pairs of doors. 3. Adams Rite 1850A deadlock with interior thumb turn. 4. Style 'CS-15' Architects Classic Pull with finish to match door. 5. Continuous heavy dutyhingewithstainlesssteelballbearingsandclearepoxyfinish. 6. Concealed heavy duty closer 2030 LCN. 7. Kawneer controller locking system for paired doors. 8. Door Holder: Glynn Johnson. Door hold open device shall be fully compatible with door closer and shall be as recommended by manufacturer, for installation without requiring modification to doors or frames. 9. Extruded aluminum threshold for barrier free access to all exterior doors, 102 mm wide x 12 mm high. 10. Meeting stiles: adjustable astragal utilizing wool pile with polymeric fin. 2.03 FABRICATION A. All Windows and Curtain Walls 1. Fabricate frames square to profiles shown and prepare for glazing. Fill frames with manufacturer's insulation. 2. Verticalandhorizontalmembersshallbetubularextrusionsdesignedforshearblock comer construction. 3. Design and fabricate necessary brackets and anchorage devices so that, when installed, they will compensate for unevenness and dimensional difference in the structure to which they are secured, will allow full expansion and contraction of framing members as a resultof such expansion and contraction of framing members and will adequately sustain themselves, the windows and superimposed wind and rain loads and all other stresses. 04103-084DO.wpd C~ 1 1 L1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 0840D ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 7 2.03 FABRICATION (Cont'd) 4. Take field measurements prior to fabrication. 5. Jig assemble components in shop and partially disassemble. 6. Accurately form joints and intersections to tight, hairline fit. 7. Nick threads to prevent loosening of nuts. Make bolted and screwed work as inconspicuous as possible. 8. Welding of component members will be permitted providing it does not in any way mar the surface appearance and with joints made tight, in true plane, ground and sanded smooth, flush with base metal. Do all welding on concealed surface. g. Provide glass reinforced nylon thermal break to maintain the interior surface of frames and glass free from condensation and frosting under conditions of minimum -12 degrees C outside temperature with 24 degrees C inside temperature at 35% relative humidity. 10. Design of mullions and framing members shall accommodate insulating glass units generally. 11. Construction (1) Construct units from extrusions of size and shapes shown on the drawings and formed with clean, sharply defined profiles. Joints to be accurately machined, fitted, assembled and sealed to provide neat weather tight joinery. (2) Draw joints together and secure by means of screws driven through the walls and into the integrally extruded screw channels of abutting extrusions. (3) Intermediate members within units may be either solid or tubular design to suit wind-loading and weight carrying requirements. (4) Design coupling mullions to eliminate the "seam joint" on the weathered side, while providing a functional splitto permit unit module construction and provide forthermal expansion. When required, reinforce wind load carrying members with steel bars suitably treated to prevent electrolytic action. (5) Overlap and seal glazing flanges of abutting members for the entire depth and width of the flanges to provide a solid, unbroken water barrier. (6) Glass stops shall be lock in screw-less type. (7) Curtain wall framing vertical and horizontal members shall be tubular extrusions designed for shear block corner construction. Horizontal members shall be sealed to vertical members to provide individual compartments within the system in accordance with the rain screen principal. Provide reinforced, custom fabricated pressure plates and exterior caps. (8) Break form sheet metal back pans for spandrel panels unless otherwise indicated. Install insulation using stick pins. Design for back pans to edge into framing in a manner to maintain a continuous air/vapour barrier at all locations. 12. Equip sill base with splice plate back up sections atjoint in long runs. Seal ends and jambs to provide neat, weather tight joints. 13. All members to have thermal break integrated with the inner and outer aluminum extrusions by aroll-crimping process to form a rigidly interconnected assembly without the use of fasteners or other thermal bridging elements. 14. Provide adequate, shielded drainage and pressure equalization where required. 15. Aluminum Sills -Extruded to size and shape as detailed, complete with end drip deflectors, expansion cover plates and necessary anchors. 16. Form continuous flashings with intermediate clips, anchorages and reinforcing and as much as possible, be shop assembled. Provide all filler and closure pieces as required. 04103-08400.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS. AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 8 ' 2.03 FABRICATION (Cant'd) 17. Form continuous flashings with intermediate clips, anchorages and reinforcing and as much as possible, be shop assembled. Provide all filler and closure pieces as 18. required. Units too large for handling or shipping shall be fitted and assembled in the shop to check accuracy, disassembled and marked for shipping and field assembly. 19. Concealed fastenings shall be used to the greatest possible extent. 20. Isolate joints of unlike materials with bituminous paint to prevent electrolytic action or chemical reaction. Provide all necessary holes for connections and fastenings. ' 21. Provide weep holes in horizontal members as required. Weep holes shall drain to the exterior. 22. Glazing mustwithstand a specified combined dead, live and wind load in accordance with requirements of the Ontario Building Code for the building location, with a maximum deflection of U200 of the span. PART 3: EXECUTION , 3.01 CONDITION O F BUILDING A. Comm ence installation only when variations or discrepancies on the Site which will prevent satisfactory installation of this Section's work are corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION , A. General 1. Provide all fastenings or anchors to be built in under other Sections. ' 2. Conceal all fastenings of window components from view. 3. Securely install frames plumb, true, square and straight in openings and free from distortion using the manufacturer's recommended anchors, anchor bolts and fasteners. Install slipjoint linings where required to accommodate movement. 4. Clean and restore primer and bituminous paint to surfaces disturbed by field welding or other operations. 5. Aluminum to be placed in contact with dissimilar metals shall be given a heavy coat of bituminous paint on contacting surfaces, minimum 30 mil dry film thickness. 6. Caulk internal window joints. Seal joints between interior framing and masonryldrywall and between interior framing and mullion members in such a manner as to produce a completely airtight and watertight installation. 7. Caulk external windowjoints. Seal joints between exterior metal and masonry and between frame and aluminum sill in such a manner as to produce a completely watertight installation. 8. Leave final installation water and weather tight. 9. Where welding is unavoidable for exposed non-ferrous work during erection of curtain wall assembly, comply with CSA W59-M and recommendations of fully ' certified firm to CSA W47.1 for the particular metals and alloys being welded. Use methods and welding rods which will not distort members and will result in closest possible colour match. Grind exposed surfaces smooth, using wheels and compounds which are free of iron and other substances which would result in stains ' or discolouration of surfaces. Restore finishes after welding and grinding. 04103-08400.wpd ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS, AND CURTAIN WALLS Page 9 3.02 INSTALLATION (Cont'd) B. Erection Tolerances: 1. Limit variations from plumb, level or dimensioned angle to the following: - 3 mm maximum deviation in storey height; or in 3,000 mm vertical run, or in 6,000 mm horizontal run. - 6 mm maximum deviation in 11,000 mm in any direction. 2. Limit variations from location (theoretical calculated positions in plan or evaluation based on established floor lines and column lines, including variations from plumb and level, to the following: - 10 mm total maximum deviation for member at any location. - 3.0 mm maximum change in deviation for member far 3.0 m run, any direction. 3. Limitoffsets in end-to-end and edge-to-edge alignmentof adjoining and consecutive members, which form planes, continuous runs and profiles, to the following: - 1.5 mm maximum offset in flush alignment, including those which are to be 13 mm or less out-of-flush, and including those which are separated 50 mm or less by a reveal or protrusion in plane of windows. C. Glazin Refer to Section 08800. D. Caulkin : Refer to Section 07900 3.03 CLEANING A. Immediately prior to the final cleaning of the glass and before handing over the Building to the Owner, make good all damage and disfigurement to the work, and remove all protective coatings, stains and foreign matter from all exposed, exterior and interior surtaces of work supplied under this Section, and leave in a uniform colour and in first class condition to the Consultant's satisfaction. B. Use soap and water, or water and approved solvents not injurious to aluminum, glass, glazing and sealant compounds. Abrasives shall not be used. 3.04 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES A. Atcompletion ofthe project submit manufacturers maintenance and cleaning instructions for aluminum doors, windows and glazing for inclusion into maintenance manuals as specified in Section 01780. End of Section 04103-08400.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS r A. Conform with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Selective Demolition B. Structural Steel Section 05100 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Sheet Membrane Waterproofing Section 07130 F. Building Insulation Section 07200 G. Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing Section 07540 H. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 ' I. Joint Sealers Section 07900 J. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls Section 08400 K. Glazing Section 08800 I 03 REFERENCES 1 . A. AAMA501.1StandardTestMethodforExteriorWindows,CurtainWallsandDoorsforWater Penetration using Dynamic Pressure B. ASTME283StandardTestMethodforDeterminingtheRateofAirLeakageThroughExterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen. C. ASTM E330 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. D ASTM E331Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, . Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. E. CSA/CAN3-S157 Strength Design in Aluminum F. CAN3-G40.21 M Structural Quality Steels G. CSA G164-M Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. H. CGSB 1.108-M Bituminous Solvent Type Paint. 1.04 DES IGN CRITERIA A. Every component of the glazing system shall be designed to support dead load plus live loads in accordance with latest OBC and NBC taking into account snow accumulation and unbalanced loading as well as wind and interior pressures as appropriate. B. Aluminum design shall conform to CAN3-S157-M. Glass shall be designed in conformance with CAN/CGSB-12.20.M. C. Designforthermalmovementthatwillnotoverstresscomponents,causejointorglazingseal failure or other detrimental effects through an ambient temperature range of -35°C to +75°C. D. Design fixing method which cannot work loose due to expansion or building movements. E. Maximum deflection of any member shall not exceed L/175. 04103-08425.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Page 2 1.04 DESIGN CRITERIA (Cont'd) F. Air Seal: the glazing system shall be pressure equalized to the exterior. All inbound joints of ' the system shall incorporate an air seal and drainage pockets vented to the exterior. Any condensation accumulation will be held within the system for evaporation. G. Air Infiltration: air infiltration shall notexceed 0.0003 m'/sec/m~ at500 Pa differential pressure when tested in accordance with ASTM E283. H. Water Penetration: there shall be no water infiltration through the assembly when tested in accordance with ASTM E331 with a pressure differential of 1200 Pa. I. Condensation resistance temperature index of the framing shall be a minimum of 59.8. J. Dissimilar Metals: isolate aluminum from dissimilar metals by use of a bituminous coating. K. If requested by the Consultant, submit test reports from an approved independent testing , laboratory certifying that representative details comply with the requirements of this specification: 1. ASTM E283 for air infiltration , 2. ASTM E331 for static water penetration 3. AAMA 501.1 for dynamic water penetration 4. ASTM E330 for structural performance. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit drawings for review in accordance with Section 01330. B. Indicate each type of skylightframe and include sizes, shapes, location and fastening, details of aluminum extrusions, anchoring, flashing and air/vapour barrier details, finishes, sealants and glass types. C. Clearly indicate materials and large scale details for head, jamb and sill, profiles of components, elevations of units, anchorage details, location of isolation coating, thermal breaks, description of related components, exposed finishes and fasteners. D. Clearly indicatehowthermalexpansionandcontractionaretobeaccommodatedandtowhat degree. E. Show connections to adjacent construction and provisions made for structural deflections, contractions, expansion and other normal movement. ' F. Drawings shall bear the stamp of a professional engineer, registered in the Province of Ontario for the design of all members and connections and shall indicate design loads and maximum support reactions. ' G. The Design Engineer shall perform field reviews during skylight installation and submit field review reports to the Consultant within 7 days. ' H. Operations and Maintenance Data: At completion of the project submit three copies of manufacturer's maintenance, cleaning and operating instructions for aluminum skylights for inclusion into Operations and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 04103-06425.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ~ ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Page 3 ' 1.D6 SAMPLES n 01330 d ith S ti i t f i A. . n accor ance w ec o a e rame Submit sample finishes required on appropr B. Submit 305 mm long sample of each framing profile specified. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Provide a 5 yearwarranty againstdefects and failure of system to remain completelyweather tight and air and water leak proof within the tolerances and limits specified. Insulating units shall carry a minimum five (5) year warranty against breakage due to faulty workmanship or materials, loss of airseal and condensation. Tinted reflective units shall carry a minimum ten (10) year warranty against peeling or becoming defective due to normal weather conditions. B. Provide a warranty stating that the anodized finish will be non-fading, nonconvertible, and ' permanently a part of the metal surface for a period of five years after acceptance of the building. The warranty shall state that any item showing failure during the warranty period will be replaced or refinished to the original condition, at no cost to the Owner. C. Submit extended period warranties in writing, in a form acceptable to the Owner, jointly signed by the subcontractor or supplier and the Contractor, with seal of each attached. D. Leakage in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, glass breakage, failure of insulating glass units and condensation in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, shall (without limit to other defects which may become apparent) all be judged as defective work. Repair or replace at the discretion of, and at no cost to, the Owner, any defects observed at any time i ods. prior to expiration of the above mentioned warranty per 1.08 COORDINATION A. Coordinateworkofthissectionwithinstallationofroofingsystems,roughcarpentryandmetal flashings specified elsewhere. t.D9 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials in sequence to meet building schedule. Transport materials to the job site in such a manner as to prevent it transit damage. These measures shall include, but not limited to, crating, polyethylene wrapping system, etc. B. Store in dry protected area on site, in original undamaged containers. l from the site and re lace with new materials to i f t ti t d d C. p ory ma er a or unsa s ac Remove amage the satisfaction of the Consultant at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.10 PROTECTION A. Protect the work of this trade from damage. Protect work of other trades resulting from the ~ work of this section. B. Provide at the factory, strippable coatings on all exposed surtaces of aluminum. ' 04103-06425.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Page 4 1.10 PROTECTION (Cont'd) C. Upon erection, protect vulnerable edges and exposed corners with 6 mil polyethylene ' wrappings covered with 25 mm thick wooden comer protection securely taped in place. Coating and protective wrappings shall remain on the surface through the period that other trade works proceed on the building and shall be removed on completion of the building. D. Protect all erected and completed work from damage by mortar, paint and other hazard of the work of othertrades bywrapping with 6 mil polyethylene covering securelytaped in place. E. Make good all damaged work caused by failure to provide adequate protection. Remove unsatisfactory work and replace at no expense to the Owner. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS , A. Aluminum sections and products manufactured by Kawneer Company Canada Ltd. form the basis of this specification. The following manufacturer's are considered as acceptable alternates subject to approval by the Consultant, of supporting technical literature, samples, drawings and performance data: 1. Alumicor 2. Commercial Aluminum 3. Zimmcor. 4. United States Aluminum 5. Fulton Windows Provide a letter from the manufacturerof aluminum sections verifying that material to be used is manufactured and supplied by an approved manufacturer as listed in this Specification. B. It is a mandatory requirement thatthe products supplied underthis Section, and the products supplied under Section 08400-Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Walls, be obtained from one source of supply. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Products: Skylight framing systems shall be 2000 Skylight as manufactured by Kawneer Company Canada Ltd. B. Aluminum extrusions: 6063 aluminum alloy with TS temperorstronger. Aluminum plate and ' aluminum sheet for flashing and closures shall be 3003-H14 minimum 0.8 mm thickness. C. Fasteners and Accessories: Fasteners used on the exterior shall be typ 304 stainless steel. Interior fasteners to be cadmium plated steel. Provide trim, sills and accessories where , indicated or as required for a complete installation. D. Isolation Coating: Bituminous paint, acid and alkali resistant, to CGSB 1.108-M, Type 2. E. Glass: Insulated factory sealed double glazed units toCAN2-12.8M. Tempered,heattreated and laminated glass shall conform to CAN2-12.1-M. Glass shall be supplied under Section 08800. 04103-08425.wpd ' I DIVISION 8 SECTION D8425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Pa e 5 2.02 MATERIALS (Cont'd) F. Aluminum Finishes: Finishes shall be in accordance with Aluminum Association Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. 2. ClearAnodizedFinishes: Designation AA-M12C22A31-appearance and properties of anodized finishes designated by the Aluminum Association as Architectural Class 1 and Class 2 respectively. G. Glazing gaskets: dense EPDM, durometer 70 per ASTM C-509. ' H. Exteriorglazinggaskets:TremcoVISIONstripco-extrudedEPDMgasketwithintegralglazing tape. I. Setting blocks: Neoprene compatible with glass edge seals, durometer between 60 and 80 per ASTM D2240. J. Steel Reinfomements, Weld Plates, Structural Sections and Anchors: To CAN3-G40.21M, grade 300W, hot dipped galvanized to CSA G164-M. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Construct and fabricate components to profiles indicated on reviewed shop drawings. Rafters and purlins shall be extrusions designed for overlap connections. Purlins shall be coped at the ends to drain moisture into the rafter drainage channels. There shall be a minimum 13 mm vertical offset between the purlin and the rafter drainage channels. Purlins shall be sealed at joints and fixed to rafters. Pressure plates shall be fastened to frame members with #14 self tapping screws 150 mm on centre. B. Purlins shall have an integral gutter to allow condensation from inner glass surfaces to discharge into an interior condensation gutter on the rafters and drain to the sill for ~ evaporation. `" C. Accurately manufacture, assemble and seal all joints to provide weather tight joinery. D. Provide structural steel reinforcement for strength, stiffness and connections as required to meetdesign loading and pertormance requirements and in accordancewith engineered shop drawings.. E. Fit intersection members to flush hairline, weather tight joints and mechanically fasten together except where shown or specified otherwise. F. Fabricate aluminum sills from minimum 3.0 mm thick material. Aluminum to be finished to match adjacent window finishes. All fasteners and clips to be concealed unless indicated otherwise. ^ G. Form cut outs, recesses, mortising or milling for finishing hardware to templates supplied. Reinforce with aluminum or galvanized steel plates. 1 04703-08425.wptl DIVISION 8 , SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Page 6 2.03 FABRICATION (Cont'd) H. Field apply isolation coating to aluminum in contact with dissimilar metals or cementitious materials. Provide all necessary holesforconnectionsandfastenings. Provideweepholesinhorizontal members as required to drain to the exterior. J. Wherever possible, assemble components in shop for installaticn on site. 2.03 FINISHES A. Skylights: Exterior caps and interior frames: Clear Anodized. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Check site dimensions and ensure all adjacent or adjoining items are properly set to receive the glazed skylights. B. Provide all fastenings or anchors to be built in under other Sections. C. Conceal all fastenings of components from view. D. Securely install frames and components plumb, true, square and straight and free from distortion using the manufacturer's recommended anchors, anchor bolts and fasteners. E. Clean and restore primer and bituminous paintto surfaces disturbed by field welding or other operations. F. Seal joints of skylight and all internal and external joints between skylight and interfacing construction to ensure a weather tight assembly in accordance with sealant manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. G. Glaze skylights in accordance with requirements of Section 08800-Glazing using exterior weUdry method. 3.02 CLEANING A. Immediately prior to the final cleaning of the glass and before handing over the Building to the Owner, make good all damage and disfigurement to the work, and remove all protective coatings, stains and foreign matter from all exposed, exterior and interior surfaces of work supplied under this Section, and leave in a uniform colour and in first class condition to the Consultant's satisfaction. B. Use soap and water, or water and approved solvents not injurious to aluminum, glass, glazing and sealant compounds. Abrasives shall not be used. End of Section i L~ oaioa-oaazs.wpa DIVISION 8 SECTION 08710 FINISHING HARDWARE Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL I 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS _ A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED A. Supply of all finishing hardware. B. The cost of the finishing hardware shall include the supply and delivery F.O.B. Joh Site of Finishing Hardware, and the service of a competent mechanic to inspect the installation of all hardware furnished underthis Section and supervise all adjustment (by trades responsible for fixing) which are necessary to leave hardware in perfect order. 1.03 RELATED WORK A. Allowances Section 01210 B. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 C. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Curtain Walls Section 0810D D. Plastic Faced Wood Doors Section 08213 E. Automatic Door Operators Section 0831 D F. Sliding/Folding Grilles Section 08351 G. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Wall Section 08400 H. Electrical Division 16 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit six (6) copies of complete detailed Hardware Schedule to the Consultant in accordancewithSection01330-Submittal Procedures. Hardware schedule shall be prepared by a qualified Rivett Architectural Hardware. B. Indicate each item location type finishes, identifying mark corresponding to the door schedule. C. Following installation of all hardware, inspect the hardware installation and certify in writing that all work is complete to manufacturer's recommendations and supplied as scheduled. Submit certification to the Consultant. 1.05 PRO DUCT HANDLING 1 A. Receive the delivery of the Finishing Hardware and identify all items against the Finishing Hardware Schedule. Advise the finish hardware supplier and Consultant in writing of errors B. or omissions. Store Finishing Hardware in locked room or storage shed. Ensure each hardware items is accompanied by the correct template, installation instructions, special tools, fastening devices and other loose items. C. Remove all hardware from doors and frames prior to painting. After painting is complete and dry. reinstall all hardware to manufacturer's recommendations. ~. 04103-03710.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08710 FINISHING HARDWARE Page 2 1.06 ALTERNATES A. No alternates will be accepted other than listed in the approved hardware schedule. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PRODUCTS A. All hardware shall be supplied as specified in the Hardware Schedule provided by the Consultant. B. Supply of all finishing hardware will be a cash allowance item. C. All finishes shall be as indicated in the Finishing Hardware Schedule by international codes. D. Fasteners shall match hardware. E. All stainless steel items shall be Type 304 Quality or better. 2.02 KEYING A. All lock cylinders and cores shall be supplied complete by the hardware supplier, to suit Owner's master system, construction master keyed and grand master keyed. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Examination 1 Before installing any hardware, carefully check all architectural drawings of the work requiring hardware, verify door swings, door and frame materials and operating conditions, and assure that all hardware will fit the work to which it is to be attached. 2 Check all shop drawings and frame and door lists affecting hardware type and installation, and certify to the correctness thereof, or advise the hardware supplier and Consultant in writing of required revisions. B. Templates Checkthehardwareschedule,drawingsandspecifications,andfurnishpromptly to the applicable trades any patterns, templates, template information and manufacturers ' literature required for the proper preparation for and application of hardware, in ample time to facilitate the progress of the work. C. Installation 1 Installation of hardware shall be in accordance with ANSI A115.1 G, manufacturer's templates and instructions. .2 All hardware shall be installed by carpenter, skilled in the application of architectural ' hardware. Referto Section 06200 -Finish Carpentry. Instruction sheets, details and templates shall be read and understood before installation. 3 Install all materials as listed in the Finishing Hardware Schedule on the doors and frames listed. Interchanging of hardware will not be allowed. 4 After installation, templates, installation instructions and details shall be put in a file and turned over to the Owner, when building is Substantially Performed. 5 Coordinate installation of hardware with supplier of security hardware devices. 04103-08710.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08710 1 FINISHING HARDWARE Page 3 3.02 INSPECTION A. After installation of all hardware and before building is accepted, the hardware manufacturer's approved representative shall inspect the installation and certify in writing to the Consultant that the hardware is properly installed and supplied in accordance with the ` manufacturer's recommendations, and finishing hardware schedule. 3.03 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee and warrant alt hardware for a period of 2 years for all products except door closers which shall be guaranteed for 10 years, from the date of Substantial Performance of the General Contract, from defects in materials, workmanship and improper installation. ' 3.04 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE A. The hardware supplier shall through the Contractor provide a written maintenance program for all finish hardware requiring maintenance and the name and address of the supplier for future repairs and replacement.' End of Section 1 04103-08710.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 1 ^ h1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK Section 07900 A. Joint Sealers B. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 C. Sliding/Folding Grilles Section 08351 D. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Curtain Wall Section 08400 E. Washroom Accessories Section 10800 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASTM E330 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain B Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. ASTM C542 Specification for Lock-Strip Gaskets. . C. ASTM 0790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. D. ASTM 01003 Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Plastics. E. ASTM 01929 Test Method for Ignition Properties of Plastics. F. ASTM 02240 Test Method for Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness. G. ASTM E84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. H. ASTM F1233 Test Method for Security Glazing Materials and Systems. I. CSA A400.2 Energy Performance Evaluation of Windows and Sliding Glass Doors. J. CAN/CGSB-12.1 Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass. K. CAN/CGSB-12.2 Flat, Clear Sheet Glass. L. CAN/CGSB-12.3 Flat, Clear Float Glass. M. CAN/CGSB-12.4 Heat Absorbing Glass. N. CAN/CGSB-12.5 Mirrors, Silvered. O. CAN/CGSB-12.8 Insulating Glass Units. P. CAN/CGSB-12.9 Spandrel Glass. Q. CAN/CGSB-12.10 Glass, Light and Heat Reflecting. R. CANlCGSB-12.11 Wired Safety Glass. S. Flat Glass Manufacturers Association (FGMA) Glazing Manual. T. Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual. U. Canadian Door and Window Manufacturer's Certification Program. REQUIREMENTS C 1.04 E PERFORMAN A. Provide continuity of building enclosure vapour and air barrier using glass and glazing material as follows: 1. Utilize inner light of multiple light sealed units for continuity of air and vapour seal. B. Size glass to withstand wind loads, dead loads and positive and negative live loads acting normal to a plane of glass to a design pressure of 1.2 kPa as measured in accordance with ANSI/ASTM E330. C. Limit glass deflection to 11200 with full recovery of glazing materials. r 04103-08800.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 2 1.05 SAMPLES A. Submit samples in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit duplicate 300mm square samples of glazing materials. C. Submit duplicate 300mm square samples of sealed insulating units for approval. D. Submit duplicate 300mm square samples of glazing film for approval. E. Submit samples of sealant materials in colours selected by the Consultant. F. Submit samples of spandrel glass colours for selection by Consultant. 1.06 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Provide maintenance data for all materials, including cleaning instructions, for incorporation into Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with FGMA Glazing Manual and Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual for glazing installation methods. B. Insulating glass units shall be certified by the Insulated Glass Manufacturer's Association of Canada (IGMAC). 1.08 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Install glazing when ambienttemperatureisl0°C minimum. Maintain ventilated environment for 24 hours after application. B. Maintain minimum ambient temperature before, during and for 24 hours after installation of glazing compounds. 1.09 WARRANTY A. Provide written warranty, guaranteeing work ofthis section against breakage, distortion, loss of seal and similar defects for a period of five (5) years from date of Substantial Completion. B. Warrant glazing film against cracking, peeling, crazing, de-lamination or discolouration for a period of ten (10) years from date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General 1. Materials shall be free from bubbles, waves, discolouration, distortion and defects. 2. Material manufacturers shall label every piece of glass. Labels shall remain in place until final cleaning. Label shall note "manufacturer, registered name of the products, weight and quality of glass". 04103-08800.wptl r 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 3 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) B. Products manufactured by the following are accepted: 1. PPG Canada Inc. 2. AFG Industries 3. Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. 4. Tremco Limited. ' 5. 3M Canada. 6. Dow Corning 7. 8. GE Plastics Canada. GE Silicones Canada. C. Glass: 1. Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.1-M I 2. Sheet Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.2 3. Float Glass: To CANlCGSB-12.3-M. 4. Wired Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.11-M, polished both sides, squarewire mesh style. 5. Laminated Safety Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.1M, Type 1, Class B, with 0.4mm polyvinyl butyral (PUB) interlayer between two 3.0 mm layers of tempered glass conrforming to Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual. 6. GL-1: Insulating Glass Units: To CAN/CGSB 12.8, sealed units, 25mm thick ' consisting of 6mm outside and inner lights and 13mm air space, Outer light laminated to CANlCGSB 12.1. Inner light laminated to CAN/CGSB 12.3. Low-E coating on third surface, argon filled: Tinted: PPG Azurlite, Sungate 500 Low E. 7. GL-2: Spandrel Glass: To CANlCGSB-12.9, Type 1, laminated, 6mm Interior surface of glass coated. Colour to be selected from manufacturer's full range of colours (up to 3 colours will be selected). 8. GL-3: Single glazed, 6mm thick, clear laminated. D. Accessories: 1. Glazing Sealant: Two component polysulphide, bearing Thiokol Hallmark, conforming to CGSB 19-GP-3M. Colour as selected by Consultant. 2. Setting Blocks & Spacers: Neoprene, setting blocks 80-90 Shore "A" durometer hardness to ASTM D2240, to suit glazing method, glass light weight and area. 3. Spacer shims: neoprene 50-60 Shore "A" durometer hardness to ASTM D2240.; 75mm long x one half height of glazing stop x thickness to suit application. Self adhesive on one face. 4. Glazing Tape: 1. Preformed butyl compound with integralresilienttubespacingdevice,10-15 Shore "A" durometer hardness to ASTM D2240; coiled on release paper. Size to suit. Black colour. 2. Closed cell polyvinyl chloride foam, coiled on release paper over adhesive on two sides, maximum water absorption by volume 2%, designed for compression of 25% to effect an air and vapour seal, size to suit. 5. Glazing splines: resilient polyvinyl chloride, extruded shape to suit glazing channel retaining slot, colour as selected by the Consultant. 6. Glazing clips: manufacturer's standard type. 7. 8. Lock strip gaskets: to ASTM C542. Mirror attachment accessories: 1. Stainless steel clips. 2. Stainless steel screws, purpose made and wall expansion plugs, to suit substrate. oamaoaeoo.wpa DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 4 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) 3. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION Mirror adhesive: Chemically compatible with mirror coating and wall ' substrate. A. Verify that openings for glazing are correctly sized and within tolerances. B. Verifythat surfaces of glazing channels or recesses are clean, free of obstructions and ready to receive glazing. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean contact surfaces with solvent, and wipe dry. B. Seal porous surface channels or recesses with substrate compatible primer or sealer C. Prime surfaces scheduled to receive sealant. D. Cut wired or patterned glass so that pattern is parallel with frames. E. Site cutting of glass is prohibited. 3.03 INSTALLATION: EXTERIOR WET/DRY METHOD A. Cut glazing tape to length and set against permanent stops, 6mm below sight line. Seal corners by butting tape and dabbing with sealant. B. Apply heel bead of sealant along intersection of permanent stop with frame ensuring full perimeter seal between glass and frame to complete continuity of air and vapour seal. C. Place setting blocks at 1!4 paints, with edge block maximum 150mm from corners. D. Rest glazing on setting blocks and push against tape and heel head of sealantwith sufficient pressure to attain full contact at perimeter of light or glass unit. E. Install removable stops with spacer strips inserted between glazing and applied stops 6mm below sight line. F. Fill gap between glazing and stop with sealant to depth equal to bite of frame on glazing, maximum 10mm below sight line. G. Apply cap head of sealant along void between stop and glazing, to uniform line, flush with sight line. Tool or wipe sealant surface smooth. H. Install spandrel glass where indicated. 3.04 INSTALLATION: INTERIOR -DRY METHOD A. Cut glazing tape to length and set against permanent stops, projecting 1.6 mm above sight line. aaios-oeaao.wPd i DIVISION 8 ' ~ SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 5 3.D4 INSTALLATION: INTERIOR -DRY METHOD (Cont'd) B. Place setting blocks at 1/4 points, with edge block maximum 150mm from comers. ' ~ C. Rest glazing on setting blocks and push against tape for full contact at perimeter of light or unit. D. Place glazing tape on free perimeter of glazing in same manner described in 3.04.C. E. Install removable stop without displacement of tape. Exert pressure on tape for full ' continuous contact. f F. Knife trim protruding tape. i ~ 3.05 COMPLETION A. Clean up and remove from building and site all debris, surplus glazing and other foreign materials, tools and equipment and leave entire premises in a neat and tidy condition. 3 06 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK . A. After installation, mark lights with an "X" by using removable plastic tape, or paste. Do not mark heat absorbing or reflective glass units. End of Section 4 ' , i 1 i rt i 1 I 04103-OBBOO.wpd ~~ ~~ DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. ' 1.02 RELATED WORK A. B. Masonry Section 04200 Lightweight Steel Framing Secti 05410 C. on Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 E. Cabinetwork Section 06410 F. Building Insulation Section 07200 G. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07260 H. I. Air Barrier Section 07270 Firestopping and Smoke Seals Section 07840 J. Joint Sealers Section 079D0 K. Hollow Metal Frames and Screens Section 08100 L. Sliding/Folding Grilles Section 08351 M. Aluminum Windows, Doors, and Curtain Wall Section 08400 N. Acoustical Ceiling Section 09500 ' O. P. Painting Section 09900 Mechanical Division 15 Q. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CSA A82.31-M Gypsum Board Application. B. CSA A82.27-M. Gypsum Board ' C. CAN/CGSB-51.34, Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use in Building Construction D. . CAN/CGSB-71.25, Adhesive, for Bonding Drywall to Wood Framing and Metal Studs. E. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC): CAN/ULC-S102], Building Materials and Assemblies, Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of. ' F. ASTM A 653 M, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. G. ASTM C 36, Specification for Gypsum Wallboard. ' H. ASTM C 442, Specification for Gypsum Backing Board and Coreboard. I. ASTM C 475, Specification for Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing Gypsum Board. J. ASTM C 514, Specification for Nails for the Applicatidn of Gypsum Board K. . ASTM C 630, Specification for Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board. ' L. ASTM C 645, Specification for Non-Load (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs Runners (Track) and , , Rigid Furring Channels far Screw Application of Gypsum Board. M. ASTM C 665, Mineral-Fibre Blanket Thermal Insulation ' N. . ASTM C 840, Specification and Finishing of Gypsum Board. O. ASTM C 954, Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Board P. . ASTM C 1047, Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer Base. ' 1.04 FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of General Instructions, Section 01005. 04103-09250.wpd ~i DIVISION 9 'I SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Paget , 1.04 FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS (Cont'd) B. Provide fire rated gypsum board components and assemblies as indicated on the drawings. , Rated assemblies shall comply in all respects to the applicable ULC tested assemblies. 1.05 ACOUSTIC REQUIREMENTS , A. Ensure that all metal sub framing is securely installed and will not "rattle" when exposed to low frequency sounds. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect gypsum board materials before, during and after ' installation and to protect the installed work and materials of other trades affected by this work. B. Store materials in a dry area inside the building. Do not remove wrapping until ready for use. , Prevent damage to all edges and surfaces. C. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.07 SUBMITTALS , A. Submit WHMIS Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) for all products, to Owner for review and approval, prior to delivery of products to the site. 08 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1 . A. Maintain temperature minimum 10°C, maximum 21°C for 48 hours prior to and during application of gypsum boards and joint treatment, and for at least 48 hours after completion , of joint treatment. B. Apply board and joint treatment to dry, frost free surfaces. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GYPSUM BOARD ' A. Plain: To CSA A82.27-M standard for non-rated applications, Type X for rated applications, 1220 mm wide x maximum practical length, ends square cut, edges tapered with round edge, , 12.7 mm thick or to thickness indicated on drawings. All fire rated board shall be minimum 16 mm thickness. B. Exterior grade gypsum sheathing: To ASTM C177 Georgia Pacific Dens-Glass Gold, 13mm ' thick, 1220mm wide x 2440mm long, square edge with water repellant glass mat facing. C. Water resistant board: to CSA A82.27 and ASTM C630, 12.7 mm thick, 1220 mm wide with tapered edges. , D. Tile Backer: Dens-Shield Tile Backer Board, 12.7 mm x 1219 x 2440 mm water resistant gypsum core with fibreglass mat reinforced facings, as manufactured by Georgia-Pacific ' Corporation. 04103-09250.wptl , DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 3 2.01 GYPSUM BOARD (Cont'd) ' E. Shaft Wall Liner: 25mm thick CGC. Shaft wall liner boards to CSA-A82.7, bevelled edge, 610mm wide with ULC label. ' 2.02 METAL FURRING AND SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A. Metal Furring Runners, Hangers, Tie Wires, Inserts, Anchors: To CSA A82.30-M, ' electro-zinc coated steel. B. Runner Channels: 38 x 19 x 0.59 mm and 38 x 9.5 x 0.45 mm, hot dip or electro-galvanized sheet steel. Use of various sizes governed by applied loads and applicable spans. ll F C. Drywa urring Channel: Channel shaped furring member for screw attachment of drywall with knurled face. For interior use. Furring masonry or concrete surtaces. Cross furring under steel joist or suspended metal channels in suspended ceiling systems: 70 x 22 x 0.9 mm with knurled face, hot dip orelectro-galvanized sheet steel. D. Resilient Channel Furring: ASTM C645, 'RC-1' Resilient Channel by Canadian Gypsum Company or other approved manufacturer. E. Hangers: minimum 4.7 mm diameter (or as required by ULC to meet design fire ratings) mild steel rods. 2.03 METAL STUDS A. Non-Load-bearing Channel Stud Framing: To ASTM C645; to sizes indicated on drawings; roll formed from minimum 0.029" (22 gauge) thickness electro-galvanized steel sheet; for screw attachment of gypsum board. Knock-outserviceholesat460mmcentres. Studs shall be minimum 20 gauge, but not less than required to obtain ULC ratings specified. B. Floor and Ceiling Tracks: To ASTM C645; in widths to suit stud sizes, 25mm flange height. C. Metal Channel Stiffener: 0.078" (14 gauge) thick cold rolled steel, coated with rust inhibitive ' coating. ' 2.04 FASTENINGS AND ADHESIVES A. Drywall Screws: To CSA A82.31-M and ASTM C1002, self drilling, self tapping, case hardened, length sufficient to penetrate sub-framing at least 13mm. B. Stud Adhesive: To CGSB 71-GP-25M. ' C. Joint Tape: 50mm perforated with preformed seam. D. Joint Tape for Tile Backer: 50mm wide x 10x10 glass mesh as manufactured by Georgia- Pacific Corporation. ' E. Laminating Compound: To CSA A82.31-M, asbestos-free. F. Joint Filler and Topping: Casein, vinyl or latex base, slow setting. 04103-09250.wptl DIVISION 9 , SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 4 2.04 FASTENINGS AND ADHESIVES (Cont'd) ' G. Tie Wire: 0.90 mm, galvanized, soft annealed, steel wire w clip as recommended by the manufacturer of furring channels. 2.D5 ACCESSORIES , A. Casing Beads Corner Beads and Edge Trim: toASTM C1047, 0.5 mm gauge base thickness commercial grade sheet steel with G90 zinc finish to ASTM A525-80A; perforated flanges; , one piece length per location. B. Acoustic Sealant: To CGSB 19.21.M. Dow Corning 795 or Tremco Acoustical Sealant. , C. Polyethylene: To CAN 2-51.34-M, Type 2, 6 mil polyethylene film and Y-8086 Contractors Sheathing Tape by 3M Canada. , D. Insulating Strip: Rubberized, moisture resistant, 13mm thick closed cell neoprene strip, 13mm wide, with self sticking permanent adhesive on one face; lengths as required. E. Acoustic Installation: to ASTM C665, Mineral fibre blanket insulation, minimum density of 40 kg/m~ Roxul AFB Acoustical Fire Batts. Thickness to match width of framing. F. Control Joints: Performed bellows shaped sections with perforated flanges. , G. Reveal Trim: prefabricated aluminum mouldings with mill finish, 13mm wide by thickness of wallboard. Products supplied by Fry Mouldings or equal. H. Runner Fasteners: power driven type to withstand 860N shear and 890N bearing force when driven through structural head or base without exceeding allowable design stress in runner, fastener, or structural support. ' I. Control Joints: to ASTM C1047, preformed bellows shaped sections with perforated flanges. J. Resilient Channels: RC-1 Resilient Channels by CGC. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL ' A. Prior to installation of gypsum wallboard, ensure that all required vapour barriers, air seals, gaskets and the like installed under another Section have been inspected and accepted by Municipal authorities and the Consultant. Failure to do so will result in removal of all gypsum wallboard installed prior to approval and replacement, at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Maintain copies of ULC tested assembly design criteria on site at all times. ' 3.02 EREC TION OF METAL STUDS i i k fl A. Align part t on trac s at oor and ceiling and secure at 610mm o.c. maximum. Erect metal studding to tolerance of 1:1000. , 04103-09250.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 5 3.02 ERECTION OF METAL STUDS (Cont'd) ' B. Place studs at 400mm o.c. unless noted otherwise and not more than 50mm from abutting walls, and at each side of openings and corners. Position studs in tracks at floor and ceiling. ' Cross brace steel studs as required to provide rigid installation to manufacturer's instructions. Ensure that all joints in metal stud framing are tightly screwed to eliminate "rattling" when exposed to low frequency sounds. ' C. Attach studs to floor and ceiling track using screws. D. Co-ordinate erection of studs with installation of door/window frames and special supports or anchorage for work specified in other Sections. E. Provide two studs extending from floor to ceiling at each side of openings wider than stud centres specified. Secure studs together, using column clips or other approved means of fastening. F. Erect track at head of door/window openings and sills of sidelight/window openings to accommodate intermediate studs. Secure track to studs at each end, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install intermediate studs above and below openings in same manner and spacing as wall studs. G. Provide stud or furring channel secured between studs for attachment of fixtures behind lavatory basins, toilet and bathroom accessories, and other fixtures including grab bars and towel rails, attached to steel stud partitions. Where indicated, provide heavy gauge steel sheet backing accessories and fittings. H I t ll t l t d f i h l b t t d f hi tt l t i l d th b . ns a s ee s u s or urr ng c anne e ween s u s or a ac ng e ec r ca an o er oxes. I. Extend partitions to underside of structural roof or floor deck except where noted otherwise on drawings. J. Maintain clearance under beams and structural slabs or provide slip connection to avoid transmission of structural loads to studs and possible damage of studs. K. Install continuous insulating strips to isolate studs from uninsulated surtaces. L. Install two continuous beads of acoustical sealant behind studs and tracks around perimeter of sound control partitions, (indicated on drawings as being acoustically insulated and ULC gypsum board wall assemblies). 03 CAVI 3 TY SHAFT WALL . A. Finished assembly shall meet requirements for ULC listed assembly indicated on the drawings . 3.D4 SUSPENDED AND FURRED CEILINGS A. Erect hanger and runner channels for suspended gypsum board ceilings in accordance with CSA A82.31-M except where specified otherwise and indicated on drawings. ' oa~aa-wzso.wPd DIVISION 9 ' SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 6 , 3.04 SUSPENDED AND FURRED CEILINGS (Cont'd) , B. Securely anchorhangertostructuralsupports1220mmo.c.maximumalongrunnerchannels and not more than 150mm from ends. Under no circumstances shall hanger wires be secured to or supported from mechanical or electrical materials or equipment or penetrate mechanical ductwork. C. Space runner or furcing channels as shown on drawings and not more than 610mm o.c. maximum nor 150mm from walls. Run channels in long direction of board. Bend hanger ' sharply under bottom flange of runner and securely wire in place with a saddle tie. Provide channels below mechanical or electrical equipment and mechanical ductwork to maintain maximum spacing. , D. Install furring channels transversely across runner channels in short direction of wallboard at610mm o.c. maximum or 150mm from walls and interruptions in ceiling continuity. Secure channels to support with furring clips or wire. Where splicing is necessary lap minimum 200mm and wire tie each end with double loops of 0.90 mm gauge galvanized tie wire, 25mm from each end of overlap. E. Support light fixtures by providing additional ceiling suspension hangers within 150mm of each corner and at maximum 61 Dmm around perimeter of fixture. Coordinate with Division 16. F. Install work level to tolerance of 1:120D. ' G. Framewithfurringchannels,perimeterofopeningsforaccesspanels,lightfixtures,diffusers, grilles, etc. , H. Install furring channels parallel to, and at exact locations of steel stud partition header track. I. Furr for gypsum board faced vertical bulkheads within or at termination of ceilings. 3.05 WALL FURRING , A. Install wall furring for gypsum board wall finishes in accordance with CSA A82.31-M, except where specified otherwise and shown on drawings. B. Frame openings and around built-in equipment, cabinets, access panels, etc., on four sides. , Extend furring into reveals. Check clearances with equipment suppliers. C. Furr duct shafts, beams, columns, pipes and exposed services where indicated. , 3.06 INSULATION A. Install sound insulation where indicated on the partition schedule. Fittight between studs and ' cut around all penetrations. Insulation thickness shall be as noted, but not less than 89mm thickness. 3 07 GYPS UM BOARD APPLICATION . A. This Section will supply and install all gypsum board shown and required including gypsum board on interior side of lightweight steel stud exterior wall assemblies. ' 04103-09250.wptl ' ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 7 3.07 GYPSUM BOARD APPLICATION (Cont'd) B. Do not apply gypsum board until bucks, anchors, blocking, electrical, and mechanical work are approved. C. Do not apply gypsum wallboard to exteriorwalls until insulation, vapour retarderand airseals have been installed and inspected by others, including consultant, owner and municipal building inspectors. D. Install prefabricated reveal trim at perimeter of door and window openings where indicated. E. Apply gypsum board at right angles to framing members or furring using screw fasteners. Maximum spacing of screws 300mm o.c. or in accordance with ULC standards for fire rated assemblies. Apply type X gypsum board where indicated to obtain fire ratings as shown on the drawings. 1 F. Apply 13mm diameter bead of acoustic sealant continuously around periphery of each face of sound insulated partitions to seal gypsum board/structure junction where partitions abut fixed building components. Seal full perimeterofcut-outs around electrical boxes, ducts, and other penetrations in partitions where perimeter sealed with acoustical sealant. G. Where required to obtain ULC listed assemblies, or where indicated on the drawings, construct walls with two (2) layers of gypsum wallboard. Install base layerwith all joints taped ' and finished. Second layershall be installed in a full coating of laminating compound applied to the base layer and in accordance with the reference standards and manufacturers instructions. ' ' H. Apply water resistantgypsumwallboardonallwallsinJanitor srooms. Apply water resistant sealant to edges, ends and cut outs which expose gypsum core. ' I. Install file backer board in walls to receive ceramic file finishes. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Tape joints using fibreglass reinforced tape, and joint compound recommended by manufacturer. Seal all cut edges. ' J Seal erimeter and all t ti th h llb d . p pene ra ons roug wa oar on exterior walls with caulking. Coordinate with Division 16 and Section 07200 to ensure that all gaskets for electrical devices are installed and sealed. K. Coordinate installation of plywood backing to reinforced walls and ceilings where indicated. Installation of plywood substrate is specified in Section 06100. i 3 08 ACCE SSORIES . ' A. Erect accessories straight, plumb or level, rigid and at proper plane. Use full length pieces where practical. Make joints tight, accurately aligned and rigidly secured Mitre and fit . corners accurately, free from rough edges. B. Install casing beads where gypsum board butts against surtaces having no trim concealing junction and where indicated. ' C. Install insulating strips continuously at edges of gypsum board orcasing beads abutting metal window or exterior door frames, to provide thermal break. 04103-09250.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 8 3.09 CONTROLJOINTS A. Construct control joints of preformed units or two back-to-back casing beads set in gypsum board facing and supported independently on both sides of joint. B. Provide continuous polyethylene dust barrier behind and across control joints. C. Locatecontroljointsatchangesinsubstrateconstruction,atapproximately9.Ometrespacing on long corridor runs. Install control joints straight and true. 3.10 TRIM A. Install reveal trim at gypsum board/ceiling juncture and at door and window jambs where indicated. 3.11 ACCESS DOORS A. Install access doors to electrical and mechanical fixtures specified in respective Sections. B. Rigidly secure frames to furring or framing systems, to satisfy fire rating requirements. 3.12 TAPING AND FILLING A. B. C. D. E. Finish face panel joints and internal angles with joint system consisting of joint compound, joint tape and taping compound installed according to manufacturer's directions and feathered out onto panel faces. Finish corner beads, control joints and trims as required with two coats ofjoint compound and one coat of taping compound, feathered out onto panel faces. Fill screw head depressions with joint and taping compounds to bring flush with adjacent surface of gypsum board so as to be invisible after painting is completed. Sand lightly to remove burred edges and other imperfections. Avoid sanding adjacent surface of board. Completed installation to be smooth, level or plumb, free from waves and other defects and ready for painting. End of Section oaioa-oazsa.wPd LJ ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC AND PORCELAIN FLOOR AND WALL TILE Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Concrete Section 03300 B. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 C. Carpet Section 09680 ' 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For the actual installation of ceramic and porcelain wall and floor tile, use only skilled ' tradesmen who are familiar with the referenced standards and with the requirements for this Work. B. Do file work in accordance with Installation Manual 200, "Ceramic Tile and Porcelain Tile", by Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada, except where this specification is more stringent. ' 1.04 SAMPLES A. Afteraward of Contractand before any ceramic and porcelain wall and floortile are delivered to the job site, submit duplicate samples of file to the Consultant for approval. Samples to ' be submitted on 300 x 300 mm sample board for each colour, texture, size and pattern of the in accordance with Division 1. Grout sample joints for representative sample of final installation. ' 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Deliver all materials of this Section to the job site in their original unopened containers with ' all labels intact and legible at time of use. B. Store all materials under coverinamannertopreventdamageandcontamination;storeonly the specified materials at the job site. C. Use all means necessary to protect floor and wall file materials, before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. D. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. ' 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Maintain air temperature and structural base temperature at ceramic file installation area ' above 12°C for 48 hours before, during and after installation. 04103-09310.wptl 1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC AND PORCELAIN FLOOR AND WALL TILE Page 2 , PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Materials shall be graded and containers grade sealed, delivered to the job site in their , original packages or containers with the manufacturer's labels and seals intact. B. Tile and grout colour shall be selected by the Consultant from the manufacturer's standard range of colours. , C. Tile shall conform to CAN/CGSB-75.1. D. Provide coves, corners, reveals, suit caps, inners and outers as required to complete the , work. 2.02 CERAMIC TILE , A. CT1: Olympia Desert Stone 13.4" x 13.4". Colour to be selected by the Consultant from the manufacturer's full range. B. CT2: Olympia Windsor Matte Glazed, 2" x 2" (washroom walls): Colour to be selected by the Consultant from the manufacturer's full range. 2 03 SETTING COMPOUND ' . A. Setting compound shall be "L & M Floor Mix" for floor tiles and "L & M Wall Mix" forwall tiles, or reviewed alternate. , 2.04 GROUTING COMPOUND A. Grouting compound for wall tiles shall be "L & M Ceramic Mosaic Grout", or reviewed , alternate, in colour as later selected by the Consultant. B. Grouting compound for floor and base tiles shall be "L & MAcid-R-Grout" or reviewed , alternate, in colour as later selected by the Consultant. 2.05 MORTAR BED ' A. 1 part Portland Cement, 4 parts sand, 1 part water, including minimum 1/10 part latex adhesive (per manufacturers instructions), Level-Cure by C-Cure. 2.07 FLOOR SEALER AND PROTECTIVE COATING A. To file and grout manufacturer's recommendations. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS , A. Surtaces on which wall and floor file is to be applied, shall be thoroughly cleaned down. 04103-09310.wpd ' 1 ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC AND PORCELAIN FLOOR AND WALL TILE Pape 3 ' 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS (Cont'd) B. Drywall surtaces on which wall and floor the is to be applied, shall be free from dust, excess plaster and shall be plain and true without any irregularities. ' C. Concrete floor slabs, concrete block and gypsum board walls on which floor and wall the are to be applied, shall be thoroughly cleaned down and all dust, efflorescence, dirt, etc. removed. ' D. In the event of discrepancies, immediately notify the Consultant and do not proceed with installation in such areas until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. ' 3.02 TILED WALLS AND FLOORS A. Refer to Drawings and Room Finish Schedules for locations. Wall and floor tiles shall be set by the thin set method, using setting and grouting compound, in strict accordance with the ' manufacturer's instructions. B. Tile shall be laid out in pattern as directed by the Consultantwith 1/16"joints and square with wall. C. Cut and fit tiles neatly around all projections, curbs, recesses, fixtures, etc., spacing tiles ' accurately so that pattern is uninterrupted. 3.03 SETTING BED 1 A. Apply a thin pressured on skim coat of setting compound to substrate in the area to be tiled. Do not spread more mortar than can be covered before skinning occurs. Follow skim coat immediately with a doubling coat to forma 8mm to 6mm thick layer of mortar. Do not touch until just before placing tile. B. Just before placing tile, notch the Thin-Set mortar bed with a suitable notched trowel, combing an area that can be covered within 5 minutes in hot dry surzoundings, or no more than 10 minutes at under cooler, moister conditions. C. Place individual tiles against freshly combed setting compound with moderately firm pressure. Follow soon with a thorough beat-in. Beat-in should be sufficient to cause ribs of notched mortar bed to flow together into a continuous layer. Make any necessary adjustments in alignment promptly following beat-in. ' D. Clean out joints for receipt of grouting compound and clean up smudges of mortar with a sponge moistened with clean water. ' E. Grcuting shall be performed at any time after initial set has occurred. 3.04 GROUTING A. As soon as the beds have sufficiently set, the the shall be washed clean and grouted with ' grouting compound in strict accordance with "L & M" printed instructions. ' sa~sa-ssaia.wPd DIVISION 9 , SECTION 09310 CERAMIC AND PORCELAIN FLOOR AND WALL TILE Page 4 , 3.04 GROUTING (Cont'd) , B. Joints in the floor and base shall be filled solid and flush with "L & MAcid-R-Grout". C. Joints in wall the shall be filled solid and flush with "L & M Ceramic Mosaic Grout". , D. Prepare joints and mix grout in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Force maximum amount of grout into joints, avoiding air traps or voids. E , . Remove all excess grout by washing diagonally across the joints. Check for voids, air pockets and gaps and fill same. Remove all discoloured grout and replace with new. F. Cure all joints. , 3.05 CLEANING A ' . Upon completion ofwall the installation and grouting, thoroughly clean and polish all exposed surfaces of ceramic wall tile. B. Immediately following removal of grout from surface offloortiles-and base, remove dust and wipe clean. Seal and finish the surface as per instructions in "Terrazzo Tile and Marble Association of Canada, Maintenance Manual 2nd Edition", for unglazed ceramic tiles, using manufacturer's recommended products and procedures. , 3.06 EXTRA STOCK A. Upon completion of the installation and as a condition of acceptance, deliver to the Owner , 100 square feet of ceramic floor tiles and one carton of ceramic wall tiles installed under this section for the Owner's maintenance program. Identify each carton for location and installation date. ' End of Section 04103-0931 D.wptl , C_! DIVISION 9 SECTION D9500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Pape 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 B. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 C. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 C. Mechanical Division 15 D. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CSA 8111, Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. B. CAN/CGSB 92.1, Sound Absorptive Prefabricated Acoustic Units. C. CAN/ULC-S102, Surtace Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. D. ASTM A 366, Standard Specification for Steel, Carbon Cold-Rolled Sheet, Commercial Quality. E. ASTM A 641, Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire. F. ASTM A 653, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (galvanized) by the Hot- Dip Process. G. ASTM C 423 Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method. H. ASTM C 635, Standard Specification for Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panel Ceilings. I. ASTM C 636, Recommended Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels. J. ASTM C 665, Mineral-Fibre Blanket Thermal Insulation. K. ASTM E 84, Standard Test Method forSurface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. L. ASTM E 1414, Standard Test Method for Airborne Sound Attenuation Between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling Plenum. M. ASTM E 1111, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Interzone Attenuation of Ceiling Systems. N. ASTM E 1264, Classification for Acoustical Ceiling Products. O. ASTM E 1477, Standard Test Method for Luminous Reflectance Factor of Acoustical Materials by Use of Integrating-Sphere Reflectometers. P. ASTM D 3273, Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surtace of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber. 1.04 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Maximum deflection: 1/360th of span to ASTM C635 deflection test. 1.D5 QUALIFICATIONS A. The installation of all acoustic ceiling assemblies shall be carried out by an Acoustical Contractor approved by the manufacturer of the acoustical materials and thoroughly experienced in this work. oai oa-ossoo.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Page 2 , 1.06 SAMPLES A. Submit product data and samples in accordance with Section D1330. B. Submit duplicate, 300 x 300 mm square samples of acoustic panel and file materials. , 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire Performance Characteristics: Identify acoustical ceiling components with appropriate ' markings of applicable testing and inspection organization. 1. Surface Burning Characteristics: As follows, tested per ASTM E 84 and complying , with ASTM E 1264 for Class A products: Flame Spread: 25 or less; Smoke developed: 50 or less. B. Coordination of the Work: Coordinate acoustical ceiling work with installers of related work, , including but not limited to, building insulation, gypsum board, light fixtures, mechanical and electrical systems. 1.08 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Permit wet work to dry before commencement of installation. B. Maintain uniform minimum temperature of 15°C and humidity of 20-40% before and during installation. C. Store materials in work area 48 hours prior to installation. 1.09 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide two extra sealed carton of acoustical units for each type of unit required. B. Extra materials shall be from same production run as installed materials. C. Clearly identify each type of acoustic unit, including colour and texture. D. Store where directed by the Owner. 1.10 MAINTENANCE A. Deliver one extra sealed carton of acoustical units for each type of unit required. B. Extra materials shall be from same production run as installed materials. C. Clearly identify each type of acoustic unit, including colour and texture. D. Store where directed by the Owner. 1.11 WARRANTY A. Provide manufacturers written warranty that ceiling products will not sag, warp, shrink or rust as a result of materials defects orfactoryworkmanship for a period often (10) years from the date of Substantial Performance. 04103-09500.wptl 1 1 ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Page 3 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PANELS ' A. Acoustic Panels: To CAB/CGSB 92.1, cellulose fibre with flame spread rating of 25 or less, and NRC range of 0.65 to 0.75, as manufactured by CGC Inc. Aspen 24" x 48"and 24" x 24" angled regular edge panel. 2.02 SUSPENSION SYSTEM A. Suspension System:Intermediatedutysystem,toASTMC635.InterlockingTeeGrid,1"wide formed out of cold rolled zinc bonded steel, matte white baked enamel finish: CGC Inc. Aspen. B. Edge Moulding: 25 gauge, zinc coated, cold rolled steel, "L" type with white matte baked enamel finish: CGC Inc. Aspen. C. Hangers galvanized soft annealed steel wire, 12 gauge diameter. D. Tie Wire 18 gauge galvanized annealed steel wire. 2.03 ADHESIVE ' A. Low VOC type, as recommended by acoustic panel manufacturer. ' 2.05 ACCESSORIES A. Splices, clips, mouldings, trim, retainers and tie wires to complement suspension system components, as recommended by the manufacturer. ' PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Do not install acoustic panels and tiles until work above ceiling has been inspected by the Consultant. 3.02 WORKMANSHIP A. Measure the ceiling area and lay out centre lines, both ways, providing balanced borders at room perimeter. Lay out grid as indicated on the drawings. B. Establish ceiling elevation by use of a water level or transit. Install the wall mould accurately in position to provide correct finished ceiling height. C. Frameopeningsforlightfixturesorairdiffusersandatchangesinceilingheights.Obtainthe weights of the various electric light fixtures and install extra hangers as required to support these fixtures. D. All joints shall be straight in alignment and the exposed surfaces shall be flush and level. I Edge moulding shall be installed wherever the acoustic ceiling abuts walls, columns and other vertical surfaces. ' 04103-0950D.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Page 4 3.02 WORKMANSHIP (Cont'd) E. Coordinate ceiling installation with Mechanical and Electrical work as indicated on the Reflected Ceiling Plans. F. Coordinate ceiling suspension system installation with installation of perimeterradiantheating panels supplied and installed by Division 15. 3.03 INSTALLATION: SUSPENSION SYSTEM A. The suspension system shall be installed in accordance with ASTM C636 except where specified otherwise. B. Install perimeter wall mouldings to provide correct ceiling height. C. Install hanger rods at minimum 48" centres both ways suspended from structure above and crimp lower ends at correct height to engage the holes in the main tees. Hangers must not be more than 5 degrees from vertical. D. Main tee members may run either the long or short dimension of the room. Starting atone corner of the room, install the main tees and cross tees. Cut the ends of tees at the wall mould allowing some space for expansion. Frame up with tees, openings for light fixtures, grilles or air diffusers and at changes in ceiling height. D. Finished ceiling shall be square with adjoining walls and level within 1:1000. E. Touch up scratches, abrasions, voids and other defects in painted surfaces. 3.04 INSTALLATION: ACOUSTIC PANELS A. Lay in the acoustic ceiling panels carefully cutting and trimming to provide the specified layout. B. Install 24" x 24" and 24" x 48" panels where indicated. C. Scribe acoustic units to fit adjacent work. Butt joints tight and terminate edges with mouldings. D. Remove and replace any damaged or marked panels. E. Install acoustic insulation where indicated on the drawings, after panels are installed. F. Install adhesive bonded acoustic units to clean, dry, firm substrate, in accordance with manufacturer's directions. End of Section 04103-0950D.wpd 1 1 1 1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 ' RESILIENT FLOORING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GEN ERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 F. Cabinetwork Section 06410 G. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 ' H. Carpet Tile Section 09684 1.03 REFERENCES r A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM F 1066, Specification for Vinyl Composition Floor tile. 2. ASTM F 1344, Specification for Rubber Tile. B. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) 1. CAN/CGSB-25.20, Surface Sealer for Floors. 2. CAN/CGSB-25.21, Detergent-Resistant Floor Polish. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit samples in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit duplicate samples of manufacturers full range of colours for specified products for selection of colours by the Consultant. C. Before any resilient flooring materials are delivered to the job site, submit to the Consultant, a complete list of all materials proposed to be furnished and installed under this portion of the Work, stating manufacturer's name and catalogue number for each item, and product ' samples in colours specified. D. Accompanying the materials list, submit two copies of the manufacturer's current recommended method of installation for each item. E. Provide maintenance data for resilient flooring for Operation and Maintenance Manual ' specified in Section 01780. 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING ' A. Use all means necessary to protect resilient flooring materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. ' B. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. ' 04103-09651.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Pape 2 ' 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Maintain air temperature and structural base temperature at floor installation area above 20 C for 48 hours before, during and after installation. 1.07 EXTRA MATERIALS ' A. Provide extra materials of resilient flooring, base and adhesives in accordance with Division 1. ' B. Provide 100 ftz of each colour, pattern and type flooring material required for this project for maintenance use. , C. Extra materials to be from same production run as installed materials. D. Clearly identify each container of floor file and each container of adhesive. , E. Deliver extra materials to the site and store where directed by the Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Vinyl Composition Tile: to CSAA126.1 orASTM F 1066, 305 (12") x 305 (12") x 3 mm (1/8") , thick, non asbestos, Class 2 through pattern file with static load of not less than 517 kPa and U.L.C. flame spread rating of 75 or less. 1. Acceptable material: Mannington Commercial: Essentials Armstrong: Standard Excelon Imperial Texture Amtico: Commercial Color-Thru Duravinyl. , B. Resilient Base: 100mm (4") high thermoplastic rubber, not less than 3mm (1/8") gauge with preformed internal and external corners. Base at resilient and rubbertile shall have standard toe. Acceptable Products: Johnsonite DuraCove DC Rubber Wall Base ' Amtico Marathon C. Primers, Adhesives and Caulking: non-flammable, solvent free, waterproof, recommended , by flooring manufacturer for specific material on applicable substrate, above, at or below grade. D. Sub-floorfillerandlevelershallbewhitepremixedlatexcompatiblewithflooringproductsand , adhesive: E. Metal edge strips: aluminum extruded, smooth, mill finish with lip to extend under floorfinish, , shoulder flush with top of adjacent floor finish. F. Transition strips, mouldings and adaptors shall be rubber or vinyl, manufactured by , Johnsonite or Burke Mercer with lip to extend under floor file with tapered edge, colour matched to flooring. 04103-09851.wpd , i 1 LJ DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Page 3 2.01 MATERIALS (Cont'd) Wax: to CAN/CGSB-25.21, type recommended by flooring manufacturer . All colours and patterns shall be as selected by the Consultant from the complete range of manufacturer's colours and patterns. Up to 2 colours may be selected for each product. PART 3: EXECUTION G. Sealer: to CANlCGSB25.20, Type 2-water based, type recommended by flooring manufacturer . ' 3.01 A. Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. B. Confirm that resilient flooring may be installed in accordance with the original design and the manufacturer's recommendations. C. Ensure concrete floors are dry, by using test methods recommended by file manufacturer. Concrete must be cured a minimum of 28 day prior to commencement of resilient flooring application. D. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Consultant. E. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. 3.02 SUB-FLOOR TREATMENT A. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill low spots, cracks, joints, holes and other defects with sub-floor filler. B. Remove all substance and materials affecting adhesive bond. Vacuum clean floors. C. Clean floor and apply filler; trowel and float to leave smooth, flat hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured and dry. D. Prime or seal substrates to flooring and adhesive manufacturer's instructions. 3.03 TILE APPLICATION A. Provide a high ventilation rate, with maximum outside air, during installation, and for48 hours after installation. Whenever possible, ventilate directly to outside. Do not allow contaminated air to re-circulate through the building ventilation system. B. Install all resilient flooring in strict accordancewith the manufacturer's printed instructions and recommendations. C. Do not layfloor coverings and base until all trades, except painter, have completed theirwork and just prior to completion of the building. 041 0 3-096 51.wpd DIVISION 9 , SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Page 4 3.03 TILE APPLICATION (Cont'd) D. Apply adhesive uniformly with recommended trowels, at coverage as recommended by the manufacturer. Do not spread more adhesive than can be covered before initial set takes place. ' E. Lay flooring with joints parallel to building lines unless otherwise indicated, to produce symmetrical file pattern. Patterns shall be as directed by the consultant. Allow for one field file and one accent file in each room or space. Border tiles shall be minimum '/z file width. , F. Install flooring to square grid pattern with all joints aligned unless otherwise indicated. G. As installation progresses, and after installation, roll flooring in 2 directions with a 45 kg roller ' to ensure full adhesion. H. Cut and fit file neatly around fixed objects. ' I. Install feature strips or feature tiles where directed. Fit joints tightly. J. Continue flooring throughout areas to receive movable type partitions or fitments without interrupting floor pattern. K. Install flooring full depth of closets, toe spaces, and recesses. ' L. Terminate flooring at centreline of door in openings where adjacent floor finish or colour is dissimilar. M. Install transition strips at unprotected or exposed edges where flooring terminates. Locate , transition strip at centreline of door where a door occurs. N. Install resilient file flooring in barrier free lift cab. 3.04 BASE APPLICATION A. Lay out base to keep number of joints to a minimum. Locate joints at maximum available ' spacing or at internal or pre moulded corners. B. Clean substrate and prime with one coat of adhesive. , C. Apply adhesive to back of base. D. Set base against wall and floor surfaces tightly by using a 3 kg hand roller. I E. Install straight and level to variation of 1:1000. F. Scribe and fit to door frames and other obstructions. Use pre moulded end pieces at flush door frames. G. Cope internal corners. Use pre moulded corner units for right angle external corners. Use , formed straight base materials for external corners of other angles, minimum 12" each leg. H. .Provide rubber base at all resilient floor file and at skate file locations (rubber floor file is , specified in Section 09670). 041 D3-09651.wptl , ' ~ , DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Paqe 5 3.06 INITI AL CLEANING AND WAXING A. Remove excess adhesive from resilient floor coverings, base and adjacentfinishedsnrfaces as the work progresses. '' B. Clean, seal and wax floor and base surtaces to manufacturer's instructions. 3.07 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK ' A t P t fl til ti f fi l i i . ro ec new oors un me o na nspect on. B. Prohibit traffic on floors for 48 hours after installation. C. Immediately prior to final inspection, remove protection, clean, dry or damp mop resilient flooring and apply one additional coat of wax. ' ' End of Section , I, i I, ~. ~ 04103-09661.wpd t ' ~ . DIVISION 9 SECTION 09684 ' CARPET TILE Pape 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Resilient Flooring Section 09651 1.03 SUBMITTALS ' A. Before any carpet materials are delivered to thejob site, submit to the Consultant a complete list of all materials proposed to be furnished and installed under this portion of the Work, ' stating manufacturer's name and catalogue number for each item, and product samples in colours specified. B. Accompanying the materials list, submit two copies of the manufacturer's current recommended method of installation for each item. C. Provide maintenance data for carpet the flooring for Operation and Maintenance Manual specified under Section 01780 including iwo (2) year manufacturer's warranty. D. Samples: submit duplicate 100 x 100 mm samples of full range of manufacturer's specified products and colours in accordance with Section 01330. ,' 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect carpet materials before, during and after installation and i to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. '! B. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the , approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE '~'~ A. Flooring contractorshallbeapprovedbythematerialmanufacturerandshallhavecompleted a minimum of three (3) projects of similar scope. 1.06 INSPECTION A. The labels on each carton indicate product style, pattern, colour, run number and dye lot. Confirm that the style, pattern and colour match the specifications for each area of installation. Some cartons may have different run numbers and/or dye lots. To avoid subtle variations in the finished installation, do not mix run numbers or dye lots on the same area. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Manufacturers Warranty: Provide a minimum two (2) year written warranty from the date of ;' Substantial Performance. ~! ~ oamaosssa.wPd DIVISION 9 , SECTION 09684 CARPET TILE Page 2 ' PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. Modular Carpet Tile: 5D0 x 500 x 4.1 mm thick, non asbestos, Class 2 through pattern file with static load of not less than 517 kPa, single dye tot base, and solution Dyed with pile thickness of 4.1 mm. 1. Acceptable material: Interface: Flor or Super Flor 500mm x SOOmm GlasBac Tile. 2. All products shall meet the flame spread and smoke developed criteria designated by the Ontario Building Code. 3. Make allowance for a minimum of two (2) colours. , B. Adhesive: Source 2500 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive or as recommended by manufacturer. C. Accessories: , 1. Trim & Accessories: Finercraft Plastic Products Inc. 2. Carpet Protection: Non-staining, heavy duty Kraft paper or 6 mil thick polyethylene film. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. B. Confirm that carpet file may be installed in accordance with the original design and the manufacturer's recommendations. C. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Consultant. D. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. E. Concrete floors must be thoroughly cured (minimum 90 days) prior to file installation. F. The temperature of the job site must stay within 15°C and 25°C throughout the installation and for 2-3 days beforehand. G. Test the moisture emission and alkalinity levels of the concrete as per manufacturer's instructions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Do not lay carpet tiles until all trades, except painter, have completed theirwork and just prior to completion of the building. B. Install all carpet tiles in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 0410&09664.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09684 CARPET TILE Pa e 3 3.02 INSTALLATION (Cont'd) C. Fill all cavities, cracks, joints and all other surface impertections in concrete substrate with latex fill or other approved subfloor filler in order to produce a smooth, flat, hard surface for receipt of carpet tile. Scrape off all ridges, droppings, scale and other projections. Clean Floor with an industrial vacuum cleaner. Remove all substance and materials affecting adhesive bond. D. Dry fit (without adhesive) tiles along the entire length of vertical and horizontal centre lines. Make necessary adjustments prior to commencing installation. E. Provide full coverage spread of specified release adhesive. Protect all elements and baseboards with plastic or other material before spraying. Apply adhesive in accordance to manufacturer's recommendations. F. Lay tiles in the step or pyramid pattern in accordance to manufacturer's recommendations. G. Tiles adjacent to fixtures, architectural elements and walls shall be cut. Follow the f ' manu acturer s guidelines. Where tiles terminateatdoonvays,orwheretilesofdifferenttype or colour butt together the joint shall centre on the door. Provide and install reducer strips where carpet tiles terminate against a concrete floor where no applied architectural floor finish is required. Reducer strip shall be installed below centre of doorwhere a door occurs. H. Cut file to fit raised electrical floor boxes supplied and installed under Division 16. Seal all around in accordance with manufacturer's instructions I I . L til ith ll i . ay es w a jo nts square and tightly butted together. Start installation from centre of rooms to ensure equal max. Size edge tiles. Pattern and direction of the shall be as directed by the Consultant. J. Lay tiles at full depth of closets, toe spaces, and recesses. Cut and fit tiles tightly against openings, breaks, frames, fixtures, columns and other vertical surfaces. Apply adhesive to id t rti h prov e wa e g tjoint around all cut areas. K. Rubber base in locations specified shall be installed under Section 09651. ' 3.03 CLEANING A. Inspect the entire installation, paying close attention to joint and any tiles that have been cut ' B . Remov l dh i f . e surp us a es ve rom carpet tiles as the work progresses. B. Five days after installation of coverings, clean and finish floortiles in accordance with flooring manufacturer's recommendations Protect with i i . non-sta n ng building paper. C. Immediately prior to final inspection, remove protection and vacuum the floorwith a pile lifter r . 0470309664.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09684 CARPET TILE Page 4 3.04 EXTRA STOCK A. Upon completion ofthe installation, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliverto the Owner one carton of each colour and pattern of carpet tiles, installed in this Work, for the Owner's future use in patching. Label each carton for proper identification. Extra stock to be same production run as materials installed under this section. End of Section oaio~-asssa.wua DIVISION 9 SECTION 09780 CONCRETE SEALING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-in-place Concrete Section 03300 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with the requirements of Section 01330. B. Submit duplicate 300 x 300 mm samples of coating applied to smooth cement board. C. Submit MSDS for specified products and maintain copy on site. 1.04 MAINTENANCE A. Provide maintenance data forfloor coating for incorporation into Operating and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 1.05 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Maximum moisture content of substrate: 12%. B. Temperature: Minimum temperature of substrate 10 deg. C. C. Alkali: Ensure negative alkalinity of substrate before application of coating. D. Ventilation: Provide continuous ventilation during and after coating application. 1.06 PREPARATION I A. Remove all foreign matter from the existing concrete surfaces to ensure a surface satisfactory for concrete finishing. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete sealer shall be Cipador Clear 100% solids general purpose two component fast setting water clear epoxy as manufactured by CPD Construction Products. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Concrete must be cured a minimum of 28 days prior to installation of sealers. Ensure 1 substrate is free of dust, dirt, oil, grease laitenance and any other foreign material that may affect bond. ' 04103-09780.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09780 CONCRETE SEALING Pa e 2 3.01 GENERAL (Cont'd) B. Repair cracks in slabs to satisfaction of manufacturer. ' C. Acid etch and prime surfaces according to strict manufacturer's directions. Flushsurtaceand allow to dry. D. Mix and apply coating employing trained applicators, using equipment specifically designed for this purpose. E. Apply coating intwoindividual,uniformapplications,permittingfirsttocureatleastfourhours before applying second coat. F. Minimum dry film thickness: 10 mils. Verify film thickness of completed coating system in field using inspection gauge. G. Apply additional coats as required to achieve specified dry film thickness. , H. Finished Work: To match approved samples, be uniform in thickness, sheen, colour and texture and be free from marks, dirt particles, runs, crawls, curling, holes, air pockets and other defects. End of Section ' i i I 1 1 04103-09780.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 WORK INCLUDED This Section of the contract includes all painting and finishing called for or implied by the drawings and specifications, together with all necessary incidentals whether referred to or not, as will be required to complete the work to the full intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications. The work includes but is not limited to the following: A. Preparation, back-priming and painting and finishing of all exposed surfaces of the building including building services and accessories, not otherwise protected or covered as shown on the `Finish Schedule', to the full intent of the drawings and specifications. B. Preparation, back-priming and painting and finishing of all exterior elements as indicated on the drawings, and not otherwise protected or covered. 1.03 QUALIFICATIONS A. Painting Contractor shall have a minimum of 10 years proven satisfactory experience. This contractor shall maintain a qualified crew of painters for the duration of the work who shall be qualified to fully satisfy the requirements'of this specification. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Samples 1. Paint colours shall be selected by the Consultant. Before work is commenced, the Consultant will furnish a colour schedule indicating colours and locations. 2. Prepare, with type of paint and application specified, draw down samples of various finishes for Consultant's approval by submitting samples, as directed, at least thirty days before materials are required. Identify each sample as to job, finish, colour name, number, sheen name and gloss value, date and name of Sub-contractor. Submit sufficient samples as required by the Consultant until colours and textures are approved. B. List of Materials A list of materials proposed for use on the work, prepared ~ the paint manufacturer, shall be submitted in writing to the Consultant for review at least 30 days before the materials are required. The list shallbearthemanufacturer'sofficialcertificationthat the materials listed thereon are equal to those specified herein. If products to be used are from various manufacturers submit a list from each manufacturer. All products shall be identified by their respective CPCA designation number. C. Submit MSDS for each product as applicable, prior to delivery of any materials to the site. Oa103-09900.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 2 , 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING ' A. Deliver materials to Site in sealed, original containers with labels intact. Labels shall indicate manufacturers name, type of paint, brand name, colour designation, applicable CGSB i h at ng t designation, and instructions for mixing or reducing. Notify the Consultant in writ materials are on site and request examination by the Consultant before labels are broken on the original container. Store in a heated and ventilated space directed by Consultant at a minimum ambient temperature of 7° C. Keep stored materials covered at all times and take all necessary precautions against fire. B. Provide COZ fire extinguisher of minimum 20 lbs. capacity in paint storage area and take all necessary precautions to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Temperature , 1. Do not paint or finish in unclean or improperly ventilated areas. Do not paint when surface and air temperatures are lower then 1D degrees C or varnish in temperatures lower than 18 degrees C. 2. Relative humidity shall not be higher than 85%. 3. Maintain temperature and humidity, and provide continuous ventilation for 24 hours before and after paint application. 4. Do not paint exterior surfaces immediately following rain, frost or dew. Do not paint interior surfaces where condensation is present or likely to occur. B. Protection 1. Provide metal pans or adequate tarpaulin to protect surfaces in areas assigned for the storage and mixing of paints. 2. Use sufficient drop cloths and protective coverings for the full protection of floors, furnishings and work not being painted. Protect mechanical, electrical and special equipment, hardware, all other components of the building which do not require painting, from paint spotting and other soiling during the painting process. 3. Remove electrical plates, surface hardware and fittings prior to painting. These items shall be carefully stored, cleaned and replaced upon completion of the work in each area. 4. Leave above areas clean and free from evidence of occupancy upon completion of painting. 5. Protect paint materials from fre and freezing. 6. Keep waste rags in closed metal drums containing water and remove from building at end of each working shift. Dispose of all waste materials including paint containers in accordance with Municipal requirements. 7. Where toxic or explosive materials are used, use appropriate precautions as directed by the manufacturer. Post'NO SMOKING' signs as necessary. C. Li htin Painting and decorating work shall not proceed unless a minimum of 15 candle powedsquare foot lighting is provided on the surface to be painted. 04103-09900.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 1 PAINTING Page 3 1.07 MOCK-UP A. Before proceeding with the work, finish one complete space or item of each colour scheme showing selected colours, texture, materials and workmanship. After approval, the sample room or surface shall serve as a standard for similar work throughout the building. 1.08 GUARANTEE ' A. The painting contractor shall furnish a Two (2) Year Guarantee upon completion of the work. Warrant that the work has been performed in accordance with the standards and requirements of this specification. B. The work of this contractor shall be inspected by an independent inspector acceptable to the Consultant. The cost of such inspection shall be paid by the painting contractor. Cooperate fully at all times with the independent painting inspection agency in the performance of their duties. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use material specified herein. Where not specified, materials listed under'Paint Product Recommendations' as listed in the O. P.C.A. manual may be used, subject to the approval of the Consultant. B. All materials shall be from one manufacturer, unless approved by the Consultant. C. Products manufactured by: ICI (Glidden) Paints Pittsburgh Paints 2.02 MIXING A. Paints shall be ready mixed. B. Products shall have excellent flowing and brushing properties and shall dry or cure free of sags or similar defects to yield the desired finish specified. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Condition of surtaces 1. Inspect all surtaces requiring painting and notify the Consultant in writing of any defects or problems, prior to commencement of the work, or after prime coat reveals defects in the substrate. 2. Check all surtaces with electric moisture meter and do not proceed if reading is higher than 12% for gypsum board, concrete or masonry, and 15°/a for woodwork without written permission from Consultant. 3. Proceed with work only when surtaces and conditions are satisfactory for production of a first class job. oaiaa-ossao.wpa DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 4 ' 3.01 INSPECTION (Cont'd) 4. Removedust,grease,rustandextraneousmatterfromallsurtaces(exceptthatrust occurring on items specified to be primed under other Sections shall be removed and work reprimed under those Sections). 5. Do no paint masonry or concrete surfaces less than 28 days old, and unless visually dry on both sides. 6. Test concrete floors for moisture content by using a 'cover patch test. ' 3.02 PREPARATION A. Concrete and Masonry 1. Test surfaces for alkalinity with pink litmus paper or other recognized method. 2. Where extreme alkalinity occurs, wash surface with 4% solution tetra-potassium pyrophosphate (5 oz. per gallon of water) where latex base paint is to be used and with zinc sulphate solution (3 Ib. per gal. water) where other paint bases are to be used. 3. Remove contamination from concrete floors, acid etch, rinse and assure acid-alkali balance. Let dry. B. Metal 1. Clean unpainted and shop painted metal, remove loose rust and prime bare metal with zinc chromate primer. Feather out edges to make touch up patches inconspicuous. C. Galvanized Surfaces 1. Remove surface contamination, wash metal with xylene solvent and apply one coat ' of an approved etching type primer. D. Woodwork 1. Inspect millwork to assure surfaces are smooth free from machine marks and that nailheads have been countersunk. Seal all knots and sapwood in surfaces to receive paint, with a sealer compatible with finish specified. 2. Sand smooth all woodwork which is to be finished and clean surfaces free of dust , before applying first coat. In the case of painted woodwork fill nail holes, splits and scratches with non-shrinking filler after first coat is dry. When these occur on a surface to receiveatransparentfinish,useputtytintedtomatchlocalgraincondition. Between coats and lightly with No. 00 sand paper and remove dust. E. Gv 1. psum Board Inspect drywall to assure surface as free from marks and blemishes. 2. Clean surfaces free of dust before applying first coat. 3. Inspect surface after prime coat and touch up and re-prime as necessary. F. Miscellaneous Surfaces ' 1. All other surfaces not noted above shall be prepared in accordance with the CPCA Guide Specifications and the paint manufacturers recommendations. ~ 04103-09900.w°d DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Pape 5 3.03 APPLICATION A. Finishes and number of coats specified in Finish Schedule are intended to cover surtaces completely. If they do not, apply further coats until complete coverage is achieved as required. B. Any areas exhibiting incomplete or unsatisfactory coverage shall have the entire plane painted. Patching will not be acceptable. C. Spraying will not be allowed without written permission. D. Arrange to have traffic barred from completed areas wherever possible. E. Apply materials in strict accordance with manufacturers directions and specifications and be familiar with those directions and specifications. F. Apply primer-sealer coats by brush or roller method. Permit paint to dry before applying succeeding coats, tough up suction spots and sand between coats with No. 00 sand paper. G. Prime woodwork designated for painting as soon as possible after woodwork is delivered to Site. Prime all surfaces of such woodwork, whetherexposed or not, before installation. Back prime woodwork which is to receive transparent finish with one coat of transparent finish 1 reduced 25%. H. Where two coats of the same paint are to be applied, tint the first coat to differentiate from the final coat. Sand lightly between coats to achieve an anchor for the required finish. I. Apply final coats on smooth surtaces by roller or brush. Hand brush wood surfaces. J. Paint shall be uniform in sheen, colour and texture, free from brush or roller marks, sags, runs or other defects. K. Work by This Section as Related to Mechanical and Electrical Work 1. Finish paint primed mechanical equipment listed hereafter. a) All exposed ductwork. 2. Paint insulated and bare pipes exposed to view in rooms scheduled to have painted walls and ceiling or other finished surfaces. 3. Prime and paint exposed, unfinished electrical raceways, fittings, outlet boxes, junction boxes, pull boxes and similar items in rooms scheduled to have painted walls or ceiling or other finished surfaces. 4. Replace identifcation markingson mechanical and electrical workwhen painted over or spattered. 5. Paint work to match adjacent walls and ceilings unless directed otherwise. 6. Paint interiorsurfacesofairductsthatarevisiblethroughgrillesandlouvreswithone coat of flat black metal paint to limit of sight line. 7. Where walls and ceilings are not scheduled to be painted, the work described above shall be painted a colour selected by the Consultant except where galvanized or plated. 04103-08900.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 6 3.04 FINISH SCHEDULE A. General 1. In instances where materials specified are not suitable for a particularjob application or are contrary to manufacturer's recommendations for use on a particular surface, such condition shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Consultant for clarification and instructions. 2. Finishes shall match approved samples but Consultant reserves the right to make reasonable changes to finish specifications to obtain desired results without additional cost or obligation of Owner. 3. Gloss terms shall have following values (ASTM D523-67 "Test for Specular Gloss"): Gloss Term Gloss Value Flat 5 to 20 Eggshell 20 to 40 Semi-gloss 40 to 60 Gloss, medium 60 to 80 Gloss, high 80 to 90 B. 4. A colour chart giving colour schemes for various areas will be prepared after tendering by Consultant. 5. Do not paint baked enamel, chrome plated, stainless steel, aluminum or other surfaces finished with a final factory finish. All primed surfaces shall be finish painted under this Section. Schedule of Surfaces and Number of Coats Numbers in brackets (-)represent C.P.C.A. Designation Number. 1. Interior Schedule a) Galvanized and Zinc coated Metal 1~` Coat Cementitious Primer 1.198-92 (26) 2"tl Coat Alkyd Semi Gloss Enamel 1.57-M90 (47) 3rtl Coat Repeat second coat (47) b) Primed Metal Surfaces: Touch up pri mer-Alkyd metal primer 1-GP-48M (79) 151 Coat Alkyd Semi Gloss enamel 1.57-M90 (47) 2"' Coat Repeat first coat (47) c) Masonry: 151 Coat Latex Primer Sealer 1.88-M90 (4) 2ntl Coat Alkyd Semi Gloss Enamel 1.57-M90 (47) 3m Coat Repeat second coat (47) r !.~ d) Gypsum Board Ceilings: 1s Coat Latex Primer-sealer 1.119-M89 (50) 2ntl Coat Alkyd flat 1.118-M89 (49) 3'" Coat Repeat second coat (49) , Note: Dark colours may require additional coats to obtain full coverage. oaioa-oaaoo.wPa t DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 7 04 FINISH SCHEDULE (Cont'd) 3 . nd Number of Coats (Cont'd) rf f S l B. Sched aces a e o u u e) Gypsum Board Walls (Eggshell): 1s`Coat Primer-sealer 1.119-M89 (50) 2"d Coat Eggshell Alkyd 1.202-92 (51) 3rtl Coat Repeat second coat (51) Note: Dark colours may require additional coats to obtain full coverage. f) Gypsum WaII Boards (Semi Gloss): 1~` Coat Primer Sealer 1.119-M89 2n° Coat Alkyd Semi Gloss 1.57-M90 (50) (47) 3rtl Coat Repeat second coat (47) Note: Dark colours may require additional coats to obtain full coverage. r Wood-Paint Finish: g) 15f Coat Enamel Undercoat 1.38-M91 (46) 2"d Coat Alkyd Semi Gloss Enamel 1.57-M90 (47) ' 3rtl Coat Repeat second coat (47) h) Wood/Hardwood-Varnish Finish: 1~`Coat Paste-filler 2"d Coat Interior Wood Stain, Semi-transparent 1.145-M90 Type II (90) 3rd Coat Oil Modified Clear Urethane, Satin (reduced) 1.175-M89 Type II (57) 4'" Coat Oil Modified Clear Urethane, Satin 1.175-M89 Type II (57) C. Surfaces: The following surfaces shall be painted/varnished: 1. Miscellaneous metals and structural steel unless scheduled to remain exposed. 2. Concrete block walls. 3. Bent steel and channel door frames. 4. Hollow metal doors, frames and screens. 5. Wood doors (stain and varnish). 6. Exterior ladders. 7. Drywall partitions, ceilings, and bulkheads. 8. Underside of exposed steel lintels. 9. Exposed mechanical ductwork and bare and insulated pipes. 10. Exposed mechanical and electrical lines located on wall or ceiling surfaces to be painted. 11. All other exposed surfaces (interior and exterior) as indicated on the drawings. 12. Paint all closets and alcoves to match adjoining surfaces of rooms. 3.05 PAINT MANUFACTURER'S INSPECTION REPORTS A. When requested by the Consultant, the Contractor shall arrange to have the paint manufacturer's representative of the product being used on the project submit written inspection reports to the Consultant. 04103A9800.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Pa e 8 ~ 3.05 PAINT MANUFACTURER'S INSPECTION REPORTS (Cont'd) ' B. The representative shall visit the site as many times as required to assist the painting contractor in the proper application of the products to ensure a satisfactory job. C. In addition to the requirements of 3.05 B the representative shall visit the site and submit a , written inspection report to the Consultant at the following times: 1. Prior to painting to see that proper surface preparation is carried out. 2. During each individual coat application including primer stage to see that there is no detrimental deviation from the manufacturer's specifications and the requirement specified herein. 3. At the final completion of painting to ensure a satisfactory job has been obtained. 3.06 CLEANING A. Promptly as the work proceeds, and upon completion, remove all paint where spilled, splashed or splattered. During the progress of the work, keep the premises free from any unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, materials and debris. At the conclusion of the work, leave the premises neat and clean to the satisfaction of the Consultant. 3.07 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES A. At completion of the project submit three copies of manufacturer's cleaning procedures in regards to each paint product type and gloss finish specified herein for inclusion into maintenance manuals as specified under Division 1. 3.08 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide one 4 litre can of each paint colour for Owner's use in touch up and repair. Identify by colour type and gloss value. End of Section 04103-09900.wptl DIVISION 10 SECTION 10800 WASHROOM ACCESSORIES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 B. Glazing Section 08800 - 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings and/or manufacturers' data sheets and in sets in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract. B. Submit samples of washroom accessories, finishes and fastening devices as required. C. Submit templates or printed instructions to other trades responsible for preparing for built in or wall mounted items. Include instructions for mounting recessed items. 1.04 REFERENCES A. All washroom accessories for barrier free accessible areas shall be fabricated and installed to meet the requirements of the Ontario Building Code O. Reg. 403/97 and CAN/CSA 6651- M including pull out strength requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General ' 1. Use materials specified herein. 2. Stainless steel products as manufactured by Bobrick Washroom Equipment of Canada are used for the purpose of establishing quality. Approved equal stainless steel products of the following manufacturers will be accepted: Frost • Bradley ^ ~ 3. Other non-stainless steel products shall be of manufacturers specified in list of materials. 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Washroom Equipment 1. Wall mounted liquid soap dispenser, Bobrick B-40, top filling liquid soap dispenser for installation at each lavatory (SD). 2. Contura Series Recessed Multi-Roll toilet tissue dispenser, Bobrick 64388 (SD), recessed, 304 stainless steel, for installation at each water closet. (TTD). 3. Paper Towel Dispensor/Waste Receptacle: combination unit, Bobrick B-43949, stainless steel, fully recessed (PTDW). oaioa-~oaoo.wpa DIVISION 10 SECTION 10800 WASHROOM ACCESSORIES Page 2 2.02 EQUIPMENT (Cont'd) 4. Framed Mirror: Bobrick B-2902436, one piece roll formed stainless steel frame, type ' 304, satin finish, No. 1 quality 6mm tempered glass mirror, electronically copper- plated, warranted against silver spoilage for 15 years (M1). 5. Sanitary Napkin Disposal: Bobrick B-3513, stainless steel type 304 (SND). 6. Stainless steel grab bars, Bobrick B-6806 Series, 38mm diameterwith peened grip, and concealed mounting as follows: 1. GB1: 66806.99 x 24 mounted on wall behind and centred on water closet. 2. GB2: 66806.99 x 30 mounted adjacent to each water closet as noted on ' drawings. Supply grab bars with manufacturer's standard anchor plates for mounting on masonry, metal stud walls or metal toilet partitions. 7. Washroom Signage: Frost Code 964. 8. Coat Hook: Bobrick B-6827, stainless steel, single hook with satin finish. Mount hook on back of washroom door (CH). ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Stainless steel surfaces shall have bright polished finish unless otherwise noted. B. Grab bars shall have peened gripping surtace to meet the requirements of the Ontario ' Building Code. C. Washroom accessories and fasteners shall be fabricated to permit strong, concealed fastening to the respective surfaces. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Installation of washroom accessories will be by Section 06200 -Finish Carpentry. B. Install washroom accessories securely with the concealed fasteners supplied by the ' respective accessory manufacturer in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturers and to the satisfaction of the consultant. C. Mounting heights and locations of accessories at Barrier Free Washrooms to be in ~' accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and the recommendations of the manufacturer. D. Install washroom accessories where directed by the consultant. Refer to Washroom Accessories schedule on the drawings for location and quantities of accessories. 3.03 PRODUCT DATA SHEETS AND WARRANTEES A. At completion of project, submit three copies of manufacturer's product data sheets showing size, capacity and operating instructions for each product specified herein. B. Submit manufacturer's standard warrantees for each item specified, including ten (1 D) year warrantee for mirrors. End of Section oaioa-ioaoo.wPa k~~ DIVISION 12 SECTION 1252D ROLLER SHADES PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide labour, materials, products, equipment and services to complete the roller shades work specified herein. B. Refer to Drawings and Room Finish Schedule for locations. 1.03 REFERENCES A. CAN/ULC-S109-1987 (R2001) -Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Shop drawings showing shade sizes, locations, operation, methods of attachment, wiring, motors and controls, and description of components, indicating for each component, the size, shape, material, thickness, gauge, finish, methods of joining, joint locations, and methods of attachment. Indicate openings required in frame members to conceal electrical wiring. B. Submit for approval, a sample shade fully representing the shades to be provided. Submit samples of fabrics and finish colours for selection and approval. C. Submit independenttest results showing properties and acceptable fire hazard classification of shade fabric. ~ D. Submit 3 copies of maintenance and operating data. ' E. Provide full size mock-up application of the specified shade, as directed by the Consultant. 1.05 PROTECTION A. Protect all materials with suitable heavy wrapping prior to shipping to the site. B. Store materials in a clean, dry area to permit natural ventilation over finished surfaces. C. After installation, protect the work of this Section from damage. 1.D6 WARRANTY A. Warrant the work of this Section for a period of 5 years. B. Upon written notification, from the Owner, that defects exist, immediately repair and/or replace such defective materials, to the satisfaction of the Consultant. C. Warranty shall be in a form acceptable to both the Owner and the Consultant. ' 04103-12520.wpd DIVISION 12 SECTION 12520 ROLLER SHADES Page 2 ' PART2-PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, FABRICATION AND OPERATION A. Manual Shades 1. Shade Roller: Extruded aluminum tube, 6063-T5 alloy, of sufficient thickness and strength to prevent deflection along its length with shade attached, having provisions to retain fabric to roller so that fabric can be removed without removing roller tube , from brackets. 2. End Brackets: Nominal 3mm (1/8") thick steel or aluminum plate assemblies to suit installation requirements of this project. 3. Provide friction-fitting snap-on, removable, extruded aluminum fascia covers for shades, minimum 1.27mm (0.050") thickness, as indicated. 4. Fasteners: Non-corrosive metal screws for attachment to curtain wall framing, concealed in completed installation. 5. Colour: To match curtain wall mullion colour. Metal components shall be pretreated and finished with an acceptable baked enamel finish. 6. Provide immediate rollerswhere required, to preventsag in excess of 38mm (1-112") below underside of framing members of operable shades, at approved locations only, as indicated on reviewed shop drawings. 7. Provide travel limit control to stop shades at highest and lowest shade position, to prevent over winding and under-rolling. B. Fasteners: Non-Corrosive metal screws for attachment to windows or curtain wall framing, concealed in completed installation. C. Fabric: vinyl coated opaquepolyesteryarn,basketweavedesign,consistingofapproximately 75% PVC and 25% polyester, "3%-XL2" by Solarfective Products Limited, or other approved manufacturer. Fabric shall be dimensionally stable, tensioned in the finishing range prior to heat setting to keep the warp ends straight and minimize or eliminate weave distortion and keep fabric flat. 1. Fabric Colour: to be selected by the Consultant from full range of colours by ' Solarfective Products Limited,orotherapprovedmanufacturer. Shade fabric on any one floor shall be from the same dye lot. 2. Fabric Pertormance: As shade cloth, the fabric shall hang flat, without buckling or distortion. The edge, when trimmed, shall hang straightwithout ravelling, unguided roller shade cloth shall roll true and straight without shifting sideways more than ± 3mm (118") in either direction due to warp distortion or weave design. 3. Flame Retardance: Fabric shall be certified by an independent laboratoryto pass the Small Scale Vertical Burn Requirements of CAN/ULC-S109. D. Bracket operating assembly to have drive brackets located as indicated on the Drawings. Slip clutch assembly to have a constant tension spring to ensure smooth trouble free operation. Hardware must have built-in levelling capacity. Chain to be 40 kg (90 Ib) stainless steel bead design. E. Each shade roller to have abuilt-in L.A.M. unit allowing for finger tip control. 04103-12520.wptl DIVISION 12 SECTION 12520 ROLLER SHADES Page 3 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate installation and fastenings with curtain wall and window trade, and trades providing adjacent finishes. B. Install shade assemblies in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as indicated in true, flat planes. C. Provide continuous fascia appearance at windows separated only by a mullion. Position inside face of mounting brackets or fascia, where applicable, flush with inside face of mullions unless shown otherwise. 3.02 OPERATION A. Manual system shall have an easy lift action with infinite positioning. Provide a separate chain for each tube located next to a column or major support. Chain location shall be identified on shop drawings for approval by Consultant. 3.03 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING A. Adjust shades for smooth operation and correct alignment. B. Clean shades and remove finger marks and smudges from shades and adjacent surfaces. C. Leave shades in raised position at completion of work of this Section. End of Section 04103-12520.wpd ', Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 ARTICLE NAME PAGE II 1 , PART 1 - GENERAL ................................................................................ ...................................1 i 1.1 REFERENCE ............................................................................... ...................................1 ' 1.2 INTENT ........................................................................................ ...................................1 1.3 SUBMITTALS ............................................................................... ...................................1 i' 1.4 1.5 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE ............................ STANDARD OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ....................... ................................... 1 ................................... 1 1.6 STANDARD OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ....................... ................................... 3 1.7 STANDARD OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ....................... ................................... 3 1.8 DRAWINGS ................................................................................. ...................................3 I 1.9 CODES AND REGULATIONS ..................................................... ...................................4 1.10 CERTIFICATES AND FEES .............................................:.......... ................................... 5 1.11 CERTIFICATION OF TESTS ....................................................... ................................... 5 ~! 1.12 PROTECTION AND CARE OF WORK AND EQUIPMENT ........ ................................... 5 1.13 WORKSHOP ................................................................................ ...................................6 i' '~, 1.14 1.15 TEMPORARY LIGHT, POW ER AND WATER ............................ LIABILITY INSURANCE ............................................................... ...................................6 ................................... 6 1.16 INSPECTION OF SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS .............. ................................... 6 1.17 1.18 CO-ORDINATION OF WORK ...................................................... CUTTING AND PATCHING ......................................................... ................................... 6 ................................... 7 1.19 WORKMANSHIP ......................................................................... ...................................7 1.20 CONTRACTORS SHOP DRAWINGS ......................................... ................................... 8 , ' 1.21 RECORD DRAWINGS ................................................................. ...................................8 ,, 1.22 SAMPLES OF MATERIALS ......................................................... ................................... 9 1.23 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT APPROVALS ........................... ................................... 9 j 1.24 TEMPORARYAND TRIAL USAGE ............................................. ................................... 9 , 1.25 TEMPORARY HEATING ............................................................. ................................. 10 1.26 DATA BOOK ................................................................................ ................................. 10 ' 1.27 1.28 CONTINUITY OF EXISTING SERVICE ....................................... REMOVAL OF EXISTING EQUIPMENT ..................................... ................................. 10 ................................. 11 I 1.29 CLEAN UP ................................................................................... .................................11 i' 1.30 GUARANTEE ............................................................................... .................................11 11 ', PART 2 • PRODUCTS ............................................................................. ................................. 2.1 THERMOMETERS ...................................................................... .................................11 j~ 2.2 PRESSURE GAUGES ................................................................. .................................11 2.3 FILTER GAUGES ........................................................................ ................................. 12 2.4 STRAINERS ................................................................................. .................................12 ' ' 2.5 AIR VENTS ................................................................................. .................................. 12 ' 2.6 PIPE SUPPORTS ....................................................................... .................................. 12 2.7 PLATES AND ESCUTCHEONS ................................................. .................................. 13 i' 2.8 2.9 ACCESS DOORS ....................................................................... MOTORS .................................................................................... .................................. 13 .................................. 13 2.10 STARTERS AND CONTROLS ................................................... .................................. 13 t PART 3 - EXECUTION ........................................................................... ..................................15 3.1 PIPE EXPANSION AND ANCHORS .......................................... ..................................15 3.2 INSTALLATION OF FILTER GAUGES ....................................... ..................................15 i~ ~, LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page i Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville. Ontario SECTION 15050 ARTICLE NAME 3.3 GAUGE GLASSES ................................................................ 3.4 SLEEVES ............................................................................... 3.5 INSTALLATION OF PIPE HANGERS ................................... 3.6 COUPLING AND BELT GUARDS ......................................... 3.7 DISSIMILAR METALS ........................................................... 3.8 INSTALLATION OF ACCESS DOORS ................................. 3.9 ELECTRICAL WORK FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT..... 3.10 WIRING .................................................................................. 3.11 IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT ...................................... 3.12 PAINTING .............................................................................. 3.13 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING ....................................... 3.14 TESTING AND BALANCING ................................................. 3.15 AIR BALANCING ................................................................... 3.16 FIRE STOPPING & SMOKE SEALS ......:............................... 3.17 CALIBRATION ....................................................................... PAGE ............ 15 ............ 16 ............ 16 ............ 17 ............ 18 ............ 18 ............ 18 ............ 19 ............ 19 ............ 20 ............ 20 ............ 22 ............ 23 ............ 24 ............ 25 LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page ii 1 SECTION 15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART1- GENERAL 1.1 .1 The General Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Division 1, any Supplements and/or Addenda thereto form an integral part of this specification and must be ' read in conjunction herewith. 1.2 INTENT ' .1 This Section applies to all Sections of Division 15. 1.3 SUB MITTALS ' .1 Comply with Section 01300 and specific additional requirements of Sections in Division 15. 1.4 REL ATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE ' .1 Painting of exposed piping, ductwork and unfinished mechanical equipment - under Division 9. Painting of natural gas piping -under Division 15. .2 Concrete work required for the supports and bases for mechanical equipment - ' under Division 3. Division 15 shall provide all other supports, brackets, stands and platforms required for the proper installation of its equipment and work. .3 Backfilling for piping inside the building and under paved areas outside the ' building from 300mm (12") above pipe -under Division 2. Backfilling around all piping and to 300mm (12") above pipe -under Division 15. Excavation for all piping (inside and outside the building) and all backfilling for piping outside the ' building not under paved areas -under Division 15. t 1.5 STANDARD OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT .1 Tender price shall be based only on equipment specifically mentioned by name in ' the specifications, that is on "Base Bid" equipment or on "Named Alternate" equipment. .2 In the event that the tender price is based on any of the "Named Alternate" ' equipment, mark in the "Named Alternate" manufacturers in the appropriate space in the Tender Form. If no choice is indicated in the Tender Form, "Base Bid" equipment shall be supplied. .3 "Contractor's Proposed Alternates" are invited and are to be marked in the appropriate space in the tender together with the reduction in the Base Bid tender ' price amount for each of the "Contractor's Proposed Alternate". These Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 ' "Contractor's Proposed Alternates" will be considered at the time of the award of the Contract and those accepted will be included in the Contract. , .4 For the purposes of these specifications and tender documents, the following definitions shall apply: .5 "Base Bid" - equipment or manufacturer shall be that named first in the ' specifications for any material or equipment; or equipment or manufacturer specifically described as "Base Bid" equipment in the Specifications. ' .6 "Named Alternate" -equipment or manufacturer shall be that named second, third, etc., in the specifications, or equipment or manufacturer specifically described as "Alternate" equipment. ' .7 "Contractor's Proposed Alternate" -shall be equipment or manufacturer considered by the Contractor to be equal to "Base Bid" or "Named Alternate" ' equipment. Basic tender price shall not be based on, or include "Contractor's Proposed Alternate" equipment. .8 Reductions in tender price due to the "Contractor's Proposed Alternates" may be ' considered in selecting the Contractor for award of the Contract. .9 Be responsible for and cover all costs and labour in cases where a "Named , Alternate" or "Contractor's Proposed Alternate" requires additional labour, material, piping, connections, or involves any other costs to any trade, General " " Base Bid equipment Contractor or the Owner, over the costs involved with the or material. Such additional costs and work shall be included in the Tender Price. Availability of space, proximity to other equipment and arrangement of connections shall be considered. ' .10 Assume full responsibility for, and cover all costs involved in modifying the alternate or substitution as required in the opinion of the Consultant to meet the specification. Should the Consultant decide, after the necessary modifications to , the "Named Alternate" or "Contractor's Proposed Altemate" are considered, that the originally specified equipment must be used, cover all costs of such reversal to original equipment, except for any stated difference intender price, regardless ' of whether or not a preliminary approval for the "Named Alternate" or "Contractor's Proposed Alternate" was given earlier. ' .11 Assume full responsibility for any failure of the alternate to meet the requirements of the specification. The acceptance of an alternate by the Consultant does not remove or change such responsibility. ' .12 Materials not specified herein as to manufacture, quality, etc., shall be supplied of high commercial standard of quality, new and of uniform pattern. Used materials or equipment will not be accepted. ' .13 In case materials or equipment specified are unavailable, clearly state in the Tender the alternative material and/or equipment and price used in compiling the Tender. LKM # 2004 -0656 15050 -page 2 , 1 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 1.6 STANDARD OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ' .1 Materials and equipment specifically described and listed by name or catalogue number in this specification are materials and workmanship on which tender price shall be based. .2 Where only one manufacturer's name appears, base tender on that manufacturer's price. ' .3 Where more than one manufacturer's name appears, use any of the manufacturers listed. Note, however, that the design is based on the dimensions and physical configurations of the manufacturer's equipment listed first. 1.7 STANDARD OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT .1 Submit tenders based on Manufacturers' equipment named in Specification. If alternate equipment is proposed, indicate saving in cost. ' .2 Assume full responsibility for any failure of the alternative to meet the requirements of the specifications. The acceptance of an alternative by the Consultant does not remove or change such responsibility. .3 Materials not specified herein as to manufacture, quality, etc., shall be supplied of high commercial standard of quality, new and of uniform pattern. Used materials or equipment will not be accepted. .4 In case materials or equipment specified are unavailable clearly state in the Tender the alternative material and/or equipment and price used in compiling the Tender. 1.8 DRAWINGS .1 The drawings accompanying this specification are to be considered as diagrammatic only and do not show all the structural and construction details. Any information involving measurements of the building shall be taken from the architectural and structural drawings and at the building site. Make without additional charge any necessary changes or additions to the runs to accommodate structural conditions. ' .2 The drawings and these specifications shall be considered an integral part of the Contract Documents. Neither the drawings nor the specifications shall be used alone. Misinterpretation of any requirements of either plans or specifications shall not change the requirements or intent of the specifications for proper completion of the work to the full approval of the Consultant. ' .3 The drawings indicate the general location and route to be followed by the pipes, ducts, conduits, etc., which are to be installed under this contract. Where the ' required conduit work, piping, ductwork, etc., is not shown on the plans or only shown diagrammatically, these shall be installed as tight as possible to structural members, concrete, ceilings and walls to interfere as little as possible with the ' free use of the space through which they pass. LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 3 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 .4 The location of pipes, ducts, outlets and other equipment may be altered by the Consultant without charge to the Owner, provided the change is made before installation and does not necessitate additional material, or in the case of electrical outlets the new location is within 3m of the original location. .5 Be responsible for the detailed layout of work with respect to the building structure and to other piping, ducts, conduit, etc. If required in certain sections, produce field drawings to show relative positions of various services and have these approved before work is proceeded with. .6 Consult with the Consultant and obtain detailed drawings and instructions for the exact location of equipment, and before the installation of fixtures and equipment which may interfere with the interior treatment of the building. 7 The listing hereinafter of any article, material, operation or method requires that each item listed be provided of the quality and subject to the qualifications noted. Perform each operation prescribed according to the conditions stated, providing therefore all necessary labour, equipment and incidentals. .8 The drawings and specifications are intended to supplement each other so that any details shown on the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, shall be executed in the same manner as if contained in the specifications and shown on the drawings. .9 Should any discrepancy appear between these specifications and the drawings to cause doubt as to the true meaning and intent of the drawings and specifications, a ruling shall be obtained from the Consultant before submitting the tender. If this is not done it will be assumed that the more expensive alternative has been included in the contract. .10 Any error or inconsistency in the drawings or specifications noted after award of contract must be reported to the Consultant before commencing work. , .11 The omission or incorrect mention of work, materials, etc. that are indispensable to the completed work, is not to be interpreted as relieving of the necessity of ' providing such work, materials, etc. at no expense to the Owner. .12 The layout of the mechanical systems in the mechanical rooms and roof mounted ' equipment is necessarily based upon one manufacturer's physical dimensions. In substituting equipment of different physical characteristics, submit shop drawings for approval, indicating the proposed layout and piping connections. ' 1.9 CODES AND REGULATIONS The whole of the work specified herein and on the Drawings shall comply strictly ' with the requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction. The Electrical Safety Code, the Building Code as amended to date, and any additional requirements of ' the Electrical Utility, Gas Utility, Ontario Water Resources Commission Regulations respecting Plumbing and codes, Fire Marshall regulations and by-laws of other jurisdictional authorities form an integral part of this specification, ' LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 4 ~''' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 and are the minimum requirements. W here the drawings or specifications call for piping, equipment, devices, wiring sizes or methods exceeding the minimum requirements of such codes, the drawings and specifications shall be followed. In case of doubt as to the interpretation of the codes, the local Electrical Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Building Inspector, Fire Inspector, etc. shall be consulted and ',t,' his decision shall be final. .2 Before starting any work, submit the required number of copies of the Drawings and Specifications to all authorities and utilities and obtain their approval. The Consultant shall be notified immediately of any changes requested before installation. Any work installed before approval is obtained from the above authorities shall be corrected without charge. Prepare and submit any additional i I,, drawings which may be required by Utilities. 1.10 CERTIFICATES AND FEES '' .1 Give all necessary notices, obtain and pay for all necessary permits, and inspections required for the work herein specified. Pay all fees for examination of ' drawings and specifications. Furnish any certificates required as evidence that the work installed conforms with the laws and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction. .2 This shall apply to Electrical Inspection, Gas Inspection, Heating Inspection, Plumbing Inspection, Pressure Vessel, Piping and Boiler Inspection, Government, Municipal and Public Utilities and all other such bodies. 1 ' .3 On completion of the work obtain final unconditional certificates of approval by all utilities and authorities having jurisdiction. All final certificates of approval shall be ', !, delivered to the Consultant before final payment is made. .4 Arrange and pay for all tests of the work. 1. ~ 1.11 CERTIFICATION OF TESTS ' .1 Upon completion of the project, present to the Consultant a signed statement to ',' the effect that all tests have been carefully carried out as required by the specifications and the manufacturer's recommendations and that the equipment and installations have been inspected by all jurisdictional authorities. 1.12 PROTECTION AND CARE OF WORK AND EQUIPMENT .1 Protect finished and unfinished own work and work of other contractors from damage due to own operations. Cover floors and other parts of the building with tarpaulins, etc. Repair all damage to floor surfaces or other parts of the building ' resulting from the carrying out of this work. .2 All material damaged by weather or through negligence shall be removed and ' replaced with new material. .3 During freezing weather, protect all material in such a manner that no harm can ' be done to the installation already made and/or materials and equipment on the LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 5 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS ' Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 job. .4 Store all material and equipment neatly and out of the way. ' .5 Securely plug or cap all open ends of pipes, ducts, conduits and equipment to prevent obstructions during construction. ' 1.13 WORKSHOP Provide temporary buildings for field office, workshop, tools and material storage ' as may be required for own use and be responsible for any loss or damage thereto. Temporary buildings shall be of a type approved by the Consultant and ' located as directed by him. Temporary buildings shall be removed after completion of work as directed by Consultant. 1.14 TEMPORARY LIGHT, POWER AND WATER , .1 Temporary light, power and water will be provided under Division 1. Provide all necessary extension cords, lamps, hoses, etc. for own use. 1.15 LIABILITY INSURANCE .1 Maintain such insurance as will fully protect the Owner and the Contractor from ' any and all claims under the Workmen's Compensation Act and all insurance as noted in the Instructions to Tenderers. , 1,16 INSPECTION OF SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS Before submitting tender for this work, examine the site, local services and local ' conditions, Electrical Drawings, Mechanical Drawings, Structural Drawings, and Architectural Drawings to ascertain that the work can be satisfactorily carried out as shown on these Drawings and as herein specified. Before commencing work examine the work of the other trades and report at once any defector interference affecting the work of this section or the guarantee of same. No extra will subsequently be allowed to cover any such error, omission and/or oversight , for not having made a thorough inspection of the grounds, existing conditions, drawings, and specifications. 1.17 CO-ORDINATION OF WORK .1 Assume full responsibility for layout of own work so as not to conflict with other trades and also for damage caused to other's work by improper location or ' carrying out of own work. .2 Arrange work in co-operation with other trades in such a manner as not to ' interfere with other work being carried on and co-ordinate layout of work with other trades to get all pipework, wiring, conduits, ductwork, etc., installed to the best advantage. ' .3 Assume full responsibility for the prompt installation of wiring, conduits, pipes, ducts, equipment and sleeves in advance of the work of other trades as required. , LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 6 ' '' ~, Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 .4 Where any equipment supplied under this Section must be built in with the work ` i, of other Sections such as Masonry, Plastering or Concrete, supply the equipment to be built in, provide templates, anchors, sleeves, bolts and measurements to allow the installation of these in the proper sequence. .5 Confer and co-operate with all other trades in order to eliminate any unnecessary delay to any work being done under this Contract. .6 Submit composite drawings of crowded locations where there is possibility of conflict with the work of other trades. Indicate exact locations and elevations of ' pipes, ducts, conduits, etc., obtained from field measurement. 1.18 CUTTING AND PATCHING .1 Refer to and be governed by specification Division 1. .2 Be responsible for all cutting, patching and painting around patched area for Mechanical work and Electrical work being installed in the existing building where no architectural work requiring cutting and patching is being done. Where glazed the surfaces are being cut, replace tiles to match existing. Use rotary diamond ' drills for holes through slabs and walls, not pneumatic or hand hammers or other noisy equipment. Keep openings to a minimum required for pipes, ducts and equipment. ' .3 Should any coning and repairing of either unfinished or finished work be required due to failure of this trade to advise of or install equipment or sleeves on time, such cutting and patching shall be carried out by the trade affected and Division ' 15 shall pay all costs of such work. .4 Unless specified otherwise, each trade shall do all cutting required to accommodate the work of his trade and to fit his work to the work of other trades. Check architectural drawings to ascertain the extent of new architectural work and existing architectural work which is to remain. Keep openings to a minimum ' required for pipes, ducts and equipment. Saw cut surfaces to a depth of 25mm (1") minimum before using hammers or other percussion tools. ' .5 General Contractor will make good and patch surfaces cut by the mechanical trades. 1.19 WORKMANSHIP .1 Only first class workmanship will be accepted not only regarding the best accepted standard practices, safety, accessibility, durability, etc., but also ' regarding neatness of detail. Pipes shall be installed true to line and grade. All pipework, conduit, and ducts must be aligned parallel and at right angles to the building walls. Equipment must be accurately set, plumbed and leveled and ' hanger rods must be aligned vertically. The entire work shall present a neat and clean appearance on completion. ' .2 Where possible, pipes, ducts. conduit and wiring are to be concealed in ceiling LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 7 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS ' SECTION 15050 spaces, furred spaces, pipe spaces, walls, trenches, etc., except they shall be run 1 exposed in the boiler and equipment rooms, or where specifically noted on the drawings. They shall be installed neatly and closely to the building structure so ' that the necessary furring, etc., is kept as small as possible. Where pipes, ducts, conduits and other equipment are exposed, they shall be installed as close as possible to building structure, ceilings and walls. Provide all offsets for this ' purpose at own expense, whether shown or not shown on drawings. .3 Any conduits, pipes, ducts or other work which is not, in the opinion of the ' Consultant, installed as it should be, shall be taken out and replaced without cost to the Owner. 1.20 CONTRACTORS SHOP DRAWINGS ' .1 Submit for review eight copies of detail drawings showing equipment and systems before ordering same and immediately after the award of the contract. ' .2 Submit eight copies of typed sheets, catalogue sheets, or illustrations, giving suppliers and catalogue numbers for such items as valves, traps, expansion ' joints, hangers, switches, types of thermal insulation for all services and any other standard catalogue items. .3 These will be reviewed by the Consultant and returned. No allowance will be ' made later if equipment is condemned at the site because of failure to observe this instruction. ' .4 The Consultant reserves the right to reject any material or apparatus which, in his opinion, does not conform with the requirements of the Specifications. ' s design .5 Notify Consultant in writing if shop drawings differ from Consultant drawings in any respect. Certify shop drawings that they have been checked and agree with Consultant's drawings and Specifications. Assume all responsibility for errors made on shop drawings or for changes made from Consultant's drawings and specifications, unless such changes were set out in written notification to Consultant. , .6 Review is for the sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with the general design concept. This review shall not indicate approval of the detail design inherent in the shop drawings, responsibility for which shall remain with the , Section submitting same, and such review shall not relieve the Section of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents. Be responsible for , dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site, for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for co-ordination of the work of all other Sections. ' 1.21 RECORD DRAWINGS Markin coloured ink on a set of whiteprints, which will be provided, every change ' and deviation from runs of piping, ductwork, conduit and other services from where shown on drawings, so that on completion of the job the record drawings , LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 8 , ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 shall indicate the exact location of all services as actually installed. Record drawings shall be kept at the site and shall be kept up to date as the work ' progresses. Submit completed record drawings before final certificate of job acceptance is issued. .2 Dimension locations of buried drains, pipes, duct, conduit, tanks, pads, manholes etc. to building column centres or other fixed reference points. Also mark in location of all access doors. ' .3 In addition to the whiteprints, prepare and submit one set of transparencies of the record drawings. ' .4 Acceptance of record drawings by the Consultant does not constitute a guarantee by the Consultant of their accuracy, nor does the acceptance by the Consultant remove the Contractor's responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be on the record drawings. 1.22 SAMPLES OF MATERIALS ' .1 Samples shall be submitted to the Consultant for his approval before ordering such items as name plates, tags, valves, thermostats, grilles, diffusers, etc., and other repetitive materials where finish or detail can be better examined by ' sample. All materials used for the work shall be fully equal to the samples as approved. ' 1.23 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT APPROVALS .1 All equipment, materials, controls, wiring and wiring devices, etc., supplied shall ' conform to the CSA, HEPC, CGA & ASME requirements for the purposes for which they are to be used, and shall bear a CSA or CGA approval label. .2 Special equipment which does not have a standard CSA or CGA label shall be inspected by the Special Inspection Department of the HEPC and the Approval Certificate shall be submitted to the Consultant as soon as possible. 1.24 TEMPORARY AND TRIAL USAGE .1 It is understood and agreed that the temporary or trial usage by the Owner of any mechanical device, electrical device, machinery, apparatus, equipment or any other work or material supplied under this Section before final completion and written acceptance by the Consultant, is not to be construed as evidence of the acceptance of same by the Owner and it is further understood and agreed that the Owner shall have the privilege of such temporary and trial usage as soon as the Contractor shall claim that the said work is complete and in accordance with ' the drawings and specifications, and for such reasonable length of time as the Consultant shall deem to be sufficient for making a complete and thorough test of same and that no claim for damage will be made by the Contractor for the injury ' to, or breaking of any parts of such work which may be so used whether caused by weakness or inaccuracy of structural parts or by defective material or workmanship of any kind whatsoever. ' LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 9 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS , SECTION 15050 .2 Should the Contractor feel that the equipment is being abused, improperly used or maintained, he shall advise the Consultant immediately. Verbal advice shall be followed up in writing, otherwise subsequent claims for damage will not be considered. 1.25 TEMPORARY HEATING All temporary heating required while the building is under construction will be provided under Division 1. .2 The permanent pumps, convectors, unit heaters, etc., may be used for temporary heating, providing this equipment is installed in its permanent location and providing that the building is completely closed in and clean. Approval must be obtained from the Consultant for use of such equipment. .3 Fans and air systems may not be used for temporary heat except with permission , and specific instructions from the Consultant. .4 Be responsible for the operation, care and maintenance of the permanent heating , system when used for temporary heating. At the completion of the jab and prior to the final acceptance all permanent heating equipment used for temporary heating shall be thoroughly cleaned and put in first class operating condition and ' appearance to the approval of the Consultant. All damaged equipment piping, etc., shall be replaced to the approval of the Consultant. .5 Give all necessary instructions for proper operation of the permanent heating ' system used for temporary heating. .6 In the event of construction and alterations to the existing heating system ' proceeding during the heating season, heating shall be maintained throughout the structure at all times. Provide all temporary piping and wiring, or temporary protective measures, required to maintain heating. 1.26 DATA BOOK Bind within hard-covered, loose-leaf binders, two complete sets of manufacturer's ' operating and maintenance instructions showing all major mechanical equipment and systems. Include shop drawings, detail drawings and operating curves. ' Instructions shall be complete for installation, operation and maintenance. Spare part suppliers, lists and addresses shall be included. Instructions shall be reviewed with the operating personnel to ensure a thorough understanding of the equipment and its operation. Include copy of the Valve Chart. ' 1.27 CONTINUITY OF EXISTING SERVICE .1 The existing building must be kept in operation at all times. Arrange work so that , services to the existing buildings will not be unduly interrupted at any time. The time for an interruption must be kept to a minimum and must be arranged with the , Owner and the Consultant. .2 Co-operate with all other trades on the job. Do all necessary temporary piping and ' LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 10 ' 1 t Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 wiring so that the existing building will be kept in operation at all times. .3 For this purpose it may be necessary to tie in some of the piping and wiring at night or on the weekends. Include in the tender price for such overtime work for this purpose. 1.28 REMOVAL OF EXISTING EQUIPMENT In general, mechanical equipment to be removed and/or replaced shall become the property of this trade and shall be removed from the site. 1.29 CLEAN UP All material shall be stored neatly and out of the way. Clean up daily all refuse caused by work. .2 On completion of the work remove from the premises all tools, debris, surplus and waste materials resulting from operations under this Section. Clean all fixtures and equipment and leave all items in perfect order ready for operation. 1.30 GUARANTEE Before final payment is made, guarantee all materials and workmanship supplied in the performance of this contract, for a period of one year from date of final acceptance by the Consultant and, when called upon, make good without further charge any such defects as may appear within this period. Before final payment is made, test the operation of all equipment installed and regulate all balancing and control equipment, lubricate all mechanical equipment, etc., and demonstrate to the Consultant or his representative that all equipment is operating as intended, without undue noise and vibration. The period of this guarantee shall in no way supplant any other guarantee or warranties of longer period, but shall be binding on all other work not otherwise covered. PART2- PRODUCTS 2.1 THERMOMETERS Thermometers shall be Trerice BX or BX9 Series, 200mm (8") scale with brass separable sockets. Sockets to have extension necks for pipes with insulation. For air ducts use perforated stems. .2 Thermometers shall be Trerice, Taylor or Weksler. 2.2 PRESSURE GAUGES Pressure gauges shall be 115mm diameter Trerice No. 600. Pressure gauges shall be complete with 2.D MPa isolating valve and shall suit fluid pressure measured. Steam gauges shall be complete with syphons. Gauges installed in pump suction and discharge pipes shall have Impulse Dampeners, Trerice No. 870 or approved equal. LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 11 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 .2 Pressure gauges shall be Trerice, Ashcroft, W inters, U.S. Gauge. 2.3 FILTER GAUGES Filter gauges shall be Dwyer #200, 201 and 202 stationary inclined draft gauges. Filter gauges shall have sufficient range for all types of filters and sufficient tubing for a proper installation. .2 Filter gauges shall be Dwyer or Airflow Developments. 2.4 STRAINERS .1 Pipe strainers shall be Y-type and basket type strainers as shown and shall be selected for 100% of pump capacity. .2 Screen perforations and working pressure shall be suitable for the systems in which they are installed. .3 Strainers shall have monel screens and shall be reinforced when installed on pump sections. .4 Y-type strainers shall be self cleaning and installed with 25mm (1 ") hose end valve on blow-off connection. .5 Strainers up to 50mm (2") shall be screwed and for sizes 60mm (2 1/4") and over shall be flanged. .6 All strainers connected to steel pipe and to copper pipe 60mm (2 1/4") and larger shall have cast iron bodies. All strainers connected to copper pipe 50mm (2") and smaller shall have bronze bodies. .7 Strainers shall be Sarco, Armstrong, Bell & Gossett, Taco or Atlas. 2.5 AIR VENTS Automatic air vents shall be Sarco Type 13 WN air trap. 2.6 PIPE SUPPORTS Use Myatt Fig. No. 124 or Grinnell Fig. No. 260 clevis hangers. For cold insulated piping hanger shall be sized for the O.D. of the insulation and shall be provided with a protection shield, Myatt Fig. No. 251 or Grinnell Fig. No. 167. For insulated hot piping the lower strap of the hanger shall be longer to place the horizontal rod outside the insulation -Myatt Fig. No. 124E or Grinnell Fig. No. 300. .2 Where hanger rods are too short to accommodate the axial movement due to thermal expansion, use Myatt Fig. No. 258 or Grinnell Fig. No. 174 hangers for pipes up to and including 125mm (5") size and Myatt Fig. No. 261 or Grinnell Fig. No. 171 for larger pipes. Include protection shields specified previously for cold insulated pipes. Include pipe covering protection saddles Myatt Fig. No. 210-240 or Grinnell Fig. No. 160-165 for hot insulated pipes. Use similar heavy duty and LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 12 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 1 extra heavy duty hangers where loads imposed exceed the capacity of the previously specified hangers, e.g. Myatt Fig. No. 125. .3 Vertical piping shall be supported using wrought iron pipe clamps, anchored to the concrete slab, Myatt Fig. No. 182 or Grinnell Fig. No. 261. For cast iron pipe, ' locate hub at clamp. .4 Provide special supports, racks, platforms, guides, stands, floor supports where such are indicated on drawings. Construct such supports in accordance with details provided. 2.7 PLATES AND ESCUTCHEONS .1 Provide chrome or nickel plated floor plates where exposed pipes pass through the finished floors. These shall be split type of similar design to #1-BC or #10-BC shown on Page 1169 of Cat. 61 Crane Company or Grinnell Fig. 10. Where exposed pipes pass through ceilings and walls provide similar plates, but with set screws to hold them in position. ' .2 Escutcheons shall be chrome or nickel plated brass with set screws and shall be provided where exposed and uninsulated piping passes through the floors, walls or partitions, e.g. fixture supplies, waste pipes. Clip type escutcheons will not be accepted. ' 2.8 ACCESS DOORS .1 Access doors shall be LeHage to suit construction, or Ormsby Kane, or Dillon, ' flush type with recessed hinges. Access doors in fire rated ceilings and/or walls shall match fire rating of ceilings and/or walls and shall be ULC approved. All access doors shall be equipped with screwdriver locks. ' .2 Access doors shall be minimum size 450mm x 300mm and 600mm x 450mm (18" x 12" x 24" x 18") where it is necessary for persons to enter and shall be adequately sized to properly service and maintain the equipment they serve. ' 2.9 MOTORS ' .1 Unless otherwise specified for a particular application, motors up to and including 350 W shall be 120 Volt, 60 cycle, single phase, 1200 or 1800 RPM. .2 Motors larger than 350 W shall be Volt, 60 cycle, three phase, 1200 or 1800 RPM. Unless specifically noted otherwise, motors with speed of 3600 RPM will not be accepted. Unless specifically noted otherwise, motors shall have open, drip proof fully guarded enclosures. .3 Motors shall be Leland Electric, Westinghouse, Lincoln Electric, Canadian General Electric. 2.10 STARTERS AND CONTROLS .1 Unless modified in other sections of these specifications or by details or control LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 13 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 diagrams, motor starters, control and disconnect switches shall comply with the following requirements. .2 Each motor shall be provided with a starter and all specified and required protective devices of suitable type and rating and adequate for the condition of application and in full accordance with Canadian and Ontario Electric Codes and Local requirements. .3 Starters shall be rated for safe making and interrupting of motor currents and shall be equipped with overload relays to make or break simultaneously each ungrounded line to the motor. .4 Magnetic starters shall be used throughout this project, except that manual starters, with relays where required, maybe used for single phase motors. .5 All manual starters shall have red or neon pilot lights. .6 Magnetic starters shall be equipped with: .i Red or neon pilot light. .ii Maintained contact on-off selector switch unless otherwise specified hereinafter. .iii Momentary contact start-stop pushbutton if starter is controlled by one or more remotely located start-stop stations. .iv Test-Off-Auto selector switch if starter is controlled by two wire automatic devices such as thermostats, pressure switches, float switches, etc. On all combination magnetic starters the 'test' position shall be spring return. Auxiliary contacts - as required for the specified interlocks and control. vi Control Transformer -for remote control devices and stations of secondary voltage as required or specified. vii Fused Control circuit. viii Overload relays. ix Reset Button. .7 Unless otherwise specified all magnetic starters shall be combination circuit breaker type. .8 In all cases where magnetic starters are located in equipment manufacturer's cabinets or panels, each motor shall have a separate disconnect and a separate set of fuses. The panel shall have a main disconnect switch. .9 Single phase 120V starters shall be equipped with one thermal overload device and three phase starters shall be equipped with three thermal overload devices LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 14 1 1 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 r Thermal overload devices shall be manual reset type. Overload devices shall have current rating as recommended by the motor manufacturer for the particular application. .10 Starter and control enclosures shall be suitable for mounting in the particular ' location in which they are to be installed. In dry and non-hazardous locations they shall be Nema Type I. Provide all required frames and supports as may be necessary for their proper installation, and as approved by the Consultant. I .11 Selector switches, pilot lights, stop-lock-off, start-stop, up-stop-down. and similar controls shall be oil tight heavy duty type. .12 Selector switches, pushbutton stations, pilot lights, manual single phase starters, etc., located in finished areas or control panels shall be suitable for flush mounting and shall have brushed stainless steel cover plates. ' .13 All starters shall be Square D, Klockner-Moeller (NEMA), Cutler Hammer or Allen Bradley. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE EXPANSION AND ANCHORS s .1 Provide for expansion and contraction of pipe work. Erect all pipe so that strain and weight does not come upon cast connections or apparatus. Provide bends, ' loops, swing joints and expansion joints. .2 Anchor piping at all points shown and where necessary, using substantial structural steel angles, channels, or plates, well secured to the building structure. Strength of anchor in shear and bending is to be approximately equal to strength of pipe being anchored. .3 Provide pipe roll or structural steel guides, two sets on each side of loop, joint or compensator, spaced at 14 pipe diameters or less and no more than 4 pipe diameters to first guide. Provide all required additional steel to span building structure for this purpose. Guides may be omitted on one side where anchor occurs within 10m. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF FILTER GAUGES .1 Supply and install water type filter gauges across all filter banks in air supply systems in order that the pressure drops across the filters are clearly indicated. 3.3 GAUGE GLASSES ' .1 Provide gauge glasses on all tanks as required, shown and further specified. ' .2 Gauge glasses shall be approved fail-safe type complete with shut-off valves and ball checks. Gauge glasses shall cover the full height of the tank. .3 Where tank height exceeds maximum length of one glass (45cm) provide LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 15 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 additional gauges and stagger location of gauges. Provide white enamelled brass backplates behind gauge glasses. 3.4 SLEEVES Supply and set all necessary sleeves and be responsible for the exact location of all sleeves. Sleeves shall be of steel pipe for piping passing through masonry walls and 1.3mm galvanized iron for piping passing through concrete walls or floors. Sleeves for bare copper piping shall be lined with copper or lead. Sleeves shall be sized to permit insulation to pass through unbroken. Seal around pipes passing through sleeves with fire resistive non-hardening mastic (concrete not acceptable) to control transmission of sound and noise, and to provide the full fire rating of the wall or floor. Unused sleeves shall be similarly sealed or filled with concrete. Use individual sleeves for each pipe. .2 Where ducts enter through equipment room floor provide 100mm (4") wide x 100mm (4") high concrete curb to stop water. Pipe sleeves through equipment room floor shall be Schedule 40 steel pipe with machine cut ends, with top end at 100mm (4") above finished floor. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF PIPE HANGERS Supply and install pipe hangers and their supports for all piping. .2 Piping and conduits shall be securely supported from hangers or supports, in a manner to ensure that building construction is not weal~.ened or overstressed; that pipes are secure, vibration free, free to expand and contract, and properly graded; and that vertical adjustment of horizontal piping is possible after erection. .3 .4 Cast iron pipe with MJ joints shall have two hangers for each length of pipe. Pipe supports for all other piping shall be spaced at the following intervals, using round steel rod supports of the diameter indicated: Pipe Diameter Horizontal Spacing of Supports Rod Diameter Up to 20 mm 1.8 m 10 mm 25 mm to 30 mm 2.Om 10 mm 40 mm to 50 mm 2.5m 10 mm 60 mm 3.Om 12 mm 75 mm to 125 mm 4.Om 16 mm 150 mm to 200 mm 4.8m 22 mm LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 16 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario i .5 .6 250 mm and over 5.8 m 22 mm min. BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS SECTION 15050 Pipe Diameter Horizontal Spacing of Supports Rod Diameter Up to 3/4" 6'-0" 1/4" 1 " to 1 1 /4" 6'-6" 1 /4" 1 1/2" to 2" 8'-0" 1!4" 2 Yz" 3" to 5" 6" to 8" 9'-0" 12'-0" 16'-0" 1/2" 518" 7/8" 10" and over 19'-0" 7/8" min. Rod diameter for larger pipes to suit weight being supported in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. For plumbing piping, horizontal spacing of supports shall not exceed 2.5m (8'-0") for pipes 25mm (1 ") and larger in accordance with the Plumbing Code. 7 Hanger rods must be vertical, without bends, or offsets, and workmanship must be such that finished piping is true both with respect to line and grade. They must be complete with adjusting and stopping nut locks. Each hanger is to be supported independently from the structure, i.e. piping shall not be hung from other piping or equipment. .8 No perforated or flat iron hangers shall be used. .9 Where hangers are installed under and in direct contact with pipes, packing of approved inert material shall be crimped around the hanger to prevent electrolysis and abrasion. Copper clad hangers will not be accepted. 10 Upper attachment of hanger rod shall allow rod to pivot without bending of the rod. 3.6 COUPLING AND BELT GUARDS Provide all belt driven equipment with belt guards with tachometer openings at both the driven and drive shafts. Belt guards shall be open mesh expanded metal type. LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 17 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS SECTION 15050 .2 Provide coupling guards for pumps with exposed couplings. 3.7 .3 Belt guards and coupling guards shall be fastened by bolts or wing nuts, so that they may be easily removed for servicing of equipment. DISSIMILAR METALS Separate dissimilar metals from direct contact with each other. Install all necessary gaskets, and dielectric couplings. All metal screws, clamps, and fastenings shall be of the same metal and finish as the material supported. 3.8 INSTALLATION OF ACCESS DOORS Provide access doors to all valves, cleanouts, electrical outlets, dampers, fire dampers, equipment, controls, plumbing devices and other apparatus requiring access where these are built in or concealed behind furring, walls or ceiling. .2 Access doors shall be supplied under this Division but installed by the trade providing wall or ceiling. Correct location of access doors is the responsibility of this Division. Frame and cover shall have a prime coat finish. Where it is necessary to have a number of access doors installed in the same area of a ceiling or wall, submit to the Consultant the location of these access doors for his approval. Access doors provided in glazed the walls shall suit the the pattern. Refer to architectural drawings for room finish schedules. .3 Access doors in removable lay-in T-bar acoustic the ceilings will not be required. Mark the location of the removable ceiling tiles with approved coloured marking devices in the four corners of the tiles to indicate by their colour the nature of the item behind. Colour for different services to be later determined by the Consultant. Refer to architectural drawings for the areas having such ceilings. l_~ LJ .4 Provide two sets of record drawings showing the location of all access panels with cross reference to their function. 3.9 ELECTRICAL WORK FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT .1 Division 15 shall supply electrical motors, starters, controls, relays, thermostats, float switches, pressure switches, flow switches, pilot lights, remote control , stations, safety devices, aquastats, control transformers, disconnects for control circuits, and interlocks. .2 Division 15 shall mount the above equipment, except for line voltage wall thermostats and starters, which will be mounted by Division 16. , .3 Division 16 will supply and mount isolation disconnect switches where required for safe servicing of motors, as well as disconnects at electrical panels of all factory assembled package equipment, e.g. rooftop units, condensing units, air conditioning units. .4 In the case of roof mounted exhaust fans, safety isolation switches shall be , LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 18 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 i factory mounted within the fan, complete with wiring from switch to motor. .5 Division 16 will provide all power wiring as defined herein. .6 Division 15 shall provide all control and interlock wiring including connection to equipment and to source of supply. .7 Power wiring is defined as all single or three phase wiring carrying the full current of the mechanical equipment, including wiring of full equipment current carrying line voltage controls and isolation disconnects in line between the source and the mechanical equipment, and connection to the equipment. .8 Control and interlock wiring is defined as all mechanical equipment wiring other than power wiring outlined above. ' .9 Division 15 shall provide detailed wiring diagrams for each motor. .10 Division 15, unless specifically indicated otherwise, shall provide all damper ' motor power and control wiring. .11 To obtain line voltage supply for motorized dampers, motorized valves or other controls, provide wiring to the nearest lighting or power panel, including connection to same, unless shown otherwise on the drawings. .12 Where low voltage supply source is required, obtain line voltage supply as ' described previously and also provide control transformers of necessary voltage and wattage to suit the low voltage equipment and controls. .13 Division 15, unless specifically indicated otherwise, will provide all wiring for damper motor power and control from nearest lighting panel except where the drawings indicate power outlets by Division 16. For these instances Division 15 will wire from the outlet to the damper motor. 3.10 WIRING ' .1 Wiring shall be in conformity with Ontario Electric Code and local regulations and motor manufacturer's recommendations and Division 18. .2 The following are minimum requirements and are not intended to override any minimum requirements or those shown in the electrical specifications: Power Wiring #12 Gauge Control Wiring #14 Gauge .3 In wet locations use wire type RW90 or TWH. In warm locations such as boiler rooms, kitchens and mechanical rooms, use wire type RW90. Wiring to or near heat producing equipment shall be fireproof type. 3.11 IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT ' .1 Clearly mark all exposed ducts, pipes, pullboxes, junction boxes, etc., to indicate ' LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 19 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS ' Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 the nature of the service. .2 All starters shall be identified with black plastic laminated (Lamacoid) nameplates with white engraving, secured with screws. .3 Surface mounted equipment shall have the nameplates mounted on exterior face ' of door or cover. Flush mounted equipment shall have the nameplates mounted at the top of the inside face of the door or cover. .4 Every valve on the job except on radiation, unit heaters and fixture stops shall be provided with a 30mm (1 1/8") diameter brass tag secured with split rings or brass 'S' hooks. The number on the tags shall be factory engraved in black ink. Prepare two framed and glazed valve diagrams showing the service, location and purpose of each valve so tagged. .5 Identify all fans, pumps, remote controls and all other equipment as to service by , a black lamacoid engraved nameplate with white core, firmly affixed with screws to each unit. Submit sample plate and lettering for Consultant's approval. All apparatus, including electrical motors, shall have a proper nameplate affixed thereto, showing the size, name of equipment, service, serial number, and all ' information usually provided which shall include voltage, cycle, phase and horsepower of motors and the name of the manufacturer and his address. All stamped, etched or engraved lettering on plates shall be perfectly legible to the satisfaction of the Consultant. Nameplates shall not be painted over, and where apparatus is to be insulated, nameplates shall be firmly attached with rigid insulation back-up, of equal thickness of that of jacket. ' 3.12 PAINTING .1 Unless specifically noted otherwise after all equipment is installed and piping , completed, thoroughly clean off rust and oil on all exposed iron and steel work of every description, including hangers, pipe, conduits, panels, etc., installed in ' mechanical equipment rooms, fan room, corridors, tunnels, etc., and leave the work ready for painting under Division 9. .2 This shall apply regardless of whether the material comes on the job painted or ' not. Unless specifically noted otherwise, equipment which is specified with factory finish will not be painted. .3 After piping, etc. has been painted by Division 9 this Section shall paint on all pipes installed by the Mechanical trades, neatly stenciled letters about 25mm (1 ") high designating the pipe service and arrows showing direction of flow. The wording shall be as later directed by the Consultant. The stenciling shall occur at approximately 3m intervals and where pipes pass through walls, pipe shall be stenciled on both sides of the wall. All exposed pipes and pipes in pipe spaces near access doors shall be identified in this manner. .4 Approved colour coding with plastic bands may be used in lieu of stenciling described above. 3.13 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 20 ' ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 .1 Do all necessary excavating and backfilling required in connection with this work. .2 All construction work shall be subject to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1978 and Regulations for Construction Projects passed by the Ontario ' Legislature, and any amendments thereto. .3 In addition, all excavation and backfilling shall be in accordance with specification ' Division 2. .4 Excavations shall be kept dry at all times by bailing, pumping or other means as ' may be required. Sides and bottoms shall be kept from freezing. .5 Bottoms of excavation for pipes shall be graded as required and bedding for piping shall be provided. Where not shown or detailed on drawings, bottoms of excavations shall be shaped to fit the lower 1 /3 segment of any pipes and sockets, care being taken to ensure even bearing along the barrels. No portion of pipe shall bear directly against any rock or other hard surface. ' .6 Banks of excavations shall be evenly cut and/or trimmed and they shall be shored as required to prevent caving in, and the material used shall be carefully withdrawn during backfilling. Lumber left in place without approval will not be paid for by the Owners. .7 Width of excavation shall be carefully controlled from the crown of the pipe to the invert, and shall be limited to twice the O.D. of pipe at crown and as further indicated on drawings. ' .8 Do not disturb or damage any existing underground services. Make good any damage. Existing underground services are indicated approximately on the Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical Site Plans. Location of such services has been determined from available information and has not been verified in the field. Carefully check such locations, perform all necessary exploratory excavation and report any serious discrepancy before proceeding with any new work. Engage the services of local Public Utilities Commission, Hydro, Telephone and Gas Utilities to accurately determine location of any underground services. ' .9 Excavating, pipe-laying, testing and backfilling shall be executed in limited length to enable all protective measures to function efficiently at all times. Not more than 100m of trench shall be open in advance of the completed buried service. ld h ll b R k d b d .10 s an ers e remove oc ou a . Any rocks and boulders encountered s removed from the excavation shall be broken up as required, to permit handling. Any rock encountered shall be removed by drilling and wedging as no blasting will be allowed. .11 Where any excavating is necessary in close proximity to and below any footing level, backfilling shall be done with 10MPa concrete furnished under this section to the level of the top of highest adjacent footing. LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 21 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS ' SECTION 15050 12 Should the excavation by negligence or error, be carried to greater depth than shown or authorized, such extra excavation shall be replaced with well-compacted clean crushed limestone or 10MPa concrete at the expense of this Section, as required to give a bearing value equal to that provided by adjacent soil. 13 A concrete pad, properly reinforced, or masonry piers, shall be provided by this Section under piping in earth stratum when a solid undisturbed earth bed is not obtainable, all as described in the Ontario Water Resources Commission Plumbing Code. 14 Where piping enters or leaves the building and crosses excavation for footings, use extra heavy piping and either excavate to solid undisturbed soil and backfill with t OMPa concrete from such soil to the pipe, or support piping on a reinforced concrete pad, resting at both ends on solid undisturbed earth or a check in concrete foundation wall, all as shown on Detail Drawing D-101 attached. Cost of such pad shall be borne by this Section. LJ 15 Any concrete support shall be shaped to provide a minimum bearing for the lower ' 1/3 segment of the pipe. 16 Trenching for drains in the building shall not be commenced until fill has consolidated and Consultant's approval is obtained. Backfilling shall not be commenced until installation is inspected and approved, the testing is completed and the Consultant's approval has been obtained. 17 Backfill from bottom of trench, around pipe and to 600mm (24") above pipe shall be clean sand, compacted mechanically in 150mm (6") layers to 95% Modified Proctor Density. Take particular care to tamp thoroughly under and at sides of pipe. .18 Frozen earth shall not be used for backfilling, nor shall any backfilling be placed on or against frozen ground. .19 All interior backfill of pipe trenches under building floor shall be clean sand compacted mechanically in 150mm (6") layers to 95% Modified Proctor density. .20 If settlement occurs, it shall be made up as soon as possible, so that traffic near the work will not be inconvenienced. After a period adequate to reveal settlement has passed, fill all depressions to restore the correct grade. Be responsible for making good any subsequent settlement of fill and pay all costs involved in making good paving, curbs and all other surfaces damaged by such settlement and subsequent restorations. .21 Excavated materials shall be piled, stored and/or disposed of during the progress of construction in such places and in such a manner that a minimum of damage or disfigurement of existing ground will result. On completion of the work remove any excess from site and/or dispose of as arranged or directed by the Consultant. The site shall be left clear and unencumbered to the Consultant's satisfaction. 3.14 TESTING AND BALANCING LJ 1 LJ LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 22 , ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville. Ontario SECTION 15050 .1 All water piping shall be tested to a pressure of at least 1000kPa (335 ft). .2 All drains shall be tested for tightness and grade as required by the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act respecting Plumbing revised to date, and local ' authorities. .3 Make tests before application of pipe covering and before pipes are concealed ' behind furring. .4 Make any tests required by the Consultant during the progress of the work or at its completion. Provide all necessary labour and equipment for such tests. Such tests shall be carried out solely for the purposes of determining if the work as actually installed meets specified requirements. ' .5 All tests must last at least 2 hours and if leaks develop, these must be corrected and the test repeated to the satisfaction of the Owner and the local authorities. ' .6 Caulking of threaded joints shall not be permitted, faulty piping shall be replaced with new pipe and fittings. .7 Notify the local Plumbing Inspector of all tests and conduct same to their satisfaction and in the presence of their representatives. .8 Provide all labour and equipment for tests and conduct same. Repeat tests until system is shown to be leak-tight and in proper working condition, all to the satisfaction of all Inspectors having authority. .9 All piping shall be completely flushed out. After the cleanout period, the systems shall be drained, each strainer cleaned out and the systems refilled. Boiling out of systems shall be carried out as specified elsewhere. ' .10 All necessary adjustments to the automatic temperature control systems shall be made and the controls left in first class operating condition. .11 Supply lubricating oils, packing, etc., for proper operation of the systems. The final tests and acceptance will not be made until the work is finally completed. 3.15 AIR BALANCING .1 The air balancing must be carried out by a firm specializing in such work. The firm shall be an independent testing company with at least 5 years of proven experience in the balancing of air systems and shall have completed not less than 5 jobs of comparable size and complexity. .2 Air systems shall be balanced with clean filters in place and so that the fans operate at as low a static pressure as possible. .3 Static pressure dampers shall be installed where static pressure must be reduced for control of either pressure or noise. LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 23 !~ Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15050 .4 Fan speeds and dampers shall be adjusted until air quantities within 5% of those shown on drawings for each outlet, minimum noise level and minimum static at fan are obtained. .5 Adjust each outlet by anemometer, velometer, pitot tube, or anemotherm readings to provide proper air quantities. Adjust each supply outlet to provide proper throw and distribution in accordance with space and occupancy requirements. .6 Upon completion of the air balance and submittal of the air balance report, provide, if called for, a spot check on the system with the Consultant's representative. If actual air quantities do not agree with the air balancing report data, completely rebalance the system until satisfactory to the Consultant. 7 Furnish all necessary equipment including gauges, pitot tubes, anemometers, velometers, etc., required for the testing and air balance, of quality and capacity to ensure proper accuracy. The Consultant may require proof of calibration of instruments. .8 Upon completion of the balancing, supply the Consultant with three complete sets of final balancing report showing actual air quantities at each outlet. .9 The report shall include the following information: Diffusers, grilles, registers, floor outlets: System, room no., outlet designation and required air volume as per drawings, test air volume, test air velocity. .ii Air supply systems: Provide design and test information including fan number, fan make, total fan air volume, minimum outside air volume, return air volume, total pressure, total static pressure, suction static pressure, discharge static pressure, fan r.p.m., motor make, size, motor nameplate information, rated amperage, actual amperage. .iii Exhaust systems: Provide information including fan number, size and model, motor size, motor nameplate information, rated amperage, actual amperage, fan r.p.m., total pressure, static pressure, suction static pressure, air volume. 3.16 FIRE STOPPING & SMOKE SEALS Primers to manufacturer's recommendations for specific material, substrate, and end use. .2 Water (if applicable) to be potable, clean, and free from injurious amounts of ' deleterious substances. .3 Damming and backup materials, supports and anchoring devices to be to manufacturer's recommendations; and in accordance with tested assembly being installed as acceptable to authority having jurisdiction. LKM # 2004-0656 15050 -page 24 , '' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Bowmanville. Ontario SECTION 15050 ?' .4 Sealants for vertical joints to be non-sagging. .5 Firestop and smoke seal around mechanical and electrical assemblies penetrating non-rated fire separations. .6 Rigid ducts with dimensions greater than 1300 mm to be fire stopped by bead of fire stopping material between retaining angle and fire separation, and between retaining angle and duct, on each side of fire separation. .7 Remove excess materials and debris and clean adjacent surfaces immediately after application. .8 Remove temporary dams after initial set of fire stopping and smoke seal materials. j ;, ~ 3.17 CALIBRATION .1 Make calibration checks on flow measuring instruments before attempting system ~~ ;1 balancing. Instrument systems which fail to meet accuracy and repeatability criteria to be returned to manufacturer for re-calibration. Where repairs would be required, repair is not acceptable, replace items under warranty. End of Section LKM # 2D04-0656 15050 -page 25 t ~' ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum MECHANICAL INSULATION Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15250 i' ARTICLE NAME PAGE PART 1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 REFERENCE ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 INTENT ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.3 MATERIALS LIST ............................................................................................................ 1 1.4 STANDARDS ................................................................................................................... 1 PART 2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 MATERIALS ..................................................................................................................... 2 PART 3 EXECUTION ............................................................................................................... 2 3.1 WORKMANSHIP ............................................................................................................. 2 3.2 HOT FLUID PIPING ......................................................................................................... 3 3.3 COLD WATER PIPING .................................................................................................... 3 3.4 DUCTWORK AND AIR HANDLING EQUIPMENT .......................................................... 4 3.5 RECOVERING AND FINISHING ..................................................................................... 5 ',~ ',I' LKM # 2004-0656 15250 -page i 1 ' SECTION 15250 MECHANICAL INSULATION PART1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCE ' .1 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods Section 15050 forms an integral part of this Section. ' 1.2 INTENT .1 Work to be done under this Section shall include furnishing of labour, materials, and equipment required for installation of Thermal Insulation as shown, as specified and as otherwise required, in a satisfactory manner, for all Sections of Division 15. ' .2 Pipe covering, equipment and duct insulation shall be provided by a recognized specialist insulation applicator with an established reputation for this type of work. .3 Product type designations of Fiberglas Canada Ltd., for insulation materials, Flintkote and Childers for coatings, sealers and adhesives, are used in ' Specification and on Drawings to indicate physical properties and quality standards not otherwise described. Equivalent products of the following manufacturers are acceptable: .i Insulation Materials .a Owens Corning Canada ' .b Johns Manville Canada Ltd. .c Knauf Fibreglass ' .ii Coatings, Sealers and Adhesives .a Foster Division, Amchem Products Inc. .b Dow Corning ' .c Childers 1.3 MATERIALS LIST ' .1 Where applicator proposes to use materials other than those specified as acceptable, he shall submit a complete list of such materials, indicating thickness ' of material for each individual service. .2 Do not purchase materials so submitted until approval in writing has been received. 1.4 STANDARDS Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum MECHANICAL INSULATION Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15250 The type, manufacture and application of pipe covering materials including application of sealer coat, shall be in strict accordance with requirements and final approval of local and Provincial authorities having jurisdiction. .2 All materials shall be asbestos free. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS Pipe Insulation: Fibreglas one-piece or sectional insulation with All Service Jacket, 88 kg per cubic metre density. .2 Duct and Equipment Insulation: Fiberglas AF-545 with Reinforced Foil and Flame Retardant Kraft Facing (RFFRK), 72kg per cubic metre density. .3 Vapour Barrier Lag Adhesive: Flintstik 230-04 or Childers CP-82. .4 Insulation Lagging Adhesive: Flintkote 120-09 or Childers CP-50. .5 Glass Fabric Reinforcing: Flintkote Yellowjacket or Childers Chilglas. .6 Canvas Cloth: 200g per sq m. PVC Jacketing and Fitted Pipetitting Covers: Manville Zeston, 25/50 rated. .8 Aluminium Jacketing:.41 mm thick aluminium jacket with 13mm wide bands of same thickness. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 WORKMANSHIP ' .1 Ensure the pipe fittings and equipment are dry and clean before applying covering. ' .2 Do not apply insulation until the item to be covered has been tested. ' .3 Apply covering in a neat workmanlike manner so that finished job is of uniform diameter and smooth in finish. Locate longitudinal seams so as to be invisible. ' .4 Mitre insulation at pipe elbows 25mm size and smaller and wrap joint with Mac-Tac tape. Use PVC Pipefitting Covers or cover joint with canvas pasted on and extending one covering diameter each side of joint throat. ' .5 Neatly cover flanges at fittings, strainers, expansion joints, valves and equipment, 75mm size and over, using "box" type flange insulation. ' .6 Treat insulation and finishes so that maximum flame spread does not exceed a rating of 25 or as directed by local bylaws or requirements. Smoke developed LKM # 2004-0656 15250 -page 2 , Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum MECHANICAL INSULATION Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15250 classification shall not exceed 50 where required by applicable Codes. ' .7 To maintain the integrity of fire ratings and to control transmission of noise tightly pack annular space between sleeve and pipe covering where insulated pipes pass through sleeved openings in walls or floors, for full length of sleeve, with ' approved fireproof insulating packing and finish flush at each end with caulking compound, aluminum colour, as manufactured by: .i The Tremco Manufacturing Co. -Last-Meric .ii Canadian Hanson & VanWinkle Co. Ltd. -Poly-Tite Joint ' .iii Foster Div., Amchem Products Inc. - Elastoler Sealant - 95-44 .8 Pipes covered with insulation having a vapour barrier jacket shall pass through walls or floors with continuous covering. Protect exposed pipe insulation at floor line with an 18 gauge galvanized iron jacket approximately 100mm high, secured to floor slab in an approved manner. ' .9 A steel insulation shield shall be placed between the hanger and the insulated pipe by pipe installer. .10 At pipe support points with steel insulation shields use insulation with higher crushing strength to ensure that integrity and continuity of insulation and vapour barrier are maintained. .11 Make good in an approved manner existing coverings damaged or cut back due to installation of new work, using same materials as specified for new work. 3.2 HOT FLUID PIPING ' .1 Cover domestic hot water piping, domestic tempered water piping, domestic water recirculation piping, hot water heating system piping, steam piping, condensate return piping, drip piping, pumped return lines, safety valve vent lines, ' (except safety valve vents from boilers), boilerfeed piping, exposed portions of surface and intermittent blowdown piping, boilerteed and condensate bleed-off piping, with one piece fibreglass insulation with factory applied fire resistive all ' service jacket. Covering shall be 25mm thick for pipes smaller than 60mm and 40mm thick for larger pipes. .2 Covering for piping carrying steam at pressures above 140 kPa shall be 40mm ' thick for pipes 60mm to 100mm dia. and 50mm thick for pipes over 100mm dia. .3 Cover fittings, valves, flanges and strainers with insulating cement of a thickness equal to that of the adjacent insulation, regardless of whether the adjacent pipe covering is recanvassed or not. ' 3.3 COLD WATER PIPING .1 Cover domestic cold water piping, soil and waste piping, rainwater piping, (including roof hoppers and fittings), with 25mm thick insulation. Insulation ' LKM # 2004-0656 15250 -page 3 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum MECHANICAL INSULATION Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15250 thickness may be reduced to 12mm for piping 50mm size and under. .2 Armaflex insulation may be used for this service. .3 Vertical runs of soil, waste and rainwater piping may be left uninsulated where installed in airtight pipeshafts without ducts, but only if not subject to freezing (not close to outside walls) and not subject to sweating due to free air motion. .4 Cover fittings and valves with a layer of glass fibre insulation with vapour barrier. Recover with insulating cement to insulation on adjacent piping and canvas neatly pasted on with adhesive regardless of whether the adjacent pipe covering is recanvassed or not. .5 Domestic water piping, sanitary drains, storm drains, fire protection piping, wet sprinkler system piping, storm sump pump discharge piping, sanitary sump pump discharge piping, piping installed in the unheated garage and other unheated areas shall be similarly insulated, except that it shall be finished with aluminium jacket banded with aluminium bands. Co-operate with Section which will install electrical tracing wiring between the pipe and insulation. 3.4 DUCTWORK AND AIR HANDLING EQUIPMENT Externally insulate: exhaust ducts min. 1.5m back from outdoor connection .2 Do not apply insulation to casings, ducts or plenums which have been lined with ^ acoustic insulation, unless indicated otherwise. External insulation shall extend 300mm over internal acoustic lining. ' .3 Ensure that sheet metal surfaces on which insulation is to be applied is free from moisture, dirt, and rust, before applying insulation. , .4 Cover plenums, casings, and ductwork which are to be thermally insulated with 25mm thick rigid preformed flexible foil faced duct insulation with factory applied fire retardant vapour barrier, or field applied Kraft laminate attached with ' adhesive. .5 Insulate circular ductwork with vapour seal 25mm flexible reinforced foil faced ' duct insulation. .6 Insulate ductwork exposed to outdoors to provide an R value of not less than t .25 ' RSI. .7 After insulation is applied, seal holes, corners and joints the same day with 75mm wide Mac-Tac scrim foil tape. , .8 Cover angles or standing seams on the outside of plenums, casings and ducts, which extend beyond face of applied rigid insulation with a 12mm layer of flexible ' fire resistant fibreglass, 16 kg per cu m density, with facing. Extend this insulation 75mm on each side of the angle and place tight around the projecting leg of the r LKM # 2004-0656 15250 -page 4 ' ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum MECHANICAL INSULATION Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15250 angle. Apply rigid insulation, overlapping edge of flexible fiberglass on angle, so that vertical part of insulated angle projects through work. Vapour seal joints with an approved sealer. .9 Secure insulation to flat sheet metal surfaces by means of welded pins or perforated base metal fasteners and speed washers. Locate on not more than 500mm centres throughout the sheet metal surface with a minimum of two rows per duct side, and adhere with fire resistant cement. Place insulation on the metal spikes, attach speed washers on spikes and cut off the excess spike flush with washer. .10 Secure insulation to circular ducts with adhesive applied in strips 100mm wide at ' approximately 300mm centres. Seal joints and holes as previously specified. 3.5 RECOVERING AND FINISHING ' .1 Recover exposed pipe insulation in finished rooms, fan rooms, mechanical equipment rooms, duct and pipe shafts where access is available, pipe spaces, penthouses, with canvas jacket neatly applied. .2 Finish externally insulated ducts in fan rooms, penthouses, duct shafts where ' access is available and equipment rooms, with canvas and lap adhesive after joints and holes have been sealed with 75mm wide Mac-Tac scrim foil tape. .3 Cement recovering laps with lapping adhesive. After canvas has been applied, give the entire surface a heavy brush coat of the same adhesive applied undiluted. .4 Canvas for recovering shall be as previously specified with close weave and ' smooth finish. Submit sample of canvas for approval before installation. ' .5 For recovering and finishing of exposed pipe insulation PVC Jacketing may be used instead of canvas. Apply Jacketing and Pipefitting Covers in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 1 .6 Securely fasten a layer of 25mm hexagonal wire mesh over externally insulated exposed fresh air intakes, exhausts, return and supply plenums, (excluding those formed by masonry walls or those acoustically lined), sheet metal blank-offs, and units and casings which are susceptible to damage (i.e. mounted at floor level). Securely apply a corner bead on corners. Apply a 12mm coat of insulating cement in two 6mm layers. Temper final coat with Portland cement. Recover ' finish coat with canvas as previously described. .7 Cover insulated circular ducts in exposed locations with backing paper prior to applying canvas. .8 Hot and cold water piping and also steam and condensate return piping in the kitchen area and the sterilizer areas where above the floor and exposed in finished areas, shall be covered with Johns-Manville Metal-on jacket insulation. .9 Insulation exposed to outdoors shall be finished not with canvas, but a layer of ' LKM # 2004-0656 15250 -page 5 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario MECHANICAL INSULATION SECTION 15250 880 kg per cu m roofing felt, lapped at all joints, sealed with lap cement and held in place with metal bands on not more than 300mm centres. End of Section LKM # 2004-0656 15250 -page 6 ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum SPRINKLERS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15330 ARTICLE NAME PAGE ' PART 1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 REFERENCE .................................................................................................................. 1 ' 1.2 RESPONSIBILITY AND SCOPE .................................................................................... 1 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS ......................................................................................................... 2 1 PART2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 PIPING MATERIALS ....................................................................................................... 2 2.2 VALVES AND ACCESSORIES ...................................................................................... 2 2.3 WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 3 2.4 SPRINKLER HEADS ...................................................................................................... 3 2.5 SPARE SPRINKLERS .................................................................................................... 3 2.6 PREACTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM (GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SEPARATE PRICE) ........................................................................................................ 3 2.7 ELECTRIC DETECTORS ............................................................................................... 5 2.8 WINDOW SPRINKLER SYSTEM ................................................................................... 5 PART 3 EXECUTION ............................................................................................................... 5 3.1 3.2 INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................. PREACTION SYSTEM (GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SEPARATE 5 PRICE) ............................................................................................................................ 6 3.3 WINDOW SPRINKLER SYSTEM ................................................................................... 7 1 LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page i PART1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCE SECTION 15330 SPRINKLERS .1 All work under this Section shall be governed by and subject to the provisions of Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. ' .2 All work under this Section shall be the responsibility of the Sprinkler Contractor, except as otherwise specified herein, noted on the drawings, or modified by the Contract Documents. '' ^ 1.2 RESPONSIBILITY AND SCOPE !,'' .1 These specifications for the Fire Protection Systems are "Performance" specifications and are intended to establish design criteria and basic guidelines for the work. This contractor shall assume full responsibility for the layout and . ~ details of all fire protection work to meet the requirements of local governing Codes or regulations; and to the approval of The Ontario Fire Marshall. All sprinkler systems to be hydraulically designed. .2 As minimum requirements, all fire protection work shall comply with the applicable provisions for the National Fire Codes published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the local Fire Department and the Owners' Insurance Underwriter. .3 The scope of work shall include all labour, materials, equipment and accessories j : ~ necessary for the complete fire protection systems including, but not limited to the following major items: ' ' .i Sprinkler contract starts at connection to existing main where indicated on ` ~ drawings. .ii Preparation of detailed shop drawings and hydraulic calculations for the ' fire protection systems to meet the approval of local authorities having jurisdiction on this project, Owners' Insurance Underwriter and as required by the Engineer. ', d l i an ons, tests, an p .iii Payment of all costs relating to fees, permits, inspect reviews for the fire protection work and systems. .iv All signs and labels required by the insurance rating agency and/or local authorities. .v Hangers and supports, drains, test connections, sleeves, escutcheons, spare sprinkler heads with cabinet, and other necessary appurtenances. '~' 1 .~, Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum SPRINKLERS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15330 vi Perform all testing and submit completed contractor's test certificate for each sprinkler system. 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS Prepare a set of construction shop drawings, immediately after the award of the contract, showing the complete system and have same approved by local authorities, Owners' insurance rating organization, and as required by codes and regulations. After the above approvals have been obtained, the contractor shall submit the drawings to the Consultant and Engineer for approval. Materials shall not be ordered nor shall any work be installed until ALL the approvals have been obtained. .2 To avoid interference and clear all obstructions; any piping layouts shall be coordinated in the field with contractors of other trades, prior to the submission of shop drawings for approval at no additional cost. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPING MATERIALS Black steel Schedule 40 conforming to ASTM A120 or ASTM A53. Schedule 30 pipe may be used in sizes (200mm) 8" and larger. Light wall pipe with roll groove for mechanical couplings may be used for all piping where permitted by Codes and authorities. The "Pressfit" piping system may be used in sizes up to and including (50rt'~m) 2". .2 Fittings shall be cast iron, malleable iron or steel welding type. Screwed unions and couplings shall be used on piping (50mm) 2" and smaller. Screwed couplings, flanges, or welding shall be used to joint piping (65mm) 2-1 /2" and larger, except where mechanical couplings are allowed as specified herein. .3 Mechanical couplings and fittings such as "Firelock" and "Pressfit" manufactured by Victaulic which are ULC listed for fire protection service and meeting with the approval of the insurance underwriting agency and governing Codes may be used to join above ground piping. 2.2 VALVES AND ACCESSORIES All valves shall be ULC listed for fire protection service. .2 All gate and check valves shall be rated for 175 psig non-shock cold water pressure. .3 Valves shall be as manufactured by Jenkins, Crane, Hattersley, Grinnell, Keystone, Victaulic. .4 Except as otherwise specified, all valves shall be OS&Y U-42 (two way) type and shall be electrically supervised. .5 Butterfly valves may be used in place of OS&Y valves where approved by LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page 2 ,, Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum SPRINKLERS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15330 I, authorities. ~ 2.3 WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM .1 This contractor shall provide hydraulically calculated wet sprinkler systems designed to deliver the minimum densities over the hydraulically most remote design areas as specified below. .2 System shall be installed in accordance with "Light Hazard Occupancy" using automatic spray heads. Include necessary "accelerators",drum drips to maintain maximum clearance below sprinklers. 2.4 SPRINKLER HEADS Sprinkler heads shall be ULC listed and shall be of the type and temperature rating as required. .2 Sprinklers in offices, corridors and other areas with finished ceilings shall be semi-recessed chromeplated pendant type equipped with chrome escutcheon plates. .3 Sprinkler in exposed areas shall be upright type with plain bronze finish. '~ .4 All sprinkler heads shall be equal to Grinnell "Dura Speed" series. '', .5 Unless otherwise noted, fusible links#or sprihkler heads shall be Ordinary Temperature rated. Locations and clearances for sprinkler heads near hot equipment or piping, etc. shall be comply with NFPA Pamphlet 13. 2.5 SPARE SPRINKLERS Provide not less than the minimum number of spare sprinkler heads, for each type and rating used on the job. in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet 13. .2 Provide metal cabinet or cabinets for storage of spare sprinklers. Cabinets shall be provided, hinged door and latch and shall be finished with red enamel paint. Provide engraved plastic sign on each cabinet front to read: SPARE _ SPRINKLERS. Provide a sprinkler wrench in each cabinet. 2.6 PREACTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM (GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SEPARATE PRICE) System shall meet NFPA73, OBC, focal fire department requirements. .2 Package double interlock preaction system to have: 24 volts DC Ctass A"type solenoid operating circuit, secure against malfunction on loss of power or voltage fluctuations. .ii Air check valve, pressure gauge, and drain mounted above preaction valve. !' LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page 3 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario SPRINKLERS SECTION 15330 .iii Gate valve with supervisory switch to close when valve is closed. .iv Pull handle to operate system manually. .v Drain valves, ball drips, and auxiliary drains on low points of piping. .vi Pressure switch to indicate low pressure in system, set at 55 kPa (8 psi) and wired to light pilot light on control panel and sound audible alarm. .vii Alarm switch on preaation valve assembly, wired to sound alarm and light pilot light on control panel if sprinkler piping fills with water. .viii Pressure gauge to show water and air pressures with combined Sl and Imperial scales. .ix Panel mounted air compressor with pressure switch. .x Preaction system control panel to: .a have modular enclosure with hinged door .b operate on 120 volt AC supply (emergency power) .c have 24 volt DC output for operation of solenoid valve and alarm horn .d have white "Power On"light .e Yellow and red pilot lights to indicate alarm and trouble conditions as follows: • Loss of supervisory air pressure in sprinkler piping (trouble) • Control valve closed (trouble) • Breaks or wiring fault in defector circuit (trouble) • Detector operation (trouble) • Solenoid supervision (trouble) • Solenoid operated - water in system (alarm) .f DPDT form "C"contacts in control panel for Electrical Division i6 to connect remofe annunciators and monitoring systems for trouble and alarm points described above. .g 24 volt DC horn located near control panel sounding audible signals in alarm or trouble conditions. LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page 4 ~' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum SPRINKLERS Bowmanville. Ontario SECTION 15330 ~, .h Switches inside front cover of panel for horn silencing and system reset .i Battery back-up for power supply with battery charger module .j Indexed screw-type Terminal strip for connections under Electrical Division f 6 2.7 ELECTRIC DETECTORS 1 Rate-of-rise type heat detector and photo electronic smoke detector, cross zoned. .i Standard of Acceptance .ii System Sensor 400 Series, 2451 A, 2451 T1 U, S451 .iii Double interlock preaction system supplied as complete package. .iv Standard of Acceptance: .a Fire Flex "Total Pac" 2.8 WINDOW SPRINKLER SYSTEM 1 Window Sprinkler System to be: .i Central Model "WS"Window Sprinkler System .ii System shall meet requirements of NFPA 13, NFPA 20, OBC, BMEC, any fire code 2 Sprinkler Heads .i ULC and FM listed for fire service .ii All sprinkler heads on project to be of same manufacture .iii Sprinkler to be closed by pip and Belleville washer. O-ring sprinklers are not acceptable .iv Guards and cages to suit locations .v Quick response for "B" Occupancies ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION .1 The entire installation shall apply with NFPA 13 as minimum requirements. ' .2 Coordinate the installation of all fire protection systems with the work of all other . ~ LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page 5 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum SPRINKLERS Bowmanville. Ontario SECTION 15330 trades. Provide all necessary offsets in piping to avoid interference with other equipment and systems and provide additional sprinkler heads due to offsets and/or interference as required to achieve design coverage at no additional cost. .3 All horizontal piping shall be installed as high above finished floor as possible with due allowance for clearances for sprinklers as required by NFPA 13. Refer to notes on the drawings for additional requirements, if any, regarding clear heights for piping. .4 Provide drain valves and piping as required to permit all sprinkler piping to be completely drained. Provide inspector's test connections in accordance with NFPA 13 and as required by governing Codes and the insurance underwriting agency. .5 All drains and test connections shall be discharged into the building drainage system through an approved indirect waste connection or shall be piped to discharge to the building exterior. The contractor shall provide precast concrete splash blocks at all drains and test connections discharging to the building exterior at unpaved points. .6 All piping shall be concealed above ceiling in all areas. Drains and/or test connections shall not be terminated exposed in finished rooms, areas or toilet rooms. .7 All piping through interior walls and partitions shall be sleeved and closed off with escutcheons where visible. Penetrations through fire rated walls shall be sleeved, packed, and grouted as required to maintain the fire rating of the wall. Piping through floors and exterior walls, including foundation walls, shall be sleeved, packed and grouted with non-shrinking cement as required to make watertight. 3.2 PREACTION SYSTEM (GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SEPARATE PRICE) Installation: Sprinkler installation to be in accordance with relevanf regulations with respect to head layout and pipe sizing. Instal/ preaation valve, air compressor, detection and control system with piping and wiring to achieve sequence of operation as defailed. .iii Tesf switch shalt be provided in properly identified tamper-proof box, at end of each detection circuit to facilitate testing of pperction valve. .2 Sequence of operation If one or more of electric defectors in area covered by system senses an abnormal heat condition, audible and visual alarm signals to be annunciated and locked in at control panel and transmitted to building fire alarm system. LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page 6 ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum SPRINKLERS Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15330 .ii Alarm signal from control panel to energize solenoid operated preaction valve, permitting water to enter sprinkler piping system. .iii Sprinkler system to then perform in normal manner, and with further rise in ' temperature, one or more sprinkler heads fuse allowing water discharge into area. .iv During normal conditions, piping system is kept free of water by preaction valve. Supervisory air pressure monitors integrity of piping, fittings, or sprinkler heads. .v Air system pressure is maintained by pressure regulator and low pressure switch sounds alarm and illuminates pilot light on control panel when pressure drops 14 kPa (2 psi) below normal level. .vi Preaction valve and heat detection arrangement prevenf wafer from entering sprinkler piping unless loss of supervisory air is associated with high space temperature or sudden rate of temperature rise. .vii Main shut-off valve ahead of preaction valve assembly to be fitted with supervisory switch connected to sound an alarm and illuminate pilot light at control pane! if valve is closed. I .viii Wiring to electrical detectors and solenoid on valve assembly to be supervised so that any breaks or faults in circuits will cause an alarm to sound and pilot light at control panel to be illuminated. .3 System Verification .i On completion of installation of Preaction Sprinkler System, manufacturer ' of control panel and detecfion system to provide certification that system has been installed, supervised, and operating in accordance with specifications. .ii Connected according to ULC and FM requirements, and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. ' .4 System Testing .i Test in accordance with Section 15330 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System. .ii Test to be performed through detector-rate-of-rise function to determine that preaction valve clapper opens. .iii Verify That pressure regulator is set at specified pressure and that trouble signal is activated on specified air pressure drop. r 3.3 WINDOW SPRINKLER SYSTEM .1 Sprinkler Installation: LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page 7 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario SPRINKLERS SECTION 15330 .i Window sprinkler system to be discrete sprinkler zone as required by approvals .ii Valves as shown to be fitted with supervisory switches. Wiring from supervised valves and provision of supervisory annunciator will be done under Electrical Division 16. .iii Provide signs at each valve identifying portion of system controlled. Fasten signs to pipe in immediate vicinity of valve. .iv Wiring of trouble and flow alarms from zone sprinkler control cabinets and alarm check valves will be done under Electrical Division 16. .v Provide drain valves at trapped low points in piping system. .2 Testing and Approvals: Test sprinkler systems in accordance with requirements of latest edition of NFPA 13. .ii Schedule testing to give at least two weeks notice to following authorities: .a Local Fire Department .b Insurer's Representative .c Owner's Personnel .d Project manager .e Consultants .iii Prior to testing, ensure that flow switches, pressure switches, supervisory, and other devices are in working condition and function as specified and as recommended by manufacturer. .iv Obtain Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for above ground piping. .v On completion of project obtain Certificate of Approval showing that work is in accordance with rules and regulations of national Fire Protection Association. .vi Copies of Certificates to be distributed as per shop drawing requirements. End of Section LKM # 2004-0656 15330 -page 8 u r 1 ~J r ~~ ~' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario '' INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE SECTION 15400 ARTICLE NAME PAGE PART 1 GENERAL ................................................................................. ..................................1 1.1 REFERENCE ................................................................................ ..................................1 1.2 INTENT ......................................................................................... .................................. 1 1.3 WORK UNDER OTHER SECTIONS ............................................ ..................................1 1.4 STANDARDS .:.............................................................................. ..................................1 1.5 SHOP DRAWINGS ....................................................................... ..................................1 PART 2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 PLUMBING PIPE AND FITTINGS ................................................ .................................. 2 2.2 VALVES ........................................................................................ .................................. 2 2.3 CLEANOUTS ................................................................................ ..................................3 2.4 FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS ........................................................... .................................. 3 2.5 FLOOR AND ROOF DRAINS ....................................................... .................................. 3 2.6 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ................................................................ .................................. 4 2.7 PLUMBING FIXTURES ................................................................. .................................. 4 PART 3 EXECUTION ............................................................................................................... 4 3.1 PIPING INSTALLATION ............................................................... ..................................4 3.2 JOINTS ......................................................................................... .................................. 5 3.3 CLEANOUT INSTALLATION ........................................................ .................................. 5 3.4 PIPE HANGERS ........................................................................... ..................................6 3.5 FLASHING ............ ........................................................................ .................................. 6 3.6 PIPE EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION .................................... .................................. 6 3.7 TRAP PRIMERS ........................................................................... .................................. 6 3.8 BACKVENTS ................................................................................ .................................. 6 3.9 AIR CHAMBERS ........................................................................... .................................. 7 3.10 COLD WATER DISTRIBUTION ................................................... .................................. 7 3.11 HOT WATER DISTRIBUTION ...................................................... .................................. 7 3.12 DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEW ER SYSTEM .......................... .................................. 7 3.13 NATURAL GAS PIPING ................................................................ .................................. 7 3.14 THERMAL INSULATION .............................................................. .................................. 8 3.15 TESTING ....................................................................................... ..................................8 3.16 FIXTURE INSTALLATION AND SUPPORTS .............................. .................................. 9 f , LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page i '• , 2]~' '~ SECTION 15400 INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE PART1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCE 1 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods Section 15050 forms an integral part of this Section. 1.2 INTENT .1 Provide all labour, materials, plant, tools, transportation, testing and put into proper operation a complete plumbing and drainage system to the full intent of the drawings and/or specifications. .2 In general, the major divisions of the work are as follows: .i Plumbing fixtures, floor drains, roof drains and other plumbing fittings and equipment. .ii Storm and sanitary drainage piping inside the building. .iii. Domestic hot, cold, and recirculation piping inside the building. .iv System of natural gas piping. .v Miscellaneous Plumbing Work as shown on drawings and/or as specified herein. 1.3 WORK UNDER OTHER SECTIONS .1 Underground piping from 1.5m outside the building -under Section 15490 Outside Plumbing and Drainage. .2 Thermal insulation -under Section 15250 Mechanical Insulation. 1.4 STANDARDS 1 All work shall conform to the National Building Code; the Ontario Building Code; and all regulations of City, Local, Provincial or Territorial Authorities having jurisdiction. In case of confliction of codes with Specifications and Drawings, the most severe requirements shall apply. Where Drawings call for pipe sizes larger than minimum of the codes, Drawings shall be followed. The codes, however, shall not be violated under any circumstances. 1.5 SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Refer to Section 01300 for details regarding shop drawing submission !~ I ,I Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE SECTION 15400 requirements. .2 Submit Shop Drawings for the following: .i Valves .ii Plumbing specialties, including cleanouts, floor drains, backwater valves, scupper drains, area drains, trap primers, grease interceptors, etc. .iii Fire extinguishers .iv Plumbing fixtures, including water closets, lavatories, sinks, faucets, traps, stops, etc. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLUMBING PIPE AND FITTINGS .1 Buried storm and sanitary drainage piping and fittings shall be plastic SDR 35 type. .2 Above ground sanitary drainage piping and fittings, including main vent piping, shall be cast iron Class 4000 with mechanical joints, factory coated with raw linseed oil, or type "DWV" hard drawn copper with drainage type cast bronze or wrought copper solder fittings. .3 Branch vents shall be type "DWV" hard drawn copper with cast bronze or wrought copper solder type fittings. Buried vents may be plastic ABS DWV type piping. .4 Domestic water piping installed above the floor, including hot and cold and recirculating piping shall be Type "L" hard drawn copper tubing with cast bronze or wrought copper solder type fittings. No copper piping shall be in contact with ferrous materials. Unions or flange connections similar to Epco "Di-Electric" pipe fittings shall be used when making such connections. Copper pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with the latest issue of C.S.A. Standard Specification. ASTM Standard B88. 2.2 VALVES .1 All valves shall be suitable for 1.5MPa water working pressure and up to and including 60mm (2 1/4") size, shall be all brass. .2 Valves on branch piping supplying plumbing fixtures from mains and riser shall be globe valves set behind access doors, except for unfinished areas, where they may be exposed. .3 Gate valves on steel pipe up to and including 60mm (2 1!4") size shall be Jenkins Fig. 810 for screwed ends and Type 813 for soldered ends or Crane 430. Globe ' valves shall be Jenkins 1068 or Crane 7. LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 2 , Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15400 .4 Valves on copper pipe up to and including 60mm (2 1!4") size shall be brass solder joint globe valves rising stem and shall be Jenkins 106 BP or Crane 1310. .5 Ball valves size 50mm (2") and less may be used in lieu of globe and gate valves, Jenkins Fig. 33 for screwed ends and Fig. 34 for soldered ends for on-off service. .6 Outside hose bibbs shall be 20mm (3/4") non-freeze type, Zurn ZN-1305VB or approved equal in Enpoco, Ancon or Jay R Smith satin bronze box face, loose key handle, brass wall sleeve, locknut and BFP. In general, all bibbs shall be located approximately 60cm (2 ft.) above grade. ' .7 Valves shall be Jenkins, Crane, McAvity, Red & White. 2.3 CLEANOUTS .1 Cleanouts shall be Zurn ZN1600 series or approved equal in Watts, Ancon or Jay R Smith to suit floor construction, complete with secondary seal plugs. ' .2 Cleanout plugs shall be gasketed and fastened with brass hex bolts. .3 Cleanouts in waterproofed areas shall have flashing clamp devices to receive the ' waterproofing membrane. 2.4 FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS .1 Flexible connectors shall be Flexonics RW-81 or RW-91, all bronze construction, of length as recommended by manufacturer. 2.5 FLOOR AND ROOF DRAINS .1 Roof hoppers for conventional built-up roof shall be Zurn ZA-121 EBC duracoated cast iron body with clamp collar, integral gravel stop, under deck clamp, elevating body plate, hardware, 6-1/2" (165mm) high cast dome strainer, or equal in Watts Ancon, J.R. Smith. For controlled flow, use Zurn ZACF-121-EBC. (Refer to drawings for flow characteristics. .2 Roof hoppers for "I.R.M.A." roof shall be Zurn-ZA-212-85-RC dura coated cast iron body with clamp collar, integral gravel stop, stainless steel perforated extension, sump receiver, under deck clamp, hardward, 6-1/2" (165mm) high cast dome strainer, or equal in Watts, Ancon, J.R, Smith. For controlled flow, use Zurn ZACF-121-85-RC. (Refer to drawings for flow characteristics). 1 .3 Floor drains in finished areas shall be Zurn ZXN-415-A dura coated cast iron body with anchor flange, cast iron reversible waterproofing clamp with weepholes, t seepage collection sump and 5" (127mm) diameter x ~/2" (12.7mm) thick polished nickel bronze strainer or equal in Watts, Ancon or J.R. Smith. For tiled areas, use Zurn ZXN-415-H with 6" x 6" (152mm x 152mm) x ~/2" (12.7mm) thick polished nickel bronze strainer. .4 Combination drains (floor and funnel drains) in mechanical rooms and fan rooms shall be Zurn Z-415-F or equal in Watts, Ancon or J.R. Smith. In finished areas, LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 3 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE SECTION 15400 combination drains shall be Zurn ZN-415-F with polished nickel bronze finish. Hub drains in finished area shall be Zurn ZN-415-S with polished nickel bronze finish or equal in Watts, Ancon or J.R. Smith. .5 Scupper drains shall have duracoated cast iron body with cast oblique strainer and combination frame and membrane flashing clamp, Zurn Z-187 or equal in Watts, Ancon or J.R. Smith. .6 Where required by plumbing regulations, floor drains, hub drains, funnel drains, etc., shall be trapped and provided with a 10mm (1/8") water connection for trap seal. Install trap primer units, Zurn Z-1022-A or equal in Watts, Ancon or J.R. Smith. .7 Floor drains in waterproofed areas protected with a waterproofing membrane, shall have flashing ring and clamping device to receive the waterproofing membrane. .8 Hub drains shall terminate 25mm (1 ") above finished floor. Provide welded steel funnel caulked into hub and sized to accommodate all open drains. 2.6 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Extinguishers shall be NFE Model No. ABC5 or equal in Chubb or Levitt Safety complete with suitable mounting bracket. .2 Where indicated on drawings, provide recessed cabinets suitable for flush mounting NFE Model No. 102R or equal in Levitt Safety or Chubb. 2.7 PLUMBING FIXTURES .1 Plumbing fixtures shall be as described on the drawings. .2 Fixtures shall be complete with necessary trim, including traps, faucets, supplies, stops, strainers, escutcheons, spuds, wastes, tail pieces, gaskets, brass bolts and carriers of type capable of being secured to floor slab. .3 Provide wheel handle or screwdriver stop valve on the hot and cold water supply to every fixture on the job, in addition to the valve or faucet on the fixture itself. .4 Shop drawings for fixtures shall consist of a carefully prepared portfolio showing illustrations, dimension drawings and detail descriptions of the fixtures to be furnished. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PIPING INSTALLATION All work shall be executed by plumbers holding certificates of competency. All fixtures and equipment shall be roughed-in, installed and connected exactly in conformity with respective manufacturer's details and all fitted with individual shut offs. All lines shall be laid or hung to approved falls, and all lines shall be LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 4 i LH II Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15400 arranged so that any or all systems may be completely drained. All roughing-in shall be concealed. Piping shall not touch the structure, sleeves, other piping, conduits or equipment at any point, save at the necessary connections. This shall be observed carefully to avoid transmission of noise. Allow sufficient space in sleeves, etc. for thermal expansion of piping. .2 Where piping is installed in filled ground, or earth that cannot support piping, piping shall be supported on a concrete pad or piers, or alternatively it shall be cast iron hung at every joint from reinforcing rods 10mm (3/8") diameter min. asphalt coated as described in Ontario Building Code. Where piping passes through foundation walls, it shall be supported on a reinforced concrete pad as specified under "Excavation and Backfill" in Section 15050. 3.2 JOINTS .1 Joints in cast iron pipes shall be Mechanical type. .2 Joints in screwed steel pipe shall be made up with an approved joint compound. The use of lampwick will not be permitted. Pipe threads shall be full and clean cut. Pipes shall be reamed after being cut. .3 Joints in copper piping shall be made using special tools of proper size. Ends shall be cut off at right angles to pipe and reamed. Inside of fitting and outside of pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned with steel wool and coated with flux. Joints shall be soldered with a blowtorch or oxyacetylene flame using single or double tip torch depending on fitting size. Use hard solder made up of 95%tin and 5% antimony for pipe sizes up to and including 78mm (3"). Use Silfos for pipe sizes 100mm (4") and above. Working parts of valves must be removed during soldering. W rought copper streamlined fittings must be used where Silfos is specified. .4 Joints in plastic piping to be solvent welded. .5 All solders and jointing materials shall meet the current code requirements ~~ regarding the maximum allowable lead content. 3.3 CLEANOUT INSTALLATION .1 Provide cleanouts for drains 16m (50 ft.) apart in all straight runs of sewers, at all changes of direction, at the end of all branches, at the base of all riser lines, on all ' exposed or accessible traps (except water closet traps), at all points on the system where so indicated or required by Code, or where necessary because of interruption of general line of flow. .2 cleanouts shall be full size of pipe up to 100mm (4") and not less than 100mm (4") for larger pipes. Full size "Y" or "TY" branches shall be provided for cleanouts on drains and their branches. .3 All cleanouts shall be made accessible and wherever necessary branch connections shall extend to finished surfaces of floors with polished bronze floor ' plate and frame for each, set flush with floor and with vandalproof socket head LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 5 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario screws to match the cover finish. 3.4 INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE , SECTION 15400 .4 Care shall be taken to locate all Barrett type cleanouts above any curbs, bases, etc. Barretts shall be covered with access doors as specified. PIPE HANGERS Provide pipe hangers and supports for all piping and equipment supplied and installed under this Section. Refer to Section 15050 for detailed requirements. 3.5 FLASHING All piping extending through the roof or other waterprooofed area shall be flashed with Thaler Roofing Specialties Products roof flashing. Flashing shall be left ready as directed by the roofers or water proofers for them to make watertight connections. 3.6 3.7 .2 Piping other than cast iron may be flashed with 0.5mm sheet copper soldered at all joints and provided with a conical weather drip clamped to pipe. .3 Where pipes pass through walls, flashing shall be turned back into the wall and caulked. PIPE EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION .1 Provide for the expansion and contraction of pipe work. Erect all pipe in such a manner that the strain and weight does not come upon cast connections or apparatus. Provide bends or swing joints for this purpose. .2 Provide anchors and expansion loops where required and where shown on drawings. Anchors shall be equal in strength to the pipe being anchored, both in shear and in bending. TRAP PRIMERS All floor drains, hub drains, funnel drains etc., shall be trapped and provided with a 10mm (3/8") water connection for trap seal. 3.8 .2 Install insulated flush valve tanks at high level for priming and/or P.P.P. Model Pi & P2 Prime Rite automatic primer valves complete with distribution units. BACKVENTS Every plumbing fixture shall have its own trap and these shall be vented in accordance with the Ontario Building Code or any other local rules and regulations. Vents are shown on drawings only to indicate the required routing. .2 Vents smaller than 75mm (3") shall be increased to 75mm (3") before passing r through the roof. LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 6 i Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15400 3.9 AIR CHAMBERS ' .1 Provide air chambers at least 600mm (24") long on all supplies at each fixture. They shall be of the same size as the main supply pipe to the fixture, and shall be concealed in the rough work. 3.10 COLD WATER DISTRIBUTION .1 Connect to the existing domestic water system as shown and run new piping to all fixtures, hose bibbs and all other miscellaneous equipment requiring cold water connections on the job. 3.11 HOT WATER DISTRIBUTION ' .1 Make all necessary water connections to the existing domestic hot water piping. .2 Run hot water piping as indicated on the Drawings and connect to basin. .3 Connect into the existing recirculation mains as indicated on the drawings. Recirculation piping shall be arranged to provide a continuous and positive circulation of hot water throughout the system at all times. Branch shut-offs in recirculation piping shall match the shut-offs in the hot water mains, so that any section of the system could be shut down and drained for maintenance. .4 There shall be no high points or air pockets in any recirculation lines. Lines shall be so arranged and graded that air shall collect at the fixtures or at the hot water tanks. W here it is impossible to avoid high points, install automatic air eliminator traps, Sarco Type 13W N with discharge piped to nearest drain. 3.12 DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM .1 The general arrangement of the storm and sanitary drainage piping is shown on ' the Drawings. Install a complete drainage system as shown. .2 Include connections and revisions to the existing sewers. .3 The area drains connecting to internal drainage system are part of the work of ' this Section. 3.13 NAT URAL GAS PIPING I .1 Connect to existing gas piping as shown. .2 Gas piping shall be standard weight black steel pipe with standard weight malleable iron screwed fittings. Piping shall be welded wherever required by the ' Gas Utility Inspection Officials. Piping shall be installed and tested in strict accordance with C.S.A. B149 Standard, together with any other local rules and ' regulations having jurisdiction. .3 All gas piping to be painted and identified by this Section as required by Code. ' ' LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 7 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15400 3.14 THERMAL INSULATION .1 Domestic cold water piping, domestic hot water piping, shall be covered with fibreglas pipe insulation 25mm (1 ") thick ASJ. Insulation shall be complete with factory applied fire resisting vapour barrier jacket. Vapour barrier jackets shall be , adhered at longitudinal laps and joint seal strips with fire resisting vapour barrier lap cement. For concealed piping, insulation is to be held in place by bands (or wire) space at 300mm (12") centres. Fittings shall be insulated with insulating cement or fibreglass blanket with a layer of insulating cement, and finished with canvas. Cold water fittings shall be additionally vapour sealed with vapour barrier lap cement and canvassed. Insulation at hanger points shall be carefully vapour sealed in a similar manner. .2 Soil waste and rainwater piping (other than transite pipe) shall be similarly covered. Only vertical runs of single pipe concealed tight in small wall chases where no free air motion can occurto cause sweating, need not be insulated. Cast iron fittings of transite pipe shall be insulated. .3 The insulation shall be cut or mitered where necessary to fit the shape and contour of the equipment. The insulation shall be banded or wired in place on 300mm 12" centres or impaled over pins on 450mm 18" centres. Point up all open joints with insulating cement. 3.15 TESTING .1 All water piping shall be tested to a pressure of at least 1050kPa. .2 All drains shall be tested for tightness and grade as required by the Ontario Building Code and local authorities. .3 All tests shall be made before the application of pipe covering and all concealed pipes shall be tested before being covered up. Underground drains shall be , tested before backfill is placed. .4 Any tests required by the Architect Consultant during the progress of the work or at its completion, shall be made without cost to the Owner. Such tests shall be carried out solely for the purpose of determining if the work as actually installed meets specified requirements. ' .5 All tests must last at least 2 hours and if leaks develop, these must be corrected and the test repeated to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the local authorities. ' .6 Caulking of threaded joints shall not be permitted, faulty piping shall be replaced with new pipe and fittings. ' .7 Notify the Architect Consultant and the local Plumbing Inspector of all tests and conduct same to their satisfaction and in the presence of their representatives. Provide all labour and equipment for tests and conduct same. Repeat tests until ' system is shown to be leak-tight and in proper working condition, all to the satisfaction of all inspectors having authority. LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 8 ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum INSIDE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15400 ' 3.16 FIXTURE INSTALLATION AND SUPPORTS .1 Supply, install and connect up complete all plumbing fixtures shown on the Drawings. Protect all fixtures until the building is accepted by the Owner. .2 All wall hung plumbing fixtures shall be supported by wall brackets. The bolts for these brackets are to be carried through the wall and through a steel plate 150mm (6") wide, 3mm thick and full length of bracket, plus 50mm (2") or to suit studs on wall. ' .3 Water closets shall be set in mastic to prevent water on floor from entering space between floor and bowl or pipe sleeve. End of Section i 1 1 1 1 i '~ 1 1 ' LKM # 2004-0656 15400 -page 9 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 PAGE ARTICLE NAME 1 PART 1 GENERAL ............................................................................. ...................................... ' 1.1 REFERENCE ............................................................................ ......................................1 ..... 1 1.2 INTENT ..................................................................................... ................................. 1 1 3 WORK UNDER OTHER SECTIONS ........................................ ...................................... . 1.4 SHOP DRAWINGS ................................................................... ......................................1 PART 2 PRODUCTS .......................................................................... ......................................1 1 2 FANS AND AIR HANDLING UNITS .......................................... ..................................... 1 ' . 2.2 EXHAUST FANS ....................................................................... .................................... 11 11 2.3 ELECTRIC HEATERS ............................................................. ..................................... 12 2.4 HUMIDIFIER ............................................................................ ..................................... 12 2 5 GRILLES AND DIFFUSERS .................................................... ..................................... ' . 2.6 DUCT ACCESSORIES ............................................................ .....................................12 PART 3 EXECUTION ...................................................................... .....................................16 .................................i6 3.1 DUCTWORK ............................................................................ .... 17 3.2 DUCT SUPPORTS .................................................................. ..................................... 18 3.3 VOLUME AND SPLITTER DAMPERS .................................... ..................................... 18 4 3 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS ..................................................... ..................................... . 3 5 OUTSIDE OPENINGS ............................................................. .....................................18 . 6 3 ACOUSTIC INSULATION ........................................................ .....................................19 ' . 3.7 PITOTTUBEOPENINGS ........................................................ .....................................19 19 3 8 PAINTING OF DUCTWORK EXPOSED TO OUTDOORS ..... ..................................... . 3.9 HUMIDIFIER ............................................................................ .....................................19 19 10 3 ADDITIONAL START-UP SERVICE ....................................... ..................................... t . 11 3 LOCATION OF OUTLETS ....................................................... ..................................... 2C . 12 3 BALANCING OF AIR SYSTEMS ............................................. ..................................... 2C ^ . 3.13 DUCT ACCESSORIES ............................................................ .....................................21 LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page i ' SECTION 15850 VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING PART1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCE ' .1 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods Section 15050 forms an integral part of this Section. 1.2 INTENT .1 Provide all material, equipment and labour as required for complete systems of ductwork and equipment for ventilation, heating, and cooling of the various areas of the building. 1.3 WORK UNDER OTHER SECTIONS .1 Gas piping, domestic water piping and drains -under Section 15400 Inside Plumbing and Drainage. 1.4 SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Refer to Section 01300 for details regarding shop drawing submission requirements. .2 Submit Shop Drawings for the following: .i Air handling units .ii Fans .iii Grilles and diffusers ' PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FANS AND AIR HANDLING UNITS .1 Submit with the shop drawings, certified performance curves plotting pressure and horsepower vs. capacity from free delivery to shut-off and sound power level ratings in accordance with the latest ASHRAE Standards. .2 Roof mounted equipment shall be provided with quick opening access doors, ' casing drains, heavy mesh birdscreens, and shall be completely weather-proof, including the flexible connection. Provide belt guards on all fans and air handling equipment. Guards shall have a hole at the fan shaft for a tachometer. r .3 On all air handling units, separate the fan section from adjacent ductwork by means of a flexible connection. Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING , Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 .4 All air handling units shall have 50mm fibreglass internal insulation, neoprene ' coated, with fire ratings as required by the local authorities. Casings shall be waterproofed, with a drain at cooling coil locations. ' .5 All units shall have access panels in order that all internal sections of the units may be serviced. The panels shall be gasketted and bolted in place. .6 Provide a fan casing drain connection in each unit. .7 Air Handling Unit AHU-1 , .a General (1) Air Handling Units shall be built to the level of quality as herein specified and to the description of the Air Handling Unit Schedule. (2) Substitution of any product other than that specified, must assure no deviation below the stated capacities, air flow rate, heat transfer rate, filtration efficiency and air mixing quality. Power requirements must not be exceeded, and where specifically defined, sound power levels must not be ' exceeded. Applications for "equal" or "alternate" must address these factors. (3) Unless stated otherwise, air handling units are to be ' shipped to the job in one piece, factory assembled. Modular units assembled to achieve a close proximation to the intent of this specification will not be considered equal. All equipment shall where specified and applicable, be pre- , wired, and factory certified by an approved testing agency such as CETL, ETL, UL, CSA prior to shipment. ' (4) Prewired air handling units shall bear an approved label with all the necessary identification marks, electrical data, and any necessary cautions as required by the National ' Electric Code, Part 2 (Canada). (5) All electrical circuits shall undergo a dielectric strength test, and shall be factory tested and checked as to proper function. ' (6) Provide a system of motor control, including all necessary terminal blocks, motor contractors, motor overload protection, grounding lugs, control transformers, auxiliary ' contactors and terminals for the connection of external control devices or relays. - Gas fired units shall also include high limit and combustion air flow switch. LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 2 , Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 Fire alarm circuits (where required) shall be powered from a relay in unit circuitry. Factory installed and wired non-fused disconnect switch in CEMA/NEMA 1 configuration, ordisconnect with integral door closure mounted on face of control panel (7) Automatic controls shall be housed in a control panel mounted in or on the air handling unit, which will meet the standard of the specific installation. (8) The air handling units and major components shall be products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of such equipment and with a minimum of fifteen continuous years of proven production experience. (9) Manufacturer shall have a fully implemented and auditable quality assurance program, equal to the ISO-9002 Quality Standard. (10) Air Handling Units shall be as manufactured by Engineered Air and be base bid. Alternate manufacturers are: York and McQuay. .b Unit Construction (1) Unit casing shall be of minimum 16 (1.6 mm) gauge satin coat galvanized sheet metal. Surfaces shall be cleaned with a degreasing solvent to remove oil and metal oxides and primed with a two part acid based etching primer. Finish coat shall be an electrostatically applied enamel, to all exposed surfaces. All unprotected metal and welds shall be factory coated. (2) All walls, roofs and floors shall be of formed construction, with at least two breaks at each joint. Joints shall be secured by sheet metal screws or pop rivets. Wall and floor joints shall be broken in and, on all outdoor units roof joints broken out (exposed) for rigidity. All joints shall be caulked with a water resistant sealant. (3) All interior shall be provided with a 22 gauge (.85 mm) solid metal liner over insulated areas: (4) Units shall be provided with access doors to the following components: fans and motors; filters; dampers and operators; access plenums and humidifiers/wet cells/ electrical control panels; burner compartments; compressor compartments. Access doors shall be large enough for easy access. Removal of screwed wall panels will not be LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 3 !~ Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING o..,.,..,.~n,riuo nnta rin SECTION 15850 acceptable. Provide hinged access doors, fully lined, with Leverlok handles, operable from both sides for all units over 48 in. (1220 mm) high. Whenever possible, hinged access doors to areas of negative pressure shall open out, and to areas of positive pressure shall open in. Where space constrictions require the use of outward opening doors to an area of positive pressure, a clear warning label must be affixed. (5) Casings shall be supported on formed galvanized steel channel or structural channel supports, designed and welded for low deflections. Integral lifting lugs shall be provided for hoisting. (6) All units shall be internally insulated with 2" thick 3 Ib./cu.ft. density, neoprene coated fibre glass thermal insulation (7) Unit casing floors in walk in sections shall be fabricated with 14 ga. (2.0 mm) galvanized checker plate steel,. Provide reinforcing channels under floor to minimize deflection. (8) Drain pans for cooling coil and humidifier sections shall be fabricated of stainless steel and are an integral part of the floor paneling, a minimum of 2" (50 mm) deep, with welded corners. Drain pans shall extend a minimum of 6" (300 mm) downstream of coil face and be provided with a 1 ~/z " (38 mm) S.S. M.P.T. drain connection. Drain pans must have a fast pan & be sloped and pitched such that there is no standing water. Intermediate fast pans shall be provided between cooling coils where required for effective moisture removal. Humidifier section shall be complete with pipe chase. (9) Air handling units shall be weatherproofed and equipped for installation outdoors. This shall include generally for the prevention of infiltration of rain and snow into the unit, louvers or hoods on air intakes and exhaust openings with 1" (25 mm) galvanized inlet screens; rain gutters or diverters over all access doors' all joints caulked with a water resistant sealant; roof joints turned up 2" (50 mm) with three break interlocking design; outer wall panels extend a minimum of/a inch (6 mm) below the floor panel; drain traps} connections for field supply & installation of drain traps. Units mounted on roof curbs incorporate welded floor to base construction. Floors are of three break upstanding design with welded corners and free of penetrations. Unit underside joints are caulked. (10) Provide full perimeter roof mounting curb of heavy gauge sheet metal, minimum of 12 inches (300 mm) high, and ' LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 4 , complete with wood nailer, neoprene sealing strip, and fully welded "Z" bar with 1" (25 mm) upturn on inner perimeter, to provide a complete seal against the elements. External insulation of the root mounting curb shall be provided by the Roofing Subcontractor. Continuous structural support of curb by others. (11) Provide a remote mounted control panel for the purpose of switching and visual indication of operations. Each panel to include the following items: Engraved lamicoid face plate. _ System ON-OFF switch. System ON light. _ Burner ON light. Compressor ON light _ Clogged filter light with unit mounted filter air pressure switch. One for each filter bank. _ Dehumidification mode ON light. .c Fans [7 CI 1 LKM # 2004-0656 Provide inlet screen, and discharge protective screen for plenum fans. Removable screens at access doors are not acceptable. 15850 -page 5 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 (1) Centrifugal fans shall be rated in accordance with AMCA Standard Test Code, Bulletin 210. Fan manufacturer shall be a member of AMCA. All fans and fan assemblies shall be dynamically balanced during factory test run. Fan shafts shall be provided with a rust inhibiting coating. (2) Single low pressure forward curved fans of 18" (450 mm) or less diameter, shall be equipped with permanently lubricated cartridge ball bearings, supported by a 3 point "spider" bearing bracket in the fan inlets. All other forvuard curved fan assemblies shall be equipped with greaseable pillow block bearings, supported on a rigid structural steel frame. (3) Airfoil and/or BI fans shall be equipped with greaseable, self aligning ball or roller type pillow block bearings. (4) Airfoil and BI fans shall be plenum type configuration where noted in schedules. Thrust restraint isolators shall be provided parallel to the shaft centreline when required to minimize axial movement and bending movements of the blower assembly(s). Drive side bearings on plenum fans shall be adapter style to ensure even clamping of the bearing sleeve to the shaft. Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Rnwmanville. Ontario SECTION 15850 (5) Drives shall be adjustable on fans with motors 5 HP (3.73 kw) or smaller. On fans with larger motors, fixed drives shall be provided. All drives shall be provided with a rust inhibiting coating. The air balancer shall provide for drive changes (if required) during the air balance procedure. (6) Motor, fan bearings and drive assembly shall be located inside the fan plenum to minimize bearing wear and to allow for internal vibration isolation of the fan-motor assembly, where required. Motor mounting shall be adjustable to allow for variations in belt tension. (7) Fan-motor assemblies shall be provided with vibration isolators. Isolators shall be bolted to steel channel welded to unit floor which is welded to the structural frame of the unit. The isolators shall be neoprene-in-shear type of single 9" (230 mm) to 15" (380 mm) forward curved fans. All other fans shall incorporate vertical spring type isolators with leveling bolts, bridge bearing waffled pads with minimum 1" (25 mm) static deflection designed to achieve high isolation efficiency. Fans shall be attached to the discharge panel by a polyvinyl chloride coated polyester woven fabric, with a sealed double locking fabric to metal connection. (8) Provide single extended grease pine from #ar side to access side bearing. (9) Fan motors shall be open drip proof, (10) Provide a discharge air low limit equipped with an automatic by-pass time delay to allow for cold weather start-up. On a heating system failure this device will shut down the fan and close the outdoor air damper. This device shall require resetting by interrupting the electrical circuit. .d Coils (1) Coils shall be 5/8 " O.D. and/or'/z" O.D. as manufactured by Engineered Air, constructed of Copper tube, aluminum fin, copper headers with schedule 40 steel pipe connectors. Fins constructed of aluminum or copper shall be rippled for maximum heat transfer and shall be mechanically bonded to the tubes by mechanical expansion of the tubes. The coils shall have a galvanized steel casing. All coils shall be factory tested with air at 300 psig (2070 kPa) while immersed in an illuminated water tank. LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 6 r 1 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 .e Gas Heat Section (DN, DJE) -Indirect Fired ' LKM # 2004-0656 (1) Heating units shall be indirect natural gas approved for both sea level and high altitude areas. The entire package, including damper controls, fan controls, and all other miscellaneous controls and accessories shall be approved by an independent testing authority, and carry the approval label of that authority as a complete operating package. (2) All units must exceed the ASHRAE 90.1 requirement of steady state efficiency at low fire. (8) Operating natural gas pressure at unit(s) manifold shall be 7" (1750 Pa) (4) Gas fired units shall be approved for operation in -40°F (- 40°C) .f Heat Exchanger (1) Heat exchanger shall be a primary drum and multi-tube secondary assembly constructed of titanium stainless steel with multi-plane tubulators, and shall be of a floating stress relieved design. Heat exchanger shall be provided with condensate drain connection. The heat exchanger casing shall have 1" (25 mm) of insulation between the outer cabinet and inner liner. Blower assemblies close coupled to duct furnace type heat exchangers are hot acceptable. (2) Units with optional high efficiency heat exchangers (DJE) shall be tested and certified to ANSI standards to provide a minimum of 80% efficiency throughout the entire operating range as required by ASHRAE 90.1. The manufacturer shall be routinely engaged in the manufacture of this type of high efficiency equipment. (8) Gas fired multi-zone sections shall incorporate the high efficiency heat exchanger (DJE) design and high turndown burner. The multi-zone head shall be constructed of hot and cold decks arranged in ablow-through configuration. The use of draw-through cooling with re-heating of cooled air to meet zone heat demands is not acceptable. .g Burner (1) The burner assembly shall be a blow through positive pressure type with an intermittent pilot ignition system to provide a high seasonal efficiency. Flame surveillance shall be with a solid state programmed flame relay c!w flame rod. The burner and gas train shall be in a cabinet 15850 -page 7 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING ' Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 enclosure. Insulation in the burner section shall be covered , by a heat reflective galvanized steel liner. Atmospheric burners, or burners requiring power assisted venting are not acceptable. (2) Unit(s) incorporating discharge air control and wherever ' specified, shall include 15:1 turndown (HT burner) for all inputs in range from 100 MBH to 1400 MBH (29.3 kw to 410 kw). The high turndown burner minimum input shall be ' capable of controlling at 6.7% of its rated input without on- off cycling and include built in electronic linearization of fuel and combustion air. Efficiency shall increase from hi to to ' fire. .h Venting (1) Installation and venting provisions must be in accordance , with C.G.A. Standards B149.1, ANSI 2223.1-NFPA54, and local authorities have jurisdiction. Type A, L, and/or PS ' venting is required on indoor units. Controls , (1) Electronic DJM (Modulating Fuel w/ Modulating Combustion Air) ' Solid state analyzer complete with proportional and integral control and with a discharge air sensor to maintain set point temperature and provide rapid response to , incremental changes in discharge air temperature. Combustion air motor speed varies in response to the modulation of gas flow to provide optimum fuel/air mixture , and efficiency at all conditions. Combustion efficiency of standard heat exchangers shall increase 4 - 5% from high fire to low fire on units incorporating 15:1 turndown (HT Burner). Heat exchangers shall provide a minimum of 80% ' efficiency throughout the entire operating range. Alternate manufacturers units which do not incorporate a ' variable speed combustion air blower shall have a modulating gas valve and a combustion air damper with a ' linear linkage connected to an actuator which has a minimum of 100 steps of control. Controllers for heating units shall include the following , standard features: • linear gas and combustion air flow obtained via a built in ' solid state linear algorithm • -40°F (-40°C) minimum operating ambient temperature LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 8 , Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario Filters VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SECTION 15850 • four (4) air change pre-purge on units with over 400 MBH (117 kw) input • post purge • interrupted pilot • self check on start-up to make sure air proving and discharge air sensors are operating within design tolerances • low fire start sensor checking • controlled burner start-up and shut down • diagnostic lights for ease of set-up and service • blower contactor that starts fan after burner pre-purge • damper contact that allows fan to start after damper opens, damper to close after fan stops and damper to close on flame failure • non-recycling auto by-pass low limit that has built-in • built-in alternate blower and damper functions and set back temperatures for unoccupied mode operation using a single room thermostat (1) Filter sections shall be provided with adequately sized access doors to allow easy removal of filters. Filter removal shall be from one side as noted on the drawings. (2) For units with filter banks up to 72" (1825 mm) high, the filter modules shall be designed to slide out of the unit. Side removal 1" (25 mm) or 2" (50 mm) filters shall slide into a formed metal track, sealing against metal spacers at each end of the track. (3) Pleated Panel Disposable Filters shall be 2" (50 mm) Non- woven cotton and synthetic fabric media with a metal support grid and rigid heavy-duty board enclosing frame with diagonal support members bonded to the air entering and air exiting side of each pleat. Permanent re-usable metal enclosing frame. The filter media shall have an efficiency of 25-30% on ASHRAE Standard 52.1-92, and minimum MERV 6 per ASHRAE 52.2.-1999. Final filters shall be high performance, 12"deep pleated, totally rigid and disposable type. Each filter shall consist of synthetic media; corrosion resistant metal media support grid, contour stabilizers on both air entering and leaving sides, and non-corrosive metal enclosing frame. The media pack shall be bonded to the inside periphery of the enclosing frame to ensure a leak free configuration. LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 9 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Rnwmanville. Ontario SECTION 15850 Filter shall have an average efficiency of 90-95% an average arrestance of not less than 99% in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 52.1-1992. The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) when tested under ASHRAE 52.2-1999 shall be no less then 14. (4) Filter media shall meet U.L. Class 2 standards. .k Dampers (1) Damper frames shall be u-shaped galvanized metal sections securely screwed or welded to the air handling unit chassis. Pivot rods of/z" (13 mm) aluminum, shall turn in nylon or bronze bushings. Rods shall be secured to the blade by means of straps and set screws. (2) Dampers shall be low leak and shall include blade ends sealed with an adhesive backed foamed polyurethane gasketting. Interlocking blade edges shall include an all weather PVC seal, fastened with a positive lock grip and pliable overlap edges on both the entering and leaving air sides. Pivot rods extend the full length of damper blades and are interlocked on the side through crank arms. (3) Two position inlet dampers shall be parallel blade type. Mechanical Cooling (1) Compressors shall be hermetic type, 3600 RPM, set on resilient neoprene mounts and complete with line voltage break internal overload protection, internal pressure relief valve and crankcase heater. (2) Packaged Air Conditioning Units Packaged units shall operate down to 50°F (10°C) as standard. Where applicable, multiple refrigeration circuits shall be separate from each other. Refrigeration circuits shall be complete with liquid line filter-driers, and service ports fitted with Schroeder fittings. Units with over 6 Ton hermetic compressors and all units with semi-hermetic compressors shall also incorporate load compensated thermal expansion valves with external equalizers and combination sight glass moisture indicators. Semi-hermetic compressor units shall have condensers designed for 15°F (8°C) liquid subcooling and be equipped with suction line filters and liquid line manual shutoff valves. The complete piping system shall be purged and pressure tested with dry nitrogen, then tested again under vacuum. Each system shall be factory run and adjusted prior to shipment. Controls for hermetic compressor units shall include compressor and condenser fan motor contactors, supply LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 10 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 fan contactors and overload protection control circuit transformer, cooling relays, ambient compressor lockout, automatic reset low pressure controls, and high pressure controls on compressors over 5 tons. Head pressure actuated fan cycling control shall be provided on all multiple condenser fan units. Provide five minute anti-cycle timers. Provide interstage time delay timers. Unit shall be complete with minimum 3 independent refrigerant circuits to provide adequate dehumidification and cooling control. .m Cooling Control (1) Electronic Engineered Air C-TRAC electronic temperature control system with the capability of providing up to 5 stages of cooling control to maintain discharge (room) temperature. The minimum run and off time for compressors shall be 4 minutes at full load startup, and may range up to 8 minutes under part load conditions. The C-TRAC shall incorporate a PI (proportional/integral) control scheme that reduces temperature drop by resetting to the set point after each stage is cycled on. C-TRAC shall include, modulating discharge air control with room re-set control with built in modulating high and low limit. Unit controller to provide space humidity control. Provide an adjustable deadband range between heating and cooling from 2°F to 11 °F. While in the range, the outside air dampers shall be in minimum position. In heating range, the C-TRAC will provide a signal to the Model DJM controller for Series DJ industrial heater as specified. 2.2 EXHAUST FANS Exhaust fans shall be supplied as indicated on Drawings. Units shall be Greenheck or Penn Domex centrifugal belt driven roof exhausters with 13mm mesh bird screen and motorized louvre dampers. Include backdraft damper or motorized damper as indicated for each fan. Roof mounted fans shall be complete with prefabricated soundproofing roof curb for installation on flat, sloped or peak of sloped roof as required. Include undercover lock-off switch and wiring between lock-off switch and motor. .2 Exhaust fan(s) shall be interlocked as described in other sections of this specification. 2.3 ELECTRIC DUCT HEATERS LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 11 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville. Ontario SECTION 15850 Supply and install electric duct heaters equal to Nailor or E. H. Price, size and number of steps indicated on drawings. Each heater shall be complete with automatic and manual reset limit controls, transformer, silent type contactors (number of stages as required) and built-inflow switch. Unit shall also be wired so that when respective unit fan is off, coil is also off. Include all control and interlock wiring. 2.4 HUMIDIFIER Provide self-contained, disposable plastic electrode tank type, steam humidifier. Humidifier shall be equal to Nortec complete with high limit humidistat & air proving switches. Unit shall have capacity adjustment in 20%-100% range. Steam distributor shall be model CSD (sized by manufacturer, min. 60cm) Unit shall be factory assembled package in 16 ga. galvanized steel housing with baked enamel finish, complete with low voltage controls, control transformer, cleanable strainer, thermal overload protection, fill and drain solenoid valves, electrodes designed for operation with tap water without additives, automatic flush system. Unit shall be CSA approved. .2 Install hard cooper steam and condensate return pipes in plenum in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Provide 12mm cold water with globe valve and 50mm waste to nearest drain. .3 Include a 24 Volt control signal and matching remote fault indicator. .4 Provide a 2 year parts warranty. 2.5 GRILLES AND DIFFUSERS .1 Supply and install all grilles and diffusers as required and as shown on the drawings. .2 Diffusers shall be E.H. Price of type and size indicated on the drawings. .3 Diffusers shall be of steel construction finished in prime coat for later painting by Division 9. .4 Grilles shall be finished in prime coat for later painting by Division 9. .5 Alternate manufacturers: Hart & Cooley, Aircare, Nailor Industries. 2.6 DUCT ACCESSORIES Flexible Connections: Rectangular and round ductwork -indoors:: .a 0.6 mm (0.023 in) thick, 0.68 kg/mZ (20 oz/yd2) PVC coated polyester woven fabric. .b 0.66 mm (24 ga) galvanized sheet metal frame, with fabric LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 12 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 clamped with double locked seams. .c Temperature range -37°C to 95°C (-35°F to 200°F). .d Meets ULC-S109. .e ARL listed fabric. .f Yellow colour. .g Standard of Acceptance: (1) DynAirVinyl-flex (2) Duro-Dyne Canflex (3) Elgen -PVC .ii Rectangular Ductwork -Outdoors: .a 0.5 mm (0.02 in) thick, 0.81 kg/m2 (24 oz/yd2) hypalon coated fibreglass weave. .b 0.66 mm (24 ga) galvanized sheet metal frame, with fabric clamped with double locked offset seams. .c Sunlight resistant. .d Temperature range -50°C to 126°C (-46°F to 260°F). .e Meets ULC-S109. .f UL listed fabric. .g Standard of Acceptance: (1) DynAir Hypalon (2) Duro-Dyne Hypalon (3) Elgen -Hypalon .2 Sealant and Tape: .i Seal ant: .a Water based polymer, non-flammable, high velocity duct sealing compound. .b Meets requirements of NFPA 90A and 90B. LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 13 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 .c Oil resistant. .d UL Class 1 listed. .e Operating temperature range of -7°C to 93°C (20°F to 200°F). .f Standard ofAccepfance: (1) Dyn-O-Seal II: -40°C to 93°C (-40°F to 200°F). (2) Foster 32-17, 32-19 (3) Hardcast Iron Grip IG-601: -18°C to 93°C (0°F to 200°F). (4) Childers CP-145 CHIL-FLEX, CP-146 CHIL-SEAM (5) BVI Ductbond .ii Tape: .a PVC treated, non-flammable, open weave (gauze) fibreglass tape, 50 mm (2 in) wide. .b UL listed. .c 50 mm (2 in) wide. .d Standard of Acceptance: (1) Duro-Dyne FT-2 (2) Hardcast (3) Ideal (4) 3M .3 Splitter damper ball joint and bracket: .i Zinc alloy body casting. .ii Nylon cup washer for swivel ball. .iii Neoprene back-up gasket. .iv Locking by steel set screw with hardened steel point. .v 1.6 mm (16 ga) damper bracket with brass pivot and stainless steel spring. .vi Compression ring/locknut assembly for control and clamping. LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 14 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 .vii Self-aligning slider. .viii Standard of Acceptance: .a DynAir BJ-14 with SB-14 .4 Turning Vane Assembly: .i 0.7 mm (23 ga) steel rail. .ii Vane thickness to suit SMACNA standards for duct Class. .iii Vane buttons locked into rail locators. .iv Standard of Acceptance: .a DynAir Dyn-O-Rail .5 Spin-in Collars: .i To be of prime galvanized steel, minimum 22 ga. .ii With butterfly damper and locknut. .iii Standard of Acceptance: .a Flexmaster Spin-in collar .6 Security Bar Assembly: .i Frame to be minimum 5 mm (3/16 in) thick hot rolled steel section. .ii Fit corner joints tightly and in true plane. .iii All corner joints to be fully welded and ground smooth. .iv Bars to be 12 mm (1 /2 in) diameter steel to ASTM A36. .v Bars to be spaced on maximum 150 mm (6 in) centres in both dimensions. .vi Bars to be fully welded to frame and at bar crossing points to form fully welded grid. .vii Completed frame assembly to be degreased and cleaned, and finished with coat of black baked alkyd enamel. .viii Standard of Acceptance: .a Spinnaker Industries burglar bar assembly LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 15 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 .b Nailor security bars .c Titus security grilles , PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.1 DUCTWORK .1 All ductwork shall be constructed in strict accordance with the latest ASHRAE , Guide. .2 All ductwork unless specifically noted otherwise, shall be made of galvanized iron. ' Metal shall be best quality open hearth steel. The galvanizing shall be carefully done to prevent cracking. d i 1 .3 n All laps shall be in the direction of air flow. No sheet metal screws shall be use the duct where it is possible to use rivets and bolts. All edges and slips shall be hammered down so as to leave a smooth finished surface inside the ducts. , .4 All ducts shall be braced and stiffened so that they will not breathe, rattle, vibrate or sag. ' .5 Rectangular ducts shall be constructed by breaking the corners and grooving the longitudinal seam, using the Pittsburgh lock or approved air tight joint. Elbows and transformation sections shall be formed with Pittsburgh corner seams or ' double seam corners. .6 Ducts shall be free of obstruction, vibration and rattle. Leakage will be permitted ' to a maximum of 5% in the longest duct run. .7 All rectangular ductwork carrying air at low or medium pressure and having any side over 300mm in width or depth shall be reinforced by cross bracing. .8 All ducts shall be complete in themselves and no single partitions shall be permitted between ducts unless specifically shown. .9 All tees, elbows or bends shall be made with acentre-line radius of not less than 1-1 /2 times the width of the duct. Where space conditions do not permit the ' specified radius, then square throat fittings may be used complete with double thickness turning vanes. f i .10 ons or Where drawings indicate that the ductwork is to be insulated, make provis neat insulation finish around damper quadrants, access doors, etc. Mount metal collars of suitable size and width on insulated ducts to allow insulation to be , neatly finished. .11 Provide counterflashing for roof mounted equipment and any other duct openings in the roof. ' .12 The sides of tapered fittings shall not slope at an angle exceeding 15 deg. from LKM # 2004 -0656 15850 -page 16 ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 1 the line of air flow unless specifically shown or approval of the Consultant is obtained. ' .13 The transitions at the axial fan shall not exceed 10 deg. ' .14 Minimum low pressure duct gauges shall be as follows: .15 Rectangular Ductwork, Galvanized Iron- Up to 300 mm (Largest side) .55 mm thick 310 to 750 mm .70 mm thick 760 to 1370 mm .85 mm thick 1380 to 2150 mm 1.01 mm thick 2160 mm and up 1.31 mm thick ' .16 Round Ductwork, Galvanized Iron- 660mm or less dia. .55mm thickness 670 to 910mm dia. .85mm thickness ' 920 to 1270mm dia. 1.01 mm thickness 1280 to 1520mm dia. 1.31 mm thickness ' .17 Round ductwork shall be shop or factory fabricated of helically wound galvanized iron strips with spiral lock seam. Each duct section and fitting shall have a plain and a belled or swaged end to permit a sliding fit with an overlap of not less than Insert sheet metal screws in joints at 300mm centres around perimeter 100mm . with not less than three screws per joint. Surface of overlap or flanges shall be cleaned and painted with duct sealing compound before sections are joined. ' with lb Mi d .18 ows tre e Ninety degree elbows shall be of five piece construction. approved turning vanes may be used where space limitations do not permit use of five piece elbows. Forty-five degree elbows shall be of three piece construction. .19 Flexible ducts shall be aluminum helically would spiral duct, equal to Flexmaster N T/L, maximum 10 ft. length. .20 Supply and install deflectors or splitters with quadrant dampers at all points on l arger supply systems and exhaust systems where small ducts are taken from ones. r .21 Supply and install manual louvre dampers and turning vanes where shown. 3.2 DUCT SUPPORTS ' .1 Ducts 1500mm and less in width or depth shall be supported by 25mm wide by 16 gauge or heavier galvanized bent hangers fastened to the side and bottom of the duct by bolts, rivets or metal screws. Straps shall be continuous under the duct. Speed nuts and nailed units shall not be used to fasten hangers to ducts. Hangers shall be spaced at not more than 2.5m intervals. LKM # 2004 -0656 15850 -page 17 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING , SECTION 15850 .2 Where vertical ducts pass through floors, they shall be supported by angles rivetted or bolted to the duct and bearing on the building structure. 3.3 .3 Support all ducts immediately adjacent to flexible connections. .4 Duct hangers for ducts shall not be suspended from the steel roof deck. Hangers for such ducts shall be supported from structural bearings such as beams, top chords of steel joists, or structural concrete slabs. Where structural bearings do not exist, provide angle or channel iron from nearest structural bearings to support hangers. .5 Refer to Section 15050 Basic Materials and Methods for further details regarding hangers and supports. VOLUME AND SPLITTER DAMPERS Supply and install all hand operated splitter and volume dampers, complete with locking quadrant operators, in locations specified, as shown on the drawings, and as required for balancing purposes. 3.4 .2 Provide balancing dampers at all supply and exhaust take-offs. .3 For supply ducts, splitter dampers shall be air foil type, fabricated from 18 gauge galvanized steel and shall be the full depth of the branch duct and not less in length than the duct width of the branch duct. .4 Splitters under 300mm in height or length shall have a pivot rod fastened to one end of the splitter sheet. The rod shall be held in place by a quadrant type damper control using Duro-Dyne Quadrant K-8 or K-9. .5 Splitters over 300mm in height or length shall be hinged to the duct crotch at the pivot end and shall be fitted at their downstream end with extension rods passing through to the duct wall and fastened to holding clips using Duro-Dyne SRP-40 and SRP-24. .6 Volume dampers shall be opposed blade with each blade not more than 175mm in width. Dampers larger than .5 sq m shall be multi-sectional with 1.22m maximum length of blade. 7 All balancing, splitter and volume dampers shall be free from noise and vibration in any position. FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS On the suction and discharge of all fans, provide 150mm wide airtight Duralon, elastomer coated, fibreglass fabric, flexible connections to isolate the fan from the ductwork. 3.5 OUTSIDE OPENINGS Openings will be left under Divisions 3, 4 and 7 in the outside wall, roof, etc., II +' LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 18 ' Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SECTION 15850 where shown and required for fresh air intakes and exhaust. .2 Flashing for roof curbs and ducts under Division 7. Counterflashing by this Section. .3 Supply and install all necessary ductwork and plenums for intakes and exhausts and patch around same to make a weathertight job. 3.6 ACOUSTIC INSULATION .1 All supply and return ductwork exposed to outdoors shall be insulated with 50mm thick acoustic insulation. .2 Supply and return air ductwork within 3m. of HVAC equipment and where otherwise shown on drawings, shall be lined with 12mm thick acoustic insulation. Acoustic insulation shall be flexible coated ductliner, 24 kg/cu m density. .3 All insulation shall be firmly secured to the ductwork and the duct sizes indicated on the plans are actual free clear openings without allowance for the insulation thickness inside the duct, sizes must be increased accordingly. ' .4 Flexible ducts shall be acoustic flex. 3.7 PITOT TUBE OPENINGS ' .1 Pitot tube openings shall be made in-the ductwork for all supply and exhaust systems. A metal cap complete with spring device to ensure no air leakage shall be provided for each opening. Where openings are provided in insulated ductwork, a removable plug of approved insulation material inside a metal ring shall be installed. Openings shall be provided at all supply discharges and exhaust fan inlets. These openings shall be in straight duct runs. Supply and ' install a minimum of three holes per duct at each of the above locations and at not more than 500mm centres. In addition openings shall be provided where necessary for complete balancing of all systems. .2 The insulation shall be finished flush against the metal ring so that the openings may be used in future without damage to the insulation. 3.8 PAINTING OF DUCTWORK EXPOSED TO OUTDOORS I .1 All ductwork exposed to outdoors shall be carefully sealed with Dow Corning silicone sealer. Ductwork shall then be painted on the outside with primer and two coats of Asphaltum or similar weather and corrosion resistant paint. ' 3.9 HUMIDIFIER .1 The pan humidifiers for air handling units will be supplied under Section 15500. .2 Install the pan humidifiers in the units. 1 3.10 ADDITIONAL START-UP SERVICE LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 19 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Bowmanville, Ontario VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SECTION 15850 In addition to service covered under guarantee provide start-up and shut-down of air conditioning systems for first full cooling season. Also provide start-up after the first full season. 3.17 LOCATION OF OUTLETS The position of all outlets shown on the Drawings is approximate only. Check the location of all outlets with the Consultant and make such adjustments in position as are necessary to conform with architectural features, acoustic file pattern, etc. and the outlets required by the other trades, without extra charge. Ceiling outlets and their assemblies must be constructed so that they fit the spacing and manufacture of the removable acoustic ceiling. .2 Be responsible for exact dimensions and positions of openings required for the passage of pipes, ducts, etc. 3.72 BALANCING OF AIR SYSTEMS , .1 Include in the tender price all costs for the balancing of all ventilation systems outlined in the specifications and shown on the drawings. .2 The air balancing must be carried out by a firm specializing in such work, such as ' Aerodynamics Inspecting Co., 53 Maria St., Toronto, or approved equal. The firm shall be an independent testing company with at least 5 years of proven experience in the balancing of air systems and shall have completed not less , than 5 jobs of comparable size and complexity. Balancing teams shall include two balancing technicians under the supervision of a Professional Engineer. ' .3 Air systems shall be balanced with clean filters in place and so that the fans operate at as low a static pressure as possible. Static pressure dampers shall be installed where static pressure must be reduced for control of either pressure or , noise. .4 Fan speeds and dampers shall be adjusted until air quantities are within 5% of those shown on drawings for each outlet, minimum noise level and minimum , static at fan are obtained. .5 Adjust each outlet by anemometer, velometer, pilot tube, or anemotherm , readings to provide proper air quantities. Adjust each supply outlet to provide proper throw and distribution in accordance with space and occupancy requirements. .6 Upon completion of the air balance and submittal of the air balance report, provide, if called for, a spot check on the system with the Consultant's ' representative. If actual air quantities do not agree with the air balancing report data, completely rebalance the system until satisfactory to the Consultant. .7 Furnish all necessary equipment including gauges, pilot tubes, anemometers, r velometers, etc., required for the testing and air balance, of quality and capacity to ensure proper accuracy. The Consultant may require proof of calibration of , LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 20 Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Bowmanville, Ontario SECTION 15850 instruments. .8 Upon completion of the balancing, supply the Consultant with three complete sets of final balancing report showing actual air quantities at each outlet. .g The report shall include the following information: .i Diffusers, grilles, registers, floor outlets: System, room no., outlet designation and required air volume as per drawings, test air volume, test air velocity. .ii Air supply systems: Provide design and test information including fan number, fan make, total fan air volume, minimum outside air volume, return air volume, total pressure, total static pressure, suction static pressure, discharge static pressure, fan r.p.m., motor make, size, motor nameplate information, rated amperage, actual amperage. .iii Exhaust systems: Provide information including fan number, size and model, motor size; motor nameplate information, rated amperage, actual amperage, fan r.p.m., total pressure, static pressure, suction static pressure, air volume. 3.13 DUCT ACCESSORIES ' .1 Flexible Connections: .i Provide flexible connections between air handling equipment and ductwork as shown. .ii Corner join or seam to be sewn and NOT STAPLED. ' .iii Length of connection: .a 75 mm (3 in) for movement up 40 mm (1.5 in). .b 150 mm (6 in) for movement over 40 mm (1.5 in). .iv Minimum distance between metal parts when system is in operation: 25 mm (1 in). .v Securely anchor ductwork to building structure on building side of flexible connection. I End of Section r LKM # 2004-0656 15850 -page 21 I I 1 1 1 1 Brian McFarlane Hockey ' Museum ' Cat 5e Installation csMB~ err ,n October 25, 2005 r 1 Cat 5e Installation .Brian McFarlane Hocke Museum y I. Cat 5e Installation: field test requirements upon completion of the installation A. General Requirements 1 . Every cabling link in the installation shall be tested in accordance with the ' Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) standard ANSI/TIA/EIA-56S- B.1 (March 2001) Section 1 1.2:100-Ohm twisted-pair transmission performance and field test requirements. 2. One hundred percent of the installed cabling links must be tested and must 1 pass the requirements of the standards mentioned in I.A.2 above and as further detailed in Section I.B. Any falling link must be diagnosed and corrected. The corrective action shall be followed with a new test to prove that the corrected link meets the performance requirements. The final and passing result of the tests for all links shall be provided in the test results documentation in accordance with Section I.C below. 3. Trained technicians who have successfully attended an appropriate training program and have obtained a certificate as proof thereof shall execute the tests. Appropriate training programs include but are not limited to installation certification programs provided by BiCSi or the ACP (Association of Cabling Professionals). 1 4. The test equipment (tester) shall comply with or exceed the accuracy requirements for enhanced level II (Level II-E) field testers as defined in TIA- 568-B; Annex I: Section 1.4. The tester including the appropriate Interface adapter must meet the specified accuracy requirements. The accuracy requirements for the permanent link test configuration (baseline accuracy plus adapter contribution) are specified in Table 1.4 of Annex I of TIA/EIA-568- B ~. (Table 1.5 in this TIA document specifies the accuracy requirements for the Channel configuration.) 5. The tester shall be within the calibration period recommended by the vendor in order to achieve the vendor-specified measurement accuracy. 6. The tester interface adapters must be of high quality and the cable shall not show any twisting or kinking resulting from coiling and storing of the tester interface adapters. In order to deliver optimum accuracy, preference is given to a permanent link interface adapter for the tester that can be calibrated to extend the reference plane of the Return Loss measurement to the permanent link interface. The contractor shall provide proof that the interface has been calibrated within the period recommended by the vendor. To ensure that normal handling on the job does not cause measurable Return ' Loss change, the adapter cord cable shall not be of twisted-pair construction. 7. The Pass or Fail condition for the link-under-test is determined by the results of the required individual tests (detailed in Section I.B). Any Fail or Fail' result yields a Fail for the link-under-test. In order to achieve an overall Pass condition, the results for each individual test parameter must Pass or Pass*. 8. A Pass or Fail resuk for each parameter is determined by comparing the measured values with the specified test limits for that parameter. The test result of a parameter shall be marked with an asterisk (') when the result is closer to the test limit than the accuracy of the field tester. The field tester manufacturer must provide documentation as an aid to interpret results ' marked with asterisks. October 25, 2005 Cat 5e Installation • Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Optional Requirements: 9. A representative of the end-user shall be invited to witness field testing. The representative shall be notified of the start date of the testing phase five business days before testing commences. 1 O.A representative of the end-user will select a random sample of 5% of the installed links. The representative (or his authorized delegate) shall test these randomly selected links and the results are to be stored in accordance with the prescriptions in Section I.C. The results obtained shall be compared to the data provided by the installation contractor. If more than 2% of the sample results differ in terms of the pass/fail determination, the installation contractor under supervision of the end-user representative shall repeat 100% testing and the cost shall be borne by the installation contractor. B. Performance Test Parameters The test parameters for Cat 5e are defined in TIA Cat 5e standard, which refers to the ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2 standard. The test of each link shall contain all of the following parameters as detailed below. In order to pass the test all measurements (at each frequency in the range from 1 MHz through 100 MHz) must meet or exceed the limit value determined in the above-mentioned standard. 1 . Wire Map Wire Map shall report Pass if the wiring of each wire-pair from end to end is determined to be correct. The Wire Map results shall include the continuity of the shield connection if present. 2. Length The field tester shall be capable of measuring length of all pairs of a basic link or channel based on the propagation delay measurement and the average value for NVP (1 ). The physical length of the link shall be calculated using the pair with the shortest electrical delay. This length figure shall be reported and shall be used for making the Pass/Fail decision. The Pass/Fail criteria are based on the maximum length allowed for the Permanent Link configuration (90 meters - 295 feet) plus 1 O% to allow for the variation and uncertainty of NVP. 3. Insertion Loss (Attenuation) Insertion Loss is a measure of signal loss in the permanent link or channel. The term "Attenuation" has been used to designate "Insertion Loss". Insertion Loss shall be tested from 1 MHz through 100 MHz in maximum step size of 1 MHz. It is preferred to measure insertion loss at the same frequency intervals as NEXT Loss in order to provide a more accurate calculation of the Attenuation-to- Crosstalk ratio (ACR) parameter. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the worst wire pair (1 of 4 possible). The test results for the worst wire pair must show the highest attenuation value measured (worst case), the frequency at which this worst case value occurs, and the test limit value at this frequency. October 25, 2005 I t i ;' 4. NEXT Loss Cat 5e Installation • Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Pair-to-pair near-end crosstalk loss (abbreviated as NEXT Loss) shall be tested for each wire pair combination from each end of the link (a total of 12 pair combinations). This parameter is to be measured from 1 through 100 MHz. NEXT Loss measures the crosstalk disturbance on a wire pair at the end from which the disturbance signal is transmitted (near-end) on the disturbing pair. The maximum step size for NEXT Loss measurements shall not exceed the ' maximum step size defined in the standard as shown in Table 1 ,column 2. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire pair combination that exhibits the worst case NEXT margin (2) and the wire pair combination that exhibits the worst value of NEXT (worst case). NEXT is to be measured from each end of the link-under-test. These wire pair combinations must be identified for the tests performed from each end. Each reported case should include the frequency at which it occurs as well as the test limit value at this frequency. ~. Frequency Range (MHz) Maximum Step size (MHz) 1 - 31.25 0.15 31 .26 - 100 0.25 Table 1 5. PSNEXT Loss Power Sum NEXT Loss shall be evaluated and reported for each wire pair from both ends of the link under-test (a total of eight results). PSNEXT Loss captures the combined near-end crosstalk effect (statistical) on a wire pair when all other pairs actively transmit signals. Like NEXT this test parameter must be evaluated from 1 through 100 MHz and the step size may not exceed the maximum step size defined in the standard as shown in Table 1 ,column 2. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire pair that exhibits the worst-case margin and the wire pair that exhibits the worst value for PSNEXT. These wire pairs must be identified for the tests performed from each end. Each reported case should include the frequency at which it occurs as well as the test limit value at this frequency. . ~ 6. ELFEXT Loss, pair-to-pair Pair-to-pair FEXT Loss shall be measured for each wire-pair combination from both ends of the link under-test. FEXT Loss measures the crosstalk disturbance on a wire pair at the opposite end (far-end) from which the transmitter emits the disturbing signal on the disturbing pair. FEXT is measured to compute ELFEXT Loss that must be evaluated and reported in the test results. ELFEXT measures the relative strength of the far-end crosstalk disturbance relative to the attenuated signal that arrives at the end of the link. ', This test yields 24 wire pair combinations. ELFEXT is to be measured from 1 ' through 100 MHz and the maximum step size for FEXT Loss measurements shall not exceed the maximum step size defined in the standard as in Table 1 , _ column 2. October 25, 2005 3 Cat 5e Installation • Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire pair combination that exhibits the worst-case margin and the wire pair combination that exhibits the worst value for ELFEXT. These wire pairs must be identified for the tests performed from each end. Each reported case should include the frequency at which it occurs as well as the test limit value at this frequency. 7. PSELFEXT Loss Power Sum ELFEXT is a calculated parameter that combines the effect of the FEXT disturbance from three wire pairs on the fourth one. This test yields eight wire-pair combinations. Each wire-pair is evaluated from 1 through 100 MHz in frequency increments that do not exceed the maximum step size defined in the standard as shown in Table 1 ,column 2. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire pair that exhibits the worst pair combinations must be identified for the tests performed from each end. Each reported case should include the frequency at which it occurs as well as the test limit value at this frequency. S. Return Loss Return Loss (RL) measures the total energy reflected on each wire pair. Return Loss is to be measured from both ends of the link-under-test for each wire pair. This parameter is also to be measured form t through 100 MHz in frequency increments that do not exceed the maximum step size defined in the standard as shown in Table 1 ,column 2. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire pair that exhibits the worst-case margin and the wire pair that exhibits the worst value for Return Loss. These wire pairs must be identified for the tests performed from each end. Each reported case should include the frequency at which it occurs as well as the test limit value at this frequency. 9. ACR (Attenuation to crosstalk ratio) [This parameter is not demanded by the standard but may be required in order to obtain the premise wiring manufacturer's warranty]. ACR provides an indication of bandwidth for the two wire-pair network applications. ACR is a computed parameter that is analogous to ELFEXT and expresses the signal to noise ratio for a two wire-pair system. This calculation yields 1 2 combinations - sixfrom each end of the link. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire pair combination that exhibits the worst-case margin and the wire pair combination that exhibits the worst value for ACR. These wire pair combinations must be identified for the tests performed from each end. Each reported case should include the frequency at which it occurs as well as the test limit value at this frequency. October 25, 2005 4 Cat 5e Installation • Brien McFarlane Hockey Museum ' 1 O. PSACR [This parameter Is not required by the standard but may be required in order to obtain the premise wiring vendor's warranty]. The Power Sum version of ACR is based on PSNEXT and takes into account the combined NEXT disturbance of all adjacent wire pairs on each individual pair. This calculation yields eight combinations -one for each wire pair from both ends of the link. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire pair that exhibits the worst-case margin and the wire pair that exhiblts the worst value for PSACR. These wire pairs must be identified for the tests performed from each end. Each reported case should include the frequency at which It occurs as well as the test limit value at this frequency. 1 1. Propagation Delay Propagation delay is the time required for the signal to travel from one of the link to the other. This measurement is to be performed for each of the four wire pairs. Minimum test results documentation (summary results); Identify the wire pair with the worst-case propagation delay. The report shall Include the propagation delay value measured as well as the test limit value. 12. Delay Skew [as defined in TIA/EIA-568-B.1 ;Section 1 1 .2.4.1 1 ] This parameter shows the difference in propagation delay between the four wire pairs. The pair with the shortest propagation delay is the reference pair with a delay skew value of zero. Minimum test results documentation (summary results): Identify the wire par with the worst-case propagation delay (the longest propagation delay). The report shall include the delay skew value measured as well as the test limit value. C. Test Result Documentation 1 . The test results information for each link shall be recorded in the memory of the field tester upon completion of the test. 2. The test results records saved by the tester shall be transferred into a ' WindowsTM-based database utility that allows for the maintenance, inspection and archiving of these test records A guarantee must be made that the measurement results are transferred to the PC unaltered, i.e., "as saved in the tester" at the end of each test and that these results cannot be modified 1 at a later time. Superior protection in this regard is offered by testers that transfer the numeric measurement data from the tester to the PC in a non- printable format. 3. The database for the completed job shall be stored and delivered on CD- ROM including the software tools required to view, inspect, and print any selection of test reports. 4. A paper copy of the test results shall be provided that lists all the links that have been tested with the following summary information a) The identification of the link in accordance with the naming convention defined in the overall system documentation b) The overall Pass/Fail evaluation of the link-under-test including the NEXT Headroom (overall worst case) number c) The date and time the test results were saved in the memory of the tester. October 25, 2005 5 Cet 5e Installation • Brien McFarlane Hockey Museum 5. General Information to be provided in the electronic data base with the test results information for each link: a) The identification of the customer site as specified by the end-user b) The identification of the link in accordance with the naming convention defined in the overall system documentation c) The overall Pass/Fail evaluation of the link-under-test d) The name of the standard selected to execute the stored test results e) The cable type and the value of NVP used for length calculations f) The date and time the test results were saved in the memory of the tester g) The brand name, model and serial number of the tester h) The identification of the tester interface i) The revision of the tester software and the revision of the test standards database in the tester j) The test results information must contain information on each of the required test parameters that are listed in Section I.B and as further detailed below under paragraph I.CS. 6. The detailed test results data to be provided in the electronic database for each tested link must contain the following information. a) For each of the frequency-dependent test parameters, the value measured at every frequency during the test is stored. In this case, the PC-resident database program must be able to process the stored results to display and print a color graph of the measured parameters. The PC-resident software must also provide a summary numeric format in which some critical information is provided numerically as defined by the summary results (minimum numeric test results documentation) as outlined above for each of the test parameters. Length: Identify the wire-pair with the shortest electrical length, the value of the length rounded to the nearest 0.1 m (1) and the test limit value Propagation delay: Identify the pair with the shortest propagation delay, the value measured in nanoseconds (ns) and the test limit value Delay Skew: Identify the pair with the largest value for delay skew, the value calculated in nanoseconds (ns) and the test limit value Attenuation: Minimum test results documentation as explained in Section I.B for the worst pair Return Loss: Minimum test results documentation as explained in Section I.B for the worst pair as measured from each end of the link NEXT. ELFEXT, ACR: Minimum test results documentation as explained in Section I.B for the worst pair combination as measured from each end of the link PSNEXT, PSELFEXT, and PSACR: Minimum test results documentation as explained in Section I.B for the worst pair as measured from each end of the link October 25, 2005 Cat 5e Installation .Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Link length, propagation delay, and delay skew shall be reported for each wire pair as well as the test limit for each of these parameters. 7: Nominal Velocity of Propagation (NVP) expresses the speed of the electrical signals along the cabling link in relation to the speed of light in vacuum (3xY 08 m/second). Insulation characteristics and twist rate of the wire pair influence NVP in minor ways. Typically, an 'average' value for NVP is published for a!l four wire-pairs in a data cable. 2: 'Margin' designates the difference between the measured value and the corresponding test limit value. For passing finks, 'worst case margin' identifies the smallest margin over the entire frequency range; the point at which the measured performance is "c/osest" to the test limit. October 25, 2005 7 Ll Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Electrical Guidelines: Exhibition Power Supply and Isolated Ground GSMBtJILD October 25, 2005 Electrical Guidelines • Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum GSM Build Inc. General guidelines to Electrical Engineer/Contractor • Exhibition Power Suooly and Isolated Ground Exhibition Suoolv {Audio Visual Dedicated Power) All Exhibition power required as specified by GSM Build drawings should be supplied by a separate dedicated °technical power circuit". This is defined as a dedicated AC power supply not to be shared with any other s stem. This separate power source should be derived from one central location, ideally the service entrance of the ' building with its own isolated and shielded transformer or Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). This is to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) and to protect the exhibition power from power spikes caused by other equipment or machines in the building. This would typically require the electrical contractor to distribute the output of this power source throughout the specified facilities in the building exclusively for the use with the exhibition equipment. Power Distribution All subpanels must be located within 30.5 meters (100 feet) of power outlets. Panel boards must not be adjacent to the main technical signal wire or equipment centers of facility. All conduits installed in the exhibition area should be of the electrical metal ' tubing (EMT) type. All electrical or audio visual outlet boxes should be made of metal. Each power points should by individually identified by its circuit type and number above the socket. Technical Ground (Isolated Groundl Power circuits for all exhibition equipment must be serviced by a dedicated and isolated ground. This is defined as a dedicated ground (earth) network which grounds a single point only (main earth/ground for building). The goal is to provide a similar electrical ground reference to equipment and their audio and video circuits and .avoid ground loops in the exhibition systems. The entire technical ground system of conductors and ground buses must be insulated and isolated from all other systems, and connected to the fadility ground at the main service entrance at one ooint only Each power outlet has an isolated ground homerun to the panel bus bar. This requires an isolated ground wire at each outlet. Isolated ground outlets are normally orange with triangle on front face. Technical ground is distributed in a star configuration, like technical power, easy layout so that master and local busses are located with the distribution panel boards. Each ground circuit may have several insulated ground wires run with it -one for each outlet powered as well as an uninsulated equipment ground wire for the purpose of grounding the back boxes (if conduit may be used as the equipment grounding conductor). The entire technical ground system of conductors and ground buses is insulated and isolated from all other systems. At the master technical ground reference bus, a connection is made to the ground electrode system, the system ground and the equipment ground -all ground systems have single and definite common ground point - they are bonded together - supplementary ground electrode (earth connection) may also be connected at this point. October 25, 2005 Electrical Guidelines • Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum Routing of branch circuits must be kept away from audio visual and other signal level circuits as well as empty conduit. When power cables and exhibition cables (or empty conduit) are run in parallel, 15cm (6") must separate them. Power cables conduits and exhibition conduits must cross each other at an angle of 90 degrees. The entire circuit electrically connecting conduits, raceways and back boxes still need ' to be grounded as required by law. A licensed Electrical Engineer who is familiar with all local codes and regulations must provide the details of this power scheme and system. i 1 ~~ t 2 October 25, 2005