HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/1989 ,/ -- Ta'JN OF NEWCASTLE General Purpose & Administration Committee September 18, 1989 . Minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose & Administration Committee held on Tuesday, September 18, 1989 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor M. Hubbard Councillor P. Deegan Councillor D. Hamre (left the meeting at 3:00 p.m. - on Regional business) Councillor L. Hannah Councillor K. Hooper Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A. Wotten . Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Acting Fire Chief, M. Creighton (attended the afternoon session at 1:25 p.m.) Manager Strategic Planning, D. Crome (until 12:00 noon) Director of Public Works, W. Evans Deputy Treasurer, Mr. J. Rzeszut Director of Planning & Development, F. Wu Deputy Clerk, M. Knight . Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. MINUTES Resolution iGPA-646-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose & Administration ~ Committee held on September 5, 1989, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-647-89 M::>ved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councilor Stapleton THAT Ken Burgess and R. Adamson be added to the list of delegations. "CARRIED" . ~ 201 . . G.P.A. Minutes 2 September 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARI]IK;S As required under the new Planning Act (Section 34(12)), Council is holding public meetings prior to either adopting or rejecting the following: a) Rezoning Application - Part Lot 10, Broken Front Concession, Fbrmer Tbwn of Bowmanville - P. Pingle; b) Official Plan Amendment/Rezoning Application - Part Lot 16, Concession 1, Fbrmer Tbwnship of Darlington - Willsonia Industries Ltd.; c) Official Plan Amendment/Rezoning Application - Part Lot 15 and 16, Concession I, Former Township of Darlington - Markborough properties Inc. and West Bowmanville Developments Ltd.; d) Official Plan Amendment/Rezoning APplication - Part of Lot 29, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington - Bloor Courtice Developments Inc.; ... e) Official Plan Amendment/Rezoning Application - Part Lot 17, Concession 1, Former Tbwnship of Darlington - Carnovale Construction Ltd; . . . . f) Public Meeting to consider Report #1 of the Courtice West Highway No. 2 Corridor Study. The Chairman asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to these matters. Several people indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with these matters, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Deputy Clerk advised that: a) Public Notices were mailed to all property owners within 120 metres by August 18, 1989. b) Notices of the public meetings were posted on the properties by August 18, 1989. c) The notices comply with the regulations under the Planning Act. The Chairman announced that any persons wishing further notice of the passage of the by-laws, if passed, to please leave their name, address and telephone number with the Deputy Clerk before they leave. The Chairman called on the Director of Planning and Development to briefly describe the purpcse and effect of the by-laws and how the by-laws accomplish the stated purposes. 202 . G.P.A. Minutes 3 September 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARI]IK;S . The purpose and effect of the applications are as follows: a) P. Pingle - to permit the demolition of the existing structure and to construct a new single family dwelling. b) willsonia Industries Ltd. - to include the subject land within the Bowmanville Urban Area, and permit the development of 11,800 sq. m of Special Purpose Commercial Floor Space. c) Markborough properties Inc. and West Bowmanville Developments - to designate the subject lands as a "Sub Central Area" and develop a 21,400 sq. m Shopping Centre. . d) Bloor Court ice Developments Inc. - to include the subject lands in the Courtice Urban Area and permit the development of a Plan of Subdivision consisting of 56 single family units, 114 semi detached units, a medium high density block, park and 2 commercial blocks. e) Carnovale Construction Ltd. - to designate the subject lands as a 'Local Central Area' and permit the development of 2230 sq. m's of retail/office floor space. f) Courtice West Highway NO. 2 Corridor Study - Public Meeting - to invite public comment on the study document. . The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-laws and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would hear from the objectors, then anyone in support, with the applicant speaking last. a) P. Pingle - Report PD-201-89. . NO one spoke in objection to this application. Pat Pingle, R.R. #2, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3K3, the applicant, whose family has resided in the Tbwn of Newcastle for four generations, displayed a hand drawn survey of the area and propcsed dwelling and circulated a letter with 24 signatures in support of her application. She noted that the demolition of the present unsightly building will allow her to build a house of the same size in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. She will meet all the requirements of the lOwn of Newcastle. . . 203 - . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 4 September 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING b) Willsonia Industries Ltd. - Report PD-219-89. Joanne Davies, Campbell, Godfrey and Lotus, Tbronto Dominion Centre, Suite 3600, 'lbronto, Ontario, M4N 2K5, appeared on behalf of the Bowmanville Mall who wishes to be shown on the record as being opposed to this application because commercial uses should be consolidated with the main central area. Ron Strike, P.O. Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K8, appeared on behalf of Delbert Development Corporation, who own a parcel of land at the southwest corner of this proposal. The approval of this application would create a competitive situation with the downtown business area. No one spoke in suppcrt of the application. Messrs. Ronald Worboy, R.R. #2, Blackstock, Ontario, LOB lBO; Glen Wilson (owner of the subject property), 140 Bond Street East, Oshawa, Ontario; Bob Martindale, Greer Galloway Inc., 650 King Street East, 1217, Oshawa, Ontario, LIH IG5, displayed the artist's rendering of the project and noted that the quality of the building will be second to none. The site plan will be fully coordinated to compliment the recreation complex. Some of Mr. Wilson's projects include the Gerard Centre, located at Dundas and Gerard in Whitby, and the project at Thornton Road and Highway NO. 2 in Oshawa. c) Markborough Properties Inc. - Repcrt PD-220-89. Joanne Davies, Campbell, Godfrey and Lotus, Tbronto Dominion Centre, Suite 3600, Tbronto, Ontario, M4N 2K5, appeared on behalf of the Bowmanville Mall who wishes to be shown on the record as being opposed to this application because commercial uses should be consolidated with the main central area. Ron Strike, P.O. Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K8, appeared on behalf of Delbert Development Corporation, who own a parcel of land at the southwest corner of this proposal. The approval of this application would create a competitive situation with the downtown business area. No one spoke in support of the application. 204 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 5 September 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARI]IK;S Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning, 340 Byron Street South, Whitby, Ontar io, LIN 4P8, appeared on behalf of Markborough to answer questions from the Committee. he advised that a feasibility study has been submitted since the preparation of Report PD-220-89. d) Bloor Courtice Developments Inc. - Report PD-221-89. Ralph Buzza, R.R. *2, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K3, appeared before the Committee and referred to his letter of Objection dated September 10, 1989 submitted to the Clerk. Dale Coolidge, R.R. #2, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K3, resides approximately 500 yards east of the proposal and noted the following: - he is opposed to the high density of the development, - the present schocl with ten portables cannot accommodate future growth, - fire protection concerns have not been addressed, - this area is not serviced by municipal water and sewer connections, - the proposal is premature. Charlotte Hughes, R.R. *2, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K3, concurred with Mr. Coolidge's remarks. Jack Locke, R.R. *2, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K9, concurred with Mr. Coolidge's remarks and expressed a specific concern pertaining to the hazardous vehicular access onto Courtice Road. AI Canfield, R.R. 12, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K3, concurred with Mr. Coolidge's remarks. He is particularly opposed to the commercial proponent of this development. Ken Pamment, Group Box 3, R.R. #2, Bowmanville, LIC 3K3, a twenty-eight year resident of this area, concurred with Mr. Coolidge's remarks. . NO one spoke in support of this application. Kevin Tunney, Tunney planning, 340 Byron Street South, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 4P8, informed the Committee that the new owner, John Bloor Investments, do not intend to develop these lands immediately and requested that Repcrt PD-221-89 be referred back to Staff until such time as the request is not considered premature. . . 205 - . . G.P.A. Minutes 6 September 18, 1989 PUBLIC HEARI]IK;S e) Carovale Construction Limited - Report PD-222-89. Joanne Davies, Campbell, Godfrey and Lotus, Tbronto Dominion Centre, Suite 3600, Tbronto, Ontario, M4N 2K5, appeared on behalf of the Bowmanville Mall who wishes to be shown on the record as being opposed to this application because commercial uses should be consolidated with the main central area. Ron Strike, P.O. Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K8, appeared on behalf of Delbert Development Corporation, who own a parcel of land at the southwest corner of this proposal. The approval of this application would create a competitive situation with the downtown business area. Bruce Curl, R.R. i6, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K7, resides on the west side of this proposal and articulated opposition to this application because it will adversely affect his water supply, septic bed and water drainage. He noted that privacy fencing should be installed to eliminate debris which will be generated by this commercial operation. No one spoke in support of this application. Glenn Genge, Planning Consultant, Greer Galloway Group Inc., 650 King St. E., i217, Oshawa, Ontario, LIH IG5, appeared on behalf of the applicant, Carnovale Construction, and advised that the proposed structure will be 12,074 square feet of retail space on the ground floor and 12,074 square feet of office space on the upper floor. The retail space on the ground floor will house convenience stores to meet the shopping needs of the residents living within a radius of . 2 km. of the proposed site. f) Court ice West Highway No. 2 Corridor Study - Phase 1 - Report PD-223-89. . . . David Creme, Manager of Strategic Planning, made a presentation to the Committee and explained the various uses comprised in the study. Andrew Percewicz, 19 Cherry Blossom Crescent, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIE IG9, noted that it is the general ooncensus of the local residents that they are opposed to the high proliferation of convenience stores. He wishes the ambiance of "quaintness" to be maintained. He requested that the Committee move cautiously and defer some applications until the study is complete. Glenn Genge, Planning Consultant, Greer Galloway Group Inc., 650 King St. E., 1217, Oshawa, Ontario, LIH IG5, appeared on behalf of Tbwn Line Centre Inc., who owns property at the northeast corner of Highway No. 2 and Tbwn Line Road. Mr. Genge is in the process of preparing an application on behalf of his client and has a concern with the land use arrangement in this area. He feels that some minor modifications could be made to the land use concept and include the land owned by the applicant on the northeast corner. He requested Staff to integrate the gas station property with his client's property and looks forward to seeing other phases of the report. 7nt:, - . . . G.P.A. Minutes September 18, 1989 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS Val Choloniuk, Valeo Draperies, 1415 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario, LIC 3K2, concurred with Mr. percewicz's remarks. Ron Strike, Strike and Strike, P.O. Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3K8, spoke on behalf of Tribute Corporation who own an L-shaped parcel of land at the southeast corner of TOwn Line Road and Highway No.2. He requested that the Committee exempt this parcel of land from the study. John M. Clarke, Clarke Freeman Miller, Solicitor, 789 Don Mills Road, 1310, Don Mills, Ontario, M3C ITS, appeared on behalf of Aloise Construction and indicated that the impact of commercial development has positive and negative implications. He voiced opposition to the down zoning as it relates to Aloise Construction and requested the Committee to focus on local needs, economics and asthetics. Margaret Noble, 45 Darlington Blvd. S., Oshawa, Ontario, LIK lAS, a sixty year resident of Courtice, appeared on behalf of neighbours to express concern with the heavy traffic volume at Darlington Blvd. and Highway No.2. The Director of Public WOrks was requested to initiate a traffic survey at this intersection. Raymond J. Cooke, 48 Whitecliff Drive, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIE lT2, a new resident of the area, expressed disappointment with the high residential density of a proposal for four twelve-storey units which was approved last year. He was advised by the Planning Department that no site plan has been received to-date. John Wilson, 1421 King Street, Oshawa, Ontario, LIK lA3, displayed a Land Use Structure Plan and advised that the phase 1 study further restricts the present use of his property, his wife's property and a neighbour's property. No one spoke in support of this application. Resolution iGPA-648-89 . Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor wotten THAT the Committee recess for lunch until 1:15 p.m. . . "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 1:15 p.m. 207 . . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 8 September 18, 1989 DEI.EX3ATIONS Joanne Draper, 15 Peachtree Cres., Bowmanville, Ontar io, LlC 4K8, re: (Report PD-187-89) is opposed to Nor-Arm Developments application because eight lots encroach on floodline. She noted that the developnent is located on environmentally sensitive land and advised that the developer is displaying illegal advertising signs. Jerry Lens, 5 Mill Lane, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K2, re: Fram Development Repcrt PD-228-89, appeared on behalf of the North Bowmanville Ratepayers Association and questioned why the proposal is located so close to the present homes. Mr. Lens requested that no drinking establishments or video parlors be allowed in this development. He indicated that the area is serviced by municipal water connections but not sewers. Mr. Emile Salorron, 48 Jackman Rd., Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 2C9, re: Bowmanville Valley Co-op, Repcrt PD-209-89, has liaised on several occasions with Chris smith and Associates and stated that his concern pertaining to streets, sidewalks, drainage and traffic safety have not been satisfactorily addressed. Bea Wells, 6 Barbara St., Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 2E4, re: Bowmanville Valley Co-op, Report PD-209-89, referred to a petition signed by approximately 95 home owners who are opposed to this proposal and circulated a letter which opposes this application. Ernest R. Eves, 8 Barbara St., Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 2C9, re: Bowmanville Valley Co-op, Report PD-209-89, referred to a petition signed by approximately 95 residents in opposition to this proposal and his previous letter of opposition to the 'Ibwn. Sharon Brooks, 50 Jackman Rd., Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 2C9, re: Bowmanville Valley Co-op, Report PD-209-89, concurred with Mr. E. Salomon's remarks. Ewan Huxter, 60 Jackman Rd., Bowmanville, Ontar io, LIC 2C9, re: Bowmanville Valley Co-op, Report PD-209-89, was present on behalf of several other residents and noted the following concerns: - zoning does not permit the proposed development which would adversely affect the quality of life of the residents, - the proposal wculd have serious implications on the environment, - local schools cannot accommodate the additional number of school aged children which this development would generate, - approval of this development would create hazardous traffic conditions at the bridge, - access by emergency vehicles would almost be impossible. 208 - . . . G.P.A. Minutes 9 September 18, 1989 DELEGATIONS Marty Ginsherman, Durham Region Access for Affordable Housing Committee, 132A commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5, re: Bowmanville Valley Co-op Report PD-209-89, circulated a copy of his presentation to the Committee wherein he states that the land owner and building are the only parties which will gain monetary profit from this proposal. What is being proposed is the integration of less privileged people into the oommunity without the ghetto-ization and stigma that was the former practice. Similar co-ops in the Region of Durham are well managed, well maintained and a desirable place to live. Chris Smith, Chris Smith & Associates, 146 simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario, LIG 4S7, re: Bowmanville valley Co-op, Report PD-209-89, requested an early approval of this application in order to meet provincial Government funding deadlines. Ken Burgess, 6 Jackman Rd., Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 2C9, re: Bowmanville Valley Co-op, Report PD-209-89, advised that affordable housing, in this instance, is not the issue; it is the location of the project. Robin Adamson, 2 Barbara St., Bowmanville, Ontario, re: Bowmanville valley Co-op, Report PD-209-89, was called but was not present. Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning, 340 Byron St. S., Whitby, Ontario, LlN 5S4, re: Bowmanville NOrth - Report PD-228-89, appeared on behalf of Fram Development Corporation and advised the Committee that his client will take parking and snow plowing into consideration. Reg Webster, G.M. Sernas & Associates, 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41, Whitby, Ontario, LlN 8Y?, re: Bowmanville NOrth - Report PD-210-89, was present to answer questions from the Committee. Rezoning Application - P. Pingle - Part Lot 10, Broken Front Concession, Former TOwn of Bowmanville File: 60.35.540 ~ Resolution iGPA-649-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper . . THAT Report PD-201-89 be received; THAT the application for rezoning submitted by P. Pingle to permit the demolition of the existing structure and to construct a new single detached dwelling be approved conditional upon meeting the requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; and THAT the applicant be so advised. "CARRIED" 209 . . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 10 - September 18, 1989 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Official plan Amendment Application and Rezoning Application Willsonia Industries Ltd. - Files: 60.35.445, 60.30.192 Resolution *GPA-650-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-219-89 be received; THAT Official Plan Amendment application 88-43/D/N (revised) and Rezoning Application DEV 88-54 (revised) submitted by Willsonia Industries Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further review and the preparation of a subsequent report upon the receipt of all outstanding comments; THAT Willsonia Industries Limited be required to submit a Retail Market Analysis to justify the need for the proposed development of 11,800 sq.m. of Special Purpose Commercial on the subject lands and to examine its impact on existing and designated commercial areas in Bowmanville; THAT the Region of Durham and Willsonia Industries Ltd. be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report PD-219-89; and THAT the delegations and persons listed in Report PD-219-89 be notified and informed of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution tGPA-651-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the installation of sidewalks be considered by Staff for all future applications located in the extent ion of the main Bowmanville area. "CARRIED" 210 . G.P.A. Minutes 11 September 18, 1989 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT . Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application Markbcrough properties Inc. & West Bowmanville Developments Ltd. - Part Lots 15 and 16, Concession 1, Bowmanville - File: 60.35.543 Resolution tGPA-652-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-220-89 be received; THAT Official Plan Amendment Application 88-87/D/N (Revised) and Rezoning Application DEV 88-99 (Revised) submitted by Markbcrough properties Inc. and West Bowmanville Developments Ltd. be referred back to staff for further review and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and ~ THAT the delegations and persons listed in Report PD-220-89 be notified of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Official Plan Amendment and Subdivision APplication - Blocr Courtice Developments Inc. - Part Lot 29, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington File: 60.35.539 . Resolution tGPA-653-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-221-89 be tabled for a period of six months until studies are complete. "CARRIED" . . . 71) . . . G.P.A. Minutes 12 - September 18, 1989 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application - Carnovale Construction Ltd. - Part Lot 17, Concession 1, Bowmanville - File: 60.35.542 Resolution iGPA-654-89 Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report pD-222-89 be received; THAT Official Plan Amendment Application 89-60/N and Rezoning Application DEV 89-68 submitted by Carnovale Construction Ltd. be referred back to staff for further review and the preparation of a subsequent report upon the receipt of all outstanding oomments; THAT the Region of Durham and Carnovale Construction Ltd. be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report PD-222-89; and THAT the delegations and persons listed in Report PD-222-89 be notified and informed of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Courtice West Highway NO. 2 Corridor Study Phase 1 - File: 16.7.181 . Resolution #GPA-655-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton . . . THAT Report PD-223-89 be received for information. "CARRIED" Rezoning Application - Bruce and Pamela Welsh Part Lot 35, Concession 2, Former TOwnship of Darlington File: 60.35.492 Resolution iGPA-656-89 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report PD-224-89 be received; THAT Rezoning Application DEV 88-133 submitted by Bruce and Pamela Welsh to permit the creation of one single family residential lot be APPROVED; THAT the by-law to amend By-law 84-63 attached to Report PD-224-89 be forwarded to Council for approval; 212 . G.P.A. Minutes 13 September 18, 1989 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT . THAT the Region of Durham and Mr. & Mrs. Welsh be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report PD-224-89; and THAT the delegations and persons listed in Report PD-224-89 be notified and informed of Council's decision. II CARRIED" Renaming of Orchard Heights Drive to Reznick Drive - plan 10M-827 File: 77.2.2 Resolution *GPA-657-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah ~ THAT Repcrt PD-225-89 be received; THAT By-law 86-112; being a By-law to establish a Street Name Map and Street Name Inventory in the Tbwn of Newcastle be amended to change the name of Orchard Heights Drive within Plan 10M-827 to Reznick Drive; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the amending by-law attached to Repcrt PD-225-89. IlCARRIEDII . Exemption from Part Lot Control - 772503 Ontario Limited (Challenger Park) - Part Lot 26, Concession 2, Former Village of Newcastle - File: 60.2.30 Resolution #GPA-658-89 . Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-226-89 be received; THAT the request submitted by 772503 Ontario Limited for removal of Part Lot Control on lots 93 to 122 all inclusive, on Plan 10M 827, be approved; THAT the by-law attached to Report PD-226-89 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 49(7) of the Planning Act; and THAT 772503 Ontario Limited be so advised. "CARRIED" . . 213 . . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 14 September 18, 1989 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Proposed Plan of Subdivision - 812518 Ontario Limited Part Lot 29, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke Subdivision Agreement - Authorizing By-law File: 60.46.116 Resolution iGPA-659-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-227-89 be tabled until the Council meeting of September 25th, 1989 with Staff's written recommendation that this is a temporary measure and that residents be advised of Council's decision; and THAT Mr. Wu prepare a subsequent report on the status of this application and that area residents be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-660-89 M::>ved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the agenda be altered to consider items under "unfinished business". "CARRIED" Rezoning Application - Chris Smith and Associates Part Lot 13 & 14, Concession 2, Bowmanville - File: 60.35.517 Resolution #GPA-661-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-209-89 be lifted from the table; THAT Staff be requested to forward a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee FORTHWITH; and THAT the delegations be so advised. "CARRIEDIl Bowmanville North Developers Group - Part Lots 12, 13, 14, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville - Files: 60.35.423, 424, 425, 426 Resolution #GPA-662-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-210-89 be lifted from the table; THAT Report PD-210-89 be received; 214 . . G.P.A. Minutes - 15 September 18, 1989 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT THAT it is recommended to the Durham Region that Application to amend the Town of Newcastle Official plan (Bowmanville Urban Area), submitted by Tunney Planning on behalf of the Bowmanville North Developers Group to delete a junior elementary public school designation; delete the "Hazard Land" indications affecting the subject land; introduce a "Local Central Area (LC)"; introduce two "Medium (M)" Density symbols; and restructure the population targets of Neighbourhoods "2A" and "2B" be APPROVED; THAT the Region of Durham and Regional Planning Department be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report PD-210-89; and THAT the interested parties attached to Repcrt PD-210-89 be informed of Council's decision. II CARRIED" . Part Lot 12, Concession 2, Town of Bowmanville File: 60.35.425 . . . - Resolution IGPA-663-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-228-89 be received; THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-87087 as revised dated APril, 1989 as per Attachment No.1, be Approved, subject to the oonditions contained in Report PD-228-89; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the applicant/owner and the Corporation of the Tbwn of Newcastle at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public WOrks and Director of Planning; THAT the amendment to By-law 84-63 attached to Report PD-228-89 be APPROVED and that the "Holding (H)" symbol be removed by By-law upon execution of a Subdivision Agreement; THAT a copy of Report PD-228-89 and Committee and Council's recommendation be forwarded to the Region of Durham; and THAT the delegations and persons listed in Report PD-228-89 be notified and informed of Council's decision. "CARRIED" 215 . . . G.P.A. Minutes 16 - September 18, 1989 PLANNIJIK; AND DEVELOPMENT Repeal of Interim Control By-law No. 88-197 - File: 60.35.10 Resolution *GPA-664-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-229-89 be received; THAT the attached By-law repealing By-law 88-197 be approved; and THAT the Ontario Municipal Board, the Region of Durham Planning Department, and Kathryn Harrison of Jones and Jones and those on the circulation list of By-law 88-197 be so advised of Council's decision and a copy of the Repealing By-law be forwarded to same. "CARRIED" Ontario Government Policy Statement on Land Use Planning for Housing File: 35.3l.21 Resolution *GPA-665-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Deegan . THAT Report PD-230-89 be received for information; and THAT Repcrt PD-230-89 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Durham Region Access to Permanent Housing Committee. . . . "CARRIED" Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for August 1989 - File: 56.49.2 Resolution *GPA-666-89 Moved by Councillor Wbtten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-231-89 be received for information. "CARRIEDII Ministry of Housing Grant - Municipal Building Departments - File: 35.31.21 Resolution tGPA-667-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-232-89 be received; 216 . . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 17 - September 18, 1989 THAT Staff be authorized to apply to Buildings Branch of the Ministry of Housing for a grant to enhance and improve the various operational activities of the Building Division. "CARRIEDII Parking Enforcement Monthly Report for August, 1989 - File: 10.57.9 Resolution #GPA-668-89 M::>ved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-233-89 be received for information. "CARRIEDII TREASURY Councillor Deegan chaired this portion of the meeting. Region of Durham Co--operative Tender WD79-89, Supply and Delivery of Winter Sand File: 10.2.8 Resolution IGPA-669-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report TR-80-89 be received; THAT James Dick Construction Limited, Brooklin, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $128,150.00, being the lowest respcnsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Region of Durham Co-Operative Tender WD79-89, be awarded the oontract to supply, deliver, mix and stockpile winter sand, as required by the Tbwn of Newcastle for the 1989/90 winter season; and THAT the funds be drawn from the Public Works approved winter Maintenance accounts for the 1989/90 winter season requirements. "CARRIEDII Tender T89-31, One (1) Only Slide in Salt and Sand Spreader Body (12 CU.YD.) File: 10.2.8 Resolution #GPA-670-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report TR-81-89 be received; THAT Raglan welding Shop Limited, Oshawa, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $11,709.36, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T89-31, be awarded the contract to supply and deliver, One (ll Only Slide in Salt and Sand Spreader Body - 12 cu.yd. as required by the Public Works Department; and 217 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 18 September 18, 1989 TREASURY THAT the funds expended be provided from the Public WOrks Equipment Reserve Account #2900-00010-0000. "CARRIED" Region of Durham Co-operative Tenders WD82-89, The Supply of Sodium Chloride WD80-89, The Delivery of Sodium Chloride File: 10.2.8 Resolution tGPA-671-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report TR-82-89 be received; THAT Canadian Salt Company Limited, Mississauga, Ontario, with a unit price of $30.99 per tonne, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Region of Durham Co-Operative Tender WD82-89, be awarded the contract to Supply Bulk Sodium Chloride to the Tbwn of Newcastle, as required by the Department of Public WOrks; THAT T.H. Forsythe Limited, pickering, Ontario, with a unit price of $ .74 per tonne to Bowmanville Yard, $1.21 per tonne to Orono Yard and $1.21 per tonne to Hampton Yard, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Region of Durham Co-operative Tender WD80-89, be awarded the contract for Delivery of Sodium Chloride to the Tbwn of Newcastle, as required by the Department of Public Works; and THAT the funds be drawn from the Public WOrks approved Winter Maintenace Accounts for the 1989/90 winter season requirements. "MOTION LOST" . Resolution #GPA-672-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten . . THAT the recommendations contained in Report TR-82-89 be divided. "CARRIED" 218 . . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes September 18, 1989 19 - TREASURY Resolution #GPA-673-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report TR-82-89 be received; THAT Canadian Salt Company Limited, Mississauga, Ontario, with a unit price of $30.00 per tonne, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Region of Durham Co-operative Tender WD82-89, be awarded the contract to Supply Bulk Sodium Chloride to the Tbwn of Newcastle, as required by the Department of Public WOrks; and THAT the funds be drawn from the Public WOrks approved Winter Maintenance Accounts for the 1989/90 winter season requirements. llCARRIED" Resolution iGPA-674-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Region of Durham Co-operative Tender WD80-89 for the delivery of Sodium Chloride to the TOwn of Newcastle be retendered. "CARRIEDII Cash Activity Report - July, 1989 Part A - File: 10.57.9 Resolution iGPA-675-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor WOtten THAT Report TR-83-89 be received; THAT in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Tbwn of Newcastle for the month ended July, 1989 is as shown on the attached schedule attached to Repcrt TR-83-89; and THAT Part A of the expenditures for the month of July, 1989 be confirmed. IlCARRIEDII 219 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 20 September 18, 1989 TREASURY Resolution iGPA-676-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Staff be directed to investigate and reassess the tendering process and prepare a report wherein preference is given to local suppliers. "CARRIED" FIRE DEPAR'IMENT Councillor Hoeper chaired this portion of the meeting. proclamation and Display for Fire Prevention Week October 8 - 14th - File: 68.13.99 Resolution iGPA-677-89 M::>ved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Fire Department Report FD-16-89 be received; and THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council that October 8 - 14, 1989 be proclaimed Fire Prevention Week in the Tbwn of Newcastle. "CARRIED" C~ITY SERVICES Councillor Stapleton chaired this portion of the meeting. Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan Steering Committee - File: 68.31.4 . Resolution iGPA-678-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor WDtten . . THAT Report CS-29-89 be received; THAT a Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan Steering Committee be appointed; THAT Council endorse representation on the Steering Committee from the Clarke 'Ibwnship Museum & Archives, the Bowrnanville Museum and the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board; THAT Council request the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board to appoint a member to serve on the Steering Committee; 220 . . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 21 - September 18, 1989 CCM-IDNITY SERVICES THAT Council request each of the Museum Boards to appoint the respective Curators to serve on the Steering Committee; THAT the Director of Community Services, the program/Community Relations Director, the Operations Superintendent and the Long Range Strategic Planner be appointed to serve on the Steering Committee; THAT Councillor Frank Stapleton be appointed to serve on the Steering Committee; and THAT a copy of Report CS-29-89 advising of action taken by Council be forwarded to the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board and the Museum Boards for information. II CARRIED" proposed Municipal Grant Policy Revision File: 10.57.11 Resolution #GPA-679-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seoonded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report CS-30-89 be received; THAT the revised policy and application form as outlined in Schedule II of Report CS-30-89 be endorsed; and THAT the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board be thanked for their contribution to revising the Municipal Grant Process and be forwarded a copy of Report CS-30-89 advising of actions taken by Council. II CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Hannah chaired this portion of the meeting. Councillor Hannah gave a verbal report on the status of Laidlaw Waste Management for the benefit of the Committee. Resolution IGPA-680-89 Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the Director of Works be requested to investigate the requirement for traffic signalization at the intersection of Nash ROad and George Reynolds Drive. II CARRIED" ??1 e . . . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 22 - September 18, 1989 OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-68l-89 M::>ved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT a copy of the Waste Management Master Plan be forwarded to the Tbwn Solicitor for his comments and preparation of a subsequent report. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution *GPA-682-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:44 p.m. IlCARRIED" Chairman, Planning Department Deputy Clerk 222