HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/1989 . TCMN OF NEWCASTLE General Purpose & Administration Committee July 17, 1989 Minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose & Administration Committee held on Monday, July 17, 1989, at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers roLL CALL Present Were: Mayor M. Hubbard COuncillor P. Deegan COuncillor D. Hamre COuncillor L. Hannah COuncillor K. Hooper Councillor F. Stapleton COuncillor A. Wotten . Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (until 3:20 p.m.) Acting Fire Chief, M. Creighton (until 3:20 p.m.) Director of Public Works, W. Evans (until 3:20 p.m.) Deputy Treasurer, J. Rzeszut (until 3:20 p.m.) Director of Planning & Development, F. Wu Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Councillor Hamre introduced and welcomed Mr. David Allman, former Chief Administrator/Clerk Treasurer of the Village of Wellington, hired by the Town of Newcastle as Revenue Supervisor/Tax Collector effective July 17, 1989. MINUTES . Resolution IIGPA-546-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by COuncillor Wotten THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on July 3, 1989 be approved. "CARRIED" Mayor Hubbard introduced Mrs. Yeo who was appointed "Mayor for a Day" through the Orono Museum and expressed the wish that the experience will be beneficial and informative. Resolution iGPA-547-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Mr. and Mrs. Krissa and Roy Forrester be added to the list of delegations. . II CARRIED" 201 j ~/ -- . . . G.P.A. Minutes 2 July 17, 1989 Resolution *GPA-548-89 Moved by Councillor wotten, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Terry Patterson and George Karakokkinos be added to the list of delegations. "CARRIED" PUBLIC HEARINGS As required under the new Planning Act (Section 34 (12)), Council is holding public meetings prior to either adopting or rejecting the following: a) 'Ibwn of Newcastle Official plan - to enable the TOwn to require the conveyance of parkland in accordance with the alternative parkland dedication requirement; b) Proposed zoning By-law Amendment - Part of Lot 31, Concession 3, former TOwnship of Darlington - Kiddicorp Investments; c) Proposed zoning By-law Amendment - Part of Lot 11 and 12, Concession 3, former TOwnship of Clarke - Laidlaw Waste Systems; and d) proposed zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 20, Concession 2, former TOwnship of Darlington - William WOlfe TOmina; e) proposed zoning By-law Amendment - Part of Lots 1 and 2, Concession 1, former TOwnship of Clarke - Michael Stewart & Alan Clarke; f) proposed Official plan Amendment and zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 12, Concession 2, former TOwn of Bowmanville - J. Schwartz; and g) proposed zoning By-law Amendment - adjacent to Lots 14 and 15, Broken Front Concession, former 'Ibwnship of Darlington - St. Mary's Cement. The Chairman asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to these matters. Several people indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with these matters, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Deputy Clerk advised that: a) With respect to the General Amendment pertaining to parkland dedication - Public Notice was placed in three (3) of the local papers on June 28 & 29, 1989. Public Notice for the other applications were mailed to all property owners within 120 metres by June 16, 1989. b) Notices of the public meetings were posted on the properties by June 16, 1989. c) The notices comply with the regulations under the Planning Act. The Chairman announced that any persons wishing further notice of the passage of the by-laws, if passed, to please leave their name, address and telephone number with the Deputy Clerk before they leave. 202 . G.P.A. Minutes 3 July 17, 1989 PUBLIC HEARINGS The purpose and effects of the applications are as follows: a) Official Plan Amendment, General Amendment to the TOwn of Newcastle Official Plan - to provide policies addressing parkland dedication of higher density residential developments. b) Kiddicorp Investments - to amend the current "Environmental protection" and "Holding - Urban Residential Type One" roning to permit the development of 10 semi-detached lots and various blocks. c) Laidlaw Waste Systems - to recognize the existing Land Fill Site and to permit infilling between the existing two (2) land fill nodes. d) William Wolfe - to permit fourteen (14) residential lots fronting on Holt Ibad. ... e) Michael Stewart & Alan Clarke - to amend the current "Agricultural" and "Environmental Protection" zoning to permit nineteen (19) Estate Residential Lots. f) J. Schwartz - to permit a twenty-two (22) unit residential condominium with 2508 sq. m of commercial floor space. g) St. Mary's Cement - to recognize an existing water docking facility, and secondly to permit the expansion of the water dock to include an abutting water lot. The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-laws and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would hear from the objectors, then anyone in support with the applicant speaking last. . a) Official plan Amendment General Amendment to the TOwn of Newcastle Official Plan - Report PD-176-88. JIb one spoke against and no one spoke in support. b) Rezoning DEV 89-38, Lot 31, Concession 3, Darlington - Kiddicorp Developments PD-177-89. JIb one spoke against and no one spoke in support. Mr. Devon Biddle, D.G. Biddle and Associates Ltd., COnsulting Engineers and Architects, 96 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario LlH lE6 was present on behalf of the applicant to answer questions from the Committee. . 203 . . . G.P.A. Minutes 4 July 17, 1989 c) Rezoning DEV 89-44, OPA 89-39 - Laidlaw Waste Systems - Report PD-178-89. David Scott, R.R. #1, Orono, Ontario appeared on behalf of the COmmittee of Clarke Constituents. Mr. Scott who has collected over 1,000 signatures of residents strongly opposed to this development noted that this legal non-conforming use seems to be an "accident of history" and has been in operation since 1971. The following objections were made: 1) this development is not environmentally suitable; 2) the site has never been subjected to a full environmental review process; 3) the development has negative social impact; and 4) there is no justification to rezone this land from Agricultural. John Veldhuis, Chairman, Newcastle/Port Granby Environment COmmittee concurred fully with Mr. David Scott's comments and will continue to work actively towards closing down the Laidlaw facility. Helen MacDonald, R.R. U, Newtonville, ontario LOA lJO-Report PD-178-79 noted that unregulated dumps which have been in operation since the 1970's should be closed. The location of this site and the nearby stream make this use environmentally and socially unacceptable. Mrs. MacDonald requested the Committee to deny this application for Rezoning and Official Plan Amendment. Martha Farrow, R.R.* 1, Newtonville, ontario LOA lJO is a lifelong resident of the area and read her letter dated June 10, 1988 to Mr. Roy Forrester, Orono Times. She fears well-water contamination and noted that the location of a garbage dump in close proximity of the watersheds is deplorable. Judy Lynn, R.R. #1, Newtonville, ontario LOA lJO concurred with Mr. David Scott and Mrs. Helen MacDonald's comments. Terry MacKenzie, Box 165, Newtonville, ontario LOA IJO appeared on behalf of her one year old daughter and pleaded with the Committee to vote against the Laidlaw proposal. Norman Berson, R.R. *1, Orono, Ontario LOA IJO a one-year resident of the area, voiced opposition to this project because of the noise emanating therefrom and the devaluation of his property associated therewith. 'Ibm Kind, R.R. U, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA lJO moved to this area three years ago to create a healthy environment for his three young children and believes that the truck traffic will be hazardous to his family. No one spoke in support. J.D. Kennedy, Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Limited, 275 Duncan Mill lbad, Don Mills, Ontario, M3B 2Yl appeared before the Committee on behalf of Laidlaw Waste Systems and noted that Laidlaw has attempted to address and resolve the concerns of the residents: 1) truck traffic - the proposal will generate one more truck per day; 2) noise - earth berms will be erected to lower noise levels; 3) dust - roads will be watered and windbreaks created; 4) visual impact - approximately 2,000 trees will be planted; 5) adverse environmental effects - water samples are taken regularly which . indicate that levels do not exceed ontario water objectives. 204 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 5 July 17, 1989 Mr. Kennedy believes that it is possible for Laidlaw to operate the site in an environmentally sound manner. d) William WOlfe 'Ibmina - Report PD-179-89. Mrs. Huber, R.R. #6, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K7 a twenty-year resident, owns property located south of the proposed development. She noted concerns relating to water runoff, pollution of wells and increase in property taxes. Joan Watts, R.R. #6, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K7 resides across the street from the proposed development and has operated a dog kennel on this location for one year. She worries that future residents will complain about barking dogs in her kennel. No support was expressed. william WOlfe, 7 Elmira COurt, Willowdale, Ontario, M2K 2Tl, the applicant's agent was present to answer questions from the committee. Resolution #GPA-548-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor wotten THAT the Committee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIEDII The meeting reconvened at 11:05 a.m. e) Michael Stewart and Allan Clarke - Report PD-180-89. No one was present to speak in objection or in support and the applicant was not present. f) Schwartz - PD-18l-89. Larry Goertzen, 94 Wellington Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC IV7 circulated a petition with approximately 200 names of people opposed to this proposal. Mr. Goertzen feels that this development will adversely impact traffic and that a park for senior citizens would be a desirable alternative. carmen Irwin, 48 Division Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 2Z6 is an adjacent neighbour of the development which he feels is premature and should receive input from residents. Mr. Irwin would prefer residential rather than commercial development. R. Walters, 45 Division Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 2Z5 formerly a member of the committee of Adjustment. Mr. Walters has been a resident since 1952 and feels that this development is not compatible with the surrounding homes which have been designated under the Heritage Act. Mr. Walter's concerns include garbage, traffic and noise. 205 . G.P.A. Minutes 6 July 17, 1989 PUBLIC HEARINGS Hugh Nind, 46 Division Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 2Z6 a resident since 1973 advised the Committee that he opposes this application because of the noise and the garbage which will be generated from the proposed development. Doug Dewell, 72 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3A9 stated that he has no objection to the proposed use but is distressed that a historical building will be lost in the process. He feels that the heritage building should be rehabilitated and incorporated into the new project. Jane Eccles, 38 COncession Street west, Bomwanville, Ontario, LIC lY5, Visual Arts Teacher, appeared on behalf of ten local artists and stated that the building on this site is the last element of a historical monument in the TOwn of Newcastle. She requested the Committee to historically research the building, allocate the appropriate commercial space and seek the help of local artists for this process. . Evelyn stroud, 89 Little Avenue, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C lJ9 is a frequent user of the library and stated that the present parking facilities are inadequate and therefore fears that a bad situation may become worse. Lloyd Grovun, 86 Wellington Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC lV7 strongly opposes the commercial aspect of this development because Wellington Street is a residential street. Convenience stores and fast food outlets will create an intrusion on surrounding residents and cause parking problems and traffic hazards to children. Mr. Grovun requested that a meeting be held between the developer and the residents. No one spoke in support of this application. . Mr. Larry Gold, 2040 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor, TOronto, Ontario, M4S lZ9 advised the Committee that the intention of the developer is to make Bowmanville the best place to live and work. The property currently has an industrial designation and the intent is to replace the existing use with one which can be made compatible with the existing neighbourhood. The developer will deliver a quality project in conjunction with the concerns of the surrounding residents. Mr. Jason Schwartz, 2040 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor, 'Ibronto, Ontario, M4S lZ9 explained that this prestige development will not be conducive to convenience stores or fast food outlets. The concourse and second floor will provide shopping facilities and the two top floors will house twenty-one condominium units which will provide integrated living space. The garbage container will be housed and a large patio surrounded by trees will be combined with the parking lot. Flora Qnino, 11 Finch Avenue west, 'Ibronto, Ontario described the decor of the proposed building and condominium units which will be occupied by business professionals and "empty nesters". Each condominium unit will have its own balcony and occupants will have the use of a hobby or party room. . 206 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 7 July 17, 1989 PUBLIC HEARINGS g) St. Mary's Cement. Gordon White, P.O. Box 100, Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3K8 appeared on behalf of the Port Darlington Committee comprised of forty members whose main purpose is to enhance the quality of life of the local residents. Mr. White advised that surrounding residents can see, hear, smell and cleanup the effects of St. Mary's Cement operation. Mr. White noted that all surrounding residents are adversely affected and requested the following: 1) a full environmental assessment hearing of the proposal; and 2) that the committee's decision be withheld until such time as the residents are given an opportunity to discuss the proposal with representatives of St. Mary's Cement. David Ashcroft, Group 5, Box 36, R.R. i2, aowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K3, Secretary of the Cedar Crest Beach Association and three year resident advised that he has endured constant problems pertaining to dust, noise and hazardous traffic situations because of St. Mary's Cement operation. He advised that the proposed development will change the shoreline configuration, will adversely affect the natural shoreline habitat and fish, generate more dust and increase the level of irritating noise emanating from machinery. Brian Patch, 37 Cedar Crest Beach Road, Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3K3, is the most immediately affected neighbour and has experienced the following: 1) increased air and lake pollution; 2) beach erosion; 3) hazardous vehicular traffic situation; 4) sea gulls and associated problems; 5) irritating noise; and 6) blasts emanating from St. Mary's Cement. No one spoke in support. william Biddle, D.G. Biddle and Associates, 734 Anderson Street, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 5R5 appeared on behalf of the applicant and displayed site plans of the proposed development. He noted that the proposal will be environmentally superior to the existing facility and that the belt conveyor will replace the need for trucks to transport cement. He requested the Committee to approve the rezoning to recognize the existing uses. He will ensure that Council's interests are protected. Resolution iGPA-549-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT the Committee recess of a half hour lunch break. 11 CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 1:05 p.m. 207 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 8 July 17, 1989 DELEGATIONS Valerie Mutton, 1 Division Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3K8 re: Report PD-184-89, advised the Committee that the fourplex purchased by Mary Pike in 1986 was already in existence. A new septic system was installed in 1987. Mrs. Mutton requested that the application be referred back to staff and approved. Stan Barber, R.R. U, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO re: Report PD-193-89, voiced opposition to the Reid/Reynaert application for the following reasons: 1) the quantity and quality of well water will be jeopardized; 2) growth should take place in existing hamlets; 3) residential growth is faster than proper planning can allow: and 4) flooding and erosion of the creek onto adjacent properties will occur. Martha Farrow, R.R. U, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA lJO re: Report PD-193-89, expressed concerns which include pollution of fresh water, air pollution and conservation of trees and natural environment. Dr. Julia Holt, R.R. iI, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO was called but was not present. Catherine Guselle, R.R. iI, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO re: PD-193-89, appeared on behalf of the SAGA Committee and circulated a letter outlining the objectives of this COmmittee. She noted that although this application has met the criteria of diverse agencies it does not meet the requirements of the community. She requested that a hydrological study be undertaken and that the Committee take a stand of being proactive rather than reactive. Julian Ibwan, R.R. n, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA lJO re: Report PD-193-89, advised that he will protest any application for development in the Ganaraska area which should be environmentally protected. Charlie Morrison, president, Oshawa Ski Club, c/o P.O. Box 201, Oshawa, Ontario, LlN 7Ll re: Report PD-193-89, reiterated opposition to the Reid/Reynaert application. He referred to a petition containing 1,105 signatures which was previously circulated in opposition to this proposal. He feels that the night skiing lighting and the noise from snow making devices will generate complaints from future residents. He feels that an accoustical study should have been undertaken prior to approval of this application. Elva Reid, R.R. iI, Kendal, Ontario, LOA lED re: Report PD-193-89, owns property to the south and to the east of the proposed development and stated that she is opposed to this proposal because farm lands and water resources should be preserved. J. Teeninga, R.R. is, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIe 3K6 re: Report PD-185-89, advised that the only agency opposed to this severance was the Region of Durham and requested the Committee to approve this application. 208 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 9 July 17, 1989 DELEGATIONS Ruth Weyrich, Maple Knoll Farm, R.R. U, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO re: Report PD-193-89, circulated a letter to the Committee which stated that she does not object to the ReidjReynaert application provided that the following concerns are adhered to: 1) a pond is situated in close proximity to Mr. Reid's property; 2) a honey bee operation which has been in place for nineteen years; and 3) the operation of farm machinery equipment. Bill Reid, R.R. iI, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO, re: Report PD-193-89, the applicant, appeared before the Committee and requested approval of his application. Mr. Krissa, was called but was not present. Roy Forrester, R.R. iI, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO, expressed concerns regarding the conservation and protection of the wetlands in the Ganaraska area. Terry Patterson, 31 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario LlC lNl, advised that she is a single mother of two children and has been receiving financial social assistance for tl>U years. She has been offered a permanent position with the Hastings County Board of Education and must relocate to Belleville. She has been requested to give first and last month's rent but cannot afford the last month rent. She has approached several agencies including politicians and members of the news media. The reason for bringing this to the attention of the local politicians is to make the statement that our system, which involves diverse agencies in different municipalities, makes it very difficult for people to better themselves. Mrs. Patterson advised that she, today, has received financial assistance. George Karrokokinos, G.M. Sernas & Associates, 110 Scotia COurt, Unit 41, Whitby, Ontario LIN 8Y7, requested the Committee to table Report PD-187-89 until September 5, 1989. 209 . G.P.A. Minutes 10 July 17, 1989 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. proPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE 'I'CWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN ALTERNATIVE PARKLAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS - FILE: 60.30.2 Resolution *GPA-550-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-176-89 be received, THAT the proposed amendment to the Official plan for the former 'Ibwnship of Darlington (now referred to as the 'Ibwn of Newcastle Official Plan) with respect to alternative parkland dedication requirements as contained in Attachment *1 be recommended to the Region of Durham for approval; ~ THAT By-law 79-69 governing parkland dedication be repealed, that a new By-law be approved to incorporate the alternative parkland dedication requirements and that the new By-law as contained in Attachment *2 be brought forward to Council at such time as the Official Plan Amendment is approved by the Region of Durham and the Minister of Municipal Affairs; and THAT the Region of Durham be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report PD-176-89. "CARRIED" REZONING APPLICATION - KIDDICORP INVESTMENTS LTD. PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 3, FORMER 'I'CWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: 60.35.522 Resolution *GPA-55l-89 . Moved by Mayor Hubbard seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-177-89 be received, THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by D. G. Biddle and Associates Ltd. on behalf of Kiddicorp Investments Ltd, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the interested parties attached to Report PD-177-89. "CARRIEDII . 210 . G.P.A. Minutes II - July 17, 1989 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS (DURHAM) LTD. PART LOTS 11 AND 12, CONCESSION 3, FORMER 'I'CWNSHIP OF CLARKE FILES: 60.30.113, 635.535 Resolution #GPA-552-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard seconded by COuncillor Hooper THAT Report pD-178-89 be received; THAT Official plan Amendment Application 89-39/D and Rezoning Application DEV 89-44 submitted by Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all circulation comments and technical information; . THAT a copy of Report PD-178-89 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Assessment Branch and to the interested parties indicated in Report PD-178-89; and THAT Report PD-178-89 be referred to the Town Solicitor, Senior Staff and necessary outside agencies in order to review the geotechnical information provided by the applicant. "CARRIED" APPLICATION TO AMEND DURHAM REGION OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICATION TO AMEND BY-LAW 84-63 APPLICATION FOR PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - MR. JOE 'KMINA PART LOT 20, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TCMNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILES: 60.46.241, 60.35.527, 60.30.223 Resolution iGPA-553-89 Moved by COuncillor Hannah seconded by COuncillor Stapleton . THAT Report PD-179-89 be received; THAT the applications for OPA File 89-38/D, zoning by-law amendment - DEV 89-47 and plan of Subdivision 18T-89025, submitted by William WOlfe on behalf of Joe 'Ibmina, to permit the development of fourteen (14) residential lots to be serviced individually by private sewage disposal systems and a drilled well, be referred back to Staff for a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the applicant and applicant's agent be so advised. "CARRIEDII . 211 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 12 - July 17, 1989 REZONING DEV 89-50 - MICHAEL STEWART AND ALLAN CLARKE PART LOT 1 AND 2, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TCmNSHIP OF CLARKE FILE: 60.35.531 Resolution #GPA-554-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton seconded by COuncillor Deegan THAT Report PD-180-89 be received; THAT the application for zoning by-law amendment DEV 89-50, submitted by Michael Stewart and Allan Clarke to permit the development of a 19 lot Estate Residential plan of Subdivision be referred back to Staff for a subsequent Staff Report, pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT the applicants be informed of Council's decision. II CARRIED" Rezoning/Site plan and Official plan Amendment Applications J. Schwartz - Temperance and Wellington Streets, Bowmanville Files: 60.35.533, 60.30.221 Resolution iGPA-555-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard seconded by COuncillor wotten THAT Report PD-181-89 be received; THAT the application to amend the Tbwn of Newcastle Official Plan and Comprehensive zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by J. Schwartz on behalf of Specialty Paper Products Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; THAT the applicant be advised of Council's decision; THAT the delegations be acknowledged and advised of actions taken; and THAT a meeting be held between the applicant, Planning Staff and the residents to address their concerns. "CARRIEDII 212 . G.P.A. Minutes 14 July 17, 1989 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Application - Mary pike Part Lot 18, Concession 1, Former TOwnship of Darlington File: 60.35.504 Resolution iGPA-558-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-184-89 be received; THAT the rezoning application submitted by Mary Pike to recognize and permit the continuation of the four (4) existing apartment units in one building be denied; THAT the applicant and those people on the list attached to Report PD-184-89 be advised; and . THAT the delegation be acknowledged and advised of actions taken. "CARRIED" Rezoning Application - Jakob Teeninga Part Lots 9/10, Concession 3, Former 'Ibwnship of Darlington File: 60.35.521 Resolution iGPA-559-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-185-89 be received; THAT the application submitted by Jakob Teeninga to amend the TOwn of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning By-law 84-63 to permit the creation of one (1) non-farm residential lot be denied; . THAT the applicant be so advised; and THAT the delegation be acknowledged and advised of actions taken. "CARRIED" . 214 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 15 July 17, 1989 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Resolution iGPA-560-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-186-89 be received; THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the lbwn of Newcastle recommends approval of the draft plan of subdivision 18T-88076 dated July, 1988 as revised in red, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 to Report PD-186-89; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the applicant/owner and the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Planning; and THAT a copy of Report PD-186-89 be forwarded to the Reg ion of Durham and that all interested parties attached to Report PD-186-89 be notified of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Application for Subdivision Approval and Zoning By-law Amendment Nor-Arm Developments - Part Lot 9, COncession l, Bowmanville Files: 60.35.473, 60.46.237 Resolution iGPA-56l-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-187-89 be tabled until September 5, 1989. II CARRIED" Application for Subdivision Approval - Liza Developments Part Lot 9, Concession 2, Town of Bowmanville File: 60.35.510 Resolution iGPA-562-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report PD-188-89 be received; THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the 'Ibwn of Newcastle recommends approval of the draft plan of subdivision 18T-890l3 dated March 1989 as revised in red, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 to Report PD-188-89; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law, to execute the Subdivision Agreement between the applicant of proposed draft plan of subdivision 18T-890l3 or any subsequent owner and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at such time as an Agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public WOrks and Director of Planning and Development; ?] 5, . . . . G.P.A. Minutes July 17, 1989 16 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT THAT the amendment to By-law 84-63 attached to Report PD-188-89 be APPROVED and that the "Holding (H)" symbol be removed by By-law upon execution of a Subdivision Agreement; and THAT a copy of Report PD-188-89 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and interested parties attached to Report PD-188-89. "CARRIED" Removal of "Holding (H)" Symbol from "( (H) Cl)" Lands 790255 Ontario Limited and 803647 ontario Limited (Formerly pinetree Development Co.) - Part Lot 30, Concession 2, Former ~wnship of Darlington File: 60.35.334 Resolution tGPA-563-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton seconded by COuncillor Hannah THAT Report PD-189-89 be received; THAT the rezoning application submitted by pinetree Development requesting the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject lands within Part Lot 30, Concession 2, former ~wnship of Darlington, to permit the development of a commercial building on municipal services be APPROVED and the by-law attached to Report PD-189-89 be forwarded to Council for approval; and THAT the applicant be so advised. "CARRIED" Exemption from Part Lot Control - Subdivision 18T-87002 penwest Development (Phase III - 10M-825) Part Lot 30, COncession 1, Former 'Ibwnship of Clarke File: 60.46.222 Resolution tGPA-564-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-190-89 be received; THAT the request submitted by G.M. Sernas & Associates on behalf of penwest Development Corporation Limited for removal of Part Lot Control on Lots 41 to 46 inclusive on Plan 10M-825, be APPROVED; THAT the by-law attached to Report PD-190-89 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 49, Subsection (7) of the Planning Act; and THAT G.M. Sernas and Associates be so advised. IlCARRIED" 216 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes July 17, 1989 17 - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Request for Removal of One Foot Reserve Mr. & Mrs. W. Hills - Lot 22, Concession 7, Former rbwnship of Darlington - File: 16.7.179 Resolution tGPA-565-89 Moved by councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-191-89 be received; THAT the request for the removal of One Foot Reserve by Mr. & Mrs. Hills with respect to a 25.3 acre property located at Part of Lot 22, Concession 7, former Tbwnship of Darlington be APPROVED subject to Mr. & Mrs. Hills being responsible for all survey and legal costs; and THAT Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Hills and their solicitor, Mr. Ronald Worboy, be advised of Council's decision. IlCARRIED" Information Report of Rezoning Applications for the Month of May, 1989 - File: 60.35.9 Resolution iGPA-566-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-192-89 be received for information. II CARRIED" Mayor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting. Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application, James C. Reynaert Part Lot 15, COncession 7, Former Township of Clarke Files: 60.30.209, 60.35.490 Resolution iGPA-567-89 THAT Report PD-193-89 be received; THAT the application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan submitted by James C. Reynaert to permit the development of a fourteen (14) lot estate residential subdivision be recommended to the Region of Durham for approval; THAT the proposed zoning By-law Amendment to the rbwn of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning By-law, as amended, be approved and the necessary by-law amendment be forwarded to Council at such time as the Official plan amendment has been approved by the Region; 717 ~ . . . G.P.A. Minutes July 17, 1989 18 - PLANNING & DEVEWPMENT THAT a copy of Report PD-193-89 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the interested parties attached to Report PD-193-89 be informed of Council's decision; and THAT the delegations be acknowledged and advised of actions taken. "CARRIED" (SEE FOLLC:WING MOTION) Resolution 'GPA-566-89 Moved by COuncillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the following clause be added to the Reid/Reynaert Estate Residential Agreements: "Purchasers of homes must waive all rights of objection to noise, lights and hours of operation of the Oshawa Ski Club located in close proximity of this development." MOTION LOST Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Status Report - South Court ice Servicing Feasibility Study Special Study Area NO. 11 - Interim Control By-law File: 60.35.5 Resolution fGPA-569-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-194-89 be received; THAT the by-law attached to Report PD-194-89 to amend Interim Control By-law 88-132 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT NOtice of the passing of the said by-law be forwarded to property owners within the affected area and within 120 metres of the area to which the by-law applies pursuant to Ontario Regulation 405/83 made under the Planning Act, 1983; THAT a copy of the said by-law be forwarded to the Commissioner of planning, Region of Durham and to the Director of the plans Administration Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs; and THAT a copy of Report PD-194-89 be forwarded to the Region of Durham. II CARRIED" 218 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 19 - July 17, 1989 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Courtice West Highway i2 Corridor Study Phase 1 - File: 18.41.100 Resolution iGPA-570-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-195-89 and the Phase 1 Report of the Courtice West Highway i2 Corridor Study be received; THAT staff be authorized to notify landowners in the Study Area and within 120m of the Study Area of the completion of the Phase 1 Report, and invite public comment on the document; and THAT staff be authorized to take all necessary steps to convene a Public Hearing at the earliest possible opportunity. "CARRIED" Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for June 1989 - File: 56.49.3 Resolution iGPA-57l-89 Moved by Councillor WOtten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-196-89 be received for information. "CARRIEDII By-law Enforcement M::mthly Report for June, 1989 - File: 10.13.6 Resolution iGPA-572-89 Moved by COuncillor wotten, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-197-89 be received for information. II CARRIED" parking Enforcement Monthly Report for June, 1989 File: 77.39.3 Resolution tGPA-573-89 Moved by Councillor WOtten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-198-89 be received for information. "CARRIEDII 219 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes July 17, 1989 20 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Resolution tGPA-574-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah WHEREAS the Council of the 1bwn of Newcastle has identified the importance of attracting economic development opportunities to the 1bwn as a priority item and has taken various steps in this regard; and WHEREAS other municipalities have had the advantage of benefitting economically from the location of specialized focal points of activity which facilitate the attraction of employment opportunities; NCW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle that the Mayor and appropriate staff be authorized to investigate the feasibility and economic benefit of locating a municipal airport within the 'Ibwn of Newcastle and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee as soon as possible. "CARRIED" TREASURY Councillor Deegan chaired this portion of the meeting. Cash Activity Report - May, 1989 Part A - File: 10.57.9 Resolution iGPA-575-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor WJtten THAT Report TR-56-89 be received; THAT in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to COmmittee that the cash position of the 1bwn of Newcastle for the month ended May 31, 1989 is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR-56-89; and THAT Part A of the expenditures for the month of May, 1989 be confirmed. "CARRIED" 220 . G.P.A. Minutes 21 - July 17, 1989 TREASURY Confidential Report - TR-65-89 Resolution tGPA-576-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by COuncillor Stapleton THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report TR-65-89 be approved. IlCARRIED" Co-Operative Tender - Fuel Oil File: 10.2.8 Resolution tGPA-577-89 . Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report TR-66-89 be received; THAT Oilco Petroleum Group Inc., Whitby, Ontario, with a net unit price in the amount of $ .1895 per litre, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board Co-Operative Tender, be awarded the contract to supply and deliver No. 2 Domestic Fuel Oil to the Town of Newcastle for the 1989/90 winter season; and THAT the funds expended be drawn from the 1989/90 budget allocation for heating of facilities. "CARRIED" proposed Photocopier Lease - Fire Department File: 10.2.7 . Resolution tGPA-578-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton, seconded by COuncillor Hannah THAT Report TR-67-89 be received; THAT Council accept the written proposal (Attachment "An), from Gestetner Inc., Richmond Hill, Ontario, (Dana COmmercial Credit Canada Inc.), to lease one (l) only M:Xlel 2325 ZD with twenty (20) bin sorter, at a monthly cost of $212.78 plus Provincial Sales Tax, for a period of sixty (60) months with a buyout option of $10.00 at the sixtieth (60th) month; . 221 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 22 - July 17, 1989 TREASURY THAT the procedures set out in the Purchasing By-law #82-92 Section 5, Paragraph 04, be waived for this particular transaction; THAT the By-law (Attachment "B" to Report TR-67-89) authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreement be approved; THAT in accordance with Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, authorization be obtained from the Ontario Municipal Board prior to the execution of this Agreement; and THAT the funds be drawn from the Fire Administration Office Supply Account #7102-00001-0101 for which lease payments were budgeted for. "CARRIEDII Tender T89-26, One (1) Only Contractors Dump Body File: 10.2.8 Resolution fGPA-579-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report TR-69-89, be received; THAT Frink Canada, Cambridge, Ontario, with a total bid of $10,156.32, being the most responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T89-26, be awarded the contract to supply and deliver one (1) only COntractors Dump Body to the Town of Newcastle as required by the Department of Public WOrks; and THAT the funds be drawn from the approved 1989 Public Works Fleet Account. "CARRIED" Tender T89-24, Supply and Installation of Snow plow Harness, Plows and Wings - File: 10.2.8 Resolution iGPA-580-89 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report TR-70-89 be tabled to the next meeting of Council to be held on July 24, 1989. "CARRIEDI1 222 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 23 July 17, 1989 FIRE DEPARIMENT Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. Confidential Report FD-13-89 File: 10.10.99 Resolution tGPA-58l-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report FD-13-89 be approved. IlCARRIED" PUBLIC WORKS Councillor Hannah chaired this portion of the meeting. Kiddicorp Investments Limited and Rorero Limited (Blackcreek Developments) Plan M-756 'Certificate of Acceptance' - Roadways and Storm Sewer System File: 60.46.227 Resolution tGPA-582-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by COuncillor Stapleton THAT Report WD-64-89 be received; and THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the storm sewers, roads and other related works within plan 10M-756. II CARRIED" 223 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 24 July 17, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS Betty Jo King and 594829 Ontario Limited plan lOM-762 - 'Certificate of Acceptance' Roadways and Storm Sewer System - File: 60.46.135 Resolution #GPA-583-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by COuncillor Hamre THAT Report WD-65-89 be received; and THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the storm sewers, roads and other related works within Plan lOM-762. "CARRIEDII Information Centre: Reconstruction of Concession Street from Liberty Street to Mann Street, Bowmanville File: 18.2.113 Resolution iGPA-584-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report WD-66-89 be received for information; THAT a copy of Report WD-66-89 be sent to all residents who attended the information centre. II CARRIED" Information Centre: Reconstruction of Arthur Street from North of Andrew Street to Highway #2 Village of Newcastle - File: 18.2.119 Resolution #GPA-585-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by COuncillor Stapleton THAT Report WD-67-89 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report WD-67-89 be sent to all residents who attended the information centre. "CARRIED" 224 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 25 July 17, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS Unnamed Streets - Frederick Cubitt plan (1856) 788213 Ontario Inc. Purchase from Knapp Part Lot 17, Broken Front COncession Former Darlington 'Ibwnship, Town of Newcastle File: 16.7.181 Resolution *GPA-586-89 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report WD-68-89 be approved; THAT the 'Ibwn's Solicitor advise any COurt to which any application may be made concerning ownership of or an interest in any roads laid out on Cubitt's Plan (1856) that the Tbwn claims no interest, therein; THAT William C. King, B.A.L.L.B., acting on behalf of the purchasers and George Boychyn, Q.C., acting on behalf of the vendors, be advised of Council's decision; and THAT the 'Ibwn's solicitor take whatever action is necessary. "CARRIED" The Director of Works was requested to have the road swept and brushed at the junction of ontario and Liberty Streets. Pursuant to the presentation made by Charlie Morrison, President of the Oshawa Ski Club, wherein he stated that the left turn lane into Gate 4 of the Oshawa Ski Club could create a hazardous traffic situation, the Director of Works was requested to investigate the situation and prepare a report for the consideration of the General Purpose and Administration COmmittee at a future meeting. ADMINISTRATION Mayor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting. Report ADMIN-17-89 - File: 16.19.120 Resolution *GPA-587-89 Moved by COuncillor Hamre, seconded by COuncillor Hannah THAT the recommendations contained in COnfidential Report ADMIN-17-89 be approved. "CARRIEDIl 225 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes 26 - July 17, 1989 AI>>!INISTRATION Interim Adjust to Lot Levy File: 60.2.1 Resolution tGPA-588-89 M::lved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by COuncillor Hannah THAT Report AI>>!IN-18-89 be received; THAT the By-law attached to Report ADMIN-18-89 detailing the new lot levy rate be passed; and THAT Cam Watson and Associates be retained to a maximum of $25,000. to assist TOwn Staff in conducting a comprehensive review to arrive at new levy rates for 1990 and the funds be drawn from Reserve Account for Professional Fees (2900-21-X) . "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution tGPA-589-89 M::lved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by COuncillor Hannah THAT the delegations be acknowledged and advised of actions taken. IlCARRIED" Resolution tGPA-590-89 M::lved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor wotten THAT the Committee go "In Camera". "CARRIED" Resolution tGPA-591-89 M::lved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor wotten THAT the actions taken "In Camera" be approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution tGPA-592-89 M::lved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by COuncillor WOtten THAT the meeting adjourn at 3: 55 p.m. "CARRIED" 226