HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/2005 Clw:..pn DATE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 200S TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRAYERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of a meeting of Council held on October 24, 2005 DELEGATION a) Glenda Gies - Correspondence Item D-6 and Addendum to Report EGD-OSO-04 - Port Darlington Waterfront Park - Conceptual Master Plan (Unfinished Business) COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information I - 1 Sheila Hall, Membership Services, Clarington Board of Trade - Donation on Behalf of Council I - 2 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - October 18, 2005 1-3 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Trail Systems on Municipal, Provincial, Federal and Privately Owned Lands I - 4 Lakeridge Health - "Places for Care: A Roadmap For Better Hospital Care Close To Home For GTA/90S Residents" I - 5 Veridian Corporation - Hurricane Wilma 1-6 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation - July 27,2005 I - 7 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade - October 11, 200S I - 8 Roger Anderson, President, Association Municipalities of Ontario - "Ontario's $3 Billion Provincial Municipal Fiscal Gap... Needs a Solution." CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 Council Agenda - 2 - November 14, 2005 I - 9 Municipal Property Assessment Corporation - Ombudsman's Office Investigation 1- 10 Tim Jones, Mayor, Town of Aurora - "Building Character: A Community's Success Story." 1- 11 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Arterial Corridor Guidelines Study 1-12 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Management of Abandoned Aggregate Properties 1- 13 FM. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Monitoring of Growth Trends 1- 14 The Honourable David Ramsay, Minister of Natural Resources - Darlington Provincial Park 1- 15 Dr. D.L. Reynolds, Associate Medical Officer of Health and Jason Garay, Epidemiologist, Region of Durham - Snapshot on Vaccine Preventable Diseases 1- 16 Bernard Moyle, Fire Marshal of Ontario and Chairperson, Fire Marshal's Public Fire Safety Council - Schools Out... Safely Out! Fire Drill 1- 17 Paul Zed, Member of Parliament for Saint John - Nuclear Waste Management Organization I - 18 Lakeridge Health - Report to Members October 200S Newsletter 1- 19 GTN905 Healthcare Alliance - "Places for Care: Towards a Health Care Strategy for High Growth Regions" I - 20 Lakeridge Health - Healing Hands Busy Book I - 21 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee - September 1S, 2005 I - 22 Mary Tillcock, Run Day Organizer, Terry Fox Run - 25th Anniversary of Terry's Marathon of Hope I - 23 George Armstrong, Manager of Regulatory Affairs and Key Projects, Veridian Corporation - Trial of Smart Meter Technology 1-24 Sandy Archibald, Chair, Women on Course Committee - Thank you for Sponsorship of 2006 Women on Course Event 1-25 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Highway 407 East Completion Environment Assessment (EA) Council Agenda - 3 - November 14, 2005 I - 26 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade - September 12, 2005 I - 27 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade - September 26, 2005 I - 28 Mark Mattson, President and Waterkeeper, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper - Annual Beach Monitoring Program for 2005 I - 29 Steve Jacobs, Senior Project Manager, URS Canada Inc. - Planning and Preliminary Design Study - Highway 35 I - 30 Patrick Olive, Commissioner, Economic Development & Tourism Department, Region of Durham - .'1urhamYorkRuraIUrban Summit ",- 1-31 Debbie Zimmerman, Chair, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, Board of Directors - 2005 Assessment Notices to Ontario Property Owners I - 32 Minutes of the Clarington Youth Advisory Committee - October 19, 2005 Receive for Direction D - 1 Linda Laliberte, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - 2006 Preliminary Budget D - 2 Ian Macnab. Chief Administrative Officer, Kawartha Conservation - 2006 Operating Budget and Special Benefiting Capital Projects D - 3 Craig Nicholson - Proclamation of Get Ready For Snowmobiling Week D - 4 Roxy Barnes - Miller Waste Systems' Bloomington Site D - 5 Shane Morris - Resignation from the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee D - 6 Glenda Gies. President, Port Darlington Community Association Inc.- Addendum to Report EGD-050-04 - Port Darlington Waterfront Park - Conceptual Master Plan D - 7 John Godfrey, Minister of State and Roger Anderson, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) - Groundbreaking Agreement under the Government of Canada's New Deal for Cities and Communities D - 8 Laurie Lazenby, Secretary, Navy League of Canada, Bowmanville and District Branch, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps #279 - Tag Days D - 9 Bob Foster - Harvey Jackson Memorial Park in Kendal Council Agenda - 4- November 14, 2005 D - 10 Rick Growden, Market Area General Manager, Waste Management of Canada Corporation - Miller Waste's Organic Material Processing Facility at 1848 Baseline Road, Clarington D - 11 Keith Coulter, Commissioner, Correctional Service Canada - Proclamation of Restorative Justice Week D - 12 Liz Dowdeswell, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization - Nuclear Waste Management Organization Draft Study Report "Choosing a Way Forward" D - 13 F;rank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle-Bond Head Ratepayers Association - Double Digit Tax I ncrea::;e D - 14 The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay - Influenza Outbreaks D - 15 James and Catherine Mailer - Assessments D - 16 Inky Mark, M.P., Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette - Recreational Hunting and Fishing Rights for all Canadians D - 17 Bill Hasiuk - Annual Farmer's Christmas Procession of Lights D - 18 Zena Burns - Grandparents' Rights D - 19 Confidential Property Matter MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of November 14, 2005 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Addendum to Report EGD-050-04 - Port Darlington Waterfront Park- Conceptual Master Plan (Tabled at the Council Meeting of October 24, 2005) OTHER BUSINESS BY-LAWS BY-LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT 01] Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2005 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on October 24,2005, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Absent: Also Present: Mayor J. Mutton Councillor A. Foster Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor G. Robinson Councillor J. Schell CiJuncillor C. Trim Councillor P. Pingle Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (attended until 9:05 p.m.) Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Operations, F. Horvath (attended until 9:05 p.m.) Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano (attended until 9:05 p.m.) Director of FinancefTreasurer, N. Taylor (attended until 9:05 p.m.) Director of Emergency Services, G. Weir (attended until 9:05 p.m.) Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, H. Keyzers (attended until 9:05 p.m.) Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated for this meeting. MINUTES Resolution #C-463-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on October 11, 2005, be approved. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -2- October 24, 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT Mayor Mutton advised that Caledon Propane pled guilty at the Technical Safety and Standards Authority hearing. They were fined two counts of improper handling of propane and received two years probation and a $30,000 fine. PRESENTATION John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, appeared before Council to provide an update of Provincial activities. Mr. O'Toole's delegation highlighted the following topics: . GO Transit and bus link; . Water Pollution Control Plant; . Affordable housing; . Assessment portion/tax rates; . 407 Link; . Ramp from southbound 35/115 to Taunton Road; . GO rail; . Bill 125 - Spreading of Sewage Sludge; . NASCAR services; and . Ethanol plant for Durham. Resolution #C-464-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Brian Seaton, Belinda Helmer, Kevin Taylor and Mavis Carlton be added to the list of delegations; and THAT Report #5, Confidential verbal report of the solicitor be added to the agenda. "CARRIED" DELEGATIONS Valentine Lovekin appeared before Council on behalf of the Newcastle BIA regarding the proposed Newcastle Library. Mr. Lovekin noted that although he recognizes the vision that Council has and that he supports the concept of the library, he has the following issues: 1. Council should look at the sites proposed in the context of the economic development of Clarington. He has concerns with the impact on the downtown core; 2. Proposed site has great expansion possibility. This may not be an appropriate concern. Newcastle will grow but the library does not have to grow at the same pace; Council Meeting Minutes -3- October 24, 2005 DELEGATIONS 3. Introduction of the Green Belt Act. Council should not be eyeing green space for development when there is undeveloped land; and 4. A Traffic Study should be completed to compare sites for safety issues. Mr. Lovekin is requesting Council to keep the proposed Newcastle Library in the downtown core. Brian Seaton appeared before Council representing the Hampton Citizen's Association regarding Report OPD-014-05. He advised Council that the Association has exhausted t~:;;~ funding capabilities and requested Council to approve the recommendations contained in the report. Belinda Helmer appeared before Council on behalf of Wiggers Custom Yachts Ltd. regarding the Addendum to Report EGD-050-04. Ms. Helmer stated that they have not been given enough time to review the report and that the maps attached are not clearly legible. She is requesting that they receive a proper sized copy of Attachment #2 to Addendum to Report EGD-050-04, and that this report be deferred for one week to allow review of the requested material. Kevin Taylor appeared before Council regarding the Addendum to Report EGD-050-04. He is requesting that he be advised of any further changes to the Port Darlington Waterfront Park Conceptual Master Plan. Mavis Carlton appeared before Council regarding the Addendum to Report EGD-050-04. Ms. Carlton noted that she has been working towards having a waterfront park for years and is sorry that it has taken Council so long to agree with the concept. She noted that she has concerns pertaining to parking. Resolution #C-465-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Council recess for 5 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes -4- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-466-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the communications to be received for information be approved as per the agenda. I - 1 C06.LA 1-2 A04.GE 1- 3 F22.GE 1-4 C06.CL 1-5 E05.GE 1-6 A01.AS "CARRIED" Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee meeting dated September 20, 2005. Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council that municipal councillors and waste management staff are urged to attend the free Ontario Recycler Workshop to be held on November 3, 2005, to learn more about the Effectiveness & Efficiency Fund and new cost containment measures that will impact their Blue Box programs. Greg Martino, Account Manager, Municipal Relations, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, advising Council that this fall, every property owner in an Ontario municipality will receive a Property Assessment Notice from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, indicating the updated assessed value of their property. The Notices have been mailed to more than 184,000 property owners in the Region of Durham. This assessment is based on a January 1, 2005, valuation date and is effective for the 2006 taxation year. Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting dated September 1, 2005. Eva Ligeti, Executive Director, Clean Air Partnership, providing Council with a copy of "Establishment of the Greater Toronto Atmospheric Fund (GTAF): Proposal for a Regional Climate and Clean Air Agency." Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council of the following items identified from the Throne Speech: . Introducing a new Municipal Act and a new City of Toronto Act; . Working with municipal leaders to establish the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority; . Improving the quality of language training to assist newcomer settlement in our communities; . Introducing legislation to protect source water; and . Introducing new measures and new legislation to encourage energy conservation. Council Meeting Minutes -5- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS 1-7 C06. GA 1-8 C10.MO 1-9 P03.NU 1- 10 A01.FE I - 11 T08.GE 1- 12 P03.NU Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority meeting dated September 15, 2005. Carol Grylls, Planning Committee Secretary, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on October 4, 2005, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT Report #2005-P-76 of the Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and ..... b ) THAT a copy of the 'Watershed Planning, from Recommendations to Municipal Policies: A Guidance Document- Interim Report' be forwarded to the eight area municipalities for their use and review." w.o. Harrison, Acting Chief, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, updating Council on the Provincial Nuclear Emergency Public Education Program. Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising Council that the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCU) is asking municipalities to join a Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism. Municipalities that join will be asked to sign a declaration agreeing to commitments leading to the development and implementation of an action plan against racism. Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2, City of Pickering, writing to Roger Anderson, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, requesting that Mr. Anderson lobby the provincial government, as soon as possible, to allow municipalities to have the ability to man and operate Photo Radar units in their respective communities on residential streets. John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, advising Council that he has forwarded Clarington's resolution regarding the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Draft Study Report to the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Energy. Council Meeting Minutes -6- October 24, 2005 CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-467-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items D - 2 and D - 8 to D - 12, inclusive. D - 1 E07.GE D-3 D14. D-4 R01.GE D-5 R01.GE "CARRIED" Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director of Waste Management Services and Andy Campbell, Director, Solid Waste Management Branch, DurhamlYork Residual Waste Study, advising Council that the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Regional Municipality of York are participating in a joint study to identify a long-term solution to manage the residual solid wastes remaining after diversion. A necessary first step in this process is the preparation of a Terms of Reference, to be approved by the Minister of the Environment, outlining how the EA Study will be completed. A copy of the Draft EA Terms of Reference has been provided to Council and comments will be received until November 8, 2005. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Planning Services) Marvleen Bird, advising Council that she is opposed to the proposed development of a 24-hour Service Station on Liberty Street South, Bowmanville. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Planning Services) Michelle Shook, advising Council that she is in support of the Heritage Designation Plan. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Planning Services) Joe and Lynne Lemieux, advising Council that they support the Heritage Designation Conservation Plan for their neighbourhood. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Planning Services) Council Meeting Minutes -7- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS D-6 M02.GE D -7 M02.GE D - 2 A19.GE Anne Lanna, Ontario Community Newspaper Association, requesting nominations for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards. The program gives important recognition to outstanding young people in their own cities/towns/villages through their local community in their local community newspaper. l (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk for an ad to be placed in the local newspapers) K;:l~:'rjna Alexopoulos, Employment Resource Counsellor, John Howard Society, requesting permission to display their banner above King Street, Bowmanville, for four weeks in November advertising their services. The vinyl banner would say "Looking for Work? We can help!" followed by their website address and phone number. (Request approved from the John Howard Society's to display a banner on King Street, Bowmanville and to advise Veridian) Allan Hewitt, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board, providing Council with a copy of the Newcastle Village Community Library Needs Assessment Study. Resolution #C-468-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Correspondence Item D - 2 be referred to the Director of Finance/Treasurer for consideration during the 2006 budget deliberations. D-8 C10.MO "CARRIED" Pam Gilroy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Niagara, advising Council that the Region of Niagara on September 22, 2005, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS in December, 2004, U.S. President Bush signed the "Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevent Act of 2004 (IRTPA)"; and WHEREAS the IRTPA directed the Secretary of Homeland Security to implement as expeditiously as possible a plan that would require people entering the United States to present "a valid passport or another document" to establish identity and citizenship; and WHEREAS the first phase of the program would apply to air and sea crossings by December 31,2007; and Council Meeting Minutes -8- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS WHEREAS the public is encouraged to provide comments to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by October 31,2005, including the types of documents which might be used and the economic cost/benefits of such a system; and WHEREAS in 2004, Canada welcomed 34.6 million person-trips from the United States; and WHEREAS The Conference Board of Canada (July, 2005) estimates that from 2005 through 2008, the tourism spending by Americans in Canada will be decreased by $1.7 billion as a result of this initiative; and WHEREAS no economic analysis has been done on the effect on non- tourism industries such as manufacturing and services; this is not just a "tourism issue"; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara supports the establishment of cost- effective policies and programs that enhance both the security of the border and facilitates the Cross-Border passage of people and goods, such as Nexus; and further THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara does not support the additional requirement of a "passport or another document" in order to cross the U.S./Canada border effective December 31,2006, (air, sea) and December 31,2007, (land) until "another document" that is easily accessible and affordable by all citizens of all ages is completely defined; and further THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara proposes economic impact analysis and cost/benefit analysis of this program be carried out with respect to all economic sectors before a final decision and implementation schedule is determined; and further THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara supports official public hearings/consultation be held in all affected countries before a final decision and implementation schedule is determined; and further THAT this resolution be circulated to all Municipal, Provincial and border State Governments and to the State Governments of Florida, California, Arizona, New York, Texas, South Carolina. Georgia, Washington, Mississippi and Hawaii requesting their endorsement; and Council Meeting Minutes -9- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS THAT a copy of this resolution be circulated to Niagara's Federal and Provincial Members of Parliament and to their respective U.S. counterparts." Resolution #C-469-05 Moved by Councillor Trim seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item D - 8 be received for information. .u., -~ "CARRIED" 0-9 C10.MO Laura Moy, Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh, advising Council that the Town of Tecumseh on September 27,2005, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS pursuant to the Canadian Passport Order (S1/81-86) dated June 24,1981, paragraph 3(f) every passport shall, unless sooner revoked, expire not later than five (5) years from the date on which it is issued; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Order Amending the Canadian Passport Order (S1/2001-121) dated December 19, 2001, despite paragraph 3(f), where the child is under three (3) years of age, the passport shall expire no later than three (3) years after the date on which it is issued, unless the passport is sooner revoked; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the United States Department of State a United States passport is valid for ten (10) years for persons 16 years of age or older; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the United States Department of State a United States passport is valid for five (5) years for persons 15 years of age or younger; AND WHEREAS the cost of acquiring a Canadian passport for a person over 16 years of age is $87.00; for a child under 3 years of age is $22.00 and for a child 3 to 15 years of age is $37.00; Council Meeting Minutes -10- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND WHEREAS in accordance with the United States Government's Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, citizens of Canada will be required to have a passport or other accepted secure document that establishes the bearer's identity and nationality, by December 31, 2006, in order to enter the United States by air and sea travel, and, by December 31, 2007, in order to enter the United States at all land border crossings, as well as air and sea travel; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the Town of T ecumseh requests the Federal Government to: . Extend the expiration of a passport from not later than five (5) years to ten (10) years form the date of issuance; and . Extend the expiration of passport where the child is under three (3) years of age, from not later than three (3) years to five (5) after the date on which it is issued; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh requests that the cost of acquiring passports be maintained; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be circulated to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, the Honourable Joe Volpe, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario Municipalities, County of Essex, our local MP's and MPP's." Resolution #C-470-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 10 A01.AM John Craig, CMO, President, Association of Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), requesting Council's support for the position that AMCTO has taken on Bill 123, the Transparency in Public Matters Act, 2005. The proposed rules in Bill 123 include: . All meetings must be open to the public subject to exceptions similar but not identical to those in the Municipal Act; . Minutes must be in sufficient detail to inform the reader of any deliberations engaged in not just decisions made, as prescribed by the Municipal Act; Council Meeting Minutes -11- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS . Any person may challenge council decisions on procedural grounds by making a complaint to the Information and Privacy Commissioner; and . The Commissioner may issue orders voiding any decisions, recommendation or action made at a meeting whose procedures fall short of the requirements of the act. AMCTO is requesting Council to adopt a resolution endorsing their position, which is that municipalities should be removed from the list of pu::';;c bodies subject to Bill 123 and that any openness and transparency issues that the Province wants addressed for municipalities should be addressed through the Municipal Act review. 0-11 A01.AM Association of Municipalities of Ontario, requesting Council to approve the following resolution pertaining to Bil/123, Transparency in Public Matters Act, 2005: 'WHEREAS the provincial Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills is currently debating Private Members Bill 123 the Transparency in Public Matters Act; and WHEREAS the proposed legislation includes municipal council and committees; and WHEREAS the proposed legislation adds requirements to notice provisions, open meetings, minutes, forms of meetings, among other matters all of which are addressed in the Municipal Act, which would create confusion for council, administration and the public; and WHEREAS the Municipal Act is currently under review and is being informed by input from the municipal and private sectors among others; and WHEREAS AMO and others have urged the Standing Committee to remove any reference to municipal councils or council committees from this legislation and allow transparency and accountability issues to continue to be regulated under the Municipal Act; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Municipality of Clarington urges the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to vote against the Bill if the reference to 'municipal councils' is not deleted in the Bill as reported by the Standing committee; and that John O'Toole, MPP, and all provincial members of the legislature be advised of the lack of this Council's support for the inclusion of 'municipal councils' in Bill 123." Council Meeting Minutes -12- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-471-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the positions of the Association of Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding Bil/123, Transparency in Public Matters Act be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" D -12 C10.MO L01.0M Christine Drimmie, Policy and Research Advisor, Region of Durham, requesting Council to adopt the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board was created to resolve municipal land use issues at a time when municipal governments were small and had limited planning expertise; AND WHEREAS the role and mandate of the Ontario Municipal Board have not been significantly altered in response to increased municipal planning skills or expanded municipal responsibilities for land use planning under the Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board has broad planning powers and can make decisions in the absence of a full municipal review of a planning application and can overturn local planning decisions; AND WHEREAS Ontario Municipalities invest significant resources in staff time, legal and other associated costs in establishing and implementing local planning policy; AND WHEREAS there is growing concern from municipalities and citizens that the decisions of the Ontario Municipal Board are eroding local planning authority; AND WHEREAS there have been numerous Council Resolutions, municipal reports and reports from planning professionals and academics advocating reform of the Ontario Municipal Board; AND WHEREAS the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform, an informed group of municipal representatives and staff, after study and consultation, made practical recommendations for improvements to the planning appeal process; Council Meeting Minutes -13- October 24, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND WHEREAS the Ontario Government has indicated their intention to introduce legislation enacting significant reforms to the OMB and the planning appeal process in the Fall 2005 session of the Legislature; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the MUl1icipality of Clarington endorses the recommendations of the Report oftf1e GTA Task Force on OMB Reform dated March 7, 2003, and urges the Province to enact OMB reforms by the end of 2005; ANOFURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT this resolution be circulated to "'~ the Attorney General, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, local MPPs and the Chair of the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform." Resolution #C-472-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Correspondence Item D -12 be referred to the Director of Planning Services for preparation of a report. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report - October 17, 2005 Resolution #C-473-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of October 17, 2005, be approved. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -14- October 24, 2005 REPORTS Report #2 - Report OPD-14-05 - Hampton Pond Recover Project Resolution #C-474-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Council approve the request of $15,000 based on the matching donation from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; THAT $8,000 of ihe required funding be taken from the 2006 Operations budget account numbers 100-36-10240-7112 and 100-36-325-10115-7516; THAT the remaining $7,000 be drawn from General Capital Reserve; and THAT the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Hampton Citizen's Association be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Report #3 - Report PSD-128-05 - Extension of Demolition Permit, Applicant: Gary Goodale Resolution #C-475-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report PSD-128-05 be received; and THAT the request by Mr. Gary Goodale for extension of the period in which two dwellings are permitted on one lot, be approved for an additional six months to April 24, 2006. "CARRIED" Report #4 - Addendum to Report EGD-050-05 - Port Darlington Waterfront Park - Conceptual Master Plan Resolution #C-476-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the Addendum to Report EGD-050-04 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -15- October 24, 2005 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-4 77 -05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT John O'Toole, MPP, Durham be thanked for his Provincial update; and / THAT he be advited that Council is looking forward to working with him in the future. "CARRIED" }t.O"__ ,",'- Resolution #C-478-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Shell THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the introduction of new business at this time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-479-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell WHEREAS the Region of Durham has just defeated a request for pay assurance; AND WHEREAS pay assurance exposes municipalities to risk and unknown costs; AND WHEREAS all Treasurers in Durham Region and the Commissioner of Finance oppose Pay Assurance; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON advises that it oppose Pay Assurance and requests Durham Region to continue to oppose Pay Assurance; and THAT this be forwarded to all Durham Municipalities for support. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -16- October 24, 2005 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-480-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT staff be authorized to appeal the decision of the City of Oshawa to grant draft approval to Plan of Subdivision application 8-0-2004-03 on the basis that the City of Oshawa has not agreed to assume and accept 100% of the costs of street illumination and/or sidewalk improvements that are deemed necessary on Townline Road North as a nJsult of development including all future maintenance. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-481-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur WHEREAS Council considers it advantageous to send a delegation to China in conjunction with the Office of the Premier of Ontario to support and promote Atomic Energy Ontario Limited and the future possibility of an advanced CANDU reactor in Clarington; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the expenses pertaining to the delegation be funded from the Industrial/Economic Development Reserve Fund. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-482-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Foster WHEREAS Council has appointed Councillor Jim Schell to serve as deputy mayor for the period of June 2005 to November 2006; AND WHEREAS Councillor 8chell is traveling with Mayor Mutton to China to support and promote Atomic Energy Canada Limited and the future possibility of an advanced CANDU reactor in Clarington; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Councillor Charlie Trim be appointed to serve as deputy mayor for the period of November 6 to 12, 2005, inclusive; and THAT the appropriate by-law be forwarded to Council. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -17- October 24, 2005 OTHER BUSINESS Boards and Committees Update Councilor Foster advised Council that the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee's Wheels in Motion event raised $14,000. He thanked staff for their assistance during the Clarington Youth Committee's fundraising dance. Councillor MacAnhur invited Council to attend the Samuel Wimot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee Migration Madness event on Saturday, November 5,2005. at 10:00 a.m. in the nature area. There will be a display including birds of prey. He noted ~.2! the Management Committee has raised concerns pertaining to vandalism. Councillor Robinson advised that the Newcastle Farmers Market, which has been very successful, will be ending its 2005 season this coming weekend. The Newcastle Arena Hockey Figure Skating season has started and the canteen is up and running. He thanked Fred Horvath, Director of Operations for the work on the Newtonville Hall washroom renovations. On Saturday, October 29,2005, there will be an Old-Time Square and Round Dance held at the Newtonville Hall starting at 8:30 p.m. The Kendal Community Centre rentals are outstanding and Kendal Day was a great success. The Orono BIA will be holding a fundraising dance on November 12,2005, to help raise funds for the new signs located on Highway 35/115. Councillor Robinson congratulated the Community Services Department on a job well done on the Clarington Sports Hall of Fame event. Councillor Schell updated Council on the ongoing repairs to King Street in Bowmanville and congratulated Ron Hooper, Chairman, Bowmanville BIA on another successful Apple Fest event. Councillor Trim advised that celebration plans are well underway for the Village of Newcastle's 150 year anniversary. Resolution #C-483-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting be "closed" to consider legal matters. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened in "open" forum at 9:32 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes -18- October 24, 2005 OTHER BUSINESS Resolution #C-484-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Addendum to Report EGD-050-04 be tabled to the Council meeting scheduled to be held on November 14, 2005. "CARRIED" BY-LAWS Resolution #C-485-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2005-202 to 2005-208, inclusive and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 2005-202 being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs - District Three and Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs 2005-203 being a by-law to amend by-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Port of Newcastle Marina Village Ltd.) 2005-204 being a by-law to amend by-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Trulls Road Free Methodist Church) 2005-205 being a by-law to regulate, govern taxi and limousine businesses in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 2004-254 2005-206 being a by-law to regulate, govern and licence Peddlers within the geographic limits of the Municipality of Clarington, and to repeal By-law 92- 230 and its amendments 2005-207 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to enter into a Funding Agreement for Infrastructure Projects Council Meeting Minutes -19- October 24, 2005 BY-LAWS 2005-208 being a by-law to amend By-law 2003-177, a by-law to appoint an acting head to act in the place of the head of council for the Municipality of Clarington "CARRIED" Resolution #C-4B6-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster ~c.~_ .... THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2005-202 to 2005-208, inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-487-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2005-209 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 24th day of October, 2005, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-488-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2005-209 be approved. "CARRIED" -20- Council Meeting Minutes ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-489-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:34 p.m. "CARRIED" October 24, 2005 MAYOR MUNICIPAL CLERK SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE NOVEMBER 14, 2005 CORRESPONDENCE TO BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMA liON I - 1 Sheila Hall, Membership Services, Clarington Board of Trade, advising Council that they will be making a donation on behalf of Council to the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital in the amount of $300.00. I - 2 Minutes :Jf the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority meeting dated October 18, 2005. (Copy attached) 1-3 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to The Right Honouraole Paul Martin, Prime Minister and The Honourable Dalton McGunity, Premier and President of the Council, advising that the Region of Durham on October 19, 2005, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to pass or amend legislation to limit liability on municipal, provincial, federal and privately owned lands where trail systems are established; b ) THAT the Federal Government be requested to pass or amend legislation to limit liability on unopened railway lines and to agree to maintain any fencing required along these railways lines; and c) THAT the above recommendations be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the local municipalities for their information." I - 4 Lakeridge Health, advising that they join other hospitals across the GTA/905 in calling upon the Ontario Ministry of Health to improve local access to hospital services across the GTA/905 by endorsing the recommendations contained in "Places for Care: A Roadmap For Better Hospital Care Close To Home For GTA/905 Residents". I - 5 Veridian Corporation, advising Council that Veridian staff have traveled to the Miami area to assist with power restoration efforts in south Florida to help them recover from the effects of Hurricane Wilma. 1-6 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation meeting dated July 27,2005. (Copy attached) I - 7 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade meeting dated October 11, 2005. (Copy attached) I - 8 Roger Anderson, President, Association Municipalities of Ontario, providing Council with copies of flyers entitled "Ontario's $3 Billion Provincial Municipal Fiscal Gap... Needs a Solution." Summary of Correspondence - 2- November 14, 2005 I - 9 Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), advising Council that MPAC will work with the Ombudsman's Office during its investigation to deal with any issues or concerns about the assessment process. MPAC officials met representatives of the Omburdsman's office on a number of occasions last June to answer questions about how MPAC ensures that past re-evaluations of assessment are carried forward and reflected in current values. 1- 10 Tim Jones, Mayor, Town of Aurora, providing a copy of a book called "Building Character: A Community's Success Story." York Region is the first municipality in Canada to introduce character living to its communities, and this book has been published based on the success of that initiative. 1-11 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on October 19, 2005, passed the following resolution regarding the Arterial Corridor Guidelines Study: "a) THAT Report #2005-J-24 of the Commissioners of Planning and Works be received for information; and b ) THAT a copy of Report #2005-J-24 of the Commissioners of Planning and Works be forwarded to the eight area municipalities of Durham." 1- 12 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on October 19, 2005, passed the following resolution regarding the management of abandoned aggregate properties: "a) THAT Report #2005-P-77 of the Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and b ) THAT a copy of Report #2005-P-77 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the eight area municipalities, the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC), the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC), and the Aggregate Producers Association of Ontario, MAAP Program." 1-13 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on October 19, 2005, passed the following resolution regarding monitoring of growth trends: "a) THAT Report #2005-P-78 of the Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of Report #2005-P-78 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the eight area municipalities, the Durham Regional Police Services, the Durham Regional Police Corporate Planning and Development Unit, the District Health Council and the . school boards in Durham." Summary of Correspondence - 3 - November 14,2005 1-14 The Honourable David Ramsay, Minister of Natural Resources, thanking Council for their letter regarding the possibility of reduced day-use entry to Darlington Provincial Park to accommodate Clarington residents who wish to access the Lake Ontario waterfront though the existing park. The park is popular for wildlife viewing, picnicking, hiking, cycling and fishing. As well, it provides a wide variety of camping and day-use services and facilities, including a popular beach, picnic areas, trails and a children's playground among others. These facilities are provide and maintained by the province with no cost to the municipality. He believes that the $10 day-use fee now being charged at Darlington Provincial Park is fair value. The day ~s permit allows for the entry of a single vehicle regardless of the number of occupants. This provides access to all of the day-use facilities and programs at a very reasonable and low price. He believes that this is a fair anp equitable arrangement for all Ontarians regardless of their place of residence, and does not support a lower day-use fee for residents in those municipalities that are nearest to the provincial park. 1-15 Dr. D.L. Reynolds, Associate Medical Officer of Health and Jason Garay, Epidemiologist, Region of Durham, providing Council with a copy of the Snapshot on Vaccine Preventable Diseases. I - 16 Bernard Moyle, Fire Marshal of Ontario and Chairperson, Fire Marshal's Public Fire Safety Council, thanking Council for making the Schools Out... Safely Out! Fire drill an overwhelming success. The Ontario-wide educational fire drill held during Fire Prevention Week 2005 exceeded all expectations with over one million students and teachers taking part from over 2100 schools. 1-17 Paul Zed, Member of Parliament for Saint John, thanking Council for their recent letter regarding the Nuclear Waste Management Organization draft study report. I - 18 Lakeridge Health providing Council with a copy of the Report to Members October 2005 newsletter. 1-19 GTA/905 Healthcare Alliance, providing Council with a backgrounder regarding "Places for Care: Towards a Health Care Strategy for High Growth Regions". The four regions of the GTA/905 - Durham, Halton, Pell and York are among the fastest growing regions in Ontario and North America. Since 1996 they have welcomed 106,000 residents each and every year. Population growth in the GTA/905 represents half the annual population growth of Ontario. I - 20 Lakeridge Health, advising Council that the members of the community may have been contacted by a company representing the Healing Hands Busy Book requesting donations to this publication. Lakeridge Health and the Foundations supporting the Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry and Bowmanville sites have no affiliation with this publication. Summary of Correspondence -4- November 14, 2005 1-21 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee meeting dated September 15, 2005. (Copy attached) I - 22 Mary Tillcock, Run Day Organizer, Terry Fox Run, advising Council that their 25th Anniversary of Terry's Marathon of Hope has raised over $94,000 for cancer research through the efforts of 1765 participants. Ms. Tillcock gives special thanks to the Operations, Engineering and Community Services Departments, and in particular Fred Horvath, Phil Broome, Ron Baker and Skip Crosby. She also thanks the Clarington Firefighters and the Clarington Board of Trade for their support. I - 23 George Armstrong, Manager of Regulatory Affairs and Key Projects, Veridian Corporation, advising Council that they plan for a major trial of smart meter technology in the community of Sunderland. The pilot program will permit Veridian and its customers to evaluate new meter technology, and will support the future mass deployment of smart meters. The Ontario government has established a target for the installation of 800,000 smart meters by December 2007, followed by the deployment of smart meters for all electricity consumers by December 2010. I - 24 Sandy Archibald, Chair, Women on Course Committee, thanking Council for their sponsorship of the 2006 Women on Course Event. In addition to raising almost $4000, the tournament provided the opportunity to raise awareness of breast cancer and the importance of early detection. I - 25 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier and Minister of Research and Innovation, advising that the Region of Durham on October 19, 2005, passed the following resolution: "THAT the following resolution with respect to the ongoing Highway 407 East Completion Environmental Assessment (EA) that is being undertaken by the Ministry of Transportation be endorsed: WHEREAS the implementation of Highway 407 East extension through Durham is a key structural element of the Regional Official Plan and is essential to support the growth and development objectives of the Region; WHEREAS the original Terms of Reference (2003) for the EA called for its completion by the end of 2004; WHEREAS the revised Terms of Reference (2004) for the EA rescheduled the completion date to the end of 2006; WHEREAS with the approval of the Terms of Reference by the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Transportation is now working towards a completion date of end of 2008 for the EA; Summary of Correspondence - 5- November 14, 2005 WHEREAS the continual delays in the completion of the EA and the construction of the Highway 407 East extension continue to: . Present barriers to achieving many of the Region's growth objectives and planned development, especially the development of essential employment lands and job opportunities dependent on the implementation of Highway 407 East extension through Durham; . Increase traffic congestion on the Regional road system, affecting the arterial and local road network in the vicinity of the eastern terminus of Highway 407 at Brock Road, and beyond; and . R4sult in lasting hardship to property owners in the vicinity of the previously recommended alignment for the 407 extension; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Regi<5hal Municipality of Durham advise the Provincial Government: . THAT the continual delay in the implementation of the Highway 407 East Extension and the north-south freeway links in Durham is of significant concern, given the implications on growth in the Region; and . THAT the Highway 407 East extension through Durham be expedited, without further delays, including the completion of the ongoing Environmental Assessment, detailed design, and construction, with all necessary funding earmarked at an early stage; AND FURTHERMORE THAT copies of this resolution and Report #2005-J-25 of the Commissioners of Planning and Works be forwarded to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of the Province of Ontario; the Honourable Harinder Takher, Minister of Transportation; John Tory, Leader of the Official Opposition of the Province of Ontario; Durham MPPs; and the eight area municipalities in Durham." I - 26 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade meeting dated September 12, 2005. (Copy attached) I - 27 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade meeting dated September 26, 2005. (Copy attached) I - 28 Mark Mattson, President and Waterkeeper, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, advising Council that Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has concluded their annual beach monitoring program for 2005. Their data suggests that Lake Ontario's beaches need a lot of help if they are going to be open for citizens next summer and they have provided Council with their concerns. Summary of Correspondence -6- November 14, 2005 I - 29 Steve Jacobs, Senior Project Manager, URS Canada Inc., advising Council that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation has retained URS Canada Inc. to undertake a Planning and Preliminary Design Study to examine the future plan for Highway 35 from the junction of Highway 115 northerly to south of Highway 7 in the City of Kawartha Lakes and the Regional Municipality of Durham. This study has determined the ultimate long-term 4-laning vision/strategy for the Highway 35 corridor and the initial strategy to address the need for capacity, safety and operational improvements. I - 30 Patrick Olive, Commissioner, Economic Development & Tourism Department, Region of Durham, advising that the DurhamYorkRuralUrban Summit will be held on November 29, 2005, at the Mill Run Golf Course in ; Uxbridge. 1-31 Debbie Zimmerman, Chair, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, Board of Directors, providing Council with an update on the mailing of 2005 Assessment Notices to Ontario property owners and to assure Council that they are committed to working with the Office of the Ombudsman in his investigation. I - 32 Minutes of the Clarington Youth Advisory Committee meeting dated October 19, 2005. (Copy attached) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Linda Laliberte, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, providing Council with a copy of their 2006 Preliminary Budget. Ms. Laliberte is requesting comments to be received prior to the December Full Authority meeting which is tentatively scheduled for December 14, 2005. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of FinancelTreasurer) D - 2 Ian Macnab, Chief Administrative Officer, Kawartha Conservation, providing Council with the proposed 2006 Operating Budget and Special Benefiting Capital Projects. In support of the operating budget, the Region of Durham levy has been increased by $30,816.00 or 24 cents per $100,000 assessment. The Board of Directors of Kawartha Conservation will vote on the operating budget and associated municipal levy on December 7,2005. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of FinancelTreasurer) D - 3 Craig Nicholson, on behalf of the local snowmobile club, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is requesting Council to proclaim November 21 to 27,2005, as Get Ready For Snowmobiling Week. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 7 - November 14, 2005 D-4 D - 5 D-6 Roxy Barnes, providing Council with comments following the tour of Miller Waste Systems' Bloomington site. They were impressed by both the site and the staff who were their hosts and answered all of their questions in a very open and honest manner. Their overall impression of Miller Waste Systems is very positive. They are encouraging Council to proceed with Miller's proposed facility and provide leadership to show other communities how to deal effectively with the problem of waste management. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) j Shane Mbrris, advising Council that he must resign from the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee. (Motion to thank Mr. Morris for his work on the Committee and to refer the correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) }J,' ...... Glenda Gies, President, Port Darlington Community Association Inc., advising Council that the Association has the following comments regarding the Addendum to Report EGD-50-04, Port Darlington Waterfront Park Master Plan Revision: 1. accommodating the Port Darlington Harbour Company and Wiggers Custom Yachts lands by shifting the park eastwards will result in a mixed use, with park activities occurring directly adjacent to industrial activities. 2. relocating the parking area from adjacent to the remaining residential area to the existing municipal lands on the west side of Port Darlington Road will minimize traffic in the area and reduce impacts on residents. There are a number of outstanding areas of concern with the conceptual master plan for the park related to: . the implications for the Bowmanville Marsh, including nature trails, interpretive signage and opportunities to launch non-motorized boats and canoes; . the use of proposed volleyball courts for programmed tournaments which could draw significant people to the area, bringing traffic and the requirement for parking beyond what the local road or available public land could accommodate; . washrooms on the west beach side of the park where municipal water and sanitary sewers are not available; and . the method of transporting visitors from the east park across the mouth of the Bowmanville Marsh to the west park. (Motion to advise of actions taken with respect to the Addendum to Report EGD-50-05) Summary of Correspondence - 8- November 14, 2005 D - 7 John Godfrey, Minister of State and Roger Anderson. President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), advising Council that on June 17, 2005, Canada, Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the City of Toronto signed a groundbreaking agreement under the Government of Canada's New Deal for Cities and Communities that flows federal gas tax revenue directly to municipalities in Ontario. As part of its New Deal for Cities and Communities, the Government of Canada is investing $2.87 billion in gas tax funding over five years for the benefits of Ontarians in cities and communities, large and small. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk for the appropriate by-law to be forwarded to Council) D - 8 Laurie Lazenby, Secretary, on behalf of the executive of the Navy League of Canada, Bowmanville and District Branch, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps #279, requesting permission to hold Sea Cadet tagging at selected businesses April 6, 7 and 8, 2006. To date, they have held their Tag Days at the end of September. beginning of October. They are requesting a second weekend in the spring due to the fact that they now have an Air Cadet Corps in Clarington. (Motion to Approve Tag Days for April 6, 7 and 8, 2006) D - 9 Bob Foster, on behalf of the Kendal Recreation Association, advising that the Association supports the recommendation for lights to be installed at Harvey Jackson Memorial Park in Kendal. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Engineering Services) D - 10 Rick Growden, Market Area General Manager, Waste Management of Canada Corporation, advising Council that Waste Management of Canada Corporation fully supports Miller Waste's plans to develop an organic material processing facility at 1848 Baseline Road, Clarington. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 11 Keith Coulter, Commissioner, Correctional Service Canada, requesting Council to proclaim November 13 to November 20, 2005, as Restorative Justice Week. The theme is 'Wisdom Gained Through Experience" focusing on sharing the concrete learning and results that have come from the growing experience of practitioners and stakeholders in the application of restorative justice concepts and techniques. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - November 14, 2005 D - 12 Liz Dowdeswell, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, providing comments pertaining to Report PSD-1 07 -05 regarding the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Draft Study Report "Choosing a Way Forward." (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D -13 Frank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle-Bond Head Ratepayers Association, advising Council that the Association passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Region's Chairman of Finance, and the Commissioner of Finance; have warned the public of a possible double digit tax increase; WHEREAS the Region's Chairman of Finance has asked the public to tell Region.:.; Council that they do not support a double digit tax increase; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newcastle-Bond Head Ratepayers Association is strongly against, and do not support a double digit tax increase, and urge the Regional Council to look at getting out of any "mandated services" to protect property tax payers." (Motion to refer correspondence to the Regional Municipality of Durham) D - 14 The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay, advising Council that on October 24, 2005, they passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the world has seen three major influenza outbreaks in the 20th century; experts predict that since influenza pandemics have, historically occurred in cycles, the next global pandemic is overdue; AND WHEREAS Ontario will have little lead time between when a pandemic is first declared by the World Health Organization and when it spreads to the province; AND WHEREAS it will spread in two or more waves either in the same or successive years, with the second wave occurring within three to nine months of the initial outbreak; AND WHEREAS Ontario will not have a large enough supply of antivirals or vaccine for the entire population, requiring the province to set priorities for who receives limited vaccine and antiviral drugs; AND WHEREAS during a pandemic, the availability of front line workers, including health care and emergency service workers, could be reduced by up to one third due to illness; Summary of Correspondence - 10 - November 14, 2005 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Terrace Bay hereby requests the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services to ensure that providers and the public are informed about the pandemic and how to help protect themselves against it and that the Ministry identify and implement a system for the provision of critical medical supplies and establish reliable and secure purchasing, storage and distribution systems; AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to AMO, all Ontario Municipalities and local M.P.P.s for support." (Motion for Direction) D - 15 James and Catherine Mailer, requesting Council to pressure the Province of Ontario to rectify the situation of random assessments reached by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Phair Avenue. Courtice, is an old residential street where very little has changed over the years. The tax assessments for the street for the 2006 tax year vary from 9 - 35%. (Motion for Direction) D - 16 Inky Mark, M.P., Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette, advising that government programs have eroded the rights of Canadians to hunt and fish. Responding to this, he has tabled a Private Member's Bill to protect recreational hunting and fishing rights for all Canadians. He is requesting Council to pass the following resolution: "WHEREAS legislation governing inland fisheries is within the jurisdiction of the federal government; AND WHEREAS aboriginal people have long relied on hunting and fishing to satisfy their food needs, and have certain rights to hunt and fish that are protected by the Constitution of Canada; AND WHEREAS non-aboriginal settlers and pioneers in Canada also depended on hunting and fishing for food; AND WHEREAS hunting and fishing are part of Canada's national heritage; AND WHEREAS millions of Canadians participate in and enjoy hunting and fishing; AND WHEREAS hunting and fishing contribute significantly to the national economy; Summary of Correspondence - 11 - November 14, 2005 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Clarington request that the Government of Canada enact Private Members Bill C391, the Heritage Hunting and Fishing Protection Act to protect in Canada the right to hunt and fish. No law of Canada shall be construed or applied so as to deprive a person of this right and the Minister of Canadian Heritage shall enter into discussions with the provinces with a view to securing on behalf of all Canadians their continued right to hunt and fish, subject only to any reasonable limits as may be established by law." (Motion for Direction) j D - 17 Bill Hasiuk, requesting permission to hold the Annual Farmer's Christmas Procession of Lights on December 7,2005. He is also asking that Council direct staff to acquire the necessary permits from the Region of Durham and the""..;~essary signatures from the Police and Fire Departments. (Motion for Direction) 0- 18 Zena Burns advising that the MPP for Niagara Falls is representing grandparents at a meeting at Queen's Park on November 24 when the second reading of a bill regarding grandparents' rights is being considered. Ms. Burns is requesting Councils from across Durham Region to pray for the passage of this bill. (Motion for Direction) D - 19 Confidential Property Matter. (Motion for Direction) . CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Correspondence Item 1-2 MINUTES NO.8 AUTHORITY MEETING Tuesdav. October 18.2005 - 5:00 P.M. MEETING LOCATION: 100WIDTING AVENUE, OSHAWA AUTHORITY'S ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, BOARDROOM Present: J. Schell. Chair P. Perkins, V ice Chair M. Brenner C. Clarke J. Drumm J. Gray J. Neal M. Pearce l.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer D. White. Director, Corporate Services B. Fox. Acting Director. Natural Heritage G. Geissberger. Community Programs R. Hersey. Director, Development Review & Regulation M. Hrynyk, General Superintendent A. MacDonald, Groundwater Coordinator P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations G. Soo Chan, Director, Groundwater M. Stauffer. Administrative AssistantIRecording Secretary Absent: S. Crawford G.Emm J. Kolodzie P. Pingle .. J. Schell, Chair. called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any malters herein contained - NONE ADOPTION OF MINUTES Res. #95 Moved by J. Neal Seconded by C. Clarke THAT the Authority minutes of September 20, 2005 be adopted as circuwted. CARRIED , , ~., ;;" ~ j air \~-,~ t 'V: _~_ ,,_"~_N.'" _.,~__~,_ ~. --- ~'"_. i {... I r- i'" i ~. , !...",.- DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW & REGULATION (I) Staff Report #4550-05 (attached as Schedule 3- I to 3-3) Re: Applications for Construction. to Place Fill and to Alter a Watercourse, September I to 30, 2005 Res. #96 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by J. Neal THAT the attached applications be approved and the respective permits be issued. CARRIED .~": .;~~~ o.._;.,'~ AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18,2005 - PAGE 2 DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING AND FIELD OPERATIONS (1) Staff Report #4551-05 (attached as 4-1) Re: CLOCA New Delivery Agent of Greencover Canada - A Cost-Share Program Available Through the Canada-Ontario Environmental Farm Plan Res. #97 Moved by M. Pearce Seconded by J. Drumm THAT Staff Report #4551-04 be received for information. CARRIED DIRECTOR - CORPORATE SERVICES (1) SUIff Report #4553-05 (attached as Schedule 5-1 to 5-9) Re: Prelimi!!,,-'")' Budget Submission - Healthy Watersheds M. Pearce inquired about line I of the 2006 CLOCA 5- Year Budget for Operations. Dan White reported that the amount was incorrect and the error would be corrected. Res. #98 Moved by C. Clarke Seconded by J. Neal THAT Staff Report #4553-05 be received for information. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #4554-05 (attached as Schedule 5-10 to 5-12) Re: Preliminary Construction Budget - Conservation Centre Res. #99 Moved by J. Neal Seconded by M. Pearce THAT Staff Report #4554-05 be received for information; alUl, THAT staff proceed with renovations to the Conservation Centre as described. CARRIED (3) PRESENTATION - Durham Children's Groundwater Festival Gord Geissberger and Annette MacDonald gave a presentation on the Durham Children's Groundwater Festival. J. Gray arrived at5:12 p.m. (4) Staff Report #4555-05 (attached as Schedule H-l to H-3) Re: Award Winners for 100412005 Watershed Awards Ceremony December 6, 2005, 7:00-9:00 pm. Council Hall, Camp Samac Res. #100 Moved by J. Gray Seconded by P. Perkins THAT Staff Report #4555-05 be received for information; THAT the Authority endorse the Nominees listed above; and, THAT aU Watershed Award Nominees be presented with a Watershed Award as ilUlicated above. CARRIED AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18,2005 - PAGE 3 CIllEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFIe'ER (I) Staff Report #4552-05 (attached as Schedule 6-1 to 6-8) Re: Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation (ORMF) Funding Approvals Res. #101 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by C. Clarke THAT Staff Report #4552-05 be received for information. CARRIED MUNICIPAL AND OTHER BUSINESS. NONE ADJOURNMENT Res. #102 Moved by J. Neal Seconded by J. Gray THAT the meeting odjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned a15:34 p.m. Schedule 3-1 of October 18, 2005 REPORT CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY DATE: FILE: S.R.: October 6, 2005 IMS: RPRG2339 4550-05 APPROVED BY C.A.O. ~ ~ MEMO TO: Chair and Members, CLOCA Board of Directors FROM: R. Hersey, Director - Development Review and Regulation SUBJECT: APPLICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, TO PLACE FILL AND TO ALTER A WATERCOURSE - SEPTEMBER 1 to 30. 2005 The attached applications are brought forward as a matter of record since they are all of a minor nature and are generally outside of the Regional Storm floodlines. However, since each site falls within the scheduled areas covered by the Authority's Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulation, the appropriate permit(s) can only be issued with the Authority's approval, pursuant to Section 28(1) of The Conservation Authorities Act. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the attached applications be approved and the respective permits be issued. RH/klt Attach. s:\reports\2005\sr4550-05.doc Correspondence Item 1-6 Minutes of Meeting # 7/05 Meeting #7/05 .".:c" held on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at the Kawartha Conservation office. Chair Ruth called the meeting to order at 7:28 p.m. and welcomed everyone. Chair Ruth went on to express his delight and that of his colleagues on having Don MacArthur in attendance following his recent surgery. Present: Staff: Guests: Alex Ruth, Chair Donna Villemaire, Vice-chair Lynn Philip Hodgson Audrey Holden John Huke Don MacArthur Blair Martyn Larry O'Connor Guy Scott Ian Macnab Kristie Virgoe Joanne Harvey Carl Quaranto Richard Edwards Mark Pilat Adoption of Agenda Res. # 55/05 Twps. of Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan City of Kawartha Lakes Township of Scugog City of Kawartha Lakes City of Kawartha Lakes Municipality of Clarington Township of Scugog Township of Brock Township of Galway, Cavendish & Harvey Chief Administrative Officer Manager, Environmental Protection & Restoration Moved by: Larry O'Connor Seconded by: Guy Scott Resolved, That, the agenda for meeting #7/05 be adopted as received. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None was declared. CARRI ED -2- Minutes of Meeting # 6/05 Res. # 56/05 Moved by: Don MacArthur Seconded by: Lynn Philip Hodgson Resolved, That, the minutes of Meeting # 6/05 be adopted as received. CARRIED Deputation on Fenelon Falls Baseball Diamond Expansion Richard Edwards, Carl Quaranto and Joanne Harvey came before the Board of Directors requesting consideration for the placement of fill within the floodplain behind the baseball diamond in Fenelon Falls. The purpose of this is to expand the outfield area making the diamond more functionally useable. It was noted that the City of Kawartha Lakes (Craig Shanks) had inquired of this in 2002/2003 and most recently the Mayor's office had made inquiry. The issue is that placing fill within a floodplain contravenes Provincial Policy and in this case may aggravate known downstream flooding. Consideration needs to be given to compensating the placed fill by removing material at some other location. To date, no formal application has been made to the conservation authority. Through discussion it was suggested that the baseball diamond might be re-graded to compensate for placed fill. An application form was given to Mr. Quaranto. Res. # 57/05 Moved by: Donna Villemaire Seconded by: Audrey Holden Resolved, That, the deputation of Richard Edwards, Joanne Harvey and Carl Quaranto on the Fenelon Falls baseball diamond be received. CARRIED Res. # 58/05 Moved by: John Huke Seconded by: Blair Martyn Resolved, That, the conservation authority work with staff of the City of Kawartha Lakes to determine a feasible solution to permit the expansion of the Fenelon Falls baseball diamond through a cut and fill proposal. CARRIED East Cross Forest The background material on East Cross Forest and questions that arose from the City of Kawartha Lakes were reviewed as the Board of Directors discussed the merits of Kawartha Conservation holding title to East Cross Forest. It was emphasized that the motion before the Board spoke to holding title only if Durham provided all funding and that no funds were being requested from the City of Kawartha Lakes. During part of the discussion on East Cross Forest, the Board went in-camera. -3- Res. # 59/05 Moved by: Don MacArthur Seconded by: Audrey Holden Resolved, That, the Board of Directors move in-camera. CARRIED Res. # 60/05 Moved by: Donna Villemaire Seconded by: Lynn Philip Hodgson Resoived, That, thc'';;;;;:,ard of Directors rise from in-camera. CARRIED The wording of the motion deferred from last meeting was then discussed; the wording of the deferred motion under consideration was: That, only if Durham Region will not take title to lands within East Cross Forest, Kawartha Conservation is willing to take title provided that Durham Region commits to funding all securement costs including appraisal, survey, legal and any other associated expense, that Durham Region agrees to fund the development and implementation of a management plan for East Cross Forest as recommended within the East Cross Forest Task Force report and subsequent reports, and, that Durham Region agrees to add $100,000 to the base operating levy of Kawartha Conservation to cover East Cross Forest operations. An amending motion was put forward and dealt with followed by the main motion as amended. A recorded vote was req uested. Res. # 61/05 Moved by: Donna Villemaire Seconded by: Don MacArthur Resolved, That, the wording of the motion under consideration be amended by striking "is willing" and replace it with "will consider in good faith". CARRIED Res. # 62/05 Moved by: Larry O'Connor Seconded by: Lynn Philip Hodgson Resolved, That, only if Durham Region will not take title to lands within East Cross Forest, Kawartha Conservation will consider in good faith to take title provided that Durham Region commits to funding all securement costs including appraisal, survey, legal and any other associated expense, that Durham Region agrees to fund the development and implementation of a management plan for East Cross Forest as recommended within the East Cross Forest Task Force report and subsequent reports, and, that Durham Region agrees to add $100,000 to the base operating levy of Kawartha Conservation to cover East Cross forest operations. " -4- O'Connor yes Hodgson yes Holden no Huke no MacArthur yes Martyn yes Ruth yes Scott yes Villemaire no 6 3 CARRIED Interim Financial Statement to June 30th Res. # 63/05 Moved by: Don MacArthur Seconded by: Lynn Philip Hodgson Resolved, That, the interim financial statement to June 30, 2005 be received for information. CARRIED Program/Project Update to June 30th Res. # 64/05 Moved by: Larry O'Connor Seconded by: Donna Villemaire Resolved, That, the staff update report on programs and projects through June 30, 2005 as presented to the board of directors at Meeting #7/05 be received for information. CARRIED New Business/Questions/Items of Interest There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Alex Ruth Chair Ian D. Macnab Chief Administrative Officer The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors is October 26. Correspondence Item 1-7 SANTA ~LAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING October 11, 2005 Start Time: 7:09PM Finish Time: 8:45 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Debbie Fernandes, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Kathy McLaughlin, Marie Hammond, Sheri Crago Terryl Tzikas Absent: Rob Flynn Reviewed minutes from previous meeting. Marie requested a change in the wording of the motion with regards to our 50th Parade, also amount ofGIC to be amended to $5000.00. VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson . Valerie has confirmed with Jim Connell that the Legion will once again sell buttons on parade day. . Valerie requested a cheque for $250.00 payable to the Legion. Legion to give receipt stating - services rendered for button sales. . Valerie mentioned to Jim that all the programs need to be handed out as this is how businesses receive recognition for donating/participating in the parade. . Municipality will inspect our floats prior to parade day. . Valerie spoke to Cory Walsh with regards to auxiliary police for traffic control. Cory has requested 20 officers for parade day. .- . Cory told Valerie that the Durham Regional Police did not receive very much food or toys during our parade for the Durham Regional Police Food and Toy Drive. . Valerie asked Kathy to send a notice to the schools for their newsletters letting them know that non-perishable food and toys will be collected during the parade. . Valerie will be asking Tammy to put a notice on our website with regards to the food and toy drive. . Valerie asked Roger to have nameplate made for "Volunteer ofthe Year" award. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . Marie had nothing to report at this time TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE -Makeup . Tracy stated that she will start to contact people for make up. She may need new volunteers this year. DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers . Debbie stated that she has sent out letters today. . Clarington Fire Department will have Aerial truck and A TV in parade. . Valerie suggested that next year we mail out one letter with reference to our web site for entrant's paperwork. This will eliminate having to photocopy the entrant's package. Will consider this for next year's parade. DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Dawn displayed two button designs for this year's parade. Both were very well designed and a decision was made to go with the button with the blue writing . Donation letters will be mailed out today. . Roger to forward to Dawn a banner for Lome to be able to reproduce. . Santa float requires 4 girls for Elves. Marie will ask her children. There is a need for someone to go with Santa and girls to the hospital after parade. . Dawn asked Marie if she had nightgowns that her children wore last year. Marie has them and will give them to Dawn at next meeting. ROGER LEETOOZE - JudgingIPosters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes . Roger has tried to get a hold of Sharon Smith for her to contact Aryen Links regarding use of Golf Carts. Sheri stated that Sharon has just had surgery. . Roger has made contact with Rogers Cable. . Roger stated that the Legion Colour Party requires an application. Debbie to forward to Legion. . Roger to confirm with Bud Henning if they will be using our float this year. .. TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . T erryl has asked if a map can be scanned, Sheri has agreed to do this, and forward to Tammy for the Website . Dignitary letters have been mailed out. The Mayor has confirmed his attendance. . Terryl has booked Central School for the bands. . St. John's Ambulance is aware of the parade. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity 1 . Kathy reported that there was an advertisement in Clarington This Week regarding Floats and Fillers. . The adv.;usement for Costumes will be in paper October 30, 2005. Dawn mentioned that she would like the colouring changed for this ad and it was noted. . Committee would like mentioned in the school papers about Durham Regional Police Food & Toy Drive. Kathy will forward this message to Kawartha School Board to ask to be inserted. SHERI CRAGO - Bands . Sherry mentioned that she has booked some bands so far, they are the Toronto Signals Band and the Whitby Brass Band . She is still working on booking the Jamie Douglas Band, Cobourg Concert Band, Optomist Alumni Drum Corp., Oshawa Legion, Bowmanville Legion, Bowmanville High School and Central School. . Sheri will contact the Militia to be in the parade this year. . Durham Regional Pipe Band is attending another parade this year but they have been booked for next year's parade . Sheri would like her last name taken off the Website NEW BUSINESS . Valerie has contacted different companies within Bowmanville to create a new sign for the parade building, as the old one is very worn. She has obtained quotes from them and we have decided on 4BZ Signs and Designs. We will pay for materials and they will donate their time and labour for preparing the sign. They will create a new design for Valerie to review. . Marie motioned to go with 4BZ Signs and Designs, pay for materials, put picture of new sign on website and company name on back of program. Roger seconded. The committee was all in favour. . Meeting adjourned by Marie. Next meeting: Monday October 24th, 2005 Time: 7:00 p.m. Room: IC Correspondence Item I-21 '050CT25 PM 3=20=23 Clw:mgron CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting-Approved by Committee Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Andrew Kozak (Chair) Councillor Don MacArthur Gord Lee Clayton Morgan Lisa Robinson Glenn Wallis (Vice-Chair) Don Carter David Duffie Dave Rickard ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Co-ordinator Donna Van Schyndel, Recording Secretary Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Co-ordinator, Durham Region REGRETS: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, Ron Radcliffe" ".> "'<'r"_'"'~__""_8~"",,,,,,_<,~ Shane Morris, Dirk Zinner, Constable Keith Richards" ;"')Jl!J,.nlCl~" f - "'>\W"""....""""'~_""""~.."_._.~".:,,~. , . I 1.0 -". _.ii.... ..~__"~ MOVE~,by Clayton Morgan; SECONDED by David Duffie. "r----- '--. r THAT: The mmutes of the June 16, 2005 meetmg be approved. [=~~~-~:===t- , , '---+-- CARRIED ,~,.. - ADOPTION OF MINUTES "-.,^,,,'~'_..,._--- 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION -v...._,~~<_. a) Road Watch-(Ron Baker) I' --.............! '.......---.:.;: Road Watch logos have been painted on the road at 4 diffeierit1ocatiollsi!1,,>c,"~,,~,,_ Bowmanville. . Longworth, west of Liberty Street . Longworth, east of Scugog Street . Simpson Avenue, north of Soper Court . King Street, west of Mearns Avenue The logos are made of durable plastic and cost approximately $500.00 each. ~ ,;. is,ZOOS The Road Watch web page is now available as a link from the Municipal website, Services section. This page, although available, may still require modifications. b) Traffic Watch Update-(Ron Baker) Traffic Watch 2005 Sub Date Violations Most Posted # 2005 Reoorted ViolationsiHr. Time Period Aaaressiye Soeed Location 1 June 7 38 9.5 8:00-1 :00 98 60 Darlinaton, Cone. 7 at Langmaid 1 June 9 16 5.3 9:00-12:00 99 50 Courtiee, Nash at Fourth Renorted at June 16 CTMAC 2 June 13 73 18.3 9:00-1:00 113 50 Trulls Rd. S of Taunton Oid Seu909 Rd at Hampton 2 June 14 31 12.4 11 :30-2:00 83 50 CemeterV 3 June 20 33 9.4 9:00-12:30 94 50 Old Seunon Rd. at Marvleah Crt. 3 June 21 17 6.8 8:30-11 :00 86 50 Cone. 6 in Solina 4 June 27 49 9.8 8:00-1:00 125 60 Cone. 3 W of Lockhart 4 June 28 12 8 9:00-10:30 85 50 Nash Rd. near Carriaoe Lane 5 July 5 11 5.5 8:30-10:30 87 50 Nash Rd. near Fourth Aye. 5 July 6 54 10.8 8:30-1 :30 101 60 Cone. 7 at Lanamaid 6 JulY 12 21 7 8:30-11 :30 91 50 Cone. 6 in Solina 6 July 14 28 7 8:30-12:30 110 50 Old Seuooo Hamoton Cemetery 7 July 18 108 21.6 8:30-1:30 103 50 Trulls Rd S of Taunton 7 July 19 17 8.5 . 8:30-10:30 102 50 Old Seuooo Rd. at Marvleah Crt. 8 July 21 30 8.6 8:00-11 :30 98 50 Old SecoQo Rd. at Marvleah Crt. 8 July 26 34 8.5 8:00-12:00 107 60 Cone. Rd. 3 W of Lockhart 9 Aua 2 39 9.8 9:00-1 :00 86 50 Old Seunon HamDton Cemetery 9 Aua 8 76 14.3 8:00-1:30 101 60 Cone. Rd. 7 at Lanomaid 10 Aua 9 24 6.9 8:30-12:00 113 60 Solina Rd. H~ 2 to Nash 10 Aua 10 9 4.5 8:30-10:30 90 50 Wayerley Rd. N of Lawrence Gate 11 Aua 15 110 22 9:00-2:00 104 50 Trulls Rd. S of Taunton 11 Aua 17 17 8.5 9:00-11 :00 80 50 Nash Rd at Fourth Aye 12 Aua 22 40 10 8:30-12:30 91 50 Old Seuooo Rd. at Marvleah Crt. 12 Auo 23 48 13.7 9:30-1:00 102 60 Cone. 3 W of Lockhart 13 Auo 29 43 12.3 10:30-2:00 94 50 Old Seuooo Hampton Cemetery 13 SeDt1 145 26.4 10:30-4:00 101 60 Cone. 7 at Lanomaid 14 SeDt6 40 13.3 8:30-11 :30 103 50 Cone. 6 in Solina 14 Seot 7 13 6.5 8:30-10:30 85 50 Oid Seuooo Rd. Enniskillen P.S. 1176 Violations reported to.date Below are the reported violations from June 7 to September 7,2005. c) Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) The Clarington 407 Community Advisory Committee (CAe) met September 6th, 2005. The Environmental Assessment (EA) is now - 3 - ''::; underway and the first public information meeting should be in the New Year. The Ministry of the Environment has approved the EA Terms of Reference. The concept design will be finished as part of the Environmental Assessment report. Leslie Benson will check to see ifthe 407 East website could be added as a link to the new CTMAC web site currently being designed. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION a) 40 KM/HR Speed Zones Engineering Services will prepare an information report to Council to advise them of items related to posting regulatory speed limits. Rural Posted Speed Due to changes to the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) and its interpretation many Municipalities, including Clarington, are now required to by-law and post rural roadways. Previously 80 km/hr was considered standard for rural areas and did not require the posting of signs. Now that signs must be posted it would be prudent to review the rural roads by-law and post acceptable speed limits of80 km/hr or less. A report and proposed by-law for regulatory posted speed limits on various rural roads should be prepared by the spring. Because signs are now mandatory this will be included as a budget item for Operations. 40 km/hr Speed Postings Although staff, are not recommending 40 km/hr speed postings, information will be provided to Council which is based on a Toronto Policy. b) All-way Stop Draft Warrants The draft warrant presented at a previous meeting has been modified and tested at a number of intersections to determine its applicability for the various types of road classes. Baseline Rd. at Holt- Arterial roadway Edward St. at Glass Court- Urban Collector roadway Beaver St. at Robert St- Urban local roadway Old Scugog Rd at Cone. Rd 6- Rural roadway Although none of the above locations presently meet the strict MTO guidelines or the less restrictive draft warrants, the draft warrants do -4- S0ptcmbcrl), 20U) provide a better representation of conditions and should result in additional locations for all-way stops being supported by staff. These draft warrants will continue to be applied while evaluating a number of additional locations during October and November with the CTMAC being advised of the results. c) Wilkins Crescent Speed Bump Request A draft copy of a letter was prepared by Ron Baker in reply to the Wilkins Crescent request and the committee reviewed the contents and found it satisfactory. The resident has been contacted by phone. It was suggested that members visit this location and bring back their findings to the next scheduled meeting. d) CTMAC Draft Web Page The web site information is still under review and committee members were asked to consider the draft and bring their comments to the next meeting. A launch date for the new site has not been set. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR a) Items of Interest to the Committee Speeds on King Street (al, Ontario There has been a complaint about the speed of vehicles in this area. Ron Baker will check out the area to see if speed is an issue. He will also check to see if volume may be a concern. Advisory Signs These black and yellow signs are designed as an advisory measure only and are a recommended speed for motorists. To warrant one of theses signs, a hazardous condition should be present. Letter to the Editor There was an article in the summer placed in the Canadian Statesman in the Letter to the Editor section which dealt with Robert Adams Drive in Courtice. The recording secretary will search for this article and bring it to the next meeting. . \1 - 5 ~ 15, Areas with Speeding Issues Currently the committee advises the police to further investigate speeding concerns that they have encountered. The Traffic Watch policeman will also visit the location of areas that have received complaints. If speed appears to be an issue, the Traffic Watch Program Technician is sent to the location with the radar message board to collect speed data, record license pJ/tte numbers and visually educate drivers about their speeds. The plate nJrnbers are submitted to the Police as part of the Road Watch Program and Police are asked to follow up with enforcement. The committee has two radar guns; one has a display board and the other is a h...ul-held. The hand-held unit can be borrowed from the committee. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE October 20, 2005 - 7:00 p.m.- Committee Room lA-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, through the north door on Church St. 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Clayton Morgan THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m." Correspondence Item 1-26 SANTA-~LAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING September 12, 2005 Start Time: 7:09 PM Finish Time: 9:00 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Terryl Tzikas, Debbie Fernandes, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Kathy McLaugWin Absent: Rob Flynn, Marie Hammond, Sheri Crago Minutes of previous minutes were read and accepted by Tracy Bayley-Buckle and Seconded by Dawn Longmire VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson . Valerie stated that she received a call from Cobourg wanting to use our Santa Float for their parade. After discussion it was agreed upon by Committee, not to allow Cobourg to borrow our Float. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . Marie was absent, there will be a budget report at the next meeting. TRACY BAYLEY-BUCKLE -Makenp . Tracy has purchased new makeup last year DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers . Debbie reported that she will use existing envelopes for letters. . Letters will be sent out by the end of September DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Dawn stated that all Costumes have been washed last JanuarylFebruary. Cost for cleaning was $123.94 for all of the costumes. . Dawn has 2 people to mend costumes. . She is going through the costumes to see if any are in need of repairs .. Debbie/Terryl will take stock and let her know if there is enough envelopes with return address on them. . Dawn is hoping to have the button design for next meeting . Dawn suggested that we ask Santa ifhe will be our Volunteer of the year. Valerie to contact Nancy Thompson. ROGER LEETOOZE - JudginglPosters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes . Roger reported that one Judge will be returning and has yet to contact the other two. . Discussion on Posters/Banners: There will be a perpetual Banner for boxes. This will be a thick banner with no dates on them to be used over and over . Roger to look at Box Banners, and let Dawn know the conditions of them . Posters for store windows will be thinner with dates on them. . Roger will contact Bud Henning and ask about opening shed for us. TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . Donation letter database is up-to-date . Donation letters will be sent out the last week of September . Rental of Room at Central has not been paid, will give to Marie at next meeting KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . Kathy reported that she is going to forward e-mail to Kawartha PineRidge School Board asking school to insert note in School newsletters asking for volunteers for parade re: Costumes. Correspondence Item I-27 SANTA. ~LAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING September 26, 2005 Start Time: 7:02 PM Finish Time: 8:00 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Debbie Fernandes, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Kathy McLaughlin, Rob Flynn, Marie Hammond Absent: Sheri Crago, Terryl Tzikas, VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson . Valerie has spoken to Nancy regarding Ron Thompson being volunteer of the year and she said Nancy was very pleased. His name will appear on the trophy and the plaque, this will be a surprise to him. . Nancy will go ahead and refurbish the Santa suit. Wig and beard are fine. Nancy to give bill to committee. This maybe Santa's last parade, he has been doing this job for 19 years. . Roger mentioned that if Santa does retire he has a name of someone that maybe interested in doing this. . Roger made a motion that when Santa does retire to give him the suit, Seconded by Marie, all in favour by committee. . Roger forwarded an e-mail to Valerie regarding Selloffvac's interest in the parade for either a donation or an entry. Valerie will forward mailing info. to Debbie and Terry!. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . The budget was presented: $16,802.89 in bank as of March 31, 2005 - this includes GlC. . $5,000 GlC just renewed. . Roger questioned whether the bank service charges can be waived, Valerie will ask Sheila (REC Manager) to waive service charges. . Marie stated that we do not want to lose our annual donation from REC. . Budget was set out for this year's parade (2005) with regards to Bands, Costumes/Makeup and Advertising. o Bands - $8,000 o Costumes/Makeup - $1,000 o Advertising - $1,650 . Marie will e-mail budget to Valerie and Valerie will forward to Patti Barrie at the Municipality. TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE -Makeup . Nothing to report at this time. DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers . Debbie reported that she does have enough envelopes and has written out envelopes. . The new Clarington High School has contacted her and she will forward information to them. . Terryl will e-mail changes to Entrant's Forms to Debbie. DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Dawn stated that she still has to contact Pat Lange re: costumes. . Button Design - they are working on a couple of designs and will bring to next meeting. . Dawn forwarded a bill to Marie for $123.94 for cleaning of costumes. . Kathy is looking after the ad for the costumes. ROGER LEETOOZE - JudginglPosters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes . Roger stated that the Banner was found, and there is nothing on the boxes. . Banners for the boxes will be done, but they require a template. . Box Banners will be Laminated and will peel off and stick to boxes. . Rob has a name of someone who can do this, Roger to get a box over to Rob, and Rob will forward to person. Rob will inquire as to the fee for this. . There will be no dates on the banners for the boxes, but the banners for the stores will indicate a date. . It was suggested that we acquire 50 banners for the boxes and 300 for the store fronts. . Roger has 3 judges lines up. Bud has not got back to Roger as of today. . Roger has sent Roger's Cable a second request e-mail, but has not heard back. . Roger meptioned that he can borrow 2 golf carts from Aryen Links and Rob will be able to obtain 4 from Quarry Lakes. . Roger mentioned that the 50th Anniversary of the Parade will be coming soon and would lil}.e to do something special. He suggested that we could have real niindeers-pull Santa at this parade. Bowmanville Zoo may have a contact for this. It was suggested that 5% of button sales will be put aside every year from now until the 50th Parade, put money into a GIC and accumulate. Roger placed a motion that stated: In order to provide a unique experience to our community for the 50th Annual Parade 5% of button sales, as long as this does not create a deficit in any given year, will be put aside for a Special activity. Seconded by Dawn, all in favour by committee. ROB FLYNN - Traffic Control . Rob to contact Quarry Lakes about golf carts. . Rob to have plastic banners made for button boxes. TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . Was absent from meeting. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . Kathy reported that she has contacted Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board and has forwarded e-mail to Bernice Roberts and asked if they could put note in their October and November newsletters regarding costumes. She received a reply back and this has been forwarded to all Public schools and it is up to the Principals to decide ifthis should go in or not. . Kathy will be putting an advertisement in paper within the next couple of week regarding Floats and Fillers. BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE Estimated Revenue and Expenses 2005 Parade REVENUES Donations Button Sales Municipality of Clarington Bank interest Total Revenue Expenses Advertising Bands Bank charges Banners & Programmes Building (including utilities) Buttons Costumes & Materials Insurance Miscellaneous Postage Stationary Supplies Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures $6,500.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 16,500.00 1,650.00 8,000.00 50.00 400.00 250.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 250.00 750.00 250.00 400.00 16,500.00 $0.00 Correspondence Item 1-32 CY AC meeting Oct 19/05 . Location: Clarington Central Secondary School 4pm . Attendance; Sandy Archibald, Colleen Groeneveld, Todd Gribbon, Vanessa Hughes, Derrick McKay, Dianna Eastwood, Adrian Foster, George Stamois from the Goldie Group . Welcome: Ron Tansley welcomed everyone to the new high school . Minutes of Sept 14/05minutes reviewed and accepted Adrian moved, Derrick 2nd all in favour carried . Business arising from the minutes . Police Checks- Derrick has circulated the JHS forms if you did not receive one please contact him. Goldie G."'lp-George Stamois presented the Goldie Group's findings on fundraising planning study and we quickly reviewed them. Extra copies are available from Dianna at the JHS office, 132 Church St. Bowmanville. There were some appendix missing (J&H) and Sandy will e-mail them out.1t was decided that because of the large amount of information presented that we would review the report and have a wrap uplbrainstorming meeting on Nov. 26/05, 9:30- 3:30pm with Karen Libermen as the facilitator. The meeting place is yet to be determined. Dianna will check to see if the upstairs court room is available, Adrian suggested Faith United, Todd will see if the school is available. Please let Sandy know if you are able to attend. ASAP Art Competition- To take place Decll05 at the Fire House. There will be finger foods available donated by the CY AC. The theme this year is Youth in Our Community. Please call Colleen 905-623-5665 or e-mail cgroeneveld0\iuno.com if you are able to donate finger food and what you will be bringing, Thanks. Ontario Principals Grant- Todd has looked into the principals grant and unfortunately the CY AC is not eligible but the life skills group from the school was and they have been awarded a $2000.00 grant. No Alterative CD promotion- Thank you to all the volunteers. The security was ready for 300 but only about 100 attended. $250.00 was raised for the Fire House Reports: Youth Report- David sent in a report, staffing is still an issue. Mark Gilman will be running a boys club. Sandy reported that we have a new youth officer. 1t continues to be a concern that we lack students on this committee, Todd will ask the student leadership group if anyone is interested. Dianna suggested placing an ad in the paper for interested parties to submit submissions. Derrick continues to promote the CY AC at his orientations. . Budget- Sandy circulated a budget report. We appear to be on target . Trillium grant- is meeting goals . New Business: No Alterative wants to hold a dance at the Fire House and present the cheque at this time. Security is always an issue at any dance. Derrick, Dianna and David and Rom Collis can work out if this is possible. One idea was no ins or outs. Ron Collis has some security. . Adrian suggested sending minutes to council so they are aware of what we are doing. . Time and date of next Meeting; Place to be determined . No" 26/05 9:30-3:30pm brainstorming work shop and review of Goldie report . If you did not receive your copy please pick up at the JHS office, 132 Church St. Bowmanville. Call let Sandy know if you can/can't attend. archibaldsiaJ,idirect.com ClfJLilJgtDn REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14,2005 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, NOVEMBER14, 2005 RECOMMENDI'::-:ClNS: THAT the actions taken at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of November 14, 2005 be approved. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 (~w:mglOn Unfinished Business REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: Council Date: Monday, October 24, 2005 Report #: Addendum to EGD-50-04 File#: By-law #: Subject: PORT DARLINGTON WATERFRONT PARK COt>!'::!::PTUAL MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT this Addendum to Report EGD-50-04 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the revised Conceptual Master Plan for the East Beach portion of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park; 3. THAT all interested parties listed for this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: A({j{/}1/1~ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services a J. Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services O f)n~\L Reviewed by: ~ "-' "'- Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer AS C/PW/j 0 October 19, 2005 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 Addendum to EGD-50-04 Page 2 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 As reported to General Purpose and Administration Committee on November 1, 2004 (Attachment 1) staff had developed a conceptual master plan for the Port Darlington Waterfront Park. T he conceptual master plan, was approved by Council at its meeting of November 8, 2004. 1.2 Port Darlington Harbour Company and Wiggers Custom Yachts have indicated that all of their property on the East Beach is required for their business. In addition to the feedback from the Port Darlington Harbour Company and Wiggers Custom Yachts, the citizen feedback received during public reviews in November 2004 has assisted in the preparation of the revised plan. 1.3 The purpose of this report is to recommend an update to the east beach portion of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park Conceptual Master Plan (attachment 2) in light of staff's review of these comments and decisions taken by Council respecting COPA #39. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At the October 25th, 2004 meeting of Council, staff were authorized to prepare appropriate amendments to the Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan, among other things to facilitate the creation of larger, more usable park space as a focal point on the waterfront. A statutory Public Meeting was held on November 15, 2004 at which a number of residents appeared before committee with questions as to the details of the park plan and traffic management issues. 2.2 On November 1, 2004, staff presented the Port Darlington Waterfront Park Conceptual Master Plan to the Port Darlington Community Association. On November 4, 2004, staff presented the Plan to residents of the Port Darlington community at the Bowmanville Community Forum. During these meetings, it appeared that while there are questions regarding the details, timing and cost of Addendum to EGD-50-04 Page 3 the park development there is general consensus that the park is desirable and will be a highly used municipal asset. 2.3 On January 1th, 2005 the Municipality approved an amendment to the Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan (COPA #39) which provides for the shifting of East Beach Road north from its present location. This will reduce the area now d~signated Village Commercial by the Secondary Plan which is in place. Two amendments have been made to COPA #39 to address objections made. by P~ Darlington Harbour Company, Wiggers Custom Yachts and Mr. ,... Glen Ransom (By-laws 2005-070 and 2005-101). The revised plan recommended in this report is consistent with COPA #39. 3.0 MASTER PLAN REVISIONS 3.1 The park elements proposed on the original master plan for the East Beach include a large central gathering node constructed near the waters edge at the south extension of Port Darlington Road. This space would be used for special events such as concerts in the park, fireworks displays, art exhibits, etc. A nautically themed children's playground, water play area, washroom building, and concession stand are also proposed for this portion of the park. Large open green spaces would be provided for picnicking or informal play. All of these elements have been preserved in the revised Conceptual Master Plan by shifting eastward the proposed park uses that encroached on the lands owned by Port Darlington Harbour Company and Wiggers Custom Yachts. The shift does not delete any of the significant features of the Conceptual Master Plan. The plan has also been revised to include park uses on the existing municipal lands on the west side of Port Darlington Road. They add approximately .64 ha to the East Beach portion of the park. The addition of these lands to the master plan allows for the relocation of parking away from the remaining residential area Addendum to EGD-50-04 Page 4 on East Beach Road. The proposed parking lot on the original master plan was one of the most significant concerns expressed by residents of East Beach Road. Moving it away from the residential area will free up more green space close to the lake and will also reduce vehicular traffic in the vicinity of the remaining homes on East Beach Road. The plan also illustrates the existing alignment of East Beach Road and Port Darlington Road as well as the proposed realignment of East Beach Road. 4.0 CONCLUS!ONS 4.1 It is recommended that Council approve the revised East Beach portion of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park Conceptual Master Plan. Attachments: Attachment 1 - EGD-50-04 Attachment 2 - Revised East Beach Master Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Glenn Ransom Maria and Alvarina DeLemos Cauchon/Abugara Port Darlington Harbour Company Port Darlington Community Association Kevin Taylor Rose Savage Scott Lumley Chris Williams Stephen Waque Shane Raymon Michael Melling . ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: Addendum to EGD-50-04 ~n REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, N~vember 1, 2004 Report #: EGD-50-04 File#: By-law #: }~.." --- Subject: PORT DARLINGTON WATERFRONT PARK - CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: ( 1. THAT Council approve in principle the Conceptual Master Plan for Port Darlington Waterfront Park near the mouth of Bowmanville Creek. 2. THAT staff proceed to obtain input from the public on the Conceptual Master Plan 3. THAT staff include the implementation of Phase 1 of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park for consideration in the 2005 capital budget and forecast. iJttaMA 11 Submitted by: A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services -" 1 /.70,1',-. , .<-e.v--~C' ---~-u.....-, 2" '---" L Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer v . Crome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services ASC/PW/jo CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 2 c 1.0 INTRODUCTION In July 2000, Council approved a Land Acquisition Strategy for the Municipality of Clarington and subsequent updates in May of 2002 (PSD-044-02) and June of 2004 (PSD-093-04). A Financial Analysis was prepared to evaluate the financial viability and funding sources for the Land Acquisition Strategy (Report PSD-043-02). The Financial Analysis report concluded that acquisition needed to be scheduled over a 20 year period. Since, that time a number of properties have been obtained and we now have sufficient lands to begin some development of the Bowmanville waterfront for parkland. Council has since June of 2004 approved the acquisition and/or expropriation of the land~ necessary to develop Phase 1 of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park on the East Beach. To provide Council with a vision of what the final build out of the park development would look like, Engineering Services has had a conceptual master plan prepared for all of the lands identified in the Acquisition Strategy regardless of the land acquisition timing priority. From this conceptual plan the Phase 1 development plans can be developed for implementation in 2005 or 2006 subject to funding. 2.0 OVERVIEW OF THE WATERFRONT STRATEGY The Clarington Waterfront Strategy (1993) was prepared to provide a long-term vision for Clarington's waterfront. The Strategy identified, among other things, the lack of active and passive/recreation opportunities along the waterfront. Much of the Lake Ontario shoreline was impeded by large land owners, such as St. Marys Cement, Cameco, Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Wilmot Creek Retirement Community and large agricultural operations. To provide more public open space the Strategy identified three district parks, one in each of the three Urban Areas, focal nodes and areas of interest along the waterfront. District parks in Newcastle Village and Bowmanville were centered around the existing harbOurs. The district park for Courtice was identified at the bottom of Courtice Road. Two passive recreation areas were identified, one around the Wilmot Creek in Newcastle and the other around Bowmanville Marsh in Bowmanville. The Waterfront Trail, focal nodes, and areas of interest associated with the trail will be contained within a greenway of linear parks along the waterfront. (See Attachment 1) The recommendations within the strategy provided the basis for waterfront policies in the Clarington Official Plan, adopted in 1996. In the Clarington Official Plan the district parks are identified with District Park symbols, and the greenway as "Waterfront Greenway" or in some instances "Environmental Protection". .... REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 3 ( 3.0 PROGRESS OF THE BOWMANVILLE WATERFRONT LAND ACQUISITION AND PARK PLANS 3.1 Overview In 1999, approximately 45 hectares (111 acres) of land in and adjacent to the Bowmanville and Wests ide Marshes were secured by the Municipality of Clarington as a result of negotiations with Blue Circle Cement (now St. Marys Cement) to save a portion of the Westside Marsh. These lands were subsequently transferred to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. A management plan is being prepared jointly by the Municipality and CLOCA to ensure the ecological functions of the marshes are not lost as a result of future quarrying by St. Marys Cement. The plan will also provide opportunities for passive recreational uses. The residents and Council were recently invited on a tout';,; the summer of 2004 to view the works which are nearing completion. The Municipality leases a portion of the Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area from CLOCA. A Conceptual Plan was prepared in 2000 which recommends improvements to the boat launch, parking lot, Waterfront Trail and fish cleaning station. New play areas and a lookout are also proposed. The improvements total $1.14 million dollars. One third funding has been approved in the SuperBuild program. The implementation of these improvements are contingent on receiving the balance of funds in the 2005 capital budget. ( A District Park is designated at the mouth of the Bowmanville Creek for both the east beach and west beach. The Port Darlington Harbour Company (PDHC) currently owns the lands on both the east and west of Bowmanville Creek. The Municipality has been in negotiations with PDHC for sometime. The PDHC lands on the East Beach are included in the long-term acquisition strategy however at this time acquisition is not crucial to the first phase of park development. In addition, accommodating marine industry in Bowmanville Harbour is desirable from both economic and public interest aspects (e.g. an active waterfront is desirable). The Municipality has been acquiring lands on the south and north side of East Beach Road to provide for sufficient depth to the park and ancillary facilities such as parking and washrooms, etc. As such, the Municipality has prepared a design concept that can be phased in overtime and in relation to which lands will ultimately be publicly accessible. In addition, funds should be allocated in the capital budget to begin implementation such as grading, parking, seating and some plantings. 3.2 Waterfront Trail The Waterfront Trail is generally located within the Waterfront Greenway and links the District Parks, focal nodes and other areas of interest together. The total length of the trail is 31 kilometers (19 miles). Opportunities to move the trail off road and closer to the water are sought through development of lands, or by other means such as leases and licenses agreements. For the "Waterfront Greenway", in the Clarington Official Plan the intention was to have the Waterfront Trail integrated within the open space on the lake side of the roadway. REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 4 ( 3.3 3.4 ( Bowmanville/Westside Marshes Management Plan CLOCA and the Municipality have been working on a Management Plan for the Bowmanville and Westside Marshes since 2001; as part of this plan a report regarding the dynamic beach and how it should be managed in the West Beach Area has been prepared. The draft report recommended that "Due to the extreme severity of the hazards (i.e. potential loss of life)" CLOCA and the Municipality continue with the long term acquisition strategy of this area. In addition, the recreational activities recommended for this West Beach and Bowmanville Marsh are passive in nature and promote the restoration of the dune area along West Beach to maintain the barrier between the lake and marsh. Conceptual Master Plan for Port Darlington Waterfront Park A Conceptual Master Plan has been prepared to provide a VISion for the future development of the waterfront in Port Darlington. The physical barrier of the Bowmanville Creek divides the park into two distinct sides. Each side presents different opportunities for park development. The West Beach side contains the marsh and a sand beach with level access to the waters edge. The East Beach side has a shoreline that is elevated from the waters edge and existing uses such as the marina, condominiums, and Bobby C's restaurant. The Conceptual Master Plan takes advantage of the physical features of each site to create a district park that will provide a variety of recreational opportunities for residents of Clarington and beyond. 3.4.1 East Beach Side (Attachment 2) The east side of the creek would contain the active use areas of the park. It is proposed that a large central gathering node be constructed near the waters edge at the south extension of Port Darlington Road. This space would be used for special events such as concerts in the park, fireworks displays, art exhibits, etc. A nautically themed children's playground, water play area, washroom building, and concession stand are also proposed for this portion of the park. Open green spaces would be provided for picnicking or informal play. The Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail would pass through this section of the park. Initially when the Secondary Plan for Port Darlington was being developed (1992) it was assumed that there would be adequate room south of the existing East Beach Road for the district park development; however, detailed development of the park plan and an examination of the existing and potential road alignments have yielded a much more usable park space, that will accommodate the anticipated activities in the park by shifting the road to the north. REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 5 ( Because the surrounding land is higher than the lake, direct access to the waters edge is limited on the east side of the creek. Walkways and waterfront lookouts would be constructed parallel to the lake along the top of the bank. Steps down to a waters edge platform would be constructed. A small beach at the west end would provide direct access to the waters edge. The architectural features throughout Port Darlington Waterfront Park, including buildings, shelters, lights and site furniture would be designed to match the architectural style of Victorian ~ra Port Darlington. It was during this period that Port Darlington was an active summer resort. The activity and"llitality of the east portion of the park would complement the existing residential, comrfiercial, and marina uses just north of the park. Clarington's Official Plan includes a Village Commercial block along the south side of the Regional Water Treatment plant. This block could be developed with shops, artisan's studios and restaurants. The viilage commercial buildings would also screen the view of the Regional Plant from the park and provide the opportunity to create rooftop patios overlooking the lake. ( 3.4.2 West Beach Side (Attachment 3) The proposed parkland on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek will be much more passive in character and will complement the beaches and marshes that dominate the landscape on the west side. The sand beach will be the main attraction of the west beach portion of the park. The north edge of the west beach portion of the park will include nature trails along and through the marsh as well as interpretive signage and opportunities to launch non-motorized boats and canoes in the open water of the marsh. A waterfront promenade and waterfront lookouts are proposed along the north edge of the beach. Beach volleyball courts could be constructed between the beach and marsh. The volleyball courts could be used for informal play or programmed tournaments. Since the washrooms and playground on the east beach side are not easily accessible to the west beach it is proposed that a washroom building and children's playground also be constructed on the west beach side of the park. This area would also provide a neighbourhood park function for residents. The Bowmanville Creek is a barrier to pedestrians moving between the east and west portions of the park. The number and size of boats entering and leaving the lake at the mouth of the creek would make building a bridge at this location very difficult and expensive. This master plan proposes a boardwalk that connects the west portion of the park to the marsh trails on CLOCA's land. Pedestrians would follow the marsh trail north and cross the creek at a proposed bridge to the Bowmanville Waterfront Recreation Area that is scheduled to be built in 2005. A bridge at this location is not currently part of the 2005 project. Including a bridge in the project would create a more direct pedestrian connection between the east and west portion of Port Darlington Waterfront Park and between the Bowmanville Waterfront Recreation Area and Port Darlington Waterfront Park. Using a barge to transport people from the west beach to the east beach as was done in the early 1900's is also an option. REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 6 c 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 The framework to create publicly accessible waterfront has been established in the Clarington Waterfront Strategy, Clarington Official Plan and the Land Acquisition Strategy. The financial analysis provided a timeframe for the acquisition of waterfront lands and the financial means to acquire such lands. The acquisition of waterfront land was identified by Council as a priority, the timeframes established in the various strategies and studies have guided staff in their recommendations to Council and land acquisitions. We are now at the point where some development of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park is possible. 4.2 At this time it would be prudent for Council to approve in principal the Conceptual Master Plan for Port Darlington Waterfront Park so that the first phase of development can be carried out within a future context for further acquisitions and phases of development. While it is desirable to have public input prior to Council endorsement of a park master plan, staff is seeking Council endorsement at this time as the Masterplan has an impact on private property and prior to meetirg with the Port Darlington Community Association. ( .... 4.3 The first phase of development for the district park is conceptual only and will have to be detailed prior to construction. A cost estimate for the development of the detailed design and construction will submitted for consideration in the 2005 Capital Budget. If approved, the project could be started in 2005 or 2006. Attachments: Attachment 1 -- Attachment 2 - Attachment 3 - Map of Active and Passive/Recreational Areas in Clarington East Beach Plan West Beach Plan ( ~ r I I -bltllol,l ,II ,.~i ...'\ N)tIO:'11 , " ~ '1, \ I' Ii,! I ~ ~i " I~ II I ., - I ,,~ ,~"" ! \ OfCiO :r:1l1'S'I~ _r ~'" ,J'- l\ ~ " - Q" . . ( , . ,\\< \..--.. I~ r, /, i I . l I I I \ 11 ) 1! / ~' " . ~ . ,..._ ..: ... 0 / "",,,,,-;O:<l:~ ...-In ..c'" ~ I D~" ~~ ('~ ..,' I'''~o"::'~:""" I )At:' _I,le ~,., , LhS"~I,nt:;..~\IJ"'c' ~ , " , , , , ~' '" ,- ~ " " ' ~ U ~ ~ ~,. E ,g 'C ., ~8Yi "V- c: .- 0 -:-:: e.- ~l u I r 0 r~c t\l - C c: C coo o NU ~ '-t 0- o J:i ~ ';;' ~i~:S:~1 ~ (L. :;>-0 -0 O .... llI) 0 0 1,) c: 11) IJ) ,~ 'C '';; 0 0 ~ ~ .~ 0... u... ~ '_ " 0 0 c.::DuJa::.a::. .' IIII ~ c .;.I ,9 - ~ ;::, Cll ,~ E ,<:' ""C u .B 0 o~ :S:~ ,.. 'Z o u ~<l: ~ '_ -0 '- 1: ~ ('J U~ ;;; ~ ro (L. ATTACHMENT NO'1 REPORT NO.: EGD-50:04 ~ ~ o '- <l: ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 ( ,;~ I, -..::~, / .i/ ~ 3 3 ~ :l ( ". /~7-: /-:~/;p' _,-~8 1/ "',_ rl/;/ :~Pi?fP/M >/!,/ I! .' .Jt~:/.;.') 1/ ,;, " I ;..>.p;::;;!li: -'~>-r _ _-c~ / ,'" ~~I:~ I "$ ..' i' _:';.>,:;.:;..- .i<;: .:-/-' :y ~il H __ ~ - U \1 -., . "- I PC'?' .,;i' " ,. - ',.<1<.1 .:Ql' ' ,,:..;--"~ /./-o'f"" ! ,.r;/"/ H" ~--\ .'h/.J --~ ::. " ',if-... -' "i/ (. 7"""---------------. --- , ..w.\l6 '., '.[,-.... ..., .i// Ii ,-J'? ./'\ ) ....,.".' - '" .,i.......... ~ \ -', i ((( ./ 'y:",-." ..i', ~-".....j' '-,Ii..... :fll .~. "l' '~. ,: ~""-=-----~./i, '., ;1' ':"'. ../1 jp )i,.'!> : \. 'b_a.~1 {;'i':II' .,i :; ',\,'r _..../ ~'" ......., I! ,..r-'- ~~ - ' ;1' I" I -I~ i~ ,-J. .' (i 1 ",--~-- -~'::"'''j, Ii ~I'. ~ il ~ il ;/' il/ ~:'(; '/ < ,r ,._',-: i_~: i \~.lc~P-~1-f ~ 11 ;1 i!il ~ "i. ~J~-;:j ~.>, W )-y ~'v i i, .:_--:'::'._-....rn, (..-.., N, ~1 i~![ 0 "..3&" -;if", a: ,,;I, ':".." . 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" " , I j I .=oj \ \ ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 " ~ ~ h ~1 ~ ~~ 1:111' '!!!ll 10. . ~-'~~-. ;il!! " i; !!I -:!I! ", h ,'" , h'I!!;I! .1! " ,-h!1 'II "J "., !~ ~e /,,- \ ~'/-/-' /~il , hili ". ~~e il! ,,, ~T;E:~7~~:c-"~_--~--!rI "'~ -~-~, \ -------;{ i _~.........._______./' ,\....-'----~\ ... "-::' v........, - ------------=.--::---~---r-i ....... ~ ., i ~ I ; ~ I ., ~'l~~ I, i! "; ., ;;11'11 ~ I i~~. ~ , --~-~----t---"'7- .-:-::,:," , ' ~ .. Z 11""---"',1 w '\ j I ~ ~!'- : ~t--0 ,,,, ~ i I- ~ ~ ~7 '" <I... ',~ I \. '\ \ , OY'U~...J.~' My ! 'I' ! , r ! I'll il ~33~O 3111ANVl'IMOS o a: < ... Z o w '" < -' d~i ~~i "'11-1 !:~~ $J ,,-,' ~~~ .:.:.J . . . =. -',..,... ~. ! it'S III lii Ii i~i ii. i! i, . . ~ a: <( ll. I- z Z <t: 0 ....J Z a: c.. 0 U. t- (!) a: CC z LU w a: l- I- <( (j) ...J <( <t: u ~ ::E u. 0 Z ....J >- <t: t- :J 0 :::l <( l- I- 0- c.. 13 (!) w Z zo =:J -z :::i: ..Jo a:o <( Cl I- a: 0 ll. . . ~ Ii mi' i it J.!,.. ~ ~ L ~ h6"~~. . . . . . . . N ~ . ,.-. . 0 . 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SUMMARY OF BY-LAWS NOVEMBER 14, 2005 BY-LAWS 2005-210 being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Lakeridge Health Corporation for the Purposes of Operating the LHC Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Program (approved by Council on October 24, 2005) 2005-211 being a by-law to authorize a Municipal Funding Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Association of Municipalities of Ontario for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the New Deal for Cities and Communities (Correspondence Item n "'7' _. "/ 2005-212 being a by-law to waive the payment of fees for minor variance applications to permit the construction of ramps, lifts and elevators for the purposes of gaining wheelchair accessibility to homes and to amend By-law 96-032, as amended (Report PSD-132-05) 2005-213 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Report PSD-131-05) 2005-214 being a by-law to amend By-law 2005-145, a by-law respecting the appointment of a Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety Inspectors (Report EGD-041-05) 2005-215 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Peninsula Contracting Inc. Fonthill, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Guide Rail Installation (Report COD-059-05) 2005-216 Confidential Property Matter (Report PSD-133-05) 1 I' 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 Award Presentation CPO 1 Melanie Foster The presentation to Chief Petty Oflicer 1 st Class Melanie Foster will take place on Tuesday 11 October 2005 at the Clarington Counsel meeting. Presenting Oflicer Commander John Pirrie CD Commanding Officer HMCS Ontario Officers Attending LCdr Don Foster CD RCA Regional Cadet Detachment CFB Trenton LCdr Mike Carter CD RCA Regional Cadet Detachment CFB Trenton Lt(N) Andrew Scott CD Commanding Officer 279 RC(Sea)CC Bowmanville Allan Cornthwaite President Bowmanville Navy League Routine 1830 1845 1900 1915 (approx) Arrive 279 RC(SEA)CC Bowmanville Depart to Town hall Counsel Meeting Starts Mayor John Mutton will introduce the presentation Cdr Pirrie will present the citation and Mayor Mutton Will pin the Ribbon on Chief Foster after this we would like to take a few pictures then depart back to 279 Bowmanville. k~ u:+w<Il'\. o.-v..J.. flr\ - 0) \'v\~e-c. to ~-\-ro& II," , @ c:.b \?l"':<\""ie.. -b ~su..t c;+o.::l'illY\ @) ~ +0 f"" ()f'. ~-tn\- ~~~, I, I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. On Sunday 11 July 2004 at 14:15 we were west bound on Highway 401,2 kIn east of Cobourg when we came upon a car upside down on the side of the road. The wheeles of the car were still turning so we stopped to help. My daughter(CP02 Melanie Foster) and myself ran to the car and there was a woman inside the car still in her seat belt. Chief Foster went over to the car to see if the woman was all right. There was fuel pouring out of the gas tank. Chief Foster did a quick First aid check to see if the woman all right. Chief Foster put a rolled up blanket under the woman's head so that the woman would not hurt her head when she undid her seat belt. Chief Foster and myself helped the woman get out of the car and chief Foster moved the woman away from the car and Chief Foster did a First Aid check of the woman but she was all right. We remained at the accident until the police and the paramedics arrived. At that time Chief Foster told the police and paramedics what was done for the woman after that we left. I feel that Chief Foster should receive some kind of recognition for what she did in rescuing the woman from the car and rendering First aid. If it were not for the training Chief Foster had got in Cadets I feel that she would not have known how to react and do her job, D.G.Foster CD LCdr RCA West EOA 1 . I' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .' \\le were driving home from the traije-r~ and Iny dad S,l\V a car flipped on lll(~ side of the roadj he stoppt'd because he sa'-'\" thM the tires were still spinning. Any-way, I ,"'vas lying do'\vn, trying to sleep, and Jward my dad say, "Should we stop?" to my mom. 1 pqppt'd m} head up, and saw tbe car. I:kfort~ Iny dad even fuJI), stopped the \'an, I .hrctv open the door, and boIled it dmvn the side of the higlnvay in n'iY hate fed. The cat ,>;.'as flipped upside d~)\vn, and if it weren't for her ~t'atbdt, she would ll;,l'l/C heen killed. She had hit the guard fail1 and crunched it like an accordiOlL The car wa~ leaking gas, bllt I stayed with her. The lady Vi'as okay, there was anoth(~r man helping her, hut he ran over to his car to grab a knife to cut her out of the seat bell. I held her ht~ad, and talked to her, reassuring her. I had my hands under her head because there wc.re jagged rocks right under her. I rather have my arms cut HP, then her hl~ad. J put a tov.id under hel' head so that when they cut her out of the scat he It, she \vouldn't hurt her head. She "vas able to fll1ally unhook hCl'sdffronl her seat hell, so m)' father, and I pullet: her out ofthc cat. 1 held J1l't, and \,"'a.s talking to her. The police, tnt'dies, and fireman came, and I w<entinto tohll shoek. Tht~ lady had five cats with Ilt"'r, two mH 1 way thatl sa\\.l\'ly dad was able to gtab (lnt' ;d the scuff of the neck, and save it, but there .were fOUl" missing. One cat ran by Inatt, real fast, but matt "vas able to run C\',~n faster to catch up to it. He hlocked it: from getting on to the higIT\Vay, hut it changed direction and went into the forest. I felt had leaving tilt, S('l.tle hut the police officH said that if I djdn~t SCt~ tlw accident that they di.dn't net~d Ine anymore. Th(~ accident ""as because her ail" conditioning \vas hroken so sht: le1 her cats out of their cagt.~s, but lost. control. She hit. the end of the gual'df'ail and flippt'd 0'\'('1'.