HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/2016Council
Date: May 2, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
- ___ % Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to
make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please
contact: Cindy Fleming, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext.
2101 or by email at cfleming(a)clarington.net.
Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact
the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council
meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the
Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing
the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of
the Council meetings may be video recorded.
Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are
turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting.
Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net
P41111 I 11
1 Call to Order
2 Moment of Reflection
3 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
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5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
5.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 11, 2016
5.2 Minutes of a special meeting of Council April 18, 2016
6 Presentations
Council Agenda
Date: May 2, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
6.1 Granville Anderson, MPP, Durham — General Update to Council
7 Delegations
7.1 Christopher Tarr — Request for Refreshment Vehicle By-law Exemption (Item 13.1 of
Unfinished Business)
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There are no Delegations listed as of the time of publication.
9 Communications — Direction
There are no Communications for direction as of the time of publication.
10 Committee Reports
10.1 Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated March 8, 10-1
Page 1
Council Agenda
Date: May 2, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
10.1.2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee 10-3
dated April 12, 2016
10.1.3 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated April 14, 10-6
10.2 General Government Committee Report of April 18, 2016 10-10
10.3 Planning and Development Committee Report of April 25, 2016 10-23
11 Staff Reports
12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
13 Unfinished Business
13.1 Report CLD -017-16 — Request for Refreshment Vehicle By-law Exemption 13-1
(Referred to Council by the General Government Committee on April 18, 2016)
14 By-laws
14.1 2016-040 Being a By-law to close and authorize the transfer part of the original road
allowance between Lots 34 and 35, Concession 1 (Darlington) Item 42 of the
General Government Committee Report)
14.2 2016-041 Being a By-law to close and authorize the transfer part of the original road
allowance between Lots 28 and 29, Concession 6 (Clarke) (Item 42 of the
General Government Committee Report)
14.3 2016-043 Being a By-law to to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year, to
strike rates and levy taxes for municipal purposes for the year 2016 and to
provide for the collection thereof (Approved by Council on March 21, 2016)
14.4 2016-044 Being a By-law to appoint private property Parking Enforcement Officers
(Item 37 of the General Government Committee Report)
14.5 2016-045 Being a By-law to amend Responsible Pet Owners By-law 2013-024 (Item 39 of
the General Government Committee Report)
Page 2
fIt I 1 r4 E
Council Agenda
Date: May 2, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
14.6 2016-046 Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2005-109, the Comprehensive Zoning
By-law for the Oak Ridges Moraine portion of the Corporation of the Municipality
of Clarington (City Homes) (Item 4 of the Planning & Development Committee
14.7 2016-047 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Valleymore Land Corp.)
(Approved by Council on February 8, 2016)
15 Procedural Notices of Motion
16 Other Business
17 Confirming By -Law
18 Adjournment
Page 3
April 11, 2016
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 11, 2016, at 7:00 PM, in the
Council Chambers.
Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper,
Councillor. J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo
Regrets: Councillor W. Partner
Staff Present: F. Wu, A. Allison, S. Brake, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, D. Crome,
M. Marano, N. Taylor, G. Weir, A. Greentree, C. Fleming
1 Call to Order -
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2 ' Moment of Reflection
Councillor Hooper led the meeting in a moment of reflection.
3 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal indicated that he would. be declaring an interest with respect to Item 15
of the General Government Committee Report.
Councillor Hooper indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect
to.ltem 1 of the Planning & Development Committee Report.
4 Announcements
Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community
5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Resolution #C-094-16
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo
That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council March 21, 2016, be approved.
6 Presentations
April 11, 2016
6.1 Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer — GO Train Extension and Release
of Economic Impact Study
Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer, Municipality of Clarington, addressed
Council to present the findings of the consultant's report on the Analysis of the
Economic Impact of Extending the GO Train Lakeshore East. Mr. Clifford stated the
purpose of the study was to provide the government with the understanding that the
extension of the GO train east is the right choice on how to deliver on its 2016 budget
commitment of "Jobs for Today and Tomorrow". Through use of a PowerPoint
presentation, Mr. Clifford highlighted job growth in Durham Region, transportation
.impacts, development potential and other economic impacts. He noted that based on
all day two-way service, commute time would be reduced by 20 to 30 minutes, 125,000
more jobs would be within a one-hour reach of Bowmanville and an additional 170,000 .
working -aged people would be within a one hour commute of Bowmanville.. He noted
there is potential for development of over 60 development sites near new stations
creating up to 21,000 jobs, $1 billion in construction value for mixed use and
employment hubs and over 6,000 new residential units. Other economic benefits
included $1 Billion in economic activity from construction, 5,000 plus person years of
employment, 1000 jobs generated and $500 million plus in economic activity. Mr.
Clifford stated the study concludes that Durham will deliver the results the province is
looking_ for by improving the competiveness of Ontario, enhancing productivity,
promoting innovation, and developing new economic opportunities. He advised a
meeting with the Minister has been arranged for May 16, 2016, and will focus on the.
study results, and emphasize the overall message that Clarington and its partners are
ready to go and that all of our plans are in place, including the environmental
assessment. Mr. Clifford advised that copies of the Economic Impact Analysis, the
Executive Report and other details are available- at www.oshawa.ca/goeastdurham.
Mr. Clifford responded to questions from Members of Council.
Resolution #C-095-16
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the presentation of Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer, with respect to the
GO Train Extension and Release of Economic Impact Study, be received with thanks.
7 Delegations
There were no delegations scheduled for this meeting.
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There were no Communications to be received for information.
9 Communications — Direction
There were no Communications for direction.
10 Committee Reports
10.1 Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated March 9, 2016
April 11, 2016
10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 16, 2016
10.1.3 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated March 29, 2016
Resolution #C-096-16
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated March 9, 2016
10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 16,'2016; and
10. 1.3 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated March 29, 2016
be received for information, with the exception of Item 10.1.1.
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated March 9, 2016
Resolution #C-097-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That the minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated March 9, be received for
Oladng Minutes
April 11, 2016
10.2 General Government Committee Report of March 29, 2016
Resolution #C-098-16
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of
March 29, 2016 be approved, on consent, with the exception of item #15.
Councillor Neal declared an interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest
Act, with respect to Item 15 of the General Government Committee Report as a member
of his family volunteers with the organization and left the Council Chambers during
discussion and voting on this matter.
Item 15 -- A Gift of Art
Resolution #C-099-16
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded -by Councillor Hooper
That Staff be directed to reach out to A Gift of Art Board of Directors to see how we can
help them achieve their one-time $30,000 grant/loan request to Council to achieve their
Councillor Neal returned to the meeting
10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of April 4, 2016
Resolution #C-100-16
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the recommendations contained in the Planning & Development Committee Report
of April 4, 2016 be approved, on consent with the exception of item #1.
. Carried
Councillor Hooper declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1 of the Planning &
Development Committee Report as a member of his family lives directly across from the
subject property and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this
April,11, 2016
Item 1 An Application by Veltri and Son Limited to permit Reduced Frontage
and Lot Area for One Proposed Single Detached Lot
Resolution #C-101-16
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Report PSD -026-16 be received;
That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA 2016-0007 continue to be processed
including the preparation of a subsequent report;
That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the Zoning
By-law Amendment application submitted by Veltri and Son Limited to rezone to permit
reduced lot frontage and area for one proposed single detached lot; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -026-16 and any delegations be advised
of Council's decision.
Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting.
11 Staff Reports
Resolution #C-102-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT in accordance with 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting
be closed for the purpose of receiving a verbal update from the CAO and Director of
Corporate Services regarding Fire Association Negotiations, a matter that deals with
labour relations or employee negotiations.
The meeting reconvened in open session at 8:26 pm.
The Mayor advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session. in accordance with
Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and one resolution was passed
on a procedural mattex:-.,. .
12 Business Arising .from Procedural Notice of Motion
There was no Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion introduced
under this Section of the Agenda.
April 11, 2016
13 Unfinished Business.
There was no Unfinished Business considered under this Section of the Agenda.
14 By-laws
Resolution #C-103-16
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2016-037 and 2016-038
14.1 2016-037 Being a By-law to amend Boulevard By-law No-. 2013-066 (Item 9 of the General
Government Committee Report)
14,2 2016-038 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (H & H Properties Inc.)
(Approved by Council on September 15, 2014); and
That the said by-laws be approved.
15 Procedural Notices of Motion
There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the
16 Other Business
16.1 Traffic Signals — Taunton Road and Solina Road Intersection
Resolution #C-104-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the introduction of a motion.
Resolution #C-105-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
WHEREAS a number of concerns have been received from the public regarding the
complexity of the temporaty traffic signal works implemented by Blackbird Construction,
in consultation with the Region of Durham, at the Regional Road 4, Taunton Road and
Solina Road intersection; and
April 11, 2016
WHEREAS it is anticipated that traffic at -this intersection will increase once Phase 1 of
the Highway 407 East Extension is open to Harmony Road in the Spring/Early Summer
of 2016; and
WHEREAS these temporary works are expected to be in place until the Fall of 2016
when the Concession Road 6 and Winchester Road (Concession Road 7), road
closures are scheduled to re -open;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Region of Durham and Blackbird
Construction be requested to review the design to provide improvements to address the
traffic concerns at the Taunton Road and Solina Road intersection.
17 Confirming By -Law
Resolution #C-106-16
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2016-039, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on
the 11th day of April, 2016; and
That the said by-law'be approved.
18 Adjournment
Resolution #C-107-16
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal
That the meeting adjourn at 8:31 PM.
7 -
Municipal Clerk
Special Council
April 18, 2016
'Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on April 18, 2016, at 2:23 PM, in the
`10ouncil Chambers.
Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S, Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper,
Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor W. Woo
Regrets: Councillor C. Traill
Staff Present: F. Wu, A. Allison, T. Cannella, C. Carr, J. Caruana, F. Horvath,
F. Langmaid, M. Marano, G. Weir, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers
1 Call to Order
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 2:23 PM.
2 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting.
3 Committee Reports
3.1 General Government Committee Report of April 18, 2016
Resolution #C-108-16
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo
That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of
April 18, 2016 be approved, with a revision to strike the words "That the following
recommendation, from the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, be endorsed"
from Item #2 — Orono Agricultural Society Funding Application to Farm Credit Canada.
4 Confirming By -Law
Resolution #C-109'-16
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2016-042, being a by-law to confirm the,
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a special meeting held on
the 18th day of April-, 2016; and
That the said by-law be approved.
- 1 -
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5 Adjournment
Resolution #C-110-16
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal
That the meeting adjourn at 2:25 PM.
Special Council
April 18, 2016
Municipal Clerk
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board
Municipality of Clarington
Minutes of Meeting — March 8, 2016
(Not yet approved by committee)
In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Gord Blaker, Vice Chair
Carol Little, Shea -Lea Latchford, Sue White, Councillor Wendy Partner, Regional Councillor
Willie Woo, Jay Summers, Gary Oliver, Arena Manage, Bryan Wiltshire
1. Call to Order - 7:08 P.M.
2. Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 16-008 was proposed: THAT:
The minutes of the.February 9th, 2016 meeting are accepted as presented.
Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Gord Blake
3. Arena Manazer's Report — Following up on the need for a revised one time user
agreement, Bryan provided a new contract form for this purpose. In addition, he had
advised -his staff on up -front payments for all casual, one-time users of the ice surface or
upstairs hall. This will eliminate our need to chase down payments from persons we have
no ledger experience with.
Discussions took place regarding our ice time change offer to NVMHA that the chair had
submitted to Peter Hazelton by e-mail' on February 23rd. Peter had advised that
unfortunately it didn't help their situation and they would ideally like to eliminate 3
hours of Saturday ice time and in return acquire the a 3hour time slot on a week -night.
Prime time'ice on week nights is obviously in great demand. The board discussed this
issue at great lengths; unable to come up with another solution at this time.
Motion # 16-009 was proposed: THAT: The chair contacts Mr. Hazelton again, advising
him that the offer provided to him of exchanging Sunday hours for the Thursday evening
Hours of the CGHL were the only current option available. Also, request that he give this
his consideration and get back to us by April 2"d, 2016 with their decision to accept or
Moved by: Councillor Partner
Seconded by: Shea —Lea Latchford
Bryan also updated the board members on the spring schedule, reminding members that .
the CGHL. Had booked the ice for the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings,
(April 4, 5 and 6. Then, the ice plant would be shut down and the ice removed for
preparation of Lacrosse and Ball Hockey.
4. Financial Report —Year to date financials indicated revenue of $94,521.15 and expenses.
of $54,558.54 to March 8, 2016% New ice rates to commence with our September, 2016
start-up were presented by the chair, along with a final budget forecast for 2016. Revenue
forecast for year 2016 was set at $311,100.00, a 5% increase over 2015 actual sales.
Motion # 16-010 was proposed: THAT: The new ice and floor rates and the budget
forecast for year 2016, presented to the board members be accepted..
Moved by: Willie Woo
Seconded by: Gary Oliver
Accounts Receivables were at $78,005.89 to Feb. 29, 2016; 68% current, ($52,000.00).
5. New Business
It was requested of Bryan to acquire scheduling from the Clarington Recreational
.Lacrosse Association for their summer program at Newcastle Arena. Also, if he would
give some attention to the fence vines in the parking lot before the summer programs
commence and while he still had staff to help out. The vines on the fence along the
parking lot, if left to grow this summer, would be out of control.
The Clarington Farmers'. Market located in the arena parking lot will be in operation,
commencing Sunday May 22, 2016.
6. Adjournment — Motion # 16- 011 to adjourn - CAIYRIED
Draft minutes — Not vet approved by Committee
7:00 PM
Present: Patrick Bothwell
Kate Potter
Melanie McArthur
Suzanne Land
Brian Reid
Regrets: Taullie Thompson
Jim Cleland
Leo Blindenbach
Paul Davidson
Dyan Amirault
James Hodge
Councillor Corinna Traill
MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Patrick Bothwell
THAT: the agenda for April 12, 2016 be accepted
Approval -of Minutes
MOVED.: by Kate Potter SECONDED by Melanie McArthur
THAT: the minutes of March 8, 2016 be approved.
SWNA April 2016 Minutes
Operation Clean Sweep
On Saturday April 9 the committee participated in Operation Clean Sweep. It was a great
success with 2800 lbs of garbage collected at the SWNA, Port of Newcastle, and Bond
Approximately 70 people participated including 18 people at the SWNA. Garbage was
-collected along the edge of the marsh, creek, and lake front. Operations collected the bags
for disposal. Following the litter pick up Brian Reid re -installed 16 bird boxes on the
Toronto Street side. Brian and Jim Cleland will coordinate the installation of the remaining
bird boxes. Brian Reid also reported that the Martin House has been removed by Operations
and delivered to his house for cleaning and painting. Operations will be notified to re -install
the Martin House once it is done.
2016 Trail Construction Project
At the March meeting Peter Windolf presented the latest plans showing the proposed trail
alignment and .bridge crossing location for the new woodland trail that will connect the
Waterfront Trail to the existing trail along the north side of the sewage treatment plant.
Since that time Engineering staff have met with the GRCA to confirm that an l lm bridge
will be required to cross the creek. Installing a bridge of that length and weight will be
challenging due to the steep grades and mature trees in the creek valley. Staff are now
investigating different pedestrian bridge options considering the challenges of getting a
bridge to the proposed location.
Bill Bickle Wildlife Photography event
Brian Reid has arranged a presentation by wildlife photographer Bill Bickle for Sunday
November 6 at 2:OOPM at the Newcastle Recreation Centre. Bill Bickle will present and
discuss his photos in a presentation of approx. 1 hour. Although the event would not be
specifically about the SWNA, it would help promote the area by highlighting some of the
flora and fauna that could be found at the SWNA.
Brian Reid will contact Bill Bickle to obtain an image that could be used in the promotional
material for the event.
GRCA Invasive Plants walk
GRCA Biologist Ken Towle has confirmed his availability to lead a walk on Saturday June
18 at 1:OOPM to identify and educate the public about invasive plants. The event would
highlight the ecological damage and the toxic effects of some invasive plants found at the
SWNA. A poster for the event will be created to advertise the event through Clarington's
social media platforms.
The committee suggested advising the municipal representative on the Agricultural
Advisory Committee as there may be interest from local farmers about the event.
SWNTA April 2016 Minutes
Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Jenni McNish a Hampton resident has registered the SWNA for the Great Canadian
Shoreline Cleanup. This is a Canada wide event that encourages citizens to clean up the
shorelines of lakes and rivers around the country.
Leo Blindenbach is the committee's liaison with Jenni and will coordinate the committee's
involvement in the event. The tentative date for the event is September 9, with a rain date of
September 16.
North Viewing Platform Repairs
The Operations Department was notified about rotting wood on the north platform after the
March meeting. Since that time the platform has been closed to public use. Brian Reid and
Peter Windolf will do an inspection of the deck to determine the extent of the rot and will
report what needs to be done to repair the platform.
MOVED: by Patrick Bothwell SECONDED by Paul Davidson
THAT: 'the meeting be adjourned.
Adjournment 7:35 PM
Next Meeting: Tuesday May 10, 6:30PM ON-SITE.
Meet at the Toronto Street entrance to the Waterfi ont Trail (approximately 200m
north of the Sewage Treatment Plant)
Notes prepared by: P.Windolf
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting
Members Present:
Thursday, April 14th, 2016
Elgin Greenham
Les Caswell
Tom Barrie
Ted Watson
Jenni Knox
Don Rickard
Councillor Partner
Brenda Metcalf
Mary Ann Found (7:55)
Eric Bowman
John Cartwright
Henry Zekveld
Guests: Carolyn Puterbough, OMAFRA and Sheila Hall, CBOT
Staff: Faye Langmaid, Planning Services
Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions.
Adoption of Agenda
016-09 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Tom Barrie
"That the Agenda for April .14th, 2016 be adopted"
Approval of Minutes
016-10 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by Don -Rickard
"That the minutes of the March 10th, 2016 meeting be approved"
The Clarington Board of Trade works with OMAFRA and is able to use the
information and statistics that OMAFRA has licenses for. The information is compiled
by the company using many data sources. The data bank makes analysis -of an
issue using the statistics relatively easy, it also allows for comparison across the
Province and trend analysis. The data bank is not specific to agriculture it covers all
sectors of employment. The information is used to target economic'growth
opportunities and provide potential- investors with supporting documentation on why
to choose Clarington.
For agriculture the data is derived from three major,sources. First, most agriculture
production statistics are collected from telephone, mail -in and enumerative surveys of
farmers, with additional information supplied by government field officers,
agribusiness personnel, and farm marketing boards. The second source is the
Census of Agriculture which is conducted every five years. The Census serves as a
"benchmark" for livestock inventory and crop area estimates as well as supplying a
Wealth of information on many other aspects of agriculture in this province (e.g. land
use, farm types, value of sales). The third source of statistics is commonly termed
administrative data. These data consist of complete or nearly complete -counts of
items such as exports, imports, and marketing �of inspected or controlled
Business Arising from Minutes
4 -Plan Review — It is anticipated that the government will be issuing a report before the
end of April and then there will be another round of public input in May/June. As soon
as there is an announcement it will -be circulated to members.
Correspondence, etc.
Surplus Farm Dwelling Severance Policies; Durham Region staff have circulated their
discussion paper for comments. The paper and Region's report was issued to the
committee to be able to review in advance of the meeting. Committee members
support the comments of DAAC with an additional comment that not allowing the
severances can jeopardize the retention of heritage farm homes. The committee
members do not'support the recommendation to eliminate the non -abutting farm.
severance policy. Don Rickard and Faye will work on a response from the committee.
Liaison Reports
Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee — September 15th is the DAAC tour. There will
be the drain installation and drone demonstrations. The event will be at the new Loa -
de -Mede (Werry) farm and new Schillings farm. They are in north Oshawa and
Clarington respectively.
Durham Region. Federation of Agriculture —Farm Connections, April 5, 6, 7 at Vipond
Arena, was a success. 1200 kids over 3 days with 120 volunteers: 900 attended the
open house on April 6th evening. Brenda and others were featured on the CTV news.
Celebrate Agriculture Gala is scheduled for October 27th at Royal Ashburn.
Clarington Board of Trade - Annual General Meeting is next week, Don will move into
the Past President position .and Lawson Gay will be President. Working on the contract
negotiations with the Municipality for renewal as the office of economic development.
GO Train economic study for Durham Region and points east was announced at dLAB
(Durham College - Whitby Campus) last week by.the Mayors of Oshawa and Clarington.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 141h, 2016
TO -7
New Business
Farm Credit Canada Agri -Spirit Funding application — Durham Federation of Agriculture
has been working on securing funding to replace the education trailer and displays.
Funds have already been received from Greenbelt Foundation, some commodity
groups, the Ag Gala proceeds. Committee members made some additional
suggestions of funding sources. For the FCC application DFRA needs a municipal
partner. Clarington staff have reviewed this request and would like a.resolution from
committee to Council. Greenbelt Foundation funding for local food literacy has been
016-11 Moved by Mary Ann Found, seconded by Eric Bowman
The Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington recommends Council endorse, the
Durham Region Federation of Agriculture (DRFA) funding application to Farm Credit
Canada for a trailer and display kiosks, to be owned, operated and maintained by.DRFA
Farm Connections program and municipal. staff be authorized to execute the necessary
documents required for the application to Farm Credit Canada.
Faye will provide the necessary background to Finance, Clerk's and Councillor Partner
for this resolution to be passed by Council.
Ontario Energy Board — Generic Application by Enbridge, to expand service to rural
areas. Staff met with representatives from Enbridge about the Generic Application
#EB -2016-0004 that is before the Ontario Energy Board and has potential implications
for rural customers and the Municipality (funding by Tax increment equivalent) from the
new infrastructure franchise area. The letter from Enbridge is on the Communications
for the General Government meeting on Monday.
Enbridge indicated the initial request by the Province and gas companies are,
responding to came from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. That prompted the
Province to set up the loan program to Union and Enbridge for expansion in rural
areas. Many members are not on gas because of the service area that currently exists
in Clarington. Some agriculture users are very large consumers (e.g. farmers with dryer
systems, etc). All the members were supportive of having expanded service realizing
that they will be the main ratepayers and would have to pay a surcharge.
"did You know" - at each meeting that committee members will select an item to,
circulate to their colleagues (agriculture community contacts) to help spread the word.
For this meeting Faye will circulate information on the barn quilts project that occurred in
Prince Edward County and is being considered in Clarington.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14111, 2016
Future Agendas
Erin O'Toole MP and Kim Rudd MP will attend future meetings, when their schedule can
John Cartwright will work on inviting a speaker on genetics to either June or July
Faye to request tour of the Police Building and meeting with Police.on bio -security,
livestock issues, etc.
Eric Bowman moved to Adjourn
'Next Meeting, May 12th, 7:30 p.m. Room 1C at Municipal Administrative Office
Blackbird (407 contractor) and MTO have been- invited to. the May meeting.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14th 2016
1 C
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Report to Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Monday, April 18, 2016
1. Receive for Information
(a) 8.1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre dated March 16,
(b) 8.2 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated
March 29, 2016
(c) 8.3 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority
dated March 17, 2016
(d) 8.4
Mark Wilson, Senior Advisor, Municipal Affairs, Enbridge —
Ontario Energy Board Application #EB -2016-0004 — Review of
Mechanisms to Recover the Costs of Natural Gas Expansion
in Ontario
(e) 8.5
Debi A. Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative
Services, The Regional Municipality of Durham — Notice of.
Motion from Councillor O'Connell and Councillor Jordan
-Regarding Nuclear Emergency Plans
(f) 8.6
Melodee Smart, Administrative Assistant, Works Department,
The Regional Municipality of Durham - DurhamNork Energy
From Waste Project
(g) 8.7
Melodee Smart, Administrative Assistant, Works Department,
The Regional Municipality of Durham — DurhamNork Energy
From Waste Project — Submission of the 2015 Durham York
Energy Centre Annual Report
(h) 8.8 Debi A. Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative
Services, The Regional Municipality of Durham — Update and
Feedback to the Province on the Proposed Climate Change
Mitigation and Low -Carbon Economy Act. 2016 (EBR Posting
#012-6844) and Cap and Trade Regulatory Proposal and
Revised Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting
(EBR Posting #012-6837) (2016-F-22)
Page 1
ClarhVWR General Government Committee
Report to Council
(i) 9.5 Mary Hitchon — Regarding Traffic By-law 2014-059
Q) 9.6 The Corporation of the Township of North Stormont =
Regarding the Ontario Energy Board Hearing
(k) EGD -019-16 Report on Building Permit Activity for January, February, and
. March 2016
2. Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade, Regarding
an Economic Development Update
That the delegation of Sheila -Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade,
regarding an Economic Development Update, be received with thanks.
3. Jayme Harper, Executive Director, PFLAG Canada Durham Region —
Request for Flag Raising
That the raising of the PFLAG Canada Durham Region Flag on May 17, 2016, be
4. Mary Medeiros, Acting City Clerk, City of Oshawa Request to Change
the Ontario Building Code to Restrict the Permitted Use of Wired Glass
That the following City of Oshawa resolution, regarding the Request to Change the
Ontario Building Code to Restrict the Permitted Use of Wired Glass, be endorsed
by the Municipality of Clarington:
Whereas there have been several incidents where people have fallen
against wired glass and have injured themselves; and
Whereas wired glass does not react to forces in the same manner as safety
glass, tempered glass or laminated glass; and
Whereas wired glass is only designated to remain in place during a fire; and
Whereas the Ontario Building Code currently permits wired glass to be
installed in building entrances and in corridors which may be subject to
damage from contact with the glass causing bodily injury; and
Whereas it is important to amend the Ontario Building Code to further restrict
the permitted use of wired glass;
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 2
General Government Committee
Report to Council
Therefore be it resolved:
1. That the Province of Ontario be requested to review and amend the
Ontario Building Code regarding the use of wired glass to include
the following:
® That wired glass not be permitted as a substitute for, or used in
lieu of, safety glass, tempered glass or laminated glass;
® That wired glass not be permitted in guards;
® That wired glass not be permitted in glass sidelights for
building entrances, within a means of egress or adjacent to
any door;
® That the wired glass area and dimensions allowed in doors be
reduced so that one dimension does not exceed 100 mm; and,
2. That the Province of Ontario be requested to consult'with the Large
Municipalities Chief Building Officials Group and the Ontario Building,
Officials Association on changes to the Ontario Building Code on
further restricting the use of wired glass; and,
3. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham,
all Durham Regional municipalities, all Durham Region M.P's and
M.P.P's, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Large
Urban Mayor's Caucus of Ontario, the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities, the Large Municipalities Chief Building Officials
Group, the Ontario Building Officials Association and the.City's
Building Industry Liaison Team.
5. Laurie Scott, MPP Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes -Brock — Requesting
Support for the Anti -Human Trafficking Task Force and Support for Biil
158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016
Whereas human trafficking is a heinous crime that has been referred to as modern
day slavery; and
Whereas traffickers recruit, transport, harbour and control the girl next door for
sexual exploitation or forced labour; and
Whereas it is one of the fastest growing crimes that starts and stays in Canada,
targeting victims - 90 percent of which are Canadian -born and predominantly
female, averaging the age of 14; and
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 3
CJ~R General Government Committee
Report to Council
Whereas Ontario is a major hub of human trafficking in Canada, and victims are
lured, manipulated and coerced, often over the internet from every part of Ontario;
Whereas human trafficking is in our neighbourhoods and our communities;
Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of the. Municipality of Clarington support
Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016, support MPP Laurie Scott's motion for
a multi- jurisdictional and coordinated task force of law enforcement agencies,
Crown prosecutors, judges , victims' services and frontline agencies; and
That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all Durham Members of Provincial
Parliament and Durham Region municipalities.
6. Wendy Partner — Regarding World Ovarian Cancer Day
That the raising of the World Ovarian Cancer Day Flag, on May 8, 2016, be
7. Green Road and Bridge Construction, Contract CL2013-26 Project
Summary and Reconciliation Report
That Report EGD -020-16 be received;
That the final Green Road and Bridge Construction project reconciliation report be
received by Council with the final costs coming in at $7,595,000 rather than the
approved budget amount of $8,00000; and
That rather than debenture the final, portion of the project costs, which are
$1,156,400.00, delete the 2015 Concession Road 3 reconstruction project, Account
No. 110-32-330-83416-7401, and those funds can be re -directed to the Green
Road and Bridge construction project.
8. Rickard Neighbourhood Park -Parking Lot Construction
That Report EGD -021-16 be received;
That additional funding in the amount of $72,541 to construct a parking lot as part
of Rickard Neighbourhood Park be added to Contract -No. CL2015-14; and
That funding for the parking lot be drawn from unexpended capital in Foster Creek
Neighbourhood Park 110-32-325-83317-7401 in the amount of $11,060, South
Courtice Arena Parking Expansion 110-32-325-83405-7401 in the amount of
$31,000, and the Development Charges Park reserve fund in the amount of
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 4
l"l General -Government.i
9. Update for the Environmental Assessment for Highway 401
Improvements from Courtice Road to the Region of Durham Boundary
(East Townline Road)
That Report EGD -022-16 be received;
That Council direct staff to write to the Minister of the Environment and Climate
Change to rescind the Municipality of Clarington's request for a Part II Order for the .
Transportation Environmental Study Report for the Highway 401 Improvements
from Courtice Road to the Region of Durham Boundary (East Townline'Road); and
That all interested parties be notified of Council's decision.
10. 2016 Community Grant Requests
That Report CSD -007-16 be received;
That Council consider all submitted grant requests; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CSD -007-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
11. Brownsdale Community Centre
Kendal Community Centre
Orono Town Hall
Solina Community Centre
Tyrone Community Centre
Newtonville Community Centre
Hampton Community Association
That Grant Application #16-01,
Brownsdale Community Centre, be approved in the
amount of $3,000.00;
That Grant Application #16-02,
Kendal Community Centre, be approved in the
amount of $3,000.00;
That Grant Application #16-03,
Orono Town Hall, be approved in the amount of
That Grant Application #16-04,
Solina Community Centre, be approved in the
amount of $3,000.00;
That Grant Application #16-05,
Tyrone Community Centre, be approved in the
amount of $3,000.00;
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 5
avi"n General Government Committee
Report Council
That Grant Application #16-06, Newtonville Community Centre, be approved in the
amount of $3,000.00; and
That Grant Application #16-40, Hampton Community Association, be approved in
the amount of $3,000.00.
12. Bowmanville Ecology Garden
Orono Horticultural Society
Bowmanville Allotment Gardens
Newcastle Horticultural Society
Bowmanville Horticultural Society
That Grant Application #16-07, Bowmanville Ecology Garden, be approved in the
amount of $500.00;
That Grant Application #16-08, Orono Horticultural Society, be approved in the
amount of $500.00;
That Grant Application #16-09, Bowmanville Allotment Gardens, be approved in the
amount of $500.00;
That Grant Application #16-10, Newcastle Horticultural Society, be approved in the
amount of $500.00; and
That Grant Application #16-11, Bowmanville Horticultural Society, be approved in
the amount of $500.00..
13. Lakeshore New Horizons Band
Great -Canadian Town Band Festival
Newcastle Village Concerts
Music Night in the Park (Newtonville)
Clarington Concert Band
That Grant Application #16-14, Lakeshore New Horizons Band, be approved in the
amount of $750.00.
That Grant Application #16-15, Great Canadian Town Band Festival, be approved
in the amount of $1,000.00;
That Grant Application #16-16, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the
amount of $750.00; .
That Grant Application #16-17, Music Night in the Park (Newtonville), be approved
in the amount of $1,000.00; and
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 6
® General Government Committee
Report to Council
That Grant Application #16-18, Clarington Concert Band, be approved in the
amount of $1,000.00.
14. Durham East 4-H Club
That Grant Application #16-13, Durham East 4-H Club, be approved in the amount
of $2,500.00.
15. Driftwood Theatre Group
That Grant Application #16-19, The Driftwood Theatre Group, be approved in the
amount of $1,500.00.
16. Beech Street Theatre Co.
That Grant Application #16-20, Beech Street Theatre Co., be approved in the
amount of $1,000.00.
17. Orono Santa Claus Parade
That Grant Application #16-21, Orono Santa Claus Parade, be approved in the
amount of $500.00.
18. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society
That Grant Application #16-23, Newcastle Village and District Historical Society, be
approved in the amount of $1,500.00.
19. Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Clarington Branch
That Grant Application #16-24, Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Clarington
Branch, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00..
20. Newcastle Art Show
That Grant Application #16-22, Newcastle Art Show, be approved in the amount of
21. Polish Heritage Youth Group
That Grant Application #16-25, Polish Heritage Youth Group, be denied.
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 7
CW"n General Government Committee
Report to Council
22. The Gathering Place
That Grant Application #16-26, The Gathering Place, be approved in the amount of
23. Home Base Durham
That Grant Application #16-28, Home Base Durham, be approved in the amount of
24. Pride Durham Inc.
That Grant Application #16-27, Pride Durham Inc., be approved in the amount of
25. Feed the Need Durham
That Grant Application #16-29, Feed the Need Durham, be approved in the amount
of $3,000.00.
26. Durham Youth Council
That Grant Application #16-30, Durham Youth Council, be approved in the amount
of $2,000.00.
27. Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington
That Grant Application #16-31, Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington, be approved
in the amount of $2,000.00.
28. Boys and Girls Club of Durham
That Grant Application #16-32, Boys and Girls Club of Durham, be denied.
29.. The Animal Guardian Society
That Grant Application #16-33, The Animal Guardian Society, be denied.
30. Soper Valley Model Railroad Association
That Grant Application #16-35, Soper Valley Model Railroad Association, be
approved in the amount of $1,000.00.
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Cbr*mn General Government Committee
Report to Coundl
31. Bowmanville Tennis Club
That Grant Application #16-34, Bowmanville Tennis Club, be approved in the
amount of $2,000.00.
32. Clarington Swim Club
That Grant Application #16-36, Clarington Swim Club, be approved in the amount
of $1,000.00.
33. Durham Synchro Club
That Grant Application #16-37, Durham Synchro Club, be denied.
34. Oshawa Camaros Baton Club
That Grant Application #16-38, Oshawa Camaros Baton Club, be approved in the
amount of $1,000.00.
35. Bowmanville Figure Skating Club
That Grant Application #16-39, Bowmanville Figure Skating Club, be approved in
the amount of $2,000.00.
36. April Supplemental Sponsorship Requests
That Report CSD -008-16 be received;
That the sponsorship request for In the Face of an Angel Golf for Ovarian Cancer
Tournament, in the amount of $1000.00, be approved;
That the sponsorship request for John Strange Memorial Foundation, in the amount
of $2500.00, be approved;
That the sponsorship request for Clarington Fire Fighters Association, in the
amount of $300.00 for the Captain "Par 3" sponsorship, be approved;
That the sponsorship request for Lupus Ontario, in the amount of $250.00 for the
"Community Stroller" sponsorship, be approved;
That the sponsorship request for YWCA Durham,. in the amount of $550.00 for the
"Corporate Table" sponsorship, be approved;
That the sponsorship request for Habitat for Humanity Durham, be denied; and
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 9
CkvhWton General Government Committee
Report to Council
That all interested parties listed in Report CSD -008-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
37. Private Property Parking Enforcement
That Report CLD -014-16 be received;
That the By-law, attached to Report CLD -014-16 as Attachment 2, to appoint
Paragon Security as Private Parking Officers for 219 and 221 King Street East,
Bowmanville, be approved; and
Thatall interested parties listed in Report CLD -014-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's actions.
38. Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
That Report CLD -015-16 be received;
That the updated draft Terms of Reference for the Clarington Accessibility Advisory
Committee be approved;'and
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -015-16 be advised of Council's
39. Feral Cats
That Report CLD -016-16 be received;
That the draft by-law, being Attachment 1 to Report CLD -016-16, be approved to
provide specific amendments to the Responsible Pet Owners' By-law 2013-024, to
exempt feral cats from the licensing requirements, and to delete feral cats from the
at large definition provided they meet specified identification and spay/neuter
criteria; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -016-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
40. Kendal Community Centre Lease and Sublease Renewal
That Report COD -005-16 be received;
That approval be granted for the Municipality to renew the head -lease agreement
with the Kendal Community Centre in a form acceptable to the Municipal Solicitor in
an amount of $2.00 per year for a 5 year period commencing on January 1, 2016 to
December 31, 2020.
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 10
ciffingtoil General Government Committee
to Council
That the Municipality, as head landlord, consent to renew the sublease agreements
with the Kendal Lions .Club and Paula Sheppard (Kendal Postal Outlet) in a form
acceptable to the Municipal Solicitor for use of the facilities at the Kendal
Community Centre each in an amount of $2,400.00 plus H.S.T. per year for a 5
year period commencing on January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020 and subject to
a yearly rate increase based on the Consumer Price Index, All Items, Ontario (most
recent issue); and
That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreements.
41. Grass Cutting Services
That Report COD -006-16 be received;
That B&D Tractor Services with an annual bid amount of $185,960.30 (net H.S.T.
rebate) and 2262728 Ontario Ltd 0/A BJ Flint and Sons with an annual bid amount
of $134,089.56 (net H.S.T. rebate), being the lowest compliant bidders meeting all
terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2016-7 be awarded the contract
for Grass Cutting Services for three years and subject to yearly.rate increase based
on the Consumer Price Index, All Items, Ontario, most recent issue;
That the Purchasing Manager be authorized to extend this three year contract for
up to two additional one year terms pending satisfactory service, available funds,
and subject to yearly rate increase based on the Consumer Price Index, All Items,
Ontario, (most recent issue); and
That the funds expended be drawn from the respective operating budgets.
42. Clarington v.. Original Road Allowance Title Issues
(1) Lots 34 and 35, Concession 1, Darlington
(2) 3499 Concession Road 7, Orono (Barraball)
That Report LGL -002-16 be received; and
That the By-laws attached to Report LGL -002-16 (Attachments 3 and 4) be passed.
43, Permitted Age of Taxi Vehicles
Whereas, the Municipality of Clarington currently licenses Taxicabs and limousines
in its Taxi By-law 2005-205;
And'whereas the current by-law is under active review and revision for many factor
including the permitted age of taxi vehicles;
And, in order to be consistent with the majority of Durham Region Councils;
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 11
General Government Committee
Report to Council
Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Clarington,
notwithstanding Section 22.1 of By-law 2005-205 vehicles to be licensed as taxi
cabs may be up to 10 years of age minus the current licensing year.
44. Bill 181, Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 An Act to Amend
the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and to Make Complementary
Amendments to other Acts
Whereas the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing made a commitment to
undertaking a review of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the Act) and other
related Acts with a goal of modernizing and providing clarity to the Act;
And Whereas the Ministry provided a public consultation period seeking input from
the public and other stakeholders;
And Whereas the Bill 181, received 1st Reading on April 4, 2016;
And Whereas Bill 181 incorporated many of the recommendations which has
resulted in achieving the goals of modernizing and clarifying the Act thus
underscoring the value of public consultation;
And Whereas Ranked Balloting is a complex process both from the perspective of
the elector and administratively by the Clerk and did not receive overwhelming
support through the public consultation process;
And Whereas Bill 181 has included the option of Ranked Balloting but has not
provided any supporting rules and procedures, despite public input which identified
the importance of balancing clear, consistent provincial direction in the way ranked
ballots were be used across Ontario, and rules governing the approval process for
use of ranked voting in two-tier municipalities;
And Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Clarington believes that to enact Bill
181 prior to providing Municipalities, the public and other stakeholders the
opportunity to review the proposed rules and procedures would be premature and
inconsistent to the Ministry's goal of "fostering productive and co-operative
provincial -municipal relationships by facilitating direct client contact and outreach,
and by building partnerships and. local networks".
And Whereas Bill 181 grants the authority to all municipalities to prohibit
corporations and trade unions from making contributions to candidates which may
result in a patchwork approach within regional areas and across the province, and
ultimately lead to confusion for the electorate;
And Whereas the flexibility afforded to municipalities in the administration of their
municipal elections through the Act, has proven to be very successful;
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 12
General Government Committee
Report to Council
Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Clarington
requests the Province suspend the enactment of Bill 181 until such time as
municipalities, the public and other stakeholders have an opportunity to receive,
review and submit public comment on the rules and procedures respecting Ranked
That the Province remove.the municipal authority to prohibit corporations and trade
unions from making contributions to candidates and establish a province wide
consistent approach through the Act; and
That the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, MPP Granville Anderson, and
Durham Region area municipalities, be advised of Council's decision.
45. Proposed Tax Sale
4601 Bethesda Road, Bowmanville
That Report LGL -003-16 be received; and
That the recommendations contained in Confidential Report LGL -003-13, regarding
the proposed tax sale, 4601 Bethesda Road, Bowmanville, be approved.
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 13
Planning & Development Committee
Report to Council
Report to Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting of Monday, April 25, 2016
1. Receive for Information
(a) 9.2 Municipality of Dutton Dunwich — Independent Electrical
System Operator Review of Request for Proposal Process for
the Award of Renewable Energy Contracts
(b) 9.3 Wayne Orr, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of South
Frontenac — Large. Renewable Procurement Initiatives
(c) 9:1 Tara Mieske Clerk/Planning Manager, Township of North
Frontenac - Independent Electrical System Operator Review of
Request for Proposal Process for the Award of Renewable
Energy Contracts
(d) PSD -034-16 Durham Region's Road Rationalization. Study: Implications for
Historic Downtowns
2. -Extension to Draft Approval for 19 Estate Residential Lots
That Report PSD -033-16 be received;
That the extension to Draft Approval for 18T-89007 be supported subject to the
Conditions as contained in Attachment 2 to PSD -033-16 and that no further
extensions be granted;
That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department,
Municipality of Port Hope and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be
forwarded a copy of Report PSD -033-16 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -033-16 and any delegations- be
advised of Council's decision.
Page 1
aad"n Planning Development Committee
3. Wayne Orr, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of South Frontenac
— No Wake Resolution
That the following. Township of Georgian Bay Resolution, endorsed by the
Township of South Frontenac, regarding a no wake restriction, be endorsed by the
Municipality of Clarington:
Whereas the Office of Boating Safety, which administers the Vessel
Operation Restriction Regulations (VORRS) pursuant to the Canada
Shipping Act, 2001, has advised that the issue of "No Wake" is currently
addressed by limiting the speed or power of a vessel;
And whereas the Office of Boating Safety has advised that "No Wake"
is not a restriction found in the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, or its
regulations, and therefore is not an enforceable restriction;
And whereas a boat's wake can do a great deal of damage, including:
• the erosion of shorelines .
• the swamping of nests of loons and other waterfowls
• the damaging of docks and vessels moored at docks and at marina
gas pumps
• the danger to swimmers
the interference with safe navigation
• the disruption of wetland habitat
• the upsetting of canoes and small boats, especially in narrow
Be it resolved that the Township of Georgian Bay requests the
Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, to address this
dangerous and harmful situation, by implementing legislation that
would provide authorities with the ability to enforce a "No Wake"
restriction in Ontario's navigable waters;
And that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable .
Tony Clement, M.P., Parry Sound — Muskoka.
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 2
® Planning & Development Committee
Report to Council
4. An Application by City Homes to Implement Draft Approved Plan of
Subdivision 16T-69012 to Permit the Development of 24 Residential
Lots in the Hamlet of Enniskillen
That Report PSD -028-16 be received;
That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by City Homes be
approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -028-16;
That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law with
respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law
authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved;
That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report
PSD -028-16 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -028-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
5. Municipally -Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment for Properties Fronting
on Tooley Road in Courtice
That Report PSD -029-16 be received;
That the proposed Rezoning ZBA 2016-0005 continue to be processed including
the preparation of a subsequent report; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -029-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
6. Joint Application for a Durham Community Energy Plan
That Report PSD -030-16 be received;
That the Municipality of Clarington participate in the coordinated Community
Energy Plan proposal with the Region of Durham, other Durham Region
municipalities, and local utilities;
That, subject to award of grant funding from the provincial Municipal Energy Plan
Program, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a collaborative agreement with
the Region of Durham, regarding the preparation of a Durham Region Community
Energy Plan; and
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
C&h Planning & Development Committee
Report to Council
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-030-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
7. Identifying and Recognizing Clarington's Lost Hamlets
That Report PSD -031-16 be received;
That.the Clarington Heritage website be utilized to identify and communicate the
history regarding Clarington's lost hamlets, and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -031-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
8. Applications by Regita Enterprise Inc./Schleiss Dev. Co. Ltd. and
E. Manson Investments Ltd. for proposed Draft Plans of Subdivision
That Report PSD -032-16 be received;
That the City of Oshawa be advised that the Municipality of Clarington has no
objection to the Proposed Plans of Subdivision for up to 363 single detached
dwellings and 257 medium density dwelling units (S-0-2014-04); and 392 single
detached dwellings, 64 semi-detached dwellings, 124 townhouses, and 61 medium
density dwelling units (S-0-2014-05), subject to the Conditions of Draft Approval
contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -032-16;
That the City of Oshawa, Development Services Department and the Durham
Regional Planning and Economic Development Department be forwarded a copy of
Report PSD -032-16 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -032-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
9. Interim Control By-law for Westmore Street Area
Be it resolved that, in consideration of recent severances on Westmore Street, staff
be directed to report to Committee at the June 20, 2016 Planning and Development
Committee meeting with regard to the appropriateness of Council directing a review
or study be undertaken of the land use planning policies with respect to preserving
the existing character in the area of Westmore Street, Jane Avenue, Glenview
Road and Lynnwood Avenue and the passing an Interim Control By-law for such
For Council Meeting of May 2, 2016
Page 4
Unfinished Business 13.1
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Report To: Council
Date of Meeting: . May 2, 2016
Rpnnrt Nimmher: CLD -017-16 -Resolution:
File Dumber: P01.GE By-law Dumber:
Report Subject: Request for Refreshment Vehicle By -lave Exemption
1. That Report CLD -017-16 be received; and
2. That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -017-16 and any delegations be advised of
Council's decision.
Municipality of Clarington
Report CLD -017-16
Report Overview
Page 2
In response to a refreshment vehicle application to be located at 1967 Taunton Rd. E., the
applicant was advised that he would require an exemption to the Refreshment Vehicle By-law
to allow refreshment vehicles to locate within 60m of another refreshment vehicle.
As a result of the above, the request was presented to the General Government Committee for
consideration. The Committee referred the matter to Staff for a report on all aspects of the
application and site.
1.1. General
At the April 18, 2016 General Government Committee meeting, the Committee
considered the following Resolution #GG -263-16, and referred the matter to Staff for a
report to the May 2, 2016 Council meeting:
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Woo
Whereas interest in and use of refreshment vehicles have significantly increased
in Durham Region; and
Whereas the property located at 1967 Taunton has established a niche market
for refreshment vehicles appealing to a wide variety of tastes and interests;
Now therefore be if resolved that an exemption to the provisions of By-law
2004-114 be approved to allow for up to six refreshment vehicles to be located
within 60 meters -of each other on the property municipally known as 1967
Taunton Road; and
That Mr. John Cancelliere be advised of Council's decision.
As part of the discussion during the Committee meeting, Committee asked that Staff
look into zoning, precedents, parking, and traffic concerns.
1.2. Requirement for Setbacks
Going back as far as 1976, the former Town of Newcastle passed By-law 76-18 to
regulate refreshment vehicles. An amendment in 1978 included a requirement.for 200m
setback from an eating establishment. This was repealed in 1979 and changed to a
60m setback from an eating establishment, which has remained in place until present.
The intent of this separation was to protect the "bricks and mortar" eating
establishments from unfair competition. Refreshment vehicles can offer food and
beverages to customers at a more competitive price as they do not have the same
overhead expenses as a restaurant.
Municipality of Clarington
Renort CLD -017-16
Facie 3.
In 2015, the Refreshment Vehicle and the Zoning By=laws were amended and an
amendment to refine the 60m setback was included. Essentially, the amendments
eliminated the 60m setback between refreshment vehicles on a property but retained the
60m setback from an eating establishment. As well, the amendments provided for an
exemption from the 60m setback on a single property, provided it was for a special event
and no longer than 4 days. The most significant change was the shift to regulating
refreshment vehicles as a land use in appropriate locations, and was detailed in Report
PSD -042-15 as follows:
A list of licensed Refreshment Vehicles was provided by the Clerks Department.
The locations were reviewed to determine appropriate locations to permit the use
as of right. It is proposed to add stationary refreshment vehicles as a permitted .
use to the following zone categories: Hamlet Commercial (C3), Special Purpose
Commercial (C4), and Service Station Commercial (C6). It is proposed to
recognize existing stationary refreshment vehicles located in other zone
The General Provisions will also restrict the location of refreshment vehicles to a
parking area.
It is assumed that refreshment carts will operate on municipal boulevards, which
are not subject to the Zoning By-law. A General Provision is proposed which
would permit mobile refreshment vehicles'and refreshment carts to operate in
association with a special event.
1.3. History of the Site
Between 2012 and 2016:
® 2012 -Down Home Newfie Fries was licensed..
® 2013 - Down Home Newfie Fries and Mexicano Mobile Kitchen were licensed.
® 2014 - Down Home Newfie Fries and Mexicano Mobile Kitchen were licensed.
2015 - Flaming Fries, Mexicano Mobile Kitchen, and Opa'z were licensed.
Despite the Refreshment Vehicle By-law setback requirements, multiple food trucks had
been traditionally permitted on this site as it was deemed that the intent of the by-law
was not being compromised.
Mr. Tarr obtained permission from the property owner and invested funds to extend
hydro to his vehicle before applying for his license.
Mr. Tarr submitted a new Stationary Refreshment Vehicle Permit Application, for the
"Noodle Truck", on March 29, 2016 to be located at 1967 Taunton Rd. E., Hampton.
See Attachment 1 showing an aerial view of the subject property. The Noodle Truck
had not been licensed in Clarington before.
Municipality of Clarington
Report CLD -017-16
The application was complete except for the corporate information, which was received
on April 7, 2016. Municipal Law. Enforcement staff reviewed the application and
declined it, at which time staff advised the applicant that there were too many vehicles
an site. Staff noted, in the file, that the owner would be asking Council to amend the
Refreshment Vehicle by-law.
The decision to decline was based on the new definition of an eating establishment, which
was amended by Zoning By-law amending By-law 2015-062. Staff denied the application
based on the interpretation of the new Zoning By-law definition of an "eating
establishment" adopted by By-law 2015-062, which staff interpreted to include a
refreshment vehicle therefore triggering the 60m distance requirement of the
Refreshment Vehicle By-law. (See Attachment 2 listing other related definitions.)
Based on the above interpretation, the property owner, John Cancelliere, approached
the Municipal Law Enforcement Division to inquire about the possibility of legalizing the
operation for up to six refreshment vehicles on site.
Between April 19-21, 2016, Staff received this year's applications from the same three
refreshment vehicles licensed last year, all of which were incomplete upon receipt. Staff
have been working with the applicants to ensure that they have all of the necessary
supporting documents to constitute a complete application.
While investigating the matter for this Report, Staff have been advised by the property
owner that he has ordered that all the' food trucks on his property cease operation until
Council has made their decision. Additionally, the owner advised that he is planning to
have six refreshment vehicles plus a refreshment stand selling ice cream known as the
Cone Zone (Attachment 3 is the site drawing).
2e Discussion
2.1. Requirements for Refreshment Vehicles
In answer to the questions raised during the Committee discussion, regarding licensing
requirements, Section 2.4 of By-law 2015-016 sets out the following requirements for a
stationary refreshment vehicle license application:
(a) proof of inspection and approval from the Clarington Emergency and Fire
Services Department for a fixed fire suppression system, if any;
(b) in the case .of a new applicant, the Technical Standards and Safety Authority
Initial Vehicle Inspection Report;
(c) where there are cooking appliances that produce grease laden vapour,
verification that the vehicle is protected by an approved fixed fire protection
(d) where the applicant is not the owner of the land where the stationary
refreshment vehicle will be located, written permission signed by the owner
of the property where the stationary vehicle will be located;
Municipality of Clarington
Report CLD -017-16
(e) proof from the Planning Services Department that the placement of the
vehicle on the proposed property is an approved ancillary use on the land;
(f) a site location drawing, drawn to scale, showing,
(i) the proposed primary location of the stationary refreshment'vehicle;
(ii) parking facilities for the business; and
(iii) the distance between the proposed location and all property lines.
All of the above noted requirements must be met prior to a license being issued.
2.2. Zoning
Zoning regulations were introduced for refreshment vehicles as part of a General
Amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63, as By-law 2015-062, approved by Council on
September 21, 2015. They were formulated to acknowledge Report CLD -002-15, which
revised the Refreshment Vehicle By-law and provided direction for staff to initiate a
zoning by-law amendment to identify refreshment vehicles as a land use and identify
appropriate locations for that use.
All licensed stationary refreshment vehicle locations were reviewed to determine
appropriate zones to permit that use. It was recommended that certain commercial
zones'located within hamlets, rural areas, and along Highway 115/35 are best suited to
serve more remote seasonal locations including this location on Taunton.
The property is Zoned Service Station Commercial Exception (C6-1). This zone permits,
in addition to the other permitted uses, a stationary refreshment vehicle (added by by-
law 2015-062) and an eating establishment. Before the by-law was amended in 2015,
refreshment vehicles were allowed on properties that permitted an eating establishment
and therefore the previous licenses granted on this property were allowed since they
complied with the zoning.
Under the Zoning By-law, words that are singular also mean plural and vice versa.
Therefore, multiple eating establishments and multiple Stationary Refreshment Vehicles
(SRV) are permitted. To limit the number of SRVs, there would have to be'.a specific
performance standard (e.g. Only 3 SRVs are permitted).
As part of the inquiry to examine the land use permissions on the property, the issue of
the refreshment stand being used to sell ice cream (known as the "Cone Zone"), was
brought to Staff's attention (see Attachment 4, a photo showing the "Cone Zone"). This
establishment is difficult to classify under the Zoning By-law, given the type of
construction, the type of plumbing and the seasonal nature of its operation. It has more
in common with a refreshment vehicle than what one would contemplate as a restaurant
or eating establishment. Planning staff will be clarifying this matter further in future
updates to the zoning by-law.
Municipality of Clarington
Report CLD -017-16 Page 6
2.3. Previous Precedents and Setting New Precedents
The discussion at Committee also referenced the 2014 exemption to By-law
2004-114, for Hanc's located at 181 {Sing Street East, Bowmanville. This is the only
other licensed "food truck cluster" in Clarington. That situation involved both
refreshment vehicles being owned by the same person.
Although By-law 2004-114 was repealed'in 2015 and since By-law 2015-016 does not
contain a setback exemption for 181 King Street East, Hanc's has continued to be
licensed as a legal non -conforming use under the previous by-law.
Similarly, all the refreshment vehicles located at 1967 Taunton have agreed to locate on
the same site to create a "food truck cluster", therefore competition is not a concern.
Collectively, the requirements set out in the Zoning and Refreshment Vehicle by-laws
protect against any concern for setting a precedent.
2.4.' Parking, Traffic & Safety
Clerk's staff consulted with Engineering Services staff to discuss whether there were
any traffic issues as the Committee was concerned. Since the property fronts onto
Taunton Road, which is a Regional Road, there are no particular traffic concerns
expressed by Clarington Staff. During the course of licensing refreshment vehicles,
Clarington does not require input from the Region of Durham (other than from the
Health Department). It is important to note that, if this had been a change in use, or a
site plan was required for any reason, the Region of Durham would been asked to
comment on the application. In this case, there is no change to the use.
Given the recent area traffic concerns, Planning Staff contacted the'Region of Durham
to inquire about any traffic concerns. Regional staff have noted the following concerns:
® The existing access to 1967 and 1975 Taunton Road is a concern to the Region,
with increasing traffic volumes visiting the site, as there is no clear delineation of
ingress/egress for each property.
• Of particular concern is the location of the hydro pole, which presents a safety
hazard as it is exposed to traffic.
The Region recommends that a single, well -delineated access be provided for each
property, designed to Regional commercial entrance standards. Each entrance could
be 9m wide, and the exact location for each can be determined later. Once the
entrance locations and configurations are determined, the Region can issue an
entrance permit for each access.
Staff have consulted with the Director of Emergency Services and have concluded that,
as long as certain safety measures have been put in place (i.e. licensing requirements,
a site plan outlining storage, parking, and traffic management plans), then there are no
safety concerns with refreshment vehicles locating within 60m of each other.
Municipality of Clarington
Report CLD -017-16 Page 7
3. Nrcoi•)�
3.1. Exemption of Other Refreshment Vehicles from Setback
The original intention of the "setback from an eating establishment" has always been to
protect the "bricks and mortar" eating establishments. In this particular situation, the
property owner, by virtue of granting the refreshment vehicle owners permission to
locate on his property, is essentially waiving any claim against the 60m setback from the
eating establishment. No complaints have been received since 2012 regarding
refreshment vehicles located on this property. Staff are therefore prepared to issue the
refreshment vehicle licences provided that the property owner is willing to work with
staff to ensure that the site layout issues, including the regional entrances, are
addressed through a site plan application under the Planning Act. Staff would treat this
as any other municipal law enforcement issue that allows time for the property owner to
bring the matter into compliance. Immediate safety issues, like the utility pole within the
undefined entrance, would. need to be addressed immediately. Other issues would be
addressed through the process.. The landowner has indicated a willingness to work with
the Municipality to address these issues as soon as possible.
3.2. Going Forward
During this review, Staff have concluded that there is a need to create a "Food Truck"
brochure to be included with every refreshment vehicle application, and to be placed on
the Clarington website. The purpose of the brochure is to provide easy to understand
information regarding refreshment vehicle regulations -(including parking requirements,
traffic considerations, setbacks and details on where the setback measurement takes
place), as they pertain to the "food truck cluster" phenomenon. Municipal Law
Enforcement Staff will work with the Communications Division to develop the brochure.
Additionally, Staff will be reviewing the regulation of "food truck clusters" with a view to
public safety, including, but not limited to: a requirement to have a review process that
includes a review of the site; photo of refreshment vehicle; and an inspection by a
Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. This may also include a requirement for a Site Plan
application process.
4. Concurrence
This report has been reviewed by Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services;
David Crome, Director of Planning; Mark Berney, Deputy Chief, on behalf of Gord Weir,
Director of Emergency & Fire Services, who concur with the recommendations.
Municipality of Clarington
Report CLD -017-16
5. Conclusion
There is no doubt that this is a rather complex issue given the location of the subject
property, zoning, and the setback provisions of the Refreshment Vehicle By-law. Given
that there have not been any complaints received concerning the refreshment vehicles
on this property and the intent of the by-laws not being compromised, Planning staff will
continue to work with the property owner to bring the property into compliance such that
such that traffic and safety issues are addressed and Clerk's staff will work with the
refreshment vehicle licence applicants to process the applications and issue their 2016
It is respectfully recommended that Council receive this report for information.
6. Strategic Pian Application
Not applicable.
Submitted by:
Reviewed by:
Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer
Staff Contact: June Gallagher, Deputy Clerk, 905-623-3379 ext. 2103 or
Attachment 1 — Aerial photo of,subject property
Attachment 2 — Definitions
Attachment 3 — Site Drawing submitted by property owner
Attachment 4 — Photos of the "Cone Zone"
The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision:
Jan Burton & Katrina Santi, Owners of Flaming Fries
John Cancelliere, Owner of 1967 Taunton Rd., Hampton
Debbie Clarke, Owner of Opa'z
Mario Polanco, Owner of Mexicano Mobile Kitchen
Christopher Tarr, Owner of the Noodle Truck
Taunton Road
mS2� - azfry C k
.. 7 4 6
t C �
Attachment 2 to
Municipality of Clarington Report CL® -017-16
Definitions Related t® -Refreshment Vehicle Licensing
In order to better understand the matter,. it is helpful to review the following definitions, from
By-law 2015-016:
"eating establishment" — has the same meaning as an eating establishment or
restaurant as defined in the current Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-laws. (Note:
The definition of eating establishment has deferred to the Zoning By-law since 2004.)
The following definitions are from the Zoning By-law (as amended by By-law 2015-062):
Eating Establishment - Shall mean an establishment where prepared food and
beverages are offered for sale to customers.
Eating Establishment, Take -Out - Shall mean an eating establishment where
tables acid/or counters for the use of customers are not provided.
Establishment - Shall mean a building, structure and/or area of land within or on
which any activity referred to in this By-law is conducted.
"mobile refreshment vehicle" means a vehicle designed and intended to move from
one location to another on a regular basis and on short notice and may include facilities
for cooking;
"refreshment cart" means any non -motorized vehicle used exclusively for the sale of
prepackaged foods and does not include facilities for cooking;
"refreshment vehicle" means a refreshment cart, mobile refreshment vehicle or
stationary refreshment vehicle;
"stationary refreshment vehicle" means a vehicle which,
(a) may contain cooking facilities;
(b) must be parked or placed in a specific location in order to operate; and
(c) , although it may be moved at the end of the work day, or to various
different locations on a daily basis, it cannot close down and relocate on
short notice.
"vehicle" shall have the same meaning as in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.
H. 8.
Choose IMM..
If this information is, required' in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal
Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102.
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
Date: April 29, 2016
Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — May 2, 20,16 — Update
File: C05.Council
Please be advised of the following updates to the Council Agenda:
MOUVOTT11m, ire "I
Please be advised that Granville Anderson, MPP, Durham, is not able to attend Monday's
Council meeting and has resched'uled' his presentation to June 113, 2016.
10.2 General Government Committee Report of April 18, 2016
Item 1(d) — 8.4 Mark Wilson, Senior Advisor Municipal Affairs, Enbridge — Ontario
Energy Board Application #EB -2016-0004 — Review of Mechanisms to
Recover the Costs of Natural Gas Expansion in Ontario
Correspondence Item 8.4 was received for information at the General Government
Committee meeting of'April 18, 2016. The issue was, previously discussed by the
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington at their meeting of April 14, 20,116, when all
Members were supportive of having expanded service. In view of the comments of the
Agricultural Advisory Committee, it is respectfully recommended that Item 1(d) of the
General Government Committee Report to Council be pulled and the following motion put
forward for consideration:
"That the Municipality of Clarington forward a letter to the Ontario Energy Board in support
of the Enbridge submission under Generic Application #E13-201 6-004 to expand natural
gas service to rural areas."
Please be advised that the reference to, "Report LGL -003-13" in: the second paragraph of
the recommendation has been corrected to "Report LGL -003-16" to address the error in
the report number.
Attached for Members of Council is the Final Agenda. (Attachment #1)
C: F. Wu, Chief Ad'mini'strative Officer
Department Heads
Attachment #1 to the Update Memo
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date,-, May 2, 2;0 16
Tiiie: 7:00 P14
Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
I %
Inquiries & Accommodations. - For inquiries about this agenda, or to
make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons, attending, please
contact: Cindy Fleming, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext.
2101 or by email at cf leming(cDclarington. net.
Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact
the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 21311.
Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council
meetings,. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the
Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing
the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of
the Council meetings may be video recorded.
Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are
turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting.
Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net
1 Call to Order
I RZT9 am,
4 Announcements
5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
5.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 11, 2016
5.2 Minutes of a special meeting of Council April 18,, 2016
6 Presentations
There are no Presentations scheduled for this meeting.
Council Agenda
Date: May 2, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
7.1 Christopher Tarr — Request for Refreshment Vehicle By-law Exemption (Item 13.1 of
Unfinished Business)
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There are no Communications to be received for, information.
9 Communications — Direction
There are no Communications for direction,
10.1 Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated March 8, 10-1
Page 1
Date: May 2, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
10.1.2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area. Management Advisory Committee 10-3
datedApril 12, 2016
10.1.3 Minutes of thle Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated April 14, 10-6
10.2 General Government Committee Report of April 18, 2016 10-10
10.3 Planning and Development Committee Report of April 26, 2016 10-23
11 Staff Reports
12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
13 Unfinished Business
13.1 Report CLD -017-16 —Request for Refreshment Vehicle By-law Exemption 13-1
(Referred' to Council by the General Government Committee on April 18, 2016)
14,1 2016-040 Being a By-law to close and authorize the transfer part of the original road
allowance between Lots 34 and 35, Concession 1 (Darlington) Item 42 of the
General Government Committee Report)
14.2 2016-041 Being a By-law to close and authorize the transfer part of the original road
allowance between Lots 28 and 29, Concession 6 (Clarke) (Item 42 of the
General Government Committee Report)
14.3 2016,-043 Being a By-law to to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year, to
strike rates and levy taxes for municipal purposes for the year 2016 and to
provide for the collection thereof (Approved by Council on March 21, 2016)
14.4 . 2016-044 Being a By-law to appoint private property Parking Enforcement Officers
(Item 37 of the General Government Committee Report)
14.5 2016-045 Being a By-law to amend Responsible Pet Owners By-law 2013-024 (Item 39 of
the General Government Committee Report)
Page 2
Date: May 2, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
14.6 2016-046 Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2005-109, the Comprehensive Zoning
By-law for the Oak Ridges Moraine portion of the Corporation, of the Municipality
of Clarington (City Homes) (item 4 of the Planning & Development Committee
14.7 2016-047 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Valleymore Land Corp.)
(Approved by Council on February 8, 2016)
15 Procedural Notices of Motion
16 Other Business
17 Confirming By -Law
18 Adjournment
Page 3