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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10-01-53 HA=ON, October 1, 1953. Darlington Council me this day, Reeve Nichols presiding. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion adopted. The Misses Ramsay requested that the Council rescing the motion giving them permission t6 use the Subway stones for a breaknetrater. On motion of R.C.Stevens and M. Tabb this motion was rescinded. Alvin Metcalfe addressed Council re- Tomato damages by spray. On motion of G.B.Rickard and R.C.Stevens the X-ray bill of Mrs. Esther Carnochan be paid to the amount Of $15-00. Lorne Dean addressed Council re-taking road allowance on town line between Cartwright and Darlington Tw-ps. in order to open gravel pits in Cartwright. This matter to be taken up with Mr. E. Marston,11unlicipal Engineer. Mr. A. J. Clark addressed Council re-gravel on his road. On motion of E. Vice and M. Tabb, cheque be returned to D.Barton for sheep damages. A resolution was passed: Moved by G.B.Rickard, seconded by E.F.G.Vice that this Council petition the Dept. of Highways to subsidize on an additional x"9000.00 to complete the necessary work on roads.�Having had a bridge break down which is an emerging proposition. On motion of E.F.G.Vice and R.C.Stevens Elston A Varcoe be appointed School Attendance Officer. The Clerk was authorized to notify Geo. Tabb and Percy White that their relief is cut off. Clerk to write Counties and find out the amount of gravel taken from Twp. pit. Communications were read from W.B.Bennett re- prices on side walks and surf- acing the mill dam road in Hampton. On motion of R.C.Stevens and Murray Tabb , Countil spend 81500.00 on sidewalks and top on dam. - Letter was read from Mrs. W.J.Ormiston asking to have taxes reduced. i Communication was read from Sec=Treas. Durham Bistrict High School Board asking that Darlington Council give them their qualified consent fror the Board to go ahead. On motion of R.C.Stevens and G.B.Rickard this consent be given. By-Law # 1190 was given two readings and ordered to be forwarded to the Municipal Board for their approval. On motion of G.B.Rickard and R.C.Stevens this Council take ove--- the Lawson Road in Lot 35, Con. 3, provided all property owners will or have signed the petition and that each and every owner adjacent to or living on the said road allowance issue a deed to the Township for sufficient land to allow for the widening of said road to 66 On motion the general and roads accounts were passed and ordered to be paid. On motion meeting adjourned. The following bills were paid: Bell Telephone Co. Service charges 8.25 James Pubiishing Co. Printing B -law ,x1186,Posters 40.48 G.F.Annis Livestock aluator 8.50 Lloyd Ayre Sheep Damages 150-00 Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization--Mrs. M. Ruse 3.00 Ift, Lycett Assessor-- Sept. 239-31 Mary Niddery Copying for Assessor 50.25 J.D.Hogarth Stamps for Assessments 76.00 Mrs. E. De ll Post San--Carolyn-Sept. 32.00 Percy Dewell Post San. Sept. 32.00 Mrs. M. Le Rol Relief 20.00 J.D.Hogarth Sept. Salary 183-00 J.D.Hogarth Postage 4.00 Mary Niddery Sept. Salary 128.18 H.A.Barron Unemp. Ins. Stamps 8.52 Gord. Wilbur Hep' to heater 3.00 F.L.Byam.Sec-Treas.S.S.-# 18 Advance 300.00 F.L.Byam Relief Groceries--Z>ept 50.53 Norman J. Woodley Livestock Valuator 5.00 R.Sims Sheep Damage 8.00 E.A.Varcoe Bldg. Inspector for Sept 43.00 Stuart R. James Prem. on Policy 86228(Fidelity Bond)22.50 M.J.Hobbs See-Treas. S.D.A.School Bd. Advance 1250-00 Municipal World To Question Submitted 2.00 Fred Partner See-Treas. S.S.49 13 Advance 500-00 Memorial Hospital X-Ray for Mrs. E. Carnochan 15.00 Roads & Bridges Maintenance & Repairs--Sept. 3134o55 CLERK.