HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12-15-59 i HAIiTTON, December 15, 1959. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers, Hampton, on the above date, with all members present, Reeve Nichols presiding. 59-12B-1 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. 59-123.-2 Moved by- Councillors Smith and Trull that General- Accounts, in the amount ofZ;�28; , be passed as presented. 59-12B-3 11oved by Councillors Smith and Trull that Road Accounts, in the amount of 14,669.71, be passed as presented. 59-123-L Moved by Councillors Smith and Trull that Minter Work Accounts, in the amount of $376.00, be passed as presented. 59-12B-5 Iloved by Councillor Thompson and Deputy Reeve Rickard that this Council endorse the resolution of the Town of Tilbury re: Community Halls and :Arenas, and that copies of this resolution be fo-warded to the Town of Tilbury, the Premier, and Mr. Carruthers, M.L.A. 59-12B-� Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that the Clerk of this 31unieipality be hereby authorized to grant permission to the Township of East Whitby to operate winter :maintenance equipment over roads of the Township of Darlington. 59-128-7 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that G. B. Rickard inter- view Mrs. Sayers, and attempt to persuade her to go to the County Home. 59-128'-8 Ifloved by Councillors Trull and Thompson that this Council accept the resignation of T. K. Stewart with deep regret, the resignation to take effect January 15, 1960. u 59-123-9 Moved by Councillors Trull and Thompson that the Deputy Reeve and Clerk be authorized to advertise for a Road Superintendent, subject to the Township Solicitor's approval of their action. 59-12B-10 1,1oved by Councillors Smith and Trull that the Reeve and Clerk be hereby authorized to make the necessary arrangements with the local Hydro office, for a new service for the Road Department Buildings. 59-128=11 Moved by Deputv Reeve Rickard and Councillor Trull that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign cheques for salaries, and anv other accounts which must be paid before the end o-' the year. 59-12B-12 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that Bruce Tink be, and is hereby appointed to the Durham County District High School Board for a three year term to expire December 31, 1962, and that the Board be advised that this Council feels that this Township is now entitled to an extra member to represent the Public Schools. 59-12B-13 I'Loved by Councillors Trull and Thompson that Rule 33, be suspended for the duration of this meeting. i i - 2 - 59-12B-1L,_,15,16 On Motions as attached, a By-law to establish Fire Brigade No. 1, of the Township of Darlington was given its several readings, and ordered signed, sealed, and numbered 2138. 59-12B-17 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that the Clerk be instructed to staran the deed, Courtice to Hartwig, and that the Building Inspector be instructed to issue a building permit to Mr. Hartwig. 59-12B-18 Moved by Councillor Thompson and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Mr. Varcoe be paid the sum of A100.00 as compensation for his work as temporary Relief Officer for the month of November. 59-12B-19 Proved by Councillor Thompson and Deputy Reeve Rickard that, subject to the approval of the Departraent of Highvaays, the sura of designated for new building in By-law be transferred to construction. 59-128-20 Moved by Councillor Trull and Deputy Reeve Rickard that pavement be repaired on Nash Road, Trull Road, and Road West of Tyrone. 59-12B-21 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that this meeting adjourn. ... r. .. . Reeve Clerk a