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Date: April 11 , 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario. j
Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to
make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please
contact: Cindy Fleming, Administrative Assistant to the,Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext. t'
2101 or by email at cflemingclarington.net.
Alternate Format: If this information-is required in an alternate format, please contact
the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council
meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the
Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing
the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of
the Council meetings may be video recorded.
Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are
turned off or placed on non-audible mode during the meeting.
Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net
Clarftwn Council Agenda
Date: April 11, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
1 Call to Order
2 Moment of Reflection
3 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
4 Announcements
5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
5.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council March 21, 2016 5-1
6 Presentations
6.1 Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer— GO Train Extension and Release of
Economic Impact Study
7 Delegations
There are no Delegations listed as of the time of publication.
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There are no Communications to be received for information as of the time of publication.
9 Communications — Direction
There are no Communications for direction as of the time of publication.
10 Committee Reports
10.1 Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated March 9, 2016 10-1
Page 1
aaftwu Council Agenda
Date: April 11, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 16, 2016 10-7
10.1.3 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated March 29, 2016 10-12
10.2 General Government Committee Report of March 29, 2016 10-16
*10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of April 4, 2016 10-22
11 Staff Reports
12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
13 Unfinished Business
There are no Unfinished Business items scheduled for this meeting.
14 By-laws
14.1 2016-037 Being a By-law to amend Boulevard By-law No. 2013-066 (Item 9 of the General
Government Committee Report)
14.2 2016-038 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (H & H Properties Inc.)
(Approved by Council on September 15, 2014) L
15 Procedural Notices of Motion
16 Other Business h
17 Confirming By-Law
18 Adjournment
Page 2
' Council
Clarington Minutes
March 21, 2016
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 21, 2016, at 7:00'PM, in the
Council Chambers.
Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper,
Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo
Staff Present: A. Allison, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, D. Crome, F. Horvath,
M. Marano, N. Taylor, G. Weir, A. Greentree, C. Fleming
1 Call to Order
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2 Moment of Reflection
Councillor Cooke led the meeting in a moment of reflection.
3 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting.
4 Announcements
Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community
5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Resolution #C-077-16
Moved by Councillor.Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner
That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council February 29, 2016, be approved.
6 Presentations
6.1 Participant Recognition — Priority Green Clarington Green Demonstration
Amy Burke, Senior Planner, appeared before Council to recognize the families whose
support provided a unique opportunity to look at green building practices under actual
living conditions. She noted the results of the Green Demonstration project can be
found on the project website at www.prioritygreenclarington.com and they reveal
energy, water, natural gas and cost savings, as well as greenhouse gas reductions for
the six homes.
Clar-higton Minutes
March 21, 2016
Mayor Foster thanked_the homeowners and builders for participating in the project and
presented a Certificate of Recognition to the following residents: Kern and Lois
Stanberry, who were joined by Rachel MacLean of Halminen Homes, Aaron,Lesley and
Isabelle Clapp, Virgil Romualdo who was joined by Erick Jeffery of Jeffrey Homes and
Eric and Nicole Jeffery.
7 Delegations
There were no delegations scheduled for this meeting.
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There were no Communications to be received for information.
9 Communications — Direction
There were no Communications for direction.
10 . Committee Reports
10.1 Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated February 10, 2016
10.1.2 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
February 9, 2016
10.1.3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee
dated March 8, 2016
10.1.4 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated February 3,
and March 2, 2016
10.1.5 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated March 10,
- 2 -
L Minutes
March 21, 2016
Resolution #C-078-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated February 10, 2016
10.1.2 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated February 9,
10.1.3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee
dated March 8, 2016
10.1.4 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated February 3,
and March 2, 2016; and
10.1.5 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated March 10,
be received for information, with the exception of Item 10.1.1.
Resolution #C-079-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT in accordance with 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting
be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with personal matters about
an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.
The meeting reconvened in open session at 7:35 PM.
The Mayor advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with
Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and no resolutions were
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated February 10, 2016
Resolution #C-080-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
That the minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated February,10, 2016, be
received for information.
- 3 -
5-3 r'
March 21, 2016
10.2 General Government Committee Report of March 7, 2016
Resolution #C-081-16
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of
March 7, 2016 be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #1(b) and #9.
Item 1(b) — Melodee Smart, Administrative Assistant, Works Department, Regional
Municipality of Durham — Durham/York Energy from.Waste Project
Resolution #C-082-16
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the correspondence from Melodee Smart, Administrative Assistant, Works
Department, Regional Municipality of Durham — Durham/York Energy from Waste
Project, be received for information.
Item 9 — Pedestrian Safety at Vincent Massey School
Resolution #C-083-16
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo
That Staff be directed to provide a report regarding the following, with respect to
pedestrian safety at Vincent Massey Public School and the intersection of St. George
Street and King Street:
• A stop sign at St. George Street and Church Street
• Lengthening the crossing light at the pedestrian cross walk at King Street and
St. George Street
• A crossing guard at King Street and St. George Street
• Vincent Massey Public School being designated a Municipal Safety Zone, with
increased fines
• That staff make recommendations to enhance pedestrian safety with regard to
the construction taking place at 222 King Street; and
• That DRPS be invited to provide input and work with staff on addressing safety
issues in the area.
-4 -
March 21, 2016
10.2 Special General Government Committee Report of March 18, 2016
Item 1 — 2016 Current and Capital Budget
Resolution #C-084-16
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Report FND-002-16 be received;
That Council approve the 2016 Operating and Capital budget as outlined in Schedule
"A", at an estimated tax levy impact of 3.09% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as
directed in Report FND-002-16 with the following amendments:
a. That Staff be directed to install portable trailer washrooms, Capital Project 32-
325-15103 at Clarington Fields with the cost of installation and maintenance
to be funded by the Engineering Parks Capital Reserve Fund;
b. That $150,000.00 (Contributions from General), Reserve Fund Account
# 517 in the Engineering Parks Capital, be deleted;
c. That a Fire Prevention Officer be hired in the second half of 2016, at a 2016
Budget cost impact of$45,000;
d. That the Staff.Development budgets be consolidated into one account, with a
budget total of$270,000; and
e. That the Heritage Committee - Clar Heritage Com (Board Acco) expenditure
Account# 100-50-430-10520 in the amount of$1000, be funded through the
tax levy;
That Council approve a 0.63% tax levy dedicated to Rural Roads split equally between
the Operations and Engineering departments as identified as Item #1 on Schedule "B"
in the amount of$300,000;
That the following items, listed as Priority "B" in Report FND-002-16 as-itemized in
Schedule"'B" be approved:
a. That Item #11 of Schedule "B", Light Armoured Vehicle Memorial, be tabled
until there is a response from the Federal Government;
b. That Item #2 of Schedule "B", Additional Emerald Ash Borer Tree
Replacement, be approved in the amount of$75,000;
c. That Item #13 of Schedule "B", Newcastle's of the World, be approved*in the
amount of$20,000 and be funded from the Economic Development Fund;
d. That Item #3 of Schedule "B", Parking Lot Rehabilitation Transfer to Reserve
Fund, be approved in the amount of$125,000;
- 5 -
Clarington Minutes
March 21, 2016
e. That Item #5 of Schedule "B", Engineering Capital, be approved in the
amount of$149,173; and
f. That Item #4 of Schedule "B", Overtime/Casual Help Etc., be approved in the
amount of$150,000, as required, provided that it is not solely for Emergency
Services and Operations;
That Schedule "C", External Agencies 2016 Increase, of Report FND-002-16, be
approved as follows, at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.06%:
a. That the Bowmanville Older Adult Association 2016 Budget Request be
approved in the amount of$255,000;
b. That the Clarington Museums 2016 Budget Request be approved in the
amount of$282,643;
c. That the John Howard Society/Firehouse Youth 2016 Budget Request be
approved in the amount of.$57,200;
d. That the Orono Cemetery Board 2016 Budget Request be approved in the
amount of$10,000; .
e. That the Newcastle Community Hall 2016 Budget Request be approved in the
amount of$20,000;
f. That the Visual Arts Centre 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount
of $206,714;
g. That the Clarington Public Library 2016 Budget Request be approved in the
amount of$2,900,000; and
h. That the Community Care Durham 2016 Budget Request be approved in the
amount of$39,500;
That Schedules outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new
Reserve/Reserve Funds be approved as shown in the 2016 Draft Budget Binder;
That approximately $800,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to
offset the tax rate impact;
That the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the documents attached to Report
FND-002-16, be-approved;
That the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C", of Report FND-002-16, be
t advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request;
That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim
financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal
Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits;
- 6 -
. i
[ Minutes
March 21, 2016
That Report FND-002-16 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of
Ontario.Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and
That the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2016 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional
and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy
information is available.
Carried as amended later in the meeting
(See following motions)
Resolution #C-085-16
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the foregoing Resolution #C-084-16 be amended in Schedule "A" Part 1(c) to
replace the words "Fire Prevention Officer"with the words "Fire Prevention Inspector".
Resolution #C-086-16
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo
That the foregoing Resolution #C-084-16 be amended in Schedule "C" Part (g) to delete
Part (g) and replace with: "That the Clarington Public Library 2016 Budget Request be
approved in the amount of$2,950,328".
Resolution #C-087-16
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill I
That the foregoing Resolution #C-084-16 be amended in Schedule "C" Part (b) —
Clarington Museums and Part (f) —Visual Arts Centre 2016 Budget Requests be
approved in the amounts which reflect a 1.5% increase only.
Motion Lost
Resolution #C-088-16
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That the foregoing Resolution #C-084-16 be amended in Schedule °C" Part (a) —That
the Bowmanville Older Adult Association 2016 budget request be approved in the
amount of$255,000, with a reduction of$100,000 in 2017 and 2018, and a final
reduction of$55,000 in 2019 thus leaving them self-sufficient.
Motion Lost
Members of Council provided comments on the 2016 Current and Capital Budget.
- 7 -
March 21, 2016
The foregoing Resolution #C-084-16 was then put to a vote and carried as amended
resulting in a final total tax increase of 3.89% on the following recorded vote:
Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of March 14, 2016
Resolution #C-089-16
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the recommendations contained in the Planning & Development Committee Report
of March 14, 2016 be approved, on consent.
11 Staff Reports
There were no Staff Reports considered under this Section of the Agenda.
12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
There was no Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion introduced
under this Section of the Agenda.
13 Unfinished Business
13.1 Addendum to Report PSD-021-16 — An application by Tien Tao Sheng Xiu
Temple to rezone a former public elementary school property to a place of
Resolution #C-090-16
Moved by-Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner
That Report PSD-021-16 be received;
That Addendum to Report PSD-021-16 be received;
- 8 -
March 21, 2016
That the application for rezoning ZBA 2016-0001, submitted by Tien Tao Sheng Xiu.
Temple be approved and that the Zoning By-law Amendment contained in Attachment 2
to Addendum to Report PSD-021-16 be passed;
That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Addendum to
Report-021-16 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Addendum to Report PSD-021-16.and any .
delegations be advised of Council's decision.
14 By-laws
Resolution #C-091-16
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2016-031 to 2016-035
14.1 2016-031 Being a By-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington and the Regional Municipality of Durham to continue
delegating the responsibility for administration and enforcement of the Building
Code Act and the Ontario Building Code in respect to sewage"systems (Item 4
of the General Government Committee Report)
14.2 2016-032 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Averton Group) (Item 1 of the
Planning & Development Committee Report)
14.3 2016-033 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Dr. Linda'Carter) (Item 2 of'the
Planning & Development Committee Report)
14.4 2016-034 Being a By-laW to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Tien Tao Shen* g Xiu Temple)
(Item 1 of Unfinished Business)
14.5 2016-035 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (2265719 Ontario Inc.)
(Approved by Council on May 12, 2014); and
That the said by-laws be approved.
5 Procedural, 1 c ra Notices of Motion ;
- 9 -
Clarftwn Minutes
March 21, 2016
There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the
16 Other Business
There was no Other Business introduced under this Section of the Agenda.
17 Confirming By-Law
Resolution #C-092-16
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2016-036, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on
the 21St day of March; and
That the said by-law be approved.
18 Adjournment
Resolution #C-093-16
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal
That the meeting adjourn at 8:26 PM.
Mayor Municipal Clerk
- 10 -
To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions
and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community
March 9,2016
Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre
62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario
Present: B. Seto (7:55) M. Adams (ED) O. Casimiro W. Woo
K. Warren S. ElhajjehS. Cooke S. Middleton
M. Morawetz T. Thompson =
Regrets: J. Sturdy
Absent with Notification: S. Laing (Friends of the Museum Representative)
1. Call to Order:
T. Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:03p.m.
2. Adoption of Agenda:
Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh
THAT:the agenda be adopted as presented.
3. Disclosure of Interests:
No interests were disclosed.
4. Correspondence:
No correspondence was brought forward.
5. Announcements:
M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), announced that B. Seto had received a
letter of resignation from Susan Laing, the Friends of the Museum
Representative to the Board, after The Friends had had a meeting and decided
to disband. With diminishing numbers and other challenges, the group felt it
was appropriate at this time and recognized that they would always be
welcome as volunteers with the museum. The Board asked that an exit
interview be conducted and that Susan Laing be invited to the next board
meeting to share the history of The Friends.
Further, a recorded history of The Friends would be appreciated for the
archives to document the significant contributions of this group. M. Adams
was asked to determine an appropriate thank you event where due recognition
to all Friends members can be made'following a discussion regarding the
existence of The Friends in future and what prole the group might serve.
6. Approval of Minutes:
Moved by: S. Miller Seconded by: K. Warren
THAT: the Board meeting of February 10, 2016 minutes be approved as
7. Business Arising from Minutes:
M. Morawetz asked that Board members check committee positions
carefully to ensure accuracy as recorded in the minutes. It was
noted that J. Sturdy had not committed to any committee thus far.
Committee designation is determined by the expressed interest of
each Board member.
S. Executive Director's Report:
M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), reviewed the report noting that 2016 is
Transition Year 2. Targets are raised to 12,000 visitors having had a
successful increase in 2015 due to sponsored education programs, focus on r
marketing including social media, new branding, community engagement,
great staff and a welcoming atmosphere all providing positive customer
experiences. Both sponsorships & memberships are expectedto be impacted
positively as a result. Volunteer hours are now better monitored with the
improvements made to the program developed using the grant.funding, and {
have doubled since 2014. The goal increases further for 2016 from 3140 to
3300 as new volunteers come on board. Events, Exhibits, Programs and
Outreach opportunities are all being expanded including a commitment to .
work with Rotary "Ribs N Brews" creating a racing themed display at the
Richard Centre. The trending focus is on entertainment. The Visual Arts
Centre and museum are in discussions regarding the Bowman portrait and a
possible partnered event about the "art of the Bowman painting". March
break camp will be held as always. Ideas to increase attendance are being
considered including finding funding to support disadvantaged families.
The CMOG requirements for this year include.a 3 year exhibit
budgeted/detailed plan which the curator is now working on. Travel &
Expense policy is being developed for review.
The "Night at the Museum" events have been very well received with_good
attendance at the first which was a Robbie Burns dinner, and a second planned
for March 24th about the new Avro Arrow exhibit. The exhibit opens March
23rd and will run all year and through next winter. The War exhibit is being
moved to the basement display area. Plans are in place to share the
Clarington Sports exhibit in local recreational facilities to continue to allow
people to enjoy it and increase awareness of the museum. A collaborative
effort with Community Services has been undertaken to submit a grant
application for Canada 150 for several events including "Paint the Town
Red", drama circles programming, and a workshop series at the library and
The Bookkeeper position advertisement is to be in the Clarington This Week
and on the museum website starting the week of March 14th. An eight week
administration intern will be working at the museum shortly, and a university
student intern will start next month. Durham College and Trent University
are willing participants.
Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Cooke
THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted.
9. Committee Reports:
a) Finance Report— O. Casimiro stated that the interim bookkeeper is
working with Quick Books and the new chart of accounts, the municipality
and M. Adams. March 8th was the committee meeting (day prior) so a more
detailed report will be presented at the next board meeting. S. Cooke asked
for more information regarding Salaries, Wages & Benefits as outlined in the
2016 plan including the base line for projections and the impact of changes in
Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: T. Thompson
THAT:the board accepts the Financial report as presented, anticipating
further discussion and recommendations at the April board meeting.
b) Collections Report—T. Thompson presented the report and will now act
as chair with S. Laing's departure from the board. Tax receipts were issued
and mailed out by end of Feb. The largest one was for the Bowman painting
which was professionally appraised (invoice not yet received but will be less
than $1000). Any donated items that are valued at under $600 are within the
abilities of the curator to appraise after seeking data to substantiate the
determined value.
O. Casimiro asked about the museum's ability to provide a Cultural Property
Status tax receipt should it be requested. M. Adams stated that presently the
museum does not apply to issue those because of climate controlled storage
requirements. It would be something that should be looked at for future
significant donations. The current procedures and policies for donations,
accession, and de-accessioning of donated items is under review by the
committee and recommendations will be presented to the Board in future.
The list presented in the report included all outstanding 2015 donations that
had not yet been documented and for which.no tax receipts had been
Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh
THAT: the Collections Report be accepted as submitted.
c) Membership Report— S. Elhajjeh stated no report yet for 2016 but asked
M. Adams if advocating for memberships is an ongoing process (for example
at March break camps and other events and programs). M. Adams said that
work presently done could,be improved upon and looks forward to '
recommendations from thecommittee. The traditional Spring Volunteer
Thank You event as well as a formal opportunity to thank The Friends will be
part of the Membership Committee discussions at the next meeting. There
was some discussion about creating guidelines for expectations and possible
funding when event attendance is expected by board members.
d) Property Report— S. Miller as new chair has not called a meeting yet
although was able to have a tour with M. Adams of the Clarke site. There
remains the need to document and quantify the capital expenses expected to
be managed by the municipality regarding the Porch and pillar repairs at the
Bowmanville Museum house as well as the Boys Bedroom there. New boilers
are included in the 2016 budget at the same site, and the sidewalks have
become uneven and so there is a health and safety liability making them a
priority as well. The boilers were updated at the Sarah Jane Williams .
Heritage Centre in 2015.
e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report—K. Warren, board representative
on this committee, reported that the outreach and education subcommittee
work is underway. With no budget allotment for this committee, a proposal
for a fundraiser based on a photo calendar is being considered to create some j
operating funds.
Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh
THAT: the verbal reports of the Membership, Property and Heritage
Committees be accepted as presented and discussed.
10. New Business:
a) Travel & Expense Policy — M. Adams stated that it is being
worked on and will be presented at the next board meeting. 1
10-5 E
b) Friends of the Museum & Newcastle Village and District Historical
Society— S. Cooke shared thoughts regarding the two positions included in
the museum bylaws that no longer have representation attending board
meetings. This item was tabled until next board meeting with a request of M.
Adams to research options and the history of the relationships in particular the
Friends of the Museum as stated previously.
c) Jury Lands Foundation and Museum partnerships —M. Morawetz
stated several schools in the Oshawa area are working with the museum to
provide educational tours this spring using the Ehrenwort Trail which is to be
opened officially on Wed May 1 lth. The ribbon cutting ceremony is
scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Camp 30 site. The schools approached Clarington
Museums through the Oshawa Museum. All board members are encouraged
to attend the opening event. Museum staff will continue to play a significant
role in the ongoing education and tour delivery as well as in maintaining and
developing the official archives.
11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting
The next meeting will be held Wednesday April 13th, 2016at 7 p.m.
Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre
The May 11th board meeting is tentatively planned to take place at the Clarke.
Museum site.
12. Adjournment:
K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have
been accepted and approved on
Chair, Executive Director,
Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives
Minutes of Meeting
March 16, 2016
MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Peter Vogel, Councillor Hooper, Joe Earle, Tracey
Ali, Paul Davidson, Robert Malone
REGRETS: Victor Suppan, Katharine Warren, Steve Conway
STAFF: Brandon Weiler
J. Earle welcomed everyone to the meeting.
None declared. L
16.08 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by P. Vogel
THAT the agenda be adopted.
16.09 Moved by R Malone, seconded by P. Vogel
THAT the minutes of the Meeting of February 17, 2016 be accepted.
Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) — B. Weiler indicated that the foundation is
organizing an Official Trail Opening event for May. B. Weiler will inform the committee
when the date has been finalized. The Jury Lands official website is now live, but still
under construction. It can be found at www.jurylandsfoundation.ca.
There was no other news to report at this time.
1 Page
Bowmanville Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report
Orono Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report
Newcastle Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report
Architectural Conservancy Ontario Clarington Branch — No news to report
Newcastle Village & District Historical Society— B. Malone reported that Doors Open
Clarington will be held in Newcastle in 2016 and the society has partnered with the ACO
to help provide research and resources for the eventThere are currently 12 confirmed
sites with 2 more considering joining the event: Newcastle Community Hall will be on
Doors Open and the society's historical room will be open during:the event.
The society has submitted their Federal Grant application for funding for the Past
Perfect program to digitize their vast collection. The funding would allow for hiring
students from Durham College to perform the digitization.
Museum — No news to report
Heritage Week Working Group—The 2016 program is currently being developed,
suggestions are welcome as are additional,members. Next meeting March 16, 2016 at
9:30 a.m. in Room 1A.:
Subcommittee Reports:
Public Outreach and Education Committee —J. Earle reported that there were 3 main
focuses that the group was working towards currently. The first was a 2017 calendar
which could focus on designated homes, architectural features or heritage plaques and
their properties. B. Weiler has contacted the printer of the 2015 Barn calendar and the
company may be an option for printing this calendar, pricing is dependent on quantity.
The second was hosting a Durham Region Heritage Committees networking event. A
letter will be sent out to the Durham Region Heritage Committees in the coming weeks
to gage interest. The event is going to be planned for the fall (September or October
preferably). Initial ideas would be to host it'on a weekend and give every committee 5-
10 minutes to present on their committee, challenges and projects. There would be
time for networking after.
_ 2Page
The third focus is updating the committees' information boards that are displayed at
public events. The committee will be looking at creating new updated boards and
information to be displayed at festivals later in the year. The committee felt that there
was not enough time prior to Maplefest but will work towards the summer events and
Municipal Inventory and Register Committee — No report.
Delegation for Council Budget Request - The committee confirmed their desire to seek
additional funding from Council in the amount of$1000 for training purposes. J. Earle
indicated he may have a schedule conflict and asked all members who could be present
to do so. J. Earle indicated he would send the committees speaking notes to municipal
staff prior to the meeting so Council can be given a copy prior to the meeting.
16.10 Moved by B. Malone, seconded by T..Ali
THAT the'Clarington Heritage Committee appear as a
delegation before Council at the Special General Government
Committee meeting dedicated to budget review to request $1000 in
funding.for training of committee,members.
Durham Heritage Committees Event--This item was discussed during the Public
Outreach and-Education sub-committee report.
Goodyear, and Hollingshead Properties —At the February meeting B. Weiler informed
the committee that Veyance Technologies (formerly Goodyear) was shutting down
production and closing their facility south of downtown Bowmanville at 45 Raynes
Avenue. The property has a rich,history and has played an important role in
Bowmanville since the late 1890's. The original building (1906) is still on the site and
has had numerous additions.over the years. The property is identified as having merit
on the Municipal Inventory and has been written up in a number of the committee's
The Hollingshead Property at 182 Wellington Street is also written up in numerous of
the committee publications. It was the home of the Wicks plant. There are number of
other businesses located within the building, a recent fire occurred in a portion of the
As part of the Official Plan review these two areas because of prior uses and potential
requirements for soil contamination clean-up have special policies attached to their
redevelopment. Both properties have architectural merit and significant social and
cultural heritage for Bowmanville. Adding them to the municipal register would assist
with their potential redevelopment.
Staff are preparing a report regarding 45 Raynes Avenue and 182 Wellington St. as
additions to the Municipal Register. Prior to Council considering the addition of the
properties to the Municipal Register the Heritage Committee is to be consulted.
Committee members felt that the Municipal Inventory'and Registry subcommittee
should look into these properties as there may be redevelopment pressures which could
affect how the buildings are addressed in the future. However, since the sub-committee
has not fully formulated a process for municipal register review the committee engaged
in a discussion regarding the potential uses of the lands and the potential remediation
requirements on those properties. There was discussion.on the benefits of adding a
property to the Municipal Register,.the process regardingadding and removing a
property from the Municipal Register and process"to.obtain a demolition permit under
both scenarios.
16.11 Moved by T. Taylor; seconded by P. Davidson
THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends to
Council that 45 Raynes Avenue (the Goodyear property) and 182
Wellington Street (the Hollingshead property) be added to the
Municipal Register.
1678 Highway 2 Development Proposal — B. Weiler informed the committee a
development application had been received for the above noted address. The existing
dwelling is listed as having merit on the municipal inventory. The property was
indicated as being settled .in 1857 by Rich Squire with a building on the property. B.
Weiler indicated the supporting documentation submitted by the applicant did not
address the potential heritage value of the property and has submitted a request for that
19-21 King Street East (Masonic Lodge and Pita Pit) —The building is designated under
Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. B. Weiler informed the committee that the owners
have contacted staff about work to address the condition of the front fagade below the
windows. The wood siding at the base of the windows and the steps leading to the
front door are in need of repair. These are not items listed in the designation and are
most likely not,original to the building. The owners have not decided on a final plan at
this point; an alteration permit may or may not be required depending on the work to be
undertaken. B. Weiler indicated that the owners had applied for and were approved for
a heritage fagade grant under the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan
previously, they are aware of the program and appears to be some funding remaining
that the owners could apply for.
R. Malone moved to adjourn the meeting.
Next meeting: April 19, 2016, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1 C
5 Page
, 4
March 29,2016
Present: John Witheridge Elaine Dillon Gord Lowery Laverne Boyd
Jackie Moore Michael Di Leila
Rorie Woods arrived at 8:20 pm
Regrets: Wendy Partner, Willie Woo
Callao order by John Witheridge at 7:33 p.m.
Agenda: presented by: John Witheridge
Moved to accept:
Seconded: Elaine Dillon Passed
Minutes from October 27,2015 meeting: presented by John Witheridge
Motion to accept as received: Michael Di Leila
Seconded: Laverne Boyd Passed
The Chair recognized the high quality of the minutes.
Financial Report distributed March 29, 2016 by email and attached to this report.
Motion to receive the financial report without prejudice for December 31, 2015—Jackie Moore
Seconded:. Laverne Boyd Passed
Michael DiLella asked for clarification on Pensions since last meeting,Willie Woo had questioned them and Rory
Woods would get back to us. Rory Woods stated that 2014 was the first year that Mike Pogue started as the Arena
Manager. His Pension was not being submitted to the Pension provider, but it was being deducted from his pay.
Therefore the 2014 amount was submitted in February 2015, on top of the regular 2015 amount to the Pension
Other points clarified:
The Orono books are audited annually by the town and are done by a Chartered Accountant.
Year end is December 31.
Correspondence: n/a
New Business: no update available due to councilors absent from meeting
From our last meeting on October 27, 2015, Wendy Partner was going to work with Andy Allison to set up a meeting
including all parties to be held in the near future along with Fred Horvath.
Investigate setting up a new structure involving these parties:
• Fair Board
• Arena Board
• Municipality—Willie Woo,Wendy Partner, Fred Horvath, Director of Operations and Andy Allison, Municipal
Solicitor, and possibly the Mayor
Still need to hear from Wendy Partner regarding the schedule for the accessibility audit.
Last meeting Wendy had stated this will be happening in the near future.
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm: Laverne Boyd
Seconded: Gordy Lowery . Passed
Next Meeting: June 21, 2016 at 7:30 pm.
John Witheridge Jackie Moore
Chairperson Secretary
Orono Arena And Community Centre
Balance ShviA As at 17er,al,2015
potty,ca,qh 250,00
Ttml EMpand 119,204.61
Sank A-Nyable -2,201,67
Bank-Oparating awount 0,731-14
Cxb,Total 122,894M
Actounis Receivable
Accourds Rewivable YS Adjust.. -3,073.N
Accounts Receivable 3,07390
Receivables,Net 3,073,50
Furniture&Equipment 4,544,01)
Ad:uM Deptec:FUM&Equip -3,274-61
Furniture&Equipment Not 1,359,39
,5qgff9TOTAL A$SE
T 124jMM
Accounts,Payable -4,998A6
A=unts Payabra YV-AdJL-ttmtn1s -2,592.68
Actrued UabilIties OM
Accounts Payable 13,855,67
Wwfon Payable 4,067.16
Vasaeidn Payable 0.00
Employee-aductiorts Payable 0.00
ElPayaNe -20.74
CPP Payable 429.49
Federal Income Tax Payable 21822
Nasion Payable 17,236,77
Rec<;en Payable:ToWt 17,86Z74
WCB Payable 2,660.11
*S T Ott Salm tz,833130
*S T On Purchases -47J99,06
(a 5 T Remitted -7,714,53
G S T Payable -36.00
HST Paid on Purchases 43.M016
Tarrn Deposit 13181
Retained Eamings 148145,94
Qvrrent Earnings -2j506.82
TOTAL EQUITY 345i97103
Creno Arena And Community Centre
0lzxitr�pac�ilve lnt:a�Stafa�crit
Actual Actual
,tan 01,7915 to JO 01,2014 tO
Dec 31,2015 Dec 31.,2015 Percent
Uank Uerest Revenue 92,25 2,840,40
Rental-ice Rental 261,538,16 2M,224,84 - 2.59
Rental-Arena Floor Rental 15.04 4,986,00 -1at3.C�7
Realtai-Bawl 4,551.8{} 21825.031) 61.12
Rental-Hall 10,9113:25 10,988.25 _0u
Mwing Rtacttl Rafael $01]1.011 550,01) 9M
D.A,F.8,-Ret:•Hydro 360.29 624.35 -31.29
D,A,RD,Ref 8170 93,50 84.24 10,99
D.A.P=S.-Ref.-t" ages 2,322.00 2;454,503 5.10
D.A.F=B.Rofwatar 3M7a 356,054 422
0-A.F.B.Rat-Supplies 2mg.-' 320.40 -3Z51
Gas, 2#. 23.53 2.65
public Sksting 1,4503=00 16:76,00 .49.57
Fund Raising 0.00 407.25 -1noli S
Ice Egtrpment Clalington contriobu 0,070 U0 U-0
Skate,Sharpen (I'M 2 .40 -100.1)0
Miscellaneous 13,145:70 2069.011 5+7�S.U7
04nationg U.-Co18,504_ ti 1 O.ti
Dvnr5e'Ad%mrOzinq 2.2:5o.00 01300.00 04,62
TOTAL REVENUE � �8 Ik'-5513 311;598>75 4,30
TOTAL,REVENUE 298,1 -89 311,598.16 .1,307
Arena Mafntenance $,7$2.39 29,191.53 -66.46
Arena Supplies {1,341.10 11,0005.36 3,10
Feas 8 Dues 1x3:30 50.00 230,00
Amit Fees 0003.00 U.t34 0100
Bookkeeping 1,789.79 1,316.92 35.81
Bank Charges 8 Sundry Exp. 143.43.28 327.18 325.85
Gas 105,7036.68 0(0,5$7,45 2.,37
Pr€aparte 1='or OJyrnpia 13:301 4100 0100
Gasoline 0.00 256t82 •100.00
Tractor Maintenance 1,006,96 15 OCI 571,30
Grounds Maintanance 1,9701.00 2,210.40 -113.85
Hydra 48,751,60 57,943.28 -15,86
Ice Equipment 36,92640 7,295.83 406.13
NBfuna 2.81=.ZI5 Ut8 i •2231
Telephone 4,110.76 3,854 55 6.65
Water 6,348>39 6;331.97 0.26
Advertising 29{-00 37.50 873.33
01fica Supp3ias 657.72 i,172.95 .43193
Misc ellan--oua 1,825.12 43.LM 4,110:52
Tr. ing 767,65 4.00 0109
Wages 132.992,34 140,891.09 65.031
El Expense 3,4.3.li9 3;657,84 -6,14
Pension Payable 15,1175.93 2,801.00 469.79
CPP Expense 4,779.79 4;253.40 12:303
8 ylanoing Source tied fret 2011 0.00 4.001
wee Expense 1,994.38 2'$M.29 =0•'
PaymlfExpense:Tatal 159,0&5.717 154.1(57.62 3,22
TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS _ _ N0 599.40 --_�i�t 4�:�1 3119
TOTAL EXPENSE 304,099,#t 289,•446,11 3.-$9
NET INCOME _ 2,506,82 22,153,05 A15.32
Claftwn General Government Committee
Report to Council
Report to Council Meeting of April 11 , 2016
Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Tuesday, March 29, 2016
1. Receive for Information
(a) 8.1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre dated February 17,
(b) 8.2 Dave Keys, Environmental Manager, Blackbird Constructors
407 General Partnership — Notice of Submission Highway.407
East Phase 2 Design and Construction Report#3
(c) 8.3 Debi A. Wilcox, Regional.Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
The Regional Municipality of Durham — Final Report from
Regional Council Composition Review Committee (2016-
RCCRC-01) and Excerpt from Report#2015-A-14, Outlining
Next Steps to be Taken
(d) 8.4 Great Lakes Office, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and
Climate Change— Ontario's Great Lakes Strategy First
Progress Report
(e) ESD-002-16 Emergency Services Activity Report- 2015
(f) FND-004-16 Annual Commodity Hedging Report—2016
(g) FND-005-16 Mayor and Council Remuneration and Expenses for-2015
(h) FND-006-16 Annual Leasing Report—2015
2. Susan McGovern, Vice-President of External Relations and
Advancement, Lindsay Coolidge, Manager of Government and
Community Relations, and Matthew Mackenzie, Government Relations j
Officer, The University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Regarding an .
Annual Update
That the delegation of Susan McGovern, Vice-President of External Relations and
Advancement, Lindsay Coolidge, Manager of Government and Community
Relations,.and Matthew Mackenzie, Government Relations Officer, University of
Ontario Institute of Technology, regarding an annual update, be received with
Page 1
Clare General Government Committee
Report to Council
3. Amy Doyle, Interim Manager., Canadian Cancer Society -- Durham
Region Unit, Regarding Awareness of Daffodil Month in Clarington and
the Distribution of Daffodil Pins
That the delegation of Amy Doyle, Interim Manager, Canadian Cancer Society—
Durham Region, regarding*awareness of Daffodil Month in Clarington and.the
distribution of daffodil pins, be received with thanks.
4. Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Rostek, Commanding Officer of the Ontario
Regiment (RCAC) and Chief Warrant Officer Dave Munroe, Regimental
Sergeant Major, Regarding the 150th Anniversary of the Ontario
That the presentation of Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Rostek, Commanding Officer
of the Ontario Regiment'(RCAC) and Chief Warrant Officer Dave Munroe,
Regimental Sergeant Major, regarding the 150th Anniversary of the Ontario
Regiment, be received with thanks.
5. Bond Head Park Expansion and'Transportation Improvements
That Report EGD-008-16 be received;
That the park expansion plans be modelled after Concept Three, which includes a
more natural presentation of greenspace with park shelter, paved walkways,
` benches, picnic fables,.additional parking and shoreline erosion protection, and that
these improvements be funded through the 2016 Capital Budget;
That the expansion of parking at Bond Head include spaces along the south side of
Boulton Street, and additional spaces along the east edge of the existing parking
area, and that these improvements be funded through the 2016 Capital Budget;
That all interested parties listed in Report EGD-008-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
For Council Meeting of April 11, 2016 Page 2
10-17 ''
Chrh Va i General Government Committee
Report to Council
6. Debi A. Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, The
Regional Municipality of Durham — Regional Response to the Province
.on Ontario's Proposed Waste-Free Ontario Act, and Associated
Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act and Waste Diversion
Transition Act Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Posting #012-5832
That the following Regional Municipality of Durham's resolution, regarding the
Regional Response to the Province on Ontario's Proposed Waste-Free Ontario Act,
and Associated Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act and Waste
Diversion Transition Act Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR), be endorsed by the
Municipality of Clarington:
Whereas waste materials can become valuable resources and enhanced
producer responsibility could provide significant environmental benefits
should producers be encouraged to innovate to reduce waste, develop more
easily recycled packaging, and work with municipalities to enhance and/or
fund enhanced options for the collection and processing of waste materials;
Whereas municipalities have no control over the form of municipal solid
waste generated from packaging and products entering,their jurisdiction, and
yet municipal taxpayers continue to bear greater than 50 per cent of the
costs for the disposal and recycling of packaging and print materials that
circulate within their waste streams;
Whereas producer responsibility provides that producers bear responsibility
for 100 per cent of the costs of designated wastes and their end-of-life
management and municipalities should not bear any net cost for the
management of these materials which are becoming increasingly complex
and expensive to recycle, reclaim and/or dispose of;
Therefore be it resolved that the Regional Municipality of Durham calls on
the Ontario Government to ensure the proposed `Waste-Free Ontario Act
(Bill 151) results in legislation which not only replaces the current Waste
Diversion Act to ensure full producer responsibility, but that in order to
ensure service levels to Ontario residents are equal to, or better than
existing service levels provided, legislation be based on:
i) A made-in-Ontario framework that respects the complexity,
functionality and success of long-standing municipal integrated waste
management systems and service levels;
For Council Meeting of April 11, 2016 Page 3
C' a General Government Committee
Report to Council.
ii) Evidence-based decision making to-ensure there are no
unintended-consequences to municipalities;
iii) A fully funded role for municipalities, ensuring producers take
100 per cent responsibility for the end-of-fife costs of designated
wastes including disposal and litter operations, with full and fair
compensation to municipalities for any municipal services or
infrastructure provided (including compensation for stranded assets);
iv) The recognition that residual municipal solid waste is a less
carbon intensive fuel than traditional fossil fuels and accept energy
recovery as a key element of diversion for the residual waste material;
v) All energy extraction / recycling methods being treated equally,
and the beneficial use of energy-from-waste residuals (ash and metal)
should be encouraged for use in production processes to replace
elements in new products and that the definition of diversion include
all energy recovery solutions; and
That Report#2016-J-6 be forwarded to the Region's local municipalities, the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Ontario Waste Management
Association, the Government of Ontario Ministers of the Environment and
-Climate Change and Municipal Affairs and Housing, and Durham Members
of Provincial Parliament.
7. Christopher Harris, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby — Correspondence
Number 2016-56 from Louis Antonakos, Mayor, Town of Carleton Place
dated February 10, 2016 — Resolution Infrastructure Funding
That the following Town of Carleton Place resolution, endorsed by the Town of
Whitby, regarding Infrastructure Funding, be endorsed by the Municipality'of
Whereas the Province of Ontario recently scored applications for two major
infrastructure programs, the Small Communities Fund (SCF) and the Ontario
Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) and ranked municipalities based on
their economic conditions and fiscal situations;
And Whereas some of the indicators used to score municipalities actually
penalize a municipality that has planned for future infrastructure needs by
establishing financial reserves;
For Council Meeting of April 11, 2016 Page 4
Claftma General Government Committee
Report to Council
And Whereas municipalities have little ability to alter their circumstances and
improve their score or ranking;.and
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Town of Carleton Place hereby. y calls
upon Minister Jeff Leal to discontinue the use of the current evaluation
criteria that penalizes municipalities that plan to maintain their infrastructure
and instead distribute all future infrastructure grants to all municipalities
utilizing a fair and equitable formula.
8. Community Event Sponsorship Program
That Report CSD-006-16 be received;
That the proposed Community Event Sponsorship Program and Application be
That the proposed amendments to the Community Grant Program as outlined in
Section 2.2 of this pp
report be approved;
That $5,000.00 from the 2016 Community Event Sponsorship account be
transferred to.the 2016 Community Services Department, Community Development
section budget to be applied only to the assistance of funding a Canada Day
celebration event located at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CSD-006-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision. . !
9. Boulevard Maintenance By-law
That Report CLD-006-16 be received;
That the By-law attached to Report CLD-006-16 be passed; and j
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-006-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
10. . Appointment of a Pound Keeper
That Report CLD-012-16 be received;
That Karen Minaker be appointed for a term ending December 31, 2018 or until a
successor is appointed to be a Pound Keeper for the Municipality of Clarington; and 1
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-012-16 be advised of Council's
For Council Meeting of April 11, 2016 Page 5
General Government Committee
Report to Council
11. Recreation Software Replacement
That Report COD-004-16 be received;
That, under the single source provision of the Municipality's Purchasing.By-Law,
Council grant the Purchasing Manager the authority to negotiate an agreement with
ACTIVE Network for the provision of recreation registration and facility booking
software service; and
That the Purchasing Manager be authorized to execute the agreement with the
ACTIVE Network for the purchase, installation, migration and maintenance of
software required to replace the current CLASS program software used for
recreation management.
12. Special Budget Meeting Structure
That Staff be directed to prepare a report to the General Government Committee on
the structure of the Special Committee meeting for the budget, including having a
separate public meeting for the members of the public and organizations to make
representations on the budget.
13. Tourism Metrics
That Staff be directed to provide a report, for the May 9, 2016 General Government
Committee meeting, on establishing metrics for tracking the value received for the
Tourism Division budget.
14. Request to Amend the Procedural By-law
That Staff be directed to provide a report, for the May 9, 2016 General Government
Committee meeting, to consider amending the Procedural By-law such that, if a
member is declaring a conflict, that it be noted as an "Interest"; and
That Staff consider the procedure undertaken at the Region of Durham and other
15. A Gift of Art
That Staff be directed to reach out to A Gift of Art Board of Directors to see how we
can help them achieve their one-time $30,000 grant/loan request to Council to
achieve their goals.
For Council Meeting of April 11, 2016 Page 6
CJarh7gton Planning & Development Committee
Report to Council
Report to Council Meeting of April 11 , 2016
Subject: Planning& Development Committee Meeting of Monday, April 4, 2016
'�• 'An Application by Veltri and Son Limited to Permit Reduced Frontage
and Lot Area for One Proposed Single Detached Lot
That Report PSD-026-16 be received; L
That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA 2016-0007 continue to be
processed including the preparation of a subsequent report;
That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the
Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Veltri and Son Limited to .
rezone to permit reduced lot frontage and area for one proposed single detached i.
lot; and
That all interested parties listed in Report.PSD-026-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision. f
2• Notification Distance Requirements for Official Plan and Zoning By- law I;
Amendments in the Rural Area
That Report PSD-027-16 be received; I`
That Council endorse the attached Planning Department Policy (Attachment 2 to
PSD-027-16) a policy to increase the required distance for mailed notices from 120
metres to 300 metres for applications not within a settlement area; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-027-16 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
. r
Page 1
Clerk's Department
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal
Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102.
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
Date: April 8, 2016
Subject: Council Meeting Agenda —April 11, 2016 — Update
File: C05.Council
There are no changes to the Council Agenda as published and distributed on April 6,
Attached for Members Council is the Final Agenda. (Attachment #1)
n e G ntree
Municipal Clerk
c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
Attachment #1 to Update Memo
Date: April 11 , 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to
make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please
contact: Cindy Fleming, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext.
2101 or by email at cfleminq(&-clarington.net.
Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact
the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council
meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the
Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing
the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of
the Council meetings may be video recorded.
Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are
turned off or placed on non-audible mode during the meeting.
Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net
Council Agenda
Date: April 11, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
1 Call to Order
2 Moment of Reflection
3 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
4 Announcements
5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
5.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council March 21, 2016 5-1
6 Presentations
6.1 Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer— GO Train Extension and Release of
Economic Impact Study
7 Delegations
There are no Delegations scheduled for this meeting.
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There are no Communications to be received for information.
9 Communications — Direction
There are no Communications for direction.
10 Committee Reports
10.1- Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated March 9, 2016 10-1
Page 1
Council Agenda
Date: April 11, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 16, 2016 10-7
10.1.3 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated March 29, 2016 10-12
10.2 General Government Committee Report of March 29, 2016 10-16
10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of April 4, 2016 10-22
11 Staff Reports
12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
13 Unfinished Business
There are no Unfinished Business items scheduled for this meeting.
14 By-laws
14.1 2016-037 Being a By-law to amend Boulevard By-law No. 2013-066 (Item 9 of the General
Government Committee Report)
14.2 2016-038 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (H & H Properties Inc.)
(Approved by Council on September 15, 2014)
15 Procedural Notices of Motion
16 Other Business
17 Confirming By-Law
18 Adjournment
Page 2
Clerk's Department
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal
Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102.
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
Date: April 11, 2016
Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — April 11, 2016 — Update
Pile: C05.Council
Please be advised of the following addition to tonight's meeting:
Closed Meeting Session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as
amended, for the purpose of receiving a verbal update from the CAO and Director of
Corporate Services regardin Fire Association Negotiations, a matter that deals with
labour relations or employenegoations.
Anne qedntr&
Munici al Clerk
c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
Unlocking Jobs and Investment in
Durham Region
Findings from an Analysis of the
Economic Impact of extending the
GO Train Lakeshore East
April 8, 2016
Today’s Purpose
To show that:
The government has an important choice
before it about how to deliver on its 2016
budget commitment of “Jobs for Today and
Extending the GO train east is the right
There is deep and wide community support
for making it a reality…we’re ready to GO!
Significant economic restructuring in Durham
GO Train: an economic enabler and
community builder
Consensus about importance and urgency
Easy partnerships developed
Arup and Altus contracted to assess economic
impact of putting EA approved plan in place
Job Growth In Durham Region
Transportation Impacts
Unlocking Development Potential
Other Economic Benefits
Study shows Durham will deliver the
results the Province is looking for:
Improve the competitiveness of Ontario
Enhance productivity
Promote innovation
Develop new economic opportunities
Next step is to meet with the Minister
to discuss
We’re ready to GO!
For a copy of the Economic Impact Analysis,
the Executive Report and
other details:
Follow us on Twitter at: