HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-22 Minutesa"MiTly.11LIVIIII Attendees: Kathy McLaughlin Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, Jen Ashby, Jen Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Allison Dart, Terryl Tzikas Motion: "To accept the minutes from the September 22, 2015 Meeting Minutes" Motion: Tracey Bayley -Buckle 2 Nd: Allison Dart All in favour — passed Terryl Tzikas (Chairperson : * Will contact Legion and Ron Hooper regarding the change of date for Parade * Forms for Floats an Filler, will put these back on the Website, Terryl is working on this Jen Laugh �jnBut�tonCo�Qrdjna�tor— • Has contact. Metro and they will be participating in Parade for the Food Banks Anything collected will be split between the three Food Banks, • Has contacted Rekkers and they will donate a wreath for Santas Float and we will in turn donate to Bethesda House • Applefest — will set up a table in front of Coffee and Cakes store. Would like to rent a Cotton Candy machine at a, cost of $125-00. Motion: "Obtain Cotton Candy Machine for $125.00 for Applefest" Motion: Jen Laughlin 211d: Kathy McLaughlin All in favour — passed Buttons— Buttons, will be ready for October 18"'. Sane price as last year • Costumes - Bowmanville Fabric will work on costurnes this year and will be making three elf costumes for $350.00 (2 adult and 3 children) • Will need to purchase wigs for the Frozen costume • Letterhead .-the cost of the letterhead! and envelopes will be $436.80 for 1,000 sheets, find out the price for 500 sheets and envelopes • Fred's Auto Body - has rnet with Fred and he will start working on the Reindeer tomorrow • Committee Float - Pictures of the 12 days of Christmas made out of wood, will make for less than $3SO.DO • Make up students from Art N Techniques may be on board to lend a hand this year • Rogers TV - Taping of parade, proposal has been sent will follow up • Lawn sign - we will change for this year Jeff Laughlin (Website Coordinator): • Jeff will be responding to all Facebook questions, and website will be updated with date and Floats and Fillers forms Tracey Bayley -Buckle (Costume /MakeQpoordjna�tor • Keys are cut. Still contacting the Town regarding the Electricity. Barn needs a good clean. Will require the costume area cleaned up. • Jen's dad will pull the Committee Float again • Has riot spoken to Kyle Graydon about pulling Santa:s Float • Bands -four confirmed - Durham College, Whitby Brass Band, Concert Band of Cob0Urt ,and the Sudbury Saints. • Has not heard back from Toronto Signals as of yet • BHS Band - we usually donate to them $150.00 they would like $500.00 this year as they will be doing some travelling to Chicago. Motion" "Offer Bowmanville High School Bank $250.00 this year for 2015 parade" Motion: Roger Letooze 2"': len Laughlin All in favour -Passed Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary. Waiting for Letterhead to send out sporisor letters and letters will be sent to dignitaries. * Will not be putting advertisement in paper this year only the Thank You ad will be in paper at end of parade, c) Volunteer of the year this year will be Kevin Anyan Allison Dart (Trq_?surer Has not seen the cheque froaa the Municipality. Has some money from Maplefest but is still waiting for the rest of the money from Jeff and Jeri Laughliln. flo�er.LetoozeLEvent Supporl&qorclinptpr�- 0 Wagon will not be completed this year. Motion to Adjourn: Roger Letooze Next Meeting: Tuesday October 6, 2015 Room IC